#hatsune miku psychic type trainer
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Today's Vocaloid derivative of the day is:
Hatsune Miku: Psychic Type Trainer from the Project Voltage collab!
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friendsyoyo · 8 months
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two of my fave pokemikus
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rylxdreams · 8 months
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Psychic Miku!
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Btw if anyone wondered where I stand on the matter...
Feel free to join with your own too! https://tiermaker.com/create/miku-x-pokmon-project-voltage-16213550
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battlevilla · 8 months
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Hatsune Miku x Pokémon (Project VOLTAGE)
Miku as a Psychic-type Trainer by take
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bulbagarden · 8 months
makeup posts for the Mikus we missed! (thanks @ririthu)
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The first Hatsune Miku concept for the Pokemon and Miku collaboration, Project Voltage was revealed on September 4! We had Miku as a 【Psychic-type】 Trainer! Art and concept by take!
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melancholywally · 8 months
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Day 1 of 18 of the Pokémon/Vocaloid collaboration Project Voltage - "What if Hatsune Miku was a Pokémon Trainer?"
These images have Hatsune Miku as a Psychic-type Pokémon Trainer with her partner, Meloetta! (art by 竹 take.)
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pokemonprideflags · 3 months
the genderfluid flag color picked from psychic type trainer hatsune miku and meloetta
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Pokémon x Hatsune Miku: Project Voltage
Miku as a Psychic and Steel type trainer
Credit to @iaobug for the pngs
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3sp3r · 8 months
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💕transparent psychic-type trainer hatsune miku icons from project voltage pokémon x hatsune miku collab!! art by take!!💕
feel free to use!! credit is appreciated but not necessary!!
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abomicreator · 8 months
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Since all the Hatsune Miku as ___ trainer is completed,i decided to draw them all! :3
My rating on all of the designs!
Steel type
Poison type
Ghost type
Normal type
Fire type
Psychic type
Water type
Electric type
Rock type
Bug type
Dark type
Ground type
Dragon type
Fighting type
Fairy type
Grass type
Flying type
Ice type
(my opinions!! No hate)
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xinoxia · 8 months
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I just love all the Hatsune Miku designs from project voltage and just want to draw them all. As for psychic type trainer miku I love all the patches on her bag (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚
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en8y · 8 months
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[IMAGE ID: three rectangular flags with eleven stripes each. the first and third flags both have straight lines, while the middlemost flag varies. the stripe colors, from outside to inside, are as follows: bright red-pink, warm pink, medium teal, light teal, light green, and dull purple. the warm pink lines are scalloped, and the light green line is wavy. all the other stripes are straight. END ID.]
psymikuprovoltic: a gender relating to the project voltage design for hatsune miku as a psychic-type pokemon trainer. can also be connected to the pokemon meloetta, but doesn't have to be!
@radiomogai @liom-archive @buntress @electrosaccharine @3clipse-eats-deodorant @browzerhistory @harts-hoard @petramaeic @absc-hoard @honey-makes-mogai @yay-im-a-catgirl @lovesongmogai
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quirkyquilava · 8 months
I'm seriously loving all the Hatsune Miku×pokemon art, and project voltage as a whole. But I feel like a lot of the styles that Miku is taking up to fit her type of the day just don't read as Miku. The only one that truly looks like Miku to me is psychic type trainer Miku, and even then it feels like the weakest design out of them all so far
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aime187 · 8 months
Oh my god... Hatsune Miku and Pokemon...
10/10, collab of the year...
Two of my favourite stuffs I like very much, oh my god... 😭😭💜💜💜💜💜
Just look at these 🥺 :-
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Links to some Twitter (I refuse to call it by X, ughh) posts about it :-
-> Miku as Psychic-type Trainer
-> Miku as Grass-type Trainer
-> Miku as Fire-type Trainer
I... I am so happy... 😭💜
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qasian-tech-support · 7 years
Answer every question that ends or begins with a 1 or a 3 (sly smile)
1. What is you middle name?
Muega-Azekiel. My mom's from the Philippines and apparently it's a tradition to give a son his mother's maiden name.  My parents are also somewhat religious (not like *too* religious. What I mean by that is if I were to say that I was, like bisexual or asexual or even an atheist, they wouldn't pull the "YOURE GOING TO HELL" card.) and my dad wanted me to have the same initials as my brother Shauz. One day in church, the preacher was talking about Ezekiel and my dad was like "Hey, why don't we just change the E to an A?" (Also, a little freebie about me: my initials spell SMAD.)
3. When is your birthday?
It's really easy to remember! It's 2/22/02 (DD/MM/YY).
10. What shoe size are you?
About 10 1/2 US Male
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
I own most of the shoes that I've worn growing up, but if you mean the ones that fit me and that I actively wear, 3; a pair of old white tennis shoes, a newer pair of black canvas flats, and a pair of flip flops
12. What was your last dream about?
I couldn't explain it if I tried. My dreams get weirder every day. Sometimes my head's like a goddamn television that's channel surfing. (I vaguely remember a shirtless guy running down a street flailing his arms though??? I've never seen the dude before, I don't think.)
13. What talents do you have?
Self deprecation and over complication (have you read my bio). Though, I'm not really sure. I guess remembering some video game trivia, but not necessarily when I need to.
14. Are you psychic in any way?
Even though I'm a variety trainer, I like to think of myself more of a grass or water type trainer, but I don't mind the occasional Psychic type addition to the team. Gardevoir's a great example.
15. Favorite song?
Fuuuuuck. Why are these so tough??? I can't really think of a specific one, but Rolling Girl feat Hatsune Miku (produced by wowaka) stands out. The lyrics are like one huge "big mood poem".
16. Favorite movie?
Already answered ^_−☆
17. Who would be your ideal partner?
Someone who would understand why I do and don't do some things. I'm not the best at communication or communicating my emotions/what's on my mind. Someone who would share my love for things like video games and other things. But in all honesty, I don't really know.
18. Do you want children?
At this stage in my life, I'm not really sure.
19. Do you want a church wedding?
Maybe??? Again, haven't really thought about it.
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?
Only through visiting people so far.
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
No, none that I can think of
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?
Two. One really long memory foam one and a comfy Pikachu pillow.
31. What position do you usually sleep in?
Have you ever seen the stereotypical crime scene victim outline? Like that. But I move around a lot, so I sleep on my sides or on my stomach often.
32. How big is your house?
5 bedroom (originally 3; my dad built onto it around the time I was born), two bathroom, single floor. I live in a relatively small town in Tennessee, so houses tend to be a little bigger than I think you would see in cities.
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?
Schools started back up, so I either have a bagel or waffle.
34. Have you ever fired a gun?
Only BB guns. I haven't fired a real gun.
35. Have you ever tried archery?
Yeah, I like it, but I don't have easy access to it since I don't own a bow that's my size.
36. Favorite clean word?
[Why are these so tough?] Like in general or as an insult? I guess zero because it's one that I use commonly. As an insult, walnut's pretty high on the list (cough, @biggest-gaudiest-patronuses , cough).
37. Favorite swear word?
I say "shit" a lot. It can have many different meanings depending on how you use it. Excitement ("Holy shit!"), despair ("shiiiiiit...."), surprise ("Shit!!!"), fecal matter ("shit"), et cetera.
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
I know I've spent 24 hours without sleep, but I feel like I've gone longer before...
39. Do you have any scars?
I've got some across my lower back from going through a crawl space too fast at my grandma's. As for any others, it depends on if I've had an extremely bad day recently; once winter starts, I feel like I'll have more and it'll be more frequently (can't wait for long sleeve season).
41. Are you a good liar?
When I want to be, yes. I'm able give some things the status of "near fact" in my head. What I mean by that, is I'm able to say some things as easy as if they were the truth. I also try to remember details in my lie and not go too outlandish.
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?
Not well. I used to be able to copy Scottish accents somewhat well. I also went through a BBC phase, where I could mimic British accents fairly well, if I do say so myself (probably not though).
51. Are you scared of spiders?
Yes. The thing that scares me though is I'm not able to tell if they're venomous or if they bite. When I was smol, my elementary school nurse had a chart of spiders in the nurse's station and whether or not they were poisonous. They were in such good detail, too. THAT'S the kind of stuff that can scar a child.
53. Favorite foreign food?
I've already answered 52 with General Tso's chicken, but for the sake of variety I'll say something else. I really like lo mein, but I've been trying to get into sushi recently.
61. Do you sing to yourself?
Oh fuck yes. If the song is in a language that I can't speak, expect some passionate mumbling. Even if the song doesn't have lyrics, you can expect some rambling wubs, doots, na's, bops, boops, and da's.
63. Biggest Fear?
I don't really know. I guess dying without my life being meaningful or not having an impact in someone's life (maybe one that could've helped bring them success) is high on the list.
71. What makes you nervous?
Lots of things. I'm not going to make the list too long, though. Being around new people, small talk irl, and messing up big time come to mind. Oh yeah, being new in a place where a lot of people are already used to the swing of things also makes me nervous and can set off my anxiety. I had that problem when I first joined Reddit, when I first joined Tumblr, when I rejoined Tumblr under this URL, when my friend made me get Snapchat, and when I downloaded Discord. However, it may take one, two, or a few people to help get me going; those people I have a tendency to cling to.
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
Sometimes (I assume it means when I'm not blatantly proofreading something for someone). I try not to be a dick about it and I try not to when it isn't needed. Like, if someone uses your instead of you're or its instead of it's, I try to look past it. After all, English might not be their first language and it can just make you look like a douche. And as for correcting facts, I try to make sure that I'm correct before I go accidentally spreading misinformation.
81. Can you roll your Rs?“
No. That's a main reason why I'm taking French I and not Spanish I.83. How fast can you run?
"FAST AS FUCK, BOIIIIIII!!!!" jk. I used to run somewhat fast (faster than most people I know), but only for limited distances. I'm not sure if I still can.
91. Do you like your own name?
Yeah, I would say so. I mean, yeah I like my irl name, but I prefer Zero when I'm on the internet.
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
I'm not really sure. I like to think that I would understand more if I had a son, but I think that having a daughter would rock just as much.
100. Color of your room?
It's like a tan.
Thanks @homestuckorbust !!! It was a lot of fun!
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