#haters usually are a lot more rabid
jayjay-thejet-plane · 2 months
Heyy I'm the "why are all the good supernatural artists terrible people" guy. My point was, your art is genuinely amazing and I love how you draw characters and use colors ect ect, excepttt the fact you like incest. like actually what the fuck it's like a punch to the gut
What a lovely compliment fr, thank you!
I like sam and dean’s relationship specifically… its not like i like irl incest🤨
I was a bit of an anti once… and then neutral, but ive realized its all a bit silly
Do you truly believe every person who has ever made a film, written a book, or made art that includes illegal stuff (murder, incest, noncon, torture, cannibalism, underage, blackmail, physical assault, robbery, cheating etc. (the list goes on)) is a terrible person?🤔
People portray fictional characters doing sketchy shit all the time, we generally dont assume they think its chill to do irl… nor do we think they are bad people for liking to make horror movies for example
I promise you that horror film makers genuinely enjoy making fucked up gory shit, so why cant i enjoy drawing some fictional brothers making out? Do you think incest is worse than torture and murder🤨 i personally would rather some siblings fuck each other irl than people get tortured irl but maybe thats just me
Obviously you dont have to like my wincest art, if it gives you the ick thats totally fair! I get the ick from plenty of things myself. But maybe dont base your judgement of others/morals on your ick response…
Live and let live💙
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nhothicket · 4 months
Ever create a band au even though you cant draw instruments?
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more info below the cut :>
Meet Bdubs, 38, stage name BdoubleO - Boomer is often mistaken for his first name, but is just another nickname for the pile. Infamous online, if it weren't for the fact that he makes disgustingly good music he would probably have more hate followers than genuine fans. The line between charming asshole and just asshole is one he fails to tread lightly most days, but he's mostly harmless. Let's just say the Bdoubleo could also stand for boorish. A bit of a sellout, but he enjoys what he does and many appreciate his extremely.. candid attitude. Best likened to a cartoon villain dressed as a rockstar, with the ego to match. (It's usually his unrelenting pretentiousness that gets him into Twitter spats.)
Thank you @foxden-frontier for always helping out with my stupid aus ^v^
Annoying at worst, unfortunately very charismatic at best. You could say he's a softie at heart, but that implies its at all difficult to spot. Once he's done "clapping back at all the haters", in person he's still got a temper (he thinks he has a bad boy reputation to uphold) but is enthusiastically friendly.
Etho, 32, resident keytarist of creatively named band Canadian Bacon. Joined by his two best friends, Pause the frontman and bassist, and Beef their drummer. A deceptively popular band if judging by their permanent rough draft name and their nerdy-college-student dress code. Etho himself is just a guy who likes playing music with his buddies, their hobby having blown up under their noses. Now, as an unfortunately successful touring artist, Etho's anonymity is scarce, but he continues to wear his mask to discourage widespread photos of his face. In spirit. He's concerned about having his face plastered all over fan accounts, which still occurs, but a perk of having a completely rabid fanbase is that many will defend your boundaries to their last dying breath. Like his face, his legal name is out and about online, but its similarly discouraged. Best likened to just a guy.
If asked on the subject of his scar, the entire band has various different whimsical stories, brand new everytime. His lack of internet presence means Pause and Beef are free to make up whatever misinformation about him as they please completely unchecked (in jest of course), and they do take advantage of that. Many of these alternative facts are passed around on wikis and in fan circles.
To say Bdubs is jealous of Canadian Bacon's popularity is an understatement. They weren't even trying at all and yet they're the hot shit? But instead of putting that jealousy to hatred (which he had considered of course) he's instead set himself on proving himself. And if that means impressing Etho then so be it. Why does it mean impressing Etho? Good question, never ask it again. They say keep your enemies close, and Bdubs' enemies don't deserve personal space.
As it turns out, Etho wasn't too difficult to impress or maybe Bdubs was just that amazing. Either way, they end up hitting it off. Their friendship is an interesting one, mostly because Etho's fans basically hunt Bdubs for sport online. We're talking scribbled out of pictures, get behind me, #FreeEtho. Etho thinks he seems pretty cool though, if not a bit much sometimes, so no harm no foul.
Okay, rapid fire, some other notes for this au.
> Etho's legal name is Ethel. Because it is. My heart is so set on it. But if you're boring, Ethan or Ezekiel or something work too I guess.
> Etho's keytar mimics a more traditional guitar in most cases, though he's known to experiment a lot with how far he can push that.
> Etho's scar is from a mugging in this au, not a very fun story to tell. Beef practicing his brand new razor blade throwing hobby or fighting a bear to beat Pause in a bet is much more entertaining.
> Canadian Bacon is meant to have a manager, but I couldn't think of anyone I felt fit. Just a note.
> Bdubs has a habit of grabbing Etho by his tie and pulling him down to his level or otherwise using it as a leash. Etho doesn't usually wear the tie outside of show stuff or interviews, but he wears it around Bdubs because thinks its funny. When there's no tie that doesn't stop Bdubs, collars and hoodie strings are subject to the same usage.
> Etho isn't aware of how infamous Bdubs is when they meet as they meet at a festival with a big group of other musicians. Most of which already know Bdubs as his more excitable friendly self. He only finds out later when Bdubs complains about Etho's fans flaming him anytime he mentions him.
> Bdubs still has a self-imposed curfew, 10pm every night unless it conflicts with a show. He needs his beauty sleep.
> The trigger reason for the animosity toward Bdubs is due to being blamed by fans for the split of his last band that had a pretty hardcore cult following (OOG, I've not named their band yet), and that has since snowballed into what it is today, despite his actions being relatively harmless. To note, this was not an assumption at all promoted by either party, it was entirely a fanmade judgement.
> For those who can, picture s5 jungle Bdubs mixed with drunken OOG(E) ctm maps for his approximate personality. Still goofy but with a sharper tongue and a lot worse of a temper.
> Originally I considered Cleo as Bdubs' manager so he's not all alone in narrative sense, I still think it's not a bad idea I'd love to see her chew him out for acting like a moron. Ren or Scar would be also be options for manager.
> Bdubs needs a touring band, but I'm not well versed enough in the hermits to actually pick one out. Just a note.
Okay, that's most of it! There's some more pg-13 headcanons for this au, along the lines of fuck yeah rock'n roll lifestyle, but it's not really important I'm sure just that is enough to get the gist of it. Thank you for reading this overly long note. ^v~
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Surprised by the anon who claim that it's usually anime onlies who hate autistic Laios and Farcille, because the most rabid fans of either started appearing after the anime aired.
I've been in the subreddit for years and you bet every time the idea of autistic Laios is brought up, someone will come "uhm actually" you. It's only close around the end of the manga that I saw genuine improvement in people's attitude. It was different on tumblr, but you still had a lot of people saying he probably isn't autistic because the manga is Japanese (that's racist btw)
Also, a lot of anti-farcille I've come across is more "I don't think it's nearly as canon as the fandom likes to claim but if I say this I get mobbed" and very often in conjunction with "Farcille fans are really annoying to people who don't ship it and it's putting me off the ship". Personally speaking, as someone who considers Farcille canon, I feel like a lot of the fans who came in after the anime aired tend to be more self-righteous (they seem to feel like they're morally superior to those who don't ship it because have you seen the way they talk about mlm ships or laicille) and too focused on their homoeroticism to the detriment of their (especially Marcille's) character. This is the primary type of pushback I've been seeing. Also, when something gets popular, they'll always get their haters
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somuchyoudontknow · 11 months
Feel free to disagree, but there has to be a reason why, as your one anon put it, they continue to poke the bear when they could just not.
think about other celeb couples that were controversial or hated by fans; Harry and Olivia, Sebastian and his gf, Henry and his gf, ana and Ben affleck (not sure if hated but annoyed a lot of ppl lol during Covid).
What did all of these couples have in common? They all continued to push through even tho fans reacted so negatively (usually the fan base on the male counterpart side). Sebastian got vilified by his own fan base and it was quite similar to the CE stuff. His own fans became his worst haters and he was canceled at least a dozen times. He ended up leaving SM likely due to it and there was a ton of times you could tell he was having a meltdown due whatever what was happening. The main difference between him and CE was that Sebastian made it more obvious he was seeing all the hate (he literally captioned an IG post, thanks for the love, thanks for the hate) and then made comments on interviews that ppl were stalking him (not untrue). But he continued to show up with ale despite getting attacked everytime.
Henry put fans in their place and keeps showing up with Natalie. I think his situation is a bit different but maybe also the same.
Harry and Olivia kept showing up with each other but during don’t worry darling press it looked like they barely ever interacted (did anyone think that was odd they did a whole press tour and I don’t think they interacted once? But she kept showing up in pap pics with him later).
Ana and Ben got made fun of relentlessly due to their Covid pap walks. But they didn’t stop. The comments were relentless on every tabloid and ana clearly was scarred by it all, but she still had to push through and keep showing up with Ben.
This is my theory:
CE continues to be associated with AB despite the backlash because he, like all his predecessors, have to be.
He just doesn’t want to have to be seen with her unless he has to be.
His reserved list of friends continue to allude to spending time with her and her crew. AB also doesn’t appear to want to address CE publicly, but continues to let herself be associated with him and hide unless it’s to let people speculate she’s with him.
This is their way of pushing the narrative instead of doing pap walks.
They did do one and you could tell, I think, that AB has never done anything like this before. She looked completely out of her element and CE did not look like he wanted to be there at all. He’s hiding his face behind a mask outside. They got made fun of by fans and tabloids alike. To my knowledge, they haven’t really done one since.
I think they can’t make it believable but they need to, just like all those other couples. So this is their only route. They have to continue pushing the envelope, despite backlash and despite fans getting so upset and more and more rabid.
It’s the same formula, but you’re not seeing them “together” because either one or both sides refuses to flaunt it, so it’s causing some team real to make assumptions they’re just private.
No, real privacy - you wouldn’t know a thing. CE doesn’t live in LA. He could keep his dating life on the DL which he apparently had all these years after breaking up with Jenny S. Its only when he dates an actress or HW person that these things don’t remain on the DL.
I’ve always thought that if AB was a real thing, those ten months leading up to their public reveal would have given him/them reason to not go public. He and his family were harassed so much that they all retreated to hiding away. The comments about AB, just rumors, were abhorrent. I think they could have kept it secret and just kept on keeping it secret.
But they didn’t. Which tells me, they had to make it public and they have to use it for publicity. He had to let her show up to his movie premiere because it was big press for him, first movie of the year. If they wanted to keep it private, she could have not attended. But she showed up and pretended he didn’t exist and vice versa. By contrast, Ana was happy to be papped with her bf on the same day of the premiere, but we don’t get that with AB. Just her showing up looking like she played dress up in her mom’s closet.
This may now be a very unpopular opinion, but I think everything that’s happened this past week gives more reason for PR than not.
You can disagree, but this is what I’m seeing. They have to continue this and this is CE’s workaround. I don’t think he’s an idiot. I think he is much smarter than people give him credit for. Also, I’m thinking him having to show up with her in CP and post those IG videos probably had him cringing for weeks after. All the comments coming from haters probably has him sick to his stomach and it’s probability why he looked so solemn and nervous the first day of that comic con. I also think for the fans or I guess haters? That are sticking around, you’re going to be here for a while. He’s stuck in this and I think it’s going to continue, like you, mod, have said - until it’s run it’s course.
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I agree 💯 I don't have to add anything :)
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Hey there! Just dropping by to say that I'm glad there are people like you who stick up for Gil! ^-^
Much like Apple in Ever After High, Gil tends to be grossly misrepresented in the fandom that even just having a positive opinion of him (or heaven forbid, liking him as a character) seems to cause folks to start coming down with their pitch forks. 🙄 Like he's 16 and is a product of growing up with terrible viewpoints, calm down lol. (And sometimes if you've been raised that way for a long time it's usually difficult to unlearn those harmful beliefs, it's a long and slow process yet these people act like Gil never tried/did throughout G1's run?? Whut.)
Your media analyses are well thought-out and thorough (shame a lot of the more rabid haters might just brush it off with "I ain't readin all that" 🤡) and I'm glad you're not letting it get you down despite it.
Keep up the good work!!
Oooooh! Well aren’t you just a big sweetie!
I’m so glad some people appreciate how much work I put into my Gil media analysis! I poured my blood, sweat & tears into that series by combing over every piece of media Gil was in to bring the people the truth!
However the truth comes at a price, someone who I thought was pretty cool kept bitching about it being so long & “messing up the tag” that they blocked me over it… I told them they could do it but it still hurt a little.
And I’m sure there is a lot of folks laughing at “how seriously I take a kids show” like… I’m not gonna be sorry thinking children deserve good media!?!
IDK, but I think I did too much all at once & burned myself out. I needed a break so I was gone for a few months just letting the queue update for me but I think I’m ready to give the Gil saga an ending! There is not much media left with him in it.
Thank you for believing in me! Your kind words are very much appreciated!
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first-only · 2 years
Despite the fact that I am getting more comfortable with being SaLS on main, I still get incredibly anxious when I get an anti message
I'm just so scared to have a callout post written about me, and you can never know who will or wont try to set you up for harassment (especially if they are an anti) It doesn't help that I'm incredibly anxious and paranoid a lot of the time
congrats on getting more comfy!! and yeah anxiety is a bitch but i believe in you! at some point you kinda get callous and desensitized to random messages lol
i dont mean to make it worse at all, and if that line of thinking doesnt work for you i apologize, but here's a few things ive picked up over the years:
it doesnt like... /really/ matter what you post. things that you or a wider audience consider "problematic" arent the only way you can get "cancelled". like i got called racist for pointing out that two phrases in different languages can be translated in the same way in english. like literally ranting in the tags about my own language ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ so for people determined to look and sift for 'material' it wont really make a difference if youre posting incest fic or like.. oogling over the celebrity of the day, they just wanna pick a fight. so do what makes you happy anyway, it wont give them teeth if you dont worry about the content yourself. bc yeah it doesnt matter on the internet if you post fic or just aesthetics, they have the same 'moral' value and if you dont assign them different weights then someone else doing it shouldnt bother you either
in the.. absolute best gentlest and encouraging way to say this. you and like. all of us are just some randos on the internet. the chances of someone leading a /personalized/ harassment campaign against you, or even someone finding you that juicy of a target to have more people message you is like. /really/ low. even if you get messages from time to time, a whole ass campaign is unlikely unless you have a lot of followers/are a BNF/are the lead content creator for a rival ship to the main one (bc lets be real all this is one giant ship war at the end of the day)
callouts or "block" lists are usually mass things in my xp. like you get put among 20 other usernames and then you bond w the others over the experience and are happy that you found new likeminded mutuals. the amount of times ive followed an entire list of ~problematics ive been featured in lol. its ironically a bonding experience and with a few blocks out of the way its kinda.. positive in the best case?
and really. really. i might be like. a bit too callous but at this point. even if there is a harassment campaign. even if you get a huge callout. even if half tumblr blocks you. so what? block out the haters, lie in with the mutuals, vent to some side friends. and just. keep going. so what if a bunch of rabid antis are raging out of their skin because youre having fun and trying to tell the other antis that youre having fun. yes you are. so what. what are they gonna do, make fifty accounts? send more anons? catch even more blocks? (reminder that if you block someone on anon it catches their entire ip so they cant make more accs to harass you). like yes, take precaution not to get doxxed (no sharing of identifying info, including where you live) but thats common safety anyway, and most antis arent tech savvy enough to dox anyway. you'll be fine. even if an account gets mass reported you can always write down mutuals' urls and start over (my own mutuals have a lot of experience, the propara community is fun lol) you can still share content, have fun, be yourself. its not a deadly situation. not to be 'the internet isnt real life it doesnt matter' bc yeah it can very much be anxiety inducing and horrible, but at the same time taking a step back yourself and evaluating the situation can help a lot with emotional regulation (just like in real life! some relationships are worth stepping away from, or getting less invested into if they become toxic)
so yeah thats my general view of the problem, again brains are weird and no two work the same, but these things help me and make me feel better, so hopefully if not you personally they might soothe someone in general ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
really hoping you find your community and comfort anon. fandom is a great place with it and a barren wasteland without, but imo its worth sharing even if for that one thrill /you/ get when someone likes it or when you find some gem
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runescapeoutfits · 5 years
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I enjoyed A LOT doing this request, that’s why i decided to post so many ideas. I hope you like at least one, thank you for your request <3
Outfit 1: Pirate hat, Gofannon amulet, Pirate shirt (brown), Right peg leg, Fayre dancer bracelets, Jolly roger cape.
Outfit 2:  Pirate hat, Gofannon amulet, Worker top, Death lotus discipline pants (black) , Warlord gloves, Pirate boots, 120 Hunter cape.
Outfit 3: Ringmaster hat, Skoll amulet, Navigator top, Shadow Ozan gloves, Captain’s Deathbeard pants and shoes, Skulls cape.
Outfit 4: Pirate hat, Drakan’s medallion, Shadow Ozan gloves, Highland top, Spooky spider pants, Count Draynor shoes, 120 Slayer cape.
Outfit 5: Rabid Jack hat, Pirate shirt (purple), Hater’s medallion, Ariane gloves, Navy pants (blue), Peg legs.
Outfit 6: Rabid Jack hat, Linza’s cuirass, Captain’s Deathbeard phantom pants and shoes, Warlord gloves & 120 Hunter cape.
Outfit 7: Pirate hat, Drakan’s medallion, Death lotus discipline top, Spooky spider bottoms, Count draynor shoes, Warlord gloves, 120 Thieving cape.
Outfit 8: Pirate hat, Drakan’s medallion, Captain’s Deathbeard top, Beach bottoms and shoes, Aurora gloves, Jolly Roger cape.
I hope you like at least one of them <3 Feel free to send me outfits request c: Lately i’ve been doing request a bit more slowly than usually but it’s because of personal reasons, no because i don’t want to do them, so sorry for the delays c: 
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iamtotallycool · 5 years
Eleteo Appreciation Week day 3
Isn’t it like day 5 for @eleteoappreciationweek? Yeah, yeah I know. Work at the hotel gets so unexpected and can get so crazy that I sometimes need to wait for a day off to get hobbies done.
So, I’m hoping to get the last few things I have for this week done before work starts again, so better late than never!!
Anyways, day 3: Music (rock band AU)
If there was something Elena could say was a downside to the Rockstar lifestyle, it was definitely getting the mountains of caked on makeup scrubbed off with a metal brush after a photoshoot.
Don't get her wrong, she loved the experience of getting all dressed up and posing in front of the camera, especially with her lucky guitar. But it had taken her three hours to finally get all cleaned up and dressed down to her usual leggings and hoodie.
At least today’s photoshoot had been in their building's basement that also held their personal dance studio and recording booths. Made the painful elevator ride to their penthouse condo up on the top floor more bearable.
And that also meant that her part was done for today.
Rolling Stones had wanted to do a complete cover story on Core Four, seeing how they were celebrating their 10th anniversary of the formation of their band.
Being the lead singer and guitarist meant that Elena’s interview and pictures would be taken first, while everyone else got to have the day off. It was a lot sometimes to be the face of the band, but that also meant she would have the next 3 days off while her bandmates got to go through the same grueling task she did.
The merciful sound of the Elevator dinged, opening up to home sweet home.
Elena expected everyone to already be in bed and asleep, which is why the sound of a ticking metronome surprised her greatly.
Elena looked around the room and saw a pair of feet hanging over the side of the couch in the living room area.
Curious, she walked over to see who was still up at this hour.
It turned out to be Mateo; who was knocked out, with sheets of music covering his chest and stomach and his drumsticks hanging out of his limp hand.
Elena smiled as she smoothed back some of his curls, recalling the memories of seeing him in this exact same position on Gabe's retro couch that they had set up in Mateo’s basement. Back when they were a couple of crazy teenagers with some garbage songs that they played at talent shows and coffee shop open mic nights.
It was nice to see some things hadn't changed.
Elena felt a feral grin grow on her lips as she jumped over the back of the couch and landed right on top of him.
“Oof!” Mateo wheezed out as his eyelids shot open.
His groggy, hooded eyes then began frantically looking around before settling on her, “Elena?”
“Morning mi amor,” Elena said in a sickly sweet tone as she readjusted herself to comfortably straddle his hips more.
“Couldn't you have woken me up more gently?” Mateo groaned as he covered his face with his arms and tried to turn away from her. He really was too used to her antics.
“Oh I'm sorry,” Elena apologized innocently as her hands slid up and down his chest. “Where does it hurt?”
“Everywhere,” He replied dramatically.
“Hmm, should I kiss it better?”
Elena didn’t even wait for him to reply though before she began peppering any visible part of his face and neck with kisses.
He was resistant at first, but she could tell when he started into it as he let out little breathy moans and his hands moved to rest on her hips. She was about to put her hands underneath his shirt when the floorboards let out a large creak.
The couple quickly tore apart and looked around to see if Naomi or Gabe or some other unsuspecting victim had wandered into the scene. Luckily enough, there was no one. This time.
“We should move this somewhere else,” Mateo said as he rubbed his eyes.
“I suppose,” Elena sighed as she scooched herself over and began picking the now wrinkled pieces of paper off him.
As she was straightening them out, she noticed that they were pieces of sheet music, which was not surprising. However, upon closer inspection, she recognized the lyrics written on them were from a poem she had given Mateo on a Starbucks napkin a couple of weeks ago.
“I wanted to finish it and give it to you as a gift,” Mateo then said bashfully as he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “I haven’t forgotten our own anniversary coming up soon.”
Elena beamed as she launched herself at him, knocking him back onto his back. “I love it.”
“It’s not even finished,” He laughed.
“I still love it.” Elena looked back at the half finished song, her heart swelling so much it practically burst out of her chest.
She bit her lip before continuing. “But...I think it will be better as a duet.”
Mateo didn’t respond.
“You don’t want to?”
“Of course I do,” Mateo said as he wrapped his arms around her. “I just know how tempting it would be, because if we made it a duet, then I would want to share the song with the whole world. I already want to scream it from the rooftops that I’m with an incredible girl like you.”
“Well, maybe it’s time that we share with the whole world we are together,” Elena said confidently.
He talked about yelling it out, and she certainly wanted to do that same. Although, she would also be content with just being able to instagram their hundreds of adorable couple photos, or to be each other's dates at red carpet events, or openly gush about the small little things he did for her in interviews.
“Is it something you feel ready for?” Mateo asked as he grabbed her chin and moved it up so that they were now making eye contact.
“I mean, we already have a pretty supportive fanbase based on #Eleteo that I see everywhere.”
“I’m being serious mi querida,” Mateo said, poking her in the side.
It’s not like she didn’t know where this cautious attitude was coming from. They had gotten together not long after the band had finally hit the big times. From there, their lives had been on a roller coaster of record deals, concerts, tours, music videos, small acting roles, clothing lines, and even a makeup line.
It just never felt like the right time to let everyone in on one of the most personal and intimate part of their lives, especially since some tabloids and more rabid fans/haters would rather make that decision for them.
It would be a huge decision in the end. But it wasn’t one that was hard for her to make.
“I don’t think we’re 110% ready, but I don’t think we ever will feel we are,” Elena said, holding his hand tightly. “But I do think that we are strong enough to survive whatever is thrown our way.”
Mateo again didn’t respond right away, but she knew he agreed with her from the wide smile and gentle look in his eyes.
He then leaned forward and placed a kiss on her forehead. “Okay, let’s do this then, together.”
Elena eagerly replied with her own kiss on his nose before snuggling into his warmth.
“Are you hungry at all?” He then asked, playing with her hair.
“I'll get something in a minute, I just want to be here for a while,” Elena mumbled into his chest, getting lost in the sound of his rhythmic heartbeat.
She would talk to Esteban tomorrow. The pretentious manager had already been talking about the band going through some small changes, having their image grow up a little, and presenting that during their group interview that would take place at the end of the week.
And, for once, he was right. The days of songs of teenage rebellion, following your dreams, and even first loves were the past. It was time for songs about accepting your failures, relying on the deep friendships you had formed, and finding a love that could last a lifetime.
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knightofbalance-13 · 6 years
Too bad: Don’t want drama, don’t be a jackass. Same for everyone on the internet.
0:24 No no, there’s a ton of drama about hate being passed off as criticism. Actual critics of RWBY have gotten off scott free and the only ones being affected are you assholes who try to sell your snakeoil opinions as fact and critics who don’t want to be associated with you. And quite frankly: You deserve for the shit you spew.
0:34 Rant huh? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBUJ3RrkZhU) Not even a minute...and a good third of that was Miles giving people credit and leniancy. Your video is more of a rant than his, complete with whiny bitching and rambling.
0:46 No, Lord Fatass whined that he was getting called out. That isn’t a response anymore than...well, any response he makes to anyone who doesn’t agree with him.
0:55 Lord fatass has a Patreon and all he does is bullshit all the damn time about RWBY. Fuck, you even compare yourself to a cult leader in that screenshot. Cults are defined by being irrational and rabid with the leader encouraging such behavior. I don’t care what you say your relationship with RWBY is: Lord Fatass calls himself a fan. Your ACTIONS are what I care about you DEFINITELY act like a cult leader.
1:01 Not helping your case that you sound pissed about a video essentially saying ‘‘don’t hate on the creators.”
1:20 Oh, someone’s being disingenuous! Miles never discredited the fandom as a whole or even critics as a whole. He just said ‘I don’t like know it alls and haters.’ You just said that because if you told the truth, no one would listen to you.
1:26 Bull fucking shit. Critics are revered in fandoms and it’s usually the CREATORS that are given a bad name. A critic can shrug off criticism and ignore their own flaws and continue making the same mistake over and over again while if a creator so much as thinks about not gulping down shit, they’re seen as egotistical. You’re lying.
1:30 Lord Fatass literally lies about the show numerous times in his ‘reviews’ and you will outright lose your shit if someone doesn’t call Volumes 3-5 shit. Pretty safe to assume you hate RWBY.
1:34 Yes. And it is literally every single point I’ve figured out on my own just said worse mixed in with personal gripes trying to be passed off as criticism. It just feels like you looked up what other people said and parroted it back to disguise your bullshit as criticism.
1:48 Your Volume 5 review was you rambling about fight scenes. That’s it. You apparently have the patience of a goldfish. P.S. You are literally contradicting what you did in the video you linked because you flipped your shit at people who were saying they liked Volume 5. You’re only doing this to try and build credit.
2:04 So basically, let people be irredeemable assholes, making personal attacks on creators until said creators become so desensitized to criticism due to the abuse they suffered they stop trying to improve because you’re shit at your job and can’t handle being professional in any way. Here’s another saying: “Git Gud.”
2:08 Yes and let’s here about all those dirty commies and how ugly and nasty they are while we’re doing propaganda.
2:16 And flat earthers say that a round Earth doesn’t exist either. Doesn’t make it make it true!
2:25 But if you ordered a steak that was suppose to be undercooked or went to a place that only served undercooked steaks: You’re wrong for bitching about it. Hey look, I broke your lengthy analogy in it’s infancy in under two seconds. Should say something about your critical thinking skills.
2:29 yes but a media student would know WHY it sucked on an objective level while you just pass off subjective as fuck opinions are objective reasons why a show sucks. A chief would be able to know why something sucks anbd why it sucks for being that particular meal while a normal customer would bitch and moan because they ordered a dish and they didn’t like it. Also, this has nothing to do with constructive criticism and is just kind of out of place. Plus your analogy was kind of...short to be honest. You should have looked over your script before writing and thought about it. ... Hey look, I just CONSTRUCTIVELY criticized you. And all it took was NOT being a complete douchebag. Almost as though your skill in critiquing has next to nothing to do with constructive criticism and is instead about HOW you go about criticizing.
2:42 Cept this analogy doesn’t work either. PLENTY of people make calm, constructive reviews of the show, both positive and negative, explaining why the show does/doesn’t work. While the angry reviews basically boil down to ‘this Volume wasn’t made for ME.” So whose more right? The people who can explain why the dish does/doesn’t work as the type of dish it is or the people bitching about the type of dish it is or the flavor of the dish not being a flavor they like?
2:46 Cept they CHOOSE to waste their time and the show is FREE. You only pay to see it early, not to view the show. This is like bitching about mayo being on a sandwitch that was said to have mayo on it and the sandwitch was FREE. I broke that analogy by just looking at it funny.
2:50 Yeah and then they assault the chiefs, sending them hatemail and death threats, attempting to ruin their business through fake controversies, invoking the memory of the dead friend who made the recipe and general act as though they fed them PEOPLE. All while complain about how the dish was too sour when it was advertised as sour. You just keep getting worse and worse at this.
3:03 While the reviews say there were bugs in it (which there wasn’t), saying the dish gave people food poisoning (which it didn’t), the reviwers tried assaulting the chief for using a certain ingreident to the point he doesn’t want to cook and instead of the morning news, it was a recording of the chief just relieving stress with friends. Now you sound like a fucking sociopath.
3:09 I mean, Gordon Ramsey actually knows what eh is saying, in the British version of the show Gordon is a lot nicer and in turn is more well respected, Gordon actually tries to help and encourage the chiefs instead of belittling them and Gordon doesn’t try to force his way of cooking down their throats while attempting to make them quit cooking.
... Now YOU sound like one of those chiefs from Kitchen Nightmares.
3:18 No, you’re going to assault the chief and essentially harass him into becoming your slave. I do not care how pissed you are: You ‘critics’ of RWBY have used up all my sympathy for you. You have to now EARN it and boy oh howdy will it be a HERCULEAN task for that to happen.
3:26 And yet I can, despite not being an animator myself. Also, if you can’t tell what is wrong with a dish then why should the chief listen to you when you could just be a whiny bitch? Also also: Miles is a WRITER and by virtue of making a script for this video, you are a writer. You have no excuses.
And finally: that’s actually a rather adept analogy with Yelp. Because yelp is FULL of people who will us either status as ‘critics’ to harass and bully restaurants into doing what they want. You wanna know what you are? You’re Cartman from the episode “You’re not Yelping!” And we all know how THAT ended (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDlR_ccnZww)/ Fuck, I’ll make a RWDE version after this.
3:35 funny because that isn’t what constructive criticism is because it’s more akin to ‘this is how you should do this for these reasons’ and what he described is what YOU people do.
3:39 ... But you can help them. You’re just too lazy.
3:51 But you guys DON’T and in fact when people bring evidence of YOUR fuck ups, you’ll whine and moan and ignore it. See, that’s the biggest irony here. Miles is essentially being YOUR critic and you are acting EXACTLY as you perceive him to be. It’s like if a student came to teacher for help and all the teacher did was scream in his face and slap him.
4:03 But you will call the steak shit by saying it was cooked exactly as advertised and you didn’t want that despite nit letting them know otherwise. Also the steak was free.
4:08 And I can say you’re full of shit. Doesn’t make either one of us right. Except i can say WHY you’re full of shit and you can’t explain jackshit.
4:19 No but they’d give it a fair chance and move on if they don’t like it for personal reasons. Now forcing your opinion onto everyone else: THAT’S a hater move.
4:21 No you’re not. Your actions say otherwise.
4:28 You’re not the audience. You’ve made that abundantly clear. You’re like a chicken fan bitching about how a steak doesn’t taste like chicken.
4:37 Name one person and no, Shane doesn’t count. And even then, Shane even admits he was probably being biased.
4:42 Well, when you blow things out of proportion to ATTACK Miles, that would be the case...except if anything, they’re toning it down.
4:54 That’s fucking rich. Not only was Miles NOT talking about critics in general but HE was defending himself from YOU PEOPLE. And he’s ONE person when you’re fucking DOZENS.
5:06 And Miles shouldn’t have to grovel and beg for forgiveness. This is just your shit coming back at you. I do not care.
5:13 Cept that;s your JOB as a critic. Don't wanna do it? Stop calling yourself a critic.
5:22 yet here you are, fearmongering that Miles is gonna annihilate your poor defenseless critics in an age where critics are treated as infallible gods.
5:32 ... So you’re basically affirming what Miles said, that you don’t know what you are talking about. ... You just beat yourself.
5:43 Says the man who says ‘the customer is always right’ unironically.
5:51 ... Miles outright hates working on RWBY because of you. He is scared shitless of what people will do to him if Jaune gets any scenes. A Camp Camp blog got mistaken for Miles and was harassed to the point of leaving because of it. I’ve seen Miles’ life being threatened on this very site. ... Fuck you.
6:11 Yet when that happens for hating on RWBY and making Miles’ life a living hell, it’s A-Okay! ... You’re just fucking salty people aren’t listening to your shit and calling you out.
6:21 This is gonna be GOOD.
6:25 Cept he is in the UK and actually reviews food instead of screaming. Hell, even in kitchen nightmares he doesn’t insult anyone. That’s just Hell’s Kitchen, which is basically cooking Jerry Springer. Congratsm you're Jerry Springer.
6:36 Cept you gave the hatedom every fucking excuse to hate on Miles and make his life hell while parroting their points while also categorizing anyone who disagrees with you a fanboy.
6:52 ‘I’m not calling you out! ... But here's me calling you out indirectly like a pussy!’
6:57 And guess what? Most of RT’s fans have heard ENOUGH of YOU. And unlike YOU, they have an actual reason while you just wanna protect your ego.
My final thoughts? I don’t care how tired you are of it, you fucking deserve every last bit of this. You wanna be a total jackass? FIne, you can get hate for it Wanna be a hypocrite? Get hate for it. Wanna encourage harassment and hatred? Get fucking hate for it.
I do not care. You have lost ALL sympathy from me.
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earthbovndmisfit · 3 years
I had a dream once, it was about I was watching an instagram live stream of an artist and I just commented on the chat box 'Will I get cancelled for shipping Jonathan, Speedwagon, and Erina together?'. And somehow everyone in the chat started hating me for that. Saying that 'no Jonathan isn't gay' or 'he's dating Dio' or some bull crap. It was really weird.
tbf, there are always certain groups of people in pretty much every fandom who will hate on any ships/characters that get in the way of their (fanon) ship. I've seen it in some of my previous fandoms (with characters getting actual hate from fans sometimes), and I’ve seen it happen a bunch in the jjba fandom, too, sadly. Over the years, I've gotten occasional hate, usually from rabid di*jona shippers (for clarification: not all dj shippers are like this), just for shipping jonawagon even in instances where I wasn't even talking about the ship at all, sometimes just for merely pointing out mistranslations or misunderstandings in PB/BT (something that I guess made these shippers feel like I was attacking their ship??), and I've also seen cases of jonawagon shippers who have gotten hate from other shippers, usually other rabid dj fans as well, making them feel uncomfortable to the point where they couldn't even mention the ship without risking getting shit for it (as far as i knew, it was just because "this ship gets in the way of my uwu dj ship and i don't like it >:/", which is something jonaeri fans seem to have been dealing with for sometime too from that group of 'uwu yaoi shippers’, as far as i’ve heard??).
I'm not entirely sure if it's the same in the English speaking side of the jjba fandom, but in Spanish there are (used to be?? i haven't been much in touch with it in a while tbh, mainly for technical reasons) a lot of jojo fans who were also homophobic, so literally any ship involving two males was bashed on on sight despite these same folks being the kind of people that make a ton of "jojos is gay lol" jokes, calling Dio "a wh*re gay vampire" everytime, as well as the old and tired "Speedwaifu XD" jokes and so on. Same with people getting genuinely offended whenever anyone pointed out that Speedwagon is canonly gay, and saying all kinds of disgusting shit to "prove" that "he's not gay and is very much into women >:/" despite ALL of the actual facts and bios that confirm his gayness lol.
The point is... even if something like that scenario from your dream actually ever happens to you or to anyone else for that matter, don't let it get to you and just ship your ship even harder. Haters are going to hate no matter what you do, so just channel that hate and turn it into more love and appreciation towards your ship, be it with fanarts, fanfics, posts or anything else you can think of, and have fun with it! You have all of my support, nonny. Plus, and this goes without saying, this blog will always be a safe zone for jonawagon, jonaeri, and jonawagon+jonaeri shippers (and most other shippers tbh).
0 notes
213hiphopworldnews · 5 years
Lil Nas X Is Handling ‘Old Town Road’s Success Exactly The Way He Should
Eric Lagg / Uproxx Studios
Lil Nas X really seems to be enjoying the success of his viral hit, “Old Town Road” — as he should. Viral moments seem to come along more and more often these days, but their ability to translate into real-world success still has varying degress of return. Nas’ version includes a Columbia Records album deal, three consecutive weeks at No. 1 on the Hot 100, a remix with Bill Ray Cyrus, and a batch of parodies and takes ranging from wildly explicit to dad joke corny. The fact that the 20-year-old rapper from Atlanta is taking all of this in stride makes the rollout even more fun to watch than usual.
Lil Nas X’s responses to the challenges that have arisen from his viral hit’s ubiquity are like a master class in how to handle unexpected fame, enjoy the moment, and make the most of the opportunity, and his ability to roll with the punches proves he’s ready for an even bigger spotlight. When longer-established rappers try to detract from his song’s success, rather than entering an ill-advised war of words, he focuses on that elusive No. 1 status, reminding the world that he does not give a f*ck what a hater thinks — even when the hater in question says he isn’t being a hater in the first place.
no fuckin way https://t.co/uxuioMReGn
— nope (@LilNasX) April 23, 2019
Some might believe that hate is justified though: Rap and country have long been considered mortal enemies at worst and strange bedfellows at best. Prior attempts at blending the two seemingly opposing genres were met with mixed responses, from the ridicule that followed Nelly and Tim McGraw’s “Over And Over” and LL Cool J and Brad Paisely’s “Accidental Racist” (rightly so, in the latter case), to the ho-hum commercial performance of more earnest attempts like Bubba Sparxxx’s Deliverance or other so-called “hick-hop” artists like Big Smo and Cowboy Troy. “Old Town Road” is the first song to chart on both the Rap and Country Bilboard lists, seemingly bridging the gap, but not without resistance, in part from Billboard itself.
When Billboard removed the song from its Country chart, the resulting backlash from social media invoked the genre’s long history of whitewashing Black artists, even as Billboard‘s reasoning that “Old Town Road” didn’t contain enough country elements sorta-kinda holds up. Fans who wanted to see this trend upended championed the song right back onto the Country Airplay chart as well as the Hot 100. While it has its detractors — mainly from established country and rap purists like Brothers Osbourne and Dave East — it has earned many more rabid supporters, including the aforementioned Billy Ray, who claimed that it was “obvious” that “Old Town Road” should qualify as country as much as hip-hop.
Normally, when a song gets as huge as “Old Town Road” has, there’s a worry that the song has become bigger than the artist, which is the first step toward them becoming a one-hit wonder. Lil Nas X’s fellow Atlantan 6lack spoke on this effect on his own breakthrough mixtape, Free 6lack, discussing the dangers of falling into a formula on the mixtape’s closer, “Alone/EA6.” “I’m not settling for that sh*t,” he says on the track’s introductory monologue, “‘Cause if I do it once and it pop, I’ma have to keep doing that sh*t over and over again. You can’t build no fanbase like that. You become a f*ckin’ song instead of a person.”
Lil Nas X takes a different approach. He seemingly wonders “What’s so bad about being a one-hit wonder?” Rather than shying away from the success of “Old Town Road,” which, let’s be frank, seems accidental, considering the jokey subject matter of the song and its broad departure from the sounds and content of Lil Nas X’s 2018 debut mixtape Nasarati, he’s leaned into it. He’s in on the joke. He reposts the memes. He wears Wrangler jeans and cowboy hats and posts goofy photos to Twitter posing with antique, pearl-handled revolvers straight out of the Old West.
who want war pic.twitter.com/FMrxCrhX8k
— nope (@LilNasX) April 24, 2019
By doing so, he endears himself to fans as a good-natured, funny, charismatic guy who they want to see win. When fans have an investment in an artist like that, they’ll take them to the top of the charts, as they did for his viral single, but they’ll also stick with the artist through thick and thin. If XXXTentacion could engender the level of outsized support he did with his rap sheet, a relatively unproblematic jokester like Lil Nas X should be easy to root for. It doesn’t hurt that the rest of his music is also enjoyable.
Even if I wasn’t much impressed with Nasarati when it dropped, revisiting it in the wake of Lil Nas X’s yee-haw takeover really lends some perspective to why the standalone “Old Town Road” blew up when nothing else on that project did. He flashed a lot of potential, but seemed limited by his resources. As a kid likely making songs on a laptop with whatever beats he got for free or cheap, the sound quality hamstrung some of the more clever songs. It’s a first effort and it sounds like it, both content-wise and from a production perspective. Now, he’s got access to million dollar studios and name-brand producers like Take A Daytrip, who produced “Mo Bamba” and “Home” from the Into The Spider-Verse soundtrack, and Nick Mira, who gave Juice WRLD some of his biggest hits (“All Girls Are The Same,” “Lucid Dreams,” “Robbery,” and more).
We his future plans because Lil Nas is savvy at the use of social media — maybe more so than any other rapper who’s had a massive hit. That’s likely to be expected from an artist who once ran a Twitter meme account, but pinning a thread of his works in progress to his profile as the top tweet is the sort of promotional tactic that major labels should look to swipe for their other artists. He addressed the controversy surrounding his name succinctly and earnestly. He retweeted a Genius headline that stated he intended to “milk the f*ck” out of “Old Town Road” just to confirm it. Opportunity only knocks once, so he’s holding opportunity hostage after opening the door and looking for ways to make his 15 minutes of fame last even longer, all while keeping the same sense of humor that brought opportunity calling in the first place. Even if he never has another hit, he has “Old Town Road” right now, and he’s gunning to see exactly how far it goes.
source https://uproxx.com/hiphop/lil-nas-x-is-handling-old-town-roads-success-exactly-the-way-he-should/
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213hiphopworldnews · 5 years
Lil Nas X Is Handling ‘Old Town Road’s Success Exactly The Way He Should
Eric Lagg / Uproxx Studios
Lil Nas X really seems to be enjoying the success of his viral hit, “Old Town Road” — as he should. Viral moments seem to come along more and more often these days, but their ability to translate into real-world success still has varying degress of return. Nas’ version includes a Columbia Records album deal, three consecutive weeks at No. 1 on the Hot 100, a remix with Bill Ray Cyrus, and a batch of parodies and takes ranging from wildly explicit to dad joke corny. The fact that the 20-year-old rapper from Atlanta is taking all of this in stride makes the rollout even more fun to watch than usual.
Lil Nas X’s responses to the challenges that have arisen from his viral hit’s ubiquity are like a master class in how to handle unexpected fame, enjoy the moment, and make the most of the opportunity, and his ability to roll with the punches proves he’s ready for an even bigger spotlight. When longer-established rappers try to detract from his song’s success, rather than entering an ill-advised war of words, he focuses on that elusive No. 1 status, reminding the world that he does not give a f*ck what a hater thinks — even when the hater in question says he isn’t being a hater in the first place.
no fuckin way https://t.co/uxuioMReGn
— nope (@LilNasX) April 23, 2019
Some might believe that hate is justified though: Rap and country have long been considered mortal enemies at worst and strange bedfellows at best. Prior attempts at blending the two seemingly opposing genres were met with mixed responses, from the ridicule that followed Nelly and Tim McGraw’s “Over And Over” and LL Cool J and Brad Paisely’s “Accidental Racist” (rightly so, in the latter case), to the ho-hum commercial performance of more earnest attempts like Bubba Sparxxx’s Deliverance or other so-called “hick-hop” artists like Big Smo and Cowboy Troy. “Old Town Road” is the first song to chart on both the Rap and Country Bilboard lists, seemingly bridging the gap, but not without resistance, in part from Billboard itself.
When Billboard removed the song from its Country chart, the resulting backlash from social media invoked the genre’s long history of whitewashing Black artists, even as Billboard‘s reasoning that “Old Town Road” didn’t contain enough country elements sorta-kinda holds up. Fans who wanted to see this trend upended championed the song right back onto the Country Airplay chart as well as the Hot 100. While it has its detractors — mainly from established country and rap purists like Brothers Osbourne and Dave East — it has earned many more rabid supporters, including the aforementioned Billy Ray, who claimed that it was “obvious” that “Old Town Road” should qualify as country as much as hip-hop.
Normally, when a song gets as huge as “Old Town Road” has, there’s a worry that the song has become bigger than the artist, which is the first step toward them becoming a one-hit wonder. Lil Nas X’s fellow Atlantan 6lack spoke on this effect on his own breakthrough mixtape, Free 6lack, discussing the dangers of falling into a formula on the mixtape’s closer, “Alone/EA6.” “I’m not settling for that sh*t,” he says on the track’s introductory monologue, “‘Cause if I do it once and it pop, I’ma have to keep doing that sh*t over and over again. You can’t build no fanbase like that. You become a f*ckin’ song instead of a person.”
Lil Nas X takes a different approach. He seemingly wonders “What’s so bad about being a one-hit wonder?” Rather than shying away from the success of “Old Town Road,” which, let’s be frank, seems accidental, considering the jokey subject matter of the song and its broad departure from the sounds and content of Lil Nas X’s 2018 debut mixtape Nasarati, he’s leaned into it. He’s in on the joke. He reposts the memes. He wears Wrangler jeans and cowboy hats and posts goofy photos to Twitter posing with antique, pearl-handled revolvers straight out of the Old West.
who want war pic.twitter.com/FMrxCrhX8k
— nope (@LilNasX) April 24, 2019
By doing so, he endears himself to fans as a good-natured, funny, charismatic guy who they want to see win. When fans have an investment in an artist like that, they’ll take them to the top of the charts, as they did for his viral single, but they’ll also stick with the artist through thick and thin. If XXXTentacion could engender the level of outsized support he did with his rap sheet, a relatively unproblematic jokester like Lil Nas X should be easy to root for. It doesn’t hurt that the rest of his music is also enjoyable.
Even if I wasn’t much impressed with Nasarati when it dropped, revisiting it in the wake of Lil Nas X’s yee-haw takeover really lends some perspective to why the standalone “Old Town Road” blew up when nothing else on that project did. He flashed a lot of potential, but seemed limited by his resources. As a kid likely making songs on a laptop with whatever beats he got for free or cheap, the sound quality hamstrung some of the more clever songs. It’s a first effort and it sounds like it, both content-wise and from a production perspective. Now, he’s got access to million dollar studios and name-brand producers like Take A Daytrip, who produced “Mo Bamba” and “Home” from the Into The Spider-Verse soundtrack, and Nick Mira, who gave Juice WRLD some of his biggest hits (“All Girls Are The Same,” “Lucid Dreams,” “Robbery,” and more).
We his future plans because Lil Nas is savvy at the use of social media — maybe more so than any other rapper who’s had a massive hit. That’s likely to be expected from an artist who once ran a Twitter meme account, but pinning a thread of his works in progress to his profile as the top tweet is the sort of promotional tactic that major labels should look to swipe for their other artists. He addressed the controversy surrounding his name succinctly and earnestly. He retweeted a Genius headline that stated he intended to “milk the f*ck” out of “Old Town Road” just to confirm it. Opportunity only knocks once, so he’s holding opportunity hostage after opening the door and looking for ways to make his 15 minutes of fame last even longer, all while keeping the same sense of humor that brought opportunity calling in the first place. Even if he never has another hit, he has “Old Town Road” right now, and he’s gunning to see exactly how far it goes.
source https://uproxx.com/hiphop/lil-nas-x-is-handling-old-town-roads-success-exactly-the-way-he-should/
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