#he’s like a fuck ass teen who is like Spidey you can end a lot
movedtodykedvonte · 11 months
Electro in the au would be the child of an extreme environmental activist that really wanted to find a way to make renewable energy with us as the source and things go wrong, super wrong actually, when he gets his wish.
Max is encased in his own self sustaining field of bioelectricity that makes it impossible to interact with things without electrocuting them and he accidentally wounds his dad and runs away in a shamed panic. Due to not being able to control his abilities he causes mass destruction that the government wants to bring him in for (along with government testing) making his panic worse.
Spider-Man comes to help and realizes that Max is just a scared kid like he was when he first got his powers (tho Max is like 16-17 here) and decides to take him under his wing in hopes to give the city a new hero after telling him he and his dad just need time to settle things over and he’ll forgive him. (Goes by hero name Electro during this)
They got to find his dad and discovered that his dad was taken due to competitors wanting to replicate his work despite him saying it’s not stable. Max and Spider-Man go to save him when a rift happens after an argument over lethal force happens. Spider-Man wanting to minimize damage while Electro will do whatever it takes. Electro’s volatile nature gets them found out and when he goes for the kill on the guy who orchestrated his dads kidnapping Spider-Man tackles him to get him to stop causing him to fatally injure his dad.
The facility is ruined and both have to flee but not before Electro swears to get even for Spider-Man(?) his fathers death.
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champagne-bucky · 4 years
Summary: Peter doesn’t like a disobedient girl.
Warnings: Dark! Peter Parker (18+) x female reader, non-con/dub-con, knife play, face fucking, begging, humiliation kink, squirting, smut, fondling, hand job, anal play
Notes: Hehe, sooo this challenge is very very late and I’m very very sorry. I’d like to apologize to @mariessecretfantasies​ for being soooo late. Anyways I hope you enjoy this one!! 
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You tried your hardest to stop the growing smirk on your face as Fury yelled at you. You may or may not have almost killed yourself and others while executing a life or death mission. The key work here was almost.
Being a new recruit was no walk in the park. Other agents were constantly belittling your actions and questioning your position with S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers, you showed them though. With every mission and every time you trained, you made sure to go above and beyond and prove every single one of those people wrong. As a result, a lot of agents became jealous and would do anything they could to ruin your credibility. Which brings you to Fury still yelling in your face.
It’s not like you were completely reckless, you made sure to carefully calculate everything you did so that you wouldn’t risk putting anyone in actual danger. Yes, that mission was technically very poorly executed, but it’s not your fault. Truthfully, the original plan would have cost people their lives if it wasn’t thanks to your quick thinking that saved everyone.
The only reason you were being yelled at instead of praised was because your incompetent teammates didn’t want to question the mission captain and think of a new plan. You were a hero, but those stubborn asses would never admit it.
“You really have me backed into a corner here, Agent,” Fury sighed as he rubbed his face.
“My desk is filled with complaints about your negligence to the team. Even your mission captain wants you suspended indefinitely,” you huffed.
“The only reason everyone complains about me is because they can’t be me. Everything they do, I do it ten times better than they could ever dream of. Even the lousy mission captain couldn’t think of a more brilliant plan than mine. You all should be thanking me really,” Fury raised his brows.
“Thanking you?”
“Yes, you should be thanking me because I’m the only competent one here willing to risk it all to save innocent people. Sorry you only hired people that were too afraid to get their hands dirty, what a sad sad team we have here,” Fury looked as if he wanted to chew your head off more, but for the sake of his already high blood pressure and an impending migraine, he decided against it.
“You know what I’m willing to do for you, Agent,” it didn’t take Fury long to come up with a plan.
“What, Nicholas,” you loved poking at his nerves. The vain in his forehead looked as if it were about to burst.
“I’m going to assign you to our Avengers program,” you gasped internally. The Avenger program? Does that mean-
“Don’t get it twisted. This program does not mean you’ll become an Avenger. This is a shadow program. You’ll be able to go on mission with your Avenger, go to their meetings, press conferences, you get the point,” you scoffed.
“And you’re doing all this for what?” Fury rolled his eyes.
“You may be able to get away with a lot of shit as an agent, but the Avengers are on a whole other level. One slip up and you're done. This program is gonna teach you just how we do things here at S.H.I.E.L.D.,” Fury leaned over the desk to be eye level with you.
You thought about giving him more attitude, but you didn’t want to push your luck. Even though Fury wasn’t saying it, he was pretty much saying that this program could mean a spot on the Avengers, right? Finally, you were all that hard work was giving you the recognition you deserve.
“Alright, Fury, I’ll join your little program. So, who do I get. Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Thor, Agent Romanoff, someone who matches my intelligence and skill set?” You leaned back in your chair with a smug smirk. Fury matched yours.
“I believe a shadow program is well below their pay grade. I was thinking of assigning you to someone who was a little like yourself. I think Peter Parker would be the perfect match for you,” your eyes went wide in disbelief.
“Peter Parker? Him? Oh, Nick, you gotta be kidding me? He doesn’t even go on real missions! He just helps old ladies cross the street, scares punk teens from shoplifting, he’s not even a real Avenger!”
“Mr. Parker is way more qualified than being a neighborhood watchmen, Agent. He’s on the team because he is one of the best. You can learn a thing or two from him. He, very much like yourself, was a big rule breaker too, still is if you ask me. The only reason we haven’t kicked him off yet is because Tony Stark has a soft spot for the kid.”
You tried to argue your way out of being with Peter, but Fury insisted or you would be met with suspension. You grumbled and trudged your way out of his office. Fury mentioned before you left that Peter would be in contact with you shortly. You slammed the door before he got his last words out.
“And don’t forget, follow the rules or be faced with the consequences,” you mocked his words under your breath as you stormed back to the agent’s wing of the compound.
Peter couldn’t believe the phone call he had just gotten from Fury. More importantly he couldn’t believe who was going to be shadowing him. After all this time being in the Avengers program, no one ever wanted to pick him, but you, his crush, well his heart was just bursting at its seams.
“What’s gotten you all smiley, Spidey,” Sam took a seat next to him on the couch.
“N-Nothing, I just got off the phone with Director Fury, he says someone requested me for the shadow program,” Sam laughed.
“And that’s what’s making you get all blushing and giddy? Gee, you not getting enough attention at home?” Peter rolled his eyes at Sam.
“No, it’s, it’s just this girl that I’ve liked for some time. Apparently she wanted me to be her guide.”
“Who is she?” Once Peter said your name, Sam’s eyes lit up in fear.
“Aww no man, you don’t want to be messing around with her,” Peter’s face fell.
“Why not?”
“Well, rumor has it she’s kind of a rebel.”
“Kind of?”
“From what I hear from other agents, she’s always breaking protocol, almost always putting people in danger, risking lives, not a good look if you ask me. Come to think of it, why didn’t Fury deny her application?”
“Maybe he thinks I can be a good influence on her,” Peter smiled and nudged Sam’s arm.
“Pfft, when pigs fly,” Sam got up and walked away leaving Peter to write out an informative email to you.
“Just be careful with her is all I’m saying, kid.”
Peter ignored him as he pulled up his email and began to write to you.
Your alarm was blaring way too early in the morning for your liking. Peter insisted on starting everyday at 6 a.m. because “crime always starts early”, or something stupid like that. You two had only been with each other for a week and it was pure torture for you.
Peter on the other hand indulged in the time he got to spend with you. So far, Sam was being proven wrong about your rebel status. He always made sure you were to follow the book no matter how defiant the look in your eyes was becoming. Maybe you only followed the rules because of him, he’d like to think.
“Peterrrrrrr,” you whined.
“Whattttt,” he mimicked with a laugh.
“This shit is taking too long. Can’t we just-“
“Nope,” Peter interrupted.
“I believe the correct word we are looking for is no,” you wanted to slap the stupid smirk off his face.
“Peter there is an easier way to do this,” you tried to reason with him, but he just wouldn’t listen.
“You mean there’s the wrong way to do this. I was given my instructions and now we will follow them, AS PLANNED OUT. If you don’t like how the Avengers run things, then maybe you should rethink your status in the program,” Peter stated as he kept his eyes locked on the bank.
This is what it’s been like for the entire week. You were starting to get agitated beyond belief by Peter’s smugness. What a cruel joke Fury decided to play on you. First, he makes Peter your partner, the most useless of all the Avengers when it came to missions and crime fighting. Next, his unwillingness to go off book for one measly second. If Peter could’ve known how much time he’d be saving by just bending the rules a little, he might be able to take on more serious tasks, unlike this stupid bank robbery tipoff he received earlier today.
Nevermind the other laundry list of reasons why you can’t stand Peter Parker and his dopey grin. Right now, you are thinking of good reasons why it would be impossible to get away with the murder of the most annoying person to ever walk the planet, in your opinion. While you were doing your own plotting, Peter was trying to keep his focus on the potential robbery and not the woman of his dreams next to him
The robbers made their move around 4 a.m. After countless hours of hearing Peter ramble on about Star Wars, chemistry, and his web fluid stuff you were thankful to end the night with some action. Peter made sure to take the lead while you were waiting at the back of the bank for a back up call. A stupid strategy, but supposedly Peter knew what was best and refused to go against orders.
Peter surprised the robbers by swinging himself down from the ceiling. There were four men trying to attack him and Peter fought every single one off without taking a breath. However, as things were going seemingly well they took a turn for the worst when one robber pulled out his gun and started to shoot. Peter faltered his steps and quickly dodged a bullet headed straight for his knee. During all this time you were watching from a small window, he still refused to call you for back up.
“Parker, you need my help, tap me in,” you said through your earpiece.
“No, no, uhh, I got it, thanks,” Peter responded quickly while dodging another bullet, this time to his shoulder.
“Parker, you're failing out there,” there was no response from Peter as he kept trying to tame the situation.
You huffed and decided to get to work. You really didn’t want to screw up your chances with this program, but you were left no choice. The line between Peter’s incompetence and stubbornness finally frayed and you just about had to butt in.
“I’m saving his life, I’m not breaking the rules… right?”
Peter was now tackled to the ground by two of the robbers. The one with the gun was reloading his bullets and the other was taking the money out of the machine. Somewhere along the line, they seemed to have damaged a part of his suit and he was bleeding out. That weakness alone was enough for the robbers to use all their strength and hold him down,
“It’s the end of the line for you, Spider-Man,” Peter started to freak out. Was it too late to call you?
“Hey boss, why don’t we see who’s under the mask,” one of the men holding him down said.
The “boss” agreed and began to walk his way towards Peter. He started to hyperventilate at the thought of not only his life ending, but his identity would be exposed.
The robber started to put his hands on the material of his mask, but not before he halted his actions and fell to the ground. Peter was stunned as were the rest of the men, but not for long.
“Hey, who’s that,” one man said as you came down from the ceiling where Peter had entered.
You have your few weapons at the ready and no time to waste. It had already been a long day and you were angry and exhausted. It took no time for you to wipe out the robbers and alert authorities of what went down. The men were hurt badly, but they should be okay, maybe.
Sirens were becoming louder as you quickly grabbed Peter and hauled him out of the back door and into the car. You whipped off his mask and started to check him for any injuries. When you went to touch a bruise on his face, he swatted your hand away.
“What did I tell you?” He said angrily.
“Peter I-“
“I said I would call you for backup and you defied me,” he pressed a button on his suit and it disappeared to his normal clothes.
“Peter you were choking out there! If I would’ve waited for your call you probably would’ve been dead by then! I saved your life, the least you could say is thank you,” you rolled your eyes and slumped back into your seat.
“Thank you? Y/N you blatantly went against my orders and did your own thing. Do you not have any respect for me?”
Your jaw dropped as Peter spoke those words. You cannot believe how irrational this boy was behaving. He was in trouble and you offered to help him.
“You know what Peter? No, no I don’t respect you. You were close to dying and I came in and saved your helpless ass. I have never met somebody so dimmwhitted, so stubborn, so incompetent, so STUPID, and so so SO annoying as you, Peter Parker. Come to think of it? How are you even an Avenger? Aren’t they supposed to have more than the one brain cell you seem to possess? Do they just let anybody be an Avenger or do we all have to suck up to Tony Stark just to get a spot on the team?”
“Get out,” Peter said through gritted teeth.
“What? Can’t handle the criticism?” You laughed as Peter slammed his hand on the center console, creating a dent.
“I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT,” you were surprised at Peter’s tone of voice.
“Get out, get out of this car before you make me do something I’ll regret,” your eyes went wide as you got out of the car and started to run home.
Peter cried that night after he kicked you out of the car. Nobody, not even Mr. Stark talked to him the way you had. The girl he fantasized about each night had called him stupid, annoying, and possibly more hateful words in the English language synonymous to the ones she had said in the car.
Peter needed to take the weekend to himself to process everything. His heart was crushed and his emotions were conflicted. Even after all those terrible words, he still had some feelings for you. How could someone so perfect for him be so cruel to him at the same time?
He avoided everyone at the compound for the weekend. Usually he’d spend the few days there to work on some new tech with Mr. Stark or train with Bucky and Sam, but you lived there too and he couldn’t face you at the moment.
Peter was also screening calls from Fury. At the end of every mission with you, Fury would demand a status report. Peter would always have positive things to say about you, but this time he wouldn’t even know what to tell Fury.
After a movie with MJ and Ned to clear his head, Peter walked back home to the small apartment he shared with his Aunt May. He felt a little better after seeing some friends, but his heart still had a pang in it from your words. Was he really as annoying as you said he was?
Peter didn’t dwell on his thoughts for long before he felt himself getting pulled off the sidewalk and into a sleek black car. He tried to fight off whoever pulled him in, but he stopped struggling once he heard the ring of his cell phone.
“So, it does work,” Fury ended the call and scowled at Peter. “Any reason you haven’t been answering me?”
Peter took a deep gulp as he figured out what he was supposed to say. “Director Fury, I-”
“She finally cracked you,” he simply stated as Peter nodded in agreement.
“I didn’t know what to say because I’m afraid of how you’d react.”
“And what did she say?” Fury questioned.
When Peter told him the whole story from the robbery to her hateful words in the car, Fury just about had blown a fuse.
“SHE WHAT?” Fury expected the absolute worst from you, he’ll admit that, but blatantly insulting her superior crossed a huge line for him.
“Director Fury, I have it all-”
“No, Parker, I’m in the driver’s seat now. No more Mr. Nice Guy,” Fury called for the driver of his car to take off.
“Fury, please, just let me handle this,” it took a lot of convincing, but Fury came to an agreement with Peter.
“If you don’t get rid of her attitude and I find out that she continues to talk to you the way that she did, I’m terminating her position with S.H.I.E.L.D.,” Fury had no time for further discussion as he basically pushed Peter out of the car and sped out of Queens.
Oh, Peter was going to do all he could to make her obey him. It didn’t matter how he was going to train her, but when the time is right he’ll make his dreams come true. Peter was going to make his fantasies come true.
After about a week of no Peter Parker, the Avenger was back and surprisingly better than ever. He made no mention of the car incident and you didn’t want to bring it up either. In fact, Peter seemed to be his happy, normal self while the two of you trained together for an upcoming mission. He was cracking the same jokes and still rambling your ears off about the usual stuff. It shocked you to say the least, he held no ill will for you because of that night. Maybe he finally wised up and was starting to see things your way.
It seems as if lately Peter has become more lax with you. He didn’t get mad when you were just a little late for training sessions or when you would begin your back talk with him. It was as if Peter changed overnight into a completely chill person. Not that you minded at all, you would definitely be taking advantage of his easy going personality.
However, you did notice something in his eyes that you never seen before. You couldn’t pinpoint it, but it was almost like whenever you too got a little rough during training, he would enjoy it and try to push the limit. Maybe it was all a test to see how far your strength could go? Whatever it was, it kept you curious. Peter was acting different, but not too far off from his normal self.
“We have a mission tonight at the docks. Be ready at 10 and we can take turns being watch,” was all Peter said to you before he left the gym to go off with Mr. Stark.
You weren’t used to going on a mission so late. Peter always wanted to arrive at missions early just in case he was being fooled by a criminal. Of course, he always ended up being wrong and everything would happen later at night than in broad daylight (you tried telling him that and he simply waved you off).
You quickly rushed back to your room, slamming the door and triple checking that the locks were in place. The events from tonight’s mission left you speechless, shocked, horrified. Never in your life had you gotten out of a car and booked it to your room so fast. Peter Parker, Spider-Man, New York’s favorite defender, had done an unspeakable act.
It started out like always, just sitting in the car hiding out. Peter wasn’t talking as much so you decided you wouldn’t make conversation either. It was only until the criminals came to the docks where it all went downhill.
Peter told you the same thing he always had, he’ll call you if backup is needed. Of course, Peter found himself in hot water yet again and you decided to intervene. Only this time, you were met with more than just yelling and a kick out of the car.
“You didn’t listen,” the tone in Peter’s voice changed.
“Peter, c’mon now you were in trouble,” you began to speak, but he quickly cut you off.
“You didn’t listen, and now you’re gonna have to be punished,” Peter had a dangerous look in his eyes that scared you.
“Peter, if you’re gonna throw me out again I’ll save you the trouble and just leave. You know I don’t get why you have to be so stubborn all the damn time, if you just-,” as you were going to open the door, you heard the lock click.
“You didn’t listen, you need to be punished,” Peter began to lean closer to you as you pulled harder on the door.
“Peter, PETER,” you screamed as he put his hand on the front zipper of your top.
“Take this off,” you stayed still, “NOW!”
You rushed to take your top off and avoided the tears forming in your eyes. You fumbled with the zipper towards the bottom and Peter groaned impatiently. He grabbed the top and tore it off of you only leaving you in a bra.
You tried to look away from him and cover yourself in the process, but Peter wasn’t having any of that. He grabbed you by the chin with one hand as the other made its way to your chest. You tried to fight his intentions, but he wouldn’t have it.
“Stop moving. I’ll make this worse for you,” he grabbed your chin harder and you stopped trying to move.
He dipped his fingers into one of the cups and began to fondle your chest. Once Peter found your nipple, he circled it with the tip of his thumb. Peter was moaning as soon as it hardened. He never took his eyes off of you.
“Take off the bra,” Peter gave you a look that dared you to defy him. You quickly got rid of the bra and he took it and threw it in the back seat.
Peter was in awe, you were as beautiful as he imagined. Your bare chest and the tears in your eyes made him hard as a rock. He took his hand off your chin and began to palm himself through his suit.
Peter made his suit retract back into his regular clothing. He took your hands and placed them over the palm of his jeans. He pressed your hands down as you bit back a terrified whimper.
“Why don’t you help me out, yeah?” It wasn’t a suggestion judging by the look in his eyes.
You pulled down his zipper and didn’t go any further than that. Peter chuckled at you and brought your hand into the inside of his boxers. You couldn’t form any type of sounds as he made you hand travel through his patch of hair and up his cock. Peter was impressive, but there was no room for a pleasantly shocked emotion.
“Now take him out and finish what you started,” Peter pulled down his boxers and fully exposed himself to you.
You started off slow with a shaky rhythm. Who could ever be confident and cool in a situation like yours? Peter didn’t seem to like what you were doing and put his hand on top of yours. He guided you up and down his cock and took it off once he gave you a pace.
“Don’t be shy, go faster,” you picked up the pace as you saw Peter swipe some precum off his tip and shoved his finger into your mouth.
He didn’t even have to say anything to get you to start licking his fingers. You closed your eyes and Peter didn’t seem to stop you. The faster this was over with the faster you could finally be home.
After a fast few pumps, he was ready to come undone. He slowed you down and then demanded you picked up the pace. You were told to open your eyes and look at him, but you would close them again after a short few seconds. When he finally did cum, he brought your body close to his cock and let it all spill out on your chest. You felt disgusted, humiliated, and baffled that Spider-Man would take advantage of someone like you.
You opened your eyes once you heard the beep of a phone. Peter had his phone out and was taking a video of the whole thing. He took an additional few pictures and stashed his phone away in case you tried to grab it.
“You might want to clean yourself up, won’t take long to get back home,” Peter tucked himself away and started the car.
When you arrived at the compound you darted out of the car before he could say or do anything further to you. If he wanted to talk he would have to call you now.
You shed yourself of your clothes and began to scrub your body down. No matter how hot the water and how hard you scrubbed, the feeling of Peter on you will forever remain. You took a few showers once you thought the scent and act of Peter had washed off of you. When you left your bathroom it was well past 2 a.m.
Making sure the doors were locked for the hundredth time that night, you finally settled down into bed. You tossed and turned for the next hour until you heard your phone buzz. Not thinking anything of it, you picked it up to see who could be texting you so late at night. Your heart dropped once you saw the messages.
One after another Peter was sending you the videos and pictures that he had taken. Each one made your stomach turn more and more. He was mocking you.
Don’t ever disobey me again or I’ll send these out to everyone.
It took a lot to impress Nick Fury after everything he’s seen and been through. Alien invasions, aliens, cat aliens, raccoon aliens… a lot of aliens. However, nothing could’ve impressed him more than reading your progress report from Peter this morning. It took all of Fury not to frame the report and send emails to all of the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents the news of this miracle.
It’s true, over the past weeks you’ve been ever so obedient to Peter. You didn’t move unless he told you to move, didn’t speak until given permission to, he had you right where he wanted you and you couldn’t do anything about it. Even if you thought of telling someone of his mannerisms towards you he would hold out his phone and get the file containing all those pictures ready in a “Send All” email.
Fortunately, Peter never touched you like that night again. True to his word, you would only be treated that way if you ever went against him again. Needless to say, you were walking on something sharper than egg shells. He would tease you spook you relentlessly, even going as far as locking the car door just to see you jump.
Even late at night he would spam your phone with obscene text messages just to taunt you. Sometimes he would send you photos of himself and when he asked for some in return, you had no choice but to give in. Day by day, this man was messing with you and you had no way of outing him.
Peter would be hot on your trail if he saw you making your way to Fury’s office. He would stop you before you could even get to his office corridor. Peter couldn’t have this getting out, his credibility would be ruined and Mr. Stark and the rest of the Avengers would see to it.
He wasn’t happy about what he did, but he didn’t feel a lot of guilt either. What he did that night in the car set something diabolical off in him. It felt good to take what he wanted right there and then. Peter couldn't help but be a little prideful about what he did. He even hinted to Sam a few times that something might’ve happened between you and him.
While he was gloating you were scheming your way into telling Fury what happened. You can’t go anywhere near the man without Peter right beside you, and you can’t call Fury because he never seems to answer his phone. In fact, Fury has been out of the office more and more lately, perhaps keeping up with the other Avengers or being involved with more aliens.
Regardless of what it was, the next time you saw Fury in person you would say something.
You finished off your makeup and were now putting on the expensive dress your fellow agents coaxed you into buying for the party tonight. The material was tight and it was a little hard to breathe, but you’d get through it. Your body was buzzing in anticipation and nerves as you checked your hair one more time before heading off to the gala.
Every year, the Stark x S.H.I.E.L.D. Gala was held to promote and spread awareness for local and international charities across the globe. You never had an interest in going before, but this year you were bugged by the other agents to go and Peter had expressed his interest in your presence at the party. If you didn’t show you were afraid of what he might pull in your absence.
The hotel was extravagant, from the way it was decorated to the mass amounts of people in their expensive suits and elegant gowns. You scanned the room for Peter, but saw no sign of him. He was either taking photos with the Avengers or watching you from afar, and you wouldn’t put it past him to do that.
While you didn’t see him you got to work finding Fury. You went through the humongous crowd of people just to see if you could catch a glimpse of him, you even started to ask around, but no one seemed to know where he could be. It felt like forever and you were beginning to lose hope that you would never find him. If anything was going to happen it had to be tonight.
A tap on your shoulder stopped you in your hectic search. You knew who it was just by the clear of his throat. You faced Peter with a nervous smile on your face as opposed to the devilish one on his.
“I‘ve been looking for you all night,” Peter drank in your appearance, “you look beautiful.”
You squirmed under his gaze while he lingered a little too long for your liking. When he was finally done ogling you, you saw the lust in his eyes grow. You gulped as he extended his hand.
“Dance with me?” The band started to play a slow song.
You looked at his hand and then up to his eyes which dared you to say now. Reluctantly, you grabbed his hand as he led you to the dance floor. Immediately, a few wandering eyes were on yours and Peter’s figure as he led the first dance.
“You know I’ve been thinking. Since you’ve been so perfect lately, I was going to recommend you to Stark for a spot on the Avengers,” your skin formed bumps as he spun you around.
“Could you imagine that? My obedient little angel fighting alongside me. Ugh, could there be anything more perfect?”
You were about to speak, but the music had stopped and all attention was directed to the stage. Up walks Fury and Tony Stark, Fury was first to take the podium and began his long speech about the gala and what supporting these charities means to him and everyone here tonight. You kept your eyes on him the entire time and ignored the words Peter was trying to whisper in your ear. You only started listening to him when he squeezed your waist hard causing you to yelp.
“I said, why don’t we go back to my room when this is all over, huh?” You froze when he ran his hand up and down your spine.
“Peter, don’t you think that’s a little inappropriate?” He hummed in disagreement with you and he wrapped his arms around your waist.
“Nonsense, I don’t even know why I asked, it’s not like you have a choice in the matter anyways,” the fucker laughed.
Your body was shaking and your face was turning red in anger. Peter was going to hold you down forever. There was no way you could ever escape someone as evil as him. Peter had a hold on you for as long as he wanted. You only had one chance to escape it seems and Fury had to be your ticket out.
Before you could form a response Fury handed over the mic to Tony. Fury stepped off the stage and you kept your eyes on him for the entire time. He was making his way out of the gala and you needed to be fast in order to catch him. Peter seemed too distracted by what Tony was saying so you loosened yourself out of his grip and stood beside him. Peter only glared at you for doing that, but you didn’t care, tonight would be the night you take down Peter Parker.
Slowly, you slinked away into the crowd as a round of applause sounded off for whatever Tony was saying. Peter didn’t seem to notice you leave and that’s when you took off. People were giving you disgusted looks as you began to run out of the ballroom and chase Fury.
You almost lost him in the elevators, but you took the steps and ran once you saw what floor he was heading to. You shucked off your heels and ran up the many steps to catch him. When you got to his floor, you pushed the stairwell door open and ran after him.
“Director F-,” you face planted.
Your ankles were tangled by some sort of slim rope and they wouldn’t come undone. Fury’s footsteps faded and new ones approached your struggling body. A pair of expensive shoes stopped right by your head as the body leaned down. You came eye to eye with an angry Peter Parker.
“Rebel, rebel,” he shook his head and hauled you up. You were beating on his back the entire time as tears formed in your eyes. The rope-like material was his webs which kept you trapped.
He went back in the stairwell and carried you up a few more flights until he came to his floor. The hallways were empty as everyone was still at the party. You tried to yell, but it only got you a harsh slap on your ass.
Peter stopped in front of his door and opened it. The second he closed it he threw you on the middle of the bed. He made his way to his suitcase and took out a pocket knife. You were screaming uncontrollably and he began to cut the webs loose. You knew better than to fight with a man with a knife, let alone Spider-Man with a knife.
“Rebel rebel, you’ve torn your dress,” Peter noticed the small tear towards the end of your gown and tore up the rest. “Rebel rebel, your face is a mess,” he looked at your makeup stained face. He put his thumb near your lips and began to smudge lipstick around your face.
“Rebel, rebel, what are we going to do about you?” Peter took off the rest of your dress. The only thing you were in was a lace thong. Peter licked his lips and began to trace the knife down your breast.
You were shaking, afraid that he might dig the knife deeper into your skin. Afraid that he was so mad at you he would go as far as to kill you. You started to whimper as Peter looked up. The smirk on his face grew wider and wider.
“Beg for me not to hurt you. Beg like the good little angel you are,” you were so close to not giving in, but Peter dug the tip of the blade into your skin just enough to pinch it.
“Please Peter, please, please don’t hurt me Peter,” he hummed in a way to tell you that he wasn’t convinced by the performance.
“Please Peter, I’ll do anything to please you. I’ll do anything to make you happy. Please Peter, I’m so sorry for being bad,” you were hysterical as he moved the knife further down your body. When he reached your center he chuckled and threw the knife to the other side of the room. He roughly grabbed you by your scalp and made you come face to face with him.
“Anything?” You shook your head in agreement. “Alright, I wanna fuck that naughty mouth.”
Peter pulled off his suit pants and became complete bare from the waist down. He pumped his cock a few times before grabbing your jaw and forcing your mouth open. He didn’t give you any time to get used to his size as he put all of himself in your mouth. He grabbed you scalp rougher this time and pushed your head up and down. Tears formed in your eyes again as you were forced to take him down your throat. He was a moaning and groaning mess until his thrust started to falter. Peter quickly pulled out watching in awe and the trail of saliva connected from your mouth to his cock.
Peter quickly sat you up and ripped off your underwear in the process. He started to rub his fingers along your folds where he found that you were wet. He smirked and chuckled as he continued rubbing up and down to make you become slicker than before. You tried biting back your moans, but Peter would only press down harder on your clit which caused you to cry out.
“See, I’m not so bad, princess. I could be good to you if you’re good to me,” he removed his fingers and pushed you down on the mattress.
“Peter, please,” you didn’t know if you wanted him to stop or urge you on.
“I know honey, I know. Just lay down and let me make you feel good,” Peter rid himself of the rest of his clothes and slotted himself between your legs.
His tip began to enter you and the rest of his length painfully stretched you out. You squirmed a little, but Peter reassured you it would feel better soon. Sure, he wasn’t your first, but it had been a long time since the last guy and you were a bit tight.
“Oh, angel, you really do feel like heaven,” he started to thrust a little faster.
Pretty soon, Peter was getting really rough with his thrust and making you cry out in a mix of pain and pleasure. Peter got carried away and didn’t realize how fast he was going on you. You felt an orgasm building and were trying to communicate that to Peter but couldn’t form the words. Peter felt you tighten around him just a little too hard and he took that as the signal to pull out. After all, he did want to see his crush cum, for him and only him.
You felt the rush of your orgasm after Peter pulled out. When you looked up at him, his chest was covered in the slick sheen of sweat mixed with your arousal.
“Holy shit, you squirted. That’s got to be the hottest fucking thing I’ve ever seen,” Peter went back inside you and hoisted himself on his knees and making you face to face with him. “I wanna see that again, and again, and a hundred more times.
He didn’t slow down no matter how many times you tried to beg and plead. Peter ripped out orgasm after orgasm from you and it only coaxed him to go harder and faster. Your bodies were covered in each other’s sweat and you were beginning to get a little tired. However, your eyes quickly shook away their tiredness when you felt fingers prodding your other hole.
“I’ve always wanted to do this,” and as Peter continued his thrusting, he pushed one finger into your tight muscle and pounded into you harder.
“Aww fuck this feels so good,” Peter cried out one last time and finally came inside you.
You both collapsed onto the bed still connected to each other. Tears formed in your eyes once the shock wore off. He had finally gotten what he wanted from you.
Only a week went by when you had finally heard from Fury again. This time, he wanted to speak with you privately in his office. Your time with the Avengers program was up and he wanted to give his final thoughts.
“Well Agent, I am shocked to be saying this, but I am thoroughly impressed by your behavior with Peter. A little rough in the beginning, but I’m glad to see you both worked through your differences,” you wanted to scoff, but you wouldn't put a damper on Fury’s mood.
After that night in the hotel, the sex became a regular thing. Peter would demand and you were forced to give in. His punishments were still ongoing as he was still mad at you for trying to snitch on him to Fury, but now that the program has ended you and Peter Parker wouldn’t be seeing each other at all.
“And because of your improving behavior I’ve decided to push through your request,” you furrowed your brows in confusion.
“You know, your request to join the Avengers team officially. Parker has been raving about your skills and training that we decided to recommend you for a spot on the team. You’ll have to meet with Mr. Stark for a few interviews and sessions, but seeing as Peter has talked so fondly of you there is no doubt in my mind you wouldn't be offered the spot.”
You stayed frozen in your seat as Fury went on and on about you. You only left when he dismissed you, reminding you that Tony Stark would be contacting you soon.
When you shut the door behind you, you began to freak out. Peter was planning on keeping you as his. At this point, there would be no way out unless you either die, face embarrassment and let the video get leaked, or wait around until Peter gets bored. Knowing Peter and his fatal attraction to you none of those could happen.
On your way back to your room, you heard the familiar footsteps you’ve grown too disgusted to know. You turned around to face the man who would be running you entire life for who knows how long. Just as you were about to speak he opened his mouth first.
“Rebel, rebel, there you are.”
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the--ghost--king · 5 years
Spider-Man:Far From Home
Hey so I just saw Spider-Man: Far From Home. And I got like mildly spoiled beforehand about the end credit scene but that didn't take away from the story at all so time to dive the fuck into my ramble anger.
The movie is phenomenal. I was shacking and anticipating and on the edge of my seat the whole time but that doesn't mean that I don't have things that bothered me about it.
First, let's talk about Tony Stark and how his death has impacted Peter. Peter is unsure and doesn't really know what to do with himself at the start of the film which is completely understandable. He's still mourning, Peter doesn't feel ready (the scene with the reporters shows this expertly when you contrast Peter handling the Press and Tony handling the Press) which is completely understandable. He's 16, he's just come back to life and everything is strange and confusing. He's vulnerable as Hell this whole movie and a fuckton of people abused this vulnerability.
First of all, I'm just gonna start about Nick Fury and the second after credit scene. Talos was Fury all along which makes sense with how to an extent Fury didn't act like himself and missed certain things etc but that doesn't excuse the manipulative behaviour he exhibited towards Peter. Maybe it's just me but I was quite angry with how Fury kept pushing Peter towards taking the mantel of 'New Iron Man'. I get that He (Talos) was probably working with some loose orders and figured this was the best course of action because Tony left Peter the glasses but the way he went about it is all wrong. We don't expect Nick Fury to be a nurturing presence or anything but making Peter feel like he's failing the world and more importantly letting Tony down by not taking on the 'Iron Man' Mantle is fundamentally wrong in my opinion.
You can't tell an emotionally vulnerable teenager that his mentor figure, who has just died, would be inexplicably disappointed in him if he didn't do something he (the teen) is afraid of/ doesn't feel ready for/ doesn't want to do yet. It's upsetting that Tony's legacy and his death was used as a manipulation tactic like this. That it's Talos and not actual Nick Fury excuses some of his actions, Talos is maybe less aware of earth costums or is maybe playing up the 'Hard-Ass Nick Fury' idea but that's also kind of unbelievable because we know that Talos is rather empathetic by nature because of his family. He has it in him to be cruel but wouldn't do so unnecessarily and lovely reminder: Peter is a child. He might be a superhero but he is still a child and they should have taken a different approach towards getting Peter to rethink being involved in all this. Because the way Talos(Fury) just made Peter be involved by changing all these aspects of his trip that he can't control must feel very violating to Peter as well. He seemingly has no control over his life at all and it's fucking awful.
Now that we've got that out of the way it's time to fucking talk about our favourite motherfucker Aldrich Killain Quentin Beck. (I'll talk about Iron Man 3 and General Iron Man parallels in a bit) either way Quentin Beck aka Tony Stark inconvenienced me that one time and now I'm willing to Kill Children -Man number 700. Is this just going to be a thing in Spider-Man movies, all villains are going to say it's Tony Stark's fault they're doing what they're doing whilst they're fully functioning adults with autonomy(??????) (Is it obvious that I am Mad). Either way.
Quentin Beck is mad because Tony used his holographics technology and called it BARF. Sounds like a fair thing to be mad about when Tony seemingly didn't give him any credit for it. I use seemingly here because we don't have the full story. We just know what Quentin told us which is that Tony did something that upset him and Quentin figured the best course of action was to become the next Big Superhero and kill a bunch of people in the name of his goals. ( *cough* Killian *cough*). Also William from Iron Man 1 working with him is a fun little Easter egg but it also makes no sense that he'd somehow hate Tony because Obadiah yelled at him. Like what's the thought process there? Do we actually justify this? Doesn't Marvel know how to give people proper motivations for their actions? Maybe I'm just salty (and like I'm biased because I love Tony Stark) but still. Beck called him a drunken manchild (which a lot of Tony antis do) and then disregards all the good Tony has ever done for the world and how he's been growing and changing and trying to do better since IM1 and how that culminated in his death in Endgame to instead focus on the things he did before he decided to turn himself around (like a lot of Tony antis do).
Mysterio's entire motivation is based on him misinterpreting Tony's character. Tony did one thing that was detrimental to Mysterio and then Mysterio made a huge leap and just said, 'Y'know how I can best get my revenge over this tiny little thing that most people would either go to court over or go to the press with to gain public trust/opinion to ruin their opponents reputation? Making myself an elaborate superhero and not caring about casualties because they're for the greater good.'
Basically I'm done with people making Tony responsible for their actions when they made these radical choices completely on their own without him ever doing anything but upsetting them in one way or another.
I'm not saying that Tony didn't do anything wrong in this scenario (if we were told the whole truth and Tony stole someone else's idea for no good reason, which, knowing him, sounds fake) but I am definitely saying that Beck could have done literally anything else to get back at Tony especially if he had like 5+ years to think of his evil revenge plan.
So next up is first me being slightly mad about the Spidey-sense being called the 'Peter-tingle' and how it's really not explained how it works in the movie (maybe it was but I just missed it) either way, it was very funny but also mildly upsetting.
And then the last thing I'll complain about is the mid-credit scene. I'll talk about the whole Peter/MJ romance subplot later but I want to specifically concentrate on the identity reveal. I'd been spoiled for this but only a little. I knew they would paint Peter as the bad guy and they set the whole identity reveal with The Daily Bugle (well done on that) up by showing us William grabbing the USB-stick and this being done makes a lot of sense with Mysterio's character bc he was a conniving bastard who'd obviously have contingancy plans. I'm not mad about how the reveal was done or that it happened necessarily. Overall the scene was handled very well and was very impactful. I'm just kinda upset because Peter just gets thrown into this new thing and never gets a break and I'm upset about what they want to do with this information now.
Side note: they also foreshadowed the identity reveal when Peter was talking to May and Happy by making it look like he was maybe talking to a camera or something (clever shot Marvel).
But now my issue with the world knowing Peter's identity: It's going to Fuck his life over immensely, especially because the world thinks he's evil. The Next Spider-Man film (and I'm pretty sure the last one) is going to come out in 2022 and I'm pretty sure they're not going to mention how the Spider Man conflict is handled in other movies. Which means they'll have to fix that up in the next Spider-Man movie somehow.
In the comics some peope of the New York public disliked the Neighbourhood menace Spider-Man because of J.J Jameson and The Daily Bugle and how they talked about him being distrustful but the world didn't know who Spider-Man was, so Peter could live his life normally without Spider-Man debilitating him. In this timeline (fucking earth 616 Marvel who are you kidding, also does this mean that that was actually a lie because motherfucking Mysterio made his story up???) The world Knows that Peter is Spider-Man and he has no one to protect him, he's on his own, completely and he's not ready.
That's a huge thing in the film. Peter isn't ready but everything around him seems to push him to be without regarding what he wants at all and then the reveal happens. Idk if this made complete sense but the lack of agency Peter gets over his life especially with Beck pulling this shit is astounding and Marvel will have to somehow fix this by the next Spider-Man film and sell that convincingly and I don't like their prospects at all.
So now we're going to talk about things I liked about this movie:
The MJ/Peter romance. It was great and made a lot of sense. The way that MJ had issues with being vulnerable. Peter "Hopeless Romantic" Parker. How Peter just really wanted to get the girl and have something nice for himself after all the bad shit that happened. Their romance made sense and although I don't like love triangles the whole Brad thing was pretty funny and did have us on the edge of our seat sometimes. The romance was a subplot but it was a part of the story in a way that seemed very organic and it added to Peter's story and character without taking away from the bigger story.
Next thing up: a loose list of Iron Man 3/ Tony Stark parallels. (Which made me a very happy lad)
Tony lost his suit in IM3 and has to work around this, Peter loses his suit and then also has to work around this (although he gets help ig). (Very thin I know)
The villain being a deception somehow. Aldrich Killian being the manderin and Mysterio being the bad guy.
The way Peter just started rambling about the multiverse and science the moment he heard about it.
Peter ghosting Nick Fury
How Peter made his suit on the plane and configured a bunch of things and used the holograms so organically. (did you see how Happy looked at him it was so obvious that he was fondly thinking 'wow he's just like Tony')
Other things:
Peter swinging a vaguely hammer-like object whilst also holding a vaguely shield-like object
Peter holding a vaguely shield like object in another battle scene
The entire May/ Happy romance
Brad (Also the Peter is half naked with this random lady scene had Issues but I've been mad about this movie over enough shit already and someone else has already talked about it for sure)
Their teachers
Flash loving Spider-Man and still bullying Peter.
Flash being a vlogger
The fact that they called it 'The Blip' sounds a little dumb but it grew on me.
Also the acting in this movie was phenomenal. Mad respect to Jacob, Zendaya, Jake, Samuel and Tom they captured the characters really well and every scene was good.
I loved all of the super unsettling and upsetting illusions Beck showed Peter (fucking Tony's grave and that goddamn skeleton of decay Iron Man crawling out of it was Art)
Also the second end credit scene with Nick Fury in space was funny. Nick deserves a break.
It might have seemed like I was shitting on the movie a lot but I honest to God loved it. It's just that me, this boy, is a whiny little bitch and nitpicking is one of my favourite hobbies.
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ironspiidey · 5 years
Superheros Get Bullied too
Chapter: 1
Chapter 3 is Up!
Chapter 3: Peter Parker and Chinese at the Tower
Read it on A03
“Oh my god.” Peter shakes shutting and locking the bathroom door. He feels an anxiety attack coming on so he strips off his hoodie and sits on the floor. He puts his head in his hands and felt the tears starting.
“Pete baby you okay?” Tony softly knocks
“Go away.” He practically whispers.
“You know I can’t do that sweetheart. Can I come in?”
“You’re going to come in anyway if I say no won’t you.” Peter mumbles from behind his hands
“If I say no, will you let me in?”
Peter scoffs “Friday unlock the door please”
“Of course Peter” the Ai responds
“That’s my boy “Tony locks the door behind him. He sits beside Peter and starts to run his fingers through his hair
Peter leans into the touch and keeps sniffling
“What happened today?” Tony says softly
“Flash was an absolute nightmare and I lost it. Everybody was talking about me.”
“I’m sorry baby but he’s done hurting you now I promise.” Tony pulls Peter to him and places a kiss to his hair. “Did he hurt you Pete?”
Peter first leans into the touch relaxing and feeling the stress of today disappear but when his boyfriend mentioned being hurt he stiffened up
“Harley told you.”
“My nephew wasn’t very forthcoming no. He reacted the same way you are.”
Peter sighed and turned around looking up at the man “Tony…”
Tony wraps his arms around the younger man then noticed his arm which was turned a blackish, blue color.
“Did he do that?”
Peter swallowed and looked at his wrist. “Oh my god, Tony I swear it looks worse than it is.”
“Peter I won’t ask again.”
“Tones I swear to you it was only yellow earlier like a normal bruise. All he did was grab my arm to stop me but I pulled and then pushed him away, it’s gotta have something to do with my super healing. Ask Harley! He can confirm it Tones”
Tony took ahold of his arm and lightly touched the bruise “does it hurt?”
“No Tones, I didn’t even notice it.”
Tony looked up at him and then down at the bruise. “He fucking touched you baby.”
“I’m fine, I swear.”
“Yeah well I’m not and neither will he when I’m done with him.” Tony growled.
Peter grabbed onto Tony and held tightly. “He’s not worth it, Tony please just let it go.”
Tony looked at him in disbelief “You’re fucking kidding me right? He fucking laid a hand on you Pete. You could have been hurt! He will pay for this.”
“But I’m not hurt. I’m okay really I’m not just saying that either.”
Tony cups Peter’s face, thumbs caressing his cheeks “But baby you could have been. What if you didn’t have your Spidey-strength. He could have broken your wrist. It might not have stopped there, don’t you see Peter??”
Peter’s eyes started to water when Tony raised his voice. It was scary at the thought of what might have happened if he didn’t have his strength but it didn’t happen. “Tony please.”
Tony’s eyes softened and he leaned forward pressing a soft his to his forehead, nose, each cheek & then his lips. “I’m sorry baby but I couldn’t bear it if something happened to you.”
“MJ!!!” Ned calls out of breath, running to where she was sitting outside.
“Why are you out of breath? More importantly why are you talking to me? It’s my only spare today.”
Ned rolls his eyes and plops down across from her “Have you seen Peter?”
“No, why?”
“He’s gone.”
MJ raises an eyebrow “Gone?”
“Yes!” Ned sighs exasperated “Like clearly not in the building gone, he wasn’t even in AP Physics.”
MJ sits up. “And Flash?”
Ned swallowed “I haven’t seen him.”
“Me neither, what about Harley?”
“Gone too.”
MJ sighs and pulls out her phone
“What are you going to do?” Ned asks
“Call Harley.” MJ shakes her head as if it’s the most obvious thing
Ned’s eyes widen “Call him? Why not Peter? Who knows what Harley is up to?”
MJ rolls her eyes “Ned. Good god. You worry too much. Plus I heard Harley was with Peter right after Chemistry soo if Peter left, it would most likely be with him.”
Ned mumbles under his breath “Or with his boyfriend.”
MJ raises an eyebrow. “What did you say?”
“Uh nothing. Yeah not a thing.”
“Did you say Peter has a boyfriend?”
“If you knew what I said why did you even ask? Put me on speaker if you’re still calling him”
MJ gave him a look “We will deal with that later, right now I have to call our friendly thug”
Harley sighs and looks down at his food wondering if he should bother eating anymore when his phone suddenly rings “What the fuck? Who calls people anymore?” He pulls out his phone and notices its MJ calling.
“Harley hi, it’s MJ.”
“Yeah I kinda figured, with the caller ID and all.”
“Did you see Peter?”
Harley licks his lips nervously and glances in the direction both him and his uncle just went a few minutes ago “Uh yeah you could say that.”
“Did you know he skipped out on AP Physics?”
“Yup.” He decides yeah he will eat the slowly cooling Chinese noodles and stuffs a spoonful into his mouth “Why do you ask?” He says with a mouthful off noodles
“Let’s try that again in English this time.”
Harley rolls his eyes, grabs a drink of water and swallows “I said, why you ask? Your being awful nosy there Mary-Jane”
“Fuck you. Don’t call me that.”
“You wish sweetheart”
“Your disgusting:”
Both Harley and Ned start laughing “Remember you called me.”
“Right I did, because Peter, you and Flash were all MIA for the past 2 hours.”
“Peter is fine, He just needed to get away for a little. I’m sure Ned survived without him for one class.” Harley switched to speakerphone, laying his cell on the table and continuing to munch
“Are you sure? How you do know?” Ned speaks up before MJ could get snippier.
“Ahh I see now Mary Jane, Ned’s been pestering you. And here I thought you had a heart.” Harley says before finishing off his noodles. “Parker is fine, really. You don’t need to worry.”
“You sound so sure, but nobody’s heard from him.” Ned mumbles
Harley was about to speak when he’s interrupted
“C’mon Tones, Harley can vouch for me”
“What was that?” MJ questions
Harley coughs awkwardly and scrambles for the phone to take it off speaker “Yeah that was just the uh TV. Stupid commercials always come in louder than the actual show.”
“Nephew we need to have a little chat.”
“You’re at your uncles?” MJ asks, not giving up. Almost certain that she heard Peter
“Uh yeah, and I gotta go. Talk to you never I hope.” Harley quickly hangs up the phone despite hearing both MJ and Ned’s protests.
“Who was that?” Peter asked curiously.
“Your security team” Harley laughs
“Ned and MJ?”
Harley nods “who else? Apparently they decided to play detective and pester me.”
Peter sits down next to him, scrunching his nose up at his cold Chinese noodles “ugh, I hate cold Chinese”
“You’ve become spoiled Petey” Harley grins and grabs his plate heading to the kitchen to heat it up for him. As he heads back in Tony stops him and presses the back of his hand to the kid’s forehead “You feeling ill Harley?”
Harley pushes his head away and walks over to Peter, sitting his plate down in front of the young super hero. “No why?”
“You went and reheated Petey’s plate without me asking you to” He says with a smirk, knowing full well that his nephew was starting to form a sweet spot for the other teen
“Yeah well its clear he’s had a shitty ass day, least I can do is heat up the princess’s plate of food” Harley shrugs
Peter starts blushing “I’m not a princess!”
Harley rolled his eyes. “You just keep telling yourself that. “
Peter starts to eat his Chinese then looks up at Tony watching both teenagers with a smile on his face “What?” he says around a mouthful
“This is just nice, you two getting along, shame I’m about to ruin it.”
Harley raised an eyebrow. “One we co-exist together, two whatcha mean, ‘about to ruin it’” the teen uses air quotes at the end of his sentence
Peter gulps and looks at his food. Knowing he needs Harley to vouch for how the bruise looked earlier but at the same time worried about how he will react to how it looks now. “He uh needs you to confirm with what I told him.”
Harley turns away from his uncle and looks to Peter, frowning when he sees Peter’s stressed expression “Confirm what Parker?”
Peter swallows loudly and looks up at Harley “About today, with flash and how he grabbed me.”
Harley sunk back into his seat “Oh. “ He looked up at his uncle and could tell behind that smile there was a lot of rage ready to explode. “So you told him about your arm.?”
“He didn’t have much of a choice when he took his hoodie off.” Tony states leaning back in his chair, doing his best to remain calm, no need to lose it and worry his poor Peter anymore then he already is. “What concerns you with this my dear nephew is the bruise itself”
Harley sat up in confusion, seeing that Tony was not in fact about to rip his head off “The bruise itself?”
Peter sighed and lifts his sweater sleeve and turns fully to the other teen “I need you to tell Tony that this bruise was yellow earlier.”
“Holy fuck Peter!” Harley takes a sharp inhale “I thought you said he didn’t hurt you. “
Peter nods “Because he didn’t. He barely grabs me.”
“Barley grabbed you? Look at your arm Peter how the hell can it go from barely there yellow to basically black and blue?” Harley gives Peter a look, feeling like there is more to the story then the superhero is letting on.
Peter slides his sweater on and tries to remain calm, he really doesn’t feel the need to start crying again thank you very much. “See Tony? It was only yellow earlier.”
“That doesn’t explain why it’s purple now Peter.”
Peter looks at Harley, could tell the teen was getting agitated especially since he called him by his first name. “It’s gotta be my super healing. “ Peter shrugs
“But. –“
“Let it go Harley I’m fine!” Peter starts to storm off but Harley grabs his arm
“Harley…” Tony says sternly
“Just wait here a minute. You say all he did was grab you like this right?”
Peter swallowed nervously but nodded.
“Okay so humor me for a minute ?” Harley looked from Peter to his uncle. To which Tony nodded, curious as to where his nephew was going with this.
“Um okay.”
“So you say he grabbed you like this “Harley held Peter’s other arm, not the one flash grabbed.
Peter nodded
“How tight?”
“Tighter then this.”
Harley tightened his hold but it was still semi loose, the way most people would try to grab someone’s attention without being malicious. “How about now?”
“Not yet.”
They went on like that for another few minutes before Harley let go and turned fully to his uncle “If I were to grab his arm any tighter it would be painful. I’m sorry but there is no fucking way that Thompson could have grabbed Peter lightly and made that bruise. “
Tony took a deep breath. “Exactly what I thought. “Tony turned fully to Peter. “Petey baby it’s time to be honest with me. What. The. Fuck. Happened. “He got up and walked over to where the boy was standing and tilted his chin up to face him “In that hallway.”
Harley got up and headed towards the elevator as the other two were occupied. He was beyond mad and needed to find Flash before his uncle did.
Tony noticed Harley attempting to sneak out and smirked “Friday, deny my nephew access to all elevators and rooms excluding Peter’s, his own, and all other floors “
“Of course sir.” The Ai responds
Tony turned and faced the blonde “I know being a hormonal, angst teen means you feel the need to disobey your adult authority but when I say no. “He pauses until Harley looks at him “That means you fucking listen to me, Clear?”
Harley glares at him “What the fuck? I was just going to see Tommy!”
Tony rolls his eyes. “What do you take me for? If you were just going to see your friend, you wouldn’t have felt the urge to attempt to sneak out. So again are we clear on what I expect of you?”
Harley nodded. “Crystal.”
“Good. Now if I find out you used Peter in any way to get out of the tower, there will be hell to pay. Kapeesh?”
“Yup. Now can I go to my room?”
Tony nodded then turned back to Peter. “Now, where were we?”
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gaygwenpool · 5 years
Mysterio headcanons part 2
i live to please and two foolish souls encouraged me to continue this so uh. here, have some more :3c (disclaimer, im a dumbass and only discovered the glory of ~~mysterio~~ like two months ago so my apologies if it’s ooc…i wanted to develop more on some of those but this is already way too much text for what it is lol)
Mysti has several smaller operations goin on at all times in order to fund his bigger shenanigans. They are mostly scams, although some of them are even legit, but all of them are pretty unsuspicious, nothing that could link him to them. He doesnt talk talk about them for this exact reason, they are boring, no flair, no panache, he is actually embarrassed about them… but hey, you try to break out of prison and build 5 different realistic lifesized sets, 76 completely automated androids and enough hallucinogenic fog to cover entire New York for a week with just the two dollars you found behind the couch.
You know how starting heroes often get dumb ridiculous crushes on their first foes only to be super embarrassed about them later? Spidey totally had one on Mysti for a short while. Q only realized muuuch later like Oh. welp that explains some stuff lmao :’D he probably made some playful remarks to spidey about it but it got old pretty fast.
Beck is a beautiful mess of contradictions involving his pain threshold. He can hold his own against the webhead at least for a while, he is able to hot glue stuff directly on himself and other not exactly safe craft methodsbut also when it’s somethin petty, ESPECIALLY stuff like catchin a cold etc? The Biggest. Whiniest. Baby. He complains Nonstop, tries to make ppl do everything for him and in general is in pissy mood and very annoying. (usually to no avail except the Six threatening him with violence if he doesnt shut up right this second BUT Cham sometimes takes pity on him and makes him hot soup.
He is a surprisingly pretty good singer, nothing extraordinary and he has sometimes troubles with timings (tempo?) but he has a pleasant voice  and enjoys karaoke A. Lot.
He is fluent in english, french, latin and arabic and has some very VERY rudimentary spanish, russian, japanese, greek and german. These are mostly from the movies, anime and a lil from hangin with Cham. Despite the lack of knowledge, he has enough confidence to actually talk and can get his point across pretty easily. you know this type of ppl who  He started learnin french already as a teen, then added latin cuz it was even more ~mysterious~ and fancy (and it makes even the most ridiculous of sentences sound like magic spells, thank you TSSM) and he learnt arabic for a movie out of spite. (It was some cliche Z-grade fantasy set in the ~Orient~ with almost zero budget and negative fucks given, the director pretty much told Beck to just scribble some arabic-like shit on the walls,who cares right! So Quentin in his spare time took an intense course because fuck you, that’s not how languages work! He thought he would just learn some basic communication skills and how to write “the director is an asswipe this movie doesnt deserve me and if i have to deal with kevin’s pretentious ass missing his cue gettin the set exploded for nothing ONE MORE TIME im gonna build a life sized king kong and stick it in his ass” and other thoughts about this job he could put on the walls but in the end he got invested and continued to study arabic even after the production ended.
im overcome with emotion every time i just think about Chameleon’s n Mysti’s friendship so i cant articulate it well but at least one tidbit: they have So Many nicknames for each other, often ribbing on each other, they both have a pretty good sense of humor (okay not.. Good per se, but they still joke quite a lot for supervillains)
so obvsly he is best friends with Cham, that one is out of debate and i’ve talked about his friendship with Otto which is Also Very Good but what about the other Sixers! that i know of Rhino honestly doesnt care for him much, he thinks he is a coward (he kinda is) that tries way too hard (he does) and makes things way too complicated (he DOES). Mysti to be fair doesnt have much of an opinion of him either, a bit too straightforward for his tastes… Sandy is a Good so he is friendly and polite and Quentin does get along with his daughter quite well so he gets bonus points for that. Electro n Beck get along quite well, despite Max usually hating Quentins’s slow tricky approach and Q being exasperated by Max fuckin up the orders because he got angry/couldnt focus.. on the other hand, when it doesnt take too long, Electro is quite interested in how the tricks are pulled off and is an easily amused audience while Mysti tries to build his performance around Electro when they are workin just the two of them, givin him more spotlight (not all of it of course, but he knows Max doesnt appreciate workin in the backscenes) Vulture is Tired™ of Beck’s shenanigans.
At least ONCE, someone put stickers on his fishbowl just for fun and to rile him up. Quentin did not find that amusing at all. hey at least they didnt use sharpie like the last time (last time lead to pink mist floodin the entire HQ and lots of yelling)
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xxwinterchillxx · 5 years
Halloween Dance and Some Unfortunate Events
Levi is willing to go all the way to get Eren to go with him to the Halloween Dance. But things get complicated since Levi cannot show any sign of intelligence around the German hottie. However, he isn’t taking no for an answer.
Rating - Teen and Up Audiences
Categories - M/M
Relationships - Levi/Eren, background relationships, Moblit/Hanji, Armin/Erwin, Krista|Historia/Ymir
Chapters - 5/?
Read below cut or read on AO3
Chapter 5: My place?
It was 11:55pm by the time I left the Jaeger residence with Erwin. He had on this really goofy smile which I didn’t want to investigate into further. So, we drove in complete silence.
I could tell that I was cold when I saw myself breathing out puffs of vapour. But honestly, I felt damn nothing. My heart was still pounding like anything and whenever I saw my reflection in the car window, I too had on that same goofy Erwin grin.
 I am dating Eren Jaeger.
 The first thing I saw when I woke up was an angry woman’s face. I got yelled at for like a full 10 minutes by mom for sneaking in late yesterday. But I couldn’t think of anything other than the events of last night.
It was kind of a haze, really. Once Eren asked me out, my mind became so numb. I couldn’t say anything but it’s pretty obvious that I liked him too when I leaned in closer to him, holding his hands.
Then it’s all a blur. I think a kiss was supposed to happen. But that’s when Erwin came in the scene. His hair was messed up and his clothes looked scruffy. That fucking sack of balls didn’t know what was going on so he told me that we should go home because his dad told him that his stupid car should be home by 10. I think that’s when it ended.
Mom’s still mad at me. She somehow missed out on the fact that the costume she spent a day fixing was for a party. It’s not like I drank or anything so I don’t get why she is so upset.
Now that I think about it, I should go and fix up a costume for the dance 3 days from now. Fuck, I’m going with the fucking Jaeger. Oh my gosh, I’m literally going to dance with Eren! It feels so weird thinking about it. But, like, a good kind of weird.
I wonder if we should do a couple costume….
What the fuck am I thinking? That shit’s for 5th graders.
 I think I’d look cool as Belle though. I make a good fucking princess.
 “…so yeah, still think Levi can’t talk in front of his crush?” I smiled smugly at Hanji, who was sitting in the middle of my room with a blank expression.
“Well, technically, short-stack, you didn’t say anything.”
I faltered for a second after that rude-ass comment, “O..uh, okay but that, like, totally part of my suave sooo yeah.”
Hanji stretched out her legs and lied down on the floor wearing the same blank expression, “Sure, whatever.”
I was about to reply when she interrupted, “So, are you guys going to the dance?”
Squinting, I stated as a matter-of-factly, “Obviously.” I grabbed her phone and texted Erwin to come over. “You know what? That reminds me. What are you guys going as? I don’t want any costume repetition or shit like that. This is the first time I’m going to dance with my cru– boyfriend.”
She instantly shot up from her lying position with an annoying air of dignity, “Yes, about that. Moblit thinks we shouldn’t participate in such chivalrous youth activities.”
Smiling faintly, she tried to look cool and all, fixing her hair. It took forever for her to reply. “Moblit thinks that we should instead spend time with each other instead of doing whatever everyone else is doing. He’s so insightful like that.”
Honestly, does anyone else feel the need as much as I do to shove Moblit’s chivalrous dick down his throat?
“My god, woman, does any of your sentences start without his stupid name?”
“Hey, don’t start with me. Moblit’s insightful, thoughtful a-and…,” she couldn’t seem to find any other praises for her boyfriend, “And Eren’s a dumbass.”
I gasped and shot up from my bed, “Yeah? At least Eren isn’t a nagging bitch. Moblit’s a fucking ugly crybaby.”
I think we were about to get into a fist fight (friendship, amirite?) before Erwin appeared.
“Hey Levi. Hey Hanji,” he cheerfully greeted and sat down at the nearest chair. “What’s going on?”
Both Hanji and I immediately forgot our own differences and started picking on him.
Hanji made a face and nudged Erwin playfully on the side, “I’ve heard stuff about you, Erwin.”
Erwin grew pale and laughed nervously, “H-Hanji, what are you talking about?”
She reached her hand down Erwin’s inner thigh and squeezed it tightly, earning a yelp from Erwin. “Bedroom secrets.”
I sneered, “Oh my god, Erwin’s bedroom kinks. That’s so gross, Hanji. Tell.”
“Hanji, no-”
“Armin calls him ‘Daddy Long Legs’!” screamed out Hanji excitedly.
We’re not really on talking terms with either Erwin or Armin anymore. They’re so overdramatic, my god. The last thing Erwin said to us was not to bother him or his cousin anymore.
And also to stop calling Armin his cousin. What? It’s funny.
Anything involving Erwin’s eyebrows is funny.
On the other hand, Hanji told me that Erwin and Armin are going all Prince-and-Princess this year. So that totally rules out me going in an all-out yellow gown.
“Maybe I should put on my mom’s weird green facemask again and go as Shrek,” I said to Hanji as we ate (without Erwin) in the cafeteria. It was Monday. There were no classes as everyone was busy prepping the entire building for a horror-themed dance. The main hall was being decorated with plastic pumpkins and violet drapes.
Hanji hummed indecisively and took a bite out of her apple, “No, Eren should go as Shrek. You know, like a cool handsome Shrek.”
I laughed, “Yeah. His eyes are green-ish anyway. But I won’t look good with Fiona’s red hair”
“What are you talking about? Obviously, you are Lord Farquad, shawty.”
 Anyways, due to some minor inconveniences, I have decided that my costume isn’t going to be animation themed. That shit’s stupid to be honest.
I’m leaving the decisions to my boyfriend, Eren. My boyfriend Eren Jaeger. Hehe.
We’ve been talking to each other like all the time. Just today, he looked at me and smiled. It was so romantic. I just wish the others would pay more attention to the fact that I’m dating the hottest guy in school but no, they’re too busy trying to find their dates. Bunch of narcissistic fuckfaces.
I looked to the left and saw Eren and his group entering the cafeteria. Almost half the faces in the room turned to them. It was like a different aura spread out. Eren, Mikasa, Krista, Reiner…., the handsomest faces of the school. And Armin walking alongside them, as if he belonged.
I waved a hand to Eren but he didn’t see. I didn’t blame him though. There was a lot happening around him. They were all laughing, tripping each other, punching at times and making a lot of noise. I don’t know why but whenever I see Eren with them, I can literally feel my anxiety choking me.
“Fuck, is that Daddy Long Legs?”
As soon as I heard Hanji, my head whipped back and saw Erwin sitting at the popular table, laughing at whatever stupid shit the whole group was laughing at. That stupid meat-headed traitor. They were chanting ‘kiss’ ‘kiss’ over and over again. Then Armin gave him a peck on the cheek. In the background, Hanji just said, “Ew.”
“You guys are so cute!” Krista’s shrill girly stupid fuckvoice followed the kiss, “Couple goals!!”
I’m so pissed at Erwin. I mean, like, after you yell at your friends for absolutely no reason, you are supposed to repent and then stay sad.  You’re not supposed to laugh a-and fucking hang out with other people’s crushes. It’s totally rude. Like, what did Hanji and I ever do to him?
“Eren coming. 1 O’clock,” Hanji mumbled quickly before walking away.
I didn’t even have the time to react.
 “Hey, Levi.”
I looked up to see his stupidly gorgeous face. He kept a hand on my chair and the other on the table. His brown locks all messy, his hideously green eyes practically piercing through me. The light shining conveniently behind him made him look like a God. He’S sO hOt, fuck me.
“Can I sit?”
I nodded quickly. But like, not too quickly because I don’t want to look thirsty and not too slow ca- stop thinking, dammit.
He sat opposite to me, cupping his god-like face with one of his hands and just… staring at me. I couldn’t even look at his face, let alone his eyes. My eyes darted around to look at something else. Why am I so panicky?!
“Thanks, doll.”
My heart literally crashed and stopped working and I could feel my brain turning to mush. I breathed out heavily in response. Don’t ask me why, okay. I just prayed damn hard that he didn’t notice my antics.
“I was thinking about that dance, you know. About all that costume stuff.”
I sipped my juice pouch, trying to play it cool.
I don’t know why I said his name. I just did.
Shit, I had his full attention now. His eyes looked up at me expectantly and his eyes literally lit up. If he had a tail, it be wagging.
I just looked at him, not knowing quite what to say. I was mentally trying to piece together a sentence… any sentence to break the tension.
His expression changed and he put up a hand to his cheek, smirking.
“Damn, Levi, you are so cute.” He smiled warmly before he held my hand.
“I was thinking of, you know, Marvel. I love their movies,” he continued, squeezing my hand. “Maybe Deadpool and Spidey?” He paused for a second then added, “I already have their costumes, by the way so like….?”
“Sure.” I replied, kind of proud of myself for saying ‘sure’ instead of some stupid pun about a sea beach.
“I’ll have it mailed to you. Anyways, could you give me your phone number? I don’t have it.”
“Oh! Uh… yeah, sure.”
I blushed when I saw his home screen. The picture was me in that stupid pink panther shit. I internally screeched.
“I hope you don’t mind.”
“Is okay.” I replied, typing in my number. Is okay…. Who says that?
“Cool, thanks.”
He moved his seat right next to mine and asked, “Do you have your phone?”
“Yeah, why?”
I placed my phone in his outstretched hand.
Putting an arm around me, he called my phone before I could stop him.
Panic rose up in me and I instantly yelled, “Wait, stop-”
 And across that stupid iPhone screen, there appeared the dreaded words-
 Futurehusbando    calling….                                           2:09 pm
 The background image just had a zoomed-in picture of me deliberately smiling like a pervert, courtesy of Hanji.
I felt my heart sinking and my face burning up.
Eren looked at the screen for a few seconds before looking up at me with a slightly cocky grin.
“I see you already have my phone number.”
He handed back my phone to me. I kept looking down mostly because I wanted to faceplant myself into the tile floors.
“Well, anyways, I have to get going. I’m sorry but the principal told me to come down to his office like two hours ago so yeah. I promise I’ll call you later.”
He grabbed my face and planted a soft kiss to my forehead before smiling brightly, “Wait for me after school! I’ll drive you home, okay?” He paused for a moment and looked back, “You’re so cute.”
  After he left, I groaned and felt a hand on my back, patting me.
“Damn Levi, you are one unlucky son of a bitch.”
“I know, Hanji. I know.”
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mimis-mm · 6 years
yoosung, zen and vanderwood (i can understand how vandy would be hard to do with this particular hc, so if you can’t think of anything, jumin is just fine!) who have briefly met mc before, and don’t realize they ~kind of~ know her until the party? thank you!!
I made both Vanderwood and Jumin, because why not? Also, I made them realise it when they meet her in person for reasons.
Hope you enjoy!
Yoosung, Zen, Jumin and Vanderwood briefly meeting MC before
Warning: Kidnapping attempt, alcohol / drug use.
Despite his obsession with LOLOL, he sometimes goes out with his friends, mostly at a café near the university, where they study together. Ok, it begins as study sessions, but ends up with them studying and Yoosung fidgeting with his phone and distracting the others with some deep ass conversations. His friends don’t mind his actions, though. They know about his loss and the impacts on his mental state.
After a while, they come to recognize the staff and the regulars. Being single young adults, they surely check girls out, and they found themselves interested in two of the costumers. One of them is in one of Yoosung’s friend’s class, and she almost always in the middle of studying. The other one is almost always on her laptop and never brings her school supplies. Neither Yoosung or his friends has ever seen her at school, so they’re not sure if she’s even a student.
While his friends are taking a liking to that “mysterious girl”, Yoosung is more interested in the other girl. She seems to be more his type. He also pities her friend because his friends, with their smooth flirting skill of a vending machine, won’t stop talking to her.  
However, one day, both of the girls don’t show up at the café. Same thing the next day. It coincide with the moment you join the RFA but he’s too dense.
Yoosung gets worried about them and starts to questions himself. Did they stop coming because of them? If so, then maybe he should have done something about the situation. He’s not good with girls, but maybe you could give him some advises, so he asks you during a phone call.
“Hm… you certainly should have help her out.” You say after listening to his side of the story. “But it’s no use to cry over spilled milk. Though, to reassure you, I’m pretty sure your friends’ behaviors have little to do with them not coming to the café.”
“How can you be so sure?” His spidey senses are tingling, but he doesn’t know why.
“it’s hum… girl intuition.”
Ok… seems weird. But ok.
“When- I mean, if they come back, you should go talk to her and explain the situation.”
He stays silent for a few seconds, then agrees. You both then spend the rest of the evening on the phone and promise to talk more often. Something bothers him, though. Your laugh sounds awfully familiar, but he can’t tell where he heard it before. It even got him wondering if he even knows you, but he’s too shy to ask.
This impression follows him all week but it doesn’t particularly disturb him or get on his nerves. It just makes him feel like you were able to understand and support him better. If that even makes sense.
At the party, when he spots you from afar, he just freezes as he finally recognizes you.
Oh shit.  
And he asked advises to you on the situation. Of all people, it had to be you. Nuuuuuh!
He finally calms down after having an existential crisis with the help of V who has no fucking idea of what got into poor Yoosung.  
The moment he gets off stage after his speech and goes to you, the first thing he asks is if you knew who he was. You laugh and tell him that yes, you knew and explain why you didn’t tell him.  
The poor boi is all flustered, but at the same time, glad that fate made the two of you bump into each other before all this mess with the RFA.To add to all this, he wonders how his friends will react when they’ll learn that the girl they tried to hit on so hard is now going out with the only one of them who wasn’t interested. 
Zen / Hyun
He knows you, he’s sure of that. That face on your profile pic is just so familiar.
But. He. Can’t. Remember. Where.
He’s searching in his memory, but he can’t associate neither your face nor your appearance to someone he met in the last year.  
Needless to say, he asks you right away if you two ever met before, to which you answer negatively. This impression won’t go away and it really gets on his nerve. He just feels like he’s missing something important. Like just one piece to complete the puzzle. So, be ready to be bombarded with questions from this guy during the first few days.  
What schools did you attempt? Do you work? Where? What places do you spend most time to? Have you ever been in a gang? Who are your friends?  Do you think I’m handsome?
Wait, no Zen. That’s not a question you should be asking right now.
Otherwise, his attitude toward you is still as charming and flirty as he would be without this impression. If you ask him to stop with the questions, he will oblige without a word. His intensions are not to make you uncomfortable, so he will understand.
When he saves you from the hacker and is finally able to see you for the first time, he just wonders one thing; you look a lot different from your profile pic. It’s obviously you, but… just younger?
“You look, hum…” He begins as he looks you up and down.
“Yeah… I can explain that.” You say awkwardly while scratching the back of your head. “That photo is kinda old.” He raises an eyebrow and gives you a puzzled look. “I didn’t want to show how I look to strangers and taking a photo from Google would be a dumb thing to do.”
He nods, still looking you over and over again. Damn, you really are cute.  
“Not trying to sound creepy there, but how old were you? In your picture, I mean.”
You chuckle and look to the side. “It was when I was a teen. I can’t really remember the exact age though.”
This new information sinks into Zen slowly, then something comes to his mind. You can feel his entire body tensing up and your eyes follow him as he sits down on the sofa.
“Are you ok Zen?” You ask, then sits beside him.
“Yeah, I just…” He sighs and looks you in the eyes. “[Y/N], did you almost got kidnapped in the past?”
You’re taken aback by his question, only looking at him with big eyes. “How do you know?” He sighs again, sounding more exhausted this time.
He then proceeds to explain that quite a few years back, when he was still in that gang, he witnessed some pretty fucked up shits. Like that one time, when he was outside smoking, he saw two girls dragging another one. She was obviously wasted, grunting lazily as her body was all limp, her arms over the girls’ shoulders.
Something told him to go check on them, so he threw his cig on the ground and stepped on it before approaching them.
“Is everything alright?” He asked, trying to sound and act the least intimidating possible.
Both of the conscious girls looked up at him, then took a quick glance at each other, probably trying to know if they could trust him. They looked a bit younger than him while their figures seemed to be more mature. The one to the right smiled at Hyun, then spoke in a low, sultry voice:
“Yes, don’t worry, sir! Our friend just got too drunk and passed out, so we’re helping her out.”
Something was off, though. It was a week day, and early evening at that, so no parties were remotely close to begin. Not only that, but the district was commercial, with no bars or home nearby. Also, taking a closer look at the drunk girl, she seemed a lot younger than the other two.
Way too young.
“I’m sorry, but she’s my girlfriend and I’ve never seen you two with her before.” He says while crossing his arms on his muscular chest and eyeing both of them. 
Their expression changed completely. Their smile fell and a hint of panic ran through their gaze. Touché. This reaction only meant that they were lying and were about to do something bad to her. It didn’t take much for them to let their “friend” fall on the ground and run to the opposite direction.  
“Shit!” Zen hissed, catching the sluggish body before it would hit the asphalt.
He knew exactly where to take her, so he didn’t lose time. He took her delicately in his arm, one arm under her knees and the other against her back, with the hand on her rib, making sure she doesn’t move too much.  
After about ten minutes, he finally arrived at a police station. Sure, it would have been better to bring her to the hospital, but it was at the other side of the city. They took care of her and called her parents. He didn’t need to worry for her, so he just left.
“Huh. Well, I guess you really are my knight in shining armor.” You say as you take his hand in yours.
He smiles softly, feeling his blood rushing in his head at your touch.
This man never has the feeling of know you, whether you’re both writing in the chatroom or talking over the phone. He is totally clueless. It’s when you meet him in his apartment that he recognizes you. Like, Jumin has a great memory, so even if your encounter was short, he could still remember your face easily.  
“Wait, I know you.” He says with his head slightly tilt to the side, his cold grey eyes scanning your entire body.  
His statement takes by surprise and you just look at him with a clueless expression. You met the Jumin Han before? No way. If you did, you would have put this event in your resume, that’s for sure. Not completely forget about it.  
Jumin steps closer to you, locking his gaze with yours. “You’re that kid who broke into my high school.” He finally stops, only leaving less than a meter between the two of you.  
Hum, you barely remember the thing he mentioned. You were playing truth or dare with your friends while you were wandering in the upper part of the city, and you got the dare to go into that fancy school across the street. You were young and stupid, and classes were obviously over for an hour or two, so this idea seemed more exciting than anything else.  
How you managed to enter is foggy, but you know that it wasn’t much of a hassle. It was after, while wandering in the corridors, that things went south. An employee, probably a supervisor, you don’t know, he was wearing a goddamn suit with a tie for fuck sake, called out to you. You simply panicked and ran the fastest you could.  
Sure, you bumped into a few students, which were hella scary considering how much older and taller they were compared to you, but no one looked like Jumin.
“I did, hum… ‘break into a school’ once, but you saw me? And remember it? Like, enough to recognize me years later?” You ask, being more convinced that he is some sort of wizard with each sentence.  
He chuckles and shakes his head. “You have quite a bad memory, just like V.”
“Or maybe it’s just you who has a really good one?” You answer with an eyebrow raised at him.  
His body doesn’t move for a few seconds, his mind processing what you just said.  
“Well, you’re not entirely wrong.” He finally says with a nod. “I do have a memory way superior to the common mass.”
Well, that’s Jumin fucking Han for you. You sigh, then ask him to tell his side of the whole story.  
That day, like most of the time, he stayed in the library to read a few books before going back home. The atmosphere in there was calming, perfect for sorting things out in his mind. Being here was also an excuse for him to push away the moment he had to go back home with the quarrels between father and his step mother.  
When he exited the library, he heard a high-pitched screech, along with steps coming rapidly in his direction. He took a glance at the provenance of the noises, only to see what seemed to be a middle schooler at best sprinting, with a supervisor on her tail.  
“Out! Of! Way!” She screamed at him between each breath.  
“Mister Han! Don’t let her go!” Shouted the employee right after.
Jumin was no fool, he knew the consequences of taking this kid’s side will be worse than listening to someone who had authority over him. Frustration could be seen in the girl’s eyes as she understood that he will not budge. She still tried to run past him, but he stretched his arm to catch her.  
A squeal came out of her mouth and Jumin grabbed both of her arms as she tried to wiggle out of his grip. She quickly gave up, her stamina being all drained by the running, so he let her go, knowing that she wouldn’t try to escape. The supervisor grabbed her arm shortly after and thanked him for the help.  
“Wait, so you’re the student that got me caught!” You exclaim, cutting Jumin’s monologue.  
“Yes. And to be honest, I always wondered what happened to you.”
You shrug and make a movement of the hand before answering:
“They called my parents, that’s all.”
“I see, then I hope you learned your lesson.” He adds with a satisfied nod of the head.
You roll your eyes at him and fight the urge to answer back. God, you hope that this won’t get awkward between the two of you because of that.  
After a few days of checking up on you through Seven’s CCTVs, he begins to feel like he saw you somewhere before. However, he’s not too bothered by it, since the hacker told him that you’re clean. So, he just comes to the conclusion that he knows you from one of his infiltration missions.  
This sensation comes to unsettle him when he begins to know you a little better. He wants to learn more about you, including where he met you before. So, for the first time in a while, he asks a favor to Seven; let him see the information he found while doing his background check.  
It maybe costs him ten refills for each of Seven’s car with, of course, premium gas, but he gets to look at your files. And weirdly, he doesn’t regret it at all. Especially not after finding an interesting information.  
You regularly burrow books at the local library, which he once infiltrated to spy on a regular client who was in the organized crime. Hm… Now that he knows where to search in his memory, some moments come to his mind.  
For what he can remember, the books you burrowed where quite unusual, and he sometimes found himself reading them after you returned them. Yes, even if they were manga. This man’s curiosity is stronger than his pride as a secret agent. Actually, he did that with all books he thought would be an interesting read, no matter the client.
The first -and only- time he spoke with you beside the usual check in and out was when you had a little problem with another client. Unwanted attention, to be precise. 
He heard your voice and another one whispering, but you didn’t enter with someone. It made him intrigued, so he went to check up on you.
“Sir, please. I’m not interested.” You hissed between your teeth.
Vanderwood could hear the man sighing, but he didn’t seem to give up yet.  
“Come on. I’m not asking for anything unpleasant, just going out in a restaurent together.”
“Still not-“
“Miss [Y/N], we found the book you were searching for.” Vanderwood says, almost stepping between you and the man, giving you a spook.
You looked up at him, not sure about what exactly he was talking about, but still took the opportunity to escape from this uncomfortable situation.
“Yes, I’m coming.” You said softly, then took off without looking back.
Vanderwood follows you shortly afterward while making eye contact with the unwanted guest. Just as he thought, you were waiting at the reception, still a little agitated from the event. You smiled shyly as you spotted him.
“Thank you so much for your help, sir.”
He brushed off your statement with a movement of the hand. “No need to thank me. I only did what had to be done.” He opened a drawer and rummaged in it, taking out a few coins and handing them to you. “You can buy yourself something from the coffee machine. If you don’t like coffee, I suggest you take the French Vanilla option and add one cream and two sugars. It tastes just like Coffee Crisp.”
You didn’t have the courage to refuse his offer, so you went to the machine and bought yourself some well earned, comforting coffee.
He still got an eye on you until you left that day, but the next time you came back, it was like nothing happened. He didn’t mention the incident or asked how you were holding up. It kinda made you ask yourself if all that really did occur.
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davidmann95 · 6 years
What are your thoughts on Infinity War and do you think the portrayal of Thanos is gonna make it harder for DC to do Darkseid in a future move due to comparisons?
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Extended disconnected musings below the cut because world-shaking spoilers fucking obviously, but for the section of my audience that hasn’t seen it yet but is fine with simply seeing my immediate reaction and placement of it: it’s so very good, y’all. Hype as modern blockbuster filmmaking gets. Not a top-5 MCU flick (which is a credit to the MCU, not in any way a ding against this), but if you only count the Avengers movies that actually have “Avengers” in the title, this is definitely the best of that lot.
* I had been, while not concerned per say, very curious how the Captain America team would handle this - the writers might have been there from the beginning and done some pretty bombastic pulpy action in the first Cap movie, but the Russo Brothers had been entirely on the grounded side of the franchise, even doing the relatively grounded Avengers movie in Civil War - given this would be the most cosmic and superheroey of the bunch, and they acquitted themselves magnificently in every way imaginable. It’s big, it’s funny, it’s ballsy, it’s engaging, it’s fun, it’s weighty as hell, it’s emotional, it’s the gold standard of this sort of thing. I have no idea what they’ll do if they ever stop doing Avengers movies, because at this point the sky is the absolute limit for them.
* I know people have already inevitably been complaining about this being dependent on previous movies for continuity and character, to which I say
1. Fuck you, this is the sequel to a once-in-a-generation filmmaking blockbuster that completely changed the game, of course you’re going to know who the goddamn Avengers are, most especially if you’re going to see this movie. Don’t act like you’re that cool. You’re not that fuckin’ cool.
2. This may not have been a movie of character development, but it’s by no means a movie short on character. It’s very much in the vein of Grant Morrison’s JLA, in that it banks on familiarity and iconography not to change our understanding of these characters, but to do the most conspicuously *them* moments possible. Captain America might be a minor presence, but he’s Captain America as heck in this, and so forth.
3. This only banks on you having seen the first Avengers. Banner is our entrypoint character because he himself doesn’t know what’s going on so the Avengers breakup can be recapped in broad terms, the initial conflict you don’t really have to know about Ragnarok to understand (they could’ve been fleeing Thanos destroying Asgard for all a casual viewer would know), Spider-Man’s role is obvious even aside from him being a cultural icon, Panther is Cap’s secret ally the rest of the team barely knows about so and Wakanda are broadly understood, and the Guardians and Strange are reintroduced. Strange you immediately know all you need: Wong defers to him so he’s clearly a big deal, but he’s also still telling him things about magic - even if jokingly - so clearly Strange is not the most seasoned veteran and hasn’t been in this hidden mystic world forever. The Guardians are space bozos, and based on Star-Lord’s manchild nature and 80s nostalgia and lack of familiarity with the Avengers you can guess he hasn’t been to Earth in a long time even if he clearly hails from there.
* Thanos was…good? Though I would have yelled “BULLSHIT!” at my monitor when I saw Starlin declared Thanos in an interview to be exactly as he had always envisioned him had I seen this at the time, because this is very much from the Slade-in-Teen-Titans “scrap everything, and it’ll wind up better because there’s nowhere to go but up” school of villainous improvement. But seriously, while surely people will write eye-rolling thinkpieces on his nature and goals, he’s a proper vile bastard of the sort we haven’t quite gotten in these movies before that more than justifies his place after 6 years of buildup, with humanity to spare keeping him from being a caricature; it should avoid Darkseid comparisons quite deftly (and vice-versa), even if none of what made this work can translate back into the comics. And as much as the sidekick baddies might have been traditional uncanny-valley CG, this guy might be the most amazing effect I’ve ever seen in a blockbuster: I totally bought this was a real flesh-and-blood living being existing in recognizable 3-dimensional space whenever they zoomed in on his expressions. And more importantly, they acknowledged he has a nutsack for a chin.
* Speaking of effects, that’s how you do a fuckin’ magic fight!
* And speaking of villains: SKULL. What a payoff, and I sure hope he stays and fills the role Mephisto did in the original Infinity Gauntlet as Thanos’s right hand man, because I want to see him face down with Steve as Captain America one more time. In a very different movie/s, I could have seen him seizing the Gauntlet and promising Thanos he too will wipe out half the universe, but much less indiscriminately, with the great tyrant dying with the ultimate monstrosity his endeavor has brought about evident to him at last. And then you’d have the ultimate Nazi as the final boss, since not only are he and Cap enemies, but he battled Iron Man’s dad, was well-versed in Asgardian mythology and stole one of Odin’s treasures, and is like Hulk a failed Super Soldier. What we got should be pretty good too though. Fingers crossed he at least sticks around to menace Bucky and Sam once one of them takes over as Cap.
* Outside the villain, boy, who would have expected Thor would basically be the closest thing to a main character of this movie? I guess Marvel rightly expected Ragnarok would be fire, and knowing that he’ll now be the major remaining original Avenger, are trying to build him up in double-quick time. And with only half of Asgard gone, they can keep the setup Waititi provided after this (even if I wish they hadn’t brought back his eye. I’m not worried for him personally though; his godly constitution should be more than capable of resisting mere alien raccoon ass germs). And given Ultron was the Iron Man-centric flick and Civil War was literally a Captain America movie, it feels fair they gave this to the third member of the core trio. By contrast, I’m not sure whether Black Panther was too late for them to account properly for him, or they did know, and that’s why the final action was set in Wakanda even though it’s relatively irrelevant.
* The characters getting to bounce off each other was much of the heart of this, and while Downey vs. Cumberbatch was totally reasonable - I wish Strange and Spidey had more time together as promised as fellow Ditko creations, but doing Sherlock vs. Holmes makes sense, with “Do you concur, Doctor?” almost feeling deliberately evocative - I never would have expected Thor and Star-Lord to be the standout comedic pairing. And yet, as Drax put it, it entirely makes sense: “He is not a dude. You are a dude. He is a man.”
* What most leapt out at me as signalling this is the post-Trump movie relative to Civil War’s summer 2016 blockbuster? There, the question of whether or not the government can be trusted is the inciting incident that drives everything. Here, that the government is actively working against the right thing is so plain that Rhodes - who had previously said his critical injuries were more than worth standing up for the Accords, so passionately did he believe in all they stood for - immediately, casually acknowledges that the entire thing is fucked and bails with no fanfare, and that’s the end of it.
* I’d expected this to be an all-out invasion flick and so had been disappointed no Defenders or whatnot would at least cameo, but as it really turned out I’m not surprised there wasn’t a place for Daredevil to stick his horns in. And despite assurances, no Hawkeye! I’m sure as many as 5 or 6 people were quite disappointed.
* Betting pool on who’s actually dead? Obviously everyone vanished will be okay, but the others? Gamorra looks pretty stiffed, but she seems a safe bet to return. Vision’s end felt gruesomely final, but they put so much effort into implying he might be able to survive without the stone, and now they have a seminal story to draw on for a potential solo movie of his. Loki, I think, is most likely to remain in the ground. A last-minute return and final prank against Thanos wouldn’t be out of place for him by any means, but his character has come full circle, and I think it’s more likely that if he returns it’ll be as Kid Loki.
* Speaking of the vanishing, I really appreciate the thought that clearly went into who was taken off the board. The castoffs either really had nothing to do with the Thanos conflict, even and indeed especially if they were big for maximum shock value (Black Panther, Spider-Man, White Wolf, Falcon, Mantis), or DID have something to do with Thanos but whose arcs in terms of physical confrontations with him reached their logical climaxes (Star-Lord vented regarding their shared relationship to Gamorra, Drax tried and failed as he was always going to because that one-sided hate he wanted fulfilled isn’t as much at the core of his character as Gamorra’s relationship with Thanos is). Or in Strange’s specific case, the enigmatic type with an ace up his sleeve who could logically leave a final mystery and hope for others to have to rely on. And as a whole, it means the final OG Avengers movie ISN’T going to be an even bigger crossover movie than this the way we thought. This, for the MCU’s 10th anniversary, was the big crossover movie. The last Avengers movie as we’ve known it up to that point is mostly just going to be the founders (plus Captain Marvel, a mandatory Wakandan representative or two, and Rhody since he’s the other hero who was introduced in Phase One) getting one last hurrah. And it makes sense to go with that smaller cast, because they’ll want space to really zero in on Steve and Tony before they go, and since going at Thanos head-on is no longer an option, there’s not really going to be an opportunity for the same kind of massive super-war we got in here anyway, because then he’d simply de-create them.
* Steve and Tony are going to die, and going into pure fanfic, I think I know how it’ll happen. Steve will get the Gauntlet, and it’ll kill him to use it, but in an homage to the climax of Kree-Skrull War, he’ll use his last breath to not only revive everyone, but bring together an army of superheroes to defeat a depowered Thanos once and for all (Gamora or maybe Nebula almost certainly striking the final blow), raising his returned shield high, exchanging a last look with Bucky, and finally crying out “AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!” And Tony? Tony is going to knowingly walk to death in a doomed fight against Thanos as a distraction to give Steve that chance, becoming the guy who lays down on the wire and lets someone else crawl over him. It not only reaffirms his partnership with Steve and the idea behind the original Avengers just as both die, but brings his character arc totally full circle: he faces down the embodiment of his nightmares, and after having lived as the ultimate egotist, he dies as the man who sacrifices himself so someone else can secure the win. And Thanos was I believe introduced in an Iron Man comic, so that aspect’s pretty appropriate too.
* Jackson finally almost got to say motherfucker in one of these! And that’s the second Marvel movie with a character nearly saying fuck. Take the leap Disney, I believe in you. And much as that last shot in the stinger was neat, and much as this alternative would have been literally impossible, how much cooler would it have been if that screen had shown a “4″?
* My #4 title prediction? Avengers: The End. There was a big Thanos story by Starlin titled Marvel: The End where he destroys everything but ultimately turns it back, and that��d be both ominous enough to fit the warning that we should be scared of this title, and spiritually truthful. And since the Spider-Man movie right afterwards will according to Feige mark the start of the new MCU, they can title that Spider-Man: Brand New Day in accordance with said new beginning.
* Post-all this? It’ll be awhile yet before the Fantastic Four and X-Men come on stage, so ‘Phase 4′ will basically have to stall until they can bring in Doom to be the true final boss before the inevitable reboot a decade or so down the line. Spider-Man’s the new lead (hence the Iron Spider armor, which in Homecoming seemed deliberately to be overly gaudy as Tony’s vision of a Spidey remade in his image but now seems an indicating as his leading man status, the red/yellow/blue color scheme marking him as Peak Superhero) along with Panther, Captain Marvel, and likely Thor as the old standby. The Avengers likely disband for a bit due to losing the core and break up into different teams - your Ultimates, Champions, Young Avengers, etc. - before coming back together in New Avengers, managing to make the Avengers movie after the next one an event by making it about the reformation. Osborn leading the Cabal’s the big bad; he’s the leading man’s leading villain, he has the pedigree thanks to Dark Reign while still being able to put on a Goblin suit at the end, he lets them do the inevitable “all the bad guys get together to fight the Avengers” story, and while it might not work as well as it would have post-BvS pre-Justice League, using Sentry/the Void - a compromised, frightening, unsure, ‘realistic’ Superman figure - as his muscle and the true threat would be hella charged at the moment in a way I could see the MCU being cocky enough to go for, even if they never outright do Avengers V Squadron Supreme.
That’s what I got. As the god of thunder would say, farewell and good luck, morons.
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inadarkdarkroom · 7 years
I Told You So
In the late ‘80’s I moved to a small town called Mercer Island just outside of Seattle to live with my aunt and her three daughters. I had just gotten out of one of those “troubled kids” institutions that I still blithely refer to as a reform school, and needed to enough credits to graduate.
I was totally cool with it. My aunt is a lovely woman and I did not want to go back to England where my dysfunctional immediate family lived. Fuck Margaret Thatcher, you feel me? I’d gotten used to living in the states after spending my entire life as an ex-pat.
When I first moved in with my aunt she’d been living in Winthrop, Washington, a small town in a county the size of Rhode Island but with only one stop light. But my aunt was getting her degree at the University of Washington, and Mercer Island has one of the best high schools in the state and she wanted to make sure her kids had a better chance of getting into the colleges of their choice, so we moved there soon after I moved in with her.
Mercer Island was, and is to this day, a very insular, wealthy, and tony community. And the people who lived there(not all of them, but most), were very pleased with themselves that they lived in a little John Hughes movie-type neighborhood. Which meant that there was fuck all for the local kids to do.
There had been bowling alleys and video arcades and an all-ages venue, but the parents had complained that these places were not in the Mercer Island spirit of making sure their kids were staying at home and hitting the books and making them proud. So pressure was placed, letters were written, complaints were filed, and one by one all these places went out of business. Then the parents would loudly bitch and moan and wonder why all their kids were dying in drunk driving accidents on the floating bridge coming back from keg parties held in Seattle eight miles away. It’s amazing how adults’ cogent thoughts and logic reasoning tend to disappear once they can afford a BMW...
What this meant was that there were two places for teenagers to congregate on Mercer Island. One was the parking lot at McDonalds, and the other was the local Denny’s. Years later, after I’d moved to Seattle, the local Parental Fun Police decided to take on this particular den of iniquity as well, with the end result that Mercer Island wound up as being one of only two places in the US where the Denny’s wasn’t open 24 hours, closing at 11 on weekdays and midnight on weekends.
So I’m now a senior at a real American high school after spending my entire life overseas. Sure, it’s in the middle of a overprivileged white ghetto, but the school is top notch and I’m making friends. And my friends and I would go and hang out at the local Denny’s, drink endless amounts of cheap coffee and smoke Camels and bullshit.
So one night my friends and I go down to Denny’s and I wind up meeting George Russell, who is hanging out there as well, and we sit at his table with him.
George Russell is charming. George Russell is loquacious. George Russell is well read. George Russell makes eye contact when talking to you, his handshake is firm. George Russell is also one of the very few black people who live on the Island, and all my friends who are quite sheltered are glad to have their One Black Friend to prove they aren’t that quite sheltered.
I could care less about his ethnicity or my friends’ attempts to gain street cred. I’d just spent eighteen months in a reform school after being kicked out of a British military academy I hadn’t wanted to go to in the first place, I have nothing to prove.
And like I said, George Russell is quite a fellow. That night we talk about comic books, and the publishing houses of Dark Horse and Fantagraphics, literature, movies, politics, foreign policy. George Russell’s a smart chap, and quietly self-effacing. Purposefully harmless.
But George Russell is also in his thirties, and while I understand the allure of associating with an older individual, especially if that older individual can buy your underage ass beer, that older individual is still hanging out with your underage ass.
And George Russell also has a police scanner on the table in front of him. Every now and then he would cock his head to the side to hear what was coming over the airwaves, pausing the conversation to hit the squelch button and fine-tune the frequency. Later that night, two cops wandered into the joint for some comped coffee and they give George Russell The Nod. George Russell gives The Nod right back. I ask him about it. Quite pleased with himself, he informs me that he does “some side work” for the local PD. My friends assure me that George Russell is cool. Don’t worry, he’s not a narc. He just helps them around the office. Also, he gets all the chicks. George Russell is the man.
But this sets my spidey sense tingling. I’m only eighteen, but I’ve already been around the block a few times in quite a few different neighborhoods in several different countries. And I’ve just gotten out of a reform institution. I can judge body language and vocal inflection and eye movement, and there’s something about George Russell that doesn’t add up. Maybe it’s the fact that he’s so self-effacing and purposefully harmless. Maybe it’s the fact that he screams Cop Groupie. And trust me, people who are Cop Groupies should set your antenna twitching. But no matter. As a minor acquaintance, he’s a good conversationalist.
So George Russell would buy my friends beer, hook them up with whatever shitty brick weed they were desperate enough to smoke, sometimes hang out with us at parties. We would chat a little bit, the two of us. But in the back of my mind I thought him an unctuous creep with a bad case of the smarm so we didn’t associate.
After I graduated I would still spend time on the Island, and I would run into George Russell here and there. By this point I was using my Swiss passport as a “fake ID” and my gift of the gab to get it past the liquor store clerks’ limited understanding of French and German so George knew he couldn’t sidle up to me and be all like “Hey bro, you need a half rack of Rainier? I can totally get it for you.” So we’d just give each other The Nod, and that was it.
One night I was hanging out at the Bellevue bus station waiting for the #220 to arrive. I looked over to the side and saw this girl nearby. Poor thing. She was probably barely seventeen and covered in makeup and her slumped posture and guarded body language just screamed “Get me out of here. Please. Take me away from this godforsaken dump and knock me up with two brats to beat in the double-wide while you’re working triple shifts at the brewery to pay off your Camaro lease, I don’t care. Just get me out of here.” My heart went out to the poor girl. Even though I was barely out of my teens myself I remembered how awful they could be.
Just then a voice said “Hey Dude. What’s up?”
I look over and there’s George, all smiling and harmless. He bums a smoke from me and we take in the night. He notices my pitying look at the sad case off to the side and apropos of nothing busts out with “Yeah, I noticed her too. Wanted to go over and say something and cheer her up, you know? But you know how it is. A black man in a town like this talking to a white girl? I’ve got to watch myself..”
The bus arrives. We stub out our Camels and get on board, he in the front with a magazine, me in the back with my Walkman and my thoughts. And my thoughts were this: What the fuck?
First of all, while Bellevue was another well-to-do white neighborhood on the East side, it sure as shit wasn’t Alabama. And yes, by this point I’d been living in the States for a few years and had realized that outside some cities it was kind of a racist shithole populated with really spiteful ignorant cunts who didn’t know jack and hated anyone that did. But it didn’t mean that if you needed to pull that Ralph Ellison Invisible Man shit, that Bellevue was the place to do it.
Second, every single other brother I knew would not for a moment have said something like that, much less to a white boy like me. Public Enemy was king, Malcolm X was years away from hitting the movie theaters but Africa medallions were omnipresent, NWA was pissing off both the cops and Tipper Gore in equal measure, no way somebody with any kind of self respect would up and announce that statement. Unless it was something they thought it was what you wanted to hear.
I remember looking at George Russell in the front of the bus and thinking to myself that yes, he was an unctuous creep with a bad case of the smarm. But there was something else. Something I didn’t like. I scanned my thoughts for racist overtones, but honestly could not find any.
Look, I understand if you’re a diplomat or a spook(Note to readers: Spook as in the pejorative of a member of the Clandestine Services, not that other pejorative. Please take a short fall off your high horse) or a diplomat who’s a spook or you’re an undercover cop and you want to blend into the background and not attract attention. I get it. But if you’re a normal citizen, a citizen, and you’re going out of your way to be unseen? There’s something going on.
And there was something going on with George Russell. And it made me suspicious that he told me what he thought I wanted to hear. Moral of the story here, if you’ve got spidey sense, listen to it when it tingles. It’s there for a reason.
A few months later one of my friends had a party at his apartment. He was one of the few of us who had one and because it was on the quiet white East side instead of Heavily Armed Hobo Junkie Alley where my warehouse was in Pioneer Square, all my friends would go there instead.
George Russell was there, doing hot knife hits off the stove and flashing that famous smile of his. Making small talk and minor physical contact, little pats on the back or touching your forearm when talking to you, like a waiter angling for a bigger tip or Bill Clinton hitting you up for a campaign contribution.
I remembered that night at the bus station and kept my distance. Just gave him The Nod, got it back in return. So far, so good.
George Russell soon left to go on a date, leaving behind the better part of a case of Henry Weinhardt’s for my friends to toast his early absence with. That was the last time I ever saw him. I don’t think I even touched a drop of his beer bribe, I just concentrated on the Afghani Blonde I had smuggled back from overseas the year before, so cut with henna it was like smoking designer shampoo.
Once again I voiced my personal opinion of his character to my friends, but they were white kids barely out of high school and so stoked to have a homeboy to high-five with, that they assured me I was just paranoid and definitely not as def and down with it as they were. My manners dictate that I don’t mention that they live in a fucking Disneyfied suburb where the most dangerous thing they have to deal with is drunken frat boys at TGIFriday’s.
The next morning a man walking his dog spotted what looked like a body by a dumpster near a nightclub noted for it’s blond and brainless clientele. The local homicide arrive in their unmarkeds and discover a twenty three year old female vic, naked and strangled and raped and most unsettling of all, posed. Laid out on the sidewalk like Jeebus on the cross, legs folded over each other, arms akimbo and outstretched with a pine cone carefully placed in each open palm. She’d been kicked so hard her liver had split open against her spinal column.
This is one was not a crime of passion. This one had had time spent on her. This one had been used like an object to send a message. This is not good.
Even though it’s a singular instance in a small town with a small police force, to give them credit they wise up quick. They swallow their pride and send an assistance request to Behavioral Science at Quantico.
But the Feds have a backlog a mile long and two miles wide. Everyone knows Washington State has the highest number of serial murderers in the nation, but the hard-ons in wingtips have been burned before out here. They’re still smarting from the fact that the Green River Killer has evaded capture for decades, burned up countless man-hours with nothing to show but the occasional awkward press conference. We’ll look into it. We promise.
About a month later a man broke into a woman’s apartment that she shared with her two young children. He raped and beat and strangled her to death, then placed her corpse on the bed posed so that when her kids came into the room the next morning to find out why she hadn’t made them breakfast before taking them to kindergarten, that the first thing they saw was the shotgun he’d inserted into her vagina and left there.
The suspect was a secretor, and the semen samples matched those of the woman found in the parking lot the month previously. The press dubbed him The East side Killer, and noted the two victims were habitues of local nightclubs where popped-collared douche bags flashed cell phones the size of bricks to impress the type of women easily impressed by a fucking cell phone.
Less than two weeks later, The East side Killer struck again. This one also was caught napping. Beaten with a baseball bat so badly her brains splattered all over the bedstead, he had then taken a knife and stabbed her almost three hundred times from her head to the soles of her feet, left her corpse with a dildo in the mouth and a copy of The Joy Of Sex tucked under what was left of her right arm.
By this point the Boys From Virginia With No Sense Of Humor had come on the case post haste. They sent out John Douglas, whose character Scott Glenn in The Silence Of The Lambs was based on. Overworked and seriously underpaid, he wound up with brain fever caused by exhaustion and almost died in a cheap hotel room in Seattle. But he recovered and continued to work the case. Posited that all three murders were the work of one man. Definitely a Cop Groupie. Maybe an African American, skilled at blending in white society, maybe brought up in white society.
This was big news. Serial killers go on the hunt inside their own ethnic backgrounds, at least, that was the given up until this happened. Douglas discussed how white American mono-culture had become so entrenched in media that it had become easy to imitate for outsiders. He was proven right when forensics found the pubic hairs found on all three vics were African American.
Meanwhile, good old George Russell was still being good old George Russell. Cheerful and good-natured and pleasant. But chinks were appearing in the armor. Ex-girlfriends now found him hostile towards them, whereas before he had always been Mr. Smooth. Whereas before he had always been modest, now he was cocky and arrogant.
One of the reasons George Russell had been doing “some side work” for the PD on Mercer Island was because he had been arrested a lot as a kid for petty crimes, and the local police had taken him under their wing to try and straighten him out, give him errands to run and a vision of a possible future that didn’t involve a vision from behind bars.
But it hadn’t taken hold, and they knew it. When the word was being spread around cop shops from Bothell to Bellingham that the suspect was an African American perhaps brought up in white society, they just knew. After all, Mercer Island was pretty much white society.
When they arrested him they found personal belongings of all three victims on his person. And although DNA testing was still considered science fiction, and expensive science fiction at that, they put up the scratch to have it done and it came back positive. He smiled and joked with them as they put on the cuffs. This is all a big misunderstanding fellas. Don’t worry, we’ll all have a good laugh about this later at Denny’s. Ha ha, you guys....
Good old spidey sense. It saved me from being subpoenaed. Because we didn’t associate I never had to stand up on the witness stand and point him out to twelve tried and true. A neighbor of mine with whom he’d had a relationship later told me he once confided to her that I scared the shit out of him. He was probably lying. If he wasn’t then it was probably one of the nicest things anyone has ever said about me. Friends, acquaintances, they weren’t so lucky. Summons servers slapped paper on them and they had to go to King County courthouse and see the glossy technicolor close-ups placed on an easel for evidence, Kodachrome enlargements showing battered bags of meat that had once been mothers and daughters. Human beings turned into bloody mush out of rage and anger and hatred hidden behind a smile they’d all fallen for.
And there, in front of them in a snazzy sport coat and tie, seated grinning by his grimly aware public defender, was George Russell. Giving them little waves of encouragement. Hey fellas. Sheesh, can you believe this? What a world, eh?
In Washington State they still hang you, you can decide between the noose or the needle if you get the death penalty. Fucking barbaric either way, I suppose. George lucked out with three consecutive life sentences. No possibility of parole.
Walla Walla isn’t the worst place to do time, but prison is prison and inside your word is bond. Some chancer who fancies himself a smooth mover with a fancy line of patter isn’t going to get much credibility no matter how brutal the crime. Last I heard he’d been attacked while in the yard, had his throat sliced ear to ear with a piece of broken light bulb. Whatever genius for a day trying to make his rep wound up missing both carotids, so George survived. Probably still trying to weasel his way into the upper incareration echelon. Hey Dude, remember when you tried to kill me? Ha ha, good times, Bro. Good times..
My friends were astounded and creeped beyond belief. None of them had known any of the victims, but George Russell had been their buddy, man, their bro, and their bro had turned out to be a fucking great white shark in their very small pond. They were lucky they were minnows, they just didn’t realize it. I’m not a cynic, I’m a realist. Very few cynics get to say I told you so as often as I do, but in this case I kept my mouth shut and didn’t remind them of the times I had warned them about him.
At this point I’m working two jobs while taking night courses at the UW in filmmaking. Evenings I’m bouncing at the Moore Theater to feed my concert habit, but by day I’m back at Mercer Island working at a video store, pretty much getting paid to get a filmmaking education of another sort. And the housewives would come in and chatter about the local boy turned serial killer, getting a slight frisson as they discussed the case over little cups of overpriced frozen yogurt.
I’ll never forget a comment made by one of these people that sort of made me see it from George Russell’s perspective, which was really creepy in and of itself. These two women were talking, and one of them said: “Well, you know he was never reallyfrom Mercer Island. He just moved here as a child.”
I almost wanted to scream at them what fucking idiots they were. They were so soft and suburbanized and stuck up that one of their own had started hunting them for sport and taking their lives as trophies but hey, at least he wasn’t really from the neighborhood. Their property values weren’t compromised. Hooray for them.
If you don’t believe me google George Waterfield Russell(Because remember all serial killers have three names, natch), but be prepared to see blurry cop polaroids of a dead and naked woman with a shotgun inside her.
But the point of this story is, is that Bundy was arrested in Florida, Bianchi was tried in California, at the time this all went down Green River was still considered a bad place to turn tricks, this means that I used to hang out and get high with the first convicted serial killer in Washington State.
And he was a total creep.
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