#hilda safety patrol
helgafolk618 · 4 months
erik ahlberg & gerda gustav comic + safety patrol members sketches
hint: atbash cipher on the rock ;)
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hyperpsychomaniac · 5 months
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Okay was trying to figure out what book this is from… apparently it was only released in October. And I must get.
Stuff like this tickles my engineer brain, although it is a bit simplistic it is a fun little detail diagram.
I do have to question that that giant tank is just for flares (although I’m sure they have these stashed in the vehicle somewhere). I always thought it housed either pumps or pressurised gas tank for the shields.
Also… ejection seats.
Ahlberg seriously got up sold on these. Like, I’m pretty sure someone gave him a catalogue and he just ordered all the optional extras.
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thesealanterns · 1 year
I wanted to draw fanart for @experimentjr Hilda au
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experimentjr · 1 year
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The boi wonder himself, David Alfson is among us and redesigned!!!
After the disapearence of Hilda, David decided to join the safety patrol so he could wander through the woods of Bretland (Hilda’s country in my AU) to look for Hilda.
I now made him larger and happier than last designs XD also changed a little bit of his clothes to fit the design of the safety patrol uniform and the ranks of the patrol, such as the sparrow rank, which is easily recognizable by their red cap and sparrow symbol on the cape, and the jackdaw rank, recognizable by their yellow hat and jackdaw symbol on the cape.
At the jackdaw rank, you can finally go on missions outside the walls of Trolberg and the rank our boi will have to get to finally search for Hilda.
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The Runaway Hilda AU
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(amazing cover art done for me by @blagzdeath)
The Runaway Hilda AU is an alternate universe, diverging from the end of Hilda Season 2 - in this timeline, Hilda isn't caught by her mum at the start of The Stone Forest, and instead escapes to Frida's, only to come home to Johanna even more upset, causing their biggest argument yet.
As a result, Hilda decides her mum would be better off without her, and runs away from home to live in the wilderness. Johanna, desperate to find her missing daughter, joins the Safety Patrol, and ultimately becomes deputy leader. Hilda finally comes home after a year away, only to find out that a lot has changed in her absence, and things can't go back to how they were before she left. For a more detailed summary, see here.
The fics of the Runaway AU are written to stand alone, and can be read on their own or in any order. But, here is the timeline as it stands, covering every fic written by me and my amazing little sibling @ultimate-kaisa-simp for this series:
To The Hills (the night Hilda ran away - replaces The Stone Forest)
The 5 + 1 Runaway Hilda AU, Chapter 1  (1 week after Hilda ran away)
The 5 + 1 Runaway Hilda AU, Chapter 2 (3 months after Hilda ran away)
The 5 + 1 Runaway Hilda AU, Chapter 3 (Sonstansil Eve - 6 months after Hilda ran away)
Room For One More, Chapter 1 (Sonstansil Eve - immediately after #4)
Full Disclosure (3 days after Sonstansil Eve)
Room For One More, Chapter 2 (1 week after Sonstansil Eve)
Room For One More, Chapters 3 & 4 (~3 weeks after Sonstansil Eve)
The 5 + 1 Runaway Hilda AU, Chapter 4 (8 months after Hilda ran away)
Two Girls In A Bus Stop Shelter (8 months after Hilda ran away)
Everything’s Changed & Nothing’s The Same (concurrent - Hilda’s 11th Birthday - 9 months after Hilda ran away)
The 5 + 1 Runaway Hilda AU, Chapter 5 (11 months after Hilda ran away)
The House On The Sand (12 months after Hilda ran away)
One Runaway To Another (~4 days after #13)
The 5 + 1 Runaway Hilda AU, Chapters 6 & 7 (1 day after #14)
The Ones Left Behind (1 day after #15)
With You, Always (~1 week after #16)
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noddytheornithopod · 6 months
worst part of the hilda ending: alfur becomes a cop /s
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authorlaurakinch · 7 months
May have made this for my author instagram because same energy.
I originally had dumbass instead of idiot but then I realised the instagram algorithm wouldn't like it 😑
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ridz0805 · 11 months
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This is from my Fanfic where Erik Ahberg is still in charge of the Trolberg Safety Patrol which is seen in Hilda and the Mountain King Graphic novel.
The Trolberg Safety Patrol from both the Hilda Netflix and Graphic Novel series in my AU set 14 years into the future, got an upgrade of their existing fleet some time after the events of Season 2 and Hilda and the Mountain King respectively.
The vehicles shown are used by the Safety Patrol during their daily duties, which is an upgrade from their current fleet after reorganization.
Left: Patrol/ Fast response car based on the Police Cars in Commonwealth countries, this is mainly used for operations within the urban areas of Trolberg .
Right:  Enhanced Patrol/ Fast response car with off road capability based on the Police Cars in Commonwealth countries, used by for operations both in the urban and rural areas of Trolberg both within and outside the city walls.
Background  After the events of Hilda and the Mountain King the current Trolberg representative, and Mayor brought up the incident to the Parliament (Federal/ National level).(Not sure about the politics in the Hildaverse) After going through the parliamentary process the Safety Patrols nationwide underwent a major reorganization, with the Trolberg Police becoming part of the Safety Patrol.
The colour palette used are based on the colour palette in the Hilda Netflix series and my knowledge.
Hilda belongs to Luke Pearson, Silvergate Media, Mercury Filmworks, Netflix, Nobrow Press, Atomic Cartoons, and Flying Eye Books.
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ivys-garden · 6 months
My head cannon endings for all the Hilda cast post finale (Spoilers for season 3)
She remains in her home, never moving away. However she makes sure to visit Hilda often, which has become easier now that she's learned to fly again. She also doesn't get to lonely as she invites the Pooka to like with her and helps him practice shape shifting. When she dies she is buried where the fairy mound once was to be closer to her family.
He travels the world but always returns to Trollburg, on cold winter nights he joins Hilda and her family for tea and games, maybe the yule lads join in too. On his travels he spreads the story on Hilda far and wide even long after she's gone.
Tryla & Baba
They remain at the mountain most days but do ecompany Hilda on adventures during her weekly visit. They still live there long after everyone else is gone, telling tales of Hilda to the next hundreds of generations of trolls.
He continues living in Trollburg, working on wall and city maintenance with the bellkeeper. He never gets back together with Johana but he does try and be a better dad to Hilda, including taking her on that camping trip.
Begins selling her paintings to people, she also starts painting things from her and Hilda's adventures, including the Fae Ilse, which she still thinks about often. When she dies Hilda burries her at the fairy mound with Auntie Astrid, but she keeps a lock of her hair in a locket. One day, in the far future when Hilda has finally moved on she hangs that locket at the remains of the cabin.
Just keeps doing what he does mostly. Going on adventures with Hilda occasionally but mostly keeping to himself. He remains in the house for a long time, even after Hilda had died.
Keeps writing reports for the northern counties but he also begins working with Gerda and the safety patrol, his days are busy but that's how he likes them. When he dies, if elfs even do, he would be given a funeral pyre by the lost clan and Hilda returns to the northern counties to scatter his ashes.
Would go on many more adventures with the trio and would start to develop a crush on David, one that David would reciprocate. She would eventually become a wildlife photographer.
Started researching entomology and now runs an insect focused wildlife centre near the sparrow scout building, enjoying a more peaceful and quiet life than most of his friends. He also assists the linworm in a construction of a new garden on sparrow scout property, sometimes the two of them and Louise have tea together. He was the first to die out of the four and was buried in Trollburgs graveyard, later Louise would be buried with him when she died.
Finished her training and became a fully fledged witch. She would take over running the Trollburg library from Kaisa after Kaisa was appointed to the witch council. When they were teenagers she and Hilda started dating but they never decided to get married.
She still goes on adventures in her teenage years, it wouldn't be Hilda if she didn't. She and Johanna also practised flying with their fae magic. She always makes sure to keep in touch with Astrid and Victoria. She continues to paint and make music and becomes a freelance artist like her mum. Twig also grows big enough to ride when he gets older. She lived in her apartment in Trollburg until her death. She and Frida were buried together at the overgrown remains of the cabin
He's still there, deep in the woods. even after everyone else has long since died, perhaps he tells the tales of a mysterious blue haired friend to spirits to the passersby.
Or perhaps he would tell you that if you walk deep enough into the woods, you could find an old forest glen where a cabin once was, and you can speak to her spirit yourself
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helgafolk618 · 4 months
Hilda storyboard artists be seeing "Safety Patrol" on the script and then always add these two.
I headcanon their names as "Buster" (the red-haired bearded one) and "Silas" (the one with the eyepatch)
what do u call shipping but its platonic?? cus thats what im doing with these 2 hehe
(also i wanna develop them more in erikafolk, maybe they'd be friendly rivals with erika idk but their designs are too cool to pass up for my safety-patrol-centered fanfic!!) >:D
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hyperpsychomaniac · 5 months
So I decided to do a redraw of one of the pics I did back when I first got procreate. Here it is.
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Yes Erik is drunk.
Yes he’s projecting on a statue of his ancestor.
And yes this means Erik has found his way into the schoolyard in this condition lol.
The original:
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thatonecatcat · 6 months
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adult hilda except i add my own crazy headcannons
get ready my babes bros and nonbinary hoes here comes another few hilda hc
-Hilda has a cloudy eye because she got trapped in a flashbang incident from the safety patrol
-Hilda cut her hair since she found long hair in the way of her job (trollberg outdoors tour guide/ wildlife show host)
-Frida gifted her leg warmers and she uses it everyday
-Hilda became a lot more shy around people when she turned 18 since she worries they might bully her again (trevor trauma… trevauma)
-Frida and Dessie make fun of her boots and beret since she hasnt swapped them for a long time (they think those two have seen some things)
-Frida once panicked due to like hundreds of paparazzi following her and hilda on the way to a show for her job
idk i went off topic so thats enough
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experimentjr · 7 months
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In the canon (or at least, tie-ins) Louise is a little sparrow scout girl who in (probably) episode three, will join the group on an adventure and even after that! She's basically a Hilda fangirl and loves her adventures.
In my AU Louise is a big and buff woman who has a love for danger and adventure, and chose to be a safety patrol so she could go out the city walls and venture herself into the wilderness. Still a Hilda fan and thinks of the girl as a legend among adventurer and, just like David and Frida, doesn't believe Hilda died as she learned from various sources that Hilda was a tough girl in her youth and would always come out of her adventures unscathed.
She's from the normal (now called offensive) safety patrol branch and the one where they spend most time outside the wall, and she's from the fourth highest rank called auxiliary patrol and can only go outside the city if accompanied by another auxiliary patrol, an assault patrol (the third highest rank) and a jackdaw (third highest rank from the support patrol branch). They can only venture the wilderness in a group of four patrols.
May or may not be important in the quest of finding Hilda >:) but only time will tell huauhauha
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003 Deputy (New head of the Safety Patrol) Gerda
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003 | Give me a character & I will tell you:
How I feel about this character: I really like her! I love her arc of realising how bad Erik is and how little he respects her or his duties, I love her decisions in the movie, and I love that she's the new Head Officer of the Patrol. She's someone who really cares about doing good, and I appreciate that :))
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Johanna! Gerdanna just vibes really hard for me I think they'd get on really well
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: I like the idea of her and Bellkeeper bonding over not liking Erik, and just being buddies in general XD
My unpopular opinion about this character: Uhh don't think I have one, actually?
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I wish she'd made a bigger difference in the movie, and that she'd gotten to kick Erik out on his butt. The regular officers siding with her during a tense confrontation between the two would've been the dream.
Favorite friendship for this character: in canon? None. In AUs, see above XD
My crossover ship: hmmm - none come to mind but I'm open to suggestions!!
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I actually love the way Hilda The Series tackles hierarchies.
The school’s mayor is an airhead and the one that really keeps things on track at the school is the teacher.
Elves have a Prime Minister and a King, but the real progress is achieved by a common citizen who decided he wanted to help. Even then, he was almost out out of a job when his word was declared untrustworthy without a proper evaluation.
The nightmare spirits will throw the newest members in harms’ way to get a chance to escape.
The most powerful and competent witch is an elderly woman, and the one you’re supposed to root for and sympathize with the most is one that is pushed around by her superiors, and both of them are strongly disliked by the aforementioned witches in charge.
The head of the Safety Patrol is a twat, and his second in command is clearly shown to be smarter and braver. Only not as smart and brave as a third member of the patrol, who we only see badmouthing and downright sabotaging the institution he works for.
The entire main plot hinges on the fact that the people with the most power seized a land that wasn’t theirs with no regard as to what harm was being caused.
Power structures, the way we know them, aren’t supposed to keep you safe. They’re supposed to keep you in line. The people on top of them aren’t there because they’re inherently better, more competent, more worthy at all. You owe this world your rebellion in the same way you owe it your kindness. I love this show.
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So any future Hilda HCs?
I’d probably best to send this again, maybe more focused on certain characters at a later date. I’m currently doing a rewatch of the whole series (I’ve just finished the movie atm) so that should help but off the top of my head here’s a few since S3 is somewhat fresh.
Due to Hilda’s fairy background, Frida is able to siphon some essence and cast certain spells that require it (it’s like donating blood…without the blood, it’s safe). This however led Kaisa to inquire on how she was able to cast those old spells. Frida spilled the beans on Hilda and Johanna being part fairy and Kaisa wondered if getting essence from a half-fairy would be more potent and so she and Frida went to Hilda’s place. When Kaisa saw Johanna it was love-at-first-sight and she completely forgot about y she came over at first. Johanna was hesitant on what Kaisa wanted but offered to go get some tea at a cafe sometime and discuss it. This led to their first date, then their second and so on. Eventually Hilda got a witch step-mom.
After her time as a Troll, Hilda developed a slight fear of bells. While not as painful as it was when she was a troll but she can’t stand the noise.
David became an entomologist due to his strange magnetism of insects and general fascination. Louise helps take pictures of whatever bug he’s studying for his research papers. The most annoying bug he’s dealt with was the Mothman during a research trip to America alongside Hilda.
Louise became a photographer, she helps David and Hilda with their research but she is also an award winning photographer.
Alfur with a continued note-taking partnership with Adeline eventually after a few years presented her with “Engagement to be Married” papers and she signed gleefully. After a few months of planning and revisions, the wedding was both tiny and had all of the proper paperwork filed in order (Bartell was Alfur’s best elf).
Eugene eventually made it to the sea but after he saw the Trolburg harbor he makes it a point to come by and try out new material with the sailors. This annoys the freaky friends since they still don’t find him funny but the sailors do.
Frida was given a witch’s cloak as a gift from Tilde. Similar to the one Kaisa wears. It was made from Witches’ Wool, an ancient recipe lost to all but a few witches in that dimension. She explained its origins being from a demon realm where witches live on a Titan’s rotting corpse but all portals there have dryed up over the centuries.
Deputy (now Chief) Gerda while a more “by the books” chief of the safety patrol, was more understanding towards magical creatures and issues and preferred to listen first before making decisions. This has led to a number of new rules within Trolburg to accommodate its more mystical citizens as she worked to get humans more comfortable with their strange neighbors.
Wood Man slowly rebuilt the cabin Hilda and her mom lived in. He says it’s so he can have a second home away from home but secretly it’s so his old neighbors would visit more often, which they do.
Aunt Astrid helped teach Johanna and Hilda a bit of fairy magic. While it’s not as strong as it was back at fairy country and because they’re part human but there’s still a few spells that they can perform, mostly minor things (think Cantrips in D&D)
Johanna and Astrid made Hilda a new sweater with fairy magic and charms woven into it. She wears it always (washing it often of course)
That’s just a few off the top of my head atm. Hopefully after rewatching S3 I can think of some more
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