#hope this review is ok
i-rate-horse-games · 5 months
Suggestion: Horse Eden Eventing! It’s a breeding sim that I find to be pretty realistic and less repetitive/item based than Howrse and whatnot.
thanks for submitting this!! this game is pretty great!
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horse eden eventing reminds me of the old internet, and it's great! a lot of people have custom html themes on their pages! there's a strong community!
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i still don't know what's up with the weather or what to do in this situation, but it really adds a spice of life and i like it!
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there's an old-fashioned chatbox on the left side of most pages! people there are nice!
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the stable management has a lot to do with hiring riders for your horses, which is cool, and they have to be leveled up as well as your horses. there were also a lot of stable raids while i was playing, where you can go to someone's stable and click the raid button and you might get something cool, but you also have to give up something cool and let your own stable be potentially raided to participate! it was fun!
there's this minigame thing that i think might require some amount of real money to actually win, but i still enjoyed it a lot regardless!
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it reminded me a lot of this game from my Youth :)
speaking of minigames, there was also this beetle one...
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this beetle has four legs and a tail. that's that's not quite a beetle sorry </3
something neat is that you can upload your own art for your horses! not only that, but they very quickly check to make sure if your art is credited correctly, which can even include the photoshop brushes used!
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it feels mean to compare horse eden eventing to howrse, but if howrse is a chain grocery store where the employees aren't allowed to sit down, horse eden eventing is a cozy community coffee shop.
i spent a lot of time in this game confused and trying to remember where buttons were, but i think that's got less to do with the game and more to do with me.
i'm rating horse eden eventing 4 stars out of 5!
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dayurno · 19 days
cousin dayurno…. thots on tsc. i remember you mentioning before it came out that you weren’t super excited about it/might not read it for a while. im curious now if you think it’s worth getting into sooner rather than later! as someone who keeps forgetting to start it i must know the opinion of the council
cousin dayurno............... hi! well okay so. going into tsc i didn't have many expectations besides maybe seeing kevin at some point, and getting told an interesting story. i was not disappointed in the kevin front nor whenever the foxes were concerned: i think nora sakavic's grasp on them is as strong as ever and the few that showed up (kevin, renee, neil) were capable of carrying any story no matter what. jean spends a good chunk of the book in palmetto and you can tell it's nora's strongest suit as a writer; it's the most interesting part of the book and the character work is, as expected, very well thought out. i couldn't stop reading for the entire period of jean's stay with the foxes.
i will say the book kind of fell flat for me after jean left palmetto. half of it is because jean sucks the life out of basically any of the trojans character-wise; the foxes were able to compete with him because they are well established characters with complex backstories who already feel real to the reader, whereas the trojans (bar lucas, who is a highlight if there was ever one), while lovely, aren't really much of characters at all. i think nora sakavic likes to write a very specific kind of story, and in that niche she is fabulous, but she stumbles when she has to make simpler stories interesting. she is a high-stakes writer writing a very low-stakes story, and in tsc you can tell.
jeremy was supposed to be the main character along with jean, but in his very few chapters, not much about him is learned; from the moment he is in a room with jean, jeremy's whole character starts to revolve around him. yes, you can say this is jeremy repressing even in his own mind, and maybe that's true where it concerns his backstory, but that's not all there is to a character. even if jeremy's backstory wasn't going to be discussed, there's effectively nothing else about him: we know that he's rich, that he's gay, and that's it. no particular quirks nor non-trojan related interests. the only discernable character trait i can put out about jeremy is that he is very pushy, and i don't think that's what nora intended for him. he was a breath of fresh air in his first chapters, but what little personality he shows is immediately mowed down by being on 'taking care of jean' mode 24/7. i thought he could use more personality, and overall more scenes away from jean (and even laila and cat) to establish himself as a character
you have not yet read it so i will not spoil you the reason, but i felt that neil's appearance later down the line was the highlight of the book because it made the story feel interesting again. neil steals the show because he's neil, and he's more interesting than all of the trojans combined. he also makes them all look worse by comparison: we see personality and chemistry and history and that is something that the trojans just don't have. they're lovely, but that's all there is to it. jeremy and the trojans feel more like tools to achieve jean's happiness than actual characters, and that's a bit of the upperclassmen curse in aftg, but in a book that's so specifically centered around jean's inner world and his healing trajectory, they feel flat and out of place by contrast. they can't win. they can't even compete. but if they could, catalina and laila would get the closest to being real characters
this got away from me so tl;dr: tsc is fine! it's not tfc, and i think the contrast might feel surprising and hard to adjust to, especially when it comes to character work. it has all of nora's trademark writing with none of the groundwork there was for tfc, and it would have benefitted a lot from staying in the drafts for a little longer. it's an ok book! it didn't change my life nor did it save anyone, but it was there, and it did what it said it was going to do. if i saw it on ao3 i probably wouldn't read it, but i wouldn't hate on it either
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frankierohugejorts · 2 months
genuinely devastated that the quinton reviews beverly hillbillies video had to get taken down, ive been watching in 2-3hr chunks and im only about 20 hours in but i fucking adore this video it's so so interesting and funny and russ is just unbelievably delightful to listen to
i really hope that when they reedit it, it isn't too much of a hardship and that they have as good as time making it as they did the first time around
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kpforpresident · 1 year
How are plant shop clexa enjoying summer?
"Ungf Lexa. Fuck. Please don't stop."
"I got you, baby."
"That feels so good-"
"What in the name of margaritas are you two little weirdos up to? Sounds like you're staging a porno in your living room."
Two surprised gazes, one blue, one green, turned from where they had been lovingly beaming at each other to meet Raven's inquisitive brown eyes in their doorway, spare key in hand with her eyebrows almost disappearing into her hairline.
"Rae, that key is for emergencies only!" An indignant, pink cheeked Clarke managed to squeak out from her face down position on the couch, wiggling slightly to adjust a lump in the terrycloth towel that covered the surface.
"This was an emergency!" Raven spluttered as she inched cautiously into the room, still unsure what her best friend and their partner were up to as Lexa wielded a clear bottle of goo while straddling a topless Clarke. "You weren't answering your phone, and you know I have to be there no later than 5:03 to get the best onion rings at that one happy hour. You promised."
Clarke blew forcefully upwards on an errant piece of hair that was stuck to her cheek, craning her neck best she could to make eye contact with Raven despite her position.
"I'm sorry, Rae- we were at the beach this morning and someone decided that cosmo's newest story of the 'science' behind a base tan was more important than their girlfriend's helpful suggestions to wear sunscreen- Clarke toasted herself today and I'm just easing her pain. Her phone is in the bedroom and we've been coating her in this shit for the past 45 minutes, neither of us heard the phone ring."
Lexa rolled her eyes slightly as she poured another heaping palmful of lube? hair gel? into her hands, warming it between her palms before reaching down to place her fingers gently on Clarke's back.
Raven walked further into the room to peer over the back of the couch, mouth dropping in abject horror when the usually porcelain expanse of Clarke's back came into view.
"Damn, C, it looks like you've been spit roasted over a barbeque."
"Thanks, Rae, I appreciate it. We're not all blessed with melanin and the ability to tan to a beautiful share of caramel, ok?" Clarke muttered darkly as she sat up slowly onto her knees, bringing the towel up to cover her front as Lexa scowled lightly, smoothing the last bits of aloe onto Clarke's angrily pink shoulders.
Raven hooted in disbelief as she surveyed the total expanse of Clarke's lobster red back, the clearly defined bikini link starkly white just under her shoulderblades.
"Nah, gringa, you're gonna peel. You're lucky Lexa loves you, since you'll be shedding like a snake the next few weeks." Raven shook her head while walking into Clarke and Lexa's shared room, rifling through their closet before walking out with a loose camisole in hand, nipple covers in the other.
"C'mon, dry your little aloe tears and let's go, this girl needs a frozen marg and I know you want those fried pickle chips things. The alcohol will dull the pain, I promise."
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in a sherlock holmes mood and man..... everyone pour one out for my losleep sherlock holmes fic idea that never properly saw the light of day . you wouldve been great
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roselise · 2 months
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. ˚ * 。 ʚ 🤍 ɞ
Hello, my friends! ♡
I thought I’d finally share my review for the book ‘Snow Flower and the Secret Fan’ by Lisa See today c:
(I’m tagging @rainberrydrops as well since I’ve mentioned this to her before — this is the book I was talking about !!)
I truly enjoyed this book, but I must warn you it can be very sad! It is a part of the story though, and it is a good story.
This book is set in nineteenth-century China, and follows the memories of Lily, and her laotong, Snow Flower.
A laotong or “old-same” was a special companionship between two girls with eight matching characters, and supposed to last over a lifetime.
Their deep friendship starts when they are seven, and Snow Flower, introduces herself by sending Lily a fan with a poem painted on it in nu shu! (Which is unique language Chinese women of the time created to communicate in secret).
Over the many years they send messages on fans, and share their experiences of foot-binding, arranged marriages, and family lives together. There is great tragedy and sorrows, but also much happiness and love. I won’t spoil anything, but the turning point of the novel is when their friendship is tested by an awful misunderstanding.
Will Lily and Snow Flower stay old-sames forever? Will their friendship survive?
Lisa See is *great* author! I learned a lot reading this honestly. Her historical accuracy is incredible, and the writing beautifully descriptive. I felt like I was right there with the girls, and side characters such as Lily’s cousin, Beautiful Moon, were also very intriguing, too.
There is some sensitive content, but the story of Lily and Snow Flower is handled well in my opinion. It was very sweet. I think my favorite memory of Lily’s is definitely the Temple of Gupo fair when they first sign the contract. It sets the stage for the whole book in my opinion!
Overall I recommend ‘Snow Flower and the Secret Fan’ to lovers of historical fiction or anyone who enjoys reading about girl life and friendships ~ !!
. ˚ * 。 ʚ 🤍 ɞ
🎀 ⊹ ˚ 🤍 . * ♡
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todayisafridaynight · 3 months
getting wigs for characters with the same hair color as myself make me feel like the biggest dumbass around but youd have me fucked thinking im burdening myself with daigos 2000's emo cut just for a weekend
#snap chats#a weekend is generous im only going to the con on saturday#i like how im making it sound like anime nyc is this weekend when its at the end of august LMAO BUT NO LISTEN#unfortunately beauty influencers have finally done their job right and this one guy was reviewing an eyebrow pencil#but the twist is that this pencil was like. SUPPPER STUPID FINE im talkin .08mm and he demonstrated how it could imitate stubble#SO OF COURSE. my ass wanted to see for myself cause as much as i like my sponge-stippling method its not super precise#and that shit gets annoying when most of it looks fine but then i press too hard or i angle the sponge wrong and now i gotta start over#In Any Case the pencil i got did exactly as i hoped and its actually p fun putting on LMAO. i prefer how it looks too#anyway how this all relates to this post. im probably gonna go as y2 daigo again for anime nyc in august#and I Repeat im not cutting my hair for that LMAO so. Wig 😩#i like it when i cosplay him cause i just go by his actual design cause if i even breathe near skinny jeans ill wanna kms#also i just like to be as accurate as i can be yk. plus the leather pants i have are cozy and theyre one of my fave pairs of pants 🤤#in any case. whenever that wig comes in ermmmmm i dont trust myself to take pictures 😞 my selfie game is dick#maybe ill stream yk2 LMAO but anyway. good night i think im gonna force myself to sleep now#i got back to my dorm like four hours ago or whatever and i am not looking forward to doing school shit again. alongside comm shit#OH WELL we ball good night#wait before i Good Night cackling as i have my meds next to my aoki tablet and plush#great reminder honestly. Take Your Meds Or You'l Convince Yourself To Be A Republican#ok goodnight fr now im gonna giggle and kick my feet thinking of cosplay
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aliensmoothie · 5 months
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^ my favorite review for the place im trying to get a job at . everyone cross their fingers that i can get in btw
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vancrochets · 5 months
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some of my favorite crochet creations from 2023!!! (top 10, but not in any specific order...) I didn't realize how many things I've made until I went through my pictures and realized I don't even have images of everything...I also have a lot of wips I still need to finish (I still need to finish the snoopy tapestry bag also)
for 2024 I want to finish more of my wips and also make more clothing/bags! 2024 will be the year I finally make a cardigan or vest I swear 🫡💗
✨ projects from left to right, top to bottom:
1. whale shark; 2. baby otter; 3. duck in chicken costume
4. three dinosaurs (purple stegosaurus, orange brachiosaurus, and small blue T-Rex; 5. micro whale; 6. squidward-inspired blobfish
7. pumpkin witch; 8. two gingham bags (one black and white the other pink and white)
9. sleeping baby snoopy tapestry; 10. woodstock and snoopy with scarves
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unproduciblesmackdown · 3 months
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been on a rich journey of niche productions of yore, found these production pics ft. will roland as [?] in "zombies, actually....an undead musical" performed at the new orleans fringe festival in 2011
#found this from 1) looking at will's bio on The Bus website 2) looking up the ''we didn't have time to be scared'' production he cites#there from edinburgh fringe festival which is also niche enough a result is a 2018 bio of his on another site mentioning This show#which i'd either never heard of or entirely forgotten about ever hearing of. found from 2 actors' personal sites w/production pics#also found out this was another musical by the fantasy football: the musical? writer. debuted in nymf 2009 but nyu workshop 2011....#rights site saying skip ''must be charming and adorable'' Done & Done. look at this little guy#another review (abt the 2009 show anyway) saying ''ok the Straight Guy(tm) stuff seeming like unnecessary misogyny sometimes'' well;#weary sigh....will's [?] role seeming Affiliated w/rainbow socks look at them laughing together pic 1 lol#maybe that's why he doesn't have to be like Wahoo abt what seems a bit like contexts of impromptu aggression there. bro! hwaet!#which brings us around to ''fr let's watch the 6 min michael park will roland seeing spamalot together vid. he talks abt beowulf''#this AND going ''oh an actor in ff the musical? w/him was in the xmas xtrav w/him! wham! tee guy behind cyril in 1 pic!!!''#AND my about to listen to a podcast with the writer of this & the football show. hope he doesn't say anything key to This Post#how about some relevant tags....#will roland#zombies actually#zombies actually...an undead musical#ya never do know....#oh another couple of sources confirmed the musical comediness of this & that the comedy was landing. know Nothing of other info#also for clarification afaik there's no role called [?] idk what his role's name was. there was like a Tad in the mix (another guy)
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arytha · 2 months
its kind of crazy how my first review was 3 paragraphs long and now my reviews are like. 6-8 paragraphs long. what am i doing to myself fhdk
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r-osehips · 10 months
The #MeToo disclosure is so fraught for the listener, so “fatiguing,” precisely because it creates moral obligations for us. The words “this happened” and “he did this to me” must change our behavior and bring us into solidarity with the rape victim. That means offering a lasting and concrete opposition to rape and to the impunity of those who commit it, rather than relying on pacifying clichés like, “I’m sorry that happened to you” or “That must be so hard.” The rapist must change in our esteem; his reputation and status must be lessened to reflect what he did. The rape victim must be acknowledged and restored to the full membership in the community that the rape denied her. We can no longer act as we once did; we can no longer behave as if we do not know something that we do. Not if we are to live honorably, or by our own principles. But so many of us do not live honorably, and do not follow our own principles. To our shame, we find it too painful, or too difficult, to oppose rape; too costly to approach its victims with respect. And it is costly. The anger provoked by #MeToo, the exhaustion and annoyance felt at its parade of female suffering, might be best understood as a response to this shame. The rape victims, in their terrifying numbers and evident righteousness, were creating in us, their listeners, an obligation to transform our world. It was a task that most of us did not feel up to, and ultimately, it was one that we rejected. What rape victims want is to not be betrayed this way, to live in a community that shares their values and sees the horror and the wrongness of sexual abuse. They want their friends and family and lovers to seek to eliminate such violence without having to be told to...They want a world where they do not need to be asked ["what do rape victims want?"]. This is the world we have not been strong enough to make for them.
-Moira Donegan (source)
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crescentfool · 11 months
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just put a one star review on the tumblr app 🤧
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goldensunset · 1 year
at the request of exactly one person i have made a khdr quiz ⭐️ 31 questions with some joke qs again
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apollotronica · 1 month
ap tests are gonna be foul for me brother
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pavnilschanda · 2 years
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I adore 1 (one) woman
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