pit-crew-chronicles · 4 months
Design Lead: I need a dolly.
Mentor: Do you want a house with it?
Design Lead: 🤨
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every-tome · 6 months
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portmanteaublerone · 1 year
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Beanmode Dave Emoji
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motefitofode · 2 years
Ftronics g3 manual
st. Duplessis.
Download & View Manual Xii as PDF for free. More details. Words: 282,167; Pages: 868. Preview; Full text
Download & View Manual Xii as PDF for free. More details. Words: 188,011; Pages: 677. Preview; Full text
</p><br>https://dapiwucif.tumblr.com/post/693409520285859840/hp-designjet-1055cm-plus-manual, https://dapiwucif.tumblr.com/post/693409520285859840/hp-designjet-1055cm-plus-manual, https://dapiwucif.tumblr.com/post/693408382336614400/stirling-engine-instructions, https://dapiwucif.tumblr.com/post/693408382336614400/stirling-engine-instructions, https://dapiwucif.tumblr.com/post/693409520285859840/hp-designjet-1055cm-plus-manual.
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acn97414 · 1 year
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Yooooooooo I'm finally done, omg hope you guys like it because my hands are dying.
Thanks to these Square creators  ↓ ↓ ↓
On Tumblr: @glaciers-blorbo-purgatory @lavthequad @woahtriangle @bonniesband @kitcatttt @trash-jsab @harmonyroundwolf2022 @mystorl @pricklythepearcat @potatobugz @satagaru176 @dragongirl2k6 @anoymous-red-shades @that-cooldj @nyazhi @warriormans @hardpersonwobblercreator @angelabsol @mnlghtdestiny @dracanianwyvern @clocklyfox2008 @sleeplesscubes @miminomiko2006 @aliviasyl @rudimentary-rutabaga @feral-crimson @bulaklakk @wufy-the-wolf @jsab-jubs @interval-au @puppypop5 @silly-circe @ch1p-tuna
On Discord: Zim_Card#1176 Alexis!!#1885 Raisa#0388 Chocopotts#6230 pokkan kara#4971 Fuji#6805 Delta#2646 YanNotDere#2485 Fox#7199 PsychicLights#2045 Modulian#6969 K.A / Kira#5020 sango#7615 ~Acronix~#5717 AC1#7887 КАЗИНО МОЁ ВСЁ#8085 Jenny#2411
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oldguydoesstuff · 1 year
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Rare Digital Equipment Corp VK100 "GIGI" terminal. I met the development team for this system once when on a field trip to DEC while in college. They were super excited about it, but unfortunately it was a flop. Pretty slow at graphic rendering and the ReGIS markup language never caught on.
Also, pricey for a terminal at $1500 a pop, even though it did have a BASIC interpreter and 8085 CPU so was almost an independent computer.
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nestedneons · 1 year
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By morad505#8085
a lot of Thin Light pillar Widespread all around the sky"::2, "heavy clouds with red and orange color beginning to create a tornado"::4 "Giant alien spaceship with Led Neon Sign showing from the heavy cloud"::8, dark WEATHER, scery light effects ,photorealistic,hyper realistic, Ocean, Giant wave::5, "cityscape background":3 --ar 3:2
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wuf-wufy-no-matter · 1 year
A little late, but I'm done!
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it was interesting and fun, maybe Triangles will go further, but this time I want to collect less characters..
authors of these Squares:
@acn97414 @griffinsleep @hardpersonwobblercreator @zimcard-artblog @harmonyroundwolf2022 @bonniesband @chocopotts @warriormans @kitcatttt @miminomiko2006
@MochaShork#0835 @КАЗИНО МОЁ ВСЁ#8085 @Jenny#2411 @windows10#3297 @Alexis!!#1885 @K.A / Kira#5020 @moonlightdestiny#9104 @Raisa#0388 @PsychicLights#2045 @YanNotDere#2485 @Delta#2646 @Fuji#6805 @pokkan kara#4971 @Chocopotts#6230
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andmaybegayer · 7 months
Hunting down some stories about the early Intel fabs as a follow up to the cool chips post, found this little historical paper
Quite a few parts, ranging from the 1850-transistor 5810 watch chip, up to at least the 6144-transistor 8085 microprocessor, used no logic verification technique other than the engineer's brain. Andrew spent weeks in 1976 playing “computer” by running through all the 8085 instructions.
Customers were skeptical of the reliability of the early EPROMs and were afraid that sunlight would erase them. To test the technology, 1702s were left on the roof of an Intel building in full sunlight for many days with no data loss.
Missing a cut or forgetting to peel a geometry would mean a bad part. Ted Jenkins remembers working on the first Intel product, the 3101 64-bit RAM. Actually, the first version was only a 63-bit RAM due to a simple error peeling one layer on the rubylith.
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CSXT 8085 West, Mitchell, IN by Pete Ruesch Via Flickr: Westbound Q204 leaving Mitchell after coming off of the Hoosier Sub. April 11, 1998.
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pit-crew-chronicles · 8 months
Just got an update from the drive team in New Hampshire. Robot broke. Other pit crew is talking to human player:
“(Human Player) said there was a mini explosion inside the robot but everything’s okay and they will have cake at (drive coach’s) funeral.”
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stevebattle · 9 months
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Rodney by David Heiserman (1979). Rodney is a wheeled robot controlled by an Intel 8085 CPU, programmed by hand via an array of switches. “The Intelligence is there, of course, but it operates on such a primitive level that little of significance comes from it. … the essence of an Alpha-Class machine is it’s purely reflexive and, for the most part, random behavior. Alpha Rodney will behave much as a little one-cell creature that struggles to survive in its drop-of-water world. The machine will blunder around the room, working its way out of menacing tight spots, and hoping to stumble, quite accidentally, into the battery charger.” – How to Build Your Own Self-Programming Robot by David L. Heiserman.
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szkennelttucsok · 2 months
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b3dr · 6 months
دعوت ولم يُجب الله دعائك؟
قال ابن الجوزي -رحمه الله- :
رأيت من البلاء أن المؤمن يدعو فلا يجاب، فيكرر الدعاء، وتطول المدة، ولا يرى أثرًا للإجابة، فينبغي له أن يعلم أن هذا من البلاء الذي يحتاج إلى الصبر، وما يعرض للنفس من الوسواس في تأخير الجواب مرض يحتاج إلى طب.
ولقد عرض لي شيء من هذا الجنس؛ فإنه نزلت بي نازلة، فدعوت، وبالغت، والبخل معدوم، فما فائدة تأخير الجواب؟! فقلت له: اخسأ يا لعين! فما أحتاج إلى تقاض، ولا أرضاك وكيلًا.
ثم عدت إلى نفسي فقلت: إيّاك ومساكنة وسوسته، فإنه لو لم يكن في تأخير الإجابة إلا أن يبلوك المقدر في محاربة العدو، لكفى في الحكمة.
قالت: فسلني عن تأخير الإجابة في مثل هذه النازلة! فقلت:
الأوّل: قد ثبت بالبرهان أن الله عز وجل مالك، وللمالك التصرّف بالمنع والعطاء، فلا وجه للاعتراض عليه.
والثاني: أنه قد ثبتت حكمته بالأدلة القاطعة، فربما رأيت الشيء مصلحة، والحكمة لا تقتضيه، وقد يخفى وجه الحكمة فيما يفعله الطبيب من أشياء تؤذي في الظاهر، يقصد بها المصلحة، فلعل هذا من ذاك.
والثالث: أنه قد يكون التأخير مصلحة، والاستعجال مضرة، وقد قال النبي (صلى الله عليه وسلم): "لايزال العبد في خير ما لم يستعجل، يقول: دعوت فلم يستجب لي!" [صحيح الجامع: 8085].
والرابع: أنه قد يكون امتناع الإجابة لآفة فيك، فربما يكون في مأكولك شبهة، أو قلبك وقت الدعاء في غفلة، أو تزاد عقوبتك في منع حاجتك لذنب ما صدقت في التوبة منه، فابحثي عن بعض هذه الأسباب، لعلك تقعي بالمقصود.
والخامس: أنه ينبغي أن يقع البحث عن مقصودك بهذا المطلوب، فربما كان في حصوله زيادة إثم، أو تأخير عن مرتبة خير، فكان المنع أصلح ...!
والسادس: أنه ربما كان فقد ما فقدته سببًا للوقوف على الباب واللجأ، وحصوله سببًا للاشتغال عن المسؤول. وهذا الظاهر، بدليل أنه لولا هذه النازلة، ما رأيناك على باب اللجأ، فالحق - عز وجل - علم من الخلق اشتغالهم بالبر عنه، فلذعهم في خلال النعم بعوارض تدفعهم إلى بابه، يستغيثون به، فهذا من النعم في طَيِّ البلاء، وإنما البلاء المحض ما يشغلك عنه، فأما ما يقيمك بين يديه، ففيه جمالك ...!
وإذا تدبّرت هذه الأشياء، تشاغلت بما هو أنفع لك من حصول ما فاتك، من رفع خلل، أو اعتذار من زلل، أو وقوف على الباب إلى رب الأرباب.
📖 صيد الخاطر (٨٢-٨٤)
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original url http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/Campground/8085/ last modified 2007-03-25 23:43:46
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charvichirps · 7 months
I missed the first day of #codetober, but I'll make up for it by combining two days' worth of updates into one.
Maintained my Duolingo streak, which is now at 44 days. 🔥
Solved coding challenges on LeetCode.
Organized my Notion workspace. 🧹
Made progress in my Udemy course.
Went out for a walk. 🚶‍♀️
what got you in programming?
Ah, this is a tough one, I'm not exactly sure. It's a bit of a journey, and I can't pinpoint a single moment. Back in 5th or 6th grade, we had computer science as a subject, which introduced me to tools like Microsoft Office (Word, Excel), and basic HTML. Although I wasn't particularly interested at that time, I found it more enjoyable than some other subjects.
During my 11th-grade Python class, something clicked, and I truly fell in love with it. I created a simple game called "kite-flying", and presented it in front of my class. Despite its simplicity, with lots of repetitive input like typing '1' or '2' frequently for player movements and primarily consisting of if-else statements, what made it special for me was the incorporation of turtle 🐢 graphics and sound effects 🔊 using the winsound module. I'm aware that there's room for improvement, and I do plan to revisit it someday to give it a revamp. Nonetheless, considering it was my very first project, I still hold it in high regard and take pride in what I accomplished.
what programming languages do you know?
Languages I'm confident in:
Languages I've learned as part of college courses but am not as confident in:
C (somewhat familiar)
NoSQL (MongoDB)
Bash (somewhat familiar)
Assembly (we had 8085 and 8086 in microprocessors class) - I just know a tiny bit of it.
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