#hetalia world stars gods au
maplesunflowers · 1 year
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Please I’m just a humble veteran trying to catch up on AUs I’ve missed out on.
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iamnompuehuenu · 2 months
As Cecchetti taught •ㅤ ONE-SHOT
Former ballet star teacher Veneziano meets ballet student Ludwig who is in awe as a long-time fan.
I am a ballet nerd.
It is one of my special interests since i was a child (thank you, Barbie Swan Lake) and naturally as someone who is currently hyperfixating on Hetalia, GerIta and my undying love for Veneziano, just one fanfic isn't enough! Swan King might be my most loved fic (I still gotta finish the first extra, I just forgor), and while I do love the fantasy and fairytale theme of it, I've been currently dying to write something more modern and more ballet-centric,, GerIta, of course! I probably won't make it a proper fic anytime soon bc I have a lot on my plate already and even now I am currently writing something else, but i wanted to leave it out for the world,, ♡( ◡‿◡ )
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Words: 7,811
Chapters: 1/1
Characters: Germany, North Italy, Liechtenstein, Belarus, Russia, Seychelles, Hungary, Belgium
Pairings: GerIta
In which ballet dancer Ludwig chases after Feliciano, a retired but young dancing star who became a teacher after his career abruptly ended. Searching for answers, he becomes even more enthralled by the melody hummed en pointe.
Based on my desperate need for ballet-centric stories
Ballet AU
One-shot that was supposed to be a drabble but I got too carried away God help me
The other characters are mostly cameos
Maybe someday I'll expand on it...
Not Beta Read
English is not my first language
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koolkat9 · 2 years
Hetalia Polyship Week 2022: Day 1
Prompt:  Musicals || “Thank god that I’m not you”
Rating: T
Ship: GerFrukPort
Word Count: 1243
Author’s Note: This is based on an au we discussed in my gereng server where engportfra are actors all pursuing set builder Ludwig while also being in a throuple themselves. Also, I like to think Francis uses he/they pronouns so I switch between those pronouns.
Curtain Call
The wings of the stage were buzzing with energy, for in a mere few hours, the curtains would rise, and the open night would commence. Ludwig put the final nail in the window frame he had been working on. At least it had fallen apart during the dress rehearsal and not the actual show. He just had to oil the wheels on one of the moving set pieces and check the other two to make sure they were still in working order, then they’d be good to go. 
Hopefully, with the show coming to an end, Ludwig would finally be free of all the confusing feelings that had arisen during production. The thought was both a relief, but it also kind of hurt. To have three actors pursuing you definitely was overwhelming and made Ludwig’s job a lot harder, it was nice to be the center of attention for once, and over this time, he got to know his three suitors; he would miss them when they all went their separate ways. 
He’d miss Arthur's nagging. Although it was annoying at times, it was nice to know someone cared enough to bring him water and make sure he was eating. He’d miss the way Arthur’s eyes would light up as he tried too hard to hide his smiles behind scowls. And most of all he’d miss the subtle compliments and flirty remarks that would rival the language used by poets of the past.
He’d miss Francis’s affection the most, he thinks. The way they’d hang off Ludwig as if it was the most normal thing in the world, how they would always greet him with a warm embrace and part with one even warmer. He’d miss the way Francis’s curls framed their face perfectly, always appearing so soft to the touch (but Ludwig would now never know if that was true). And though he was often overwhelmed by Francis’s forwardness when it came to flirting, he did appreciate the food they made, and he’d be lying if he said Francis’s compliments hadn’t boosted his confidence ever so slightly.
Lastly, he’d miss Afonso’s calmness. The way he could remain relaxed yet level-headed during even the most stressful situations and the way he would comfort Ludwig in the carpenter’s own stress. He’d miss the sweet, gentle nothings Afonso would occasionally whisper when Ludwig was burnt out and needed the pick-me-up. But the most he would miss the rare sight of Afonso focused: tightly knit brows, spark in his eye as he looked over his scripts, pulling any and all information to boost his performance.
As Ludwig pulled away from the last squeaky wheel, he came face to face with the three actors who had been consuming his thoughts. 
Arthur was dressed in a fiery red coat that just reached his knees, with golden stitching along the edges. Golden chains and earrings, striking red eyeshadow, and dark eyeliner accented the outfit. A leather corset wrapped around his middle gave the otherwise fearsome look an alluring aura. To top it all off, a pirate cap adorned with pale feathers. An outfit befitting of both a seductive yet dangerous pirate captain. 
Francis in turn was fitting in a frilly blouse and a pale blue coat that reached the floor. It was as if the stars had been taken and threaded into the fabric itself with the way it glittered with every small movement. His hat was a greyish white, decorated with dried flowers instead of the traditional feathers. He was dripping in jewelry and gems: earrings, necklaces, bracelets, all of which matched Francis’s eyes. The sparkly look was complete with purple eyeshadow with a hint of glitter. He looked like royalty despite being a mere pirate captain. 
Afonso was dressed in a nobleman’s coat. Darker green vine patterns wrapped around the torso and sleeves, meeting with the silver stitched pattern on the edge of the collars and cuffs. His hair was tied back by a matching ribbon, giving a clear view of his face. His natural features were amplified by simple makeup instead of the brightly coloured blends of Arthur and Francis, yet he was nonetheless beautiful. An elegant nobleman if there ever was one. 
Ludwig felt his whole face burn seeing them decked out in their costumes. All he could do was stare, unable to form a coherent thought in their presence. It was as if he was back to the very first time the three had begun flirting with him.  
Francis’s giggling shook Ludwig from his daze. Arthur shoved the Frenchman. “What?” Francis asked with feigned offense, “He probably thinks we look pretty. So much so he’s been left speechless.”
“Or he’s thinking: ‘thank god I’m not you,’” Arthur shot back, gesturing to the other’s costume. “You’re going to melt under all those damn frills.” 
“Aw are you concerned mon amour?”
Arthur’s face turned bright red, but if looks could kill, that glare would have ended Francis on the spot. Luckily before things could escalate. Afonso stepped between the two. “Now, now, meus amores, we have more important business here right? We’re going to scare him off like this.”
Wait… ‘mon amour’ and ‘meus amores’? Ludwig may not have been well versed in French or Portuguese, but he knew Italian well, and those sounded like…
“So…” Afonso went on, “I don’t know if you’ve realized what we’ve been trying to do, but with us parting ways soon, we’ve decided to just come out as say…”
“We love you,” Francis continued. 
“All of us,” Arthur added.
“Romantically,” Afonso concluded for clarity. 
So they did fancy him. It was quite obvious to everyone (including Ludwig) that these three actors had liked him romantically, but hearing it laid out so clearly still made Ludwig’s head spin. Perhaps part of the shock came from the fact that it appeared all three of the actors were dating as well. “Wait…Are all of you…”
“Together?” Francis finished for him, “Yes. Yes, we are.” To prove the point he took Afonso’s hand and gave it a squeeze. 
“I’m surprised you didn’t know sooner, it’s all over the tabloids,” Arthur noted. 
“But what we are trying to get at is that we want to invite you into it,” Afonso explained. 
Ludwig awkwardly opened and closed his mouth, trying to find what he wanted to say. It was a dream come true. Over this production, he had fallen in love with all three of them and couldn’t bear to choose only one of them. But with this revelation, he could have it all, and everyone would be happy. 
“Love,” Arthur spoke softly, stepping forward to put a hand on Ludwig’s arm. “You don’t have to make a decision now. You’ve got time to think. We just wanted–”
“I’d love to,” Ludwig blurted out. His blush surely darkened as he realized how desperate he sounded. “I-I mean…I’d like that…I have feelings for all of you so…”
The three actors looked at Ludwig with wide eyes. “Well then…guess it’s settled,” Francis said with an amused huff. “Perhaps we can have dinner after the show tonight.”
Ludwig nodded, perhaps a bit too eagerly. 
“Ten minutes till curtain,” someone shouted in the distance. 
“Well I guess this is farewell until intermission,” Arthur sighed.
The three bid farewell to Ludwig, giving the German the much-needed time to process everything. But as he waved to the actors as they departed, Ludwig couldn’t suppress a wide grin from spreading on his face. 
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hws-gods-au · 4 years
Gods Word-Search Nov 14 2020
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Hello dear followers! Perhaps it’s been a while since you’ve sent in some asks, but the Gods are always eager to hear of your trials and hopes! 
The first three Gods that you spot in the puzzle may signify who you most need to go speak to (here’s the masterlist)!
Country names for those unfamiliar:
India, N. Italy, Germany, 2P India, Czechia, 2p Beijing, Beijing, Scotland, Portugal, Austria, 2p Nyo Canada, Prussia, Denmark, 2p Nyo N. Italy, 2p Ladonia, 1p Ladonia, Philippines, Indonesia, 2P Germany, Nyo Lithuania, Finland, Nyo Sweden, Greece, China, Nyo China, Kansas
Let us know if you manage to find them all~
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redds-art828 · 2 years
It’s the Italies birthday (my time) so i drew them(my god au version)
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You can find more of my god au here: @ask-hetalia-godau
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dapotatoauthor · 2 years
I was just scrolling through fb watch then I saw a clip from our local tv drama (KaraMia/MiaKara I forgot the order)
Anyway, as it was playing, I heard Mia say “Do you think I would be looking for love and affection out there if you gave it to me?!” And I was
Damn, this would fit Romano and Italy holy fuck
So anyways, Itabros angst for y’all <33
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hws-gods-2p-india · 3 years
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"Tch- I hope there are mangoes on the other side... kaamchor"
[Shiv's Goodbye]
//Just as a disclaimer:- This blog is still running and part of the gods au. I will be answering asks and interactions. But obviously Indra's character is going to be affected by Shiv's absence. He sacrificed everything for his brother. Seeing him go is definitely not easy.
I've already had my long winded moment about this but yeah, We're gonna miss you mango. And with that, Farewell- @hws-gods-india-archived
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usxuk · 3 years
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The Number 1 Prince in the Whole Wide World.
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diurnaldaysart · 4 years
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Sun god Alfred and author Arthur AU doodles (same AU as in my Opposites usukustwiceperyear piece)
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hws-gods-2ppoland · 4 years
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“Get out, I claimed this spot already and I’m not afraid to shank you for it.”
//2p Poland, Adrien Zieliński, regular human.
Part of @hws-gods-au
Inbox Open!
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.No Sex Scene with any characters 16 or younger
.No World Leaders or Real People such as youtubers or Celebrities
.Keep It At Least DUB CON or less
-What You Can Request Supporting Hints-
1: Genders and Genderbents
.You may have the reader be, (Male, Female, No Binary Or Transgender) (If Transgender say born as (Fill in birth gender) Identifies (Fill in Gender they identify as)
.Genderbents you make take a character from the list of fandoms bellow and ask if you want them to be the rule 63 aka genderbent version of themselves (Like with Superman Clark Kent being genderbent to Superwoman Claire Kent and anything else)
2: Sexuality
.You can Have Reader be Any sexuality there is (Straight, Bisexual, Pansexual, Gay, Lesbian, Asexual, and so on)
.Same with Characters from Fandoms. Since they are fiction you may make them any sexuality you want (Kinda obvious a yandere is yandere for whatever gender)
3: Roles and AU's
.You can make reader be anything (From Superhero to royalty, from homeless to Villain anything really may it be headcanons or scenarios I even had one story I made reader a chess champion so anything and everything (Except racist and pedo and rapist Obviously)
.Same with the characters from fandoms (Like I have Made priest characters, Dad characters, professors, serial killers and more, anything excpet those three things is good to go)
.You can do au request of like a fandom in a fantasy world or au's with soulmates and so on.
4: OCS
.Yes yes there is OCS and we do better me and my co author writing smut for them here they are
.Marie (My co author as her oc based off of her)
.Mark (My co author with Rule 63 genderbent of her based of her if she was a man)
.Michelle (My Oc based off of me EpicnessQueen)
5: Poly Relationships AKA Sharing
.Yes you can be in a poly relationship where two or more yanderes are dating each other and have the same darling
.Sharing where to yandere decide to share the same darling
.You all know how this goes by now but for anyone new. You can ask for headcanons in many different ways with the rules above and also how they deal with any type of reader like even suicidal or yandere from sharing to single it all works.
.You can ask for a scenario like (Darling finds out (List of yanderes you want) is yandere for them or anything really.
-Questions aka Q AND A-
.How would (Insert yandere or yanderes) Be like as yandere, propose what pet names they have for darling and any other questions you have in mind for the yanderes
Bleach (Seen all the anime almost)
Naruto (Seen all the anime)
Naruto Shippudin (Seen a good amount of it)
Tokyo Ghoul (Only in season 1 right now)
Black Butler (Seen most of it)
Ouran High School Host Club (Seen all the anime and manga)
Attack On Titan (Seen First two seasons)
Death Note (Seen Most Of The Anime)
One Piece (Seen a LOT OF IT)
One Punch-Man (Got The Gist Of It)
Fruit Basket (Read all the manga got to watch the new anime)
Rosario Vampire (Seen season 1)
Vampire Knight (Seen all the anime)
Cells at Work (Watching Season 1 now)
Fullmetal Alchemist (Know The Gist of it)
Future Diary (Seen most of it)
Kamigami No Asobi (Seen all of it)
-Horror Themed Ones-
Movies (TV Series will be after)
A Nightmare On Elm Street (Seen Most Of these movies)
Alien (Seen All Of Them)
Alien VS Predator
The Boy
Carrie (Only the Original )
Child's Play (Seen the original one in 1988 not the sequels and will now do the remake)
Children Of The Corn
Deep Blue Sea (both)
Evil Dead (2013 Remake)
The Exorcist
Final Detestation (Only The Third One)
Freddy VS Jason (GO JASON!!!!)
Friday The 13th (All of Them)
Get Out
The Grudge
Halloween (Seen Them All)
Hannibal Rising
Harry Potter (All Eight movies)
Hellraiser (All of them but cannot remember most of them)
I know What You Did Last Summer (Seen it once)
IT (Original 2 parts and part 1 of the 2017 remake)
Jeepers Creepers (1 and 2)
Meat Train
Orphan (Seen once)
Pet Sematary
The Phantom Of The Opera
Predator (All Of Them)
Prom Night
Psycho (The first and second one)
The Purge (first one)
The Ring (2002)
Saw (All Of Them)
Scream (Just first one)
The Shining
The Silence Of The Lambs
Silent Hill (First One)
Silent Hill (1999)
Split (Yes it is under Horror)
Sweeney Todd: The Demon On Fleet Street (Can't remember which one)
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (All Of Them)
Village of The Damned
When A stranger Calls
The Wolf Man
Wrong Turn (Some of them I cannot remember )
Next the tv shows which is shorter for reasons (Dont question me)
Bates Motel
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
The Walking Dead
Horror Games as I now a lot of you will want that :D
Alice The Madness Returns
Baldi's Basics
Bendy and The Ink Machine (Half of it so far)
Corpse Party (The First One)
Danganropa (all of 1 and some of 2 and 3)
Doki Doki Literature Club
Emily Wants To Play
Five Nights at Freddy (ALL OF THEM)
Hello Neighbor
Little Nightmares
Lucius (The First One)
Mad Father
Resident Evil 2 (The Remake)
Resident Evil 7
Soon To Be Resident Evil 8 Village (As soon as I can see it yasssssssssss tall vampire lady step on me!)
Ride With Strangers
Silent Hill (A Couple of Them)
Unforgiving The Northern Hymen
Until Dawn
We Happy Few
Welcome To The Game (1 and 2)
-Various Other Fandoms-
Dream Daddy
(TV Shows)
Avatar The Last Air Bender (Not The Legend Or Korra)
Grey's Anatomy
Law and Order SVU
Prodigal Son
The Blacklist
Breaking Bad
Criminal Minds
A Series Of Unfortunate Events
DR. Who
Good Omens
Once Upon A Time
South Park
How To Train Your Dragon (Both Movies and TV and Netflix series)
Rise Of The Guardians
-Dead By Daylight-
all killers most survivors
-Outlast, Outlast Whistlerblower Outlast 2-
all characters
all characters playable or not
all characters will not do the live action remakes
-Star Wars-
Most characters so far
-Degrees Of Lewdity-
All important non playable characters
-Greek Gods, Tales and Mythology-
everything even fucking Greek monsters as long as age is met
all 1ps all 2ps and all their nyotalia and cattalia
most of them
-DC And Marvel-
Most of the characters
-Team Fortress 2-
All characters.
Well I think that is it for this year master list I may add to it but this is it right now. Please Enjoy and stay sexy!] 
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scandi-rose · 2 years
But what if
Gods Au, I’ve had this little world-building project for a while but It’s been stalled and I’ve hit a roadblock. So I come to you wondering if Y’all would be interested in a Gods AU that takes place in his little world I created but I just make Hetalia characters gods.
Four main gods
Creator god
God of the Sea (Salty because the moon the domain over the moon prince had the sway of the waters of his domain)
Prince of the moon
Sun Goddess
Important Secondary cods
Lightening god
Goddess of maidens (Sea god’s daughter also besties with the moon prince was the one who gifted him the stars. They were originally enchanted pearls)
Twin goddesses of Wisdom and War.
God of Nature (consort of the sun goddess, their union is why spring exists)
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dotsayers · 3 years
20 Questions: Writer’s Edition
tagged by the beloved @myrmidryad 
this is a LONG one so here’s a cut to avoid do you love the colour of the sky syndrome
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
101 after a recent purge... no one may know about my Past
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
329004! used to be about 350k but again... purge
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
on ao3 i’ve written for (chronologically) doctor who, skyfall, discworld, les mis, star trek, lord peter wimsey, marvel (various), in the flesh, red vs blue, roosterteeth rpf, check please, hockey rpf, star wars, daredevil, rivers of london, dishonored, emmerdale, dirk gently, holby city, hot fuzz, kj charles, guardian, the covert captain, taskmaster rpf, good omens, ghosts, roswell new mexico, leverage, schitt’s creek, the magicians, 9-1-1, it chapter two, the magnus archives, the old guard, the mandalorian, the ritual, the locked tomb
way back on the pit of voles i wrote for twilight, harry potter, hetalia and xmen first class. and on the newsround chatrooms i wrote exclusively harry potter fic about my oc neville and luna’s daughter
as you can tell i am not prone to staying in one fandom writing wise, i tend to end up with one complete fic and seven abandoned wips concealed deep in my google drive
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
finally see what it means to be living (captain marvel, carol/maria, i really hit the zeitgeist with this one i think i was something like the fifth fic in the ship tag)
do whatever you think (the magnus archives, this series is actually #2-7, then #8 #9 and #11 for me so i’m going to cheat a bit)
standing in a world of my own (daredevil, matt/foggy/karen, another zeitgeist hit! really miss writing for daredevil actually... it’s a perennial fave)
a winding road that stretches towards the truth (iron man, tony/rhodey, i STILL don’t know when this got so many kudos. i swear i looked away when it was at 100 and suddenly it ended up here)
where the long shadows grow (star trek aos, kirk prime/spock prime, thank god some people are checking the prime kirkspock tag is all i’m saying!)
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
i don’t really Do angsty endings... possibly a blanket of stars just because i ended it on something of a cliffhanger and then completely zoned out of rnm for long enough that i forgot where i was going with it. there was definitely the intention of fixing things but then i just... did not do that. and now the show is on s3 and i’m over a season behind! life comes at you fast
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
where the long shadows grow, because it reunited kirk prime and spock prime and they DESERVE TO BE HAPPYYYY. i’m a complete sucker for presumed dead/back from the dead stories, actually, so on a similar theme i have two (TWO) daredevil fics which follow the trope, one about ray coming back post-s2 (might never be normal again) and one about foggy and matt reuniting post-endgame (in the corner, taking up space). this is the only time i will ever acknowledge endgame ever again
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
i do write crossovers! in fact i am often roundly mocked by my friends for the increasingly esoteric nature of my crossovers. way back in secondary i wrote a twilight/labyrinth crossover where angela was sarah and jareth’s daughter  because i had a massive crush on a girl who liked both twilight and labyrinth. however, since that has been comprehensively scrubbed from the internet, i think my craziest crossover is probably part three of ‘traced upon the skies’, already an esoteric crossover of rivers of london and hot fuzz, when i added in a crossover with the horror movie ‘the ritual’ just because i wanted rafe spall’s character to be happy 
8. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
EXTREMELY rarely and only with extreme embarrassment. i will not be any more specific than that
9. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
i used to really struggle with doing this, to the point that i had over 300 comments just. lingering in my inbox unanswered. so i decided to give those up and just commit to answering them from then on, which has been working fairly well for about a year and a half now. i love getting comments but i get overwhelmed really easily and struggle with replying in a way which feels meaningful without getting in my head about it! 
10. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
yes lmao it was for a harry potter fic on ff.net where harry got sorted into hufflepuff instead of gryffindor. it wasn’t a very good fic but i think the fact it was clearly written by an 11 year old should have scared off at least some of the less flattering comments.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i don’t... think so? i don’t know how i’d find out to be honest, my vanity googling is rarely very effective
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes! as bronze may be much beautified (skyfall, mallory/bond) got translated into chinese, i was extremely pleased. i think it’s mandarin but the ao3 page for the translation doesn’t say and my mandarin is.................. extremely poor
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
also yes! me and jess little-smartass have written a lot together, although only our star trek/les mis series has been published, more’s the pity. we spent a lot of les mis fandom time workshopping aus and we were always extremely correct about all of it, imo
14. What’s your all time favourite ship to write for?
oh god. i think probably kirk/spock, although there’s some recency bias to that since i reread space manhattans recently and was reminded of my love for them. i really like writing jon/martin but i’ve mostly done that from outsider pov which is a bit different to writing shipfic, i think. joe/nicky from tog was also something i really liked writing but i struggle with plotting longer fic with them
15. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
i recently went through my abandoned fic folder so i actually have a few options for this. the obvious choice would be ‘any of the hockey ones’ but i did delete most of those just for my sanity. more recently i started writing a vaguely smutty pre-the thing mac/fuchs fic for alex @milkdrinker5000 which i really WANT to finish but am struggling with. most obscure answer (even beyond the thing) and most likely to remain unfinished is the insanely in depth post-tog booker/copley fic i had planned out back in about october. i wrote a good 6-7k of that one and then i realised it was going to be, like, difficult, and decided if i was going to put that much work into something it may as well be the novel im meant to be writing
16. What are your writing strengths?
once a friend told me i had an excellent facility for dialogue and ive thought about it every time i write ever since. i love writing dialogue and i think i’m good at knowing what sounds ic and what is right out. 
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
one of the things i struggled with for a really long time, and honestly still have trouble with, is depicting action in words. once i wrote a hockey fic which featured multiple hockey games and i spent probably four times as much effort editing those to make sense and be interesting that i’ve ever done on a talkier scene.
18. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
i’ve done it but only when i knew more or less what i was talking about - i did italian at school so i felt confident using it for nicky in something particular and real. i try not to italicise when i drop in words from other languages, which is what i usually do when i’m using a language i haven’t studied in depth (for example, joe’s use of arabic in some of my fic), and to only use words which i’ve heard used by native speakers in that context. i think if you don’t feel confident using another language, generally speaking, you shouldn’t do it. and for god’s sake don’t use google translate for a full sentence
19. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
harry potter on the newsround chatboards. ariana lovegood-longbottom my sweet child
20. What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
this used to be an easy question because hands down the fic i was proudest of on posting it was i’ll be seeing you. i spent a year and a half on research and writing! but these days i do cringe a little at my hockey fic, and i think i’m prouder of some of my shorter works. let’s do a curveball and say layer on layer, down on down, which is my favourite of my rnm fics and the one i like most from a narrative voice perspective. getting michael right was stressful and i’m still proud i got it down for a TIME LOOP FIC, my absolute favourite trope
tagging @little-smartass and @leescoresbies just in case they want to try this
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jasontoddiefor · 3 years
Rules: Post the name of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptiove or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues/interests you and I’ll pose a little snippet of it or I will tell you something about it!
Tagged by @shelton-devers​! I’m only using my unpublished WIP list bc I love myself.
Star Wars
abo hardeen
abo pwp
abo vaderkin obianidala
all the lessons of my childhood
devotion gods verse
fill the gaps
flirting obiwan fanfic
force dyad but bad
hetalia au
imperial law
jack necromancer fanfic
jedi master series by a. naboo
once a great people now in ruins
self indulgent siren au
soulmate au
the warmth of your light
these are the days skies resume
by all living things
sense 8 au
tying the knot
the seduction of obi-wan kenobi
survival of the grieving
next to the force, thy obiwan
20 questions
lars rule tatooine
The Magnus Archives
accidental baby bouchard acqusition
i can excuse the world ending but archivist kid
being trans for all the wrong reasons
david sims au
No pressure tags for @ghostwriterofthemachine​ @primeemeraldheiress​ @alabasterswriting​ @jswander​ @sonderwalker​
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gospacegay · 4 years
Updated Master List
I’ve been abandoning, editing, or pulling down materials I’m not happy with lately. Along with general inactivity on Tumblr, I realized my post history is inaccurate. Thus, I present all completed material I have written and still actively have up. Note this is Hetalia content unless otherwise stated.
Fake It Until You Make It: Ivan fakes a relationship with Alfred to get out of his miserable marriage. Clean-ish human AU with rusame and rochu. 13 chapters.
Heart Of Hearing: An entire universe of FACE interaction that begins around Matthew as a deaf child. This is a massive domestic story, being released weekly until it’s conclusion. Nedcan, rusame, denpru, and much more. 55 chapters and counting.
Landing Off Course: Alfred’s plane crashes into the sea, but he miraculously survives. Clean human AU rusame created for MerMay. 6 chapters
Fuck And Burn The House Down: Title says it all. Dirty rusame. 1 chapter.
A Bunny’s Tail: Alfred and Ivan do pet play. Dirty rusame. 1 chapter. For Family: Sad historical Canada in WW2. Clean with no ships. 1 chapter.
A Fairy Big Problem: Fairy prince Alfred is sent to Earth as disciplinary punishment. Cleanish rusame and nedcan. 14 chapters.
The Spy That Stole My Heart: Spy Alfred is forced to work with reformed super villain Ivan on a dangerous mission in France. Very violent spy AU rusame. 11 chapters.
Hopping Mad Over You: Lars loses his beloved pet rabbit in the apartment, magic ensues. Clean human AU nedcan. 1 chapter.
Birds Of A Feather: Matthew, god of birds, has chosen a new mate. Clean gods AU nedcan, prucan, and rusame. 1 chapter.
Friendship Is Magic: Matthew is the unhappiest village member of friendship village. Violent dirty My Little Pony/Hetalia mix with nedcan and rusame. 1 chapter.
Crazy Love: Matthew’s alien crazed father is set up with eccentric recluse Ivan. Cleanish human AU nedcan, rusame and amefra. 7 chapters.
His Song: Matthew sings Lars a song. Clean canon nedcan. 1 chapter.
Learning Her Way: Matthew escorts his transgender girlfriend to school. Clean human AU nedcan. 1 chapter.
Matthew, The Worst Demon Ever: Matthew is very bad at tormenting Lars. Lars doesn’t seem to mind. Very violent demon AU nedcan and fruk. 8 chapters.
Love Is For The Birds: Matthew is a Canadian goose in a zoo. Clean zoo AU with nedcan. 1 chapter.
Two Terrible People In Love: France and England are assholes watching TV. Clean canon AU fruk. 1 chapter.
Eyes For You: Canada slips Netherlands a note during a meeting. Clean canon nedcan. 2 chapters.
Hot Canadian Pizza: Lars delivers a saucy pizza. Dirty-ish human AU nedcan. 1 chapter.
Till We Part: Ivan’s wife dies, and Alfred comforts him. Clean human AU rusromano and rusame. 1 chapter.
Giving Chase: Wolf has feelings, and he is not great at expressing them. Dirty-ish Nu Pogodi! fic (soviet cartoon give it a chance). 7 chapters.
Cut Above The Rest: Alfred commits suicide. Violent canon implied rusame. 2 chapters.
I Choose You: Alfred and Ivan are roommates in the complicated world of pokemon. Violent Pokemon/human Hetalia AU with nedcan and rusame. 26 chapters.
Paternity Testing: Sweden gets a surprising paternity test result. Clean canon with no ships. 1 chapter.
Curses And Gifts: Follow Natalia as she moves beyond suicidal mental blocks. Clean-ish human AU with hunbela lesbians. 2 chapters.
Love, Magic, And Insurance Fraud: Toris’s life falls apart after he buys a fridge off a shady polish website. Cleanish modern fantasy AU with poliet, prucan, and rusame. 15 chapters.
Shut Down: Alfred hides at Ivan’s house while his government is in turmoil. Dirty canon rusame. 1 chapters.
Curiosity Killed The Cat: Detectives Ivan and Alfred team up to solve a grisly crime. Dirty human AU rusame, aushun, and more. 17 chapters.
Happy Birthday: Russia goes insane in his apartment. Violent canon with implied rusame. 1 chapter.
From The Web: Alfred gets a spider obsessed new roommate. Apocalypse AU with rusame and geripan. 20 chapters.
Learning From My Mistakes: Grow with Toris as he stumbles through the hard lessons of school, friendship, and what love actually is. Dirty human AU with poliet, lietbel, and rusame. 15 chapters.
Fortunes, Folly, And Vodka: Ivan, a Russian gypsy con artist, can suddenly see ghosts. Dirty modern fantasy AU with spamano, gerita, and ruscan. 11 chapters.
The Founding Of Kievan Rus: Ivan is a young nation that is willing to get his hands dirty. Historical canon with no ships. 1 chapter.
Life Debt: Alfred rescues Ivan from himself after the USSR dissolves. Violent canon rusame. 11 chapters
Far From Home: Lost cosmonaut Ivan is rescued by alien alfred in deep space. Dirty space AU with rusame and packed with aliens. 19 chapters.
Bottled Emotions: Alfred loses his temper on the job. Violent canon AU with implied rusame. 1 chapter.
Hetalia Monsters Universe Series: This is three connected stories about Alfred loving Ivan, who has been a secret sea monster for centuries. It is domestic canon rusame, but also has heaps of tentacle sex. Part one is 9 chapters, part two is 7 chapters, and part three is 2 chapters.
His Amazing Grace: Alfred sustains massive brain damage, and Ivan helps him heal. Cleanish canon rusame. 15 chapters.
A Life Of Glitter: Alfred and Ivan raise Matthew in the glory days of the 1980′s. Clean fluffy human AU. 5 chapters.
Madness And Profits: A poem about mad scientist Alfred seducing business man Ivan. Cleanish human AU rusame. 1 chapter.
Lost And Found: Monster hunter Alfred attempts to rehabilitate insane wizard Ivan. Dirty fantasy AU rusame. 11 chapters.
Life Is Not A Sitcom: Alfred is seduced by Belarus, but it backfires hilariously. Cleanish canon rus/ame/bel poly. 10 chapters.
Ambitions Beyond The Stars: Alfred asks Ivan to kill someone for him, and their relationship grows from it. Violent canon rusame with sappy ending. 47 chapters.
The Oops: Ivan accidentally becomes pregnant. Dirty canon rusame. 6 chapters.
Branding The Future: Ivan and Alfred take over the world. Clean canon rusame. 2 chapters.
Weapons Of Mass Distraction: Italy has secret weapon technology that Ivan and Alfred want. Clean canon with implied rusame. 1 chapter.
Feeling Feline: Ivan is a sexy cat. Cleanish canon with humour. 1 chapter.
Fate Follows: Russia discovers a deadly secret about America. Cleanish canon rusame. 10 chapters.
Dark Destiny: Necromancer king Ivan takes prince Alfred hostage. Clean fantasy AU rusame and fruk. 3 chapters.
Beauty To Die For: 1920′s Assassin Ivan desires mafia wife Amelia. Clean 1920′s crime AU. 1 chapter.
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shachaai · 3 years
I don't know... Could you do a post with some of your favorite Fanfictions? (your Hetalia Fanfictions ❤️ I really like to read your work) thank you 😘
This is a bit all over the place and there is a lot of (fem!)England-centric fic, because apparently I’m a messy one-trick pony. =w=;;;
Gods AU
First and foremost I want to say some of my favourite hetalia writing has been done for the Gods AU that is/was a shared baby between Hoof, Eden and myself (with a few pieces by some very kind babysitters over the years as well). It’s a heavily engport-centric AU, where Portugal (Lusus) is the God of the Underworld and England (Albion) his somewhat volatile spouse. It’s an ensemble cast and most of the characters are deities of some kind, and is heavy on pretty scenery, stupid families, and tragic love. Also there’s a bunch of fluff and ancient historical/mythological-style smut - in both writing and art. (The art, obviously, is Very Not Mine.)
No Quarter: A bet tumbles the four of them into bed. (They would've done it even without the bet.)
Historical, Fluff and Smut, Nationverse but if both the regular cast and nyos existed in the same universe
Chapters 1/4, 2,739 words
Ok, this one is a WIP, but the single chapter that there is so far can actually standalone, and contains four idiots being both Incredibly Sexy and Incredibly Stupid. I really like how I handled their dynamics here, and the ebb and flow of control between them.
       Small But Golden:  France and England watch a meteor shower together.
France/England - though it can be read as either friendship or romance (or both)
Oneshot, 1,285 words
Honestly, this one just made the list because it’s got one of my favourite stupid endings to a fruk fic I’ve written. These two old farts will bicker about anything, and they’re both so smug whenever they feel like they’re ‘winning’ - it makes it even more fun to write about them cocking up.
      For A Muse of Fire: I’m cheating, because this is my F!England Nationverse collection, but all of its works are very dear to me one way or another. Particular favourites for me though are:
Sweet Dear Tempting Mischiefs: Whitehall, England. May, 1672. Two young people, Nations, so in  love they're ridiculous. And, fancy clothes be damned, romantically  having sex up against a tree.
Oneshot, 13,851 words
This is my fic where there is a lot of pretty clothing and flirting, and f!England and Portugal are very, very soft and smitten with each other. And also they go horse-riding and then fuck up against a tree.
One of my tags on AO3 for this fic is ‘there’s a war on in the background and you wouldn’t be able to tell’, and that’s about everything you need to know about this fic after the pretty clothes, outdoor sex, and fluff.
Queen of the Golden River:  Hong Kong, Peking, Calcutta, Suez, Paris and London. 1859-1861. It shouldn’t be so difficult to throw a grand Christmas party for everyone, should it, not if you are the glorious empire that rules the world?
Chapter 1 features F!England and France (implied fruk) with a young Hong Kong, in Hong Kong, discussing the Opium Wars and China
Chapter 2 features F!England and Scotland with a young Australia and New Zealand, in Victoria (Australia)
Chapters 2/?, 9,591 words
Another WIP, but I think both of the chapters that already exist stand well as individual timestamp pieces, and I think they’re worth a read for the historical dynamics at the time.
A stupid amount of research went into just these two chapters, and I think they’re great if you like imperialistic conniving, awful romances and seriously dysfunctional families.
      Fruits of Immortality: France, England, and apples through the ages.
France/England, also featuring young America and Sealand
Oneshot, 2,800 words
This is just a series of snapshots of England and France through the eons around the theme of ‘apples’ - originally written as a gift for suddenlyapples. XD;;; It’s very soft and sweet, and features young England and France bickering about a dragon that eats shoes. (One of my favourite arguments that I’ve written for those two.)
A Star Is Moving Somewhere: Elaine has unexpected leave for the holidays. Julia didn’t expect Elaine to offer to spend it with her.
F!England/F!Prussia, F!Germany, Germany’s dogs (F!England/France and America mentioned)
A human AU featuring: Christmas nonsense but if the background is a futuristic space opera? (F!England is the captain of a spaceship.) Open relationships (the fruk in this are engaged to be married as a power alliance, but F!England is dating/sleeping with F!Prussia, and France is sleeping with America. Everyone knows and consents to this).
Oneshot, 4,195 words
Sob, I just think this is a really good piece of my own writing? Plus the ~sexy moment~ descends into funny chaos, and I personally love wrecking a potential sex scene like that.
     The Little Fox and its sequel Kitsune-mochi
A supernatural AU based upon a switch of canon Halloween costumes between Japan and England.
Vampire!Kiku adapts to suddenly becoming a vampire, and befriends baby kitsune!Arthur.
I don’t have a wordcount for these because I’ve not crossposted them to AO3 (yet) but they’re both just short pieces of fluff.
      Nothing Can Hurt You Here: a spaport oneshot I wrote as a gift for Trevo and Lunie for their Game of Thrones AU. Lunie has since wiped her stuff, I think, but Trevo’s tag for the AU still exists.
Oneshot, no word count available
IDEK, I just like how I wrote about the scenery and their wordplay. Hedonists.
      Wealh: The sharp thegn Coenwulf has just wed an uncanny wife, everyone agrees, a strange, competent but difficult woman. How vexing it is then, to be the foolish slave that loves her.
A human AU set in 7th century Anglo-Saxon England
F!England/F!France with incidental F!England/Netherlands, Belgium, Liechtenstein, Monaco and a few others
Oneshot, 31,006 words according to my notes on this (but I haven’t counted again since then)
Head’s up, this one was written for an event where I was assigned to write a tragedy and it deals with some serious topics such as slavery, but it’s seventh century femslash, I’m still so proud of it? I wanna add more to this story before it ever makes it to AO3, but it’s very far down my priorities, and I am intensely proud of everything there is for it already. (Also I think the NedEng parts are hot. /SHRUG)
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