#heteropaternal twins
somelazyassartist · 2 years
Chrisantium meeting his baby sisters,,, he's only about 100 or so here so he's got plenty of time to adjust to not being an only child anymore lol
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#oh btw!! there is a reason why Ancelin‚ Fred‚ and Evvy are distinctly Sea Elf‚ Eladrin‚ and Drow respectively!#and not‚ like‚ half-one-Elf/half-another-Elf#Entropy‚ Chaos‚ and Discord are all amab (for lack of better explanation) so they got help from surrogates to have kids!#hence why Evelyn and Winnifred are still fraternal twins despite being different subraces and stuff#so like i promise there's an actual reason for it and not just throwing out biology for unrealistic character design lmao#not that there's anything really wrong with just having fun but in this case there's canon reasons for it lol#but!! different situation from Avefaelor's kids being twins with incredibly different features#while Fred and Evvy were two different egg donor + one distinct parent‚ carried by the same surrogate at the same time#Snowdrop and Bluebell were actually from something called heteropaternal superfecundation!#while both Snow and Blue are biologically Avvy's‚ they're technically half-siblings#because one is the kid of a Tiefling partner and one’s the kid of an Avariel Elf partner within the time most fraternal twins happen#(Avvy is not in contact with either of the other parents and doesn't really have any interest in reaching out to them)#so that's why there's twins with different traits i promise i have thought this out a LOT not just abandoning anatomy for no reason lmao#i think very hard about the serious logistics of this silly fantasy story#WAIT I JUST REALIZED FUCK#for some reason it fucking autofilled to Ancelin and not Chrisantium because i had been writing about Ancelin elsewhere#please ignore the mistake in the first tag i didn't realize it autofilled the wrong name i meant chrisantium#three eyed cats in my living room#entropy#entropy Nightbreeze#chaos#chaos Nightbreeze#discord#discord Nightbreeze#Evelyn#Evelyn Nightbreeze#winnifred#winnifred Nightbreeze#chrisantium#chrisantium Nightbreeze
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girlfromenglishclass · 8 months
In certain versions of the myth, Clytemnestra and Helen are twins, born from the same egg. This is a feature we see semi-often in myth called Heteropaternal superfecundation - twins from the same womb but by different fathers. Clytemnestra by Leda and Tyndarius, Helen by Leda and Zeus.
The thing is though - Helen is the demigod because of her divine beauty and place within the narrative, but are we sure it was her who Zeus fathered?
Clytemnestra, too clever, in love with authority, commanding. When Clytemnestra killed her husband, no divine judgement rebuked her, almost like Medea being whisked off by her god grandfather after the murders. When Clytemnestra is killed, the furies gather to avenge her where they didn't for Agamemnon.
What if the furies were looking after one of their own? Recognizing divine authority? That is to say,
What if it wasn't Helen?
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bangtanmix73 · 2 years
From 3 to 5
Paul Lahote x pregnant reader x Embry Call
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Warnings: afab!reader, pregnancy, overthinking, anxiety, Paul would you ‘pup’ I don’t take criticism, fear of rejection, is it obvious I have baby fever?, let me know if I missed anything
“What am I doing to do, Em, Kim?” You address both of the women sitting on the couch as you paced back and forth.
You had just gotten back from your doctors appointment. You haven’t been feeling well lately and your boys were worried you were sick. You weren’t sick, you were 9 weeks pregnant. With twins.
“Y/n, dear, please sit down.” Emily patted the cushion next to her.
“I can’t sit down, Em, I’m stressed.” You complained.
“I don’t understand why you’re so stressed out, hun.” Kim spoke up for the first time since you told them you were pregnant. “They’re going to be excited.”
You stopped pacing. You stood in front of the girls, face filled with guilt. “The twins could only belong to one of them right? I feel bad that Paul would be the biological father to both and Embry wouldn’t, visa versa.” You whispered, loud enough for them to hear.
“Well that’s the more common case, yeah, but I’m sure Embry or Paul would still love the babies the same.” Emily commented.
“Hang on, the ‘more common case’?” You questioned.
“Yes, I believe it’s called ‘heteropaternal superfecundation’. It’s where one twin belongs to one and the other twin belongs to another man.” She informed you.
“Huh, you really do learn something new everyday.” Kim muttered.
“I really hope that’s my case.” You paused, another question coming to mind. “How far along do you have to be to get a paternity test done?”
“7 or 9 weeks, I believe.” Kim chimed in.
“I’m 9 weeks.” You started. “Do you think they would get a paternity test?”
“I’m sure if you asked them to.” You knew Emily was right. They’d do anything if you asked them to.
“Okay, yeah, I just got to tell them first.” You mentally hyped yourself up to the idea.
“You got this, hun.” Kim encouraged.
“Just one question.” Emily grinned. “Are we the god mothers?”
You were now sitting on the bed while some trash tv show played in the background, having come home a hour ago. You were waiting for your two (2) wolves.
Although, the longer you waited, the more the suspense built. You didn’t plan an extravagant way to tell them, you were too nervous. Besides, you thought being pregnant with twins should be a big enough surprise.
Too lost in your thoughts, you apparently didn’t hear the front door open or your boys calling your name or their footsteps up the stairs. You didn’t know they were home until Embry opened your shared bedroom door.
“Pup, you alright? You didn’t come to the downstairs when we called you.” Paul walked over to you and sat down on the bed, in front of you. Embry sat beside him.
Your heart rate picked up and fear set in and they felt it through the imprint bond.
“Babe? What’s wrong?” Embry moved closer to you.
“I, uh, I have something I need to tell you.” You begin. It took everything in you not to cry from the fear of rejection. “I’m pregnant. Not only that, but with twins.” You took a breath once it was finally out, but it didn’t relax you one bit as neither do them have said anything.
Paul and Embry sat shocked in front of you, not moving or saying anything. Honestly, if they were going to leave you, you wished they’d do it now and quickly.
You hesitantly asked, “B-boys? Are you okay?”
Paul snapped out of his trace first, smashing his lips into yours, taking you by surprise. Nonetheless, you kissed him back, both of your arms wrapping around each other.
Embry poked Paul’s side, forcing him to pull away from you. “My turn, Paul.” Embry demanded, making you giggle while Paul huffed.
Embry put his hands on both sides of your face and brought you in to kiss you. He removed one hand from your face, down to your legs, moving you closer to him and Paul.
He pulled back with the biggest grin on his face. “I love you so much. I’m so happy.” He poked Paul in the side again, making him groan. “We’re going to be dads.”
“So it doesn’t matter if the twins only belong to one of you?” You questioned. Paul moved behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist, placing his chin on your shoulder.
“It doesn’t matter who they biologically belong to, they will always be our kids no matter what.” Paul reassured you.
“So, hypothetically, if I asked for get a paternity test, would?” You asked, quickly adding in, “not the it matters, I’m just curious.”
Paul and Embry shared a look.
“Only if you want to.” Embry said. “But for now, can we cuddle? We missed you.”
You smiled, “‘course.”
About a week later, you went in for the paternity test. The boys were restless the whole time. It became worse when the doctor said the results won’t be in for at least 24 hours. When the results finally came in, they were practically bouncing. From nervousness or excitement, you weren’t sure.
Opening the letter, you read it carefully. You gasped which concerned your wolves.
“What? What’s wrong?” They spoke in unison, not bothering to hide the concern in their voices.
“One baby is Paul’s and one is Embry’s.” You announced.
“What?” Paul blurted.
“How’s that possible?” Embry muttered in wonder.
“I’m not sure, but Emily said it’s rare. I’m just surprised this is how it turned out.” You admitted.
Paul hugged you. “I said this before, but it doesn’t matter if one’s mine, others not or if they were mine or not, we’re still going to be their fathers, pup.” He assured you one again, placing a kiss on the top of your head.
Embry hugged you from behind. “You’re going to be a great mother, babe.”
“Guess the 3 musketeers turned into 5.” You joked, sending the three of you into a fit of giggles.
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gojonanami · 2 months
thinking of that anon that mentioned that fic idea of satosugu trying to breed you
loud coughing...
heteropaternal superfecundation
aka twins conceived from two different fathers...
if anyones freakass genetics could cause it itd be fucking gojo 💀
….considering — it would be a really fun crack ending to the fic 😭😭 one baby has white hair / blue eyes and the other has black hair and purple eyes—
“well we don’t need a DNA test to figure out who’s who.”
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shooting-love-arrows · 6 months
Adding onto 🌟 Anon about Red Flag Reader having a one night stand with Assistant…
What if Red Flag Reader had released 2 eggs, and one was fertilized by Assistant, and the other by House Husband later that day? It’s technically possible but there’s only been 10 recorded cases since it’s rare (and I assume more women didn’t wanna rat themselves out for infidelity to their men, so I assume it’s actually higher). It’s called, heteropaternal superfecundation, as the scientific name
So yea…think about having twins but each baby with a different father…this is reaching astronomical soap opera levels!
Dear Anon,
The shit would go down.  Spanish and Turkish telenovelas are nothing compared to what would happen if it was discovered that Red flag! Reader had children with  Yandere! Assistant/Secretary and Yandere! 1950's! Househusband.  I think the difference in appearance would be visible after a few months, when eye color would start to change and their hair would be growing longer (additionally, if the Yandere! Assistant/Secretary or Yandere! 1950's! Househusband have different skin tone/color the difference would be noticed much quicker).  Questions would start to arise, until one of the twins would start to resemble Yandere! Assistant/Secretary. One thing led to another, and the conclusion, as unbelievable as it sounds, made Yandere! 1950's! Househusband spirals down the rabbit hole of madness and obsession. Now I'm not sure how entirely it would go down, for this topic is worth writing a whole book about but I think in the end, both Yandere! Assistant/Secretary and Yandere! 1950's! Househusband would be responsible for their own child.  For now, I loosely imagine Yandere! Assistant/Secretary moving in with Red flag! Reader and their husband or Red flag! Reader buys an entire twinhouse and connects them on the inside so that from the outside, it looks like they live separately but on the inside, they live as a big and (toxic) family.  Also I think Red flag! Reader would be thriving in this situation. What a happy accident that was! The little rascals barely enter the world and they already take after them! Just look at those two beans! Creating a spectacle worth an Oscar. Red flag! Reader would puff out their chest proudly and watch from the sidelines as the shit hit the fan and spread over the white ceiling while smiling and proudly holding the children. The twins also adore you as their parents and often fight for your attention. They take after their parents so much, don't they? [It's a mad house <3] BONUS: Yandere! Grandma/Mom of the Red flag! Reader (Reader's mom and twins grandmother) who's is also toxic and believes the reader could never be wrong. As a traditionalist, she believes it's okay for such a hardworking partner like a reader to have an affair in the first place.  And the twins? She's elated that she has grandchildren and never fails to express her desire to have more. Also, she pours her own yandere tendencies on them too. It always end with her saying something along the lines: Red flag! Reader is never wrong so you better listen to them! Follow their example and you'll be just as successful as them! Now sit down and eat your vegetables! Back in my days... You're her preacious child and your children have that piece of you that made her accept them into her family (unlike your husband and lover, who are nobody in her eyes). P.S What I wrote is the tip of the iceberg, my dear. Like I've said, this deserves a whole book, written in detail.
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faerunsbest · 2 months
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Did You Know? Yes, it is possible to have twins with different biological fathers. The scientific term for this anomaly is “heteropaternal superfecundation,”
i imagine that tav would have the kids after halsin goes off to do whatever and her and starry raise them kids without batting an eye. the thought doesnt even occur to them until halsin sees them and asks why they didnt tell him.
"but we told you it was twins?"
"you didnt... but only one is a dhampir?"
"yea weird huh"
"and the other is a brunette, but neither of you are?"
they both stare at him for damn near 30 seconds before he watches their eyes dilate.
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lazyneonrabbitt · 9 months
I really love the concept of Gallzatto x Reader! (Really love the name, sounds like an actual surname!) They’re a fun little trio, and I love reading about them! I’ll definitely submit some ideas/asks!
Since Reader gave birth to twins, I was wondering what kind of twins they are? In my mind they’re heteropaternal superfecundation twins (same mother, but different fathers). Here’s a Wikipedia link if you’re not sure - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superfecundation
I know that in the end both Carmy and Lip are both the twins’ fathers, biological or not. But I was just curious about what kind of twins the girls are.
First of all THANK YOU!!
I'm thrilled every time someone stops by to say they enjoy these guys ♡♡
I haven't really given it a thought since neither mom or dads care in the first place, but this wiki that is so confusingly filled with scientific words that are longer than my life expectancy has been interesting, and I think I'm gonna keep this idea. Thank you again, for bringing this to my attention!
The fun thing about this is, since the fathers are so similar, you wouldn't be able to see it so while the parents know due to idk, bloodwork, tests, momma's issues during the pregnancy, no one else would be going "huh, you sure they're twins?" And then having to explain the complicated details. (I mean, even if now anyone asked who the father is they'd both go "us." with that murderous stare having them shut up about it immediately.)
Only their close family knows the details.
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dilemmaontwolegs · 5 months
have you thought about who is the bio dad of baby in N.A.V. Or are you not letting them find out. Or are you going down the heteropaternal superfecundation route (where twins have different fathers)
I know who the father is, and you will too once she’s born 🤭 they don’t care who the father is anyway because they will still both be fathers to her and love her the same.
I briefly brainstormed the twins as an idea but didn’t feel it in all honestly
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afro-hispwriter · 1 year
I love love love your good wife series.
Is it still being updated?
I really hope one day she gives birth to twin girls. The boys need little princesses to spoil.
Plus twins can have different fathers. Imagine one girl being born with Aegons eyes and another with Aemonds? How cute and awesome would that be.
Imagine how Alicent would react to that. As well as others. Little princess girls versions of Aemond and Aegon.
Even if not part of the series. Would you ever write a one shot like this? I am sorry for putting this as it says requests closed.
Seriously though I love love that series. aegon deserves some proper love and so does Aemond. So I love that your series gives that to them.
Have a wonder brilliant day!!! 🌹☀️
its called a heteropaternal superfecundation very rare situation but of course its going to happen to our girl🤭
guess thats a spoiler may as well say it, they’re gonna have twin girls who look like their daddy, everyone can tell whose they are but they treat them equally🥰
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this is just a joke but you know those stories of 'twins' being born from different fathers (it's called heteropaternal superfecundation) ? imagine MC having two kids with BOTH Antoine and Wyatt as the other parent 😂
Lol, that would be so messy. 😅 Thanks for the laugh.
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digishima · 24 days
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The Twins are complete!
Patterns and lace are from Clip Studio’s asset store.
(Featuring my favorite trope, heteropaternal twins.)
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misslavenderlady · 1 year
Kiss and Make Up - Part 1 ❤️💙
Dwayne/Paul (smidge of OC too)
Summary: After months of fighting over their mate and their babies, things are going well for Paul and Dwayne and their vampire family. However, the boys still feel guilt for all the hostility they showed one another. It's time to make things right again.
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This was inspired by @ghoulgeousimmaculate and the feud between Paul and Dwayne in BREED and BREED Part 2 (which I highly recommend you guys read). It features their mate, Gem, who is the mother of their children. But this is just for the boys so they can reconnect.
This has references to her stuff, and takes place in the modern world, not 1987. PART 2 HERE
WARNINGS: Mentions of fighting (verbal and physical), sadness, guilt, flirting
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Though Paulina was the daughter of Paul and Jasper the son of Dwayne, the members of the coven all took responsibility for the care of the babies. They were a pack in every sense of the word, and if one mate had a baby, then everyone would love, cherish and raise that baby.  
With the twins sharing the same mother, that sentiment was even stronger. Paul and Dwayne worshiped the ground that Gem walked on. They would do anything for her, and that devotion followed them into fatherhood. 
Though they treated their baby mama and their little ones with nothing but pure love, the boys hadn't exactly been kind to one another recently. 
For months and months after conceiving their babies, Paul and Dwayne constantly fought. They yelled insults and got into fights that left them in bloody messes. It stressed out everyone in the pack, and everyone was relieved when Gem's pregnancy resulted in heteropaternal superfecundation. 
Both boys got the child they so desperately wanted, so any fighting subsided. But they hadn't properly apologized to one another.
It had been weighing on both of their minds, but neither realized it.
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Paul had been passing through the common room of the cave to find Marko and ask if he wanted to go out together and cause some trouble on the boardwalk. But he was interrupted by the familiar coos of one of the babies. 
"Baba!!" Jasper babbled from the playpen that one of the girls had set up for him. He couldn't quite say "Papa" yet, but that was okay. 
"Hey, Buddy!" Paul smiled, jogging over to say hi to his godson. He always had a smile on his face whenever he was with one or both of the babies. They were just so adorable.
In a swift motion, Paul scooped the little dark-haired baby up into the air, twirling him around with glee. Jasper giggled, loving all the fun of playtime. 
"God, you're getting so big so fast! You're gonna break your Mama's heart, Bud," Paul cooed. Jasper was already big enough that he needed to be held on the hip. 
"You're so cute and strong! Just like…..your Daddy…" 
It was only then that it hit Paul. The little boy was just like his father in every way. Dark hair, brown eyes, and a very sweet personality. He'd seen how much Jasper was like Dwayne even when he was a newborn, but the older he got, the more obvious it was. 
A wave of guilt hit Paul and the normally chipper smile faded into a pout. He had been awful to Dwayne the past year. They had both worked together to bring Gem home, but they had gotten so competitive when it was time to conceive. All the times he scratched Dwayne's handsome face or shoved him to the ground made him feel so ashamed. 
"I haven't been very nice to your dad, Jaspy," Paul lamented. Jasper was just sucking on his own fist, not having a clue what Paul was saying. 
"I'm too much trouble. Your dad is the nicest, most caring guy I've ever met. He deserves much better than me…"
"Baba!! Maaa…Ppplllb!!" Jasper babbled, a silly smile on his face. 
Even in his somber mood, Paul could never fight back a smile whenever the babies tried to talk. He kissed the little one's forehead, already feeling a bit better. 
"You're totally right, Bud! I'm gonna go find your dad and make this right," the blond declared as he set Jasper back in the playpen. He ruffled up his dark hair, getting the baby to giggle some more. 
It was time to talk to Dwayne. 
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Dwayne was hidden off in one of the alcoves deep in the cave system. He liked to be alone with his thoughts whenever he had something on his mind. Sometimes that made him seem cold and distant, but now he was just enjoying some quiet. 
At least until the sound of one of the babies stirring caught his attention. 
With his powerful hearing, Dwayne could hear Paulina waking up from her nap. He didn't waste a second whenever the babies needed him. In no time, he was at the entrance of the nursery, Paulina peeking out through the bars of her crib. 
"Dway!!" she whined, grabbing and reaching out for her godfather. Much like her brother, she was still learning to use her voice, so it wasn't quite "Daddy" or "Dwayne". Still, the vampire thought it was a cute nickname. 
"Hi there, Lina," Dwayne cooed, reaching down to scoop her up. She was quite clingy and needy for her parents after waking up from a nap. 
Dwayne softly sighed as the little girl clung to him, big eyes watching him carefully. They were the exact same shade of blue as Paul's eyes. She had his pout too. 
"God, you really are your Papa's twin," Dwayne said to her. 
Now it was his turn to pout. He'd been thinking about Paul quite a bit lately. Now that the babies were getting older their personalities were shining through more, everything about Paulina reminded Dwayne of his beloved packmate. 
He hated thinking about how much he had snapped at the blond during Gem's pregnancy. Dwayne was incredibly territorial, and that was like adding gasoline to the fire that sparked their fights. He had hurt his lover far too many times. 
"Aww honey, I'm the worst. I'm supposed to look after everyone. But I just hurt your Papa over and over. He's so full of love and joy, and I kept ruining that when we fought…"
Dwayne's train of thought was interrupted when Paulina tugged on the fabric or his jacket. She tilted her head to the side in wonder. 
That certainly put a smile on his face. His babies were the most precious beings in the world. Having Paulina act so cutely made him see how truly important it was to fix things with her father. 
"You're absolutely right. We love each other. And I'm going to do whatever it takes to show your Papa how much I love him"
After taking care of all the baby's needs, Dwayne called on one of the pack members to keep an eye on her while he went on a search in the cave. 
He needed to see Paul as soon as possible. 
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The two vampires didn't realize they shared the same idea. Both Paul and Dwayne were searching the halls and caverns of the hideout, wanting nothing more than to talk and work out the problems they had faced. 
While they were considering what was the best thing to say, their minds went blank when the two of them came face to face around a corner. 
"Hi there"
They both struggled to make the first move with the conversation. Paul nervously fidgeted with his bracelets while Dwayne ran a hand through his dark locks. 
At the same time, they finally found their words, coincidentally saying the same thing out loud. 
"Can we talk?"
That seemed to break the tension a little, and the boys found themselves smiling a bit. They ducked into one of the hidden rooms from the hotel remains for some privacy. On the bed in the middle of the room, they sat side by side.
Neither one was sure how long they had been talking. It could have been 30 minutes, it could have been several hours. But what was perfectly clear was how much they poured their hearts out. Each vampire expressed guilt for their actions and longed to be a loving couple again. 
"I'm so sorry, Paulie. I got so jealous and hot-headed because I wanted Gem's babies to be all mine. It wasn't fair of me to try to take away your excitement or discredit what you could do as a dad"
"No, D, I need to apologize to you. I was upset because you had Laddie as a son first, and I thought you were being greedy for wanting the babies to be yours. That was so fucked up of me. I've seen what a natural you are with kids and I was worried I would be a total screw-up. I shouldn't have taken that frustration out on you" 
It was so different being vulnerable and mature about this together. After decades of being wild, reckless vampires, they had forgotten how therapeutic getting in touch with their human emotions could be. It felt so good to talk it out. 
They embraced each other, enjoying a heartfelt hug that they both had needed for a long time.
"I love you, Dwayne. I swear I do," Paul whispered, nuzzling against Dwayne's shoulder. 
"I love you too, Paulie. Don't ever forget I loved you first," Dwayne whispered, kissing the top of Paul’s head. 
They pulled apart just enough to press their foreheads together. It finally felt like they were whole again. All the hate was washed away, and their bond was stronger than ever. 
The moment only got sweeter when Dwayne went in to kiss Paul. The blond vampire immediately melted into the kiss, moving his arms to wrap around Dwayne's neck. 
"I missed you so much. I love David, Marko, and all the girls, but God, I was longing for you," Paul told Dwayne through their mental connection. He didn't want to stop their kiss for even a second. 
"Me too. I missed holding you. Missed making love in this bed with you. I haven't been tender with you in so long," Dwayne replied. He had lowered his hands to caress Paul's back and hips. 
The idea both sparked a fire within them, only this one was fueled by passion, not hatred. They could both sense it. It was like their bodies were calling out to one another. Paul expressed the need first. 
"Then why don't we kiss and make up, Daddy~?" 
"I like the sound of that, Baby~"
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Tag List: @britany1997 @ghoulgeousimmaculate
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synergysilhouette · 6 months
Brainstorming my own idea for "Kingdom of the Sun"
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Originally conceived as an epic musical on par with "The Lion King" before becoming the buddy comedy "The Emperor's New Groove," KOTS suffered a lot of story issues that prevented the film from being made with the original intentions--though with my own details.
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Our protagonists: Emperor Manco and the peasant Capac, heteropaternal fraternal twins, which is a pretty way of saying they're twins with different fathers--plus they were born 10 days apart. Yes, it's possible, and in order for them to look alike, they both take traits from their mother, who plays a role in this. Manco was raised by the temperamental and emotional Emperor Sayri (think King Triton), and after his wife died, he found it difficult to look at Kuzco, who looked so much like her, instead leaving his care in his advisor, Amaru. As such, Manco grows up spoiled by his people, though develops Amaru's warped view of power, especially after Sayri's death, which also leaves a hole in Manco's heart that he's desperate to fill, making it easy for his mother figure to manipulate him. Capac, on the other hand, is raised by his kind and caring father and kind stepmother, and is much more humble and insecure in contrast, being shy and ventures to the capitol in order to appeal to the cold-hearted emperor about helping his people, who he's been neglecting for the most part. He can also talk to animals, supposedly because of his pure heart, as well as being physically stronger than Manco (though Manco is smarter and more acrobatic); I don't see either of them as scrawny like Kuzco. When they meet, Manco is amused by him, and they trade places, but this turns sour when Manco realizes that Capac is much happier than he is. He inadvertently makes people upset with him due to his entitled and bratty attitude, making him more insecure and believing his father never really loved him. This embitters him to decidedly ruin Capac's life so they can both be miserable, though when Capac's family embraces Manco anyway, it makes him break down. I also like the idea that Manco's aesthetics are reds/oranges while Capac's are blues/greens.
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2. Our Antagonist--Amaru, the royal advisor. She's lived for a LONG time, something that Manco (despite his arrogance) has noticed, accurately deducing that she takes advantage of the fact that no one knows much about her life by "dying" every few decades and returning as her own daughter. However, he sees this as an "old woman's game" and leaves her to it, deciding he could always fire her if she became too senile. Amaru grew up with a power-hungry mother and a royal magician for a father, so her destiny was sealed as she learned the magical dark arts, as well as the human dark arts of manipulation, breaking Manco's spirit to make him her puppet. When he and Capac switch places, she quickly realizes the change in him and blackmails Capac by threatening to out him as a sorceror who killed Manco and took his form. She's able to summon shadow monsters that can take human form, and could easily make it look like he actually did kill Manco. Once again in control, she vows to plunge the world into eternal night in order to restore her youth, which she says was wrongfully taken from her due to her ambitious family, and that she will rule the empire. She also plans to do this by inciting a civil war against "Manco" and replace him as head of the empire. I'm thinking "Queen Raveena" energy here (if you've seen "Snow White and the Huntsman): scary, cold, and calculating, though she does have fleeting moments of sympathy. Part of me imagines she has a lover--maybe a silver fox like King Magnifico with a bubbly personality like Wiggums. He supports her thirst for power, though often maneuvers things so that people are imprisoned (or banished) rather than killed.
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3. The love interests--I really enjoyed Malina as Kuzco's love interest/foil in TENS, so I imagine Capac has someone like that in his corner when he becomes temporary emperor. Named Cavillace, she's a studious noble in the emperor's court who became disillusioned with Manco's cruelty, but begins to fall for "him" when the kingdom begins to take a positive turn. She doesn't trust Amaru whatsoever, but Capac's innocence and Manco's disregard of Amaru makes Cavillace believe that perhaps her feelings are misguided, and Amaru manipulates her by guit-tripping her and saying that Cavillace doesn't like her because she wants her job (and to be with "Manco"). At the end of the film, Capac and Manco decide to keep their lives switched, with only those close to them knowing, and Capac and Cavillace get married. Along with Malina, I think she'd be a mix of Princess Jasmine and Belle.
Manco's love interest, on the other hand, is a bit more vibrant. Similar to how intimate John Smith and Pocahontas were, Manco is a bit more intimate with his love interest (Chasca). She's, beautiful, sassy, clever and very self-involved, which makes Manco fall head-over-heels in love with him. Chasca reciprocates his interest, though she's taken off-guard with how emotionally fragile he is. Eventually she comes to love his dual nature, and helps him overthrow Amaru without exposing his own identity. When Manco retires to life as a peasant, Chasca does not; she convinces Capac to send them money to live off of, and while Manco rejects (most of) it, he has no issue letting Chasca keep it to further her desire for luxury. They end the movie in a boyfriend-girlfriend position. I imagine her a lot like Chel from "The Road to El Dorado" since i kinda ship her and Kuzco.
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4. The resolution--I imagine the twins have a sort of "Twitches" thing going on; Manco is active during the day while Capac works best at night, plus it's a neat characterization to have the schemer a day person and the nice guy a night person. When Amaru thinks she has defeated them, she uses their innate magical powers to cause a permanent solar eclipse, strengthening the shadows while preventing the sun from escaping. When the brothers break free, they team up with their loves to defeat her, using their magic to reverse the eclipse and wither the beautiful Amaru to dust (I was thinking of turning her to stone to prevent a copy of Mother Gothel, but I wasn't sure how to implement that). If she does have a lover in this, he's banished, and her family is stripped of their status (I like the idea that she comes from a big family like Yzma did).
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5. The songs. What classic Disney film would be complete without them? Okay, a few, but you get my point. Anyway, I imagine that either the Anderson-Lopez team or Lin-Manuel Miranda would do the music, as I love their work with Disney. I wasn't really impressed with what I heard from the OG tracks. Let's keep "Snuff Out the Light," though. (And BTW, if Manco and Capac had different VAs, I imagine they're both strong singers, though perhaps one is better than the other.)
The Sun King--Half-creation story, half-intro to Manco's life, I imagine this cover the legacy of the empire as well as his own mixed bag of a past, with him trying to hide any pain he feels via an upbeat number.
Moonlight--Essentially an Inca version of "Go the Distance," I see Capac singing this song as he travels to the capitol in hopes of seeing the emperor and helping his family.
The Last Night--When Manco and Capac decide to trade places, they tell themselves (and each other) that this is the last night they're unsatisfied, the last night they feel powerless and/or bored, the last night when they look in the mirror and can't see their full reflection--the last night of not having a brother. It's tender and powerful, maybe with some "Prince of Egypt" vibes in there.
I'm Better--Manco is feeling rather hurt and put off by the fact that no one really likes him when he pretends to be Capac, finding that the Capac is much more selfless, albeit sometimes at his own expense. Manco deides early on not to mimic his twin's behavior, and instead decides to be himself--and ruin Capac's own happiness.
Beguiled--A longer romantic song made of two parts: Manco and Chasca's upbeat song, something in the vein of "Rhythm of the Tambourine" and Capac and Cavillache's sweeter, cuter song, akin to "Something There."
Snuff out the Light--Essentially the same as it was originally, with the main exception being that Cavillache sees her singing this song and is abruptly captured, and this song is present-tense, happening as Amaru sings it rather than her just plotting things out.
Part of Me--Again, a longer song in my mind, a Broadway-esque song on par with "For Good" and "Let It Go (Reprise)." Manco and Capac use their powers to defeat Supai and the eclipse, erasing Amaru's shadows and turning her to dust. The brothers reflect on how different their lives are, and resolve to stay swapped for a while, if not forever.
These are just my ideas for now, subject to change! Lemme know if you have any questions or concerns about my idea
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b-00-biez · 1 year
Hello! Do you do poly relationships? If you do, can you please write a oneshot of Jason Vorhees and Michael Myers x Female! Reader? (lets pretend that Michael and Jason get along) where they have children and married.
(preferably the children were twins, born from heteropaternal superfecundation. If you don't know Heteropaternal Superfecundation, its a biological phenomenon of giving birth to twins from two different biological fathers.)
The twins were wondering why Jason and Michael wear masks (lets just say that the children were not aware of their fathers hobbies.) They asked their mom, the female!reader why and the Reader told them about the pasts of their fathers, the children were shocked to hear and was upset so they went to their fathers and hugged them, crying and telling Jason and Michael that they are beautiful and don't deserve the way people treat them before. The two, Michael and Jason's reaction were shocked and touched.
It's okay though if you don't want to write! feel free to ignore this if It's making you uncomfy. heres some comics of Michael Jason, they're so adorable on this! although we know that they'll never get along. and again, Thank you!
I actually never wrote poly relationships before but in all honesty this ask was too cute to ignore🥺💕
"Papa is very beautiful!" Imagines
Warning:none just fluff
Characters: Jason x fem!reader x Michael
You gave birth to beautiful twins, one is a girl and one is a boy. With the support of both of your husbands your labor was smooth. Although you had to give birth at home but nonetheless your children are healthy and well!
Growing up your children have different personalities and interests despite them being twins. The little boy was more like michael and the girl was more like Jason.
Both of them grew up to be great hunters as they both were taught self defense and hunting at an early age.
Both dads were loving to their children and wanted the best for both of them despite being limited for their "work"
Along the way your children start being a little curious about the past and why their fathers have masks while other kids have none.
You told them how you both met them and what they told you about their pasts
Your children were on the verge of crying and ran to their dads as they cried on their lap
Jason and Michael are so happy to hear appreciation from their children
Jason and Michael were not confident in being a parent but after raising the twins they are the most precious people (including you) and they will protect them no matter what
Your twins actually have a copy of their dads masks and they started to wear it sometimes to show how they love and support Jason and Michael!
You as a mother felt awe and love from both partners and children. The fact that you have mini versions of your spouses is just heart warming and love how they grew with your children in becoming loving and supportive parents.
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polypomefiore · 2 months
(Referring to your nymph Vil mpreg art on twitter)
Imagine if Vil got impregnated by both Malleus and Rook (basically Vil conceives two twins from two separate fathers which is a real, but very rare case called heteropaternal superfecundation. Since you said that nymphs are very fertile, this could possibly happen).
So imagine, when Vil gives birth, one of the twins looks a lot like Malleus while the other looks just like Rook. This absolutely shocks everyone who witnessed the birth, including Malleus, the delivery nurses, and Rook alongside Epel who waited outside the room. When the oldest and most loyal nurse realizes this, they would pick up Rook and Vil’s child, utterly disgusted by Vil “betraying” Malleus and bearing a bastard child into the Draconia family, and make their way to the balcony. Fully intent on getting rid of the “unwanted mistake” which wailed frantically for its mother. Hearing his baby’s cries, Vil would attempt to get up from the bed, not even caring about the pain in his muscles from the afterbirth, and rush over to the nurse holding his baby, but the other nurses would hold him back, believing the same thing the oldest nurse did. Desperate and scared for his newborn’s safety, Vil begs, screams, and demands that he have his baby back as Malleus watches, still processing the shocking situation. But seeing the absolute fear and despair in Vil’s eyes and hearing both of the infants crying, a small feeling of sadness passes through him and just when the oldest nurse is about to open the door to the balcony, Malleus firmly orders them to stop and return the infant immediately. The oldest nurse stutters over their words, asking Malleus why he wanted to let the child live even though it was an unwanted bastard, to which Malleus replies with “an unexpected, but not unwelcomed child” before asking the nurse if they were questioning HIS orders. Now sacred, the oldest nurse hurriedly made their way to Vil, who was then released by the equally terrified nurses. Once he was freed, Vil immediately snatched back his second child from the trembling outstretched arms of the oldest nurse, glaring daggers towards anyone who would try to take away his child a second time. Malleus would then dismiss the nurses, who all quickly run out in fear of suffering their prince’s wrath, and invites both Rook and Epel into the room. 
I haven’t thought about what might happen next. Who knows, maybe Malleus will let Vil and Rook keep their child alongside his own, but you can come up with something too if you’d like.
i love this idea! poor vil, the nurses are lucky he didn’t have the strength to fight back, and he’s lucky malleus can be merciful (for the most part).
i have heard of such a thing of the two fathers to twins and love incorporating it sometimes in omegaverse, and it could definitely happen in the au since as you said nymphs are very fertile (usually they have to take strong potions daily to prevent pregnancy). poor vil would have his hands full, luckily he has rook and epel to help. i can definitely see him stressing out when the nurses tell him he’s expecting more than one.
but anyways, the nurses would probably be more alarmed two nymphs conceived a child, since vil is more of a pet than a wife to malleus (though his children would probably be legitimized or maybe he actually marries vil beforehand). humans would start wars over a nymph like vil already, so that baby could cause issues amongst fae when they grow up…
thank you for the ask! you’ve definitely got me thinking/inspired <3
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glittter-vamp · 3 months
I saw another blog do this. would you consider letting us know how Wicked Games would have ended? I get sad everytime I think about it knowing we’ll never know. But I understand if you don’t feel comfortable with that or aren’t a fan anymore.
I can do that for you guys! I was going to have reader end up with neither of the guys but then reader finds out she’s pregnant with twins but the the plot twist would be the result of heteropaternal superfecundation twins leading to even more complete chaos between the three.
I wanted to keep the series going for a while so I still don’t have a clue what I would have done at the end but that’s a major thing that I had already written and felt like sharing! Sorry for not completing it for you guys 🖤
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