#he'd make all her meals for her and pack her lunchbox
dylanconrique · 1 year
where’s my bradford siblings episode?????
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atinysunbaby · 2 years
Inception 》 Park Seonghwa
Part 2
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Ateez fever series - Inception Pt. 1
Pairing : Seonghwa x Fem reader
Genre : Bad boy!au, angst
Warning : Cursing, violence, drug mention
Words count : 4.5k
You wake up at the sound of a loud shatter, something that fell close to you. Your body tenses, sitting up on the couch immediately, eyes darting around the room in search of the culprit of your awakening.
"Ugh, bad kitty!" Light fury usually is a well behaved cat, but she suddenly decided to make a mess. The cute vase with a baby plant your mother gave you shortly after moving out, now broken into pieces, scattered all over the floor.
You watch with disbelief as the little demon walks away with no regrets, tail flipping behind her, unbothered. "Tsk! You should run away while you still can missy!"
You get the broom and dustpan out of the closet, cleaning up all the dirt and glass and throwing it in the trash. "It's too early for this shit."
At least it is for you, 4 pm to be more exact. You slept well, but it could've been even better if you weren't disturbed by the troublemaker.
Wait! The troublemaker? You speed walk to the room a few feet away, stopping right in front of the door. You hesitate between knocking or just going inside in case he's sleeping, he needs all the rest he can get.
After a few minutes debating with yourself, you choose to knock, not wanting to invade his privacy. He might be in your home, in your bed, but he still has the right to be respected.
Knock! Knock! The sound of your fist gently hitting the wood resonates through the whole apartment. It's quiet, like always. You're used to be by yourself, with Seonghwa it was the first time in a while that someone came in. It isn't often that you have visiters. Being busy isn't always pleasant, you actually miss the times when you were free to do everything you wanted.
Growing up, this is the life you wished for and now that you have it, it's harder than you would've thought. Between classes and work, sleeping and doing chores everyday, there's no free time for you. Barely able to place in some time for one of your hobbies in your schedule.
Knock! Knock! You hit harder, knowing that he's a heavy sleeper from what you saw last night. He was almost impossible to wake up, but now it should be easier, after many hours of rest.
When there's still no answer after the third attempt, you forget all about your previous thoughts on privacy. He could be too weak to get out of bed or even speak, you can't take the chance of leaving this door closed for too long. Who knows what might happen?
So without a second thought, you turn the nob and push the door open slowly. It's empty. You look around the room, hoping to find a sign, an explanation, your body frozen in place. He left, without even leaving a note, nothing. You're bed is made, everything is spotless as if he was never here. At least he had some decency, cleaned up after himself.
It's something you should've expected though, he did say he'd leave after you patched him up, but the conversation you had was enough to make you believe he'd stay after all. Really, how naive can you be?
Whatever, I'll just get ready for work then. You choose your outfit, laying it on your bed neatly before going to take a shower. You get dressed and do your makeup and hair after after coming out of the bathroom, taking your time since you only start working in two hours.
Once all done, you can peacefully prepare your meal for later, putting it in a cute lunchbox and then in your bag with an ice pack so it stays fresh. You made a ham sandwich with cheese and lettuce, cutting some vegetables and fruits and adding it to the side so you can eat them if you get hungry.
You gently drop your bag next to the door before sitting on the couch and watching an episode of your favorite serie. You won't make the same mistake twice, you once forgot it in your living room and went to work, only to realise you didn't have any money or food so you had to wait till you got home. It was a really bad day and you learned from it.
You look down when you feel the small pressure against your leg, finding the cat rubing her head and side on you, clearly asking to be petted. You smile at her and give her what she desperetly wants. You stand up, grabbing the treats on the small shelf on your left and throwing yourself back on the sofa, startling light fury in the process. She watches you with curious round eyes, staying unmoving with her tail whipping behind and you whisle to make her come closer. She eagerly accepts the snack, purring in content.
"I have to go now kitty, be a good girl." You scratch her ears and leave a kiss at the top of her head, but not without struggling from her trying to escape.
The way to work made it possible for you to think about this morning's events. You're more occupied trying to find a way out of getting a lecture from your boss who somehow found out about the store being closed for a while the night before. He sent you a text after you exited your appartment, saying that you're in trouble.
Kira insisted that she didn't utter a word about it, which you believe is true, she's very trustworthy. Anyways, even if she would've told him, you wouldn't be mad, she doesn't owe you anything, it's better if she doesn't get involved anymore than she already is and end up being in trouble too.
"Call someone to take over your shift if you don't feel well this time got it? I won't be so nice if this happens again, I lose money and I could fire you for that." You did receive an earful, apparently a customer called while Mr.Lee was at the store and requested to speak to the owner. They said that when they arrived it was closed and they knocked for a while, finally getting answered only to have really bad service. By hearing that you immediately remember the three men you let in, they were probably annoyed that you didn't help them find Seonghwa and put you in this situation. Fucking morons.
You managed to convince your boss that you were very sick and barely could stand at some point, explaining further about how you went to get some medicine after work and slept for the whole day to get back on your feet.
He needed a very detailed story before finally believing you, luckily you're good at acting and improvising. If you didn't come up with something, you'd probably be unemployed right about now.
"Hey! What are you doing here?" For a few minutes after Mr.Lee left, you thought it would be one of those peaceful nights, but the sight of Kira standing at the entrance while looking at you with guilt makes you doubt that. You're curious to know the reason of her unexpected appearance. "Donghae asked me to keep an eye on you..."
You sigh, lowering your head in embarrassment. He thinks I need a chaperone now, great! Kira watches you, doing her on thing while you work. She keeps glancing your way and it distracts you everytime, it's the first time someone observes your every moves and at this point it feels exaggerated. I wonder how much she'll get for this, cuz she sure ain't doing it for free.
You believed that knowing the reason behind the whole story, she'd cut you some slack or at least would've pretended she did watch you, but she's actually really serious about it.
About halfway through, your stomach growls and you throw a questioning look at the girl sitting at the table at the corner of the room, she signals with her head to go at the back. "Go ahead beauty, I'll take over while you fill your stomach!"
"Thanks ki I was really starving here! I won't take long." There hasn't been a lot of people coming in today as well, so you don't take breaks during those kind of days since it basically is mostly what you do.
Immediately after entering the room, you put some music on and take out your lunchbox. It takes a quarter-hour to devour your meal and another five minutes to clean up after yourself and brush your teeth before making your way up front again.
"Just leave and don't come back!" Your foot freezes mid-air, the anger and aggressively in your friend's voice something you've never heard before, you frown listening to the silence following the outburst. You're never one to eavesdrop, but it's more of a precaution in case the other person would become violent. You never know. The last thing you hear before coming out, is the sound of the bell jingling loudly from someone pushing the door open roughly.
"Hey.. Everything alright?" You ask, cautiously close the door behind you and looking as a silhouette disappears in the dark of the night. "Y-yeah m' fine. Just some asshole who was being rude and couldn't understand that I can't get him vodka because this ain't a damn bar!"
She forces a smile, you can easily notice that she seems uncomfortable and don't push further. Changing the subject and bringing up the deal you made with her this morning. "So! Miss Fujita, you up to eat a fat and juicy burger after work?"
The words bring a genuine shiny smile on her face and you chuckle at the reaction. "I'd love too! I've been craving this shit for so long, you're my savior Y/N!"
After laughing and talking for a couple minutes, a women comes inside with her two kids and they. are. loud. The smaller one has a tantrum for over five minutes, screaming at his mom to by him chocolate and the other joins soon after. I swear I can feel a headache coming. Children are literal demons and those little brats deserve to be scolded, but the women only sighs and give in, buying her boys tons of snacks.
When they finally leave, you and Kira exchange a knowing look, laughing quietly at how ridiculous they were behaving, but also being annoyed that your peaceful moment was interrupted by such an abrupt and unecessary event.
Not a second later, you hear the girl yawning and curiously look at her, right away you can see how tired she is. Her eyes are droopy, she's staring blankly at the wall and her posture is obviously uncomfortable. It's only then that you remember that she worked earlier today and she probably didn't get to rest much.
"You can take a break too you know? You can even take a nap if you want, don't worry about me. I promise I won't let a sexy intoxicated stranger in this time~" You laugh at your own joke and proceed to stand behind the counter, the article laying in front of your eyes seaking your attention and without a doubt fulfilling it's task, but you miss the way the black haired girl's face becomes dark in an instant.
She leaves without a word and met with silence once more, you barely notice her absence. She's quiet most of the time, but really loud when she opens her mouth.
A few clients come in for the next thirty minutes and it puts you in a better mood after having the displeasure to endure the demon duo. People are mostly friendly and giving off positive vibes while some are more laid back and prefer to utter as less words as possible. Either way it feels refreshing to have small conversations with strangers, it's better than being alone 24/7.
Another hour passes and Kira still hasn't come out yet, you figured she fell asleep and didn't wanna risk waking her up by checking up on her. The night's been pretty active compared to the first few hours and it kept you concentrated, or more like distracted from letting your mind wander to Seonghwa. Shit! Here it goes again..
"Excuse me?" You jump away from the counter, blinking away your shock and answering the boy with a composed expression, that's what you think at least. "Yes! Can I help you with anything?"
"Just if you could tell me if you saw this guy? An acquaintance of mine said they've seen him around here yesterday." He shows a picture on his phone and for a second you hold your breath, it's the fourth person now that's searching for him. You naturally act dumb and proceed to lie, saying that you're unsure. "A lot of people come here, I don't remember every faces, but it's possible he was here at some point though."
"Look I'm worried sick about him, he's been gone for three days and I have no idea if he's safe or not. Can I please give you my number and if you do see him, call me?" The desperation in his gaze and his voice is what makes you crack, but you're cautious with your words still, until it's clear that he has no bad intentions. "Is he your friend?"
He stays stunned by your tone, the curiosity in your voice obvious to anyone. You ignore his confused stare and give him your phone so he can give you his number while waiting for him to answer your question. "Umm... Yeah. We live together actually."
You nod your head, pretending to be nonchalant after receiving the information. He finishes entering his number and name in your contacts and place your phone down, painfully slowly making it slide closer to you. His sudden change in behavior has your heart beat faster and the intense glare he's giving you makes you nervous, and you know he knows that.
"If there's anything you need to tell me, now's the time." You gulp, starting to feel way too small and defenseless with the tall and intimidating man standing just a few centimeters away. Unknown to you, the feeling creeping up from the inside makes it impossible for you to speak. "I-I don't-"
Tears threaten to spill from your eyes without being able to control them and it alarms the boy instantly. He slowly reaches for you hand and his fingers engulf yours. You fortunately didn't flinch away from his touch and he hurries to reassure you that there's nothing to be scared of. "I know I might look scary, but I would never hurt anyone that don't deserve it."
When the panic dies down, embarrassment takes over. He lets go of your hand when he knows you're calm and you use your sweater paws to dry your tears, gently tapping the moist areas. Looking away from him and hoping for him to change the subject doesn't work, instead he asks again, but this time with a softer look and tone. "Just the slightest thing would help, he could be in danger, please."
"He came last night, wasn't sober and he had a lot of bruises. He passed out and didn't have his phone so I had no other choice but to bring him to my apartment and patch him up. When I woke up he was gone... and some men were looking for him." The whole time you were talking he gave you his full attention, looking a bit disappointed by his friend but also relieved that he had some more information about his wellbeing. "He didn't say anything about going home or something else?"
"No, nothing sorry.." He sighs in what you believe is annoyance and discontent, but mostly worry. He probably had a lot of trouble dealing with this shit. "I sincerely wish I could help more, but I have no idea where he could be. I barely know the guy anyway so I'm pretty useless to find him."
"Come on, you should give yourself more credit, you're actually the only person who gave me real and important info." He giggles and his aura changes completely, it gets you to smile too. He has the cutest gummy smile and his eyes almost disappear, it's as if the scary man from earlier transformed into an adorable, but big puppy.
"Yo Mingi! What the hell are you doing?" A loud voice resonates through the window followed by a loud knocking sound against the glass. Mingi, the name of the boy you just met, turns his head to the other guy and flips him off. "Fuck off Wooyoung!"
You watch the exchange with amusement, laughing when the one outside acts offended and lifts his hand in fake surrender, nodding his head as if he was just betrayed. It becomes even more entertaining when another person comes out from behind the wall and shows himself, screaming. "Ok! Ok!"
"What the fuck's going on here?" Kira's tired voice makes you and Mingi jump in surprise, him more than you because he had no idea anyone else was here, but you had completely forgotten about her so you were almost just as freaked out for a split second.
"Who's this?" The boy asks, nose scrunched up with a crease between his brows and Kira scoffs. She points at him and the others outside watching curiously through the transparent wall, their face glued to the surface. "Me? Who are you and the two idiots who are putting germs all over the freaking window!"
"Kira this is Mingi, he's Seonghwa's friend and I guess they are too. They're searching for him." You say, your eyes silently asking the tall man if Wooyoung and the stranger are also Seonghwa's friends. He nods, but for some reason has a shocked look on his face which you ignore, just like you ignored the way the grumpy girl rudely spoke to a customer. "Who's Seonghwa?"
"It's-" oh right I didn't tell her, maybe that's why Mingi's looking at me with eyes full of expectation. "The guy from yesterday remember? That's Seonghwa."
"What? Y/N I warned you to be careful with him, he's probably dangerous!" Mingi glares at her and is about to tell her off, but you beat him to it and the two boys who were patiently waiting outside enter the store when they notice it's getting heated, staying behind to not cause more trouble. "He isn't danger-"
"He came here and he pretended he wasn't looking for you and when I asked him he denied it. He was acting really suspiciously. What kind of normal person would do that?" She doesn't seem to care that three of his friends are listening to every single word coming out of her mouth, but you do and just hearing say that, you feel irritated. "Guurl! Someone hurt you?"
The one you don't know the name of, says full of sarcasm and Wooyoung shoves his elbow in his stomach, making him shut up. "Shut the hell up fuck face, I'm not talking to you!"
"The fuck's your problem Kira?" You raise your voice after seeing the guy's reaction, he looked like someone hit him across the face, holding onto his friend's hand tightly. You furiously grab her arm and drag her not so gently to the back, signaling for the three to leave. "Go find him, I'll text you if anything come's up!"
"Let's go! San you good bro?" You wait for them to be out before speaking again, your eyes piercing through hers in the meantime. When you're both alone, you shake your head and scoff in disbelief. "Donghae asked you to look after me, but you're the one acting like some crazy bitch! Do you speak like that to every person entering the fucking store?"
"Don't change the sub-" She attemps to speak, but you don't let her. Your blood is boiling right now and your afraid that if she says something she shouldn't, you'll end up punching her in the face. "Shut the fuck up! After what you just did, you don't get to say shit except answer my questions!"
She nods and is genuinely scared of you, you've always been really sweet and she had no idea you had that side of you. "What did he say, Seonghwa?"
"He saw your work schedule in your room and knew you were working today." You narrowed your eyes, knowing there's more but she's trying to keep the information from you. "And? What else! What did you say to him? I heard you tell him to leave and not come back."
"I told him you weren't here and that he shouldn't try to find you, because you don't wanna see him. Because he's dangerous and you don't wanna get involve with a disgusting and pathetic stalker junky!" Your eyes widen and for a second you have to resist the urge to beat her ass. You hurry back to the front and grab your things in a hurry and she follows behind you with a nervous stance. "What are you doing?"
"Getting the fuck outta here before I do something I'll regret." You harshly bump your shoulder in hers on your way around the counter, she squeaks from the shove and has to hold onto a shelf not to fall. "Tell Mr. Lee I quit and to go fuck himself!"
Seeing her frozen in her spot makes you feel a bit bad, but she definitely didn't act like the nice girl you though you knew just a moment ago, she was like a whole different person, someone you don't want in your life. You've had enough of taking everyone's bullshit, they can keep bringing themselves down, but they won't take you with them.
Once the cold breeze brushes over you skin, you inhale deeply and try to resist the urge to laugh at what you just did. The expression on her face was priceless. I wonder how Mr.Lee's gonna react. It has been a while since you wanted to quit, the job was chill but you were kinda getting sick and tired of it. Also, your boss was quite a bit of an asshole, the only person you'll miss is Mark, your other coworker and friend. I did good by asking for his number, we'll stay in contact and maybe hangout once in a while.
You're glad you left your car back home, walking through the perfectly lit streets and breathing in fresh air seems like the best thing to do right now. Getting your phone out of your pocket, you slide down your contacts until Mingi's name appear, hesitating to call him.
"Stop you piece of shi- Ugh!" Screams come from the alley up front and then it sounds like the person's getting beaten up, there might be three or more people and you definitely think it's a boy who's struggling against them and his voice sounds familiar. Too familiar.
You don't know what you're thinking of at the moment, but it seems like you aren't as smart as you thought you were, because your body is slowly getting closer to that alley and you're heart is starting to beat faster. The groans are getting louder and clearer and it doesn't even take a second for your brain to react when you hear the voice again. "F-fuck you! I don't have your money!"
"Ohh what do we have here~" Two heads turn following the words of the man who's gaze is fixed on you, he's the only one standing up while his friend is crouching next to a bloody and barely conscious Seonghwa. You knew it had to be him, but even if you want to help him, you're powerless here.
As soon as his eyes fall on you, he feels his heart stop. His eyes are filled with fear and he tries to get up and push the guy away but it only ends up with him getting held down with a knife to his throat. Seeing that, every movements coming from the both of you, stop completely. Your feet that were slowly moving closer to the three men don't dare make another step and Seonghwa is almost as still as a statue, only if it wasnt's for his trembling body.
All the emotions felt at once, it's something he never experienced and he hates it. He's scared for the first time, but not for his life. He wants to fight back and hurt those men just for looking your way, he's terrified of what they could do to you and it only gets worse seeing the silouhette towering over you from behind.
You flinch at the feeling of someone roughly squeezing your shoulder, whimpering in pain the more pressure they put and crying out in pain when their other hand yanks your head back by your hair. Tears spill from your eyes and you try to keep yourself from making too much noises, afraid that it'll be worst. "Let go of her you fucking asshole or I'll kill you!"
Seonghwa attempts to escape the grip of the much stronger man for the second time and fails again, but this time he gets a cut on one of his cheeks, blood oozing out from the wound. "This might scar sweetheart~ So if you want us to let you go and princess over there, I suggest you give us the damn cash!"
"I.. I don't have it on me right no-" Another blow to his face and it's what it takes for you to let out a loud sob. From hearing it, the three dealers laugh and proceed to make some joke while you're trying to keep yourself together. You're being held so that you can't look away from the heartbreaking scene, so you close your eyes tightly and pray for everything to be over, but you can still hear him struggling and it's unbearable.
With this whole thing happening and being so overwhelmed, you weren't able to think straight, but now that they're occupied and Seonghwa seems to have regained a bit of energy, you try to think of a solution. "How much do you need."
Your voice is a bit raspy and shaky from all the crying, but you clear your throat and straighten your posture, impatiently waiting for their answer. The one who might be the leader laughs uncontrollably, slapping his thigh repetitively before becoming serious again and looking at you dead in the eyes. "2k and I'm being generous."
"2k- What the hell I only owe eight hundred!" Seonghwa weakly argues, but it doesn't make the leader falter one bit. He scoffs and squats in front of the younger boy, grabbing his cheeks harshly to lift his head up, having no pity for him. "That's what I decided, after all the delay of your payments and having to search for you all over the city, you owe me two thousand fucking grands! And you better be a good boy or else the price'll go up~"
"You don-" You know Seonghwa's about to get himself in more trouble so you say the first thing that comes to your mind. It'll hurt, but I'll get over it, his life his more important anyways. "I'll pay!"
Taglist : @sansw0rld @clem-jay @justineasian
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fayeimara · 3 years
Miya Osamu || Little Delights | First Meeting
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SUMMARY. Osamu can't help but be intrigued when his daughter starts bringing home delicious desserts prepared by her best friend's mother.
PAIRING. You x Miya Osamu
GENRE. Fluff <3
WARNINGS. Suggestive content
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Haikyuu! Anthology Series | It's Fate When Your Kids Are Friends
OSAMU | First Meeting > Second Date > Third Time's The Charm > Four Is Our Family
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Osamu's made it just in time, right as the bell tolls to signal the end of his daughter's second day in her new school year. Standing back as a swarm of kids rush out of the brick building and into the arms of their waiting parents, he takes a moment to breathe and relax. Juggling his burgeoning restaurant with being a single parent isn't an easy job, but he wouldn't trade it for anything.
He stands taller than many of the other adults around him and it's evident his little girl has no problem seeking him out as a black, red, and grey blur races towards him, a thrilled, "Papa!" reaching his ears and splitting his mouth into a wide, happy grin.
His arms are already open in a silent but enthusiastic response as he crouches down and then the bite-sized impact of his daughter is rocking him back on his heels, his reaction overly exaggerated as he pretends to almost fall over from the small force of nature that's all Miya Izumi.
Standing back up, Samu catches sight of another little girl who was trailing behind, wide eyes studying him before shifting to Zumi, his daughter turning back around to wave at her, proclaiming the girl as her 'bestest friend in the whole wide world'. The girl returns Zumi's enthusiastic wave with a quick raise of her small hand before her attention is caught by a pretty young woman, her own wide smile replacing her previously hesitant expression as she's warmly enveloped into welcoming arms with kisses peppered on her cheeks and forehead.
Her delighted giggles reach Osamu and his daughter as they turn around, hand in hand, to walk back to his car, small interaction soon forgotten as his little munchkin lists off the snacks she's looking forward to having on their return to his shop. She won't be able to finish half that list, he bets to himself with a quiet chuckle at his daughter's inherited exuberance for food as he securely buckles her into car.
It's not until they reach his second pride and joy, Onigiri Miya, that he finds the first little surprise tucked away in Izumi's not so empty lunchbox. When he inquires about the remarkably delicious looking set of biscuits he certainly didn't pack for her that morning, his daughter's response is that it's a thank you gift from her bestest friend, Reina, for the lunch she'd shared with the girl on her first day.
Well, a six year old certainly didn't bake these from the looks of it. It's only confirmed by his first taste, the texture and flavour beyond even most consistent home bakers, let alone a young child. Right? But a more pressing thought flags his attention, first.
"Did your friend not have her own lunch?"
"She did! We split because hers wasn't so good, even though her mama put so much love into it. But the treats were so much better so we decided to go halfsies and have best of both!" His daughter giggles with the oblivious sweet innocence of a child.
"And what about today?"
"Mhm. Same. But I liked the chocolate brownies yesterday much much better!"
Samu chuckles at her excitement and can't help but tease his precocious daughter, "Oh, and was it better than papa's food?"
Zumi's eyes widen as she contemplates the question with all the adorable seriousness she can muster, but loyalty must break free and run because her reply is, "Almost! So close, but I love papa's cooking more than anything in the whole wide world."
It seems the whole wide world is the current standard of measurement for first graders, but he appreciates the heartfelt sentiment behind her loving words.
After another moment of consideration, Osamu settles on the thought chewing at him and decides that tomorrow his daughter won't be giving up a portion of his food which she loves so much. No, she'll have double the amount to do with whatever she may please.
So briefly, that he doesn't even ponder on the sudden image, he's reminded of the warm reunion he witnessed between the little girl and the woman who he'd assumed was her nanny, but concludes is probably the girl's young mother. Based on the number of treats Zumi brought back, Samu's certain the woman had to have thoughtfully made extras of these baked goods for her daughter to have more than enough to share with friends and then some.
Well, it's definitely no skin off his back to make his daughter even the slightest bit happier by being able to help her share her savoury little delights with her new bestest friend.
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It's on the third day of your daughter's return from her new school year that you're able to confirm that something is indeed amiss. The previous two days, the small portions of her lunch left uneaten were questionable, given her voracious appetite, however, when she returns with the lunch you made for her today still sitting wholly untouched in her cute little lunchbox, you finally sit her down to ask about it.
Her response is far from what you expected, "My friend's papa made extra lunch so we could both have something yummy to eat!"
You press your lips together to hide your amusement as you teasingly inquire, "Oh? Is that so? And I guess that means mama's food isn't so yummy after all."
Her eyes widen in dismay and mouth opens in an immediate denial that you know would be a lie to soothe your feelings. Even at such a young age, your beautiful baby girl is truly a kind and compassionate soul, she would dutifully eat anything you prepared no matter how lacking the meal might be and never utter a word to tell you the obvious truth.
Before she can manage to find the right words to faithfully express how much she loves your cooking, you lean in to kiss her on the forehead and pull back with a laugh, gathering her in your arms for a warm hug. "Oh baby, I'm so sorry I can't make you the food you deserve. But please don't ever feel the need to say otherwise to spare my feeling, okay? You should always be honest about what you like or don't like."
Her little arms find their way around you as she snuggles in, voice soft and words like a wise, old soul when she denies, "But your food is made with so much love mama. Zumi says some people are just better at other things. We both think you make the best yummies."
"The best yummies, hm?" You think about the various baked goods you add in to balance out for the healthy but tasteless lunches you're able to prepare.
They are indeed good, but baking has always been something that comes more naturally to you than cooking. An interesting distinction not many people might accept, but for you the former has always been an effortless science whereas the latter is more of a difficult art.
"Well I'm really glad you like those, but we do need to figure out what to do so you're not picking at your friends' food or going hungry."
She pulls back to send a serious look your way, exclaiming, "But I'm not picking at it, I promise. Zumi said her papa made extra just for me!"
You take a moment to consider her words. She made a similar implication in her earlier statement, that her friend's dad had made extra for them both. What does that mean? Did his daughter ask him to because she was sharing her food with Reina? Or did he somehow grasp the situation and is simply being generous?
A warm burn threatens your cheeks as you consider the awkwardness of accepting such a gesture from a complete stranger. While you appreciate the kindness of Reina's friend and her dad, it still somehow feels like a terrible imposition, as if you've burdened them somehow with your lack of skills to keep your child happily fed.
It's not like you can't cook good, healthy food. You're just painfully aware how bland the food you make can be, unless you spend three times the amount of time as anyone else would need to in order to prepare similar meals. But... studying the smile that's on your daughter's face, you can't help the twinge in your heart that reminds you how much more her happiness is worth than your pride.
You won't assume this will be a daily occurrence and you'll continue to make your daughters lunches so she never goes without, however, it'll be no extra trouble for you to make double the batch of baked goods than usual. After all, you usually account for the fact that she'll be sharing with friends and classmates anyways.
However, you're now determined there will be enough delicious snacks for Reina to share not only around at school, but also some treats for her sweet friend Izumi to take home for her generous parents. Perhaps, you think, it might be prudent to include a short message, thanking the man for his thoughtful effort.
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Silent gratitude isn't very much to anyone ~ (So I hope you and your family will accept these.) Thank you for your kindness, Miya-san.
Osamu blinks, unaware of the small smile that curves his lips as he reads the delicate, handwritten note carefully wrapped around one of the cupcakes Izumi brought back home today. There are only three of the original twelve left, apparently, but the one he's just bitten into is as incredible as expected.
If he's correct in his assumption from the note addressed directly to him and included with today's delightful treats, then the little girl's mother has picked up on his small action and is returning the gesture to convey her thanks. The thought is confirmed by his daughter explaining that one of each of the three cupcakes is for their family.
Three for their family? Hm. Well, it's just him and Zumi, but he's sure his brother will be all over the remaining offering when he visits tonight. If there's any left for him that is. Probably won't be, it's really just that good and anyways, he doesn't need Atsumu nosing his way into this simple exchange as it is.
The following day, Friday morning, Samu pens back his own note, assuring the woman that no thanks is necessary. There's no reason for her to express her gratitude over what's really such a simple action for him.
That evening, he and Zumi enjoy some quality mochi delivered in a white, rectangular box with a pretty decently hand-drawn background scene at a spring festival on the cover. Two little girls, one that looks remarkably like his daughter and the other like her best friend, hold hands in the centre of the street dressed in traditional yukata and sharing a box of what he assumes is mochi.
As they much into the chewy treats, he watches and listens as his daughter points out the bright colours she and her friend chose to fill into what was apparently initially a blank canvas for them to colour on. Her delight at having a pink and grey yukata, even if only in a drawing, prompting him to make a mental note about looking into the clothing and any upcoming festivals.
Osamu makes a point of saving the box, childlike scribbles over the simple sketch leaving a warm feeling in his chest and a slightly wider smile gracing his mouth.
The response he receives the Monday evening (from his penned message the Friday before) is enough to prompt a full smirk that, this time, doesn't go unnoticed by him. The woman showed an interesting sense of humour and gracious acceptance with the first cupcake note. Then, a sweet and thoughtful disposition with the drawing included as part of the soft treat for the girls Friday.
But now, Samu sees a challenging firmness in her reply to his easy brush off of her thanks, delicate lines yet again adorning the small card carefully tucked into a pretty red ribbon that's tied around and decorating another white, rectangular box.
Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it ~ So please accept this gift without concern.
Sitting inside are four differently coloured, rounded treats that look familiar but he can't place off the top of his head. A quick search identifies the delicate confections as macarons, the colorful delights an absolute wonder as the airy crunch of the top and bottom shells simultaneously give way to a firm filling with the first bite, the sweet flavour almost dissolving on his tongue.
He and Zumi finish the box off in minutes, three of each flavour included to a total of four different flavours, so both he and his daughter each get seconds of their respective favourites.
The next morning, filled with anticipation at what new surprises you might include with the goods you send today, he's fully aware of the grin that stretches his face as he writes out a note of his own for you to receive later this evening.
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The macarons were inspiring. Izumi and I definitely won't turn away any gifts you'd like to send our way. I wonder... what other surprises do you have up your sleeve? I sent a little something your way to inspire you too. - M. Osamu
The neatly written note returned, once again, on the back of the small rectangular card you'd last sent, brings a warm smile to your face. The various onigiri that came along with it, apparently with specific instructions communicated from Izumi to Reina that today's additional quantity is set aside for you specifically, stretches the amused curl of your lips into a delighted grin.
You split each of the four different types of rice balls with your daughter, listening to her input on the delicious food as she points out her order of most to least favourite. Although there's not a single one you wouldn't eat on any given day if given the choice, the food is simply divine.
Your note the following day is a compliment to the chef, with a cheeky inquiry as to what deities one must pray to in order to make food like that. His response is a swift rebuttal asking what cruel gods bless some with the skills to cook but others with the skills to bake, ironically echoing your own thoughts from the previous week.
So goes the back and forth for weeks, notes getting cuter, sassier, and more personal as jokes, challenges, and encouragements alike are enclosed among the lunches of two excited little girls, their own bond strengthening with this unique camaraderie between their parents, until you feel the peculiar sense that you know the man on the other end, without ever even having actually met him.
Then, one day, three weeks into the first exchange, you receive a note that makes your heart beat in your throat at the unspoken challenge which raises the stakes of the now familiar routine. It's a simple response to your unassuming request for the onigiri recipes you initially received as the first returned delight, a meal you and Reina have been craving since the first taste.
I can do one better and teach you. xxx-xxx-xxxx. - Osamu
There's no reason to be shy or hesitant, is there? After all, it's a kind offer that will only serve you and Reina well with your future attempts at her lunches. You can't count on Miya Osamu's kindness forever.
Fingers still shaking, you dial the number enclosed within and find the call picked up before the first ring even finishes.
"I wasn't sure ya'd actually call."
Oh, wow, that's a voice to melt hearts alright. You're still smiling as you immediately reply in beat, with the easy familiarity of your shared repartee over the last few weeks, "With an offer like that, how could I not?"
He's quiet for a second and you start to lose your smile, suddenly worrying that perhaps you've acted too familiarly with a man that's all but a stranger and offended him. But his next words, slowly expelled in a lazy but thoughtful drawl, have your heart beating fast for an entirely different reason, "I had a feeling ya'd sound as pretty as ya write."
Now you're the one that's silent but it's entirely because you're at a loss for words, this quietly charming man having stolen them right from the tip of your tongue.
A low chuckle breaks what you realized was actually somehow still a remarkably comfortable silence and then his delicious voice reaches you again, "I hope I didn't scare ya voice away. It'd be a shame now that I've only just heard it."
Okay so he's maybe much more of a flirt than the subtle hints you'd noticed over the notes, but then again, they were delivered through your daughters as messengers so it would be reasonable he would have toned it down. Then again, what kind of man flirts with a woman he's never met previously? He doesn't even know what you look like. Have you captured his interest solely through your mutual correspondence?
You almost snort, catching your thoughts and feeling like you're the main character to some historical romance. Maybe during a world war era. Mutual correspondence. Right. What are you even thinking? He's got you flustered already.
"Funny. I would never have imagined you would sound so pretty from the way you write." You're tempted to arch an eyebrow with your audible smirk but then you remember that it's not like he can see it.
"Ya think my voice is pretty, do ya?" His tone is full with soft satisfaction, "Maybe ya can tell me if it's better in person."
"And here I thought the offer on the table was for learning a delicious recipe."
You swear you hear the smile in his response, "Sounds like yer in either way."
"Sounds like I am." You concede in mock resignation but you're painfully aware that your words and following sigh sound more like a promise.
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You and Reina find the charming storefront quite easily from Samu's instructions. It's finally the weekend, several days since your first call with him, and your handwritten notes have now upgraded into convenient, daily text messages.
He's definitely confident and teasing but not quite the overt flirt you briefly considered he might be from a few days ago. In fact, he's more calm and grounded, even if he can be a smooth talker, but you've quickly found that what came across as flirtatious was actually just him being honestly direct. Which is both exciting and flattering enough to make you nervous for this first real meeting today.
A soft chime sounds as you open the door to usher Reina through before following her in yourself. The first thing your eyes land on is a small girl running to your daughter like a heat seeking missile and the two collide in an adorably sweet hug, somehow understanding each other while seemingly talking simultaneously.
With a small smile on your face, you take a moment to survey your surroundings and find your bearings in this unfamiliar space. It's not an overly large area, focusing more on a cozy, comfortable atmosphere emphasized by the deliciously welcoming smell of various foods that make you feel right at home.
Your eyes run over the bar with stools lined against it before you do a double take, finally noticing the dark haired man that's leaning with his arms crossed against a door frame beyond it, watching as you examined his space.
He must be able to tell he's slightly startled you as an amused smile stretches his lips and he dips his head ever so slightly in greeting. "Welcome to Onigiri Miya."
"Thank you for inviting us, Miya-san." You bite your lip at your automatic formality, already certain what he's going to say next.
And he doesn't disappoint, eyebrow arching as he uncrosses his arms and, finally, steadily makes his way towards you, "I already told ya to call me Osamu. Or Samu."
Now you're smiling again because the situation is definitely out of the ordinary, the level of familiarity you feel with a man you're seeing for the first time can only be considered unusual. You take a moment to study him as he stops just before you, tall build with broad shoulders and a handsome face that looks like it belongs on a heartbreaker not a homemaker.
Your fingers itch to push back the locks of his hair peeking out from under his dark cap and falling over on side of his forehead, if only to have an excuse to run your hands through it. But that's definitely not appropriate no matter how comfortable you might already feel with this easygoing man.
"Right... Osamu, then. And of course, you can call me Y/n."
"Yer name and looks suit ya, just like yer voice and handwriting." He's got a small smile on his own face now and you're not sure if he's aware he basically just called you pretty. He doesn't really seem to do this on purpose, from what you've gathered.
You beam at him regardless and volley back, "Well, I can say the same for you too."
And for a brief second, that small smile splits into a quick grin that stutters the already erratic beat of your heart. Oh yes, this man is certifiably lethal in all the best ways.
"I'm happy to hear it. Now, let's sit ya down with the girls while I grab some things."
Izumi has already led Reina to a table by the window and Osamu gestures their way as he moves to lock the door behind where you came in and then moves off to the kitchen behind the bar again.
You notice with a little apprehension that the girls are sitting next to each other on one side of the booth still giddily talking together (although not over each other anymore) about friends and weekend plans and such, but you're not going to be the anxious oddball that separates them for seemingly no reason. Even if you're already sure of the overthinking you'll be doing at the thought of Samu sitting next to you in the booth.
He doesn't seem to think about it at all as he easily slides in, smoothly setting a plate and a tray with cups, glasses and a couple pitchers on the table just as you feel the left side of his body line up against your right. Okay, yeah, because this is totally normal for you. Not.
You hope neither he and especially not either of the kids can tell you're flustered, even as you feel the heat creep up your neck and flirt with your cheeks. Yup, normal day, normal day. Just a regular day with a new friend.
"Here ya go." You just hold yourself back from jumping when he hands you a cup from the tray and then leans over to pour what looks and smells like tea from one of the pitchers. If you're not going crazy, he's pressed even more against you for those long seconds, completely in your space even if it's not unwelcome.
He either knows exactly what he's doing or he's just one of those people that's never paid mind to polite social norms and rules of conduct that many prefer. While you're calming yourself down, he's already poured the girls juice from the second pitcher into their glasses and set out quarter plates in front of everyone.
You finally focus enough to take in the still steaming gyoza on the plate he'd placed down in the middle with confusion and ask, "I thought we would be making onigiri and eating it for lunch?"
"Of course, but I couldn't put ya to work on an empty stomach."
"Mhm." You give him a dubious look, you might have mentioned your early breakfast in one of your texts to him this morning, but you have a feeling that this is also an effort to make you and Reina feel comfortable in this space together instead of getting right into the cooking lessons planned for the day.
It's an incredibly thoughtful effort and that warm flush is threatening you again so you choose to tease him and deflect instead, "Somehow, I feel it's more about your empty stomach but okay, let's go with your version instead."
You lose the fight with the flush and flutters when he chuckles at your sassy retort, especially since you literally feel the vibrations melt from his body and into yours with the way he's still somewhat pressed into you. Does the man not have enough space in his own booth? Actually... you notice you can move closer to the window yourself since there's quite a bit of space on your side too but, then again, it would be a little obvious to shift now.
The girls pick up the fried dumplings by hand with happy exclamations as they bite right into theirs, you and Osamu following suit but not before placing another two on the plates in front of each of them and then splitting the remaining ones between you.
With a dip into the soy and vinegar sauce (chili excluded for the girls), you quickly bite into the first one and savour the sudden burst of flavour in your mouth. Oh wow, yes, this is exactly what your cooking is missing. This addictive, tasteful quality that makes you want multiple helpings of whatever's being served.
With a glance from the corner of your eye to the right, you meet Osamu's eyes studying your reaction and decide to ask the question on your mind, "You made these yourself right?"
"I did."
"Okay, they're hands down the best gyoza I've ever had." You compliment him genuinely before giving in to the urge to  tease him yet again because the flutters are back, if they ever even left, and you can't have him knowing just how much he affects you, "But who ever heard of serving gyoza in an onigiri shop?"
He must catch the light, teasing tone because he just smirks and throws right back, "Well if they're as good as ya say, maybe I should expand the menu."
"Oh no, don't do that!" You laugh with wide eyes, "Then Reina and I will never find space when we try to come back here during regular hours! Actually, I'm sure you're already always packed, hm?"
"Some days and times less than others, but there will always be space for the two of ya whenever ya want to visit again."
Oh yeah, it's a losing battle, the flutters are a full on tsunami of feelings now. Just push it away and chill. But then he adds, "And I can teach ya this recipe too. Anytime there's something ya like or want to try, just let me know. I'm sure we can make an amazing cook outta ya yet."
Your mouth drops open followed by your blurted question, "Why are you helping me so much? I'm sure this is a lot of time and effort for you too."
You hear the girls' conversation pause as they pick up on some subtle change in either your body language or demeanour, but Osamu's calm eyes just meet your wide ones, his lips sliding into a soft smile, as he simply answers, "Because I like ya."
You feel like you're back in grade school because you want to ask if he means that he 'like' likes you or just... likes you. But there's no way you're going to ask that question, not only because it feels a bit asinine but because that's not a conversation to start in front of both of your daughters.
You look over to the girls who are watching with beaming smiles, maybe happy their parents are good friends just like the two of them, and you return their wide grins with a reassuring one of your own before looking back into steady grey eyes. "Well, I really appreciate your help. Thank you, Osamu."
"I'd say no thanks needed, but I've been down that road before." Another quick, heart-stopping grin graces his face, this one almost as roguish as his tone is playful. He's definitely referring to your initial correspondence when you made a firm point against his initial brush off, as if his actions in making extra lunch for your daughter to enjoy wasn't incredibly thoughtful and certainly out of his way.
"Well you certainly catch on quick. Let's just hope I can say the same." Your playful smile turns into a grimace at the thought of how difficult it might be to actually improve your skills. Maybe it's just a question of talent? Maybe you're just never going to be able to reproduce food like him.
But he glances over to catch your frown just in time and reassures, "I know what I'm doing. Soon enough, you will too. Just say you'll keep supplying me and Zumi with yer baking every once in a while when ya don't need us anymore."
You know he's probably joking with the last part but you hadn't planned on stopping. You love to share the goodies you bake with the people in your and Reina's life, it makes the two of you pretty happy so you're sure Izumi and Osamu will be able continue enjoying your baked goods to their heart's content.
"Izumi will definitely get her share of sweets and snacks every day." You send a smile her way when she hears you and bounces excitedly in her seat but then you force yourself to drop it and face Osamu with a challenging look instead, "But you... well, I guess we'll have to wait and if you're as good as you say and maybe then you can get some too."
He places a closed hand to his chest as if he's been struck, the girls laughing at his overdramatic reaction, but his widening smile gives him away. You look at each other for a suspended moment, with shared amusement but also the teasing heat of something else reflected in his achromatic eyes, which makes you certain he picked up on the unintended double entendre in your words.
"Sounds like a promise." Then with an arched eyebrow at the empty plates and cups in front of everyone, Samu asks, "So shall we get started?"
You agree, helping him clean up the table and he takes the opportunity to help you and Reina familiarize yourselves with the kitchen. The rest of the afternoon is spent in an equally easy cadence as he does indeed walk you through the steps of making his recipes, flavours included.
He starts with the simplest option, yaki onigiri, which is just fried rice shaped in a triangle or oval, and then demonstrates how to make and add a few of your and Reina's favourite fillings in to change and enhance the flavour. The girls enjoy making their own mini rice balls alongside the two of you and the time flies until you're all back at the table and having the onigiri you've just made for lunch.
You can't deny there's an improvement already but your little rice balls are still nowhere near the level of skill and flavour of Osamu's, even though he and the girls all assure you that you've done a great job. You accept their compliments with a smile and the determination to keep at it on your own time until you improve even further because Reina deserves better than even this.
By the time you finish eating, the girls are unsurprisingly tired out and choose to stay at the table to watch a Disney movie with Izumi's iPad. You can't help but smile in amusement while watching Osamu grab the thing from behind the bar, tapping away on the clunky looking device which is perfect for Izumi with a thick, pink rubber cover protecting it from grade-schooler level damage.
After the movie's been set up for the two worn out little munchkins, you and Osamu head back into the kitchen for him to show you how to make the gyoza and the next hour slips away with more teasing jokes, increasingly heated looks, and slightly bolder touches.
You can close your eyes and now know the feel of Osamu's hands on yours, demonstrating how to properly fold and pleat the wrappers. You can still feel the heat of his chest brush your back from when he leaned around you to pick up an empty bowl to place in the sink, and you're pondering on what feels like a heated brand on your hip where he lightly curved one hand to shift you over.
You can't deny your attraction to the man, a slow fall that you should have seen coming from the excitement of receiving his words every day until you were eagerly expecting the notes, to this first meeting where he's everything you expected from reading between his lines and even more.
Since the girls are pretty much full, you and Osamu clean off the new batch of gyoza between the both of you - him more than you, which you tease him about again. All the while, you're panicking about this new realization of your feelings, given that you're seriously crushing on a man who might only mean to help as a newfound friend and maybe you're the one reading too much into his interactions.
It's not until you've helped him clean up, collected the girls, and are watching him lock up the shop that you get some semblance of an answer.
"Thank you again Osamu. This was not only very instructive but Reina and I had a great time today."
He's holding Izumi's small hand in his, similar to Reina's in yours, and his other hand stretches up to rub at the back of his head, his arm bent at the elbow. When he speaks, it's not a direct response to your gratitude but a question instead, sounding somewhat unsure himself for the first time today, "How about next time we have a date that's more fun than instructive?"
Your jaw almost drops in surprise but you quickly collect yourself because he's still looking a little worried, maybe because he thinks he's overstepping by calling this a date or maybe because he's not sure you'll want another one even if you do accept that.
Your smile is quick to light up your face and, with a light squeeze from Reina's hand to yours accompanied by her and Izumi's giggles, you happily reply, "Just let me know when and where, and it's a date."
He grins again, the third time today your heart stops at what you're sure is usually a rarer sight since bodies aren't always dropping to the ground around him (that you've heard of). "I think I might already have something in mind."
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah, but let me look into it and get back to ya."
"Sounds like a promise."
With your final reply, a borrowed echo of his words to serve as a temporary goodbye, you and Reina split away from Izumi and Osamu. Heading for your car with once last look behind you, you're pleasantly unsurprised to find a flash of gunmetal grey also glancing back your way. Later that night, finished with your and Reina's joint skincare routine and having tucked her into bed, you find the expected message waiting for you.
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A/N: Okay wow I had SO much fun with this one! I hope you all do too <3 It's not triple edited per usual so please do let me know if you catch any errors or issues. No promises but probably dropping Atsumu’s First Meeting next ;)
Taglist: @yatoatyourservice, @crayonwriting
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© 2021 fayeimara. All rights reserved. Please do not repost, modify, or claim as yours.
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265 notes · View notes
lancetuckershairgel · 4 years
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Summary: Chris and Lily have lunch together and Chris and Erin discuss Lucy's situation.
Words: 1,535
Warnings: child neglect, emotions
Tag List: @jobean12-blog @book-dragon-13 @southernbell91 @marvelgirl7 @buckysforeverprincess @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety @buckysteveloki-me @msruchita @mycupoffanfictionreplies
Tuesday finally came and Chris had never been so ready to get to work as he was that day. Instead of spending the weekend relaxing Chris worried about Lucy. He woke up early Saturday after a night of restless sleep and staked out the local food bank. He hoped Lucy would show up but when it closed there had been no sign of the girl. He drove around town hoping he'd be able to find her but nothing turned up. He had even checked the station to see if she'd been picked up for hitting up another gas station. Nothing. 
As soon as he got to his office Tuesday he called Erin. After a few rings she answered. 
"Hey, I need a favor."
"Okay, I'll try." Erin said then Chris could hear her order her coffee. He tapped his fingers against his desk as he waited for her to finish. "Sorry, what's up?"
"I need an address. Lucy."
"Is something wrong?"
Chris explained what had happened on Friday night and Erin sighed. 
"I'll text you as soon as I get in. I'll talk to her."
"Thanks Erin, good luck."
"You want to meet for a drink tonight? I know it's a weekday but we should talk about this."
"I agree. Six okay?"
"Good for me."
Chris hung up and went about his day. He tried to get his mind off of Lucy by interacting with the students and stay busy but he couldn't seem to focus on his given tasks. Around noon Chris went into the lunchroom to grab a slice of pizza. The cafeteria ladies greeted him with flirtatious smiles and he blushed and attempted small talk. He was used to the under the radar advances from his female coworkers, the price of being handsome his mother always told him, even the vice principal had made a pass at him just last week. He normally laughed it off and occasionally flirted back but he was in no position to start a relationship. He wasn't in the right head space that day and was completely oblivious when the cashier had basically asked him out when she made a comment about knowing a really good pizza place in the next town. 
When Chris exited the line he scanned the room for a place to sit. His eyes fell on Lily. She was wearing the same purple sweater she wore every day and she was sitting by herself. Her hair was a bit unkempt and she looked tired. Chris made his way over and sat across from her. 
"Hi Lily. Do you remember me?" 
Lily looked up and instantly brightened at the appearance of her playground friend. 
"Hi!" She frowned, her small lips poking out into a pout "I forgot your name."
"Chris." He chuckled 
"Chris!" Lily repeated with a nod "Why are you sitting here?" 
"Well, I saw you sitting alone and I didnt want to sit alone so I thought we could eat lunch together."
"Okay." Lily seemed satisfied with that answer and went back to looking at her unopened lunchbox "No one ever wants to sit with me."
"Why not?" Chris asked as he took a bite of his pizza "You're great company."
"I never have any cool snacks to trade. Just yucky crackers." Lily paused then leaned across the table and whispered "but today I have a surprise! Don't tell anyone cuz I don't want to trade." 
"What kind of surprise?" Chris whispered back, his eyebrows raised and eyes wide with equal excitement for Lily 
Lily opened her lunch box and as she was pulling out a small baggie Chris looked inside to see a half eaten cheese stick that looked too soft to be safe to eat and a small pack of crackers. Lily opened the bag and exposed three small pieces of broken chocolate. 
"Chocolate!" Lily continued to whisper with a bright smile 
"That's a very cool snack. I wouldn't want to trade either."
"Do you want a piece?" Lily picked up one and held it out to Chris 
"No but thank you. You eat your chocolate and enjoy it." 
"Okay." Lily popped the piece in her mouth "I got a whole bar on Friday and I've been eating little bits at a time because I wanted it to last."
"Good idea." Chris nodded and glanced at her lunch again "Did you already eat your sandwich?"
"I didn't have a sandwich."
Lily shook her head. 
"No just this." 
Chris frowned. That wasn't an appropriate meal for a five year old. 
"Do you want pizza?"
"They don't let me get any because I don't gots any money." 
Chris frowned harder. He hated the county's lunch system and the way they denied kids a meal if they didn't have money in their account.  Some of these kids only ate at school. The system was so messed up yet the higher ups only cared about the money, not the benefit of the student. 
"Here." Chris slid his tray across to Lily who blinked up at him with surprise 
"Eat, honey." 
"Thank you." Lily said quietly and began to eat the pizza hungrily, not bothered by the fact that Chris had already taken a bite of it. 
That afternoon Chris left work in a hurry and climbed into his cruiser. He put the address Erin had text him earlier into the navigation system and drove off in the direction he was told. While driving a hundred different scenarios went through his head but none of them were what he saw when he pulled in front of the home.  A two story house with a freshly manicured lawn and a picket fence. Not what he was expecting. He climbed out and got the bag of groceries from the trunk and made his way up the walkway. He knocked on the door and as he waited he noticed a monogramed sign that said "Brookwood". He frowned. A moment later a young woman opened the door. She looked shocked to see a police officer standing on her porch and she shifted the baby that was perched in her arms to the other hip. 
"Can I help you, Officer?" She asked confused 
"Yeah, I'm sorry to bother you Miss but do you know someone by the name of Lucy?"
The woman wrinkled her nose with puzzlement and shook her head. 
"I'm sorry, I don't know anyone by that name."
Chris apologized, feeling a bit embarrassed and defeated. He went back to his car and text Erin. 
"Really? That was what the file said. Maybe they moved?" 
"Maybe. This just keeps getting weirder."
"We'll talk about it at the bar."
At the bar Chris and Erin sat in silence, both taking long sips of their beer as they contemplated Lucy's predicament. 
"She's been fine since you left. I haven't had to pull her out of class and haven't heard anything from her teachers." 
Erin had decided a while back to not tell Chris about the incident in the bathroom with Lucy. It would only make him feel guilty. Erin had tried to communicate and check up on Lucy but she only received silent glares in return. 
Chris told Erin about Lily and the empty lunchbox today and Erin gave a sad shrug of her shoulders. 
"The government is failing these kids and nothing is going to change unless people start speaking up about it." 
Chris agreed and emptied his beer bottle. 
"I just don't know what to do to help them. Not just Lucy and Lily but all of the other kids that are in these situations." 
"You can't save everyone Chris." Erin reached over and took his hand, giving it a comforting squeeze "Follow your heart. You always end up making the right choices." 
Chris gave her a weak smile. The right choice wasn't always the easiest however. After leaving the bar he went to the station. He sat down at the computer and pulled up Lucy's father's file. 
"He's got warrants in four different states including California." Chris text Erin "Mostly drug charges but he's been in and out of jail since he was younger than Lucy. Domestic violence too."
The file had no address and indicated the man's whereabouts was unknown. Chris decided to look up Lucy's name to see if she had a record. Thankfully she had never been arrested but he did pull a file from social services. Normally he'd need a warrant to do so but he didn't have the time to go through the process of putting in the order and waiting for a judge to approve it. Lucy had been in and out of foster care several times, mostly during her father's incarceration for drugs. There was a second file attached to Lucy's and when Chris clicked it his heart fell. There, staring back at him with big brown eyes, was a photograph of a little girl about three years old. There was no mistaking that it was Lily. 
"Lucy and Lily are sisters?" Chris spoke under his breath "Of course they are." 
Chris closed out the program and rubbed his face. He had reached nothing but dead ends but he knew one thing. He had to find those girls. 
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Jealousy is an ugly thing
Clare: couldn't help laughing. "That's why teachers always have those rules about how you can't have cupcakes on your birthday and such unless there's enough for the whole class. Everyone always wants anything good. Most of those kids probably have to eat the same thing day after day. Lunchables or something else their parents don't make if they're in that big of a hurry. But there's nothing wrong with making Emi a special lunch. As long as you keep includding healthy food and stuff she likes, Emi should be happy. Getting her to eat is the most important thing." Clare said remembering what he'd yelled at Jessica, about Emi not wanting to eat because she was so upset by the lies Jessica had told her. Emi needed to know Dakota cared about her. He was filling in as her parent. What was the harm? "Besides I'm sure some of them go to a little extra trouble for their children, they just aren't the ones complaining." Clare smiled at what Dakota had said about how they could become less cranky. She'd said something similiar to Holly J. Sinclair once. But of course she wasn't going to tell him that. Clare didn't want a boy like Dakota getting the wrong idea about her. "That's great. She might get another favorite eventually but if her mom or dad gave her the bear she's always going to be attached to it so don't let Emi take it anywhere she might lose it." Clare cautioned. She had gotten out her stuff for class by the time Dakota had sat down next to her. She nodded in agreement when Dakota said Jessica could be capable of anything. He hadn't even remembered Jessica's name and yet she was obsessed with him. Clare felt someone tap her shoulder after Dakota started talking to Monica, and she turned around. "Are you still coming over with Alli tomorrow after school?" Connor asked. "Yeah I think so. Don't worry, we'll get first place in the competition." Clare told him. "Even without K.C?" Connor said skeptically. Clare stiffened. "We don't need his help. He'd probably suggest cheating to make sure we win." She muttered. Clare turned back around just in time to hear Dakota say he'd been thinking about getting a girlfriend but he didn't want to date because of Emi. Was he trying to change? She picked her pen up and started to write down what was on the board. Clare felt her cheeks heat up when her name came up. Dakota really thought she was all of those good things? She kept writing the notes. "Um yeah, if you want. I'll be there." Clare told Dakota without looking directly at him. Like her. Not her. She could met up with him, she didn't have to make up an excuse.
Kota: listened to Clare talk about her mentioning Emi's lunch and looked at her. "She loves vegetables, well some so I always put them in cute shapes for her, same with fruit." he explained and nodded at her. "I just wonder if it's enough. I mean with my dad, he was always busy with work and mom was always around. I don't have many memories of him and to be honest, the ones that I do have are limited with the amount of work he did. I kind of forgotten what he looks like. Emi only has more bad memories of her mom than good, some of her yelling at her for ruining a bear that cost 30,000 yen, others where she couldn't eat all her food and got in trouble. She knows her mom loves her, but the only good times she remembers are her mom allowing her to sleep in her room and telling her she loves her before bed. Other than that they're all bad especially since she remembers her mom telling her to watch the house and leaving. She was alone in that house for two days almost three before the landlord stopped by she ate the leftovers cold, fruit that was there and things that didn't require her to cook. She thought the landlord was her mom coming back for her." he explained honestly. "It could be that the kids want their parents to show that they love them rather than tell them or show them in a different way." he shrugged knowing there were various reasons for the kids wanting a lunchbox. Hearing Clare mentioning Emi's dad caused him to look at her. "Her mom. Her dad was never around and she doesn't know what he looks like. He always came home when she was sleeping, left before she'd wake up and when they divorced she didn't know it. I mean why tell a kid 'mommy and daddy divorced' when the kid didn't know their dad anyway. Things like that piss me off." he said honestly. "My aunt did leave Emi for a good reason, if she hadn't left who knows what would've happened to both of them. She sent us a letter explaining why she was leaving. She started to hate Emi, she couldn't be a single parent, working, taking Emi back and forth to daycare, cooking meals, having to spend time playing with her, it was too much on her especially since she's not used to it. She left to become a better mom." he stated. As they took notes Kota smiled at Clare's agreement. "I was thinking we could hang out in the hallway instead though. I mean I did pack Emi and obento and she can't really eat it. Third period I'm going to wake her up and see if I can get someone in the cafeteria to make her soup or something to help with her fever. She didn't take all the medicine. I'll give her a little more when third comes though." he explained.
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