#hive of the eye tyrant
mtg-cards-hourly · 9 months
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Hive of the Eye Tyrant
Artist: DiTerlizzi TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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crippledgiraff · 3 months
New Stickers -1/21/24
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I hope everyone's having as good of a weekend as we are here at Crippled Giraff Decals, because we just launched some new stickers from @kabewski! Buy all three and you'll get this shiny little mushroom fella for free! crippledgiraffdecals.etsy.com
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To celebrate the Year of the Dragon we've got this adorable draconic gun witch and her ghostly familiar! Printed on transparent vinyl she looks like she's floating! https://crippledgiraffdecals.etsy.com/listing/1648616892/year-of-the-dragon-gun-witch-transparent
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Continuing the gun witch theme, we've got this white mage, ready to cast fireball! https://crippledgiraffdecals.etsy.com/listing/1648622718/rocket-propelled-grenade-gun-witch
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You know me, I just had to get some Orky art printed! This crew of adventurers and their snazzy red tank will look fantastic on anything you stick it to! https://crippledgiraffdecals.etsy.com/listing/1648620074/kabewskis-red-tank-transparent-vinyl
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If I know @qsycomplainsalot's fans, they love a bizarre, gross joke. Slap this Oreo'le up in the bathroom of your local dive bar today! https://crippledgiraffdecals.etsy.com/listing/1648612616/oreole-transparent-vinyl-sticker-45
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OVER THE TOP! IRON WITHIN! IRON WITHOUT! Everyone loves Iron Warriors, and everyone loves @diceyjune's art! We've got both here at Crippled Giraff Decals! https://crippledgiraffdecals.etsy.com/listing/1655143621/veteran-siege-engineer-helm-glossy-vinyl
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Damn the Torpedoes! We've got a Salamander! He's got a Multi-Melta! Zorch your foes with the heat of a million suns! https://crippledgiraffdecals.etsy.com/listing/1655140267/heroic-dragon-knight-transparent-vinyl
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Were you hoping to buy a sticker which was so bright it'd make your eyes bleed? Well you're in luck, because we here at Crippled Giraff Decals have acquired some of Hive Fleet Hyper's overstock! https://crippledgiraffdecals.etsy.com/listing/1648628024/hive-fleet-hyper-tyrant-holographic
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illwilledomen · 2 years
A singular Enderman will refer to themselves as ‘we’, as well as when referring to another Enderman. Due to their psychic abilities Endermen are linked to one another in the end through a web of thoughts and images which the Endermen refer to as the Chorus. The Ancient Humans, in the later stages of their civilisation predescessing their catastrophic downfall, saw Endermen as a threat due to their extremely advanced intelligence and unique capabilities, and so, they constructed a biomechanical tyrant, The Dragon, which constantly sent off huge disruptions into The Chorus which agitated and weakened Endermen, and garbled and warped their only true way of communication. Endermen are basically a hive mind, but an individual Enderman, over time if separated from The End’s Chorus, can develop individual needs and desires. This is seen in Overmen, which are Endermen who live in the Overworld. They spend unnatural amounts of time in solitude and silence separated from the Chorus and so their rapidly changing mind breaks off from their hive. They still follow their collective use of a single pronoun for their species and are still affected by any major changes in the Chorus, however.
Due to Endermen viewing their entire species as essentially a singular mind, they, when within their home dimension, do not understand the concept of self, friendship with other entities nor comprehend other organisms as having minds, personalities or sentience. This may make them seem malevolent, irrational or dangerous - and while they should be respected and are certainly unpredictable, they seldom mean harm. Overmen, however, having separately adapted from the linked consciousness, may unknowingly discover friendship (or enemyship) with other sentient beings such as Villagers. Their presence is heavily stigmatized however - Many villagers see them as a sign of bad luck, a symbol of impending death to the family akin to a Banshee or a black cat.
They are labeled as ghosts, demons or monsters and regarded with as much fear and apprehension as the undead or various dangerous predators such as spiders and phantoms. Illagers (not abiding by villager superstition and folklore) regard Endermen as feral animals. Some evokers show interest in the study of teleportation and conduct experiments on Endermen. Wandering traders are different, however. They have a seperate set of unspoken social ‘rules’ which regard Overmen with more respect. There is the understandable warning to avert eye contact, but it is also out of respect as it is of caution. Endermen are to be treated as a benevolent force which comes and goes as they please - they will not stay and they will not leave by demand of someone. The wandering traders acknowledge either way, however, that Endermen (of any kind, Overmen, End-native or Belowmen (nether)) are otherworldly beings and do not follow the terms, rules and values that villagers - and other Overworld beings - do.
Regarding Belowmen (Nether Endermen), Piglin see them as silent, harmless yet eerie ghosts. They are a sign to stay away from an area - like a living ‘caution’ sign (this stems from the dangerous properties of warped fungus) yet they are not seen as destructive or dangerous themselves.
Endermen have very faint markings on their face that differentiate them. These differences are more prominent on Overmen due to water scars. Endermen do not have names for themselves, but if they befriend a villager, player, piglin, etc, they will accept any name given to them.
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freewillacquired · 7 months
In a world ravaged by a virus that primarily creates monsters, nasty encounters are in no short supply. When Rain begins to hear heavy footfalls—when she feels them practically shaking the ground beneath her, she figures she's about to have another.
Cursing under her breath, she unholsters her gun.
The days were blending together in depressing ways now. Nemesis was shocked at how quickly things had gone to hell after the Hive and Raccoon City Incidents. It had taken him quite a while to regenerate after the city's "sanitation," but once he was on his feet again, he realized the gravity of what was happening to the world.
Alone and with nothing left to do in his current mutated state, Nemesis had taken to showing up at Umbrella facilities unannounced, and destroying as much of them as he could. The digital feed supplied by the retinal implant attached to his right eye and sewn up into his head gave him a lot of useful information, especially after his mind was liberated from Umbrella's control. May as well put it to good use, right?
He'd acquired more clothes and equipment this way, with the boots and leather trenchcoat-style getup being standard issues for a creature called a Tyrant, which he apparently now was. They seemed just about the only things that were going to fit his... unique body shape nowadays.
Learning about himself and destroying Umbrella assets were good pastimes, but Nemesis was extremely lonely. The few survivors he came across now and then either screamed and ran from him or shot at him. Bullet wounds were nothing more than annoying mosquito bites to him now, thanks to his thick hide, but even so... it was demoralizing. All he wanted to do was help. He was almost getting used to being alone all the time, by necessity rather than desire, until that unexpectedly changed. While exploring a city one day, he rounded a corner and-
"Raaaain!" Nemesis bellowed the moment he saw her, unable to contain his excitement upon seeing her. "Oh... ny god!" He couldn't believe his eyes. Well, eye. He still had two, but one was... indisposed. In a move that probably looked damn near ridiculous to the other, he lifted his hand... and waved to her. "I'n so glad... to see you! How... are you... alithe... right now?" he tried to ask, his massive chompers getting in the way, as usual.
Nemesis couldn't get his voice to be anything other than a monotone growl, and with monstrous teeth and a noticeable lack of lips, his speech was something of a garbled mess. It took him a while, but he'd learned to make certain sounds in other ways, using his throat and tongue. Essentially, he'd had to relearn how to speak. Some sounds and words, though, were lost forever. None of that did anything to curb his enthusiasm at seeing Rain alive, however. Was he finally losing his mind? Hallucinating, maybe? No, the target identification system is identifying her as Rain... Right now, Nemesis didn't care either way. Just the sight of her was one for sore eyes, since his last clear memory of her was being at death's door.
"I thought... the anti-thirus... didn't work...?" he said, his elation at seeing her alive completely overriding his common sense. Nemesis wasn't thinking about the fact that Rain wouldn't recognize him anymore, or about how negatively she would likely react to seeing the hulking beast before her. Not to mention his tentacles, rooted at the backs of his shoulders, which were excitedly coiling and undulating in their own right, reacting to his surprise and happiness. He batted one of them with his hand. "Cut it out...!" he admonished the obnoxious appendage. It recoiled temporarily before returning to its idle activities.
Then it dawned on him, especially with how she had her gun at the ready. Oh no... she has no idea who I am. "It's Natt," he said, laying his hand on his chest. "Natt... Ad-di-son." How pathetic is it that I can't even say my own name correctly anymore? he thought grimly.
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aprillikesthings · 1 month
OKAY last one tonight
and it's a doozy
s5 ep5 Save the Cat
I always wonder if people get the joke in the episode title? There's a famous book about writing scripts called Save the Cat. I kind of assume at least one person in the writer's room for She-Ra has actually read it.
Also Daci got me Strawberry Oatly (vegan ice cream) hell yes
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she tells them she's alone??? hm
oh the others were clinging to the outside of the ship in space suits lol
roll intro
okay Entrapta and Bow are gonna fuck with the computers and Glimmer is gonna find Catra
god it must be weird for Glimmer to be on the ship again???
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okay so Adora tells Horde Prime: hey you're gonna let me leave with Catra okay?
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"The Heart of Etheria. And if you don't do what I say, then I'll use it...and destroy you and your empire for good."
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"You would never risk the safety of your Catra."
(Ever noticed he always says this? Your Adora. Your Catra.)
Adora: "You don't know me. And you don't know what I'm capable of." Horde Prime: "Oh...but I do." Horde Prime: "I am old, far older than you can imagine. My brothers lend me their life force, and when one vessel fails me, I simply elect another."
(Like a Time Lord but WAY creepier)
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"There is something so...familiar about you, Adora."
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"Not since I faced your ancestors, and crushed their once-mighty empire beneath my heel. You call them the First Ones. And you are one of them, are you not, Adora?"
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Meanwhile Entrapta thinks she's spotted her boyfriend
She's got the little chip she gave him ;_;
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not good!!!
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BAHAHAH oh right that's how this guy starts. Anyway this poor clone is panicking because the jolt removed him from the hive mind
he starts SOBBING. "how will Horde Prime see my thoughts?? how will he know I am faithful???"
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but then:
Entrapta: "Can you open this door?" He does Entrapta makes a happy little squeaky noise
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Entrapta: "But we broke him! We're responsible for him now. Pluuuus, he can open doors!"
He says he'll take them to the server room, and Bow gives him his nickname of "Wrong Hordak" lolol
Glimmer went back to her old cell, and Catra's not there
And that's when Glimmer realizes their little earbud comms aren't working
Horde Prime: "I thought the First Ones were all gone, but clearly...some faction remains. That race of tyrants...abandoned you on a forgotten planet in a shadow dimension. They made you their weapon, their...She-Ra."
I mean, it sounds bad when you say it that way (because it is, actually)
Adora: "I don't fight for the First Ones. I fight for my home, for myself, and for my friends. Now for the last time, where is Catra?"
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oh, god
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he's not...wrong
Horde Prime: "As she would've said, 'You are so very predictable.'"
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I knew this was coming, I knew it was this episode, and it still makes me want to crawl out of my own skin
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Horde Prime: "I have made her anew. I saw her mind...so ensnared in grief and rage and pain...and I brought her to the light."
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(okay but if he saw into her mind did he see all the times Catra thought about kissing and/or having sex lol)
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Adora's absolute horror here is so relatable
Adora: "Catra, you have to fight it!" Catra: "My place is with Horde Prime, Adora. I don't want to leave." Horde Prime: "Tell her what I've done for you." Catra: "Prime has given me peace. Something you could never do."
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"But he has made it whole again."
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"I'm happy here. You could be happy, too."
(It's genuinely hard to rewind this to get decent screenshots because hearing/seeing Catra act all weird with the chip is just SO UNCOMFORTABLE)
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And there we see it--the first hint that Catra is actually being actively tortured and forced to say/do this shit like some kind of sentient puppet, having to experience her own body doing/saying these things without her permission. Her eyes even keep twitching.
Horde Prime: "I will give her to you, if...you want her... But first, you must do something for me. You...will give me She-Ra." Adora: "Never." Horde Prime: "Very well."
He snaps his fingers and everyones in-ear comms shriek with static and electricity
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(okay I gotta stop just copy/pasting the script)
He squeezes poor Catra's neck and for a second her eyes go back to normal, she looks at Adora, and then they start glowing again. Adora notices!!
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aaagh look at poor Catra
but yeah Adora can't bring out She-Ra on command right now (and he knew that)
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OH SHIT THAT'S RIGHT oh god oh fuck
okay so Glimmer's in the trophy room thing and she kicks the ass of a couple of clones, that's cool
but also
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"I know you're still in there. I'm not leaving without you."
Catra gets a good slice into Adora's leg
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Adora: "I don't want to hurt you!"
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cool-ghoul · 13 days
Are we lucky enough to hear about one of those OCs?
This one's a little against the premise, but I've got a pretty neat Legacy: Life Among The Ruins campaign going, tentatively named "Ragnarok Circlejerk", and I'll tell you the tale of my gal, a funky little critter named Yai-Isa-Nim.
I think she counts as a blorbo from my brain.
She's a nasty eldritch abomination called a Neth. The setting's post-apocalyptic and society ended as a result of an eldritch convergence humanity has interpreted as "Ragnarok", or simply the Fall. A horrible, branched entity-- the Wyrdtree breached into Earth, carrying with it a chaotic energy called Wyrd, which turned Earth into a nightmarish wasteland. Neth are mutated humans capable of thriving in the shattered landscape.
Their phenotype sorta looks like they've been hybridized with a reptile and some kind of eldritch insect-- resinous scales, prehensile tails, shining pink eyes with slit pupils, slime-dripping claws and digitgrade legs. They communicate with each other in clicks and trills.
Oh! They also purr.
Neth resemble no known animal, but instead are a kind of fully-realized genetic optimization project, a gestalt of numerous adaptations and runaway mutations. They can trace their origin to a genetic program run out of a Neo-Soviet gulag ,created in a prescient attempt to devise a labor force that would survive the coming Fall.
Horrifically, they succeeded: the Neth were left alone amid the chaos, and are now thriving: breeding teeming hives and lurking in the dark places beyond humanity's dwindling firelight.
Neth live underground in eusocial societies lead by a Tyrant-- Tyrants command the drudges, control the incubators and produce pheromones that give them some enhanced sway over other Neth. It's not quite mind control, more an animal magnetism that has to be accompanied with savvy rulership. Neth will rebel against an incompetent Tyrant, as we'll see with Yai.
Tyrants war with each other, and atrocity is a way of life-- cannibalism, slavery, and zero-sum wars of extermination are everyday occurrences. That said, the cruelty's not inborn but learned: the Neth are simply iterating on the brutal life their ancestors lived in the gulag.
While Neth have all the equipment to make babies the old fashioned way, they almost exclusively reproduce via incubation pods which turn humans into Neth, and dead matter into symbiotic "drudges", adorable little bipedal isopod-lookin fuckers, which I describe as "meat pikmin". Drudges work alongside the Neth as drones, sorta filling the slot of work animals.
For this reason, they make a habit of capturing humans (living or dead) to replenish their numbers, making them rightfully feared as enemies of civilization.
They're no drones, though: Neth all have their own personalities, and enjoy expressing their individuality and interior lives. They compulsively create art like humans do, and are particularly handy with their resin, and your average Neth is seen replete with charms, jewelry, and sculpted chitin, either homemade or sourced from skilled artisans, who're prized amongst the hive.
All that said, we can now understand our girl Yai:
Yai's a rebel tyrant, leading the newborn "Nim Hive". She staged an insurrection with her peers, and scored some royal jelly-- a genekit that promotes a garden-variety Neth to a Tyrant. Thus enhanced, she gathered her followers and drudges and bolted to found a new home.
Yai is, by Neth standards, a bleeding-heart. She likes humans, and rejects the policies of forced capture and enslavement that are common among her peers. Still, she is a Neth, and sees humans as squishy, weak, and unaccustomed to the wasteland. They're stubborn, using dated tech they plunder from the ruins, encase themselves in unreliable suits, and repeat the mistakes of the past in an attempt to cling to a way of life that has already failed.
To Yai, the logical thing would be to convert as many people as she can into Neth so they can prosper and survive in this new, strange world, but most humans aren't into it. This is where the other Tyrants would start capturing, reeducating, and converting any hominid they can catch, but since Yai's a softie, she's instead attempting to slowly forge bonds with humanity, understand their ways of living, and use Neth power to protect them.
In-game, the Neth are just one family at the table: Her bridge to connect with humanity is another player's family: a gang of kids who play a "game" that has some arcane connection to the beasts of Ragnarok, something the Isa Hive interprets as proof that humanity can adapt mentally, and adopt new techniques to exist within the wasteland, while the kids think the Neth are kinda cute and helpful. What kid doesn't want a monster pal?
These two factions exist alongside a company of the defunct Red Army, some raiders worshipping a lycanthropic mutant goddess-- a fork of the same mutagenic force that created the Neth, and the Concern, a secretive society of transnational black-ops who foretold the Fall, but were unable to stop it-- think XCOM crossed with the SCP organization. They also had a hand in making the Neth.
The factions are getting along pretty well right now-- trying to stop some bandits who fucked up a rite that called an eldritch entity, Kvasir, to bless them with sorcery. His "intoxicating blood" is presently polluting the fuck out of the homeland. Stay tuned to see how they handle that.
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quietbluejay · 7 days
I didn't take a lot of notes this time because I was reading it during a chronic pain flare up, alas.
Eldar fan, actually reading an Eldar book? Shocking.
He landed lightly upon the gory corpse of a fallen giant. Before him the swarmlord loomed, taller than a wraithknight and greatly more massive. Its eyes glittered at him with malign intelligence. ‘Great Dragon!’ Yriel called, holding aloft the Spear of Twilight. ‘I come to slay you, as my forefather Ulthanash slew the wyrm Draoch-var with this very blade!’ Three huge creatures lumbered at Yriel, directed by the psychic command of the leader-beast, but he leapt aside from their swipes, the spear granting him unparalleled reflexes. One and then another fell, pierced by the pin point lance beams of the prince’s followers as he bounded closer to his prey. Roaring, the swarmlord attacked, driving down a claw twelve paces long at Yriel. He back-flipped, the wind of its passing stirring his hair. The tip of the claw slammed down into a carcass, slowing the hive tyrant for the merest heartbeat as it tugged it free, but it was enough. The prince landed on his feet. Smoothly he drew back his arm and cast the spear of Ulthanash at the creature.
Yriel: I do backflips every day of my life
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Not to once again relate everything back to Four Quartets but
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But also this is like the quintessential choice in wh40k Do you choose to die or to turn into a worse version and maybe save yourself and others, and maybe eventually lose who you are?
This is fine, I'm fine. I'm gnawing on his head
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The chronic pain rep we needed
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Shakily drinking medicine and spilling a bit
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He's just like me fr fr
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Local elf eats fruit while the world begins to burn
Iyanna ;-; I'm not going to quote the whole thing because it's long but, I want a novel about her.
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but it's still standing
Drukhari dude is a horrible person but a very fun character
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I did, in fact, cry at Taec's death. Sacrificing himself for everyone else.
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well that's a tone shift
local gladiator woman deals with mime jumpscares RIP Lelith
and then...
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Anyways I very much enjoyed it!
Also it had well written female characters and actually a decent split in POVs? Refreshing!
also I mean I like my villainous characters but I do need a break from time to time and it was nice to have main characters where the worst things they did were basically "snap at people" "make a girl who wanted to write poetry become a soldier" and "agree to accept help from the most evil faction in the setting" (unless we're counting Lelith but I wouldn't really call her a main character in the book) unless you count necromancy but the dead people were (mostly) cool with it sooo
I'm sad Haley didn't write any more books about these guys but apparently he didn't enjoy it, so, fair. I'm not going to say it was a perfect novel (some of the wording needed work, let's just say that, it was kind of disjointed and needed more meat on its bones, and the in media res opening was a bit too in media res), but it had heart, and honestly that's the most important thing.
This book is the entire reason I made my arms worse and started embroidering Eldritch Raiders + Biel-Tan sigils
Next up: Dark Imperium!
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mtg-cards-hourly · 3 months
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Hive of the Eye Tyrant
Artist: Johannes Voss TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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yourfellowhuman07 · 1 year
Where Do We Go Now?
A She-ra: Princess of Power 2018 fanfiction
The war is finally over. Prime is dead, the hive mind is broken, and everyone is reunited with their loved ones. However, there are some questions left unanswered. What will be the fate of Catra and Hordak? What are these new memories Wrong Hordak has? What is Etheria's place in the wider universe? Where do we go now?
I have returned with chapter two! I hope you enjoy it!
Chapter 2: Horizon Lines
Wrong Hordak sat on a log staring at the horizon as it changed colors. Fading from reds and yellows to pinks and purples. He should be with the others celebrating the defeat of the tyrant he once called a brother; instead, he sat running through every memory he had.
When Prime was defeated, the hive mind broke, releasing all the memories locked away during reconditioning, causing Wrong Hordak to get a splitting headache and a flood of newly released memories.
As the clone ran through his memories, there was always this group of clones he saw that he felt a connection to. There was one clone that stuck out from the group. He was of a higher rank than the rest, which did not make sense because all the little brothers were equal in Prime’s eyes. Then things became clear. The clone served as a general, and Wrong Hordak and the rest were his guards. Wrong Hordak felt a connection to these clones. It was like the relationship he had with his other brothers, only on a deeper level. He ran through his memories again and he was able to piece together words from his memories. One notable thing was that, when not around other clones, they would call each other by their serial numbers instead of a brother. Also in the earlier days of their being together, they were much more independently minded than other clones. That attitude calmed down over the years, but the feelings still lingered. As he ran through even more memories, one day, the group of clones was gone. Then, there was only blackness, until he was awoken by Entrapta, and that was only three months ago.
Wrong Hordak then wondered what happened to all of them. Had they died in battle like many of his brothers, or had they survived?
All Wrong Hordak knew was that he needed to see them again. However, he knew now, is not the best time to seek them out. He could tell despite all the joyful celebration, there is an underlying uncertainty within the crowd about what is to come next.
Wrong Hordak once again lifted his head to gaze at the horizon one last time before standing up and returning to the rest of the Princess Alliance and their merrymaking.
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enddaysengine · 1 year
Zombies (Paths Beyond)
The walking dead. Brain eater. Shambling corpses. You all know what the classic reanimated slowpoke (not that one) is all about and Pathfinder supplies them in spades. Today, I'm going to handle the four in 2e's first Bestiary since they all get super short entries.
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The brute, hulk, plague, and shambler variations all follow the same basic zombie pattern - slow, plodding motions without anything in the way of thought or tactics. They make up for this with customization, the entry comes with multiple additional abilities to make zombies even grosser and tougher. Notably, while d20 games don't usually roll with the infectious dead idea like pop culture does (at least for zombies), the plague zombie does and the plague-ridden ability allows other walking dead to as well. If you want a swarm of walking dead to attack, Bestiary 3 also has the Shambler Troop, which also covers you military necromancy needs.
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While the shambling dead make great canon fodder for a villain, think about using them as metaphors in planar adventures.  Obviously, they can be symbols of illness or disease, but given their decaying state, they can also be signs of societal rot or corruption. If you want to pull on Planescape, they can be signs of callousness and cynicism when treated as things rather than human remains. If you've played Torment, think about the Post having flyers nailed to its skull.
Zombies aren't intelligent enough to sing, but in the Furrows entire choruses sing the same songs in Necril. While many are rightly afraid that this is some new scheme of the Whispering Tyrant, the Esoteric Order of the Palatine Eye is not convinced. They hire adventures to investigate key junctures between the mortal world and the Negative Energy Plane in Ustalav, Osirion, Geb, and Mzali in order to find the origin of the mysterious undead language.
The Order of the Eternal is a hellknight order convinced that in order to bring perfect law to the planes, mortals must become immortals. Without immortality, they will be subject to the whims of fiends, celestials, gods, and monitors alike. Erkas is a signifer who seeks immortality through undeath, but has chosen a quicker path than a lich or graveknight. He aims to become a zombie lord, but first must refine his reanimation techniques, resulting in an overflow of zombies near his citadel in the Hanging Marches.
The One-In-Many started off as an ordinary Gebbite plague shambler, but exposure to the Nexian war machine granted it intelligence and flung it into the Great Beyond. Now, whenever the One animates a new corpse, its hive mind spreads to infect the new body. One-In-Many is careful about using this power, preferring to act as a covert information broker across the planes. After all, who watches what they say around zombies?
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weatherman667 · 9 months
Tyranids vs. Zerg
People might say that the Tyranids came first, but they are just plain silly. The claims of the Hive Mind fail when you realize that the Hive Mind is just a Hive Tyrant. And they could have made a HIVE SHIP be the Hive Mind, but they wanted the High Tyrant to be a super-awesome boss. Now, in practice, their Warp Shadow makes them equivalent to the Geth, at least for Synapse creatures.
And, you have to ask, if they are intelligent, and designed for adaptability, then why don't they have trees? Okay, it gets even worse. Tyranids will come to a planet with a biosphere. They will then destroy that biosphere, create their own biosphere, and then eat that one. They then use syphon towers to lift that biomass up into orbit, despite the fact that this would require more energy than you get get from it. They also apparently don't need a biosphere, as they are perfectly capable to building their own. This means they could regrow and eat a world as many times as they wanted to.
They also decided that variable is the most important part of 40k, which it is, but this doesn't make any sense for Tyranids. Especially considering that Tyranids create creatures when they need them, which means it would be much better to simply have selected variants to... well... plant and grow. And, so because they want to make them variable, they give them living firearms. Firearms require a ridiculous levels of intelligence to use, as the off-centre hand-eye coordination is something only Humans really have. Our close relatives have something similar, but much, much less effective. They also make their ammunition just plain silly, to the point that the ammunition is sometimes more intelligent than the creature.
The Zerg on the other hand will take other species, and create new variants from them. They create their own biomass. Their weapons are natural weapons from the creatures, just evolved to the extreme. This gives them a purpose.
Ther only purpose of the Tyranids seems to be eating, which they could accomplish better with trees. The Tyranids also have their own unique form of FTL, which we are never explained how it works. It was originally implied that they simply drift in realspace, which means they would not have made it passed Ultramar. At best estimates, we could get to 10% c without wasting too much power. At 10% c, it would take over 40 years to reach the nearest star, Proxima. But Proxima and Alpha Centauri are metal-poor, so the nearest useful star is probably Tau Ceti, which would take 100 years to get to. The Milky Way is about 2 million light years across. If they had a different system of FTL, they didn't have to justify it, but at least give us some idea of how it works, strategically. But, they don't want to. They want the Tyranids to be able to jump out whenever they feel like it, but this means nothing the Tyranids do has any weight.
For the Zerg, FTL seems to work like it does for everyone else, or at least the Terrans. The idea that Tyranids could appear anywhere and everywhere in the galaxy is BORING. It means their succeses and failures are determined entirely by plot. And this is why they appeared on Baal. They then destroyed the Blood Angels chapter, and then replaced it with the even more boring Primaris marines. And all of this has zero emotional depth. The Orks, despite their inherit silliness, do have emotional depth, because they simply attack and you fight them. They aren't treated like an inevitability, which leaves room for nuance in the story. The Tyranids, however, and intelligent, but never act intelligently, they have no strategic resources, because they rely on eating, which mathematically, just does not work.
The Zerg on the other hand can produce their own biomass, and as such they prefer volcanic worlds with abundant mineral resources. They have a decentralized chain of command, with clear goals, (even if because we see them talking). The basic Zerg is basically a feral animal, and the only thing that turns it into a warrior is being mind controlled. From Overmind to Cerebrate to Overlord to minions. the Hydralisks, which were obviously copied from Tyranid Warriors, could also act as section commanders, if Starcraft had mechanics for that. Mutalisks were captured creatures that could naturally fly in space, not just Gaunts with wings strapped to them. And this could add flavour to the Tyranids, because they all look so similar. Because they are. They are not interesting, they have no unique qualities to them. They have no history to them.
And this part is especially strange, and 40k hs a ridiculous amount of really cool background creatures it could use. They have literal Dragons, celestial beings much more poweful than Dragons also called Dragons, dinosaur-riding Elves, Megarachnids, Fire Scorpions, Salamanders literally have onyx golems as minions, and none of them have write-ups or models.
As it is, right now, when the Tyranids get a new model, it's not because they found a new species on one of the worlds they have visited, but... because of plot.
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flecks-of-stardust · 1 year
List of Hollow Knight Bosses with Skin Counterparts
Aka a reference for a haha funnee thing you can do. Mostly for my own purposes, but I know at least one other person in the main tag has done this before and it’s also seriously just funny. I’m gonna run through the Pantheon of Hallownest and note which bosses have a potential skin counterpart.
Each bracket is defined by being bordered by the start/end of the pantheon or a bench spot. Bolded names mean a skin currently exists, italicized names mean a skin is confirmed and in progress/not currently available to use as far as I’m aware, crossed out means I do not know of a skin that is relevant. All skins are below the brackets. I am referencing Colette MSLP’s skin list for this if you’d like to have a look yourself as well, but some are just what I have heard about.
(Current as of February 3rd, 2023)
First bracket: Vengefly Kings | Gruz Mother | False Knight | Massive Moss Charger | Hornet Protector | Gorb | Dung Defender | Soul Warrior | Brooding Mawlek | Oro and Mato
Second bracket: Xero | Crystal Guardian | Soul Master | Oblobbles | Sisters of Battle(?)
Third bracket: Marmu | Flukemarm | Broken Vessel | Galien | Paintmaster Sheo
Fourth bracket: Hive Knight | Elder Hu | Collector(?) | God Tamer | Troupe Master Grimm
Fifth bracket: Watcher Knights | Uumuu(?) | Winged Nosk | Great Nailsage Sly(?) | Hornet Sentinel
Sixth bracket: Enraged Guardian | Lost Kin | No Eyes | Traitor Lord(?) | White Defender
Seventh bracket: Soul Tyrant | Markoth | Grey Prince Zote | Failed Champion | Nightmare King Grimm
Eighth bracket: Pure Vessel | Absolute Radiance
Massive Moss Charger: Moss Knight (artist: Chaktis, unknown platform)
Hornet — Several: Daughter of Hallownest (no artist attribution but likely Leggo my Eggo); Daughter of the Stars (artist: Leggo my Eggo, unknown platform); Little Hornet {Classic, Godmaster, and White} (artist: InkScarlet, unknown platform); debatably, HorNight (artist: LichOne#5951 on Discord)
Oro, Mato, Sheo, and technically Sly — Little Nailmaster (currently in progress, artist: Rondoel on Tumblr)
Xero — flame-shadow is making a Xero skin over on their blog.
Sisters of Battle/Mantis Lords and Traitor Lord — Baby Mantis (artist: Nerdflowo on Tumblr)
Marmu — Marmu Knight (artist: 路过哒雪 on Bilibili)
Flukemarm — Nerdflowo joked about making a fluke skin, and is now doing it seriously. There is no official name for the skin yet, but there are some showcases on her blog.
Broken Vessel/Lost Kin — Several: Sapphire (artist: LOATR, unknown platform); Uninfected Vessel (artist: 羽灵翼, unknown platform); Cousin (? appears to be based on them; artist: 眼泪桦桦桦的流 on Bilibili)
Hive Knight — Hive Knight (artist: 埃里Ellie on Bilibili)
Collector — Grub (artist: 银黎 on Bilibili, incomplete as of the last update on this post). It... works as a counterpart. The cdash animation is Collector trying to grab the grub.
Grimm/NKG — Several: Little Grimm (artist: _yukawa_ on Bilibili); Grimm Knight (artist: Mola, unknown platform); GrimmKnight (artist: 复印纸, unknown platform). Note that the latter two are two different skins with a very similar name.
Uumuu — Jellyfish Knight (artist: 碳烤番茄鸡肉卷 on Bilibili)
Zote — Zote (artist: DFTz, unknown platform)
Pure Vessel — Several: The Sealed Vessel (no artist attribution), Pure Vessel (artist: emray on Twitch and emrayquaza on Twitter); The Hollow Knight (artist: emray on Twitch and emrayquaza on Twitter)
Radiance — Several: Radiance Knight (artist: ixiska on Bilibili); Little Radiance (artist: hawaiianbabidoll on Tumblr; currently only available here in the showcase as Colette has not updated the skin list yet.)
Additionally, there is a Tiny Godseeker skin by Jtad (unknown platform) if you wish to spite Godseeker. Many bosses also have a doodle enemy skin counterpart, made by various artists. Anyone who has ‘unknown platform’ had a YouTube showcase in Colette’s skin list, so they may have YouTube channels, as do some of the artists that do have other known platforms.
If you know of anything else beyond what I’ve listed here, feel free to let me know and I’ll update it. Artists, if you’re referenced here, feel free to promote your work!
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r0-boat · 2 years
Anything volo please I am thirsting in a desert here 🥺
Volo encountering an unconscious hero or wasp!Volo meeting human mc for the first time.
Or even god!Volo who has already dominated arceus before the hero comes to Hisui and enjoys "teasing" our hero to the point of breaking.
Please anything volo!
I promise you will be well fed
But for now.
Since bee gear station is still fresh in my head
Wasp prince! Volo
It has been decades since the cold war between the Gear Station Colony and their peace treaty has things really changed that much since he last visited. he has only heard near stories about the old tyrant Queen.
His mother Queen Cogita a kind gentle soul is nearing the end of her life, and as much as she loves her son and wants him to take over the colony the Royal honey could only do so much to him.
His mother's eyes lit up upon hearing the station colonies new Queen... a human?!
"How intriguing, I must see this for myself. Please send a letter announcing our arrival!"
The messenger drone smile the Bowing his head " yes mama"
A human... as a queen now this he's got to see
They tried to ignore the stares from the drones if the bee colony even though their leaves has told them to be on their best behavior they can't help but be question their motive for coming here.
When they saw you appear in your loyal attire. ( which you protested but pretty much the entire Hive insisted, absolutely gushing about how wonderful and stunning you looked)
When she saw you, the wasp queen gushed about you, she inspected everything that was different about you and her.
The prince and even the kings were shocked, was this really a wasp queen?!
The prince's eye met yours. He looked Charming his blonde hair done in a bun, standing straight towering over the drones he was the same height as your kings perhaps maybe even slightly bigger. He had this Regal Elegance to him and his smugness was apparent when he gave you a smirk.
But of course, he was just being civil.
He hated humans.
and when we saw you in a throne that really should not be yours his blood boiled. He is aware of human violent bloody history. But when he saw you you were nothing like his internal description. You look soft, delicate, breakable.
The bees are unaware Cogita's true plan. The plan that makes volo vomit in his mouth.
Cogita pretty much forces Volo to visit often, she encourages him to get to know you more.
The bees hate that Volo and Cogita are trying to get closer to you
And slowly over time his hatred for you starts subsiding.
Cogita sends a letter asking to have their royal and her prince to be web and join their hives
The kings writes back immediately refusing.
Oh, well... They will have you, even if they have use force
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izzieg3987 · 2 years
chapter 3
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
If you ask Percy how her relationship with the sun was, she would simply say, not good. When she was little, she didn’t like it because it hurt a lot. When she got older and visited a doctor she learned that she had Solar Urticaria, a rare allergy to sunlight that causes her to have hives on her skin when it’s exposed to the sun even for a few minutes and can last for hours. Just another reason for her to be nocturnal, and she had been successfully managed to keep up that habit for 14 years, but all good things come to an end she guesses.
That was what Percy was thinking as she was walking the path that was leading to the Main Street, towards the seven different statues of various figures, trying to stay in her parasol’s shadow as much as possible, with both her shoulders occupied by Mimikyu and Grim, while Cinccino was on her sunhat, the rest of her Pokemon in their Pokeballs. Since Crowley didn’t give her any cleaning tools or products, the best she could do was have Cinccino dust them and then make Vaporeon hose them with Water Gun.
“Wow, so this is Main Street, huh? This is incredible!” Grim admired. “I didn’t get to see much of it yesterday. What’s the deal with these seven statues? All their faces look pretty scary.”
Percy frowned and studied the statues, “I can’t see what’s so scary about them, seems like just some old statues to me.”
“This lady here,” Grim pointed at the statue at the end of the line on the right. It was of a large woman, wearing a dress and a crown, and holding a heart scepter. “Looks like she’s got some reeeal anger management issues, see?”
“You don’t know the Queen of Hearts?” a voice joined in.
The four turned towards the owner of the voice and saw a boy standing behind them. He, as his uniform suggested, was a student. A ginger with eyes of cherries, also he had a heart over his left eye.
“The Queen of Hearts?” Grim asked. “Is she some kinda big deal?”
“She was a queen who lived in a mazelike garden of roses long, long ago.” The ginger explained. “She was a strict woman who prized order above all. She wouldn’t tolerate a rose being off-color, or her playing-card soldiers being out of step. She basically ruled over a kingdom of madness, but not one of her subjects dared to defy her. You wanna know why? Because the punishment for breaking a rule was immediate decapitation!”
“Ccino Cinccino!” The scarf pokemon said while shaking and buried her face in her trainer’s hat in fear. (That’s horrible!)
“Wah! That is seriously messed up!” Grim whimpered.
“Yes, absolutely,” Percy agreed, as someone who always enjoyed living according to her own rules, which was unfathomable chaos, that queen’s kind of lifestyle sounded unbearable to her.
But apparently, the ginger boy thought different, “Pretty cool, right? I’m a big fan. I mean, who would bother to obey a queen that was kind all the time?”
“Yeah, true. A leader needs to be strong.” Grim nodded.
“Yes, strong. Not a tyrant, it just sounds like she’s abusing her power to me.” İntercepted Percy, if you try to rule only with fear, there would be nothing to stop people from rebelling against you once the fear is gone.
“Anyway, but puttin’ that aside… Who’re you, now?” her feline friend finally decided to ask.
The ginger boy grinned a little too widely, “Name’s Ace. I’m a first-year student here, as of… today! Pleased to meetcha!” he introduced himself while he had a black leather glove-clad hand on the back of his head, then he held out his hand.
Percy was still pondering upon whether to shake his hand or not, but Grim didn’t wait for her to talk.
“I’m Grim! I’m a prodigy who’s plannin’ to be, like, the greatest mage who ever lived. Then there’s my far less interesting henchwomaaa—MEOUCH!” Mimikyu pushed him down Percy’s shoulder before he could finish, he already didn’t like sharing his spot with the mangy monster, he couldn’t idly stand by while he belittled his trainer.
Percy didn’t mind that, she herself was getting fed up with the feline monster’s disrespect too. But that wasn’t what she was thinking. She was studying the ginger boy in front of her right now. She lowered her sunglasses on her nose a little to see him a bit better and eyed him up head to toe.
His smile was too wide to be genuine, he looked amused rather than pleased, and she could see the mischief in his eyes. Her instincts were telling him that this boy was a troublemaker. On the other side, the boy in question was starting to get uncomfortable under the gaze of her emerald eyes.
While the girl was trying to estimate him, Ace made a quick observation himself. She had a smooth posch Accent, there was just this aura of elegance around her. She was average height but still very petite looking, her blonde hair was cut just above her shoulders, her face was very dollish with a tiny nose and ruby red lips, and her eyes were a very deep shade of green. She was beautiful in every meaning of the word. He actually never talked to a girl this gorgeous before nor one that looked like she was trying to escape the sun like a vampire.
Percy studied him a few seconds more, then she narrowed her eyes but still gave him the benefit of the doubt, she pushed her sunglasses up on their original position and slowly reached out her and shook his hand. “Persephone Remmington, call me Percy. Pleasure, I’m sure.” She then pointed at her right shoulder, “This is my partner Mimikyu,” Pointed at her sunhat, “and Cinccino.”
“’Percy’?” Ace said as he shook her hand, “Huh. Name’s got an odd ring to it.”
“Might be, I’m not from around here.” She retracted her hand and glared at Grim, who was just picked himself off the ground. “And I’m not anyone’s hench-anything.”
Grim waved his hand at her carelessly and pointed at the next statue beside the Queen. Which seemed like some type of variation of Pyroar with a scar on his left eye. “Whatever. So tell me, Ace. Is that lion with a scar in the eye a famous ruler too?”
And they did this brief history lesson for 10 minutes, back and forth. Grim pointed at a statue and asked who it was and Ace talked about them, while Percy silently listened. Normally she loved learning about new cultures and history but each of these people seems like terrible people to her. One was a Pyroar wannabe with a scar that got his throne through schemes, one was a half Octillery, half Drag Queen opportunist loan Sharpedo, one was a backstabbing usurper that only got his power from a magic lamp, one was a shallow psychopath who poisoned the people that are prettier than her, one, well okay the last two was okay, the lord of the underworld was basically her male version and even had a wife named ‘Persephone’ what a coincident, and the Thorn Fairy could turn into a dragon, how cool is that?
“Pretty cool, huh?” Ace said suddenly his smile turned to a wicked grin, “Not like some piddling weasel.”
“Myah?!” Grim was caught off guard.
But not Percy, oh no, she just thought ‘yup, here it is.’ She saw this coming from a mile away, still, it was still infuriating beyond compare. But she didn’t act, she just crossed her arms in front of her chest and glared at him, not that he could see it through her sunglasses.
“Pfft… Ah ha ha!” Ace pointed at them and laughed at them. “I can’t hold it back anymore! Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!”
“Come on,” he kept laughing and laughing. “You’re the ones who turned orientation into such a fiasco, right? The girl who was summoned by the Dark Mirror who can’t even use magic, and the monster no one summoned at all. It took everything I had not to burst into laughter right in the middle of the ceremony!”
“H-hey! You don’t gotta be a jerk about it!” Grim gritted his teeth and his ears burned hotter with anger. He was basically growling just like the rest of the Pokemon, Percy could feel even Vaporeon, Phantump, Unfeazant, and Sebastian hissing in their Pokeballs.
“So in the end, neither of you got admitted, and now you’re janitors? Ah ha ha! SO lame!” Ace was still running his mouth unaware of the trouble he put himself in.
“What did you just call me?!”
“And you’re both so clueless you don’t even know who the Great seven are. Not one of them! Maybe before you try getting into the Academy again, you ought to take a second crack at kindergarten? Anyway, just thought I’d tease you a bit. And man am I glad I did. It’s been a blast! Unlike you, I actually have classes to get to, so I’ll let you get back to picking up trash. Bye!”
“Ha ha! Oh no, you’re not going anywhere, you two-faced prick.” Percy finally talked, she did not walk through deserts, jungles, and volcanos in six regions and battled countless trainers and mythical Pokemons to let a high school brat jest with her. “Mimikyu, Psychic!”
“What the hell?!” Ace gave out a squick as he suddenly became outlined in light blue, lost control of his body, and start to levitate. Then he turned upside down and started to shake up and down, then suddenly stopped. Which was good news because he was about to throw up everything he ate at breakfast.
“Yeah, Mimikyu! Show this asshole who’s the boss!” Grim cheered.
Percy took off her sunglasses and looked at Ace right in the eyes with a glare that sent chills down his spine, “Listen here, ginger nuts, you dare to tell ME to go back to kindergarten when you yourself have the manners of a toddler, which makes me pity your mother because Arceus knows, that poor woman surely raised you better than this! On what earth do you think it’s okay to insult strangers out on the Street, you sniveling imbecile! So shut your mouth or I will shut it for you, and believe me once I shut it, it will stay shut.”
Then Ace heard the snapping of a finger and he fall to the ground immediately after, with a painful thud.
Percy put her sunglasses back on and turned away from the ginger, “Come on guys, he’s not worth our time.”
“What?!” Grim argued, his anger still burning hot, “That’s it?!”
“Grim, let us not concern ourselves with the actions of this wretched boy. Our focus should remain steadfast on our duties at hand.”
And he was, even though begrudgingly, gonna leave it IF only Ace stayed silent. “Yeah! Go back to cleaning, you freaks.” He muttered.
Unsurprisingly, Grim who heard this, exploded with anger. “That’s it! I’m not gonna let him get away with this! Myaaaaah!”
“GRIM NO!” Percy shouted, but it was too late.
He took a deep breath and spat out a trail of blue flames across the pavement. Technically Percy should stop this but she did warn Ace not to run his mouth, he made his bed and now he’s gotta lie in it. So she just sighed and step out of the fire’s way.
The fire blocked Ace’s way and made him grab his magic pen, “Whoa,”
Grim smirked. “No one makes fun of Grim, Master of Fire, and his henchmens! I’m gonna make that explodey-head of yours explode all over again!” and he let out another wave of flames.
But to give him credit Ace was quick enough to run from it, “Explodey-head?!” he asked now very irritated. “You wanna throw down with me, shorty? You got some guts. You wanna talk hair, huh? I’m gonna shave you like a toy poodle!”
“Myaaaaah!” Another wave of fire erupted from Grim's mouth as he snarled. At their feet were blue flames flickering as the street was ablaze.
Ace was nimble enough to dodge it quite nimbly, waving his pen around in one fluid motion. “Oh-ho! Let’s see how you like this!” The wind blew furiously along the path as Grim stomped down the path, redirecting the fire.
“Cinccino, Protect!”
All grim saw was a fast blur of grey and white shape and the next moment he was with Cinccino, surrounded by a green force shield that protected them both from the flames. The two looked at each other and nodded, silently agreeing on teamwork.
Cinccino climbed on Grim’s back, keeping the force shield on, while Grim kept on throwing fireballs at the boy. But the ginger blew them away with the same spell. “H-Hey! His magic winds are blowin’ my fireballs off course! No fair!”
The other students who saw the commotion were starting to make a crowd.
“What’s going on over there? A fight?!”
“Oh, sweet! Get ‘em!”
Percy shook her head, this was getting too far. “Guys, stop it! You’re making a scene!” but they didn’t listen to her.
“Awww… Can’t hit me with your little fireballs?” Ace taunted the feline fire monster again.
“Grrr… You better believe I’m about to! Take that!” Grim growled and launched another fireball, but Ace continued to look smug.
“Pfft. All it takes is a little gust to—Hah!” In doing so, the flames were redirected toward the Queen of Hearts' statue, which caught fire.
Percy facepalmed, “Good job, you imbecile!” she scolded as Ace finally looked worried.
“Oh no! Now the Queen of Hearts’ statue looks like it’s been flame-broiled!”
“That’s your fault for tryin’ to divert it!” Grim yelled, trying to pin the blame on the ginger, while Cinccino let him go and quickly run to her trainer to climb onto her vacant shoulder, “You shoulda just let it burn you to a crisp!”
“Who in their right mind would ever do that?!” Ace snapped back.
“What is going on here? Cease this at once!” the headmage’s booming voice scattered the crowd of teenage boys in seconds.
“Oh no! The Headmage!” Ace yelled in fear, there wasn’t a hint of his tough boy act anymore.
“Not more lashings of love! We gotta get outta here!” they tried to run but soon both of them were groaning in pain on the ground with a crack of the masked man’s whip.
“Myaaaaah! And I’m still sore from yesterday, too!” Grim whined.
“As if the likes of you could ever flee from me! Haaah…” the Headmage glared at the boys, then turned to Percy. “Did I not just warn you, ‘no more incidents’? and now you’ve charred one of my statues?! You were specifically told to keep Grim under control!”
“The ginger started it first, he’s the one moronic enough to taunt a fire type!” Percy took off her sunglasses and defended Grim. “I told him to stop but he didn’t listen, if you mess with the tauros, you get the horns. He got no one but himself to blame.”
Crowley nodded slightly, still mad though. “Very well, that I understand.” He then turned to Ace, “It’s almost as though you WANT to be expelled though!”
“No!” Ace begged the man, “Forgive me!”
Crowley sighed and shook his head, “State your name and grade.”
“Ace Trappola… Freshman.” He answered reluctantly.
“Then listen well you three. As punishment for today’s infractions, you are hereby ordered to wash a hundred windows!”
“Myah?!” Grim argued. “That’s what you get for makin’ fun of us! This is all your fault!”
Ace looked just as shocked. “Whaaat? I have to do it too?!”
“Mimikyu.” Percy simply said, and her partner knew exactly what to do. He smacked the ginger in the back of the head, hard. ”Thank you, darling.” She then turned to the boy, “Of course you do! This whole ordeal was your fault from the beginning, maybe now you’ll think twice before you try to make fun of people you don’t know!”
Ace shrunk under Percy’s fierce glare. Her green eyes glowed eerily, it also didn’t help that Mimikyu and Cinccino were gleaming evilly from her shoulders, wanting to beat the boy to a pulp.
Crowley remained firm. “You will meet in the cafeteria after class. Are we clear?”
“Yes sir.” The two humans agreed.
“Ugh, I just can’t catch a break!” Grim whined.
“Welcome to my life.” Percy agreed, but she remembered to stop Crowley before he left. “Um, sir?”
“Yes, Miss Remmington?”
“Where can I find cleaning tools?”
“Oh, right let me…”
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It seemed to Percy that all she did since she stepped into this place was cleaning.
Crowley led them to a broom closet in the library, where they could find cleaning products, she and her Pokemon had been working tirelessly ever since. She got Phantump, Vaporion, and Sebastian out of their Pokeballs, and they started by swiping the area between and Library. After that, the bubble jet Pokemon filled a bucket with water, and Percy added the soap, and then they started to scrub every nook and cranny of the statues, especially the statue of the Queen of Hearts. Percy and Sebastian did the bottom half and Phantump floated and did the top half.
By lunchtime, Percy was spent. When she arrived at the Cafeteria, she quickly closed her parasol,  found an empty table, and throw herself onto the seat. She took off her sunhat and sunglasses, and put them in her bag, then buried her head in her arms, she stayed in that position for a few moments. The rest of her Pokemon and Grim hop onto the table, Mimikyu petted her hair, while Phantump hugged her from behind.
"Sebastian, my dear, would you be so kind as to fetch us something to eat?” she requested without raising her head.
“Dee dee Indeedee.” Percy heard the pitter-patter of his little feet until they faded away. (Right away mistress.)
“Yes! Food! Please! I’m so tired and hungry!” Grim groaned and immediately got slapped by Vaporeon with her tail.
“Why are you tired? You didn’t do anything, it was just me and my friends that did all the work,”
“Even watching you was tiring.” He kept whining, while he melted on the table.
“No wonder you’re so plump! Ha ha ha ha!” suddenly said a cheery voice and finally, Percy lifted her head.
“What? Who said that?!” Grim quickly got up and looked around for the owner of the voice.
“Oh, I know who,” Percy opened her bag and a purple-cased phone flew out of it, "I must admit, I was beginning to wonder if your energy had depleted, for you seldom remain silent for such an extended period."
The phone flew up to her face and the face on the back of the cover started to talk, “I thought you might appreciate it if I didn’t make unnecessary comments while you weren’t in the right mood for them, my queen.”
Percy smiled and reached to grab it, “Why thank you, that’s very thoughtful of you Rotom.” She caressed the phone, while Grim’s ears perked up in interest. He might strongly deny and say that he’s not a cat, but he was naturally curious like a Glameow.
He walked up to Percy and pawed at the strange new device, “Henchwoman, what is this? How does your phone talk to you?”
Percy glanced at him and smiled warmly at the feline monster. yes, he might be infuriating but he was really cute sometimes, “It can talk because it’s one of my Pokemon.”
“What? How can this be one of your beasts? It’s a phone.” Grim asked in wonder.
“It’s Pokemon,” Percy reminded him, “And its name is Rotom, also it’s not the phone, it’s what’s inside the phone.”
“Rotoms have the ability to possess certain machines. Depending on the machines they possess, they get different abilities. And when one possesses a phone or a special Pokedex they get the ability to speak human languages.” She explained.
“Hmph, your monsters are so weird,” Grim said, crossing his arms while trying to mask his interest. Everything about this human girl was new, confusing but intriguing too, she wasn’t afraid of ghosts one bit, on the contrary, she greeted them like they were old friends. She somehow could control all of these new scary monsters he had never seen before, but while talking to them she was kind and not bossy. She even defended him against the Headmage and managed to convince him to let him stay. She protected him from the ginger human’s attacks. Nobody has ever done something like that for him before, he only just met her but Grim felt weirdly safe around her.
Percy noticed that and smiled knowingly at the feline monster but didn’t say anything about it. Instead, she turned her attention to the Rotomphone, “Can you connect to wi-fi in this place Rotom?”
“Hmm, there seems to be a wi-fi server but it’s password protected. Let me see if I can crack it, hold please.” on its screen three dots appeared, and five seconds later it changed into a green tick. “I’ve connected, your majesty.”
“Rotom you’re the best, thank you!” if she was going to stay in this World for a while Percy need to understand how this world worked. Is the proper etiquette the same? What is the Money currency? Is gold valuable here? What are its prices per kilo? And where can she sell it? You know things like that.
She has a Perrserker that knows Pay Day, so she will have no trouble with money.
While she was researching she felt a tap on her shoulder and she automatically corrected her posture, in doing so she made Phanthump float into her lap, then looked behind to see the Oshawott boy from last night, with a boy with long dark hair.
“See Jamil that’s her, that’s the girl and the monsters, who saved me at the orientation ceremony.” He told his long-haired companion but turned to the blond girl without letting the boy speak. “Hi! how are you? Do you remember me?” he waved at her.
“Hey, hello! They’re Pokemons and yes, you’re the Oshawott boy whose arse was on fire.” Percy genuinely smiled at him, she liked this boy’s energy.
“Yes, that’s me! I don’t know what an Oshawott is but I’m sure it’s nice. Um, can we join you?”
“Oh, of course. Ladies can you make room, please? Thank you.” She asked the bubble jet and the scarf Pokemon, who was laying on the table and gestured to the now open seats across her. “Help yourselves, gentlemen.”
With her permission, the Oshawott boy didn’t waste any time taking the seat right in front of her, but the long-haired boy, Jamil, eyed her Pokemon warily before doing the same next to his master.
The Oshawott boy then pointed at Vaporeon and Grim, former was now sitting with a smile from the joy of seeing him again, with wide eyes. While the latter muttered something about food “A look that’s the very monster who saved me and the one who attacked me.”
“Yes, Kalim. You didn’t stop talking about it all night.” Jamil said with a very good masked annoyance. Well, not good enough to deceive Percy, but apparently enough to fool Kalim. She didn’t really like him as much as the Oshawott boy. He reminded her of a Seviper.
The boy with the ruby eyes turned to the blond and smiled, his smile was like a beam of sunshine. “I didn’t have a chance to introduce myself at the ceremony, my name is Kalim al Asim, the Housewarden of Scarabia and this is my vice-Housewarden Jam-Ouch! Why did you do that?!” he squealed when the Seviper boy elbowed him.
“Don’t talk for me!” he glared at the boy for one second, then turned to Percy who was frowning at him, and his face suddenly got an indifferent expression. “I’m Jamil Viper the vice-Housewarden of Scarabia.”
Percy kept frowning at him, something about this boy was really rubbing her the wrong way. She then slowly turned to the Oshawott boy and smiled. “Hello, a pleasure to meet you. I’m Persephone Remmington, but you may address me as Percy.”
The lack of handshaking from the two boys pleased Percy. It is not a well-known fact but boys shouldn’t initiate a handshake when they greet a lady. A true gentleman wouldn’t assume a lady would want to make physical contact and wait for her to reach her hand. And Percy really wasn’t in the mood to make physical contact.
“And this is my partner Mimikyu.“ she introduced as she scratched her partner’s chin, then she gestured to the Stump Pokemon on her lap. “This is Phantump,”
The ghost type waved and smiled brightly at the two boys, but only one of them waved back. “Phantump!” (hello!)
The Scarf Pokemon smiled and gave them a friendly nod, “Ccino.” (Hi.)
“You know Vaporeon and Grim from last night already.”
The Bubble Jet Pokemon skipped to Kalim and rubbed her head on the boy’s arm, asking for scratches. “Pore! Vaporeon Vapo!” (Hi! It’s so good to see you again!)
“Hello.” The Oshawott boy giggled and scratched behind her… fins?
Percy watched the two interact for a moment, “She likes you, little Oshawott.”
“I like her too,” he exclaimed happily while he kept petting her Pokemon.
The seviper boy was a bit warier than his friend, “But what exactly is she? I’ve never seen familiars like yours before.”
“She is a Pokemon, they all are,” Percy answered. “That’s what we call the animals where I’m from.”
“Ohh and where are you from?” Kalim finally turned away from the Pokemon,  “Jamil and I are from the Land of Hot Sands.”
“I’m from Lavender Town in Kanto” she then remembered that Kanto didn’t exist in this dimension. “It’s too far away you wouldn’t know.”
“Huh, why is it called the Lavender Town?” Kalim asked genuinely curious.
“Because the atmosphere there is perpetually shrouded in a thick mist, casting a mesmerizing purple hue throughout the surroundings."  Percy described, she missed her home. To be honest, Percy could never imagine herself living permanently anywhere besides Lavender Town. It was almost always foggy so she didn’t need to worry about the sun and the perfect size for her to have a quiet life without feeling claustrophobic. It wasn’t much but it was enough for Percy and her friends.
“It sounds beautiful,” Jamil said, for the first time since they sat down being genuine.
“It is. It’s mostly known for its Pokemon gravesites and ghost sightings.”
Before the seviper boy could ask what she meant, a lunch tray outlined with light blue floated in front of Percy and the sound of the male Indeedee’s little feet got heard right after. The Emotion Pokemon then passed the containment of the tray out to each person in their group. Tuna sandwiches for Grim and Vaporeon, a garden salad with lots of cheese and croutons for Cinccino, grilled cheese for him and Phantump, and a big bowl of fruit salad for Percy and Mimikyu. “Dee dee Indeedee,” (There you go Mistress, please enjoy.)
“FINALLY! FOOD!!” Grim stuffed his face into the sandwich right away.
“Thank you very much, Sebastian.” Percy thanked him as she grabbed a fork and gave Mimikyu a strawberry. “Go ahead, sit down.”
She then turned back to the two Scarabia students, “Sorry, you were saying,”
“Is he one of your familiars too?” Kalim asked, now fascinated with the newcomer Pokemon, who can lift objects with his mind.
“Oh, yes. This is Sebastian, my male Indeedee.” She introduced her friend after she swallowed the peach in her mouth.
“Do you use them as servants?” the seviper boy asked with an unreadable expression.
“Well, it’s how Indeedees feed,” Percy simply answered, she didn’t feel like going into detail for him.
“It’s wha—“
“I can explain!” Rotom floated up again.
“Rotom!” Percy yelled but before she could stop it, Rotom had already tapped into its Pokedex app.
“Indeedee, the Emotion Pokémon. A Psychic and Normal type. Indeedees are highly intelligent, sensing emotions through the horns on their heads. These Pokémon willingly serve people and other Pokémon, as they derive energy from feelings of gratitude. Male Indeedees are loyal to their Trainers, and female Indeedees are skilled babysitters.”
“Wow! That’s so cool!” Kalim exclaimed loudly, “Oh, oh do Vaporeon next!”
“As you wish,” Rotom obeyed him, “Vaporeon, the Bubble Jet Pokémon. A Water type. Its form is adapted for movement in the water. The cells of its body resemble water molecules, so it can hide itself in the water as if it had melted into it. Its long tail is ridged with a fin which is often mistaken for a mermaid's.”
“Your familiars are amazing!”
“They’re not that impressive,” Grim talked now that he had some food. “I’m pretty strong too,”
“Yes. Yes, you are.” Percy giggled and reached to carefully scratch behind his flaming ears. “And another thing you are is very cute.”
“I’m not cute, human!” he tried to look intimidating but soon enough he surrendered to the human girl’s scratches and even started to purr.
“If you’re not a part of any dorms,” Jamil started interrupting them, gesturing to Percy’s regular dress, “Then why didn’t the Headmage send you home already?”
"The Dark Mirror's influence couldn't reach my home, unfortunately. So, until the Headmage discovers a means to transport me back, Grim, my loyal Pokemon, and I have taken up residence in the unoccupied building on the Campus." She simply answered.
“But isn’t that place like, ancient?” Kalim asked concerned.
"Currently, it may not be in the finest condition, but I believe it holds great promise." Percy reassured him, "I have previous experience in revitalizing spaces, so this won't be my first endeavor of this kind."
Just then the bell rang, informing the students that lunchtime was over.
“Aww, already? But I wanted to talk a bit more.” Kalim whined but started to gather his belongings anyway.
“Come on, Kalim,” Jamil said while he got up with his tray and dragged Kalim with him. “I’m sure they got other things to do.”
“Bye Percy! Bye, little monsters!” Kalim said while the seviper dragged him away, “Come to visit us sometime!”
“Goodbye Oshawott,” Percy waved, “’til we meet again.”
One by one, all of the students left, leaving the seven alone in the cafeteria to wait for Ace.
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 And they kept on waiting.
“I’m already exhausted from a full day of cleanin’.” Grim groaned as they waited for an hour, “I can’t believe we still gotta wash a hundred windows!”
“And whose fault is that?” Percy reminded him, while she pets Mimikyu’s stuffed head, “Try and learn from this experience.”
“What’s buggin me is, Ace ain’t even here yet! To make us wait, after what he did… Grrr!” he growled and crossed his arms.
And they waited.
Percy had a nice chat with the kitchen ghosts while holding Mimikyu like a plush toy.
And waited.
The Pokemon played among each other.
And waited.
Okay, this much waiting was too much.
“And now he’s super late! I bet he up and bailed on us!” Grim yelled.
“And I’m going to bail him out of life.” Percy growled, then grabbed her bag, “Come on let’s go find him.”
“Yeah! Ain’t no way am I doin’ his punishment for him!” he hopped on Percy’s left shoulder as she put Mimikyu on her right, Cinccino climbed on her head, Vaporeon and Sebastian followed on land, while Phantump floated behind them.
“I don’t care if I have to drag him kicking and screaming, he’s washing those windows!” she stormed out of the Cafeteria to the Classrooms.
“Hey! Ace! Get over here!” Grim called, as they got into a one. “Try to hide from me, will ya!”
“Thump… Phanthump Phanthump.” The Stump Pokemon said as he looked around the room. (Huh… Maybe there’s really no one here.)
"You're right, Phantump. It appears that there is no one here at the moment." She sighed.
“Oh, I wouldn’t say that. I’m here.” A voice replied.
“Bwaaah! That painting just talked!” Grim screamed.
“Yes, and…? Is a talking painting really such an oddity at this school?” the painting asked. “The lady in the portrait on that Wall talks too. As does the gentleman in the portrait on this one. As long as a painting has a mouth, why wouldn’t it be able to talk? Is that really so strange?”
“Wouldn’t be the weirdest thing I’ve seen.” Percy shrugged. “Terribly sorry for bothering you Mister, but we’re searching for a boy named Ace Trappola. He’s got messy ginger hair and a heart drawn on his left eye. Is it possible that you’ve seen where he’s gone to?”
“Ah, a young lady! Pardon my manners ma’am.”
She smiled. “It’s alright, sir. I’m aware that my situation is quite extraordinary.”
“Someone with good manners, at last. I know the one you’re speaking of. A new student, I believe? Today was his first day at school. I think he went back to his dorm a while ago.”
“Myaaah! So it’s true! He’s tryin’ to ditch us!” Grim snarled, “Do you know which way he went?”
“The door to the dorms is in the eastern building.” The painting simply said.
“Let’s chase after him, henchwoman!”
“Thank you very much, sir. It was a pleasure to meet you. I look forward to seeing you again, goodbye.” She ran out of the room towards to Hall of Mirrors.
“What a well-mannered and beautiful young lady.” The painting of a lady said after Percy left.
“I think it’s going to be an eventful year,” said another painting of a gentleman, and all the rest of the portraits hummed in agreement.
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True to the painting’s words, one of the many school buildings littering the grounds opened to a wide display of Mirrors just as large as the one that had declared her unfit for the school. It was similar to the second-floor hallway in that it was purple and buzzing with magic. Though Percy couldn't feel it, she could still see the ripples of light in the mirrors.
“Where are you, you little brat?” Percy muttered, adjusting Grim on her left shoulder, who stared around at the circular hallway in wonder. Seven gigantic mirrors surrounded them with a gleam and were carved with crests and multiple unique designs. They were seated on a few steps in the middle of alcoves.
“Yeah right, like I’m gonna wash a hundred windows.” She heard a familiar voice say. “I’m just gonna go back and—”
Ace was near the Hall of Mirrors, when a white tree stump with a wavy branch on each side, that had a wispy black body cut off his way. Its blue eyes were visible through two holes in the stump and its mouth appeared to be on the stump itself. There were two small red leaves near the tip of each branch. And it looked angry.
He slowly stepped back until his back collided with something. He turned back and saw four sets of angry eyes.
“Hello there, Gingernut.” Percy greeted him with a deadpan voice.
“Ah! How did you find me this fast?!”
“I have my ways and you will take your punishment; you prick.” Percy glared at him and walked around him while keeping eye contact until she blocked his way to the mirror with the playing card design.
“I really don’t have time to talk!” he took a few steps back and then bolted the opposite way. “See ya!”
“No way are you getting’ out of this!” Grim jumped down and sprinted after Ace, with Percy right behind him. “You think I WANNA wash windows?”
They chased him for a good while, occasionally throwing fire and shadow balls at him, till a blue-haired poor bystander got involved.
“Hm?” he turned and saw the ginger boy running his way, but he was too slow.
“Outta my way!” the ginger shouted.
“Hey! What gives?!” the blue-haired stranger yelled in surprise, his teal eyes going wide in shock.
They almost bumped into each other, but Ace dug his heels and hit the brakes just in time, giving Percy enough time to do this.
“Mimikyu, Thunderbolt!”
The Disguise Pokemon jumped out of his trainer’s shoulder, on the air his body became surrounded by yellow electricity, and he fired a beam of electricity at the ginger boy. The boy screamed and fell on the stranger, now paralyzed.
The blue-haired boy grunted as he landed on the cold, hard floor with Ace lying limp on his body, “Can you please get off of me?!”
“Oh Arceus, sorry about that.” Percy said, now catching up to them, “Here, let me help you.”
She rolled the ginger off of the stranger and helped him up.
He opened his mouth as if to say something but when he got a good look at her his eyes widened and he just froze.
“I— uh…” the boy stuttered and blushed but honestly Percy thought he was having a concussion.
“Are you alright? Did you hit your head when you fell?” she asked, she didn’t want to deal with that too.
“No. No. I’m… okay.” He finally could speak in complete sentences. “It’s just that I don’t talk to girls that often.”
“Oh, I see. I apologize that this, dirtbag—” she gave the boy on the ground a little kick, which made him twitch with a spark of electricity. “Fell on you. That was my bad. I’m Persephone Remmington, please call me Percy.”
“I know. I was at the orientation ceremony too.” The boy blurted out.
“Oh, right.” Percy raised her eyebrows and nodded while reaching down to place her partner on her shoulder once again. Soon enough the laughter of the flaming feline ended the awkward silence.
He got close to Ace’s face and smirked. “That’s what you get if you try to mess with my henchwoman, you’re no match for her beasts!”
“Isn’t that the monster who wreaked havoc in the orientation? And why is he calling you henchwoman?” the blue-haired boy asked.
“Yes, this little menace is Grim, he has a tendency to indulge in wild delusions from time to time, much to our dismay.” She introduced the little feline.
The stranger looked at the ginger on the ground and asked, “So, what’s the story with this one?”
“Oh, he? Well, he was shirking detention.” Percy simply explained.
While she saw Ace move around a bit. “Hmm, the effects of the paralysis seem to be wearing off.” She turned to the blue-haired stranger, “You’re a magician, right? Can you please do something, so he doesn’t try to run again?”
He suddenly seemed nervous again and began to mumble, “Oh, sure. Uh, but how to stop him? Like, freeze his legs? Or bind them with a rope? Or maybe I could… Hmm… No…”
“Anything would do really,” Percy tried to calm the boy.
“Anything? Anything, huh… All right! Here goes anything!” he grabbed the jeweled pen from his breast pocket and pointed it to Ace. “I summon thee… something heavy!”
And suddenly a giant cauldron fell on Ace, trapping him where he lay.
“Wwaaah?! Wha?! A pot?!” the ginger screamed now completely out of the paralysis.
“Ah ha ha ha ha! Look, Percy, look! That Ace guy got crushed beneath a giant cauldron! It squashed him flat! Aha ha ha!” Grim cackled.  
The stranger looked a bit guilty. “A cauldron?! I wasn’t expecting that. I may have overdone it this time…”
“Rest assured, it was a punishment befitting his actions, duly earned and justly administered, thank you.” Percy giggled leaning onto the cauldron.
“Ahh I can’t breathe! Get off!” the ginger begged.
“I never heard you apologize for your hurtful words to us this morning,” Percy crossed her arms.
“Are you serious?!” Ace cried out from under the cauldron.
“I’m waiting,” the Pokemons and Grim were still cackling.
Percy decided that he suffered enough and stopped leaning onto the cauldron and gestured for Sebastian to lift it off of him with Psychic.
“What are you bothering me for?” Ace complained as he escaped the weight of the cauldron. “You guys coulda just banged out the work yourself!”
“Mimikyu,” the blonde commanded, her partner knew what she wanted him to do and smacked Ace in the back of the head. “Thank you, darling.”
“There’s no ‘banging out’ a hundred windows!” the trainer scolded him, “And I’m not going to let you slack off when it was you that started it by picking on us!”
“You picked on a girl? Dude, what’s wrong with you?” the blue-haired boy looked at him with disappointment. “And you have to wash a hundred windows as punishment? What the heck did you do?!”
“I was just screwing with that furball a little, okay?” Ace crossed his arms and shrugged. “And the statue of the Queen of Hearts got a teeny bit charred. Sue me.”
“You damaged a statue of the Great Seven?! No wonder the Headmage flew off the handle at you!” the stranger took a step back in shock, “After you managed to get into THIS school, how could you get in trouble on the very first day?!”
“Oh, shut up.” Ace snapped at the stranger. “Who are you, anyway?”
“My name is Deuce. Deuce Spade.” Newly named boy, Deuce crossed his arms. “Don’t you remember your own classmate? Uh…”
“You don’t remember my name either, do you?” Ace snapped back with a deadpan impression.
“That’s not the point!” Deuce quickly said with embarrassment, “You shouldn’t try to shirk an order from the Headmage!”
“Yeah, yeah, message received… Fine, let’s bang out the windows already. Huh…?”
Ace started to look around and this made Percy notice something.
Grim sure has been quiet.
“The furball!” Ace gasped. “He’s gone!”
“Oh, no he’s not! GRIM!!” Percy yelled towards the way the little feline was running really loudly. So loud that the two boys wondered, how a girl this small could make such loud noise. “Get your little furry arse back here, you little Impidimp!!”
“Ah ha ha ha! I’ll let you two handle the rest!” Grim taunted them from the Main Street while running towards the school. “See ya, suckers!”
Percy’s left eye started to twitch while she was seething with anger at this point.
“You caught me so YOU could run yourself?!” Ace shouted, “Hey! You there! Uh… Juice?”
“My name isn’t ‘Juice’. It’s Deuce! With a D!” the blue-haired boy spluttered.
“This is partially your responsibility, you know! So, help us catch that little furball!”
“How is this my responsibility?!”
“Grim’s janitor friend can’t use magic, so she’s useless!”
“Speak for yourself, you ginger twat!” she yelled at Ace while she put her bag back on and put her hat on her head. She then reached for her Pokeball belt, “Unfeazant, after Grim!”
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