#hes also short cause i said so
bugtoast · 1 year
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Because of what’s happening with Reddit rn, i got this idea in my brain and it would not leave until I sent my cringe (complimentary) out into the internet, so, here y’all go
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 year
new TSATS prediction based entirely off the interview from the UK Rick Riordan newsletter
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#pjo#nico di angelo#riordanverse#tsats#the sun and the star#this isnt spoilers this is just a silly#i do find it funny whenever people say Nico is Catholic though cause we dont have any actual indication of that other than he's From Italy#he doesnt have catholic guilt he has internalized homophobia. those are different things#listen his mom was a clear-sighted mortal who had TWO children with the god of the underworld who also was implied to help raise said kids#nico ain't catholic. this boy has never been to CCD. < source: i went to CCD /neg#however im already taking TSATS as fanon so i will laugh if Nico is randomly confirmed catholic#now Will? Will i could see. Will raised catholic? yes. Nico raised catholic? no.#in my brain Nico was raised with like. his parents having mixers in their parlor room with Maria's socialite friends and misc chthonic gods#like. Nico's babysitter growing up was Menoites (herdsman of the cattle of the underworld) type situation#seriously though i can only think of 3 details that would vaguely imply Nico is raised catholic and that are:#one instance of him helping Percy pick out a christmas gift for Annabeth (though everything in that short story was ooc tbh)#(and also Nico didnt actually ever imply he specifically was celebrating christmas)#two: Percy describing the situation in Sword of Hades as ''spending christmas in the underworld'' (nico is just kind of there)#and thirdly again: Nico's just from Venice#like. did he go to a religious school growing up? possibly! doesnt mean he was that religion though just means his school was#and even then we actually dont know if he wasn't homeschooled before moving to america#in which case yeah figures the like 3 months he spent in Westover would teach him random outdated stuff#they needed to send him to a sketchy school cause the di angelos dont have any records and if their material is outdated#then that's less likely to mess with Bianca and Nico's wiped memories#but demographically speaking its entirely likely that the entire larger di Angelo family arent christian anyways#everybody with misc varied headcanons about the demographics of the di angelo family i give u a little kiss on the forehead#''but what about Nico learning the wrong version of that one myth'' see again: could have learned it at Westover#and also. tbh far more likely that it was a 1930s thing than a religious thing#cause if we're talking staunch catholocism i dont think they'd be teaching him much greek mythology at all#anyways this has been: im far too amused by the phrases 'that boy has never been to CCD' and ''Nico has Become Catholic'
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faunandfloraas · 4 months
No but actually coming from someone with fine wavy/curly hair who had some hair loss and lots of issue I really and truly wish I could sit down and talk with Chan because he really needs someone who understands curly hair to get him some products and show him what to do and he also needs to stop using heat. Like no straightening. No hair drying. Or at least very sparsely.
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harvestmoth · 1 year
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cursing my friend
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sysig · 1 month
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Giving nicknames, testing boundaries (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Helix#Max Vyer#Dexter Favin#How /did/ Max come to like him so much in just two years? I have my theories :3#More Teen Max!! Nothing has changed I just continue to love him lol#Two years is a pretty quick turnaround for such a stubborn kid - though I guess for a child two years can be a long time haha#Went from just hating Dex's guts of trying to drive him away and make him quit and hating being kept on a short leash#Does make me wonder how much of him kissing him was an impulse - I mean obviously lol but how much was genuine attraction!#Certainly seemed like a lot :0 Even upon being rejected he couldn't give it up! Still took him another several years to act again tho haha#I mean - in the text lol who knows what they got up to in the time skips hehe ♪#AnyWay lol - them getting used to each other of slowly working into tolerating each other#Max said something in one of his wake-ups that as I read it implied Dexter was something of a polyglot?? Which - love that ♪#If not conversationally-fluent then at tourist-fluent y'know I think that's great <3#Which got me thinking about other languages and insults and curses haha#I like the idea of Dex only really strong-arming Max about Actual deviant behaviour - something that puts himself or others at risk#Harmless little things like any teen would do - like name-calling! Haha - just get a kind of neutral ''Huh''#As well as interest <3 Not an outright dismissal not a lecture but at least the appearance of investment!#Considering Max's home life I can't imagine he had all that many people genuinely (or fake) interested in his shenanigans#All about suppressing the symptoms more than rooting out the cause it's amazing what just showing a little interest can do#I also just think it's cute of Max getting away with something silly and harmless but totally biting and mean! <in his mind haha#Silly lad <3
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sqlmn · 9 months
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Sebastian (pink hair) and Cornella (blue hair) meet as children and realize "ah, that's the kid my parents told me to avoid because of business reasons" and immediately decide "hey, we're going to be best friends and not fight". Which... in the long run helps a lot in regards to their parents companies because now the parents have to play nice around their kids.
long history below lol
So they're just bffs throughout their youth and a couple years before their high school graduation, Sebastian spots a kid with messy hair who looks really nervous. Since it's early in the year, maybe the kid needs help finding somewhere? So he goes over to offer to help him to class buuuuut the guy flinches and runs away. So Sebastian is ready to report to Cornella at lunch but she slams her hands down on the table saying "I JUST SAW THE CUTEST GUY EVER". And Sebastian puts his concerns on hold until he realizes they're about to talk about the same guy.
The duo then decide "operation befriend shy guy" and spend like an entire school year getting Matis to warm up to them. Good! Except now they're seniors and STILL both pining for the underclassman (only a grade below) and they have an agreement to not pressure Matis into any weird situations about picking between them.
Matis and Sebastian like to draw though and so one day as Sebastian is vibing and sketching Cornella while stealing glances at Matis, he decides to put little hearts around her head. It's fine, it's not weird, it's totally cool. And Matis sees and comments he must really like her and while he DOES really like her it's .... not quite like that. So he laughs it off.
The two graduate and then start to train at their parents companies while attending college and the years go on. They still sometimes think about Matis and go "wonder how he's doing" "wonder if he's more outspoken now" "wonder if he'd remember us" because they're both very normal about the lingering crush they have. Cornella walks into the building she works at one day and is going directly to her office in hopes no one sees her since she's supposed to be off when she hears her name.
"I'm not here, you didn't see me and you REALLY didn't see me if my dad's asking" is her immediate response but the guy's like 'oh, sure, understood. i am interviewing someone who said he went to school with you' and so she looks over and is just. Floored. Yup, still nervous looking, definitely remembers them, he's doing fine, and he's apparently now working at her company. Fabulous.
She does say hello and then nervously excuses herself to go to her office before anyone else sees her but hey see you around good to see you bye haha... and calls Sebastian with "He's hot now" with no context. So he asks who and she's like "oh only the cutest boy to ever plague our brains for years" and Sebastian is just "wait wait, Matis ? ? YOU SAW HIM? WHERE? HELLO? Why was I not invited to see him? Why did you not video call so I can see him? WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE'S HOT" and then they scheme how to actually meet up and involve Matis. And they agree while he's definitely handsome dealing with other people, the fact he still blushes and looks nervous around them and looks to them for approval is the absolute cutest thing on the planet.
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Hhhh just been crying about the fact that there's literally no happy ending for Nine.
A bittersweet one maybe; with him accepting the fact that he, along with the entire shatterverse, will cease to exist once the shards are put back together. But it'll most likely end up with him in an antagonistic role and all that because of none other than Sonic.
I mean, Sonic is the sole reason Nine exists in the first place (the whole ordeal of shattering his world 'n jazz). Than he also went in and gave Nine hope he has no way of following up on, because Nine cannot live in a perfect world with blue skies and green palm trees and sand beaches and Sonic by his side as his big bro without having to be erased from existance. Nine (and everyone else from the shatterverse really) will have to 'die' to bring those things back.
Who knows, maybe afterwards Knuckes would feel a really strange urge to put on a pirate hat and go sailing the seas for a couple of months and hunt sum booty. Maybe Tails would build himself some additional mechanical limbs just cause he felt like it. Maybe Amy would want to go out and camp in a jungle for a while and end up taming a giant ancient god bird while she's at it (hey hey!! Someone write a fic or a one shot like this I beg-)
And as I said, Nine could accept his fate with a pained smile, but he'd most likely use the fact that he's the only one who understands the shards as a leverage against anyone trying to "fix" the shatterspace (Sonic and Shadow) and also maybe probably will snap for good after his absolute isolation on the Grimm will get to his head. If anything, he'll probably get worse before he gets better.. if he even gets better at all.
Because the writers really said that if we wanted Tails that has inexplicable amouts of trauma and pain, they were gonna give us a Tails with inexplicable amounts of trauma and pain damn it-
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figofswords · 1 year
The Batman fandom has ruined the words replacement, coffee, cereal, green, pit and so many others lol. Every time I hear those words I just have a fight or flight response 😭
DONT even get me started. you should hear the sigh I make every time I see REPLACEMENT. like yes hate how are so many people so wrong
#whenever im writing Jason im always like. very carefully wording my away around having to use the word at all#bc it’s become such a fuckin Thing#like Guys that’s not How People Talk!!!!!!!!!#also ok last week I said I was gonna write out a short essay on some gripes I have about Jason characterization in the fandom#and like half of it has to do with ‘pit madness’ which. which. hrghfks#basically tldr about it. it’s some fucking bullshit that isn’t really like. canon supported#like ‘pit madness’ is a temporary thing immediately following immersion#and it’s THEORIZED that ra’s al ghul is bonkers evil bc of centuries of compounded use#but Jason went in ONE TIME and it wasn’t a full resurrection#and more importantly I THINK ITS A FUCKING COP OUT#oh here’s a deeply morally complex character who’s arc is defined by his tragedy and anger#what if uhhhh all of these complexities were caused by fuckin pit mind control or some shit and ACTUALLY he’s a good guy uwu#like WAY TO BE BORING I GUESS. GODDAMN#I don’t have evidence to support this but I suspect the whole concept came from morrison’s Jason arc#like as a way to explain why he’s completely off the rails there#but actually what you should do is ignore morrison’s arc bc morrison doesn’t know how to write Jason#ANYWAYS. Batman fandom is so annoying I’m gonna have to stop looking at it and just like#live in mt version of reality where I’m approaching comics from an increasingly scholarly angle#and read the good runs of the comics#and ignore whatever the fuck is going on with the Batman fans#asks#anonanonanonanah
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mothram · 7 months
#diana's music diary#good morning#i slept early#it was nice#very cozy#I only slept like 4 hours though cause I had to get up for a delivery... also I'm posting this a couple of hours after waking...#as is becoming usual for these... I've been kind of vibing to music pretty much...#anyway yesterday was good but so exhausting... played lethal company with friends like I'd said which was really fun!! was a little bit of#process getting my bearings in it since I'd seen maybe one second of gameplay before but after a day or two in game I picked it up I'd say!#I mostly just ran away when I saw something scary but I tried scanning a monster and it opened the door which made me scream once ahaha#after that I was a lil tired but we ended up having a session of the project moon ttrpg I'm in kind of out of nowhere#it was short but v fun to play Frei again he kind of completely shut down the distortion singlehandedly which was surprising considering he#has no combat capability.. incapacitated them and read its mind which helped us figure out what we needed to do to resolve the distortion#-peacefully! my partners character did the actual resolving cause Frei is terrified of going near anything as gross as that distortion was#(it was a giant gross greasy burger monster. who was just bob from bobs burgers. he ended up in a polycule with linda and teddy after.)#Frei also read my partners characters mind a bit and maybe upset him a little by mentioning his daughter (her character is divorced lol)#anyway yeah... I was tired after both of those so I kinda got in bed and passed out quickly while listening to music...#idk what I'll do today I'm a bit sore still and I'm v sick and tired rn so I'll probably just relax a bit...#let's make today nice and cozy and good... love u friends thank u for reading <3
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frogphase · 7 months
Where is the line between communicating how you feel openly but also not always being the person chasing resolution
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jamiebluewind · 3 months
Oh my god could I stop being sick please? It's been two freaking months and I got shit to do!
#nasty bronchitis that ending up putting me in the hospital#I'm behind in doing real life things but also just so freakin tired#i wanna do dumb tumblr stuff#but i already have a post wrote up with links to all the info on shubble/wilbur situation so people don't have to look 50 different places#BUT I also don't wanna make every post I have time to make about... THAT#THAT'S DEPRESSING#but i said i would and I'm a person of my word so...#it's been over a month since I've been able to make a sound#you'd be surprised how bad it is sensory and emotion wise to not be able to laugh or make sounds when you cry or groan in frustration#I'm in PT too because I was so weak by the time I got in the hospital that I couldn't stand#was literally coughing so hard and so constantly that I couldn't keep down food#lost about 25 lbs in 3 weeks according to the doctors (I'm overweight but that is still a LOT for anybody that's not exercising to lose)#going to push myself today because my hair has gotten so thick and long that it's causing too many sensory issues#also a bit of gender dysphoria just to keep it interesting#the person who cuts my hair is aware of how sickly I am and is having me come in when she hasn't been doing a hair treatment before me#still there's a risk of an asthma attack or just collapsing from the short walk#literally do not care#my hair is thick and hot and too long#let me be an androgynous gremlin!#also my cat says hi (he is slapping my phone like No phone love me NOW!!! XD )#bluewind talks
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junranghae · 1 year
I think I give off very helpless energy, the employees always race to help me at airports/train stations/bus terminals
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thesquidkid · 1 year
I just found out that my grandmother (and other family members, but finding that out hurt less) does not believe in climate change
Yesterday at dinner, my aunt was asking me about the different masters I was looking at (she's like one of the very few supportive ppl in my family, and one of the few who actually seems interested in my studies)
So I told her that I was looking at master programs regarding systems and control, and more precisely, at courses that were related to meteorology, climate, and environment. My aunt was asking me questions, it was a fun little conversation, and I got overexcited talking about weather patterns and the importance of research (I have been obsessed with weather since I was 6, and the first job I ever wanted to do was meteorologist)
And that point, my grandma turned to us and said something along the lines of "it's not real, you kids just invented it to annoy your elders"
This single sentence was like an arrow straight to the heart. Because she then went on about how ridiculous it was that climate would change, that we only had different cycles and that this was simply one of them.
Maybe I'm overreacting, but this is just the drip too much. Whenever I talk about my interests, I get shut down because "there are more important things in life than mathematics".
From the ages 6 to 12 I kept telling ppl I was going to be a meteorologist. My grandmother laughed at me every time, saying "it's cute to have dreams". Now I know she never believed that my interest were real.
Anyway, I'm off to another family meal, and I'll make sure to not mention climate, the weather, or mathematics.
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mystifiedmess · 1 year
ok ok ok ash, i hope you’re ready for my HCs—i can’t seem them being as good as u bc u set a high and but i’m gonna give it an honest effort.
1. ambivert leaning towards introvert? u prefer having a smaller group of friends that u can let loose w & u social battery takes time to recharge.
2. not a big fan of alcohol? like—u try it, gives u the ick & the you’ll nurse the same drink for a long time.
3. u were the smart kid in school—slightly overachieving, liked sitting in the front, had the answers type
4. you’re good at like. crafts and stuff? all that DIY stuff—bracelets, jewellery, photo frames idk
5. not a big sports person but swimming is good stuff
6. u have a high pain tolerance (this has to be true bc what u told me about ur tattoo—)
7. ur parents r pretty chill w you and u get a lot of only child benefits but ur also not like. a spoiled brat?
8. a rambler!!! can talk for days about anything & everything, interspersed w so many tangential stories & events
dude you said you don't see them being as high as mine and then having the first one dead on correct is most i didn't study for test but topped class behaviour jsjdh
1- my irl friends have this ratio that is just my speaking and interacting with people is inversely proportional to the no of people. it doesn't matter if these are people i have known all my life. like at max i can stay at my bffs house for 5 hours then i Just start getting the hives and it's too much
2-ohkay so i haven't gotten hammered yet (haven't had the chance, but so far my experience was that i liked it enough, i am cautious with it tho but that's more getting caught by family ke karan wala scene)
3-i wish lmao why do people have this perception (you're definitely not the first) but i was an above average kid till like 10th. i had something of a harry scene like where he's smart but he doesn't have studious habits so it didn't really translate to grades you know. the sitting in first bench thing is slightly true (i want to sit infront at time cause i can't see past my hands without glasses,my eyesight is just the most whack thing)
4- oh yeah this is dead on like i didn't do jwellery but i did make a lot of other creative stuff as a kid loved arts and crafts. I'm that stationary friend even now my pouch is 1/2 kgs 🥲
5-ooh so i love running (like track/relay races and stuff) i love cycling just the feel of being so fast that the wind just kisses your face and you get the temporary relief from heat or the world even becomes blur i love that feeling
also love swimming as well tho but besides that don't like any games that involve balls so you're right in a way
6- yeah you're right about it, even rn i ahve a injury which i thought i was adequately describing to mom but turns out just sayin I'm okay and it's not that bad when it is bad doesn't work who knew 🙃
7- bhai so you're dead on for half that I'm not a spoiled brat (also does anyone else physically get the ick when they have to compliment themselves in any form and even if it's a very true statement)
but while i am an only child. my parents are bihari which idk if you've heard about them but they have a reputation ™
they are the strictest species to be on this planet and that's why i am Machiavellian and just like a liar ™
8- did you by chance speak with my friends cause!!!!!! i get this so so so much i can't be on a topic for more than 5 mins. i could start with history of earth and will somehow reach to the depths of feminism and it's reality in india to some meta discussion about a character
I'm that one friend that's just like- so what topic were we in again
the other friend : which one of these 18 topics are you talking about
over-all dude you've got a pretty good idea about me 🫂
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agnimybeloved · 2 years
the scene right before lir & schmendrick’s normal heterosexual conversation where lir yells about how the unicorn is His and it says “he looked like haggard” makes me SCREAM. i do believe him when he said he would be content just watching her from afar his whole life but my god did he grow up with the most fucked and possessive dude ever he definitely needs time to unlearn that behavior and being allowed to follow her would've just enabled it. schmendrick was right to boss him around 👍
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thebuttsmcgee · 2 months
so. um. 👉👈
hi guysies.
Ig I should just say like. Hi
I haven't been posting here as much cause. Idk. Might be depression? I keep thinking its cause I've been so busy, which also wouldn't be not untrue, but these past, like, 3 weeks I think so far? I've had some free time but I haven't cause. I dunno, then again, I haven't been doing too much in general? I gues, besides very mandatory things, hell I've even been lacking in my regular skyrim hours of playing.
That, and as said, I get super melancholic when I remember just how sad and bittersweet it is that t0h is. Actually legit over. The show and experience, that is.
Oh all that and also becuz my headphones broke! Fuck! That's like number 2 in my bare necessities for when I post, do almost anything really! It's seriously been painful this past month going without headphones holy shit. Dude I've been scratching at the bit for some relief for headphones, I NEED music legitimately. Even right now, as I'm typing this on my phone, my music is on low levels.
But yerp. Its been. Rough. Really rough. I really do appreciate yall, everyone of yall. Have a sweet week everyone, ✌️!
#the butts chronicles#ogh but yea. been rough.#as said I have no idea if we'll keep this house cause man shits been fucked#uhhhh. lets see. recently my sister got into a fairly nasty argument with her husband since they were both drunk and hes a bit of a. hm#quick to being mad guy? I spose? but yea they made up and he actually apologized to me and my family for that so. its okay?#OH YEA FUCK LOL a few weeks ago fuckin tecksas got hit nasty with a hurricane and GUYS. I FREAKED OUT SO BAD LOL#cuz there was hail with the rain but since. I dont think we even ever experienced hail here I was scared that my ceiling roof broke again#and that it was the rain leaking to my room ceiling and was about to burst my ceiling so I legit started hyperventilating and panicking#with like. short and heavy breathing and almost crying badly until I went to look outside and saw hail and only slightly calmed down#oh but yea it was nasty lol. then the next day almost the entire block lost power and apparently sparks were happening cause fallen trees#uhhh. lets see. hmmm. OH OH RIGHT DAMN I FORGOT WE GOT A PUPPY LOL#we've gotten a lil pup all the way back from dec? iirc and she is now older and a shit lol shes in her teething phase and whatnot#still p cute tho and very puppyish. oh yea also during dec our power went out and ogh man dec was so freezing literally.#almost as bad as the one from. uhhh I cant remember the exact year but I remember it being within these past 4 years at least cause I read#a t0h fic during it lol. oh yea speaking of. we also changed our light company and damn. its been not bad so far! we had to pay up to 300#in our old company and now we dont even get to 200 so far! hope Im not jinxing it! hmm oh did I already say before that I had to get a new#phone? cause I did and I did not enjoy it lol. had it for a while and now and its arguably worse cause no damn headphone plug-in#I think I did mention this but in case. I did finish counseling. well more accurately they required payments again since things and whatnot.#I think? I mentioned the stuff I got for my bday and chmisas. I got mostly neat stuff. I guess. one of them has still yet to arrive lol#uhhhh. hrm. I did get Mr. Martinet's autograph as a present! hrmmm#my other sister got another surgery a while back and its been relatively the same since. hmm. my only other living grandparent passed away#me and my ex got into a. not great argument cause mistakes and whatnot. raccoons in the attic thats hopefully taken care of for now#aaaaand the plushes I ordered a damn near year ago have been technically canceled cause of unfortunate circumstances for the creator#who just kinda. posts things now lol ig.#but yea. lots. holy shit guys. lots has happened. fuck man. I think Ive been way more tired than I thought.#not to mention the past weeks of just. reflecting. man#uhhh#long post#LOL i gues#but yerp.
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