#he is also rly dead
just-an-enby-lemon · 11 months
OG! Elias: Hey, Bossman, I read your e-mail about the promotion and I'm actually glad you called me here because I wanted to decline it in person. In parts because it's a serius subject but also because I'm pretty sure you don't really know how to send an e-mail. That one was... interesting. Look, man, I like working with the Institute and I do have things .... paranormal things, that are still unsolved buut I'm not your guy. I like where I am and to be honest I'll probably quit when my things are over anyway. I have like a real good curriculum so I could work in a better place. So, all this said can I still have my old job?
Jonah: *faced backwards on his chair* ...
OG!Elias: Bossman?
Jonah: *gets up still not facing Elias* ...
OG!Elias: Mr. Wright?
Jonah: *turns to face him*
OG!Elias: Mr. Wright ... what are you holding?
Jonah: *gettig closer*
OG!Elias: Is that a knife???
And that was how "Elias Bouchard" became the new head of the Magnus Institute.
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lotus-pear · 10 months
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#literally excuse the shitty anatomy and cell shading i was thinking abt chuuyas reaction to what he'd done and i decided to make it skk#bc skk copium :')#the way i've hated dazai so fucking much but i still cried like a bitch when he died#he's not dead the bsd fandom has this phase like the elevator chapter where we're like ''dazai's not gonna make it he's done for!!''#and then he comes back next chapter like surprise bitches yall thought i was dead lmao#this chapter fucking HURT for skk shippers tho like we rly lost this time around huh#deluding myself into thinking that chuuya used gravity manipulation to slow the bullet#bc we didn't see a bullet hole behind dazais head like when chuuya shot his shoulder even though the bullet to his skull was fired at close#the reason theres a wound is bc the compressed air that was still fired was enough to wound him#and the shock wave that followed caused him to pass out bc of the sudden tension to his head intermingled with the blood loss and poison#we also know dazai can control his heart rate at will so maybe he can drop his pulse to zero for like thirty secs#enough to make fyodor believe he's dead#in the event that all of this is untrue and dazai rly does die the way my entire being will go numb and cold and dead#knowing that fyodor will most likely use dazai's death as a weapon against chuuya effectively chaining him to his side#like bffr chuuya may dislike dazai but that's his partner his reflection the boy that makes him desperately want to be human#dazai is the embodiment of chuuyas humanity and once chuuya loses that tether to his human side he will snap and the facade will shatter#and we will truly see chuuya unhinged with nothing more keeping him bound to his mortal shell#this wasn't the skk reunion we wanted asigiri what the fuck :(#bungou stray dogs#bungo stray dogs#bsd#nakahara chuuya#chuuya nakahara#osamu dazai#dazai osamu#skk#soukoku#lotus draws
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wardingshout · 6 months
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Family for day 6 of SpeSilverWeek! Edition uuh found biological and crime I guess...
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mumblesplash · 2 years
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don’t you hate it when your civilization flees deep underground to escape the wither only to find yourselves trapped down there with something even worse. anyway surprise! i can still draw
#my art#minecraft#minecraft fanart#minecraft ancient cities#they named it the warden because they were its prisoners i will die on this hill#see fellas when i said i was brainrotting about ancient cities i meant like advanced stages of decay#Bad Syndrome: instead of a brain there is sculk#i'm still pondering additional designs for like guards/soldiers and redstone specialists etc#also yeah i was like ok time to design generic ancient city residents for outfit concepts#and bc i'm me they immediately became Characters and now it's a whole thing#their names are echo and felix and they hate each other <3#echo was actually a temple kid like felix growing up but he fled to the outer city due to irreconcilable differences w the sculk worshippers#felix keeps trying to convince him to come back bc he was one of their most talented alchemists#they don't quite have echo's talent for magic but they make up for it in charisma and violent tendencies#neither of which have yet proved effective in convincing echo to come work for them#these days he mostly dedicates his potion skills to making life a bit more bearable for outer city residents#he got the nickname 'echo' due to his knack for inducing realistic auditory hallucinations of dead loved ones#...i TOLD you it turned into a whole thing#i also have a pet theory that ancient cities invented skeleton horses bc they needed horses but also leather and meat#but that's mostly bc i think the phrase 'have your horse and eat it too' is rly funny
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rexscanonwife · 1 month
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'Came a time, where every starfall brought you to tears again
We are the very hurt you sold'
Based on my own challenge to redraw your self ship as the MCR album cover uwu
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Taglist♡: @me-myself-and-my-fos @tiny-cloud-of-flowers @sunstar-of-the-north @dearly-beeloved @adoredbyalatus @changeling-selfship @crushes-georg @cherry-bomb-ships @rosieaurora @rejaytionships @sunflawyer @in-true-blue-love @tropicalgothships @hotrodharts @1980ssunflower
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lab-gr0wn-lambs · 6 months
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mid-seasons Daryl's so smooth-headed
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pinkysberg · 1 year
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quick lil modern!charthur doodle. i think charles would appreciate a nice after work cuddle.
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zosiayarn · 7 months
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I TURNED THE HEEL!!!!!! that part was easy but the gusset gave me sooo much trouble. the silver lining is i finally learned how to safely undo knit stitches now lol. but i did it !! now i get the ease of simply knitting the foot in the round for a while
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rooscandraw · 2 years
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book/hc designs vs tv show designs :O super hype for it!!
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hotshitno2 · 8 months
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Not to focus on the wrong things of this chapter or anything but watching Aqua struggle to make it in the entertainment industry for 128 chapters just to watch his rating be worse than a lot of random side characters that just appeared in this chapter is so funny help 💀
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randomminty · 9 months
please i am BEGGING for you to drop the other roleswap champion designs,,, i had no idea how hard cynthia would slay in lance’s fit and my animal brain is now starving for roleswap steven and lance if you ever feel confident enough to post them,,,,,;
[insert meme of guy on his hands and knees offering a wad of fanned-out dollar bills here]
TY JUST FOR YOU ANON…. i redrew my old designs. I still cant figure out stevens design but this will do
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Just for fun ill throw my old designs/brainstorming under a read more too!
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This is a year old. Theyre so ugly. Okay
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fecto-forgo · 4 months
ive been thinking about the KSA cult quite a bit lately and yk, while maybe this isnt how youre intended to interpret things, i find seeing the situation was hyness could have chosen between just dropping the "awaken the dark lord" plan because the heart was slowly corrupting him into insanity, and just continue living with the girls he raised, or go through with it even if it means losing himself and risking their safety, and he ultimately prioritized his own goals of revenge above his daughters is very fascinating, specially considering star allies themes of friendship and bonds, its already there with his present mistreatment of them in comparison to kirbys neverending love for his friends, but giving him far more responsibility in what he did because he always chose his own goals before the girls.oh man do i love narrative contrasts.
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cryborgs · 7 months
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bunny-j3st3r · 6 months
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Hey @strawberryhospice I hope you don't mind but I saw those pics of Spry and I
fell in love with him and knew I had to draw him
I kept mistaking your last picture of him as holding a knife when I wasn't wearing my glasses so I felt the need to make that real.
Please look at Spry I love him.
None gif and no text version under cut.
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arty-cakes · 9 months
about the pale king; i dont hate the theory that he's still alive in the dream ver. of the white palace somewhere. the guy who tried so hard to make his kingdom last forever is also the only one still living in the past (literally)
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victimized-martyr · 1 year
Do you think Kenny actually likes cartman? I’m not so sure since the reading of his will in s9e4 (https://youtu.be/QGx92r8NLIM)
I feel like nobody likes him but Kyle is the only one who thinks he can possibly get better at all.
I agree on some level with that last statement. Due to Kyle's morals and complicated attachment to Cartman, he would be the only one willing to nurture the potential Cartman has, though I'd say Cartman isn't universally hated as one would assume. I think Kenny and Cartman's friendship deepened off screen since s9. It shows itself strongly in the covid specials and post-covid (not post covid the special, I mean like.. after the actual irl covid and.. ARGH mattrey u make my life so difficult)     
      Kenny was the one to approach Cartman about the fragility of the broship and inspires Cartman to be the one to make sure the gang stays together. That's a level of openness and vulnerability that frankly, I haven't seen him share with Stan or Kyle. Quite the opposite in fact-- When Kenny finally admits he's immortal, Stan and Kyle dismiss him in their own way. Neither have made the move to sympathize with him since, especially at the level Cartman does in the covid episodes. Now, Cartman's "sympathetic" method of coddling Kenny wasn't the best thing to do I'd say, the show was clear  Stan, Kyle and Cartman weren’t handling the broship fallout well, but Cartman definitely proved himself as the “best friend” the show has claimed he’s been in prioritizing Kenny during Covid. We even get a verbal reminder from Cartman and Kyle in Post-Covid that despite it being the literal worst future for everyone, Cartman and Kenny’s friendship thrived. With the opposite lives they lead, it's astounding they remained best friends for forty years.
That level of loyalty is kicking Stan and Kyle in the dirt and laughing rn. Look at Dikinbaus! Cartman and Kenny had a blast “planning the business” (ie living it up as owners and mutually taking advantage of Butters to just pal around) and Cartman once again concedes to Kenny when he lets him work from home. It’s a gag first and foremost, but still, I think it works as part of character analysis lolol. I’m analyzing this a lot from Cartman’s perspective, or at least his actions, but I don’t rlly have much to go by on Kenny’s end and I hope y’all can see why lol. excluding the Mysterion arc and the s22 Halloween episode, he’s a passive character. things rly just are happening to this dude. 
Cartman's attachment to Kenny has grown exponentially since the early seasons ("I hate yew guys/ specially kinny/ ah hate em the most/") whereas we've heard directly from Kenny what he thought of Cartman at the time s9 was written but we don't really know what he thinks of Cartman presently. Now, mattrey have written Kenny's quietness and frequent disappearances as part of the charm of his character--the mysteriousness with a pinch of hidden sadness, maybe a dash of loneliness--and not like, a serious writing pitfall of not knowing what to do with one of your main characters, not giving them the chance to let the audience see their motivations. So the uncertainty surrounding Kenny's true opinions, in this case of his friendship with Cartman, isn't by accident. I'd say it's fair to assume Kenny now views Cartman as a best friend, given how much Cartman has done for him.
I’d also say it’s fair to assume the pity for Cartman hasn’t changed.
#asks#south park#eric cartman#kenny mccormick#kennman#sure this could be seen as kennman why not lol#now Kyle believes cartman can change and maybe kenny can see it too but kenny definitely isn’t proactive enough to put in the effort to#see it thru#Kenny’s friendship with Cartman has grown to become the least tumultuous of the m4#so Kenny doesn’t need to feel compelled to search for the food in cartman. he already sees in in their friendship#on a writing level it’s just… off to have Cartman and Kenny go thru so much only for Kenny to still have the same opinions of Cartman in s9#they’ve taken on this weird new role where Cartman takes it upon himself to console kenny in addition to stringing hm along in his schemes#ohh but as much as i’ve said that kyle sees good in cartman and wants to be the one to help see that goodness come to fruition#it’s also try that as of s20 Kyle’s been disillusioned#he told heidi ‘Cartman will never change’ and I think that was a wake up call for himself as much as it was for heidi#when cartman gave up the pangolin all kyle said was ‘i don’t believe it’#when cartman said he converted kyle refused to give cartman a chance even at the end of the special#s7 kyle would’ve clung to the promise of cartman changing with rosy eyes full of hope#that hope for cartman ain’t dead but dormant rn. the heiman arc rly burnt him out#Cartman get off ur ass and win Kyle back pls he’s so done w/ u rn my guy he will Nope himself out of stories now so he won’t deal w/ u#(kyle’s absence in streaming wars was rly felt)#wait in streaming wars kyle had a ‘he can change 🥺’ moment when he went ‘🥺’ for cartman when talkin abt the surgery#he was on everyone’s case abt the surgery he was on top of managing cartman’s boat building quality#but yeah cartman ended up taking the money for himself and. now we’re fuckin back to square one :))#although i’d say in streaming wars cartman didn’t withhold the deets on the surgery on purpose. he didn’t know what was going on#when he went to talk to the guys and he was genuine.#A​NAYWAYS FUCK OK STOP TALKING EPSERANZA GOD
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