#holomessages : answered
jedilegacied · 1 year
​❝ i will do anything and everything for my family, no matter what. ❞ -jagged
“While I get that, and you know I do, some things you just can’t do. We can help them as much as possible from here, but wouldn’t showing up there just cause them more trouble, what with the whole exile business?”
To be fair, the exile business had come about because of Jaina and she’d do what she could to help, because he deserved that and more. It just made things damned hard.
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somedaylazysomeday · 3 months
Bodyguard - Part Three
Alpha is moving on to another assignment. That's bearable only because you are, too. And you have an idea how to spend your last week together...
Alpha-17 x fem!reader
Rating: Explicit. Minors, please do not interact.
Word Count: 4,200
Warnings: Mentions of past trauma and peril, language, mentions of secret workplace relationships, mentions of future dangers, inappropriate workplace activities, unprotected sex.
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“I expect you to get your work done,” Senator Julgum’s hologram reminded. Fortunately, it was a pre-recorded video, or he would have definitely objected to the rude noise you made in response to that. “Though I will not be there to supervise, I assure you that I will be checking in on your progress throughout the week.” 
You made a face as you let the rest of the recording play, internally deriding everything the senator had to say. Just the fact that he had seen fit to record a holomessage for you showed that he had clearly misunderstood his own role in the office. 
When the recorded message finally flickered twice and went dark, Alpha huffed a sigh beside you. If your expressions and reactions had been unprofessional, Alpha’s had been actively disrespectful, if not fully hostile. 
“Supervision,” Alpha finally growled. “What kind of supervision do you reckon he thinks he’s doing?” 
“I have no idea,” you said, shaking your head. “Hard to supervise when you spend most of your time fundraising or trying to ingratiate yourself with other senators.” 
“Doesn’t work.” Alpha wore a smug smile. “I’ve heard the chatter. No one can stand Julgum.” 
“Shock,” you said lightly, shuffling some flimsi around on your desk in an effort to neaten things up. “Ah, well. How many more days?” 
“Too many. Four. And you?” 
You didn’t even have to think about it. “Six. At least Julgum isn’t here.” 
“Be careful,” Alpha warned sternly. You frowned, waiting for his warning. Only a twinkle in his eyes gave his teasing away. “Julgum will be checking in throughout the week.” 
You pretended to gasp. “In that case, you’d better leave. I have work to do.” 
“Yeah, it’s busy around here,” Alpha scoffed, gesturing at the empty office around you. “So many people begging to work with the senator on his next well-thought-out proposal for a bill.” 
With a laugh, you said, “Oh, I see what happened. You’re thinking of your next job. When you work with Senator Amidala, you’ll be spending most of your time screening visitors and trying to keep her from getting into blaster fights with bounty hunters and war criminals.”
“I’ve heard. The jetii may not get the most reliable intel, but they try to prepare us when they can.” 
“Just promise me you’ll stay safe,” you requested. 
Alpha gave you an unimpressed look. “The day I get taken out by some Seppie aiming for Amidala is the day I deserve to go.” 
“That’s not a promise.” 
“It’s not.” Alpha gave you a calculating glance. “But if you’re so concerned, let me pull some strings. I can get you a position as one of Amidala’s aides. That way, you can keep an eye on me.” 
It was an old argument. You weren’t going to let him win it, but you had to appreciate his persistence. “Again, Senator Amidala only hires aides from Naboo. Even then, she gives priority to anyone who used to work as one of her decoys. I wouldn’t get an aide position with her, and that’s fine. Anywhere is better than here.” 
“I still don’t like the idea of you working for that maniac,” Alpha grumbled. 
You laughed openly. “Senator Organa is not a maniac. He’s outspoken, but he gets in fewer blaster battles than Amidala. Plus, they work together a lot. We’ll still spend a lot of time around each other.” 
Alpha frowned. “Are they fucking?” 
“Classy,” you remarked, already shaking your head in answer. “Senator Organa is famously devoted to his beautiful wife, and all of us aides think Senator Amidala has a secret boyfriend she sneaks around with.”
“Secret boyfriend?” Alpha repeated, a glimmer of interest in his expression. He claimed to be above petty things like gossip, but the captain loved ferreting out whether there was truth in a rumor. He didn’t necessarily tell anyone what he found, but he needed to know. “Maybe I’d better keep an eye out. He could be a security risk.” 
“Or you could leave it alone.” He didn’t seem convinced, and you shrugged. “Just saying, maybe we aren’t the ones who should be looking too deeply into secret relationships.” 
“Secret?” Alpha gave you an incredulous look. “Mesh’la, the only people who don’t know we’re dating are the ones who don’t pay any attention.” 
Arguing with Alpha was often less effective than trying to elbow through a durasteel wall, but you stood your ground. “Still, Julgum would have done his best to fire us both if he had known we were together. Maybe Senator Amidala is dating someone who would be considered inappropriate for some reason. Better to let them have their privacy.” 
“We’ll see,” was Alpha’s only answer. It was as good as him saying that he didn’t want to keep discussing it, and you weren’t willing to get into an argument over a senator’s love life, so you let it go. “And Julgum might have tried to get rid of us, but I was appointed by the Jedi.” 
“Nice for you,” you remarked, craning your neck to look at him. While you had occupied yourself by cleaning out your desk, Alpha had opted to pace around the small receiving area. “But I would have been out of a job.” 
“Maybe, maybe not.” Alpha’s smile was sharp, more a baring of teeth than an actual smile. “I can be very persuasive.” 
“Like that time you persuaded that delivery droid through the window?” 
“I didn’t like the way it kept buzzing around here,” Alpha said defensively. “And what did it turn out to be in the end?” 
“A Separatist spy droid,” you admitted readily. 
There was no point in denying it; that incident was legendary among the Senate aides. Not only had Alpha kept Senatorial secrets from being captured by the Separatists, he had used himself as a shield when the spy droid had tried to come after you. Half the aide pool had fantasized about Alpha for a month afterward. It had been hell. 
From the subtle grimace on Alpha’s face, he hadn’t forgotten the constant admiration either. Neither one of you had enjoyed that level of attention, but it had driven the two of you to be more openly affectionate. The teasing you had gotten from your coworkers and all of Alpha’s brothers had been worth it to stop watching everyone hit on your boyfriend. 
“Speaking of Julgum,” Alpha said, interrupting your tangled thoughts, “When is he supposed to be back?” 
“Three weeks from yesterday,” you answered automatically. 
Alpha snorted. “Not too concerned about being here for our last week on staff, is he?” 
“No.” You sighed. “At least we don’t have to deal with him. And my replacement will have some time to get used to the job before he gets back.” 
“Did they find someone for the position?” Alpha asked. 
“Absolutely not.” Idly, you picked up an outdated flimsi memo and tossed it into the wastebin. “Last I heard, they weren’t going to force any Senatorial aides into working with him. I guess word of the crash on Bogden got around.” 
“Of course it did,” Alpha confirmed. “I made sure it would.” 
“Alpha!” you chided, already laughing. “I told you not to do that!” 
He looked utterly unrepentant. “You did. I don’t know what you expected. He left us behind at a crash site. I know he didn’t come looking for us - I was conscious the whole time. I was designed to be left behind, but you? You’re defenseless. It was cowardly, not looking for you. Julgum and the pilot, but I already told the pilot what I thought of him.” 
“Is that why he quit?” Julgum’s pilot had suddenly given his notice and left before anyone could ask any questions. You had thought it was strange at the time, but you hadn’t followed up. 
“It’s a wonder Senator Organa agreed to take me on,” you muttered, gathering a pile of flimsi to be discarded. 
“He’d be stupid not to,” Alpha told you. The path he had been pacing through the room led him up to you. “Everyone knows what Julgum put you through. You’re the best aide the Senate has. Organa’s not the only one who knows it, either. You were getting out of here one way or another.” 
You stared at him. “And you didn’t think to tell me this before?” 
“I didn’t want that little ego to get out of control,” Alpha told you, tapping a spot at the dead center of your forehead. “‘Sides, isn’t it better that you waited for a position you actually want instead of one that’s just less bad?” 
“I guess,” you admitted begrudgingly as Alpha’s heavy hand settled on your shoulder. “Still would have been nice to know. It might have made it easier to put up with Julgum for the last few weeks.” 
The senator had been awful, even worse than his ever-horrible self. You and Alpha had planned to give him the news of your new assignments as late as possible and you still regretted giving that much notice.
“He’s been a real shabiir, hasn’t he,” Alpha mused idly. His fingers traced gentle circles over your collarbone, dragging the delicate material of your blouse along with the motion. “I might have to think up something special for him on our way out.” 
“I have something in mind.” Keeping a neutral face was difficult and you couldn’t be sure that Alpha didn’t see straight through your efforts, but you did your best. “But I would need your help.” 
You watched the struggle on Alpha’s face as he tried to figure out your game. Eventually, he took the bait. “Yeah? What were you thinking?” 
“I think…” You lost the battle, letting your lips slowly curl into a dirty smile. “I think we should spend a little quality time on Julgum’s desk.” 
Alpha’s blank face was much more difficult to read than yours, but you waited him out. “Did I ever tell you you’re clever for a civilian?” 
You beamed. “Not recently.” 
“You’re so smart, I can hardly stand it, mesh’la,” Alpha said. It didn’t sound like an exaggeration, and his eyes glittered with a new appreciation. “I think that would be the perfect way to get Julgum back.” 
“I agree,” you said, hastily shoving flimsi and datapads out of the way so you wouldn’t leave your desk a total mess. “Should we-? Oh. Wait. Julgum has cameras in his office. If he finds out about it, he’s the type to follow up and get us in trouble even after we leave. 
“Don’t worry,” Alpha told you. That wasn’t reassuring, especially when he patted a pocket. “I have a little friend with me.” 
You frowned, racking your brain for what he could possibly be referring to, but coming up blank. “I’m… sorry?” 
Alpha held up a small white puck, held between two fingers. “A video/audio disruptor. Temporarily shorts out all recording devices within a twenty-yard radius.” 
“That is helpful,” you agreed, reaching for it. 
As you plucked it from his fingers, Alpha frowned. “What did you think I was talking about?” 
The tone of his voice told you clearly that he thought you had assumed he was referring to his cock. No one blessed with multiple brain cells could see Alpha nude and claim that any part of him was ‘little’, so you had to stifle a grin. “I assumed you meant a condom.” 
“I have one of those, too,” Alpha told you, fishing in another pocket until he was holding a condom. “Preparedness is key.” 
“Of course,” you agreed, openly laughing then. “I’ll need a second to unlock Julgum’s door, but then we should be good to go.” 
“Bet I could slice that osik lock faster than you could use the code,” Alpha muttered. 
Twenty minutes ago, you would have taken him up on that bet as a way to alleviate the horrible boredom you were suffering. However, you had a much more enticing offer and you ignored him in favor of unlocking the door yourself. 
Julgum’s office was as plain and bland as it ever was. When you first started with him, you had expected it to be filled with the trinkets and displays of a vain man obsessed with his own power, but you had been wrong. Julgum didn’t spend enough time in his office to worry about frivolous things like decor. 
Alpha followed you into the office, closing the door behind you. He tapped at his vambrace for a moment, then pulled his helmet on. 
“What are you doing?” you asked curiously. 
“Checking the recording devices in the room,” Alpha told you, still wearing his helmet. The narrow slit of his visor was intimidating, even when you couldn’t be less intimidated by the man behind it. “None are active. We’re good to go.” 
“Perfect, now take it off.” 
“What’s wrong, mesh’la?” Alpha teased. “Don’t want to look at my pretty bucket up close?” 
“It’s a nice helmet,” you admitted. “But we both know I like how you kiss.” 
The helmet was removed in an instant, tossed almost carelessly onto the floor. Alpha ignored the way you chided him in favor of stripping off the plates of armor attached to his body glove. When he was finally standing in front of you in the form-fitting black suit, you only had a moment to admire him before he was kissing you.
You hadn’t been lying about the way Alpha kissed. His lips were gentle but insistent, drawing you further and further into him until kissing him felt more important than breathing. You ended up plastered against Alpha, his muscular arms wrapping around your back in a cradling type of support that left you drowning in his heat. 
Your hands weren’t nearly as steady or still - you were exploring every bit of him that you hadn’t gotten to properly appreciate in his body suit. His muscles swelled and dipped beneath the thin, flexible material, and you could feel his eagerness as he responded to your touch. Your hands traced a trail down to the center of his trim waist, meeting at the place where his spine met the swell of his ass. It didn’t take much to pull him more solidly against you. 
His length prodded against you and you started rocking against him. It turned your kiss from heated to burning. A surprised noise escaped you as Alpha’s arms suddenly tightened against you. He picked you up, depositing you gently onto Julgum’s desk. 
Immediately, the angle of your craning neck was eased, which gave you the ability to concentrate on other things. Like unbuttoning your top. Alpha’s harsh groan told you exactly when he saw your exposed chest, and he reached for you with reverently trembling fingers even as you pushed yourself into the gentle heft of his hand. 
From the moment he stroked your nipple and pulled a moan from you, Alpha’s hands seemed to be everywhere. For all you could figure, only seconds had passed before you were fully naked. Stars bless ARC trooper efficiency. 
“Off,” you commanded, plucking at Alpha’s body suit. 
He smirked. “Demanding little thing.”
Despite that, Alpha immediately began stripping the body suit away, exposing tan skin and toned muscles. Your mouth watered at the sight, and he was still trying to take off the lower half of the glove when you started kissing down his chest. You liked to think that your occasional pauses to suck a mark into his torso spurred him to move faster. 
“Killing me, little one,” he rumbled when he was finally done. 
You gave a curious hum, tilting your head like you didn't have a clue what he could be talking about. “I just didn't want you to feel unappreciated.” 
“By you?” Alpha pressed his forehead to yours. “Never.” 
How could you help but kiss him when he said things like that? You leaned up to him, he leaned down to you, and you met in the middle with greater force than either of you could have accomplished alone. 
You weren’t quite sure who started moving first. More than likely, one of you had and the other one had picked up on it, but it felt as if your bodies started moving at the same time, rocking into each other. Your legs had parted to allow Alpha’s hips between them, and the incredible heat of him was engulfed by the fiery wetness of you. 
He didn’t slip inside you immediately. No, he was far too big for that to happen often. Instead, you were caught there, poised on the edge of penetration but too engrossed in the sensation of his length slipping between and spreading your lips. When he rocked against you, he caught your clit with his head. When you rocked against him, you smoothed more slick down his length. It was a vicious, delicious cycle. 
And then, just as suddenly as it had started, the gentle rocking wasn’t nearly enough for you. It took an ugly amount of effort to pull yourself away from Alpha’s kiss, but you managed. “Alpha, please-” 
“I know, mesh’la,” he soothed, withdrawing only far enough to position himself at your entrance. “Let me make it better.” 
You stared at each other as he sank deeper and deeper inside of you, pushing that impossible length into your core until it seemed like he would embed himself in your lungs. You certainly felt like he was there with the way you were gaping. Fortunately, Alpha was overwhelmed enough that his eyes fluttered closed before he could see you looking so fucked-out already. 
Alpha was a big man in every respect, so fucking him was always intense. Your body had slowly gotten used to him over your time together, but there was never any consistency to when you could be alone together. Without a steady schedule, your body’s reaction to taking Alpha varied. The saving grace was that he always worked to make sure you were prepared for him. 
And that he felt so amazing inside of you, but that was practically a given. 
You had hardly been inexperienced before you and Alpha had gotten together. You had even had a few long-term relationships. But Alpha was unique. Most of your lovers had started to take you for granted after you had slept together more than once. Alpha continued to take your intimacy seriously, ensuring that you were never left unsatisfied in any way when you were together. 
It only made sense that you do the same for him, and it spurred your relationship to get stronger over time. That was how you knew that Alpha’s mouth dropping open would be followed by a soft curse in Mando’a. It was how he knew that you would relax around him if he toyed with your breasts. It was how you knew that grabbing his ass would make him buck, pushing himself deeper in you. 
“You ready for me to move?” he asked, voice gravelly. 
“More than,” you reassured, getting in another grope for good measure. 
Alpha’s jaw flexed. It was the only warning you got before he was withdrawing for a quick thrust. He bottomed out in you hard enough to make your teeth rattle together. You stared up at him, shocked and more than a little intrigued. He was usually careful with you - almost too careful - but something was different. Maybe the reminder that this was your last week working together was making him feel more bold. 
Whatever the cause, the speed of Alpha’s hips picked up to a bouncing rhythm. Your hand that wasn’t on his ass had been planted on the desk behind you, but you found that it couldn’t keep you still on the smooth surface. Instead, you wrapped your other hand around Alpha’s bicep, clinging to his bulging muscle as you tried to get some kind of leverage. 
It didn’t work, and Alpha’s thrusts were pushing you further and further back from the edge of the desk. You made a small, frustrated noise and Alpha smiled. “Too far away, mesh’la. Guess I’d better keep you in place.” 
A gentle but firm hand wrapped around your shoulder and pushed you backward even as it controlled how quickly you descended. You jumped a little as your shoulder blades made contact with the cold surface of the desk, but the heat came roaring back as Alpha pulled your hips back down toward him. 
“Stay right there, little one,” Alpha requested. His eyes were roaming over your body, but paused most frequently on your face. “I’ll take care of everything.”
You wrapped your legs around his waist. “Deal.” 
Alpha’s smile turned into a sharp grin as he nodded and gripped your hips a little tighter. Your legs around his hips kept him from withdrawing very far, but the short, grounded strokes he gave were just as good. If you were being honest, they were a little better because he never fully left you. You still got all the benefits - the shifting levels of fullness, constant touches to your clit, occasional brushes over your g-spot - while getting to be even closer to Alpha. 
The only drawback was that you couldn’t quite reach him, not stretched out as you were on Julgum’s desk. But that was possibly a good thing. With the way your curled fingers were clutching at the desk at the intensity of the pleasure, you probably would have left marks on Alpha. He never seemed to mind them, but you always felt a little guilty. 
Instead, you had to settle for lifting your hips to urge him deeper inside of you. That, along with a squeeze of your inner muscles when Alpha was fully thrust into you, seemed to spur him on. Alpha let out a hoarse groan, his pace picking up even further. 
This whole thing had been your idea, but you hadn't expected to come in Julgum's office. You had imagined it would feel too exposed, too risky. The lack of professionalism was more a thrill than a negative, but you had taken it into account as well. 
To your surprise, you felt the pleasure begin to build, solidifying into something hot and desperate in your lower belly. You arched your back again, meeting Alpha at the top of his stroke. You let out matching groans as the collision of your bodies thudded through you. 
“You close?” Alpha asked. It was hardly a question - he could read the signs of your impending orgasm on your face, just as you could read them on his. 
“Yes,” you breathed. Even as you did, your hand dropped between you to play with your clit. 
Alpha's lips parted, his gaze fixed on the motions of your fingers. His grip on your hips tightened until it was almost painful, but in the crash of sensation, it only added to your pleasure. 
“Al- I'm going- Alpha!” Your warning abruptly turned itself into a desperate cry of his name as your orgasm overtook you, rising that last bit even faster than expected. 
Alpha said something, but the rushing in your ears was too loud for you to hear him. Your body arched, reaching for him as your inner muscles clenched and pulsed and milked over him. 
Alpha relented, leaning forward and supporting himself over you even as he pulled out. From the flex of his ab muscles against you and the pace of his hot breath against your neck, he had come as well. You had an implant, but he preferred not to come inside of you. He didn't trust implants. 
He also liked to say that if you were going to try for a baby, he wanted to mean it. You weren't sure if that was a joke or not, but it made your heart ache with longing. It wasn't the time, clearly, but the idea of a future with Alpha was a powerfully enticing one. 
When he finally relaxed, laying more heavily over you, Alpha released a shuddering breath and moved to rest beside you. He started to trace gentle patterns on the skin over your ribs, keeping you connected as you caught your breath.
“Well, meshla?” Alpha asked at last, gently smoothing a bead of sweat from your forehead. “Was that as good as you imagined?”
“Mmm,” you hummed. “Better. I almost wish we had used his chair, though. I haven’t gotten to be on top in a while.” 
Alpha glanced backward over his shoulder, eyeing the chair in question. “Still time.”
You laughed. “Give me a minute and we’ll see. I have to remember how to use my legs first.”
“If it means we can do that again, I'll take over your PT myself.” 
You didn't get the jargon, but the fervent tone in Alpha's voice told you clearly enough what he meant. You rested a hand on his shoulder and let your eyes fall shut for a moment. “We're in no rush, Alpha. There's something important you need to remember: we're on the clock.” 
Alpha's rumbled laughter made you smile even as you slipped toward a well-earned nap.
Author's Note - This is probably the end of this pairing since I am officially out of ideas for them.
If you read my Alpha-17 series (Gar Cabur/Gar Cyare), good news: I'm picking it back up again! I hope to start posting new chapters relatively soon.
If you don't read my Alpha-17 series, good news: I usually write much better than this. This particular work was my last for Fanfic February 2024 and you can tell I was getting burnt out. If you're interested in seeing other Alpha-17 x fem!reader works from me, those two are a good place to start.
Thanks for reading!
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dystopicjumpsuit · 1 year
Martyrs and Kings - Chapter 1
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A Clone Walks Into a Library
Rating: T (rating varies by chapter; mature content will be tagged)
Pairing: Kix x archivist/historian OFC
Wordcount: 3.3k
Warnings: slight angst; mentions of canon character deaths; office politics are canon in the GFFA
A/N: Finally migrating this story over from AO3. I'll be posting a chapter on Tumblr every few days until I'm caught up, but if you'd like to read ahead, here's the link to the story up to chapter 8.
Summary: Clone medic Kix is a man displaced in time. Captured by Separatists and put into cryostasis when he learned the truth about the clones' inhibitor chips, he awakens fifty years after the end of the Clone Wars. The Republic is gone. The galaxy has changed. And now, the last clone trooper searches for answers with the help of a New Republic historian.
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Republic City, Hosnian Prime
32 ABY
The man gazed up at the imposing building in front of him, squinting against the harsh sunlight. The air was chilled despite the brightness of the day, and his breath swirled in clouds around him. He stood, seemingly oblivious to the pedestrians that bustled past as airspeeders whizzed through the skylane behind him. Few noticed the man, but those who did felt a strange sense of unease, of slight wrongness, as though he did not quite belong in the setting. Whether they observed this or not, the pedestrian traffic instinctively steered away from him, leaving a wide bubble of space around the stranger.
He stood, unmoving, for some time, locked in a silent debate with himself, until at length, he reached a decision. With a sharp nod, he walked into the building.
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It was cold in the New Republic Galactic Library. Maree readjusted the shawl that she always kept in her office for mornings like this, then wrapped her hands around her mug of tea as she scrolled through the morning’s holomessages. Most of them were from colleagues complaining about the temperature. Most recently, the head maintenance droid had sent out a dispassionate mass response explaining that the sprawling complex’s central climate control had been automatically adjusted due to the spring equinox. Maree’s eyes lit with amusement as the indignant replies began to pop up in her inbox.
New Republic efficiency at its finest, she thought. Everything had to be automated. It didn’t matter that the outside temperature was still well below freezing; the equinox had passed, and so they were moved to the spring climate schedule. No doubt the decision had come from a droid that had no problem functioning in the cold. It would probably take weeks of complaints and committee meetings by the time the issue was resolved, and by that point, Republic City would likely be in the middle of a full and magnificent spring, rendering the problem null.
She nearly laughed as she skimmed through her messages and saw identical leave requests from two of the department’s interns who thought they were being subtle about their burgeoning romance. Ah, young love. Who was she to stand in the way? She quickly approved the requests, then moved on to carefully review the latest research directive from the New Republic Judiciary. Finally, she could longer put off reading the last message in her inbox. Despite herself, her heart began to beat a little faster as she opened the message. 
To: Dr. Maree R. Finnall From: NRGL Department of Outreach Subject: Decision on Expedition Proposal Submission Submission Number: ORE-R-72-00066T5 Dear Dr. Finnall, It is with great regret that we must inform you that your recent expedition proposal has been rejected. As you are aware, the current political climate in the Outer Rim is somewhat tenuous. . .
The message went on, but there was no need to finish reading it. Force knew she’d received it often enough to know what it said. Maree turned off the holoprojector with a small sigh. She took a sip of her tea and grimaced when she found it had gone cold. 
Taungsdays, am I right?
She crossed to her small kitchenette and dumped the tea down the sink. She briefly considered making another cup, but it would likely share its predecessor’s fate, so instead, she moved to gaze out the massive window. Glacial air flowed off the transparisteel, but the view was worth the discomfort. The early morning sun sparkled off the thick layer of frost covering Republic City, transforming it into a glittering wonderland. Beyond the city’s magnificent towers and spires, she glimpsed the deep azure of the western ocean.
I love it here, she reminded herself. It wasn’t exactly a punishment to stay on Hosnian Prime. Surely the benefits outweighed the disappointment of yet another rejected proposal.
The soft chime of her office door startled Maree out of her reverie.
“Come in,” she called.
The door slid open to reveal one of the library’s receptionists, Eidani Olphes. Maree didn’t know her well, but she passed the younger woman at the library’s front desk every morning when she arrived at work, and Maree always tried to be friendly with the support staff. She remembered her own early career when senior faculty were often dismissive and condescending, and she had vowed never to be the cause of anyone feeling so small and unimportant. 
“Good morning, Eidani,” she said with a warm smile. “What can I do for you?”
“Dr. Finnall, I have a gentleman here who is visiting Hosnian Prime to research the Clone Wars. Do you have any availability to meet with him this morning?”
Maree’s interest was piqued immediately. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d gotten such a request from a private citizen.
“As a matter of fact, I’m free now,” she said. “Is he here?”
“Yes,” Eidani replied. “TJ-60 asked him to wait outside your office.”
Eidani fidgeted a little as she spoke, and Maree wondered if the man had made her uncomfortable. Maree commed her droid assistant, fully prepared to ban the visitor from the library if he had harassed the young Devaronian.
“Teejay, please show the gentleman into my office.”
“Right away, Dr. Finnall,” came Teejay’s monotone reply.
Maree heard the outer office door hiss open as Teejay directed the visitor to her office. Eidani turned around as soon as Teejay opened the door and watched his approach with a wide smile and undisguised interest. As the visitor walked into view, Maree realized she had misread the young receptionist’s reaction.
Force almighty.
Maree had never seen such a gorgeous man. He was tall and athletically built, with golden brown skin, curly black hair, and a neat beard. His nondescript clothing entirely failed to disguise his powerful frame, and he moved with the relaxed confidence of a man with absolutely nothing to prove. The beard emphasized his high cheekbones, but his eyes were the most arresting. They were a warm, luminous brown that reminded her of sunlight glinting through amber. Something about his face tugged at her memory, and she wracked her brain trying to remember if she’d met him before.
“Hello again,” Eidani giggled. “This is Dr. Finnall. She’s our Clone Wars expert.”
His solemn gaze flicked from Eidani to Maree, and she nearly blinked at the intensity in his eyes.
“Maree Finnall,” she said, shaking his hand. 
“Kix,” he replied.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Kix.” 
“Just Kix,” he said.
He had a lovely voice, smoky and dark and beautifully accented, and Maree briefly wondered if he had any flaws at all. She hoped she had a better sabacc face than Eidani.
“My mistake,” she said. “Please call me Maree.”
“You specialize in the Clone Wars?” he asked.
 “To a degree. My scholarship focuses on the military history of the late Galactic Republic and early Imperial periods,” Maree clarified. “The Clone Wars are, of course, a major part of that era. How can I help you?” 
He glanced at Eidani, who was staring up at him with a worshipful expression.
“I, er—I’m looking for some fairly detailed information,” he hedged.
Maree took the hint.
“I see,” she said. “Please come in. Thank you, Eidani. I’ll notify the front desk if we need your assistance again.”
“Of—of course!” Eidani gushed. “Please let me know if you need anything. Anything at all!”
“We will keep that in mind,” Maree smiled.
She shot a meaningful glance at Teejay, who immediately began to usher Eidani out of the office. Maree closed her door and turned to Kix, who was looking around the room with interest.
“Nice office,” he said.
“Thank you. Please make yourself comfortable,” she replied, gesturing to the soft, padded armchairs that were strategically placed around the room. “May I offer you a cup of tea?”
“No, thank you,” he said. “I don’t want to be a bother.”
“It’s no trouble at all,” she said. “Let me know if you change your mind. For now, can you tell me what specific information you are looking for?”
He selected a chair that was oriented so that it faced both the window and the door of the office, she noticed. Maree’s mother was the same way; she hated the vulnerability of having her back to an opening. Mindful of Kix’s hypervigilance, Maree picked up her datapad and settled into a chair on his left, leaving plenty of space between them, as she prepared to take notes. From this angle, she could see the edge of a tattoo peeking out from his hairline. It looked like aurebesh, but his hair covered too much of it to be sure. It was intriguing, and she had a sudden and distinctly unprofessional urge to brush the hair away from his face and take a closer look.
“I’m interested in the late months of the wars,” he said. “Everything after the Battle of Anaxes.”
She tapped the information into her datapad. He observed her closely as she worked. She wasn’t accustomed to such scrutiny, and she found it slightly distracting. She felt a bit like a bug that was being dissected and studied.
“I can prepare an overview,” she said, “but that is still quite a broad area as there were so many simultaneous campaigns. Is there any particular battle or unit that I should focus on?”
“The 501st Legion,” he said in a clipped tone.
“General Skywalker’s legion. A fascinating unit,” she said. “Are you interested in their actions in the Imperial era as well, or only those preceding the fall of the Galactic Republic?”
“Both,” he said. “Is there a way to research individual soldiers in the battalion?”
“Yes, if you send me a list in advance,” she replied, “though it may take me a few days to compile the records. Will you be on Hosnian Prime long?”
“As long as it takes,” he said.
“I see. Perhaps we can meet on Primeday morning?” she suggested. “That should give me time to collect the combat reports at least, and once we’ve had a look at those, we might have a better idea of where to direct our research efforts.”
“What time on Primeday?” he asked.
“Any time you like,” she said. “I’ll have Teejay clear my schedule so I can be at your disposal all morning. I do have appointments in the afternoon that I won’t be able to reschedule, unfortunately.”
He looked startled. “Oh, I don’t want to take you away from your work for that long.”
“This is my work,” she said. “And I am delighted to meet someone who shares my interest in this particular field. Not many do. Consider yourself warned; you are far more likely to get tired of me than I am likely to run out of things to talk about.”
“I doubt that,” he said, meeting her eyes squarely. 
“Let me know if you still feel that way after I send you so many reports and articles that I crash your datapad,” she said.
He smiled for the first time since she’d met him, and it made him look younger and even more handsome, if such a thing were possible. She found herself smiling back at him even as she told herself not to indulge her interest. Not only was the man a client, but he was at least a decade younger than Maree—much closer to Eidani’s age, in fact. 
“I should forewarn you,” she said. “This period of history—it’s a difficult one. Most of the stories do not end well.”
“Trying to scare me off, Doc?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Not at all,” she said. “I just want you to be prepared. There’s a reason most historians choose other periods to study. It’s a hard time to confront.”
“I understand,” he said, and something in his eyes told her that he truly did. “I will see you on Primeday.”
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Kix exited the library feeling decidedly ambivalent. He stepped into the frigid air, which had failed to capture any heat from the bright sunshine during the time he’d spent inside the building. Still, he took a deep breath and felt the sting of it in his lungs.
He had been nervous when he entered the library. He’d spent over a year with Sidon Ithano and his crew, throwing himself into their skirmishes with a ruthlessness and ferocity that startled even the notorious pirate’s crew. But the violence failed to distract him from his own thoughts. He’d been consumed by grief and rage, overwhelmed by feelings of failure and guilt and the futility of everything he and his brothers had suffered and sacrificed. And worst of all, the knowledge that all of his brothers—every single one of them—were long dead. 
He had never felt so alone. 
Every time he looked in the mirror, his fallen brothers’ faces looked back at him. So he avoided mirrors as much as possible. Growing a beard helped disguise the resemblance, but he still couldn’t stand to meet his own eyes in the reflection. When he decided at last to uncover his brothers’ fates, the ship’s Twi’lek mechanic Reveth had warned him that nothing good would come from digging into the past.
“It ended bad,” she said. “I don’t think it could have ended worse. Don’t do this to yourself.”
They had been lying in bed. It hadn’t taken them long to seek each other’s company after Kix joined the crew. They both needed comfort—needed to forget. Just for a moment. He was haunted by his memories, and she by her hopeless, despairing love for the ship’s mysterious captain. They found oblivion in each other’s beds, but nothing more.
“I have to know,” he said, no longer able to bear the uncertainty. 
And so, he took a temporary leave from the Meson Martinet crew and traveled to Hosnian Prime in search of someone who could give him the answers he needed. The New Republic Information Bureau had directed him to the library, explaining that the facility maintained an extensive staff of archivists. At least one of them would surely be able to help, the information droid had assured him. When Kix had arrived at the entrance to the library’s vast structure, he’d hesitated, remembering Reveth’s warning before he’d departed the Meson Martinet three days earlier.
He’d shaken off the voice in his head, squared his shoulders, and gone inside. The pretty young Devaronian receptionist at the front desk hadn’t been able to answer his questions, but she had located an archivist who could, leading him through the labyrinthine facility with an ease that spoke of many such trips. She had been friendly and outgoing, peppering him with questions that left him tongue-tied, so he responded with mostly monosyllables or silence. His reticence did not seem to affect her at all—quite the opposite, in fact, and by the time she had located the archivist, she had escalated into full-blown flirtation. It had been a relief when the office droid had requested him to wait outside the office until the archivist was free to speak with him.
When he’d been admitted, he braced himself for another verbal onslaught, but the archivist was very different from the bubbly receptionist. She was older, for one thing. Her elaborate hairdo was threaded with silver, and a few fine lines crinkled around the corners of her eyes, evidence of decades of laughter. Her greeting had been friendly while maintaining a professional reserve, and he was struck by her low, melodic voice. 
And Maker, she was beautiful. Kix had found himself staring as she introduced herself, taking in the graceful contours of her face. She was dressed in elegant, flowing robes, and he had felt a moment’s self-consciousness about the shabby plainness of his own garb. But she had given him a kind smile, and despite the chilly air of the library, her small hands had been warm when she had clasped his in greeting. He clenched his fist lightly when she released him, trying in vain to hold onto that warmth. 
Her office was a comfortable, cozy room that seemed more like a home than a workplace—at least in Kix’s opinion, accustomed as he was the the harsh sterility of Kamino, the endless gray of the Republic Star Destroyers, and the chaotic violence of the battlefield. There was a large desk, which he had expected, and an assortment of soft, mismatched armchairs set around the room, which he had not. The expansive view from the enormous window naturally dominated the space, but she had decorated the room to suit her own taste as well. Several paintings hung on the walls, a few sculptures were tastefully displayed through the room, and there was a vase of fresh flowers on the desk. When she offered him tea, he noticed a small kitchenette, and he wondered exactly how much time she spent in this room. 
As she settled into the chair next to him and began discussing his request, he felt his anxiety spike again. He wasn’t sure how he was going to explain his interest in the Clone Wars without giving away his identity. It was something of an open secret in the Outer Rim that Sidon Ithano traveled with a clone trooper—though there were those who insisted this was merely another rumor designed to fuel the Crimson Corsair’s intimidating reputation. In general, Kix kept to himself, and he was reluctant to disclose his origins to anyone, let alone a government representative. To his relief, she did not interrogate him about his motivations; instead, she directed her questions to how she could best assist his search. Her soft voice made him want to lean in closer when she spoke, and as they conversed, he felt his tension begin to disperse.
She had a way of drawing him into the conversation without pressuring him for personal details, and he deeply appreciated her tact. It was not easy for him to talk to people, whether they were strangers or friends. Not like it used to be. He was not the same man he’d been before the Separatists tortured him for information and shoved him into a cryo-cycle stasis pod. 
During the Clone Wars, he had been fun-loving and easygoing. He’d been popular with his fellow clones and with the civilians he encountered—in fact, the bubbly receptionist from the library would have been exactly the kind of partner he would have sought out during a night out at 79’s. And most importantly, he’d had a group of brothers who were his best friends. Hardcase; Tup; Jesse; and the Domino twins, Echo and Fives. They had fallen, one by one, replaced by shinies, until it was just him and Jesse left of the original group—and Captain Rex, of course. The best commanding officer a clone could have asked for, and the closest thing Kix had ever had to a father. 
Finding Echo alive had been a miracle, and it was entirely due to Rex’s instincts. But the man they had found on Skako Minor had been so different from the ARC trooper who’d been left for dead at the Citadel that he had felt there was no longer a place for him in the 501st, and so Kix had lost Echo a second time. That loss was what had pushed Kix to take up Fives’s investigation. What he had found had horrified him deeply. He had tried desperately to alert the Jedi to the sinister plot, but the Separatists had found him first.
And now, fifty-one years later, he was a stranger in a strange galaxy, begging an alluring historian to tell him how his brothers had died.
Chapter 2
Tagging: @blueink-bluesoul @secondaryrealm @spicy-clones
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jessicas-pi · 1 year
going to ask about everything is Taylor Swift and I'm crying because yes :D
Ooooooooh, here's a little bit from Chapter 1! It's a bit more lighthearted, and it's kind of about how their friendship really started.
Sabine’s holomessager pings with an incoming note; it’s from Zeb. You kids kill each other yet? “Zeb wants to know if we’ve killed each other yet,” Sabine yawns. “What do I tell him?” Ezra makes an uncertain grumble, and she makes up her mind and slowly swivels around so her back is to him, and she holds up her holomessager. “Smile for the camera,” she instructs, making a weak grin and holding up a peace-sign. She snaps the holo, then looks at it and smiles to herself. She’s in the foreground, and behind her is Ezra, leaning sideways, slumped over, looking up and making a halfhearted finger-gun at the holocam. Both of them look like absolute garbage.  “It’s perfect,” Sabine sighs. “What should I caption it… ‘nothing says “bonding moment” like puking into the same toilet’, maybe?” Ezra gives her a thumbs-up, and she sends it. “Zeb’s typing,” she narrates. “He’s not typing. No, he’s typing again. Not typing. Typing. Not typing.” With a ping, he finally answers. “Zeb made a meme reference. Do we encourage him or give him 0/10 for a horrible joke?” “What did he say?” Ezra asks, sitting back slowly to lean against the cupboard, apparently feeling a little better. Sabine reads it aloud. “Zeb says, by the Ashla they were bathroommates.”
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1000voicesrising · 4 years
Dark aide tahiri and anakin being that insatiable couple ruling the galaxy together
I mean 100% she only was Dark because Jacen could let her see Anakin again, but it never fit her. She’d never have gone is Anakin was still with her. Also, it’s the literal most tragic thing about her life that his brother manipulated her using his memory and she loved Anakin too much to walk away, even all those years later.
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resistancestunner · 4 years
“you have hate. you have anger. but you don’t use them.” (mandomirtagev)
Star Wars sentences
“What does it get you, relying on hate and anger? That’s how I started out when I first left home but you can’t run in that forever. I had to find something better.”
In the end, she and Paige had found the resistance and put their hearts into fighting back, but for the right reasons. Now she had to lead and that was something more to look towards when the darkness of the past crept in. It was enough to push through even the hardest parts, usually.
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tastybouquet-a · 4 years
(Kadbejetiise) Late Night Text, please
↣ random texts - @kadbejetiise - always accepting! - a late night text ↢
ZEKK: did you ever wonder what would have happened if thZEKK: sorry my finger hit send before i finishedZEKK: if the killiks never showed up in our livesZEKK: i still wonder sometimes if that was a fever dream.ZEKK: ...........was it a fever dream?ZEKK: sorry i need to go to sleep but questions like this won’t let me.
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calledbythelight · 4 years
“ you should go. ”
- ; phrases that really hit you where it hurts
          “ As should you. ”
Lyra has never really belonged to the Order. He would have taken her as a Knight if it had been permitted but she does not belong under the thumb of Hux and Pryde. 
          “ Consider it. Things are shifting here. I may have a job for someone like you that does not entail remaining on this destroyer. ”
He has work to be done, a girl to track down before she walks herself into the open maw of a trap set for her. When he decided not to allow her to walk into certain death he isn’t sure but he doesn’t expect to return from it. He never expects to live and if he’s right then someone else will have to carry on. Perhaps Lyra could be an asset to them.
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motherofrebels · 5 years
“ Ben... ”
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letsget-critical · 6 years
Hi there!! I was wondering if I could get a dice palette? My character’s name is Renegade to most and Horrus to few. He’s a tiefling warlock (first of the names is virtue name and second is his real name). His otherworldly patron is Ghost in the Machine from the Modern magic, and it takes the form of a squip. That’s about all I got on him besides the fact that he’s a hacker… idk if that’s enough. Thanks for your time and your blog is beautiful
Aren’t you the sweetest omg! Your character sounds fascinating. I wasn’t sure what he looked like himself so I went for a cool, tech vibe with blues and cyans and blacks that made me think of his hacking skills. There’s some sparkle, shimmer, and swirls in there for the flickers of magic, even in the black dice. (I gotta ask, squip like the tech pills from the book??) Anyways, I hope this fits his mood! Thanks for sending a request!
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jedilegacied · 1 year
For head cannon meme ✿
✿:  is my muse an outdoors person?
Honestly she’s a city girl born and raised really. But she does fine in the outdoors. Nature of being a Jedi really, half your missions are in the wild and you have to learn to navigate it.
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smallestsolo · 3 years
❛ You’re making me nervous. ❜
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“It’s fine, Anji and I wrestle like this all the time!”
Alanna beamed at him, all smiles with the too large animal. Had it been aonyone else the Nexu might have had them for lunch but not her. They were the best of friends and always would be, so far as Alanna was concerned.
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crownundesired · 6 years
❝ Say, what does an Imperial Star Destroyer wear to a formal occasion? ❞ (Jacen Solo Alderaanianheir)
Star Wars EU/Legends Quote Starters
“I feel as if you have told me this before... but I will indulge you. What does it wear?” Tenel Ka could almost recall this exchange from their youth but she knew Jacen loved his jokes, even if she wasn’t the prefect audience. She watched him as she waited, straight faced and eyebrow raised as he’d seen a hundred times before.
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Clone Wars Headcanon: Clone Witness Protection Program (ft. Dogma)
The clones care so much about their vod that I’m sure there has to be a clone witness protection program and who to be in charge than the Coruscant Guard, who’s probably had to have used it when Senators wants a clone decommissioned or since they’re not on the front lines, decided to create to help their fellow vod, even if that’s all they can do. Their reputation of being heartless meat droids and having it easy probably helps cover the whole thing and since no clone would suspect the Coruscant Guard to do such a thing, it’s easier to maintain.
After the whole battle of Umbara, Dogma gets transported back to Kamino for decommissioning. However, every clone who gets transported back for decommissioning, they always have a stop at Coruscant to fill out the paperwork.
Dogma has heard rumors from brothers about Coruscant and the Coruscant Guard. He’s heard how some clones die on Coruscant before even reaching Kamino, the clones who take matters into their hands when a clone is defective.
It should scare him but if he dies by a vod’s hand, even if they are from the Coruscant Guard, Dogma would prefer that than the death by the longnecks. He just hopes Tup would...Dogma shakes his head. Tup doesn’t need him anymore. Probably never did.
When the ship reached Coruscant, he’s greeted by two men in red armor. Both Commanders if he’s correct.
Commander Fox and Thorn has heard about another ship coming by and the clone on it. They haven’t checked the report of what he’s done yet but they prefer reading that after they get the vod’s perspective.
Commander Fox motions for Thorn to grab the clone, a brother with a neat looking V tattoo across his face, and leads them down to the medbay.
While most of the Coruscant Guard knows about the clone witness protection program, they don’t speak of it and rarely know who’s in it unless a clone is integrated within the Guard for their protection.
The main ones to know is Commander Fox, Thorn, Stone, Thire, Sergeant Hound and their medic Iron.
Once in the medbay, Iron gives Dogma a checkup while Sergeant Hound and Commander Thire come in. Thire gives Fox a datapad that includes different battalions and stations that are open. Stone comes in a little later with paperwork to fill out and the action report.
“What’s your name, vod?” Hound asks. He has Grizzer at his heel and waits until Iron is done before letting Grizzer go to Dogma.
“Dogma,” the clone replies. Dogma leans away from Grizzer before Hound steps in.
“She won’t hurt her; she’s a softie at heart,” Hound reassures Dogma.
Fox waits until Dogma gets somewhat more comfortable before asking, “What happened, Dogma?”
Dogma stiffens. “I disobeyed orders.”
Thorn snorts which Stone glares at. Stone is the one to elaborate. “We don’t care about that. What we’re asking is why are you being sent to Kamino.”
“You haven’t read the report yet?” Dogma stiffly asks, shifting uncomfortably on the bed. Iron brings a thin blanket to wrap around Dogma’s shoulder before urging him to drink some water.
“We’d prefer to get your side before reading a report that might be biased,” Fox explains.
Dogma waits a moment before saying, “I killed a Jedi.”
Fox grimaces as the other Commanders tense up. Sergeant Hound jerks back at the confession but Iron stays completely composed, unaffected. Good, Fox thinks. Someone needs to be. “Why?”
“Does it matter?”
Iron smiles at Dogma while Thire answers. “We believe it does.”
Dogma huffs. “He betrayed us. Lied to us and told us...he made us-” he pauses, looking down. “We killed our own on his orders. We killed our brothers, our vod and for what?! For what?!? For his own entertainment?!” He chokes back a sob. “And I couldn’t...I didn’t-”
“Hey vod’ika. D’ika? May I call you that?” Hound asks, kneeling in front of him. Dogma gives the tiniest nod. “D’ika, it’s going to be okay. It’s going to be alright.”
“No it won’t,” Dogma sobs. “It won’t ever be okay. We killed our own. I killed...I’m being sent-”
“You’re not being sent back,” Fox interrupts. He could tell Dogma doesn’t believe them by the shaking of his head and sighs. In a softer tone, he asks, “Dogma, do you why vod don’t reach Kamino when they stop at Coruscant?”
Dogma breathes in shakily. “I’ve heard rumors.” Probably not the good kind, Fox thinks grimly.
Thorn snorts, as though he heard Fox’s thoughts. “Yea, well. Don’t believe everything you hear.”
Stone continues for Fox. “We have a program, Dogma, a program that allows us to keep our vod safe and away from Kamino. A program that can let you start over, start anew.”
Dogma squeezes his eyes shut. “Why?” He asks and Fox’s heart breaks a bit at the broken tone.
“Because we care for our own,” Fox replies. “But we need your consent. We can’t do this if you aren’t willing.”
Dogma’s jaw tightens. “Where will I be going?”
“Well that’s up to you,” Stone says. Fox hands him the datapad before he sits next to Dogma on the bed. “Fox has already narrowed down the places to where you’ll fit best at. It’s not perfect but...it’s a start.”
“I don’t deserve this,” Dogma whispers.
Fox scoffs harshly. “It’s not about what you deserve. The Guard doesn’t deserve the reputation we have nor do us Commanders deserve the shit we have to deal with.” Dogma winces at Fox’s words and Stone glares. Fox sighs. “It’s not about what you deserve. Nothing’s ever about what you deserve. But it’s a second chance.”
Dogma swallows and thinks. After a while he whispers out a question. “Will I ever see my batchmate again? Will I ever see...” he stops, closing his eyes. Will I ever see Tup again, he thinks.
Thorn sighs. “Maybe. Maybe not. We can’t...” he glances around the room, stopping at Thire. Thire gives a small nod in support. “We can’t guarantee it. But we can give you a minute to record a holomessage if you want.”
“We do that with all the vod who go into the program. Just in case they...” Hound pauses. “Just in case.” Hound smiles reassuringly to Dogma.
“Thank you,” Dogma whispers.
Fox nods. “Don’t worry, Dogma. We got you. You’ll be okay, vod’ika.”
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zer0pm · 3 years
Chasing Ghosts (Johnny Silverhand x V/Reader)
Imagine Johnny waking up to find that he’s no longer an engram and alive in his own body no less. He doesn’t understand how, but figured that you had something to do with it.
The rocker tries looking for you, but discovers that so much time has passed while he was rebooting and recovering, that you died living out the remainder of your days making sure that he had a good transition in his second life.
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“Despite all of our efforts to reprogram the ware, removing the engram wasn’t enough to stop the deterioration on V’s-“
“Why don’t you just fucking come out and say that I killed my best friend? ‘Cause that’s exactly what fucking happened, right?” He wasn’t angry at Viktor, but his voice came out in low, steady, furious rasps as if he was doing his best to reign in the feeling of losing you. As always, everything Johnny touched was either tainted, broken beyond repair, or simply gone forever. He did all of that to you. And you were the best thing that has ever happened to him.
“Listen. Before V died...” The ripperdoc sighs, reaching in his back pocket and slowly pulling out a data shard.
“This is for you.”
“What the hell is that?” Johnny already had an idea and didn’t want to hear it.
“A set of instructions to help your transition,” explained Viktor. “A lot has changed since your stunt with Mikoshi and Arasaka, V wanted to make sure that you were taken care of.”
Johnny seethed through his teeth, “And what is that supposed to mean? You saying that-“
The doc nods slowly as if barely accepting it himself, “Consider it V’s last will and testament, kid.”
When Johnny didn’t reach out for the shard, Viktor placed it in his hand before wordlessly getting up from his seat and walking away, giving the other man space with his thoughts. All the former rockstar could do was stare at it with a deep frown.
A moment passed. Two. Finally, Johnny reached for the back of his head, feeling for the slot that was no doubt implanted onto him to keep up with this new era. With shaky breath, he carefully inserts the shard. His eyes pick up nothing but static for a moment, then numbers and a bar. It’s loading before everything settles and his vision is clear again. He’s taken aback. It’s you, sitting before him with a big smile across your face.
Johnny calls out your name before desperately reaching for you only for his hand to catch nothing but air. Right... A holomessage... Just data. It’s not really you. You’re very much de-
“Hey Samurai. You got a bunch of questions and you’re probably mad as shit. But don’t worry, Imma answer them all. How do I know that I can, you ask?” Your hologram tapped the side of their head before tapping their chest where their heart rested. “I’ve had you in my head, Johnny. Know your soul as much as you know mine. So trust me when I say that you’re gonna make it through this. You’re not alone.”
Your hologram holds out an arm to him, putting the tattoo of your shared names on display. Although he already knew that it was pointless to try touching you again, he extended his arm anyways until it looked like he was. It took everything in Johnny not to cry or scream. He killed you. No matter what everyone said, he did. You both agreed to that as much in the end. And yet, knowing all that, you went through the trouble of making something like this for him. And with a damn smile.
“I got you.”
To be continued?
A/N: Rough draft of what I thought of the other night. Was thinking of making it into a series but we’ll see? Got inspired by a movie that I can’t remember the title of. Anyways, you’re probably going to see this editted a lot. Thanks for reading, Samurais.
A/N 2: Woops. We got a title now. Oh no.
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1000voicesrising · 4 years
💗 for a good morning or goodnight kiss (all for j ofc lmao)
Send to get a kiss from my muse!
Ja’reli was rarely not up with the local sunrise, too many years of being up at dawn for training having drilled it into her no matter how much or how little she’d slept the night before. Sometimes she picked up her datapad to read through the updates from back in Chiss space and other times, when she knew he’d had enough sleep that she wasn’t putting him at a disadvantage, she would spend a little time curled up with Eron, slowly waking him with small gestures of affection. Today she had opted for the latter, nuzzling against his cheek, snuggling into his arms, and pressing a slow and tender kiss to his lips as he started to open his eyes. “Hm, morning.” She leaned back enough to offer a small, crooked smile that was a mischievous grin on her and rake her fingers lightly through his sleep mussed hair. Yes, this was the right way to start a day.
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