skinnbollen · 26 days
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This body has in various ways been medicated and treated for cancer for soon a year. This body is sooooo tired. And I am trapped inside it.
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beingsanket · 9 months
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kemihaydeestantonva · 1 month
Hey hold the fuck on how am I just noticing on read-through 500 that Summer sees a fucking dragon flying over Winterfell at the end of Clash?????
"Yet as one smell drew them onward, others warned them back. He sniffed at the drifting smoke. Men, many men, many horses, and fire, fire, fire.
No smell was more dangerous, not even the hard cold smell of iron, the stuff of manclaws and hardskin.
The smoke and ash clouded his eyes, and in the sky he saw a great winged snake whose roar was a river of flame.
He bared his teeth, but then the snake was gone. Behind the cliffs tall fires were eating up the stars."
The wiki says Sheepstealer was only born sometime after 35AC, and we have no idea where he went after living in the mountains of the moon after the dance, so it's insanely plausible he's still alive HELLO???
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A Clash of Kings - 69 Bran VII (pages 862-873)
Summer catches Bran up on the sack of Winterfell, so the team stops hiding in the crypts and splits the party for a road trip.
Chapter 69? !!! that's the funny number!!!
Yet as one smell drew them onward, others warned them back. He sniffed at the drifting smoke. Men, many men, many horses, and fire, fire, fire. No smell was more dangerous, not even the cold smell of iron, the stuff of man-claws and hardskin. The smoke and ash clouded his eyes, and in the sky he saw a great winged snake whose roar was a river of flame. He bared his teeth, but then the snake was gone. Behind the cliffs tall fires were eating up the stars.
Oh that sounds so apocalyptic. And in a way I suppose it kinda was a small apocalypse, Winterfell set aflame and razed. I love the way Summer refers to human stuff, "man-claws" and "hardskin" instead of swords and armour, it feels organic, not overly forced, which I know can be a bit of a balancing act between what an intelligent creature would know, versus what an animal would really understand and contextualize human things.
also, correct me if I'm wrong, but this is the scene right? the one that people say "oh this is what Dany's vision meant re: a great beast taking wing and breathing fire"?
"From a smoking tower, a great stone beast took wing, breathing shadow fire..."
I'm... not sure this is the moment, tbh. I dunno, something about the wording just doesn't go 'click' for me. Mostly because Summer is seeing it and and thinking 'snake' not 'beast' (the 'stone' part is understandable to leave out, regardless of if it's relevant or not) and I get that that is an incredibly strange thing to get caught up on but... given that we had wildfire pseudo-anthropomorphized by Davos as a demon, I just get the feeling it's more in line with that than with Dany's vision. Also that her vision called it shadow fire specifically...
I mean it could be the vision moment, I might just be reading it from the wrong angle, but ... *shrugs*
Heck, the vision might not be a single moment in the series but a repeating motif.
well now i kinda want to print off all the "prophecies" and paste 'em to my walls to use like a checklist. XD
anyway, moving on~
He closed his third eye and opened the other two, the old two, the blind two. In the dark place where all men were blind. But someone was holding him. He could feel arms around him, the warmth of a body snuggled close. He could hear Hodor singing "Hodor, hodor, hodor," quietly to himself.
Oh poor Hodor. You're doing amazing sweetie. (all these kids are doing amazing, let's be honest.)
His tongue felt thick and strange in his mouth. One day when I come back I won't know how to talk anymore. ... "Too long. you'll starve yourself. Meera dribbled a little water down your throat, and we smeared honey on your mouth, but it is not enough. ... "The wolf ate," Jojen said. "Not you. Take care, Bran. Remember who you are."
It really has been all about Identity for the Stark siblings this book, about the loosing of self, or the threat of it anyway.
Also: warging is super dangerous. (Modern AUs, do you think they'd have little clinics and wards set up with stuff so Wargs could do their astral possession thing while their bodies are doing their best impersonation of a coma patient?)
Bran had to squint as the pitch began to burn, filling the world with orange glare. The light woke Rickon, who sat up yawning. When the shadows moved, it looked for an instant as if the dead were rising as well.
Nice. But not yet.
They need a red glass case for their torches if they're going to be down in the dark for so long. Red light is one of the best for doing dark cave tours, I went to one of the glow worm caves once, Arachnocampa glow worms, not firefly larvae glow worms, by the way (fun fact, glow worms of the Arachnocampa Genus are only found in like, 10? places world wide iirc, and they are all in Australia and New Zealand, and also they glow blue not yellow/green) and we did the tour with red light torches/flashlights, which allowed us to see everything after a small adjustment period, but the didn't spook the glow worms because many cave dwelling beasties cannot see the red light wave length, but also we didn't point the torches directly at them, they were plenty bright enough on their own. Anyway, because of the wavelength, red light can be used to see, without wrecking your night vision, and going from full dark to red light doesn't hurt your eyes as much as things in the orange, yellow or white light spectrum.
Osah carried her long oaken spear in one hand and the torch in the other. A naked sword hung down her back, one of the last to bear Mikken's mark. He had forged it for Lord Eddard's tomb, to keep his ghost at rest. But with Mikken slain and the ironmen guarding the armory, good steel had been hard to resist, even if it meant grave-robbing. Meera had claimed Lord Rickard's blade, though she complained it was too heavy. Brandon took his namesake's, the sword made for the uncle he had never known. He knew he would not be much use in a fight, but even so the blade felt good in his hand.
I am having feels about them being armed by Starks past. By his ancestors, by the dead.
also: " Meera had claimed Lord Rickard's blade, though she complained it was too heavy." You know who has a nice light Valyrian steel sword that was originally a lady's blade? Brynden Rivers, Three-eyed Raven.
#Let Meera Have Dark Sister 2023!!!
... I feel like there was some kind of intent behind Theon Stark being known as 'the Hungry Wolf' when Theon Greyjoy has such a hungry personality, always wanting things but never satiated.
"Open the door, Hodor," Bran said.
Why do you hurt me like this?
They stood in the shadow of the First Keep, or what remained of it. One whole side of the building had torn loose and fallen away. Stone and shattered gargoyles lay strewn across the yard. They fell just where I did, Bran thought when he saw them. Some of the gargoyles had broken into so many pieces it made him wonder how he was alive at all.
This feels symbolic, both in terms of Bran and Winterfell, but also like a call back to the dream of falling where all those other dreamers were pierced or shattered on the stony spikes below but Bran managed to fly.
... post apocalyptic cityscape indeed. Shit.
Good catch by Osha, the signs that Theon hadn't done this. Like he crossed some lines, but he would never have done this.
LUWIN!!!!! oh gosh.
The maester smiled. "Hush now, child, I'm much older than you. I can... die as I please."
Nooooooo, no, no , nonono! You can't! You're the MVP of the North.
(But also before you go: good job on sussing out the ruse from the dead child's non-atrophies leg muscles. see, this is why you're MVP.)
The stone is strong, Bran told himself, the roots of the trees go deep, and underground the Kings of Winter sit their thrones. So long as those remained, Winterfell remained. It was not dead, just broken. Like me, he thought. I'm not dead either.
Well, I'll say this for GRRM, he sure knows how to sucker-punch me last minute with these books.
I really like the hopeful tone in this, ("I'm not dead either.") not just for the future of Winterfell, but from Bran's personal arc, it feels like even though all this horrible stuff has happened, he's finally ready to take the first few steps out of the dark part of his recovery arc, and actually start mental and emotional recovery in regards to his fall.
... actually, hang on, I just need to check something...
ahhh, that's what's pinging, I think.
GoT, Bran II: [Winterfell] had grown over the centuries like some monstrous stone tree, Maester Luwin told him once, and its branches were gnarled and thick and twisted, its roots sunk deep into the earth.
okay, tomorrow is a 'rest' day, because it's the appendix, and then the day after we'll start Steel and Snow. (aka: A Storm of Swords Part 1)
Two books down, yay!!
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wpmorse · 1 year
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. . . and found himself out in the rain, his belly full of deer, cringing in the brush as the sky broke and boomed above him. The smell of rotten apples and wet leaves almost drowned the scent of man, but it was there. He heard the clink and slither of hardskin, saw men moving under the trees. A man with a stick blundered by, a skin pulled up over his head to make him blind and deaf. The wolf went wide around him, behind a dripping thornbush and beneath the bare branches of an apple tree. He could hear them talking, and there beneath the scents of rain and leaves and horse came the sharp red stench of fear . . . Bran III - Pg 555
Bran wargs into Summer who is watching the Wildling scouting party Between the storm effects and drawing another direwolf, this was a hard one to do.
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dawn-of-worlds · 10 months
The Great Cleansing
Tepponilamek has 2 + 3 + (2d6 = 2 + 5 = 7) = 12 power. The Messonir armies destroy the Ohmling invasion force and then begin a campaign to wipe out the Ohmlings from the Tulana valley. They do so, capturing Krakshul (which is renamed Karakashu).
Once more, the Ohmlings descend upon the Ajuna Valley in a horde vast enough to swallow cities whole.
Once more, the Messonir take up arms to defend their homeland, their cities and fields, their books and libraries.
Once more, the waters of salvation run red with blood.
Yet this time, the Messonir are ready. The endless skirmishing and raids in the region south of Ippusima have given them time to learn both their enemy and the art of war; meanwhile, most of the Ajuna valley, spared from regular raids by the Ohmlings, have returned to their ancient prosperity, a prosperity tempered by a willingness to fight in defense of their homes. Tsallosis’s Steel Wing is not the untempered Iron Wing of old, but a skilled and well-drilled modern army; the militias of Ippusima are well trained in the use of pike and crossbow while the rich families of the city support bands of skilled cavalry to win themselves glory and influence.
The armies of Ohm of the Iron Tooth descend down the valley of Tulana from Krakshul, eager to seize Ippusima and then Tsallosis, as they failed to do centuries ago. Ohm of the Iron Tooth is a mighty specimin of Ohm-kind, with a crocodilians’ hardskin, sharp teeth and powerful jaws. As at home in water as on land, he gained infamy amongst both Ohm-kind and Messonir for his daring raids upon the Ajuna valley before he returned to Krakshul and gathered the tribes of Ohmlings under his banner.
Yet the forces the Ohmlings encounter prove to be more than their match. The Maves of the Tower appoint a well-tested commander, Lakashima, to lead the defense, and in a great battle on the banks of the Tulana she breaks the Ohmling horde and sends it scurrying up the valley. Ohm of the Iron Tooth dies peppered by Messonir crossbow bolts.
The army of Ippusima is badly bloodied by the battle, but when Steel Wing arrives from Tsallosis (to jeers from the citizen-soldiers of Ippusima) a new plan is hatched; to wipe out the Ohmlings from the region once and for all. With the Steel Wing taking the lead and the Ippusiman force following it, the two armies begin a slow but steady march up the Tulana. Small forces are sent outwards to wipe out isolated Ohmling settlements; larger ones are put to siege or taken by treachery. The wealth of Tsallosis and the will of Ippusima combine to send a steady train of supplies up the Tulana to keep the army fed; the whole of the Messonir civilisation is united as they have not been since ancient times, determined to end the Ohmling menace once and for all. The campaign becomes known as the Cleansing.
After four years of brutal fighting, the first Messonir armies reach the headwaters of the Tulana and stand where Pesna did, having made the same great journey. Behind them are the ruins of hundreds of Ohmling encampments; while some Ohmlings of course survive, there are no more than in any other part of the world; the world’s largest Ohmling population outside of Incarien has been nearly wiped out.
It is not long before Messonir settlers begin to move into the Tulana valley to claim the newly-cleared land. The maze of channels and river-islands knowns Krakshul, once the heart of the Ohmling lands, is soon reborn as the new city of Karakashu, and a dozen more smaller cities sping up the length of the river. The land around Karakashu is fertile even by the standards of the region, and many veterans of the Cleansing settle there. It is not long before Messonir across Nulat are proclaiming a new Golden Age is upon them.
Yet the conflicts between river and delta Messonir do not disappear; in fact, they grow stronger. The river Messonir, led by Ippusima, grow more contemptuous of the Tsallosi, who did not arrive until the hardest of the fighting was done and Ohm of the Iron Tooth was defeated. The delta Messonir, led by Tsallosis, grow outraged at how the river Messonir ignore all their effort and expense in maintaining the armies in the field for the long Cleansing.
With the Ohmling threat gone the delta Messonir focus once more on their contacts with the outside world, with Lekesh and Incarien, while the river Messonir, uncertain over their future and with their great military strength seemingly unneccessary, enter a period of disorder and uncertainty; crime and small-scale conflicts become more common, and the influence of new religious sects including that of the Burning Path, brought to the Messonir lands by brave missionaries from Ktem to the south, begins to grow.
The Messonir do not know it, but their ancient unity is about to break completely.
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strongfuck · 1 year
Ziv reaches with small paws up for Rhys face an cups his jaws carefully, salt-and-pepper beard gently presseing against the coarse, hardskinned inside of her paws. Looking at him for a moment the Tynnan eventually pulled back her paws and cheeped disapoointed as if she had bitten on a sour fruit : “Soyeh, totally kriffing aesthetically pleasing that beard, not gonna kriffing lie. Very krififng handsome and nice. Especially on you. But you Humanoids beards are still kriffing wirey enough to cut kriffing glass, like, how do you kriffing live like this.” @irrfahrer [About that picture of Rhys with his greying full beard...]
Rhys laughs, not at all offended. The wrinkles in the corners of his eyes are more obvious now, clearer in his age. "Do I not put enough beard oil on?"
He's pretty meticulous about it, after all. He combs, uses conditioner, puts in the oil. But maybe Ziv's more sensitive in touch than humans are-- maybe what's soft to him isn't yet to her.
"What's the point of a good looking beard if my favourite scientist doesn't wanna touch it?"
[ @irrfahrer ]
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djmusicbest · 4 days
Beatport Dance Floor Essentials April 2024: Tech House
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- Artists: Beatport DATE CREATED: 2024-04-29 GENRES: Tech House Tracklist : 1. Alex Demez - Dos Cuerpos(Original Mix) 2. Anthony Attalla, Thomas Newson - Bala(Extended Mix) 3. Mijail, Carlos Agraz - Dame Roce(Original Mix) 4. Manuel De La Mare - Nonstop(Original Mix) 5. Carly Wilford - The Dance(Extended Mix) 6. Late Delivery - Straight Fire(Extended Mix) 7. Trallez, EVEL!N - Work (feat. EVEL!N)(Original Mix) 8. Hardskin - Zoom Zoom(Extended Mix) 9. Galo - Orange Soda(Original Mix) 10. Aldo Cadiz - Hoka(Original Mix) 11. RemoveBeforeFlight - Abra(Original Mix) 12. Gabriele Toma - Magic Flute(Original Mix) 13. Nausica - Stupid Disco(Extended Mix) 14. Javi Reina, Jesus Fernandez - Hablando Claro(Original Mix) 15. Rafael - Riddle(Original Mix) 16. Alvaro Smart - Dare You(Original Mix) 17. Gama - Tatata(Original Mix) 18. Fran Ares, Sergiodnine - Dancefloor(Extended Mix) 19. Killed Kassette - Whenever I Choose(Original Mix) 20. Loofy - Last Night(Extended Read the full article
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muznew · 4 days
Beatport Dance Floor Essentials April 2024: Tech House
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- Artists: Beatport DATE CREATED: 2024-04-29 GENRES: Tech House Tracklist : 1. Alex Demez - Dos Cuerpos(Original Mix) 2. Anthony Attalla, Thomas Newson - Bala(Extended Mix) 3. Mijail, Carlos Agraz - Dame Roce(Original Mix) 4. Manuel De La Mare - Nonstop(Original Mix) 5. Carly Wilford - The Dance(Extended Mix) 6. Late Delivery - Straight Fire(Extended Mix) 7. Trallez, EVEL!N - Work (feat. EVEL!N)(Original Mix) 8. Hardskin - Zoom Zoom(Extended Mix) 9. Galo - Orange Soda(Original Mix) 10. Aldo Cadiz - Hoka(Original Mix) 11. RemoveBeforeFlight - Abra(Original Mix) 12. Gabriele Toma - Magic Flute(Original Mix) 13. Nausica - Stupid Disco(Extended Mix) 14. Javi Reina, Jesus Fernandez - Hablando Claro(Original Mix) 15. Rafael - Riddle(Original Mix) 16. Alvaro Smart - Dare You(Original Mix) 17. Gama - Tatata(Original Mix) 18. Fran Ares, Sergiodnine - Dancefloor(Extended Mix) 19. Killed Kassette - Whenever I Choose(Original Mix) 20. Loofy - Last Night(Extended Read the full article
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merkabici · 1 year
¡MMR presenta su nueva bicicleta de Gravel, la X-Tour, para aventuras sin límites!
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¡Atención a todos los amantes del ciclismo de aventura y resistencia! La reconocida firma asturiana MMR ha lanzado al mercado su última creación: la bicicleta de Gravel X-Tour. Y déjenme decirles que esta maravilla de dos ruedas desprende autenticidad en cada centímetro. ¡Prepárense para conquistar caminos y senderos con estilo y rendimiento! Un auténtico aroma a Gravel Cuando se trata de Gravel, la nueva MMR X-Tour se destaca por su auténtico espíritu aventurero. A diferencia de otros modelos de diferentes marcas que han tomado una dirección más competitiva, esta bicicleta asturiana conserva la esencia pura del Gravel. Aquí no encontrarás excesos ni florituras innecesarias, sino una sencillez que brilla con elegancia. Bicicletas de Gravel segunda mano Diseñada para la aventura y la resistencia No se equivoquen, aunque la X-Tour pueda parecer "básica" en su decoración, esta bicicleta tiene todo lo necesario para destacar en cualquier aventura de Bikepacking, en emocionantes salidas dominicales o incluso en competiciones de larga duración. MMR ha pensado en cada detalle para satisfacer a los usuarios que buscan una auténtica experiencia Gravel en toda su extensión. Revisión EBike MMR Kore El encanto del cuadro y las combinaciones cromáticas La X-Tour presenta un cuadro fabricado en fibra de carbono, siguiendo las tendencias actuales. Pero no es un carbono cualquiera, sino un módulo intermedio que le otorga una mayor elasticidad vertical, asegurando comodidad en cada pedaleada. En cuanto a la estética, MMR ha lanzado dos combinaciones cromáticas para elegir: el cautivante Liquid Moss Green en el montaje más exclusivo 00, y el sofisticado Graphite Black disponible tanto en el montaje 00 como en el 10. Geometría diseñada para la aventura y resistencia La X-Tour ha sido concebida con una geometría pensada específicamente para el ciclismo de aventura y resistencia. Con un ángulo de dirección más relajado, un stack alto, un reach corto y un ligero avance de la horquilla, esta bicicleta te brindará el equilibrio perfecto entre estabilidad y agilidad. Prepárate para enfrentar cualquier terreno con confianza y determinación. Dos modelos para todos los bolsillos Si estás ansioso por adquirir la nueva MMR X-Tour, no tendrás que esperar mucho tiempo. Los modelos X-Tour 00 y X-Tour 10 llegarán a los puntos de venta oficiales de MMR a finales del mes de mayo. Lo mejor de todo es que los precios se mantienen en un rango bastante aceptable considerando el equipamiento de calidad que ofrecen. Aquí te presentamos las fichas técnicas de cada modelo para que puedas escoger el que mejor se adapte a tus necesidades: MMR X-Tour 00 - Cuadro: X-Tour G3 Carbon Concept Frame. Fibra de carbono de módulo intermedio. - Horquilla: X-Tour Carbon Concept Lite Fork. - Manillar: Ritchey Butano Comp. - Transmisión: Sram Rival AXS XPLR (Plato 40d, Cassette 10-44d). - Frenos: Sram Rival AXS. - Ruedas: Vision TriMax Aero Gravel TL. - Cubiertas: Hutchinson Touareg 700*40 Hardskin TL. - Precio: 3.799 €. MMR X-Tour 10 - Cuadro: X-Tour G3 Carbon Concept Frame. Fibra de carbono de módulo intermedio. - Horquilla: X-Tour Carbon Concept Lite Fork. - Manillar: Ritchey Butano Comp. - Transmisión: Shimano GRX 812 11v (Plato 40d, Cassette 11/42d). - Frenos: Shimano GRX 810. - Ruedas: DT Swiss G1800 Spline DB25 Gravel. - Cubiertas: Hutchinson Touareg 700*40 Hardskin TL. - Precio: 2.899 €. https://youtu.be/XEG0vkiq5Go Fuente vídeo: MMR Bikes ¡Ya puedes empezar a contar los días para tener una de estas bellezas en tus manos! Tanto la X-Tour 00 como la X-Tour 10 ofrecen un equipamiento de primera calidad que te garantizará un rendimiento excepcional en cada pedaleada. Estas bicicletas son el resultado de la pasión y la dedicación de MMR por brindar a los ciclistas la mejor experiencia sobre dos ruedas. No pierdas la oportunidad de vivir emocionantes aventuras de Gravel con la nueva MMR X-Tour. ¡Prepárate para explorar nuevos horizontes y disfrutar de la libertad que solo el ciclismo de aventura puede ofrecer! Asegúrate de visitar los puntos de venta oficiales de MMR a finales de mayo para tener la tuya. ¡El Gravel te espera, y la X-Tour será tu compañera perfecta en cada kilómetro de diversión y desafío! Recuerda, la autenticidad, la calidad y el rendimiento se unen en la nueva X-Tour de MMR. ¡No dejes pasar esta oportunidad de sumergirte en el apasionante mundo del Gravel con una bicicleta que superará todas tus expectativas! Read the full article
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skinnbollen · 6 months
Seems this skinhead is hardskinned!
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hizokucycles · 4 years
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Reposted from @tredbikes - LevrieroRR. Another way to say “steel” here at T°RED Bikes. Everything in LevrieroRR is thought to offer the fastest and aero position to the cyclist. Drag of the bike is minimized by chosing the right steel alloy and creating the perfect tubes. The cyclist can put himself on the bike and feel immediately able to stay aero and conquer his/her goals. Is that the bike you are looking for? At T°RED, one cyclist, one bike is the motto. Feel free to reach out and ask for YOUR bike. We surely can build it. LevrieroRR was firs introduced at @nahbspics. Designed by @Romolo stanco and built in Italy by @tredbikes. Integrated cockpit by @blktec Complete 1x13 groupset by @rotorbike and @vittoriatires Corsa tires on @envecomposites wheels with Rotor hubs. @supacaz Handlebar and bottle cage Picture taken by @cyclingtips at NAHBS 2019 Available at @tredbikesmilano and @tredbikesroma or in the Desenzano headquarter...and yes, we are open for holidays! #tredders #tredbikes #levrierorr #steel #acciaio #steelisreal #madeinitaly #handmade #bespokebike #hizokucycles #bikeporn #aero #stayaero #beaero #aerodynamic #nodrag #drag #marginalgains #workhard #hardskin #hizokucycles Hizokucycles.com https://www.instagram.com/p/B6lWlASHoIv/?igshid=1bykcx9ozxef0
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Before and after callus peel treatment #callus #hardskin #peel #pedicure #nicefeet #summer #flipflops (at Essendon, Hertfordshire)
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rawpassionuk · 4 years
For just £22.00 Soothing, moisturising and nurturing healing foot balm. For dry, cracked, tired feet, heels and hard skin. Provides soothing relief after a long day. Smells delicious! A must have! Created for every day use. Just because you like it, or to give tired, hard working feet a silky soft feel. Naturally healing! Tired, aching feet and foot pain are very common. For sure most of us can relate to the experience especially as we get older. Long periods of standing around. Hiking a long trail, climbing hills and mountains, or just sitting and driving your car for hours can cause your feet to feel very sore and your muscles tight. RAW PASSION 100% Organic Vegan Ethical Foot Balm refreshes tired feet. Helps to keep the skin feeling soft, supple, comfortable, velvety smooth and at the same time smelling freshly fragrant! Foot and nail care should be part of your daily regime. For a more intensive pampering treatment, soak your feet in our awesome Himalayan Pink Salt Foot Soak and slip your feet into a pair of cotton socks and allow the balm to soak in overnight and do its job! Gently massage your foot balm into your feet paying particular attention to your heels and areas of dry/hard skin. Allow a bit of time for your foot balm to be absorbed. moisturising & balancing nourishing & healing soothing & refreshing absorbs quickly gentle exfoliating regenerates skin repairs brittle nails cracked heels & hard skin stabilizing skin barrier tones & strengthens capillaries bacterial breakdown NON-irritating | NON-toxic | antiseptic | anti-fungal | anti-bacterial excellent for tired & heavy legs softening properties suitable for rough skin vitalizes & harmonizes promotes skin elasticity suitable for mature & demanding skin athlete’s foot (choose mint & tea tree) psoriasis & eczema (choose nature knows best) beat low Magnesium levels transdermal | use for muscle cramps natural antibacterial properties, it’ll deodorize as it softens use regular for maximum ben...
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thelittlesoaphouse · 4 years
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Our Sea Salt Soap Bars will be going on the shop tomorrow 🍃🌊 These bars are made using dead sea salt, real sea kelp and poppy seeds- perfect for hard skin and callouses and the Sea salt can hydrate the skin, improve the skin barrier function and soothe irritated areas! They are also scented with peppermint and eucalyptus essential oils #seasalt #seaweed #ocean #waves #soap #saltsoap #deadseasalt #poppyseeds #hardskin #callousedfeet #exfoliation #relaxing #soapmaking #coldprocessedsoap #handmade #naturalremedy #holistic #artisan #essentialoilsoap #essentialoils #beachvibes #beachday #skincare #washyourhands #saltlife #salty #soaps #etsy #etsyshop #etsyfinds (at Redcar) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBtgJYggkw_/?igshid=v1y66qew0mq0
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djmusicbest · 3 months
Beatport Dance Floor Essentials January 2024: Tech House
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- Artists: Beatport DATE CREATED: 2024-01-16 GENRES: Tech House Tracklist : 1. Loofy - Last Night(Extended Mix) 2. Gabriele Toma - Magic Flute(Original Mix) 3. Gama - Tatata(Original Mix) 4. Alex Demez - Dos Cuerpos(Original Mix) 5. RemoveBeforeFlight - Abra(Original Mix) 6. Aldo Cadiz - Hoka(Original Mix) 7. Galo - Orange Soda(Original Mix) 8. Hardskin - Zoom Zoom(Extended Mix) 9. Late Delivery - Straight Fire(Extended Mix) 10. Carly Wilford - The Dance(Extended Mix) 11. Manuel De La Mare - Nonstop(Original Mix) 12. Mijail, Carlos Agraz - Dame Roce(Original Mix) 13. Anthony Attalla, Thomas Newson - Bala(Extended Mix) 14. Trallez, EVEL!N - Work (feat. EVEL!N)(Original Mix) 15. Nausica - Stupid Disco(Extended Mix) 16. Javi Reina, Jesus Fernandez - Hablando Claro(Original Mix) 17. Rafael - Riddle(Original Mix) 18. Alvaro Smart - Dare You(Original Mix) 19. Fran Ares, Sergiodnine - Dancefloor(Extended Mix) 20. Killed Kassette - Whenever I Choose(Original Read the full article
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