#he is great for practicing these poses I have saved in my folders lol
squigglyscribble · 10 months
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More Viren drawings I’ve done recently. (I just think he’s neat.)
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oh-my-may · 4 years
Tsukishima, Bokuto, Akaashi and Kuroo reacting to their s/o spamming their phone with selfies
requested: hi! can I request for the reactions of tsukishima, bokuto, akaashi, and kuroo where their s/o steals their phone while they aren’t looking and spams their phone with cute/funny selfies and they only find out about it when the day’s over? thank you!
I wrote this while I was on a train and it was an interesting experience lol. Anyways I loved writing it so thanks for requesting and please enjoy! i hope you like it!
Tsukishima Kei:
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He normally watches his phone like a lioness watches over her cubs but he was more inattentive when it came to you
He trusted you, you trusted him
So he sometimes left his phone unwatched when his mother called for him or something
And you saw your chance and took it
He wouldn’t be mad if you left behind some pictures of you, right??
You opened his snapchat and tried out ALL the filters they had, saving every single picture so Tsukki would have a surprise waiting for him when he opened his camera roll
You threw his phone away just in time as he came back into the room
He just went back to whatever he was doing, laying next to you and letting you rest on his chest as you listened to music and he played on his phone
You left after dinner and felt a little delighted he didn’t find your little surprise yet, even though you would have loved to see his reaction
Kei opened his camera roll the first time that day when he was about to go to bed, after Yamaguchi had asked for him to send a certain picture
He was surprised however, when he didn’t find his usual pictures but instead a bunch of pictures of you, with snapchats flower crowns, star blushes, rainbow backgrounds, animal ears etc.
In every picture you showed a different pose and expression and Tsukki would never tell anyone but he smiled when he saw what you left behind for him
Won’t text you about it or anything but when you looked at his phone the next time you saw that he put one of your selfies as his background
Bokuto Koutarou:
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This boy is obsessed with taking pictures with you
He probably has a ton of your pictures saved on his phone, even created an own folder for it and named it after the ship name he gave you both
Stealing his phone is something you do on the daily, even when he was just doing something on it
He will never protest though, because you’re cute and he loves you and therefore trusts you
So he’s not surprised when you snatch his phone away before he’s going to the toilet
He leaves you be and you immediately open up Instagram and go through the filters he had saved, trying them all out and saving the pictures to his phone
It doesn’t take long until he finds out though, because he normally immediately checks his phone after you took it
“Y/N! You look so cute!” Even though some of the filters literally distorted your whole face lol
Definitely posts one or more of the pictures on his story, tagging you and showing you off, saying something like “my Y/N is the cutest~~” with 1000 heart emojis and gifs lol
Akaashi Keiji:
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You’re the kind of couple that doesn’t take a lot of pictures together
Not because you don’t want to or anything but you normally spend so much quality time that taking pictures is something you easily forget and don’t care about
You save it for special occasions, like prom or so
Actually has a picture of the both of you as his background, it’s a really nice one that Bokuto took
You’re at practice with him and he leaves his stuff with you, so you’re easily tempted to scroll through his phone and play some games he has on it
But then you get the idea of leaving him behind some pictures
So you open up his camera and take some pictures of you, but then you see that he’s in a very good angle so you swing the camera and take a picture with you in the foreground and him behind you, about to serve a ball
You’re tempted to call for him so he’ll look into the camera but you decide against it to surprise him
Bokuto eventually catches you and wants to be in some pictures so you also do that, again with Akaashi in the background
You even edit the picture and add some cute effects like hearts and text
When he opens his camera roll there’s just a bunch of pictures of you with texts like “This is my man!!” and “I love you <3”
Thinks it’s sooo cute and even blushes when he sees it (Bokuto told him that y’all took some pictures and he wanted him to see them lol)
Will text you when he discovers it “Y/N you’re so cute” “Next time please tell me so I can look into the camera, yeah?”
Kuroo Tetsurou:
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He’s definitely the type of boyfriend that takes pictures of you ALL THE TIME
And it’s always these ugly unfortunate ones, the ones that show you in very unfavourable positions and expressions
And when you take pictures of him he always ends up looking great, no matter what
It’s like there’s a curse on you or something
So you decide to leave behind some nice pictures of you for him for a change
It’s easy to take his phone, really, he barely watches it and probably is one of these people that have either a really easy or a really complicated code, no in between (but of course you know it either way)
You snap some nice pictures of you, with filters and without, looking cute and all
You think you did a really nice job and lock his phone again, being very satisfied with yourself
He only realized quite some time later lol
But when he does he’s delighted okay
He loves seeing you like this, all cute and pretty, but when he takes pictures of you he can’t help but ruin them somehow, it’s like an inner urge he has
Honestly uses all the pictures you leave for him, putting them as his background and profile picture on all social medias, posts them EVERYWHERE
Caption says something like “Didn’t know you had a pretty side too lol” but actually he loves you no matter what and even enjoys your more “unflattering” side
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