#he's mirabel's greatest fan
aeoneri · 2 years
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Happy Birthday/Father's Day to the one and only Agustín Madrigal! ...oops, he dropped a Pokeball containing a Beedrill...it's not even his.
Trainer: Agustín Madrigal Pokemon type: Normal/Electric Pokemon: (main) Spinda, (not shown) Plusle
– Pokemon x Encanto Series: Mirabel | Bruno | Antonio | Pepa | Félix | Dolores | Camilo
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English is not my first language and I’m not great at making a long story.
So if you have nothing to write and interest in my story line you can fix ,re-write or add more because I really love your writing and still looking forward to your next work.
Have you ever thinking an Encanto AU Which Mirabel give up to proof herself to Madrigal and Community ?.
In this AU She start to focus on the other things that really important to her instead of her family like a…Her reason to live for?
I set it all in pre-canon
For Example
She have a pet that she can give all of her heart for them.
-In this AU Mirabel love her pet more than everything in the world .She treat it like her own kid. And she become so dramatic about her pet.She would be like Cap.Holt and Kevin in Brooklyn 99.(Inspired byCheddar is missing )
-Mirabel make her pet dish by her own and all of her dish are delicious and don’t even look like it for pet so Camilo steal it because he think his Tia made it .When she come back with her pet she scold him and it look more terrified and scarier than Abuela and Pepa when they angry
-Mirabel will ask Isabela to make her a catnip (if her pet is a cat) or any plants that she want for her pet accept flower and when she know Isabela can’t make it for her she will look at her sister with a disappointment and give her a look ‘I know you let me down’ or ‘You mean nothing to me (back turn)’ instead saying anything and just go back to playing with her pet while left Isabela who shock in silence behind. Isabela take that as a challenge . She give all of her time to make a catnip. She succeeds and know she can grow more than flower so she explores her gifts and become like herself in post-canon. She go see Mirabel in her new look and give her a catnip. Mirabel hug Isabela and say ‘Thanks! You are the best sister .I love you ,Isa.’ Isabela going to cry and apologize to her little sister but Mirabel left her to play with her pet again. Isabela swear to herself she going to kill that thing .It dare to take all of her little sister love from her.
-Mirabel pet only get along with Julieta Agustin Dolores Antonio and Bruno.
Julieta make a food that can heal it and her food always delicious and full of love
Agustin clumsy make himself look so pathetic. It feel sorry for him so it want to comfort him (cuddle and lick)
Dolores offer her room when thunderstorm come. Loud noise make animal panic and she so quiet so It peaceful around her.
Antonio is an animal guy and Mirabel roommate.
About Bruno…Mirabel pet Chasing Bruno rats and leading Mirabel to the wall so she can see her long lost uncle again in nine years. Mirabel won’t ask any questions with Bruno cause she understand him so she just visits him every time she can with food(she cook for him) and her pet. Bruno will show his telenovelas to Mirabel that make Mirabel become his 2nd Fan’s (Dolores is the first one). Mirabel and Dolores will become best friend who will talking a lot about their opinions and theories about Bruno telenovelas. Mirabel pet will get along with Bruno because his loneliness and it feel sorry for him.
-Mirabel pet don’t get along with Abuela Pepa Felix Camilo Isabela and Luisa
Abuela always be mean to Mirabel so her pet will take opportunities to take all of Mirabel attention to it and make Mirabel stay away from her Abuela so Mirabel and Abuela always see each other from distant or in the meal time and They don’t even have a talk because Mirabel pet always give Mirabel an excuse.
Pepa emotion and cloud make Mirabeal pet scare. Her dramatic looks make it scare to because it’s look like some mean human who alway put their anger and violent to strays.
Felix with Pepa all the time so…
Camilo stole Mirabel pet food.(It’s a heinous crime and greatest sin) He won’t get any forgiveness.
Isabela is the same condition as Abuela and also she smell too much of flower.
Luisa have a huge body deep voice and always carries heavy things that normal human can’t so it make Mirabel pet scare.
e.g. Camilo : Do you want to help me do my chores ?
Mirabel : Don’t be lazy Camilo .It’s your chores ,right? And if I help you Abuela will scold me .Why don’t you do it by yourself .I’m going to play with (her pet) Bye!
She become Matteo girlfriend and she love him so much like every teenage love.
-I have no idea . I’m not similar to this kind of stuff.
e.g. Madrigals : Hey ,Mira we are going to the town . Do you want to come with us ?’
Mirabel : Sorry…I’m going to see Matt but thanks for the invite. Oh! I will have lunch at his house so…see you at dinner !
She start to focus on her hobbies like drawing painting singing playing music and sewing .She don’t care about Magic and move her interest to science.She need her alone time to practice and do it so she can’t stay in the nursery with a baby and stay in a house that she can get scolded all the time because all of that things will interrupt and distract her. That why she asked her father to make her a studio far away from everyone like a tree house and spend all they all night to finish her project and follow her artistic heart.
-In this AU Mirabel will saying a lot of mean things with no regrets .She would be like Jake Rosa and Gena in B99 at the same time and sometimes she talk in lullaby or rapping as fast as The Family Madrigal because she drink too much coffee and sleep less.//
-She tells all of her family that they all suck and Boring//
-She alway say people suck everyone cheats and true-love is an illusion cause everyone are Homosapiean and Love is just a chemical reaction to compels animals to breed. But deep down she love her family and Encanto all of her heart. She just want to mess them with science.
-She will drown herself in her own thoughts and no one can’t come to her own world. She will make a line that no one can cross. And If someone dare…her family or not… she will give them the worst nightmare.
e.g. Mirabel : I’m sick of your stupid Madrigal things. All of you stay here and I will stay away. Are you happy now?
All of alternative things that could happen have the same thing that would happen.
Mirabel don’t care about having gift or proofing herself anymore so she step aside as everyone said and Madrigals start to notice they jealous and sad when knowing Mirabel have new interests and don’t have time to spend with them anymore.
Can-can you write more? This is amazing
I’m -
Furiously take notes and wait for the next post
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unskilled-dabbler · 2 years
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I posted 1,765 times in 2022
That's 1,765 more posts than 2021!
71 posts created (4%)
1,694 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,622 of my posts in 2022
Only 8% of my posts had no tags
#encanto - 1,062 posts
#bruno madrigal - 829 posts
#encanto fanart - 306 posts
#bruno fanart - 265 posts
#mirabel madrigal - 186 posts
#pepa madrigal - 142 posts
#julieta madrigal - 137 posts
#encanto fan comic - 136 posts
#camilo madrigal - 111 posts
#dolores madrigal - 90 posts
Longest Tag: 121 characters
#dolores following the rat telenovelas is such a strongly agreed upon headcanon its practically manifested itself as canon
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Damn sexy Jorge. Yes, he's holding the trowel with the wrong hand and perhaps when these come together in the final project I'll have it flipped, but for now he's merely posing!
And again, blaming @rosellacwrites for inspo cuz she's amazing ❤️
144 notes - Posted May 22, 2022
Celebrating my ability to draw again! Gunna resume the Bruno boudoir calendar soon 👀
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157 notes - Posted July 5, 2022
Where does Bruno hide his salt? Where do the rats go when thrown under his ruana?
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Brief interaction with @encantoisawesome inspired this idea.
Look at that doting rat dad ❤️
205 notes - Posted May 22, 2022
@vaguewaves here's Tonito talking to the bees 🐝
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Quick doodle so it's not the greatest, still, cute idea! Thanks ❤️
249 notes - Posted May 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Happy Encanto Milk Day!
Text on the carton written out below cut.
Bruno Madrigal
Was last seen wearing a green ruana.
May answer to Jorge or Hernando.
Approach with extreme caution. Startles easily.
Responds well to food.
252 notes - Posted July 24, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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5 Quick Reads
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For our most recent public holiday in the UK, I wrote about my favourite doorstep novels (big books to get stuck into and take your time over).
Today, we’re going in a different direction, and I’ll be talking about some of my favourite quick reads.
We all live busy lives, and much as I love a big book, occasionally I crave the opposite: a short book I can read in a single weekend (or over 24 hours, if I’m on leave from work).
Here are five of my favourites:
Animal Farm by George Orwell (144 pages)
Ignore anyone who laughs at you when you tell them you’re reading this (which happened to me one day at work – it is possible the man in question thought I was talking about something else!).
Subtitled “A Fairy Story” this is actually anything but. A novella about the downtrodden animals of Manor Farm, who overthrow their human master Mr Jones and take over the running of the farm themselves, it’s a satire about totalitarian regimes (specifically Communism) and what happens when idealism is replaced by corruption and greed.
Granted, communism isn’t the most cheerful subject to acquaint yourself with on a sunny weekend, but Animal Farm is entertaining, powerful and terrifying in equal measure.
Shopgirl by Steve Martin (220 pages)
Yes, that Steve Martin. He writes books too!
I read this last year as part of a reading list. The prompt was “an author with the same initials as you”. I’m not the biggest Steve Martin fan, but I enjoyed the film version with Claire Danes and the author himself as her love interest, and so, over 3 long nights during the 2022 World Cup, I gave it a shot.
Shopgirl is a fun read, telling the story of Mirabelle, a lonely, adrift shop assistant who works in an LA department store. Mirabelle is pursued by two suitors: the older, emotionally unavailable millionaire Ray, and penniless, equally adrift Jeremy. It’s dark, funny and just a bit cool. I loved it.
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald (180 pages)
You didn’t expect me to write a list of quick reads without including The Great Gatsby, did you?
The quintessential novel of the Jazz Age, The Great Gatsby is one of the few novels that both myself and my sister thoroughly enjoyed. The tale of the fabulously wealthy Jay Gatsby and his doomed romance with the socialite Daisy Buchanan, told by Gatsby’s acquaintance Nick Carraway, there is a reason this one regularly makes an appearance on lists of the greatest novels ever written.
It’s very readable, it’s concise, and it doesn’t meander. The characters are flawed but likeable, and most importantly they are relatable.
If you’ve never had the pleasure of making Jay Gatsby’s acquaintance, sit down this week and do so immediately. You won’t want to leave.
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson (104 pages)
One for a dark, cold, rainy night. I was gifted this book as a student, as part of a bound boxset of mystery and horror novels. It was part of a larger collection of short stories by Robert Louis Stevenson. Many people know what a “Jekyll and Hyde character” is, think they know the plot and hence avoid the book. Don’t be that person.
It reads like a mystery thriller, so if you’re not into horror novels (like me), there is still much here for you to enjoy.
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is very much the perfect short story, an absolutely riveting thriller. The plot races along at a breakneck pace (Stevenson himself wrote the original draft in less than three days), and if you’re anything like me, you’ll wish by the end that you didn’t already know what was coming!
Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys (192 pages)
One night, in the days before Netflix and Disney Plus, I was bored. I was in search of something to watch on TV and began channel hopping, when I came across a film called Wide Sargasso Sea. I had missed the first few minutes, but something about it grabbed me instantly. I was riveted and didn’t move from my seat until the film was finished. I’ve never seen it shown on any television channel or streaming service from that day to this. Having searched fruitlessly for months to find a copy of the film (these were the dark days when such things were not instantly available), I decided instead to read the novel on which it was based.
A prequel to Jane Eyre, Wide Sargasso Sea is the story of Antoinette Cosway, a white heiress living in Jamaica, who meets and marries the young Mr Rochester. It is essentially the story of how their marriage disintegrates and she becomes the Madwoman in the Attic of Charlotte Bronte’s novel.
I later donated Wide Sargasso Sea to a book swap shop in Tenerife, in the hope that someone else would discover it and love it as much as I did. And perhaps one day the BBC will decide to show the film again!
What are your favourite quick reads?
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tsukihimeyfan · 2 years
Okay so... We gotta Talk about Bruno (Pt. 1)
so yeah, I am a weak, weak woman and I said I wasn't gonna do this but the thought won't leave me alone so here you go! A compilation of every headcanon/canon info/"Word of God" about Bruno that makes me love him So Much it's INSANE.
Ok, now we can begin
(Here's another link to Part 2, just in case, for your convenience)
First, let's start from the very beginning with what we know of the triplets' childhood. He's the youngest of the three, the baby of the family, which makes his later self-imposed exile all the sadder.
Jared Bush, one of Encanto's directors, once mentioned Bruno was the “star” of the family at one point (sorry I haven't been able to find this tweet again), probably because even back then he was the same - always been willing to do his best to help others - and people would naturally be inclined to seek him out to find out about their future… at first.
However, as he aged and people realized that his visions weren’t always positive, they began to fear him as a “bad omen”, and he had to deal with all that distrust, blame and animosity. I can’t imagine that Alma was all that helpful in quelling the ill-feelings against him, since she tends to put the needs of the community above those of her family. The town probably went easier on him when he was small then got meaner and meaner as he got older, since it’s easier to blame a teen or an adult for things than a small child.
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We can see in this picture that even as a child he was most likely an introverted, awkward person, so dealing with those kinds of negative feelings towards him probably wasn't easy.
Over time, that kind of thing sticks with you. He probably ended up eventually half-believing some of their nonsense, and started to think of himself as a “Bad Omen”. This is probably why he tosses salt, and skips the cracks on the floor, and mutters “healing” phrases, and knocks on wood, over and over again.
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It’s like he’s trying desperately to compensate for his “unlucky” existence, so he has all these rituals to evade bad luck and drive away ill omens. And he does them all the time, even when he isn’t planning to have a vision any time soon, so it’s not just his gift he’s trying to counteract either.
As Bruno grew more isolated, and started to despise giving visions more and more (and perhaps himself as well), his tower changed to reflect his needs, and transformed itself to more easily dissuade people from trying to get a vision from him. One of the best clues regarding this is the first thing you see of the room: The sign at the entrance that reads “Your Future Awaits” sounds more like something you would find at the door of a Town Fair’s fortuneteller than something you’d normally put in your room.
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It’s clearly meant for visitors, not family, much less Bruno himself. Meaning Casita, following Bruno’s wishes, made the staircase longer and his vision cave more unwelcoming, until it became the creepy, nigh-unreachable thing we see in the movie.
I don't agree with the impression some fans (and the people of Encanto) seem to have, where Bruno gave visions out randomly, on the streets even, in order to cause chaos. It's clear, both from the way he tries to deny Mirabel when she asks him for a vision, almost running away from her,
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and how after Mirabel didn’t get her gift he didn’t try to find answers in the future himself, but his mother had to BEG him to do it instead. Even in the greatest “crisis” his family faced, he didn’t have a vision of his own will. And probably with good reason.
Anyone who wanted a vision, family and townspeople included, probably had to go see him and beg him to have their future read, just like Alma did… and then when they didn’t get what they wanted to hear they blamed him (for shame), which probably only made him more anxious and withdrawn from society. That in turn only made him seem more like a spooky specter haunting the town, resulting in a self-perpetuating cycle of distrust and self-isolation.
In regards to his family, I'm sure the adults tried their best to not let the rumors change their impression of Bruno, but it seems to have affected them to some extent, as evidenced by Felix yelling about how having a vision from Bruno "was a nightmare". It probably got worse after the whole wedding ordeal.
With the children, however, I firmly believe (AND I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL) that Bruno was and is excellent with children. The evidence is thus:
1. That whole deal with Hernando and Jorge looks suspiciously like something you do to amuse children, especially with the way he took the time to explain to her that it was "actually still him", like you would need to for a child who hasn't developed object permanence yet. Also we need to take into account that Bruno last interacted with Mirabel when she was five (5) years old so... yeah, I bet he tried a trick that used to work on her to redirect her attention but it didn't work as he hoped on Teen Mirabel 😂
2. He's artistic, dramatic, quirky and fun, things most children enjoy seeing in adults.
3. He’s clearly a very good caretaker for his rats, since they seem to be willing to perform any task for him, and they seem very comfortable being near/on him. They all look very well taken care of too. I have to assume that aptitude has to translate to child care, at least a little bit, since both require a certain level of attention, respect and care. It certainly extends to other animals, like Antonio's coatis and capybara
4. The only positive/neutral versions of Bruno come from Isabela and Dolores, the oldest children and the only ones of the grandchildren besides Luisa who could have had clear memories of him. And this is despite the fact that Bruno gave Dolores a painful vision of her own. Somehow, she still understands that his gift was a burden to him and seems excited upon his return at the end of the movie.
5. This tweet by Jared Bush seems to supports this theory
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6. And finally because he is just SO GODDAMN SWEET AND GENTLE ALL THE TIME but we'll get back to that later.
While we're on the topic of children: in regards to Camilo's view of Bruno, I believe it was a combination of rumors from the community (like the above tweet states) + being 5 years old when Bruno left (and thus very short in comparison to Bruno).
However, the “rats along his back” bit leaves us with two possibilities; either Bruno’s rat affinity predates his departure from the family, and Camilo vaguely remembers seeing him with them, or maybe Camilo caught him sneaking out of the walls to find food when he was little and passed out from the shock 😂(“when he calls your name, it all fades to black🎶”)
(@swedenis-h made a fantastic comic about this headcanon btw you should check it out)
The second headcanon is more funny but I personally lean towards the first one, since to me it makes sense for Bruno to have an affinity for a creature that is repudiated and hated by others through no real fault of its own :(
Next, let us move on to what we see of him in the movie. The very first time we see him he is VIBING IN THE BACKGROUND OF HIS OWN DISS-TRACK, BOBBING HIS HEAD AND EVERYTHING (I love this funky little rat man)
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The next time we see him it's inside the walls of Casita, and we get to see the room he spent the past 10 years living in. Let's explore it a little:
It really shows how creative, resourceful and artistic Bruno is. He seems to have fixed up and repurposed many things to use as his furniture, such as the bucket? he turned into a lamp and his crate-come-rat theater. I also love how he has little drawings of his rats going on adventures on his walls, and how he went to the trouble of building them a little maze as enrichment 😭
(If you want to read a more in-depth analysis about every detail of Bruno's room, you can find it here)
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I also like how he seems to try to keep himself as clean as he can: even though his clothes look quite worn down, they don't have any stains I could see, his hair doesn't really look greasy or unkempt, and his hands are clean without any dirt under his nails. Also the clothesline in the background of this image leads me to believe he regularly washes all of his clothes. His mother raised him well lol (or maybe so strictly that even in these conditions he can't bring himself to disregard his hygiene since it's so ingrained in him). I do worry about the rats but I hear that rats are actually quite clean as pets?
It has also been mentioned that they scrapped a scene showing Bruno using pipes to get water to wash himself, but maybe they still make the cut in some way and are what we see in the background of this shot?
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And then we learn why Bruno has been living here in the first place. We learn that the vitriol of the townspeople has worn him down so much over the years that he genuinely believes his family is better off if he isn't there with them. He believes that he's saving them from the burden of his curse-like "gift" by leaving, but he just didn't have the heart to truly be apart from them, so he has stayed here. And even now, in this most humble of abodes with little to no resources, he's still helping his family every single day by doing his best to patch the cracks in Casita.
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But wait! That was actually a red herring, because even with all the abuse he suffered from the people of Encanto, and even with his low self-esteem, it still wasn't enough for him to leave his family.
We then learn that the real reason he gave up his family's regard, his living space, the respect of his mother, and the affection of his niblings, was to protect his beloved sobrina from facing the same kind of ostracization that he had been dealing with his entire life.
And I think that's so beautiful, especially since up until this point Mirabel just isn't used to anyone except her parents putting her first, and even then in many cases the needs of the rest of the family and the community can get in the way (*cough* like when they don't believe her about Casita cracking *cough*. Still great parents, and I get why they didn't believe her, but I can't help but wish they had)
Truly, these writers are geniuses. They turned what could have been framed as an act of cowardice if it had been purely for himself, i.e. hiding himself from the negative opinions of his community, and turned it into an act of bravery and sacrifice and, above all, love.
(this will be continued in Part 2 because stupid tumblr won't let me put more than 10 pictures in one post)
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krakensdottir · 2 years
Brace yourselves, I have more thoughts about Bruno!
Okay so. There’s a lot of talk about how the family drove him away, or specifically Alma did. I’m gonna straight-up say I don’t think that’s how it went down. That’s not even how he tells it. Bruno felt like he had to leave, yes, but not because anyone told him that. It was a decision he came to on his own.
I def think they all share some responsibility for him coming to that decision, of course. He was certainly treated like a freak by the townsfolk, if not the family themselves. His sisters bear him no ill will (I mean Pepa sort of, but I’ll get to that in a minute), but the kids, who only remember him from when they were young, seem to regard him with varying degrees of fear. Except Mirabel, who quite honestly doesn’t seem to be afraid of anything. (Love that girl)
And like, to an extent I get it. His power is SPOOKY. Even he seems afraid of it to an extent. And it doesn’t help that his visions tend to be negative. Maybe that has something to do with his own pessimism, but I personally don’t think so. I actually think it’s the other way around. I think the kinds of things people asked him to look into - their worries, their fears for the future - tended to have negative answers. People don’t go to a fortune teller when everything’s going fine, you know? And I think that’s actually what shaped his pessimism. I don’t think he’d have had a downer view on life otherwise. He just kept having to give people negative answers. That gets to you after a while.
And then there’s point The Second: Not all of his visions are voluntary.
This was confirmed by Jared Bush on Twitter a while back, though I would’ve honestly assumed it anyway. Bruno doesn’t just get visions when he asks for them. He actually invented his whole ritual with the sand (again, this is confirmed) to try and gain some control over his powers. He can, and does, get hit with visions when he’s not trying to have them.
And the trouble is, Bruno is painfully honest. He’s very sweet, he doesn’t want to hurt anyone, but he blurts out literally everything. ‘You’re very sweaty.’ He has no filter when he’s panicking, or, presumably, when he’s just been hit with an unexpected vision. And I can only imagine him as a kid, at an age when most people have no filter anyway.
So like, he probably wasn’t even asked about the priest’s hair. He just saw the guy bald one day and blurted out something about it. He didn’t mean any harm. He feels compelled, I think, to share what he saw. To warn people.
On the subject of blurting things out, we come to Thought Number Three:
Pepa. The Wedding. The big one.
First off, I’m going to say I think common fan perceptions have this one wrong. I don’t think it was a hugely traumatic event or that Pepa is massively upset by it. She’s all too eager to talk about it, let’s be honest. And it comes off as something she’s still very annoyed about, enough to be griping about it after all this time. But it worked out okay. Seriously, it did. They got married in a hurricane. No mention of anyone getting hurt. Felix still thinks it was the greatest day ever. In the long run, it wasn’t The Worst Thing.
Now, what was Bruno actually doing there? Contrary to another common perception, I don’t think it was a prank, or just a joke. I think in his own way, he was trying to help, again with his characteristic bluntness.
He says he wanted to let her know that she could ‘let it go’. Think about it - Pepa’s strong emotions, not just negative ones, trigger negative events. So she must have been MAJORLY repressing that day, for the sky to be free of clouds. She was holding everything in. On her freakin’ wedding day. She wasn’t allowed to be overtly excited or nervous or anything.
So Bruno walks in, and he knows his sister, he can put two and two together. He knows she’s repressing like mad. He sees her sweating with the effort. And so he says, jokingly, ‘Heh, looks like rain.’
It is a joke, but it’s more than that. I think he is trying to get her to let go a little. No, he probably didn’t anticipate it being so... dramatic. But he did think it was messed up that she wasn’t expressing emotion on her wedding day, for fear of ruining the weather, which her husband-to-be didn’t even care about. Hell, Felix agrees with him that Pepa should feel okay letting go sometimes. So yeah. I think Bruno wasn’t just joking. I think he was trying to help. And he did accomplish what he meant to, if not quite as intended.
The wedding debacle (if you can call it that) is not why they don’t talk about Bruno. Pepa goes ahead and talks about that ANYWAY. The reason they don’t talk about Bruno is because of Alma.
That brings me to one more headcanon: Bruno was Alma’s baby.
Like, obviously all the triplets were. But there’s always one, isn’t there? One who’s got the closest relationship to a parent. And I think that was her only son, the youngest of the triplets. Bruno was her baby. And that came with pressures. She relied on Bruno. She trusted his gift, even when others found it distressing. She went to him with her worries about everything, including Mirabel.
You can see him swallow, can see the worry on his face in the flashback where she asks him to look into Mirabel’s future. He doesn’t want to do it. But he will, for her. He’s the most devoted of all of them, to Alma and to the family. He does it because she asks.
When he leaves, Alma feels partly responsible. She can’t, of course, admit this, even to herself; that’s her major flaw in general. So it becomes anger, and hurt. She’s very hurt by his disappearance. She interprets it as him not caring, but deep down I think she knows better. I think she’s suppressing guilt.
Anyway, talking about him hurts her. So she doesn’t. And the others don’t either, taking the cue from their matriarch, and not wanting to upset her.
And when her baby, her Brunito, comes back, yelling and ready to throw down over Mirabel... all she can think is how happy she is to see him. And you know what, even if she hadn’t softened by then, I can’t help but think her reaction would’ve been about the same. For all her faults, she did love that boy, so much. And she missed him like mad. They don’t talk about him because Alma doesn’t talk about him, and she doesn’t talk about him because it breaks her heart.
This is not to say Bruno wasn’t ostracized - he was - or that the family didn’t treat him differently and sometimes negatively. But it’s not as simple as them driving him off. I don’t think his mother or sisters ever wanted him to leave. And from their reactions at the end, it’s clear that they missed him, even if they never felt like they could talk about it until then.
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justanisabelakinnie · 2 years
My First Impressions of the Encanto Characters
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She’s so pretty! And so cute! Who gave her the right to be so cute?! And in a way, I kinda relate to her in a sad way...I understand what it’s like to feel ignored...I’m so happy she got the guy though! And I love her singing voice! And there are Afrolatine characters in this film! Nice! 
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Aww, our protagonist! I love her already! She seems so cute and nice and awkward in a way that doesn’t feel forced, cringe, or “not like other girls”-y. And I’m glad that she wears glasses, and has curly hair! She’s the protagonist of my dreams, the heroine I’ve been holding out for! She’d better be a Disney Princess or I will SCREAM! She is more than worthy! *looks it up* Oh, she is a Disney Princess?! Cool! Cool beans! 
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Woah! A woman with super strength! That’s not something you see often! I love it! And I love that she is allowed to be strong while also exhibiting feminine traits as well! I can already tell she’s going to be a fan-favorite of mine, I like this character a lot! Oh, apparently she’s the middle sister? Makes sense. 
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Umm...how old is he? Twelve? He looks like an amalgamation of every middle school boy I’ve ever come across in...umm...middle school. Let me look it up...*looks it up* Oh...he’s fifteen...old enough to date my sister...I can already tell the fandom is going to use him as an excuse to let their simp flag fly. Oh! He’s Dolores’ brother! I love him! 
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I like her! She seems so sunny and happy! I like the diversity this movie shows as well, with dark-skinned indigenous Latinas like Isabela, Afrolatinas like Dolores, and white-passing Latinas like Pepa! It’s super cool to see! She’s also a really great singer, I like her accent while singing...I feel so bad for her with her power and her wedding being ruined, though...but at least she got an apology from Bruno! I also love to see her relationship with Felix, it’s so cool to see an interracial relationship with a Black man in it! 
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Mirabel’s mom! I love her! She seems like a nice, nurturing, and caregiving person. She reminds me of my own mother! I love her gift as well! And her costume design! Why didn’t she get to sing, though?! That’s an act of wickedness. 
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I like him, too! He’s funny as well, and I like his chemistry with Julieta! And like his daughter, he wears glasses! I find his clumsiness hilarious lol. 
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I love her as well! Yeah, she wasn’t the greatest grandma, but she tried. I don’t know why people hate her, yes, some of the things she did were wrong, but she apologized...she clearly just wanted what was best for the family. And don’t try to tell me that you wouldn’t be traumatized if a similar thing happened to YOU! Try watching your husband get brutally, bloodily murdered by careless, heartless horsemen in front of you! Exactly! Also, she’s not homophobic, who gave you that nincompoop idea?! 
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Love him, too! So warm and loving and has the best relationship in the movie! Plus he subverts stereotypes of Black men, so that’s nice! Very handsome as well! 
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Cute kid! He’s so sweet and kind to Mirabel! Wonder how he’ll cope with hearing his friends slaughter and eat each other though... 
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Oh hey it’s rat man...yeah I’m not really interested in him the way the fandom is tbh...I don’t get what they see in him...but I do feel bad for him still. I’m happy he’s part of the family! Maybe I’ll love him more when we see more of his relationship with Mirabel and Dolores in a sequel, though, but until then, meh. 
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The real MVP of the movie y’all...WHAT?! You’re telling me that one of the only dark-skinned Black women of the movie is a background character?! Smh do better Disney, do better. 
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wikluk · 2 years
Dead Baby mirabel AU: when Antonio turns 5 instead of talking to animals as his gift instead he gets the gift to talk to the dead and he talks to mirabel who is in a teenage form of what would she would like, she says that it was no one’s fault and that no one should blame themselves or each other for her death
Well, I'll be honest, I don't like the gift of talking to the dead because uhh, it sounds like something awful. A child at the age of 5 shouldn't be burdened with something like that, and I like to stick to the canon even when I'm doing AUs, so no, no changing gifts. An eventual OC Madrigal baby might do something like that but also...
I'm not a fan of ageing up the spirits. Like... Mirabel died being an infant... It would make no sense to see her as a teenager because she would have to have a personality that she was just starting to develop as a baby... She'd be basically a stranger. No. Not the greatest idea. For a dead teenager Mirabel - well, maybe. For a dead baby Mirabel - nope.
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inkyardpress · 6 years
Your 2018 YA Fantasy Guide, part 1
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There’s no denying it: we’ve seen some excellent YA fantasies already this year, and the genre continues to top our TBR piles month after month. With a handful of fantasy blockbusters still to come before the year is even halfway over, we wanted to give you a quick guide to the books we’ve loved so far in 2018 and what we just can’t wait to read next! Here’s the best of 2018, part one:
The Cruel Prince by Holly Black
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Jude was seven years old when her parents were murdered and she and her two sisters were stolen away to live in the treacherous High Court of Faerie. Ten years later, Jude wants nothing more than to belong there, despite her mortality. But many of the fey despise humans. Especially Prince Cardan, the youngest and wickedest son of the High King.
To win a place at the Court, she must defy him—and face the consequences.
In doing so, she becomes embroiled in palace intrigues and deceptions, discovering her own capacity for bloodshed. But as civil war threatens to drown the Courts of Faerie in violence, Jude will need to risk her life in a dangerous alliance to save her sisters, and Faerie itself.
The Cruel Prince is out now from Little, Brown Books for Young Readers. Add it to your Goodreads shelf!
Zenith by Sasha Alsberg & Lindsay Cummings
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Most know Androma Racella as the Bloody Baroness, a powerful mercenary whose reign of terror stretches across the Mirabel Galaxy. To those aboard her glass starship, Marauder, however, she's just Andi, their friend and fearless leader.
But when a routine mission goes awry, the Marauder's all-girl crew is tested as they find themselves in a treacherous situation and at the mercy of a sadistic bounty hunter from Andi's past.
Meanwhile, across the galaxy, a ruthless ruler waits in the shadows of the planet Xen Ptera, biding her time to exact revenge for the destruction of her people. The pieces of her deadly plan are about to fall into place, unleashing a plot that will tear Mirabel in two.
Andi and her crew embark on a dangerous, soul-testing journey that could restore order to their ship or just as easily start a war that will devour worlds. As the Marauder hurtles toward the unknown, and Mirabel hangs in the balance, the only certainty is that in a galaxy run on lies and illusion, no one can be trusted.
Zenith is out now. Add it to your Goodreads shelf!
The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert
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Seventeen-year-old Alice and her mother have spent most of Alice’s life on the road, always a step ahead of the uncanny bad luck biting at their heels. But when Alice’s grandmother, the reclusive author of a cult-classic book of pitch-dark fairy tales, dies alone on her estate, the Hazel Wood, Alice learns how bad her luck can really get: her mother is stolen away―by a figure who claims to come from the Hinterland, the cruel supernatural world where her grandmother's stories are set. Alice's only lead is the message her mother left behind: “Stay away from the Hazel Wood.”
Alice has long steered clear of her grandmother’s cultish fans. But now she has no choice but to ally with classmate Ellery Finch, a Hinterland superfan who may have his own reasons for wanting to help her. To retrieve her mother, Alice must venture first to the Hazel Wood, then into the world where her grandmother's tales began―and where she might find out how her own story went so wrong.
The Hazel Wood is out now from Flatiron Books. Add it to your Goodreads shelf!
Everlife by Gena Showalter
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At seventeen years old, Tenley “Ten” Lockwood had to make the ultimate choice—where to live after she died. Loyalty to her selected realm has not wavered…until now. She is out of time. Sacrifices must be made, and a terrible price must be paid. But is she too late?
As the Everlife descends into darkness, a single truth becomes clear: Troika and Myriad must unite—or perish. In order to bring sworn enemies together, Ten must enter forbidden territory…and destroy the powerful Prince of Ravens. But there’s only one way inside—bonding with Killian Flynn, a deadly rival who sets her blood aflame.
When nothing goes as planned and betrayal leads to the edge of utter defeat, Ten and Killian will have to rebuild trust from the ashes of their hearts. Victory seems impossible, the odds stacked against them. In the end, how far will they be willing to go for the sake of their realms and the Everlife?
The entire Everlife series is out now! Add Everlife to your Goodreads shelf!
The Belles by Dhonielle Clayton
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Camellia Beauregard is a Belle. In the opulent world of Orléans, Belles are revered, for they control Beauty, and Beauty is a commodity coveted above all else. In Orléans, the people are born gray, they are born damned, and only with the help of a Belle and her talents can they transform and be made beautiful.
But it’s not enough for Camellia to be just a Belle. She wants to be the favorite—the Belle chosen by the Queen of Orléans to live in the royal palace, to tend to the royal family and their court, to be recognized as the most talented Belle in the land. But once Camellia and her Belle sisters arrive at court, it becomes clear that being the favorite is not everything she always dreamed it would be. Behind the gilded palace walls live dark secrets, and Camellia soon learns that the very essence of her existence is a lie—that her powers are far greater, and could be more dangerous, than she ever imagined. And when the queen asks Camellia to risk her own life and help the ailing princess by using Belle powers in unintended ways, Camellia now faces an impossible decision.
With the future of Orléans and its people at stake, Camellia must decide—save herself and her sisters and the way of the Belles—or resuscitate the princess, risk her own life, and change the ways of her world forever.
The Belles is out now from Disney-Hyperion. Add it to your Goodreads shelf!
Cadaver & Queen by Alisa Kwitney
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When Lizzie Lavenza enrolled at Ingold as its first female medical student, she knew she wouldn't have an easy time. From class demands to being an outsider among her male cohorts, she'll have to go above and beyond to prove herself. So when she stumbles across what appears to be a faulty Bio-mechanical—one of the mechanized cadavers created to service the school—she jumps at the chance to fix it and get ahead in the program.
Only this Bio-mechanical isn't like the others. Where they are usually empty-minded and perfectly obedient, this one seems to have thoughts, feelings…and self-awareness.
Soon Lizzie realizes that it is Victor Frankenstein—a former student who died under mysterious circumstances. Victor, it seems, still has a spark of human intelligence inside him, along with memories of things he discovered before his untimely death…and a suspicion that he was murdered to keep that information from getting out. Suddenly Lizzie finds herself intertwined in dark secrets and sabotage that put her life, and the lives of Victor and their friends, in danger. But Lizzie's determined to succeed—even if that means fighting an enemy who threatens the entire British Empire.
Cadaver & Queen is out now. Add it to your Goodreads shelf!
Shadowsong by S. Jae-Jones
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Six months after the end of Wintersong, Liesl is working toward furthering both her brother’s and her own musical careers. Although she is determined to look forward and not behind, life in the world above is not as easy as Liesl had hoped. Her younger brother Josef is cold, distant, and withdrawn, while Liesl can’t forget the austere young man she left beneath the earth, and the music he inspired in her.
When troubling signs arise that the barrier between worlds is crumbling, Liesl must return to the Underground to unravel the mystery of life, death, and the Goblin King—who he was, who he is, and who he will be. What will it take to break the old laws once and for all? What is the true meaning of sacrifice when the fate of the world—or the ones Liesl loves—is in her hands?
Shadowsong is out now from Disney-Hyperion. Add it to your Goodreads shelf!
Restore Me by Tahereh Mafi
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Juliette Ferrars thought she'd won. She took over Sector 45, was named the new Supreme Commander, and now has Warner by her side. But she's still the girl with the ability to kill with a single touch—and now she's got the whole world in the palm of her hand. When tragedy hits, who will she become? Will she be able to control the power she wields and use it for good?
Restore Me is out now from HarperCollins. Add it to your Goodreads shelf!
Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi
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Zélie Adebola remembers when the soil of Orïsha hummed with magic. Burners ignited flames, Tiders beckoned waves, and Zelie’s Reaper mother summoned forth souls.
But everything changed the night magic disappeared. Under the orders of a ruthless king, maji were targeted and killed, leaving Zélie without a mother and her people without hope.
Now, Zélie has one chance to bring back magic and strike against the monarchy. With the help of a rogue princess, Zélie must outwit and outrun the crown prince, who is hell-bent on eradicating magic for good.
Danger lurks in Orïsha, where snow leoponaires prowl and vengeful spirits wait in the waters. Yet the greatest danger may be Zélie herself as she struggles to control her powers—and her growing feelings for the enemy. 
Children of Blood and Bone is out now from Henry Holt Books for Young Readers. Add it to your Goodreads shelf!
The Wicked Deep by Shea Ernshaw
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Welcome to the cursed town of Sparrow, where, two centuries ago, three sisters were sentenced to death for witchery. Stones were tied to their ankles and they were drowned in the deep waters surrounding the town.
Now, for a brief time each summer, the sisters return, stealing the bodies of three weak-hearted girls so that they may seek their revenge, luring boys into the harbor and pulling them under.
Like many locals, seventeen-year-old Penny Talbot has accepted the fate of the town. But this year, on the eve of the sisters’ return, a boy named Bo Carter arrives; unaware of the danger he has just stumbled into.
Mistrust and lies spread quickly through the salty, rain-soaked streets. The townspeople turn against one another. Penny and Bo suspect each other of hiding secrets. And death comes swiftly to those who cannot resist the call of the sisters.
But only Penny sees what others cannot. And she will be forced to choose: save Bo, or save herself.
The Wicked Deep is out now from Simon Pulse. Add it to your Goodreads shelf!
Ace of Shades by Amanda Foody
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Welcome to the City of Sin, where casino families reign, gangs infest the streets…and secrets hide in every shadow.
Enne Salta was raised as a proper young lady, and no lady would willingly visit New Reynes, the so-called City of Sin. But when her mother goes missing, Enne must leave her finishing school—and her reputation—behind to follow her mother’s trail to the city where no one survives uncorrupted.
Frightened and alone, her only lead is a name: Levi Glaisyer. Unfortunately, Levi is not the gentleman she expected—he’s a street lord and a con man. Levi is also only one payment away from cleaning up a rapidly unraveling investment scam, so he doesn't have time to investigate a woman leading a dangerous double life. Enne's offer of compensation, however, could be the solution to all his problems.
Their search for clues leads them through glamorous casinos, illicit cabarets and into the clutches of a ruthless mafia donna. As Enne unearths an impossible secret about her past, Levi's enemies catch up to them, ensnaring him in a vicious execution game where the players always lose. To save him, Enne will need to surrender herself to the city… And she’ll need to play.
Ace of Shades is out now. Add it to your Goodreads shelf!
Dread Nation by Justina Ireland
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Jane McKeene was born two days before the dead began to walk the battlefields of Gettysburg and Chancellorsville—derailing the War Between the States and changing America forever. In this new nation, safety for all depends on the work of a few, and laws like the Native and Negro Reeducation Act require certain children attend combat schools to learn to put down the dead. But there are also opportunities—and Jane is studying to become an Attendant, trained in both weaponry and etiquette to protect the well-to-do. It’s a chance for a better life for Negro girls like Jane. After all, not even being the daughter of a wealthy white Southern woman could save her from society’s expectations.
But that’s not a life Jane wants. Almost finished with her education at Miss Preston’s School of Combat in Baltimore, Jane is set on returning to her Kentucky home and doesn’t pay much mind to the politics of the eastern cities, with their talk of returning America to the glory of its days before the dead rose. But when families around Baltimore County begin to go missing, Jane is caught in the middle of a conspiracy, one that finds her in a desperate fight for her life against some powerful enemies. And the restless dead, it would seem, are the least of her problems. 
Dread Nation is out now from Balzer + Bray. Add it to your Goodreads shelf!
The Diminished by Kaitlyn Sage Patterson
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In the Alskad Empire, nearly all are born with a twin, two halves to form one whole…yet some face the world alone.
The singleborn
A rare few are singleborn in each generation, and therefore given the right to rule by the gods and goddesses. Bo Trousillion is one of these few, born into the royal line and destined to rule. Though he has been chosen to succeed his great-aunt, Queen Runa, as the leader of the Alskad Empire, Bo has never felt equal to the grand future before him.
The diminished
When one twin dies, the other usually follows, unable to face the world without their other half. Those who survive are considered diminished, doomed to succumb to the violent grief that inevitably destroys everyone whose twin has died. Such is the fate of Vi Abernathy, whose twin sister died in infancy. Raised by the anchorites of the temple after her family cast her off, Vi has spent her whole life scheming for a way to escape and live out what's left of her life in peace.
As their sixteenth birthdays approach, Bo and Vi face very different futures—one a life of luxury as the heir to the throne, the other years of backbreaking work as a temple servant. But a long-held secret and the fate of the empire are destined to bring them together in a way they never could have imagined.
The Diminished is out now. Add it to your Goodreads shelf!
Inferno by Julie Kagawa
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Ember Hill has learned a shocking truth about herself: she is the blood of the Elder Wyrm, the ancient dragon who leads Talon and who is on the verge of world domination. With the Order of St. George destroyed, Ember, Riley and Garret journey to the Amazon jungle in search of one who might hold the key to take down the Elder Wyrm and Talon. If they can survive the encounter. Meanwhile, Ember's brother, Dante, will travel to China with a message for the last Eastern dragons: join Talon or die. With the stakes rising and the Elder Wyrm declaring war, time is running out for the rogues and any dragon not allied with Talon. 
The final battle approaches. And if Talon is victorious, the world will burn.
Inferno, the fiery conclusion to the Talon Saga, is out April 24. Add it to your Goodreads shelf!
War Storm by Victoria Aveyard
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Victory comes at a price.
Mare Barrow learned this all too well when Cal’s betrayal nearly destroyed her. Now determined to protect her heart—and secure freedom for Reds and newbloods like her—Mare resolves to overthrow the kingdom of Norta once and for all…starting with the crown on Maven’s head.
But no battle is won alone, and before the Reds may rise as one, Mare must side with the boy who broke her heart in order to defeat the boy who almost broke her. Cal’s powerful Silver allies, alongside Mare and the Scarlet Guard, prove a formidable force. But Maven is driven by an obsession so deep, he will stop at nothing to have Mare as his own again, even if it means demolishing everything—and everyone—in his path.
War is coming, and all Mare has fought for hangs in the balance. Will victory be enough to topple the Silver kingdoms? Or will the little lightning girl be forever silenced?
In the epic conclusion to Victoria Aveyard’s stunning series, Mare must embrace her fate and summon all her power…for all will be tested, but not all will survive.
War Storm is out May 15 from HarperTeen. Add it to your Goodreads shelf!
Furyborn by Claire Legrand
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When assassins ambush her best friend, the crown prince, Rielle Dardenne risks everything to save him, exposing her ability to perform all seven kinds of elemental magic. The only people who should possess this extraordinary power are a pair of prophesied queens: a queen of light and salvation and a queen of blood and destruction. To prove she is the Sun Queen, Rielle must endure seven trials to test her magic. If she fails, she will be executed...unless the trials kill her first.
A thousand years later, the legend of Queen Rielle is a mere fairy tale to bounty hunter Eliana Ferracora. When the Undying Empire conquered her kingdom, she embraced violence to keep her family alive. Now, she believes herself untouchable—until her mother vanishes without a trace, along with countless other women in their city. To find her, Eliana joins a rebel captain on a dangerous mission and discovers that the evil at the heart of the empire is more terrible than she ever imagined.
As Rielle and Eliana fight in a cosmic war that spans millennia, their stories intersect, and the shocking connections between them ultimately determine the fate of their world—and of each other. 
Furyborn is out May 22 from Sourcebooks. Add it to your Goodreads shelf!
Legendary by Stephanie Garber
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A heart to protect. A debt to repay. A game to win.
After being swept up in the magical world of Caraval, Donatella Dragna has finally escaped her father and saved her sister Scarlett from a disastrous arranged marriage. The girls should be celebrating, but Tella isn’t yet free. She made a desperate bargain with a mysterious criminal, and what Tella owes him no one has ever been able to deliver: Caraval Master Legend’s true name.
The only chance of uncovering Legend’s identity is to win Caraval, so Tella throws herself into the legendary competition once more—and into the path of the murderous heir to the throne, a doomed love story, and a web of secrets…including her sister's. Caraval has always demanded bravery, cunning, and sacrifice. But now the game is asking for more. If Tella can’t fulfill her bargain and deliver Legend’s name, she’ll lose everything she cares about—maybe even her life. But if she wins, Legend and Caraval will be destroyed forever.
Welcome to Caraval...the games have only just begun.
Legendary is out May 29 from Flatiron Books. Add it to your Goodreads shelf!
A Reaper at the Gates by Sabaa Tahir
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Beyond the Empire and within it, the threat of war looms ever larger.
The Blood Shrike, Helene Aquilla, is assailed on all sides. Emperor Marcus, haunted by his past, grows increasingly unstable, while the Commandant capitalizes on his madness to bolster her own power. As Helene searches for a way to hold back the approaching darkness, her sister’s life and the lives of all those in the Empire hang in the balance.
Far to the east, Laia of Serra knows the fate of the world lies not in the machinations of the Martial court, but in stopping the Nightbringer. But while hunting for a way to bring him down, Laia faces unexpected threats from those she hoped would aid her, and is drawn into a battle she never thought she’d have to fight.
And in the land between the living and the dead, Elias Veturius has given up his freedom to serve as Soul Catcher. But in doing so, he has vowed himself to an ancient power that will stop at nothing to ensure Elias’s devotion—even at the cost of his humanity.
A Reaper at the Gates is out June 12 from Razorbill. Add it to your Goodreads shelf!
Dawn of Legends by Eleanor Herman
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Prince Alexander of Macedon has battled both men and monsters, but his final war will determine his fate…and the future of mankind. While Macedon’s enemies close in from all corners of the earth, Alexander must fulfill one last prophecy that dictates only he—and he alone—can ensure humanity’s survival against the age of the deadly Spirit Eaters.
As the threads of fate draw Alexander closer to his destiny, an exiled queen will meet a runaway princess, a young sorceress will set the final path of her heart and generals will choose their final battles. Before the light of victory can shine, enemies must become allies, Death must be tamed and hearts must break.
Who will rise and who will die? All is revealed in the epic finale to New York Times bestselling author Eleanor Herman’s rich and fantastical Blood of Gods and Royals series. 
Dawn of Legends, the final installment in the Blood of Gods and Royals series, is out June 26. Add it to your Goodreads shelf!
A Thousand Beginnings and Endings edited by Ellen Oh and Elsie Chapman
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Star-crossed lovers, meddling immortals, feigned identities, battles of wits, and dire warnings. These are the stuff of fairy tale, myth, and folklore that have drawn us in for centuries.
Fifteen bestselling and acclaimed authors reimagine the folklore and mythology of East and South Asia in short stories that are by turns enchanting, heartbreaking, romantic, and passionate.
Compiled by We Need Diverse Books’s Ellen Oh and Elsie Chapman, the authors included in this exquisite collection are: Renee Ahdieh, Sona Charaipotra, Preeti Chhibber, Roshani Chokshi, Aliette de Bodard, Melissa de la Cruz, Julie Kagawa, Rahul Kanakia, Lori M. Lee, E. C. Myers, Cindy Pon, Aisha Saeed, Shveta Thakrar, and Alyssa Wong.
A mountain loses her heart. Two sisters transform into birds to escape captivity. A young man learns the true meaning of sacrifice. A young woman takes up her mother’s mantle and leads the dead to their final resting place. From fantasy to science fiction to contemporary, from romance to tales of revenge, these stories will beguile readers from start to finish. For fans of Neil Gaiman’s Unnatural Creatures and Ameriie’s New York Times–bestselling Because You Love to Hate Me. 
A Thousand Beginnings and Endings is out June 26 from Greenwillow Books. Add it to your Goodreads shelf!
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meteoritxs · 7 years
Bangtan Fic Rec
All of these are on ao3, they’re all shipping fics. I’ll add more as I read, these are just the ones I’ve read so far. My opinion is in italics, I only added the pairing, summary and theme of the fics, not the warnings and ratings so check those out when you’re gonna read them because some of them contain either smut, death or violence. You’ve been warned.
Fics in this list: 43.
I dream in the shape of your mouth by jonghyun | Namjin, College!AU.
Summary: Seokjin spends a lot of time in the library. Now, Namjoon does too. Taemin tries to summon Satan, and Jimin is a fuckboy.
*Jackson voice* Cute
Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast by Kavbj | Taekook, College!AU, Fantasy!AU
Summary: Taehyung has magic in his veins and Jungkook’s determined not to let it kill him.
Dude. This fic is so creative and well-written… I finished it and felt empty.
beat for me (live for me)  by bakkushan | Namjin, Mafia!AU part of the offer me your deathless death series.
Summary: Namjoon’s looking at himself and then at Seokjin and all he can see is Life and Death lying next to each other under a starless sky.
I cried like a bitch with this one, painful as fuck.
All you need is love (and pink) by vppa | NamJin, Angels and Demons!AU.
Summary: Most people only have one miniature angel or devil riding on their shoulders to serve as the physical manifestation of their conscience. Poor Namjoon has five, and they’re all telling him the same thing: “fucking talk to him god dammit what the fuck is wrong with you”
Funny and sweet. I like it.
Can I Get Your Dewey Decimal Number? by melecs| NamJin, Library!AU.
Summary: Seokjin loved working at the library, but some patrons got on his nerves. Take, for example, the grown man who sat in the corner every day and leeched off of the Wi-Fi. And Seokjin worked in the children’s department.
Ah, this is… something else, for sure. Cute as hell. Funny, too.
The less I know the better by mucha | Taegi, Namjin, Fake Relationship!AU
Summary: “Together with their families, Kim Namjoon and Kim Seokjin… Wow, this is formal… Wait,” Hoseok squints at the paper, before looking back at Yoongi with a quizzical look on his face. “They invited you with a guest? But… You’re single, right?”
“Min Yoongi,” Jimin glares at him over the bar, crossing his arms sternly over his chest. “If you’re seeing someone and you didn’t tell us I will kick your ass, so help me god.”
“I’m not dating anyone,” Yoongi sighs, grabbing the invitation and scanning it quickly. The words “with a guest” are underlined and Yoongi can almost see it: the smugness on his brother’s face as he nods with satisfaction, putting the pencil down.
“So what does it mean?”
Yoongi shifts uncomfortably in his seat, avoiding making eye contact.
“I might’ve… invented a boyfriend,” he finally mumbles to the glass in front of him.
This is so good, amazing, incredible. Brilliant. Entertaining as hell.
Star Light, Star Bright (The Last Star I’ll See Tonight) by DreamsOfAnotherReality | Taekook, Yoonseok, Teen!AU.
Summary: Jung Kook and Taehyung fall in love the summer Hoseok goes missing.  
Hoseok just wanted to see the stars and confess to Yoongi gdi bye I’m gonna fucking kill myself.
Creating a home series by CheekyBrunette | Namjin, Foster Parents!AU
Summary: A BTS Foster Care AU
This AU is so cute and fluffy I love Domestic!Namjin
The Professor’s Family series by EquinoxSolstice | Taekook, NamJin, Family!AU
Summary: Professor Kim Namjoon is married.
He doesn’t have a wife.
They have a sort-of son.
And Jeon Jungkook just crossed paths with them.
Read this. It’s great, I promise.
The Greatest by Little_Dimples | jikook, College!AU, Sports!AU.
Summary: Person A is a hockey player person B a figure skater. Person A is told he needs more grace on the ice so he is forced to get lessons by person B. Problem is they hate each other.
Or Person A is Jungkook and Person B is Jimin.
I had so much fun reading this you don’t get it. As I was reading in class i had to hide my face because I was smiling so much. Really good fic.
400 minutes | yoonmin, School!AU.
Summary: Min Yoongi expected a lot of weird experiences to happen when he went to college, but being the roommate of his high school love who apparently “moved away for good” was not one of them.
Angsty but in a good way.
Beta Tau Sigma by bazooka | Namjin, Yoonmin, College!AU, Frat!AU.
Summary: A collection of events occurring within (and without) the walls of the Beta Tau Sigma fraternity house. At Beta Tau Sigma, there are only a few rules:
1) have a declared major in the College of Music; 2) keep your GPA above a 3.4; 3) don’t let Taehyung into the liquor cabinet; 4) don’t fuck up with Kim Seokjin. The rest is all fine print.
(Rating changed to M for sexual content in ch17.)
OKAY, THIS FIC IS THE END OF EVERYTHING FOR ME. My Favorite Fic Of All Time. Nothing is ever gonna top this for me, even House of Cards. This fic has it all, humor, angst, fluff, smut. Everything. Incredible fic. Golden fic.
cuz in a sky full of stars (I think I saw you) by wowoashley | Taekook, Namjin, Fake Relationship!AU
Summary: taehyung always has bad ideas. and jeongguk thinks this might be the best.
This is so cute and cliché but in a good way, I really love this fic.
ce monde est une têmpete by astringxnt | Taekook, Yoonmin, Namjin, College!AU
Summary: they say that one should fall in love with their eyes open, but Jungkook keeps his closed, and Taehyung is afraid that they’ll fall in all the wrong places.
the concept of strings in space time theory is that on a one dimensional plane, one only has the option of going backwards or forwards in their direction of travel. Jungkook chooses to be swept along into the unknown, with Taehyung as his only anchor.
AMAZING! I really like the plot of this one.
Safe and Sound by bazooka | Namjin, Royalty!AU.
Summary: From a tumblr prompt: Jin is a prince, and Namjoon is his bodyguard.
“You’re sort of bad at this.” “Nah. You’re safe, aren’t you?”
Prince!Jin. That’s all I have to say about this fic. Amazing.
(thought you knew) you were in this song by expplipo | Taekook, Yoonseok, Namjin, Soulmate!AU
Summary: Taehyung nearly chokes, but only nearly. Instead he raises an eyebrow and puts on the most suave smile he can manage. Hopes he looks far more collected than his for-some-reason racing heartbeat would let on, more suit-and-wine than elementary-schooler-with-a-new-crush. “You like me?”
Jeongguk blushes, and looks at his feet. He’s smiling. “Of course.”
“Really?” Taehyung says. “Like? Or like like?”
(So much for suit-and-wine.)
Nothing to say apart from it being amazing.
Common Thread by sugafree | Yoonmin, Namjin, Soulmate!AU
Summary: Red String of Fate AU where Yoongi doesn’t believe in soulmates and spends a long time trying to avoid a certain someone on the other end of his red thread.
I’m a sucker for Soulmates, but this fic is good regardless, love the way it’s written.
for you, anything by kadotas | Vmin, Yoonkook, Namjin, Marriage!AU
Summary: “Talk dirty to me,” Taehyung says lowly into Jimin’s ear, breath ghosting Jimin’s earlobe, eliciting a slight shudder from the latter.
“I’m not wearing underwear,” Jimin whispers back, pulling back to look Taehyung in the eye.
Taehyung groans gruffly at this, breaking the eye contact to lean down and nip Jimin’s jawline gently. “God yes baby that’s just-“
“I’m not wearing any underwear because you never fucking put the laundry in the fucking dryer like I’ve asked you to 100 times,” Jimin hisses, voice strained with vehemence, glaring at him and Taehyung sighs defeatedly.
(in which Taehyung and Jimin navigate through married life together, realising belatedly that it’s not always smooth sailing.)
Domestic Vmin is the best Vmin.
Let me know by TheOrgasmicSeke | Yoonmin, Yoonkook, Jikook, Yoonminkook, Namjin, Vhope, I Need U!AU, Poly!AU
Summary: Talking about it, of course, became harder as the days passed by. Yoongi could never find the right time to bring it up. He was still wondering if he was just imaging things. If he was just thinking he was feeling the things he was feeling. But that was quickly disproved every single time Jimin curled up around him and Jungkook kissed him. He was a fucking idiot in love with two bigger idiots and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it. Except probably ruin it by talking about it. Hell, maybe it was better to just never mention it and pretend it wasn’t happening.
So good. No other words.
Find the value of an elephant by tired angry egg (Mirabelle) | Namjin, Highschool!AU, Tutor!AU
Summary: When Kim Taehyung’s academic situation takes a turn for the worse, his mother is convinced to hire a highly recommended tutor in the hopes for a miracle that would turn her son into a conscientious student. Her eldest son, Seokjin, has a far more skeptical opinion on this entire thing, expecting it to be-lest he sugarcoat it-a complete failure. And Kim Namjoon is just really bad at making good first impressions (or second ones, or just impressions altogether).
Cute and funny.
A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Epenthesis in Academic Convergence by bazooka | Namjin, College!AU, Professor!AU
Summary: Epenthesis A phonological phenomenon in which two disparate sounds meet, creating a third sound between them which wasn’t there before.
There were a lot of jobs worse than being partnered with world-renowned Absent-Minded Professor Kim Namjoon, but Professor Kim Seokjin couldn’t think of what any of them were at the moment.
THIS! IS! SO! GOOD! Honestly, I’m in love with this fic.
The Mark of an Educated Mind by bazooka | Namjin, Metafiction.
Summary: At three o'clock in the morning after he’d been working for ten hours straight and everything he touched came out wrong and all his words were stilted and clumsy and all his music was rough and tangled… for some ungodly reason Kim Namjoon opened up a new browser window, typed bangtan sonyeondan fan fiction into the search bar, and then (god) hit enter.
No comment.
A Wonderful Institution by bazooka | Namjin, Yoonmin, Wedding Planner!AU.
Summary: Kim Seokjin is a wedding caterer. Kim Namjoon is a wedding planner.
Both of them think marriage is a societal construct with no place in modern life. Neither of them would know Real Love if it came up to them at a wedding and made a wager.
I love this fic because it’s so cute and funny to me.
Just Skin by syubology | Taegi, College!AU.
Summary: Yoongi is small and angry and 200% done with having feelings; Taehyung is Taehyung; Hoseok harasses Yoongi with petnames and Jimin ships Yoonseok. That’s basically it.
The fic that made me ship Taegi.
Pour up (Drank) by mindheist | Taekook, College!AU, Frat!AU.
Summary: If you can read this, take another shot.
LISTEN. This fic is so good it’s almost Beta Tau Sigma and that’s saying a lot because I love that fic. Anyways, the story in this one is great and it has its funny moments as well as fluffy and frustrating ones. Great fic.
Sidereal by darling | Vmin, Childhood Friends!AU.
Summary: Here we observe the Earth and the Sun in their natural habitat: each other.
This is all cute and fluffy in some parts but deep in others. Beautiful fic, I like the concept.
half a soul divided by jynxu | Minjoon, Taekook, Yoonseok, Soulmate!AU
Summary: Park Jimin has never been on a date. Nor has he had his first kiss, flirted with anyone, or fallen in love. His classmates would ridicule him and base nicknames over his distaste toward anything romantic. (Look, here comes Saint Jiminie!) Even his younger brother would make fun of him while his parents watched with pitying looks on their faces.
Nobody understood.
or: soulmate au where your soulmate’s date of death is tattooed on your wrist.
This made me cry. At school. No joke my friends were worried. Great fic, read if you want to cry.
Out of My System by xxdevilishxx | Yoonmin, Vhope, Namjin, One Night Stand!AU.
Summary: Yoongi likes one night stands and he understands how they work. What he doesn’t understand, however, is how he ended up in bed with a probably-not-legal kid crying in his arms about his broken heart, because he’s pretty sure (and correct him if he’s wrong) that a babysitting job was not what he was looking for when he went to the opening of his friend’s new club.
I read this instead of studying. Really good and interesting, I like the characters.
refrigerator humming, chewing gum and instant karma by locks | Taekook, Gangster!AU, Mafia!AU.
Summary: Taehyung sets the flowers down on the dining table, plucking the card off the little holder. “Dearest Taehyung, just wanted you to know that I’m thinking about you. I hope you’re thinking about me too. Love–” he pauses and squints before cocking an eyebrow and pursing his lips. “Hyung, why is the boss of your little boy band gang professing his love for me?”
Yoongi drops the noodles on the floor with a loud curse as he burns his hand.
Or, Taehyung’s been trying his hardest to avoid Yoongi’s criminal life for a long ass time, but a cute kid and his infuriating father keep pulling him deeper into the mix.
Cute and a good read, the concept is awesome and I like the way it’s written.
House of Cards by sugamins | Taekook, Vmin, Jikook, Vminkook, Mafia!AU, Gangster!AU.
Summary: Jungkook is the heir to a mob empire, the most notorious in the whole of Seoul. Taehyung is a rookie sent in to infiltrate by his select team and bring the empire crumbling down.
“You knew the game and played it, it kills to know that you have been defeated.”
Trailer. This fic. I have no words. It’s beautifully written and the plot is amazing, really interesting and just plain good. The fic to end all Mafia!AUs. Nothing is ever gonna top this for me. It’s also a long read.
Let Me In Or Let Me Down by noraebangbang | Yoonmin, A/B/O.
Summary: Yoongi hates dealing with heat cycles and suppressants and life in general. Everything is a terrible mess, and then there’s Jimin to make things a tiny bit brighter.
Now, listen, I don’t really like ABO, but this fic is so good that I wanna like it because if there are any other ABO fics like this gem then I’m in for a treat.
Kickstart series by Error401 | Yoonmin, Namjin, Vhope, Gangster!AU, Hitman!AU
Summary: Hitman!Yoongi AU.
The plot of this series is really interesting, I read it all in one sitting because I just needed more. It’s really good.
The Still Point (Of The Turning World) by inkingbrushes | Yoonseok, Reincarnation!AU, Soulmates!AU, Multiple lives!AU.
Summary: Because Yoongi doesn’t know how this started, or how this will end, but he knows this simple fact: he knows that there is a love between them that is much fiercer than the burning sun. There is that love then, and there is that love now, and surely there will be that same love the next time.
(Or: the one where they’re reincarnated over and over again and Yoongi meets a different version of Hoseok every time but Yoongi is the only one that remembers.)
Ok, this fic made me cry really hard and I’m still affected by it. It’s beautiful and sad and you should totally read it.
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giacintodenmark · 6 years
Weeks 2 - 3, I’ve already done so much! and I (somewhat) remembered to take photos!!
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The second Sunday since my arrival, the first full weekend. In the morning Hans and I went for a run through the lakeside forest, the beauty of the trails makes the running tolerable.
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Sunday evening, Hans and I went to an FC Copenhagen game. We played a Danish team from Southern Jutland and won 3-2 if I can remember. I can’t consider myself a sports fan, but I recommend attending one of these games if the opportunity presents itself. Being amongst the crowd of rowdy Copenhageners is a lot of fun. If you really want to get into it, figure out what the cheers are before going… and if you’re feeling confident, maybe book a seat in the rowdy section.
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Another view of the stadium, rowdy section pictured to the right. They seem to have a great time swaying, jumping, chanting, shouting, and cheering to the beat of the drummer for the duration of the game.
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I spent the beginning of Week 2 working on the two old bikes my family had in the side yard in preparation for biking to my first field study on Wednesday. The black one had a frayed gear cable and the grey one had two broken tires, a broken tire-lock, and a broken front-brake. I replaced the broken grey bike parts with the black bike parts and removed the front brake of the grey bike entirely. I really had no idea what I was doing, what seemed simple at first became a two-day project (a tiny handsaw and a hammer were involved in the operation, I lacked finesse and turned to forcing my will upon the old and rusty bike parts).
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The next three photos are from my first field study with the Urban Ecology course. We traveled to four areas within the city: a shore-side seating area at Sankt Jorgen Sø, Axel Hedes Gade, a small park between some apartments near Axel Hedes Gade, and on a dock in Island Brygge. The field study served as an introduction to the Field Journal assignment we will work on for the entire semester.
Our professor simply asked us to fill the journal with any content relating to our observations of the environments we find ourselves in over our time abroad. Notes, sketches, photos, field samples, anything... we just need to mindfully observe each space. We focus particularly on 3 topics when assessing an environment: (1) Its pros and cons as a habitat for non-human organisms. (2) Pros and cons as a space for human beings. (3) Pros and cons as a space that influences biogeochemical cycles of the city and greater area.
Here is a sample of the garbage scattered around the shore of Sankt Jorgen Sø. I also found broken glass, old clothing, wrappers, bits of plastic, etc. I was also curious about the effect shoreline-type (concrete vs. vegetation) has on the presence of birds. 
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Axel Hedes Gade, the 2nd area that we met at. Our 3rd area is around the apartment buildings off in the distance. This road runs with many others through this very large field I believe to be part of Amager Vest.
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The dock within Islands Brygge we finished our field study at. 
Going North (photo taken facing south) up the dock would take you to the Islands Brygge Harbor Baths, one of my favorite spots in the city (Be sure to go during the first 2-3 weeks if you’re here for Winter Semester, its only going to get colder and darker outside! WoOOo!)
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I visited the Danish Architecture Museum with my 20th and 21st Century Danish Architecture class. We had an hour to be toured through the current exhibition “Welcome Home,” a historical survey of the Danish home. 
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I cooked a meal for my host family on the Friday of the 2nd full weekend. I picked up pretty much everything at Torvehallerne, the rest was stuff from home.
Trout stuffed with lemon, red onion, dill, and garlic... basted with a sauce made from butter, dark beer, and leftover stuffing. Artichokes filed with one of the many kinds of cheese I found in the fridge and garlic. I also made some caprese salad.
It was simple and delicious, my host family loved it... there were barely any leftovers between just three of us.
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Saturday of full weekend #2. Stopped at the National Museum of Denmark for a few hours. If you really love museums, make this an all-day event... 4 hours only gave me enough time to somewhat thoroughly go through the 1st floor (there are 5 if I can remember).
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Lur Horns
Nordic wind instruments. They were used to create an atmospheric background sound for Bronze Age rituals. All of these lurs were found in bogs and are from 1200 - 700 B.C.
This might be what they sound like. 
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Tirsted (10th century AD)
The plate beside the stone lays out an attempt to translate the inscriptions.
“Asråd and Hildvig raised this stone in memory of Frede, their kinsman. And he was then (the terror of men) and he died in Svitjod (Sweden) and was (the foremost of Frigge’s host); and then: all Vikings.”
Doesn’t make much sense, but this room was one of my favorite in the entire museum. About a dozen of these stones are laid out in the room. I read that when these were first erected they were fully painted in bright color. I find the way the words are etched and stained to be fascinating. 
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The woman of Himlingøje
From the 1st half of the 3rd century AD. 40-50-year-old woman. Within the woman’s mouth is a piece of gold, called a Charon’s coin. The piece was meant to pay for passage to the realm of the dead. Jewels, beads, bangles, rings, a comb, earthenware vessels, a bronze pail, a dish, ladle and sieve, glass cups, and a silver coin were laid among her. (Information from plaque)
This room and a number of others were filled with remains and the variety of items that were placed beside them at the grave.
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After the museum visit, I had dinner at BÆST, a restaurant that's whipping out freshly fired pizza, fresh veggies, and carefully crafted charcuterie and cheeses. A majority of the ingredients they use come from the eastern Farm of Ideas, a farm founded by Christian F. Puglisi, the lead of BÆST and others like Ralæ, Manfreds, Mirabelle... etc.
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Swiss chard, Russian kale, grilled fennel, dried olives, and really really good ricotta. Some GOOD sourdough bread.
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Margherita. Tomato sauce, mozzarella, basil. (This was good, but I’d get something with their charcuterie on it if I go another time.)
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The view of Peblinge Sø from the bridge of Nørrebrogade. On a weekend night, get together some friends, grab something to go from the great variety of food stops nearby and head on over to the many spots that border these lakes. 
I took a stop here after my dinner at BÆST, on my way back to Nørreport Station.
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On my Sunday morning run, I found an apple orchard near my house. Off in the distance is a bunch of beehive boxes, some of which contain colonies. 
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Aarstiderne Farm Harvest Market. A nice festival with food stands to showcase their fresh produce; tours of the farm; local artisans crafting things like chocolate, sea-buckthorn jam, charcuterie, clothing, coffee, etc; a produce market; and general good vibes. Its a bit quite a ways north but was really awesome, I recommend checking in this event and ones like it during your time here.
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A stand near one of the produce fields. Showcasing some of the freshly picked produce.
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A view of the crowd amongst flowers and produce. This photo and the one below show two different farm areas, both containing pretty much the same vegetation. In this photo they are planting everything together. In the other, they are planting uniformly in rows... perhaps they are testing to see the two different methods effect on how well the plants do.
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Ørstedparken a nice park near Torvehallerne. We went here for an Urban Ecology session, continuing our exploration of urban environments as a habitat, a human space, and an influencer of urban biogeochemical cycling.
This is one of many parks that were originally a part of the old defense fortification ring decommissioned in the 1870s. A section of the mote has become the lake and bastions have become small hills within the landscape. 
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The second field study, this time with my 20th and 21st Century Danish Architecture Course. This is Grundtvigs Kirke, dedicated to N.F.S. Grundtvig, built from 1927 to 1940. The architect is Peder Vilhelm Jensen-Klint... His son and his grandson were involved in the work as well. The church is a centerpiece of a village of similarly styled residential buildings and small storefronts. The style is a mix of Expressionist and Gothic architecture.
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The glowing interior of Grundtvig's Kirke.
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Bagsværd Kirke. Architect: Jørn Utzon (you know him, Sydney Opera House). We were to compare and contrast this church with Grundtvigs despite their great contextual and stylistic differences.
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The greatest part of the interior is the vaulting, a sprawling wall of concrete curved into a smooth wave of linen-like white that softly carries light downwards into the room.
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The natural lighting works really well with materials and colors. There is a cool, cloud-like softness to the otherwise clean-cut and industrial structure.
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Last Saturday night, I decided to try my hand at making pasta from scratch. It was fairly easy, just 400 grams of wheat flour, 4 eggs, salt, and olive oil for the dough. I let it sit, rolled it out, and then cut it into strips. The small meatballs, or pallotine, are just beef, salt, pepper, olive oil. This was my inspiration, I am far from it.
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Everything coming together. Pasta’s cooking in salted water, the red sauce has been cooking for around 3 hours, and the meatballs are frying in olive oil.
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It’s not beautiful, but it was quite delicious. I’ll be ready for next time!
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Prolog Coffee Bar over in Kødbyens District, the best coffee I have had in Copenhagen so far. 2-3 workers serving up stupid good coffee in the small alley-like interior amongst a number of other really cool food stops. I HIGHLY recommend coming here to get a cup and check out the other spots nearby.
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This is it. A cortado.
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I did not get my own photo of this place, La Banchina, my current favorite spot in Copenhagen. The place serves up a variety of natural wine, beer, baked goods, snacks, and really good, creative meals out of this unusually wonderful place (the kitchen is in a mini greenhouse building). Take a dip into the harbor water, jump into their sauna (50 Kroner), and make some friends. I hope to find myself here many more times, even as the days become dark and damp. (This place is in its full glory during the summertime).
The surrounding area of Refshalevej is worth checking out on its own, I’ll be back to revisit the place in a post sometime later on.
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Everyone gathered around for some Snobrød, a Danish tradition of baking bread on a stick. This was available to everyone that stopped by, you just had to find your own stick... this beats roasting marshmallows.
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Cabbage, roasted buckwheat, cured egg, fresh creme, chives, and a couple other things. I started eating it before I remembered that I should take a photo of it.
There is never a set menu, they decide what to serve based on what's available and what's on their mind.
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Sunset on Vejilesø near my train stop at Holte.
I’ll be posting about Core Course week next!
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bigjoesound · 6 years
Austria: The Sound of Music tour of Salzburg
This summertime season Kiwi Jr and I fulfilled a fantasy. We’re both Sound of music lovers — me from childhood and, well, she’s a kid — so go through the greatest Sound of Music trip and we decided to indulge our internal von Trapp.
I have been around Salzburg a few times before and enjoyed the various joys of the delightful, cultural Austrian city such as Christmas markets and foodie delights. However, this time it had been about this legendary film. To my surprise Mr Wandering Kiwi needed to join. He is a latecomer to the joys of this Sound of Music but announced himself a part of a fan to want to tour Salzburg… singing.
1 thing until you embark on the ultimate Sound of Music experience from Salzburg, you want to realise is that Austrians are not actually that into the Sound of Music. In reality you may notice that local folks have a tendency to roll their eyes when you grumble about the bus excursions blocking visitors and say the movie.
But in more recent decades Salzburgers have more on board using the happening and at 2016 there have been even a few occasions to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Sound of Music.
Because there were two German movies ahead of the Rogers and Hammerstein established their Broadway series and Hollywood movie made a few years funnily enough Germans know.
It is definitely a fact that individuals from all over the world come here to experience a little of the von Trapp story’s magic.
A self-guided Audio of Music walking excursion
I’ve outlined my favorite walking tour of Salzburg before but here I will focus on the famous sites used as locations from the movie. The ideal place to begin is the Mirabell Gardens and I suggest getting in the day, prior to the tourist numbers build up. This where Maria and the children jumped up the steps involving the Unicorn figurines and tramped across the Pegasus fountain singing “Doh-a-deer etc”.
Take a quick side step into the Zwerglgarten that is oddly distinctive or ‘Dwarf Garden’, that was made in 1715 by one of the influential Prince Archbishops of Salzburg. The sculptures were modelled after dwarves who worked as entertainers from the courtroom. Can you discover the dwarf statue which the children patted during the Doh-re-mi tune?
Next walk reunite through the gardens to Schwarzstrasse and walk along (or catch a bus) to the Mozart Bridge, a pedestrian bridge across the Salzach River. Remember from the movie since they skip off to their picnic, where the children cross the bridge?
It is just a few measures to the Hohenzalzburg Fortress after which a few minutes to the cable car up to Mozartplatz as soon as you have crossed. From the fortress take the path along the Mönchsberg. This ridgeline runs high over the city, with regular views across the beautiful old town, which is obviously a Unesco World Heritage Website.   Adhere to the trails through forests to the Museum of Modern Art. The terrace of this restaurant here has a great vantage point to get a coffee stop. Maria and the children spent some time.
In case you have enough time catch the elevator in the museum to the town level to see the ancient Horse Pond in Herbert von Karajan Square, in which paraded horses by the prince-archbishops’ stables was washed off and groomed. The children and Maria paraded with this fountain.
Nearby is Summer Riding School or even the Felsenreitschule, that will be built into the. This is the point where the von Trapp family performed in the Salzburg Festival before visiting the Nazis. The Felsenreitschule was made from the early 17th century in the area where rock was quarried to build the cathedral. It’s been one of the most important concert venues of Salzburg since 1926. Its stage as well as arcades hewn out of the rock. Able to adapt an audience of as many as 1,437 individuals, it is but one of the most important concert venues of Salzburg. You need to arrange a excursion unless you attend a performance of course, to see the 96 arcades of the theater.
Now return the way you have come back over the Mönchsberg beyond and the elevator the Hohensalzburg up   taking the path signposted to Nonnburg.   The Nonnberg is a monastery that functioned since the abbey of Maria from the movie. Here over green forests, the city and areas the prognosis is under the shadow of this castle, and outside of the Untersberg town mountain. It is possible to start looking into precisely the gates when they asked after Maria the von Trapp children did.
Carry on down Nonnberggasse, beyond the charming villas and drop down to the parkland below. In the crossroads of the park is really a lonely cabin — after the castle executioner’s home. Don’t forget to look behind you … in the view of this glorious Hohensalzburg Fortress.
On the side of this park stick to a trail having a small cycle and cross the street. A Salzburg Prince-Archbishop constructed from the late 1730s this rococo palace. Today it is probably more famous as the von Trapp family house from the film… but you can not go inside unless you are something related to the American educational institution that conducts it. A wander across the shores of this lake is an idyllic way and from the side of the lake you get a fantastic view of the terrace where many key scenes are all set.
Climb every hill around the Untersberg
You can add this on to a Sound of Music wander or even do the trip. The Untersberg cable auto ferries you up to 2,000 metres — frequently into the clouds — around Salzburg town mountain. The views from the top are all dramatic, taking in the beautiful city and its surrounding meadows, craggy hills and limpid lakes that are blue.
From the movie Maria clarifies the Untersberg because her house mountain and the last scenes of the von Trapp family were filmed here. The introduction “Hills are Alive” scenes have been filmed around the meadows across the German side of this mountain.
Of course, by crossing off the Untersberg, you are got into Germany instead of Switzerland and the household captured the train in the USA to finally and Italy safety. So I’m not complaining, nonetheless, it’s a fantastic finale.
We spent a few hours up on high, walking and enjoying the views. By remaining on the trails take care of the sensitve ecosystem of this Untersberg. You could hike up but it is a steep climb make sure the weather conditions are so good and wear good hiking boots.
In which the Untersberg cable automobile is located, it is not hard to get to Grodig’s village. Only catch the No. 25 bus in the rail station or because it passes through the city.
Hellbrunn Palace so that you could stop there on the way back to see the Trick Fountains and enjoy the beautiful parkland is also passed by the bus. As well as the summer house from the movie, near Hellbrunn you might see the house that was used for its facade shots of the von Trapp mansion in combination with this Leopoldskron terrace. It is just over the path.
Have a Sound of Music bus excursion
There are a number of distinct types of Audio of Music mentor tour in Salzburg. There’s one with Grey Lines the first Panorama excursion, and also a trip. In certain ways it is more gratifying to do your own tour of Music websites of Sound, with time get up close to the sights and to take photographs. On the bus it is often just a encounter.
However, I wanted a little ‘cheese’. I wanted laughter and singing and information. The very best way is on a tour. You need to note there’s a line of small print (in German) about the Panorama ad that says there’ll be singing this excursion. Just so that you know what to anticipate.
I recommend getting there early to be sure you get a good seat. We were happy to be sitting in the front in which the power and sense of pleasure rode high! Our guide’s name was Anna but she also answers to “Maria” or even “Julie”.
The first half of this tour was full of details regarding the filming, the performers and the first story and stopped passed sights. There are some wonderful footage of the shoot as well as screens on the bus on which we saw clips from the movie. Particularly the scene, however I will not be a spoiler.
The tour heads out to Hellbrunn Palace to see the summer house that set the scene to Liesl and Rolf’s “Sixteen Going on Seventeen” number and the “Something Good” duet between Maria and Georg von Trapp. It was from the grounds of Leopoldskron however was moved out here a few years ago.   If you want to tour the palace and reasons of Hellbrunn correctly (highly recommended) you will have to see individually.
One of performing the coach tour of the big advantages is that it is a simple method to see the beautiful landscape of mountains and lakes especially if you have limited time. The excursion travels out through the countryside beyond the gorgeous lakes Fuschl and Mondsee.
From the lakeside town of Mondsee a half-hour halt is to enjoy the surroundings and have a look within the fabulous church of St Michael’s, in which the wedding scene has been filmed. There are a few equally pubs and bakeries.
Items brightened up considerably from the next half although I started to feel the excursion was a small bit staid. That’s when the singing started, which really made it to get Wandering Kiwi Jr and I. Anna turned out to be an exceptional singer and we increased the roof using renditions of our favorite things/songs.
Just how do Mr Wandering Kiwi feel in the excursion? He wasn’t the sole husband/father joining the tour with varying levels of enthusiasm. He was a bit taken aback to hear the tour is four hours long… But since Anna pointed out, it’s just four hours of your whole life and a happy wife equals a happy lifestyle… Regrettably, he felt it spoilt his hot feelings about the movie to find out all of the background details. The fantasy a little shattered. Aaawwww!
Watch the Sound of Music in the Salzburg Marionette Theatre
To cap off your Sound of Music expertise in Salzburg, make sure to see a series at the early Salzburg Marionette Theatre, that has been inscribed around the Unesco world heritage record. This theater on Schwarzstrasse includes a selection of productions that bring to mind the ‘Lonely Goatherd’ Occasions drama and we were fortunate enough to watch their fabulous creation of the Sound of Music.
Until just five years ago the Salzburg Marionette Theatre had been guided by the Aicher loved ones, who put in 1913 in their first series. That’s 100 decades of tradition and the present directors and expression are enthusiastic about carrying their vision of what is truly a unique speech.
The performance is in English but there are subtitles on a display in a number of distinct languages. From the lobby are if you get a chance have a look in which the theater regularly sends and exhibits of scenes and puppets in performances puppets for screen. These works of art are made in workshops here from the theater.
I loved it in the conclusion of the series the curtains fall back to reveal the puppeteers over the point, looking strangely enormous and quite exhausted in their efforts (although smiling). It is incredible to think of perspiration and all of the skill that enter this top quality marionette theater.
The Salzburg Marrionette Theatre provides a superb mix of child-like fairytale with a suitable (grown-up) theater experience and I hope that mix proceeds to discuss its wisdom for countless years to come. I recommend getting a little dressed up and making a night of this.
Buy a Salzburg Card
City discount cards are not always worthwhile but since everything in Salzburg is rather near and easy to get to, you do end up with the Salzburg Card a good deal. It’s simple to purchase online or pick up in the tourist info office in Mozartplatz.
Even the Wandering Kiwi family employed it to get its Untersberg cable car (as well as the bus to the base channel), ” The Hohensalzberg Fortress (and the funicular up the mountain), Hellbrunn Palace (and the bus and back), the Mozart House, the Modern Art Museum,as well as some other random bus rides which saved tired little legs during our time in Salzburg. The card also got us a 10% discount on the Panorama Sound of Music tour (this is not official but inquire) and portion of this bus fare to Lake Fuschl.
A quick calculation shows that we’d have spent a minimum of 100 Euros per adult on the aforementioned, whereas the 72-hour Salzburg card price 42 Euros. That’s a no-brainer.
We were too busy singing although we might probably have fitted into a draws that were included!
Now go and see the movie again and again be moved to see beautiful Salzburg!
From Natasha von Geldern
To find out more on visiting its beautiful surrounds and Salzburg read my articles:
Best places to drink and eat in Salzburg
A Walking Tour of Salzburg
A Beautiful Day Trip out of Salzburg
A Ski Holiday in Zell am See
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From Natasha von Geldern on October 17, 2017.
from big joe sound http://bigjoesound.com/austria-the-sound-of-music-tour-of-salzburg/
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