#hetalia Israel oc
altneuland · 5 months
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It's Hanukkah in a few days, which means.. it's time to talk about Hanukkah lore.
first, I want you to erase everything you know about hanukah.
Days Of Hanukkah
Hanukkah is known to be the celebration of light, happiness and victory.
But in reality, the story of hanukkah is much darker.
Kingdom of Hashmonai 
Human name: Daniel Ben Yosef
Human age: 18
religion: Cohenity Judaism (early Judaism)
National languages: Hebrew, Aramic, Greek
Independent: 104 BC - 63 AC (but actually 77 years)*
Greek takeover 
When Ancient Greece took over the area, they brought with them Hellenism, which already influenced Daniel. Daniel’s opinion about Hellenism was neutral. Most Jews didn’t mind Hellenism, as long as it peacefully coexisted with Judaism, and it did. 
Cohenity take over 
The Greek empire owed a lot of money to Rome, and the great Cohen’s brother back then, he knew. He offered the king of the areal Hellenic kingdom a lot of money in exchange for making him the Cohen. 
Judaism is highly against such a thing. Since then people noticed that they could buy the great Cohen’s seat and started paying more and more, which led to inside-wars between Cohens, Levians and activists. 
The Cohens who kept taking over the seats happened to be pro-Hellenism, which made Hellenism look bad in the eyes of the radical activists. It didn’t change Daniel’s opinion, though. But he did lose his trust towards his Cohens. 
Act i: Hanukkah 
The Hellenic oppression 
The internal wars inside Judea made them not pay taxes to Greece, which made the king very mad. He came to Judea and demanded the Jews to do very sinful things such as eat pig or work on Shabbat, as well as change their names and such things. 
Daniel was mad, and started a revolution. The revolution started from inside, against the current Cohen who brought that on him. 
Maccabee is a Jewish movement that started at those days, their goal was to liberate the Jews from Hellenic oppression. Hashmonai Family, a well known family of activists, started it. They led the revolution, but it mostly failed. 
When the Hashmonai family realized that the revolution failed, one of the members of this family physically went to the king and begged for liberation. The king got convinced and let the Jews have their own country. 
The Maccabees came back to Jerusalem and cleaned the holy temple from all the dirt and sins that the hellenics did. It made them and Daniel so happy they celebrated for 8 days, which is also the same 8 days of Hanukkah. 
Daniel felt like things are getting back to order, he's independent again. but the little he knew about what’s going to happen. 
Act ii: Hashmonai 
The civil war continues 
Hashmonai is now an independent kingdom, but the Hashmonai family decided to make Cohenity one with the royal family, the citizens of Hashmonai hate this decision, and revolt once again. 
Daniel started to rethink his own religion, and new groups of new religions started to pop, as an alternative to the current Cohenity Judaism. Christianity is one of them. Groups are starting to rewrite some books and write new books, the Talmud and  the Mishna. 
Daniel thought this situation is just temporary, and Levi soon will get his power in the temple again. But as soon as he thought so, Hashmonai massacred everyone who attempted to stop the royal family, including levians. Levi, the last tribe to exist as a tribe of Israel was killed, and it officially ended Daniel’s hope for the temple, his nation and his religion. 
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The changes in Judaism
When Levi Died, Daniel realized he won’t be able to continue in the same path anymore. A group of all groups, called haPrushim, were the leading group of the new Judaism. They believed that all Jews should be able to read, write and own their own Bible copy. Since then only a Levian could, but Levi is now dead. This is temporary, until a new alternative to Levi or if there are still Levians alive somewhere, they could take back their place once they can. 
Daniel preferred this alternative over the others, which helped this one become the main Judaism branch today. 
Act iii: Roman Empire 
Roman Empire stepping in
Now Rome is in charge, Rome doesn’t mind most of the wars inside Hashmonai, but when it becomes too brutal they step in. Rome wants quiet in their territory, that’s their strategy. They cross most leaders (Jesus is one of them), and it escalates as the Jews fight back more. 
Daniel wants this to end, so he goes to Rome and asks him to Assassinate the Hashmonai family. Rome is happy to do so, and he does. Hashmonai loses independence as it happens. 
Rome was mad with Daniel for being such a pain in the ass, so he started forcing him to do such things as eat pig and work on Shabbat, again. But this time Daniel was tired. He didn’t revolt.
Bar kochva revolt
Bar Kochva is a radical guy that Daniel, as well as most of the nation, didn't agree with. He worked alone. He required a small army and tried to fight the Romans. Daniel joined him; he thought he had nothing to lose anyways. But his mistake escalated everything really fast. 
End of ancient Israel
As a punishment Rome cut Daniel’s hair. He knew how much Daniel cares about it. He destroyed the temple, and then kicked Daniel away from Judea to Europe, he changed Judea’s name after a nation in the Bible which is Hebrew means “Invaders”. The name that Daniel used to call other ancient nations as a mockery is now against him. Also, Rome stole a lot of things from the temple, including the great menorah. 
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The days of Daniel as ancient Israel (before the kingdom of Israel to the after kingdom of Hashmonai) is now officially over. Daniel now started his Exile era, and after the exile era, the Modern era. 
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peonycats · 1 year
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from top to bottom, left to right:
South Korea and Japan (Unidentified anime, circa 1980s)
South Korea and Japan (Genga edition)
China (squints)
UAE, Bahrain, Jordan, Palestine (Shami on khaleeji violence)
Algeria (This was actually my first real attempt to redesign him!)
Algeria, Tunisia and Libya (Algeria and Libya have no idea what this is for)
Djibouti, Algeria, Israel, Ghana (booted out)
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anartificialsatellite · 8 months
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Shana Tova to you all! Wishing you and yours a sweet 5784.
Drawn as a gift for @currymuttonpizza who is wonderful and writes the best Austria ever, hands down.
To my friends who speak Hebrew: I apologize for my handwriting.
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desertsandsnstarrysky · 4 months
I keep getting followed and stalked by this one Hetalia user named /@ragdollpie and a few of their followers on my social media. (One called
/@borzoimuffin I believe as well.) anyways,
Please if you respect the Jewish community and those who have had family in general during the holocaust block them!
They called me a Nazi fetish artist and that is basically a spit in my face. And very rude.
Because they got this way because their s/o or partner came onto my instagram and proceeded to insult my art and so I did… I did slip and say their art is an “eyesore” but you guys legit threw hands first, you could’ve just left me alone and ignore or block me, but you had to throw that dig in!
Did you expect me to not defend myself? While you guys basically went and stalked around for me?
And not only that but they are trying to basically find me on many other platforms after I initially tried to sent me a message on instagram the first time but my DMs would not go through and basically when I sent them screenshots about how their behavior was disrespectful and how I felt horrible being called a Nazi, the messages ended up not showing up.
So I don’t know why their intentions to do so was simply for pure control of the fandom, to call out unnecessary and make drama or what, but I’m not the type to make any issues at all.
So please for me. Do not engage with them if you support Jewish folk. Because they clearly shown their “pro Palestine” support by calling me a Nazi Zionist. (I’m neutral about Zionism by the way.)
And they are stalking me online. Which is absolutely absurd… like just leave me alone. If you find them anywhere in any platform, just block and disengage! Oy!
I’m not even PROMOTING NAZI BEHAVIOR! This was all in reference to how the ship existed because I’ve SEEN OTHERS IN THE PAST IN THE FANDOM SHIP THEM.
And also, the ship has a deeply rooted and complex emotional meaning behind it that HAS TO DO WITH MY OWN TRAUMA! Where and anywhere am I showing Nazi fetish at? With one picture!?! Really? 💀 don’t tell me they’re one of those “antis”
I know one thing, they sure are obsessed with characters like Greece and Turkey, whom committed an atrocities to the Jewish folk for HUNDREDS OF YEARS! So let’s CLAP BACK AT THAT … HMMM HOW DOES IT FEEL TO DRAW CHARACTERS THAT AUTOMATICALLY ANTISEMITIC BY DEFAULT?
but guess what??? I didn’t come find you and stalk you, and called you disrespectful things because you draw problematic history… You DID 🫵
I have enough brain power in one brain cell than in the amount your entire head and your little wolf hunting posse’s heads to know that if something on Hetalia bothers me and causes me discomfort, to block it!
But you know what? I could sit down and decipher this down with you, piece by piece and you still wouldn’t listen or even be civil about it. So I’m done! Now LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE!
Oh and if you have any fans who have had family killed in the holocaust, you need to be blocked by them! They need to really know how much of a antisemitic person you are! Disgusting! Do NOT CALL ME A NAZI!
I don’t give a fuck who you think you are… do not call a Jewish person a Nazi!
//slams fists on table over and over again
Do not call a Jewish person a Nazi! Do not! Do not! Do not!
I don’t care what the fuck you do with your life… do NOT CALL ME, A JEW A NAZI!
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hws-em · 1 month
I drew my Israel OC for the first time, normally she has plaits but I can't draw plaits for shit so she's got her hair down
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zooweemama143 · 6 months
i don't do this often especially since i'm not that active in this fandom anymore, but for the love of god i hope yall are treating current world events RESPECTFULLY and TACTFULLY
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cuntressgrim · 1 month
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itstokkii · 3 months
it's only been a month and we've already spotted two(2) fascists(one a zionist, one a nazi) in this fandom who try to get by making an "Israel Chan" OC with AI to do the dirty work and make art for this person because apparently they couldn't be bothered to draw instead of using a system well known for stealing from artists online, shipping it with Germany(???), getting pissed because they said they shipped their OC with Hungary on the hetalia subreddit causing the OP of the post abt Hungary as a character blocking said fascist due to discomfort, which results in them deciding to make their own subreddit??? as they continue to rant and rave abt the fandom being "antisemitic towards them" for hating them in posts with multiple fonts and sizes like they're stuck in a steel room for days with nothing but a padlock diary and a box of crayons. bonus deal because they're also actively transphobic and race fetishizing on their twt acc.
(helpful tip: the reason why we're mad is because you support a genocidal(pushing out, killing palestinians, so much more horrifying things), settler colonial regime's existence! not because you're jewish!)
and then on the other hand you have someone hiding under the guise of "I love drawing historical art and fashion of specifically Germany and Austria during this specific period of time!" and drawing both with the iron cross on their uniforms for "historical accuracy," with their pfp being a german soldier from a specific time period...
what a fandom lolol
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mcnjushcge · 6 months
hetalia fans have committed EGREGIOUS crimes but the fact that hetalia israel ocs were ever a thing (are still a thing?) is by far one of the fandom’s worst sins. people were drawing anime twinks in idf uniforms and everyone didn’t know anything about palestine back then so it was fine. one of the most horrific hetalia fics I ever stumbled upon in my life was a fic about all the arab countries ganging up on israel and ALFRED was portrayed as this hero defending him and the author was just shamelessly racist in the notes
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pinned post
main: @catboygirlboss
hello! this blog was created to be an original character bracket tournament (originally called the-ultimate-oc-tournament), but i became burnt out and decided to call it off. now i’ve rebranded into a blog dedicated to oc appreciation! i will reblog posts about people’s ocs to showcase them!
if you’d like your oc featured on this blog, you can:
tag this blog in your oc post,
add the tag #blorbo harvest to your oc post,
or submit a post directly to me!
if you choose to submit your post to my inbox, i recommend sending an ask saying you did so, because submissions don’t appear in my notifications and i don’t often go to my inbox tab on any of my blogs, so it could get lost ;^^
also!!! you may only share your OWN ocs with me!!! do NOT submit a post or tag a post with someone else’s ocs!!!
whitelist & blacklist
types of ocs i will feature:
characters made for original stories
characters that may not be attached to a story but are still original
furry ocs/fursonas
self inserts
characters made for other people’s original stories
characters made for existing media in general
characters that developed from au versions of existing characters that somehow evolved to the point where they’re so different from their source that you changed their names and adopted them
this list is nonexhaustive i just can’t think of everything
types of ocs i will NOT feature:
hp ocs
south park ocs
hetalia ocs
aot ocs
dsmp ocs (other mcyt themed ocs are fine i just hate dream lmao)
paw patrol ocs
oc posts made with stolen/traced art (commissioned art is fine! just credit the artist you commissioned! and if you use an art base please credit the artist and link to their base in your post!)
this list is also nonexhaustive my memory is trash
types of oc posts i’ll reblog:
intro posts
art posts
incorrect quotes
fanfiction (or whatever you call oc writing)
physical crafts (sculptures, crochet/knitting/anything like that, themed jewelry, etc)
ocs made in gacha
i can’t think of anything else. get creative with it if you want!
racists, sexists, transphobes, homophobes, antisemites, islamaphobes, you know the drill
prolife/anti abortion
anti endo (our system is traumagenic we're just open minded)
t*rfs, r*dfems, transmeds, etc
anti MOGAl, anti mspec lesbians, anti he/him lesbians, anti multigender, anti man in any way, basically if you exclude any gender or queer identity, get the fuck out
MAPs/pedos and their apologists
proshippers/anti antis
pro israel/anti palestine
dream supporters and HP supporters
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altneuland · 5 months
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some artwork I did for Hanukkah, I imagine this scene happening during the jewish wars, which happened during and after Hanukkah situations
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peonycats · 1 year
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from top to bottom, left to right:
Turkey, Uzbekistan (Uzbekistan goes on Turkey’s podcast)
Lebanon, Palestine (The dress leb is wearing came frm one of zuhair murad’s collections btw)
Singapore (Oh you’re dominant and sterile? Why don’t you make sure your paper work is laminated and sterilized?)
Bahrain (subscribe to her channel right now 😡😡)
Israel, Singapore (some art i drew for a meme lol)
Bahrain, Azerbaijan, Iraq (This is so old so that’s why like Iraq and Azerbaijan look weird haha)
Madagascar (This was an Instagram art trade for a mutual’s beautiful madagascar oc!!!)
Aztec Empire, Mexico (Insta art trade for @dahliamorena​‘s lovely mexico oc and aztec oc!!)
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one0p1nk · 5 months
What’s your take on some of the Middle East countries in Hetalia?
*shy mode,,,* hehe,,, (long rambling below;;)
Middle East countries are technically a whole new world for me, I personally don’t know them all much along with South and Southeast Asian countries!!! However, it would be very fun to imagine Hetalia gets more expanded to also include the rich history of its region,,, I can see how some are very developed in architecture or techniques- Their presence in Hetalia might benefit for my world history knowledge/lh
I really wish there is more Hetalia content related to them too- I’m also rn drawing a Saudi Arabia OC in honor of a friend :D (i’m looking at you rn Klai/ih). I only know a few things about some of them…. I keep remembering names like Yemen, Turkeye, Saudia Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Israel, Palestine,Qatar(is always World Cup that reminded me-/ih), and Iran, despite not knowing much about their history(I wish I can know something that is WAY deeper than the Camp David Event and the Israel-Palestine conflict surface part;; ill rather talk about the cultural aspects overall)
Overall, I may not be very knowledgeable about the countries, but I am actually fascinated by their tour spots, traditional clothings, and the music! Literally got attracted to them since the moment I started watching Geography Now videos lol
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desertsandsnstarrysky · 4 months
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leopard Israel! Because we need a cute cat girl in hetalia...
And she's so ferocious in this form! Gao!
(i wonder if Tumblr will allow me to keep the kitty Israel on here...
I've been painfully trying to work on these whenever I'm able to charge my old phone, because let's face it... I hate working on my iPad for artwork...I've had these sitting in my old phone since thanksgiving and I just never finished them... These take way too fucking long..)
But yeah... Miau Miau! Gao! Queen of leopards, let's fucking go! 🐆💙🤍
(which outfit by the way do you like better? One is way more risque~ totes can see that kitty fluff downstairs..)
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hws-em · 4 days
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israel lore
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alex-is-a-venti-simp · 4 months
saw someone make a hetalia Israel oc I want to kmssss
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