#he’s not your poor little meow meow but a man with complex morals
elisabeth515 · 10 months
Never have I ever wanted to slut shame a man so bad ever since Albert Camus
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But like seriously, go watch the movie. It’s very good and demonstrates a man who is holding himself accountable and regretting the fact that he will be burning in hell in the afterlife. Cillian Murphy’s acting is superb and I was totally watching the movie because of him.
Of course, this movie is from Oppenheimer’s perspective, so you won’t see much on the people who were affected. I wished there’s more to highlight on it to show how much he was damned for the rest of his life, but I don’t think Christopher Nolan is the best director in on this subject. One thing got to be noted is that the movie itself does not glorify nuclear weapons and it highlights a lot on Oppenheimer’s own guilt on being the chief architect of this weapon of mass destruction.
Oh yes, by the way, this dude’s a white cishet male left-leaning intellectual who smokes too much so he deserves to be slut-shamed.
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qcomicsy · 1 year
No because I'm going insane, Jason is not even close from this bad boy archetype comics and the fandom paint him to be.
It's so fucking easy to put him as this dangerous, hot tempered bastard who is ready to go off at any given moment. It's so, so, so fucking easy to argue he is dangerous and messy and chaotic fire of nature. And don't get me wrong he is, but not it's not even close as again his reputation precedes him.
Jason is very well spoken, he knows the time to be calm and the time to go off, he knows when violence is necessary (in his terms), he understands society power imbalance and the advantages people on top have and people on the bottom haven't, he's extremely smart and calculating and the most important part he knows exactly when to play dumb and when to back off if it's need it. He has a lot of pride and is the insufferable "my way is right" kind of guy but never in a way that put his mission and people at his side in the face of danger. He recognize game and knows when it's time to shut the fuck up because there's someone more capable to dealing with shit.
He's so, so much more centered then the "chaotic Red Hood bullshit" people sell.
It just baffles me how it's so fucking easy to paint a victim of abuse who reacted in a different way other than sitting and taking it as insane, immature and dangerous. Or how easy it is to infantilize him. To turn and say "He's an asshole" or a "poor little meow meow" who doesn't do any wrong. Either a monster or a saint.
It's like Madonna-Whore dichotomy but about moral compass.
It's just. This is an adult man, with a set of complex issues and complex multidimensional reactions who yeah, actually make sense, when you take your head from your ass and see characters as flawed human being who react under the environment they're put on.
And no, this doesn't justify the things he's done and the things he's done doesn't forbidden him from any kind of development or change of heart.
And a change of heart doesn't put him as this "now that's someone who deserves to be treated as a human being".
What I'm trying to say is, Jason isn't a monster, he isn't insane, he isn't this rebel delinquent teenager, he isn't a poor little meow meow, not all his actions are justifiable, no his actions doesn't make him irredeemable, yes he has the right to change, no he shouldn't change just because then people would treat him as a goddamn human being and fuck yeah he deserves respect regardless.
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theerurishipper · 6 months
I know Elation is a fan favorite episode of S5 but looking back at it, how Marinette took advantage of Chat not knowing taht she's Ladybug to get him to stil date and kiss her really spiraled down into gross territory and once again it was ADRIEN who was told to do better and improve by taking accountability while Marinette continued crying and getting cuddled by the narrative.
Chat noir at least deceived with open cards, it's obvious that there is a person underneath his mask (even if Marinette never acts like it) but Ladybug didn't get her kissy kissy meow meow and then proceeded to let Chat shower Marinette Dupain-Cheng in all the affection she craves even though one would think Marinette too has a moral obligation in this partnership to protect Chat from any kind he feelings he has for her civilian side since Ladybug and Marinette are the same person and therefore there is logically a special draw that leaves him vulnerable to be taken advantage of by her (the way it literally happened twice, in Elation AND Glaciator 2, where both times Marinette used her civilian side to basically make Chat do whatever she wants as Ladybug).
A draw that interestingly the show had ADRIEN take full accountability for when he thought that's what happened with Marinette in Elation. That because she was so in love with Adrien Agreste she then also had unexplainable feelings for Chat this whole time that echo said civilian love, which ended up hurting her emotionally bc of their complex nature.
ADRIEN was made to take accountability for doing that, Marinette has been benefiting from the way Chat's love for Ladybug also draws him to Marinette Dupain-Cheng for seasons by now (even Weredad in s3) and it just gets swept under the rug. In fact, shes REWARDED for doing that by Adrien then blaming himself for everything and be her prince charming and do all the work for their relationship.
That is.. genuinely gross.
The way the episode AND Marinette both pretend like Marinette is a poor little civilian bystander in this scenario of Elation and NOT civilian Ladybug is pretty damn gross. Cause Ladybug is by the nature of the situation taking advantage of Chat being oblivious to her secret identitiy, who he didn't wanted to be in a relationship with anyone, since lets not kid ourselves Chat at the end of Determination couldn't have rejected her more directly in the most INDIRECT language even if he tried. I don't know how people look at these episodes and genuinely think Adrien isn't aware that LB is flirting as if he had no braincells.
Mate, he very obviously turned her down in Determination and from then onwards continued to non stop run towards Marinette as civilian bc after Determination Ladybug herself refused to take the "no" which she in Determination itself clearly understood it to be. The drastic shift between Marinette crying at the end of Determination and her being love obsessed in Passion makes sense and it results in the disaster of Elation.
It's just...man, the way Chat in Elation opens up to Marinette about how he thinks people wouldn't like him so much anymore if they knew who was under the mask, which for Marinette sounds like Chat is saying that he views Chat Noir as all the value he has as a person, and her then straight up replying that "she doesn't mind him wearing a mask, it doesn't matter who is underneath" is... gurl, who SAYS that? 😭
And the reason why she got away with it is bc Adrien's actually problem is the complete opposite. That Adrien fears that if people knew that Chat Noir is Adrien Agreste Chat would just.. stop existing to the world and Adrien Agreste��� would overwrite anything Chat ever made for himself.
Tahts why he while unhealthily craving love too reacted WELL to her saying she doesn't mind him wearing a mask and that it doesn't matter to her who's underneath.
But GURL, Marinette! From your perspective he just told you that he thinks the person he is underneath has no value and Chat is all he has to find self-worth in. And you just fucking AGREED with him that the person underneath doesn't matter bc you wanted kiss kiss meow meow and Chat's mask is what you wanted to kiss you?? 😱😭
Why is Marinette always written in the way where one seriously has to question if she even acknowledges BY SEASON 5 that Chat Noir exists as a civilian? Its not like her leadership paints any other picture than her apparently thinking Chat just spawns into existence for akumas and that's it.
Add that on top of her ignoring it when they kiss that Chat horrified rips open his eyes once he realizes taht what he's doing is wrong. Her just closing her eyes again bc apparently she genuinely didn't care for more than kiss kiss meow meow in that moment?
Then him trying to tell her that what they're doing is wrong and her just saying anything she thinks will make him go back to kissing her and whne he still refuses she has a whole mood swing, angrily yelling that she has had it with everyone telling her who she gets to love, saying taht SHE wants to finally decide that while starting to cry and, like, I GET her frustration but what she's doing is so guilt tripping by nature that it blows anything inappropriate out of the water Chat Noir ever did to Ladybug??
The person Marinette is kissing tells her no bc he doesn't feel comfortable about it morally bc of the circumstances and Marinette goes off in his face, saying that SHE decides who she kisses and loves and that she's had it that other people decide that for her, as if Chat has no right to possibly tell her no?? That he's a horrible Jerk for going against her decision to now make out with him and date him and she's OWED taht he does it??
Marinette continues literally bawling her eyes out in front of Chat who's feeling extremely guilty about all this and then Marinette is mere seconds away from accepting getting akumatized with the goal of revealing Chat's secret identitiy so he has no excuse anymore to deny her her kiss. An akumatization that only doesn't happen because Adrien is being forced to disregard his own boundaries he set with her and kiss her despite it making him EXTREMELY uncomfortable and feeling guilty of taking advantage of her. Making HIM start to freak out to out of guilt.
Afterwards Marinette is terrified but not because of her almost having turned into Chat's enemy and put his life, loved ones and Paris at risk bc he told her no, but because of the akumatization in general.
Topping it all of with Marinette saying that THEY really act irrationally because of their love, when, gurl, HE got his shit together minutes ago. YOU refused to let Chat Noir tell you no even just ONE time in any of your dynamics with him.
By that point taht wasn't a WE, that was a YOU. And the person who had to actually take fully accountability for this narrative wise was HIM.
Not to mention that Chat in the akuma battle had to finally find the courage to tell Ladybug no DIRECTLY in her face, and that he doesn't love her anymore the way he once did but only as a friend, and dead ass Marinette leaves in the next episode ruining the Hack-San ending.
Bc she was told no by Chat.
He doesn't love her romantically anymore, just as a friend, which apparently is still a horrible fate for Marinette as she's consistently characterized since s1 to concider being friends an unbearable torture inflicted on her. Something which ADRIEN in Protection then had to take accountability for too??
What is even happening anymore??
This is an interesting take! There are some things I agree with, and some things I disagree with, but it's still nice to hear your thoughts, anon. Thank you for your ask!
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fairy-pd · 2 years
Asa Emory but he's not that bad
GN reader, sort of a crack fic cus I cant take his avocado mask seriously, sfw but really dumb lmao
notes: i wanna simp for the bug man without feeling guilty so Im gonna deviate from the 2009 and 2012 cannon slightly and defend this version of him till I die. Picture Juan Fernandez's Asa cus that's who Im talking about muah muah goodnight
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So in my head, Mr. Cockroach is just a silly little nerd. A goofy fella with social anxiety. He is the definition of a poor little meow meow- smart but pathetic, a self absorbed mess
Picture a pinscher with a cold. That's him
He has managed to get himself to pretend he's somewhat well adjusted, but even tho he can make small talk, buy groceries and order pizza from time to time he still comes off as cagey and awkward
Definitely kept dead bugs in jars in his room as a kid, did not expect them to rot, learned nothing from this experience and still does it
Which means he smells bad. But purposefully now
I think Asa identifies as a bug tbh, but not literally
He loves humans like you maybe love cars, or art.
He doesn't relate to people. He doesn't get what's like to be one. But he loves us so much, he admires us so much, like you admire a vintage Lamborghini in perfect conditions.
He loves us from afar, like an admirer, an outside observer, wanting to learn everything about us because he doesn't understand but loves how strangely endearing we are, like the entomologist he is. Its almost like a fetish, but not sexual- objetification meets cold adoration in the hands of a scientist
This is specially noticeable (like another poster said) when we see various scenes where he's gently craddling his victim's faces or taking "care" of them. He looks at them in awe, like he could (cus he really could) break them, he wants to see them break to learn one more thing about them
He sees his victims not as people, not as complex universes, not as concepts, but as animals. He understands you have a life and opinions and friends, but he compartmentalizes these as normal behavior for your species
He cannot physically take his headphones off during the day cus it's so fucken noimsy outside and it hurts his ears
He likes to listen to anything repetitive and loud, nothing with discernible lyrics
His house looks like one of those ikea display rooms, except it smells faintly like formaldehyde and rot
He has a massive sweet tooth
He has a love for psychology, human anatomy and thanatology
Actually any field of knowledge that could explain human behavior is fair game to him
He absolutely hates spending money in "unnecessary" things, which is why he has plenty of diy projects around his place
He doesn't really have an opinion of people or of himself. He isn't one to judge, to classify people into groups. He thinks we're all fascinating, and he spends a lot more time trying to teach himself things about us than thinking about his own life
He doesn't have an internal voice inside his head
Absolutely has a God complex, but more in a "I Cannot Relate To Any Of My Beloved Creechures" than "my milkshake is better than yours"
Has a degree in entomology, and chose to become a certified bug serial killer cus seriously,,,,ppl will just give their house keys to a stranger for days????? how could he not take advantage of that????
100% a virgin. Does not have any interest in romance or sex, does not understand most people's need for it, could not feel more uncomfortable than when his victims offer to "help him" in exchange for their freedom
Never had any friends
Was raised by his extended family who sent him off to college as soon as they could
His favorite place in the whole wide world are cemeteries (silent, and he can spend time with his beloved lil humans as much as he wants)
Never takes anything personally and is completely unfazed by morality. Again, whenever anything happens he just sees it as part of the behavior of this particular species, like he isnt an active participant in the world, just a bystander
Hates pillows. His bed is as firm as a wooden table (might actually be one), only wears blankets when its absolutely freezing and he has no other choice
Walks around either on all fours or on his tiptoes
He doesn't? really? get? why people hate his trunks so much. He finds small spaces quite soothing and attributes his victim's screams to panic or anxiety of being caught, not also cus they're yk stuck in a tiny box with no chance of getting out
He has quite a few "animalistic" quirks, like the growling and purring thing. Some come naturally, some he picked up from his early subjects when he was a student
Knows how to crochet, and how to sew up small tears or holes in clothing
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monimccoythings · 7 months
Headcanons for the possible Marvel's Spider-Man DLC or Spin-Off (A bit spoilery)
Warning: This has SPOILERS for the new Marvel's Spider-Man 2 game.
Since they have just released Spider-man 2 I wanted to headcanon a bit how Eddie would fit in the spin off or in the possible DLC (because SPOILERS they just let fucking Cletus Kasady go around free with no consequences and his own symbiote)
Despite how amazing the game looks and how impressive the level of detail and dedication put into the gameplay and the delightfully gut wrenching storytelling, my biggest pet peeve (apart from Eddie Brock not being Venom or possibly not even appearing at all in the game) is that once again, they have decided to portray the symbiote as an evil malevolent force that corrupts people with no redeeming qualities when in reality the story of the Venom symbiote is much more complex than that (I know it is not some poor innocent little meow meow that has never done anything wrong in its life, but you can't immediately put it in the 'bad guy from the start' category), so much for wanting to tell an original story...
Also Venom is more interesting when both the host and the symbiote are on the same page, when it's just the symbiote just taking control and using the host as a puppet without any consideration for them it feels wrong.
So here are my headcanons for possible DLCs or even the Venom spinoff game with Eddie in it.
They deal with the aftermath of Kassady's escape.
Dual gameplay as Eddie Brock and Venom. Eddie Brock can be used for missions where you collect information, hack things, solve puzzles...etc; Venom is for the action and combat missions, fighting crime, boss fights... Pressing a button makes them swap forms (just like in the lego games with Hulk). A funny detail would be that if you swap forms in front of a large crowd or even one person, they run away screaming or are just shocked depending on how the public sees you.
There is a feature I saw on the first Watch Dogs game that I really liked, a morality meter; depending on how you handle things the public could see you in two different lights: if you put your skills as a reporter for the common good and Venom is used for harmless takedowns, the meter will lean towards 'Lethal Protector'; but if you act more selfishly as Eddie during his missions and retort to killing as Venom, the meter will lean towards 'Demon'.
Eddie Brock is the main character. He is an investigative reporter/ photographer from the Bugle who has begun chasing the trail of some ritualistic murders across the city. (this could be the prologue and the tutorial for Eddie's gameplay, him sneaking around investigating a brutal crime scene when the police are away). That crime scene is a church, a reference to Eddie's and Venom first meeting in the comics.
Spider-Man and Wraith (Yuri's new alias in the second game) are also hot on Kassady's trail. The three of them are in the same spot completely unaware of the other's presence.
In the game, Cletus is a cult leader, I'm going to keep it that way, he has founded the Church of Carnage (reference to the comics) and is using his own symbiotic powers to convert people to his cult by turning them into half symbiote monsters and is ordering them to comit the murders.
Eddie discovers some mysterious markings on the walls, that no human could have possibly make. However he is interrupted when remaining cult members suddenly appear and stsrt attacking. He is forced to hide. Spider man and Yuri intervene, but they prove to be too much of a challenge for them and given Yuri's new extreme techniques she decides to bring down the church on the cult members, not knowing that poor unsuspecting Eddie is also in there with them. Spider-Man tries to stop her but it's already too late and the church collapses, burying Eddie under it and gravelly wounding him. The last thing Eddie's sees before slipping away into unconsciousness is Spider-man web slinging away from the scene, and that's when his hatred for Spider-man starts, as he blames him for the damages, not knowing that it was actually Yuri Watanabe the one responsible.
There are some remains of the Venom symbiote out in the streets, it has been severely weakened after his fight with Peter and Miles and Peter's Anti-Venom powers. It is barely alive and desperately needs someone to latch on. As rain starts pouring, it approaches the church that has recently collapsed, carefully avoiding the police and paramedics that have just arrived on the scene. As they drag Eddie's battered body out of the rubble, it slides into the ambulance and enters him. That could be the end of the tutorial for Eddie's missions).
Eddie's recovery is surprisingly fast for a human being, the doctors are astonished. And once he is released, he goes back to work, despite the doctor's insistence that he should rest. However, he feels perfectly fine,better than fine, for a man who had just been on the verge of death. He comes back to the Bugle, and there he finds Peter. For some reason, he feels a sense of hostility coming from inside him when he talks to him. Up to that point his relationship with Peter had been nothing but friendly, both had worked together on several occasions. But he doesn't pay it any mind, even if that feeling remains. Pushing his mysterious murders story aside, he is assigned another less 'interesting story', which makes him angry, but he successfully represses it, though with several dificulties, because as he leaves Jameson's office, he kicks a paperbin down the hall with enough force to send it flying against the wall.
The first time he discovers about what is inside him is when he is snapping pictures for the boring project Jameson assigned him and sees a robbery on a jewerly shop down the street. He immediately gets away from his original story and chases them in hopes of getting more information. He is caught. Just as he is about to get shot, something comes from insde and transforms him. This could be the tutorial for Venom's combat missions.
The Venom form would not be as big as he was in the original game, due to the symbiote's weakened state, but would still be pretty big. For the final boss battle he temporarily regains his original size to fight.
They soon discover that unless they are fully synchronized with each other, they cannot properly function. The symbiote can't completely take over Eddie due to the former's loss of power and the latter's stuborness. This game will send them through a journey of true symbiosis and working together as one.
One feature that I would love is that when the player is in an "Eddie mission" like collecting data, or clues or even sneaking in somewhere private, the symbiote will be providing commentary being very snappy and wanting to eat everyone (like in the movies); and at the same time when the player is in a "Venom mission" Eddie will be the one providing the snarky comments.
The story would gradually evolve into taking down Carnage and his psychotic cult and in the end you would have to choose between giving the police the evidence needed to put Kassady between bars after he has been separated from the symbiote or straight up killing Kassady so he can't harm anyone else.
There would be a Spider-Man fight, because there's has to be one. Where Eddie and Venom just don't want to listen to reason and try to murder his old colleage turned foe for all the damage he caused them. (Because Eddie still believes it was Spider-Man the one that made the church collapse, and finding out through the symbiote that Spider-Man and Peter Parker are one in the same just made it sting harder). And I don't think Peter would be so willing to spill the beans and reveal it was actually Yuri because then they could go after her seeking revenge and she may not be able to fight them on her own. There would be a second Spider-Man fight this time with Miles as well, they both try to hold them down long enough for Peter to use the Anti Venom on Eddie.
The thing is that the symbiote encourages Eddie's more aggressive traits and dwells on his repressed rage issues, HOWEVER, at the same time, Eddie's genuine desire to help people and his kindness towards those in need prove to be a positive influence in the symbiote who gradually mellows from his psychotic and obsessive behavior from the original game and no longer desires to build a symbiotic hive mind with him at the top of the food chain (Web of Shadows???).
And that's all I got for now, I know very little about the new game and despite it seemingly being one of the greatest stories I've heard about, I feel from what I've seen that they didn't handle very well Venom's character and went for the easy route.
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sasster · 1 year
cant pick a favorite cus i have many different reasons so here is my summary (the others i dont know or remember much about)
emarra: originally hot shadow-clown daddy. then maelia beat the shit out of him. now i enjoy watching this man scramble to collect what's left of his self-esteem and pretend he's still a big bad. point-and-laugh material. poor little meow meow in a deserved, karmic sort of way. awaiting the day he loses everything and everyone (affectionate).
redivi: INTJ. grandpa twink. believes he is the good guy in the story. does he struggle with his own immorality, or does he hate himself for being unable to control the narrative? the cognitive dissonance he attepts to suppress when confronted with the possibility he is not a hero. on the outside, chess-level mastery of manipulation. what makes him tick on the inside is intriguing.
persep: he is funny to me. quirky mouth-stitches guy. relateable to my autism. hot otter. big ego. would love to see him mouth off to the wrong person. oh also brought back orfuse i guess for reasons unknown to me. seems to fuck off and do whatever he wants and i love that for him.
maelia: quickest villain-to-quirky-uncle turnaround i've ever seen. DILF material. we love us some moral complexity. to quote wreck it ralph, he is bad guy but not bad guy. projecting my parent issues onto him (affectionate)
weasel: ❤❤❤ perfect little guy. smug with a big ego but also actually has a sense of self-preservation in the sense he can recognize those more powerful than him. if he was a cat he would be a long haired siamese and he would be so pampered. he knows he is perfect ❤ so endearing
first of all im kissing you with tongue
second of all
IN EMARRAS DEFENSE..... maelias like... y'know. it makes sense to get your ass beat by maelia
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yelenaisace · 2 years
MCU/Marvel Characters Tag Game
thankyou for the tag <33 @meidui
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most):
Tony duhhh. I'm not even kidding when I say i can legitimately write an essay on how much I love him <3 + he's the one that got me into MCU/Marvel in general. He's such a complex character and the things that really made me admire him the most are when he conquers his personal demons. One of the things that I love about him the most is that he just tries to be good, and there's just something so inherently human about it that you don't really see in other popular superheroes. And while his actions/decisions may sometimes be vilified by people, I've always empathised with what he does because I (and Steve LOL, see that Captain America/Iron Man Annual (2021) Issue #2) feel that his heart has always been in the right place. I can go on and on about him, but I once saw someone say this about Tony (especially 616!Tony i.e.) is that while all superheroes are willing to risk their lives for a noble purpose, Tony's willing to sell his soul.
(I don't want to flood people's dashboard so)
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped):
Yelena <33 honestly I started liking her before Black Widow came out just on the basis that she's canonically asexual in 616 + I saw that Florence Pugh was gonna play her in MCU. And hello??? A badass Russian assassin who can kill people with her bare hands and has the same sexuality as me?? Listen, there's not a lot of asexual characters out there okay, and when they are, they're not exactly in a media that I would want to watch (I literally cannot force myself to watch something just on that basis alone so). While watching Black Widow, I was just so smitten by her!! Look at her, she's so cute!! A squishy lil baby that i wanna cuddle with and give kisses all over her face <33
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave):
Kate!! Idk, is she underrated? I don't venture out much bc I like being in this stevetony fandom bubble so idk if she is or not <3 but cmon, look at her and how can you not ADORE her?? she has a good sense of humour, she just wants to do her best in helping the people around her and she's so relatable LOLOLOL bc if I were to ever meet Tony (yes ik he's not real, im not actl insane guys even though I've said I am 100000 times), I would NOT be cool also and would just follow him around the same way she did with Clint
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week) :
DUM-E LOLOLOLOL!! BRUH I WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO SCREAMED WHEN I SAW HIM IN SPIDER-MAN NO WAY HOME OKAY?? You guys can all judge me if you want but I do not care! I have never, ever been happier!!!
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave):
Wanda. She IS controversial (in MCU) and I get it because of reasons that I wouldn't be able to explain as clearly as someone else (im incoherent 99% of the time). I'd love to be able to say that I have a strong moral compass that points North all the time to be able to not like her, but I can't help but do. I didn't like her before WandaVision, however, I do blame the writers for that and wished they didn't write her MCU origins the way they did!!! UGH!!! But yeah, the part that made me start liking her in Wandavision was that last episode where the townspeople were confronting her for her actions and she was just crying because she finally realised that her actions are hurting people. And I guess im just excited to see where her character arc is going to go, and I'm fine if MCU wants to make it a redemption arc or a corruption arc because (to me) she's complex and interesting enough for it.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason):
Tony, of course, horse plinko should always be your blorbo <333 i just love seeing my favourite characters (in whatever fandom) be tormented <333 you think Marvel has tortured him enough? Yeah, well I like to see fic writers hurt him 10x worse bc he suffers beautifully okay? Have u seen those panels of 616!Tony just full-on crying/bleeding/bruised (with a full-on existential crisis to boot) and mcu!tony with the bruises on his face and tears in his eyes??
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell):
Howard Stark (616!Howard Stark especially), must i elaborate?? lol.
tagging: @thahiree @avengersprotectionsquad @alwaysash13 @dodqerevans and anyone who wants to do it (you can choose the fandom u want to talk about, it doesn't have to be mcu/marvel!)
It's fun reading people's thoughts on characters LOLOL
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for fandom blorbo asks, do russian fairytales count as a fandom?
Oh, how could they not, when so much of my life has beeen consumed by them? Thank you so much for this ask, really amde my day, hope you won't be bored by my rambling:
blorbo: Predictably I know, but... who else but Baba Yaga? She is so ambigious and complex, and there are so many interpretations of her. She wants everybody to leave her alone in her woods, and knows everything; she mistreats her servants, and will help lost stranger because they were polite; she is pushed in oven so many times, and she is immortal. She is child eater and pseudo-mother figure; she is the threshold gaurdian who sets lethal tasks and donor who provides advice and mcguffins. She has no past and no background, and she has three sisters; she is the archetypal wicked witch, and such unique and recognizable character; the one and only, and her name is often not even written with capitals as if it was title or species. She stands at boundaries, and belongs nowhere; she is teacher of moral and personal lessons, and foreign being of wilderness. She is Devil's grandmother, and she is demonized pagan goddess of nature/death/initiation/snakes/winter/earth/ whatever theory you are trying to sell us now. Its fascinating how such a fairy tale character inspires people to read so much in her yet still remains undefinable.
(I think it obvious my favourite, and very biased and not very fulproof interpretation is ''What if God was omnipotent, omniscient and without beginning and end; and also grumpy mean grandmother with aching back who has grudge against everything around her and just wants to argue with her cat and spin in peace.'')
scrunkly: Ivan The Tsarevich. People in my opinion don't appreciate him enough, which fair I understand, we are all little fed up with third son who is stupid but lucky, and Ivan is sometimes jerk, but still! I admit, I am biased, because my view of him is '' a pretty and naive twink who only wants to be trophy husband of much smarter and powerful woman and tend to animals, and good for him!!!'' Also I love Vasilisa the Beautiful, yes girl, go play with your doll and be kind and good woman who becoems tsaritsa because her clothing is SO good, and also burn your stepfamily to ashes.
scrimblo bimblo: This is gonna be weird answer, but, Marya Morevna. I know, I know, Deathless came out and it is probably most famous retelling, at least in Western sphere, but though good book I would love if people realized source-Marya Morevna was brutal warlord empress who regularly slaughtered battlefields, conquered kingdoms day-to-day, and unfairly got shoved in passive role because she didn't tell her trophy house husband about evil wizard she kept locked up in basement without food or water. I also love all Vasilisas the Wise, especially her as The Sea Tsar's daughter. I am sorry, smart magical water women are my weakness. Oh! And Alyoshka from Alyoshka and the Robbers, maybe? Has anybody translated that tale in English or do I gotta do it myself?
glup shitto: Baba Yaga's cat. I love animals and I love cats and I love animals that help fairy tale ehro because of kindness and I love snark, and this thing has it all. I want kids' horror tv series about this cat's adventures as aide to heroes.
poor little meow meow: What is problematic in these tales? Hmm, can't be Koschei Deathless ( i love him as withered old man who uses black magic to remain immortal and preys on princesses but gets betrayed by animals and is also treated as another annoying little kid by Baba Yaga, not sexy dark god, sorry haha, but it's good book really). I love Grey Wolf, even if he is dastardly trickster? Also any and all dragons and rusalkas and such creatures.
horse plinko: Poor Ivan probably, haha, but I also love putting his elder brotehrs though tortures haha.
eeby deeby: Hmmm... Not sure. All those mean greedy elderly emperors, I suppose?
Anyway, thanks a lot for this, and sorry for rambling!
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leefi · 3 years
ORV 16
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kim dokja is that your mom. dokja. dokja. dokja is that your mo
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HSY: hey should we get red grapes or gr
KDJ: are you sick in the head? are you that mentally enslaved and intellectually subservient? And intellectually molested and IDEOLOGICALLY MOLESTED
Ne dom HSY vs Ni dom KDJ. fight fight fight kiss kiss kiss
at least I'm pretty sure she's Ne dom? but I don't know if ENFP or ENTP (leaning towards ENTP for the sheer audacity). If I'm right in either case she and KDJ should be a natural match in terms of synergy, which is hilarious. That potential double T is terrifying to me though like...relax
I wonder how they're gonna end up reconciling their differences? Like KDJ I'm assuming that HSY wants to see through the ending that she reached in her plagiarized work, which is in direct conflict with KDJ's goal to create a new one entirely.
"Lycaon of the Imyuntar. Pay respects to the protector."
Lycaon's body slowly fell in front of me. First his knees touched the ground, slowly followed by his head. There was a severe shaking of his eyes like he couldn't admit it.
"Do it properly."
kim dokja is so funny because randomly he will do shit like this which makes me go king are you ok. there is some very deeply veiled and fucked up god complex somewhere in there but i unironically love it. do it more
no but actually this is fine because kdj deserves bragging rights now and forever. He's earned them tenfold and I am VERY firmly in the "kdj has done nothing wrong yet - in fact, he's done everything exactly right" camp. hsy it's too early for me to say anything (she tells kdj herself that he's got her motives all twisted) and yjh is a girlboss so he's exempt from moral discussion (I tried twice to write out my thoughts about him and got nowhere. The constellations keep referring to him as ultimately righteous but every action we've seen him take so far has been neutral at best and I think I just need to wait to learn about him more. Like with KDJ i needed to see the moment in Chungmuro with the green zones for me to go "okay, this man is genuinely a good person - more than that, he inspires goodness in the people around him as well". I haven't had that moment with YJH and it definitely won't ever be something like KDJ's - he's not a leader type - but I'm sure it'll come). Interacting with KDJ more will end up changing his tune as it has for the other characters - he's just a tougher nut to crack. And understandably so - don't tell me you wouldn't also fall into a pit of despair if the entire universe was hinged around your endless deaths and rebirths and all actions you took - whether good or bad - were ultimately rendered meaningless. I think that KDJ is really unfair to YJH for this reason especially: like, you read about his suffering for ten years????? Surely you can empathize with him a little bit? I understand that you're both in the same situation now but you have more context than him!!! You aren't stuck in an existential loop of meaningless despair - he believes that he is!! Forever!! (I'm gonna stop here because I'm missing context and making assumptions). But TL;DR Not to be like "oh my poor meow meow 🥺🥺🥺" but...the man has genuinely gone through it LMAO. I also get that KDJ can't just walk up and tell him "hey! Don't worry things will get better 😙✌️✨💖". Because at the end of the day this is ultimately a misunderstanding that needs to be organically resolved with more time and interaction between the two.
TL;DR;DR kdj is mansplaining yjh's own trauma back to him
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qcomicsy · 1 year
No because I'm going insane, Jason is not even close from this bad boy archetype comics and the fandom paint him to be.
It's so fucking easy to put him as this dangerous, hot tempered bastard who is ready to go off at any given moment. It's so, so, so fucking easy to argue he is dangerous and messy and chaotic fire of nature. And don't get me wrong he is, but not it's not even close as again his reputation precedes him.
Jason is very well spoken, he knows the time to be calm and the time to go off, he knows when violence is necessary (in his terms), he understands society power imbalance and the advantages people on top have and people on the bottom haven't, he's extremely smart and calculating and the most important part he knows exactly when to play dumb and when to back off if it's need it. He has a lot of pride and is the insufferable "my way is right" kind of guy but never in a way that put his mission and people at his side in the face of danger. He recognize game and knows when it's time to shut the fuck up because there's someone more capable to dealing with shit.
He's so, so much more centered then the "chaotic Red Hood bullshit" people sell.
It just baffles me how it's so fucking easy to paint a victim of abuse who reacted in a different way other than sitting and taking it as insane, immature and dangerous. Or how easy it is to infantilize him. To turn and say "He's an asshole" or a "poor little meow meow" who doesn't do any wrong. Either a monster or a saint.
It's like Madonna-Whore dichotomy but about moral compass.
It's just. This is an adult man, with a set of complex issues and complex multidimensional reactions who yeah, actually make sense, when you take your head from your ass and see characters as flawed human being who react under the environment they're put on.
And no, this doesn't justify the things his done and the things he's done doesn't forbidden him from any kind of development or change of heart.
And a change of heart doesn't put him as this "now that's someone who deserves to be treated as a human being".
What I'm trying to say is, Jason isn't a monster, he isn't insane, he this rebel delinquent teenager, he isn't a poor little meow meow, not all his actions are justifiable, no his actions doesn't make him irredeemable, yes he has the right to change, no he shouldn't change just because then people would treat him as a goddamn human being and fuck yeah he deserves respect regardless.
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