#henry deserves jail for that
threesonsofyorks · 1 month
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"And now, his monarch's sweating face thrust into his, he remembers something his father told him: if you burn your hand, Tom, raise your hands and cross your wrists before you, and hold them so till you get to the water or the salve: I don't know how it works, but it confuses the pain, and then if you utter a prayer at the same time, you might get off not too bad. He raises his palms. He crosses his wrists. Back you go, Henry. As confused by the gesture — as if almost relieved to be stopped—the king face away and so relieving him, Cromwell, of that bloodshot stare, of the indecent closeness of the popping blue whites of the king's eyes. He says, softly, 'God preserve you, Majesty. And now, will you excuse me?' (Mantel, H. 2012. Bring up the Bodies. 276-277)
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tonigoodkind · 2 years
can’t wait for s3 to see gretchen and her crew on the ground in fetal position getting the shit kicked out of them by 15 teenagers
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sanasanakun · 2 years
I’m a “Henry only started killing animals to achieve a sense of power due to the lack of control he had in his abusive household, killed his family out of a sense for survival because he found out his mother was going to send him to Brenner, and most importantly, was only capable of the carnage he committed during the Hawkins Lab massacre due to his mind being completely broken down after twenty plus years of imprisonment filled with constant psychological torture and trauma along with ACTUAL PHYSICAL torture, so much so that he literally projected himself and all his self worth onto an ACTUAL EIGHT YEAR OLD as a way of coping with everything” truther, but no one is ready to hear it 👀💁‍♀️
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swannposting · 10 months
this writing shit is easy!
(shoves one of my main characters into a cargo hold for several chapters)
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dykeaegir · 1 year
i’m finally watching quinton reviews’ victorious videos and i have a Lot of thoughts about this show now
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travellermp3 · 1 year
F/O Songs #10
Oh, I remember you driving to my house
In the middle of the night
I'm the one who makes you laugh
When you know you're 'bout to cry
I know your favorite songs
And you tell me 'bout your dreams
Think I know where you belong
Think I know it's with me
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#ship.txt#🌻🐴#henry's songs🌻#there are spoilers here in the tags#okay so this is very Season Two Core for us#because that's when his on/off gf comes back (I literally can't remember her name because she sucks)#and I'm not saying she sucks because she's a love interest. she stole 40k from him#but yeah. it's very obvious to ANYONE LOOKING that Diana?? is that her name??#idk and idc.#anyway!!#it's very obvious to anyone looking that she doesn't deserve Henry#and here's where my emotions and feelings for henry started to become...confusing#because at first I thought I was just overprotective of him because he's a good friend#but later down the line; after I've seen them together enough; jealousy really starts bubbling in me#but of course I don't realize it's jealousy. because I suck at identifying my own emotions#I only start to realize that what I feel for him is romantic after gf-what's-her-face leaves and Henry is arrested#I come to that realization when he's in jail#and then HENRY realizes that he likes me romantically after confronting Diana (that's what I'm calling her) about his money#because he realizes that no; he didn't deserve to be treated like that; and then he comes to the realization that hey; maybe he likes ME#I mean I would admit that I had a tiny crush on him since we originally met#but I always treasured our friendship too much to confess it to him#it's a very 'they fell first but he fell harder' kinda deal#WOW. I did not mean to ramble this much#no clue if this makes any sense but oh well#kudos to whoever makes it to the bottom of this#Spotify
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therainscene · 1 year
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It’s blink-and-you’ll-miss-it, but the Alan Turing poster really tells us so much about Will that I consider it to be a significant piece of foreshadowing for S5.
First, let’s dissuade ourselves of the notion that Will chose Turing for his hero project for nerd reasons -- Will’s preferred flavour of nerdery is escapist fantasy, not computer science. He doesn’t know what an IP address is and the first thing he thinks of when he hears modem noises is a movie he likes.
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No, he chose Turing because he admires him for being a gay man who accomplished so much in his short life.
On one hand, that’s pretty heart-warming -- the fact he’s willing to identify with other gay men and look up to them as role models shows us he’s making good progress in accepting his identity. On the other hand, it’s heart-breaking, because Turing’s story is not a happy one -- he was caught having a sexual relationship with a man and forced to choose between jail or chemical castration. He chose castration.
I remind you: Will identifies with this guy.
Will is growing up under the twin specters of AIDS and homophobia and likely assumes he’s destined to die young too. He’s been abused and bullied so much, I imagine he’s heard and internalized it all: that he deserves to die, that he’s disgusting, that he’ll never be fulfilled in life.
So when puberty begins crawling its way inside him and implants those shameful desires that make gay men so worthy of abuse... he chooses castration.
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For all the sad pining he does in S4, we never really see Will express desire for Mike -- he never checks him out or shows signs of nervousness when they touch. He behaves with perfect platonic decorum at all times...
...unless we consider That One Scene With The Hose.
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Sexual interpretations of this scene are controversial, and I can understand why; we’re so used to seeing Will as this innocent, immature little boy that it's shocking to catch him fantasizing so lustfully, even though these sorts of thoughts are pretty normal for a 15 year-old. But I think that’s the point. We’re supposed to feel uncomfortable about this, because Will feels uncomfortable about it too.
He’s done well in accepting his identity, but he’s an absolute repressed mess when it comes to accepting his sexuality.
So, that’s what the Turing poster tells us about Will. Here’s where the foreshadowing comes in: Will is not the only queer-coded character to have been metaphorically castrated.
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Henry’s experience bears striking similarities to Turing’s: he too was caught engaging in a natural but forbidden behaviour and forced by his government to undergo a medical procedure to suppress that behaviour.
His villain speech to El in 4x07, which is ostensibly about his powers, also reads very strongly as a scathing criticism of heteronormativity, and it’s covered in rainbow motifs.
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The metaphor here is obvious: Henry’s powers are a manifestation of his homosexuality.
Which implies that Will’s homosexuality can also manifest as powers. They’re repressed because he’s repressed.
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It’s not a coincidence that the sexual tension was through the fucking roof in the infamous sauna scene. Every time Will’s supernatural ability to sense the Mind Flayer triggers in S3, Mike is also nearby.
What’s interesting about Mike is that his queer acceptance issues mirror Will’s: Mike has a healthy relationship with his sexuality (he casually checks guys out and plasters his bedroom walls with posters of buff dudes) but he just can’t bring himself to accept what this implies about his identity.
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Always with the symmetry, these two. They complement each other perfectly; one’s hang-up is the other’s strength. They have a lot to teach each other about being queer.
And as repressed as they are, I think they want to learn from each other -- Will lets himself get flustered when Mike flirts with him in his bedroom, and Mike hangs on to every word of wisdom Will shares with him in their heart-to-hearts.
Internalized homophobia is a powerful force, but their bond is so strong that it empowers them to fight back.
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Henry’s powers symbolize his anger at being mistreated and his desire to take that anger out on the world... but Will’s powers symbolize self-acceptance and love.
So he isn’t just going to defeat Vecna with his powers, and he isn’t just going to get the boy: these two things are one and the same.
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slutforsnow · 3 months
Death, Revelations, & Jail
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A/N: This one might end up being just a tad longer than the last 3 chapters :3 ALSO I FINALLY FINISHED EPISODE 3 😭 IM SORRY IT TOOK FOREVER, HENRY BEING PATHETIC WAS FUNNY 😭😭
Tw: Joseph's death, revealing Violet's trauma (grooming, SA, assault, abuse, manipulation), Kathleen's death, robbery
At the funeral, Violet stood with Kathleen and Billy per Joseph's final request. His reasoning had been that he wanted her there instead of Antrim because of how caring she was compared to his step-father. Violet was touched by him asking for her to be there in his final moments.
Violet had one hand on Kathleen's back, rubbing her back as she and Billy sprinkled dirt on Joe's body, holding back her own tears. She didn't know why, but she just wanted to bawl her eyes out. He had been a sweetheart in the short time she had known him and had prayed for him to recover.
Billy and Kathleen didn't deserve this; they were too good of people to have lost Joseph. If Violet could bring back Joe, she would even go as far as ask God to take her abuser and ex-friend.
'If anyone deserves to be in the ground it's that fucking-'
Violet's thoughts were interrupted, hearing a familiar voice. Her heart dropped, and she suddenly felt lightheaded.
She slowly turned to face him. What was he of all people doing here?
As Violet watched the short argument between Kathleen and Henry, the pieces began to make sense. Henry was Billy's step-father and Violet's abuser. She felt hot tears fill in her eyes, but not of sadness, oh no. Of anger. Hatred, even. He was here hurting two more people while his victim was here in front of him and he had the fucking nerve to pretend everything was fine between the two of them and ignore her? Violet balled her fists, glaring at Henry, and scrunched her nose up in disgust at the blonde bastard.
"You really think that Joseph would want you at his burial? He asked me to be here instead of you because he felt more loved by someone he just met instead of his own stepfather that he's known for the past 6 years?" She spat, her chest heaving up and down, as she felt her heart speed up. Henry paled, looking at Violet.
If he didn't remember her before she spoke, he sure as hell remembered her now. Kathleen and Billy looked between Henry and Violet, seeing the tears of rage roll down on Violet's cheeks.
"Violet- what are you doin' here?" A simple question, how pathetic was he? To ask how she was while she was recovering from the damage he caused her?
"Really? That's your question? Not 'I'm sorry for doin' what I did to you two years ago I hope you can forgive me'?!" She yelled, feeling her knees grow numb. She felt faint, sick even.
Why would he act so casual?
"Vi, what are you talkin' about?" Kathleen asked, sounding genuinely confused that her husband and Violet, whom she now considered to be a daughter to her if Violet and Billy were to ever date in the future, knew each other.
"What I'm sayin' is that your husband and a third party manipulated me into thinkin' he loved me but only used my 16 year old body for such disgustin' and vile things," Violet stated, glaring at Henry but speaking so gently and sweet to Kathleen.
"You what!?" Billy shouted in anger, turning to Henry. He immediately reached for his pistol, ready to put a bullet between his eyes, only to be stopped by his mother.
He always had a bad feeling about Henry, but knowing that he was the one who violated Violet was beyond disgusting. It was horrid. Silence stood between the 4 of them and Billy shot between Henry's feet, causing a cry of fear and surprise to erupt from Henry's throat.
"Warnin' shot," He stated bluntly before pulling Violet into his embrace as Kathleen practically dragged Henry back to the house to shout at him for what he did to her.
"You can put your pistol away, moron," Violet teased, giggling to herself as Billy rubbed her back, listening to the sounds of the two men burying his brother.
"No, I'm gonna need it when I get back to the house," He told her, a small smile tugging at his lips.
"Don't waste your bullets on him. He needs a slow and painful death," She argued, laying her head on his chest as he held her close.
Billy pondered that for a moment; get rid of the problem or let the problem suffer.
"You're right, he does deserve to suffer," He murmured, putting his gun back in his gunbelt. "I'm sorry he did that to you."
"Why are you sorry? You didn't know," She questioned, looking up at him and wipin' her tears away. As she did, she had also revealed her scars across her nose. He didn't say anything about her scars, thinking they added to her sense of danger.
"For not doin' somethin' sooner so he couldn't have hurt you," He answered simply, as if it was obvious. Violet felt a faint redness creep up onto her cheeks; he cared about her that much when they had only met a few days ago?
"Awh, Billy that's mighty sweet of you," She replied, not meeting his gaze so he didn't notice her growing redness. Billy gently laid his forehead against hers, smiling at her as he was happy to make her smile.
"Anythin' to see you smile, Vi," He murmured, holding her close.
That night, as the pair decided to stay and comfort Kathleen, Violet ended up staying over with the Antrims as it was pouring rain by the time she noticed it was dark out.
Billy let her cuddle with him in his bed, and they talked each other to sleep–talking about ideas on how to make Henry go 'missing' and comforting Billy about the loss of Joe. Late in the night, Billy woke up to the sounds of hustlin' and bustlin' in the kitchen area. He quietly got up, making sure not to wake Violet, grabbed his gun, and crept his way to the kitchen, aiming it at his step-father once he got a clear view of him.
Henry stopped moving, slowly looking towards his step-son.
"So you caught me. This is my money," He began, having only opened the small box that held what little savings Kathleen had.
"You haven't earned any of it. Not a fuckin' penny," Billy began, moving forward, keeping the gun aimed at Henry's head and being glad he towered over the man he hated. "You chase a dream. You pay for whores. You cheat on my mother and now you fucking steal from her!"
The more Billy spoke, the more he felt his anger rise. He didn't raise his voice. No, he couldn't do that. Not while his mother and best friend were asleep. They needed their rest. It had been an eventful day for both of them.
He continued to force Henry to back up eventually out of the house and into the cold rain. Billy didn't care about the cold. He had enough of Henry's bullshit.
"Not to mention what you did to Violet; she was fuckin' sixteen!! Sixteen!! How could even think of doing such a thing to her!?" He yelled, pressing the barrel of his gun to Henry's head. He could yell now, since they were outside; no one could hear him over the loud pouring rain.
Violet, however, woke up having to use the bathroom. She frowned, not seeing Billy in bed next to her.
'Maybe he's in the kitchen,' She thought to herself, yawning as she made her way to the bathroom, grateful that Billy's clothes covered her body mostly. As she made her way around the house to hopefully see Billy, just eating a midnight snack, she caught sight of him outside with Henry. She stood by the table, seeing the box of the family's savings. Sighing tiredly, she made her way upstairs again to grab a towel to dry him off when he came back inside.
"You could've been a good man like my father. All you had to do was try," Billy continued, cutting off Henry from his pathetic rambling and pleading.
Then he remembered Violet's words from earlier.
"Don't waste your bullets on him. He deserves to suffer."
And suffer he will. He lowered his gun and went back inside, shutting the door in Henry's face.
When he turned around, he came face to face with his mom and Violet. He assumed they heard him as Violet came over to him and wrapped his blanket around him, considering it was the only was big enough that could actually have any chance of drying him a little bit, as Kathleen lit another oil lamp to warm him up.
Violet, knowing this was a family matter, hugged Billy tightly once he sat down next to his ma and went upstairs.
She laid in bed for a while, staring at the ceiling as she waited for his return.
Once he came back to the room, with his hair still damp. Once he put his pistol away in his gunbelt, he laid next to Violet in silence. She pulled him into a tight hug once he got comfortable, holding him somehow tighter than before.
"Thank you," She whispered, knowing he drove away Henry for good.
"Of course, Violet," He whispered back, holding her close and burying his face in her shoulder. Vi buried her face into his neck, taking in his calming scent. He smelled like a wet dog, but amongst that scent, he also smelled like grass, mud, with hints of whiskey.
"I'm never leaving your side," She stated softly, earning a gentle chuckle from him.
"You're an idiot."
"Nah, you are."
"How am I an idiot?"
"Who went out in the rain in their pajamas 10 minutes ago?" She teased, giggling as he laughed softly, accepting defeat.
"Alright, you got me there," He admitted before closing his eyes to try an asleep.
"Yes, I do," She murmured, yawning before curling up into his side.
Days later, Kathleen dropped as well from the same illness that took Joe. The moment Violet had heard the news from Jesse, she had bolted barefoot to find him, determined to help Billy and Kathleen.
As the 18 year olds took care of Kathleen, she cherished every moment she had with them. She didn't want to go, yet she knew that God would reunite her with her husband and Joe. As she was being taken care of, she noticed how Violet and Billy talked and cooperated. They worked together without complaint and were just as stubborn as the other. Kathleen didn't want to leave Billy alone, but as time went on, she realized that he wouldn't be alone. He'd have Violet with him, and Kathleen was okay with that.
The day after she was buried, Violet laid her head on Billy's shoulder as his now former home was cleared out. The town had taken the house as Billy didn't have enough to pay for it.
Violet sighed, rubbing Billy's arm as he watched the home get cleared out.
"You can come stay with Jesse and I until you get back on your feet," She suggested, peering up at him.
"I don't wanna be a burden," Billy denied, shaking his head.
"You could always rob someplace," a familiar voice said, pulling their attention from the now empty house to Jesse.
"Jesse, no, he needs money not to be arrested-," Violet began, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms facing her brother completely.
"I mean, it could work," Billy interjected, looking down at Violet.
"Where would you even try?" Violeg protested, looking up at him.
"That place," Jesse suggested, nodding curtly towards the Chinese laundry place across the road.
"No, you'll both get caught for sure," She told him.
"Doesn't hurt to try," Billy said, nodding to Jesse.
"You can't be serious, Billy!"
"Alright, meet back here around midnight."
"Fuck you, Jesse," Violet grumbled, pinching the bridge of her nose and closing her eyes in disappointment.
The next night, Violet had gathered Billy's things, as well as her own, onto 2 horses. She knew this would happen. Stupid Jesse and his dumb fucking plan. Violet knew this would happen, but did the boys listen? No, of course not. Why would they?
She peered around the corner of the clothing shop, seeing Billy running from the jail, and she whistled at him, causing him to stop running.
"Violet?" He questioned in a whisper shout as he came closer to her.
"Of course, you fucking idiot, now get on your horse and let's go," She playfully said, grinning and jamming his hat on his head.
"How- wait, why are you leaving?" He asked, not wasting time and getting on his horse as Violet got onto hers.
"Whose gonna keep your ass outta trouble?" She retaliated, grinning evilly.
"Rude," He repreplied, chuckling as the two snapped the reins and their horses were off.
'Goodbye to this hellish town and the people in,' Violet thought, smiling as she no longer would have to be forced into trying to date some of the other guys in town. 'Freedom at last.'
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demonlovingsheep · 9 months
Let’s be real, dating ANY of the brothers IRL is going to be a struggle. Some more than others, but still will get you to rip your hair out due to frustrations.
Lucifer: He is the type to be hella busy due to his work. He is swamped with paperwork and his student council meeting that he doesn’t have much time to spend with you. Also being his partner, people’s expectations of you are also high. Imagine you tripped on a rock in the middle of the street, next day on social media everyone is going to talk about how “Lucifer’s partner tripped on a rock. How can he be with such a klutz. He deserves better.” While Lucifer doesn’t care about what other says because you are perfect for him, and even find those people who is quacking behind the screen, it will get to you that you would crack.
Mammon: Oh boy this one is a doozy. Yeah he is sweet from time to time, buying you sweets, flowers, and accessories from time to time and calls you the only one for him, his baby boo. Yeah your also the only one to bust him out of jail due to his crime. Good luck carrying his debt too, he got debt collectors knocking at his door getting him to cough up the money. All the more he is gonna continue to spend, and your house is going to be filled with items that might look pretty as decorations, but no other use what do ever. Oh and where did that 20 dollar bill in your wallet go? Also isn’t this your 40th time apologizing on his behalf for the problem he caused? Oh but it will be alright as Mammon give you his adorable puppy eye and all is forgiven.
Leviathan: This is the 125235th time you heard the Hana Ruri opening song. You have so many game accounts on games that you practically have no interest in but he begged you to login daily so that he could get his rewards and stuff. He rambles a lot about the newest anime or idol concert. You try to add your two bits but he keeps talking over you. If you show little interest, he will sulk thinking that of course you wouldn’t want to listen to him since he is a gross otaku. This in term will make you feel guilty and trying assure him that he ain’t. You have to do a lot of assuring, he gets jealous of so many things and cry, you’re the one with pants in this relationship. He also spend a lot of time in his room to do a game marathon that he doesn’t keeps up with his meals and have bad hygiene. It’s your job to tell him to go touch some grass. Even though his money managing skills is slightly better than Mammon, it still doesn’t prevent him from spending a ton on an ultra rare Hana Ruri card or figurine. Also you might feel jealous over his goldfish Henry.
Satan: He has poor organization skills, just look at the piles of dusty books in his room. If you ask him about it, he’ll just say that it’s how he likes it. You have to be the one to pull him away from arguments so that nothing escalates. You also don’t know where his boundaries are. He could be fine when you poke his chest or face, put will get a mad if you poke his arm or head. We all know one boundary that you should never cross which is comparing him to. However he always overthink your words, thinking you did compared him to that bastard when you just trying to give him a compliment. Pray to Diavolo that there is a cat somewhere around you. He might be calm and collective, but that can go from 0 to 100 real quick. I hope you don’t fear yelling.
Asmodeus: It’s always about him sweetie. See that photo you took at the beach the other day. He looks absolutely gorgeous under the sun’s rays. Oh you look great too daring, but not as much as him. Every time you go out with him, he will take a hour to get prepared. He will bring you to so many clothing shops and jewelry shops to try out so many items that you spent the whole entire day there. Yeah it may be fun to try out new clothings, but having to pick out outfits, heading to the fitting room to put the outfit on, stepping out for him to make a judgement, head back to the dressing room to undress, and the cycle repeats itself for like the hundredth time. After your done, good luck carrying the bags of clothes him because his figure isn’t made to carry all that heavy stuff. It’s bad for the skin. Also you can never really correct problems he caused, he always blames it on because he is too beautiful and not really getting your point. Then there are his fans who is constantly going up to him, begging for a selfie and his attention. In a club, he is going to be dragged away by his fans leaving you behind with some of them and they sneer at you or pick on your appearance. They don’t think your right for him, and will tear your self-esteem apart with every flaw you have. You never know if he truly loves you sometimes.
Beelzebub: The main problem is his hunger, which he can’t control. You try to be understanding, but having to stock the fridge for it to be emptied the very next day can really tick you off. Like you wake up one morning excited for bacon and eggs, but it’s all gone. There is not even ice cubes for you to munch on. Oh well guess you just have to order take out, but make sure to get 100 large supreme pizza please. Total: $1,672, +tip and tax. Oh and don’t forget to do groceries in the afternoon too. Good news is that he comes with you so you don’t have to carry it all, bad news is that he keeps eating the ingredients in the bag and he made you visit many food stands along the way. Rip you’re wallet. You’re also kicked out of many restaurants due to Beel bankrupting the store for eating too much, and getting angry that he isn’t allowed to order more. Also, where did that expensive golden truffle chocolate, or that new flavored newt chip that you were looking forward to eat?
Belphegor: Being lazy is a cute trait but not a useful trait, the floor isn’t going to clean itself. He always 30 minutes late on the times you agree to meet up because he overslept. He’ll fall asleep any place any time. Belphie we’re riding a roller coaster, don’t fall asleep.. ahh he is out like a light. It’s your duty to wake him up while the staff and other people in line yelling at you and him to get off already. Yeah if only you can wake him up. It’s embarrassing but at least it’s not a dangerous situation like the time he fell asleep during lab and your cauldron starts bubbling like crazy! Also he is only wide awake for 8 hours a day, and sleep the other hours away. He also likes to annoy you on purpose just to get a rise out of you for the fun of it. Nothing too serious, but it does get annoying.
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I don’t like Neal.
(2nd installment of rants I should not be writing because I should def be doing other things)
Or in other words: The only bagel I’ll ever like is the New York style kind.
And it’s not even because I’m a CS shipper because when we first found out that Neal existed, Hook was in his womanizer mode (and yes I loved HIM but I didn’t ship CS quite yet, I did start immediately after tho, but that’s beside the point).
First, facts need to be pointed out. Emma was a minor. That’s not arguable, she was a minor and was 17 when she had Henry because she had just turned 28 when Henry was already 10, so there was an overlap when she was 17 and had a baby. So that means during her relationship with Neal, she was a minor.
According to Neal’s wanted poster, he was 23. A 23 year old with a 17 year old is not okay, and it’s logical to assume that Emma was 16 when she met him, but even then, NEAL WAS 22. THAT IS NOT OKAY. THAT IS IN NO WAY OKAY. And if we’re adding two hundred years to it, that’s even MORE not okay.
And I know there’s the argument that Hook is hundreds of years older too, but their age doesn’t matter, it’s their age in relation to EMMA’S. When Emma met Neal, she was 16/17. She was vulnerable and living on the streets and even if Neal wasn’t trying to, he took advantage of her naive state. All Emma wanted was a family, and Neal seemed to give that to her because she believed he was the first person to give a damn about her. When Emma met Hook, she was a mature adult and could properly assess a situation, a skill that she hadn’t yet mastered as a 16 year old. She literally couldn’t because our brains don’t fully develop until 25.
So that’s one thing. Neal took advantage of her. She was a minor, he was an adult. Any person that would condone that relationship AND SAY IT WAS HEALTHY is not okay in my book.
Again I repeat, the only bagel I like is that with cream cheese.
I feel like people brush past that way too easily. Because OUAT is a magical show people try to downplay trauma, but pregnancy is even traumatic for a woman that wanted the baby. Emma did not want to be pregnant. Nobody would want to be pregnant in that situation. She put her livelihood and her trust into Neal and he betrayed her all because of her so called “destiny”. Destiny is destiny. It would happen no matter what and he didn’t need to make her take the fall for his crime in order to get away from her. HE COULDVE CHEATED ON HER AND IT WOULDVE BEEN BETTER. And, he also didn’t want to see his father, which most definitely played a part in his decision to leave Emma. Neal suffered a lot because of his father, but if he loved Emma so much, it would’ve been worth it to stay with her, wouldn’t it??? Neal never chooses the hard path.
But back to the pregnancy thing. Not only is it traumatic for a fully grown woman, but she was a teenager!! A teenager that was alone and afraid in a jail cell, pregnant. That is terrible. That’s so astronomically terrible and I feel like people that love adult Neal don’t understand that. I love little Neal. Not adult Neal because he did that crap because Pinocchio told him to.
And if that wasn’t bad enough, he took the money for himself that was supposed to go to Emma. Imagine how much that would’ve helped her. Money can buy nice clothes and food and a hotel room. It could’ve gotten her a job (she did get one eventually) but that money could’ve helped her so much.
And then years later, when he gets the postcard that the curse is broken, he could’ve gone to check on her and he didn’t. Imagine how much that would’ve meant to Emma, that even after all he did, he was still willing to go back and see her because she meant that much to him. And he would be willing to face all the backlash she would give him because he knew he deserved it.
But he DIDNT. He didn’t come to check on her, he never would’ve gone to see her if not for Rumplestilskin’s deal, and that makes me hate him even more.
And uh HELLO? He also told her if he knew who she was he would’ve never gone near her. Imagine how much a punch in the gut that was for her. One of Emma’s main problems is that she felt like she was never enough for someone. And here Neal is, the first person she really loved and who she believed really loved her back, telling her that she would not be enough for him. She was not worthy of his attention because of where she was from and who she was. That is so terrible to say to someone. So very fricking terrible.
AND HE DIDNT EVEN APOLOGIZE. NOT ONCE. UM WTF? I REWATCHED AND HE DID NOT APOLOGIZE. He said he messed up. But he didn’t mess up, he fucked up. He fucked EMMA up. I am an Emma lover through and through. She is my baby and I will defend her to the ends of the earth. I don’t hate Neal because he ‘stood in the way of CS’ because let’s be honest, we all knew CS would be endgame when the first episode we got with them together was in direct contrast to Tallahassee, aka, Neal’s relationship with Emma. If that’s not foreshadowing I don’t know what is. No, I hate Neal because of how he treated EMMA. That poor innocent 17 year old that suffered so MUCH because of Neal’s actions, intentional or not.
I think the saying “it doesn’t matter if you mean well, it matters if you do well” completely sums up how I feel about that situation. Oh and even after he fucks her up, she goes to Tallahassee and waits for him FOR TWO YEARS because she’s hopeful that maybe it was a mistake, that he didn’t mean to leave her and that he still loved her. That little trooper. I want to give her blankets and hot chocolate and grilled cheese and therapy
There’s no doubt in my mind that Neal does love Emma because how can you not. She’s amazing. And I do believe that Emma loves Neal, but I think they were both in love with the idea of each other. They were each other’s first loves, and that is important, but have you noticed how surprised Neal looked when he learned all the new things about Emma? How he downplayed her superpower? How he didn’t believe her about Tamara when she was right? How he looked almost afraid and disgusted that she had magic? Magic that’s always been a part of her- that’s such a BIG part of her.
Neal loves Emma, but I think it’s startlingly clear that it’s not 28 year old Emma, but 17 carefree happy Emma. And Emma does love Neal, but I whole-heartedly feel like she loved the idea of him and how happy he used to make her before leaving her. And you know maybe I’m wrong, but the look Emma gives him a lot is only what I can describe as the look of a person trying to reminisce. A person trying to remember the good parts about someone after a decade of separation, and here they are a completely different person. I honestly don’t think Emma fully processed what Neal did to her, and that’s why all the feelings flooded to the surface upon seeing him after all those years because she never got closure.
And this actually happened to a friend of mine. He had broken up with his gf of a year, and he loved her a lot he just felt like it was toxic (and it was) and broke up, and then he dove into his work and didn’t think about it at all. Then work started to slow down a few months later and he had a lot of time to sit and think and he called me telling me that he missed his ex and that he wanted to get back together with her. I told him to wait a few weeks and process it to see how he felt before doing anything rash, and sure enough, a few weeks later he said that he didn’t want to get back together with her anymore.
Emma didn’t fully process that relationship for a decade. She hid behind walls and a red leather jacket because the pain was so intense. She told Neal she loved him in the portal because she thought he was going to die, but I really think she was talking to his past self, his past self that she loved and now she would never see that again. But at least now she could move on.
Then flash go echo cave. She literally tells Neal she wished he was dead. She said that she would always love him, but there’s a clear difference to loving someone than being in love with someone. Emma is not IN LOVE with Neal, she loves him, but she is not in love. And the reason for that is because all he put her through. All the pain and the torture that she didn’t want to go through again so she wished he was dead because it would’ve been easier for her to move on finally after all these years. I also thinks that she loved him because he gave her Henry. Emma loves her son. And Neal played a part in creating him so of course Emma would love him for giving her that, but she is not IN LOVE with him.
And I don’t blame Neal for wanting to fight for Emma (I would fight for Emma any day of the week) but I do think in that moment, and judging from her lack of reply, she knows that she is over with that romantic Neal titled chapter of her life.
(and it definitely didnt help that she got the daylights kissed out of her by a sexy pirate)
There are only two things that I respect about adult Neal.
1: he sent the dove to Captain Hook to get Emma back because he knew that he would fight to bring her home. I think that that is very admirable considering he act like a jealous asshole in neverland which really bugged me, and I thought it did develop his character well. He realized that Hook was not the same man he previously knew and I respect that.
2: the quote “I just want you to be happy, even if it’s not with me.” This is important to me because I feel like the writers could’ve portrayed him even further as a selfish person that he did appear to be (and that would’ve made it even easier for me to dislike him) but they didn’t. This was Neal recognizing that Emma moved on, something that she had been doing since Neverland, and commenting on that which I also admire because Emma deserves to be happy without something holding her down.
And honestly I do feel as if the only way she could move on entirely is through him dying because he would always be around, and she would always have that reminder of the most painful part of her life. I think JMO actually commented on that in an interview about how Neal would always be there because he was Henry’s father. And I think that even though Emma loved him, she felt a lot lighter once he died. I feel as if most of her grief was out of empathy for her son because he would have to live without a father just like she did, and she knew how painful that is. That grief was NOT because she would never get to be in a relationship with him because she had already moved on, and the people that can’t see that have not been watching the show, or are too much of a swanfire Stan to see that. And that’s perfectly fine, we’re all free to have an opinion, but Emma’s actions and words clearly showed that she moved on.
And you know, I deeply hated when he told Emma not to go after Hook because it was dangerous because I think it clearly showed the contrast between Emma and Neal and why they would not work out. Emma takes the hard way, Neal takes the easy way. Would it have been safer and easier for Emma to mourn Hook and move on? Yes. Was it more dangerous to go after him to right the wrong and injustice he faced, and to get her literal true love back? Yes, but it was the right choice. But every time Neal is confronted with a difficult choice, he takes the easy path. He could’ve stayed with Emma, he could’ve gone to her after the curse broke, and he could’ve offered a better damn date option than a ‘come to granny’s if you want’ which I can see how that would be respectful, but he also wasn’t fighting for her which is exactly what Emma needed someone to do for her. To climb past her walls and pull her out with them. That’s why I don’t like Neal. He did not treat Emma well, one way or another, his actions traumatized her and again, are you telling me you’d get back together with a person that did that to you? No? Well then why the hell should EMMA? Give the poor thing a break and let her move on.
(Also side note, am I the only one that thinks the ice cave in season four was a metaphor for Emma’s walls? Uhh hello? Impenetrable fortress? Turns a person cold and solid? Surviving not living? You couldn’t force them open with brute force (gold’s magic) because that may damage the person inside of them beyond repair, instead you need to encourage them to come out by themself while you simultaneously break it down so it makes the passage easier, and on the other side there is comfort and warmth. In season four Emma’s walls finally started to come down through her family and Killian and it’s literally shown through that episode. End of side note)
But yeah, I don’t like Neal, really deeply don’t. There are two things that I respect, and that’s it. And I didn’t even get to how he told Emma to lie to Rumple, knowing exactly what he does to liars, and how he was mad at Emma for not telling him about Henry when he left her in prison, and how he moved on way too fast from his FIANCÉ? Yeah she was evil but where were his residual feelings??? Even Emma had a bit with Walsh.
*big breath*
Thank you for coming to my second Ted Talk.
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thatsnotmygunflash · 7 months
Why oh why am I obsessed with the idea of Len meeting Henry in prison and hearing stories about little Barry Allen. Thinking about how terrible it must be to have such a loving father locked up for the murder of his own wife. To have him build respect and a friendship with Henry, maybe even offer him a get-out-of-jail-free card when Len plans to break out. Henry says no, of course, because only guilty men run and he couldn't do that to his son. They part as friends and Len always has Henry Allen aka the best father to ever walk the earth in the back of his mind.
So its like a knife to the gut to hear the name of the boy Henry talked about so proudly fall from Cisco's trembling lips.
He almost killed Doc's son. He almost killed Doc's son.
He let Cisco and his brother go while he tried to figure out his next move. Going up against the Flash was thrilling, intoxicating, everything he had ever dreamed of and more, but knowing sweet little Barry Allen was under the mask had him rethinking everything he knew.
Barry Allen, who took on bullies twice his size for other helpless kids. Who loved dinosaurs and singing with his mom in the car. Who held the key to the only happiness Henry had left. He felt sick. He's heard every story Henry could find the time to tell about this boy, this boy who lost his mother in the worst way possible, who spent every day of his life fighting for his father's freedom.
When Mick and Lisa ask what the plan is, when they demand to know the Flash’s identity, Len froze. Stuck between being another heartless villain in an innocent kid's life or being a silent hero and keeping the Doc's kid safe from the likes of himself and his family.
In the end, it's the start of his undoing. Choosing the role of silent hero in that moment, keeping Barry safe and alive, agreeing to their deal, playing his part all while making sure nothing happened to this broken boy.
When his chance to be a real hero comes along, he doesn't go see Barry or Lisa. He headed to a little cabin in the middle of nowhere and knocked on the door with a bottle of scotch in one hand.
Henry looked different on the outside, his face lighter, tanner. The prison jumpsuit Len had become familiar with was replaced by loose jeans and a flannel shirt.
"Long time no see Doc, mind if I come in?" Len offered out the bottle, stepping over the threshold when Henry accepted it with a small nod.
"As long as you leave any weapons at the door, you'll always be welcome here, Leonard."
"Even after I shot your son?" Len questioned, tilting his head when Henry let out a deep sigh at his words.
"So you do know." Henry muttered, setting the bottle down on the kitchen table and pushing a chair out for Len to have a seat before he headed to the cabinet for two glasses.
"He didn't tell you?" Len asked as he took a seat at the small wooden table pushed against the kitchen wall.
"There's a lot of things my son doesn't tell me about his other job, for my own protection." Henry said as he joined him at the table, pouring them each a generous portion of the scotch.
"That why you moved all the way out here? All you ever talked about was getting to spend time with your son again, Doc. Why aren't you?" Len palmed his glass as he awaited Henry's answer, sliding a finger over the smooth surface of the rim. Henry took a slow drink, his eyes growing sad and distant as he stared down into the honey-colored liquor.
"Barry has a life, a great life that he does a lot of good in. I don't really think I fit into that life."
"Maybe not this time around, but what if I told you I could change that?"
Henry looked up at Len's cryptic words, searching eyes dancing and a thoughtful frown pulling on his mouth.
"Why are you here, Leonard?"
"I've been offered an exciting opportunity, one where I can make some real changes in the world." If he played his cards right he could change things to play in both of their favors. "I believe you and I deserve more than the hand we were dealt. I think Barry deserves to have his father in his life, I think I deserve not to."
"Leonard, why are you here?" Henry asked again.
"To say goodbye." Len paused, thinking about why exactly he was sitting here. "To thank you, I guess."
"For what?"
"Too much, so let's just keep it at a thank you."
"I'll see you around Doc, take care of yourself." Len knocked his knuckles against the surface of the table as he stood, heading towards the door with Henry following close at his heels.
"Leonard, what are you going to do?"
Len is already at the door, one hand on the doorknob and a secretive smirk dancing on his lips.
"Nothing you need to worry about Doc, and if you see your son, tell him...tell him I'm taking his advice."
"Advise about what?"
Len pulled the door open, casting a small, hopeful smile back at his old friend.
"See you in the next life, Henry."
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brothermouse · 11 months
Been on an Urban Legend kick lately, specifically Utah/Mormon adjacent ones.
So here's some that I really need yous guys to know about:
Emo's Grave
In the Salt Lake Cemetery there's a crypt labeled "Moritz"
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Rumor has it that if you light a candle, walk around the grave three times chanting, "Emo, Emo, Emo," then peered into the window in the crypt, you would see Emo's glowing red eyes staring back at you.
Today the window has been replaced by a sheet of metal. But all this seems to have done is encourage Emo to wander outside the crypt. People have reported that, after performing the ritual, they've seen Emo's red eyes peering at them from windows and dark hallways for weeks and even months after.
It seems that Emo gets bored after a while and returns to his favorite haunt, but not until he gets a few good scares out of you.
The Grave Robber
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Emo isn’t the only monster to escape the Salt Lake City Cemetery.
In 1862, two men accused of beating the Governor John Dawson were shot and killed by Salt Lake City police. One of the men didn’t have anybody step forward to claim the body, so an officer named Henry Heath, being an honorable guy, decided to pay for the man's funeral and even bought him a nice suit to be buried in. After all, everyone deserves a nice funeral, criminal or not.
Sometime later, the outlaw's brother came to collect the body and take him to be buried in the family plot. Heath made all the necessary arrangements to exhume the body. The gravedigger worked quickly and soon they were ready to identify the body. Everyone was shocked when they opened the casket. The outlaw was found to be lying face down and naked.
The brother immediately flew into a rage! He may have been a criminal, but he deserved more than this! Officer Heath swore up and down that the body had not been like that when it was buried. To ease things over he paid for a new suit and funeral and swore he would get to the bottom of this.
The police immediately launched an investigation. They looked for evidence of other grave robbings and, to their horror, found it. Grave after grave after grave was exhumed and most were found to have been similarly pilfered with the body stripped and unceremoniously dumped back in the casket.
News soon got out and across the valley people were in a panic. Accusations flew, suspicions grew, and everyone had a theory. Working quickly, officer Heath started questioning the graveyard’s staff. Eventually coming to the gravedigger, Jean Baptiste.
Baptise lived in a little home near the graveyard with his new wife, Dorothy. Heath and a few officers visited the home. Jean was out working at the time, but Dorothy let them in and offered him something to eat while they waited. While she was in the kitchen, Heath noticed something odd; a box, sitting open, that had what looked like a young child’s shoes on top.
Jean Baptiste had no children.
Heath immediately questioned Dorothy, only for her to say that her husband had brought it home. Looking around, the officers found more boxes of clothes and jewelry. Heath immediately rushed to the cemetery to search for Jean. He found him calmly digging a grave.
Once confronted, Baptiste immediately confessed to the grave robbings. Heath placed him under arrest and, as they made their way out of the cemetery, Heath would point to various graves and ask if he had robbed them. Baptiste would answer “yes” far more often than “no”.
Soon they came to the grave of Heath’s own daughter who had died just a year earlier. He asked the same question and, to his relief, Baptiste said “No”.
Later Heath would say that, had Jean answered “yes”, he would have killed him on the spot.
Baptiste was whisked away to jail and boxes of clothes, shoes and other items were taken from his house. It was estimated that Baptiste had robbed over 300 graves before he was caught. City officials weren't sure what to do with all the items Jean Baptiste had stolen but they eventually decided that they would be put on display at the Salt Lake City courthouse for people to view and claim on behalf of their deceased relatives. Many items went unclaimed and were later buried in a mass grave at the cemetery.
The People were furious. Baptiste had to be under guard 24/7 to protect him from the other prisoners. Brigham Young even weighed in saying that he felt hanging or shooting Baptiste would be too easy of a punishment, and life in prison "would do nobody any good". The only option he felt would be proper was to exile Baptiste to a small island in the Great Salt Lake.
And they did just that. After being found guilty, Baptiste was taken to Fremont Island. At the time a ranching family called the Millers kept a herd of cattle and a small shack of provisions there. They were instructed by authorities to have no contact with Baptiste if they could help it.
To prevent him from escaping his punishment, he was fitted with a ball and chain and the words “GRAVE ROBBER” were tattooed across his forehead.
The Miller Brothers visited every few weeks. The first time they found that Baptiste had helped himself to most of the food in the shack. They secured locks on the door and left. When they came back the second time, however, the shack had been almost completely dismantled and one of the cows was found to be ripped to shreds.
Baptiste was nowhere to be found, and no one would see or hear from him again.
But, legend has it that on stormy evenings you might see a strange figure, hobbling along the banks of the Great Salt Lake. If you're brave enough to get closer you may see the figure is clutching a soaking wad of funeral clothes and, wouldn’t you know it? They’re just your size.
Salt Lake Whales
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You may see stranger things than Jean Baptiste if you hang around the Great Salt Lake.
In the 1870s an eccentric scientist from Britain named James Wickham had a strange theory. He hypothesized that whales could survive in the salty depth of the Great Salt Lake.
Of course there was only one reasonable way to test this theory: capture two whales from the southern coast of Australia, take them to San Francisco, put them in a custom built railcar and ship them to Utah.
He named the whales Genevieve and Rupert and built a half-mile enclosure for the whales near the mouth of the Bear River and had intended to monitor their activity and health from there. But within minutes of being released into the water, the whales burst from their enclosure and escaped.
For the next few years the two whales were spotted regularly by locals, until poachers were reported to have killed them in 1877. But then, shockingly, the sightings continued. Over time the whales's appearance seemed to change to adapt to their new surroundings. One reliable witness claims that the Salt Lake Whales are small with wrinkly skin like jerky or old leather.
Let me know of any Mormon/Utah Urban Legends you know of.
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kimkimberhelen · 1 year
Gene Cousineau: “Little Sally Reed from Joplin, Missouri. What do you want?”
Sally Reed: “To be an actress … it’s all I ever wanted in the whole world.”
This quick exchange introduces Barry’s audience to Sally (Sarah Goldberg) in the series premiere. Her passionate, teary plea rings normally at first glance; she’s a small-town girl with wide-eyed Hollywood dreams. Aw, shucks. Over four seasons, HBO’s grim comedy ingeniously peels back layers to unveil Sally’s discombobulating, deeply human personality. Her unlikable traits—selfish, gravely insecure, a knack for walking over people (including seemingly naive aspiring actor Barry Block)—remain intact as the show nears its end.
By now, though, we know these qualities stem from a marred past: a rotten home life, previous spousal abuse, and a gnawing lack of confidence she desperately wants to cover up. Barry rarely excuses her entitled behavior but slowly sheds light on how her illusory front is a coping mechanism. No wonder she makes the short-lived Joplin as an outlet to process her tragedies. What’s worse? She barely gets time to exist in the world she creates after working hard to achieve it. As it turns out, Sally is the ultimate portrait of trauma in Bill Hader and Alec Berg’s stellar series, which wraps on May 28.
Sally Reed was probably never going to have a happy ending. It’s not because she prioritizes her lofty career ambitions, pushing away anything that gets in the way. Goldberg plays Sally’s goals with such enthusiasm it usually borders on mania, even when she’s sympathetic. It’s a shame she hasn’t won an Emmy for her wrenching yet funny performance. Remember her season two monologue when Barry (Hader) auditions for Jay Roach? Or her season three “entitled fucking cunt” breakdown in the elevator that Natalie (D’Arcy Carden) shares with the world, leading to her downfall? But the professional blinders Sally’s had on for most of Barry’s run is what limits her in the end.
As if her traumatic history wasn’t enough, her entanglement with Barry Berkman worsens everything. He breezes into her life one fine day, drawn into her safe space, when he catches her rehearsing outside Gene’s (Henry Winkler) studio while on a mission. Barry finds solace in it, attracted to the idea of shedding his skin to inhabit somebody who doesn’t have PTSD or a laundry list of crimes. It’s enough to get him hoping for a fresh start. That’s also what Sally hoped for when she moved to Los Angeles after finally leaving her abusive husband, Sam (Joe Massingill).
Season four delves into why Sally deserved to leave her Joplin jail. Sam isn’t the only reason. Her mother is dismissive, flat-out refusing to believe her ex abused Sally, nor does she care that her daughter’s boyfriend is arrested for murder in L.A. “Big whoop” isn’t exactly the expected maternal reaction, and her nice-guy father doesn’t have anything valuable to add, either. It’s clear from the final season’s early episodes that Sally doesn’t have anyone—anyone except for an imprisoned Barry. Her admittance to him in this season’s “bestest place on earth,” that she feels safest with him, is a devastating reality chec
Hader and Goldberg, sitting feet away, separated by a glass barrier, deliver a potent performance in a scene that sells their toxic attachment. She can write all the one-act plays and TV shows she wants, but Barry’s grievously absorbed her identity just when you (and everyone around her) thought she was free of it. Their confrontation in jail is a turning point for the show’s final installments. Her shaky confession sets Barry’s brain aflame. He teams up with the FBI, makes an enemy out of NoHo Hank (Anthony Carrigan), and escapes prison during a shootout. Ultimately, it launches a new life for the duo in the middle of a barren landscape where they don new identities and shed their skins. Just like the dream, huh?
Barry’s final season jumps eight years ahead with a full picture in episode five, “tricky legacies.” It glimpses into the dreary monotony of Barry and Sally, who go by Clark and Emily now. They shield their child from the real world. It doesn’t mean Sally’s not seething under Emily’s mask. Her pain follows her because she chose to give up the one thing that mattered: her acting dream. Having experienced a shitty upbringing, she passes along the intergenerational trauma to John by parenting similarly to her mom—indifferent, indignant, and inebriated. She doesn’t know where to start nurturing.
It’s not like Barry’s childhood was a prize, so neither of them is good at this, but Sally is on a whole other level. She drops alcohol in his juice to put him to sleep, serves up burnt lunches, and generally wrestles with how to love this human being she gave birth to. In Sally’s expressions, Goldberg displays a tangible aversion to motherhood, a full-bodied disdain for the life they’re responsible for creating. So yes, in a twisted way, she’s a copy of her parent now. It’s a full circle.
Everyone on Barry is haunted by their actions, especially with the time jump, so Sally isn’t an exception, of course. Barry wreaked absolute havoc. Gene lost Janice Moss (Paula Newsome), ruined his legacy, and now reappears to chase fame again. As seen in episode six, “the wizard,” Hank has grown a successful business, but had to kill the love of his life to do it. Fuches’ (Stephen Root) friendship with Barry turns sour as he morphs into the Raven. Yet, Sally’s regression is agonizing because she was a lick away from gaining everything she wanted. Instead, she ponders torturing her network boss, kills a man in self-defense, and runs back home, only for everything to crumble again. All this while witnessing Oscar winner Sian Heder work with her mentee, Kristen (Ellyn Jameson), and watching Natalie soar.
Now, she’s drunk and being tortured (note Hader’s prolific direction in “the wizard”) as a man in a ski mask figure shakes up their trailer home. She’s permanently haunted. Janice’s father has captured her partner, and all she can do is call him repeatedly, begging him to come back. With two episodes of Barry remaining, Sally is left alone in her cage to care for John. Does she head back to her hometown to complete the cycle? Or will she return to the city of dreams to find Barry and maybe accomplish the only thing she wants to be in this world? Either way, Sally might not realize it, but she’s already played the role of a lifetime now. It’s wish fulfillment in the worst and most tragic possible way.
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coldflasher · 1 year
you know im still thinking about smth q said last week about law student barry and i can’t stop thinking about like. public defender barry allen who is so deeply insistent that everyone deserves a right to a fair trial and to have someone in their corner even when the whole system is working against them, and who also maybe chose this career as a little bit of a fuck you to joe, bc half the time the people that barry is defending are people joe arrested, so barry can sit and stare him down across the table in the interrogation room bc maybe he couldn’t prove his father’s innocence, but he can make damn sure that no one else gets wrongly convicted bc joe made the wrong judgement call. aka, as we know, barry has daddy issues and he’s gonna make them everyone else’s problem. (also i maintain that they threw away a GOLDMINE of interesting content in s1 and beyond by not having barry be way more angry and bitter about everyone not believing him about henry being innocent; he had such a chip on his shoulder in the pilot and then they IMMEDIATELY abandoned it and i’m still mad about it. PLS IT WOULD HAVE CREATED SUCH GOOD CONFLICT)
so anyway. i’m just thinking about len being arrested and being told he has the right to a lawyer, and len is like ‘pass’, bc he did it and if anyone asks, he’ll just admit to it. he doesn’t give a fuck. he could get out of jail literally whenever he wants and they all know it, they’re all just pretending not to. if he even lets them get him to iron heights it’ll be bc he’s in an unusually tolerant mood. 
so they assign him a lawyer and he’s waiting in detainment when he hears the door open. len’s ready to spend an afternoon making some overworked lawyer’s life a misery, and maybe steal their wallet while he’s at it, mouth already open to deliver some sarcastic remark... and then he claps eyes on barry allen, out of breath bc he’s chronically late, practically dropping the huge pile of folders and case notes that he’s juggling alongside a cup of jitters coffee that’s almost certainly cold and definitely half spilled on the sidewalk outside, and len takes one look at him and is immediately like “everybody get the fuck out, i need to talk to my lawyer in private. preferably over dinner but coffee will do in a pinch. fuck you, i know my rights”
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Things I would have wanted from a teen wolf movie:
(partially keeping in mind canon and what characters are not currently returning)
I could seriously sit through hours of just Scott McCall going around and doing good deeds during his college years. 
Maybe guiding young supernaturals.
He's having a good time in vet school. Probably has a rad internship where he is the most loved intern by people and animals. 
if Stiles cant be there then nothing drastic happens so it makes sense that Scott wouldn't have to call in him, 
but maybe Stiles sends him a conspiracy board in an email to be helpful. It's probably too convoluted to be legible to anyone but him. 
Scott and Malia finally get to enjoy a long term relationship uncomplicated by supernatural means.
Mason and Corey also get to have this 
If we could have Kira back I would personally love for her and Scott to get back together 
(and honestly, if they’re going to put Scott and Kira together, then Scott and Malia, and put in the scenes of Kira and Malia together they might as well all date. That might be optimistic of me.)
Speaking of Kira, would love to see her come into her power as a kitsune
would love to have her back at all actually 
Malia doesn't have to go to collage because she's skilled as fuck in other aspects and her intelligence isn't based on how well she does in school.
I feel like she would enjoy being a park ranger or something.
We actually get to see Henry Tate be the good dad who loves his daughter that we were shown he was
If Malia wants a relationship with Peter he should just get his shit together and do that for her
Lydia just gets to do what the fuck ever, completely unincumbered by gross ass men and adults telling her she doesn't know what she's talking about. 
an actual apology from Jackson would be nice if he has to be there 
Buddy duo Liam and Mason show up and they have some fun shenanigans. 
If Corey can’t be there maybe he's busy with an exchange program or an internship
They. are. all. going. to. the. same. college.
Or close by 
They just get to be regular ass teenagers because the McCall pack worked their asses off to give themselves a normal college life and to let those guys have some regular teenage years 
Scott gets to reassure Liam that he's doing a good job in Beacon Hills with help from Mason, Corey, Theo, and Alec (and eventually probably Nolan) 
"We're brothers now" and they meant that
Nolan gets therapy 
Theo gets therapy 
(They all need it)
Theo is fully a member of the pack
he has a house or an apartment
if he’s not there he’s just riding around in his stupid compensation truck 
They bring back Isaac from London and he’s doing great
Melissa and Chris should adopt that boy even if he's an adult. 
Just let him have one parental figure who is good and stays 
We finally get to see Hayden Romero do cool werewolf stunts 
they let her be more than HaydenLiam’sExGirlfriend
maybe they give her a girlfriend
Melissa/Chris and Braeden/Derek  just get to be happy 
We get Cora Hale back because both her and Derek deserve to have a normal family member who is alive and loves them after everything 
Her and Malia would also be a phenomenal cousin duo  
her and isaac get to talk about Boyd becuase they both cared about and lost him. Issac gets to talk about Erica
Maybe someone finally puts Kate Argent in jail
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busting-buffers · 8 months
cunt levels of the og steam team:
thomas: 9/10, very cunty. he's so cheeky and deserves to be locked away for a minimum of five years for his cunt levels
edward: 5/10, cunty on the down low. he'll gossip and whine with you but doesn't go out of his way to. no jail
henry: 4/10, henry rarely gets caught up in the ✨drama✨ unless he IS the drama (also rare). i dunno, i feel like we barely see henry's cunt level
gordon: 8/10, he's a self-centered bitch who loves his own drama. loves to shit talk but not as much as some of the "younger" engines
james: 11/10, immediate jail time for overall cuntiness. i don't think i have to explain. i hate this asshole /affectionate
percy: 5/10, shit talks with thomas and other "young" engines and likes to prank the big engines sometimes, but he's so sweet and pure he doesn't do it all the time like thomas or james
toby: 3/10, barely knows whats going on half the time, but when he does oh LORD he gets cunty. but please get this tram some aspirin so he doesn't have a heart attack at the junction
emily: 6/10, bossy and gossips sometimes, but not often enough that other engines call her a cunt.
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