#hoetaek fanfiction
arco-icons · 1 year
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︵‿꒰୨ 🩰 ୧꒱‿︵‧˚₊ hui (pentagon); icons!
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ppaltagon · 4 years
Uni Cafe Schedule
I have promised to post this series when Yanan is back, so here it is ^^
coffee shop au
university au
[7-10am] morning shift
Jo Jinho: 
Major: music
Favorite coffee: long black 
Task and working style: the responsible oldest who opens the shop with Wooseok. Since there’s not too many people this early, he can just chill and study for his classes. Very stressed because he’s graduating soon. Nice and polite.
Jung Wooseok: 
Major: veterinary
Favorite coffee: latte
Task and working style: he was forced to be here, he just wants to sleep. Sometimes messes up orders because he’s always tired but he’s cute even if he seems a bit gruff at times. Even though he keeps complaining, he does his job diligently.
[10am-1pm] lunch shift
Yeo Changgu:
Major: drama
Favorite coffee: mocha
Task and working style: handles the busiest time, the perfect man for the job #1. Flirts with his customers and writes his numbers on the cup of the girls he wants to hook up with. Nobody called him back yet.
Yang Hongseok:
Major: athletic trainer
Favorite coffee: caramel macchiato
Task and working style: handles the busiest time, the perfect man for the job #2. Flirts with his customers and is the master of coffee related puns. Occasionally gives lectures about the different types of coffees.
[1-4pm] chill afternoon shift
(Kim) Yan An: 
Major: Korean language
Favorite coffee: vanilla latte
Task and working style: chill time because every normal person takes classes at this time. Bored out of his mind. Eats all the marshmallows and serves himself vanilla lattes every hour. Good at his job because he’s learnt it by making it for himself all the time.
Adachi Yuto: 
Major: Korean language
Favorite coffee: iced americano
Task and working style: chill time because every normal person takes classes at this time. Actually works hard, he has to because Yanan is not much help to be honest. 
[4-7pm] busy afternoon shift
Kang Hyunggu (Kino): 
Major: dance
Favorite coffee: cappukino
Task and working style: okay at the job. Smile sweeter than the sweetest thing they sell. A pro at selling because nobody can say no to him. Dances around to his own background music when he has nothing to do.
Ko Shinwon: 
Major: model
Favorite coffee: affogato
Task and working style: a professional. Has a fanclub and that group is always there to watch him but as long as they spend money, it’s okay. A bit clumsy but his coffee is the best!
[7-10pm] night shift
Lee Hwitaek (Hui): 
Major: composition
Favorite coffee: espresso
Task and working style: he never sleeps so he’s the perfect for this shift. Kind of turned the cafe into a night club with Hyojong. Honestly, a mess but has a mood different from the day and people like it a lot. Both of their coffees taste like shit but the people go for their performances anyways.
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lucysuniverse · 3 years
We all know how easily Hui shifts from pure and innocent to teasing and seductive. The story was inspired by his duality. 
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Pairing: Hui x OC/reader
Genre: hot, romance, angst
Word count: 3,603
„Please let me go with you. I can’t stay home any longer.” Hui begged like a 5 year-old-kid would do in front of the game store only days before Christmas to make their parents buy the most expensive game as a present from Santa.
“You’ll be so bored.”
“Come on. That was really weak.”
He was right. I knew he loved shopping. It was his ‘me time’ relaxation or whatever you want to call it. He was obsessed. But this time I was determined to go by myself.
“Why don’t you ask Hongseok to have some time together?”
“He is busy with acting.”
“But I thought the shooting was over.”
“Yeah… but the romance is not. “
“I see.”
“Please. You know exactly how much I like shopping.”
“Right. I know. Look, this is something personal and I don’t want you to come with me this time. I am sorry. I just didn’t know how to tell you. “
“I thought we were best friends. What can be so personal about shopping? It’s not like my birthday is around the corner. Are you mad at me?”
He wasn’t the type to let go things easily. Especially when he wasn’t convinced. And let’s be honest my explanation wasn’t really satisfactory.
“No Hui. Look I just want to go alone this time. We always go together, and I guess I just prefer going alone.”
“You really are mad at me. You hate shopping alone. Everytime you go by yourself you are sending me pictures which one to choose and ask my opinion … well, literally about everything. Okay, so what’s wrong?”
“I am fed up being alone on Valentines Day each and every year so I decided to buy a bottle of wine, some candles, and sexy lingerie and celebrate my singleness home alone. While probably crying. Happy now?”
I kind of shouted the last sentence. It wasn’t his fault entirely. I should have just told him in advance. Hiding and creating a greater mess wasn’t a good idea. But he really made me angry. Why can’t I go alone? Why are we always together? Well, most importantly why are we always together when we are not even together. I think it was the biggest issue. He wasn’t just my best friend. They say love can hurt. It did.
And it hurt the most when he was understanding and nice. He didn’t get hurt and pissed by my behavior. He just pulled me close for a hug and said “you should have told me”. When he was considerate and empathizing, I hated him the most and I suffered the greatest.
The main problem was I could never say no to him. I was an easy target and his puppy eyes always worked on me. With my head I knew in the very beginning that becoming his best friend will be painful, but my heart couldn’t stop me. It was hoping for something and made me do things and make decisions which I shouldn’t have done or made.
Agreeing to go shopping lingerie with him was also one of these mistakes. I knew this in the very first second when we entered the shop.  
“Hello, how can I help you?” A very friendly middle-aged lady, most likely the owner of the shop asked.
“We are looking for some very nice and naughty lingerie for her.” Hui said like he has just ordered his usual Espresso at his favorite café.
“Naughty? What are you…? Uhm… I am sorry he is just joking. Unfortunately, he really has a bad sense of humor.”
“Have you known each other for a long time?” The lady asked.
“Maybe way longer than preferable.” I said while smiling at my sweet revenge.
“That was harsh.” Hui said while pretending to be hurt by my answer.
“You are sweet. I wish you happiness. It is quite rare to find loving and cute couples like you.”
“She is not my girlfriend.” Hui said instantly. I guess if he has been accused with murderer even then he wouldn’t defense himself so quickly. It kinda hurt. He really doesn’t see me as a girl at all?
“Oh I see. Well, in that case you will not be able to see her in our beautiful unique fabrics. They say even if you are not together if you look at someone in these you will fall in love with the person wearing them immediately.”
“I see.” He answered with a forced smile. I knew he felt awkward and also he was sceptic enough not to believe in such stories. Me on the other hand really liked how the lady was trying to comfort me. I really needed comfort.
“Well, I am sorry but seemingly we are looking for something aesthetic for the future boyfriend and not you. Can you please just wait here in that case? Young lady please follow me. Is there any preference of color you would like to try on?”
“I was thinking about something braver like black and red maybe with a little lace.”
“I am sorry but that’s so not you.’ Hui said.
“I am sorry but I told you I wanted to come alone. This nice lady told you to wait here. And I am also telling you this is for me. I want to feel pretty and attractive once in a while. Since you are here can you be just a bit more supportive please?”
And since he didn’t say anything we were leaving to search for some nice pieces. I am not sure it was just my hallucination created by my hopes which betrayed me throughout all these years or he said it for real, but I heard him murmuring “you don’t need those stupid clothes for that”. I knew it wasn’t real, but I could die to hear this.
I knew he shouldn’t have come with me. It was a bad idea. Hiding my feelings all these years was also a bad idea. But I was scared of losing him. Even if it hurt so bad, being his best friend was still better than not knowing him at all.
I lost my interest in the sexy and beautiful bras and panties. What am I trying to prove? Am I hoping that the fairy tale of the shop owner is real? That Hui just needs to see me in these and it will solve everything? Of course not. The red lace on my skin was really attractive. I knew I looked great. Not like a model or something but definitely a sexier and much more confident version of myself. But somehow it felt cold to stand like this in the changing room. I felt naked. Is this really about me? No one will see it then what for?
I made a last glance on my reflection in the mirror. I sighed. Idiots. They don’t know what they are missing. He doesn’t know what he is missing. And in that very second with a sudden move the curtain of the changing room was pulled away and Hui was standing in the changing room with me. I wanted to tell him immediately to get out but like he knew how I was going to react he put his hand on my mouth not to make any noise.
I was looking at him questioningly, angry and worried at the same time. And deep inside I was also dying from frustration too. Is he really in the freaking changing room with me, pushing me to one of the mirrors, not letting me speak while I am not wearing anything else just the red lace lingerie which hardly covered anything. I was trying to escape from his hold when he finally realized what he has done.
“Oh sorry, I just got panicked. She is here.”
“I don’t know who are you talking about but I do hope you realize I am standing here with almost no clothes on so I would be really grateful if you could leave. Hmm let me see. What about immediately?”
And with that I wanted to push him out of the changing room. But he insisted. And on top of that he was checking me out. Like what?
“I was wrong. Red suits you.” He said casually.
“Bye Hui.” And I tried to cover my face not to show him not only the lingerie but my face was very red too.
“Please. I’ll close my eyes if that makes you feel better but she is here with his boyfriend and I just cannot meet them right now.”
“And the reason why is...?” And I was really expecting a real answer because otherwise I was really getting angry at him.
“She is my ex-girlfriend.”
“Oh please, let this one slip okay? I know I was wrong. I shouldn’t have forced today and hiding in this changing room is completely disrespectful and also very ridiculous but please. I am not ready to meet her alongside her boyfriend.”
And again the same old thing happened. He asked something, I looked at his puppy eyes and couldn’t say no. I truly hated this.
“Turn around and close your eyes. You can stay for 5 mins but after that we are going home and I don’t care whether she is still here or not okay?”
“Oh my god thank you.”
And just like he used to he hugged me. He always did this. If he thanked me he hugged me as well. And I always had to be sure to slowly push him away after sometime, because being hugged by him felt way too good and getting used to it was way too dangerous. He was dangerous to be around. His smile, laugh, presence was my everything. He was easy to get obsessed with. He was the best medicine for all my pain. Even if the greatest pain was caused by him.
Standing there and hugging him like this was cruel. There was so much going on in my head.
“Sorry, I am turning around. You should get dressed. You will catch a cold.”
He even closed his eyes as I asked. And I was just starring at his back speechlessly. I wanted to hug him and kiss him endlessly. Waiting, hiding and pretending has come to an end. I couldn’t bare it alone anymore. Even rejection would have been better at this point. Well what happened moments later must have counted as a rejection. But at least as a friendzone. The friendzone which would never change.
“What?” He asked quite shocked.
“I know it is quite sudden, but my contract has not been renewed. And I felt like I needed some changes.”
“But moving to the other end of the city? It is very far from your workplace.”
“There is home office.”
“But I guess not all the time.”
“3 times per a week.”
“What about the remaining 2 days?”
“Hui calm down. It is not like I will die from waking up a bit earlier.”
“But why do you have to move? You can stay at my place until we find something for you in the neighborhood.”
“What’s with this sudden reaction? Why not?”
“No. It is just… no. That will not happen.” I knew I did a mistake again. I should have given a better explanation because otherwise he will keep on asking me why. But I couldn’t lie to him. He was more precious than that. But telling him the truth… I wasn’t ready. I thought handling this whole thing on my own was for the better.
“Look. I am sorry about that day, okay? I shouldn’t have acted that way.”
“Oh come on. You needed an alibi girl. She is your ex and I was there. I am glad I could help you out a bit.”
“But then … isn’t this about me?”
“Oh Hui? Why would it be? I have to move so I am moving. That is all”
Well… first lie. Nice. It was easier than I thought. It wasn’t completely wrong though. I really had to move. But also, I didn’t want to be around him.
On that day we were still in the changing room when his ex-girlfriend started to call him. And since she insisted she saw Hui there she was waiting for us to leave the changing room. So, Hui met her again. And I guess his pride came in the way when he saw the new boyfriend appearing on the scene. So, after some seconds I became his girlfriend. Okay fine, after we stepped out of the same changing room I have to admit he didn’t really have any other choice. Telling the ex that he is just a scaredy-cat and he is just hiding in women’s changing room must not have created the image he wanted to show after meeting for the first time since break up.
But it was somehow funny, how he tried to convince her that I am his new partner when just minutes ago he was so much protesting against the idea. It pissed me off.
We were best friends and I knew it was hard for him to move on. But providing him the shoulder to cry on, being the alibi girlfriend and many more other things were getting out of hand. It was emotionally exhausting. And even if I was selfish for staying next to him all these years, I knew I had to stop. So, I decided to move and have sometime alone to figure it out.
“So just the move. Is this the reason why you haven’t answered my messages since then?”
I always forgot how well he knew me. I couldn’t lie to him, and even if I tried I always got caught.
“What else would it be?”
“Well that is exactly what I am asking. Seemingly you would like to cut ties with me I just don’t know why.”
“Oh Hui. It’s not-“
“Do you really think I am that stupid? You better tell me what is going on because I am getting offended and hurt for real. What is wrong? Did I hurt you? Is it your family? Can I help somehow? We can figure this out together just please tell me. Otherwise I cannot help.”
“You can’t help Hui. This is not something you can help with. Especially not you.”
“Okay, I am done. What is going on? I won’t let you go anywhere until you tell me.”
“This is not something you want to hear.”
“Well with this you just made me even more curious. I am all ears.”
And then I knew it was time. I had to confess. Not because of him. He was clueless and I was sure my words wouldn’t change anything between us. Obviously, we couldn’t remain friends. But that was a given. I had to tell because of myself. I was handling this all alone in the past 4 years. I was tired. So tired. I wanted to move on.
“You still don’t get it right?”
“We always spend our days together why is it such a big deal to live here until you find an apartment closer to your workplace?”
“You really don’t understand. Fine. You wanted to know. I can’t live here, because I want to live here so badly. Do you get it now?”
“What? This doesn’t make any sense.”
“I hope you just trying to pretend you didn’t know to make me feel better.”
“Pretend? What?”
I took a deep breath and started my confession. I knew he will be shocked and he will be right to feel betrayed and disappointed. We were so close. If I told him how I felt at the very beginning we might have figured out a way to solve it together. I mean I guess this is what other male-female friends do. It is normal that sometimes you feel more, right? But I never felt less than love.
“Oh Hui.” And here I stopped. I could not tell him face to face. I closed my eyes and continued. “Do you think it would be normal to live together with someone who is continuously on your mind? Would it be okay to live here with you, when I have dreams about you? When I find myself imagining how it would feel to hold hands while walking. When I spend hours of daydreaming how would it feel to be your girlfriend? Is it really okay to secretly stare at your lips and imagine how you would leave soft kisses on my neck?” Here I stopped for a second. My tears started to flow. Just the thought of us being so intimate and close was painfully beautiful. “Would it be okay to be hugged by you for so long I even lose my sense of time?”
I couldn’t open my eyes. I didn’t want to see how he looked at me. He must have been shocked. I was his closest friend, and he could tell me everything as a friend. And I betrayed his trust. He might have thought I am only being around him in order to confess and become his girlfriend. But that wasn’t the case. And before leaving there were some things left to say. Those unspoken words that were must to tell.
“I am so sorry, I didn’t want to shock you like this. I knew this is very sudden and I don’t expect anything. It is my fault that I never talked about this. I became obsessed with you. I thought it will change. And also, your friendship was more precious to me. I didn’t want to lose you. I don’t want to lose you Hui. So if there is a tiny bit chance of you forgiving me please give me some time. I will move to the new place. I will empty my mind. Maybe the distance will solve it. Once I am back we might be as good friends as ever.”
“That will definitely not happen.”
And in that second like I was awaken, I opened my still teary eyes and looked at him. But for my surprise he was only inches away from me. I didn’t even hear him getting closer to me. I was trembling from nervousness and pain, but I knew it would happen. I knew I hurt him with my behavior. If the opposite had happened to me I would have been shocked too. Someone who you have known for years, is your closest friend, you share everything with him states that he has sexy thoughts about you… I wouldn��t know how to handle it. Hui didn’t seem surprised though. Indifference was written all over his face. It wasn’t necessary to ask, because it was obvious but I had to do it.
“Because you are not going anywhere.”
And with that sentence I fell asleep and my most wanted dream has begun. Those beautiful soft lips I have always starred at were finally on mine, his arms wrapped around me and I was sinking deeper and deeper. His soft hair between my fingers and his closeness made me forget everything for a second. When he left the last kiss, he lifted my head gently to make me look into his eyes. In those beautiful brown eyes there was a complete universe of emotions. Regret, worry, sorry, relief and happiness. So many unspoken words. But somehow, I think I knew how he felt.  He slowly stroked my hair and hugged me tightly, while whispering to my ear:
“I am sorry to made you lonely all this time. If only I have known. I always thought you were distant with me because you wanted to make clear this can never be more than friendship.”
“I wanted to keep myself away from you, because I was afraid if I got way too attached you would get hurt. I love you Hui. I love you so much but I was afraid you will feel bad to know how I felt and this feeling will come between us.”
“Don’t you believe in us? How many things have we overcome?”
“You are right. I was just so scared of losing you.”
“You cannot lose me. I am coming after you even if you runaway.”
“Oh my… did I really want this?” I said with finally a smile on my face.
“There is no turning back now. Because I love you too.” And he kissed me again.
There was no turning back. On that night I left my apartment. And I never went back. I only left the keys on the kitchen table. In my new place everything was so cosy and warm. I was surrounded by a lovely atmosphere. And I tried to keep my place clean. There was only one thing on the floor which I didn’t mind to leave there. The red lingerie.
“Hello! Good to see you again!”
“Hi! We just came by and wanted to say huge thanks for your help.” I said.
“Oh I am glad I could help.”
“Can you also help me out this time?” I asked.
“Of course. Does it mean that the boyfriend liked the previously chosen one?” The lady asked.
“He was very satisfied with it. What you said was true. It is a quality fabric.” Hui answered.
“Wait a second.” But instead of continuing her sentence she just smiled all-knowingly. “I see. Then, what do you think about choosing the next one together? Since you are here as a man your taste with the boyfriend can be very similar. What do you think?” And she winked at Hui.
“I think our opinion will be the exact same.”
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nose-bandaid · 4 years
pentagon masterlist:)
☼ → fluff | ☁ → angst 
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Pentagon as Students
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coming soon !
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stud.hui.o fanatic | ☼ (requested)
synopsis: late night phone calls weren’t uncommon when you’re lee hwitaek’s best friend, because more often than not, the man is sucked into the void known as his studio, and it’s your responsibility to drag him out of there.
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coming soon !
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coming soon !
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camellia | ☼
synopsis: you were never big on parties, the loud music, dancing, unwanted attention from the hundreds of guests. they were simply not your thing. when you find yourself forced at yet another masquerade however, you meet a masked stranger who shows you that maybe you can find something enjoyable at these gatherings.
the fragility of a petal | ☁ ☼ (requested)
synopsis: you can only go for so long without another tedious party in your schedule, but thankfully this time, you have your fiancé shinwon by your side to keep things interesting. however, your childhood friend seems to be wedging themselves into the equation, and now someone seems a little jealous...
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a hug per dollar | ☼ (requested)
synopsis: overworking can sometimes be an easy, but terrible habit to fall into, but luckily, changgu is there to drag you out when you do.
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그해 그 달 그날  (that year, that month, that day) | ☼☁ (requested)
synopsis: yanan has finally returned to his group for promotions — and he’s elated, the happiest he’s ever been — yet he feels so tired. so, so tired. and so he comes to you for some comfort, and maybe some cuddles and sweet reassurances along the way.
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Yuto as your Boyfriend
-27°C | ☼
synopsis: the weather is cold and now yuto is clingy.
love, at its core |��☼ (requested)
synopsis: waking up one day, you were hit with a curious thought that made you realize how lucky you were to have a boyfriend
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Kino as your Boyfriend
bloom ✿ | ☼
introduction | part one | part two | part three | part four | part five | part 6 | part 7 | epilogue
synopsis: working in a flower shop wasn’t the most exciting thing in the world, but on a particularly hectic day, one event led to another, and soon you find yourself receiving help from a kind customer. 
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Strawberry Kisses (and Ferris Wheel Views) | ☼
synopsis: you’ve finally returned from your trip aboard, and what’s one of the first things you’re going to do? go to the amusement park with your best friend of course! scary roller coasters, funnel cakes, silly pictures, and ferris wheel views, with wooseok by your side, how could this day not end well?
the trees, the grass, the stars | ☼ (requested)
synopsis: getting engaged to someone you barely knew, getting lost in the forest and tripping over a talking stump. none of it made sense, and yet they all added up to one of the greatest meetings in your life.
n.i.t.e. | ☼ (requested)
synopsis: nights like these, where it was just the two of you chilling, making music together — you found them most enjoyable.
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zerot0all · 5 years
Affection | M/F
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“Baby, don’t be mad at me.” You say as you try to cuddle up to your boyfriend who was sitting on the couch huffing and puffing. “I’m not mad I just don’t understand why you didn’t want me to hug you in public.” Hui says with a big pout as he crosses his arms. “Hui, you know I don’t like PDA...that’s all.” You say as you try to get him to face you. “Sure.” Hui says as he rolls his eyes, he was being a brat on purpose mostly because he didn’t like how others would check you out. So he would use affection to try to get them to back off but since you didn’t allow it this time he was pissed. “I love being affectionate with you Hui and you know it.” You say as you take a seat on his lap to straddle him. “Yeah right.” Hui say as he places his hands on your thighs. “I do baby.” You say in a whiny tone as you wrap your hands around his neck and begin to kiss him. You knew exactly what to do to get him back to his good side. Your lips began to travel down to his cheek then to his neck then they stopped behind his ear. Then you began to grind your hips on his lower region. This caused him to let out a low groan. “You drive me crazy.” Hui whispers as his hands begin to message your ass. “I’m sorry baby, let me make it up to you.” As you finish talking you get up and let your dress puddle around your feet. You grab his hand and begin to lead him to the bedroom as you feel his eyes roam around you. “Y/n, why do you do this to me?” Hui says with a smirk as he lands a smack to your ass causing you to jolt. As you both giggled you finally made your way to the bed. As you embraced him your lips locked once again, more passionate then before. “Tell me how you want me baby.” You whisper to Hui causing him to gulp and take a step back to admire your straight forwardness. “I want you in every way possible baby girl.” Hui says as he bites his lips and begins to undress himself.
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yutoda-fics · 6 years
New pentagon fic blog!
Hey everyone! I have a few pentagon oneshots written that I'll be posting on here and I will continue to write for pentagon here and there. Im not a full time blog but I will try to post as inspiration strikes.
I have a Yuto smut im posting first and a Yanan fluff I'm posting as soon as I get it written. Feel free to send some ideas for inspiration and I'll update when I can! Thank you for understanding!
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life-ruiners · 7 years
Genre: angst, a bit smutty
Characters: Hui (Pentagon), OC
Listen to this for mood
As an arts student you didn’t have much lectures to go to, but the all the individual projects were starting to pile up on you. You needed to work on them, you knew it. That, however, didn’t stop you from spending the whole weekend spread out on your bed with a pack of snacks in one hand and a drama playing in your laptop.
Suddenly you heard your phone buzz. A new text. Your heart skipped a beat and you scrambled out of your bed in the speed of light. This could only be one person, it had to be him. You grabbed your phone and unlocked it hurriedly.
Hey, babe
Your heart was beating fast, faster than after a long run. You pressed the letters quickly and sent the message immediately.
Hi ;*
Are you free tonight?
You felt something inside of you, like a twist. People called it butterflies, right? Well that’s not how it felt. You wanted to reply, but the next message came right after.
Should we meet at 9? I’ll send you the address.
You hesitated. You wanted it so much, but seeing the messages for real made you feel somehow hollow inside. The next text came a minute later and you saw a preview with the address and a smile. Your eyes were still stuck on the previous one, though. You thought about saying no, but then a sad smile flashed through your face. You knew yourself too well.
See you there ;*
You threw your phone on the bed and started to get ready absentmindedly. You still had a few hours and for Hwitaek you needed to look like a goddess. The makeup will get smudged anyway and your hair will be a mess, but still you pinned them into a pretty bun and painted your lips red while looking in the little mirror on your desk.
You decided to wear a skirt, since he complimented your legs a lot, and chose a matching shirt. A few puffs of perfume on your bare neck and you were ready. You looked in the mirror again and refused to say the word that came to your mind first. Instead you forced a smile and whispered ‘Goddess’.
Hwitaek opened the door of the hotel room before you even managed to knock. He must have heard your heels on the corridor. His smile always blinded you, and his fingertips on your arms, when he took your coat sent shivers down your spine. You felt his gaze on you and something in his eyes darkened. You were satisfied with yourself. That was the only effect you had on him, but at least you could make him look at you that way.
He ordered some food and drinks, there was some small talk. About your assignments and his schedule, nothing important. Nothing that would interest him and nothing you wouldn’t already know. Minutes and hours might have passed but it was all just like white noise.
Then he gestured to you and you sat in his lap, smiling softly. His arms were tight on you, one hand on your hip the other sneaking under your skirt. You felt the heat coming from him, a delicate smell of alcohol and a distinct one of his perfume.
And your head was empty. You wrapped your arms around his neck letting him guide you. You didn’t want to think, because you knew the outline of your meetings with Hwitaek too well. You knew how it ended, but admitting to it would break you. So you pushed all the thoughts aside and focused on his hands on your hips and his breath on your neck. Soon his mouth and chest were covered in the red from your lips and your fingers gripped tightly on his hair. You heard a word coming from his mouth that made you shiver.
“Mine” he breathed into your ear and your heart dropped.
You kept on with your act, but what scared you was that he didn’t know how right he was. Or maybe he did. Anyway you were his, totally and completely. You didn't plan on falling that deep when he dazzled you with his smile for the first time.
You shouldn’t be here, but he knew how to play you. You melted under his gaze. You felt good.
You felt loved.
Even if only for a few hours, you could finally forget. And you didn't care if for the rest of the time some parts of you felt missing. With him you were complete.
“Hwitaek...” you whispered, lying next to him and watching sunrays slowly breaking into your room through the window.
His hand was still on your thigh and you could feel his chest moving lightly behind you.
“Yeah?” his voice was colder and you tried not to flinch.
That was the part you hated the most. The way he changed in the morning. The way you felt sore and his tone made it worse, but you still clinged to him every time.
You asked about some daily stuff just to keep the conversation going, so that you wouldn’t fall into the trap of your thoughts. He replied mostly with a few words, leaving you hungry for affection. You suddenly felt cold despite the heat radiating from his body next to yours.
“I’ll go now,” you said quietly and he took his arm from you just like that.
“I’ll drive you home” he replied casually, but didn’t move even slightly from his previous position.
“It’s okay,” you said, swallowing hard. “I’ll catch a bus.”
You didn’t want to risk his career with a scandal, that’s what you told yourself every time, but deep inside you knew that was the answer he expected.
At home you washed and went to bed immediately. You were tired, but sleep wouldn’t come. You felt empty and were beginning to miss him already. The absence of his body on yours was too painful. You tried to touch yourself the way he did, but it just wasn’t the same. You didn’t feel the rush, the electricity that his fingers left on your skin. You longed for his little murmurs in your ear and you knew you won’t hear his voice until next week.
Hwitaek wouldn’t leave your head and you couldn’t control it.
After some time you gave up on sleep and reached for your laptop instead. As a habit you instantly opened one of the gossip websites and the first headline made your heart drop.
‘Cube Entertainment confirms the latest relationship rumors’
You clicked not wanting to just believe your assumptions and there it was. A big picture of Hwitaek holding her hand.
‘Cube Entertainment issued an official statement according to which Pentagon’s Hui and CLC’s Eunbin are officially dating.’ you read under it, and yet again you felt that emptiness inside you.
You knew.
You asked him this morning and he told you himself. He said it was something different than between the two of you. Why did it affect you that much then? You laid your hand in the exact same place his larger one was lying in a few hours ago. You felt like crying, but your eyes were completely dry. It was just that twist in your belly and the emptiness of your heart that stuck to you for the rest of the week.
You were like a robot, did your projects, went to lectures, but didn’t hear anything from what the lecturers said. Then a few days later your phone buzzed again.
Hey baby, wanna meet tonight?
You wanted to scream. At yourself for how you rushed to the phone every time, at him for how he had you totally figured out. You didn’t know what to do, your hands starting to tremble. You stared at the text, but your fingers somehow worked on their own.
Sure, what time? ^^
You hesitated just a little longer than last week before clicking the SEND button. You thought for a while about your decision, staring into the mirror, when a sad smile stretched your pale lips. You realized you never had a choice in the first place.
He was the one pulling the strings.
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currently-namelesss · 7 years
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God he was nervous. If people talked about butterflies in their stomach whenever they thought about their significant other, then they have never stood dressed in a white suit, five minutes before getting married to the love of their life. Hui, however, was in that exact moment, he was getting married to Kim Hyojong. “Oh my god, I’m going to puke!” Hui screamed. Wooseok was there in a second, rubbing his back, telling him everything would be alright, they would have an awesome dinner and the sex tonight would leave Hui sore for a week. “Wooseok! You’re a child!!!” Hui screamed, and then laughed. “You’re right. I should be calm, everything will be fine.” He hugged his bestman and thanked him. “It’s nothing, hyung, you’d do the same for me.” Wooseok said and hugged him back. Right at that moment a lady walked in and told Hui he had to go to the alter and wait for his spouse. “Yes okay, thank you,” Hui said. The moment the lady was gone and the door closed Hui screamed and ran six laps around the room. He then stood in front of the door and was just about to go out when Wooseok stopped him. “Hyung, one last dab as an unmarried man!” Hui couldn’t do anything but laugh and dab with the taller man. After the dab they walked out and down the aisle. Hui smiled, seeing his family and close friends sitting there, looking proud and– was that his mom crying?? He saw Yanan giving him a thumbs up, Shinwon and Yeoone did some sexual reference while Kino tried to stop them. All Hui could do was laugh slightly and keep walking.
Hyojong was giddy, he couldn’t stop doing silly dances, drinking water (he was sure he would pee himself) and do weird noises. “Hyojong, calm down…” Hongseok had tried to reason with him for the last hour. “Hongseok!? CALM DOWN!? I’M GETTING MARRIED TO THE LOVE OF MY LIFE!!! THAT ASSHAT WANTS TO LIVE WITH ME FOR EVER!!!” Hyojong ranted and ran around the room. “Oh, Dawnie… He is waiting.” Hongseok said as he peeked out from behind the curtain, soon followed by Hyojong himself “God, he looks amazing.” The blond said and giggled, jumping back behind the curtain. “You ready to get married?” Hongseok smiled and got ready to walk down the aisle with his friend, instead of Hyojong’s dad.
The ceremony went well and soon enough it was dinner and party time. Hui and Hyojong never left the others side, always found whispering and giggling about small things. The party was loud and of course it’d be with their friend squad of ten people. Changgu and his Chinese boyfriend Yanan was challenging Shinwon and Hyunggu in who could make up most rhymes with a wedding theme. It didn’t go well after “I got a flower and the two husbands got power”. Yuto and Wooseok, the two youngest in their disabled family, were sitting in a corner going through a meme tumblr blog, laughing until they cried. Hongseok and his longtime boyfriend Jinho were slow dancing on the dance floor. One thing they all had in common was that they were drunk af, which you could tell. “HYUNG!!” A shout came from Yuto, who usually was very quiet, unless he was drunk. “Yes, Yuto?” Hyojong asked. “SQUAD PIC!!!!” He yelled back,  as if it was obvious what he meant. He dragged the two men up from their chairs to take a picture. “I SET THE TIMER ON FIVE SECONDS!!” Wooseok yelled. “Smile, but not too big because Hui’s eyes will disappear!” Kino said jokingly. “Yah, don’t be rude!” Jinho said and smacked the back of Kino’s head. “Focus! Say ‘Pentastic’!” Changgu said as the flash went off. “That was so cringe! We have to take another one!” Shinwon whined. “No one said it anyway.” “Another one! A serious one I can post everywhere!” Everyone groaned, but did as Shinwon wanted or he wouldn’t shut up about it. Unless someone knocked him out or something. “Gays we have to speed this up, I think Yuto has had too much to drink.” Yanan said and gestured towards Yuto , who struggled to keep both of his eyes open at the same time. “OKOK FIVE SECONDS AGAIN!!!” The flash went off and they gathered around the phone to look at the second picture. “Yo, is it a wedding or a funeral, I can’t tell…” “Hongseok shut up! It’s adorable!“ “Nah I’m with Hongseok on this one. It really looks like someone just died.” Jinho agreed. “Yeah, the mood! Because your comments killed it.” “Hey stop it! Yuto just passed out, who’s taking him home?” “Not me, I did it last time.” “Well he’s not staying here.” The bickering went on for a while until the newlyweds were finally left alone to um… “celebrate” the wedding on their own.
Requested by anon💕💕
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lucysuniverse · 3 years
I already miss Hui so much and I can’t tell how much I’ve been missing Jinho all this time, so here is a fanfiction inspired by their song ‘Someday’ which always makes me cry. Hope you enjoy it! 
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I should admit that I was also influenced by the movie ‘The Vow’ so if you find any similarities, that is the reason why. 
Pairing: Hui x OC/reader
Genre: ANGST, romance
Word count: 3,793
I knew something was missing. I always felt like people are hiding something from me. But I could never find out. Everything was alright. But my heart was aching. And I only later realized why.
‘We should get going’ He said.
‘Jinho, look I really appreciate how you want me to help fit in, but I guess I need time. I just recently moved here.’
And just like other times he said nothing but nodded all-knowingly. He was always way too patient. He never nagged, he never disagreed. It was weird. He was the only person I’ve known from my childhood. But still when we had these conversations it felt like I didn’t know him that well.
‘Are you ready then?’ he asked.
‘Look, thank you for doing this for me, but you don’t have to try so hard. After all it is my life. It’s my problem if I don’t make new friends. And I know this sounds selfish, but I have you. And that’s all I need.’
And he did the same thing again. A huge sigh, no answer just an all-knowing nod in response. I was really getting annoyed by it. But I knew how hard he tried to help me, how he was cancelling all his other programs just to spend more time with me. So, I never complained.
Usually we tried to discover new places in the neighborhood. We both liked those little pubs were smaller not-yet well-known bands and musicians were performing live. We spent most of those nights in the pub called ‘The Black Hall’. Jinho seemed to be very close with the owner and the place itself had a very nice atmosphere. On days when I didn’t feel like going anywhere but Jinho kept on saying we should go out we usually went there. And now we were heading there again. That place was special. It was very calming and I was never frustrated there. My safe place indeed. As we entered Jinho was welcomed by many people. He was a regular there. And even though a lot of people seemed to recognize me and greet me, I couldn’t seem to remember their faces.
‘Hey man nice to see you.’ The owner said to Jinho. And then he turned to me. ‘Good to see you too. It’s been a long time, glad you are here.’
‘Your place is still the best in town.’ I said shyly.
The owner was way too nice with me everytime we met. It was really confusing. If I didn’t know he had a girlfriend, I would think he was flirting with me. He always offered us free drinks and tried to talk as much as possible. Even if other customers were around, it felt like we were special to him. But I didn’t really understand why.
‘Guys. Can I leave you here for a second?’ Jinho asked. ‘I’ll be back in a second.’
‘Sure. I’ll keep an eye on her don’t worry.’ The owner answered.
I was so ashamed, I knew that we’ve met already several times but I kept on forgetting his name. Recently I couldn’t remember a lot of things. And even though he wasn’t foreign anymore I was getting stressed about the fact that Jinho left me with him.
‘Hey Hui can you please help me with the boxes in the storage? We’ve just received a new order.’ One of the waiters asked him.
Hui. So that’s his name. I shouldn’t forget it in case I don’t want to end up in awkward situations. Hui. Hui. Hui. But why does his name sound so familiar?
‘Can you just wait a bit? We have a special guest tonight.’ He answered.
And now the waiter showed up out of the nowhere. He also greeted me by my name which was very shocking. I don’t remember ever meeting him.
‘Is she still-‘ He asked Hui.
‘Yeah.’ Hui answered with a sad look on his face.
‘What am I still? Sorry but I heard you are talking about me.’
‘Oh nothing. He just wanted to know whether you are still new in town.’
‘I see.’
Is this something to be disappointed about? What is such a big deal about that. I moved here only few weeks ago. The situation was getting a bit weird, but thankfully Jinho has just returned.
‘Here I am what did I miss?’
‘I will kill him one day.’ Hui said.
‘Did he do it again?’ Jinho asked.
‘We even asked him not to… I don’t know what is so hard to understand about that… whatever.’ Hui answered bit tempered and disappointed.
When I looked at him, I could have been scared. What could that waiter do to deserve death? But I felt like he was just so stressed about something he must have carried a really hard weight on his shoulders. He seemed to be in despair. Sometimes when we visited him in The Black Hall the place seemed so lively and energetic but times when I secretly looked at him I saw a very lost man. He was always smiling around his guests and friends but I guess he was hurt inside.
‘Hey calm down. It will be alright. We both know it will be alright. Why don’t you sing for us instead?’
‘Should I?’ Hui asked back and they were both staring at me.
‘I mean of course if this is what makes you happy.’ I answered.
Who am I to decide? Also, it was getting weird. Since when are they so close with Jinho? And is this guy also a singer? We’ve been here several times but I’ve never seen him performing. As he was slowly moving to the stage I was somehow getting excited and nervous. My body reacted like I was one of the biggest fans of this guy. But I’ve never heard him singing.
‘Hi everyone. Hmm. How do I even start this? This is quite strange to stand here after all the things that happened months ago…’ He said a bit unstable. But he continued. ‘There are some special guests here with us today, and there is a song I wrote just recently. I hope you’ll like it.’
 My heart I can’t hear it now
Even the sound of my heartbeat is like a lie
I wanna stop and turn back
Even if it ends in tears
Hope is sweet
But it’s only an outer layer that fear made
Even if it’s despair
That’s waiting for me
I wanna be the one to decide
Who am I? I can’t see
The reflection in the mirror
My face looks so unfamiliar
Who am I
Cry, I can feel it
Even one tear drop tells me how I feel
I can tell you why, I know
Pain and sadness and scars
Are reasons why I am alive
I don’t want to lose my mind
 I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. I was totally drawn to him. It was the most beautiful and intimate performance I’ve ever seen yet it almost broke my heart. Watching him on stage fighting alone and crying out for help through this song, it was so painful.
‘Jinho, can we go please?’
‘Yeah, but is something wrong?’
‘No. I just rather go now.’
‘I just say bye and we can.
‘Please Jinho… Let us go.’ And I was begging him.
We went home but I couldn’t say anything. I asked Jinho to stay with me just for a while until I calm down but I couldn’t. I couldn’t explain what was going on. I hated myself for it, but I just couldn’t.
‘She must be a monster to let him alone when he is clearly in pain.’
‘Who are you talking about?’ He asked a bit surprised.
‘Hui’s girlfriend. You said he has one. It’s so obvious that he needs her. He is suffering. Why is she not next to him? What an awful girlfriend does that?’
‘Look…’ Jinho started.
‘No. Don’t even try to defend her. Even tough I’ve never met her, this is my opinion and I am not sorry about it.’
‘I just wanted to say, she is not awful. The thing is you just don’t know the whole story.’
‘Even so, he needs someone to rely on. His sad face makes my heart ache.’
‘Do you like him?’
‘What is this all of a sudden? He has a girlfriend. Of course not. I am not that type even if he deserves a way better girlfriend.’
‘I see. Do you feel a bit better now?’ Jinho asked still a bit worried.
‘Yeah. I’ll be okay. I don’t know what’s gotten into me. And sorry to make you leave without even saying goodbye. I just felt the urge to leave.’
‘Hey. No worries. You are still new here. Anyone can get anxious sometimes. Its totally okay, considering all the things that happened to you.’
‘Wait. What? What do you mean? What happened?’
‘I meant the move. It must have been exhausting. I’ll be going then.’
‘Thank you for everything Jinho. Thanks for all the efforts. I don’t think I deserve you in my life, but I am forever grateful to have you next to me. I just wanted you to know. Good night!’
‘Good night’
When I closed the door behind him, I looked out of the window just to see him leave. It was dark on the streets and it seemed to be colder than before. Jinho was slowly walking, his steps were like moving heavy mountains. He let his head down. I felt like going after him. I was such a bad friend recently. Because of the move I was in focus he was helping me continuously but I couldn’t see that he was facing hardships as well. 
Suddenly a guy appeared in front of him. From far I couldn’t see him well but he seemed somehow familiar. He was just a bit taller than Jinho. He raised Jinho’s face to make him look into his eyes. He must have asked something. Because the next thing I could see was Jinho shaking his head and then burying it into the man’s chest like a small kid. And the man pulled him closer to hug him to comfort him. Jinho’s body was shaking he must have been crying and I also felt tears growing in my eyes. 
Then I saw the man looking at the sky. As they were standing under one of the street lamps I could finally see his face. And no wonder why his face was so familiar. It was The Black Hall’s owner, Hui. And when I recognized him I suddenly fell on my knees and started to cry. I didn’t understand and couldn’t explain but again I felt an unbearable pain in my chest.
‘Are you sure you want to go there? We can go anywhere else.’ Jinho asked.
‘Yeah, I want to go to The Black Hall.’
For some reason, after that night we only went to that specific place. Jinho always asked back whether I am okay with it but it was always me who wanted to go there. Mainly because of Hui. I wanted to hear him singing, I wanted to see him smiling at his customers, I wanted to be close to him. And also because of Jinho. He seemed so relaxed when we were there. For some reason I even felt like he was happy to see me getting closer to Hui. But I might have been seeing visions.
Slowly but surely, I was getting used to the new place and new faces. I became a regular too. And somehow Hui seemed to become happier too.
‘Who is this man? You changed totally. I am so happy to see this bright side of yours.’ I said one night.
‘Well, it couldn’t have been possible without a precious someone.’
‘I am so glad to hear. I knew there was something going on between you two. But seemingly she finally changed her mind. So good to see you this happy.’
‘She?’ Hui asked back a little bit confused.
‘Yeah, your girlfriend. You are together again, aren’t you?’ And now I was a little confused too.
‘Oh… her.’
He was smiling. But it was bitter-sweet.
‘I am so sorry. I shouldn’t have brought it up. This is not my business.’
‘No, no its fine. It’s just hard sometimes you know. She traveled somewhere far and I miss her a lot.’
‘But at least you keep in touch, right?’ I asked trying to lighten the topic.
‘I see her a lot recently. But I guess it just makes me miss her more.’
‘But you said she is abroad.’
‘Oh yeah, I mean via videochat. It’s not like she keeps on appearing in the pub everyday. If that would happen I should have been happy, right?’
‘Seeing how much you miss her… I guess yeah. I would be happy to see her. I hope she’ll return soon. You deserve to be happy.’
‘Sometimes I lose hope you know. She might not return.’
‘What? She’s such a fool if she is not coming back to you. She’ll regret it forever.’
And I realized I said too much. It could have sounded controversial. I don’t want to take advantage of this situation. Just recently I really got to like him, but this is not the right timing. I couldn’t do this to him, to that girl, not even to myself.
‘I am sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. I didn’t want to interfere.’ I said.
‘I guess I know how you meant. Sorry to interrupt but do you know by any chance where is Jinho?’
‘I guess I saw him around the stage last time.’
‘Hui, what are you doing?’
‘You should never give up on love, right?’ He asked.
‘I don’t know, maybe not. I’ve never fallen in love before.’
And even if it took just a second, I saw that smile on his face.
‘What is so funny about it? Is it a sin?’
‘Yeah sure. You’ve never been in love.’ He said doubting me.
‘I am telling you! Laugh if that makes you feel better.’
‘No sorry… It was just hard to believe that a girl like you was never in love before.’
‘Who wouldn’t want to be with you?’
‘Ehm, that’s very nice from you, but… why are we talking about this?’
‘If you’d have someone precious to you would you fight for him? To make him happy, to see him smile, to know he is alright? Would you want to spend the rest of your days with him?’
‘I guess. I am sorry Hui but this conversation gets out of hand. Are you trying to say something?’
‘Oh Jinho. You are here. It’s time.’ He said to Jinho.
‘Are you sure?’
‘Now or never. I have to try.’
I was getting confused. We were talking about his girlfriend and he was sad. Now he seems to be all excited and hoping like his girlfriend is just about to enter the door and fall in his arms. Although it was good to see him being cheerful, somehow, I felt jealous. Since I know him this girl is nowhere to be seen and she is just playing with him as she wants. He deserved so much better.
‘Jinho, do you know what is going on?’
‘I guess he is fighting for someone precious to him.’
‘That chick again. Make sure to keep her away from me, if she wants to be alive.’
‘Calm down okay? Look I wanted to wait with this, but I think I should tell you now.’
‘Hello everyone.’ Hui greeted the audience from the stage.
‘What do you want to tell me Jinho?’
‘Listen to him first then I’ll tell you later.’
‘It was 3 months ago when something terrible happened. Without any warning signs my girlfriend collapsed here.’
‘WHAT?’ I looked at Jinho askingly. But he didn’t react.
‘After the check-ups the doctors said it is nothing serious. And I believed them. But it seems to be more serious than they thought.’
‘Is she then in foreign hospital outside the country?’ I asked Jinho again. My voice trembled. I was so shocked. But again, he didn’t answer.
‘Today I prepared a song with the title: Someday. First of all, I want to thank my best friend for staying next to me in these hard times, without him I guess I wouldn’t be able to stand here. Please give a round of applause to my brother Jinho.’
‘MY BROTHER?’ I was completely taken a back.
‘And now for days when we will be able to laugh together again please give lots of love to the next song: Someday. I hope the girl I wrote this about will also like it.’
But I didn’t care about the song anymore. They were the only ones I trusted but they betrayed me. Even if Hui didn’t know Jinho must have known how hard it was to get familiar with the new environment and new faces. How could he?
Someday Something we dreamed of
It will spread out in front of you
I have to walk more for that day.
Not afraid to be together
I stopped in front of the door. As I heard him singing I had to stop. I was slowly going back to my seat. I sat back next to Jinho and I didn’t ask, I didn’t say anything.
I’ll remember today when I was tired
Precious memories
My precious memories. I remembered them.
With you guys who believed more than anyone else
Someday I’ll laugh again
Dreams to be embroidered on the sky
The day after day will shine
When our heart is added
Our dreams that have been precious
If you believe, it will happen someday
The stars embroidered in the sky
Shine our way
No longer wandering
Shining star shining on the sky
Our dreams we have
Precious dreams
It will all happen.
It will all come true
When our heart is added
I couldn’t look at them. My body was trembling, I was crying like never before. For three months I despised a girl for making Hui upset, sad and lonely. I really hated her for doing this. And in this period I never doubted Jinho’s way too patient nods, and Hui’s bitter smiles. I didn’t notice anything. I didn’t even realize I was the one making them upset all this time.
The girl I hated was myself. And now I hated her even more. I hated her for being slow. I hated her for being such a bad friend. And I hated her for being the worst fiancée. I hated her for being weak and collapsing. I hated myself for everything I was. I hated the fact that they were hopelessly fighting for me without me knowing. I hate that we lost three months of being together.
Suddenly I felt a hand gently stroking my back.
‘I guess you know what I wanted to tell you. I am so sorry I couldn’t tell you earlier. We just didn’t want to scare you.’ Jinho said with teary eyes.
‘Why did you let me hurt you, why did you try so selflessly? Why?’
‘Because he is my brother, and you are my best friend. You would have done it for me as well.’
He wrapped his arms around me, but then we heard a familiar voice from above.
‘Hey, is everything alright?’ Hui asked.
And in that second, I started to cry again. His voice meant something else this time. Homecoming. Or a warm hug on a cold winter day. Being able to recognize his voice and know that it is his voice was something I was so grateful about.
‘I guess you two have some things to discuss, I’ll leave then.’ Jinho said.
‘Bro, thank you. Again.’ Hui said with a sincere smile.
As Jinho left it was just Hui and me. And I couldn’t stop crying. I was crying in his arms until everyone left. When I finally calmed down we were the only ones at the place. He was holding my hands and smiling at me with that beautiful smile of his. How could I even forget this?
‘Welcome home babe.’
‘How did you know? How could you not give up?’
‘Do you remember when you said I should open this place?’
And I nodded. Some of the memories were still blurry but I kept on remembering them.
‘You said then, if you were a stranger just passing by you might not enter this place. But then I told you that it will have live performances.’
‘And I said if only you perform too. But back then I never heard you singing.’
‘It was my first time singing in front of you. But you wanted to visualize how the pub is going to work in the future, so I started singing.’
‘If I was a stranger just passing by and listening to your voice, I would become a regular. And who knows maybe I would fall in love. This is what I said, after your performance.’
‘And this is how I knew. I had to trust you, I had to wait and hope that you’ll be able to fall in love one more time. ‘
‘As long as it’s you I would fall in love over and over again. Your voice saved me. Us.’
For a minute, we were just staring at each other. I could get enough of this beautiful view. His innocent, happy eyes, those perfect lips, beautiful teeth and amazing hair. There was nothing on him I didn’t like.
‘I am so glad to have you back.’ he said and he placed a gentle kiss on my forehead.
‘I don’t want to lose you again.’
‘You will never lose me.’
‘But I want to make a promise, a promise that nothing can erase.’
‘Do I understand correctly?’
‘Let’s not wait any longer. I want to marry you as soon as possible.’
‘If you are not ready we can wait. I am not running anywhere.’ He said pleasantly.
‘You waited three months, I don’t want to keep you waiting.’
Finally, he was smiling. He was smiling honestly. As he leaned closer and kissed me gently I could feel that he was still smiling. And I couldn’t have been happier. Having his arms around me, getting lost in his touch I realized what I was missing in the past months. I knew something was missing. My aching heart was telling me all the time. But maybe this pain was what indicated that there was someone waiting for me. The one I could live with happily together. Someday.
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