#how we feelin gAYS???
zombvibes · 1 year
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draw me closer as if we are two magnets
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rainphee-art · 1 year
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“Kissing the hand, or particularly a ring on the hand was also a gesture of formal submission or pledge of allegiance of man to man...”
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laudsimogen · 2 years
It’s been too long since Imogen has gotten a moment alone with Laudna. Two days since she’s come back before they get rooms at an inn and finally, finally they’re alone. Finally they can talk freely.
Laudna falls onto the bed first, stretching luxuriously like a cat. “Oh, it’s so good to lie in a bed again,” she says. “I’m still quite sore. The Sun Tree was lovely, but it didn’t help in that aspect.”
Imogen sits on the edge of the bed next to her, chest tight. She lets Laudna get comfortable, then takes her hand again, gripping it tight. “Laudna,” she says, and her voice cracks. She doesn’t want to alarm Laudna, doesn’t want to be forceful. She wants to talk, and she wants it to be gentle, but her voice already betrays her emotions.
Laudna’s content smile fades. “What is it? Are you all right?”
“I’m fine,” Imogen says. “I’m good. I’m wonderful, now that you���re back. But I just—” She takes a moment to gather herself. “You know you’re not a burden, right? You know you don’t—you don’t have to repay us or anything silly like that.”
Laudna’s gaze drops. “You all went through so much to get me. You spent days on it when you could have been doing more important things. And I’m so, so grateful, but…”
“There is nothing more important than you,” Imogen says. “Nothing. Do you understand? We didn’t bring you home out of a sense of obligation, Laudna. We did it because we love you. We didn’t want to live in a world without you. You’re worth every little bit of effort it took and more.” She swallowed past the lump in her throat. “I wish you could see that in yourself.”
Inky tears well up in Laudna’s eyes. “I’m trying,” she says quietly. “I am. I want to see it.” She takes a deep breath. “Something feels different now, Imogen. I don’t know what it is, other than the obvious. It’s good. But it’s going to take some time to get used to.”
“That’s all right,” Imogen says, and she gently wipes the tears from Laudna’s eyes. Her hand lingers there on her cheek. “You have all the time in the world. I just don’t want you to ever think that any of us are burdened by you. Even if you feel like you weigh yourself down, that weight is light as a feather to us. We’ll pull you right back up, okay? And we’ll be glad for the honor to do it.”
Laudna nods. “If you’re sure,” she says. “I’m so lucky to have friends like you. It makes coming back so much easier, knowing I’m not alone this time.”
“You’ll never be alone again as long as I’m alive,” Imogen says. “I haven’t got the chance to say it yet, but thank you. For choosing to come back. I don’t know how hard it was, or whether you had misgivings about it, but…I’m just so grateful you’re here. I really don’t know what I woulda done if I never got to see you again. So, thank you for being so brave.”
“Imogen…” Laudna reaches up to tuck a stray lock of lavender hair behind Imogen’s ear. “It wasn’t…it wasn’t bravery. It was just love. I couldn’t go anywhere else when you were out here. I couldn’t part ways with you yet.”
Imogen had been holding it together for Laudna, but now a sob escapes her, and then another, and she collapses onto Laudna, wrapping her arms tightly around her thin frame. “Thank you,” she says, her voice muffled in Laudna’s neck. She can feel the pulse there, so slow and steady, and she doesn’t think she’ll ever want to move. “Thank you. I love you so, so much, Laudna. You have no idea.”
Laudna hugs her back, but there’s a hesitancy there. She’s silent for a moment, then speaks so quietly Imogen almost can’t hear her. “Imogen,” she says. “Is there a reason that you…that you didn’t ask me to come back? That Orym was the one who spoke to me?”
Imogen stiffens and pulls back, so shocked that her tears immediately stop. “What?”
“It’s all right,” Laudna says, though there’s a distinct sad undertone in her voice. “I’m not mad. I’m just…just curious.”
“Laudna, I did call you back,” Imogen says. “You didn’t hear me? Pike said you would hear me.”
“No.” Laudna frowns. “I heard Orym, so I followed his voice. You spoke to me, too?”
Imogen gives an incredulous laugh. “Of course I did; I can’t believe it didn’t get through. Thank the gods Orym did.”
Laudna pauses for a moment, absentmindedly tracing lines on Imogen’s hand, following the lightning marks. “What did you say?”
“Well.” Imogen hesitates. She’ll tell Laudna, of course she will, but why does it feel so much harder now? “I said a lot of things,” she says. “Mostly I just told you it was your choice to come back, no one else’s, and that I wouldn’t try to force you. That I’d be here for you no matter what if you did come back. And I told you I love you.” She smiles a little. “That’s the gist, anyway. There’s some other stuff, but…it doesn’t matter. You’re here now. We have time to talk about it later.”
“You gave me a choice.”
“Well…yeah.” Imogen keeps her eyes trained down at their entwined hands. “I’m not gonna pretend I would have been okay if you’d chosen to move on. It would have broken me. But that decision wasn’t about me; it was about you, and if moving on was what would have been best for you, I wasn’t gonna let my pain put a stop to it. You deserve better than that.”
“I think that’s the best thing anyone has ever done for me,” Laudna murmurs. “I wish I could have heard it.”
“Me, too.” Imogen curls up next to Laudna and lays her hand on her chest, just over the new scar beside her sternum. Not hiding it, not shying from it like she had while Laudna’s body had been still and empty. It was simply part of her now, and Imogen loved every part of Laudna.
“I made the right decision, in any case,” Laudna says. “I’m glad to be back here with our friends. With you.” She covers Imogen’s hand with her own and laces their fingers together. “I feel like I can face anything with you. Even though I couldn’t hear you, I knew you were here. I knew I could lean on you for support, and you would hold my hand through whatever comes. That’s the real reason I came back.”
Imogen’s heart pounds hard in her chest and she smiles up at Laudna as tears form in her eyes again. “I’m so glad I can be that for you,” she says. “Because that’s exactly how you make me feel, too. You’re my home, Laudna. You’re my heart. And I never wanna be apart from you again.”
“Oh, Imogen…” Laudna grips Imogen’s hand tightly, and Imogen can feel a slight tremble in it. “I’ll always be with you. I’ll be here next to you as long as I can be on this mortal coil, and if I ever fall off of it again…” She swallows. “I’ll find you. Somehow. I’ll do whatever it takes if you promise to do the same.”
“Of course,” Imogen whispers. “Of course. Always.”
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misthiosss · 1 year
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A quiet moment
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ghostykapi · 11 months
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ursa-the-stranger · 2 years
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watermelonlovershigh · 10 months
Day on the Yacht Turns Baby Making on the Yacht
AN: i've had this idea ever since these photos came out and knew i had to write it. and lots of you guys did too because you ate up this concept. so here yall go. hope you enjoy.
This story contains: mentions of sea sickness, trying for a baby, having sex on a yacht, slight choking (kinda), slight biting (during the sex)
{ husband!harry - softrry - current harry era }
word count: 1,962
When you're fertility tracker goes off on the yacht to let you know that now is a good time to try for a baby, you make the excuse you feel seasick and have Harry come to the bathroom with you where he fucks you good against the counter top.
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You and Harry decided one way to celebrate Love On Tour ending was to rent a yacht for the day and take it on the water with a couple of his friends and family. The day you chose to sail on the waters was beautiful. The sky was nice and blue and the Italian heat was hot but not too hot. The sight of your gorgeous husband was also making the view ten times better, but that's just your opinion.
Everyone on the yacht was having a great time. Some were laying out to tan. Others were sitting around with wine coolers, chatting to one another. Harry, being the man who brought everyone together today, was going around and trying to spread his attention.
First having a laugh with his long time Italian friends who are actually a gay married couple which you both attended their wedding three years ago. Then sitting beside his sister Gemma and her long time boyfriend, Michal. Of course Harry pays attention to you as well, asking if you're alright and bringing you another drink when you mention being parched.
About two hours into your yacht ride your phone buzzes in your hands. You didn't really have cell service in the ocean so you thought that was weird. But when you checked to see who texted you, you realized it wasn't a text. It was a notification from your fertility tracking app that tells you when you're most fertile and need to try for a baby.
See, for a few months now you and Harry have been trying to get pregnant. You knew his tour was ending in July and thought it would be the perfect time for you to settle down for a while and have a baby.
At first you just had sex willy nilly to get pregnant, but after several negative pregnancy tests, decided to download an app to help tell you when you're most fertile. Though not every time you have sex is with the sole mission of a baby. Sometimes you just have sex for simply the intimacy aspect.
Fuck, you internally curse. How the hell are you gonna fuck your husband while you're on a yacht surrounded by his friends and family. Thinking for a minute you come up with a plan. You can fake being seasick so he has an excuse to go down to the bathrooms with you and do some quick baby making without anyone batting an eye.
Knowing it's now or never, you fake grown and cry out, "Harry..."
He looks over at you from where he's sitting beside his sister and asks, "Yeah, love? What's the matter?"
Not exactly wanting the whole boat to know you're seasick, you wave him over to you. Harry gets up imidiantly and stalks over towards where you're sat on the side edge of the yacht. When he's close enough, you whine, "Just feeling a bit seasick. Can you take me to the toilets on the bottom level, please?"
"Yeah, of course, baby." Harry is quick to agree. The genuine worry on his face makes you feel bad for lying. But you know you won't feel bad in a few minutes when his cock is deep inside of you.
He takes ahold of your hand and very quickly steps over to Gemma to inform someone, "Hey, Y/N is feelin' a bit ill. M'gonna take her to the toilets. Hopefully we won't be gone long."
Gemma frowns and replies sweetly, "Awe, that's fine. Hope you feel better soon, Y/N." You mouth a "thank you" and tug Harry's arm in the direction of the stairs that lead to the bottom floor of the yacht.
While on your journey to the bathroom, Harry kindly asks, "When did you start to feel sick? You could have told me sooner and I would have seen if I could've borrowed a motion sickness pill off someone for you." How did you get so lucky to have married such a pure and sweet man.
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Before you answer, you barge in the one toilet bathroom and Harry is fully ready to hold your hair back while you vomit. But instead, is taken back when you turn around and kiss his lips hard with need. "Baby....... what, thought you were gonna be sick?" he mutters confusedly against your mouth.
You pull away, breathing heavy and respond, "I lied. I needed an excuse to have you come down here with me and fuck me. Got the notification on my fertility app saying my fertile window is open and now is the best time to try and conceive. I need you to fuck me and come inside me. Right now."
Harry tosses his head back and says, "Fuck!" rather loudly. Though he is a bit uneasy about potentially getting caught having sex on this yacht, he could never pass up the opportunity to fuck his sexy wife and give her a baby. "Well, okay then. Do you need, like, warming up first or..." He's fully ready to eat you out or finger you for a minute to get you fully aroused if you needed that.
Harry's too kind sometimes. Always thinking of your wellbeing and needs. You laugh and grab his hand to lower it to the front of your swimsuit. "No, babe. Seeing you in these tight, green swim trunks has had me wet for hours, see." His fingers come in contact with your clothed wet pussy and that has him hardening right up.
"Alright, turn around and lean over the sink f'me." Harry instructs and you do as told. This yacht's bathroom is rather small but you'll make it work. You've had sex in much smaller spaces before but those are stories for another time. Harry drops to his knees and as he goes to slide your bikini bottoms down your legs, he kisses over your ass cheeks and the back of your thighs.
"Harry, we don't have time for that, just put a baby in me. Hurry." you grumble. You're far too impatient for him to tease you right now. You just need him to fuck you.
As he stands back up and drops his green swim trunks to his ankles, Harry retorts, "Alright, stop being bratty. I'll give you what you want. Know I always do, m'love." He takes ahold of his now very hard cock and gives it a few strokes to make sure its fully erect for you. When it is, he helps spread your legs how he thinks would work best for this position and leans over your back, carefully nudging his dick in your soaked hole with the guidance of his right hand.
"Ohh, Harry!" you can't help but moan while he's pushing all the way in and that causes him to slap his left hand over your mouth to silence you.
"Love," he says from behind you're body, "gotta stay quiet. Can't risk anyone hearing us." You nod your head in understanding and bite your lip to silence yourself when you feel him bottom out. Then without warning, Harry pulls his hips back, leaving just the tip inside your cunt, before slamming forward.
The hand Harry had over your mouth has moved down to your neck. Not with the intentions to necessarily choke you, though he is applying slight pressure, but more so to help you stay upright and look at yourself in the mirror. The scene of Harry fucking you from behind has got you even more turned on than before. The way his tan skin is glistening with sweat. The way his curly hair has fallen over his forehead. The way Harry is looking right into your eyes from over your shoulders in the mirror. It's all so intense.
After a couple of minutes, Harry can feel the knot in his stomach tighten and he knows he's about to come. Your tight pussy just feels so good hugging his cock. Wanting to see if you were up there with him, he questions in heavy pants, "Are you close? M'bout to come. Just feels so - fuckin' - good, Y/N!"
You nod and squeak out, "Yeah, I'm close too, H." Knowing you may need a little bit of extra help, he takes his right hand that he had stationed on your hip for stability and reaches in front of you until he finds your clit. When he does, he begins rubbing the nerve in tight circles and that's exactly what pushes you over the edge. That and his cock rubbing against your g-spot from this angle. You nearly fall forward because as you come your legs give out and if Harry wasn't pressed up behind you, you're sure you would have collapsed onto the boats floor.
"Ah, God!!!" you gasp while waves of pleasure roll through your body. Your orgasm triggers Harry's and he shoots his load as deep as he can inside of you. His hips falter their movements and he has to bite down on your shoulder to quiet himself from the moans he's dying to let out.
Slowly, everything comes to a stop and you're both left sweaty and panting for air in this small yacht bathroom. Harry carefully removes his hand from your throat and you slowly start to lean forward over the counter top again. The movement causes you to accidently pulse around his softening cock and he curses in slight pain. "Fuckin' hell."
"Sorry, sorry." you repeat out of breath and Harry shushes you by gently responding, "It's alright. Gonna pull out now and then I'll help you up on the counter so my cum doesn't drip on the floor." You nod and Harry carefully pulls his dick out your pussy and turns you around to lift you up on the small countertop beside the sink.
Now face to face, Harry can't help but to lean forward and plant a kiss to your lips. The kiss stays soft and airy. But knowing people above is bound to become concerned with how long you've been down here, you whisper, "Love you. Thank you for coming down here with me and I hope we made a little baby. Can't wait for our family to grow."
Harry nearly cries and gets hard again at the same time with all this baby talk. "Y/N, no need to thank me. Love you so much and would do anything to give us a baby. Even if that means break away from my friends and family to fuck my wife in a yacht's bathroom in the Italian ocean."
Harry helped you get cleaned up and properly dressed again as well as redress himself. Then you both walk hand in hand back up to the top deck again where everyone looks at you with concern. Gemma's the first to come up to you and asks, "Feeling better, love? You can have a sickness pill if you need one? I always bring extra."
Feeling bad for everyone's genuine concern on your sea sickness but also happy you weren't actually sea sick, you decline, "Oh, no thank you. I'm feeling much better now. Your brother is a great doctor."
Everyone continues to have a great time. Laughing and enjoying the summer sun. Until Brad, Harry's friend and personal trainer comes up behind you and gasps, "Y/N, why is there a bite mark on your shoulder? Are you alright?" Your eyes go wide and Harry who heard the entire interaction goes pale in front of you. To the point he looks as though he may actually get sea sick.
"Um, um.." you stutter. Well fuck, how do you explain they're your husbands teeth marks from where he bit your shoulder to conceal his moans while coming inside of you to give you a baby.
(no more tags are allowed because i've hit my number limit. sorry : ( )
tag list: @one-sweet-gubler // @harryscherrysugar // @hsfanficsrecss // @lollypopsx // @harrycanyonmoonn // @itfeelslikemytherapisthatesme // @damnasstyles  // @mrsstylesharry // @softmullet  // @meetmyblondemuffins  // @thegirlnextdoorssister // @stanleystyles  // @haarrrys // @michellekstyles  // @skyangel57   // @the-gardener-31 // @lhharrylilpumpkin // @yousunshine-youtemptress // @clairestylessss  // @kissmyaxe14  // @goldenmelonsugar-hi // @kaitieskidmore97 // @florencepughily  // @alienorknight //@dancearoundthelivingroom  // @swiftmendeshoran
 // @luv-flor7777  // @alohastyles-x // @tenaciousperfectionunknown  // @sleutherclaw // @siredtohybrid // @whoscamila // @a-strange-familiar  // @golden-elodie // @mrspeacem1nusone //  @goldenkhae // @lntwithharry // @shadowygladiatorlight  // @manifestrry  //@mendesblurb // @sunshinemoonsposts  // @depersonalizationsucks // @academiaghost // @zendayassimp // @reveriehs // @vsnnstuff // @dancinsunflowerkiwi // @quinnsgrapejuice // @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite // @justlemmeholdyou // @stylesmygucci // @hsonlyangelxo // @luvonstyles // @howdey
My Masterlist Masterpost
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audhd-nightwing · 8 months
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how we feelin gays?
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kinetic-empathy · 1 year
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ted lasso gays how we feelin
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prettyboypistol · 8 months
how much the mercs would want to hide you dating from the others and how they would act if the other mercs found out/teased them? or how would the others find out? (this is also my first time doing any kind of request sorry if it makes no sense, love your writing!!)
TF2 Mercs x M!Reader|| Keeping "Us" a Secret! +18
As per usual, i'm writing in time-canon
Absolutely tried his best to keep it a secret and will try his damn hardest to make sure nothing happens to either of y'all if you guys are found out to be a little more than homies.
Everyone's probably figured it out, y'all are shit at subtle flirting.
Vicerally rejects any PDA or affection and gets mad when you try to initiate it where any of the merc will potentially see and will respond with something like "fuck outta here with that!"
Overall he's super paranoid about people finding out he also likes guys and specifically his "best friend". If the team sit him down and are like "son, we are actual war criminals. being gay is NOT the biggest issue here." then he gets a little more lax about PDA, but not by much. It still makes him uncomfortable.
He's a bit too dense to keep a secret for too long, probably forgetting that he was the one that wanted to keep yours and his relationship on the down low.
Is one of those confrontationsl types and wouldn't hesitate to beat someone up over teasing him or harassing both of you. Not that the team would go past playful ribbing, but any attack, no matter how small, is treated like a nuclear bomb threat.
Not too bothered or too enthusiastic about PDA, doesn't like overly cutesy acts of romance when people are looking but you two have absolutely been caught fooling around in secluded places around the base. The one who found you told everyone and you never heard the end of it.
You mostly are the one who get the teasings, such as "So, you really do like brains over brawn." or "the sex must be great if you put up with that idiot."
Noody really could tell that you two were dating, let alone interested in each other. With how eccentric both you and Pyro were, everyone just assumed that both of you were both extremely touchy-feely, very hippie and free spirit, which Soldier degrades you two for.
Pyro likes PDA like handholding, cuddling, and little bumps while walking. Nothing like kissing or getting sexual in public though, they aren't comfortable with you doing that around people they don't trust in the same way they trust you.
They probably tell Engie first and go into detail about how you make them feel. You treat them like an equal and like an adult, as if they're not just their mental illnesses. Engie supports both of you fully and acts like the supportive dad neighter of you had growing up.
Not too concerned as well, but that's mainly because he's drunk when dealing with his teammates. He likes kissing you or smacking your ass and then shrugging and saying it's a Scottish tradition.
Loves grossing out the team with PDA. Nasty flirting, dirty whispers, bedroom eyes, and whenever people try to confront his and your behavior, he laughs and just walks outta the room like "awww, cleaRLY you men haven't drunkenly shagged a man! Be feelin' better than a virgin!" With no elaboration on if you two are actually fucking or if it's a bit.
When the mercs ask you, you give deadpan humor of "no, it's a joke. My mum's gotta good bit of Scot in her."
When it finally clicked for them was when Spy walked in on you two getting handsy on the couch while you were on top of him and hiked up his kilt. You looked at Spy and just said "You've done worse." Spy hesitated, but nodded and walked away.
HIDES IT SO SO MUCH. THIS MAN HAS SO MUCH SOUTHERN/CATHOLIC GUILT. HE'S EVEN HESITANT IN PRIVATE. He really doesn't like you getting too close to him when the others are around, but will allow drunken leaning against him.
It took both of you literal months to kiss, let alone have sex. He is the most tender and gentle lover known to man, and it's all for you. He protects you a lot more in battle with the excise of "he's defending the intel, I might as well buff him up with a few sentries."
You two hiding your relationship gives him high blood pressure and Medic just knows immediately that Engie is hiding his sexuality- to Medic at least, he's not subtle. With a quick peck to Heavy as a thank you for handing him the scalpel Medic is like "So Engie, do you have anything you're not being honest about?" and he just breaks.
"I'm a homosexual!" "Ja! So am I!"
Is really wishy-washy about being open, since nobody would ever mess with him about being gay, but they might mess with you and your job. You're not a merc, just a low-level cleanup crew member! If the Administrator found out... would she kill you? Move you away? Would she even care?
Stealing away little kisses is his favorite thing. When you sneak into his room and you two just snuggle and kiss. He's super hesitant about sex in the beginning, but absolutely loves how you assure him and praise him.
Intinidates your coworkers who make fun of you since you have a good relationship with the mercs and all your coworkers think they're psychos.
Sniper is the one who catches you two- in battle no less! RED is thoroughly beating BLU's ass so Heavy sneaks away to the fence to see you and give you a few... many... uh, a lot of kisses. You hear the bullet break the window near you two before you see it, and Heavy takes it as his cue to leave.
Since he doesn't really interact much with the group, he doesn't see a reason to tell the other mercs. All you do is go to his van after battle for "a cigarette and target practice". Sure buddy, you just accidentally tripped and ended up on your knees below a freshly showered Sniper. You two spend most nights together, since you two are the two unsociable mercs.
You two do everything together, since you're the more sociable of the both of you, people refer to Sniper as "your shadow", it's a bit of a teasing nickname that you're fine with, and Sniper's alright with it, since they acknowledge him nearby you at all times.
Doesn't overprotect you in battle, did it once and you marched right up to his nest and told him off. Yeah, he cares about you and you love him for it, but you'll respawn! It's fine!
The enemy Spy saw you tell him off and the subsequent kiss goodbye. He was gonna kill the Sniper, but something just left him feeling weird, so he waited until you were gone to kill him.
He's pretty open about swinging both ways, his tales of espionage have no limits. You're a high-positioned supervisor, so he initially justified yours and his relationship as job assurance... then easy closeness to relieve the lonliness... then- uh, fuck. He's caught feelings when in an actual relationship he can't run from.
Only likes PDA when he's initiating, very cat-like about it. He is to fluster you with a simple look. He is to give you what you can't reach and accidentally invade your personal space, where your breaths mingle and leave you red faced. Only he is to drive you crazy in public... However, if you wear that crop top again he WILL threaten to fuck you.
Has absolutely the biggest exhibition/danger Kink. Invisibly feeling you up as you're in a meeting. Disguising himself as a stranger and you giving favors. He has offered to disguise himself as an enemy teammate but got put off when you got too into the roleplay and cried out for that merc.
You two are never found out, as Spy is just a charismatic asshole and you are futilly enamored according to the team. Although, Scout has his suspicions after he overheard you and him laughing in Spy's smoking room.
Probably the most open about the relationship from the beginning, but unlike how Pyro is, he is very obvious that yours and his relationship is romantic and very much sexual in nature. Innuendos. Hands skirting your backside. Calling out to you jovially. It's all painfully obvious... it doesn't help that he is the LOUDEST mf in bed. They heard you before you told them.
He loves kissing you and ruining you when he gets jealous. Playing the protecting and possessive lover is one of his favorite things to do. Yeah, all Scout did was ask where you got your shoes, but to Medic, that's basically asking to sleep with you.
"Darling, can I rearrange your guts?" BEST PICKUP LINE HE HAS. FR. ON GOD. Everyone assumes that you two have fucked on the operating table, they pray that it's cleaned after.
Soldier is the one to walk in on you two. You assume he's going to shout and holler about how you two are a disgrace to the army, but he's strangely silent and just walks out. About 30 minutes later he bursts in again and lectures you about fraternizing.
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misskattylashes · 2 months
Miles’ trip to church the other day for some reason made me revisit Knee Socks. As well as the stuff in the video above there is this....
‘Well, you cured my January blues
Yeah, you made it all alright
I’ve got a feelin’ I might have lit the very fuse
That you were tryin’ not to light’
The first two lines are along the My Propeller lines, that the person cheered him up (we know who does that)
But the second part. What if we have been reading it wrong and it was young Miles who was repressed and filled with Catholic guilt about being gay/bi and it was meeting Alex that lit the said fuse
‘When the zeros line up on the 24 hour clock
When you know who’s callin’ even though the number is blocked’
When the zeros line up on the 24 the clock is 00:00 which is Midnight – one of Alex’s nicknames for Miles is Mr Midnight. What if Miles tried to block Alex because he was crippled with guilt but would end up giving him a booty call at midnight anyway?
In summary I think Knee Socks is about young Miles and his Catholic guilt and how that naughty seductress Alex got his wicked way with him.
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bestpigeon · 2 months
Maybe you could do sir pentious with a male reader who’s just as shy and awkward as him, they both wanna confess but they’re too nervous and they both go to Charlie for advice, everyone in the hotel knows they like each other and are desperately trying to get them together until it finally works, I think that would be so adorable.
Wow. Never wrote for Sir Pentious before, so this is interesting. Thank you for the recommendation. Also, Sir Pentious 100% NEEDS more recognition. I love this little (tall asf) snake.
Sir Pentious x Male Reader
Word count- 1.1k
Sir Pentious x Shy/Nervous Male Reader
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Sir pentious and you have liked each other for a long time now. Ever since Sir pentious agreed to attempt redemption, you've fallen for him. Quiet quickly as well. Sir pentious defiantly fell for you at a slower pace. Though, in the end, you both have romantically fallen for each other. Despite Charlie trying to persuade you to confess, you've stayed quiet. Same with Sir Pentious. Though he has approached you many times, striking up random conversations about random things. Not like you mind.
Your heart would flutter every time you'd see him. Something about him, his aura, and personality just pulled you to him. Lured you. You tried moving on in hopes it wouldn't corrupt your current stable friendship, but that didn't work at all. Actually, the longer you tried to avoid him, the harder you fell.
Sir Pentious demeanour would change every time he saw you. You could see the visible pinkish tone swarm his pretty face when you smiled at him or even spoke to him. Though you didn't think far into it. Why would you? Your introverted self was perfectly admiring Sir Pentious from afar rather than making a move.
"Please just say something! I'm sure he would accept your confession!" Charlie basically begs. This isn't the first time this has happened. You've always denied any feelings for him, but ever since Angel Dust snitched to Charlie, she's been bugging you. Frantically trying to persuade you or push you to confess. Without making you uncomfortable, of course.
"Charlie, no. What if he doesn't like me? I wouldn't want to ruin what we already have." You say as you rub your nose bridge in frustration. You've been avoiding this for ages now.
"Please? Just make a move! He won't reject you, even if he didn't like you, he's not that type of person! ..snake." She says as she grabs onto your shoulders and rapidly shakes you back and forth. You groan and roll your eyes in annoyance.
"Charlie.. please, for the love of Satan, let me go -" You say before Angel enters the room. He comes over to you both and leans against the sofa, staring at you, confused.
"What's goin' on here toots? About your little crush?" He says in a flirtatious tone. You groan and roll my eyes.
"Yes, it is! He's refusing to make a move!" Charlie says as she finally lets go. You sighed in relief and straightened your clothing down since Charlie had ruffled them.
"Aww, come on toots, couldn't harm ya?" Angel says as he glares at you with a smile. You look away and sigh. You turned to glare at Vaggie and Sir Pentious, who were conversing at the other side of the room. You returned your gaze to Charlie and Angel.
"If I was to confess.. I'm not saying I will, but if, how?" You say glaring at Angel. You didn't really know if you should listen to Angel. He would probably recommend you make some sexual comment, which isn't your thing. Charlie would probably make the more mature recommendation, though her heart is too pure. Nethertheless, you listen to both.
"Uh.. I mean- just say 'I love you,' you can never go wrong with that!" Charlie says with a huge smile. That's way too difficult. If you tried to say something that simple, you'd end up dragging it along somehow. You just nodded and then glared at Angel. Basically, waiting for something gay or sexual.
"Well, normally I'd say infer some feelin's, however Mr. Snake is oblivious. So maybe.. say it from the heart. Yknow, somethin' like what ya like about him, " he says. That actually doesn't sound too bad. You twisted your head and actually considered it. How would you say it, though? 'Hey, I think you're pretty, I like your freakishly handsome voice. I also like the fact that you're a socially awkward person like me. Hey.. I like you. Alot.' That wouldn't go well, would it? I mean, it's worth a try..?
You smile at Angel and nod. "Yeah. That.. could work. I just don't know if I could bring myself to do it, though." You say. Angel makes a hand signal to Charlie, indicating for her to leave for the moment. She does just that, and Angel approached you. He puts one of his many hands on your shoulder.
"Listen toots, confessions ain't ever easy, ya just gotta speak from the heart. Yknow just gotta flood out all your emotions." He says, glaring down at you. He is insanely tall. You smile at him and nod.
"Never though you would be so poetic, Angel." You say. Both of you chuckle and smile at each other. Angel nods in the direction of Sir Pentious, and he goes behind you before pushing you along to him. Your eyes widen, and your face already went a shade of pink.
I chuckle awkwardly as I look up and make eye contact with Sir Pentious. Both Vaggie and Angel leave, and I quickly turn to look at where they're going.
"I- I uh apologise.. for them. Yknow they're weird and.. nevermind." You say nervously as you smile awkwardly at Sir Pentious. He goes red and chuckles lightly.
"They sssure are peculiar. How are you doing, friend?" He says as he smiles down at you. You chuckle awkwardly again before taking a deep breath. Right, just what Angel said. From the heart.
It took you a moment. Litrally. You stood silently for nearly two minutes. I looked up at Sir Pentious and took another deep breath.
"I-... I think you're really pretty and I love your voice and I really, really want to date you." You say freakishly fast. You could hear Sir Pentious gasp, and his face went really red.
Well. It's probably not exactly what Angel meant, but it's good enough. "You're pretty.. really pretty. I love your voice and your height, and.. just - I really really like you." You say nervously as you finally have the courage to look up at Sir Pentious. He's blushing a lot. I smile at how beautiful he is.
"I.. I like you too. I'm sssorry I didn't sssay anything earlier." He says, and you both smile at each other. You grab his hand, and he holds yours just as passionately. You pull him down slightly and kiss his cheek. His face goes incredibly red and you chuckle. You both stand, hand in hand, and talk for a while. You both love each others company.
Took you both a while, but you eventually confessed. Charlie and Angel were very proud of you for taking such a huge step. You and Sir Pentious have never been happier.
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devourable · 11 months
I'm here for spite gays, so I, if it's not uncomfortable would like to see something with Valentina (i have a favorite, and I'm not sorry) comforting a fem!darling who maybe gets bullied/harrassed at their gym! (my transfem ass just wants comfort, but the reader doesn't have to be transfem, just fem)
violence mention tw, fem reader (no pronouns or genitals specified; reader referred to with fem terms)
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"you feelin' any better, princess?"
valentina had you bundled up in her arms, sat between her legs as she slowly and gently scrubbed your hair with her favorite shampoo.
when your eyes slid open to meet hers, she smiled.
"i'm really sorry we had to leave early," she muttered, plunging her hands into the bath's water to rinse them. "it's a real shame what happened to that guy. karma's a bitch, huh?"
you couldn't help but giggle softly despite the memories of the day's events making you want to cringe and laugh at the same time. "kinda ironic that the guy who couldn't stop insulting my form hurt himself with his own equipment."
she couldn't help the smirk forming on her lips at the memory. it served him right, thinking he could leer at you and make snide comments about your body like that. the satisfying crunch that his foot made under the weight plate that 'accidentally' fell on it was music to her ears, just recalling it was enough to send a thrill through her. it was too bad she couldn't stay to see the aftermath...
your eyes closed again as valentina let her hands drift further down your body. you felt her trace the curves of your hips, down your navel, and rest in your thigh. her thumbs gently rubbed at some of your more sore spots.
"don't listen to a thing those dumb jocks tell you. this body is amazing."
she planted a kiss on your neck, followed by another, and another. she relished in the sweet little noises you made for her.
"you don't even need to go to the gym. you can stay here all day, let me spoil you..."
one of her hands reached to tilt your chin up, forcing you to look at her when your eyes reopened. she planted a kiss on your lips.
"and you'll never have to worry about those creeps again. doesn't that sound nice?"
the adorable giggle you let out disappointed her some, despite how nice it sounded. you thought she was joking, didn't you? how sweet you were, unaware of how deep her affection for you ran.
"relax for me," she said as she went back to your hair. "you worked hard enough today. you'll take it easy for me, right?"
she smiled at you once more, and you smiled back.
"that's my girl."
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Hi hello and howdy
Since I can't contain my thoughts here's all the "Mirage" logicistics. Basically they either swap or enhance ones personality, heres a few examples:
Mirage Lenore is way more looney and impulsive, with a practically nonexistant off switch having to be dragged off screaming before she sets anything on fire, her group mainly sticks with her for fear of their own lives and she and Annabel are ALLOWED TO BE GAY!!! HOORAY!!! They still have the pretend to hate each other thing but thats mainly due to Annabel's paranoia
Mirage Duke is a shit magician who constantly looses parts of his tricks, he's also like WAYYY too overdramatic, the kinda mf to fall over if you steal his chip,
"Its... its just a crisp.."
"Oh my god..."
So yeah, pathetic cringefail looser LMFAO, but he is the kinda person to pull a "OMG MY BEST FRIEND! MOVE!" And shove whoever out of his way
Mirage Pluto is if you took a wet cat and made him a golden retriever. He's very hyperactive, social, easily distracted. Mf is like "wanna hear abt my hyperfixations?!" Talks and doesn't wait for an answer a neat thing i did with some characters Mirage's is i inverted stuff abt them like hair, emblems, all that. He still thinks M! Duke's magic is cool
Mirage Berenice is a feral little creature, constantly biting or nibbling on things (mainly Eulalies arm, or her own. I dont think chewlery exists in the victorian era). She's also the queen of being unhinged, in spectre form shes somewhat normal at least. For the most part she's in her own world
Mirage Eulalie is the mean autistic, less into creepy/old things n thinks their lame and/or weird. She's the one dragging Berenice around and keeping the gang from falling apart. Her and M! Morella really out here sharing the only group braincell, shes also blunt as fuck and wont hesitate to tell you you look bad. I wanted to lean more into the japanese part of her character so she just kinda- speaks more of it now (lol idk how else to explain it)
Mirage Morella, like M! Eulalie, is a mean autistic. She's less emotional, and more of "I dont give a damn just get me out of here.", sticks with whatever group she's feelin that day tbh. Won't tell you you look bad, will probably just call you a dumbass and leave
Mirage Annabel is kinda like regular Annabel but without the "Life is like chess" mentality. So more jumpy, kinda a walking talking mental breakdown waiting to happen. Excess paranoia and increase of hallucinations cus pookie and I decided we aren't giving her a break
Mirage Prospero is no longer fancy and polite, he is sopping wet germaphobic wet cat. He will go through great lengths to avoid disease, faints around blood and puke, screams at the sight of his own rats (or just rats/bugs in general), actively raising his and Annabel's blood pressure with how scardy he is.
Mirage Montresor is imo the funniest one cuz he's just a polite little gentleman, doin all the chivalry shit like opening doors, pushing chairs in and out, saying his pleases/thank yous/welcomes, he's even calling everyone "Sir" and "Ma'am". He's still an asshole, but you really gotta provoke him to see that
Tbh, I didn't think much abt Mirage Will since Will to me is kinda just there as Monty's lackey who gets kicked around. SO he's less of a pushover, more demanding, up and refuses what people tell him, bullies M! Monty, he tried bullying M! Ada and M! Morella but bro got his ass kicked. On top of it, he's unfortunately more sexist and stubborn. No more people pleasing ig 🤷‍♀️
Finally, Mirage Ada. What I wanted to do for her is have her be an absolute girlboss who is always serving 100% of the time. Everything she does is her choice and for her and her friends, and and and shes Aroace too, pretty chill when she has to reject someone just like:
"Hey i like u"
"Oh! I don't feel the same but we can still be friends?"
She also beat M! Will up, good for her
So uh, yeah! Thats all i got. If you have questions, feel free to comment or ask in the askbox. :)
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