#of crime if you send a message and then threatens to electrocute someone’s eyes out as like a hero and Peters like hey bro can you not
movedtodykedvonte · 11 months
Electro in the au would be the child of an extreme environmental activist that really wanted to find a way to make renewable energy with us as the source and things go wrong, super wrong actually, when he gets his wish.
Max is encased in his own self sustaining field of bioelectricity that makes it impossible to interact with things without electrocuting them and he accidentally wounds his dad and runs away in a shamed panic. Due to not being able to control his abilities he causes mass destruction that the government wants to bring him in for (along with government testing) making his panic worse.
Spider-Man comes to help and realizes that Max is just a scared kid like he was when he first got his powers (tho Max is like 16-17 here) and decides to take him under his wing in hopes to give the city a new hero after telling him he and his dad just need time to settle things over and he’ll forgive him. (Goes by hero name Electro during this)
They got to find his dad and discovered that his dad was taken due to competitors wanting to replicate his work despite him saying it’s not stable. Max and Spider-Man go to save him when a rift happens after an argument over lethal force happens. Spider-Man wanting to minimize damage while Electro will do whatever it takes. Electro’s volatile nature gets them found out and when he goes for the kill on the guy who orchestrated his dads kidnapping Spider-Man tackles him to get him to stop causing him to fatally injure his dad.
The facility is ruined and both have to flee but not before Electro swears to get even for Spider-Man(?) his fathers death.
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