#hilariously the vibe of most fans is like 'yes theres a lot of people in this world who arent fans of one piece.....YET.'
songofstrawhats · 3 months
Y'know, shout-out to the One Piece fandom.
Not once have I felt excluded or like a fake fan because I only just got into it, or hadn't read the manga, or didn't know all the characters. Everyone I've interacted with has been unfailingly thrilled that I like the series, and supportive and ready to talk with me or give me info or eat metaphorical popcorn while I yell about the plot
And I guess it's like, not caught up? There's one piece fans hundreds of chapters behind, its whatever! Got into it via OPLA? Yeah wasn't it great? Don't know the characters? Lmao neither do we there's so fucking many
Unlike so many other similarly sized fandoms I've been in, all I've needed to do to fit in as a one piece fan is call myself a one piece fan, and I think that's really great!!!!
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thealmightyemprex · 4 months
Columbia Pictures Month : Bye Bye Birdie
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Next film on my Columbia film reviews is the musical Bye Bye Birdie .Now I have no familiarity with the musical ,so will view this as a stand alone thing
Now the plot of this 1963 film is that singing superstar Conrad Birdie (Jesse Pearson ) has just been drafted ,and Rosie (Janet Leigh ) secretsary and fiance to song writer Albert Peterson (Dick Van Dyke) ,has set up a final performance on the Ed Sullivan show ,with a publicity stunt of him kissing a girl from his fan club ,Kim MacAfee(Ann Margeret ) and shennaigans ensue
Soooooo thats the basic plot but um,mm.......Yeah this plot is somehow very complicated and paper thin ,so it makes no damn bit of sense .The story would make more sense if Albert was the agent of Conrad and not a struggling song writer ,I didnt even bring up the fact Albert is also a biochemist ,or Kims jealous boyfriend hugo ,or Alberts overbearing mother .From what I understand the story is supposed to be about Albert and Rosie......But the movie is more about Kim,and while I am thankful made a star out of Ann Margret who does her all with the role ,Kim shouldnt be the focus
Also tangent a big focus on the movie is Ed Sulivan ,he plays himself and his show is a big plot point .Now I was born way after his time,but his TV show was one of the biggest shows in America.....Soley because the guy had connections and paid well cause the guy has NO CHARISMA and by GOD ,HE CANT ACT .And yes I KNOW ,his show was popular cause he got amazing guests like Elvis,The Beatles ,Jim Henson,etc and his job was just to introduce but I am still baffled cause he is one of the most uncharismatic show business people I have ever seen .Sorry to get sidetracked,this has very little to do with the film,I know that but I honestly dont get the appeal of Ed Sullivan and theres a whole damn subplot about Paul Lynde being in love with him basically ,so I had to bring him up
OK so it might seem like I dont like the movie.....But I was entertained ,despite how messy it is.....Most of the songs are good ,not all timers for me but they are fun ,I think the most fun song for me was Kids performed by Paul Lynde ,I think that is the best song in the movie and I was surprised to find Put On A Happy Face came from this .Honestly its just fun to witness the dancing talents of Dick Van Dyke in anything ,and the musical talents of Ann-Margret ,Paul Lynde and surprisingly Janet Leigh .In fact the cast in general is very good,Dick Van Dyke is fun as this mamas boy song writer (Nowhere near as good as his performance in the next years Mary Poppins but hes good ),Janet Leigh is really good and she impressed me in the musical sequences like I said ,Ann Margret while I dont think her character shouldve been the lead COMMANDS the camera and is very good (Her opening song had me concearned but the later songs showed me how good she was ),Maureen Stapleton is frankly hilarious as the overbearing mother,and Paul Lynde is the scene stealer as Kims father ,a lot of his lines made me laugh .The film is also very funny every time I was unsure about the film thered be a really funny joke .I also think George Sidney directs the film well the film going into often surreal and somewhat cartoony vibes
I dunno I dont LOVE the movie.....But I enjoy it .I do reccomend it if you want something kind of silly
@ariel-seagull-wings @the-blue-fairie @themousefromfantasyland @amalthea9 @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @princesssarisa @minimumheadroom @filmcityworld1
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relentless-endurance · 11 months
Hello, I love to encourage violence, please any of the following Choose Violence ask game questions you feel up to answering: 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 16, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, and 25!
'Isn't that basically all of them?' Yes! yes, it is. If there are any I didn't list that you wanted to answer, feel free to answer those too. I love drama, give me the chisme, peel it and feed it to me like squapes.
LIKE SQUAPES. fun fact: i have a squapes keychain on my lanyard. (alongside shoebill, Crow destiny 2 and (redacted) from Pandaemonium)
I will do xiv because. because.
answers them all because i have the day off, why not
the character everyone gets wrong
thats tough bc every character has those ppl that get them utterly wrong; I have particular beef though with the "emet was right and hydaelyn was evil" crowd because it just. it glosses over everything Emet did and acts like what Hydaelyn had to do was the worstest ever amen how dare she, when its like. Both of these characters did what they thought was necessary, but there is a gulf of difference between "I would let billions die to bring my world back" and "I sundered the star to avert a far worse disaster"
because i think people fail to realize. they were just going to keep sacrificing to Zodiark lol. (ALSO THERES ENDWALKER SPOILER STUFF as to why I will die on the hill defending my crystal mom)
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
see last ask! that was a dm a person sent me lmao. at least??? they warned me???
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
this is going to be hilarious coming from me but i'm not much a fan of most zenoswol or emetwol shippers (in spite of enjoying the former) because the discourse surrounding it all is fucking. INSANE. and there are just ways they mischaracterize both characters that drive me fucking BONKERS. So I stay in my brainworm corner with select people and I keep emet selch as a bitter ex because its honestly a lot funnier
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
Amon/Fandaniel. Specifically the clown wearing Asahi's skinsuit and the guy from crystal tower. there is just. a vibe. about it. that i do not fucking like how the fans engage with it. i can't explain it concretely it just fucking bothers me.
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
sorrows of werlyt is not gaius' redemption it is him suffering consequences of his actions. if its anything close to redemption atonement is probably a better word for it and also the wol still fuckin hates his guts you can see the faces in the cutscenes. he calls u a fried when at best ur coworkers for that.
also i'm a stormblood enjoyer till i fuckin die. this is not a discussion i had fun thats it that the message
9. worst part of canon
the fact that ARR didn't lean more into the fact that you were the WoL from 1.0, ARR's writing in general.
also in general there is more bits in the msq where i wish we could uh. bite back a little harder instead of just being a silent protagonist.
10. worst part of fanon
oh god. theres a lot. probably the uwu soft imperialism that people get up to with certain ships (esp bc certain characters canonically and categorically do NOT give a fuck about politics at all)
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
Aside from the obvious female characters I will defend until i fucking die (Lyse, Minfilia, ETC.).... Maxima! I just think he's neat. like was actually being genuine as a Populares, and saw that shit was fucked and noped out. also here, have this screen shot where my crimes gave him thot boots:
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13. worst blorboficiation
answered in last ask! theres 1 ur about to meet and 1 thats pandemonium relevant but yeah. bluuuuuhhhhh your milage may very
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
Huh. I'm actually not super sure here besides things I've already bitched about. WAIT.
I fucking HATE when ppl have their wol who did not let go of heavensward trauma. like in that their wol didn't develop past it. especially if they're dark knights because. WHAT WAS THE POINT?
everyone handles grief differently ofc and its not a linear thing ever, but its so ?????????? to me that its like "my wol hasn't changed or let go or processed this at all".
what is the point if your character is never going to change or be affected? especially getting to shadowbringers??? thats all about grief and having a primo example of what NOT PROCESSING YOUR GRIEF does to you and can push you to?
like i'm not saying they shouldn't be affected at all, considering how much Haurchefant haunts you in the MSQ but like come on now. you've gotta move in some kind of direction.
(also smaller and pettier pet peeve: super 2edgy4me Azems. it feels so against what Azem was man, idk.)
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
my taste is flawless and impeccable and perfect. zenoswol may be the closest thing to an answer but like nah, its fucking funny.
20. part of canon you found tedious or boring
most of early ARR before waking sands
there is a bit after the first endwalker trial that i've sort of speedran on my subsequent runs, its not BAD, but it is a little jarring tonally the first time. i mildly appreciate it in hindsight because AFTER that endwalker cuts the brakes and is a semi rolling the down the hill at top speed emotionally, but it still like. please let me move on.
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
alexander raids. mid as fuck honestly.
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
oagh unfortunately i am a girlie who enjoys all the popular things in canon. The best answer is probably the Four Lords trial series. Its one of my favorites but people don't seem to talk about it much
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to
I actually don't have a ship that fits this. I only like like 2 of the canon/canon ships and i've always been a fan of most of the wolships that float around
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
Emet Selch. I love grandpa war crimes, he's one of my favorite characters and favorite villains ever, i have literal merch of him, but holy shit he is the reason for so much twitter discourse. which is kind of funny and on brand but also jesus christ can people please just relax and learn to mute/block people and tags aaaa
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
i don't know if this common or i just saw it a lot given my twitter algorithm but people have so. much. beef. with people who Persephone Azems. for some reason.
the reason is apparently they're most insufferable kind of straight girl shipper/emet selch fan but like aside from an occasional encounter on a wolqotd post, the two people i know/know of who actually have an Azem named Persephone are.
an mlm whose noriety comes from... being one of the biggest G'rahawol content creators/shippers
one of my lesbian friends who chose it for not shipping related reasons
and most of the time their highest crime is. an Azem named Persephone. that ships Azemet. like any genuine complaints there might be are like. not unique to this VERY NICHE SUBSET OF FANS but apparently they're sooooo common and soooo annoying.
like maybe just block and move on bc some of the complaining i see borders on being genuinely misogynistic like. its fandom pixels. RELAX.
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jackalopey · 2 years
im bored so im going to write up my rankings of the class stories, with my reasoning. please keep in mind this is just my opinion and no hard feelings if you disagree. going from my worst to best
8. bounty hunter
i simply did not vibe with it. to be fair, im not a fan of bounty hunter stories unless theres a twist, and im definitelyy not a fan of mandalorians (generally speaking), so it was pretty much set up to fail from the beginning. i did like most of the companions (skadge do not interact) though
what i disliked the most about it was the choices, though. i was trying to play a mostly light side hunter, and while i know that imp side characters are still going to make fucked up choices, i just really did not vibe with a lot of the options given
like, the one i hated the most, was having to kill that jedi at the end of chapter 1. like. it did not make any sense to me why the mandalorians wanted him dead. they were mad that he killed a bunch of mandalorians during the sacking. which was in warfare (and a dishonourable strike, on the mandos part). i didnt like that my choice was basically ‘kill him while laughing maniacally’ or ‘kill him but say its nothing personal’. i also disliked that even though i spared his padawan, it still made me kill her later. i dont know what they were going for with it
im hoping ill enjoy it more on a replay because im playing my character as dark sided and stupid bc its literally the only way i can make some of the choices make sense in my head
also while i liked most of the companions i hated how torian’s backstory was handled. i didnt mind makos though. i thought it was hilarious that we didnt find out why she had clones (unless i missed something ????)
7. republic trooper
it was fine. i didnt dislike it. im just not a fan of typical war stuff (yes i know the franchise is called star wars. you know what i mean). there was nothing specific that i didnt like, it just wasnt to my tastes
that being said, i did like that one mission that was a ladies night out, and i liked that it gave me a choice that actually took me 5 solid minutes to work out what i wanted to do. ik a lot of people dont like evil choices like that, but i do
i liked both of the romance options, and some of the other companions, but some of them were just kind of bland to me, personally. there was nothing bad about them, they just weren’t as interesting to me
6. jedi knight
i was extremely disappointed by this one. it wasn’t awful, i just had higher expectations, and i dislike how some people try to sell it as ‘kotor 3′ when it. isn’t. at all. i also don’t like that it’s considered the ‘canon’ storyline when it’s so average compared to some of the others
it’s not bad or anything. it’s just a typical jedi knight story. it’s exactly what it says on the tin. which is fine. but it’s not very interesting, i prefer stories with more twists
i do love kira though, so that gives it a lot. i also like the personality of the jedi knight, i like how they’re so full of themself, i think its very funny
i do think that there was a lot of wasted potential though, which is a shame
5. sith warrior
okay now we hit the ones that i actively like
my first impression with the warrior’s story was very bad because i tried to play it pure dark side and then panicked because i didnt want to shock vette lmao. i restarted with a light side warrior and had a very very fun time, the story was very unique to me, and i really like the ways you can characterise a light sided sith
im not a big fan of how a lot of the dark side options appeal to... a certain audience. if you know you know. but outside of that i enjoyed this story a lot, i didnt know what to expect going in but it was very good
i dont like quinn much though lmao dont kill me
4. smuggler
it was fun! i don’t really know how to expand much more than that. it was really fun to play. the smuggler is fun. risha is the love of my life. i simply had a very good time playing this one
personal fan of how inherently funny an outlander smugller is conceptually, also
3. consular
i feel like i’m betraying myself putting the consular at only 3 because it was the first story i played, it got me hooked onto the game and i really really really enjoyed it. but alas i must be honest
anyway. i enjoy the consular’s story i lot. i love the choices, i love the story, i love the puzzles. i love nadia and yuon and syo. the story was really interesting, engaging and emotional to me, i don’t know what to say. it just really hit me, so it blows my mind when i see that isn’t a common response to it. i also really loved the sages playstyle back when the classes were connected to the stories
also f!consular’s voice acting is soooo good, as a voice actor i’m impressed by like. the subtlety of it? the way she emotes but it’s so lowkey is hard to do but she does it really well. i vibe with it a lot
2. inquisitor
i feel like such a traitor putting this above the consular
but the inquisitor was just so fun. i know that it’s a story where a lot of the plot could be avoided if the character was less of an idiot, but unlike the bounty hunter’s, that really worked for me here. i thought it made a lot of sense for the inquisitor to make the mistakes they made, and i found them constantly just tumbling into the next problem really fucking funny
also how disconnected it is from the war is really funny to me. quizzi’s just out there trying to not get killed while a war goes on in the background
ashara is literally one of my fave star wars characters, i loooove her takes on jedi and sith philosophy so much, she’s so interesting to me
1. imperial agent
i mean. it’s a given, isn’t it?
i played it last and i’m glad i did. i like how everything came together. the story was very engaging, and it gave me multiple villains (zhorrid, hunter) who made me Feel Things and i’ve spent a lot of time thinking about afterwards
the agent is also, in my opinion, the smartest of all of the class story protags. and while i found the inquisitors mistakes very funny, something i enjoyed a lot about the agent’s story was the agent’s choices were consistently smart, often the things that i’d thought ‘oh she should do [x]’, and the plot progressed anyway. it felt like being outplayed, instead of having a limited protag, and i dont mind limited protags but idk it just made the whole thing really fun and imo fit really well with an agent
i loved kaliyo, also. her refusing to hook up with an f!outlander because ‘sorry i actually like you and i dont want to traumatise you’ is so fucked up but so funny
...and now i want to continue my swtor replay gdi
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brw · 2 years
001 - Star Trek TOS
Favorite character
BONES he's everything to me actually. he's infested my mind like a virus he's SO funny he wants so badly to go apeshit but unfortunately he's in a polycule of fucking idiots and has to drug them both to get the chance to be a dumbass for ONCE. he's an idiot but he has to plan out his idiocy to make sure his two idiots don't get themselves killed while he's gone. zero business being that funny.
Least Favorite character
kirk when i come to the horrifying realisation that he is in fact the mouthpiece for the 60s white men that are writing him and is in fact played by william shatner aka episodes like miri and that one where he's a native american god bc what the fuck... i'll be watching having a good time and then oh fuck. thats shatner's face NOOOOO aside from that the random side characters that replace uhura or sulu or chekov when theyre not available who are you fucking imposters!!!
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon)
i barely have a singular ship the entire ship is well. a ship. theyre all dating each other the entire ship is polyamorous. my fave dynamics so far tho r; bones & spock obviously they r so funny. scotty & kirk i dont think any other combo on the enterprise is more enabling of each others specific brand of bullshit. uhura & everyone she is their BABYGIRL she is the most important person on that ship n everyone loves her as they should. the second favourite babygirl after the enterprise itself. scotty is the third fave btww. pavel & chekov they are like. daforge before there was daforge n kirk n that one klingon captain in the tribbles ep. why were they like that.
Character I find most attractive
bones. no i wont explain nor will i apologise. i'd fuck that old man.
Character I would marry
spock i would be great at being his girl husband. down to join the polycule also autistic i am logical for a human being and i like tea and big animals. not big on public intimacy and i dont make dumb jokes.
Character I would be best friends with
uhura or scotty. cannot elaborate but we would vibe.
a random thought
i dont think any TOS ship is fun monogamous. they need to be a horrificially large polycule or whats the point. they are the seattle polycule clickhole warned us about.
An unpopular opinion
kirk wasnt that feminist like yes for the time but he still very much so was a man written in the 60s by other men and idk i feel like painting him as 100% feminist w/ that one "a crewman" gif is disingenious. like definitely what abrhams did was a crime to make him even weirded! but idk people always want to focus on the best and its like grabbing so many women by the shoulders like that so often makes me very uncomfortable watching dhdfhfvhvf
My Canon OTP
aside from spirk which we all know is theres not an awful lot of big canon ships bc?? the writers r too misogynist i guess. i guess sarek n amanda they had no business being so cute. spock n that one woman in the sex pollen ep was honestly cute to me also. man just wants to do drugs and climb trees n she let him!
My Non-canon OTP
ah shit i dunno. again i really like what bones n spock going on they are so hilarious every time they interact onscreen. i liked the dynamic between uhura & scotty in the mirror mirror ep n obviously that one uhura & christine gifset... LADIES.
Most Badass Character
bones for him telling khan exactly where to cut his throat while the knife was to his neck. top 10 moments in cinematic history actually. uhura again when she did THAT to mirror sulu she's so fucking perfect she deserves the world i LOVE LOVE LOVE her.
Most Epic Villain
shatner's lack of acting skills.
Pairing I am not a fan of
tbh none. they all r either great or had massive potential or were just plain funny.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another)
every woman. especially the non reoccuring ones. what was going on with a private little war.
Favourite Friendship
uhura & chekov... jim & bones..... sulu & chevok...... christine & bones.... they r all so good tbh.
Character I most identify with
scotty or spock. i have autism spectrum disorder.
Character I wish I could be
i hate the idea of living in space so none
ask game for fandoms, ships & characters.
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shoezuki · 3 years
cracks knuckles. i promised to elaborate and i will.
the one common perspective that everyone seems to be able to agree on is that techno / sbi + schlatt + tubbo + ranboo are just genuinely funnier than the dteam, and honestly yes it's because if the popularity. if you go back and watch the dteams older (im talking before 2-3mil subs) videos they are funnier than their current ones and i think it's because they're trying to shift their humor to a broader audience?
the minecraft community has always been mainly queer/poc/ndv kids because it was exiled away from "acceptable society" for so long that only the people who had already been "exiled" continued to enjoy it. I, as an example, stopped playing when it became a cringy thing because I was so worried about being seen as weird. now that ive discovered, come to terms with, and enjoy my queerness, i realize that if i had known i was queer back when mc was exiled i wouldve continued to play because i alrwady would have known what it was like to be part of that seperate society. (Please keep reading i promise I have a point)
but then minecraft came back. minecraft became mainstream again, and it came back HARD. watching it go from something that you would be bullied immensely for to something that you would be bullied for not doing was an extreme experience. in all honesty im still angry about it, but that's another topic. when minecraft became mainstream it brought with it all of the people that hadn't been part of the exiled societies yk? including... the dream team.
dream blew up. we all know how much he blew up. i personally dont believe he cheated on the speedrun but to each their own (although after reading your stuff and becoming more critical of them im realizing i might need to reexamine that), and the speedrun controversy brought even more people to his base (cough drama loving straight white girls cough).
when they were brought into the fanbase that's when it started to go downhill. they shifted their humor to fit that, or maybe their humor was always that and they just got more confident in showing it after they had gotten a fan base to back them up. which is also why techno / sbi + schlatt + tubbo + ranboo (who ill refer to just as techno&co now because he's the main one but also that's long as hell lmao) are funnier than them!
for one, their fanbases are smaller. now 5 mil is by no means a small number, but compared to dream's 16 mil? yknow. especially with techno's wack upload schedule he's never had to worry about having a stan fan base because the only people who stay are people who genuinely enjoy his content the way it is.
two, techno&co are mostly ndv. techno has adhd, tubbo has dyslexia, wilbur had and maybe still has depression, ranboo has anxiety, tommy hasnt confirmed or denied his adhd but im betting he at least has borderline. i am in no ways saying that being part of one minority (in this case ndv) gives you free range over another (queer), but all minorities have this understanding about what it is to be part of an exiled community (if that makes sense).
philza and schlatt, not so sure if they're ndv, but they're also older and generally more mature and esp in philza's case, theyve had their chance to make their bad jokes and pull stupid shit and theyve grown out of it (if they ever had that phase at all). techno&co have that understanding and even if they dont know where the boundaries are they know that queer humor (and all humor! other than techno, sbi doesnt really make gay jokes) going to have boundaries, and they respect that.
three, techno is the funniest bitch because he has adhd. i dont take criticism on this point because im right.
i probably missed a lot, probably got some stuff wrong, but all in all i think i hit my mark. i can come off anon to chat anytime if youd vibe w that. no pressure to respond to this! have a good day, etc etc, it was fun getting to tear into the dteam in a safe space. respect for them and their fanbases, their humor is a little off but i still gotta respect how well theyve done. btw i woke up and rolled over and started typing I haven't proofed this at all so yeah. :) - andy
And your brain is fucking massive yo like u must got chronic back pain too from holdin up all these Thoughts in ur head
I really like. Minecraft fans is So varied cuz like u said it was so very 'cringe' before. I got into mc again n playin it w my siblings years before it Popped Off again entirely cuz i stopped Giving a Shit that it was 'weird' or any a that. N sbi have been goin strong through it So Long both when it was hotshit and when it was "cringe"
N definitely like minecraft ive always noticed has a Massive ndv community. I dont know entirely what it is like definitely part of the 'cringe' factor like u said and also cubes make our brains go brrrr? The aspect of self expression in it? I dont know but we Been Here
I do think dteam's content and shit like. It obviously moved in sync with perceptions of mc to garner a Big General audience. Dream blowing up entirely had to do w the Trends and how mc got popular. Therefore hes audience is Huge and Varied
In contrast w techno n like. He has blown up quite a bit too. But i feel its fair to say he Hasnt altered his content significantly. Or at least like. How its presented, what he does, etc. For fucks sake he doesnt have a stream schedule. And although his content is Still garnering a Large and really varied audience it feels more like. Isolated and homogeneous almost
Like. I can go into the technocord right now and say 'dont forget to take your meds' and at least 20 or so ppl would be all like Oh Fuck Whoops. Theres SO many of us adhd ppl in there. I always goof bout techno jus sayin pspspsps and the neurodivergents crawling up from the floorboards but honest to god. His content and jokes and i suppose Personality jus appeals to us So Much. Same goes for sbi pretty heavily honestly altho i feel its most evident in techno's most Dedicated fans
Also. Lbr. The people who stay through technos schedules and content Droughts are the ones who be hyperfixating Abskfvdkdsjsjsl
BUT going into sbi as a Group like. They are friends. And together they are fucking hilarious. N i feel it strongly like. The fact theyre all such Varied people of different ages and such helps w that shit. It Works So Well.
Long story short being neurodivergent makes you funny as hell letsgo
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doomednarrative · 3 years
I’m doing this for fun simply because I'm rewatching them all so,
Here's my personal ranking for Every Gorillaz Music video, based both on song and the video itself:
(This is going to be a long post)
Tomorrow Comes Today: 7/10. I love this song and the video fits its vibe, but its still pretty simplistic and not a whole lot of actual animation and no story, so it gets points off for that.
Clint Eastwood: 10/10. I love this one honestly. Its still so charming after all this time and showcases the band well for their early days. Love the more moody tone of it, and I always love seeing the band actually play instruments in their videos too. Bonus points for Murdoc's laugh opening this one because I love that.
Rock The House: 9/10. Pure fun. I don't have a lot of commentary for it, I just think its fun and I love the song itself too. One point off for Murdoc thrusting his hips too many times for my eyes tho.
19-2000: 10/10. This one was the first Gorillaz video that I saw and it really is just a nice non plot connected video. The 3D animation still manages to hold up because of its mix with 2D animation in my opinion and I enjoy it.
Rockit: 5/10. I like the song but the video is kinda meh.
PHASE ONE MV'S OVERALL: Overall I like phase one and I miss Del. Bring him back.
Dirty Harry: 8/10. 2D is just vibing so hard in this video and I'm living for it. That’s all that matters. (Side note but I love the version of this video they did for the BRIT's as well.)
DARE: 10/10. Noodles time to shine, a perfect song, what more could you ask for?? (Also love the bit with Murdoc at the end of course.)
Feel Good Inc: 10/10. This one is obvious if you know me at all. Murdoc playing his bass is what sells this one for me cause I enjoy the animation. The songs amazing and one I find comforting to listen to, and the mood of the video fits it perfectly. Theres some really fun shots with lighting while 2D is standing at the window too in the tower in here that I've always liked.
El Mañana: 6/10. I love this song but it makes me sad and so does the video.
PHASE TWO MV'S OVERALL: Phase One is iconic for its art style and for being The Beginning, but Phase Two is my favorite of the two for its art. I love how these videos are animated, and even if Demon Dayz is my least favorite album, the songs in these videos are all very good. Pretty solid as a whole all things considered.
Stylo: 10/10 LISTEN, I KNOW SOME PEOPLE HATE THE CGI, BUT I LOVE IT. It’s so expressive, this song is one of my absolute faves, I’m sorry to be such a Murdoc liker but hes so much fun in this video and so expressive and it starts the story off for Plastic Beach. I love it so much.
On Melancholy Hill: 7/10. It’s not a bad video, and I love the song a lot, but...not a lot actually happens in the video aside from the bits with Noodle. Bonus points however go to just how seamlessly it puts 2D and 3D animation together, and for how cute 2D looks this whole video.
Rhinestone Eyes: 9/10. WOULD BE A 10/10 IF WE’D GOTTEN OFFICIAL ANIMATION FOR IT ;-; (The fan animated video for it tho is Very very good and i applaud that whole team.) Amazing song, this video has the most story packed into it so far from all the other videos and it’s memorable from its storyboards for that alone.
Doncamatic: 10/10 Listen...Listen I know its a one off and it doesn't really have anything in it but I’m obsessed because its one of my favorite Gorillaz songs tbh and I love Daley’s outfit in it so it gets a full pass from it.
PHASE THREE MV’S OVERALL: I love every video this phase tbh, none of them are bad. All of them are fun,and even if Melancholy Hill is a little slow, it’s still enjoyable. I love this phase because they all connect and I know I’m not the only one who feels that way either.
Hallelujah Money: 7/10. It’s not at all bad, but I’m as not fond of this song, and the video itself is much too trippy for me. Still has its own merits tho that I won’t knock it for even if it’s not my personal taste.
Saturn Barz: 10/10. Everything about this video is amazing. Character designs and as a comeback for the bands animated counterparts, it was perfect. I loved hearing them actually speak again too it made the whole thing so fun. The song is fuckin awesome and it fits the vibe of the whole video. Bonus points for the more lineless animation style they gave everyone in this video, it was a really neat change from past phases. My one complaint is again stop making me see so much naked Murdoc, I may like him but not like that.
Sleeping Powder: 6/10. I am so split when it comes to the mo cap models. This songs good but the video is again too trippy for me.
Strobalite: 9/10. Would have been 10/10 if Russel got to dance with 2D and Noodle, but other than that its pretty damn good. The mo cap looks way less awkward in here, particularly Murdoc and Russel. Also hilarious that Murdoc made a deal with the devil, and the guy who played him is actually his voice actor irl. This songs too much fun to vibe to as well.
PHASE FOUR MV’S OVERALL: Not much for story, but makes up for it in updated art and great music again. Solid overall yet again. I like it.
Humility: 20/10. Literally every single person I know who’s seen this video loved it. The animation is Beautiful, the song is so fuckin catchy, Jack Black is in it! What more do you want!! (The only thing I could have asked for was to see more of Ace but that’s its only flaw.)
Tranz: 9/10. I love this song so much but this video is Again just a little too trippy for me. However, we get to see Ace just jamming out in this video and I’ll take the trippiness just for that.
PHASE FIVE MV’S OVERALL: I was surprised there wasn't at least one more video for this phase honestly? I feel like Kansas or Souk Eye would have made for great videos for this phase. That aside tho, both the videos it does have are a lot of fun. My literal only complaint is that I wanted to see more of Ace. Bring him back in the future.
Momentary Bliss: 8/10. This songs fine, but what sells it for me is the video is more slice of life/a day in the life of the studio. I’m always a fan of those moments. Bonus points goes to Murdoc trying to fuckin poison Jamie and it backfiring on him.
Désolé: 10/10: ooooh this song is so beautiful...I love it so much. 2D Noodle and Russel got to have such a fun time in this video and they deserve it. And poor Murdoc, having his little sad times by his asshole self. I love him but I think he deserved it. The others needed a good break from the bullshit and I’m glad they got it.
Aries: 6/10. Video itself is kinda boring, but the song is nice. Murdoc deserved to be left behind in Désolé after what he tried to pull here.
Friday the 13th: 3/10. I don’t care for this video and I really don’t care for the song. Not much else to say.
PAC-MAN: 6/10. Video’s fine, I like some of the little details in it, but it’s nothing special. The song itself is nice tho, super calming, I like it.
The Pink Phantom: 5/10 I just don’t really care for this song?? I like Elton John but I couldn’t get myself to like this one no matter how many times I’ve listened. 2D got to be happy in this video tho so I’ll give it a pass.
The Valley of the Pagans: 6/10. This song fuckin slaps but the video feels like a boring redo of 19-2000 except for it’s ending. It gets points for giving everyone Plastic Beach feelings at the end and hyping up the video after it.
The Lost Chord: 20/20. Y’all knew this was coming. This was something I’d BEEN hoping for story wise and I finally got it. Was it maybe a little rushed? Yes. But GOD it was such a nice thing to see them say “hey we’ve wrapped up this part of the story for good and want everyone to move on from it, so we’ve given it a properly acknowledged final send off.” And tangibly seeing everyone's emotions laid out about the island and their times there was very nice. And  I know Jamie and Damon have stated Murdoc is irredeemable, blah blah yes I know hes an asshole still, but I WILL think about Murdoc in this video and how he seemed actually regretful and what that means to me and the fact that it was no one else but 2D himself being the one to reach out to Murdoc in the end to save him until my dying breath, thank you very much. And this song?? Fuckin beautiful, it had those Plastic Beach vibes again and felt good for it’s send off song, I love it.
PHASE SIX MV’S OVERALL: I may be a little split on some of them and on Song Machine as a whole, but tbh I love the phase six art style so much and most times the videos were pretty good. Bringing back PB in the end was something I always wanted too so it really does get bonus points from me for that. I’m 50/50 on them overall. The great ones are great, and the meh ones are just kinda boring, so it evens out in the end.
Do Ya Thing: 10/10. I’ve said before I love the 3D animation and the slice of life stuff, so this one’s obviously a favorite, and you really cant go wrong with an Andre 3000 feature either. 
Superfast Jellyfish: 3/10. This song is kinda fun but I don’t give a single shit about the music video.
Garage Palace: 8/10. Very fun pixel visuals for a change along with a killer song, super enjoyable.
So what’s my final verdict on Gorillaz and their long music video history?
Honestly for a group thats been going as long as they have, I dont think they have too many misses in their catalog. The ones that aren’t as fun are just kinda there, but the videos that really stand out stand out far above the ones that don’t hit the mark as well and in the end it all feels like a good balance. No band has a perfect video every time, but the ones that Gorillaz did well they did amazing on and I enjoy it immensely when that happens.
Sidenotes after watching all of those:
For the love of god please put Russel in the videos more, please, he deserves it and I would love to see him more.
And speaking of characters to bring back, I want Ace to come back and join Murdoc sometimes, even if its only once or twice more, I need to see them interact PLEASE.
Last note but Jamie, please, I’m begging, show less of mostly naked or fully naked of Murdoc in future videos, we’ve had our fill by now.
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bow-wow-wark-wark · 3 years
Hiii happy 4th hypmic anniversary, I know it's been like 3 days since the actual anniversary but *shrugs* anyways I wanted to answer the questions from this post to celebrate!! (This is going to be a long post lol, this just brings a ramble instinct in me)
1. How and when did you get into HyplMic?
I got into hypmic during the end of September/ start of October of last year, it feels like a lot of time and very little at the same time lol... so many people in the fandom have liked this for super long!! I got into it bc of someone I followed on twitter, they would talk about it sometimes and I was getting a bit sick of the music I listened too so I thought "why not expand my music taste?" Little that I know It was going to become the only thing I listened too lol. I also saw this like "a hypmic characther once said" video and I thought it was soooo funny I just had to get into it. I'm honestly surprised hypmic started in 2017 bc I was going through a god awful musical phase and knowing I could have liked it earlier in life amuses me (tho back then I thought anime was silly so it wouldn'thave happened either).
2. First impressions of the characters? Who stuck out the most?
(Another long one soz) I'm going to do most of them btw.
Buster bros: ichiro was the 1st chara I knew before I got into it, for a bit I had him mixed up with jyushi tho lmao. Tbh I didnt have a very strong opinion on him, I wasn't super into BB at the start 😅 same with jiro, I liked him the most, thought he was really cute. At the start I disliked saburo a bit lol, like he was just soooo mean and I didn't like that, also I wasnt a huge fan of new star at the start so I didnt like him bc of that either.
MTC: I had to fight a lot to openly like mtc, I felt a bit bad liking them at the start bc they're all like criminals and stuff lol. I have to be honest I think that at the start I didnt think about them like at all... the strongest impression here was Rio, he was my favorite also I thought jyuto was hilarious bc of the start of bayside smoking blues, I really liked his voice too.
Fling posse: ok so the moment I saw Ramuda I was like "this guy is evil as balls isnt he?" I was pretty right lol, I thought he was a child like saburo at the start bc hes so small, man fooled me there. I liked dice the most at the start, my 1st fanart is of him lol. I didnt have very strong opinions on Gentaro, I was surprised to find out his VA also voiced yamaguchi since I was a haikyuu fan if anything.
Matenro: Lol matenro was my favorite (still is), idk what was it but I saw all of them and I was like: great :D I dont remeber specific impressions tho.... It was almost like love at first sight lol. I remeber I really liked the fact that both hifumi and doppo had tips, I thought it was super cool.
BAT: ok so I also knew who kuuko was before I got into hypmic my actual actual 1st fanart was of him (I did it before I even knew what hypmic was like at all). I really liked him, I remember listening to gyara bam and being like "this guy rules so much", I really liked jyushi, as mentioned before I had him mixed with ichiro (they look nothing a like I dont even know how) I was super shocked to find out he was also a teen lol I was pretty happy. Not gonna lie I had no idea who hitoya was at the start (rip) I knew kuuko I knew jyushi but I didnt know him, I dont remeber being very big on him till like the dramas and getting more into hypmic bc before nothing nada.
Dotsuhon: lol I slept on dotsuhon for the looongest time, I literally only liked sasara, rosho and rei were just really there for me. Sasara was my favorite bc I loved his voice and tragic transitor gace me unrivaled latino vibes so he felt very close to me in a sense. I thought rei was a scumbag the moment I laid eyes on him.
3. Who was the first character you liked?
My 1st favorites before I found out about bat and dotsuhon where jiro and hifumi!! I really liked their voices and like over all attitude and stuff.
4. Which was the first Division you liked?
My favorite was matenro, they were just so cute and I liked how they were pretty chill and just had fun most of the time. Like how they tried looking all edgy and intimidating but they were all nice guys lol.
5. How have your favorites changed?
Not much lol my favorite is still hifumi tho know I have jyushi and Otome if were ranking on like top 3. I love all the charas now tho!!! Lol these are just my bigger ones. Division wise now my favorite is mtc, followed by bat I'm still a matenro stan tho!! All divisions have done some big growing on me so I love all of them anyways.
6. What was the first song you listened to?
The 1st song I listened to was battle anthem, I was super convinced it was the 1st hypmic song so I was surprised to hear it was division rap battle lol.
7. What's your favorite solo song?
Ghhhh this is so hard to choose... I actually like basically every single hypmic song.... if we're talking only 1t set that's easier to choose. Um that would be sensenfukoku, drops and champagne gold, I like all the mtc ones so I cant choose. Second set every single one is amazing so I cant choose either, tho at the start I disliked most of them somehow...
8. What's your favorite group song?
Ok at 1st i thought it was like an all division song but I just read it and it's just group song in general.... I love all of them but one of my biggest comfort songs is papillion so I'll say papillion. If were talking all stars songs that's easier tho: in no particular order its hoodstar (just heard the + ver and it slapped), survival of the illest+, glory or dust and hang out.
9. Which songs do you think are slept on?
Mmmmm I personally have no idea which songs people like more in general but I have seen a bunch of "my favorite hypmic moments" videos so I'll base it on that. I'll personally say any mtc song lol, in those videos theres always a surprising lack of mtc so yeah.
10. Do your favorite songs come from your favorite Division?
Yes, tho it's really no problem bc I like all songs😅
11. Objectively, who do you think is the best rapper?
I had never heard a lot of rapping till hypmic so I have no idea what good rapping is lol... I personally thinks everyone does a good job, I guess someone else can school me on that.
12. Which composers for HypMic do you listen to?
None... I honestly dont like know who composes which song.... I know very little about music and I dont look into it so I cant answer this one either.
13. If you had to get someone into HypMic with one song what would it be?
Oh :0 well I'm not very sure but if anything I think the way to go would be an all stars song bc you can get the feel of each division pretty good, then if they like that introduce them to other stuff. Of course this all depends on the person lol... my brother really likes strong songs so to him battle anthem was a good hook up... I quite personally would go for survival of the illest bc it has a good feel of the divisions and it's very silly which is a series staple.
14. Do you play ARB? Drop your friend code for people reading!
Nooooo I dont 🤧😢 I really want to but I dont think I would have space on my phone, besides idk how to download it, if you have to pay for it I dont have money and if it's only in japanese I'm learning at snails speed so I wouldnt understand it *cries a little* I have seen certain events tho, I find it funny.
15. What events are you hoping to see? What character combos do you hope will show up together?
Mmmm idk I have a post about but I'll love to see a sasara jakurai interaction, I'm pretty sure one has already happened but I want this funny man to interact with jakurai more. Some people mentioned that they would like to see more interactions between kuuko and samatoki and I agree, wheres that side of the mad comic dialogue line up? I'll also like to see hitoya and samatoki bc they're both into vintage stuff ish, like fashion wise so I think it would be interesting to see. Last I want a jyushi/jiro interaction idk of there's any but there needs to be I need them to interact!!! Or maybe saburo jyushi that would also be interesting.
16. Are you into any ships?
Yes!!! I'm a little shy talking about ships not going to lie so I don't talk about it too much lol. I like samajyu a normal amount, I also like ichikuu, jiroshi, hifudo and hitojaku. I like a lot of other ships too tho, like ot3 mtc is good so is fling posse tho my favorite is ramugen. Hypmic has a bunch of cute ships so it's hard not to enjoy most.
17. Do you have a yume/self-ships? Platonic or romantic.
Not really lol, I have considered reading self insert before but I always feel a bit embarrassed. If you do you're super poggers tho.
Ok I'll keep answering in another post bc this is getting super long and the next question is one I want to say a lot about again. Umm if you happen to see this and want to answer them too fell free to!! You can tag me if you want as well, I love seeing others opinions about like hypmic and stuff so feel free too. If you want to comment on something I said you're free to do so as well
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tiniechankai · 6 years
my favourite sailor moon season 1 episodes
since i’m rewatching the sailor moon series (again...) i thought i would rank all my favourite episodes from each season then compile them all together and see which episode is my absolute favourite of the entire show. considering i have no idea what my favourite episode is... maybe i’ll know now, hah. 
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Episode 8 - The Girl Genius Is a Monster: The Brainwashing Cram School of Horror
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so uh... as a stressed student i can relate to this a lot. the kids going into the cram school is me going into school every morning. this is definitely not my favourite episode of the season but the introduction to ami is really sweet, especially when people whisper about ami behind her back but then when usagi actually meets her, ami ends up being the sweetest girl. 
i also just love the fact that ami freaking owned everyone in that arcade on the sailor v game?? like wow feminism right there
Episode 10 - The Cursed Bus: Enter Mars, the Guardian of Fire
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mars is my favourite inner senshi and she’s honestly so cool in this episode. this is probably the only episode in the entire series where she’s quite akin to her manga self, and while i love her in the anime, i think her aloof manga self is great too. it’s interesting to me to get a look into japanese culture through shinto. watching this as a kid i had no idea what was really japanese religion and such so learning about this was cool (i had like 4 sailor moon episodes and they were all the introductory episodes to the senshi). also the bus was really freaky and scary and just what the heck. rei’s reaction to jadeite is also quite funny (she basically has heart palpitations of him, and not the good kind)
Episode 17 - Usagi's a Model: The Flash of the Monster Camera
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one of the few episodes that aren’t the finale that i can tell you that usagi kicks some legitimate ass in here. like what a badass! i can’t say i know the last time usagi has done this, hah. this entire episode includes everyone telling usagi she can’t be a model because she’s not a good enough person or she’s not pretty enough. i mean even mamoru is back being the asshole he is in this first season, even though he goes on about how she won’t be picked because she’s not pretty on the inside and what not (like wth dude you don’t even know her) but usagi is picked anyways (like everyone who signed up but... whatever) and then she is left alone to fight the youma and then she is to fight the monster by herself. she does so by cleverly using the mirrors. one of the saddest bits in the show is when he family is watching the tv while usagi is asleep in her room they talk about how they wish usagi was as great as the girl who saved the photographer’s life (sailor moon) but ?? do they not care about the factt that usagi was AT THAT PHOTOSHOOT?? GETTING ATTCKED?? i know they don’t know she’s sailor moon but heck she was there she might’ve been attacked. the tsukino household can be so annoying sometimes hfksdh i digress
Episode 20 - The Summer, the Beach, Youth and Ghosts
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this is a genuinely hilarious episode. poor mitsuishi kotono, she spent most of the episode screaming at the ghosts lmao. i like this episode because we see the girls get up to their usual loud shenanigans (and hell i love me a beach episode). this is also a episode about a heavy topic of a girls’ father forcing herself into a duty she is too young to deal with. it gets pretty dark too and i can see why they didn’t put this into the dic dub (she literally starts CRYING and i get these sort of like... really bad rape vibes. I KNOW HE’S HER FATHER BUT IT’S SO GROSS). anyways, it’s really dark but has it’s funny moments as we focus on some other characters, it’s a really good beach ova. 
Episode 21 - Protect the Children's Dreams: Friendship Through Anime
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this episode is so great, i really do love it. it might might be my favourite in the season. i just love these two friends a lot, especially hiromi as a character (the shorthaired one). hiromi deals with being jealous over her friend’s sketches in animating and it gets so bad that nephrite has to come by with his stupid self and ruin everything. anyone with low self esteem such as hiromi can relate to constantly feeling like you’re in the shadow of your colleagues, your best friend. nephrite’s episodes tend to be my favourite because we see that our actions, when we are selfish and snobby that it affects others a lot. even though i despise nephrite his episodes have become a favourite of mine. 
Episode 28 - The Painting of Love: Usagi and Mamoru Get Closer
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one of the few episodes where mamoru isn’t a complete ass to usagi (i think?) and he’s actually kinda ... civil with her. he still treats her like a child but i mean she acts like one so... i like this episode a lot because you can really see the difference in usagi and mamoru with the help of this really cute artist lady yumemi. i also think it’s really funny how usagi even meets yumemi is because she’s going to call out mamoru for cheating on rei lmao. this episode is really nice just because it starts more heavily foreshadowing about mamoru and usagi’s backseat relationship.
Episode 31 - Love and Chased: Luna's Worst Day Ever
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if you don’t like this episode then there’s GOT to be something wrong with you. this episode is pure crackhead goodness while we get a spoof of sailor moon’s own show with loveable luna and righteous rhett butler, luna’s love interest before we even knew artemis’ name. this episode is just pure gold and this might be my second favourite episode of the season, not gonna lie. when i saw the cat bone instead of tuxedo mask’s rose, i remember laughing so hard i couldn’t breathe. i love this show.
Episode 37 - Let's Become a Princess: Usagi's Bizarre Training
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being princess hard. not my favourite episode for any particular reason other than it’s REALLY enjoyable to watch. i also just love how usagi sucks at literally everything i suck at and she is just so relateable in this episode. i also love how she’s not the only one who sucks at ballroom dancing, minako can’t dance and rei is too much of a dom to let the other guy lead. feminism!
Episode 38 - The Snow, the Mountains, Friendship and Monsters
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this episode marks one of my favourites because it begins rei’s total understanding of usagi’s relationship with mamoru and this continues from this episode until SAILOR STARS (yes i know she was kinda understanding of usagi in episode 35 but she also slapped usagi so...) but this episode is full of clumsy usagi goodness and the great friendship of usagi and rei. 
Episode 43 - Usagi Abandoned: The Falling-Out of the Sailor Guardians
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i love these sorts of episodes, and just like the previous one, we get even MORE usarei friendship moments and i’m LIVING for it. even the senshi think mars actually hates usagi but noooppppe she’s actually her bestie. this is a great episode.
Episode 44 - Usagi's Awakening: A Message from the Distant Past
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ok so i don’t really like mamoru and usagi BUT i like serenity and endymion. this backstory episode is GREAT and i wish i had a short show based around fun at the moon kingdom because that would be great? i love sailor moon don’t get me wrong but i don’t like mamoru and usagi. cough. this episode gives off a more ethereal quality and is sucha beautiful episode animation wise. 
Episode 46 - Usagi's Eternal Wish: A Brand New Life
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while the last episode was HEARTWRENCHINGLY SAD i can’t get over how sad this episode is. not even mentioning how awesome it is when the beginning of moonlight densetsu comes on when usagi pull out her moon wand. this episode rips me apart because while i dislike usagi and mamoru this dialogue just makes me so sad “Live a normal life. Find a cool boyfriend.” “Nobody’s cooler than you.” AND I CRIED. nobody’s cooler than you, the asshole who called me fat, stupid, and ugly for 30 episodes. but whatever, i’m still sad. and then usagi’s monologue at the ending (i’m not a big fan of kae araki as usagi but i still... love the monologue so much) and just wow. what a great ending. 
this was more episodes then i expected
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glmrtrsh · 4 years
6 Of My Favourite Tattoos & What They Mean
Personally, I don’t feel like I have a lot of tattoos. There are SO many more I want to get! But when compared to a lot of people I know and meet, I realize I have a fair collection. Everyone always asks the same ol’ questions - “what does it mean?” “which is your favourite” and “did it hurt?” I mean, its a tattoo. Of course it fucking hurt. Although truthfully, most of mine have been pretty bearable. No one ever wants to believe that though. Which brings us to the other most asked questions of “what does it mean? and “which is your favourite?” So I figured why not write about 6 of my favourite tattoos and what they mean. So here they are, in no particular order.
Giant Ass Centipede On My Ribs By Matt Chaos
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This is probably the tattoo that freaks people out the most. I mean, its pretty fucking creepy. So heres the things - I hate bugs. Like, I fucking. Hate. Bugs. However I was in love with Matt’s tattoo style years before I ever got the chance to be tattooed by him. He is easily one of my favourite artists and when I saw he was coming to do a guest spot in Toronto, I knew I HAD to get one. But what to get? I definitely wanted something that would stand out, that other fans of his work would recognize. I had seen him do a few other centipede tattoos before, and they just looked so fucking badass. I honestly knew I wanted a centipede from him before he even announced he was coming to Toronto. I must say, he is a lovely human and it was such a breeze getting tattoed by him! While the other side of my ribs felt like living fucking hell, getting this massive piece really didn’t bother me at all! As for what it means? Well, it doesn’t really mean anything, it just means my ribs look fucking cool.
Spider And Moon On My Wrist/Hand By Ryan Murray
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Along with Matt, Ryan Murray is another artist whose work I was in love with for years before I got the very, VERY lucky chance to get tattooed by him. If his name happens to sound familiar, its because he is one of the owners of The Black Veil Tattoo in Salem, Massachusetts. The Black Veil is a very well known tattoo shop owned by him and his twin brother Matt Murray, who competed on Ink Master, and the pair have been featured on Vice. I plan on making an entire post about how I ended up getting this because let me tell you, I did NOT expect it to happen and yes, I cried. It doesn’t have a meaning in the tattoo itself, but as with Matt’s, has a distinct style that fans will recognize. It will always remind me of the time I got it done and its just such an amazing memory for me. Stay tuned for that post!
Flowers On My Chest By Jennifer Lawes
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I always wanted a chest piece, but I never liked the idea of a full chest piece. While I love dark, creepy and spooky tattoos, I always wanted my chest to have a bit more of a girlier, feminine vibe. I finally stumbled upon pictures of different artists who had done floral pieces like this, and I fell in love. I found the perfect artist via Instagram thanks to a recommendation. It doesn’t have much of a meaning, I just think its really pretty, and the bee was the cutest extra touch.
Captain Spaulding On My Ankle By Rosario
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Rosario was my first “regular” tattoo artist in Toronto, and I found him through a friend who also had a lot of work done by him. A few years back for Halloween he was doing horror movie flash, and I had commented on a post suggesting he make one of Spaulding. He teased that one was coming, and once the flash post got uploaded, I’m pretty sure I claimed this piece in like, 15 seconds or something insane haha. Captain Spaulding is a character from the Rob Zombie movies House of 1000 Corpses, The Devil’s Rejects, and 3 From Hell. House of 1000 Corpses happens to be one of my favourite movies, and Spaulding is a hilarious evil killer clown, to simply put it. 
Unfortunately, the actor who played him, Sid Haig, passed away on September 21, 2019. May he rest in peace.
Eagle On My Arm By Chris Rae
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This tattoo holds a special place in my heart because I got it matching with my friend Chey on our first American road trip together. We knew we wanted to get matching tattoos, but weren’t sure where. We were planning on getting tattooed in Pennsylvania, but took a wrong turn and ended up in New Jersey. A quick Google search brought us to Chris’s shops page, and we figured eh, what the heck. Lets try there. We are both SO glad we did because we ended up having an amazing experience thanks to Chris and the entire staff at Mr. Blue Sky Tattoo, they were all such lovely people! We walked in and were basically like “Hey, we’re on a road trip and want a tattoo, you got any flash?” As soon as we saw the eagle we knew it was the perfect one, for ‘MURICA Y’ALL. We joked about the differences in Canada and America, and Chris actually has a tattoo of our Toronto 6ix God Drake. It was meant to be, honestly.
The Brave Little Toaster By Iti
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Look, I love this tattoo for so many reasons. First off, The Brave Little Toaster is my absolute all time favourite movie. Second, thanks to this tattoo, I met my lovely friend Iti who I now get tattooed by quite often! She was a apprentice, stick-n-poke artist and had posted online looking for people she could practice on - for free. Who’s going to say no to a free tattoo?! I love this tattoo so much, it always makes everyone who sees it, including myself, laugh at how dumb it is. I mean look at his face. Dude looks high as a kite! I’ve actually even met someone else who has a Brave Little Toaster too and we both laughed at the fact that we both had them. Mine is better though, obviously. (Just kidding!)
Anyways, theres a look at a few tattoos I have! If you’d like to see more posts about some more that I have and their meanings, let me know! 
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slice-of-no-life · 6 years
Year End Anime Roundup
Hello all.  this is a list of every anime I watched this year.
A Channel 6 - Meh. Aho Girl 7 - stupid funny Akiba’s Strip 7 - this series was more fun than it had any right to be.  I thoroughly enjoyed it. Alice to Zouroku 8 - I really enjoyed some parts of this but i have a personal weakness for series about adults raising children. Another 7 - Wasn’t bad but didn’t really resonate with me that much. Ansatsu Kyoushitsu S1 9 - thoroughly enjoyed this. Ansatsu Kyoushitsu S2 7 - ending was kinda meh Bakemono no Ko 8 - I really enjoyed this movie.  I had seen it at walmart for ages.  glad i picked it up. Blend S 9 - Ah yes the workplace Rom-Com.  Always a favorite of mine. Boku no Hero Academia S2 10 - don’t look at me like you didn’t know this was gonna have a 10. Carnival Phantasm 8 - had a lot of fun with this. Castlevania 8 - Hoping for more of this Centaur no Nayami 7 - I love monster girls so this was a no brainer. Danmachi Gaiden Sword Oratoria 7 - alright as a companion to danmachi.  can’t really stand on its own merits. Demi-chan wa Katartai* 10 - this was a series I looked forward to each week.  I wish i could say more great things about this but if you’re a fan of SoL, you really can’t do much better than this Durarara (all of it) 8 - I really enjoyed the beginning to this.  i feel like the last season or two could’ve been skipped if the friends even spoke just a little. Eromanga Sensei 10 - masterpiece. Evangelion 1.0 9 - waiting for 4.0 Evangelion 2.0 9 - ^ Evangelion 3.0 9 - ^ Fate/Apocrypha 8 - it’s a goddamn mess but i love it. Fate/Kaleid liner Prisma Illya Movie: Sekka no Chikai 8 - I love seeing heroic spirit emiya anytime I can. Fate/Zero 2nd Season 9 - dont know why i waited so long to finish this.  i enjoyed it. Fuuka (updated and now finished) 6 - started out cool but got boring about midway Gabriel DropOut 8 - CGDCT cute girls subverting religious stereotypes.  you have a Fail-len angel addicted to gaming, a sadistic angel, a mostly harmless prankster demon and a demon who is easily the most pleasant person in the show.  would watch again Gurren Lagann 8 - don’t even know what was even happening at the end but it was cool. Hajimete no Gal 7 - it’s alright. Himouto s2 9 - i thought it fixed a lot of the problems season 1 had and it actually made umaru a tolerable character.  Also bonus points for more cgdct. Hinako Note 7 - eh it was cool.  Kuu-chan was bae. Howl’s Moving Castle 9 - Watched this while cooking Easter dinner. Imouto sae Ireba Il. 8 - Solid show with some of the most ridiculous parody comedy i’ve seen. Inuyashiki 8 - Super robot attack grandpa was pretty cool. Isekai shokudou 8 - I enjoyed it. Isekai wa smartphone to Tomo ni. 7 - vanilla as fuck op character in a harem.  still moderately enjoyable.  I like how they approached the harem scenes. Juuni Taisen 8 - fate meets the chinese zodiac.  it was alright. Kakegurui 8 - i still don’t know how to categorize this. Kancolle Movie 9 - I finally got to meet all the charactersfrom the games that the weebs i follow love so much. Katanagatari 9 - so glad i finally gave this a shot.  it was worth it. Kemono Friends 10 - wholesome. Kimi no Na wa. 8 - it was just alright for me. Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu 8 - that was pretty good. Kizumonogatari 3 10 - it was amazing.  i got to see my favorite series on a movies budget. Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon* 10 - seeing Ms. Kobayashi’s daily life was a treat and I loved seeing how her life changed as other characters were introduced into it.  Going into this show i thought it was gonna be a silly thing but it was much more serious than i anticipated.  Kanna was best loli for the season and it wasn’t even close *megumin always gets honorable mentions* aoty candidate Koe no Katachi 10 - best non monogatari movie of 2017 Koi to Uso 7 - meh Konosuba2* 10 - i love it when s2 live up to a great s1.  they fixed a lot of the problems with s1 but didn’t compromise what made this show magical.  darkness really climbed the best girl chart this season thanks to plenty of storylines.  could always use more megumin.  Aoty candidate Kuzu no Honkai* 9 - wow way to make me feel emotions.  i was initially turned off by all the hype i saw.  im glad i gave it a try. Love Live S1-S2 8 - i really enjoyed this. Made in Abyss 10 - it was pretty.  it had chibi characters.  it was dark it was an anime of the year candidate. Mahouka koukou no rettousei 8 - Magic High was cool if a bit pretentious. Mahoutsukai no Yome 10 - im always a sucker for a fantasy world that didn’t feel cookie-cutter.  Anime of the year candidate. Masamune-kun no Revenge 6 - protag-kun confirmed for shit taste.  main girls best friend was way better and she wasnt even a route.  ending was weak. will probably still get s2. Megane na Kanojo 5 - meh 4 shorts about glasses girls. Miyakawa-ke no Kuufuku 8 - Lucky star spinoff that gave me lucky star vibes. Momokuri 7 - an okay rom comedy. Naruto Shippuuden 7 - wow what a trip.  there was only like 70 eps of filler in the last 100 episodes. Nekopara 9 - true to the game and compelling enough to stand on its own.  will probably watch again. Net-juu no Susume 9 - I really enjoyed this series.  MoriMori-chan is a waifu of the year candidate New Game 2 7 - wasn’t as good as the original but it was alright. would watch a s3. NonNon Biyori 9 - enjoyed it.  should start s2 at some point. Noragami s1-s2 8 - didn’t think i would like this as much as i did. Nyanko Days 6 - can’t remember shit about this One Room 7 - alright.  its short episodes so it could knocked out in 40 mins. Ookami Kodomo no Ame to Yuki 9 - really enjoyed wolf children.  watched for mothers day to appreciate my own mother. OwariMonogatari s2 9 - really enjoyed this conclusion to my favorite anime. Renai Boukun 7 - meh it was entertaining for a while. Saekano s2 9 - I was gutted emotionally during the first half of the series.  I still enjoy it though.   Seiren 6 - i’d give arc 1 a 9, and everything else was blah.  i dont even remember arc 3. Shingeki no Kyojin 2 9 - I enjoyed it.  most people said there was too much flashback but i didn’t have a problem with that. Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou 8 - cool ambient cute girls.   Spice and Wolf S1-S2 9 - I didn’t know i was gonna get economics lessons from an anime this year.  enjoyed it. Star Fox Zero 6 - nothing important. Sword Art Online: Ordinal Scale 8 - enjoyed seeing this in theaters. The iDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS Theater 7 - meh The Kings Avatar 8 - solid series that’ i’d like s2 or another series like it. The Seven Deadly Sins 9 - I see why this is the 4th most binged series on netflix.  everything about it screamed quality. Tsurezure Children 7 - good enjoyable rom com shorts.  i hope theres a s2 coming. Urara Meirochou 8 - solid cgdct.  cute girls are fortune tellers.  Koume for best girl.   Yojouhan Shinwa Talkei 8 - they spoke so fast i struggled to read the subtitles.  It was great though. YuGiOh!: The Dark Side of Dimensions  7 - ive never seen a theater roast a series they paid $12 for.  it was everything i remember about the old show.  Kaiba was hilarious. Zero kara Hajimeru Mahou no Sho 8 - solid fantasy series.  Zero for potential waifu of the year   
Waifu Tier characters (no previous characters for earlier years ie Megumin, Megumi Kato, Mikasa) Satou Sakie Kobayashi-San: i loved her Tohru: she’s so cute Hanabi Vigne Koume Tsuneki Hikari Zero MoriMori-chan Chise Ozen the Immovable Natsukawa Kuina Ishida Miyako Satanichia Kurumizawa McDowell Elf Yamada Shiori Shinomiya Mashu Kyrielight Astolfo Frankenstein Jeanne D’Arc
Imouto Tier Nikawa Denkigai Kanna Kamui Natsuki Momohara Sagiri Izumi Yuzuru Nishimiya Alice *spoiler character from A Sisters All You Need*
work in progress anime Boruto 20/38 Cardcaptor sakura 40/70 Dragonball Super 42/121 Sakura Quest 16/25
i’ll compile all the 8, 9, and 10 rated anime in another list and from there, I’ll choose my picks for anime of the year.  I may even steal crunchyrolls categories and place what i saw into those.  i reserve the right to add to this list up until the 15th of January or to change any score on it.  *seriously theres like 70 series on this list and ive probably missed some.*
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