#heavily inspired by Tokyo Mew Mew
chocohedgie · 3 months
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Kitty Pomni, Pawmni, Pomnya, Pommeow, whatever you want to call her 🐱❤️💙
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silvermoonartworks · 2 years
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WIP im in mood of magical girl AU~~~
Heavily inspired by Tokyo Mew Mew so no headpieces. I also already plan Dimitri outfit and others to xD
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thrifteabunny · 2 years
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💚[!] new file unlocked [!] 💚
(heavily inspired by tokyo mew mew’s official character files)
u can find the picrew that i used to make the litlle anime syd here: ˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗
& syd’s spotify playlist here: ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
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lavenderskye29 · 2 years
Hello my name is Skye! I wanted to make a post introducing myself a little bit! I'm an old fart that loves to draw traditionally, I started when I was 12 and was heavily inspired by manga and anime! My main tools are G2 pens (0.38 mm), copics, and microns! Most of my art is fanart! Some of the fandoms I'm into are:
- Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
- Transformers
- Twisted Wonderland
- Obey Me
- Undertale
- Team Fortress 2
- (etc) Heart No Kuni Alice; Monkie Kid; Fullmetal Alchemist; Inuyasha; Tokyo Mew Mew
That's pretty much it! I'm a simple gal. Feel free to reach out anytime!
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theboarsbride · 1 year
hello, i would like to know about your art style! did you develop it on purpose or did it happen naturally? either way, were there any other artists in particular that have influenced you a lot?
It's funny because lowkey I don't think I have a distinct 'style'???? like idk it's a style that, for me, isn't heavily distinct HSDSJKSDJDSKJDSLJDSLJDS, I just love doodling, and I guess I developed a style through doodling sm! I used to draw all over homework as a kid (and would get in trouble for it... a lot), and I doodle a lot whenever I get bored or to help me focus while listening to something.
In terms of art influences, a lot of early inspiration lowkey came from Yana Toboso (artist of the Black Butler manga - deadass, my writing hobby started by doing shitty, cringe-ass Black Butler roleplay on DeviantArt iiiiinnnn 2012/13?????) and Yun Koga (artist for the Loveless manga series - DISCLAIMER I KNOW ASPECTS OF THE MANGA/ANIME ARE YIKES AS FUCK AND ADULT ME DOESN'T LIKE IT AND I'M ACTIVELY EMBARASSED OF TEEN ME'S INTERESTS, AND PRE-TEEN ME JUST DEADASS LIKED THE CAT-EAR THING WITH THE CHARACTER DESIGNS AND DIDN'T REALIZE HOW YIKES THE SERIES WAS AT THE TIME). OH!! And also the art style of the Fossil Fighters DS games, and Pokemon, and Fruits Basket... and Tokyo Mew Mew... Because uhhh yeah, my art from about 2013-2016 was very heavily anime-inspired, while '16-'20 was more Disney??? And Tim Burton?
Within the past year or so I've been drawing more inspiration from artists like Brian Froud, Abigail J. Harding, Don Bluth, Rankin/Bass 2D animated films, Disney concept art, general horror art, and some of my art mutuals!
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atlasllm · 2 years
just woke up from one hell of a food coma but i want to talk about this anyway
1.) I keep repeating in my animation classes that my favorite pieces of media are western cartoons that take heavy inspiration off of anime, because I love the character development in western cartoons mixed with the deeper and larger-than-life storytelling that happens in anime
2.) Another reason to respect anime is simply that western cartoons that try to go for mass narratives get heavily pushed aside, like The Owl House, and dumbed down to be as marketable and "safe" as possible; most anime doesn't have that unfortunate background, allowing for darker topics within animes which is how we got gold like Full Metal Alchemist and those scenes in the original Tokyo Mew Mew where Kisshu is outright dying after being sliced by the Blue Knight and ponders his goals as he's walking around with a worsening wound which are things that I'd love to do with my own storytelling as my idea of dark topics goes beyond "sex and alcohol" that is so typical of adult western cartoons these days
2.) The Spongebob anime by Narmak is also included in my favorites of blending western influence and anime by being a perfect satire that clearly understands shonen anime tropes to create something that is both hilariously absurd but also very compelling as its own actual shonen series, which I am excited to wait for to understand shonen tropes for my own big passion project that is basically a shonen anime with some western themes surrounding Hollywood fame whilst also having those larger-than-life fighting plots
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airasora · 3 years
My top 5 ships + top 5 facts about them
1. Hollina (Holli Would from "Cool world" and Thumbelina from "Thumbelina")
- When I first started shipping them
September 2016
- What my first video was with them
Stealing kisses
- What the main reason I ship them is
Sweet, innocent and fluffy versus badass, cynical and sexy
- A fanfic idea I have with them
A Shrek-inspired fairytale with Holli being a witch and Lina being a princess
- My favorite video with them
I won't say I'm in love
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2. Bakerhood (Robin Hood from "Robin Hood" and Basil Baker from "The great mouse detective")
- When I first started shipping them
Somewhere in 2015
- What my first video was with them
Chasing relentlessly
- What the main reason I ship them is
The dynamic of an energetic, idealistic outlaw and a cynical, calculating detective
- A fanfic idea I have with them
Robin seeks the help of Basil Baker, a famous detective, to help him find Lady Marion, his childhood sweetheart, who has disappeared out of nowhere. During the investigation, Robin and Basil fall for each other
- My favorite video with them
Chasing relentlessly
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3. Thraxette (Odette from "The Swan Princess" and Thrax from "Osmosis Jones")
- When I first started shipping them
February 2021
- What my first video was with them
- What the main reason I ship them is
I've always been intrigued by stories where a person is heavily obsessed with someone else, it makes for an intriguing story, and having Thrax being utterly obsessed and devoted to Odette to the point of killing anyone who even thinks about hurting her is interesting to me
- A fanfic idea I have with them
Pretty much the plot for "Painkiller". But the title would be "Guardian demon" instead and probably get a lot of inspiration from Ichigo and Kisshu from Tokyo Mew Mew.
- My favorite video with them
(I've only made PAINKILLER so far... Dx)
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4. Fresme (Frollo and Esmeralda from "The Hunchback of Notre Dame")
- When I first started shipping them
Somewhere during 2012
- What my first video was with them
Bad boy with a tainted heart
- What the main reason I ship them is
The "they shouldn't be in love" trope. I mostly ship them when I imagine Frollo being kind (or at least sympathetic like his original book character) but the toxic dynamic is intriguing as well. Their dynamic makes me curious about the many different type of stories you could make with them
- A fanfic idea I have with them
Esmeralda chooses Frollo to save her people, leading to her living with Frollo. As time goes by, she realizes there's more to him than meets the eye, discovering his past trauma, where his hatred for her people came from and a hidden kindness she would never have thought was there.
- My favorite video with them
I love the way you hurt me
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5. Rolfmaine (John Rolfe from "Pocahontas 2" and Anastasia Tremaine from "Cinderella")
- When I first started shipping them
December 2017
- What my first video was with them
Happy golden days
- What the main reason I ship them is
Adorkable and clumsy princess with a stoic, well-mannered, but kind-hearted diplomat
- A fanfic idea I have with them
Due to Princess Anastasia's recent betrothal to a prince from the neighbor kingdom, her parents decide it's time to bring in an expert to turn their clumsy, foul-mannered daughter into a proper lady. John Rolfe becomes her teacher, but they start to fall in love, putting them both in a precarious situation with Anastasia being betrothed and John being a mere diplomat.
- My favorite video with them
Happy golden days
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manda-kat · 4 years
Just like... Killerbox is a textbook OC for my creation process and I wanna talk about him anyway, so here it goes:
I get most of my OCs from characters I like in other media. Killerbox was inspired by the song Cabinet Man by Lemon Demon. But when I say 'inspired by' I don't mean what you're probably imagining. I don't pick who the inspiration is or where they come from. You see... Most of my OCs come to me in dreams.
I had a dream about a girl who was locked in an SCP facility. Her friend and sidekick? Cabinet Man. So I took them and molded them into real OCs. I ripped out the Cabinet Man origin story and wrote a new one (now with added aliens and murder cults!) I got an original name and I gave him a unique personality. If he was a less iconic-looking character, I would have heavily changed his appearance as well. (But since Cabinet Man has no canon design I didnt have to)
Then BAM! OC. Yes, most if not all of my stories come from dreams. Not all of my OCs are dream-sourced since I do create some side characters to flesh out my dream stories, but a lot of them are dreams.
And for fun, some characters that have gone into my OC making machine and now can't be traced back to their original mold: Luigi from Mario Brothers, Huey and Dewey Duck (not Louie?) that guy I had a crush on in youth group, Spider-Man (probably 50 different times because he shows up in my dreams A LOT) Spider-Man (but Miles Morales version) the entire Tokyo Mew Mew team, and Squidward.
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reallyhardydraws · 5 years
I have a question if that's okay! How do you draw everything so cute? Like who/what inspired you to draw this way? (Not asking for a whole tutorial or anything I just really like ur drawing!!)
hm!!! i guess i do draw pretty cute style-wise these days, tho a couple of years ago i was really pushing for weird ugliness and i kind of miss it. but mostly i think it’s down to the media i enjoy - i would say my drawings are heavily influenced by anime (e.g. digimon, pokemon, sailor moon, tokyo mew mew, ghibli movies) and anime inspired cartoons like steven universe, avatar, etc, along with more strongly western cartoons like spongebob and rugrats. there’s lots of cutesy stuff i surround myself with in the real world too like…my collection of stuffed toys that i haven’t been able to let go of even into adulthood, all the stickers on my laptop, etc…
so yeah basically tl;dr it’s probably just down to all the stuff i like to watch/look at!!! 🌴☀️🌈
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shirokodomo · 4 years
General RP Style and Preferences
Repost, don’t reblog. Bold what applies. Strikethrough what does not. Elaborate on any points you’d like with a *
Please be honest, we all want to find the people who work best with how we RP.
Types of RP / How I do threads
I don’t I just do whatever is on my dash when I’m online | Mainly asks | I do little short things mostly | I do my threads on discord* | Long running threads that slowly build upon the muses
*I do RP on discord but so far I have only done it with friends
Plotting Preferences
Wing it | Get a general idea ooc and then with it & plot further if need be* | Long expansive thought out story arcs*
*DMs are always open for plotting, whether it’s for current or future threads. So if you have any specific idea for an interaction between our Muses please don’t be afraid to reach out!
*I haven’t done story arcs in a while but I do like building them so again DMs are open for that kind of plotting!
Type of Threads I do / Prefer
Onliners only | Whatever dash shenanigans I’m online for | Para or Multi Para | Literal Novels
Reply Speed for Threads & Consistency & Keeping Threads
I lose threads all the time & don’t usually get back to them | I tend to lose threads but please tell me if I have and I’ll reply! | I drop threads pretty easily | I’m really slow but I WILL get back to you | I reply on schedule/queue (specify if you’d like) | I usually reply within a week | I reply every day* | I reply almost instantly*
*This goes for both ‘*’ I have pointed in here. In my current situation I have pretty much free time so I am able to be online most of the time and RPs are what’s keeping me distracted right now. Therefore what I mean is, there are times I might reply every day or almost instantly but that heavily depends on if I am inspired in general or for a specific thread, usually I am but there can be bad days where I just don’t feel like doing anything.
Romantic or Sexual Ships
I don’t do these ships (specify reason if you would like)* | I’m not against them happening but it is not the main point of my blog | All ships will have to be super slow burn & discussed a lot OOC, super chemistry based (specify reason if you’d like)* | I love doing ships, HMU I probably already ship it just ask! | I ship really quickly | I autoship or ship within a few interactions | I mainly RP for the cute ship fluff or smut
*Okay I’m mostly writing this because I have seen fanfiction about this before, so ships like Hakudoshi x Naraku, Hakudoshi x Kagura they’re a big no, it’s not really to do with them being “related” but because I don’t like romantic adult x child ships. Platonic bonds though I’m perfectly fine with it.
*While I have a few ships I like for my Muse, I will not impose anything to anyone plus Hakudoshi is a villain character, who hardly expresses positive emotions, let alone amorous emotions. That being said ships with him are not totally impossible, we just have to discuss it if we both agree on the idea! I accept ships within the IY world or even with Crossovers/AUs.
I do NOT do smut at all (specify reason if you’d like)* | I’m very selective about it | I only do it on a separate (blog/discord/specify here) | I mainly only do asks relating to NSFW headcanons on Sundays | I write it a medium amount | I write it all the time and I love to
*The reason is simple, my Muse is a child, despite being a demon and that is reason enough for me to NOT do smut threads. Even though I do have a verse where he is an adult, I still prefer to not go down that road, I prefer to explore the soft romance in general.
Active Hours [Specify Timezone, if you’d like]
Western European Time (WET, GMT+1)
Mornings 8-10 | Midday 11-1 | Afternoon 2-5 | Evenings 6-8 | Night 9-12 | Ungodly hours of the day 1-onwards.
Activity Schedule
SUPER slow and sporadic, like once a month or so | Slow and sporadic week long gaps between activity | Bi-weeklyish activity | Weekly activity (specify if there’s a certain time you have school/work/etc. off that you are most active) | Daily activity | I’m online nearly all the time
I don’t do starter calls | I want to do starter calls but often don’t have time | I do selective calls (specify) | I don’t do calls, but always feel free to ask me for one! | I do starter calls rarely/regularly/often
I don’t do AUs | My blog is an AU but outside of that I don’t do them | I sometimes do them but only with a lot of plotting | I have a couple of AUs already feel free to request them! | I have AUs coming out of my ears please interact with them! | I love making AUs HMU to plot if you think of one! | There are some AUs I won’t do (specify here)
I don’t do crossovers (specify reasons if you’d like) | I’m selective with crossovers (specify reason if you’d like)* | I love crossovers!
*For Crossovers, I only accept interactions from the following fandoms: Fairy Tail, Naruto/Boruto, Tokyo Mew Mew, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Voltron: Legendary Defender, Harry Potter, Sailor Moon, Kimetsu no Yaiba, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power.
Sometimes Crossovers, if we plot or if I just feel like it, might create new verses within another fandom’s world but that doesn’t mean we can’t keep doing crossover threads.
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ao3feed-davekat · 4 years
Davekat Mew Mew!
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/34Ep3BN
by Anamorph_Marco
Davekat AU fic heavily inspired by Tokyo Mew Mew but drawing on all my fandom lore experience from the entire Henshin Tokusatsu genre.
Tokyo MewMew Dave and Quiche-Karkat sword fighting in a park
Ratings MAY change.
Words: 947, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Homestuck
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Underage
Categories: M/M
Characters: Dave Strider, Karkat Vantas
Relationships: Dave Strider/Karkat Vantas
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - No Sburb Session, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Magical Girls, Magical Girls, Cat/Human Hybrids, Catboys & Catgirls, Cat Ears, Cat Puns, Alternate Universe - High School, Aliens, Alien Biology
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/34Ep3BN
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