#high-end robot
techdriveplay · 1 month
Narwal Freo X Ultra - TDP Review
The Narwal Freo X Ultra marks a significant leap forward in the world of robotic vacuum cleaners. Building on the foundation laid by its predecessor, the Narwal Freo, this latest model introduces a suite of advanced features that promise to elevate your home cleaning experience to new heights. With the Freo X Ultra, Narwal has not only increased the power and efficiency of the vacuum but has also…
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thegreatidk · 5 months
My biggest beef with the way Annabeth was written in the show is that I think Rick fell into his own trap. Like his whole thing with Annabeth is that just because someone doesn’t look smart doesn’t mean they aren’t. And while it’s about their literal looks for both the show and the book, book Annabeth also sometimes acted in ways that people wouldn’t stereotypically associate with “smart” because I think we’ve all be condition to think bbc sherlock no emotions genius is the only way to be smart. Book Annabeth acts super flustered around Luke because she's a kid and she has a crush on him, she's afraid of spiders, and wanted to see the arch just because she thought it was cool. In general book Annabeth is allowed to be sillier and have a wider range of emotions than show Annabeth without it detracting from the fact that Annabeth is smart. I find this whole "stoic genius" idea is often used to put down teenage girls for being dumb and superficial just because they show emotions and the only way to beat it is to be cold, calculating, and emotionless and most people just aren't like that.
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the-hydroxian-artblog · 10 months
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Uh, in the rlgl universe, do animatronics have rights? Like Sun and Moon have an apartment so I assume FazCo pays them or pays for their housing, so how do worker labor laws work? Or even legal laws?
Yes. They have rights, though those rights and the laws they are build upon are diffusly formulated, overly complicated and were made by people who have not much knolledge of robotics. They are also still rather new only like 5 - 10 years ago came the first rights for robots
For instance: they defined the robots "personhood" as based on the original programming that made them sentient, though didnt take in account that massproduced robot lines are all based on one programm so legally speaking all robots based on the same programm are "the same person"
Which essentially means if a robot from a specific line buys something technically all of the robots from their line owe the money.
Laws are mostly formulated like that to form loopholes for big companies, to make it easyer and legal to "use" robots as subhuman employees. For instance a robot cannot legally die if there is still another of their line alive. So there is no murder or negligent homocide unless the one who died whas the last of their line. So robots can be used for extremely dangerous and unsafe work, and they kinda have to take those kinds of jobs because they were specificly build for that work and could never put aside enough money to get temselves ogmented for other work.
Robots do get paid but often way less then human workers with the argumant that they have less necessities (like food, water, waste production usw)
There is a movement for better rights for robots but it will take time. On other news Robots also are not allowed to marry or adopt children for some reason.
Sorry i will talk more about faz. Co and how they treat their workers when a new question asking bout them appears this is already so long
Sorry only general worldbuilding
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faggling · 1 month
ive decided im singlehandedly going to bring mr robot back from the dead because if any show deserves to have a revival in popularity it does
can you fucking imagine the discourse??? the possibilities are endless
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For anyone who was super obsessed with “my life as a teenage robot” or who has access to the episode who can look this up for me
In season 1, episode 8, where Jenny gets send to kindergarten because the teachers realize she’s technically only 5, what is it she’s talking about that makes them realize it?
Cause I could’ve sworn that for some reason they were talking about 9/11, and I was thinking about it rn and I was like “wait if that were true, more people would be talking about how 9/11 canonically happened in this cartoon”
So I tried to look it up and all it brought me to is a fanfic but I’ve never read fanfiction for this particular show and I remember exactly what I was doing and whose house I was at when I saw that episode
Most likely it was a background conversation with the adults and I just mistakenly remember it as dialogue from the show, but it’s gonna bother me till I know for sure what they were talking about in that episode
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odessastone · 7 months
Being in low silver is sooo frustrating it’s like Soldier shoot the Illari turret. No the turret. The turret. THE TURRET THAT’S HEALING ALL THE CHIP DAMAGE YOURE DEALI-aaaand you’re dead
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awesomecooperlove · 6 months
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"It's time for me to go my love."
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pit-crew-chronicles · 8 months
Won second place.
The other alliance was stacked!
7407, 176, and 7153 together.
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freaky-flawless · 1 year
Hold up, Twyla got a music video before Deuce??
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the-hydroxian-artblog · 10 months
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ma there's a weird dog outside
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mintaikcorpse · 1 year
Arven appreciation post ❤️
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smileymoth · 6 months
I don't remember the details but what I do know is that I had a dream tonight where I was some guy (not me. someone else. but me) and some other guy in a trench coat killed Etho for some reason and stuffed his body under the floorboards
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wave-man · 7 months
What’s your favorite thing about Magnet Man? :3
there are many good qualities to magnet hes soooo. <3
big fan of his design in general cuz ive always had a soft spot for masked guys esp bots so him being one of the top faves was probably inevitable.. i liek his eyes a lot mostly in archie his expressions r so cute in them hes so polite looking. even when hes angry hes cuute 2me... (and of course ariga magnets rlly good too characters in general have fun expressions in the manga)
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If I decide to deepen my voice; I could do something really cool.
Record all the female parts for duet songs before the voice change; and then record the male parts after. Then edit them together and put it to music.
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