#haylijah favs
thedragonqueens · 1 year
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Haylijah icons
I had nothing to post and yesterday I made those icons so... FAVS HERE💋
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andreal831 · 5 months
stop hating women for having emotions
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A trend throughout a lot of fandoms, and particularly TVDU, is to celebrate men for showing the bare minimum in emotional maturity and then hating women for trying to work through their own emotions. I've seen this so much recently with Hayley. She gets hate from all sides of the fandom because of the men people stan.
Now don't get me wrong, there are legitimate reasons to not like her in certain aspects, but if you have to mention a man's name to try and explain it to me, you've already lost me. Every man she comes in contact with has done equal if not worse. You don't need to hate a character simply because you like another character.
I've seen it from Klaus stans, Elijah stans, Jackson stans, etc. People use any excuse to hate her because she isn't as devoted to their fav toxic man as they are.
Personally, Hayley is one of my favorite characters in TVDU. And everyone knows my top favorite character is Elijah. Sure, I wish the writers would have given us more haylijah, but blaming Hayley solely for that is ridiculous. Elijah spent all of season 1 putting up barriers and still the only reason she turns to someone else is because she wants to protect her daughter. She then sacrifices nearly her entire life for the Mikaelson family. Jackson stans hate her because she doesn't love him like they think he deserves, but again, she never breaks her promise to him. The marriage was always political. Jackson knew this but caught feelings anyway, this is not Hayley's fault that he wanted to make it more. Klaus stans hate Hayley for so many reasons I can't even list them, but they are all utterly ridiculous. One thing Hayley will always do is put Hope first, not Klaus, as any mother would do. Maybe if the other mothers in the show had done this, we wouldn't have such toxic men (also this is not shifting blame onto women just pointing out the cycle of trauma).
Hayley, unlike many of the men, had good intentions most of the time and actually had character growth. She went from being a selfish, reckless young woman to a completely selfless, caring mother and alpha.
We see the same trends with Rebekah, Elena, Bonnie, Caroline, etc. All of the women are condemned whenever they try to process their emotions or put themselves first for once in their lives. I know the cast is made up of some attractive men, but we need to stop being so blinded by their appearance that we cannot recognize the importance of women fighting for their own happiness. Even if that happiness isn't from an attractive man. As Christina Yang would say, "He's not the sun, you are."
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jennifersminds · 2 years
out of curiosity what did you think of to? did you like it? who were your fav/least fav ships and characters?
hi anon !! tbh yeah i did (s5 notwithstanding)
as for my least favourite/ favourite ships and characters, I remember liking haylijah when i first watched it- and i do still think they had chemistry but now i find that relationship just very random and slightly problematic tbh.
not even because of my elejah fixation (gialijah was a slay but i’ll get to that later), hayley is essentially elijah’s problematic tool to his family and brothers redemption aswell as a textbook example of someone who needs protecting (and elijah’s insane saviour complex just latched into it). it never really feels like either character is completely honest about who they are to eachother and both of them idealise the other to the extreme.
for hayley, that’s seeing elijah as this perfect white knight and ignoring the fact that’s he’s a slutty serial killer with intense familiar issues and for elijah that’s refusing to ever really see hayley as a whole person.
that being said they’re both hot as fuck so go them for that.
I essentially have all the same problems with klamille, however i do think that both cami and that relationship is severely overhated by *cough cough* klarolines.
klaus falling in love with a women he compelled to be his therapist is so heavy with gross mommy issued irony i’d need a whole other post just to get into it but,,, (feel free to send a separate ask bc that’s it’s own thesis statement)
that being said i cried more when she died than i did any other tvdu scene she deserved sm and i did enjoy their dynamics at times.
as for things i did like,,
hayley in general, i’m a gen z australia girl- pheobe tonkin can literally do no wrong even though i don’t think hayley ever manages to become a fully fledged character.
davina !! severely underrated. served klaus anti cunt and i loved it.
gia!! deserved sm better. really was one of the only elijah relationships that actually made sense to me completely and i think the show moved on from her death way too quickly.
elijah in general, specifically s2/3. while i dislike the way the show handled him in the run to klaus’ redemption (essentially massacring his basic intelligence to prop klaus up) i do think his more brutal/ cunt moments where stellar. i especially enjoyed when the show was honest about how actually unhinged he is, another reason i dislike haylijah. he’s not the easter bunny, he’s not the families morality, not always. he’s a bitch and unlike hayley im aware and love him anyway.
the flashbacks! i’m endlessly confused by the choice to spin off with a baby plot line, the most interesting parts of to to me where seeing the family in the past and i feel like it would’ve been a much better choice to have the show act almost as a prequel maybe with one foot in a less stakes present day storyline also centred around nola.
hope!! despite thinking the baby plotline is weird, the families relationship with her was cute.
basically,, i liked it and i’m far more likely to rewatch it than tvd
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known-as-naya · 3 years
Just the main ships of TO: Haylijah, Klamille, Kolvina, Marbekah, Freelin, Klayley and Jaiden (ik they aren't a main ship, but they deserve more recognition)
Thank you jaiden for sending this in ♥️
-So haylijah aka MY BABIES. I love them so damn much and they deserved A LOT BETTER.
A: I love it
B: It’s really cute
C: Not a bad ship
D: I’m neutral on it
E: I don’t really like it
N/A: I don’t know the ship well enough
-Klamille, deserved better too, they were so pure and Klaus really loved her. Still not ever cami's death.
A: I love it
B: It’s really cute
C: Not a bad ship
D: I’m neutral on it
E: I don’t really like it
N/A: I don’t know the ship well enough
-kolvina, you already know the answer lmao. I hate them that's it.
A: I love it
B: It’s really cute
C: Not a bad ship
D: I’m neutral on it
E: I don’t really like it
N/A: I don’t know the ship well enough
-marbekah, already answered this one but I LOVE THEM SO MUCH, underrated babies.
A: I love it
B: It’s really cute
C: Not a bad ship
D: I’m neutral on it
E: I don’t really like it
N/A: I don’t know the ship well enough
-freelin, I have a love/hate relationship with freelin but still, they're very cute so:
A: I love it
B: It’s really cute
C: Not a bad ship
D: I’m neutral on it
E: I don’t really like it
N/A: I don’t know the ship well enough
-klayley, I don't really ship them romantically but they had potential.
A: I love it
B: It’s really cute
C: Not a bad ship
D: I’m neutral on it
E: I don’t really like it
N/A: I don’t know the ship well enough
-Jaiden: LOVE THEM. My fav gay couple on TV.
A: I love it
B: It’s really cute
C: Not a bad ship
D: I’m neutral on it
E: I don’t really like it
N/A: I don’t know the ship well enough
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katherineholmes · 3 years
Thank you for the ask!
The character I least understand - Kai (TVD) - I loved how chaotic he was, but I just didn’t get him because I was checked out by the time S6 rolled around. Jackson (TO) - Why take Hayley and Hope on the run? How can wolves fight against someone like Dahlia?
Interactions I enjoyed the most - Definitely Bonnie, Caroline and Elena in TVD, also Damon and Stefan. Cami and Klaus, Elijah and Klaus in the Originals.
Character who scares me the most - Katherine (TVD) and Klaus (TO). I’d legit run away if they were anywhere near me.
Character mostly like me - Bonnie Bennett (TVD) and Cami o’Connell (TO) 
Hottest looks character - Damon (TVD), Klaus (TO), and Nina in everything.
One thing I dislike about my fav character - My favourite character is Klaus - the one thing I dislike about him is his ego and his anger - they are his downfall. 
One thing I like about my hated character - Matt (TVD) - His loyalty to his friends - at least at the beginning. Esther (TO) - Her love for her children. 
A quote or scene that haunts me - Jenna’s death (TVD), Caroline’s torture by her father (TVD) and Klaus waking up in Cami’s blood the night after their first kiss (TO).
A death that left me indifferent - Isobel (TVD) and Mikael (TO)
A character I wished died but didn’t - Matt (TVD) and Aurora (TO) - she’s technically still alive somewhere. 
My ship that never sailed - Stelena (does that count?), Bonnie x Kol, Elejah and Klena (TVD). Klamille (afterlife endgame), Haylijah (WHY? All they wanted was a dance), Lucien x Freya (TO) 
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gxrlcinema · 3 years
i love your account! it’s one of my fav tvdu accounts on tumblr. i noticed that there isn’t any shipping stuff on it, so out of curiosity, what are your favorite TVD, TO, and LGS ships?
A) Thank you so much! I'm glad someone enjoys the mess that is this blog.
B) My blog is ship-neutral somewhat intentionally. I’ve never consciously hid what I ship, (and I’ve definitely posted about my ships) but i'm far more interested in the characters as people and their various dynamics than I am invested in the future of a specific romantic relationship. I also just know there’s a lot of negativity in shipping, and that people ship what they ship often for deeply personal reasons. I admit that some of my ships are deeply problematic for various reasons, so I feel that I have no room to judge anyone else. 
C) I know I answered an anon about Legacies ships a while back, but I can’t find it. Anyway, here’s the actual answer to your question:
TVD: Stebekah, Klefan, Klaroline & Bonenzo
TO: Haylijah (sometimes), Gilijah, Klamille, Marbekah/Rebel, Jayley, Josh x Aiden
Legacies: Hafael, Hizzie, Lizdon/Landizzie, Posie
+ shoutout to my crackship Rebenzo 
I’m neutral on most other ships, as again, it’s not my primary interest. Hope this sates your curiosity anon!
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Rules : List your favs ships of the decade
Thank you to @crazysweetbii for tagging me ! 💛✨I’m so late sorry 😭😭
So i loved this ships this decade but i have so much more😅
1. Stefan & Elena - Stelena [The Vampire Diaries]
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2. Charles & Erik - Cherik [ X-Men]
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3. Naruto & Sakura- Narusaku [Naruto]
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4. Bellamy & Clarke - Bellarke [The 100]
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5. Hayley & Elijah - Haylijah [The Originals]
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5. Phoenix & Maya - Narumayo [Ace Attorney]
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7. Rapunzel & Flynn - [Disney]
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8. Kol & Davina - Kolvina [The Originals]
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despressolattes · 4 years
Who's your favourite original and why? But fav ship from TVD?
oof favorite original? all time favorite one will always be elijah. idk, he was my favorite since tvd, probably the most complex of the characters imo because he tries to be good so hard he ends up repressing the bad about him—literally. but kol is a close second. and if i had to pick any of the girls, i’d pick rebekah because she’s just a hopeless romantic with intense love and loyalty to her siblings.
my favorite ship from TVD? from just TVD, klaroline. if we were to go into TO, i really liked both klayley and haylijah. it was cute because in all of the shows, there’s always the salvatores and a girl, the mikaelsons and a girl, or even legacies, where two “brothers” like hope. but with TO, despite the fact that hayley was carrying klaus’s kid, she had a love story with elijah. however, it was kinda subtle imo that maybe klaus loved hayley, too, because he didn’t respect anyone the way he respected and care for her. so i wouldn’t have minded either of the two brothers being with hayley.
in terms of most relatable for myself, it was stefan and elena in a sense that when they broke up, stefan saying “how many more ways are there for you to break my heart?” was something i’ve said before, but also caroline and stefan because before they got together, when damon and alaric was teasing stefan, and damon said, “oh no, is stefan feeling sensitive about ruining his friendship with caroline? she really liked him and he really broke her heart.” and then alaric said, “See stefan, even the bear knew” was something my mutuals friends had said to my best friend who thus broke my heart BAHAHA.
okay i went overboard with this question hehe. SEND IN QUESTIONS GUYS!
1100 followers milestone celebration
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josettessaltzman · 4 years
The originals!!
Favorite character: Hayley ❤️
Second favorite character: Rebekah & Klaus
Least favorite character: idkkkkk Freya maybe but i still like her!
The character I’m most like: Rebekah maybe
Favorite pairing: Haylijah even tho they broke my heart
Least favorite pairing: Marcel & Camille i guess jdfshdfj but i still think the were cute
Favorite moment: I have a love hate feeling with this moment but when Elijah gets his memories back and he starts crying!!!! Also when hope turns into a wolf for the first time + klaus taking the hallow to save her
Rating out of 10: 10/10 (my fav show with tvd and legacies)
Thank u so much love ❤️
Send me series and I’ll tell you my:
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apxgossip · 5 years
i think my fav ships would be cosilyria, theomal, lizwil, haylijah, posie, cassidyxfletcher, sidusa, maisy, and maybe the threesome mess
Ships? What ships? Aren’t only, like, half of these actually happening? Boo. Y’all need to get on it. Solid choices, though, solid. Got it all, from ancient love, to ‘butterflies in my stomach’ high school crushes, to some gay power, and a messy poly.
But no ship name for Cassidy and Fletcher? That desperately needs to change.
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Mentioned: @ofcosimo ; @ofillyria ; @angelicmal ; @abandonedgemini ; @ofindcmitability ; @geminislegacy ; @hybrldclaws ; @ofaxnoblefacade ; @willdoitforher ; @enflamedxtouch ; @cfthrnes ; @fletcher-williams ; @ofreflectedskies ; @sliithered ; @daisy-lancaster ; @earnyccrstripes ; @ofhellworld ; @maskcdxvice ; @ofhollowcdheart
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lucianalight · 6 years
Tagging game...
10 fav characters from 10 different ships.
Thank you for tagging me @vethrvolnir !😊❤
1. Loki. I'm so into frostiron these days.
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2. Damon Salvatore - Delena
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3. Lucifer -Deckerstar
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4. Tony Stark - Pepperony
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5. Bonnie Bennett - Bonnie/Enzo
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6. Katherine Pierce - Katherine/Stefan
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7. Klaus Mikaelson - Klaroline
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8. Elijah Mikaelson - Haylijah
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9. Mazikeen - Amanadiel/Maze
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10. Scarlett O'hara  - Rhett/Scarlett
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Tagging: @lokiloveforever @iamanartichoke @tremendouslydecadentfire @seiramili7 @foundlingmother @philosopherking1887 @piccolaromana @lokimymuse @lasimo74allmyworld and anyone who wants to do it.
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Wait you watched The Vampire Diaries and The Originals? Who's your favorite character(s)? My favorite woman is Caroline because that's just a whole ass queen right there. My favorite man is Stefan because baby. My favorites from The Originals are Hayley and Klaus. I ship Klaus and Caroline, and Elijah and Hayley. They deserved better than Julia Plague.
Basically, yeah!! Caroline’s a fav, Stefan has my heart, Klaus is the loml and like also Elijah and Marcel as well! He’s so underrated. And Klaroline and Haylijah are eNDGAME
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seeyoumondaydevi · 3 years
What other TV shows have you watched? What are your other OTPs? :)
Ah well I've finished: Gossip girl - and I ship Serenate and chair way too much One tree hill- leyton and naley <33 Pretty little liars (my all time fav) - Spoby and Haleb Teen Wolf - Stiles x myself (lol) Scira and Aiden &lydia The Vampire Diaries and originals - DELENA, klaroline, klayley and haylijah Shadow and Bone- KAZ AND INEJ! Darklina <3 Game of Thrones - Daenerys and myself (jk, no im not I love her) Im currently watching Jane the virgin and New Girl. I've watched more but I dont remember anything lmao my mind just goes blank during these questions lmao.
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What's your fav haylijah scene of all time?
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It was the most perfect thing. Ever. 
This was the most intimate we’ve ever seen them...and they have a sex scene. The vulnerability involved with waking up with a lover is unmatched. These are two cold blooded killers and they absolutely melt around one another. 
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sweetrupturedlight · 7 years
Whats your fav haylijah moment?
I think it might be the scene(s) coming up in 4x03. HAHA.
But in general, I still love the wedding dress scene in The Casket Girls and their morning after scene in The Bloody Crown. 
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queenofthedramedies · 7 years
So it's still gonna be like the same haylijah centering “I Have a Bad Case of Loving You” and the only thing that's gonna change are some new characters? Like a second season?
Yes and no. "Rumor" will include a lot of Haylijah. In the first chapter we see both Hayley's and Elijah's perspectives but we also see one other fan fav's story arcs.
The new story will include split perspectives, where we still see a lot from Hayley and Elijah, but we will also see their relationship through the eyes of other characters and we will see the relationships of the other characters with each other. 
"Rumor" is kind of a combination of "I've Got" and "Somewhere Only We Know, which is a requested fic focusing on the other interns and doctors in "I've Got."  The first chapter of "Somewhere" will be posted this Saturday and you can think of it as a preview of the what "Rumor" will be.
So, yes, Rumor is a continuation of "I've Got" but it's going to be a bit different from "I've Got" because we're not limited to Hayley's version of events.
I hope that you tune in to both stories. :)
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