#hehehe him mixing things up w/ a story
peculiarbeauty · 4 months
continued from here.
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SHE RAISES AN EYEBROW at him , grinning at his choice of words further. she is onto him , but she'll play along a bit more. " oh , oh yes ! i would agree. speaking of which , do you remember the middle of the story with that extravagant ballroom dance the princess has ? it's prominently written the same throughout the renditions. though other things may change , that is one that doesn't change so frequently as it is acclaimed. " she crosses her arms , tilting her head to the side.
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thehypercutstudios · 2 years
Bww MoD Act Scene - Meet Sir Unseen/Dungeon Rescue
This is for my bww au called Masters of Disguises, so yeah big info is in here.
So anyways, here’s an act scene of Royal in Vain where Cal and Hal hatches a plan to save their friends from the dungeon, with a little help from Cal’s new Invisible Man Form.
*scene starts with the hallway that has the dungeon door as Cal and Hal arrived, they hear a harmonica playing in the distance*
Cal: There it is, the door to the dungeon, now let’s go in! *he was about to go when Hal stopped him*
Hal: wait Cal, haven’t you forgotten something? The guards guarding your friends are none other than Pete and Brooklyn, these two may be morons who would do anything if someone bribes them, but they are tough.
Cal: And should we bribe them?
Hal: No, from what I heard…Zelgius use his persuasion spell on them to keep his word to them, I do not think any of our bribes would help…Unless, we knock them out cold, with my pressure points that I gave if they misbehave.
Cal: Right…Wait, I forgot! *gets out the chameleon shades of his pocket* I have Bruce’s Chameleon Shades with me, which brings me an idea on how we will get our friends out.
Hal: Good idea. *Cal puts on the shades and it turns into a sunglasses that is mixed with a pair of Groucho glasses* but how the sunglasses will work?
Cal: Why it is simple; Watch and learn. *clears throat* Invisible Man, Be Seen! *he turns into a invisible man called…* Sir Unseen! *looks at himself* Wow, I look like myself, but bandaged!
Hal: Woah, you look like the Invisible Man from the story!
Sir Unseen (Cal): I sure do, now, here’s the plan…*the two had a chat, which scene cuts to meanwhile, with the Inhabitants in a cell as it appears that Jose’s the one who is playing the harmonica, like any other prison scene would have as he was about to sing until..*
Pete: don’t even start, McDonald.
Jose: aww man, such a Buzzkill.
Leo: tell us about it.
Attilio: You two wouldn’t keep us in here forever! Our friend Cal will get you two good and get us out of here!
Brooklyn: Heheheh! That is funny clown, a string bean with a beak for a nose would beat us up? Hahaha, what a joke.
Pete: heheh, this is pretty easy, cannot wait for the riches that Zelgius is going to bring to us.
Brooklyn: Yeah, and pretty soon we will get madams and nice things.
Pete: Yeah, stinking rich! *the two laugh until…the lights went out* What the?!
Brooklyn: who turn off the lights?!
Eis: what is going on?
Sir Unseen (Cal): Pete…Brooklyn..
Pete: W-who goes there?
Brooklyn: And h-how did you know your name?
Sir Unseen (Cal): I am Sir Unseen, I am the ghost of judgement, and I know your names.
Pete: y-y-y-you d-don’t scare u-us!
Sir Unseen (Cal): oh, I don’t scare you? Then why are you stuttering? *gets the keys and shakes it, making the two guards scared*
Pete: I-It’s cold and well, let’s just say that uh..-…Brooklyn, turn on the lights!
Brooklyn: On it Pete! *ran off until he was tripped by ‘Something’* Ow! Tripped on something! *gets back up and gets to the lights, scene cuts to the lights being turned on and they see no one* Ey Pete, did you see Sir Unseen?
Pete: *gulps* No.
Brooklyn: *looks around and sees no one* I don’t either. *someone is behind them*
Sir Unseen (Cal): My name has the word Unseen, which you two cannot see me..I will let you two go for now, but first, why don’t you two take a nap? *then, scene cuts to them get pressure pointed and they fall, revealing Hal*
Hal: Works everytime.
Everyone: Hal!
Sana: Where’s Cal?
*scene cuts to Hal as Sir Unseen reappearing*
Sir Unseen (Cal): Hello guys!
Everyone: *recognizes the Invisible Man’s appearance* Cal! *Sir unseen unlocks the cell door* You and Hal saved us!
Sir Unseen (Cal): Right you are! I figured that one of the accessories from Bruce’s Jewelry box would come in handy, so I used Bruce’s Shades to help me and Hal make things crystal clear! But first things first…Invisible Man, turn Invisible! *turns back into Cal, he took the shades off and gives them back to Bruce* Here, you can have them back.
Bruce: That is so wise of you, Cal. *puts it back into his jewelry box*
Cass: but what about *points at the guards* them?
Hal: They are fine, they were just under his spell. *then, the two guards wake up, looks up to see Hal and got jumped, huddling each other*
Pete: It’s the Prince!
Brooklyn: Impossible! I thought he-
Pete: Oh your majesty, we are wrong about you!
Brooklyn: We are sorry for being traitors! That evil Zelgius mind-control us to trap your cousin’s friends!
Pete: Don’t send us baaaaack!
Hal: It is ok, you two are forgiven. Give back to your original post and keep the castle safe.
Pete: Oh thank you!
Brooklyn: You are the best! *the two ran off*
Hal: Now come on, we got a ceremony to save! *scene cuts to the Inhabitants and Hal running out to the main exit*
Haoyu: Wait, is it true that Zelgius guy is evil?
Cal: Yes! He is the one who Negatized Hal into Puppethomas V, turn him into a dragon and mind control Pete and Brooklyn so he can overthrow Hal to become king!
Yuri: Oh no! He really sounds very mean!
Fiona: and cruel! I do not wanna imagine what he would do to England if he was king!
Hal: Me either, I bet he does cruel things to the people of England! Wait, I have an idea you guys, and I know the best transportation.
Emma: does this place has a subway station?
Hal: No, but I do have…*reveals his amulet* my stone of form!
Everyone: Woooah!
Haoyu: Awesome! Can you turn into a dragon or something?
Hal: Sure do! Dragon‘s Fire, crank up the heat! *the gem turns into a Ruby and glows, turning Hal into Dragandalf* Dragandalf!
Everyone: Wooow!
Cal: Alright everyone, get on the dragon, we gotta stop Zelgius’s plan!
*scene cuts to the sky as Dragandalf takes the inhabitants on the way to the ceremony*
Haoyu: Woohoo! This is awesome!
Attilio: This reminds me of the movie of a Girl and a Dragon!
Cal: Onward! To victory and order!
*the dragon roars and flies faster*
[end of cutscene]
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dra6onheir · 4 months
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so ok it's cliché story but i like the sound of it so let's go ;
rong's clan's ' curse ' had stopped appearing for decades , even a century . 133 years had passed since a deng clan heir was born with an ability to control the weather , etc . it happened with rong .
the ones that had the ability were seen as some sort of deities / gods / legends among everyone now .
you know how it is , people were exaggerating it and saying things that didn't happen . to the point everyone thought they actually had some godlike powers .
when rong was born with that ability though , things changed .
he discovered his ability when he was five when he screamed for a toy his brother had stolen from him and suddenly it started raining and etc. and since then , rong was seen as something holy .
chen geng was a very powerful demon ; though he was a half demon , his father was human . and he was exiled from both realms due to his mixed genes , from here and heavens hehehe .
he hears about rong when he comes to earth .
and rong must have been around twenty or something ( after wwx died , and his father is silent now , his mom is dead and his brother is the leader of deng clan lol ) .
okay yeah basically he kidnaps rong .
he got this veeery big black scary palace underground , you can call it hades and perse story or bEAUTY AND THE BEAST SJJSKSKAKS . i'm boring like that .
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as you can guess , chen doesn't exactly have a plan at first and he's keeping rong in a dark room w food magically appearing on his table every three meal , on time , there's a bathtub on the corner w hot water and chen thought what else would a human need right lol .
rong tried to break the windows , tried to yell for help , he was very Very scared because the witch back home told him he was going to be in trouble soon . hehe .
so w time softens this stupid half demon up to the point that chen comes to sit w him when he eats his meals . i mean chen doesn't eat but he just stares at rong . it was a little creepy but cute .
but it's not always soft like this .
chen gets angry at disobedience and he does punish rong accordingly especially when rong doesn't accept to be part of his stupid plans .
he wraps burning chains around rong's ankles , he leaves him alone in a room with cockroaches knowing vv well that rong has panic attacks when he sees one djdjjs . it's so messy .
so eventually the chains he wraps around rong's ankles leave a mark ,, apparently they had some demonic power in them and when rong's blood touches them ... he kinda absorbs some sort of this energy too .
and it starts to corrupt his golden core .
he somehow escapes chen and comes back to earth only to find out that his brother was looking for him too .
well obviously rong couldn't tell him a demon kidnapped him and he might have absorbed some of his energy too and it was making him see nightmares , helping him fight better , see and hear better . lol .
but chen left a black mark on rong's soul and golden core and this mark is getting bigger and bigger each day .
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mlmxreader · 10 months
Hi!! Hope you're doing good. Very excited for you about the tattoos!! I love the reference to the Nice Guys with the "you will never be happy :)" tattoo. Genuinely chuckled when I saw that on his hand, his daughter give me life. The comments about Jasper made me laugh. My husky is the exact same way, she thinks anything and everything is food solely for her 🤣. Now, onto the stories!
First Time For Everything.
He couldn't help but to smile a little, kissing you softly and gently; a man capable of greater violence than you could be, so tender and so careful with you even though he knew you so fucking well. He worried about your safety, but he knew that he could keep you safe.
EHEHEHEHEHEH!!! This was so cuuutttteee! They're glued to the others hip, YOU SLEEP IN THE SAME BED AND BATH TOGETHER BUT AREN'T A THING YET?!?!? .... Oh, yeah, no, this is just my totally not gay for each other best friend and business associate 👀👀.
But giving Y/N his cardigan?? For Forrest, that's basically putting a wedding ring on their finger 🤣.
Panicked and Scared
Forrest! He's obviously traumatized by what happened that night and why wouldn't he be? But how heartbreaking for a man typically so sure of himself now having doubts about his own reality and his ability to discern what is and isn't there. When he was woken up and the feelings of fear he had 🥺 my baby!!
He did his best to convince himself that that was the case, he really did. He didn't want you to worry. You needed to sleep, he knew that.
🥺🥺🥺 somebody give my stoic and silent Bondurant a giant hug and just don't let him go.
A Long While
"Trust me!" You beamed. "He's great with his hands!"
Hehehe, making poor Bob blush right in front of their friend. 🤣
"Y'know," you mused as you dared to swing his hand a little. "I'm glad we're together, Saginowski… I hope we're together for a long while."
Sweet, sweet Bob! Watching TV, curled up on the couch with you and Rocco .... literally the best way to end off the day.
Thank you very much for all of these lovely pieces!! Thoroughly enjoyed each and every one of them and they really helped to lift my spirits after a relatively shit couple of days so for that I am eternally grateful 🖤.
Til next time.
it is DEFINITELY, at the time of writing this, my 2nd favourite tattoo ngl. always makes me laugh. I love Holland so much, like idc, he's my favourite himbo dilf. full stop. no one else is better.
I tell you, everything they say about greyhounds is WRONG; they are lazy, charismatic, little assholes.... but I do love him. he's a good boy, when he STOPS FUCKING STEALING SHIT.
First Time For Everything
they literally do everything together, INCLUDING the things that are incredibly vulnerable and intimate situations... BUT THEY'RE DEFINITELY ONLY FRIENDS 👀 (cough bullshit. cough.) something something intricate rituals, something something, etc etc. they are basically married, like, they're at the point where friendship and romance mix together - that's marriage material. they're basically married.
Panicked and Scared
Forrest having episodes of dissociation over a traumatic event, especially something like attempted murder... could be worse tbh. could be worse. he could be dead. someone pay for this man's therapy, PLEASE, he needs it. like, genuinely. he NEEDS therapy. especially bc, yk, at the time dissociation and dissociative episodes & disorders WEREN'T as well researched and understood compared to today's standards... he's just going through shit rn, the poor bastard.
A Long While
"he's great with his hands" hmmmmmm 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀 they're so, so lucky Bob loves them kjdhfjkhffkdh otherwise they'd be in SO MUCH SHIT for a remark like that. the little hand swing + the watching tv w the dog... they really do have the CUTEST relationship, my days.
YOU ARE SO VERY WELCOME!!! I hope you enjoy the other ones just as much!!!! I am, however, once again so sorry that these took so long to get around to actually answering and writing, but I am again thanking you for being so patient with me <3 hopefully I can come back full-swing soon!!!
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twstarchives · 3 years
Happy Birthday・Idia
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Card: Birthday Attire - SSR Characters: Idia & Yuu. Mentioned: Ortho, Muscle Crimson
Chapter 1
NRC Campus News Interview with the Birthday Student ~Idia ver.~
Yuu: Happy birthday!
Idia: Huh...? U-Uh, um... Th-Thank... you.
That’s a lovely outfit.
Idia: You think so? This “Yo! I’m a big merry chief!”-looking outfit? Your aesthetic is something I can’t even begin to understand.
It’s fancy, it’s too tight, and it s-stands out.
But worst of all, I’m having people whose names I don’t even know just casually talking to me... Have you ever experienced something so horrifying?
I’m at my limit... Hah... I wanna get this thing off as soon as possible...
Alright, let’s get started with the interview——
Idia: Eee! Y-Y-You said “interview”? With me?
No, no, no, you’re joking...
That’s just way too impossible for a modest guy like me... I have to decline.
...I-I can’t? Y-You’re really stubborn. H-Hold on a second...
          (He switches to speaking from his tablet)
Idia: Okay, I’m good now. L-Let’s get this over with.
How does it feel with everyone sending you birthday wishes?
Idia: ...I-It’s nothing but literal torture to have flocks of normies come up and talk to me...
The idea that every single person wants a huge birthday celebration with lots of people is a complete lie!
Aren’t you happy it’s your birthday?
Idia: It just means my lifespan decreased by a year. What’s there to be happy ab—oh, wait, just kidding! Scratch that.
I’ve got loads of amazing birthday events in my games!
Between collecting limited voice lines and reading all my birthday stories... I’ve been extremely busy since this morning~.
S-So, can I go back to my room now...? No? Okay.
Chapter 2
Please let me continue with our interview.
Idia: N-No, the things I have to say feel kinda pointless. Haven’t you heard enough already...?
I’d rather not talk to you through a tablet...
Idia: ...Does that mean we can end this faster if we talk face-to-face? Okay then.
          (He discards his tablet)
Thank you. First off, what’s your favorite food?
Idia: ...Candy. They’re good and they’re easy to eat while playing games... It’s perfect.
I-I love educational candy kits the most. The ones where you can add water and mix it, sprinkle powders in it, make it solidify...
The candy itself is like a game, so I get so focused on playing it... Hehe.
I can make the colors and shapes whatever I want, so it’s really fun. And if you think it’s a game for kids, then you’re wrong.
What about your least favorite food?
Idia: ...Raw fish. I-It’s smelly, lukewarm, and the texture feels slimy, slippery, and sticky...
Plus it’s annoying when you can’t eat something without utensils. Getting those out takes so much time. I hate it...
It’s just important to get nutrition into your body, and well-balanced block candy does that fine! Yup, you can’t disagree with me!
Is there a reason you’re always wearing headphones?
Idia: ...O-Oh? So you can ask actually good questions. Obviously, it’s to listen to phenomenal music with the best sound quality.
It’s courtesy to the creators who brought these masterpieces to life to listen to them in HQ.
Oh. The noise canceling function is also very important. ...It lets me shut out the outside world.
What kind of music do you listen to?
Idia: ...I-I stan some idol groups... I love their songs.
The appeal of idols isn’t just their looks~ I wouldn’t stan a group if their songs sucked~
So you like idols? Do you have a favorite group?
Idia: Moirai! Moirai on the Edge! You don’t know them? This is why you’re a normie...
They’re a popular trio of veteran dancers and seasoned vocalists!
Listening to their godly songs makes me start chanting and clapping like I’m at one of their live concerts...
I-I could show you some of their music if you’re interested... No, I won’t force you if you don’t want to...
Chapter 3
Please let me continue with our interview just a little longer.
Idia: ...Are you serious? I’ve already been enduring this for so long keeping my tablet away...
H-Hey, can we just end this? I’ve talked enough. What do I even get out of this?
I’m the birthday boy or whatever (lol), but my opinion doesn’t get to be respected...?
I-It’ll be over soon, I promise... Um, tell us about a birthday memory you have.
Idia: Uhh... My parents gave me a lot of games as presents.
Console games, board games, all kinds of things for me to play in my room.
I was always ecstatic when I got them, and Ortho would play them with me.
I always won more than him when we were little. I mean, I am a genius, so what do you expect? Hehe.
But Ortho would get upset about it every time, so I slowly started changing the games we played.
To board games that use things like roulette wheels and dice.
Th-That way, Ortho could still have fun with them without needing to have any technique...
That was nice of you.
Idia: W-Well, it was my birthday... and I’m his big brother...
But it’s not like I can beat Ortho at computer games now!
I have one last question to ask.
Idia: Huh? I-Is it really the last one? I can’t do this anymore...
I promise it is. Has anything happened for your birthday today?
Idia: Um... Th-The second the day changed, I got dozens of birthday messages flying in from my online friends...
Oh, yeah. Muscle Crimson-shi gave me a rare weapon as a present~
Man, I was so touched!
...Hah. I wish everyone would just send me birthday wishes online instead of coming to me face-to-face...
The idea that talking in-person is more significant than online chats and texts is such an outdated point of view...
Extroverts should be aware that making eye contact and laughing puts so much pressure on someone...
           (He switches back to his tablet)
Idia: Speaking of, I’m much more attentive and genuine when I talk through my tablet lolol.
Thank you. Once again, happy birthday!
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ratcandy · 3 years
CoGR Abridged/Summarized
Hello hello! My name is Clam, otherwise known as Squeakyclam on Ao3, and this is a heavily summarized/shortened version of my HK fic Camouflage of Great Renown. For anyone somehow finding this that doesn't know what it's about, CoGR focuses on Zote and his story through the game and what preceded it. He recounts his entire life up until the end of what's known in canon, and this includes a whole lot of angst, growth, realizations, and Trauma Revelations.
Oh, and he's a nosk. Zote is a nosk. Yep.
I've had a few requests for a summary, as the work is super long and reading through 130k+ words of Zote dialogue may not be for everyone, hehehe so I've compiled all the important plot points and wrote them out here in order of his story, rather than the plotline CoGR goes through specifically (in which big events in his history are revealed later on).
If I had to recommend reading the fic for anything, it'd be the... impact, I suppose? 'Cause reading the summarized events here will NOT be anything like reading it in CoGR. Seeing as the fic is all in Zote's pov and he actually has to force himself to admit all of this aloud. But I digress!!
Here's a summary of Zote's life according to CoGR.
THIS IS A VERY, VERY LONG POST DESPITE BEING A SUMMARY. I'm sorry, CoGR just has a lot happening! T/W for mentions of death.
A lot more heavy stuff happens in CoGR, but in this summary I do my best to step around those subjects. If you think more T/Ws should be added, let me know, and I'll put them here
Nosks were a species that inhabited Deepnest, specifically living in a den towards the nest's depths. It split off into lots of tunnels and caverns that each nosk lived in. "Society" there was very hostile and unwelcoming, as nosks valued brute strength over just about anything else. Caring for another nosk - be it kin or otherwise - was considered weak. "Burdens" to the den, such as nosks that were badly wounded, would/could not hunt, or were simply getting too old would be killed off. Death in and of itself was very common and hardly anyone would bat an eye at it.
Think the Mantis Tribe but largely feral and without a shred of decency of morals.
Runt donning mask of citizen was born into the nosk den alongside his brother, who would become hunter donning hide of tiktik.
(Before anyone asks, these are just the naming conventions that nosks have. No one but the nosk superiors - the leaders of the den - are granted actual names.)
A third egg was among them, but the brother broke it open and ate the younger sibling not long after hatching.
The two were born under a superior (their mother) and her chosen mate (their father). They were expected to grow up strong and eventually overtake their mother and become superiors. Or, one of them would, maybe.
The runt (Zote) was immediately scorned by the mother, as he was extremely frail and useless, and she just about killed him off right after he hatched - but his father stepped in, and the runt was left alive.
Zote grew up to be a weak nosk who could barely defend himself in a den full of beasts that would gladly kill him if doing so wouldn't be a direct offense to a superior. His brother was cruel to him, his father berated him constantly, and his mother was hardly in the picture at all. Only ever watching him distastefully from afar.
His father did, however, train him, if only sparingly. The least he could do to keep Zote alive. (Doing so would be a death wish were any other nosks to find out about it...)
However, an elder in the den - hunter donning mask of weaver - gained Zote's attention as she told him fantastical stories from outside the den. This elder had spent a good portion of her life among the Weavers, initially being sent to learn about them (to make them easier to hunt) but growing interested in their culture and choosing to stay. Until she did something to get her chased out.
At any rate, she told the stories from the Weavers to Zote, alongside news of what was happening outside of Deepnest. This caused the runt to become obsessed with the idea of being a knight, as the stories just sounded!! So amazing and heroic and awesome and!!! :D Yea!! He wanted to be just like that!
To the point where he even carved a sword out of the shellwood... with the den elder's help. He named it Life-Ender eventually.
At some point, however, his father found out about all this. His father figured that the only way to eliminate this problem - as wishing to be something heroic that saved lives or whatever was SO unnosk-like (and would get him killed) - was to kill the den elder.
Before she died, the elder told Zote to run away from the den, and not to return no matter what. The idiot did not run, and because of this, he witnessed the Den Elder's death at the hands of his father and some other nosks.
Man! this does, however, cause Zote to be more... "open" about his ideas. By this I mean he begins carrying Life-Ender around instead of hiding it in his nest. what do you mean it's a comfort item what! no he's just rebelliously showing off how much he wants to be a knight. totally. 100% /s
well, anyway, not long after this, the idiot's father dies at the claws of his mother. Zote unfortunately witnesses this as well. When he tries to run, his mother catches him, nearly killing him as well. Luckily(?), this attempt is thwarted by Zote's brother, who was very distraught over their father's death. The brother swears to kill the mother before storming off. Zote runs into hiding (still in the nosk den), and begins devising his plan so to get the hell out of there.
Of the few times that Zote leaves his nest after his father's death, 90% of them ended with him getting pummeled by his brother. The latter was livid, blaming the father's death on Zote and frequently bursting into fits of emotional rage. Rage is great for nosks, other emotions not so much.
On one occasion in particular, the brother goes too far, nearly killing Zote. In the scuffle, Life-Ender is shattered, and that sends Zote into a blind anger (mixed with survival instinct as he's About to Die). Zote then kills his brother.
A crowd had gathered around them during the fight. In that crowd was Zote's mother, who looked to him approvingly after he'd killed off his brother. This terrified Zote, so he gathered the pieces of Life-Ender and fled the den forever.
Stopping at the hot spring in Deepnest, he made a disguise for himself based on the vessels that nosks would often capture. He made a new name for himself, took on an entirely new identity, and decided to abandon the idea that he was ever a nosk. He would just go to the City, be knighted by the King (who he'd heard of from the stories the Den Elder would tell him), and live out his life as a knight. Just like he always wanted. Not as a nosk. because he's not that.
The events that follow now are just very short summaries of things that happen throughout cogr.
- He breaks a statue in the Queen's station on accident after a bug finds him there. as a nosk. oops
- He obliterates the entire uoma population /j and burns himself in the process
- He repairs Life-Ender originally using mushrooms in the Fungal Wastes. Fungal adhesion is real I checked I swear
- He makes it to the City of Tears! and while there, he
Gets caught by Hegemol who mistakes him as a vessel
Drowns in the City's gutters
Purchases a cloth to wrap around Life-Ender
Hears the Pale King talk one (1) time and immediately decides he hates him
- While leaving the City, he finds a grub. That grub never really gets named, but as he frequented calling the little thing "Fiend," and the grub eventually began responding to that title, he just considers it a name for them now.
- Zote travels with the grub throughout the Crossroads until he drops them off with the Grubfather, being rewarded for reuniting them but overall feelings pretty :( about it.
- He then goes to the. So you know the houses that are underneath the Gruzz Mother's lil arena? Yea that place. he goes there and "guards" it, becoming that place's self-proclaimed knight.
- then he starts being paranoid about the grub and returns to the grubfather only to see all the grubs have been stolen. he presumes Fiend is dead from this point on (and dodges around ever using the word).
- Then he goes back to the lil town place only to see everyone's infected :(
- We then spend TEN CHAPTERS!! in Greenpath. In which he
eats a plant and dies
Stands in No Eyes's tomb.
Visits the Lake of Unn (and nothing bad happens)
Sees a nosk at the entrance to Fog Canyon and proceeds to have a panic attack
Kills everything
Gets caught by the Vengefly king
Gets saved!
has a breakdown
Yells at Ghost and then Leaves
- Canon starts!
- He stops in Dirtmouth, listens to Elderbug talk, gets told the Myth of the Great old Nosks who are now all Extinct. The news that nosks are now extinct freaks Zote out a little, but he absolutely refuses to return to Deepnest. He doesn't need to make sure. It's fine.
- In an effort to convince himself not to go to Deepnest, he goes to the City again, thinking it can't possibly be all that ba-- oh no everyone's dead!
- he inadvertently steals a map marker from Ghost and decides to use that as a pin for his cloak
- Zote returns to Deepnest. He's very upset with himself for this, but he just has to know if all the nosks are actually extinct now.
The answer is yes
but before that he gets caught by dirtcarvers and put in a web and has to be saved. this makes him angry
Upon seeing all the dead nosks once he gets to the den, and noticing that the last nosk was mimicking Ghost (evidenced by the mask left behind) before it died, he decides that he's gotta Kill Everything again
- more specifically we're going to the Colosseum now.
- Zote's fear of water evaporates as he goes through the secret passage in the King's Station to get to Kingdom's Edge. He only found it because he saw Ghost go that way
- While at the Kingdom's Edge, he gets caught by the Fools, who he stupidly challenges and then immediately gets caught by.
- sits in dumb baby jail for a while. mean to tiso
- Then the colosseum battle happens! He does not win he then gets dropped down into kingdom's edge with little regard toward whether he's dead or alive
- He grabs a Fool's helmet before leaving, going back to Dirtmouth, and intending to bury that thing
- this goes wrong as he bumps into Bretta. He then sits and talks with her for God Only Knows how Long, spacing out while doing so, and not even noticing when she eventually gets up and leaves him.
- He buries the helmet, shuts himself away in his house, and gets stuck repeating his precepts to himself. At the end of CoGR it is revealed that he hasn't been talking to anyone, and is instead talking to himself endlessly as no one is left to listen to him
and that's it! that's cogr. yeah
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nighttimepixels · 3 years
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you are so valid and I totally see why everyone I've ever mentioned it to loves the hell out of it
aksdjlsdfj I meannnn if you want to hear my rambling about it then hell yeah
Okay, gonna put this below the cut to save everyone else XD also- since I'm not leaving this Mass Effect obsession anytime soon, if you're not interested in seeing occasional posts about it, please feel free to block the tag "night plays ME"~
(mild spoilers ahead??)
((also for real I mean it when I say this is rambling as hell lol, apologies and no stress if absolute no one reads all this))
OKAY SO Mass Effect 1-
Stars help me, I was honestly hooked right from the start?? Like even in Legendary Edition (the combined trilogy just re-released in one "can play it on one system + minor improvements", for anyone who doesn't know) where it's smoothed out, of course it's obvious that ME1 is a decade old... but the foundation for these relationships are all there and gods I love them already.
Like - Kaiden right off the top is a delightful good fightin lad, what the hell. I've heard that he's viewed as 'bland' by a good portion of the fan community but I dunno, he's a delight and even more complex by the time 2 rolls around and you encounter him on Horizon, it was honestly Ashley I was way more meh about - mostly because before you can learn about her family history/etc, she comes off as hella xenophobic and I was immediately offended for my growing space family that she didn't like/trust all the aliens around, pfff.
(she gets redeemed a bit through further actions/evolving thoughts, but I thought in retrospect it was a bummer that they didn't flip the order there, give her a chance to be liked before the complicating factor of being so rude about aliens >:c that then she could grow from... ah well. Apparently she has a good arc but uh, let's just say I chose Kaiden at the "key junction" in the latter part of the game so I won't be seeing anymore of Ashley uh... anytime soon, haha.)
Garrus??? Is??????? The ABSOLUTE best???????????
I liked him from the start, I'm always a bit of a sucker for a rogue-detective "the system won't bring this bastard to justice, so I've got to" type and all their moral shadiness XD But he just gets better, honestly, and where I'm at in ME2 (right before the Reaper IFF mission, as of typing this, with everyone's loyalty!) I am only digging myself deeper into this hole-
-*wheezing* okay anyways -
Wrex is AMAZING I love fightin' middle-aged krogan bastard, gods. Liara is great too, I'm a sucker for a wlw relationship (playing fem!Shepard, so) - buuuut I'll admit she's a bit more one-note in ME1. Last week while I was still on ME1 I remember hearing (while trying to dodge spoilers) that her arc is really good, though. I think they leaned a little hard on the 'innocent but sexy' sterteotype on her (so despite the yikes aspect of a few of the things I've learned in ME2, lol, I actually really like the complexity that's been added to her character.)
Saved Liara first, so by the time I got to Noveria and had the standoff with Benezia there was the chance to have emotions over Liara having to face her TwT and of course, I made the questionable but quality decision to free Queen Rachni heheh. no ragrets
More than a blow-by-blow of my choices though I totally wanna take the chance to say that even in the mild jankiness of ME1 (goddammit, the Mako.... please..... please just go up this impossible cliff I just want to resource hunt-) the way that the lore, both obvious/key to main plot and the lesser/filler/background/world-building kinds... I just love it. It incorporates it well, you can go ham in the codex learning more, or just dive into the basics - it's clearly a complex galaxy (and they do an even better job in 2 of fleshing it out further), and it never really felt overwhelming. It was pretty natural figuring it all out-!
Plus the interesting implications of resource hunting amongst the sapient races, and the little side missions you better bet I did every one of- there's so much rich depth in the story if you do 'em!! (And that lead with that Keeper side mission...? Looking back, damn, clever foreshadowing-!!!)
And oh my gods, Ilios??? hell yeah. I loved that mission so much, especially having Garrus & Kaiden with me when talking to the hologram/computer, and more than anything, that last sprint in the Mako trying to get to the jump before it closed-???
yeet the boi-
Also mannn I love a good setpiece, and having to go up the side of the elevator, space-side?? such a cool setup!!
Plus it felt good having been Paragon enough (as simple as the good v bad vibe system is, I don't hate it, lol) to avoid one of the Saren fights, ngl. And the er, "second fight" with Sovereign-Saren.... hell yeah
... I'll admit I had to double check my choice re whether to save the Council. I did in the end, but I swear, sometimes the way they phrase things I'm like ".... okay but Garrus is right, defeating Sovereign is more important than these few leaders??????" woops. Listen, priorities, is all I'm saying..... ( ̄ヮ ̄|||)ゞ
'Course later they emphasize (in ME2) that there were 10,000 people on that same ship and I was like well I wouldn't have second guessed if I'd known that, I mean c'mon-
Also I did indeed romance Liara in this one, so I got that scene ;Dc But,,,, I also knew by the end that I was totally gonna romance Garrus in 2 since he's an option then finally,,,,, lemme tell you the guilt as I waffled over whether to romance Liara bc of it. hahaha.
Aaaaand Mass Effect 2-
So I'm only up to right before the Reaper IFF Mission, so I don't know the ending, etc etc lol. That said, I've just finished every side mission I've found with the exception of the Shadowbroker Quest and the Arrival Quest (I've heard the latter basically leads into ME3, and the former is best either right before the Omega 4 jump or in postgame).
So from the start - fuck yeah fuck yeah what a high adrenaline start Shepard noooooo but also yes save Joker aH-
The motion comic too hot damn nice job
I loved this setup, seriously - especially forcing Shep into this situation, having to work with/for Cerberus, and the compelling reasoning given behind "why" they do what they do (I especially found it a good point that the Salarians have the Task Force, the Asaris the Commandos, the Turians the- etc... like, true, when you put it like that, having a similar group advancing human interests/solving human interstellar problems is pretty reasonable...). That said, I love too that it really isn't shied away from how Cerberus is nonetheless fucked up - or its at least done fucked up stuff.
Listen, I still think some messed up stuff is gonna be revealed in 2's endgame......... after that Horizon mission and the Collector's ship???? TIM I SEE YOU YOU SHADY MF-
aaanyways lol...
I'm so so glad on a gameplay level they nixed the Mako style exploration. A few Hammerhead missions are fine and a lot more focused than the slippery ass navigation in that glorified ATV, pfff. The probes are a neat way of getting after similar resources - and more importantly, having good levels and some good hubs (the Zakera Wards, Omega, Ilium, etc) is way way more fun than having a more 'sprawling' space that is.... a lot of empty nonsense, lol.
Then there's the fact that we get Joker right off the bat and you can interact with him so much - and him and EDI??? Get out gods I love them. Kasumi is so right when she says they sound like a bickering old married couple lol. I have a terrible feeling that some shit is gonna happen with EDI..... but I don't think she's evil as-is, at least.
Side-eying the hell out of those "access forbidden" parts of her that she doesn't even know.... and the fact that her AI core has a locked door access................... something's gonna happen gdi LEAVE OUR ADOPTED AI ALONE.
(Also Joker pls stop fracturing your thumb on the mute button)
Also please save me there are so many hot aliens in this game,,,,, the xeno/monsterfuckers really comin' through strong in the sequels............... doin' the lord's work........................................
In general, I love how many levels ME stepped up in two with complexity and interwoven narratives!! Like, to the point it'd be almost a drag to replay ME1, even though it was fun going through it (if occasionally a bit tedious with the cookie cutter rando planet science/mine facilities, lol). Like, just from how fun and interesting ME2 is, mostly! more of all the pre-introduced races, plus new ones, plus more filling in of intragalactic politics, and more interesting implications of all these space-faring races mixing....
Also gods WREX and his planet holy shit,,,,, fuckin' hell yeah my man get their shit together and also adopt Grunt yes good-
And Mordin??? My singing semi-evil scientist best friend forced to confront his choices more than he thought he ever would have???? With some of the best ongoing general report chatter of all the companions??
(when I tell you I choked on my coffee when I talked to him after confirming romance choice w/ Garrus and that 'pamphlet' and 'anaphalactic shot if ingesting-' kajsldkfjsldfjk)
Like, fuck, the fact that they actually dive into the mixed morality and horrors of the genophage, and you can confront Mordin on it, for good reason, yet he still stands his ground, until finally some bits of his loyalty mission seem to... affect him, and I'm guessing might set up things for 3 with him? Unsure, but either way, damn, the fact that they start to dig into it...
And Taliiiii my beloved forbidden alien wife TwT her loyalty mission was SO GOOD. I love how varied they all are?? Getting to defend her and discover what she'd unwittingly been a part of-!!
Zaeed is a bastard but tbh I love that he is and that he's unapologetic in him - and Kasumi omg, best thief. A heist?? Gods, yes- I love our couch lounge chats XD
Samara is..... illegally.......... she's an illegally powerful and beautiful and eloquent MILF...........................
(.... listen I'm sapphic as hell and I'm kicking my own ass for picking her up last aksjdlfksjdfl - but her loyalty mission, damn. And seeing how there's this interesting cultural subset, and the struggle with the Asari in that they unquestioningly accept/respect justicars, but also know that the impact outside their culture is a diplomacy nightmare waiting to happen-)
,.,,,,,T,,, Thane,,,,,
I am weak for morally implicated murder dads okay?? And that voice??? His mannerisms?????? How you first see him, and that prayer after assassinating her...???????? And his history/his people's history with the hanar, gods I love how messy it is, it feels so much more real!
Also Jack is a mess and I love her (and want to get her some therapy, omg), and her and Miranda nearly duking it out after you've done both their loyalty missions??? so good and makes a lot of sense-! Honestly I would love more interactions between teammates on the ship, but there's already so much the devs had to balance I can't blame 'em for minimizing, heh. But suffice to say I also love Miranda and Jacob, even if I'm softest for my alien crew XD Hell yeah Jacob, we'll get loud and spill drinks on the citadel indeed TwT
.... I could write a whole essay on how much I love Garrus oTL Perhaps because he and Tali are the throughlines from 1 on your 2 crew, I have some of the strongest feelings about them... but genuinely, he was one of my favorite companions in the first game, and how you find him as Archangel in two? Getting to help him fight his way out after he's gone nearly 48 hours straight fighting off three gangs alone, jfc. His vengeance quest and what can happen there.... That line? fuck me, that line -
It's so much easier to see the world in black and white. Grey? I don't know what to do with gray...
How DARE you come for my heart like this, devs holy shit
(also, some other choice faves so far from the series from him include We can disobey suicidal orders?? and This wasn't in my training manual... [in 1, if you have him with you @ th Thorian fight] and his whole.... pop the heat sink - in his romance ;Dc)
asdasdfksadjfkl like I said I can write an essay on him PFFF suffice to say I'm very looking forward to his romance scene and where things go in 3
But yeah gods I'm just gonna keep rambling if I'm not careful lol. Gods I don't even know what to talk about it's all so good and while I can understand people roasting the obviousness of Paragon V Renegade (v neutral) choices/alignments, I think they do a pretty damn good job in 2 of pushing it further - to the point that there were some times that I accidentally got renegade points and I wasn't that mad, haha. There's so much fun in the interactions that I just have a good time anyways~
I have so many thoughts about TIM (The Illusive Man) and Cerberus.... theories evolving galore............... and like, what the hell!! Omega 4 going to the center of the galaxy is such a cool twist, goddamn - though my heart still breaks at losing Kaiden (his line if you haven't romanced him?? about feeling like he lost a limb when he lost you??? holy shit.... but I also can't blame him for not trusting Cerberus to the point of it affecting his ability to trust Shepard... like fuck Shep go after himmmm) I'm really excited to see where that goes since he comes back in 3, and what the fuck happens with Cerberus bc while I love the fact that obviously there are a lot of people in it for the right reasons, doing good work, there are those that are doing the opposite, and I have a very bad feeling about where TIM will end up landing....
All that said though I need to do the Reaper IFF mission (where I'm lightly spoiled as to getting That Boy, but not how/what happens to make it so - just that it's apparently wise to have all your side missions done before getting him...) and the actual Omega 4 jump. So we'll see what happens and what I think about it from there heheh!
.... major kudos and genuine props if you made it here to the end, I am so sorry for not editing on condensing all this, and appreciate you so much ;w;
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boba-beom · 3 years
dk if you done this yet, but how about shipping your moots w txt 💜
That is a very good ask anonie. I have not actually done this so lemme think- I’ll do romantic and platonic 🤠 I’m sorry if I’ve missed out a lot of my moots cjdnxk I’ve lost track,,  also idk if you just wanted pairings but because I’m extra I’ll put my reasonings~
@scintillasofbeomgyu 🧸
romantic — beomgyu! I feel like not only because aisha loves gyu wholeheartedly, but I do feel like they’d get along really well. I imagine their relationship to emit so much crack like energy HAHAH but aisha’s also so sweet and expressive,, and I know beomgyu is as expressive, if not, then VERY expressive too, maybe throw in some corny jokes in the mix lmao but both of them together would scream power couple — I see y’all matching fluffy jackets for some reason 👀
platonic — taehyun! like beomgyu, aisha has that loveable personality, but I have a feeling she likes teasing her friends a lot also,, so I’m thinking of platonically shipping her with tyun since he’d be able to tease back to some extent- maybe too much might end up with tyun putting aisha in headlock /j 😭 no, but aisha and tyun would be an iconic pair of besties,, also because I kinda forget taehyun is younger than aisha cngjen
@yoonjunie 🌸
romantic — soobin/beomgyu! I struggled to pick between the two because I know pengy likes to play games, and so I thought of soogyu. I just think they’re also the type to watch anime with her,, because knowing them, they like to watch kdramas so I think it’d be interesting to see them watch anime too since I’m sure they’ll enjoy that a lot. this is more beomgyu than soobin, but this is where I pull the opposites card, beomgyu is incredibly loud lmao, but I don’t see pengy as a loud person, if anything I think she’s a little bit more chill unless it’s fangirling but that’s a different story I have a feeling pengy would be able to chill with beomgyu, it’d be an amusing thing to see heheh
platonic — hueningkai! lemme just say, pengy is the cutest person I’ve met on here, and I can say that with my full chest. every single time I talk to her it’s always so enjoyable and even the random things said, it’s just enjoyable conversing with her 🥺 and I know hueningkai is the same, I like to think of him as the sunshine in the group who manages to make everyone feel loved and comfortable,, and that’s how I see pengy too~ she’s so sweet and I feel like people can get along with her well 🥰
@choideluxe 💛
romantic — taehyun! I’ve somewhat mentioned this before but I think tyun and sumi’s compatibility would be really strong,, firstly, taehyun is intelligent, and after speaking to sumi, I have also realised that! like the way they speak and/or the way sumi writes is so nicely articulated and it reminds me of the way taehyun speaks or how he writes his messages on weverse from time to time. also I think it’s the fact that people may be shy to approach them at first but when you get to know them better they’re both the sweetest people in the world, like if happiness was a person? that’s them, they’d make each other happy too, genuinely 🥺
platonic — soobin👀 before I say anything else, sumi I am so sorry,, I was initially gonna ship you romantically for the sake of your soobin feels but HAHAH but anyway, I’m thinking soobin and sumi are constantly gonna be each other’s like comfort buddies? soobin does that thing where he just intently listens to the other person and sometimes just being there for someone. tmi oops, but I feel like sumi does the same at times,, it’s so comforting to confide with them and I just know they’d do that to each other, because, well they’re always there for others so they need someone to seek comfort from too, so who else other than each other? also because these couple of besties can game together 😌
@magicalstellar ✨
romantic — soobin! I see anu and soobin painting together, like maybe those picnics where you’re painting or just chilling and painting, but they’d also take a lot of polaroid photos of each other and their paintings! I just see this a lot and I think it’s absolutely the cutest thing. also initially soobin is quite timid at the start, but to me anu didn’t seem too timid but it was easy to talk and approach her,, the same way soobin makes the guests at mubank feel hehe
platonic — beomgyu! this sounds so random, but I feel like their friendship would be a little similar to taegyu’s friendship, solely because anu can handle things in a chaotic-ish situation,, take for example, beomgyu is loud and can be a little chaotic, but anu can stand her ground and just chill like nothing affects her the same way lmao
@lipbeom 🥰
romantic — beomgyu! rynn gives me beomgyu vibes, end of. I’m joking!! I feel like this is because I’m lowkey analysing her works, but the way she writes is almost poetic, and it seems so eloquent it reminds me of beomgyu’s diary entries on weverse 🥺 and now I just think of beomgyu songwriting in rynn’s presence would be so cute sorry my heart’s about to combust AHAHA I still think the vibes would be immaculate!!
platonic — yeonjun! so the reason I say this,, rynn gives me playful vibes, like the same way yeonjun messes around with the younger ones, or when he teases soobin a lot,, or how he’s been teasing beomgyu lately too—that’s my beomjun heart speaking—so I think it would be a playful friendship with plenty of inside jokes and chill times ✨
@cupidtyun 🧡
romantic — taehyun! I think bun would make a great match with taehyun, I’m taking in the aspect of how we’ve been conversing since they are really good at holding a conversation as well as just making things flow so well hehe and it’s enjoyable too,, I always think taehyun would like that too, someone they can talk to about anything and everything! it’s a quality that stood out to me a lot as we interacted~
platonic — hueningkai! the friendship would be so wholesome!! bun looks out for me a lot or from time to time when we talk, it’s just so nice having someone who checks up on you, and I see that with hueningkai too. I find it so endearing how supportive bun can be the same way hyuka is to his hyungs regardless and I can’t stop pouting at that 🥺
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evathenovice · 4 years
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I has a story here! A gift for @tyraeltheapprentice​ I hopes you like it! Just some soft interaction between Eva and Tyrael. Aand..y-yeah sooo- *Shoves here and hides*
Just my luck, Tyrael huffed. And it was usually her luck; storms and weird weather happened rather often when she traveled. Not even the thick lush of the forest could hold back the rain drops or icy winds that bombarded her. No, there was no traveling in this kind of weather. “We need to find shelter, and fast.” she groaned to her two familiars, who were unseen if any other were to come across her, but their presence was felts. 
Trudging through the woods with both hands to her hood to keep it in place despite the battle with the wind, through the bramble and the bush that was lessening,  seemed to be a small clearing. Normally the opposite of shelter from a storm, the small cottage that was giving off light and smoke made said clearing much more appealing. The woman lowered her head to push through the storm challenges and made her way to the door, banging on the wooden circle since someone had to be home if there was a fire going. 
“Coming!” A lighthearted voice came from the other side as the sound of metal latches and the creak of the wood followed suit. “Hello, this isn’t the best weather to be out in- wait! Tyrael?” 
“Eva?” Her golden eyes widened as she looked down at the redhead at the door. This was the last person I was expecting to find
“Oh my gosh get in here!” Eva’s small hand reached out to grab Ty’s wrist and bring her into her home, “Get in front of the fire, quickly” the shorter woman kept pulling deeper into the home and right to the fire. “You are soaked to the bone!” “I-Uh, yeah. The storm hit pretty hard,” Ty honestly didn’t know how to handle the other woman’s attention. Not that it wasn't appreciated of course, but it was just not the common treatment she expected from the former apprentice of her mentor. Heck they had only met perhaps a handful of times when Eva would come to the shop looking for Asra or drop off something. 
“Wrap up and then have a seat,” The redhead instructed, gesturing to her blanket and chair by the fire before stepping away to another room.
“Oh uh, thanks” Tyrael mumbled, wrapping the blanket around herself before sitting as she was told to. Looking into the fire as she scooted closer for warmth, a small smile touched her face as the salamander rolling around in the embers looked up at her in a brief pause before continuing its play, “hey there little fella.” Perhaps it was how tired she was, or the focus on the little creature in the firepit, but the traveler didn’t expect the warm fluffy towel that was dropped on her head. “W-what are you doing?” Eva’s hands started working the towel through her hair, gently patting and ringing out the water trapped in the strands, “We need to get you dry, or you could catch a cold” The other woman’s tone gave off the feeling that this was the most natural thing for her to do. 
However it was far from what the blue haired sorceress in training would say was natural. Such kindness, and unabashed care…. A small blush formed on her flustered cheeks as she sunk deeper into the cozy chair, wrapping the blanket tighter around herself. “T-Thank you.” she stammered, eyes going back to the little critter in the fireplace. 
“Not at all!” Eva hummed with a smile, patting and gently floofing Ty’s hair. “Hey Sausage, would you be a dear and go heat up the bathtub? I bet our guest could use a nice hot bath to get the cold out of her bones.” 
“Oh, uh, you don’t need to do that,” The guest tried to say, “I’m okay.” “You sure? I don’t want you to get sick, and your face is a bit flush,” Eva knelt down in front of the chair, gently pressing the back of her hand to Ty’s forehead to check for a fever. 
“I guess...That would be nice” Ty’ felt her face heating up even more at the gentle touch. Normally she would say she could tough it out, but the soft doe eyes staring at her.. It was hard to say no to. 
The salamander with a small gurgle of a noise crawled out of the fire, steam coming off its body as it made its way across the stone floor to the bathroom in the back of the hut to do the task. 
The redhead’s smile grew, “There we go. Now, how about something to drink, I was just stirring up some caramel apple cider. Definitely will warm you up from the inside out.”
“Oh uh,” but before the other woman could ask about what exactly *cider* was, Eva had scurried into the kitchen to get them some mugs, as well as a bowl of hot oatmeal for her guest. Ty arched her neck to look over the chair to try and see what was going on in the kitchen, hearing the shuffling of dishes and the hissing of a teapot. “Everything okay in there?” 
“Huh? Oh yes yes, I was just getting something warm for you to eat too. It’s just oatmeal, but I have honey and stuff I can put in if you want.” "Oh you don't need to add that for me. I like it simple.... Do, uh... Do you want to have some too?" She would have felt a bit odd eating alone in another person’s home. Besides, eating together and talking sounded rather nice. 
“Well I think I could have a little.” Eva chuckled, adding an extra spoon to the bowl before bringing it all out on a tray. “It will still be a bit hot, so careful not to burn your tongue, okay” She winked, pulling one of her bean bag pillow cushions to sit beside Ty. 
“I’ll be sure to be careful,” Ty chuckled softly, a soft hum spilling out with her exhale as she took a deep whiff of the cider, enjoying the mix of slight sweetness and spice, as well as the heat that was spreading into her fingers. 
“I gotta say I am so relieved you found my place,” The redhead said between small sips of her drink, “If I found out you were in my neck of the woods and had been out all night in this storm I would have felt so guilty.” 
“It wouldn’t have been your fault though, you didn't make the storm happen,” Ty raised a brow, a rather amused smile on her face at how… well, coddling and doting on her. It was rather confusing to try and comprehend why the girl was doing these things for her, but also it warmed her heart to see how caring and adamant she was, rambling on about how Ty could have gotten sick or lost and so on and on. “Well I didn’t, I am here so we don’t have to worry about that.”
Both the women chuckled a little and decided to change the topic of conversation, whilst sharing in the oatmeal, which Eva had thought had cooled down enough, but the sudden huffing and fanning of her mouth proved that wrong. “You okay?” Ty asked, sitting up in concern and reaching a hand to touch Eva’s shoulder. Getting a small thumbs up and a half smile, Ty chuckled a bit with a sigh, “And here you are telling me to be careful of my own tongue. Seems you need to be careful too.” “Hehehe, w-well I thought it was cooled enough for a little nibble” Eva giggled, “Now anywho, I was gonna ask, what were you doing out in this crazy weather anyway? You are a bit of a ways away from the shop, needless to say” The question brought a small frown to the taller woman’s face. Well, not so much the question, but the answer to said question. The memory of the argument, one of many, she had gotten into with Asra before storming off, not caring where she went so long as it was away from him. “Hey” Eva put her hand on top of Ty’s, “Sorry, I shouldn’t have pried. We can talk about something else if you want.” “N-no.. no it isn’t that it is just…”She let out a deep exhale, trying to quell some of the frustration that was growing in her again just by remembering the fight. “Asra. Let’s just say Asra…” “Awe geesh, I could have expected that” Eva rolled her eyes, patting Ty’s hand before leaning back in her bean chair, “That man might know a good collection of spells, but the way he talks to people is not as charming as he thinks it is.” “No kidding,” Ty tsked, but a small smile came back to her face knowing she was sharing her grievances with someone who could relate. 
Their talk went on, Ty sharing the details of her most recent argument with her mentor. Which led to Eva’ sharing her own issues she recalled when being an apprentice. Back and forth the women shared, finishing their bowl of oatmeal and going through two or so refills of warm cider as they laughed, groaned and confided in each other. Their latest bit of chuckles interrupted by a little gurgle of a noise.  
“Hm? Oh Sausage,” Eva reached and collected the salamander, who was now a few shades darker than he previously was to signal he was cooled down a bit. “That is right, your bath must be ready. It would have been painfully hot if you had gone in before, but you better take the chance before it gets too cold.” Eva set the little creature on the hot brick that bordered the hearth, “I can get some kind of pillow bed set up by the fire for you. Well, unless you want to share the bed with me. It is downstairs so it is nice and warm.” 
“Oh, no thanks I am sure out here will be fine” Ty shook her head and let the blanket around her fall off her shoulders.  “You sure? I mean I want to make sure you are comfortable” Eva started collecting various pillow seat cushions she had and a few blankets from a chest, “I don’t mind cuddling and Persephatta actually loves the rain so she won’t be coming in tonight, so it won’t be too cramped.” 
With a soft smile, the tanned woman shook her head again, “Maybe next time, but I feel I will be pretty comfy out here. And maybe Sausage can keep me company.” She looked down at the salamander that was already starting to get a little brighter in color from the hot bricks. 
“Well he does make a very good hot water bottle,” Eva chuckled, “Okay then, I will see to a nice makeshift bed. Should be ready by the time you are done. And feel free to use my robe in there, it should fit you as a nice thing to sleep in for the night while we have our clothes taken care of.” With a small nod, Tyrael found her way to the bathroom, which wasn’t very hard considering the small size of the cottage. Dipping her finger in the water to check the temp one more time, she went about adding a few of the bath salts and herbs that were set on a shelf for cleansing and calming purposes. For a while she let herself soak, sinking down till the water was just past her chin as she closed her eyes and let her thoughts drift. What a crazy day it had been indeed, but not without a happy ending. Her thoughts drifted to Eva’s kind words, and how they made each other smile. 
I could get used to such conversations... this feeling.... I hope we can meet up like this again. okay maybe with a little less storm. 
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theorynexus · 4 years
42: Don’t look for the Meaning of Life here. Monty Python’s circus has flown elsewhere.
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This is so cute. It’s almost not fair. ;w;
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***a sudden flurry of shout poles emerge above my head***   Well... this was unexpected.   To some extent, it makes sense, considering the complicated nature of Cherubs and their mating. It further makes sense in the light of Calmasis, who seemed to be a-gendered in Calliope’s fanfiction/stories (if I am remembering things correctly), which I suppose might to some extent have been projecting the subtleties of her desire, will, and nature in more ways than one.
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I am just as stunned by the Narrator, but at the same time, I am so amused by their reaction that it’s hard to actually take in the gravity of what Roxy’s saying, and to think about it in light of Roxy’s history+character, generally.    Wow. Honestly, I am a little overwhelmed by that revelation, and I think I’m going to have to return to it at a later time other than one little dalliance into a statement of curiosity: Is this related in some way to her Void Aspect?
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Haaaaahhh. This shrieks of sudden insecurity. This is particularly interesting in light of the presumed Heart Aspect that is floating around in the Narrator’s existence because of the seeming Dirk dominance that’s going on (made more obvious as they’ve been dwelling on the stuff in Universe C, and become more casual in their narration, in this last bit).  If that insecurity is in fact a thing, it could speak to potential internal exertion on Rose’s part upon Dirk’s otherwise firm and very self-knowing psyche. Something to think about.
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“Allow it.”   Pffft.  (I wonder if this is representing the Narrator loosening their reigns on things a little bit, relatively speaking, or if it’s simply a matter of the aura of Void surrounding Roxy that’s interfering with things, just as with Mom’s own Void messing with Rose’s ability to detect her in Act 2.) Related:  I do in fact think that the Narrator might secretly be uncertain about/have difficulty wrapping their head(s) around the concept of non-binary and/or a-gendered existence, especially since they conflate the two, and obviously are projecting insecurity about the use of “they/them” to reference either/both of them.   (Honestly, it’ll take me a while to not constantly try to apply a “she/her” to either of them, probably. It is very surprising, especially for Roxy.)
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Yeah, I guess dealing with an alien race that presumably has at least sequential hermaphrodity as their norm, and which may determine their sex purely based on mating outcomes, rather than anything beforehand (yet while still presumably retaining their gender/lack thereof) prooobably naturally would bring up questions like that.  It’s definitely a complex topic, and I’m sure aliens being added to the mix would make things even more complicated for humans in real life when it comes to the discussion than it is as of now.
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Indeed, “Reasonable thoughts,” compounded with Jade’s confused, uncertain reaction (which reads similar in tone to a stereotypical parental, “Have you tried to stop being gay?” reaction, at least to me) and the Narrator’s refusal to deal with it again afterward suggest that they are being quite judgmental about it, probably due to their mechanistic and highly Light-emphatic views of reality engendering them with a desire to categorize and concretize everything. This desire likely makes them struggle not to reject anything they can’t quite get a proper grasp of due to the barriers of void surrounding it (as is, to some extent, the matter with issues of gender, I suppose this story is suggesting, and as is the case especially with the nature of the MSPA Reader, who the Narrator clearly rejects and dismisses as important because they can’t peer beyond the indistinguishability of all of us from an insider’s perspective).
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I mean... yes and no?  Gender roles and whatnot are definitely constructed socially and only distantly relate to biological features of the sexes, but gender identity, broadly, generally comes with being human, I should think (regardless of what you identify as, including a-gender identities).  Obviously, gender is a slippery concept, but I would suggest it’s not one that is completely baseless or undeserving of acknowledgment like that.  It’s just a matter of individual identities being more nuanced than the traditional male/female divide with its cultural baggage might suggest to those that don’t recognize that some of what goes into defining gender comes from biased sources of tradition and law which affect the way one thinks of it. To summarize what could be a very long and controversial/awkward conversation, I would suggest this:  Gender is something of an inherent part of the ego, related to but not fully requiring or dependent upon the various group identities one will take in the process of going through life. Such a kernel of self-identification will naturally build up through one’s development as a child as one begins to develop a more solid sense of self and a reflective understanding of the separations existing between one’s self and others. Obviously, this will be very malleable, early on, which is probably related to why many/most societies begin to attempt to ingrain concepts of gender roles into individuals early on. Regardless of whether one agrees with the idea of pushing such ideas on a child or not, the development of gender identity ought to be regarded as superseding this interference, and overall an innocuous part of what it is to be a human. (That said, with factual matters out of the way, I understand why Roxy would want to get away from the idea of gender as understood/developed in our own history, given how close she is [fudge] they are with Calliope, and how she they think of themself. It is not wrong of her to desire to dismiss such things as wholly constructed beasts.)
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***snickers***    Screwed up on the tense of that verb, there, after you messed up on their gender, Narrator.   ;3
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Ahaaa. I had suspected this might be the case, but hesitated because I thought Callioped must have taken to gendering themselves first.  Caliborn seemed to be a bit slow with most things he interacted with/adopted, so that didn’t seem like a good assumption to make.  I guess enthusiasm doesn’t necessarily predict chronological placement, but still, it makes it seem like Calliope did this later than him. Hmmm.
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In this sense, gender roles definitely seem to have a strangely influenced path through Paradox Space. How curious. Roxy’s following summation of/declaration concerning the idea was quite humorous, as well.
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Not something I knew/remembered about her.  On the other hand: THERE WERE STILL CHESS PEOPLE!!!  D:
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Is this meant to suggest that Jade is more comfortable with her gender, now (if so, why?  Dog body/hormones?), or is it meant to suggest that the narrator thinks that being non-binary is immature/a fad that Roxy will grow out of?
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Hehehe~  Ectobiology is fun.
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Now, this is certainly a fun and interesting extension of the connection between individual versions of a being with a single oversoul that I didn’t suspect would be possible.  I wonder if it’s because of the lessened relevance that was mentioned concerning those in Universe C that Rose mentioned near the beginning of the Epilogue.
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fanseries-trashcan · 5 years
what are some of your fave Precure fanseries?? It can be from anywhere, tumblr, wattpad, etc.
You enabled me……….. to ramble……………………………………………………..these are in no particular order because they keep changing but here are some of my absolute faves that I fully reccomend! links are included! >wO ————- Mythical Pretty Cure! by Nexus_Schwarz! I mean since a lot of my blog’s content is stuff for this series… it’s probably no suprise that it’s one of my favorites hehehe. It has some awesome ideas and themes, mixing knights with mythical creatures, and a cool story hidden underneath! It hasn’t been updated in a while but fear not! The author is trying to touch it up with some (relatively small) revisions and plans to continue writing soon!
favorite character is Jasmine/Cure Garuda … she’s my daughter……. a literal birb brain————-Immortal Friendship Pretty Cure by twistedtexas (or Mattie) is without a doubt one of my faves! The cast is incredibly likable, and their simple but strong friendship together is just so pure! I love that all the Cures name themselves after what they want to be! Although… it lures you in with cuteness, but the latest few chapters made me a sad crying egg. Cure Honest is best girl. She’s beautiful, and I want her to get all the hugs ;v;; ————- Mystic Tale Pretty Cure by Snow__Drop has such a strong start so far! The author’s writing breathes life into every character and scene, and it takes the characters’ issues and development very serious, which is incredibly interesting to see! I love the idea of the Older Cures, and how they basically reside inside the newer Cures. It’s such an interesting concept, and it’s used to its fullest potentional so far!Btw!!! Piripiri is best!!!! O 3 O!!!————- Interstellar! Pretty Cure by Isurani (though it’s also sorta a collab in a way with multiple other people) is also one of my faves! The story throws you in for a loop constantly, but it still manages to make me care about basically all the characters. They all seem so full of life and emotions. The story can be a bit dark, but, to me, it never reaches that “EDGY GRIMDARK” level. Everything works, and helps the characters grow and become stronger!Best character is Sollari~ They baby!! I’d die for them.  ————- Friendly Pretty Cure by SingMeloetta is definitely worth checking out. The characters are all very likable and fun and the author’s growth through the chapters is fantastic! And it makes the while story shine even more for me. It’s not just seeing the characters’ story, but the author’s as well. The story starts out relatively simple, but becomes more and more interesting with each chapter.Shion/Cure Laugh is best girl… even if she doesn’t think so…  ————- Fairytale Pretty Cure by SAYKokoro is amazing!! It captures the feeling of Precure very well and the story takes some very wild turns, especially a certain twist (sorta) concerning the lead cure, Imari, and a thing about the main mascot Bukku. I love the idea of the fairytale puppets they use to attack as well! Very creative use of the theme!Best character is Thames! I want him to be happy ;v; ————- Delicious! Toyland Pretty Cure by HikariIno is a very fun read! I would say this series is very sweet (pun only partly intended), and there’s a lot of fun stuff to like. The theme of being considered odd or weird and feeling like you don’t belong is very nice!! I love that that’s the thing that brings the Cures together. The story is not really super deep or super intense, but it doesn’t have to be! It’s great at what it does and is very pleasant to read. It’s clear the author has fun with it too!Amakusa is top tier. He’s absolutely hilarious!  ————- So sorry for a w h o l e ESSAY but that’s basically what happens when im allowed to talk about fanseries >wfeel free to add onto this with your favorite fanseries, people! I’d love to know!
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tamersa · 5 years
I’m thinking  about W and OOO a lot lately (writing fics rewatching some parts etc) and I like OOO as a series more. Still I wanted to know why so I made this VS battle for my own amusement:
MAIN RIDER: Battle between Eiji And Shotaro: Its hard one, both are interesting, have good plot twists, their characterization so nicely made and they both likable. Yet it is Shotaro win here: so relatable, and his range of emotions is great to! The Thing is Eiji was made to be”dried up” and thats the reason why his mental and emotional behave is like it is. First round winner : W THE ONE NEAR MAIN RIDER (LOL): So now it is Ankh and Philip: This one is bit easier. Ankh has way more screen time and is it written so much better. They do have some similarities: both are mind power of the dynamic duo, have some issues with the previous families, crazy hair style and have doubts about their Rider ( or other half) intelligence. The thing is Eiji takes almost no shit form Ankh when he cross the line too much. The Birb man has to pay for his mistakes and sometime the price is huge. Philip on the other hand has his  tragic background but his mistakes are sugarcoated by his partner and not addressed at all. Because of that with more modest screen time his character is not as fleshed out as it could be. Mor rant on Ankh below hehehe Second round winner: OOO FEMALE CAST: In OOO we have: Hina, Chiyako and Satonaka, while W give us: Akiko, Wakana and Saeko. I like Hina I really do, but they didn't use her gimmick as good as they could. She should have throw more barrels or something! Also bit too passive sometimes? Chiyako is spot of supporting chara, funny warm energetic. Yes, good. Satonaka has her good points too: taking no shit from anyone and treating her work as well, work and not some life mission. But then we go to W side and oh boy, Akiko, my love! She is just the best  Rider lady I even saw! Funny, dorky, has more to do, has the slipper, is actually useful even if not have special powers. Well thats debatable too, that wand made from slippers did work lool. But yes even if she is mostly comic relief, because of her Xtreeme was possible! Also She found that devil's tail. And got that name in her dream. She has guts has flaws also but really. I love her to bits. Wakana is interesting too: spoiled princess who suddenly has responsibilities. And Saeko: the dark lady with twisted desires, helping her hated sister in the end. Undoubtedly this round has one Queen:
Third round winner: W SECONDARY RIDER Terui Ryu vs Date Akira and Gotou Shintaro. Well its two vs one and  it shows. Terui has that tragic background, and his bitterness fades away so he could be true city defender. Yet for me it was done bit clunky. There could be put more emotions and struggle into it. He looks cool in the red leather tho. Also he and Akiko are cute together. On the other hand Date and Gotou dynamic is so pure. Also Date is hilarious as hell! Both him and Ryu use Rider suit for other purpose than defend others at the beginning ( well money and revenge), but Date is somehow nicer since the beginning. And Gotous is cute guy who has his own little expansion ark. So yes, sorry red boy, those housbandos  win this one. Fourth round winner: OOO VILLAINS On one side we have Sonozaki's and X foundation, On the other well Greeeds. It looks like one side  have more villain types so it would  win but... Sonozaki family makes Gaia Memories to make super humans and then let only them to live on this planet because some Earth tears or something. Experiments, no one knows who will live. Ryubee  is just laughing old man wit terror, his older daughter is psycho maniac with bad taste for men, younger one is spoiled and doesn't know whats going on at all. It works somehow but not as smooth at it should. Some things are not explained enough some are over explained. And then suddenly some X foundation. Bit messy. For OOO we have Greeeds : incomplete beings who want to be complete but it is impossible so they will destroy everything  to try it anyway lool. They have  different approach to it and later have Dr Maki as weird hybridish psycho who wanted to end the world while is still beautiful. Sounds as messy as W but it is so much better. It is more consistent, we see the twists and dynamics between Greeeds, and the m Maki. I don't like him as a chara but he is made that way to don't like him: sociopath who killed his sister while still a kid, but have issues with her, creep who talks to a doll on his shoulder. He is both comic relief and terrifying at the same time! What a wonderful blend! Also his and Date dynamics are so hilarious I just couldn't stop laughing. Psychodelic af XDXD So because he is consistent in his doing, is a creep is funny dangerous and interesting even if you want to kick him in the balls. Fifth round winner: OOO PLOT Both have interesting stories, not too complicated on the surface, with some twists, with some plot holes and mistakes. OOO has however less of the plot holes ( most of them are from the past stuff like from 800 years ago), the story is more fluent, so fluent that it is hard to see chara development without going 10 episodes behind for a moment and the realization hits you), also there are none “new villain at the end!” no, we know who will be the  ultimate baddie and want to know how it goes. One of the main twists was Lost Ankh. It was interesting and heart breaking. In W main plot is Philip past, his connection to the Gaia Memories and Sonosakis. Plot twist can be predicted quite early but it is still fun. But because of little screen time for Philip and his actual development some moments feel weaker or bit rushed. Yet Shotaro reaction to those are top notch!Still, Eiji and Ankh dynamic story  flow etc is just better in OOO for me. Sixth round winner: OOO OPENING Music is important too and opening is the most characteristic piece of audio for most series. Here you can be biased and I will be. W is more pleasant to the ear, I like the video for it more too. And I mean both what you see in the series and official one. The vocal is more clean in W opening for me too. What to say more? Seventh round winner: W FAVORITE CHARACTER A war between half-boiled and angry birb. I love them both character wise. Are complicated have their flaws as good sides fleshed out, are interesting... but the birb... ah the birb! His story ark! His struggle,  his ambiguous state towards other up until the end. His mannerism (his bird like movements and way he eats lool, he drinks tea with soup spoon! XD), way of thinking and all the changes. They way he goes from treating Eiji as and accessory to fight to having him precious enough to help him fight Maki at costs own existence/life. And he is so relatable. Not for literal stuff ( I don't think any of you is greeed) but  in general: the feeling of not fitting into a group etc. Shotaro is very relatable to don't get me wrong, but his character development is not as deep as Ankh. Both have great  clothes yes! Eight round winner: OOO
SUIT AND MERCH ASCETICS As for looks of  suits of the Riders and gimmicks it will be short: I like  standard double more over TaToBa OOO, but I don't like Extreeme much but I love TaJaDor. Bike looks better in the W animal robots are cute here and here too. Second rider suit is good enough, but henshin gimmick is more interesting in OOO (the medals and  mixing them) So a draw! ENDING
OOO doesn't have that 49th episode and it shows. But with that we have 2 very different vibes endings and both are so good. OOO is bittersweet but gives hope, W I just... god I'm so happy for Shotaro, this soft man deserved the ending. And somehow Eiji deserved his too: you should talk to your birb more Eiji! And shipping aside W should have proper hug and  not that weird thing at the end. Both give satisfaction both are great and not disappoint! Another draw!! BONUS ROUND: BACKGROUND STORIES I could write about all support cast etc but those are equals and we don't need another draw. So I'll will do one more thing as a bonus: background of the charas. Especially our main Riders. In W we know a lot about Philip and what he did in the past yet some thing are presented in chaotic way, we are not sure about important things ( like if his family was dysfunctional before or after Philip's accident), but about Shotaro? Almost nothing. Just that he was bit deliquentish in high school (we are not even sure if it wasn't middle school lool) and that he was with boss  some time before Begins Night. And thats sad because Shotaro is developed in interesting way and his past should be show more to understand better why he was like that. On the other hand we know what we should about Eiji, what made him as he was, why he is living this way. It wasn't long exposition but good enough to understand his ways. For Ankh its bit more messy (because what we hear and what we see on the screen doesn't add up well) but still it is all understandable. Winner of eleventh round : OOO So in all OOO won but not by that much. W is still very good series and both deserve to be watched (and then cried over, and made 1245643 chapters and one shots and drawings to them GAH)
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proxylynn · 5 years
Underfell: File Name not Edgy Enough #19
Chapter 19: Progress WARNING: I WANT NO RESPONSIBILITY OVER SPOILING THINGS FOR OTHERS. THAT BEING SAID, THIS IS HOW FILE NAME NOT FOUND WOULD FUNCTION IN THE AU OF UNDERFELL. BEFORE YOU READ THIS, UNLIKE THE NICE TIME OF UNDERTALE, THIS WORLD IS KILL OR BE KILLED. THIS STORY WILL BE GRAPHIC, GORY, USE SWEARS LIKE NOBODY'S BUSINESS, AND DEAL WITH SENSITIVE SUBJECT MATTERS. FOR EXAMPLE, THOSE OF YOU WHO HAVE READ THE FILE NAME RELOCATED SPOOF WILL KNOW HOW I PICTURE THIS VERSION OF LYNSIE COMING TO THE UNDERGROUND. IT IS NOT AN ACCIDENT. IT IS NOT BECAUSE OF SOMETHING DUMB. IT IS BECAUSE SHE CHOOSES TO END HER LIFE. SO TAKE THIS WITH A GRAIN OF SALT. I MADE IT BECAUSE I NEEDED TO LET SOME OF THIS EDGINESS OUT OF MYSELF. WHICH I GUESS MAKES UNDERFELL LYNSIE EVEN MORE TRUE TO WHO I REALLY AM. ANYWAY, ENJOY. ^_^ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Once in Sans room, I keep my word in behaving as we dine on what tastes like Papyrus's best version of lasagna to date. There is no sound during this time apart from the occasional gulp or sound of satisfaction. I let him have his peace as needed. Poor guy needs it. He puts up with so much and much of it is because of me. Some quiet time is the least I can do. "so..." He tosses his empty plate to slide across the floor. "ya got something in your pocket or are ya just happy to see me?" I suppose he's ready to chat now. I set my scraps aside and stand up with a smirk. "A little bit of both, Sansy-boy. But mostly just a surprise." I pull the bottle of mustard and shot glasses out of my pockets. He looks surprised. "heh...these types of surprises i could get used to." "I told you you'd like this." I sit down beside him and pour him a glass, making him look at me funny. "What's that look for?" "there are two glasses." "Yeah?" He snorts. "you're gonna drink with me?" I shrug. "Sure, why not. Wouldn't be the first time I've drank a condiment for the hell of it." He sniffs the glass as I pour my own. "uh...where did ya get this stuff?" "I took from one of the ones in the back of the fridge. I figured the colder the better. Why? Did it go bad?" He's still for a moment...then...he grins. "no, this is fine." He downs the glass with ease. "see? go on. try it." My prank sense is tingling but I choose to ignore it and shoot the yellow stuff down in a quick go. "Woohoo...That is tangy." "well?" "Honestly...Not bad." "how about we do a little test." "A test?" "to see if you can really handle this. how about every time i drink, you drink as well." "Dude, it's just mustard. I can handle it." He smirks as he drinks and I do the same as per his little test rule. "heh...this is gonna be a fun night." Now my foreshadow sense tingles and I put the pieces together. "This is the alcoholic mustard, isn't it?" The playful smile that teases his skull is all he needs to say. I sigh and pour us more mustard. "Well...I know I have no tolerance. But let's see if I can hold it better." He cocks his brow. "is that a challenge?" "Let's call it a test." "oh, you are so gonna regret this. there's no way in hell you can hold your own against me." "We shall see, good buddy." We clink glasses and drink. "so...was this your plan all along or did pap send ya up here?" I refill our glasses. "I came to you for many reasons. Talk is one, the drink is another, and your bro is also on the list. So what dumb thing did big mouth say this time?" He scoffs. "he was talking shit that he had no right to say, let's leave it at that." "Typical Papyrus." "yep." "Do you maybe...?" "no." "Just checking." We drink and I pour once more into our empty glasses. "so what happened with the whole mettaton calling you thing?" I swirl my glass a little. "It was awkward." "how awkward?" "Like we might need more mustard awkward." I down my drink and he shakes his head. "great. more crap to deal with." "It gets crappier." He groans and shoots his glass. "i'll be back." "More mustard?" "yep." Sans teleports and returns to his spot after a bit with armloads of mustard bottles. "is this enough to drown the awkwardness?" I blink a couple of times before smiling. "For the record, I have been told I'm a very honest drunk. So...You might get more than you bargain for." He hands me a bottle. "i think i can handle it." "No more glasses?" "get on my level, kiddo. or can you not handle it?" I glare playfully and put my glass down before taking his offered bottle. "Oh, you are so on, skele-dude. But on one condition." "what's that?" "For the rest of the night stop calling me kid or kiddo." "only if you don't call me sansy-boy." "Deal. Now...Let's drink till we don't feel feelings anymore!" "here-here!" We tap bottles together and drink. [Ten minutes later] "...So then, get this, he starts faking the call is breaking up and hangs up while saying 'see you soon'. I swear he's gonna pull some other stunt that ends with my butt in Hotland." I drink as Sans scoffs. "over my dead body." I snicker. "As a skeleton...Aren't you already a dead body?" He blanks for a moment before he stifles a chuckle. "heh...that was bad." "Whoa...Talking skeleton. You are blowing my mind." He punches my shoulder playfully. "shut up and drink, dummy." "Who are you calling dummy? I am far from being a manually articulated performative Kinesio maquette." "...i don't know if i should be impressed you can say that while drunk." "That feeling will be gone soon." "why?" "Because I think I'm tipsy enough to laugh at even the most juvenile thing." "...boner?" Mustard snorts out my nose as I was in mid-drink when he said that. "Ahhh...It burns!" He laughs his ass off as I blow the remnants onto my shirt. "Oh, you are so gonna get it now." [Twenty minutes later] "hey, mind if i try out a few bar jokes on ya? i get the feeling grillz is gonna need a distraction when he eventually sees your face." "Sure. I think we both don't want him having a meltdown." Sans chugs his third bottle a moment. "what did the bartender say after a book walked into the bar?" "I give. What did it he say?" "please, no stories." "Meh. Needs a rewrite to be a bestseller. Try again." "what did the bartender say after charles dickens ordered a martini?" "What?" "olive or twist?" I have to stop and think about that a moment. "Clever. Not sure how many would know that reference down here." "what do you get when you mix an english class with alcohol?" "Hmmm?" "tequila mockingbird." "Ah. Very nice." "then why aren't ya laughing?" "Dunno. Maybe my head is just bubbly enough that the stupid stuff makes me a giggling idiot." "so if i say the word duty...?" I snicker. "You said duty." He groans. "fine then, little miss tipsy, why don't you say some?" I shrug and drink halfway into my second bottle. "Why did Mexicans create tequila?" He eyes me a moment. "why?" "So ugly people would have a chance at having sex." He nearly chokes on his breath from that. "Too much?" "no...just...i never expect the dirty stuff from you for some reason." "But it's a good joke, right?" "yeah! tell me another one." "Oh. Okay...um...What is the difference between an alcoholic and drunk?" "what?" "A drunk drinks until they pass out. An alcoholic drinks till the house burns down with them in it." "that actually happened once down here." "Really?" "yeah. and in waterfall or all places." I giggle. "I have one more." "go for it." "Alcohol doesn't turn people into somebody they're not. It just makes them forget to hide that part of themselves." He pauses and stares at the bottle in his hand. "getting philosophical on me now?" "Maybe. Just was something that popped into my head." "meh. no biggie. they all can't be funny." "True. If every pork chop were perfect, we wouldn't have hot dogs." He looks at me funny. "are you okay?" I guzzle the remains of my bottle and drop it on the floor. "Dude, I am feeling good right now and it's awesome. Got any more jokes?" He cocks his brow and slowly hands me another bottle. "okay... a man walks into a bar and orders a shot of whiskey then looks into his pocket. he does this over and over again. finally, the bartender asks why he orders a shot of whiskey and afterward looks into his pocket. the man responded, i have a picture of my wife in there and when she starts to look good then i'll go home." The giggles leave me with ease. "That's a good one. I knew you could do it." He smiles a little. "a guy talks with his friend about his marriage. the man says, it's getting bad these days as my wife spends her evenings going around the bars of the city. the friends asks, is she an alcoholic? the man shakes his head and tells him, no she's looking for me." That got me laughing as we continue to drink. [Thirty minutes later] "what's worse than waking up at a party and finding a dick drawn on your face?" "What?" "finding out it was traced." "*giggles* Why are hurricanes normally named after women?" "heh...why?" "Because when they come they're wild and wet, but when they go they take your house and car with them." "*chuckles* how do you make a pool table laugh?" "How?" "ya tickle its balls." "*snickers* What is Moby Dick's dad's name?" "heheh...what?" "Papa Boner!" "*laughs* oh, oh, wait...i got one...what do you call a dictionary on drugs?" "*chuckling* What?" "addictionary!" We crack up like the biggest fools after six bottles each. [Forty minutes later] Ten bottles down and things are not like how this started. Not at all. "*sniffling* w-why is he such an asshole? i can't help that i have 1 HP. he doesn't have to throw it in my face." "Shhhhh...I know. He's just lashing out. He doesn't mean to hurt you." "*sniffling* then...then what is he trying to do?" I hold Sans close and rest his head on my shoulder. "I'm sure he thinks of it as a form of 'tough love'. Pushing you to do better through negativity. That, if he pushes you hard enough, you'll force yourself to do things like him. Or at least try." "but i do try! *weep* i try and i try...i try so damn hard...he has no idea what i do or what i've been going through." "Let it out, buddy. I'm here for you." He clings to me rather tightly, his claw-like fingertips digging in. Good thing I can't feel pain right now. "day after day, i work myself to the bone. for him. for all monsters. for the whole dam universe. and all i want in return is one small nod of approval or thanks. but what do i get? that's not enough, sans! work harder, sans! stop being so lazy, sans! why are you so weak, sans?! nothing i do is ever enough for anyone!" "That's not true." "yes, it is! i don't even know why i bother trying anymore. i'll never be good enough for anyone. and yet i still have this twisted hope that somehow, someday, maybe he and i will act like real brothers. but i guess that's asking for too much. because i've tried everything. no matter how many resets...i've tried to make him proud...yet i just...i can't...*sobs*" He weeps with pain and it's so pure that I can feel my own eyes water. But I do my best to fight that feeling. He needs comfort more than another sobbing mess. I pull him onto my lap and move him around to have his chest to my own, his head nestled under my own. One of my hands rubs gently along his back while the other cradles the back of his skull, my thumb rubbing small circles on the smooth bone. "Sans..." "i'm scared, lynsie!" "Of what? I know you're stronger than anyone knows. I bet all the money on Earth you can beat the likes of Asgore and Papyrus at the same time. What possibly rattles your bones?" "that's just it. i have all this power but at what price? i'm losing my mind. i see things. i have near constant nightmares. i don't even feel like a real person most days. and it terrifies me. i'm not even scared of dying anymore. i'm scared that one day i'll have taken all i can take and give up. that i'll stop caring and do something stupid. that he'll push me to my breaking point and i'll have to live with the consequences of knowing i hurt my own brother. i can't live with myself if i do that. i just can't." He's shaking like a leaf about to fall. "You won't do it." "but what if i do?" "You won't." "how do you know?!" "Because you're too nice to kill anyone. Let alone Papyrus." "i ain't nice." "Yeah, you are. Otherwise, you would've killed me in an instant when the Black Soul had me." He flinches. "I'm not saying you can't kill. Anyone can. Even small children, which I find very disturbing how easy and okay they are with doing so. But you are strong enough to NOT do it. True power is not in how you use it...but how you choose not to. That is how I know you're good and will never harm Papyrus." He's quiet now. The tears are still coming but he's dead silent. "Wow...I got mushy there. Sorry if that was weird." "..." "Sans? Come on, buddy, say something." His grip suddenly gets harsher and he sits up, sitting on my legs to look me in the eyes. "you're wrong about me." Things feel intense all of a sudden. "Oh?" "i have killed before." I tilt my head. "In the past timelines? Who?" "frisk." My thinking gears are jammed with alcoholic mustard. I got no clue where this is going. "Why?" "...they killed my brother." And just like that, my brain decides to shut down. "W-What?" "you heard me. that kid killed my brother. but not just pap. they killed everybody. even me." Trying to process this on a messed up mind hurts. "Um...b-but...They were just a kid, right? W-Why would they...?" "do ya really think i haven't asked that very question? to this day, that kid haunts me. not like you with chara. that's a whole other weird ass thing." "But..." "you said it yourself, kids are disturbingly easy with their ability to kill. is it really so hard to believe that kid could be genocidal enough to fuck up the timeline of the entire world?" "Just a little bit. But when magic is involved, it's easier to agree in the possibility than not to." "believe me. that kid...i've lost track of the number of timelines that were made and destroyed. the number of times i've had to fight that kid. the times i've killed that kid and they came back and killed me. *wearily* the times where they spared everyone and brought us to the surface...only to cruelly reset everything back to this hellhole. *sad* it wouldn't be so bad if i could forget it all like everybody else. living with all these memories. seeing the faces of people dying flash randomly before me day in and day out. never knowing if one day, any and all progress made will just be undone by the will of some fucking kid!" He's shaking so hard now, both in despair and rage. I know he hates it, but I see no other option in trying to settle him. I hug this emotional skeleton and hug him tight. I want him to feel safe. Much to my surprise, he doesn't fight this. He just goes limp against me. Feeling bad, I nuzzle his skull softly. "...what are ya doing?" "Well, I wouldn't be much of a friend if I didn't try to make you feel better." "you know i hate hugs." "Embrace the friendship, Sans. Because as long as I'm here, I'm gonna do what I can to replace those bad times with good stuff." "you're such a dork." "A dork that wants to be your best buddy. Well...second best to Grillby. I can't compete with someone so awesome." "that is true." "So? What do ya say, buddy?" He huffs into my neck. "you're only being this way because of the booze." "You know me better than to believe that. I'm just as nice without drink influence." "really?" "Okay...I'm nice to the ones I like. Better?" "...booze really does make ya honest." "Don't forget stupidly lovable." "not the words i'd used but...sure, why not." "*gasp* Really?!" "eh, you're not so bad...for a human." "Oh, Sans!" Playfully I plant a big smooch on his forehead and he snarls but it doesn't seem as threatening. "don't ruin the moment. i'm starting to actually feel better." I smile and shut my trap, returning to rubbing this back. It's really neat how he's able to fill his clothes. There is, of course, a lot of empty slack in the midsection but when you got a hollow body that's no shocker. Much like his fingertips, the ridges of his spinal bones are sharp and curve like shark fins. "mmmm...that feels nice. do ya know these bones too?" "I think I might. Just...give my head a moment to think straight." My head hurts trying to think of these things while inebriated. "Ugh...If I remember right...There are thirty-one spinal cord nerve segments." My hand starts at the very top under the base of his skull. "There should be eight cervical segments..." I count my way down each bone. "Then twelve thoracic segments..." He sighs pleasantly, almost like a coo, and I blush a bit. "Then there are five lumbar segments..." I stop following the bone trail because I don't want to kill this good time by feeling his bony ass. "What's left is five sacral segments and one coccygeal segment." He makes this odd sound that doesn't sound bad but is still weird to me before suddenly putting his arms around my neck in a tired way. "you make a good pillow." God, he's adorable like this. "lynsie..." "Yes?" "can i be honest with ya for a sec?" "Sure." He makes himself cozy. "now, this might be the booze talking or my good mood, but...i'm glad you came to the underground." Was that...genuine sentiment? The feels. It makes my eyes water and my heart hurt. I'm not used to someone showing actual care without a motive before. And in this current emotional flux going on in me, well, something doesn't quite connect properly. [Error. Lynsie.exe has suffered a crash. Please reboot to repair.] [Rebooting start...6% complete.] Mentally, my lights are off and yet I'm still fully aware of what's going on. He notices my lack of movement and looks up at me. "yo, you okay?" [Rebooting...18% complete.] Well, this is new. I've had breakdowns before. But this is just silly. "hey, come on. don't make me regret saying that. not like it matters anyway since you won't remember." [Rebooting...34% complete.] Is this what a coma is like? It's freaky. Like I'm a living doll. This feeling increases when he snaps his fingers in my face and my reaction time in blinking is extremely slow. "wait a sec...this isn't the booze, is it?" [Rebooting...52% complete.] "can you even talk?" That is a good question. All that I can manage to force out is a slight wheeze. This makes him laugh hard enough that he rolls off me and teleports for some more mustard. "now this is funny. you're so messed up you actually crashed. i haven't seen someone crashed in ages." [Rebooting...79% complete.] He returns and plops down sleepily beside me, already guzzling the bottle. "i guess this means i win our little game. because this is the last one and i ain't getting any more." [Rebooting...100% complete.] [Restarting ...now.] I blink rapidly as life returns to my brain. "Whoa...Dude...That was trippy as hell." He snickers. "just be glad it happened here and not out in town. crashing in public around the wrong people has lead to a lot of easy kills. or so i've been told." "Wait, so that's a normal thing that happens down here?" "kind of. like i said, it's been a while since i've seen it happen." "Then what causes it?" "no one knows. my guess is that it happens when something clashes with what the person is used to." Huh...Makes sense I guess. He's about to finish off that last bottle when I put my hand out. "what?" "Can I have some?" "no way. this is mine." "I just want one sip." "i said no." "Please? I'll take the remains. I just want something to wet my whistle." He snorts. "what are ya? some old-timer in a saloon?" "What do I need to do to get a sip?" He pauses for thought. "well...nah. you'd never do that." "What?" He looks at me, then the bottle, and then back to me with a smirk slowly forming. "how bad do you want some of this?" I look at him funny. "don't give me that look. i ain't no perv. i only mean to offer you a dare." "...I'm listening." That smirk of his grows. "i'll let ya have the rest of the bottle, if...you can keep from laughing at one last little joke." "...That's it?" "that's it." "Okay...What's the joke?" "heh...what do you call a skeleton with benefits?" I tilt my head and shrug. "I dunno." He motions me to lean in closer and doing so lets him whisper in my ear rather huskily. "a bone buddy~." The urge to giggle is almost stronger than the weird 'what the fuck' feeling his tone gave me or the suggestive wink he gives me when he pulls away. Just when my head comes up with something to say as a result of this, he starts to snicker and slaps his knee. "heheheh...oh man...you should see your face right now. oooooh, that was so worth it. here. it's yours." He hands me the bottle. I just look at him and then the bottle before looking back at him. "what?" "Gonna be honest here...I...I can't tell if you were really joking." He grins like a saucy Cheshire cat. "maybe i did. or maybe i didn't. the world may never know, kitten. now are ya gonna drink or not?" This is a weird moment. But a rare one. And my bubbled brain isn't sure what to do other than drink. "Don't make this weird, Sans." I take the bottle and drink. "weird? this ain't weird. wanna see something really weird?" "...You have my attention, good sir." This night is just going to get odder the longer it goes. [Many hours and lots of empty mustard bottles later] Sans's senses fought with themselves on whether or not to wake up. It has been a long time since he slept this soundly and this peacefully. The mattress wasn't lumpy. The pillow cushioned his face just right. A soothing warmth that evenly spread throughout his bones as no blanket has before. The only things that were drawing him to the waking side of the force were this sweet musky smell and a soft wheezing sound that randomly came to him that made the bed vibrate. Wait...vibrate? Come to think of it, since when did his mattress move at all? Slowly he reluctantly opens his eyes and instantly regrets doing so. He wasn't laying on his mattress and his head was definitely not on his pillow. Not only was he laying on top of the human, not only was his shirt off, not only was his face resting atop her grand tetons, but he found his soul was out and pressing into her. His skull burns bright red and he teleports halfway across the room in a cold sweat then forces his soul to return. What the fuck happened? How much did he drink last night? [BANG BANG BANG] Already on edge, the door being attacked didn't help. Though to his surprise, the human didn't wake up. "SANS! WAKE YOUR LAZY ASS UP!" "i'm up, pap!" "OH...WELL...GOOD." Papyrus walks away and Sans does his best to settle down. As uncomfortable as this was, he was grateful that she was still out. Though in the back of his mind he did wonder why. Gaster is a likely reason. She did tell him that they had this weird deal of sorts. Dumb girl has no clue what she's doing. Casting thoughts of the human aside, mostly because they were making him incredibly uncomfortable, Sans gathers his clothing for the day and heads for the bathroom. He needed a cold shower to reset himself. Damn woman is getting to him. How else could he explain how he woke up? He never would be that comfortable around her unless he was wasted. Sans is no pushover to the hard effects of booze, but even he would be susceptible to alcohol after a limit was met. It was under such influence that Drunk Bun took advantage and caused the gross amount on his tab. It's something he made Grillby promise to not let happen again. But this wasn't the bar. This was at home. And she needs to go home. Out of the shower, fully dressed, and wishing the woman in his room would vanish, Sans ventures down to get some food in him before having to sit outside for the rest of the day in the elements. "what's to eat?" Papyrus just slides a plate of lasagna on the counter without a word. "pap?" Papyrus leaves the room with his own plate and Sans is confused. Papyrus being like this is unsettling in the morning. Maybe things were still off from last night? He did leave before Papyrus could make his shitty attempt at an apology. This could be interesting. If Papyrus felt something, other than his vanity and narcissism, it might be worth letting him stew in it for the day. With how often his brother made him feel like crap, it was karma long overdue for Papyrus to feel the same. With this scheme in mind, Sans adjourns to the living room to eat and go about the day without speaking to his brother. This silence lasts long after the eating is done and they leave the house. Nothing is none the wiser to their absence from the home. Not the slumbering flower. Nor the unconscious human. For long at least. [Some hours later] Wearily I come awake from a very deep dreamless sleep. Everything feels heavy. My eyelids are like sandbags and my limbs like lead bricks. I can't recall most of last night but I know if I don't get out of bed I'll either be yelled at or some other bullshit. I roll off the mattress and groan. I have never felt so lethargic in my life. But even laziness must give way to more important things. Like calling Toriel. [RING-RING] "Good afternoon, my child. I take you are calling to apologize." This confuses me. "Apologize?" "Do not play dumb with me, young one. You have failed to maintain your phone calls to me for the last, by this hour, two days." Wait...no...no her math is right. God damn, I have fucked up. "Nanny, I am so sorry..." "Save it. Once was bad enough. You are in big trouble, young lady." "Please don't start wigging out on me right now. I have had so much happen to me that I can't deal with you getting mad." I hear that telltale cracking when she gets upset and squeezes her phone. "Are you talking back to me?" I'm digging my own grave here. But I'm too fuzzy mentally to give a shit. "Why didn't you tell me about soul maturity?" Her side of the call gets a little garbled. She might have finally ruined her phone. "The irony of it all, Nanny, is that if you had told me about it I would've stayed home. Now I'm dealing with random surges in magic, emotional flipping, and I am losing my damn mind in hormones! And I'm doing all this around guys! It's fucking humiliating! But that's fine. Phone calls are more important than making sure this doesn't make the Black Soul come out more often and make me go on a genocidal killing spree. So go ahead. Reprimand me. Be mad. Meanwhile, I have to make sure a grumpy skeleton doesn't threaten my life while his brother makes jokes about it." "*crackling* I...You don't...Young one...Come home...I..." "Your phone is breaking up, Nanny. *sigh* I'm sorry I snapped. I love you, mom. I'll talk to you later." [CLICK] This is not how I wanted my day to start. With that done, I drag my heavy body to the door. Even reaching up for the knob feels like overexertion of energy but it can't be helped since I can't just stay in Sans's room all day. I actually consider tumbling down the stair for a moment till reasoning kicks in and I childishly crawl backward down them instead. "Lynsie? Are you okay?" Flowey looks at me funny as I yawn. "Dude, what time is it?" He shrugs. "I don't have a clock. But it's been super quiet since I woke up." I sigh. "Have you eaten yet?" "No." "So...It's quiet and no one feed you? *groan* They left us." It takes a minute for that to sink in and the wicked grin to smear my face. "They left us..." "We can finally get out of this crazy place and get back to Toriel!" "Yeah! We can leave...Snowdin..." Suddenly this doesn't feel as right as it should. "What's wrong? Why do you sound uncertain? You...You're not thinking we should stay...Are you?" I pick myself off the floor with a sour face. "I'm an idiot for this, but yeah. I'm second guessing it." Flowey is not happy and flails his leaves. "Are you out of your mind?! Do you actually like being beaten?" "No, of course not." "Then why are you second guessing this? We need to go home!" "I know that!" I rub my arm, rolling up the sleeve a bit more with each stroke. "But what if this is a trap? They are posted right outside of the Ruins and Sans can teleport. If we can't make it through those doors then everything else we've been through won't compare to the punishment that will come from fleeing." "But staying here is just as bad." This is a head scratcher. I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't. I probably could slip past Papyrus, because those dogs are not a problem, but Sans is the real threat. If he knows I'm running he is more than capable of stopping me. Dude can stop time, summon laser skull cannons, manipulate gravity on souls, and who knows what else. I need to think this out more. "We're staying here, aren't we?" "...I didn't say that. But it's a good chance." "What about Napstablook? Are we ever going to see him?" A bad nervous habit I have when feeling stress is to claw myself. My nails dig into my skin and I drag them a couple of times. There's just so much on my mind and it makes me want to jump off the roof! "Lynsie?" I dig a little harder and one of the red welts trails a streak a crimson in its wake. "H-Hey! You're bleeding!" I don't even feel it. I just look at the blood before licking it away and fixing the sleeve, much to Flowey's disgust. "Flowey...Why do stay with me?" That threw him off a little. "Huh?" "You didn't have to come out of the Ruins with me. And you have a better opportunity to leave than me. So why? Why do you stay if you want to go so damn badly?" He's stunned slightly. "I...I can't leave you here alone." "Why not?" "Why not? What do you mean why not?" "I mean, you don't have to stick around. I'm not your problem." "But..." "The ground should connect from here to the Ruins. You should be able to make it back with no issue." "I'm not leaving you here." "Fine then. You can stay. I'm going out." I head for the door. "Wait...Where are you going?" "I need a drink" "The fridge is the other way." "It doesn't have what I need." I walk out and head for Grillby's, but I pop back in for one last thought. "I'll be back later. And maybe...I'll be brave for us both." He looks confused as I shut the door with a sigh and continue on my way to the bar. I don't intend to do any hard drinking. I think I'm still feeling it from the mustard last night. All I want is to talk with a close someone. He seems to get me even when I don't. I just hope today is a slow day and the usual guests are feeling like home is where they want to drink. The door to the pub feels heavier to me, probably due to that tired feeling from earlier, and I keep my head low as I enter. "Pussycat!" Grillby's voice has an emotion I'm not used to hearing. He has the voice of someone that's happy to see me. It makes me smile. "Where were you? When they didn't come in today I was thinking the worst happened." There are a few patrons in here, about two or four that I see. They see what I'm trying to hide before he does and he only sees it when I take my seat at the bar. But I know he's pissed by how hot it gets. "A loaded omelet and strawberry milk please." Grillby leans on the bar and grabs my chin, making me look up at him to better see the damage. His eyes narrow. "Is this what happens when you 'handle it'?" I glare weakly. "I'm not talking about this out here. But no, this was something else. Papyrus did this." Smoke escapes the sides of his mouth. "Open your mouth." I sigh through my nose. "The tooth is chipped if you thought you saw something odd." He growls low and deep. "Say the word and I'll make sure he won't touch you again." I won't lie, knowing he's willing to defend me is attractive as hell. But nothing good cones from impulsive actions. I take his hand off my face and hold it in both of mine. "You are my knight in burning armor, Sir Grillby of flame." I kiss his hand and the sudden sweetness mellows him out a bit. "Heh...Buttering me up won't change the subject, pussycat." "Not trying to. Just lowering your burner a little before you overheat." He smiles a little and calms down, his temperature getting less intense. "Thank you, Grillz." "I meant what I said, Lynsie. I'll make him stop. You don't have to put up with this." "I know. But I...*groan* It's complicated." He frowns. "Will you at least talk about it with me?" Oh, Grillby...There is so much I want to say and yet so much I can not. "Yeah. Just...let me get a little comfortable before I do." That lifts his spirits up and he kisses my forehead. "Take your time, dear. I'll be back with your breakfast." Grillby heads to the kitchen and can't help but feel lucky that I know him. If I had known someone like him was down here I would've jumped a hell of a lot sooner. The guy is kind, caring, understanding, and was willing to lay down his life to protect me...at least in that dead timeline he did. Mmmm...It doesn't hurt that he's hot too. Those glasses and that uniform of his. I don't know if these feeling started because of that dream I had but right now I'm glad to have them. Zoned in these thoughts, I fail to notice his return and nearly jump when the plate clatters on the bar. "Daydreaming, pussycat? Hope I didn't interrupt anything interesting~." I snicker to hide the small blush that threatens to show. "Maybe. I do believe it was about this really hot guy. Maybe you know him?" He smirks while he makes my drink. "Maybe I do. What does this hot guy look like?" "Look in a mirror." He chuckles with a small blush. "If I didn't know any better, pussycat, I'd think you were flirting with me." I shrug. "I could be. Or you're just wishfully thinking." He puts the finished glass down in front of me and grins. "You're in a playful mood, pussycat. Is this your way of stepping up our game?" I take my milk and sip it. "I'll let you know when I'm ready for that, Grillz." "Heh...Playing it cool? Fine by me. But just so you know..." He leans in by my ear. "I'm ready for when you want to heat things up~." He backs away smugly and moves on to doing work while I get all flustered. Damn smooth talking flirty fire hottie. Making me all goofy and dorky looking. I hope my burning cheeks offset some of these dark bruises, I doubt it though. But this game of ours, it needs some evening out, he's got more points over me and I don't like that. No...I think it's time to step up my skills. But how? I eat my omelet and think this over. There's got to be a way to mess with him. Something he wouldn't expect from me. By the time I've finished eating the few patrons that were here surprisingly left the bar. "Where'd everybody go?" "It's a mandatory thing in town that once a month the guard takes count of the population. Everyone lines up outside their home for the census. Shopkeepers can remain in their place of business but must leave their doors open." "Oh. ...Fuck." I chug the remaining milk and take my dishes as I hide behind the bar with him. This confuses him but Grillby is a smart man, he figures it out with ease. "They don't know you're here, do they?" I shake my head as the door's bell rings with someone's entrance to the bar. "*whisper* Keep still and doesn't make a sound." I nod and he walks around to meet this guardsman. "What can I do for you, Doggo?" "You know how this goes. Same thing every time." There's a click sound, a pen maybe. "All this normal crap is out of the way. Gotta love it when you can auto-fill more than half this crap without asking." "Makes things easier when nothing ever changes." "I hear that. Speaking of which...Any new additions to your current living space?" "Such as?" "You know. That girl you mess with. She moved in with you?" There's a faint crackling sound. "H-How fast do you think I move on someone?" "I don't know. The way you two go at it I was betting you managed to snag her and had that bone on locked down." "What?" "Yeah, then again, I guess it's not worth it. What with her being passed around by those skeletons." There's a deep threatening growl that's followed by a hard slam. I'm tempted to look but I know better. "*whimpering* Y-You...You hit me?" "Get the fuck out of my bar...NOW!" Grillby's voice has a searing deathly burn in it and it's not long before that bell over the door rings harshly in Doggo's retreat. There is some huffing and puffing from Grillby's calming fume. This concerns me. Dishes cast aside to a small shelf, I creep around the bar and see him standing in the center of the room, his hair billowing high in his anger. Poor guy. I move close to him and feel his heat. "Grillby?" He lets out a large puff of smoke. "Give me a minute...please." I frown in worry. "Okay. But I'm here for you." His arms are shaking. He's settling down slowly. That's good. Yet I feel like I can help. I lightly put my hand on his back and he flinches. Though he begins to relax when I rub my hand up and down along the curve of his back. "Mmmmmm...That's nice." His flames die down and he turns around to me. "Thank you, pussycat." "Thank you for defending my honor again." His face holds such softness. It's cute. "I don't punch Royal Guardsmen for anyone else." There's a warm spot in my heart and I know it's for him. He's earned a reward. "Grillby..." "Yes?" "I don't kiss anyone else." His eyes widen when I yank him by his tie and kiss him, though his surprise doesn't last long. He practically coos when I let him go. "I need to hit Doggo more often if this is what it gets me." "Silly boy." "Well, you like this silly boy." "Yeah, I do." He puts his arms around my waist and I wrap mine around his neck. "You're comfortable with this, pussycat?" "If I wasn't, I wouldn't be letting it happen, would I?" "Heh...You're cute when feisty." "Cute? With this busted face?" "All you need is some healing. Don't put yourself down." "How can I put myself down when all you do is lift me up?" He chuckles and kisses my forehead before resting against me, his breath is steamy yet enjoyable. "You make it very hard not to do more and respect this waiting when you get so damn adorable." He has a point. It's not like I don't like him. Maybe it's worth exploring this with him. As they say...You only live once. Might as well live knowing happiness. This will really surprise him. That's for sure. I lean back slightly and he looks confused as I move into his neck to leave a few kisses. This gets him blushing and his grip tightens a bit. "Mmmmmm...Now you're not playing fair, pussycat." "Who said I'm playing?" His body stiffens. "W-What?" "I told you earlier..." I look him dead in those fiery eyes of his. "I'll let you know when I'm ready for our game to level up." He blinks quickly as that sinks in. "You...You're serious?" I stroke the back of his head, letting my fingers play around in his flames. "I think you've earned it. Unless you'd rather stay in this friendly type thing?" He pulls out of our hold and steps back toward the door. "Grillby?" When he reaches the door he flips a sign, locks the door, and shuts the blinds on all the windows. This makes me feel like I just fucked up. "Why are you doing that?" "Don't freak out. I'm just closing up for a quick break. Mostly for two reasons." "And they are?" "Well for one..." He starts heading back to me. "I don't want to deal with any of the guards due to Doggo's bitching about being punched. And the second reason..." He reaches me and cups my face. "I want nothing to ruin this." If it weren't for the glow of his hands I wouldn't have any clue that he was healing my bruised as hell face, well, that and it tingles a bit. That warmth in my chest starts that getting hotter as he leans in and kisses me softly...at first. Now knowing he has the okay to do more, Grillby carefully guides me over to a table and sits me on it so I'm a bit more at level with him without breaking the kiss. This is giving me vibes similar to that of the naughty dream yet he's being less aggressive then dream Grillby was. His tenderness allows me to relax, my hands rest on his chest and enjoy the satin feel of his uniform's vest. He trails his kisses across my cheek then down my neck under the bandanna, nipping lightly at my nape and I shamefully moan when he nibbles a sensitive spot. This reaction has the both of us blushing yet he's smiling at me. "Did you just...?" "Grillz..." "Oh my god..." "Grillby, please." "That was the cutest fucking thing I have ever heard in my life." I groan which only makes him laugh. "Come on, it's nothing to be embarrassed about." "Don't tease me." "No, I liked it. In fact...I want to hear it more~." "I don't think tha-!" He cuts me off when his mouth clamps around that spot and begins to suck like a vampire for blood. This has me mewling by, what I can only guess is, his ear and he is very much pleased to hear it all. His bite is sharp yet harmless. He keeps this up a good long while as I cling to him and drag out his name randomly in those lewd sounds he enjoys so much. Eventually, he releases my neck and his smug satisfaction is suddenly alluring to me. It's probably confidence. We chicks dig a confident man. "There. Now you look even better with my mark~." I'm a bit too loopy to understand what that means. Plus the heat I'm feeling is flooding my system and he is becoming more attractive by the second. He nuzzles into my cheek with a few kisses peppered in. "I take it this is your first hickey too?" I nod with a lightheaded smile. All this heat is getting to me. Making it harder to think straight. "So cute." He graces me with a smoldering kiss that lingers long after he's pulled away. This is all too much for my soul to take and the pink heart emerges from my chest much to his shock but also interest. "Easy there, pussycat. While very flattering, I don't think you're ready for that level yet." "Can't help it. It likes you so much." He smirks while giving me a hug. His warmth making my soul feel strange, but not unpleasant. "You are way too sweet to be down here." "And you are way too attractive for your own good. Wait...Did I say that out loud?" He laughs and nuzzles that tender part of my neck as I hug him back. "You know...My offer still stands. You can stay with me and not them." I want to say yes. Everything in me is screaming to yell yes with all my might. But I can't muster the will to do so. Not when Flowey pops into my head and from him spring up all the other people I can't just forget to be with him. My silence gives it away to him. "You can't, can you?" "I want to. But there are things I still need to do. I can't forgo what I already promised. I'm sorry." He looks disappointed for a second before petting my head. "You're a good girl, Lynsie." "You're not mad?" "No. How can I be mad at you when you're honest with me? Besides, it's not like you shot me down. I can wait for when you're able to accept my offer." I sigh with relief as my soul calms down and I smile at this sweet man of flames. "Thank you, Grillby." "No thanks needed. I get it. You've probably got a lot on your plate and being a forced 'house guest' doesn't help matters much." "Yeah." "Was is it that you need to do anyway?" "Well...The whole reason I left the Ruins was to see my friend in Waterfall." That puzzles him. "Who do you know in Waterfall?" "A ghost named Napstablook. He visits the Ruins a lot and we became buddies." "Ah, makes sense now." "I just don't know how to get there without tipping off the guard. He mentioned something about a fast travel thing that would take me near his home from here, but I have no clue where that thing is or what it even is." "The Riverperson." "Huh?" "You're talking about the Riverperson. They take people from area to area on their boat." The pink in my soul starts to transition into white. "Do you know where they are?" He nods and steps back a bit. "Once out this door, you make a left into the housing area and keep going straight. There's a spot where it docks its boat. You can't miss it." Finally. Finally, something that helps me move forward. My soul turns fully white and retreats to my body. "Is that normal for you?" "What?" "Your soul. It changed colors." "Oh, that? Yeah. You get used to it." I scoot off the table. "Thank you, Grillby." "For what?" "Where to start? For defending me. For understanding. For caring. For the companionship. Just thanks for being you, you awesome sweetheart." This has the man of fire burning with a less than intimidating hue as he becomes flustered. I love it. "Awww..." "What?" "You're adorable." His flames burn brighter. "I am not." "And here I thought you liked my honesty." He turns around to get control of himself and I make it worse a little by hugging his back. "Would it help if I said you were hot as hell?" That seems to lighten his embarrassment. "It's a start." "That's the spirit." I kiss the back of his neck and he shivers. "Oh? Did I just find a secret spot of sensitivity?" "Heh...Maybe." "Good to know. Makes our game a bit more even." "And what does that mean?" "You'll have to wait and see, hot stuff." I kiss the back of his neck again and this time he shudders. "*flustered* Really making it hard for me now, pussycat." "My bad." I let him go. "It's probably for the best that we stop anyway. You need to run your bar and I have to get my bro so we can finally finish this longer than it should've been quest." "Heheh...Cute. But you make a point. If I'm closed for too long than the local drunkards will bitch like there's no tomorrow." We both head for the door. "So...You won't be in Waterfall for long, will you?" "Worried I'll get my ass kicked?" "The monster there are stronger than the ones here. Not guard level, but still stronger." "It's sweet of you to be concerned. But trust me, I don't intend to fight anyone." "I'm more worried about you running into Undyne." "The Captain? Yeah, Blooky mentioned she lived there. It's why I'm gonna use the boat to bypass running into her." "Clever girl." I pull up the blinds us as he unlocks the door then turns over the sign. Already there's a line outside of patrons wanting to enter and when they can, they head for their normal spots ready to order. "Looks like you're gonna be busy today. Heh...Sucks to be you, boss." Grillby sighs. "It's going to get less busy later. It's lady's night tonight. Not many women show up." "Horny dudes try to schmooze on the ones that show up?" "Bingo." "Called it!" I move out the door. "Later, hot dude." "Wait!" He grabs my arm at the last second. "Dude, you okay?" He stares at me hard before releasing his grip. "Do you have a phone?" Okay, that random. But not completely out there. "Yeah. Why?" "Let me give you my number. In case something happens." I give him a warm smile and my phone. He adds his number to my contact list and hands it back. "Promise you'll call at the first sign of something going wrong." I hug his neck and kiss his cheek. "I promise. I'll come back to you." He nuzzles my neck and lets me take my leave, allowing him to return to his work while I head back to the skeleton house. The path has been clear to me now. I can make to Napstablook's place. Problem is, if I do, I run the risk of setting Papyrus off. He'll think I escaped. Sans will think the same, but he'd know where to look for me. If that happens, I can hide out at Blooky's for a bit before returning and making a break for the Ruins. Maybe...Maybe if Flowey can help in case we get spotted...Argh! There are so many variables for things to go wrong! I hate it! I enter the house and plop on the couch. "So...You feeling better now? Or are you just drunk?" I look over at my flora brother and see he made something for himself to eat. I did leave in a huff, forgetting to feed him. I owe him more than what I give. "Hey! Your face looks better." "My buddy at the bar did that. He's nice." "Huh? So there are nice monsters." "I'm sorry for earlier. I was a dick. I could've fed you before leaving." "That would've been nice." "Again, I'm sorry. There's just...*sigh* A lot of stuff is on my mind and I'm dealing with a body that is going nuts. I don't mean to take it out on others, especially you. Hell, I even tore into Mom." "Are you insane?! I mean, you have to be if you did that." "I'm not even sure we can call her anymore. Her phone was breaking up really bad." "So we can't get in touch with her at all?" "It's a possibility. I'm hoping more that her battery was dying. Mine's not looking too good either what with no charger and the constant Mom calls." "So we're screwed?" "Not necessarily. The phone is still an option until proven otherwise. But other than that, you can still try going underground to inform her or Blooky could do it." "And how would you get him to do that? "I'll ask him when we get there." That makes him pause. "Are you joking?" "Do I look like I am?" "W-What about the skeletons?" "If we leave now and not stay too long, they shouldn't be none the wiser to our little 'escape'." "And if they do?" I remain silent. "Oh." "We'd have to hide out and either make it to the bar or to Ruins." "Why the bar?" "The owner likes me." Flowey shivers uncomfortably. "Don't be that way. Mom approves of the guy." Technically this is a lie but it's not like Toriel ever said she didn't like Grillby. "So...I'm guessing you have an idea of how to get there if you're suggesting we leave." "There's a boat that'll take us. I just need to know if you're okay with this." He flinches. "Why are you putting all this pressure on me?" "Because I'm sick of being the one with a noose around my neck. Now make a choice. We stay or we go?" He nervously rubs his petals. "Um...uh..." "We don't have much time. Every second wasted allows them to find us sooner." "We go!" I stand up and go over to him. "You'll help me if needed. Right, bro?" "I don't know what you expect me to do. But...sure." "Alright then." I gather my bag and don my gear before collecting Flowey then taking what could be our final leave of this place. Following the directions Grillby gave me, I head into the housing area and notice some different monsters that I didn't know lived here. Of course there are rabbits, a boy awkwardly watches a girl as she walks her little brother on a child leash. A family of slimes take part in what looks to be a parody game of gladiators with the father presiding as judge. I can only guess that this play fighting prepares them for real fights in the future. Then located a little eastward of the slime family is what looks to be a very buff wolf monster behind a gated area throwing mass-produced giant ice cubes into part of the river stream. His fur must be very warm because this hunk is naked. I'm tempted to wolf-whistle at him but I don't need the attention right now. I continue my way past the houses and end up in a small secluded spot surrounded by trees that leave enough space for something to sit by the water. "You said there was a boat. I don't see a boat." "Don't get fussy. Like any ride, we need to wait for the driver to come back." Flowey huffs with a shiver and I put him in the backpack so he's out of the chill. I just have to wait now. [Ring...ring...] Huh? That's a strange ring. And looking at this is even weirder as it's an unknown number. Eh, it's probably Mettaton calling to be creepy again. "Hello?" "Hello! Can I speak to G...Wait a second. Is this the wrong number?" Okay, definitely not Mettaton. And this voice...Why does it sound like I know it yet don't? Creepy! "Um...Yeah. I don't think you meant to call me." " Oh it's the wrong number! The wrong number song! We're very very sorry that we got it wrong! Oh it's the wrong number! The wrong number song! We're very very sorry that we got it wrong! " [Click...] Well that was random and weird as hell. "Tra la la..." I'm spooked by the sudden appearance of a fully cloaked figure in black on a wooden boat parked before me. "I am the riverman. Or am I the riverwoman...? It doesn't really matter. I love to ride in my boat. Would you care to join me?" The hell am I getting myself into here and why does this person sound like the phone weirdo? How would it even have my phone number? "Uh...yes?" "Where will we go today? Waterfall? Hotland?" "Waterfall please." "Then hop aboard and we'll be off." "How much?" It shakes its head. "No charge." Really? I can live with that. I step onto the boat and sit down before it begins to move in the water. How the boat is being controlled when the captain is not doing anything is a mystery I can't begin to think of. "Tra la la. What's inside an acorn? It's really just a mystery." I stare at this weirdo and grow in confusion. Is it just my imagination or paranoia that it also used the word mystery? "I'm pretty sure it's just a tree seed that squirrels really like. But who's to say they aren't just nuts." The pun is accidental. But it makes the figure look back at me. Nothingness. That's all there is in that hooded face. Just dark nothingness. "You need to be careful, little one." That name. That name sends chills down my spine. Only Gaster calls me that. Maybe it's just a coincidence. "Trust in the man who speaks in hands." ...Or not. "What did you say?" It nods. "Trust in the man who came from the other world." "Hold on...How do you know him?" It doesn't speak and this pisses me off. "How you know him?! How do you know about Gaster?!" My shouting stirs Flowey, who merely peeks his head out of the bag. This gets the Riverperson's attention. "Tra la la. Humans, Monsters...Flowers." I feel Flowey jerk back into hiding and I snarl. "Leave him alone. Quit being cryptic and get to your point! You obviously know things others don't." "The angel is coming..." Its voice is low with a warning and it turns away from me to face the water ahead of us. "You'd be wise to get that soul of yours under control...Tra la la." My blood runs cold. I know not what this "angel" is, but the warning of my soul is not good. This being knows more than it lets on. I don't like it. I only hope my actions haven't set up a disaster in the future. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
My head canon for Fell drinking: Fell Lynsie reverts to Original Lynsie in terms of personality, she is kind, loving, goofy, and honest. Fell Sans has a strong tolerance but when he hits his limit he becomes bold, emotional, trusting, and more likely to be comfortable around others. So if they were acting funny/familiar to you, now you know the reason why.
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thesaltyoceanwaves · 5 years
Synthesis of Feelings Ch. 1 - A New Friends for Marinette AU Story
On Ao3
Tearing off another request from her corkboard, Annie sighs as she reads over the contents. Another set of bombs were being asked by Kenner for the Theme Park, but now he wanted them to be gold. Normally, Annie doesn’t mind such since making the supplements for traits is easy and quick, but she just synthesized a batch the other day and just happened to be missing materials for gold.
She sighs again. “Ugh, I guess I have to-”
She’s interrupted by a sudden knock at the door. Without second thought, she says, “Come in!” Just as quickly, the door flies open, and Marinette rushes inside, panting as if she just ran a marathon. “W-Woah! Are you okay?”
“Ugh, Annie,” she cries in between breaths, “It’s just the worst! I could just die!”
“Hey, hey, it’s gonna be okay!” Annie says, practically flailing her arms, “Is it a monster? I can just get Gillian and-”
“I wish,” Marinette gasps, “No, it’s nothing like that. I just…” she groans, “I embarrassed myself in front of my crush!”
Oh. That. Not that Annie doesn’t feel for the girl, but she doesn’t exactly have the greatest insight into romance. Still, judging from the panic on Marinette’s face, she really needs someone to hear her out and calm her down.
“Are you okay?” she offers weakly. When Marinette quickly shakes her head no, Annie knows that she’s off to a rough start.
Well, maybe she doesn’t know much about romance or dealing with feelings, but she does know how to brew a mean cup of tea. She pulls out a chair that’s been designated as the “Guest Chair” and prepares some water to be boiled. Marinette settles down in the chair, but is gripping the sides and almost shaking.
“You don’t understand, Annie,” Marinette groans, “Every time I try to talk to him, my words never come out right! It’s like ‘Low. I-I mean hello! How are you today? The weather is great- er I mean, it would be great if it weren’t raining! Not that train isn’t great! I mean rain!” she sighs, clutching her head in between her hands, “He probably thinks I’m weird.”
“I doubt that,” Annie says gently, “I mean, he can probably sense that you feel weird around him, but that’s different from actually thinking that you’re weird. You just need to not feel as weird around him.”
“But how do I do that?”
Before Annie can answer her question, the door swings open yet again, and a foul odor protrudes the room. It’s a good thing that Marinette is sitting, because if she weren’t, she’d have collapsed to the floor from the wretched smell, just as Annie does.
“Heyyy, guys!”
Completely oblivious to the atmosphere of the room, Gillian strides into the room, her bottle of herbal juice visibly open. Not that smelling her creations is ever a delight, but today’s combination is even more noticeably horrifying than ever. She can’t even really tell what’s supposed to be in this batch - maybe burnt Beeswax? Hot Chocolate?
That shouldn’t ever be a combination anyone contemplates mixing together, no matter how desperate they are to eat healthy.
Pinching her nose, Annie responds, “Gillian, I already told you, Pepe banned you from bringing that in here.”
“What, this?” she asks innocently enough, holding up the bottle. When Annie nods her head rapidly, Gillian merely laughs, “I don’t really get what he has against herbal juice. It’s soooo good for you!” Nonetheless, she manages to gulp down what must be half a container, and the smell quickly dissipates from the room. “So refreshing!”
Releasing her nose, Annie sighs. “What are you doing here anyway? Don’t you have work?”
“What, me? Nah, I’m on my break!” Her smile is the widest Annie has ever seen it. Stretching out her arms, Gillian takes the time to crack both her shoulders and back. “Ugh, I’ve been working soooo hard lately!”
“You mean working hard at slacking off?”
“Haha, you know me so well Annie!”
From the corner of her eye, Annie sees Marinette nodding her head awkwardly. She isn’t sure if she’s ever introduced the two, or if they ever met on their own, so she decides now is the time to take control of the conversation.
“Hey, Gillian, have you met Marinette?”
“Hmm… Oh, you’re Tom and Sabine’s daughter, right? You live near Fitz?”
Laughing awkwardly, she gives a little wave from the corner. “Yup, that’s me.”
“Oh, man, they have the best baked stuff on the entire island!” Gillian sighs, no doubt dreaming about what was baking over there now.
To be fair, the thought also haunts Annie.
But then she sees the look on Marinette’s face, and remembers the reason she’s there.
“Say, Gillian, would you happen to have any experience with, um, dealing with… boys?”
“Sure,” she says with a slight shrug. “I fight them all the time.”
“No… I meant like… having crushes on them?”
“Oh, that? Not really.”
Annie completely deflates in defeat. Ugh, so much for that. But actually though… When she thought about it, it didn’t make any sense. Sure, Gillian has a rather… strong personality to put it bluntly, but she’s hardly unattractive. The purple haired knight takes surprisingly good care of her hair, and her job requires her to stay in top shape. Hours of having to wear her armor and train in the early morning keeps her well-toned, while still managing to remain slender. Her height, while a bit more than the average woman on Sera Island, wasn’t enough to intimidate anyone.
And even with her lackadaisical personality and penchant for disgusting herbal drinks, Gillian is boatloads of fun to be around. Anyone who can’t acknowledge that, Annie decides, is not worth having around.
“Annie, you look like your brain is about to explode,” Gillian points out, breaking her from her train of thought, “Are boys confusing you that much?”
Looking over to a confused Marinette in the corner, Annie sighs yet again. “Not me, actually,” Marinette rapidly shakes her head no, so Annie bites her lip before she can give away any more. “Er, I mean a friend. A friend and not me.”
“Oh, you mean Marinette?”
The poor designer jumps out of her seat, holding her face in her hands in complete mortification. Annie also can’t stop her panic, slamming her hand against Gillian’s mouth.
“ You can’t say a word to anyone else !” she forces into a hushed whisper.
The knight merely laughs, patting Annie on the back. “Come on, Annie. I know it’s not my secret to tell, so I won’t say a word. Now, Marinette,” Gillian says, walking over to her and patting her shoulder, “I may not know much about dating boys, but I certainly know how to talk to them.”
Letting out a defeated sigh, Marinette stops jumping about, though she still looks concerned. Her eyes flit about from the window to the door leading into the shop, as if someone else might overhear their conversation and take it all the way to… whoever it is Marinette has a crush on. Annie frowns when she realizes she’s missing this vital information, but decides not to press her on the matter for the time being.
“How about talking to them and you completely stammer like an idiot,” Marinette finally says, “Like, every time I try to talk to him, word mush just comes out of my mouth, or I’ll say the wrong word at the wrong time and ughhh, it’s so embarrassing!”
“So when you’re around him, you get easily flustered and embarrassed?”
Gillian nods her head a couple of times, wrapping her fingers around her chin. Annie recognizes the gesture. She started copying it from Kilbert to make herself seem like she was deeper in thought than it seemed. Of course, knowing the two of them, the solution they had in mind wasn’t going to turn out too great.
“Maybe you’re just not eating properly. You get nervous because you don’t have enough energy. But if you eat and drink properly, you’ll have the right fuel, you know?”
An awkward pause hangs over the room, as Marinette and Annie exchange a look. Marinette can only laugh in confusion as Annie sighs, preparing for the inevitable follow-up to that piece of advice.
“I eat plenty though,” Marinette points out, “My parents are always packing me enough food for lunch, and my breakfast and dinner portions are fitting of a baker’s daughter. Not to mention all the snacks they are willing to make.”
“Well, then it’s gotta be what you’re eating!”
“Gillian, if this is going to be a plug for your medical juice, I’m going to have to stop you right there,” Annie interrupts, “We want Marinette to be able to talk to a boy, not move on toward the light before she’s even 15.”
“ What ?” Gillian chuckles, patting Annie on the back, “Come on, you’re being silly! You drank the medical juice, and you’re perfectly fine! Healthy as can be!”
“I wouldn’t exactly call those drinks healthy…” She grumbles underneath her breath, “But I guess you do have a point. Marinette, you do tend to run yourself thin with all of the work you do. You should join me and Fitz at the restaurant from time to time.”
“Heheh, see, I knew I had good advice!”
Casting Gillian a hard glance, Annie continues, “But for the sake of your well-being, I’m going to advise you not to drink anything Gillian makes.”
The knight deflates and pouts in defeat.
“Maybe we should ask a guy about this?” Annie ponders to herself, “Oh, wait, there’s someone that might actually have some insight on this matter. Come on guys, let’s go to the Committee HQ.”
Still upset by the medical juice comments, Gillian’s face blanches. “Heheh. Um, maybe you guys should go without me? I mean, I’m feeling sooo tired from all the work I did today-”
“You’re slacking off again.”
Smiling, Gillian doesn’t nod or shake her head in disagreement.
“I mean, I’ll cover for you, but you’re really not good at lying.”
“Oh, thank you Annie!” She says, throwing her arms over her, “I’ll wish you lots of luck on your mission to get Mari a boyfriend!”
Squeaking, Annie looks up to see Marinette blushing in the corner. Quickly, she races over to the door and moves outside, probably to calm herself down.
“Yeah, yeah. Just don’t do anything….at all while I’m gone. I guess you can watch the shop.”
Ah, who am I kidding?   Annie thinks to herself. She’s probably just gonna nap the entire time I’m gone. Well, can’t say I blame her. I just hope she doesn’t break Pepe’s hammock, hoping to be like Kilbert…
A quick trip down the road and through the Central Plaza brings the two girls to the Committee HQ. Unfortunately, everyone is coming back from their lunch, so the inside of the building is packed with other members pacing back to their office or handling complaints at the desk.
“Man, we really picked a time to come,” Marinette points out, “I don’t think I’ve ever been in here before.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t worry too much. My adviser works here, and he’s pretty good about answering questions. Although I don’t see him anywhere…”
Normally, Hans is patrolling the area, speaking to other advisers or taking complaints from visitors. If he’s not, then Annie can expect to find him in his office. But when she knocks on the door, she hears no response and frowns.
“Maybe he’s still on break?” Marinette offers weakly, “He could have gotten out later than normal too, judging by the crowd.”
“Ugh, we might have been better off checking the restaurant,” Annie grumbles. Of course, the restaurant would have been just as busy too. And then there was always the off chance that Hans actually went home for lunch. No matter the case, it was clear that she wasn’t going to be running into him until later that day. Retreating from the door, she racks her mind trying to think of the next candidate to speak to to help with Marinette’s problem.
Unfortunately, she’s so lost in thought, she can’t stop herself from bumping into someone. At first, she’s confused because she doesn’t see anyone. Even from hearing Marinette’s wince, she wasn’t entirely sure if she even ran into someone. However, when she looks down, everything clicks into place. The petite man with white hair mumbles to himself, readjusting his swirly glasses.
“Oh! Daniel!” Annie squeaks, offering her hand to help him up, “Sorry about that! I got lost in thought and wasn’t paying attention to what I was doing.”
“It’s okay,” he responds weakly, “I know I don’t have a lot of presence.”
“That’s not true,” Annie laughs nervously in response. Truthfully, it was at least partially true, but she already felt bad about how everything unfolded. Before he could press her further on the issue, she turns to Marinette, “A-Anyway! Daniel, have you met Marinette?”
Still adjusting his glasses, he takes a moment to study her companion. “Oh, you’re the baker’s daughter, right? Tom and Sabine’s child?”
“That’s me,” Marinette says, raising her hand, “Um, it’s nice to meet you, Daniel.”
“A pleasure to meet you two. Um, is there something I can help you with?”
A light pink tinges her cheeks, and she looks to Annie, eyes hopeful for a way out of this.
It must be worse than I thought .
“Well, Daniel, if you don’t mind a personal question… do you ever have problems talking to girls?”
“Talking to girls?” he repeats. When Annie only replies with a simple nod, he frowns. “Oh, um, not really. I-I mean, most girls are actually pretty nice to me even when I stumble over my words,” he sighs, “It only seems to be around Mr. Hans that I ever seem to really mess up and get nervous. Oh, I wish I could be as cool as him!”
Somehow, that answer isn’t totally unexpected . Still, I guess it was worth a shot .
“Why do you ask?”
“We were looking to get some advice,” she explains carefully. Not that she doesn’t trust Daniel, but she figures it’s best not to be spilling all of the details, especially to people she’s not nearly as close with. She knows for a fact that Daniel isn’t the vicious type and wouldn’t use the info to blackmail either of them, but it’s for the best this way. Not to mention, she doesn't know if anyone could be listening on their conversation and decide to gossip about it.
“Oh, I hope you can get the advice you’re looking for,” he says, “I don’t know if I can be of much further help.”
“It’s okay. We appreciate it anyway.”
The two leave the hallway and settle near the entrance of the HQ. Frowning, Marinette leans against the door frame, looking up. “I wish I could have talked to him a bit more. I wonder if he has the same sort of problems I do.”
“From what you’re telling me, it sure does sound like it,” Annie points out, “But he’s working now anyway, so it’s probably not the best to deter him from his work.”
“But… weren’t we coming to meet with your other friend for the same reason?”
“Haha, anyway,” Annie exclaims, pointing toward the exit, “Let’s see if we can find anyone else to help us, Marinette!”
The Main Plaza is pretty quiet after the post-lunch rush, though in the distance, Annie can hear a rather angry argument going on. Still, she decides not to pay it much mind, instead pondering who the next person the two of them should talk to is.
“You sure do know a lot of lively people, Annie,” Marinette comments, breaking the silence, “I think it’s kind of helping my nervousness a bit.”
“Oh? How so?”
“Um, well…” she bites her lip, “I’m used to stammering and not getting my words out right. I say some of the weirdest stuff when under pressure. I’ve kind of accepted after a while that I was probably just some big weirdo. But seeing everyone so at ease around you and having fun is kind of relaxing.”
Annie raises an eyebrow at this. “Oh, I don’t know about relaxing…”
“Why do you say-”
As if the universe had been listening in on their conversation, Marinette is interrupted by the loud arguing in the distance, as the two parties move closer to the girls. As they get closer, Annie recognizes both the large man in black armor and a giant sword, and the more petite boy in a red adventuring suit and she sighs.
“Um, I totally won that last contest! I’m the best!”
“No, you’re not! You’re way too slow!”
“Eat turtle soup!”
“What does that even have to do with this conversation?”
“Um, it’s obvious! Turtles are slow! Therefore, if you eat them, you’ll totally be slow, which is what I want!”
“That’s not how it works!”
The two continue to argue back and forth, not even pausing to acknowledge the two girls. It’s pretty likely in this scenario that during said argument, they managed to wander halfway across town without even realizing it.
She curls her lips in at the thought of that being the solution to Beaux’s missing sense of direction. But there are more pressing matters right now.
“What are you two doing?” Annie interrupts, “You’re annoying everyone here.”
Kilbert gasps, “Annie! Girl I’ve never met before! Tell Beaux that he totally lost that bet against me!”
“Hey, you can’t tell people what to say!” Beaux snarls. “Hey, Marinette, you totally saw me win, right?”
“She doesn’t know what you’re talking about,” Annie retorts, “What bet?” She groans, “You know what, forget that. Maybe you two can help us settle something.”
“Fine,” Kilbert grunts, “I bet I can do it better than Beaux though.”
“Can not !” Beaux argues. The two of them look like they’re about to go back into their argument, but Annie is quick to cut in.
“Just listen . Marinette here is looking for some advice concerning boys, and I know you two have plenty to say on that matter.”
“That I do!” Kilbert says triumphantly. He also has the audacity to stick his chest out and pound a fist against it. Marinette doesn’t seem the least bit impressed, but whether he realizes that or not, it doesn’t deter him. “I’m glad you could finally come to your best friend, Kilbert the Wise and Powerful, for advice, my old friend!”
There’s a burning desire in her to point out that she isn’t his “old” friend - he literally just met Marinette - nor would she consider him wise. But Beaux beats her to the punch.
“I’ve yet to see anything wise come out of your mouth.”
“What did you say you imbecilic cockroach?”
“Enough!” Annie sighs, “Marinette?”
She clears her throat, looking to the two men awkwardly. “Um, it isn’t really about boys in general. Just… one specific boy.”
“Oh, you mean Adrien?”
A pause falls among the group, before quickly dissolving into a variety of reactions. Marinette’s face erupts into a burning red mess, hiding herself away with her hands. Kilbert and Annie look to each other in confusion - Annie certainly doesn’t know any Adrien, and Kilbert doesn’t appear to know him any more than she does. That leaves Beaux, who nods at everyone around him. Apparently, he’s cracked the code.
Finally peeking out from her fingers, Marinette barely manages to ask, “H-How did you-”
“I just watched the two of you interact,” Beaux answers, “Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone. Well,” he pauses to regard Annie and Kilbert, “Anyone else.”
“Damn you, Beaux!” Kilbert scowls, “You may have won the advantage over me this time, but you won’t win this war!”
“To be fair, Adrien isn’t someone you would know off-hand,” Beaux points out, “His dad rarely ever lets him leave his house. I think me knowing him is a twist of fate.”
“I never thought I’d hear those words from you,” Annie comments, “But who is Adrien anyway?”
This is when Marinette interrupts, clasping both of her hands. “Only the greatest angel gifted to all of humanity! His blonde hair is sunshine and his eyes are the lushest shade of green you’ll ever see,” she sighs, “And he’s so nice too! He gave me his umbrella one day when it was raining after apologizing for a misunderstanding…” she sighs yet again, but it’s heavier and her gaze falls to the ground, “But ever since then, I’ve had problems talking to him without either sounding like an idiot or stammering over every syllable.”
Kilbert nods understandingly, his fist over his mouth as he considers every word Marinette has to say. Beaux, on the other hand, frowns and looks up at the sky as he considers the situation. Another silence falls upon them all, and Annie decides to take a seat in front of the fountain. Judging by their expressions, it seems like their conversation is going to go on for a little bit longer.
After what seems like forever, Kilbert makes a sound that makes everyone in the peripheral jump up. “Aha! I know what you have to do, Marinette!”
“O-Oh?” she asks, slightly annoyed by his movements, “Does it involve not getting a heart attack?”
“What? Of course, you won’t be getting any heart attacks,” he clicks his tongue, “After all, you have to live long enough to get a boyfriend. Heart attacks are going to be a pesky obstacle to recover from.”
“No, duh,” Annie retorts.
“Yes, you don’t need a heart attack,” Kilbert continues, “What you need to conquer your fears is to challenge both yourself and your one true love!”
Annie bites her lip. This could be an interesting take. Or it could be Kilbert being himself as per usual. Judging by Beaux’s expression, he’s not too impressed by the direction the conversation is headed, and she can hardly blame him.
Of course, Marinette doesn’t know any better, so she studies the adventurer with curiosity. “What do you mean by challenge?”
“Exactly what you think it means.”
He offers no further explanation, so the three of them sit in contemplation, all staring at each other. More and more, Beaux starts to look less impressed with the adventurer, and Marinette begins to look concerned.
Annie isn’t sure she can raise her eyebrow any higher.
Realizing they have no idea what he was talking about, Kilbert groans and continues, “The best way to a man’s heart is to demand his attention! Challenge him to take you on a date!”
Wow, I certainly wasn’t expecting this today.
Beaux frowns. “That's ridiculous. You can’t just go around challenging random people and expect them to like you.”
“Is that a challenge, Beaux?” Kilbert exclaims, “I’ll show you!!”
Before anyone can stop him, the adventurer dashes around the plaza, demanding everyone he encounters into some sort of contest. Eating, running, holding a handstand, it doesn’t matter. Only one person entertains the motion of a staring contest. The entire time it plays out, Beaux whistles with his hands behind his head, while Marinette takes a seat next to Annie. About two minutes go by, and Kilbert finally makes his way back to them.
“Did you see that?” he announces proudly, “ I just made a new friend! And so you see, Marinette, challenges are definitely the way to get Adrien to like you!”
“Um, okay,” Annie says, “What do you have to counter that, Beaux?”
“Well, definitely don’t challenge guys to weird contests, unless you know he’s into that sort of thing,” he retorts, “And I don’t think that Adrien is.”
“Think? Or know ?” Kilbert interrupts.
“ Hey , this is my turn,” Beaux argues, “Stop getting in my way!”
“Stop making my advice look pointless!”
“This isn’t about you!”
Once again, the two begin to bicker, and Annie is looking to tear her hair out. Marinette merely laughs beside her.
“I’m sorry about this,” Annie sighs, “I was hoping we could find at least one person to give you decent advice.”
Swinging her legs back and forth, Marinette looks up toward the sky, a small smile apparent on her face. “Well, this isn’t exactly ideal, but I can tell all your friends mean well. I’ve at least gotten over that incident from earlier on.” Closing her eyes, she leans her head back and sighs. “Still, I wish there was someone that had a better idea of what to do.”
Oh, how Annie wished for the same. She wished she had some sort of advice for Marinette’s situation, and not just wallow in naive obliviousness yet again. Maybe there is someone she knows, though, that can ease Marinette’s anxiety and simultaneously school her in this area. There’s a name at the tip of her tongue, someone that Annie definitely knows would be able to help…
Just as she contemplates the matter, Annie spots a familiar red-haired alchemist walking out of one of the shops and through the Square. The argument between Kilbert and Beaux, as well as Marinette and Annie’s exasperation catches her attention, and she approaches the group, studying the interaction the entire time.
“Hey Liese.”
“Hey girls.” She gestures to the arguing duo behind them. “You want to tell me the backstory behind that?”
Looking to Marinette once again, Annie sighs. “We were hoping to get advice for Marinette about talking to a boy she likes. And as you can guess, well, Kilbert and Beaux don’t exactly see eye to eye.”
“That’s to be expected. But what made you go to them in the first place?”
“Well, we were kinda hoping for a guy’s perspective on the matter, but Hans wasn’t around. And as for Kyle… ugh, I didn’t want to subject Marinette to that.”
At the mention of his name, Liese’s eyes narrow. “Good call. Thankfully, I haven’t seen him around as of late,” she sighs, taking a moment to watch the fight between Kilbert and Beaux play out. Satisfied, she returns her attention to Marinette. “So tell me, Marinette, right? What sort of boy problems are you having?”
“Oh, um,” she nearly jumps out of her seat when asked the question, “Talking to him, I guess. I-I mean talking to him, for sure .”
Liese nods, crossing her arms over her chest. “You don’t know what to say and your mind starts racing a million miles per minute, right? And you’re the type to overthink scenarios, aren’t you?”
“Woah, you can tell all that just by looking at her?” Annie asks, just as Marinette turns her face away.
“It was more of a deduction, but it seems like I was right. I figured from the way you got all jumpy about being asked, but your reactions are confirming it for me,” Liese says gently, “Well, thankfully, you don’t need to do anything extreme to get yourself to feel more comfortable around him.”
Marinette blinks. “I don’t?”
“Nope. See, back when I lived in the capital, I also had problems talking with people, mostly when it came to negotiations or appearing less… abrasive, let’s just say. So, my friend at the time had me do several roleplay scenarios to learn how to be more charming and flirt better.” A smile sweeps across her face, and she leans forward, her hands framing her face. “Those were good times, I have to admit. Some of the mess ups were pretty embarrassing, but after a while, you start to realize that you know how to have a proper conversation.”
“You know, that makes a lot of sense,” Annie says, “Thanks, Liese. That’s the most helpful idea we’ve gotten all day. Of course, I still wouldn’t know how to conduct the roleplay…”
“You can leave that to me,” she says with a wink, “Oh, and Annie?”
“I’ll be sending the bill to you.”
“Wait, what?”
Standing up, she laughs, “I’m just joking! I’ll see you girls around!”
Still regarding the older alchemist with a hard glare as she walks off, Annie slumps in her seat. “Somehow, I don’t think she was kidding about that…”
However, upon seeing Marinette’s relieved expression, Annie can’t help but smile. There’s at least some hope for the two of them going into the situation, and Annie would be willing to pay any price to help out a friend.
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On the Fence (Dragonslayer Fanfic)
This is my entry for @perfilles-studio ’s Dragonslayer (Yang x Jaune) fanfic contest on Tumblr. This Fanfic is based on his drawing (see below, it’s great!). I’ve never posted much of what I’ve written anywhere, so I’m kinda (very) nervous. Honestly, I love the dragonslayer ship in RWBY, so I hope I can do it justice. Please give me some feedback, how else could I get better! Anyway, enough ramblings, let’s get started!
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Mistral was a beautiful kingdom. It had large, architecturally outstanding buildings, wonderful food, and lush gardens and parks that people can walk through. So it seems odd that at an inn in the clear evening on a Friday night, that there were two blonde teens that were just sitting around doing nothing.
“This place so boooring” groaned out Yang as she leaned back in her chair. Jaune only sighed in agreement, sitting in an armchair adjacent to Yang.
Ruby and Weiss were off restocking on everyone's munitions and dust for the upcoming trip to Atlas. Blake was at a meeting with Sun, Ilia, Ghira, and Kali to discuss what to do with all the Faunus troops they brought to fight as well as spending some more time with her parents before she’d have to leave again. Nora and Ren were on their actual first date, and Ozpin/Oscar was passed out sleeping with Qrow watching over him. That left only Yang and Jaune at the in inn’s lobby...alone...together.
Jaune awkwardly rubbed the back of his head “Yeah, it is. Although after everything that happened yesterday, not much can compare to that amount of excitement.”
“I guess. Still, would have been nice if someone invited us along on one of their outings.”
“Would you really have wanted to tag along on Ren and Nora’s first date?”
“Heheh, you got a point. Okay, anyone but those two. They definitely deserve some quality alone time.”
Jaune let out a soft chuckle. “Without a doubt. You’re right though, it’s pretty boring here. Wish we went with Weiss and Rubes. At least we would be doing something.”
“Hmmmm,” was hummed from Yang, showing her agreement. A few beats later she jumped up and startled backward and knocking over his chair. “Why don’t we just go out then!?”
Standing back up and picking up his toppled armchair, Jaune was blushing at what he just heard. “W-what do you mean Yang! What’s with all the sudden excitement?”
Yang was only getting more hyped and her smile was growing brighter. “I just realized I’ve never been to Mistral before! I’ve never seen this place in person or been to any of its shops, restaurants, or anything! So let’s go!” before she was done she had already started moving towards the door.
Sighing in relief, he started to follow her before he realized what he was doing. “Wait you want me to come with you?”
Stopping at the door she turned around, bright smile still on her face. “Yeah! Unless you’d rather stay here by yourself?”
“Well, okay then, if you want to. I’ll try not to cramp your style.”
“Please, like you could! I got more than enough “style” for both of us.”
Walking through the door, he turned around and started walking backward slowly to face her. “Good to know. So Yang, where do you want to go?”
Yang jogged up right next to him. “No idea Jaune. Like I said, I’ve never been to Mistral before. So let's just go out there and wing it! We’ll definitely find something that’ll make this night rock!” Yang finished her sentence with a fist into the air, sure that the night would be filled with awesome!
“‘Let’s just go out there’ you said.”
“Shut up.”
“‘Let’s wing it’ you said.”
“Shut up Jaune.”
“‘We’ll definitely find something to make th-”
“Shut up! Okay, I get it, it wasn’t a good idea after all! I was wrong! Now, will you please stop patronizing me!?”
Jaune still had the courage to give a light smile. “What? After all the teasing you’ve done to me? I am not passing this small chance up. When will I ever get a chance to tease you for a change?”
As it turns out going into a brand new city doesn’t yield great results. They basically walked around half of Mistral for a few hours. It only took a half hour to realize they really did have no idea where to go. They tried to find a bar or club to go to, requested by Yang, but they were denied entry either because they were too young, being only 17 each, or because they were already packed and had a waiting line several hours long.
When that failed they decided to try to find shops or places to go eat but ended up walking into quite a large residential area...which they got lost in. Yup, not a proud moment for the teens asking an elderly couple how to get back to the main city.
After they got back they just wandered some more, but the two started having a good conversation, all night they’d just been saying a few sentences every now and then and then walked in silence. They talked about, goals, hobbies, and stories about the pasts. Yang told Jaune about her first trip to a club and Jaune told her about his family going to the nearby lake for family days every week.
They actually stopped paying attention to where they were walking. They ended up in one of Mistrals greatest parks. It had a web of trails to hike through a large forested section of Mistral, the best spot was the trail that was along a small cliff, overlooking most of Mistral.  The only thing separating the cliff edge and the people on the trail was an eight foot, chain link fence. This was also the place the two blondes ended up.
“Well, aren’t you mister confidence right now.” Yang bitterly grumbled.
Jaune flinched at her tone. It was a rare sight to see Yang Xiao-Long down in the dumps. “Hey, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you so much.”
Yang sighed heavily before looking at Jaune. “It’s not that Jaune. I just wanted this night to be great, fun, or hell, even just okay and peaceful. We’re off to Atlas in a few days. Who knows what will happen there.” Yang walk over to the fence that separates the trail from the cliff. “It’s probably only going to get worse right? I mean, we are pretty much at war with Salem. We’ve already had to fight for our lives just a few days ago. We’ll probably have to it again.”
Jaune stared at Yang in shock. He would have never thought Yang was thinking stuff like this. “Yang, why are you thinking like that? We have to stay positive. If we don’t then they’ll already have won.”
“Oh, you’re one to talk. Didn’t you say ‘They’re the ones that matter’ to Cinder?”
“I was angry!”
“And so am I.”
Jaune stared at Yang, baffled. Yang never doubted herself before, why now? What was different?! The answer came when Yang put her hand on the fence in front of her. Her right hand. The one she lost.
Jaune swallowed, knowing he had to be blunt. “It’s because if your arm isn’t it?”
Yang spun to face him, glare already set. Red eyes and all. “What was that?” The danger layered in her question was also blunt.
He pushed through though“ The reason you’re scared now, the reason you’re questioning yourself and us. It was because of you losing your arm at Beacon.”
Yang’s right hand clenched. Then she released it and a sigh. “Since when are you so smart VB?”
Jaune chuckled. “I guess about the time as you. So, what’s wrong?”
Yang turned back around, hand going back to the fence. “I always thought I was unkillable. Sure, I’d get hurt in a fight or spar, but I never thought I’d be hurt to the point. Then The Fall happened. Adam happened.” The creak from the fence being crushed under Yang’s hand made Jaune flinched. “Everything went to hell. I guess it’s just all the reality hit me down hard. I’m still trying to stand back up.”
A hand on her shoulder got her to turn around. Jaune was their, with a pitying look in his eyes. No, not pity, sympathy. “Will you let me try to help you up?”
Yang threw a questioning look his way. It was answered by Jaune walking past her and the up the fence.
“Jaune!? What are you doing?!”
“Well, you’ll see if you follow me!”
Yang looked around, and seeing only a hand full of people farther down the trail, she started climbing up. When she got the top, Jaune was sitting down on the top bar, legs dangling his legs off facing the cliff and Mistral. Yang decided to mirror his position. “Sooooo what now?” She drawled out.
Jaune only said one word “Look” before pointing. Yang followed his finger to see a breathtaking sunset over the kingdom of Mistral. “I wanted to remind you that the sun's still shining and that the world is still beautiful. We all went through The Fall. It was a dark time for all of us. We can’t live in that darkness though, otherwise, they’ll have won before we even start fighting.”
Yang looked over at him to see a serious expression, but it was also hopeful and warm. It honestly made her heart skip.
“W-wow Vomit Boy, I didn’t know you could be so romantic. If I had, we might be dating right now.”
Jaune blushed like she knew he would. What he said next surprised her though. “Could you honestly see yourself dating me?”
Yang thought about it for a few seconds, then something came to mind. “I dunno...you could say I’m…” the smug grin on her face was the only warning Jaune had before Yang let loose “on the fence!” Eh, eh?”
The only response Yang received was a groan from the knight, but there was a laugh mixed in with it! The only one to ever laugh at here puns were her dad and Ruby when she was little. “There’s the good old Yang we know and love! Glad to see you’re feeling better.”
Yang was feeling better! It’s been so long since she’s made a good pun and for someone to actually laugh at it too?! “Hahaha, thanks Jaune.” Yang flipped around her seating on the fence. “Maybe we should get going though. The sunset is beautiful, don’t get me wrong, but it also means it’s almost dark. Everyone is probably going to be back now.”
She was about to hop down, but something stopped her. Jaune grabbed her hand and squeezed it. A feeling of warmth and security rushed to her chest, it’s origin the hand Jaune currently had in his grasp. “As long as you promise to have hope. For everything.”
Yang closed her eyes, she liked the feeling of his hand holding hers. “Sure Jaune. I promise.” She pulled his hand free and punched Jaune in the shoulder.
“WOAH!” Although the punch was apparently harder than she meant to because Jaune was knocked off the fence, luckily not off the cliff though. Jaune landed on the dirt trail with a thud.
Yang was down next to him a second later, leaning down to help pick him up. “Jaune! I’m so sorry! Are you okay?!”
Jaune groaned. “I don’t know. I guess I feel kinda, down in the dirt? How’s that?”
Yang paused, before “Hahahahahahaha!” laughing so hard she nearly fell over. “That was great Jaune! I didn’t know you had it in you!” She calmed down and offered a hand to him. An offer Jaune took, being pulled up and dusting himself off.
“You sure you okay Jaune?”
Jaune rolled his shoulders a few times. “Yeah, I’m fine. I can easily take more than that little fall.”
“Good. So you think we should head back to the inn? The gangs probably waiting for us.”
“Sure Yang.”
“Well, I guess we should get walking.”
With that the blonde duo started walking back down the trail they came on. As they walked, Yang looked down at Jaune’s hand, recalling the feeling of him holding hers with it. Before she knew it, she had grabbed it, holding it with hers. It was Jaune that alerted her to what she did. “Yang? Why are you holding my hand?”
Yang didn’t know herself, but that wasn’t going to make her let go. It made her feel warm. “Just go with it Vomit Boy.”
Jaune sighed in annoyance. “Are you ever going to drop that nickname?”
Yang let out a mocking hum. “Hmmmmm. Nope!”
Jaune just sighed again, getting Yang to laugh. Jaune decided to do as Yang said and just went with it, wasn’t like he was really complaining. It did feel nice. That’s how they continued to walk, holding hands, into an unsure, but definitely brighter, future.
“Hey Yang, how do we get back to the inn from here?”
His question was met with silence from both parties until they spoke together.
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loghainmactir · 6 years
For the OC asks: 1, 6, 12, 14, 18, 21, 28 :)
there r so many here 😱😱😱 thank u sm…. i love love love love talking abt my OCs but i can never do it unless someone prompts me and this one is gonna get LONG so buckle in kids!!! (I’m also on mobile, so the questions have been shortened bc I just wrote ‘em down before I got into bed I’m sorry 😭) I’m also going to do 6 as a whole seperate post bc I wanna talk a little about my D&D world, tbh!
1. Three useless facts about your favourite OC.
I can’t 100% choose a favourite OC (… ok its Padril) so! I’m gonna do one useless facts for three characters:
A) Padril once tricked Tamlen as a kid into believing he’d gotten his hand bitten off by the Dread Wolf by sucking it into his shirt and wailing. The clan was not impressed, lmao.
B) Braewyn and her twin, Bradley, often binge-watch Golden Girls when they’re together and have free time
C) Irving owns a set of dragonbone dice and he has no idea how to play dice games. Like, none.
12. Favourite relationship between OCs?
I’ve done this already BUT… my other favourite relationship is between my character, Leon, and his daughter, Jordan, who’s a teenager.
Leon’s essentially got the role of Cullen for modern-day Inquisition mixed w some Leliana stuff, but he’s the one who trains everyone and orders about spies/troops. He’s an incredibly thoughtful and kindhearted guy, though a bit married to his work and sometimes it’s difficult for him to remove himself from it.
BUT… Jordan is the apple of his eye and encourages him to go out and socialise and do things Not Involving Work. They were estranged for a bit bc his work’s dangerous, but now she’s older so they spend time together offen. Similarly, Leon tries to set a good example for her and tries to encourage self-love; Leon’s black, and so is Jordan, n he knows she’s been bullied before so he tries his hardest to encourage self love re: natural hair & dark skin & imperfections like scars (bc he has a lot himself) (He’s also so fuckin awkward lmfao, he tells so many dad jokes when they’re together)
14. Which OC is most like you?
Ok so I have two. Bradley and Raul: Bradley has always a LOT of my ADHD/BPD traits and shares a decent chunk of my trauma even before I knew about it all myself. He’s also bi like me n helped me realize I was, too. Bradley’s much older n more Out There than me, though, but he really is a comfort character in the sense that it’s kinda like “u can and will be ok, he was so u can b too”.
There’s also Raul, who’s like me personality-wise; he’s a smartass, a writer, a feminist, and he really just wants to help people. He’s also afraid of large bodies of open water (like me), and he’s fuzzy n chunky like me too. I swear to god he is his own OC though akgkakf
18. Favourite things to research about OCs?
I rarely research OC things anymore, tbh, unless I’m REALLY uneducated on topics that cannot Just Be Made Up (like Harry and his world— I haven’t researched shit for that, lmao). One OC I researched a tonne on was my OC, Anthony (who’s Bradley’s child). They’re nonbinary, so I spent hours researching what that meant and how to politely portray them… and then I realized I was trans through that. I love them bc of that.
21. Describe each OC as shittily as possible.
God, I won’t do All of them, but:
Padril: that friend from university who’s now dating a man twice their age and is an “artist” (though it’s not going anywhere)
Jakeem: Gaudy Local Man Can’t Stop Bringing Dead Dogs Back To Life; Click For The Full Story! (clicking requires u to sign up & give yr credit card details lmao)
Harry: (to the tune of Hit Me Baby One More Time) MY LOWER BACK / IS KILLING ME / AND I / I MUST CONFESS / SO ARE MY KNEES (are my knees!)
Irving: You Won’t Believe How Much This Bear Can Cry!
Braewyn: “Hehehe! Got your nose!”/“Got your wallet!”
28. If they had tumblrs, what kinds of blogs would they have?
Padril: aesthetic art/travel blog…. occasionally posts selfies of himself on Loghain’s lap. Extensive tagging. Hashtag nature, hashtag beautiful, hashtag art, hashtag daddy (HE WOULD THOUGH)
Harry: completely untagged personal blog. entirely in lower case. probably black w red font. lots of complaints, lots of depressing posts, the occasional COMPLETELY indecipherable meme reblogged by @ltsarahkerrigan’s eustace (occasionally he’d post selfies of them, too). Has, like, 3 followers lmao
Jakeem: fashion/dogblr blog. Has a decent amount of followers because he often posts outfit photoshoots, except most of the outfits are from KMart/Walmart and are cleverly disguised. Definitely gets called out on a regular basis. Basic tags, still gets a tonne of notes.
Irving: a mish-mash of fandom (at least, art, photosets and gifsets), photography, and recipes. Is That Person who always leaves actual comments on posts (and often they’re irrelevant) and uses tags but uses them all wrong (for example he does them in all caps and there’s never a break in them, like: YUM RECIPIE FOOD STEAK BACON VEGGIES). Probably shouldn’t be on tumblr but he’s enthusiastic about it at least!
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