#how to delicious Egg Omelette read
belal51989 · 8 months
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darlingshane · 1 year
Kiss the Cook
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Pairing: Michael Berzatto x F!Reader
Summary: When you wake up, you find Michael cooking breakfast, wearing only the apron that you bought for him.
Content/Warnings: 18+, Explicit, Smut, HJ and BJ (m. receiving), Friends with Benefits, Crack, Pet Names, Crass Phallic Humor.
Word Count: 1,1k
A/N: This is a second part to Afternoon Delight. They can be read separately since there's not much plot.
— You can read below or at AO3.
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Though Michael doesn’t own the most comfortable mattress, when you wake up on his bed, you feel completely rested. You were spent last night when you came here under the premise of decompressing after a long day of work just for a quick fuck, instead you must have ended up falling asleep cause besides your feet being free from your shoes you're still wearing all your clothes. He must have moved you to his bed too cause you don’t actually remember getting into his room at all. The last thing you saw before you drifted to slumber was the glow of the TV.
One shoulder cracks when you stretch your arms before getting out of the tangled mess of the sheets.
Minding your steps, you walk into the bathroom to relieve the pressure on your bladder, and after washing your hands, you rid your mouth of the awful morning breath by using some of his Listerine.
As you head out to the living room, you catch a whiff of something cooking and the next second, you're met with Michael's backside in the kitchen wearing only an apron while he cooks something on the stove top. His cute little bottom is on full display between the edges of the apron. His ass cheeks jiggle a little when he quickly reaches with one hand to grab a spatula that was sitting further away on the counter.
You can’t stop yourself from sneaking on him and giving a small pinch to his butt.
“Morning, tushy,” you laugh as his head promptly turns for just a second.
“Hey, go back to bed, baby, I was going to surprise you with breakfast.”
“Too late. I'm already up,” you link your arms around his waist while he keeps working on an omelette that smells delicious. “Is this the apron that I brought you?”
“It is. Thought you'd like to see me wearing it at least once.”
“I do like it, baby. It looks good on you,” per the fabric’s suggestion of 'kiss the cook' you lean in closer and smooch his jaw.
“How did you sleep, sweetheart?”
“Good, I think. I haven't slept that much since… Forever. Thank you for taking me to your bed.”
“Of course.”
“Though, you should have taken off my clothes.”
“I thought about it, but it felt weird to do so while you were out. And I didn't wanna wake you up.”
“Aww, such a gentleman.”
“That's right,” he glances over his shoulder and kisses your nose before transferring the cooked omelette to a plate. Then, he pours another bowl of whisked eggs into the pan to make a second one. “Do you want anything else, sweetheart?”
“Hmm, I'm in the mood for some sausage.”
“Sorry, I'm out of sausages.”
As you slip your hands under the hem of his apron on both sides, you say, “really? Cause I think you have a perfect sausage ready for consumption right here.”
You curl both palms around his soft dick and jerk him slowly.
“You're literally playing with fire, baby,” he hisses, trying to keep his focus on the pan as he folds the omelette with the spatula.
“I know. That's the fun of it,” you smirk, getting his cock to harden in your hold. “How about some chorizo?”
“Uh-uh, the best I… can do…” he scrambles to get his words out as he grows more solid, “...is ham.”
“No ham. I need something with more sustenance. What was that thing you ordered the other day with the weird ass name?”
“Yeah, that.”
“Don't have any, either.”
“That's too bad. I guess I'll have to settle with this one,” his full erection fills both your fists now, and leaks some precum that you extend along his shaft to ease the motion.
As you grip harder around him, you watch him struggle, promptly putting down the spatula, and bracing his hands on the edge of the counter.
“Sh, sh, sh. Keep cooking for me, baby. Don’t let it burn.”
“You're a fucking menace, girl,” he grumbles, and against his body’s wishes he collects the spatula and finishes that second omelette while you keep toying with him.
“You're the one who decided to wear just an apron to surprise me. We both know what you were up to when you made that decision.”
Despite your best efforts to get him to mess up, he manages to finish that second omelette with flying colors. Then, he turns off the stove and closes his eyes, enjoying the undoing of your eager hands around his hardness.
“Can I have some of this now, please?” you purr and nibble against the curve of his neck.
Michael can't and wouldn't ever deny you a request like that. Especially from you. The way you make him feel is something unexplainable. He becomes putty in your hands every time you come around. This is proof of it. So, as you take a step back and kneel on the floor, he turns around, and watches your teeth sharpen, and mouth water, at the prospect of taking him between your lips. You roll up the hem of that ridiculous apron over his hips to uncover that impressive erection you've proudly baked.
“Wow, you really put the long in longaniza,” you quip, bringing one hand up to hold the underside of his cock.
“You’re so fucking dirty,” he snorts and watches your tongue mischievously flick across your bottom lip before pressing a quick kiss on the blunt head of his dick.
“Don’t complain. I know you like it when I’m dirty,” you place a string of kisses along the shaft without taking your eyes off his.
Michael traps his bottom lip beneath his teeth and watches your lips sensually wrap around him. He places a palm on your jaw and draws with his thumb the hollow of your cheek when you take him shamelessly deeper into your mouth. It's a damn sight better observing you from above, fiercely wanting to please him. More than the act itself, it's the passion you put into it that makes his cock ache and throb. It's something unparalleled to watch how you almost take every inch of him into the depth of your mouth.
Your head bobs faster as you take him closer to the edge, you see his eyes glare behind a layer of gloss and lust. You grip harder at the base, revel in the way he tastes in your mouth, and use your other hand to massage his balls.
“Attagirl, keep going,” he deeply encourages between grunts, grasping your face tighter, with both hands framing your head now, as his hips automatically jerk into your mouth a few times. “You like it when I fuck your dirty mouth like this?”
You hum in response and let him drive into you during that final stretch. You keep your lips tight, your jaw slacked, that hand still holding his scrotum, and let his cock use your mouth until your tongue is covered with every drop of his warm, sticky cum.
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Strawberries and Cream | [S.G.] [M.S.]
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Pairings: Steven Grant x Black!Female!Reader, Marc Spector x Black!Female!Reader
Summary: It's valentine's day and your boys surprise you with breakfast in bed
Word Count: 3.4k words
Content Warnings: Swearing, established relationship, fluff, fluff, and more fluff
( Masterlist )
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A/N: Wowowowow, this took so long! Apparently, I don't know how to write anything other than angst, so it took me like six stories until I had one with just fluff. I had a lot of fun writing this though. HAPPY BELATED VALENTINE'S DAY! (And Black History Month, that is why we're here)
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You woke up on the fourteenth, thrumming with excitement. The sun’s gossamer rays crept into the room, and you basked in the honey glow, letting the warmth soak into your skin. You wrapped yourself tighter in your sheets to fight off the chill and realised you were alone.
Usually, you would wake up feeling a little clammy and pressed into the mattress by a snoring hunk of muscle who had rolled over onto you in the night. But this morning, the furnace you were accustomed to waking up under was nowhere to be seen. 
You slowly sit up and look around. There’s a different book on the nightstand. Which tells you they at least came home last night. Steven had just finished reading Don Quixote with you, and it seems your next bedtime story was Flowers for Algernon.
You heard something fall to the floor in the kitchen, then a string of curses. You would have panicked, maybe considered that your apartment had been broken into, but you recognised that voice…and the other.
“Steven cut it out. We only need one chef in the kitchen.”
“Yeah, well you forget I’ve had your food. And it’s not good mate.”
“Whatever, you don't even eat real food.”
“Cows are cute and I don’t want to eat them! But that’s beside the point. Crepes are tricky and you’ve already ruined the batter, just let me try and fix it, yeah?”
“I didn’t ruin anything. That extra egg was just- just good protein.”
“Well, now they’re gonna be too eggy! It’s gonna taste like an omelette!”
“Oh, shut up it’s fine. Everything is fine!”
Peering around the corner, watching them switch back and forth, you almost giggle. They're frantically whisking away, the mixing bowl tucked into their chest, pinned by their arm. Pinched between their fingers was the compact mirror you kept in your purse, but it seemed backseat driving was no longer sufficient.
They're covered in flour, and there's a bit of batter splattered on some of the cabinets, and across their cheekbone. Chaotic Domesticity. It was a good look on them. 
They don’t see you when you step out of the hallway, “I’m sure it will be delicious, my loves.”
Your voice startles them slightly, and they almost drop the bowl. You quickly try to discern whose fronting. His brows are high, and his jaw is slightly slack. You step around the island divider and wipe the spot you noticed earlier, hoping it might calm him down. 
“Steven, if they taste like omelettes, then I will be delighted to have omelettes. But crepes are great too. And so is that cafe down the street. Whatever works out, as long as you guys are there to eat them with me.”
He melts in your hold a little; his face tilting into your palm. But then he jerks it away very suddenly. You’re confused as he backs away. 
“Oy! This was supposed to be a surprise!” He’s upset but not with you, just in general. However, his expression falls into a frown that breaks your heart a little. “We had a whole plan.”
“It’s alright, dear. I won’t look at anything else,” You say as you throw your hands up to cover your eyes. “Just tell me what you need me to do.” 
He chuckles at your antics, and you feel a little brighter. He explains that they planned to bring you breakfast in bed today. You shuffled back to your room and closed the door that way they would feel like they would get a little more privacy.
You tidied up a bit, picking up some clothes from the floor and remaking the bed. You stepped into your ensuite, brushed your teeth, and washed your face, then you let your braids out of your bonnet and tended to them accordingly. With nothing else to do, you wandered to the bookshelf in search of a title to pass the time. 
Alice had just met the dodo and sacrificed her thimble when you heard a knock at the door. 
“Are ya decent?” You heard Marc’s gruff voice call out. 
You chuckle at the absurdity. You were currently wearing his shirt and his boxers in your shared bed in your shared apartment. He had seen you naked plenty of times. 
“Based on previous reviews, I’d say I’m more than decent,” you tease. 
You hear his laughter in the hall, and you inflate with a bit of pride. He cracks the door and loudly “whispers” through the gap.
“Steven wanted to wake you up with breakfast. Is there,” He sighs, embarrassed to ask, “Is there any way you could pretend to be asleep?” 
You chuckle, knowing Steven can hear everything Marc says right now. “Of course. Anything for my boys.”
He shuts the door again, and you feel like you’ve been transported to the days of your childhood. Those times your parents would come into your room to tell you goodnight and tuck you in. But then you would immediately hide in your impenetrable fortress made of cotton and down and stay up reading for just a little longer.
After a few chapters, you could hear your parents walking towards your door to ensure you were asleep. Your heart would pound in your chest as you fumble to turn off your flashlight and try to hide your book under your pillow so your parents wouldn’t know you had gotten lost in the Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane yet again. 
You feel a bit of adrenaline course through you as you scramble around. You're frantically searching for a bookmark and spot a receipt sticking out of a jeans pocket in the laundry. You shove it between your pages and toss the book under your pillow. Then you yank the blanket up, high above you and tuck the edge under your head. You watched the blanket cascade back down in a slow wave, like the rainbow parachute from elementary gym class. 
You scrunch your eyes closed, as tight as you can- when you hear a gentle rapping on the door. It slowly creaks open again, and your name is whispered into the air, but you don’t respond. You’re supposed to be asleep. You’re not fallin’ for that.
Your lips are folded into your mouth as you try desperately not to giggle, staying as still as possible. You can hear steps approaching their side of the bed. They set a few things down and let out a long dramatic sigh that you recognise as Steven’s. 
“I know you’re not asleep.”
You remain still. 
He sounds more amused than irritated, so you continue the bit. You know Marc is definitely getting a kick out of this. 
“Your food’s gonna get cold, and Marc and I worked too hard for you to let it go to waste. Now, come off it. Let’s see that beautiful face.”
Steven hears a muffled sound from the covers, but it’s indecipherable mumbling. 
“Didn’t quite catch that love.”
You huff and tug the blanket under your chin.
“I said, If you wanna wake me up, you know how. I expect a proper waking up.”
As soon as the words are out of your mouth, you pull the blanket right back over your head. Steven grumbles but doesn’t complain. The sound of fabric ruffling and hitting the floor fills the room, and you can’t fight the grin spreading over your cheeks.
The rush of cold air on your back as the covers were pulled back was well worth knowing you had won. He slides in next to you and tucks himself in. Already your body seems closer to equilibrium, just having him near.
He pulls at your shoulder so you're laying on your back, and his arms immediately worm around your waist as his head rests on your chest. Your hands naturally come up to hold him closer, one draped over his back and the other tangled in his curly hair. You released a content sigh at the feeling of him snuggling into you as your nails pass through his curls. 
You almost forgot what brought you into this situation in the first place. You are so at peace, intertwined with your lovers. But then Steven starts trailing kisses across your shoulder and up your neck. They are sweet and tender, feather soft. Each one pressed into your skin with consideration and devotion.
He reaches your cheeks, and one of his hands cradles your jaw. The way his fingers drag across your skin makes you feel like a precious stone, and the way he looks into your eyes makes you feel like a star plucked from the heavens. 
He tugs gently at your chin, and your lips part as he ever so slowly leans in. You’re sure he can hear the way your heart is racing. The way it whispers his name every pump.
His nose bumps against yours, and you feel the faint sigh that leaves his lips against yours. You nudge your chin closer, trying to close the gap, but he manages to move just out of reach while staying just as close. 
“I’m waking you up, darling,” he reminds you with a small smirk. 
You whisper out a small okay that sounds pathetically desperate even to your ears, but you can’t find it in you to care. Because now his lips are brushing against yours. His slightly chapped lips set off every nerve ending in your own. His tongue darted out for just a moment to run against your bottom lip, and you gasped at the contact.
He dipped his nose under yours, and the torment began on the other side. He kissed your cheek, and you were about ready to snap. Had you been standing, you would have stomped your foot in frustration, and Steven would have laughed at your childish response. But he was teasing you relentlessly (which was already out of character for your sweet boy, who is always so eager to please), and it was getting harder to breathe under the covers. 
His head is tilted so that it is almost perpendicular to yours. He moves his hand to cradle your cheek, his big hand almost covering the whole expanse of your face. He smiles sweetly at you before finally diving in. 
Then it happened. His lips attached around your parted lips and created a seal. He blew a big puff of air into your mouth, and your brain reacted in the same way you think it would if you had been shot. Your eyes bugged out of your head, your arms instinctively failed out, and you made a sputtering, gagging noise. Your cheeks comically inflated for a second before all the foreign breath shot out of your nose. It was like a forced sneeze.
While you were effectively stunned, Steven was full-on chortling, completely cracking up. You’re not entirely sure what “guffawing” means, but you’re sure that’s what this is. You think he might actually damage something, bust his gut or something. It would serve him right, swift justice. You had recovered enough from your initial shock to finally respond. 
“STEVEN MICHEAL GRANT! I cannot believe you did that! You not only faked me out but you- you...I don’t even know what you did! But it was horrible!”
The man you are scolding does not seem to care as he lies on his back, clutching his stomach and kicking his feet like a little schoolgirl. You playful smacked his chest as you sat cross-legged beside him in protest. You were upset, not because it happened, but because it happened to you. You didn’t want to admit how funny the joke was. Nor that you wished you had thought of it first.
His rolling laughter is cut short when his body suddenly stiffens, and his neck straightens with his chin pointing to the ceiling. The face that meets your gaze is a little hardened, tougher. His jaw is almost always clenched, and his brows are millimetres from furrowed. Sometimes it blows your mind how these two men can come from the same brain- cohabitate in the same body- when they are also so different. When they look so different. 
This is the same face, the same hair, the same muscle and skeletal structure, biologically, the same man, and yet, they are entirely different. Their goals and aspirations are much more copasetic than they were before, but they are still different. They have different tastes in music and food. They have different favourite colours. They have different hobbies and skills. They know different languages. It’s wild. 
But also they are similar in a lot of ways too. They are both shit dancers. Absolutely no rhythm to be found. But plenty of enthusiasm. They both like the smell of citrus. Neither of them really believes in multivitamins. You tried to get them to take some vitamin D (they are mostly active at night! They need it!), but even Steven thinks they're silly.
He promised to drink more orange juice. You didn’t have it in you to tell him orange juice packed vitamin C and not D and instead thanked him for making an effort.
They also both loved you. Like a lot. And that was pretty crazy to wrap your mind around too. 
Marc’s eyes locked with yours and you watched as his lips danced around his face, chasing off a smile. You gave him a warning look, but it had the opposite effect. He burst into a fit of snickers. He at least had the courtesy to try to hide it behind his hand. He sat up and tried to cover his tittering with the most obviously fake cough you have ever heard. 
“Sorry, had a little tickle in my throat.”
You roll your eyes and lightly check his shoulder with yours, “I know you were the mastermind behind that. My sweet little Steenie Baby would never do that to me. You’ve corrupted him. Truly a terrible influence.”
Marc throws his head back in a laugh (possibly an evil one, you couldn’t tell). He kisses your cheek in an effort to win you over, and you hate to say it works. He pulls you into his lap, and you settle into his chest. His arms rest under yours as he links your fingers together.
You tilt your head to the side as Marc takes his turn to pepper you with kisses and remind you how much he loves you. When he’s satisfied that his message got across, he tucks his face into your neck. There he stays, pulling your arms across your waist so he can still hold your hands while he presses your body as closely into his as modern science will allow. 
You sway along to a song that isn’t playing. Or maybe it’s not playing through the air but rather through your hearts. Perhaps the shockwaves of each throb are travelling through your bodies, having a private conversation you’re not meant to hear. A secret serenade. 
After what seemed like both forever and not nearly long enough, Marc left his hovel with a huff. 
“Steven says if we don’t eat right now he’s going to go ‘absolutely mental.’”  
You giggle and offer an apology to Steven while Marc leans over and sets the tray in your lap. It's a cookie sheet that they folded a towel around, so it wasn’t as cold or ugly. You smile as you admire its contents. A single red rose beside your plate, which was covered by a large bowl flipped upside-down, behaving as a lid of sorts. You unveiled your dish and gasped at the beauty before you.
Where you expected (maybe edible) plain crepes, you were instead presented with a large stack of hearts dyed to look pink and layered with some sort of white cream and strawberry slices. The top layer was adorned with little tuffs of the cream on the outer rim, with whole strawberries in between. 
You looked at Marc in utter disbelief, and he beamed at you, pride pushing his chest forward. “Happy Valentines Day, Sheyfele.”
You grabbed him by the cheeks and crashed your lips into his. The kiss was quick but steady and sure. “Thank you, both of you. I love you so much.”
You’re sure they can see your eyes becoming glassier, but neither comment on it. You extend the favour. 
“We love you too…Now please try it. Steven really is losing his mind here.”
It’s delicious (the sweet cream hides the little bit of egginess well), and you share bites with Marc for a while. He goes to readjust; prop up the pillows behind him. Marc had been putting his body through the wringer since he walked out his front door all those years ago. While he is definitely still young, his body isn’t what it used to be. He fluffs his, then reaches to grab yours. 
“What’s this, baby?” He holds up a book with an amused smile.
You laugh at the memory, “Oh, I was reading that this morning, but then you asked me to pretend to sleep, so I just hopped under the covers as quickly as I could.”
He hummed in acknowledgement as he thumbed through the pages. A small slip of paper fell out, and as Marc examined it closer, he felt his heart in his throat.
“Hey (y/n), where did you find this?”
You glance at the paper and answer between bites. 
“It was stickin’ out of your pant pocket.” You point to the pair hanging out of the hamper, “I’m sorry, was it important? I didn’t mean to steal it.”
You worry for a second that you might have upset him. You try to make light of the situation. “Imma strong believer in the ‘anything is a bookmark’ philosophy. You guys know my rule: use the first thing you see.”
Marc nodded in agreement, “Yeah, yeah, I know. Did you uh- did you see anything else? When you found this, I mean.”
You shook your head no. “I don’t meddle in any of the crazy shit you bring home, baby. I am not interested in accidentally gettin’ some pharao curse or getting hunted down by some god.” 
Your answer gives him relief, and he laughs alongside you. 
He tucks the paper back into your book and kisses your shoulder to grab your attention. 
“Would you like Steven to read to you while you eat?” You excitedly nod your head, and moments later, you hear Steenie’s sweet voice. 
“Alright, Alice in Wonderland; a classic. Good choice, love.” He kisses your temple, and you feel the same swell of pride in your chest that you would get when your teacher rewarded you with a little gold star. “Now, where were you?”
As you tear into your breakfast (sharing, of course) and Steven reads to you, you get hit with a feeling of gratitude. You feel at home here- with them. You feel safe and cherished. You feel more than joy; something better than happy. You feel contentment, fulfilled.
You had never been one to believe in fate before, but you thanked whoever was out there, whoever had heard your desperate prayers on your lonely nights. You thanked them for delivering…and then some. 
Your boys were also feeling that gratitude. They couldn’t believe they had found someone so truly beautiful inside and out. A woman who was damn near fearless, with a kind heart, sharp intellect, and tremendous patience. You were a treasure to behold.
Every morning they wake up expecting to be back in the dusty old flat with only books and a fish for company. But then, when they open their eyes, there you are, and it feels like the most extraordinary gift they’ve ever been given. Your love is something deserving of its own fable or myth. Your story should be told in reverie. A story passed down for centuries, like that of Osiris and Isis. 
But they also feel a little scared. They have big plans today. Plans to spoil you and fill your heart with joy. Plans to woo. Plans to convince you that they are worth it- that they’re worth you. Plans to prove to you that you are all they will ever need- all they will ever want. Plans to get on one knee. Plans to beg you to give them this chance at a happy ending. Plans to promise you yours.
Plans to pull a ring box from the back pocket of those pants dangling dangerously out of the hamper. Plans to slip the dainty gold band with a honey-warm, citrine gem- that he got on a mission last week in Bolivia- onto your finger. Plans to admire how it glows against your skin, and how despite its magnificence, it could never outshine yours. Plans that would have been ruined if you could read the Spanish receipt in your book.
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Taglist: @barbecuetiddy, @fanfics-instead-of-depression, @heejinw0rld, @ilovemoonknight, @Isshecrazyorissheclever, @purple-amaranthe, @jedisstark, @rudy-the-winged-wolf, @scorpiolystoned, @wannapizzamymindposts, @whoreforklitz,
If you want to be tagged in future Moon Knight fics but don't want to do the whole taglist thing again, just comment or reach out and I'll add you to it :))
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another A/N because whatever: I will be doing a little /headcannon break down thing for this because I'm kinda throwing some in there with no real explanation, but feel free to send me asks about any confusion. I love answering those!
I'm also gonna start linking those to the original fics too, so you (and new readers) can find them
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tastesoftamriel · 1 year
Hello talviel! How do the cuisines of the Morrowind great houses vary from another? does ashlander cuisine vary from house dunmer cuisine?
House Redoran
Redoran cooking is slightly heartier, featuring dishes like Hound and Rat pie or Crab Meat and Scuttle. As a major force on Raven Rock, Redoran cuisine places a lot of emphasis on easily available ingredients, such as fish, horker, and ash yams as opposed to the more traditional varied ingredients of mainland Morrowind. Mudcrab and fish stew with saltrice, ash yam and kwama egg fritters, and horker roast with comberry jam and fried ash yams are some of the dishes you'll find dining with a Redoran.
House Telvanni
House Telvanni is known for its exquisite cuisine based around nourishing herbs and roots. Infused with all sorts of alchemy I'm not privy to (and never will be), every Telvanni kitchen boasts whole cupboards of mysterious spices and herbs with special flavours and properties. Double-boiled gingko chicken soup, nix-hound braised with dried comberries and ginseng, and saltrice congee with sliced fish and pickled ginger are typical dishes you'll find in mushroom towers. Canis Root Tea adds a nice touch to any Telvanni meal too, especially with a bit of sweet marshmerrow!
House Hlaalu
Hlaalu food is always satisfying, and utilises more foreign ingredients than other Houses due to their success in trade. While staple meats and vegetables like nix-hound and hackle-lo are still on the table, Hlaalus are just as likely to have goat or even beef. Dishes would include kwama egg pie with a butter (as opposed to scuttle) crust, fried saltrice with pork and Hammerfell spices, and braised abalone and hackle-lo in Pellitine oyster sauce. And of course, Balmora Cabbage Biscuits, stuffed with nix-hound and spiced cabbage, are the ideal Hlaalu travel snack.
House Indoril
Standard fare for House Indoril is very much traditional Dunmeri food as we know it, which comes as no surprise due to their political leanings. Based out of Mourhold, the House consumes less seafood than others on coastal or island Morrowind, due to their relatively inland location. Kagouti and guar are the most popular meats, making pulled kagouti stew, guar meatball and scuttle gratin, and steamed scrib cabbage stuffed with minced meat standard fare.
House Dres
As is to be expected, House Dres meals are primarily based on saltrice. Whether it's saltrice crackers, bread, porridge, or straight up steamed saltrice, this is the House that has figured out everything imaginable that you can do with the plant. Fried saltrice with crispy scrib, saltrice soup with ash yams and trama root, and kwama egg omelette stuffed with spiced saltrice are delicious meals you'll find as a guest at any Dres farm.
And while it shouldn't be mentioned, it should anyway. You can read more about Sixth House cuisine here.
You can also read about Ashlander cuisine on p. 20-23 of my compendium.
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ccaptain · 1 day
While I can't pinpoint H:SR Kaeya as a particular foodie, I can imagine the importance of food in his life.
It's a mundane action, the act of making a plate- yet so complex! The preparation of each ingredients, how everything has its specific time to do specific actions: brown, broil, marinate, rise, whisk, etc. He finds it fascinating how a process can transform something already edible into something delicious.
He could stare in front of an oven for hours, watching a batch of dough turn into cookies, flattening and sizzling in the process with a bit of a spark in his eyes. His reaction is never of exaggerated excitement, but there's a satisfaction to his actions that is noticeable. Those who, by now, have understood that he's not human may chalk this excitement up to him doing a normal and human-like action- and wouldn't be too far off- expecially if he can serve what he made to people he likes. There's a sense of accomplishment in ''taking care'' of them like this, with something normal that he made. It's one of the sensations that makes him feel a bit more human- not to mention that what he makes is actually good.
He likes cooking, but since baking is a science with precise methods and ingredients, he's more inclined to pick the latter, if he wants to be stimulated into following a process.
On his social media, he's very probably the guy who films himself cooking obscure and complex recipes with a frilly apron on, paying attention to everything at the same time effortlessly and doing a small smile when he's done and shows off the finished product- he also wouldn't cut bloopers, like him failing to calculate the correct method and amount of pressure to successfully crack an egg, and seeing it explode all over himself with a few blinks of confusion.
It would 100% be something endearing that people would watch because it's both funny and Kaeya reads the instructions aloud to make the process easier. If you follow his video, you'll be able to make a tornado omelette with the ease of a nice voice simplifying the passages and guiding you through it.
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I’m laughing/crying at the spy x family feligami AU. It’s so interesting because in a way it’s better and also worse 😂😂😂
Like, Felix also refuses to admit he cares and is often a manipulative ass like our favourite super spy. Except Loid is at the end of the day is a very easy to read tsundere who is overwhelmingly vanilla. Felix is 200% more ruthless than him and 500% harder to read so he’s definitely much more of a threat. I wonder if he’d have a higher or lower mission success rate because of his arrogant judgement calls? He’s a worse team player than Loid so he’d have to be burned several times before he started to properly rely on others. Even so, Felix still has his soft and humanising moments that can make you see the vanilla frosting hidden deep, deep under the 200 layers of puppet master cake.
Meanwhile, Kagami has her ruthless justice side just like Yor, and I can 100% see her committing to an ideology where you need to break a few eggs to make an omelette and she might as well be the one to break them For The Greater Good. Except Yor is so much more soft and vulnerable than Kagami, who is much thornier (the irony!) and doesn’t let her weak side show very often and I imagine that makes it a bit harder to get on with her at first. But at the end of the day, Kagami is just as kind as Yor is, even if her manner may be brusque, and I think in a way she’s also just as insecure - if not more. Yor’s insecurities tragically revolve around her not being sure what ‘normal’ is due to losing her parents at an early age. Kagami didn’t lose her mother but she also doesn’t know what’s ‘normal’ precisely because she grew up with her. She would only have her own uncompromising parent as an example and would know she doesn’t want to follow in her footsteps but without knowing exactly how she wants to parent instead either.
Like I can see Kagami observing the way Felix and his mother interact and having an identity crisis because she just can’t bring herself to be that openly and physically affectionate and that makes her question her qualifications as a good wife/mother, especially compared to her MIL who she can see Felix adores. But it would be so much harder for her to communicate that than Yor who can let everything out with her teary breakdowns. Then again, Felix is also more observant than Loid in a way, so I think he might able to notice she’s having issues and draw her feelings out over a game of chess or two.
And to top it all off, our feligami are much more suspicious and less vulnerable to rose coloured glasses. I can’t see either of them turning a blind eye to superhuman strength or suspicious absences. Loid and Yor try to keep up their fool’s facade with total innocence on both sides, meanwhile I can see Felix and Kagami actively snooping and conducting honey traps to get to the truth 😂👌🏻
It’s just hilarious how swapping the personalities of an adult assassin and spy for that of two teenagers actually somehow makes the series darker and edgier 😂😂😂
thank u for this analysis on my spy x feligami au 🤗. i'm glad i wasn't the only one with these thoughts raging in my head as i put off grading homework for 2+ hours to do this.
and thank you for blessing me with the felix cupcake analogy. i agree, loid is (somehow) way more chill than felix, whose 200 layers of puppet master cake (i WILL be chuckling about that forever) can both help and hinder him. i think as a solo agent, felix would be really successful, easily outsmarting all his enemies. if he had to team up with anyone, especially franky, he'd make a mess.
yes!! kagami is yor but with that Greater Good mindset and more self-confidence! i bet it was tomoe who raised kagami to be an assassin, too. her first assignment was taking out the tsurugi tech competition, and she was so good at it tomoe just kept giving her bigger assignments. this is spy x feligami au canon now.
omg YES thinking about their relationships with their in-laws is giving me so many delicious angsty ideas. kagami would be just like you said, amazed and intrigued and mindblown that someone could be so affectionate with their mother, and have an actual healthy relationship with a parent! and then when amelie started to embrace kagami as part of the family and treat her like a daughter...u bet kagami would kill all her enemies. and then on the other hand felix would be Upset to discover kagami didn't get to have that growing up. it'd be all the more motivation for him to find excuses to bring kagami around to visit amelie.
"I can see Felix and Kagami actively snooping and conducting honey traps" ME TOO DUDE. they'd start some mr. and mrs. smith type shennanigains, probably actually try to kill each other for real a few times and think that was so hot. darker and edgier it may be, but i imagine by the end they'd go rogue and be like the mom and dad in spy kids. basically this au is the prequel to spy kids.
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publichealthy · 8 months
Slimming Down With Solo Foods: 30 Delicious One-Person Weight Loss Recipes
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In a world where convenience often trumps health, it can be a challenge to find quick and delicious weight loss recipes designed for one person. But fear not, because we've got you covered with a collection of mouthwatering, nutrient-packed dishes that are tailored to meet your dietary goals. Say goodbye to the struggle of preparing elaborate meals and hello to a fitter, healthier you. Let's dive into these delectable recipes designed for one.
Zesty Quinoa Salad
Packed with protein and fiber, this Zesty Quinoa Salad is the perfect choice for a satisfying, low-calorie meal. Here's what you'll need:
1/2 cup of quinoa
1 cup of cherry tomatoes, halved
1/2 cucumber, diced
1/4 red onion, finely chopped
1/4 cup fresh parsley, chopped
2 tablespoons of olive oil
Juice of one lemon
Salt and pepper to taste
Directions: Here
2. Baked Lemon Herb Salmon
For a protein-rich, omega-3-packed dinner that's as easy to make as it is delicious, try our Baked Lemon Herb Salmon recipe.
1 salmon fillet
1 lemon, sliced
1 teaspoon dried oregano
1 teaspoon dried thyme
Salt and pepper to taste
Olive oil for drizzling
Directions: Here
3. Spinach and Mushroom Omelette
Start your day right with a protein-packed spinach and mushroom omelette. Here's how to make it:
2 large eggs
Handful of fresh spinach leaves
1/4 cup sliced mushrooms
Salt and pepper to taste
Cooking spray or a touch of olive oil
Directions: Here
These recipes are not only tailored for one person but are also packed with flavor, nutrients, and the perfect balance of ingredients to help you achieve your weight loss goals. Say goodbye to the hassle of adjusting portion sizes, and enjoy these delicious meals created with you in mind. Eat well and stay on track to a healthier you. Read Full article on Our Website
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lyzablogsworld · 1 year
Eggplant Omelet
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Turtang talong also called as eggplant omelete,this is the one dishes of Filipino people , is an omelette or fritter from Filipino cuisine made by pan-frying grilled whole eggplants dipped in an egg mixture. It is a popular breakfast and lunch meal in the Philippines.
Eggplant has a flavor similar to summer squash: tender, mild, and sweet with a slight vegetal bitterness. Eggplant will absorb the egg .This delicious, classic recipe is a perfect go-to in most Filipino households. This is because it is quick, easy, and best of all, absolutely tasty without sacrificing nutritional value. This is also perfect with some rice and a couple dollops of ketchup.
This food is so delicious that even if you eat it every day there is no problem because it is so delicious, it is delicious and it is very easy to cook ,and now I will teach you how to cook an eggplant omelet,and what are the ingredients and how to do it step by step.
The main ingredient for this recipe is:
•Eggplant and
• first you need eggplant, you need to grill it, it's up to you what you use to grill our eggplants, you can use an oven or you can use a stove, stove is the most modern thing used to grill eggplant or you can use an water and boil the eggplant.
• Second, when you see that the skin of our eggplant has turned black, you can remove it and peel it
• Third, in a deep pan, crack an egg, it's up to you how many eggs you will put in, and put some spices in the egg to make our omelette delicious
•Fourth, on a plate, mash or flatten the eggplant with a fork, then put it in our egg mixture
•Fifth, heat the pan, when it's hot, add oil, then heat it again, when it's hot, you can fry our eggplant
•Sixth, fry the first side for 6 minutes and do the same on the other side but only on medium heat, after that it is ready to serve
You can serve the tortang talong ,with sause or ketchup.
That's the basic procedure and that's my way how to cook and eggplant omelet ,
I hope you enjoy reading ,and also I hope you liked what I prepared, so what are you waiting for, start cooking and enjoy the deliciousness of the eggplant omelet.
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thedisneychef · 1 year
When A Recipe Says Beat What Does It Mean
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I'm sure we've all been in the kitchen, looking at a recipe and wondering what it means when it says 'beat'. Does this mean whisk? Whip? Stir? It can be confusing! In this article, I'll explain exactly what it means when a recipe asks you to beat ingredients. No matter your cooking level or experience, understanding instructions is key for any successful dish. So let's get into it - read on to find out what beating really means in the world of recipes. What Is Beating? When a recipe says to beat, it generally means that you should use one of several different mixing methods. Beating is a stirring technique used for combining ingredients together quickly and evenly. It can involve using either an electric mixer or just a fork, whisk, or spoon. The main purpose of beating when baking is to incorporate air into the mixture so it will increase in volume during baking and make lighter cakes, cookies, and other baked goods with a finer texture. Beating also helps mix all the ingredients together thoroughly while ensuring that they are evenly distributed throughout your batter. It's important to note that there’s no single right way to do this: some recipes may ask you to “beat until fluffy” while others might call for beating at lower speeds or even folding in dry ingredients instead. Regardless of which method you choose, be sure to follow the directions closely and adjust as needed if things don’t seem right. What Does Beat Mean In A Recipe? When it comes to baking, beating is an important step. It creates air bubbles which make the finished product light and fluffy. In a recipe, beat can mean different things depending on the type of cake mixture you are creating. For example, if you're making a cake that requires creaming butter and sugar together, then beating refers to using a wooden spoon or electric mixer to mix them until they become pale in color and creamy in texture. This process should take around 5 minutes but will depend completely on how quickly your chosen utensil moves through the ingredients. If you're whisking eggs for an omelette or meringue then beating means vigorously stirring with either a balloon whisk or hand-held electric whisker until soft peaks form when the whisk is removed from the bowl. Doing this helps incorporate air into the egg whites so that they stay nice and puffy when cooked. Finally, if you're mixing up a sponge cake batter then beating usually involves folding dry ingredients like flour into wet ones such as melted butter with a metal spoon, incorporating as much air as possible while doing so without overmixing; otherwise your cake might turn out dense instead of light and spongy! What Are The Different Types Of Beating? When a recipe says to beat, it means to use vigorous motions with an implement such as a whisk or electric mixer. This motion helps to combine ingredients and create air bubbles in the mixture which gives cakes, meringues and other baked goods their desired texture. There are several different types of beating that can be used when following recipes, each with its own purpose. The most common type of beating is called creaming. Creaming involves using a stand mixer or hand-held mixer to mix butter and sugar together until light and fluffy in order to make cakes more tender and flavorful. Other important folding techniques involve gently incorporating stiffly beaten egg whites into batters for added lift while blending methods like rubbing in work well when making pastries like scones, biscuits, and pie crusts. These various beating techniques help ensure smooth textures and even distribution throughout your baking project whether you're creating something simple like cookies or something complicated like croissants. Each method requires varying amounts of time, effort, and practice but once mastered they will result in delicious treats every single time! What Tools Are Used For Beating? I'm curious to know what tools are used for beating? I know whisks, electric mixers, spatulas, and bowls are all commonly used in the kitchen, but what about measuring cups, spoons, and pastry blenders? Do they all have their uses when it comes to beating? And what about hand blenders, food processors, mortar and pestles, stand mixers, wooden spoons, mashers, forks, balloon whisks? I'm so curious to know how each of these can be used for beating! Whisks I just love the sound of a whisk beating away! It's so satisfying to see ingredients coming together, as if I'm whipping up something magical. Whisks are essential when creaming butter and folding in other ingredients. They help create that light, airy texture we all enjoy in our favourite baked goods. When using a whisk, it's important to move quickly and evenly around the bowl - no ingredient should be left untouched! This ensures an even mix of your ingredients for results you can be proud of. Working with a whisk is like adding a little bit of TLC into every dish you make - and who doesn't want that? Electric Mixers While whisks are great for light and airy textures, electric mixers can really take your baking game up a notch. These handy tools come with mixing bowls that make it easy to combine all of your ingredients together in one go - no whisking technique required! You just turn the machine on and let it do its magic. Electric mixers can help you achieve the perfect consistency for cakes, cookies, muffins and more - without taking too much time or effort. Plus, if you don't have any experience creaming butter by hand then an electric mixer is definitely the way to go! So if you're looking to speed up your baking process while still getting delicious results, why not give an electric mixer a try? How To Beat Ingredients Properly Now that you know the tools used for beating, it's time to learn how to beat ingredients properly. When a recipe tells you to "beat" something, it usually means brisk whisking or creaming butter until smooth and light. Brisk whisking can be done manually with a wire balloon whisk, though an electric handheld mixer is more efficient. It involves rapidly moving the whisk in circles around the bowl while incorporating air into the mixture. Creaming butter involves using a wooden spoon or hand-held electric mixer on low speed to make sure all of the lumps are gone and create a creamy texture. Butter should be at room temperature before being creamed so it mixes easily with other ingredients like sugar. Be careful not to overmix as this will result in too much air incorporated into your batter which can cause cakes to rise then fall during baking. When following recipes, always remember that proper mixing technique is key for creating delicious dishes! Whether its manual stirring, brisk whisking or creaming butter - take your time and get familiar with each method so you can gain confidence in your cooking skills and ultimately become a master baker! Frequently Asked Questions What Is The Difference Between Beating And Whipping? When it comes to baking, beating and whipping are two different techniques. Beating is the process of using an electric mixer or whisk to combine ingredients together until they’re well blended - think creaming butter. Whipping, on the other hand, involves adding air into a mixture by bringing the beaters up and down through it quickly. This is usually done with something like icing sugar where you want to create more volume in your recipe. So next time when a recipe says "beat", make sure you know what technique they mean! How Does Beating Affect The Texture Of A Recipe? Beating is an essential baking technique used to incorporate air into a recipe. This process helps create a light and fluffy texture in cakes, muffins and breads. When you beat ingredients together, it not only adds air but also blends them well. Different mixing methods can be used depending on the type of recipe being made; these include stirring, whisking, folding or creaming. Each method has its own purpose when creating desserts, so it’s important to know which one works best for your recipe! How Long Should You Beat Ingredients Together? Beating ingredients together is an important step when it comes to baking, and the length of time that you beat them for can make a big difference in the end result. Generally speaking, when hand mixing, you'll want to beat your ingredients together until they're evenly combined - this process usually takes around 2 to 3 minutes with a wooden spoon or rubber spatula. For recipes that require electric mixers like cake batters, beating times will be longer and depend on the speed setting used as well as what type of texture you are looking for; anywhere from 5-10 minutes is typical. Finally, if temperature matters (like with meringue) then you should always follow your recipe's instructions closely so you don't inadvertently under or over heat the final product. What Is The Difference Between Beating And Stirring? Beating and stirring are two popular mixing methods when it comes to baking. When a recipe calls for beating, you’ll want to use an electric mixer or hand-held beater to mix the ingredients together until they become light and fluffy. This usually takes 5 minutes on high speed with an electric mixer, though timing considerations may vary depending on the dish. Stirring is more of a gentle method that involves using either a spoon or whisk to combine ingredients until they're just incorporated no need to overmix! What Are The Benefits Of Beating In Baking? When it comes to baking, beating is an important step that has many benefits. One of the main advantages of beating ingredients together is aeration, which helps with rising time in cakes and breads. As you beat your mixture, air gets incorporated into the dough or batter allowing it to rise as it bakes, resulting in a lighter texture when finished. Beaten butter also creates a flaky pastry crust due to its structure throughout the layers. Beating can also help combine flavors by mixing ingredients more evenly than stirring alone. So next time you’re baking something take note of when a recipe calls for ‘beating’ so you can get all these great results! Conclusion In conclusion, beating ingredients together is an important step in many recipes. It helps to achieve the desired texture and incorporate all of the ingredients evenly. Beating can be done by hand or with a mixer, depending on what you're making. Knowing when to beat and how long to do it for will help ensure your recipe turns out perfectly every time. When it comes to baking, having a great understanding of techniques like beating gives you more control over the outcome of your dish. With practice, you’ll soon become a master at knowing exactly when each technique should be used, allowing you to create tasty treats that are sure to impress! Read the full article
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40sandfabulousaf · 1 year
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大家好! Another version of fish soup: this came with bitter gourd, tomatoes, julienned ginger, lettuce and small well-seasoned pork balls. Our moderately healthy local favourite is so popular, people try to recreate it at home. I've included 2 recipes below, so if you're open to expanding your healthy meals beyond salads and grain bowls, check them out. Switch up the fish and veggies for different flavours, add some tofu and serve it with rice or rice vermicelli.
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SW and I liked the khai jiao (Thai omelette) at the diner we previously visited so much, we returned to try their seafood tom yum goong with rice and shared a khai jiao with shrimp. The tangy flavourful soup came with prawns, squid, tomato, Napa cabbage and mushrooms, perfect with fragrant rice. I found the khai jiao delicious with veggies and rice for a meatless meal, but this version with shrimp tasted even better. We'll return to try the other dishes; they have some interesting meat options that looked pretty tempting. The sides looked good too!
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Besides fish soup, another moderately healthy local favourite is prawn noodle soup. I shared it once before; this is another version with larger prawns. I chose meepok (flat egg noodles) and, together with beansprouts, it was a qing (less oil) and balanced meal. The crustaceans were succulent and the broth was steaming hot prawny goodness. If you're open to trying this nourishing dish, I've included 2 recipes below - the second one also shows you the dry version (my upbringing is very Cantonese so it's soup for me all the way!).
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There's been so much hype about European life expectancy and how their diet is the healthiest. In Asia, we aren't that far off in spite of a fall in life expectancy due to covid; in fact, we're doing better than some European countries. With our nation preparing for an ageing population and spreading health awareness now, hopefully we can look forward to remaining productive, agile and mobile as we grow older. The importance of balanced meals and exercise will continue as we advance in years, as is reducing stress. At 46yo, self care to me is no longer about luxuries - it's about getting the basics right.
Fitness fads in recent years are about getting swole for bragging rights but as countries pushing it experience deteriorating mortality rates, is this sustainable (is it even natural to be this huge)? To get that muscular, their diets suggest large quantities of protein, including red meat. It may look good to them, but at what price when their nations' lives are getting shorter? To start with, is a nutritional imbalance even a good thing? 下次见!
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onejamtart · 1 year
OJT EATS | Takeout Curry Shop
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A short one this week.  Having had Tong An Curry a little while ago (read about our trip here), we were recommended another curry house in Taipei: Takeout Curry Shop.  With the surprisingly cold winterish weather in Taiwan, we find ourselves in the mood for a nice warming curry more often than expected so the next time the craving hit, we headed down.
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This was the pork cutlet curry.  The curry sauce was pretty dark which immediately gave the impression that it would be quite rich in flavour.  That impression turned out to be bang on.  The cutlet was so crispy and the egg was just how I liked it, barely cooked.  It’s hard to compare this to Tong’an as they were both great but in very different ways.  I feel like at Tong’an, it’s all about the curry sauce while here, for me at least, the star of the show was the cutlet.  
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The other dish we ordered was this omelette rice curry with a hamburger steak and cheese.  As you can see, the cheese had a good char to it while the egg was silky smooth.  The burger was also packed full of beefy flavour and went perfectly with the rich, slightly spicy curry.  The little bits of tempura that came with it provided a great little crunch to the whole thing as well.  
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You might get some unexpected company here as the restaurant has cats.  This little guy was just chilling on one of the seats when we got there.
All in all, we had a great meal here.  The curry sauce was pretty delicious but for me, it was all the other things such as the tonkatsu and the hamburger steak that made it for me.  Definitely would come back here for more!
Takeout Curry Shop, No. 5之3號, Lane 160, Yanji St, Da’an District, Taipei City, 106
Cheers, JL
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jameswhitaker27 · 1 year
The Best Tamagoyaki Pan: Our Top Picks
Tamagoyaki is a popular Japanese pancake that is usually made with eggs, flour, and soy sauce. It’s a simple yet delicious dish that can be made in just a few minutes, making it perfect for breakfast or lunch. If you’re looking for the Best Tamagoyaki Pan, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we will recommend four of the best tamagoyaki pans on the market today. Read on to find out which one is perfect for your needs. What is Tamagoyaki? Tamagoyaki is a Japanese-style omelette that is made by combining eggs, flour, and tempura batter. The batter is then cooked in a frying pan until the edges are set but the center is still fluffy. Tamagoyaki can be served with various toppings, such as green onions, nori seaweed, and soy sauce. How to Make Tamagoyaki: The Basic Recipe If you love Japanese egg pancakes, there's a good chance you're familiar with tamagoyaki. This popular dish is made by cooking a mixture of eggs and flour together until they form a delicate, fluffy pancake. To make tamagoyaki at home, you'll first need to prepare the batter. In a bowl, combine 3 eggs and 1/2 cup of flour. Mix well to combine. Next, heat some oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Once hot, pour the batter into the skillet and cook for about 2 minutes per side or until golden brown. Serve warm with your favorite toppings! Variations of Tamagoyaki: With Eel, With Salmon, With Vegetables There are so many variations of tamagoyaki that it’s hard to decide which one to make. The traditional tamagoyaki is made with eggs and flour, but you can also try it with eel, salmon, or vegetables. Here are our top three picks for the best tamagoyaki pans! The Best Tamagoyaki Pan: Our Top Picks If you’re looking for the best tamagoyaki pan, there are a few things to take into account. First, you need to make sure that the pan is nonstick. This will ensure that your tamagoyaki comes out perfectly cooked every time. Second, make sure that the pan is large enough so that the mixture will spread evenly and not stick to the sides. Finally, be sure to heat your pan until it’s hot before adding any ingredients. Once you have these basics down, it’s easy to find a pan that suits your needs. 1) Nordic Ware Nonstick 10-Inch Cast-Iron Skillet - This skillet is perfect for making tamagoyaki because of its nonstick surface and large size. It cooks everything evenly so there is no need to worry about sticking and ensures that your tamagoyaki comes out perfectly cooked every time. 2) Cuisinart CCG-600 Chef's Classic 6-Inch Pancake Maker - This pancake maker makes 6inch pancakes which are perfect What to Serve with Tamagoyaki: Sushi Rice, Tempura Dipping Sauce, Pickled Ginger or Wasabi Mayo The best way to enjoy tamagoyaki is by pairing it with sushi rice, tempura dipping sauce, and pickled ginger or wasabi mayo. Here are some recipes to get you started: Sushi Rice Tamagoyaki This recipe combines sushi rice with tamagoyaki batter, making it the perfect dish to serve as a main course. Tempura Dipping Sauce Tamagoyaki This dipping sauce is perfect for adding a bit of flavor to your tamagoyaki. Made with soy sauce, mirin, and sugar, it's also gluten-free and dairy-free. Pickled Ginger Tamagoyaki This pickled ginger tamagoyaki is a delicious way to add a bit of extra flavor to your meal. The pickled ginger will give the batter an interesting texture and an intense flavor. Wasabi Mayo Tamagoyaki If you love wasabi as much as we do, then this wasabi mayo tamagoyaki is for you! Made with soy sauce, wasabi paste, rice vinegar, and sugar, it's sure to add a little zip to your meal.
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ketodiet-emily · 1 year
Get 7 tasty KETO breakfast recipes to start your day off right!
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Starting the day hungry is never a good idea. With these easy, keto-approved breakfasts recipes, you'll be full all morning and can keep your carbs in check at the same time.  KETO Breakfast Recipe #1 Asparagus, Bacon & Poached Egg
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Let's think outside the box! This keto breakfast recipe is not only delicious but offers such a refreshing way to serve poached eggs. We bet you will be asking for more. Get the recipe here! KETO Breakfast Recipe #2 Cream Cheese Pancakes
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Amazingly thin and delicate, these cream cheese pancakes are low carb, easy to make, and tasty as can be. You will love them from the first bite! Get the recipe here! KETO Breakfast Recipe #3 Breakfast Sausage & Poached Egg
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This delicious, hearty breakfast takes almost no effort to prepare. It's the perfect breakfast or brunch, and you can vary the sausage to spice it up your way! Get your recipe here! KETO Breakfast Recipe #4 Oat-Free Porridge with Pina Colada
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When mornings are busy and you wish you were relaxing on the beach, Pina Colada Porridge is just what you need to add sunshine to your day. This great, balanced, healthy breakfast meal will have you power through your day with ease. Get your recipe here! KETO Breakfast Recipe #5 Maple Cinnamon Noatmeal
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This rich and creamy maple vegan keto noatmeal is high in protein and omega-3 fatty acids, as well as gluten-free, nut-free, and soy-free. Weight loss has never tasted so good! Get the recipe here! KETO Breakfast Recipe #6 Perfect Spinach & Feta Omelet
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If you are looking for the perfect meal to break your morning fast, this Spinach and Feta Omelette is exactly what you need! It is easy to prepare and loaded with enough protein and healthy fats to keep you full throughout your day! Get your recipe here! KETO Breakfast Recipe #7 Chia Seed Pudding with Matcha
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This pudding is satisfying, healthy, flavorful, and so easy to make! It’s high in fiber, absolutely delicious, and a very filling breakfast option! It’s also great for meal prep! Get your recipe here! It’s Time to Start Keto diet and get personalised KETO Breakfast Recipes Get what you want, how you want it – with our personalised meal plans. When you take our survey, be sure to tell us what you prefer. Don’t eat dairy, eggs, seafood, or pork? We’ll remove those. Only have a short amount of time to cook? No problem. We’ll only add fast and easy recipes to your plan. One of the best parts about our personalised meal plans and  KETO Breakfast Recipes is that nothing is set in stone. If you don’t like a recipe – or don’t have the ingredients or time required to make it – we’ll give you a new meal suggestion.   Read the full article
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anantradingpvtltd · 1 year
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] Oriley 3-in-1 breakfast maker is one of the best product ranges to ease your day and enhance the comfort. The proffered breakfast station is for grilling, baking, making toast and coffee instantly. This appliance offers a large non-stick griddle that provides plenty of room to fry eggs, omelettes, pancakes, sausages, bacon, and other breakfast foods. Now, you can have a full breakfast ready at one go with the use of this super-efficient breakfast station. Specifications & Features Item Type: Breakfast Maker Voltage: 220-240V Rated Power: 1250W Toaster Oven Capacity: 9 Litres Coffee Pot Capacity: 4 Cups Adjustable Temp: 100-230℃ Toughened Glass Lid With Non-stick Coating Grilled Pan Timer Control: 30 Minutes Material: Aluminium Alloy Colour: Black Frequency: 50-60HZ Oven Capacity: 9L Coffee Cup Capacity: 4 cups of coffee Perfect For: Office, Home, or Dorm How to Store Unplug the appliance and allow it to cool and clean before storing. You can pack it in the original box and store in a clean, dry place Never store appliance while it is hot or still plugged in Avoid wrapping cord tightly around the appliance MULTI-FUNCTIONAL WITH SMART FEATURES: In this breakfast maker the toaster oven has a 30-minute timer with a glass door, 9L capacity toaster oven and it can fit up to 4 slices of bread, an average size pizza and can be used to make cookies, cupcakes along with other delicious meals. You can accessorise up your kitchen with this stylish and modern design breakfast maker. 4-CUP COFFEE MAKER: This coffeemaker brews up to 4 cups at a time in minutes so you can enjoy a cup of coffee while your food cooks. The coffee maker in this station has a separate power on/off switch and indication for number of cups on the adjacent side. Make your morning chores easy and enjoy a nutritious breakfast. QUICK & EASY CLEAN UP: The provided breakfast maker is easy to clean as you can use lint-free cloth and mild soapy water for cleaning the glass door, grill rack, food tray and coffee pot etc. All the parts are easily removable that makes cleaning extremely convenient. In order to minimize scratching you can use polyester or nylon/sponge cloth. COMPACT DESIGN WITH CONTROL PANEL: This breakfast station is crafted with premium-quality aluminium alloy that makes it strong and durable. The pace-saving 3-in-1 design is perfect for small kitchens, apartments, dorms, campers/RVs etc. It has thermostat knob along with timer knob and power switch. You can grill, toast/bake, warm/heat your food or beverage, the indicator light will let you know when unit is on. [ad_2]
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curlynerd · 3 years
You're Bacon Me Crazy Word Count: 2K Rating: T Summary: "I can like more than one kind of burger, you know!" Or, Dean comes out through complicated burger metaphors. Notes: humor, canon-adjacent, coming out, established Destiel, #pray4Sam
Also read on AO3!
"You're really having two burgers, Dean?" Sam asks in his most smug, most obnoxious "I’m eating kale for lunch" voice. Dean really hates that voice.
Dean straightens his back and spreads his hands out, like the two wrapped burgers, the extra large fries, and the soda with two straws are a majestic bounty. “I’m a growing boy, Sammy."
“Uh-huh,” Sam deadpans. He lifts the takeout lid of his salad and starts carefully drizzling the vinaigrette cup over his bed of leafy greens and grilled chicken. “And you’re definitely not going to bully Cas into splitting them with you? You know he doesn’t need to eat.”
Something tight and anxious curls in Dean’s chest. “No!” he blurts out, realizing a second too late that it’s normal for him to share his food with Cas. Just because he’s been doing it more now that he and Cas are finally together does not mean that it’s weird now.
In response to Dean’s defensiveness, Sam raises a self-righteous eyebrow in sync with his salad-laden fork. “Can he even really taste them? I thought he didn’t like food in angel mode.”
Dean swallows down a multitude of answers. He likes sharing the experience with Cas anyway. He thinks the way his face scrunches up at the molecules is cute. It makes him feel all warm and fuzzy inside that an angel -- his angel -- is willing to put up with something so silly and mundane and human as taste-testing different burgers.
He really, really needs to tell Sam the truth about him and Cas. Hell, he’s been trying to for months! But every time the perfect opportunity presents itself, he turns into a fuckin’ coward.
And today definitely is another perfect moment. The conversation has naturally turned to Cas. They’re sitting at a picnic table at the park, with nobody around to overhear Dean spill his guts in the most agonizing and uncomfortable way possible. They’re working a case, so immediately after the conversation Dean can bury himself in research and hunting and not have to deal with Sam’s big, obnoxious “let’s make a huge deal out of this!” puppy dog eyes. And Cas isn’t even here right now to make things more awkward. He’s still checking out the victim at the coroner's office across the street.
Dean tries not to think about what a big baby he’s being by ignoring this golden opportunity. “He just tastes stuff different as an angel. He’s learning how to pick out the nuance.”
Sam rolls his eyes. “Because there’s so much nuance to ‘extra cheese’ or ‘hold the tomato.’”
“Oh like you’d know, Mr. Tofu Burger.”
“You’d eat a burger off the floor. Are you really trying to convince me you care about what kind of burger it is?”
Dean huffs and levels an indignant glare at his brother. “I absolutely have a favorite burger.”
“Then why’d you get two different kinds?”
"I can like more than one kind of burger, you know!"
Sam snorts. "That's just an excuse to eat more burgers." He spears a forkful of tomato and spinach with a smug little twinkle in his eye.
"It's so not," Dean insists. He gestures at the two wrapped foil rounds in front of him. “These are two unique burgers that both have their own delicious qualities.”
“Really?” Sam’s expression is so pompous Dean kind of wants to throw a french fry at it. Except that would be a waste of a perfectly good fry.
“Yes ‘really.’ Look--” Dean carefully unwraps his first burger. “This is a pickle burger. And not just any ol’ pickle burger. The best, most amazing, and -- dare I say it? -- sexiest pickle burger in the entire continental US.” He smirks as Sam rolls his eyes. “Now I can tell by that condescending look in your eye, you’re wondering, ‘What the hell is so special about a pickle burger? It’s just pickles!’ But that’s where you’re wrong.” Dean lifts the top bun and points down to the burger, looking almost gleeful at all its toppings. “Fried pickles, pickled red onions, relish…Sour and sweet and crunchy, the perfect compliment to a juicy, meaty burger. And one this big? You’ve gotta have a little something special to handle all this meat.” Sam tilts his head, his mouth twitching like Dean said something embarrassing. Was it waxing poetic about vegetables? Probably. Dean chooses to ignore it.
“Ya know,” he continues, “for the longest time I didn’t think I’d like a pickle burger. For years I’d be at diners and think, ‘...maybe? I dunno. Probably not for me.’” Dean pulls his mouth down into a thoughtful frown and bobs his head to mimic his past thoughts. “And then...I’m not sure, I just figured, why not at least try it? All those burgers I’ve had all over the country; I could at least give it a whirl. And it. Was. Awesome!” Dean gently places the bun back on his burger and gives it a little affectionate pat. “Now I can’t get enough of ‘em.”
Sam's expression does a complicated dance that Dean can't even begin to follow. But it suddenly clears into a look of dawning realization, followed quickly by horrified guilt, before it clamps down entirely.
"Well...I can't fault someone for enjoying a good pickle burger," Sam says slowly. He doesn't meet Dean's eye, keeping his gaze down as he delicately stabs at his salad with his fork. He frowns at the cucumber slice he spears and carefully dislodges it from the prongs. "Especially if they really like, uh, pickles?" Sam cringes a little down at his greens. Dean can't blame him. It's a sad looking salad.
"Exactly!" Dean gestures down at the burger. "I'm a meat man and a pickle guy." Sam looks up toward the sky and then down toward the ground below with a sort of pleading desperation. "This is a great burger for me. And don't even get me started on the sauce--"
"Okay!" Sam's voice pitches up several octaves. Dean frowns at him, but before he can ask, Sam takes a deep breath and plasters a warm, understanding smile across his face. "You know what? You're right, Dean. After all this time. All those, uh...burgers. I'm glad you've figured out which one you like best."
"Well, not quite. I mean, this one…" Dean carefully unwraps the second burger. "Is there anything sexier than a breakfast burger?" He practically beams down at the golden-brown bun, the fringes of fried egg drooping over the side, crisp bacon peeking out from under the patty.
"I...I don't know?" Sam has the same terrified expression as when Dean drags him onto ramshackle roller coasters at crappy county fairs. God, he's such a baby about cholesterol.
“Yeah. C’mon, you know they’re great!” Dean says cavalierly, because he’s not going to miss a chance to gloat about the awesome food Sam misses out on with all his salads. “Bacon is, you know, bacon! It’s the best tasting thing in the world! Salty, greasy, crunchy…”
Sam’s brow furrows so deeply it’s like it’s mining for coal, his unfocused eyes searching the empty space between them like he’s trying to figure out the deep, dark mystery of bacon.
Dean rolls his eyes. Of course he wouldn’t understand. The dude eats low sodium turkey bacon. "I know you haven't had good, real bacon in ages--" Sam looks offended. Then confused. Then offended again. "--but trust me, man. It's awesome. When ya got bacon in your burger, it automatically makes the burger a hundred times better. Can’t get enough of it!” Sam groans like he's in pain.
Dean grins and keeps going. “And you’ve gotta admit, a fried egg is a thing of beauty. Give me a good silky, drippy egg all over my burger and I’m a happy guy.” Sam’s nose scrunches up into abject horror. “You get that gorgeous, soft yolk oozing everywhere...It’s creamy and delicious and unctuous and--”
“Dean!” Sam shrieks. He lets his fork fall into his bowl and covers his face with both his hands. His voice is muffled, but it’s definitely a tormented whine. “I know this is a tough topic for you, but can you please just say you’re bi and never use words like ‘unctuous’ again? I’m begging you!”
Dean freezes. “Wh-What?” Did Sam really--? He--? How does he know?!
Sam pops up from his elbows, dragging both hands through his hair as he frees his face from hiding. “I get it, dude. Okay? I get it. I mean...I don’t get it.” He glances down at the two burgers with a perturbed look and holds up his hands in surrender. “But I get it.”
Dean stares at him. “Get what?” he demands. His heart is pounding fast. Bi. Sam knows he’s bi. When did he figure it out?! Why’s he bringing it up now?!
Sam fixes him with a flat look. “The burgers? The...God...bacon sex metaphor? The pickle guy thing? I get it. Please. Please stop talking about eggs like that. I’ll never eat an omelette again!”
Sex metaphors? Pickle guy?! Dean takes a moment to think and...yeah. Yup. He really did say “I’m a pickle guy,” out loud. Wow.
Maybe he should just...roll with it?
Because otherwise Sam is definitely going to mock him for that for the rest of his life, and honestly, coming out is the much better option.
“You got me,” Dean says with a small laugh. He spreads his arms out with a bit of a flourish, and it’s a relief to say it. It feels good. “What can I say? I like all kinds of burgers. And hotdogs. Tacos. Kielbasa...”
“Please stop,” Sam groans, rubbing at his eyes with his hand.
Oh yeah, this is definitely the better option. Dean fell ass-backwards into a conversation he’s been dreading for months, and the only person feeling awkward and miserable here is Sam!
Really it’s a win-win.
Dean grins from ear to ear as he relishes Sam’s mortification. “Hey now, I thought you were supportive! What happened to ‘I’m happy for you and your burgers?’”
“I am happy for you, I just wish this wasn’t happening over lunch…” Sam whines as he drops his hands on the table.
“What’s Sam happy about?” Cas asks, startling the both of them by approaching their picnic table. His eyes are earnest and sincerely curious, which only causes Sam to send a miserable, pleading look his way while shaking his head.
“Sam thinks pickles are gay,” Dean says to Cas with the same sort of smug glee of the teacher’s pet tattling about note passing in class.
Cas scrunches his face in confusion as he sits down beside Dean. “Sam, that’s...nonsensical.”
“That’s what I said!” Dean lies, because the way Sam’s eyebrow is twitching right now is too damn funny. “Wait til you hear what he thinks about bacon.”
Sam drops his face into his hands again. “This is the worst day of my life,” he groans as he massages his temples with his fingers.
Cas furrows his brow at him. “You’ve been to Hell.”
“And I’m still there, apparently!” Sam flings his hand up in exasperation. Cas quietly takes a sip of Dean’s drink, which for some reason just pisses Sam off more.
“You know, you could have just been normal about this. No weird, gross food metaphors. Just--” Sam drops his voice several octaves and bobs his head in a deliberately annoying parody of Dean. “--‘Hey Sam, by the way, I’m bi and totally in love with Cas, no big deal,’ or whatever.”
Dean goes still while Cas tilts his head at the two of them.. “Who says I’m in love with Cas?” Wait. Is that obvious too? Shit, well, looks like he gets to rip two bandaids off today. Thank God for the hilarious panic on Sam's face, because otherwise Dean would be the one freaking out here.
Sam’s eyes go huge, all color draining out of his face. “Oh shit. I didn’t-- I’m sorry, I--���
Dean can only manage to maintain the ruse for a few seconds before he bursts out laughing. “Nah, I’m just messing with you. Where have you been, man? Cas and I have been together for ages. I thought you were the smart one!”
Sam looks like he wants to leap across the picnic table and strangle Dean.
With a glare so sour it could peel paint, Sam snatches Dean’s extra large order of french fries and storms off toward the car to sulk. About three paces away, he stops, turns around, and levels a stern finger at Dean alongside his scowl. “For the record. I’m proud of you. And I’m honored you chose to trust me with this information,” he hisses in a frustrated huff before he spins on his heel and marches away.
Dean wipes a tear from his eye, still chuckling under his breath. Cas stares after Sam in concern.
“Why is he so mad?”
Dean shrugs off the question as he slides the pickle burger in front of Cas and nudges him with his elbow to try it. “Hell if I know. If you ask me, dude needs to have a burger every once in awhile.”
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qianinterprises · 3 years
Birthday Blues
Genre | tiny angst, crack, fluff Pairing | Xiaojun x Reader Warning | sadness in the beginning, but it's nothing bad, just some moping. Word Count | 1.5k Summary | Spending his birthday without his family is hard. Spending it without you is even harder. Good thing Kun has a gift that will make everything better. Author's Note | Just a small fic to celebrate Xiaojun's birthday! Happy birthday Xiaojun!! 💕💕
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Originally posted here
It didn’t come as a surprise to anyone when Dejun walked downstairs that morning, dragging his feet, shoulders slumped low as he shuffled into the kitchen where Kun was standing at the stove, stirring whatever delicious concoction he had cooking.
“Morning Junie-ge!” YangYang beamed at the slightly older man.
Dejun glanced up at him and couldn’t stop the small smile from growing on his face. YangYang was infectious. Anyone that was around him for any amount of time would be able to tell you that. He was annoying, yes. He sometimes made Dejun want to ring his neck, yes again, but he was their baby, their maknae, and he was an excellent hype man.
“Why so low?” Kun’s steady voice asked as he flipped a browning dough over in the pan.
Flapjacks and… something else…
Kun already knew why Dejun was less than enthusiastic on his day, but it still didn’t hurt to ask. Perhaps get the boy to talk before he kidnapped Bella and disappeared into his room for the day.
“You know why,” Dejun grumbled back, face falling once again.
“Tell me anyway,” Kun insisted.
Dejun huffed, shoulders shaking as he did so, but he didn’t ignore the elder.
“My parents and brother are nowhere close, so I can’t see them today, which sucks. But it’s made worse because I can’t even see (y/n) today. She’s busy and even if she weren’t, we’re in a totally different place than she is! She would have had to fly out and she doesn’t have time for that.”
Kun nodded in understanding, giving Dejun a look he couldn’t read but somehow made him feel better.
“Are you going to try video calling her?” YangYang asked.
He’d been so quiet Dejun nearly forgot the boy was there.
“I hope,” Dejun shrugged. “If she has time for me…”
“She loves you. She’ll have time for you.”
“Maybe…” Dejun muttered, shoulders slumping lower.
The kitchen fell silent save for the popping grease of whatever the hell Kun was making before being interrupted by another bright soul.
“Happy birthday Dejun!” Ten’s voice was shrill as he shrieked in Dejun’s ear, but the younger couldn’t bring himself to care as his bandmate wrapped him in a tight hug, giving him an extra squeeze for good measure before letting go and walking over to the stove to pester Kun.
“What did you do to him?” Ten shrieked, picking a silver spoon up from the counter and dipping it into the pan of whatever mysterious food Kun was cooking, only to be stopped as their leader brought a wooden spoon down on the top of Ten’s head, giving him a glare.
“I didn’t do anything to him. Now shoo!” Kun urged, pushing Ten away with his hip.
Ten stared at the male with betrayal written all over his face, but he seemed to get over it soon because he was draping himself across Dejun’s lap not a moment later.
“So why the sullen face Junie?”
Dejun groaned, choosing to ignore the male, not wanting to repeat himself as he leaned back against the chair he was sitting in. Part of him roved over the thought of pushing Ten from his lap and watching the male flounder to the floor, but even though he wasn’t exactly in a great mood, he wouldn’t do that to Ten…
...Unless the other irritated him too much.
“Something smells delicious!” Yukhei’s voice boomed as he walked into the kitchen, clad only in a pair of green and gold striped boxers.
“Seriously Yukhei?” Ten groaned.
The taller didn’t acknowledge him as he walked over to the stove to investigate what his leader was cooking when Kun suddenly turned around, his eyes falling on Yukhei’s bare chest.
Surprise was the first thing that crossed his features, but that was quickly washed away by annoyance.
“Wong Yukhei! You have better sense than to parade around the kitchen half in the nude!” he yelped. “I taught you better manners than that!”
The vein at the side of Kun’s forehead, right by his left temple, was starting to pinken up, enlarging enough that Dejun could see it pulsating with growing anger.
“But it’s hot,” Yukhei whined.
“So? Do you see any of us walking around with half our junk hanging out?!”
Yukhei opened his mouth to speak.
“No! You don’t! Because we have manners!”
Kun must have woken up on the wrong side of the bed… that… or his girlfriend was coming over and he wanted everyone on their best behavior.
“I would be completely naked if I wanted to get shouted at,” Ten indruded on the conversation, not looking up from his phone.
Kun and Yukhei turned to look at him. The vein in Kun’s forehead was becoming more prominent.
“Put some damn clothes on!” Kun snapped after a long moment of looking at Ten. “And keep your clothes on!” he snapped.
A mischievous grin crossed Yukhei’s features and Dejun knew this wasn’t over, but Yukhei knew how to pick his battles.
“I told you to put on some clothes before you left the room,” Sicheng pointed out, walking into the kitchen as Yukhei was hurrying out.
No one bothered to answer as Sicheng sat down at the table, fingers drumming on the faux wood.
“Is breakfast almost ready?” YangYang whined.
Kun rolled his shoulders and grabbed a few pot holders from their drawer. Sicheng got up from the table and moved to the stove, grabbing them from their leader. He brought them over to the table, placing them down as Kun followed close behind, one hand holding a plate of fluffy-looking flapjacks. The other holding a searing pan of egg, peppers, crushed bacon, diced ham, and crumbled sausage in a stir fry-like omelette.
Dejun squinted at the food in front of them. It looked good, but it was nothing like what they usually ate for breakfast. It was much… fancier. And yeah, it was Dejun’s birthday and all, but even still, Kun had promised him a nice dinner. They usually didn’t go all out for breakfasts on birthdays!
“Is our lovely leader trying to impress his girlfriend enough to get laid?” Ten asked, wiggling his eyebrows mischievously.
Kun’s cheeks dusted pink but he sat down in his chair at the head of the table with a huff.
“Not just my girlfriend,” he grumbled with a huff.
Dejun rolled his eyes. Naturally Kun would try to impress his lady. At least Dejun would get delicious free food out of it. That was one thing going for him today, even if the rest of his day was shot.
He had just pulled a flapjack onto his plate that Guanheng had passed out to everyone as he’d entered the kitchen, when the doorbell rang and Dejun’s eyebrows cinched. Their doorbell hardly ever rang! Anyone from the other units would simply waltz right in and shout out their presence. Any of their significant others would knock before walking in because everyone knew them well enough. The managers never bothered to knock or ring the doorbell, so they only ever heard the chime when there was a large package delivered or a new guest was showing. And it was too early for packages.
“Dejun, could you get the door?” Kun asked, shooting the male a small smile before looking back down at his plate as he scooped some of the omelette onto his plate.
Dejun let out a small huff, but decided not to argue and got up from his table. Who knew, maybe Kun had ordered a big package for him that was to be delivered so early this morning.
He walked from the kitchen and into the front hallway where the door stood. Whoever was at the door was steering clear from the window cut in the center of the door, making it impossible for Dejun to have any guesses on who could possibly be there. His hand gripped the handle and he spun it, unlatching it from the hinge and pulling it open. Only to reveal…
You were standing on the doorstep, a small, rolling suitcase by your side. Your hair wasn’t done up beautifully. It was in a lazy bun. Your clothes weren’t fancy, they were simple sweats. But none of that mattered. All that mattered was you were here.
“(y/n),” he breathed.
A smile crawled its way to your face and you released your hand from your suitcase handle, spreading your arms wide enough for him to step into your embrace. And he did just that.
Your arms encircled his middle, hugging him tightly as he nestled his face into your hair.
Behind you, he noticed Kun’s girlfriend standing, a fond smile covering her own lips as she watched the scene unfold. It was then that Dejun had no doubt she and Kun had cooked this up. Had made this possible. And Dejun made a mental note to protect his wonderful, amazing leader from the shenanigans of the others for the next week, because after this amazing gift, the man deserves the world. But he would have to wait, because Dejun was going to do nothing but cherish you with him for as long as you were able to stay.
When he pulled away, he brought his hands up to cup your cheeks, thumbs gently running along your cheekbones. Your eyes locked on his as you placed your hands on his.
“Happy birthday Dejun,” you whispered softly.
That was all you were able to get out before his lips covered yours in a tender, but passionate kiss.
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