#he isnt only an evil dude
stealingyourbones · 2 years
Scott Free was supposed to be having just a normal day with his wife, a nice calm picnic in an isolated area so they wouldn't be bothered. They were supposed to eat together and relax and not worry about a damn thing! But that plan vanished as a stranger appeared and said, "Scott Free. I have a deal for you. How would you like to never have to worry about anything to do with Darkside ever again?"
That is how the conversation started and I ended with Scott and his wife thinking about about dangerous bargin the stranger had offered. Darkside would die, permanently. Done by the hands of someone who owed the stranger a favor. The man gave no details on the other person or how they could possibly do it, but in exchange for this he needed a debt. His exact words were, "I shall call upon you for a favor at a later time. Your task will be clear when the time and place is correct." And he refused to give any more details and told them they had 24 hours to decide.
They both agreed it was incredibly Sketchy at best. But... if this person truly knew a way to kill Darkside forever? Could they throw away that chance? This is a once in a life time opportunity but... what of the favor the stranger requested?
After exactly 24 hours the one eyed man came back and asked them their decision. Scott gave a nod and simply said, "yes. Kill Darkside and I will be in your debt." The Stanger grinned and held out his hand for a shake to make it official. Scott yelped and pulled his hand back when something pricked his palm and the stranger shows a single drop of blood on their palm as they say, "a pact sealed in blood. I will be back for you soon."
A week later Danny beats Darkside in single combat, forced to kill the Dark God in order to survive. From his perch, Clockwork gets ready to swoop in, knowing that what awaits Danny on the other side of the portal home is a large number of GIW agents and his parents. Normally it wouldn't be to big of a problem but he did just finish a fist fight with Darkside.
Time freezes as the injured Boy King is forced to retreat into his core due to his massive number of injuries. Gently plucking the core from the air, Clockwork puts on his human disguise and goes to cash in a debt he created with an escape artist one week prior.
After all, Danny needs someone to protect his core until he can reform and after that he will need new parents who can help him understand his new task of ruling both the ghost zone and a hell planet.
Danny getting crazy literal God parents. I love this sm
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bellygunnr · 6 months
Its so funny the poor reception the KR2008 posting is getting. Yes, KITT calls Mike 'Mike.' This Michael is technically Michael Knight's son, and KITT is the Knight Industries Three Thousand, and in typical early-mid 2000s fashion, he is gay and homophobic. They're socializing him with black and white Westerns. He has a gun.
It's a very... sterile show. Poorly done. CGI in place of practical effects. KITT is constantly being spun around in this laser orb contraption. They turned him into a sort of goo and half of his tangible surface area can be used as a screen.
Of course, I'm only on episode two and I am sure it mellows out with time, but so far everyone here just kind of sucks. It's very jarring to see a Knight Rider with so much gun use.
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damagedcoda6669 · 27 days
how did youknow youbhad bpd? what were the main "symptoms" ?? soryif it comes off as personal or uncomfy you dont hsveto answer
(im rlly rlly rlly autistic abt bpd PREPARE 4 AN ENTIRE BIBLE ABT HOW I DISCOVERED I HAD IT)
ive exhibited symptoms of bpd my entire life (it usually starts 2 present in childhood or early adulthood, it comes from childhood abuse/neglect) i only started 2 notice something was wrong in my tweens/early teens, when malachi became my favorite person and every1 was calling me mentally ill and weird and obsessive. ive known my entire life i was neurodivergent (first started therapy at 6 or 7, diagnosed with bipolar + autism + adhd + depression + anxiety RLLY early on) but there was something else that felt wrong 2 me. at that age i didnt rlly know what 2 search 4 or who 2 talk 2, so i just went on google and searched "love disorders" and obsessive love disorder came up (which isnt even in the DSM iirc) and i posted on google plus saying i likely had that and was shot down IMMEDIATELY 4 "self diagnosing" so i didnt revisit it again until a few years later.
after my breakup in 2021 i felt like it hurt WAY MORE than was normal. i stumbled across a video abt bpd during that time period and it resonated with me way 2 much. im impulsive, i have angry outbursts, im constantly suicidal, i self harm, i have extreme mood swings, i dont know who i am and ive always just mirrored other ppl, i dissociate, i have black and white thinking, i view ppl as all good or all bad and i split, i have consistently unstable relationships, i get attached 2 ppl more than i should be, and i have a paralyzing, nauseating fear of abandonment. i have every symptom in the diagnostic criteria.
i brought up the possibility of me having bpd with my mom i think (i had no one else 2 go 2 becuz all of my friends abandoned me and my parents took away my internet access) and i was shot down again, with my mom saying the CLASSIC "(insert family member) has bpd and shes crazy. ur normal. stop pretending theres something wrong with u. if u had bpd u'd be vindictive and petty and evil. do u think ur those things?"
once i figured out how 2 get my internet access back, maryland dude forced the bpd label on2 me becuz he wanted 2 explain my "abusive" behaviors (he was abusing me but tried 2 gaslight me in2 thinking i had a victim complex and that it was the other way around) and i became uncomfortable with the label becuz he made it seem like if i had bpd then i was a bad person. i continued researching the disorder becuz it still resonated with me even though i was now insecure abt it.
i became comfortable with the label again after he abandoned me, and i brought it up with my therapist. my therapist would HEAVILY DENY that i had bpd, telling me that "if u had bpd u would be attempting suicide 4 attention" "u fit the diagnostic criteria but ur autistic so all of ur symptoms can just be attributed 2 autism srry" "ive had clients with bpd and if u were like them u wouldve had an outburst in my office and be yelling at me by now" and she would even smile at me whenever i brought up my bpd becuz she thought it was funny that i thought i had it, i think. the first time i brought it up with her she told me "its rlly irresponsible 2 self diagnose after reading liek two articles online abt some extreme disorder becuz u think ur broken. ur not broken. dont self diagnose with bpd" and i had to EXPLAIN 2 HER that i wasnt self diagnosing and that id researched it in depth 4 years actually and that she was making assumptions. horribly ableist towards ppl with cluster b disorders, this is a MASSIVE RED FLAG but i didnt switch therapists becuz i was still living with my parents at this point and i felt out of control in every aspect of my life 4 this reason, i didnt even see switching therapists as an option.
then in 2023, while i was homeless, i got evaulated by a psychiatrist. i discussed my bpd with him and finally got diagnosed. i told my therapist i was diagnosed with bpd and she said something like "well im not always gonna be able 2 catch everything" BUT I WAS TELLING U ABT MY BPD 4 MONTHS!!!!! so glad i dont have that therapist anymore but now i dont have one at all, so liek.. hrmmm >:c
im gonna end this by saying.. self diagnosis is valid!!! its so hard 2 get a bpd diagnosis becuz its so demonized and stigmatized, that even those in the mental health system r ableist towards the disorder and those who have it. diagnosis is not always an option with disorders like bpd, and thats so frustrating. its so hard 2 find help becuz every1 thinks ur crazy. but ur not crazy!!! i love all my fellow bpders, i know how agonizing and it is 2 live this tormented life. if u suspect u have bpd, the bpd community welcomes u and supports u!!! and i do 2 :3
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dear-ao3 · 1 year
absolutely, completely and in all other ways OUTRAGED that @wearewatcher did not include dr. heinz doofenshmirtz on their list of disney dilfs.
is he technically from disney channel? yeah. does that matter? no. is he better than pongo and maurice and king triton? absolutely.
and i will tell you why.
as we all know, doofenshmirtz had a horrible upbringing:
-his own parents didnt show up for his birth -he had to throw his own surprise party -big black boots boris the bully kicked sand in his face -a kid outshined him at a science fair with a baking soda volcano -his mom wouldnt let him swim in pools -his dad won a dog and said it was the son he never had and named it only son -had to wear dresses to school -he smelled like pork ?? idk this one doesnt get explained -his brother was better at kickball than him -his brother got the teddy bear he got out of a claw machine and it ruined the family dynamic -he couldn't make pretzels -he failed as a magician -his first date was ruined -he lost a girl to a dude with big hands -has no coordination -accidentally ended up in america? -lived with a family of ocelots ??? -he had to be a garden gnome -was always thwarted and outshined by his brother roger
yea you get the idea
but does he pass any of this down to his daughter, vanessa??
no! he does not!
-he actually takes his daughters advice -he is a fantastic single dad and makes a good life for her (and supports her being goth. very important.) -he is civil with his ex wife also (which helps vanessas childhood) -he brings vanessa to work and tries to bring her into the family business -he wants his inators to be fun for her as a learning experience -he always gives her extravagant birthday parties !!! esp her sweet 16!!! -he does not direct his negative feelings towards his daughter ever, its always towards perry -he spends 10 years looking for a discontinued mary mcguffin doll!!! for her!!
and so on
instead of being horribly to his daughter he rather brilliantly uses his arch nemesis (perry the platypus) as a free therapist (rather ingenious in this economy) and channels his childhood trauma into creating his inators in order to take over the tri state area.
so hes definitely dedicated, knows his way around a toolbox and programming (valuable skills in the technology age), broke through the stigma of generational and childhood trauma, and hes just a little bit evil. as a treat. at least in terms of ryans criteria he is a fantastic dad. and that is what we are judging the dilfs on.
so in conclusion. @wearewatcher. why isnt dr. heinz doofenshmirtz on the top 5 disney dilfs list???
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calpalsworld · 2 years
Im sick of hearing. “Minions would follow [insert terrible irl figure here]” as if minions aren’t living beings who can discern between right and wrong. I’ve heard enough of it!!! It is not true! And no, the reason they wouldnt follow [insert any terrible irl person here] isnt even because the movie is for kids! It is also not even because the minions universe takes place in an alternate history with alternate lore! It is because...
Minions do NOT in fact, want the most EVIL person as their Boss.
Minions follow the most VILLANOUS person they can find. There is a BIG distinction between VILLANOUS and EVIL.
Evil = doing horrific things
Villainous = flamboyant and self-indulgent anti-authoritarianism, particularly pertaining to the Evilcore AESTHETIC
(example 1: they spend centuries serving Count Dracula, some scraggly ass dude who probably only kills like 1 person every couple nights, or maybe just turns a person into a vampire, which isnt very evil if you ask me. but he is SERVING in that outfit. the minions probably stay held up in that spooky castle for the VIBES instead of finding some kind of warlord or landlord who inflicts suffering on thousands per day. so.)
(example 2: they dont even consider following the Queen of England who is RIGHT THERE at the end of Minions 1. No, instead they follow the random kid who came in and stole 1 crown because he has a cool escape vehicle and laughs maniacally.)
SO YES, Minions search for the most swaggiest bad bitches. Not terrible people.
AND ALSO, Minions are shown to desire an enriching environment full of fun and villainy. Not one where they mindlessly harm the world. Minions show empathy and compassion towards other people and all sorts of animals throughout the films. Minions do not thrive off EVIL. Which is why Felonius Gru was the perfect Boss for the minions.  Gru was just a silly kid who wanted more than anything to be famously villainous when he and the minions first met. And he learned all the minions names, learned to somewhat speak their language, and treated them with kindness, unlike the many Bosses before him. (Would [insert irl s*rial killer here] tuck the minions into sleep? NO.) This is why the minions continue to be fiercely loyal to Gru no matter what -- even now that he is part of the Anti Villain League! Minions are conscious creatures with emotions. Minions form bonds and have opinions, and they serve Gru because he is a swaggy bad bitch and also a kind person.
So thats why Im sick of all these jokes about minions following horrific individuals.
Thank you.
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To the SPN fans that are hating on good omens rn bc of the leak, I hope you choke. I've seen some really nasty shit today from some of my (now unfollowed) followers whom I followed for spn content. So let's make one thing clear from actual posts ive seen today:
-Saying that the "wrong angels kissed", is...homophobic. I was with destiel from beginning to end and yeah we were completely shafted, but it's not okay to then say that other gay couples in media aren't allowed to kiss just because they aren't the ones you thought were hot. Jesus christ didn't think I needed to write that one down for ya-bo burnham
-I saw so much fatphobia about how Castiel deserved a kiss more than Aziraphel bc "he has far more sex appeal." Wtf wtf wtf. How do you live with yourselves saying that shit?You can pry Micheal Sheens body type Aziraphel out of my cold dead hands, you CW brainwashed morons!
-hate against the author for some reason, no one is willing to give specifics about it, but I think the majority of them maintain that GO is not good rep because they didn't kiss and now they are claiming pandering or something? Honestly that guy has only ever stood with the writers guild and queer people his whole career from what I find so I don't think it's fair whatever hate they are spouting. He isnt even saying he is upset with fans that saw or shared the video. Hes being super nice about it!
-I will say, non of us SPN fans have a fucking leg to stand on when it comes to hating something bc of the authors, OK. I saw someone saying the writing for spn was better and I can say you did not watch the show. I loved spn but don't do the late Terry Pratchett like this. He did nothing wrong
-on that same ish strain, as an ace person who thrives off queerplatonic relationships in media, maybe they kiss, I dunno. I just have to wait until the season comes out. Not 1 SPN fan gets to bitch about GO asexualty rep when SPN never even tried that route with any of its characters. But also ace characters are allowed to kiss, so you can write them that way of you want and interpret them that way if you want still. This is your viewing experience.
-this leak is truly not the same as the SPN yo a ti leak, solely bc the episode hasn't aired yet. "None of you GO fans would have survived the yo a ti leak." No I think you wouldn't bc the spn leak was clinging to an already mangled straw, while the angel's in GO are queer already. Queer queer queer and no amount of kissing or lack thereof is going to change that. We have no idea what happens in that episode of GO, but we saw the creators butcher the only moment in the show that could have meant anything real for queer viewers in SPN.
-"SPN crowly was kissing dudes first so this one is not that impressive". I see two cakes. One was made with the intent to make gay people look evil, but over time got kinda funny and a little better bc gay people liked it, and the other was about telling an interesting story about how love is so important, especially at the end of the world, and gay people liked that one too! So for me it's YaY two cakes!
-again the anti aziraphel is so plainly just fatphobia. You have no excuses. Sorry you don't think someone who looks like a slightly chubby micheal sheen could ever get kissed by someone who looks like David tennant, but you are not only wrong, you are also childish.
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OK I'm done. Go watch good omens s2 when it comes out for my fucking sanity please. Or don't if all you are going to do is try to rip it apart like you do to all media that tries to be better.
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mrgladstonegander · 6 months
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MORE BOOTLEG DUCKTALES ‼️team science (oops! all identity issues!) edition
team magic here
archimedes gallas / gyro = more like other versions where he's nice but this man is carrying SOOOO much guilt. insane amounts. his entire character is focused on how much his self-worth is down the drain (also hes being haunted by the narrative (phoebe/della)). also he's half japanese. based off the onagadori
cherry pekin / huey = has a similar problem to archie where she has overwhelming feelings of needing to seem mature, and responsible, where she overworks herself
sydney eggtooth-diazi / fenton = REALLYY wants to seem like a Professional Normal Dude. repressing EVERY urge to wear silly ties. sees morality in a black and white sort of way and it WILL cause problems later. he puts archie on a pedestal and its super obvious and it just makes archie more mentally ill
salem milly / gandra = planning to really lean into how she joined fowl bc they were the only ones that supported her. mainly the contrast with how the Main Family supports each other with unconditional love, the love she has is purely conditional, and she's constantly convincing herself that she Wants to do bad things, and that she doesnt care about these people, because despite how she says she only listens to herself, shes stuck to FOUL, and thats her 'family'. based on mille fleur d'uccle
frankie loon / fethry = IT IS PART OF TEAM SCIENCE‼️ after getting back to mainland after being alone at sea for four years, he joins as a janitor. pulling back the marine biology in the sense that he is interested in EVERYTHING. man of a 10000 copies. winning the idgaf war (DOES care abt how his family is disinterested in his interests but its FINE because HE cares its fine its fine. he's accepted he'll be alone). its presence WILL send everyone else into a shock about their identity. hopefully it'll happen vice versa as well
widget-time-tech / widget / gizmoduck / lil bulb = theyre being consolidated and also theyre lil bug guys now!! i dont care if you hate bugs theyre cute as shit!! widget is Usually in the little ball, but also helps control the suit with sydney. it still has anger issues so it'll make things harder for sydney rather than just silly incompetence. and it was DEFINENTLY made to be a superhero ai. no other purposes. at all. certainly not messing with the fabric of time. just helping the ppl of the town :)
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mad clucktor / mad clucktor = iwhile he IS a villain he isn't necessarily a bad person. hes a physical manifestation of the part of archie that WANTS to be alive! that KNOWS his worth! he doesn't have to work himself to death to make up for his guilt!
and he's the reason why toby is even active. why he's back
toby / boyd = cannot be normal abt this sorry
he was made to be archie's idea of the "perfect boy". the perfect kid. what he wants to be what he WISHED he would be growing up. hes happy, he can do everything right, he's intelligent, he's strong. his existence is free of human doubt and anxiety, he's the perfect boy and if he was in archie's place everything would be fine
but it isnt! he gets used! toby's used for evil through no fault of his own. but he becomes a symbol of things that are "wrong" about archie. toby didn't resent anyone or be upset with how people treat him. toby doesnt have his own needs. he can do whatever people need him to do. toby was his symbol of hope but becomes a symbol of how everything with him goes wrong. he becomes an unachievable goal that archie is trying to be to make up for the existence of toby!!
and so the only way for either of them to be "truly human" is when archie learns that he doesn't have to be perfect. he never had to be. even if he's made mistakes, he still deserves to LIVE!! he doesn't have to hide his pain and discomfort for anyone!! and its okay for toby to be toby!
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Controversial Character Tournament Round 2: Heather from Total Drama vs Dirk Strider from Homestuck
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(remember that these characters are fictional and your fellow tumblr users are real. i will block you if you harass others in the notes, please consider sending your unhinged harassment to my inbox instead)
Propaganda under the cut, may contain spoilers:
HATE: - "she's kind of evil, she only uses people for ulterior motives. she never regrets her actions. like she literally only does it for fun. she's racist, misogynistic, homophobic and xenophobic. also, she has very weak and episodic character growth, which just ruins the character entirely considering that it's a linear story"
Dirk Strider:
LOVE: -"everyone hates this asshole mans emotionally abused his boyfriend even after breaking up, kills himself because things didn't go his way, beheaded himself so said boyfriend would kiss him, became an anime supervillain because ???? anyway I love him" - "man who is responsible for like every bad thing in the comic. but also he's sixteen and didnt mean it. and it wasnt even his fault. but he blames himself. everyone loves blaming him and calling him abusive. i must stress that he is sixteen and socially isolated. he straight up isnt responsible. hes done many things wrong. but literally not the things people blame him for." - "there aren’t words to describe how fucked up this dude is" - "i know the controversial character people normally think of from homestuck is vriska but i've seen a lot of people slandering dirk over the years. he does just want to help his friends. all of the alpha kids are dysfunctional as fuck but i feel like dirk tends to get the most slander of the four of them, which isn't deserved. not to mention what they did to my boy in the epilogues they just deleted his character arc. people are all "oh he's the cool badass" or "oh he's evil and unfeeling" he is sixteen years old. and he likes horses and anime. also a slight side note but he's the one who tends to get sexualized the most which is bad. but that also tends to be controversial in this fandom so i think that should net him extra points." - "half the fandom wants him dead; half love him. he can't make up his mind about himself. any time i reread i go through a period of wanting to beat him with a rock before i warm up to him again. also vriska was already submitted so many times so he's like the next best" HATE: - "Listen I've fluctuated between both love and hate but either time I felt such strong feelings about it"
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gale-gentlepenguin · 8 months
Gale Reviews: Miraculous World Paris: Tales of Shadybug and Claw Noir
Spoilers below
(The image of Gabriel's life. Damn)
-Gabriel is a good guy and working with his version of the Resistance. DAMN
-Kamiko? so that is the good version of akuma?!
-Ubiquity is the Kamiko's name. Okay neat
-And the villains just arrived
-Damn this is going hard.
-Love the Miraculous world intro
-And back to our world
-Okay so this is taking place AFTER destruction, since the miraculous are not rings yet
-Gabriel almost went into his son's room. almost. Adrien processing a long day (likely the fact that he CATACLYSMED SOMEONE) This would make for a good au later
-Could we be getting ADRIEN CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT! -Adrien having legit concerns over his power that actually makes sense? Good to see
-Plagg doing his best to help Adrien cope.
-Alyanette is good as usual
-tikki no!
-Cute little Tom Sabine moment. (LUCKY TOM)
-Alya's in pain (cause of the oh no)
-Seriously this all happened in the span of one night!
-Betterfly arrives,
-Also, seems the Kamiko in this case can impact MULTIPLE version. At least in alya's case
-That costume is dope
-Betterfly not knowing in this world HE'S the asshole
-Also Betterfly's design isnt bad. I accept it. Still weird cause its gabe tho
-Nice to know Alynino is canon in that verse
-Shadyclaw arguements.
-Shadybug hates Adrien in this world
-Clawnoir loves being destructive, a nice contrast to adrien's current dilemma
-Alya covering for marinette like always
-Oh right, her phone is broken
-Smart move
-Shadybug and Clawnoir should make out (the tension is so thick you can cut it with a knife) they are constantly arguing and its great
-CATACLYSM CAN GET BIG!!! OH F*** THATS SO COOL! (Adrien/Chat noir be holding back by a f*** ton)
-Tikki just sitting on this knowledge. BILLIONS OF UNIVERSE. (welp that is only half the amount of au's and what ifs I made lol)
-Tikki demonstrating what its like being a nigh omnipotent deity. (this is the first time outside of seeing their true forms did I feel this)
-The Supreme? Wait, the logos at the begining. Does that mean? the order of guardians is actually evil? Or is it like an Evil Fu?!
-Wait, so it isnt just an adult thing, if you are evil you can multi-use the miraculous but at a cost. SEE THIS RIGHT HERE WOULD HAVE BEEN A BETTER SYSTEM THAN THE ADULT THING! WTF?!
-So Shadybug and Claw noir ARENT the big bads they are just... lackeys? That is kind of lame, but if they are going to get redeemed it does make sense
-Ladybug out here being funny
-Claw noir got numb-chucks
-(Me with Claw noir right now)
-Chat noir making solid points right now
-Villains really do get all the cool s***
-Damn so akumatization can be like in the blink of an eye. time slows down conveniently.
-OMG ITS AN ANGEL CHAT BLANC (Marinette's ptsd should be kicking in now)
-The puns were great, and by by shadybug
-Claw noir litterally pretended to try and catch her then let her fall. Thats hilarious
-He was going to take her miraculous, that is amazing. They really hate eachother. She broke his finger lol
-Gabriel venting to his dead wife again
-Oh no, he is going to cataclysm the villains
-"As black as my heart?" Dude you are WAY underselling how evil you are
-The Supreme spares? So basically they are forced to do this or they perish. I see
-I love their arguements
-They went back to search the room, Alya really going through it now
-The Supreme, it must be Evil fu.
-Oh this is interesting, Gabriel was evil but turned it around after seeing the consequences of his actions.
-Shadybug found Ladybug's diary. Oh snap, she sees she was friends with Alya!
-Claw noir playing with dolls
-She read the diary and is like "That buffoon? REALLY ALTERNATE ME?!"
-Oh wow, Gabriel that is good is actually a better mentor then su han. (a low bar but still)
-Reminder that Plagg can be that insightful and also just as omnipotent as Tikki
-Adrien figuring it out
-The diary is cheesy for exposition, BUT shadybug's reaction to it is actually sweet. Marinette in any universe wants friends and to care for others. (my headcanon is that this is shadybug summarizing what her alternate self is thinking/writing)
-shadybug going to double cross her Claw noir
-and she found out he's adrien.
-Emo!Adrien lol
-PLAGG IS GAGGED! The supreme is really evil
-Alya trying to get sabine's phone
-OHHH, he is wearing make up because of the effects of over using the miraculous! Damn thats a nice touch
-Emo!Adrien recognizes Emo!Mari
-Also Gorilla in white is so weird to me
-Ironic that this is how we get the reveal.
-She can wish to swap places! oh s*** that is a hell of a plot twist!
-Wait something is wrong, that logo... Can they not use the wish?
-"Only The supreme defines reality." DUDE! DUDE!!!!!!!! The supreme is officially the most competent villain in miraculous.
-Marinette realizing she cant be an angsty bitch right now.
-Seems the miraculous is taking their toll on both of them. Damn this is dark and I love it
-Tikki blots on.
-Welp this is probably the best writing I have seen from ML in a while. I legit buy this saddness.
-Even Emo! Adrien is sympathetic and he hardly said anything as adrien
-Plagg Dagger's out
-They are both dying and desperate
-Monarch has shown up and he is up to no good
-And just like that Monarch shows why he is an unrepentant asshole.
-Oh look, Chat noir's nightvision is useful again. (It just took 5 seasons)
-I knew they werent akumatized,
-Alya being the MVP today
-Illusions, of course.
-I MISSED LADYNOIR SO F***ING MUCH (devours the ladynoir moment)
-Ladyfly looks really cool
-That is a brilliant plan
-The tactical brilliance
-Ladyfly was planning this
-Chat noir mocking Claw noir's puns is everything i needed in life
-Chat noir lost one of his ears
-AND countered, Nice try monarch. Nice akuma trick
-Took monarch long enough
-"There are no awesome girlfriends to inspire me every day" Rip to Shadybug
-Damn, Shadybug, that is a LOT to unpack there
-No matter the universe Chloé is always a bitch. (Theres the astruc stamp in the writing I expected. But honestly still a valid villain reason)
-This is pretty emotional
-Chat noir is playing Claw noir like a fiddle
-Claw noir is the adrien that never moved on from losing his mother. Yep, Like I have said, adrien has a valid reason to be evil
-A hero feels pain and wants to make sure no one else feels that way, a Villain feels pain and wants to hurt the thing that caused them pain
-"I dont want to be cringe." "Embrace the cringe"
-Adrien out here saving himself.
-Adrien talking about his friends because he DOES know them. THANK YOU. THIS IS WHAT I wanted.
-Shadybug, "I dont want to be cringe." Claw noir "It sounds cringe Im in"
-Shadybug fixed everything AND HER COSTUME CHANGED. I kind of love it
-Claw noir's new design is officially my favorite. Chat noir iteration
-I think the good versions of shadybug and Claw noir might be my favorite costumes for them
-Okay so they going back now
-Also I just realize that these version actually KNOW the other's identities. yet their canon ones dont
-Monarch discovered the multiverse
-My reaction
-Scarabella and Kitty noire universe
-Kitty noire's reaction is so lesbian
-ANIME UNIVERSE (this officially my favorite special)
-Comic book universe
-A Misterbug and Lady noir universe
-Betterfly being the mentor Ladybug and Chat noir really needed
-Omg the day is finally over
-You know one big plot hole is Monarch could have simply deakumatized Ladybug so she couldnt stop him but didnt. Cause he is an idiot
-And cute little alyanette
-LITTLE KISSES. Damn the Alyanette fandom is eating good tonight
I stand by what I said, this is the best Miraculous world special done.
Honestly If I included it in my episode rankings this is easily a top 5 contender.
I now want a sequel in which Shadybug and Claw noir fight the supreme, because the Supreme sounds f***ing epic and evil.
Maybe season 6 plays into it. (That would be one hell of a season)
10/10 in terms of ML specials and episodes
It is a bit cheesy but I loved what I watched
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oldmemoria · 7 months
hate the ultimate guide. heres a few reasons why.
reused art: I understand how hard it is to make art, especially at that calliber of detail. I'm an artist, I get it. but the charm of the original ultimate guide was that we had these hand painted, unique pieces of art of these characters, it showed a little personality too.
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How stale and lifeless the art is: This is a complaint that I've had with the current western artist for years, the art is just... boring. the colors are pretty, yeah, like wow hyperrealistic cats. cool. but what else? can we see their personalities? what's the book gonna be like? the old covers had that charm, but not these ones. at all. (also is that even... i could not tell that was runningnose and littlecloud. i mean. runningnose has water in his snout, thats not what cat snot looks like but go off. he just looks a little soggy ig, not in a perpetual state of sick.)
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Lack of Personality: this is a different complaint I promise. I dont like how the art seems to take away the personality of every character so theyre staring stoicly at the camera. some of these characters arent all that stoic. I never liked the firestar art in the last hope because I deadass thought it was mapleshade until someone told me it was firestar. firestar isnt this scary, stalky cat in the shadows. not to normal people at least. if i can mistake your main character as one of the villains in your cover art that isnt fucking good. I don't want to see these cats staring bug eyed at the camera, I want to be able to tell what they're like JUST from a glance at the art. Who is that- harestar?? why doesnt he look nervous?? he looks almost noble here, which is the opposite of who he's supposed to be, he's a wuss and a loser and i love him for it. like girl that is NOT mudclaw thats some random cat i saw at the shelter once, WHERES HIS ANGER? WHERES HIS FUCKING RAGE??? RISE RISE RISE RISE RISE RI
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the Characters are hard to recognize, even with the title cards: Who are these cats. who. who the fuck are they. I can recognize a few cats, sure, but thats if I can pick out a defining trait. Squirrelflights tail, Scourges Collar, Ravenpaw's white chest, those are things that are explicitly told to us that these characters have, but everyone else??? WHO??? Like that was supposed to be leafstar?? HUH?? Wait that's supposed to be Oakheart? I cant even tell if hes red, its so YELLOW OUT I CANT FUCKING TEL WHO HE IS. Sagewhisker is described with yellow eyes, yet she has blue ones in the ultimate guide (i dont usually get pissy about eye color but not only are these cats supposed to be distinct from each other but i really like sagewhisker and i would die for her, yes i will gatekeep her from the artist fucking fight me), Bluestar is barely recognizable, i didnt know who half of these cats were before i read their nameplate. thats not a good thing.
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Red mapleshade. Why she red. WHY SHE RED.
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Leafpool. I didn't even know that was you at first but man they did you dirty.
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sol. dude that is not sol no matter how much you stretch it- why is he a tabby?? hes supposed to be a tortie, why does he look like lionblaze?? and even then he doesnt look that lionlike, even though hollyleaf literally thought he was when she first saw him like what?? HUH???
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mothwing. why she anger. also why she not fluffy
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squirrelflight. i always hated her SE art but seeing the whole thing makes me angrier. like she isnt not accurate to canon or anything i just... hate it. i hate it withe very fibre of my being. ALSO WHERE IS HER PERSONALITY I WANT TO SEE HER BEING ENERGETIC NOT STARING 😐 AT THE CAMERA FUCKING HELL-
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yeah, so im not gonna buy this book. i dont even want to know how they wrorte any of the female characters to make them somehow evil or how they somehow make a completely irridemable male character a sweet uwu baby. and everyone has talked about the ableism to death so im not going to beat this clearly still living horse, im just gonna let you find it yourself.
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the-s1lly-corner · 8 months
Hey thanks for accepting this ask. So what I wanted to ask is how the amazing digital circus crew would react to a reader who's a strong hero...that's incredibly optimistic, dense and Guilable thinking that the world acts like a cartoon/comic sometimes
TADC cast x comic hero type reader!
meant to start knocking out these last two requests earlier this morning but i had to clean up the house a bit; but im finally getting onto it! reminder that requests are currently closed and any requests sent in will not be answered and will be deleted to keep the inbox clean; so please keep your requests until i announce theyre open again! plan on taking a day or two off to rest my brain n back as well as catching up on art and my own personal fic. the requests being answered currently were sent in prior to requests closing with that said, i hope you enjoy this anon!!
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honestly i think caine would be the same way, not exactly but i think he would some of the cluelessness in terms of how the real world works... except its mostly with the non digital real world; call it inexperience or something! lets you play hero during the IHA.. honestly you kind of fit right in with your personality, with tropes and being a stereotypical comic book hero, if not a little naïve. pretends he doesnt recognize you when you walk around in your "citizens disguise"
likes coming up with villain npcs for you to fight during adventures
initial confusion when she sees you just walking around with a tie plastered to your chest, asks you what its for as well as dropping your name. even more shocked that youre shocked that she knows who you are. kind of just accepts this is a thing you do and doesnt question it, especially as she settles into the digital world.. at least youre handy during IHA.. i think during my little break i might try to figure out how i wish to right pomni because i really do wish i made her stuff more... interesting
honestly i think she would make you stuff to add to your disguise. doesnt want to shatter the illusion for you so she just tries to casually give you stuff out of the kindness of her heart... which isnt... totally wrong.. honestly i dont think she would try to change you or bring up the bad disguise thing so long as its not somehow putting you in danger. in fact i think she finds your whole hero personality endearing, you guys are both optimistic and its nice to be around someone who isnt just. losing their marbles or being a dick.. plus, you arent technically wrong to view the digital world as a cartoon, i mean, look at it and look at the physics of the world and all
oh he is going to be a menace, probably makes a joke villain persona to mess with you only for you to immediately gun for him and deal with his "evil antics",, i mean hey as long as jax doesnt put his silly little villain mask back on you wouldnt suspect a thing... maybe... i think he would roll his eyes at some of the things you say, since youre way more optimistic and out there than ragatha... probably uses your gullible..ness... as a means to trick you
honestly the "as a royal myself" line he dropped in the pilot makes me think that at some level he believes himself to be a real king; or maybe he was just REALLY playing into his whole theming and he knows hes just some dude but was trying to appeal to the gloink queen... what im trying to say is that i think there might actually be a solid chance he fully leans into your hero thing, and perhaps even falls for your disguise (if him constantly forgetting gangle is standing right next to him says anything about his observation skills and/or mental state)
similar to jax but also not. finds your optimism a little too much sometimes; especially if youre very outwardly social and friendly so its not like you swoop in to do your hero duties but you also stop to talk to the 'civilians' of the circus.. though unlike jax they wouldnt try to trick you, nor do i think they would exactly be mean to you. a little irritable by your energy and attitude, maybe, but i think zooble gets irritated by almost everyone in the circus.. reluctantly plays along with your disguise
i think she would be into it, probably draws you in your non-disguise outfit. you get fanart, yay! probably similar to pomni in the whole, just accepts how you are both as a person and with your antics, but i think she just accepts everything everyone else does! not much to say, shes a fan of it and if you stand up for her when jax is mean thats just an added bonus for her
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jamsofdeath0 · 6 months
I think the biggest issue with shield hero is the author accidentally wrote motoyasu into being in the right. this wouldn't have been an issue if they decided to address it instead of tripling down on him "being an idiot" instead of a morally upright dude who believed a woman when she claimed to be raped.
Naofumi for all intensive purposes looks like the most reprehensible motherfucker on the planet from the outside. I wouldn't take his goddamn side. but the story NEEDS you to be with him. so they thoroughly make him sympathetic before he buys the child slave. now don't get me wrong I love this plot point. I think "protagonist buys a child slave" could have been a fucking awesome story. but the author didnt actually want to go into how fucked up that is. they just wanted to write isekai wish fulfillment about a guy at the bottom revenge plotting his way to the top. this is fine to. this can be a perfectly serviceable or even good plot. the problem is the second sheild hero stops being a dark fantasy (episode 5) it gets obscenely boring. like so fucking dull.
this is because they didn't know how to get you onto naofumis (the man who owns a child slave) side without making the antagonist needlessly over the toply cruel (myne) or the most annoying performtive idiot on the planet (motoyasu)
lets examine motoyasu. hes a womanizer. not very bright. believes myne when she claims to be raped. duels naofumi to free a slave.
none of these things are bad. his attempt at free raphtalia (the slave) is maybe a tad performative, naofumi calls this out himself when he brings up slavery being legal, but its not evil. it GOOD. even if its a little to do with his personal beef with naofumi that to could just be interesting writing.
hes FLAWED (being gullible) yes but thats just being a well written character. (he isnt)
so the shows written a well meaning but flawed antagonist. hes against the protagonist bc he rightfully believes him an irredeemable monster who raped women and own slaves.
what will be done with this charater? nothing interesting i assure you. the episode after the duel instead of having him question why the slave girl actually liked naofumi at all (the man they at this point belive to BE A RAPIST (he isnt but they dont know that)) he shows up at a village to become a figure head lord. mynes calling all the shots. and she says the first decree will be that anyone who enters the village will have to pay a toll of FIFTY SILVER. FIFTY! Naofumi then says a night a board AND food is only 2. Thats above cartoonishly evil. thats just stupid. youre not going to make any money that way no one's going to be able to afford the fee. your just killing a village to kill it.
What does motoyasu do when this VERY CLEAR EVIL is happening right in front of him by HIS SIDE? look stupid and double down bc he doesnt like naofumi. he shows hes willing to fuck over a TON of people just to get a go at one guy.
this is the second their whole dynamic becomes so boring. it becomes "naofumi right"; "motoyasu stupid". when motoyasu loses his assumed moral high ground. when hes no longer fighting for what he believes is right.
whereas before their clashes had been moral and even nuanced to a degree now its just a postering idiot and a guy who can inly be bothered bc hes LITERALLY GENUINELY being forced to.
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eldesperadont · 5 months
of the 2015 gaijin Young Lions
Jay was the first to hold the IWGP US championship, Juice the one to finally dethrone him, and Finlay, after chasing it so long but never actually winning it, its destroyer.
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David’s been haunted by that belt ever since Jay betrayed him after their match for it. He had to watch Juice, his tag partner and best friend succeed where he failed at, then not even get close to the singles title picture for years (sidelined with injury or only booked for tag matches), and then get betrayed by his partner who straight up steals the title. He’d defeat Juice and keep the title safe till he defeated its champ in a non title match, finally getting his chance and!… fail again. Yeah i’d feel like wanting to destroy the damn thing too.
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So thats why i very much enjoy David now being the inaugural champ for its replacement :) kinda tragic that turning evil and getting rid of it was what it took for him to finally get a win over the US title, isnt it :)c
I also like that Finlay got the pin on Ospreay where he couldnt before – as he first broke into the singles division, with defeating Jay in the 2021 NJ Cup (single elimination tournament), he fell short to Will in the semi-final. In 2022s G1 tournament (round-robin situation) he got a win over Will, but in the resulting US title match fell short again. In the quarter finals for the following year’s G1 he’d again be eliminated by Ospreay. That dude’s been a thorn in his side.
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oh and I also like that it gives Debbie pathetic heel points cause he had to become his worst self to finally get that win and the title whos predecessor is connected to both his former best friends :3 i hope he sits somewhere and is pissed about Jay and Juice having been right on turning evil
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snakesinsocks2005 · 11 months
Very normal and calm about how others perceive my favourite character
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Hmmkay so:
Devineaux is Not dumb. Well, he's not *dumb* dumb.
Hes loud, dense, arrogant, stubborn, impulsive, egotistical and obnoxious, yes. But he's not dumb.
He believes things based in hard fact, physical and literal evidence and stone cold logic (atleast in his perspective). A huge factor why it took him so long to understand how carmen wasn't the evil doer she was assumed to be, is because of his very thick brick wall sort of thought process:
'This elusive smug woman is stealing. Stealing is bad. I must stop her from stealing. At the end of the day, any sort of motive or excuse you could make up for her Does Not matter because. She's Stealing. And as previously stated- Stealing=Bad.'
Whereas Julia is alot more curious and spares more thought in the 'why' aspect of things, and following reasonable yet sorta hard to straight up prove theories- Why is Carmen Sandiego stealing precious artifacts, only to then soon after, slip them back to the authorities? Might she be stealing from other thieves? The only logical motive for that would be to protect the said precious artifacts from the other thieves. And on and on.
Devineaux, truth be told, doesn't care. He's very much stuck on the "stealing things only to return them makes Absolutely no sense" (given the default assumption she's taking them for monetary value, why would she willingly give them back?? Boom, theory busted, cry about it.)
Other than the observation that two people can veiw one thing very differently (with both looking and focusing on different parts, individual interactions with carmen, with devineaux it's her strictly making smug small talk, and evading him- but with Julia she's *Alot* more friendly, passive and semi-includes her in the caper)
There are more factors to keep in mind.
General knowledge:
A note that we tend to forget quite frequently is that- Carmen sandiego I an internationally known figure. Dare i say a myth- cryptid even! All the common knowledge about her is her signature colour, hat and coat. So like, imagine your tasked yourself as the one to catch the woman the myth the legend, while your partner keeps trying to suggest there's more to the very simple picture. "Maybe she's doing it for a good cause"! Uh. Not sure about that bucko.
Incredibly unlikely, from all her rare moments of talkativeness, she seems to fit rather nicely in the 'stereotypical criminal who thinks their better than the law' type behaviour.
It's alot like trying to psychoanalyise DB Cooper. Who cares??? I'm just trying to find and capture her first! We can deal with the explanation and 'why' part after.
And another point:
Its a clearly made point, that Devineaux is a flawed individual. Very heavily implied and shown, with the little of the pov we see of him.
But! Thats just it! The entire show, as is its namesake, is 90% Carmen Sandiegos own personal view. We, the audience, see things from her perspective, as we have been spoon fed the basic information about the basic premise of the plot that surrounds and personally entails her. And with this pov, we see others the way she does. Julia is the unlikely ally, vile the biggest threat, acme the main antagonists and- well, devineaux isnt really all that relevent, compared to everything and everyone else carmen and team red have to face off against.
Because of this, he's painted as an inconvenient, and brutish obstacle. Purely in the way for reasons we and carmen know to be false- so it's very easy to just think thats How he is in his entirety! But he's not. Let's not forget:
Not Only is this guy a full blown Inspector, But, it's explicitly shown that he has the deductive reasoning, and skill with the process of elimination to (ONLY USING INTERPOL RESOURCES. NO ACME NEEDED!) Find viles home based!! Sure, by then it's Formerly home base as they blew up a whole 60% of it quite recently, but!!! Dude!!! Chief, the literal head and founder of acme, who's been looking for any trace of vile for twenty years couldn't even dream of managing such a feat!
Tldr: devineaux isn't stupid, he's just plauged by ego brain fog, extremely unlucky timing and lack of impulse control.
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andrewthedeadly · 7 months
ready to see what the hell is going on
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starting strong with publicly accusing the bad man of evil doings this is going to go well
The evil look into the camera plsss
omg daddy issues knew that was my twinnnnn
anyways pit so fine I had to say before we get too far into this
(≖ ͜ʖ≖)
way is the only one with a good head on his shoulders
the rest I think just operating off vibes
charlie!! missed him
oh forgot he lowkey twofaced
pit trying to play hard to get like the man isnt living in his house after *checks watch* 3 days ...
backstabbing bitch oh my god
ooo foreign racers I think that supposed to be a big deal im not sure
charlie has the easiest job in the world and he still going to fumble it im so mad rn that should be MEEEE
pit flexing on him yet again
they love taking advantage of these broke ass men that keep finding themselves over there
is the alpha attraction also include attracting desperate poor people like how likely is it that you get a fucktoy and an awesome repairman FOR FREE all in the same week
awe nevermind they paying him
they are going to fuck him over bad I dont think ill recover from this
wait for whats pit n charlies age difference ?? he said the other boy looked young but they are the same age so I wonder .
very ominous way to say ur gonna get fucked
maybe they wont fuck him over maybe??
workout scene the gods are in my favor
they beefing at the gym instead of sexy montaging im sick
what is with all these insane bets and why is charlie throwing himself in it
yeah Charlie ate him up .. the eye contact at the end tho
now he wanna say he planned to lose okay buddy
10 cars is insane ...and he pimping Charlie out for one .. eat the rich
charlie do anything and the pit is genuinely fighting a smile every time like he is whipped
charlie please drop the sugar daddy guide we need you !!
pit in that car STRESSIN OMGGGGG
charlie horny thats why he cant drive he need the pit treatment
all way do is stare off looking concerned pls get my man some ass
37 minutes in and I think the is the first time they mention alpha so im guessing it won't be too big of a part of the story line idc tho cant wait till ao3 gets ahold of this amen
way yet again bestowing wisdom
ik he sick to his stomach every time pit says boyfriend
way yet again with another amazing move keeping eyes on charlie he 4-0 today quickly becoming one of my faves
im so sorry I dont know the names of the colorful two so im going to call them the colorful twins
this show is really fun love this
way is sassy today okay king talk ur shit
and the direct confrontation yea i like the way you move way ...
ooo sellin pit off to the competitive team
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likeem-apples · 1 year
avatar 2 spoilers leave now
I feel so bad for spider.
Not only was his dad an evil military dude who wants death and - if not for jake sully - would have exterminated the na'vi, his parents were killed before he got the chance to know them leaving him orphaned and marooned on an alien planet where he cant even breathe the air without a special mask. He probably didnt go outside for the first couple years of his life cause he couldnt wear a mask properly.
He was then adopted by and raised as a species that isnt his own (talk about body dysphoria) causing him to even go as far as to paint himself blue to act more like a na'vi.
Not only that but not-quritch who even said hes not spiders father but acts better than his "real" dad lets go of his kidnapee in exchange for spider only for his adopted dad to then start a fight to the death with him???
I dont blame spider for rescuing not-quritch i cant even imagine what was going through his mind at that moment.
Than spider who was just basically backstabbed by 2/3 of his parents goes to the ones who he probably felt just betrayed him.
Spider has better morals than 90% of humanity and is one blueish person who really needs therpy. Tune in next time for why kitty needs therapy
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