#hetalia poc
meliissa-art · 2 months
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Traigo oxidado el corazón
Me hace falta cuerda
Mi alma necesita transfusión
Sangre de mi tierra
Regreso a la cuna que me vio nacer
Regreso a este barrio que me vio correr
Lo que fui, lo que soy y seré, por mi isla bella
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itstokkii · 11 months
In light of recent events, I just want to say to all POC blogs in this fandom who feel exhausted and as if their voices aren't being heard, please keep fighting. It may be exhausting, but I believe this fandom will become more inclusive with your help, as well as anyone else who stands with POC and other minorities.
Though these recent issues are hard to listen to with every denial by blogs who do not consider the opinions of POC, change is coming as we continue to stand up for ourselves. Constructive criticism and highlighting issues that may be problematic is the springboard of the fandom's improvement and a step into a more inclusive space for everyone. Though, please remember that death threats and insults do not count as constructive criticism, and could be harmful.
Continue to listen to the opinions of minorities and POC in this fandom. If you worry about accidentally making something problematic, try your best to research and ask a blog that specializes in or is from that culture or region! It'll be a team effort to keep your work respectful and highlight your skills, as well as promoting new cultures. The best part is that you get to learn about the region or culture as you make content for them!
Since I've joined this fandom, I've tried my best to research and ask others in areas I don't know much of. The best way to create an inclusive, safe space for everyone in this fandom is to lend a hand and help others with information you specialize in, in exchange for asking others for help in making works focused on a region you don't know about as much.
Let's all work together as a team the best we can!
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peonycats · 4 months
just took a look at the aph greenland tag on ao3
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hws-indias · 1 year
“Sorry! I’ve been a little busy,”
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“Work never ends, you know? But I should have some time now!”
//It has been forever since I logged onto tumblr, and life has changed a lot. I finally graduated and currently am applying for colleges, but hopefully I should be able to post again. Anyways, please send some asks! 
//Also a close up because just look at this funky fella:
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mytale0 · 7 months
My friend group is basically a bunch of poc queer girls who support Palestine
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yaqamole · 2 years
The World - A Hetalia Fanzine
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I want to thank everyone for supporting this zine and for all the creators who are a part of it. You’ve made this a wonderful experience and I’m glad for this.
Now, the zine is officially up! It is on a pay what you want basis with the minimum being 5 dollars. Please remember that all money from this will be going to women’s education in Oaxaca!
I will post proof of that once sales have stopped and money is being sent to the charity.
You can purchase/donate HERE
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k1t-y · 8 months
strawberry francis
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also inspired by the corsican wildcat ("cat-fox" found in corsica, a region in france) because cat > rooster (the apparent french national animal). i want to start adding animals (and/or other aspects, like flowers and other identifying cultural features or practices) specific to the country in either real life or in fandom.
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armemeblogs · 1 year
India: Wtf is wrong with you?!
Pakistan: Wow, you could start with a “good morning”.
India: Good morning. Wtf is wrong with you?!
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picturespurple-68 · 11 months
A reminder for my blog:
In light of recent events, if you spread any sort of hate/disrespect to Asian people or their cultures (or associate with anyone who does), then you can fuck right off my blog. I don't need your unwashed, racist ass here, thanks.
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makwandis · 1 year
poc in hetalia fandom rite of passage: writing out a very delicately and kindly written several paragraph long reply to someone white persons dumb ass ahistorical and racist fucking headcanon posts
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Alfred and Charlotte (Bermuda's human name, idk why I picked it I just like it; her name is Charlotte-Anne bc yes William was one of those ppl to give his kid two first names) being twins has already stuck in my brain holy- I think it's here to stay.
I'm just very much enjoying this idea of Mr. 3.797 million Miles(2) and Ms. 20.54 Miles(2) being twins. I'm also enjoying it being common knowledge 10/10 everyone knows they're twins, yes everyone thinks it's weird, William is not answering questions at this moment. They were born in 1608.
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meliissa-art · 3 months
Mini comic: Ivan and Lena during the early 17th century
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[ID: Blonde man, teenager, with a ponytail with purple eyes and purple scarf. He has an expression of confussion as he thinks, "why does she laugh each time she sees me?". End ID]
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[ID: Drawing of an asian child laughing while covering her mouth with her hands. She wears a light blue dress, a silver headpiece, and has dark purple eyes and black hair. The text says "laughs" as a description of what she is doing. End ID]
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[ID: The same blonde man from the first drawing seen from a low angle, which is the asian kid's point of view. In this point of view his nose seems so big it covers almost all his face. End ID]
Lena (Yakutia/Sakha) still sees him like this hahahaha
Note: During this time, Russia was still the Tsardom of Russia. I am still learning about russian history. I based Ivan's outfit by a statue of a cossack and the colors the character usually wears in the anime. If it's not historically accurate, I apologize.
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peonycats · 1 year
did i just see someone hc South Korea to be the child of North Korea and America post-WWII
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chanseyirl · 1 year
when i was like 10-18 h*talia defined my life as in i kinned and basically absorbed the personality of the noncanon fanmade character 2p america so hard i Looked like Him and Acted Like Him in Real Life and i was very involved, modded a huge server for a bit, made art, roleplayed and wrote fanfics, etc n i see a lot of ppl coming back to the fandom as if it isnt an incredibly racist and gross piece of media 😕 srry i turned into an actual radical leftist who is decolonizing and pays attention to actual history and politics and i cant stand kawaii depictions of fascists and colonizers anymore
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oceanmonsters · 1 year
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so much to unpack here
the way normal people being like “damn, it’s rly gross and paedophilic to ship child characters with adults or make sexually explicit content about child characters” is being compared to Qanon/fascism.
the fact that they just casually drop “racial justice” in there as if early 2010s fandom spaces didn’t feature some of the most racist content you’ll ever see in your life with poc who spoke up mostly harassed & bullied out.
the fact that they just casually dropped racial justice in there to make it seem as if this golden magical era where everyone cared about racial justice was ended by those who opposed sexualisation of child characters in fandom.
the way fandom is being completely sincerely treated as the antithesis to fascism as if there aren’t so many fandoms that are literally centred around extremely racist/misogynistic/homophobic/literally straight up fascist content and swallowing their messages whole (are we gonna pretend like one of the major fandoms of like the early 2010s wasn’t fucking hetalia? alternatively known as hetalia axis powers?)
the way that fandom is being completely sincerely treated as the antithesis to fascism and having ever been “at the bleeding edge of sexual politics” at all honestly like please. touch grass. go to a gay bar. talk to actual people in the real world and stop treating fucking “multifandom and crossover content” as the last bastion of hope against the rising tide of fascism.
the fact that all of this is being reblogged/endorsed by an afaik OFFICIAL TUMBLR RUN BLOG??????? especially considering this post criticises the porn ban which was literally… implemented by tumblr? at least I assume it’s tumblr run considering it is basically the “today on tumblr” page (so even if it’s not run by tumblr it’s still being actively promoted to us by tumblr)
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cinnbar-bun · 27 days
Important Message
So... haha... been almost a month since I really did anything on this blog...
Listen, I'm gonna keep it straight to you guys, the months leading up to my hiatus were, to put it mildly, some of the most disgusting I've seen in my years as a fanfic writer and fandom enjoyer. This is a bit of a vent post, because, well, genuinely, I really hope the fandom can get better. I'm assuming most of the bad experiences I've had came through people a bit younger/newer to fandom or tumblr/fanfic culture in general. If you want just an update on the blog, I will be posting that shortly after this one.
I'm going to list out some of the shit I had to go through (that I am sure many fanfic writers, but more specifically, POC fandom creators go through). This is a long post. Yeah, also, this is obvious but TW FOR: Racism (including slurs), Islamaphobia, sexism, death threats, suicide threats, harassment, and just flat out horrible behavior.
I'm gonna go list some of the slurs I've been messaged or called, I'll even rate them for you guys <3:
Camel jockey: oooo, haven't heard that one before. get more creative, 3/10
camel fucker: nice, bit more crass, still not original. 3.5/10, just a bit funny
Terrorist: wow, dude, oh my gosh, I can't believe I've never heard that one living in post 9/11 America! Wow! 0/10 try harder
I also don't know where the assumption came from that I was a hijabi... I am not. Calling me a BMO? Pretty unique but sadly does not fit me. :(/10
This barely scratches the surface of what I have dealt with after having been open about my heritage. I'm sorry my very existence offends you and requires you to come out and send me shit about hoping my family dies or that my favorite character brutally hurts me. I have read your messages, and after long consideration, I have decided to no longer be Middle Eastern. Yep, that's right, guys, I am no longer MENA! Don't worry about my family history or anything, I just choose not to be that anymore. There, now you don't have to send me messages about hoping my family gets killed <3
Let's see what else we should tackle.
Should I tackle the fact that I've gotten messages from others to update a fic or answer a request or they will try to self harm or commit suicide?
Should I tackle the fact that some have tried to pressure or guess my sexuality (dude, what the fuck)?
Should I tackle how I got messages from others assuming my place because of my religion?
Should I tackle how I've gotten weird ass messages from people getting mad at me because how DARE I not write certain things during Ramadan?
Should I tackle those things?
I'll save you the hassle, no, I really shouldn't have had to, but fact is, the One Piece fandom has to be some of the worst I've seen and interacted with purposefully in a long time. And I was in the Hetalia fandom way back when. I should not have dumb shit about "liberating" me or oh, oh, oh, I love this one! People asking me if I have 'full armament haki' (I hope you genuinely, genuinely, get the fuck off your phone and go outside. Maybe have a walk and go talk to actual people.)
I've met some genuinely lovely, beautiful, and kind people. They truly are some of the most talented creators I've seen, and I'm grateful they chose to befriend me. The good does outweigh the bad. But the bad? Oh lord, I think you guys are genuinely some of the most disgusting pieces of shits I've ever had the displeasure of meeting.
Fanfic writers are not your slaves. I have a full time job, I have a full time life outside of my tumblr and my writing. I write when I want to because I like to write, and fanfic is a good creative outlet. You sending dumb messages crying about no updates after four days of me posting a new chapter, or threatening to harm yourself because of this is disgusting.
POC creators, especially, are not your fucking tokens. I'm not here to break down every racial stereotype for you. I'm not here to be sitting there mocked with crap I already hear in my outside life. And I sure as HELL am not here for fake support only to be called slurs and mocked the minute I don't do something for you. You are gross, you are not funny, you are genuinely a horrible person and if your ideal vision of humor boils down to the Instagram comments section, all I'm saying is, I'm not wishing you anything positive.
If you read this far, thank you. Truly. This was difficult to place and write down, but it needed to be said, because even to this day I still get messages similar to before.
Do better, One Piece fandom. Do better. Because you are only going to lose the fans who really care and who put effort into making things. How far can you harass fanfic creators, and especially POC ones, with your bullshit before you lose out on things?
I don't need to 'move on'. My identity and my existence is on a completely separate wave than so and so idk, liking a ship or a character. One is fake, and one is literally who I am. Putting false equivalencies to the issues within fandom because it makes you 'sad' is shitty.
I've only given you an idea of what I had to deal with. Now imagine this constantly by random people, both on tumblr and AO3, and then imagine that also in your daily life, on the media, in the news, in the music, on the radio, in the books- fucking everywhere. It's exhausting.
Just... fucking do better. Actually fucking listen to POC. I got nothing else to add that wouldn't just be me repeating the same shit I and others have tried to say.
Just be kind, for gods sake, and remember that creators are human, not the silly avatars we choose.
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