#headphone ask game
paradoxlemonade · 10 months
"I lay and I crumble and pay for the price on your head"
This song is The Trouble by Birdeatsbaby. This one's one of my favorite songs from them :]
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laundrybiscuits · 10 months
(young man what do you wanna be tag | Ch1-2 on AO3)
“Hey, did you and Jonathan tell Will to ask me about—” Steve glances around like the world’s worst spy, and leans close even though they’re the only living souls in the trailer. “About gay things?”
“Uh,” Eddie says. “No? Wait, Jonathan might’ve.”
Steve pushes both his hands through his hair. “Why would you do that! Shit!”
“Again, I did nothing in this scenario,” says Eddie. “I’m pretty sure this one specific thing is not my fault.”
“He asked me about our relationship,” says Steve. “He wanted gay advice.”
Eddie swallows down his first impulse, which is to demand to know whether Eddie’s advice isn’t good enough for Will all of a sudden. “Okay,” he says instead. “What did you tell him?”
“I don’t know! I quit giving Dustin advice on girls, like, years ago! By the time I was Will’s age, I was pretty busy fucking up the only serious relationship I ever had.”
“Sure, maybe, but you can’t think about age that way. It’s like…” Eddie tilts his head. “For a lot of us, there’s a—a late start, right? It’s like a whole different time scale, because we gotta figure ourselves out first. We don’t get the manual to all this shit, so we either waste our time chasing some kind of picket fence life that we don’t actually want, or we just make it up from scratch.”
“Right, cool, okay,” says Steve. “I didn’t say anything like that. I told him to keep his chin up. I—think I called him slugger.”
Eddie pats him on the shoulder sympathetically, definitely not feeling at all vindicated about the fact that he’s clearly winning at gay mentorship. “Could be worse. What did the littlest Byers say?”
“He’s taller than Jonathan now,” says Steve.
“So not the point, sweetheart.” Eddie rolls his eyes. “C’mon, how’d it go?”
“Shit, I don’t know.” Steve huffs out a breath and pushes his hand through his hair. “Not good, I don’t think. I don’t know what the hell I’m doing with that kid. He just wanted to know how I figured stuff out, and like—why I wouldn’t just go with girls.”
“Yeah, uh, on that note,” says Eddie. “Is this a new development? Like.”
He pauses, trying to figure out the exact right arrangement of words.
“Like…” he says, slowly. “I’m just wondering, you know, why it hasn’t come up before. I mean, you already know about me, everybody knows about me. Is it—”
Did you not want me to think—
Did you not want—
“Pretty new, I guess,” says Steve. He lies back, arms folded behind his head, taking up more than his fair share of Eddie’s bed. Eddie climbs over him and takes his usual place tucked up against the wall, keeping a careful distance.
Steve’s parents are leaving again tomorrow, so this might be the last time for a while. It’s not like they won’t be seeing each other all the time; at this point, they’re so tangled up in each other’s lives that it’s not so unusual for them to hang out every day for weeks without even trying.
But it might be the last time for a while that they lie here like this, in a shadowy space where the line between thoughts and words gets slippery enough to cross. Eddie tries real hard not to think of it as anything special; it’s just his stupid fucking heart running away with him, the way it always does.
“Okay,” says Eddie.
After a while, he says, “Goodnight.” Steve doesn’t answer.
“Eddie!” Robin hollers from across the store. “We’re enemies now!”
“Okay!” he yells back. “Why?”
“Why do you think, asshole!”
This is getting unsustainable, so Eddie wanders over to the counter where Robin’s cashing out.
“Is it because I’m giving you a ride home out of the goodness of my heart? Unconventional, but I respect that.”
She chucks a balled-up receipt at his head. “Steve, dumbass.”
“Whoa, whoa,” he says, ducking out of the way and holding up his hands like he’s trying to soothe a spooked horse. “I dunno what he told you, but I didn’t do anything to him.”
“Exactly,” snaps Robin.
“Robin,” he whines, switching tactics. “C’mon, don’t be pissed at me. You know you’re my favorite lesbian in the whole wide world. You’re the cheese in my burger, the fries in my shake. My wretched soul cannot bear the weight of your scorn.”
He can tell she’s still trying to be mad, but the corner of her mouth is twitching, so he drapes himself over the counter and wails, “Milady Robin! Say only that you can forgive my dark and unworthy deeds, whatever they may be, or I shall perish right here in this fine establishment.”
“You really don’t know what you did, huh,” she sighs. “God, you’re the worst.”
Eddie peeks up at her through his hair. “Planning to enlighten me any time soon? Or are we going straight to pistols at dawn?”
“We are going to be driving me home,” says Robin. “And we’re going through Taco Bell on the way. We’re still gonna be enemies, but you can purchase a temporary peace treaty for the low, low price of two chalupas and a large Sprite.”
“Hey, Harrington, why’s Robin mad at me?”
“Mad at—? Oh. Uh, I think she misunderstood some stuff.”
Eddie groans. “Is this about the fake dating thing again?”
Steve looks a little pained. “Maybe?”
“Byers needs to go his own way! Call it another—lonely day, or—you know what I mean. Buckley can’t take in every wounded baby bunny that stumbles across her path.”
“I don’t think that’s what’s happening.”
“Sure, okay. So, do I need to defend my honor by finding Will a boyfriend or something?” Eddie pauses. “I realize that sounds like an insane scheme, but consider this: it’s still better than Operation Happy Ending, so I’m standing by it.”
“Not cool, man,” calls Argyle from the floor. Eddie has a theory that Argyle likes lying down on the floor because he’s tall. It’s not a very well-developed theory.
“No, no, I’m fully on board with the name,” Eddie assures him. “Baller name. You hit it out of the park on that one, dude.”
“Righteous,” says Argyle. “Appreciate the support.”
“The idea still sucks,” says Eddie. “But that is one hundred percent the fault of Jonathan Byers, and you remain the utterly blameless light of my life.”
A sudden thought strikes him, and he sits up, dislodging Steve’s hand in his hair.
“Hang on, Steve—did you ever actually tell Will that we’re not dating?”
“What? Yeah, of course.” Steve frowns. “Uh, probably? Man, I don’t really remember.”
Eddie shoots him a squinty look, and Steve holds his hands up. “Dude, I don’t know! I wasn’t trying to lie to the kid, there was a lot going on. Don’t know why he didn’t go ask Argyle instead.”
“Oh, he totally did, my bro,” says Argyle. “I think he’s, like, doing the rounds. I just told him not to worry about a thing and let the Lady Fate lead the way. I dunno if he was ready to embrace the Lady, though. He didn't really seem to get it.”
“Fucking great.” Steve leans back on the couch, staring up at the ceiling. “Between the three of us, maybe he’ll get some kind of actual goddamn life lesson or whatever.”
“Fuck you, I am an amazing Gandalf. I mean mentor,” says Eddie. "Wait, shit. Does that mean Byers has been getting most of his actual gay advice from me? Holy shit, we can't let that happen. I'm like—the worst possible future for that kid. Steve, you gotta go back and try again."
He smacks Steve's shoulder. "Go back and tell him some real stuff! And tell him we're not dating, or he'll think he has to settle for the first loser that threatens him with a broken bottle!"
"Wait, is that—you don't actually think that, do you?"
"I mean, I'd like to say nobody will ever threaten him with a broken bottle, but Lady Fate works in mysterious ways. And frankly, given his whole…" Eddie waves a diffident hand. "Penchant for sniffing out trouble like a bloodhound after a T-bone, he's definitely going to wind up on the wrong end of a bar fight at least once or twice."
He pauses. "Don't tell Jon I said that, he'll wig out."
"Okay, but like—you know you're not—a loser, right?"
Steve touches Eddie’s back, a warm brush of fingers, and Eddie shrugs uncomfortably. "Just a figure of speech, Harrington. Don't worry your pretty little head about my ego, I'm doing great."
"Hell yeah you are," says Argyle. "Great as Gandalf."
Eddie is like 90% sure Argyle doesn't actually know who Gandalf is, but he appreciates the gesture.
"Thanks, dude," he says, poking Argyle’s head with his foot affectionately. "You're a great Gandalf too. The most Gandalferous."
"Can everyone stop saying Gandalf please," says Steve, so obviously Eddie has to bellow "Gandalf Gandalf Gandalf" right in his ear until Steve puts him in a headlock.
It's a pretty good afternoon.
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nyaskitten · 1 month
Ok then ras lsitenign to nightcore then
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Text: Not now kitten, I am listening to nightcore.
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yukimomodivorce · 23 days
Top 5 Yuki idolish7 cringe moments for the compilation
ouugh there are so many. my cringefail loser
1: the whole black pepper scene in the balcony episode is the most iconic yuki cringe moment to me. what is he going on about. he has no idea but thinks he sounds so fucking cool. "I sent 30 tough guys like you to the hospital" you have never even slightly injured someone in a fight in your life and it is not for lack of trying
2: more of a trait than a moment but his fucking. poetry that he texts to banri. I want examples so badly I bet they're awful
3: getting into a fight with momo and immediately texting every single person in his contacts saying 'hi can you go tell him that I'm right and to please not break up with me'
4: practicing his apology for that same fight to a fire extinguisher (and not even apologising until the next day)
5: complete failure to flirt with with momo early on after they meet. he just stares at him and then goes 'banri why won't momo talk to me :('
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solargeist · 4 months
hey for no reason at all just thought i'd ask again about getting remarried? divorce was so long ago honestly i dont even remember it so i think we should get remarried uwu hmu when youve thought about it
maybe in minecraft
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erikahenningsen · 15 days
please talk more about The Hunger Games 
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spicy-rainbow-pizza · 4 months
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btw here's my icon in full :3333 I love smooching him!!!
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skeletalheartattack · 11 months
re: your recent tags about the gameboy sp! that boy's got headphone adapters i POMISE!!!
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the magic of modern science. wow...
#ask#sapphicdroid#i did look it up to fact check myself after i reblogged the post and saw the adapters#honestly when i was younger i never knew it didnt have a headphone jack#granted the only time i ever saw one in person was on the school bus with a friend#he played pokemon blue on it and i dont remember the details of all that went on during#i mightve also seen another kid on the bus play pokemon emerald. i dont remember.#however that was my first exposure to gen 3 pokemon. as a kid i only knew about Red Blue Yellow and Crystal#my brothers had Red and Blue. and so thusly i have both games now. i... dont know where my copy of Red is though.#i have a copy of Yellow from Ebay but it loses its memory sometimes. which i think is why it was put on Ebay in the first place#Crystal however? well first i knew of gen 2 through pokemon stadium 2#we had both pokemon stadiums for the n64. or. well. still do have them.#speaking of. sure does suck to go through the gym leaders and elite 4 in those games. mostly due to how long rounds are.#emulated it a while back and i had to use the fast forward feature a lot#anyway. Crystal. somehow i got my copy from a random coat in a clothing store. just. in the pocket.#i dont know how i managed to find it. it was either in a coat my mom was looking at or i was looking through pockets... probably the former#anyway within like a week. a kid in 3rd grade stole it from me#i... think i got to the elite 4? i remember getting to the last dude with the charizard. forgive me for forgetting his name.#but like right after i had it stolen. i got on the bus and vented to my friend and he was like ''oh i have two copies of crystal''#and then gave his second copy to me. i forget if it was on the day of or if it was the next day.#anyway that same day it got stolen again. by the same kid. that kid stole so much shit from me#he switched schools the next year so i couldnt do anything about it#i have uhhh... soul silver now. so its not that big of a deal these days#anyway thank you for the ask :) i appreciate you telling me anyway
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faunandfloraas · 2 months
hello jess! if ur still doing,🍫🎵🎧🧸 for the ask game? have a safe journey!! (juni)
🍫 Cheese or chocolate? As much as I enjoy cheese, and I really do, I love me a nice lil chocolate treat- so imma have to say chocolate. Plus I tend to eat cheese with things, whereas chocolate can be its own event, yk?
🎵 Last song you listened to? Kalahari Down by orville peck- i love that song... it makes me melancholy, though. Beautiful song, nonetheless!
🎧 Headphones or earbuds? 😏
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🧸 Im a full on bed napper. Idk if I can sleep outside a bed, like if im terribly tired I might crash for a secomd but usually i have to go into a dark bed and lay down lol
I will! Thanks Juni 💕
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kazuaru · 1 year
📩 Random simblr question (or shall I say, prompt) of the day: Pick an OC. What would they wear on a lazy Sunday afternoon? Show us a CAS pic!
Here's Mateo & Nathan's lazy sunday outfits.
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kingkatsuki · 1 year
Just thinking about those soft, mundane moments with Bakugou.
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murderandcoffee · 3 months
work yo magic
congratulations, you have been assigned…
enjoy your new allegiance!
(send me a 👁--or 👁👁 if you want two!--and I’ll roll a d20 on my randomized chart and assign you a fear entity!)
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daydreamingmiller · 8 months
7/8 & 26? <3
BEC!! thank u for asking angel 🤍
7/8: do I have tattoos/want tattoos
answered here!
26: my biggest pet peeves
could actually fill novels w my answer lol I am a hater to my core but top 3 are probably slow walkers, people who are needlessly passive aggressive & people who try and stop you/talk to you when you have your headphones on
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masterfrownrulez · 1 year
I brought Brock on live 😁
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chaos-monkeyy · 26 days
🍫 🎧
🍫 Cheese or chocolate?
Oooh you monster!! Both are mandatory food requirements in my books... But I'll go with chocolate as the favourite, by the narrowest margin possible 🤏
🎧 Headphones or earbuds?
Earbuds. Funnily enough, I would actually rather prefer over-the-ear headphones because I like them better. But glasses + big ears means headphones always bruise my poor sensitive ear-shells something awful 😔 It is a most tragic state of affairs.
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nekotaku · 2 years
Do you have any gamer nekos?
Oh definitely,
I've got a smattering of 'em queued up for ya. And I made sure they weren't all drawings of vtubers. Nothing against vtubers but they have kinda taken over the animal eared scene (especially those with a gaming theme) since they came around and I personally like to see peoples' OCs. That being said there are vtubers in the mix.... a lot of them still have nice designs to them...
If you want to see some of my older finds, I tend to tag anything with a game controller or console, or has a game screen in frame with #vidya games (because I am clever and super original).
With that out of the way, here are a few of my favs from the bunch to get you started.
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