#having fun with my mechanical pencil
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assorted authority women 🥰🥰
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meteorflowers · 2 years
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I like to think that CaelOS Moon would be a good debugger. Moon is about to warn U/N that their code is vulnerable to buffer overflow (a huge security issue in too many codes).
@caelos-au I hope you like it/don't mind
I only had my study materials to draw and color with so this was the best I could do, but I still think it turned out pretty nice! Close Up & Info Under The Cut
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Sorry for not being active rn. Going through stuff so I think I am just going to post what I can until things stabilize. I am hoping to be able to pull some of my WIPs off of my laptop that's on the fritz.
I was just thinking about this little guy while going over security measures!
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saym0-0 · 3 months
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um uh wife
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the-worm-king · 13 days
My mom is drawing Caine to prove to me that it's not that hard
She just said,
"What did I get myself into... seriously"
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foursidecity · 3 months
If anyone ever has questions about pencils/pens etc for traditional art pls lmk btw I love talking abiut them so bad
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sysig · 3 months
Your Weekly TV Guide
On Monday you can expect:
2:30 PM: Original - Concept art
And Tuesday:
2:30 PM: The Stanley Parable
2:30 PM: Mob Psycho 100
2:30 PM: MP100
2:30 PM: Star Control II - Helix
2:30 PM: Dragon Quest IX
2:30 PM: SCII - Helix
Thanks for tuning in! (Patreon)
#Weekly TV Guide#What a balanced week :) Don't worry about next week yet don't even worry about it lol#Lots of silliness this week :D#Some kinda-sorta scratchy in that semi-finished/untoned way#Oh y'know what's funny? It's not gonna show up for a bit down the queue yet but lol#So anyone following me for a while - especially on VLH - knows that I doodle with my favourite .5 mechanical pencil#I've had it since I was in school and it Shows lol it is Old and Worn In#And then when I got my .3s that was all I used for like a year - I draw tiny and they feel Wonderful to draw with#But then I started to miss the richness of lines that my .5 can make so I switched back over#Well. You'll never guess what's happened again lol#I do still use my .3s in my alt notebook but I haven't been drawing much in my alt lately! Talking like one doodles a month!#And as is evident I am not a one and done doodle kind of person lol I like to make like fifteen in a given day#So I guess I've been missing it lol - it's so good for detailwork and soft shapes and shading! Feels so delicate <3#My shapes have been feeling weird lately - general construction-wise style-wise y'know - and with my .3 it all just flows so nicely#I get so stubborn about Only Using The Correct Tool but like - I have multiple tools for a reason! Pfft#I'm having fun that's the important part haha I'll point some of them out when they post#Oddly enough it's actually kind of hard for even me to tell the difference by sight - it's much more a tactile feedback thing! How strange ♪
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whumpy-wyrms · 4 months
#my hands are shakinf it’s hard to draw i hate this pencil#my favorite mechanical pencil i’ve been using for five years that i named Penny broke when i dropped them on the floor a few months ago and#i’ve been sketching with pens ever since because getting another pencil feels like i’m replacing Penny and i feel bad#i cried when penny broke they were my favorite pencil and now i have a new one but it’s not the same and im sad#this new pencil is absolute shit but buying another one feels like i’m betraying Penny im sorry Penny fuckficjcjff#i love drawing i love art i gotta get better at drawing animals plesplslsllss animals are so fun to draw but im shit at it#i literally don’t know what’s going on with me rn im so fucking hyper and im shaking and all i wanna do is draw draw draw my favorite blorbo#Aspen’s fursona but this pencil is SHIT#i srsly gonna get up and run around and scream right now but i CANT#dude i need wings to fly i fucking need wings right now i neeed a vampire and werewolf to bite me right now plewsersserrr#i’m gonna explode my mind is soooooo noisy#AAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAF DJDHSHHEHEJAKEHFJSKAHEHSJWHSGFJDJEHHWJW#i cannot take this#i need a tail to wag rn#i wanna howl at the moon but it’s DAY TIME AND IM AG SCHOOL#ahahahaha fuck my phones gonna die#i need silas to bite me and tear through my skin and rip me apart right now PLEASE#i don’t know what’s going onnn#why am i so WEIRD something has changed me#I LOVE HARLEY POEEE#my phones gonna get sent to the office if i keep this up#see ya later alligator 🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊#wyrms says stuff
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feralfens · 2 years
planners that have all the dates and can only be used from january/august of one year till the very beginning if next year: shit, never usuable for adhd folks, a waste of paper and ink and fun or proffesional looking designs
planners that let you imput all the dates: the best thing ever, very forgiving to the adhd, wont be thrown out till its completely used up, comes with stickers, can also be used as weirdly organised journal, can have floral design but is unfortunately mostly marketed for feminine girls
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dumbhero · 7 months
sai and sai2 are still my favorite digital art software . ive tried photoshop ive tried clip studio ive tried medibang and ibis paint i even had a whole phase where all i used was mspaint and brother just nothing compares to the simplicity and ease of sai2. we're getting married
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dustytufts · 9 months
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Leafkit and Squirrelkit make "travelling herbs" for Sandstorm before she goes for a walk. They're delicious, she assures the kits, through tears in her eyes. They run away proudly, she rushes out of camp for the nearest creek to wash her mouth in. Nasty, she mouths, but she'll eat whatever they make. The kits' smiles make it worth a wet face.
Had a ton of fun with this one but don't wanna bog down the main post. A lot of unrelated-to-wc process talk below the cut!
So this was a bit of experimentation with a new brush which turned into exploration into gradient maps.
The original idea was simply to modify csp's mechanical pencil brush into something that felt a bit more natural. It started with simply turning on a bit of tilt-controlled thickness and setting my colour to about 80% grey, rather than black. It didn't quite feel right, but setting the brush to blend with the subcolour on each tip, setting the subcolour to the 80% grey and the main colour to the canvas' colour, then setting the brush's blend mode to darken gave me a brush that felt like it had FAR finer line control.
The lines themselves look like this (on a more saturated bg to show how the values layer/fade in and out with pressure and tilt):
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(edit to pic: completely unnoticeable when on the intended base colour*)
This is where the gradient maps come in. The way I usually change my linearts' colours is to make a new layer, mask over it, and manually paint. It gives a lot of control to your end result, but it's time consuming and often takes many adjustments to make it feel like it has enough contrast to make the drawing actually *readable.* If I wanted to add a gradient map to the lineart, it would be unable to read the transparency and would pick from the single value that the lineart is (usually black), then the transparency would take over. This gives me a dull result.
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With the "transparency" being an actual colour, that gives it an actual value for the gradient map to read. So instead of having your lines fade from black to the colour behind it (often desaturating as it goes), it'll go from something like dark blue -> reddish-grey -> orange -> yellow. It adds a little something i think, and while I absolutely don't have this down pat, it could be something interesting to explore!
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I also wanted to go further with this piece, namely painting it rather than a shading layer set on overlay with the aforementioned gradient maps all over it but ... it wasnt happening. The art skills clocked out for the day. That said, I definitely want to explore how this would look if I coloured everything for realsies rather than doing the fallback method. Could be where they really shine!
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sunlightmurdock · 4 months
thinking about mechanic bradley and goody-two-shoes reader fooling around behind the backs of her rich upper class family & him accidentally knocking her up
sksksks bc I’m so picturing enemies to lovers for them, like maybe the office she’s interning at is next door to his shop and he’s always playing his music too loud for her to work and hitting her with vaguely naughty, witty remarks when she comes to scold him about it
Really, he loves her bossy attitude and is just dying to get his hands on her
One Friday night she has been ditched at the office with mountains of work to do and he’s working into the night, blasting the music over the shop speakers with little respect for the neighbours. So, in her classy office heels, she stomps over there to give him a piece of her mind and as you could have imagined — it doesn’t exactly go that way
Instead, she winds up being manhandled onto workbench, tools, pencils and parts flying to the ground, her hands tangled into his messy curls as he sucks feverishly along her neck. Her neatly ironed blouse torn open and her skirt bunched around her middle, her heels digging into the small of his back as he fucks her wildly.
Then, he fixes the button on her blouse with a safety pin and drives her politely back to her parents’ house. It’s far too late for her to walk by the time they’re done. Of course, she makes him park down the street though — she can’t be seen with a guy like him.
After that, he becomes her regular stress relief. You can usually find her in his bed in the apartment above the shop on her lunch breaks, ranting to him about those asshole bigwigs who never take her seriously as he kisses along her body.
Her parents don’t even notice when the lunch portions that she packs every day double in size, to be shared with Bradley once they’ve worked up an appetite. He’s no stranger to vegetables, despite his otherwise messy lifestyle — but he regularly wrinkles his nose at the weird, fancy lunches she brings him.
And now that she’s not walking home from work, she has an extra hour to kill before her parents expect her back — an hour that is often spent making out with Bradley in his truck.
They’re having so much fun that sometimes, they forget to be careful. It’s only once Bradley coolly asks her what kind of birth control she uses as he’s tugging up his jeans, that a cold feeling strikes her.
“… What do you mean?”
“I mean we’ve been fucking like rabbits for four months straight and you haven’t gotten your period. Do you take the pill for the full month or something?” He asks, grabbing his shirt from the bedroom floor and tugging it over his head while she sits, still naked, in his bed.
He takes the dumbfounded look on her face for her being surprised at his knowledge and just chuckles, “Not my first rodeo, honey. What, it’s not the pill? IUD?”
She just squeaks softly and buries her face in her hands, bursting into tears, making his face fall in realisation.
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leviathans-watching · 10 months
Do you have any random headcanons about any of the Obey me characters that no one's asked the right question for you to share / don't fit with any headcanon post you've made?
misc hcs of the brothers
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includes: the brothers
wc: .7k | rated g | m.list | pt. 2
a/n: omg?? this was so fun to write i'm def going to have to do one of these for the dateables at some point. thanks for requesting!! my inbox is open to that, req, or leave feedback, so come say hi!
please reblog :))
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➳ lucifer wears makeup. after someone (mammon, most likely) not-so-kindly pointed out the bags and dark circles under his eyes, lucifer went to asmo for help and learned the basics of concealing, which eventually grew into a whole bag of products he applies most mornings, unbeknownst to everyone but asmo. he does a light coverage foundation, concealer, pencils in and shapes his eyebrows, some light contour on his nose and jawline, and some hardly-noticeable eyeliner. his whole goal is for it to look as natural as possible and he’s gotten really, really skilled over the years.
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➳ mammon not only knows how to sew, but makes many of his own clothes himself. nothing on the market was eclectic or unique enough for him so he took matters into his own hands and not has a closet full of custom-made and designed pieces. he doesn’t tend to show off his talent (for once) preferring to let others think they’re obscure designer clothes or made by difficult-to-book designers. every once in a while he can be convinced to make his brothers something, but not unless they agree to an exorbitant price.
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➳ levi is an adobe girly. not only does he use almost all of their services, but he’s really really good at them too. mammon and asmo will have him photoshop pictures for him, lucifer will go to him for help with document creation, and even belphie had him teach him the basics of premiere pro. the reason he has such high-powered computers and machinery isn’t for gaming, as most assume, but so they can handle adobe optimally without lagging or overloading. additionally, upon hearing adobe flash was being retired, levi scalped the mechanics of it and created a knockoff that functions just as well, something he shares liberally at rad.
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➳ satan has a prodigal-like talent for instruments, able to pick them up and teach himself how to play decently in very little time. he also has perfect pitch, can sightread excellently, and composes music in his free time. his favorite instruments to play are the violin, the piano, and the harp. though his not in any music-based classes (as those are all too basic for him of course) he offers help to students in the classes that are struggling with theory, composition, or playing. he’s also the reason the music wing is rumored to be haunted, as he often plays at weird hours.
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➳ asmo is the most independently wealthy of all of his brothers, thanks to all of his economic ventures. not only does he model and act, but he also has shares in many major companies in all three realms that show large profits even if they aren’t super successful when he first invests. he works with barbatos to manage his money and has several bank accounts, and though he lives lavishly, is careful not to show the extent of his wealth, leading people to believe it’s family money he’s spending. although this was done, in part, intuitively, he’s also taken several finance and business classes over the years to help him learn and improve.
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➳ beel really really enjoys all of the booktok books, and even discusses them at length with solomon and thirteen, when the two can be civil enough to speak to one another. his favorite genres is dark fantasy and belphie makes fun of beel to no end when he catches him reading. beel keeps his kindle on him at all times, and for his personal favorites, buys a hard copy and annotates it with sticky notes–the whole nine yards. for his birthday, satan gives him a book cover so that he doesn’t keep walking around with those embarrassing overs on display. beel doesn’t use it.
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➳ belphie is notorious for stealing his brothers’ clothing. for some reason, he finds them more comfortable than his own and every few weeks the others force him to empty out his drawers and give them everything back. his personal favorites to steal are beel’s shirts and asmo’s sweats, but he’s not picky. he wears them to sleep, around the house, while running errands, and would wear them to rad were there not a uniform. at the beginning, it was out of laziness; him grabbing whatever was close. but over time he developed favorites, and, well, there was no going back from that.
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leviathans-watching's work - please do not copy, repost, or claim as your own
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emry-stars-art · 10 months
Question: how long does medusa neil takes to grow?
Like, taking the hands as Andrew's, is it more of a "whiplash because I was petting this baby a month ago and it's now Big" situation or "wait what you're telling this hot mer is that tiny cute thingy I'd found around as a teen?" one
Ok ok so I had just put out “Andrew finding baby jelly neil would be really cute” as like a fun little side thought but now I REALLY LIKE IT AND I WANT TO PUT IT IN THE TIMELINE
so to answer this question: physically? A Sea Nettle mer like Neil I’m going to say takes about 17-19 years to reach physical maturity/full size (which in jellies is pretty far removed from mental and emotional maturity, jelly brains take a good while to develop because they start with so little)
So this. This is what I’m deciding thank you so much @snazzy-jas-z-is-a-fan-of (which counts as your second option, dear galacticvampire)
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And it looks like this:
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@exy-is-sexy medusa admirer 🥰
So Andrew always comes back to the beach (fisherman’s son, they’re there a lot) and always gets distracted going to a specific tide pool housing this little thing he found. Aaron thinks it’s really cool too, their dad is too busy with work down the beach and is happy his kids are entertaining themselves while he gets ready for the day. Of course, yes, he tells them. Very good, finding such a mer in these waters. (He thinks it’s kids being kids. No one’s seen a jelly mer, they’re kind of believed to be extinct if not simply legends. But a little imagination is healthy.)
Then one day, Andrew checks the tide pool and finds it empty of the tiny jelly. It’s nowhere in sight, he looks all over the nearby waters and in any grass or rocks it could have gotten caught in. Nothing at all.
Maybe by the time he’s taken over his family’s fishing business, Andrew has convinced himself it really was in his imagination. His memory serves him well but if he’d convinced himself it was real back then, that would be what he remembered now.
Until he finds a monster washed up on his beach.
(A shot of the process under the cut)
IT DOESNT COME ACROSS IN THE PANEL. BUT I CANNOT PROPERLY EXPRESS TO YOU HOW TINY THAT SECOND NEIL IS. literally I think that is the single smallest thing I’ve ever drawn. Look at this
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That’s me sharpening my 0.3 mechanical pencil to get it small enough to draw the eyes. I just need everyone to know this because I think it’s so stupid and funny. And we all love tiny baby jelly Neil and it doesn’t get ANY tinier than this folks
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five-rivers · 2 months
Cracked Clay Cup Chapter 3
Short one! @greatbigolhampuckjustforme
She was doing it.  She was doing it.  She was convincing him.  She’d been dubious about the whole endeavor.  Dubious about its necessity, dubious about her ability to pull it off, dubious about basically becoming Danny’s parent, everything.
But, well, if it was what needed to be done, it was what she would do.  
She’d freaked out at first, of course.  Hearing about it.  Hearing about how many people wanted to take Danny, who’d take advantage of him like that.  Hearing about what she’d need to do to keep that from happening.  Maybe she and Danny joked about her raising him, but it really wasn’t true.  
But then it was happening, regardless of whether or not Danny or Jazz wanted it to happen.  And their parents were… Well, they hadn’t been disqualified, but Jazz knew they took a lot of getting used to.  She didn’t have high hopes that they would be Danny’s choice.  
Jazz, then, would offer another option.  Even if Danny picked randomly, two ‘safe’ choices were better than one.  He wouldn’t pick randomly, though.  He might be exasperating at times, but he was a decent judge of character.  She was sure he could sense her intentions, mentions of mad science labs aside.  
Considering those questions, her parents definitely wouldn’t be getting him again.  It was fine.  It was all for the best, really.
Really.  Things would be better.  After.  After all of this was done.  
She smiled at herself in the bathroom mirror.  No need to bother Danny with her brooding.  He’d been here for a week now, and things were going great.  
She walked out, stopped by her study, then swung by her study to pick up a few papers before going to the kitchen.  Danny was sitting at the table there, working on schoolwork.  It’d do no good if she got custody and everything turned out alright on the Danny custody front only for him to completely fail high school!  
Okay, that wasn’t entirely true.  
Still.  She didn’t want this to set back his education.  
“Okay, once you finish the English, I have the social studies.”
Danny looked up at her.  “You can’t be serious.”
“I’m always going to take your education seriously, Danny.  It’s important that you stay on track to graduate.”
“I still think that’s sort of redundant for a ghost.”
“Half ghost.”
“I still haven’t seen any evidence about that by the way.”
“Well you would if you transformed.”
“And I’d do that, if you actually describe how I’m supposed to do that.”
“Well, you sort of just did it.”  Danny had never given her a lot of details about what being half ghost felt like, or how it worked mechanically.  Even though she’d asked.  It was awfully inconvenient of him.  
Danny shook his head and looked back at his homework.  He tapped his pencil on the table a few times, then looked at the top page of the social studies work.  
“A presentation?” he asked.  
Jazz nodded.  “It can be in poster form if you’d like.”
Danny sucked in his lower lip and nodded.  “But this is it, right?  This is all you want me to do?”
“Well, that and the English essay you have under here.”
Danny pulled out that sheet of paper and grimaced.  “You– That’s really– No.  No.  Nope.  No.  This is way too much.  You can’t expect me to do all this, this much every day.”
“It’s a totally normal high school workload.  Seven classes–”
“Doesn’t that normally include PE?  And, like, a study hall?  Or something fun?  Maybe?”  He ran his hands through his hair, which had a really strange and fascinating effect on his ears.  
“You have astronomy and science, you like that.”
“But I still need to use my brain for it.  I’m talking about things I can turn my brain off for.  Or whatever it is that ghosts think with.  Whatever it is, it’s making my head hurt.  I can’t keep going at this pace.  I’ll lose it.”
“Don’t be so down on yourself.  You can do this.  And you do have a brain.”
“You sound very sure of that.”
She’d walked right into Danny’s mad science paranoia again.
“Humans have brains.  It’s common sense.”
Danny’s eyes flicked down Jazz’s carefully formulated English assignment once again, and he shook his head.  “No.  I can’t do this.  Not any longer.  It’s been a week.”  He dropped the paper.  “It’s been a week, and there are six other people to talk to, so, thanks for the cool bedroom and not dissecting me but–”
“Danny, wait–” said Jazz, seeing where this was going a split second before Danny raised his hand to the pocketwatch.  
She was too late. Danny clicked the button, and he was gone.  
“Well,” said Jazz.  She sat down at the kitchen table, feeling heavy.  “Crap.”
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carionto · 18 days
Pressure and Release
Human: *hmm-ing at a set of dials and gauges*
Alien: What seems to be *translation unit catches up with the information they're displaying* OH MY GOD IT'S GOING TO EXPLODE!!! GET TO THE ESCAPE PODS NOW!!!!
H: Shh, it's fine, I'm just experimenting.
H: Hey! Rude. *turns a dial causing a loud hissing noise* It's just air compressors and hydraulics.
A: *due to not dying, is beginning to relax* Why do you need up to 200 atmospheres running through these systems. We have invented alloy-specific magnetization mechanisms. Please, why do you keep insisting on these volatile and explosive means?
H: *turns the dial up* Because... *releases the pressure again, loud sudden hissing sound again* That's a cool sound.
A: Just because you think something is 'cool' doesn't make it-
H: *interrupts with another air build up and release sound without breaking eye contact*
A: *leaves*
H: *continues to play around*
Okay, so I wanna get this off my chest. I find myself now for the fourth time starting a fun little activity, doing it for months on end, having a blast, and then almost suddenly dropping it entirely. First time I wrote some short stories or something every day for about six months and put it on deviantart. Then some longer form stuff started cropping in, sort of continuous narratives or whatever, and I stopped. Second was running a open D&D campaign with a persistent world but ever changing party, each session a sort of one-shot with a decision that would impact the whole world and what future sessions would exist. Not even 10 sessions in I felt under pressure to continue and build upon what I had already and just couldn't and stopped. Third was another kind of TTRPG, this time running my own server for Lancer. Again, open one shots, but less connected and I would hopefully get some of the players to want to run their own games within this freeform framework that I directly lifted from a D&D server I was in, even had some of the same people join as players. Few months later, I felt this massive pressure from myself to run games and come up with new scenarios that I just froze up. I cancelled game after game and just eventually abandoned the server and the resources I had made. Fourth time was here on tumblr itself. Back to writing some short form stuff on a fairly regular basis, almost daily for some time even. Had a blast, and then longer form content started creeping in. I thought I wanted to write some stories with an overarching plot and recurring characters and connected storylines, build up and pay off, that sort of thing. Again, I created this massive pressure by myself for myself of myself to do something I apparently can't. I created this sense of expectation of myself "Well, I started this, I should finish it, but where do I go, what do I do, how can I connect this?" And then this self-inflicted pressure got to me, again. And I stopped.
What I have known for a while, but couldn't put into words is that I don't want to tell a big long epic story or anything like that. I don't have one of those in me and forcing something like that only makes me shrivel up and run away. I have a world, several in fact, in my mind. Entire continents of a low fantasy character driven political intrigue and drama based world with tons of rules and restrictions, thousands of years of history, strong personalities for the main actors and so many individual scenes with them and the supporting cast, and a timeframe for when the overarching story happens and how it ends. But no story itself. Just scenes. I have a high fiction sci-fi world, again, with very distinct factions and races, most of the details I have written out back when I was a teen in a physical notebook with pen and pencil. Lots of historical points and events, how the races work, their domains if you will, near magical powers I try to explain with plausible science. Tons of specific details. Even drew each of their common symbols, how one of the languages is structured, schematics of how their cities are planned, and details on other planets in the system and how those might be important later. But, not a single individual character or story. Just dry facts. And then we have the loose sci-fi world I've created here. Bunch of different angles and perspectives, some comedic, some more serious, even put Cthulu in there. Many short and mostly self-contained stories and episodes of various humans doing things an exaggerated version of humanity would do. There is potential for a number of expanded and longer form stories here, some I attempted, and as mentioned, what ultimately made me stop. I don't have a book in me, and I don't want to write one. I just like to write little snippets and I want to get myself to accept this idea that, no, it does not need to become more than that. Because every time I start going down a path where it feels like it should be more than a one page thing, I seize up, start thinking that I need to do this, panic when I can't come up with anything, go silent, and give up. It just does not work for my brain. And that's fine.
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Hey so I’ve mentioned this a lot of times on my main blog, but I wanted to put this out over here since it is Hallow’s Eve. I always give out little tchotchkes on Halloween along with candy. This year, I’ve completely switched over to 100% doohickeys and doodads— think mechanical pencils, shaped erasers, little notebooks, squishes, vampire teeth and spiders rings and all. It started years ago in college when I signed up for a dorm Halloween event where kids from an area that was too dangerous to really trick or treat through got bussed in to trick or treat at our dorm. I bought some candy and dollar store Halloween themed stuff with what i had. And you know what the kids went ape shit over?
Motherfucking. Mechanical. PENCILS!!
These kids could not get enough of them. They literally went “PENCILS??!” I had never seen kids get so hyped up for pencils lmao. They were the first things to go. Candy is fleeting; the little pencils you can bring to school to flex are eternal, until you inevitably lose one of the refill parts and then they aren’t but listen, in that one moment they are infinite. And its nice thinking that maybe some kids who don’t always have access to school supplies not only get them, but get them in fun shapes and designs.
Anyway. I recommend people to give out fun stuff like this not just because kids seem to genuinely enjoy them, but also because there’s this thing called the Teal Pumpkin Project here in America. You can put out a teal pumpkin to show that you are giving away non-candy items and sign your address up so parents of children with allergies know that there are houses their kids can safely and happily trick or treat at! It’s a win-win! Plus, if you accidentally bought too much, it’s not like candy— just pack it away, pencils and fidget spinners will be good next year, too! :)
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