#how is it radical to say i dont want people to die
ganondoodle · 6 months
i did a mini rant about it on twitter, but i want, and need, to say this here as well
it is sickening to see all media everywhere parrot israeli propaganda and lies while actively ignoring what they are doing to palestine, but especially so seeing it all being done just as much in germany, it feels even more personal bc shouldnt WE be the ones MOST critical of anyone enacting genocide?? a lesson to take from our awful, shitty, horrific history isnt we cannot criticize jewish people ever at all but that genocide is BAD
its seems like they are afraid of being called antisemitic by some people who dont know shit about whats going on so much so that theyd rather support a full blown genocide of 2 MILLION people, and it just
it scares me
i feel like a stranger in my own home, im avoiding news on radio and TV bc it feels like they are trying to brainwash me to cheer for the oppressors; we were responsible for a 5+ million genocide and now the media and politicians want us to support one of 2 million more??? what the fuck???
"well there are some evil people in this country we have been colonizing for years, guess we are gonna have to wall the entire region off so noone can leave and kill every single human life there, sorry, we had no other choice, dont look at us openly bragging about pulverizing a hospital filled to the brim with people seeking shelter from our 6000 mega bombs we dropped within a few days on this region, then calling palestinians 'children of darkness' and us the 'children of light', delete those posts, then change who we want to blame it on every few minutes bc people are starting to see through our lies, but dont you see? the bad people could have been anywhere, we had to, that hospital wasnt the first and wont be the last tho, so sad uwu"
how insane do you have to be to hear that and go "ah yes, that is very logical and justified and totally not obvious lies, heres a billion of currency and a metric fuckton of weapons to kill them all more efficiently, have fun and good luck"
if you think supporting palestine and wanting isreal to stop bombing them means you automatically support hamas you have no fucking idea what you are talking about actually and you need to educate yourself right about now, urgently
if you think the acts of one terror organisation represent an entire country and thus everyone living in it deserves to die for it, what the fuck is wrong with you there definitely are some horrible fascist, violent cults in the US, there absolutely are some in germany as well, do they represent the entire population of either countries and thus every single thing alive within its borders needs to die horrificly???
why did i have to sit in school trying not to cry my eyes out looking at fotos of piles of tortured, dead people, visit whats left over from concentration camps with all its looming feeling of doom, not even being able to stomach going into the building itself bc it made me want to vomit just being there and learn about every sickening detail of our awful history when im now here seeing and hearing it all over again, but this time im supposed to cheer for the oppressors?
i am appalled of so many countries being so complicit in supporting yet another genocide, but i am especially ashamed of my own. again.
free palestine.
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determinate-negation · 6 months
hello! one thing i have seen is the neutrality stance is that innocent civilians have been getting killed on both sides and that being pro-palestine means that you are “okay” with innocent civilians in isra*l dying as well. i was having a convo with a friend and they basically said i am disgusting for not acknowledging that however i do but how does one discuss that without appearing to be a zionist ? like i know that innocent civilians dying is terrible but when people bring that up as a way to support isr*el i am left confused on what to say as i don’t believe innocent people should die but ik it’s “different”? do u have any resources or response to help with this dilemma?
i think it is totally possible to acknowledge israeli civilians who died and recognize on an interpersonal level peoples grief, and say that the situation israel has created in gaza since the blockade, and in general since 1948 is the driver of violence. if there was no israel there would be no hamas, and they purposefully supported them to detract from support secular communist palestinian movements. you cant talk about this without discussing the larger historic context and if you do then youre not addressing the full picture. on one level this is an argument between ideologies, liberalism and radicalism, and idk how much you can actually convince someone lol. you cant condemn violence on two sides without looking at whos been instigating the violence, and also historically preventing and punishing peaceful protest and literally everything else they could do. a colonial situation is generally marked by violence. its upheld by the presence of the army and their ability to kill indigenous people with impunity, and regardless of how sad it might be to civilian victims families, frequently marked by clashes between settlers and indigenous people. idk if this can directly help you lol but the book black skin white masks by frantz fanon really influenced how i think about this. and how is supporting palestine equivalent to being ok with civilian deaths when a lot of the relatives of people killed in the attack and held hostage have said they dont want the israeli government using this to kill palestinians and justify war. but the israeli government has ignored them and gone ahead with their explicit desire to destroy gaza and complete the nakba, as many of them have said word for word. this article Meet the Hamas Massacre Survivors Opposing Israeli Brutality in Gaza has a bunch of their testimonies. israel is also indiscriminately bombing gaza, where the hostages are, and already have killed a few of them
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trash-can-sam · 8 months
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OKAY this is a long one but I dont see people talk about Grace and I deeply adore her shes my second favorite (almost tied with first (Qi) tbh) and deserves more love.
Heres the line that I pretty much based this on:
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When I fist saw that line I was like oh thats interesting but then I learned about what she was and I was like OH MY GOD SHES TALKING ABOUT HERSELF. Because what are the chances she just happens to have a sister with a very similar job as her, and the wouldnt you get sick of a life like that implies she doesnt like her job even if she does actually have a sister.
(Also this line from her engagement letter)
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NOW THINGS THAT I IMPLY THAT ARE NOT CERTAIN BUT ARE TRUE TO ME (you do not have to read this to understand anything I just want to talk about her):
She genuinely is interested in archeology. Her collecting various things for archeolgy could have just been her making herself seem more convincing, but she does genuinely seem very informed on the topic. AGAIN, could be her being more convincing, but I wouldnt doubt if she actually majored in it (or at least took a few classes) because it would make sense to play a character with something youre kind of knowlegable about, and she seems to know quite a bit about specific school practices and genuinely be opinionated on archeology's place in the world. Also, her likes indicate this is something shes genuinely interested in and passionate about. THE DIGGING HOLES IN THE GARDEN THING ALSO IS NOT MADE UP, and she says "Old habits die hard I guess", implying (at least to me) that she did it for similar reasons or maybe that she found something that inspired her to be interested in archeology.
She definetly seems to not really have faith in the system shes in, or at least doubt in it. Im not saying shes radical or anything (IF WE ARE GETTING SPECIFIC (Using current day terms) she seems reasonably moderate, pretty center left yk but I wouldnt be surprised if she believed in more socialist policies and shes clearly informed in whats going on, partially because of her job and also because I think being informed is important to her) and she still does work for the government, but she seems to not really be completely content with it. I dont really have any concrete proof for that besides this line which is really just how she thinks:
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NOW she says she wasnt really involved in politics, which I think at the time shes saying this is true. I wouldnt be surprised if she was more involved when she was younger, but I think for the most part she has ideas. She really likes to think (also proved by this line, I think she thinks a lot of thoughts in a similar vein but for the most part doesnt share them because they dont really fit her brand) and I feel like that would translate more into thinking more of ideals than actual politics, especially since she feels like people who are noble and want to make a difference cannot under the current system.
I feel like there were more lines in quests and what not with her being more disillusioned but full disclosure this could entirely be an illlusion of the mind palace.
Since she also mentions specifically making a difference, I also decided to extrapolate that was strongly about her as well. Wanting to make a difference being attatched to her choosing the job is also something not said at all, but something I decided to connect because it makes sm sense to me
I THINK THATS ALL. But a lot of this is largely headcanon since we dont have that much info on her (Character development is still low, therefore I cry and sob and make things up completely BECAUSE ITS FUN.)
please think about her more so i dont have to make another 12 page kind of comic, mostly illustrated writing.
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strawberrycircuits · 9 months
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hi hi hello! my name is strawberry (or strawb)! (i also use the name roz sometimes!) im queer, trans, 19, and neurodivergent, and this where i scream about robots and gay little nintendo characters. i use he/him, it/its, ze/zem/zeir/zemself, and co/code/codes/codeself pronouns! itd be so so sooo cool if you could please interchange these. thanks!
i dont know what my gender is and honestly i dont care (and neither should u)! just dont call me 'she' please! if i had to label it id say my gender is whatever the hell nintendo was doing with all those see-through consoles in the 2000s. look at these sexy sexy boys
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my art tag is #strawberryscribbles, my tag for cool art made by friends or made for me is #talented ppl tag, and thats about all i consistently tag anymore (aside from content warnings. if you need something content warned, lmk!). my art blog is @strawb-artfolder and my oc blog is @cultivatingyourfuture (though that project is on an indefinite hiatus due to signifigant rewrites, lol). im not great at art but i like growing and improving and showing you all that process, so im going to keep posting it anyhow! cringe culture is dead and its decomposing slowly in my backyard.
heres some things about me!!
my main interests are computers, old electronics, adventure time, portal 2, and nintendo (particularly mario, splatoon, and the legend of zelda!). i also reblog half life, tf2, and mlp stuff from time to time. i am, in fact, critical of all of my media interests. fuck nintendos business practices and fuck the way they fetishize arabic cultures 👎👎👎
send me asks!!!! about whatever!!!! it makes my day every time!!!!!
im not a linked universe fan or a linkverse fan in general. i might engage with that content because i like the designs and want to support artists but dont ask me about it i dont go there lmao (bonus links fucks hard though i will say that)
i dont tag spoilers. sorry! youre free to unfollow or block me at any time :)
wanna know what music ive been listening to? heres my main playlist! maybe youll find something new!!! (and if you shoot me an ask saying u found a new song u like bc of me.... tell me! itll make my day!)
ive had people ask me a couple of times, so let me go ahead and say-- i like to refer to characters i have specific pronoun headcanons for WITH those pronouns! i usually garner confusion about this when i talk about oot zelda (he/she), botw link (she/he/they), and oot link (she/her). theres not really a reason, i just like to! (when i talk to people about their specific interpretations, i use whatever hcs theyve assigned them instead). if you wanna know how i hc any other characters, 🔫 me an ask!
im not going to sift through every blog that interacts with me or apply widely misused terminology to give an idea of what i do or dont want in my circle. im just going to say these things outright. i believe in radical queer acceptance (yes, even for whatever "weird" identity youre about to pull out as a gotcha), all transgender people and asexuals and aromantics and xenogenders and neopronouns are all valid, otherkin/therians are cool as hell, objectums are my friends, i want all pedophiles to die by my hand, youre weird as shit if you romanticize incest or pedophilia in any context, and i believe in reclaiming words like queer, fag, dyke, and tranny, which i will not content warn for. ok cool 👍
im a stupid broke college student and i can barely afford to feed myself most days so if you wanna help out heres my CA.
ermm i think thats all. heres a bunch of people i think are so so cool that you should go visit: b0nkcreat down-thedrain seagullcharmer syntheticspades trashedump basillica-gel dykevirgo cherrylavendertea localvoidcat thebleedingeffect gardnwater our-reality mackthecheese angstyvylene-i three-bunnies-in-a-trenchcoat unironicallycringe idiot-synergy michpat6 korokposting effervescentleaf pidgefudge avidcollectorofdust merriclo
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bunnihearted · 5 months
umm no but rlly we are all so fucked. countless scientists and experts are saying that we are so so close to the point of no return regarding the climate crisis. we are extremely close to it and when we reach it we can never turn it back. we can only wait for the apocalypse to fully break out (it has already started). and what do all the men in power do? they relentlessly mock ppl like greta thunberg and decide to put more effort into nuclear power, and make thousands other choices detrimental to the environment. and what do ppl in society do? jack shit. environmental activists who are screaming and pleading for ppl to listen only get ridiculed, physically abused and assaulted, jailed and murdered. ppl dont listen. ppl dont care. ppl dont fucking do ANYTHING.
what we desperately need is eco fascism. the entire world need military rule, the state needs to make laws, forbidding for example the use of gasoline etc etc. we're at the point where fucking fascism is the only thing that can save this planet. bc ppl dont do anything. ppl dont care. they live their stupid fucking lives that are in this state completely insignificant because we dont have a future. in a real way. not like oh yeah in 30 years we will have killed the earth. no. now. we dont have more than a couple of years before everything's fucked. so their silly lives dont even matter. yet they refuse to fucking change. all of society all over the world (rich parts of the western world are the main culprits tho) need radical change. and it's sad but true that we can only do it by force and laws. because people just dont care enough. the sad thing is that the men in power find money in their pockets righ this second more important than our (immediate) future.
it makes no sense bc in all the dystopians i've read, the state always does something to save humanity and stop climate change. but in real life, they dont do anything. thats so crazy to me. also, everyone in the entire fucking world needs to go out there, be on the streets, REFUSE to partake in "normal life". we need to protest and demonstrate and be on strikes. if there are no cogs in the wheel turning the capitalist hell machine then they have to listen and take action. but another sad truth that shows me humanity is garbage is that nobody wants to do that. they wanna continue living their dumb little lives, only valuing their immediate comfort and luxury and privilege. like mention global warming to almost anyone and they'll roll their eyes and scoff and start ranting about how that are just conspiracy theories. we're all fucked.
it's all making me so angry and hopeless and dejected because even if all y'all wanna do is cover your ears and go lalallalala and pretend like nothing's happening, you will die and suffer too soon. no one will be spared if that's what y'all think. it's bad enough that the western world are living far beyond our resources and that other parts of the world such as south america and africa suffer environmental catastrophes bc of it. but nobody cares. bc watching netflix and ordering food and partaking in mass consumerism and working some boring soul sucking job and driving ur car every fkn where is waaaaaay more important than banding together, taking a stand and trying to fight to end our imminent destruction and murder of the planet. god. i think most part of humanity deserves what they get (NOT the ones who fight or who are completely powerless in this) but the thing is the animals and nature dont deserve it. it's all so fucked. why dont anyone wanna fucking do something???? ig all there is to do is to sit and wait and see what part of the armageddon is what kills you.
like im sorry but so many ppl are like lalallala peace on earth we can change this :D ppl are fundamentally good we believe in us lallallala peace and love ppl are so good hihiihihihihi we can still revert it. yet......... no one (besides actual environmental activists) wants to do smth real. no one is willing or prepared to radically and fundamentallty change society and the way we live. bc that will be uncomfortable and difficult but it is absolutely neccesessary. it's not enough to sit there and say that humans are so good and u love humans and there is a way to revert it. u actually have to be willing to do it to. because as it is looking now, most ppl just wanna fkn talk abt for five minutes then that's enough effort for them. if ppl were truly willing to fix this and to fight, we woul be out there together and organizing and doing somthing real, but nobody listens or meets the ppl who reach out halfway. if u even suggest it ppl immeditately shut u down. how the fuck do u radicalize ppl if they dont wanna listen or take u seriously? sigh
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menalez · 1 year
I'm not indian, I'm actually mexican, so take what i say with a grain of salt, but the conversation about hindu right wingers reminded me of something interesting I saw in college, about how feminist reinterpretations of female historic figures from hindu tradition was seen as left wing and radical in the 90s, when it first started, but as the nationalist movement grew and the xenophobia against other religions and communities within india grew, they appropriated part of the feminist discourse regarding feminine figures like goddesses, heroines or philosophers, to incorporate them into the discrourse of "hinduism is better than islam".
What I find interesting about that is that i've seen similar things happen with feminist reinterpretations of women's history in every culture. For example, I've seen christians defend christianism as a "truly equal religion" based on the ideas that feminists from the 80s build up about the value of biblical figures like Mary, Magdalen and Judith, or important nuns and saints like Christine de Pizan. Nowadays Christians talk about those ideas as if they originally came from christian communities, when they actually come from feminists that were ostracized for daring to make an argument against the oppression of women. These feminists were trying to use an argument that made sense under a christian worldview to criticise christianism from inside, they weren't celebrating christianism as perfect or saying it didn't need any change, but the complete opposite.
And I've even seen similar things within indigenous mexican communities or even in feminist interpretations of judaism or islam, where feminists try to use arguments based on tradition to criticise modern day patriarchy... it's never an attempt to celebrate how perfect the culture is, but an attempt to use it's own logic to dismantle it... but then, pretty soon after they begin making this argument, right wingers apropriate their discurse to make it seem like their culture "was always feminist".
honestly yeah ive seen this happen w christianity too lmfao like christians were big anti-gay losers for centuries and then the second they wanted to argue that theyre superior to muslims & more specifically middle easterners, they were like "well WE dont think gay people should die for being gay!" like um luv the story of soddom & gomorrah didnt start w islam and stoning as a punishment was even more prominent in the bible...
i cant comment on hinduism or judaism but i can say that at least islam and christianity have pretended to be progressive (& sometimes actually became more progressive) simply to be able to argue that theyre the more Humane and Better religion
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jaigeye · 1 year
everyone is forgetting that saw gerrera was taught by anakin and obiwan (white) lol
i do take some issue with sw writers plopping characters of color into villain/antagonist/not working with the ‘heroes’ role and the fans making incredibly racist memes, i just wanted to point out the fact that he was already on the edge of being a radical and anakin’s presence and training shoved him over the edge along with the death of steela. as a nonwhite person who has seen their own friends radicalized in Very similar ways, i dont think there’s anything necessarily wrong with how he’s being portrayed. i think he’s a good mirror of real life circumstances. the problem inherently lies with the fans, although again as i said it has disappointed me that fascinating, complex characters who are also poc or poc coded (barriss, saw, Reva, for some examples) are mishandled by sw writers and fans.
I think you're misunderstanding me here. Sure, it's a good point that yes, Anakin and Obi-Wan played a role in his life, but I don't think TCW is even a significant enough piece of media to base judgment of his character off if; Rogue One is where he really began to take shape as the character he is, not just a one-off arc character that was quickly forgotten. The nature of the clone wars anthology style is that unfortunately most characters motivations and actions are molded or influenced by the main trio, so I don't know if that argument holds up, although it is an interesting one I hadn't thought about.
My argument is not that characters of color cannot or should not ever be villains... Yet I would strongly disagree with categorizing him as an antagonist. Even in Rogue One he felt like a sort of indelicate attempt to show the political complexities of the Rebellion. That is both where my praise and issues with his writing begin.
Isolated, he himself is a very nuanced and interesting character. Placed in a space with the other Rebel leaders, however, it quickly becomes frustratingly clear that the only Black leader of great significance in the plot, on the same level of narrative importance as Mon Mothma, is a politically radical and aggressive Black man, plagued by delusions of victimhood/paranoia. This is as some might say, not cool. Imagine a sheet of paper with all the rebels and imperials on it. Who are the aggressive, intense characters who are ruthless? (Outside of Andor, because although flawed I feel they did a better job,) that list would include Saw Gerrera, Reva, and Moff Gideon. The good, harmless Black characters? Finn. Jannah, with a few minutes of screentime. Maybe Lando, but he too is always sidelined and we don't get a really good look at his motivations or character. Who else? There are others, but none with enough plot significance to really make up for this imbalance. Plus, a lot of those characters die.
If he were one among many Black Rebel leaders of varying political mindsets, I think my personal gripes with his writing could be resolved more. (However, Black fans opinion here would matter more than mine.)
The basic thing is that Star Wars writers do not know or care about your friends. They don't seem particularly tapped into the political realities of young radicalized minorities right now. We have to be more serious and objective here than this.
Their points of reference were most likely Che Guevara and Malcolm X, so on and so forth. i could handle that under certain circumstances. Andor did a pretty great job portraying him. The Rogue One book did a good job. Then the animations get their hands on him and, as is kind of inherent to the nature of kids shows, they have to pick someone to make the bad or scary decisions to show kid viewers that actually, changing the world through any means possible is a bad thing, and that you should usually use your words, be polite, and not be aggressive or demanding like these ~scary~ people performing direct action. Why did TBB and Rebels choose to take the one Rebel Black guy and make him try to win by putting children&other marginalized people at risk and using explosives and shit? in a real life context, when we focus on the motivations of the writers and not the content of the character, it gets concerning. It is not all, but many of the writers. It is not all, but I'd say most of the fans. The problem is a pretty big one. When u write him in such a way that people r blaming him for character's deaths and accusing him of parental abuse, the writers did something wrong too, not just the fans
Saw Gerrera is one of my all time favorite characters in star wars, because I think he's fascinating and full of potential. But it's really important to be objective about the inequalities in writing here, and pay attention to the way the very few Black characters in a narrative are portrayed.
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sawtual · 1 year
Amanda knows full well what she's doing but she believes what she's doing is a good thing, when in reality it's not. Being convinced that radical extremes are good/right and being innocent are two very different things
so the trauma and psychological torture on top of having her moral compass twisted around from manipulation, just makes her unstable and unhinged, not innocent.
ok spelling it out for you because you are being obtuse 💖
amanda is a heroin addict. she has a lofty police record. she has been to jail. shes suffered heavily from abuse by the police. she, in an act of desperation, is complicit in the murder of gideon kramer. okay so we got that? then, gideons father, john kramer, puts her in a death trap where she has to KILL someone, or she will literally die. okay cool. then, somehow, the police get involved. i really doubt amanda contacted them so we could assume that this is terrifying and extra traumatizing for her. the police have a) a history of framing her something she didnt do and b) now know she KILLED someone, even though it was to save herself. i dont think its a stretch to think hmm maybe amanda MIGHT be scared she will go to prison again.
ok with me? then, right after the police drag her back into the department to have her rehash her horrific trauma, reminding her they know where she lives and can get her any time they want, john kramer shows up. he 'invites' her to join him in his pursuit of 'saving' people. lets remember she knows exactly who he is, and that she knows now that if he realizes that she played a part in his sons death that she will be dead meat. she joins john. she falls further and further into this hole.
do you maybe see how she had literally no escape from this situation? this is why i dont really believe amanda had any "out" in saw, besides dying. the police will never give her the rehabilitation she needs/deserves. she can only struggle desperately until she finally gives in. i think the fact that she can't even Look at lynn when she shoots her, and the pain on her face, should be a clear indicator that she isnt having fun, she isnt relishing in murder. shes giving one last attempt at life, trying to prevent john from finding out about gideon.
also hi just saying, making this an argument about amandas "innocence" is sooo stupid and pointless. whats the point in going "WELL SHES NOT INNOCENT!!" no i guess not? she did literally kill people? but when you frame it in the context i provided hopefully you at least feel some pity for her? shes an overally just sad character. she isnt an "angel" but whats the point in trying to say she is or isnt? shes someone who got beat down by life, and had no options but to fight and claw to survive. shes not "innocent" shes not "an angel" shes just someone who wants to live.
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beangods · 3 months
14, 16, 18 and 20 for the homestuck questions.
14. Least favorite character?
16. NOTP?
vriska x men. also dont like vriska x characters who are canonically men. stop fanoning your way into femslash when homestuck has a million billion compelling and bonkers canonically girl characters to smush together. ALSO rose or kanaya x men/canonical men come on now people we've been over this. if you want One Specific Ship i hate for no real reason though i dont really have one OH WAIT gamtav. tell me you dont actually give a shit about tavros without saying those words in that order. he was NOT reciprocating those advances leave him alone!!
18. Do you want Homestuck to just die already?
i wish the main comic had been wrapped up in a satisfactory conclusive way and that hs2/the epilogues either never existed or were likewise satisfactory and conclusive OR AT LEAST kept canon with the snapchat upd8s. i want them to bring back paradox space (official non-canon comics) and keep making merch forever and also for everyone with headcanons i personally dislike to leave the fandom and get really into something else instead.
20. Tell us how Homestuck has affected you in real life.
oh god. genuinely, homestuck completely shaped my adolescence and pop culture diet in extremely noticeable ways. i was one of those dave transmascs
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i cosplayed vriska to school. i only really hit it off with my last ex when we started talking about homestuck. on 4/13 last year i almost passed up going to the club because i hadn't drawn any fan art yet. in fact part of why my sleep schedule is so fucked up is that for years i would stay up til 1-3am drawing homestuck fan art. indeed, the fact that i run two homestuck blogs impacts my schedule and daily routine significantly. i've given graded presentations on homestuck music in university. i still say "now we're cooking with petrol!" in real life. not only did i have moirails and auspistices and blackrom crushes in real life in middle school, i also, currently, as an adult, have someone in my life i consider my moirail. over half of my prosthetics, which i use in real sexual encounters, are tentacles, and You Know Why. my OC-verse has been radically shaped by homestuck (and the energy i spend on homestuck does NOT go to my OC-verse; before getting into the comic i thought i'd be a bestselling author by now). there is not a single area of my life that has not been touched by this webcomic. i will probably be buried with a scalemate plushie.
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mandizo · 1 year
the latest spoke video possessed me for a bit . i also had a rough day today resulting in me writing this unreadable ramble about him on my textbook . talking about ls is literally my coping mechanism......... you might die reading this you have been warned. all the "spoke" in this refer to c!spoke btw
i have s ome very brief and short and concisely worded opinions on the new spoke video ! i want this to be some kinda character study but im not mentally capable enough to do that rn. my favourite part of spoke is his like. personality in general especially how he thinks and how he works to achieve his goals if i dont get it out of my system RIGHT NOW i will explode .
is spoke evil? well in my humble opinion his actions do come from what he thinks are correct / the right thing to do. most notably "to bring peace to lifesteal" at the end of season three. i genuinely dont think this is a lie or a smokescreen to hide his evil intentions etc. but like how bringing peace to lifesteal literally meant to kill everyone permanently, it does seem that he takes quite the radical route to do stuff every time, which caused real harm and destruction. i dont think that gets discussed enough
wiping out the entire server for peace ? whatever ill let that slide. sure . exploiting and taking advantage of the last bit of sympathy and kindness in lifesteal players by staging a fake spawn trap as bait to trick apo members wanting to rescue terry into talking? uhhhhh whatever sure. ok yea. "you can kill him if you want . you can start killing them if you want (o^^o)" blatantly saying that with a smile? "in parrots eyes this is a friendship reunited [...] however this is only one step of my true master plan."??????okay you need to be put in a padded cell immediately. actually that might be to humane you should be put on a remote island as far as possible from land . but you also did nothing wrong innocent lil dude whos just a bit silly. i think you should be put in human society and be allowed to do whatever you want
in conclusion i despise you spoke from spokeishere and i love you . i want to hug you then scream in your ears at the top of my lungs when you least expect. your awful you're evil and you're innocent and you're awesome. you treat trust from others like its nothing. you exploit other people s kindness . you always do things for the greater good. and you're spokeishere (i think thats what his name is i dont watch him that much)
in conclusion of the conclusion. did he really have to all that do achieve his goals that apparently are actually very good and good for the sever? are his goals really that honourable anymore when achieving them comes with such a hefty price tag and death toll? what if in a future event his goals aren't the morally correct thing to do in the first place, then with a passion for working towards his ideals as strong as his, wouldn't mean that he is the ultimate bad person? is he a bad guy anyway ??????my answer to that will be a resounding: "uh idk"
spoke never did anything wrong btw. aldo does anyone else think spoke sounds like hes 7 years old sometimes. not his sentences his voice, he
(the gibberish ends there)
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trickstarbrave · 4 months
i have a lot of thoughts about "problematic" media and the dumb fucking "pro-ship vs antis" discourse that are probably disjointed bc i am half awake
for one i wanna preface this with: i think it is good actually to critique problematic elements in any media. movies, games, comics, tv shows, even fanfiction. if you think me saying something is "problematic" means i think it should be outlawed and banned and i personally want you, a fan of that thing, to die and i support suicide baiting you, you are just as braindead as the people you claim to hate. you are annoying. this post is not for you and is in fact also about you. you are a tar pit.
there is a vocal minority of people who do in fact see any depiction of something bad and think it has to be condoning it. they are genuinely few and far between, but they are VERY vocal, and typically very young. but i think after looking at how these people thing and present arguments, i really understand why they think this
depiction, if you are something with any critical thinking skills, does not inherently condone or condemn its subject matter. it can condone it, yes, but it can also condemn it. typically a story is mature enough to depict certain things, it is doing so for a reason and has a lot of nuance and shows if it condemns or condones it in indirect ways. for example in a very clear cut way: slasher films show a killer murdering people. they are screaming and dont want to be killed and try to stop him or run away. it is supposed to make you, the audience, feel bad and go 'well i wouldnt wanna get killed'. but at no point does someone look at the camera and go "killing people is wrong and should not be condoned. people dont like being killed".
this gets a bit more messy in other topics that are commonly normalized or go under the radar like racism and abuse. ultimately i think many stories that are "problematic" arent really done that way on purpose, hence why i dont believe in attacking the people who made that story for these things. a lot of times these things sneak their way in subconsciously or by pure carelessness. example: i do not think all of the designers for skyrim are racist white supremacists who intentionally made this story to be a perfect recruiting and radicalization tool for white supremacists. skyrim is a story about fantasy pop culture vikings in fantasy pop-culture viking land where you kill dragons. however there are also elves, which oppose the fantasy pop culture vikings and the vikings hate, and a civil war where many of the fantasy vikings want to purge and non-pop culture fantasy viking out of magical fantasy viking land. that shit is like catnip to white surpremacists. they love that shit. ultimately skyrim is just written badly. at no point was that the INTENTION behind the game, but it has been used to radicalize a lot of white guys and also is still beloved by white supremacists for these reasons.
ultimately that example is one most people im talking about wouldnt even get though, because it requires a lot of thought, understanding of how white supremacy operates, how we even got the concept of "vikings" in our larger pop culture (it was nazis, lol) and that those concepts are wildly inaccurate, etc. instead these kinds of critiques go after very overt depictions of subject matter or literally children's media.
and i think there is a very real reason why they do this i have come to realize: not only do they not know how to critically think, actually trying to think critically even in the slightest is mentally exhausting to them. by this i don't mean "ha ha they are stupid and lazy" i mean they genuinely dont understand critical thinking. at all. like they lack media literacy entirely. ive heard dumb takes from these people like "symbolism is trying to hide/bury the themes of a story" or "because the abuse in this story is metaphorical it doesn't count". they dont understand the parts of a story and why they are utilized as literary devices and actively resent having to think about the things presented to them.
this is a larger cultural issue. i see it beyond just self aggrandizing, black and white morality faux activists. you can see it in spaces of pretty much any political view or in any community: a lack of understanding of how to break down information and stories to evaluate it. we all have a tendency towards bias and they familiar and things that make us comfortable, but these people are on a whole other level. thinks like metaphor are seen as nothing more than lies and detraction used to obscure information rather than help build information up. understanding nuance, personal flaws, deeper intentions, and how you actually convey complex information is completely beyond them.
they live, ultimately, to just drink up content and media while having to think as little as humanely possible. they crave exciting stories but with extremely simplistic meanings and those stories just don't exist. because confronting these topics means rethinking their entire world view, be they extremely insular "leftists" or right leaning morons. it means admitting maybe they are not always right and perfect in more complex ways than simple mistakes a 4 year old would make. even when people like to bitch and moan that "depicting something doesn't mean you inherently condone it" they don't give examples on how you can tell. they don't talk about how personal biases can contribute to a story condoning it when the author does not consciously believe it. unconscious biases aren't even necessarily harmful, but going unchecked they can evolve to full on bigotry, born out of a refusal to admit you can be wrong about things and things are allowed to make you uncomfortable without being a personal attack on you.
because again, this thought pattern exists to preserve the ego and to think as little as possible. admitting things have nuance means admitting EVERYTHING can have nuance. that maybe the people who hurt you are not all irredeemable monsters or that you were the villain in someone else's life. that people you love to attack for moral superiority are complex individuals with their own lives and experiences.
this thought process is ultimately AGAINST accountability too. things are bad because they are bad. there are no pieces that give it nuance, the existence of them is either morally good or morally bad. which means if you think of yourself as morally good, as we all like to, that means you can never, EVER admit to doing something "morally bad", intentionally or not. i saw it recently with mods for a community refusing to admit they did something racist (attacking a black woman and making her life miserable) and would instead rather burn the community down with them while whining about they feel "unsafe" because people said that behavior was unacceptable, wanted them to apologize to the person harmed, and put steps in place to keep it from happening again. which is basic accountability. but that requires thinking about your actions, why they happened, that it doesn't make you an irredeemable monster who can never be better ever, and accept responsibility for what you did.
it is protection of biases and your own beliefs rather than challenging them. to think critically we need to know how to break these things down, evaluate them individually, how they work in a larger whole, and why these things are being told to us. maybe people refuse because they are comfortable in their biases. maybe people are comfortable in their biases and dont like acknowledging them because they dont understand critical thinking and media analysis. maybe its both. i dont really know.
all i know is it is annoying and maybe we really need to by and large teach people literary analysis and critical thinking skills from the ground up. because i cannot keep looking at the same brain dead takes in every community about how symbolism exists to obscure and metaphors are actually lies because "why not just be literal" and watch people make the dumbest moral arguments on both sides of any debate
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butch-bakugo · 1 year
Thats it, im talking about the perisexist aka intersexphobic side of terfs that needs to be addressed more often.
Like terfs fucking hate drag and call anyone, trans or cis, male or female, participating in it "sexual perverts" for wanting to expose children to it but claim you'll die a thousand deaths for gnc women? Bs. Drag is just gender nonconformity on fuckin steroids and it's not inherently sexual. Like why is a woman in a suit only ok to you if she walks around stateing that she is a woman but not ok if she dosent? Like yall are so trigger happy, you shoot at cis butch lesbians with short blue hair who arent actively talking about womanhood and vaginas and accuse her of being an evil tranny whose either a traitor to her fellow woman or a "tim" trying to identify as woman and making a mockery of gnc women.
Yall are so caught up on fuckin genitalia that you dont see the numerous poc cultures, non-christian religions, gnc people and intersex people you drown in your wake who were never aginest feminism but are too "trans-similar" for you to chill tf out. Ive had people tell me im "obviously a non-passing trans woman" just because im intersex with a beard.
Every single time ive addressed intersex people who can not, no matter how much you try, be sorted into male or female, ive been told we dont matter. Intersex people DO MATTER. Your not helping anyone but perisex, hormonally stable cis white women. Hormonally intersex afabs arnt gonna fucking want you, your telling them they dont matter. Physically intersex people raised as women arnt gonna want you, your telling them they dont fucking matter. Hyperandrogonious cis women dont want shit to do with you because your already accusing her of "clearly being a trans woman" because she can naturally grow a beard. The only femininity and women who benefit from terf shit are cis white gc perisex women.
Im not gonna throw away my native culture's gender variance for some white terf just because most white cultures are patriarchal. Im not gonna throw out my genderfluid religious practices for some catholic raised "anti-theist" terf who is one sentence away from saying islamophobic and anti-Semitic slurs just because she believes all muslims and jewish people are sexist and follow the sexist portions of their holy text.
I mean fuck, ive seen terfs advocate for hormonally intersex women to TAKE ESTROGEN so they look less "male" and act less "male". Ive seen them advocate for intersex (mostly afab) babies with intersex genitalia to go through Fgm, a thing they VEHEMENTLY hate just so shes more "female" and can fit their boxes better. Ive seen them say that testosterone makes you inherently violent and angry without dareing to see the actual fucking medical evidence that thats entirely untrue. Ive seen them adovocate for putting 10 year old sons of female rape victims out of shelters because "hes a man at that point" and "other women's safety comes first".... Over a hypothetical and soon to be hypothermic 10 year old boy. Some of them fully and shamelessly base their ideology around genuinely killing all men and male fetuses like... Fuck dude. I think you might need some therapy. Like i get feeling that way, im a victim of many men in my life and if i could choose a world where i can only interact with everyone but cis men, id choose it but im not advocating for the complete genocide of an entire group of people.
The way they talk about trans people smells all to familiar to any group thats gone through genocide and governmental oppression. Its similar to gay people, disabled people, women, poc, non-christians, everyone can see abit of the bigotry in their argument they see in their own oppressors and that should be a real big flashing sign that maybe terfism... Isnt the way to go. When i explain to people that radical feminism can be trans inclusive and its simply and active and deeper form of feminism, i get laughed at by both sides but its true. Tirfs do exist and they include trans and intersex and nonbinary people of all kinds and yes, that includes amabs and many progressives today would fall under that label. But heres the thing, modern day and previous forms of feminism in america have always benefited white cishet women. Susan b fucking anthony supported slavery and did not advocate for black women to be able to vote. Anti-gender variance ignores many poc cultures rich and accepting histories of transgenderism, nonbinarism and intersexuality. So many "pinnicles of feminism" that terfs hold up were racist or homophobic or anti-Semitic. Trans, nonbinary and intersex people are just white cis feminism's shiny new chew toy and they will get bored and pick a new target maybe 10 years from now. Probably disabled people.
I understand the anger many terfs carry but sympathy isnt needed here. Many of them actively ignore actual fact and relative understanding towards anything that questions their veiws and they are HAPPY to uplift racists and anti-semites and homophobes(See jk rowling) as long as their anti-trans messages are still singing. Someone who partners with the enemy to hurt others despite the enemy also supporting the things they supposedly advocate againest has no loyalty or shame. They are happy as long as they have a platform. Terfs would go on fox fucking news watching tucker carlson chuckle under his breath at their feminism and "pro-same sex attraction" ideology as long as they get that soundbite of a feminist not supporting trans pple to make all feminists, trans people and gay pple look fucking stupid.
Jk rowling isnt your fucking friend. Shes a mirror held up to YOUR community. One ive heard echos of sedmients made from outside it being ignored. Your litterally femcels. Ive seen terfs get upset at the ableism and racism within their own community thats upheld by white neurotypical women get utterly ignored. I have so many screenshots of white terfs saying the n word its not even funny yet when a tranny like me shows you evidence of the underlying racism in anti-trans/nonbinary rhetoric, you claim that theirs poc terfs. Ive seen white terfs call me a teepee n****r because i said native american people respected all genders and werent inherently patriarchal. Ive seen white terfs advocate for full on ETHNIC FUCKING CLEANSING of certain poc cultures because they had some patriarchal portions. BRUH. If your scrambling to find some crumb in your community to excuse its actions and cover up the evil everyone already pointed out, you should do some introspection into what your supporting.
Terfs dont even see the humanity in trans people or intersex people. Quoting a jewish youtuber talking about oppression he faced after trump endorsed the nazis in south carolina and said that jewish people and nazis should come to a compromise "when one side will never be happy unless their opposition is completely erraticated, there is no compromise. They simply wont stop until they are all dead or 'rehabilitated'. There is no conversation, there is only the eradication of the victims or the offending group.". Terfs are advocating for trans genocide and detranstion of those who remain. They shrink our numbers to deny us humanity and when they arnt celebrating the high trans suicide statistic, they are minimising it. They are no different from holocaust deniers, they just dont have as much support and the more of their own stances they are willing to let go of to take advantage of their shared opinions with alt-right and fascist platforms, the more their feminist and gay rights mask slip off to reveal the racist, antisemitic and hate filled rot underneath.
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istherewifiinhell · 2 years
reading process: chapter 196 (damn)
reading highlights: now with new and improved features
178 Yjh hesitating to fast ball special this weird little dude: pls dont die. kdj: look at me. bitch
179 Gah. can an author make a story so big even their monster cant eat it
180 I knew the 4th wall was gonna eat but i forgot IT HAS TEETH
shaking the no no can at 4th wall
gah okay yeah jesus lee sookyung [song accompaniment love run by the amazing devil]
the narrative will make you apart of it (threat)
181 '4th wall also isolated me from myself' DING DING DING
overall evaluation ⬛⬛... -> mood
gonna twach the sentient dangerous trauma response some... morals? interpersonal skills?
↳cant handle direct interaction, eats and sleeps. yea
↳im gonna take a nap right here
LJH: arent you and kdj.... yjh grimacing as being ask about his love life by his teenage ward
kdj funeral -> song accompaniment welly boots by the amazing devil (just because I left doesnt mean I'm not still there)
YJH sponsor -> praying for his fate eh?
182 [sponsors lhs 100 head pats]
SYS is literally your daughter 🥺. kdj dad who hates dads moment
183 lhs wants to be on kdj team :((((
(did hades make it??)
184 feeling differently after talking to 4th wall yeah pretty sure you had a break thru about dissociating there
yjh: looking with eyes not seen in TWOS -> kdj facial expression blindness trutherism
185 YJH: cause you know me sooo well kdj: starting to think i dont know this you that well
yjh thoughts: there have never been so many ppl who made it to here
"continue to live kim dokja now you have to save this world"
kdj u cant take your own medicine (yjh scheming)
LSK contemplating abt what shit is up with her son
Something lives IN THE WALL
186 other people feel pain with no wall. YES!
"I told him there is no such development [yjh death] in the ending i want"
'yjh desperate face' thats crushing to even read
187 hsy type cast as murder friend sorry bestie
god some classic kdj asshole moments -> guilting lhs and everything
"see the sight of a bearish man weeping" i would like to
jhw T.T oh my murder woman
188 making sys and lgy do this. your KIDS! -> generational Something or other
kdj to yjh: you cant change whats already happened -> this may be an unauthorized use of radical acceptance
your stigma is Literally self sacrifice based... DUDE
get killed by the narrative. your loved ones but also the story... for the story. AH
yjh im so sorry... this is devasting
Uriel... lol shes sweet ig
Demon king of salvation. so juicy (unionize hell lol)
189 LHS LGY YJH boy grief party
yjh widower era
min jiwon and han donghoon! yay
yoohan bonding?
190 Bihyung aw!
[I will pull all of you down from that fucking heaven]
191 a soul can't belong to anyone!
"I will destroy the world of the fucking dokkaebis"
192 ur still a jerk kdj. drama kid
193 yeah fuck the state jhw
do they all share a house 🥺
LHS is back with the army... okay putting a pin in that
yjh stayed in his room like a broken person... bruh
jhw was a bartender? did i know that? it makes so much sense tho
kdj ur story is told bc they love you!!
194 idk i was the only person reading this 1000 chapter work and when i left a comment some stuff changed
syswitz industrial complex... run that by me one more time
damn human life is just like hell, ive been saying this
195 demon trains? i know all about those
complete ur scheme. say somthing cool. pass out. kdj ur self parody at this point
rotation: recency bias is a hell of a thing. i want to partially tie up the parenting stuff with noting how often the constellation incarnation relationship was considered parental, how kdj views them (and indeed how weve seen quite a few be) really cruel, or exploitative, and well thats fitting for him to see that as parental isnt it. but then also. he has kids in his own care, and one is literally his incarnation. frankly im interested in both how attacking and dethroning gods is gonna impact his own godhood deal, his own parenting, and his view of his mothers job of parenting him
im not sure if i have any particular takes here but let it be know kdj is a bastard and a scoundrel and i shall not miss him. not from this distance. no but god that was a classic really jerk move level manipulation. need to re-calibrate the dials. whats worse is at this point i think he can fully understand how much emotional damage hes putting his loved ones through.
Also did you know we live in a society. this one is pretty nascent so far but the breaking of the Seoul dome is reminding us of normal human society, and its flaws, and with the demonic realm, blatantly stated, we live in hell on earth.
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angel-in-shibari · 2 years
where are you getting the idea that radfems want to commit genocide against trans ppl, disabled ppl, homeless ppl and sex workers? you say you have read feminist theory and it doesn’t say to kill these people and of course it doesn’t, BECAUSE RADFEMS DONT BELIEVE THAT!! you are so misguided about what radical feminism is that i don’t believe you when you say you’ve read theory. radical feminism isn’t some alt right eugenicist cult, its about freeing women from the patriarchy. the alt right wants to do the literal OPPOSITE of that. where are you getting your information about radical feminism from? Dworkin (who was literally jewish btw since you seem to think radfems are nazis) is a good starting point if you would like to read up on what radical feminism actually is.
"I don't wanna commit genocide against these people! I just want to make it illegal for them to live, restrict their rights, and eat popcorn as a watch them all slowly die."
also, one Jewish person does not mean your movement isn't far right. Jews aren't a monolith. we don't all agree on the same thing. in fact, I'd be surprised if you can find any two Jews who even share the same views as one another. also also, stop calling yourself a left wing movement when the person you provided is adored by the right. infact, a right wing gay conservative wrote how the people in his party praised her because like Dworkins, they can't let people besides themselves be happy or have power.
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wondermentishere · 2 years
knowing i have pure ocd and learning to manage it responsibly has been the hardest thing ive ever done. shit use to be crippling two years ago. i was constantly in panic mode and wanted to die. i was so ashamed and scared of myself. i had a radical distrust of myself. alot of people dont know how low that fucking feels. it taught me alot about how the brain works and i had to learn to confidently say what and who i am. control was my real issue and i had to challenge myself to breathe even when im attacking myself. i still have spikes that feel like demonic attacks but i refuse to let my anxiety drag me to hell. absolutely no one knows the shit that ive had to deal with. im so proud of myself and im thankful for the resources i could use privately and to my guides that heard my prayers. i wouldnt wish ocd on anyone.
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sammygender · 2 years
just went on a spiral and doomscrolled through a terfs blog i found. i always want to understand these people so badly because i just can’t get it. trans people like… physically exist. have always existed. it’s denial to act like we don’t. i have a bad tendency to sometimes have more unconscious sympathy for the perpetrators of incidents than the victims, and this sometimes applies when i think about transphobes. i kept feeling bad for this woman when i scrolled through her blog especially the more i learnt about her… like, she was obviously a real human being. she was saying insane things about men which just—genuinely could not at all be healthy for anyone—but it was obvious she’d had really traumatic experiences. i just felt bad for her. i have i can fix her! syndrome with everything, and it was popping up then. like, sure, she thinks i should die, but— she just doesn’t get it. i’m sure if she understood trans people, she’d get it. i kept telling myself it even as it became obvious her views were insane; i’m sure if someone really talked to her, she’d get it. she’s obviously an okay person, right? she’d get it.
after about half an hour of scrolling, through, i got to this post she’d reblogged going through some trans woman’s tweets and pointing out all the Horrifically Anti Cis Women Things she’d said (some of them were funny as hell) and saying how it proved Trans Women Only Want To Be Women To Mock Us, that sort of bullshit. and she’d reblogged it with this— poisonous ramble about trans women, saying that they oppressed cis women and were liars and blah blah all the usual bullshit, and she ended it saying something like— “and the most hilarious part is that they can insult us all they like but i just know they’re lying awake at night crying because they’ll never be women”.
and that was when i got it.
they know we’re trans; not all of them, but a lot of them. being trans is wanting to be a different gender than the one you’re assigned at birth. that’s all it is. and the only cure for someone who’s lying awake at night wishing they were a certain gender IS to transition. to become that gender. and— she was admitting that. admitting that people who genuinely wish they were born a different gender exist. admitting that we exist and LAUGHING. terfs dont want us alive. they frame it as a feminism issue but when it comes down to it they just think we’re freaks. it’s obvious in the way they dissect and pull apart the appearances of trans women they dislike, subjecting them to two hundred beauty standards at once even as they say they’re ‘radical feminists’. the worst ones—they aren’t malicious towards us because they mean well, because they’re motivated by the Higher Principles of Protecting And Supporting Womanhood. they’re violent towards us because they think we’re freaks for not being ‘natural’. it’s the same argument reused over and over. they’re admitting they know people who would rather die than be forced to live as their assigned gender exist, and saying: Yeah, actually, I’d like it if you died.
idk. it’s obvious. and i knew she was horrible from the start, obviously, but i can never stop myself seeing people as human. it makes it harder for me to remind myself that they don’t see us as human.
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