#happy late 2/2 minna
svnnnne · 4 months
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Dr. Maruki's medicine is going to help him.
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pikahlua · 2 years
MHA Chapter 367 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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tagline 彼方に見えるは… かなたにみえるは… kanata ni mieru wa... What he spotted...
1 あれは…‼︎ are wa...! "That's...!"
2 迷子の味方通学バスのお出ましだぜ まいごのみかたスクールバスのおでましだぜ maigo no mikata SUKUURU BASU no odemashi da ze "My lost ally, the school bus is here!"
3 掴まれ小僧ォ‼︎ つかまれこぞうォ‼︎ tsukamare kozouO!! "Grab on, kid!!"
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1 ありがとうございます! arigatou gozaimasu! "Thank you!"
2 まったく! mattaku! "Jeez!"
3 本来なら雄英の対空警護についてなきゃいけねぇってのに… ほんらいならゆうえいのたいくうけいごについてなきゃいけねぇってのに… honrai nara yuuei no taikuu keigo ni tsuitenakya ikenee tte no ni... "Originally I should have gone with UA's anti-aircraft guard..."
4 すみません! sumimasen! "I'm sorry!"
5 頼むぜ! たのむぜ! tanomu ze...! "[We're] counting on you...!"
6 俺たちゃそもそも撤退命令をブッチし続けて日本に駐留してる おれたちゃそもそもてったいめいれいをブッチしつづけてにほんにちゅうりゅうしてる ore-tacha somosomo tettai meirei wo BUCCHI shi tsudzukete nihon ni chuuryuu shiteru "We're ignoring our orders to retreat in the first place by continuing to stay in Japan."
7 何故だかわかる⁉︎ なぜだかわかる⁉︎ naze da ka wakaru ka!? "Do you know why!?"
8 妹が いもうとが imouto ga "Because our little sister" (Note: He means Star.)
9 おまえらに賭けたからだ おまえらにかけたからだ omaera ni kaketa kara da "bet on you guys."
10 おまえがオールマイトの力を受け継ぐ者ってンなら おまえがオールマイトのちからをうけつぐものってンなら omae ga OORU MAITO no chikara wo uke tsugu mono tteN nara "If you're the one who inherited All Might's power,"
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1 行け いけ ike "then go!"
2 俺たちを伝って おれたちをつたって ore-tachi wo tsutatte "Follow us,"
3-4 あの史上最悪の敵を倒せ! あのしじょうさいあくのヴィランをたおせ! ano shijou saiaku no VIRAN wo taose! "and defeat that worst villain in history!"
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1 緑谷 みどりや Midoriya "Midoriya"
2 出久‼︎ いずく‼︎ Izuku!! "Izuku!!"
3 前より強くなっている…⁉︎ まえよりつよくなっている…⁉︎ mae yori tsuyoku natte iru...!? He's getting stronger than before...!?
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1 あの発光エネルギー… あのはっこうエネルギー… ano hakkou ENERUGII... That luminous energy...
2 あいつの… It's his...
3 っし! sshi! "Done!"
4 緑谷格納完了! みどりやかくのうかんりょう! Midoriya kakunou kanryou! "Midoriya's entrance* complete!" (Note: Literally the word here is "storage" for Izuku getting stored in the box/coffin with everyone.)
5 遅れてすみません! おくれてすみません! okurete sumimasen! "Sorry I'm late!"
6 皆 みんな minna "Is everyone"
7 無事ーー ぶじーー buji--- "okay---"
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1 遅刻の… ちこくの… chikoku no... "For being late..."
2 言い訳はいいのか? いいわけはいいのか? ii wake wa ii no ka? "do you have a good excuse?"
3 トガあたりの…しわざだろ? TOGA atari no...shiwaza daro? "It was Toga's doing, right?"
4 緑谷出久 みどりやいずく Midoriya Izuku "Izuku Midoriya"
5 言ったらどうだ…? いったらどうだ…? ittara dou da...? "How about you say...?"
6 「仕方なかったんだ」 「しかたなかったんだ」 「shikata nakattanda」 "'I couldn't help it.'"
7 「僕も予想外だったんだ」って! 「ぼくもよそうがいだったんだ」って! 「boku mo yosougai dattanda」 tte! "'I also didn't expect it!'"
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1 そうやって sou yatte "If you do that,"
2 「奴等」と同じように 「やつら」とおなじように 「yatsura」 to onaji you ni "won't you be the same as 'them'" (Note: I think "them" means all the heroes ShigAFO hates, like those who didn't save Tenko, and even those present on the field that failed to save Katsuki.)
3 責任から逃れたらどうだ⁉︎ せきにんからのがれたらどうだ⁉︎ sekinin kara nogaretara dou da!?" "runing away from responsibility!?”
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1 怒れば彼は おこればかれは okoreba kare wa When he's angry,
2 極めて短絡的な動きになる きわめてたんらくてきなうごきになる kiwamete tanrakuteki na ugoki ni naru his movements become extremely short-sighted.
3 カウンターで脊椎を壊す! カウンターでせきついをこわす! KAUNTAA de sekitsui wo kowasu! I'll break his spine when I counter!
4 さぁ来い! さぁこい! saa koi! Now come [at me]!
5 プレゼントは喜んでもらえたかな? プレゼントはよろこんでもらえたかな? PUREZENTO wa yorokonde moraeta ka na? "Were you happy with your present?"
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1 大丈夫だ だいじょうぶだ daijoubu da “It’s all right”
2 デク‼︎ DEKU!! “Deku!!”
3 あいつ… aitsu... "That guy..."
4 自分が許せないんだろ⁉︎ ああわかるぜ じぶんがゆるせないんだろ⁉︎ ああわかるぜ jibun ga yurusenaindaro!? aa wakaru ze "You can't forgive yourself, right!? Yeah, I get it!"
5 でも それは敵の思う壺だ‼︎ でも それはヴィランのおもうつぼだ‼︎ demo sore wa BIRAN no omou tsubo da!! "But that's just what the villain wants!" (Note: This is an idiom that literally means, "That's the villain’s thought pot.")
6 大丈夫!環たちまだ息してた! だいじょうぶ!たまきたちまだいきしてた! daijoubu! Tamaki-tachi mada iki shiteta! "It's all right! Tamaki and the others are still breathing!"
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1 今エッジショットが いまエッジショットが ima EJJISHOTTO ga "Right now, Edgeshot"
2 爆豪くんの救命措置にあたってる‼︎ ばくごうくんのきゅうめいそちにあたってる‼︎ Bakugou-kun no kyuumei sochi ni atatteru!! "is taking life-saving measures for Bakugou-kun!!"
3 彼は絶対に成功させる! かれはぜったいにせいこうさせる! kare wa zettai ni seikou saseru! "He will definitely be successful!"
4 その前提で戦ってる‼︎ そのぜんていでたたかってる‼︎ sono zentei de tatakatteru!! "We're fighting [based on] that premise!!"
5 俺たちはまだ何一つ失っちゃいない! おれたちはまだなにひとつうしなっちゃいない! ore-tachi wa mada nani hitotsu ushinaccha inai! "We haven't lost anything yet!"
6 諦めちゃいない あきらめちゃいない akiramecha inai! "We aren't giving up!"
7 きれい事ばかり並べ立てる事を きれいごとばかりならべたてることを kirei goto bakari narabe tateru koto wo "Just spouting off lip service like that"
8 現実逃避というんだ げんじつとうひというんだ genjitsu touhi to iunda "is called escaping reality."
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1 俺たちはヒーローだ…‼��� おれたちはヒーローだ…‼︎ ore-tachi wa HIIROO da...!! "We are heroes...!!"
2 ヒーローがきれい事並べ立てないで ヒーローがきれいごとならべたてないで HIIROO ga kirei goto narabe tatenaide "If the heroes don't spout out lip service,"
3 誰が理想を現実にするんだ⁉︎ だれがりそうをげんじつにするんだ⁉︎ dare ga risou wo genjitsu ni surunda!? "who will make the ideal into a reality!?"
4 きれい事⁉︎上等さ‼︎ きれいごと⁉︎じょうとうさ‼︎ kirei goto!? joutou sa!! "Lip service!? Bring it on!!"
5 命を賭してきれい事実践するお仕事だ‼︎ いのちをとしてきれいごとじっせんするおしごとだ‼︎ inochi wo toshite kirei goto jissen suru oshigoto da!! "It's part of the job to bet my life and put that lip service into practice!!"
6 妹がおまえらに賭けたからだ いもうとがおまえらにかけたからだ imouto ga omaera ni kaketa kara da Because our little sister bet on you guys.
7 怒るのは良い いかるのはいい ikaru no wa ii It's fine to get mad,
8 肝心なのは かんじんなのは kanjin na no wa but in the end
9-10 心を制する事さ こころをせいすることさ kokoro wo sei suru koto sa you gotta control your heart.
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1 ごめんなさい… gomen nasai... “I’m sorry...”
2 ルミリオン RUMIRION “Lemillion”
3 謝るのは勝ってからだヒーロー あやまるのはかってからだヒーロー ayamaru no wa katte kara da HIIROO “Apologize after we win, Hero”
4 ……
5 AFO… オール・フォー・ワン… OORU FOO WAN... “All For One...”
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1-2 まだそこに死柄木はいるのか? まだそこにしがらきはいるのか? mada soko ni Shigaraki wa iru no ka? "Is Shigaraki still in there?"
tagline 1 怒りを制してーー いかりをせいしてーー ikari wo sei shite-- Controlling his anger--
tagline 2 次号、2号連続カラー第2弾!センターカラー! じごう、2ごうれんぞくカラーだい2だん!センターカラー! jigou, 2gou renzoku KARAA dai2dan! SENTAA KARAA! Next issue, 2nd consecutive color [page]! Center color!
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marismoments39 · 6 months
Not-pow anon here! DW lol I figured. I would like to ask how you got into yuru yuri, its been going on for over a decade now and everything, I'm surprised it still has fresh fans coming in
I got into yuruyuri in early-mid 2020! but don't be fooled, it doesn't really have anything to do with lockdowns or anything!! I believe I was 12 at the time.
I first discovered it back when I used to use reddit. I saw an artwork of Sakurako and Himawari, and I saw the title of the series! "Yuru Yuri!"
now, prior to that, I'd already been stung by like.. stuff I thought was yuri but wasn't... or stuff that was just too sexualized for me... but I saw "yuru yuri," looked up what the title meant, and I was like "huh! that's interesting!" I went to go read the manga and... well, I was pretty hooked! I love everyone in the amusement club's dynamic, and I loved the characters' relationships! I read it for quite a long time! I'd go through about one volume per night. I was a massive super duper yuru yuri fan!! like, a REAL big one!! Fun fact: When I first read through yuruyuri, I was as clueless as sakurako/himawari because I did NOT realize they liked each other AT ALL. I was always like "oh! hey! sakurako and akari have something going on? maybe? that's cool!" I WANNA HIT MY PAST SELF IN THE HEAD MOON!! MOON IT'S OBVIOUSLY HIMAWWARI!!! IT'S HIMAWARI AND SAKURAKO SMH OMG SMHHH
Anyways, once I finished reading it, I watched the anime... I cannot tell you how happy I was. I'd been reading yuruyuri and talking about it for a few months at that point, and when I finally watched it... It was like magic! I saw my favourite characters ANIMATED!! I saw Akari, chinatsu, and ayano who I saw myself in. I saw yui and kyouko, who were just SO DANG COOL!! I saw sakurako who I loved and Himawari who I.... well, though she's probably my favourite character nowadays, I don't think I liked her too much initially? anyways (oh and once I started watching the anime I think I was 13
I meant to portion my watches so that I don't finish the whole thing in one day-- AAAND I FINISHED ALL OF SEASON ONE IN ONE DAY
it was amazing. it was so amazing. I literally cried in episode 11, and I was laughing and smiling my way through all the rest
it was amazing... but it'd be over soon if I didn't stop.. watching...
so. I stopped. I remember it was a saturday. I set an alarm for exactly seven days from then, so I could watch season two. I mean, it was the least I could do, really!! people back in 2011 had to wait an entire YEAR for a new season! surely I, the AMAZING SUPER COOL Moon, could wait for a mere week..?
it was painful. Arduous. but I did it. I went a week without watching yuruyuri! that's not to say I wasn't engaging with yuru yuri as a whole! no, I was looking at the songs and stuff, REWATCHING season 1 since I wasn't allowing myself to watch season 2, talking to my friends about it... (I believe this was still late 2020 btw)... I was making do...
Until finally, the week past, and I allowed myself to watch season 2. "I won't finish it in a day. I won't finish it in a-" I finished it in a day. I cannot tell you how I felt listening to minna daisuki no uta for the first time. I feel like that's when yuruyuri truly hooked me. it was that precise moment when akari chose to keep her memories. Nowadays, I believe that memories are some of the most important things in the world. Do I think that because of yuruyuri? I can't tell you since I don't know, but probably.
I cried in s2e3. I laughed so hard I had hiccups and nearly threw up in s2e8, and I cried for a very long time in s2e11. I was so surprised that s2e11 and s2e12 were ORIGINAL! they weren't in the manga! I forgot to mention it earlier but seeing the manga moments I read animated was SO cool! SEEING YURUYURI ANIMATeD WAS SO SO SO COOL
it's always nice thinking about the first time I listened to minna daisuki no uta, and how far I've come since then... I can even play it on the piano now! how time flies!!
(okay yes shameless self promo SHHH)
anyways. rinse and repeat for season three. I skipped nachuyachumi and nachuyachumi+ because... well, uh, I didn't know they existed. but yeah I rewatched season 1 and 2 when waiting and.. it was fun. yuruyuri is fun. my memories from that timeframe are hazy but it was fun
after all that... well, yuruyuri's been a great part of my life. did you know that I was once scared to grow past 14?? I mean, I still am but like I was TERRIFIED "I'm not gonna be ayano age anymore.. what am I to do.."
since that time I've done so much yuruyuri stuff. I've talked about it, I've learned the songs, I've learn big amounts of japanese frmo it, I OWN NEARLY EVERY SONG ON CD!! IT GOT ME INTO CDS!!! It (alongside pow and NNEX) got me to start making music! it encouraged me to be more confident and loving with my friends! I wouldn't be moon without yuruyuri
there's more.. there's alot more. but I'm a bit tired now! sorry! send more asks about whatever! I'll be sure to answer~
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nfcpr · 3 months
Cont'd from...
Fanrepo (ファンレポ) Day 4 - Part 2
Continuation of the conversation with Yasu about the group name change...
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Continuation about Subaru not coming to his tour coz he doesn't know anybody's phone number and can't contact him to invite... (Me: DUDEEEE WHY YOU STILL LIKE DIS 😂 I CAN'T WITH THIS GUY)
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Every time Ryo's being tsundere and teasing people to oblivion and back... that means he's really happy, but he's awkward about it (Me: why you still like dis, Ryo... I love you, but I wanna kick your butt too sometimes lol)
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Poor Manager-san probably called him to wake him up 😂 this reminds me of that unholy alliance of "people who wake up at noon" (Janiben episode)
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I dunno how to feel about this... but, isn't Ryo brilliant? The thoughts that he shared with us always make me think about my own life too... #NishikidoSensei is 💖
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After the TMI about his routines before a show, Ryo was like WHY DID YOU MAKE ME SAY ALL THAT?! 🥺 lol cute
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前髪界隈 lol
Omodoro and rewriting of memories... is perhaps the biggest lesson Ryo tries to impart and wants us to digest, but it's not like he himself understands it fully either. Coz even tho humans change, they also stay the same... these two can coexist, paradoxical as it may sound.
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This self-holding hands during Omoide Dorobou is never not gonna be cute 😆 (X-post)
Ryo and his ever-present need to test fans regarding their obsession with his hairstyles 😂
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Isoyama P, thank you for giving Ryo the opportunities! 🥰
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I was in tears every time I watched that part in Episode 5 of the drama... it's like some sort of sad mystery theatre or something
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Ryo x Jun 😆
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Jack Nicholson story continuation...
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Encore continuation
People are not changing their behaviour overnight, and Nishikido-sensei is frustrated with the slow progress 😂
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He wants the audience to change the encore noise but people are not budging from their century-old habit in the space of a few shows lol #poorRyo
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The rhythm of the don don don thing... (まだわかりませんけど😅)
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He redid the encore 😂 (X post)
Fans said the rhythm sounds like Futari no Hana! (X post)
Encore tutorial... thank you! (X post)
Agricultural whuttt? 😂 what kind of youtube videos has he been watching lately lol
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Skipping lol
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This skipping backstory is really cute lol (X post)
Ice cream has suddenly become a symbol of friendship? 😆
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行きなりさかなクン 😂
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I found this but I dunno if that's what he meant tho lol
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He said it back in Note-era too!
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Ending greeting
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Ryo trying to do multiple things at one go... as usual 😆 (promote his Osakan t-shirt, promote his tour, promote his movie, being cute) とにかく... prioritizing is IMPORTANT lol
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This skipping thing is too cute... tbh, I do it too when I go home from work late sometimes coz it's already dark outside of our office building and nobody is around to see me happily skipping to my car 😆
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IG live today 🥰
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hotarutranslations · 2 years
Sword Art Online
Today, November 6th 2022 is the service relesed date, its the day the link started, And its the date of the SAO incident, its and amazing amazing day......!!!
Actually I started watching the anime recently as well,
I'm a human who hasn't even been here for a month but, at once I'm like, what is this interesting thing!!!!!
I'm up to episode 15 in the 2nd season 🙇‍♀️
This anime released, in 2012......
The anime was set in 2022 but,
its the day when reality intersects with it......!!!!!
Probably for those who watched the show from 2012, Are surely crazy excited for it, It feels like I'm lagging behind 😭👏
But I would have liked to have watched it in 2012-----
Kaedy originally liked it, Recently Nonaka got into it, With that I also started watching it,
The 2 of them also went to the movie thats in theaters now 😳💫
I haven't seen up to that point in the anime yet, so like that, I'm late 🤦‍♀️ lol
I also want to watch the movie!!!!!!
With that, today,
Thank you very much, towards the Hiroshima live ☺️❤️
The audience was close!!! I probably saw everyone probably It was that close
I did my best, did my best ☺️❤️
Thank you very much for your support ☺️❤️
It was so fun that I stretched out my peace lol
It was Rairi's first time in Hiroshima 🍁
I took a photo of her eating fried momiji for the first time so I'll post it next time (don't forget)
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Tokyo Sports note Series   #85 I Was Told Our New Songs Are Releasing on 12/21
📺 ️
11/1 (Tue) 1:56AM~2:16AM   11/8 (Tue) 2:01~2:21AM
TV Asahi "Horiken no Minna Tomodachi"
🐦️  Official Twitter is Here 🐣  If you missed it, you can stream it here!
10/20 (Thurs) 11:30PM~ #1 First Airs 11/3 (Thurs) 11:30PM~ #2 First Airs 11/17 (Thurs) 11:30PM~ #3 First Airs
12/1 (Thurs) 11:30PM~ #4 First Airs
Hello Pro Dance Academy Season 8
Fukuoka Daily Kitakyushuu Daily Hiroshima Daily
Morning Musume '22 Morning Jogakuin ~Houkago Meeting~
Radio Nihon (Sat) 12:00~12:30AM    STV Radio (Mon) 3:00~3:30AM   KBS Kyoto (Wed) 9:30~10:00PM
The applications are closed! I hope everyone wins!
December 10th (Sat)   Morning Musume '22 Nippon Budokan Performance
December 21st (Wed) New single release "Swing Swing Paradise/Happy birthday to Me!"
Cheki Sign Talk Event Announcement
Announcement of Benefits, First Come First Serve We’ll be visiting 7 major cities nationwide from January 2nd to February 25th Winter Hello! Project Concert 2023 winter
Morning’s first performance is on the 3rd
see you ayumin <3
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oldschoolvpq · 2 years
Birthday Presents!
Among other much more practical and "grown-up" gifts like kitchen appliances and jewelry, I treated myself to two Tamagotchi-related gifts.
1. Tamagotchi+ Color
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Not new, not mint, but it has all the packaging! Definitely paid a premium for the box and manuals, but oh, the black is SO lovely! Black & white shell + full color screen really gives it a Wizard of Oz vibe, I think.
2. Skeleton Blue Nintendo 64
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I've owned the game Minna de Tamagotchi World since 1998. This was well before I could read Japanese and had to use a GameShark to play it on my family's US system. (Much to my brother's dismay at the time, I brought both the game and the Shark with me when I moved to Japan nearly a decade ago.)
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This is peak late 90's digital culture, y'all. That GameShark's not even the later version you can update via USB cable. The stacked cartridge combo was a common sight in our family playroom circa 1999-2000.
Anyway, our family's N64 is the default boring black and lives with my brother. I'd always always always wanted a colorful one, so this year, on a birthday ending in 4, I decided to get a toy to match...with 4 matching controllers that WORK!
I plan to do the region-free mod to play old favorites from back home and may do a backlit custom jewel...but for now I can relive the glory of those too-long polygonal/pixel hybrid board games and attempt to use proper strategy to raise all the characters this time around. Plus I can send the GameShark back to my brother (if he wants it)!
Everyone is happy except for, once again, my wallet. Guess that's life!!
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oh-kameinko · 5 years
Oyasumi, Kamisama by Kamiyama Yoh / 神山羊 - おやすみ、かみさま
This is the newest Kamiyama Yoh song. I wanted to translate. It’s so beautiful. I was tearing up listening. Thank you for the new song Kamiyama!
A tiny hand covered completely in mud wiped away the tears Your feelings That I never came to understand I'm seriously so glad for that Covered in holes, That dream from whenever... I finally realized what it was about And everything just overflowed This feeling of mine, And not understanding it, I'm seriously an idiot, aren't I? Goodnight, God I've never been able to treat things kindly Becoming an adult, And knowing you I wait for the morning. 1, 2, 3, 4 While I was counting, All of them, everyone They've all disappeared Seeming to grow up in to A somehow happy adult I thought I was jealous of stuff like that Goodnight, God I wasn't able to treat it nicely again today Becoming an adult and getting to know being alone, the long rain stops. The clearness of those days I can't even put in to words, how cruel it is Even though I tried putting on a show, it's already too late I don't want to be the one to hurt others Pulling our hands slowly apart, and turning to look just a little bit ahead I'm still seeing the dream of yours Goodnight, God I've never been able to treat things kindly Becoming an adult, And knowing you, I wait on that morning that’s coming real soon. 
泥だらけになった 小さな手で 涙を拭っていた あなたの気持ちが わからない僕で 本当によかったな 穴だらけになった いつかの夢は 気付けば中身が 溢れてしまって 僕のこの気持ちが わからないなんて 本当に馬鹿だな おやすみ、かみさま 僕はやさしくできないまま おとなになって あなたを知って 遠い朝を待つ いち、に、さん、し 数えてる間に あいつらみんな 居なくなっていて なんかしあわせなおとなに なったみたいで それをうらやましく思ったりして おやすみ、かみさま 今日もやさしくできないまま おとなになって ひとりを知って 長い雨が止む きっと日常はいつも鮮明で 言葉にするより残酷だ 格好付けるのにはもう遅いし 傷つける側になりたくないよ 少しずつ手を離して 少しだけ前を向いた まだあなたのゆめをみる おやすみ、かみさま 僕はやさしくできないまま おとなになって あなたを知って、やがて くる朝を待つ
Romaji (For Good MEASURE!)
doro darake ni natta chisana te de namida wo nuguteita anata no kimochi ga wakaranai boku de hontou ni yokatta na ana darake ni natta itsuka no yuma wa kidzukeba nakami ga afureteshimatte boku no kono kimochi ga wakaranai nante hontou ni baka da na oyasumi kamisama boku wa yasashiku dekinai mama otona ni natte anata wo shitte tooi asa wo matsu ichi ni san shi kazoeteiru aida ni aitsura minna inakunatteite nanka shiawase na otona ni natta mitai de sore wo urayamashiku omottarishite oyasumi kamisama kyou mo yasashiku dekinai mama otona ni natte hitori wo shitte nagai ame ga yamu kitto nichijou wa itsumo senmei de kotoba ni suru yori zankoku da kakkou tsukeru no ni ha mou osoi shi kimatsukeru kawa ni naritakunai yo sukoshi zutsu te wo hanashite sukoshi dake mae wo muita mada anata no yume wo miru oyasumi kamisama boku ha yasashiku dekinai mama otona ni natte anata wo shitte, yagate kuru asa wo matsu
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dollknight · 4 years
2, 9, 12, 13, 28, 33, 34, 46, 52, 64, 75, 84, 98
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day? - no i don’t, my skin feels extra irritated during winter due to rosacea and thus it’s quite painful
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself? - yes, but i don’t like people hearing me do it
12: what’s your favorite planet? - saturnus
13: what’s something that made you smile today? - my monstera deliciosa AND my alocasia amazonica are both getting new leafs soon and i’ve worked so hard for these plants to be happy and thriving 
28: sunrise or sunset? - sunset
33: what’s your fave pastry? - macarons
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it? - a brown horse called Pållan, and yes i still have it! i sometimes take it out of storage just to cuddle with it tbh ;;
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of. - knock knock. who’s there? the doorknocker. (i suck ok)
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far? - i haven’t really been into the new memes lately, i can barely keep up with life
64: what color is the sky where you are right now? - pastel blue
75: tell us about your pets! - i have a cat called Minna, she’s 8 and a real fluffball of sass
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones? - working on an arm sleeve atm
98: when’s the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it? - i have never properly hiked
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precurepuzzlecards · 5 years
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Hello Minna!!
Some time ago I tried to make simple renders. These renderings took me a lot of time, since I used to do them with a slightly more complicated method than simply using Photoshop's magic eraser, you know, for those who usually edit frequently, they know that the magic eraser often damages the image, and sometimes it takes time to fix it.
The thing is that I had to stop doing it, because I ran out of time. Today I set as a commitment to upload these cards, in the highest quality that I could. Many times I do not have time, but that does not stop me from uploading them, even though it's already quite late. I always upload cards that come out. If I stop doing it, it's probably because I have not had more cards, or I just do not have time at that moment.
What do I want to get? I suppose there are people among those who follow me, who probably use these cards for editing, so I thought I would help them a little too. I want to start doing these renders one more time, however, as I say, they take me some time. At least 30 or 40 minutes to do each one. It's little, I know, but believe me, there are more than 300 cards, and it's not that easy to do them all.
I like to share, but I also like to be helped. So I thought to propose one thing:
In DeviantART this type of content is very common. Pack of renders. I do not think everyone, but most of these editors, sacrifice their time doing these renders, but renders of good quality, and of course, charge a little for them. I would like to do the same. of course, clearly not charge so much, after all, is not my property. At the most I could try 1 $ or 2 $, I do not think to go from there. Also the price could vary depending on how long it takes me to do it, because it is not the same to render a cards of 2✯ that one of 5✯, for example. Here I leave the example of what I want to get. I am a cartoonist, so I could try to redraw certain parts, and of course, that would change the price, but as I say, they are not going to spend $ 5, nor do I want to steal money from anyone (? I only ask for a little financial support for to be able to invest my time in something that I like to do, and make it something productive for me.
I'm just asking for that help. I really want to make these renders, I was really happy that time, because I admit it, it's fun xD So I wanted to ask for your support and some opinion about it. I'm really motivated.
Thank you very much to all those who follow me and are always aware! Have a nice day!
And sorry for my bad english, had a little help from the google translator u.uU
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yukarisensei · 5 years
Summer Anime 2019
Minna-san, hisashiburi (Everyone, long time no see)! Genki desu ka (Are you well)? I’m so so so sorry that my anime watch list for this season is so late. I’ve been so busy over June with studying for tests and the beginning of July with AX stuff. BUT there was a huge reason why this post is so late! Okay, story-time...I originally finished writing this post last week. It was a super long post explaining what I have been up to, what I’m watching, what I plan on watching, etc. I was super excited for everyone to read it, but just when I hit the POST button...my screen turned into this:
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After a short email exchange with Tumblr, I got everything situated with my account. However, there was a casualty...my post was GONE. It was as if I never wrote it in the first place. T^T I felt so defeated, but I really wanted to get this post up so here I am, almost a month into July, writing my belated summer anime watch list. 
Since Tumblr dinged me on my first attempt at this post, from now on I’ll be providing MAL links for all of the shows I’m checking out for this season. Of course you guys can check them out as well. In fact, please do so!
As for the anime department, I think I’ve been doing well. Granted, Fruits Basket was the only show I was able to keep up with in the spring season, but lately I’ve been revisiting old favorites like Ore Monogatari!, Recovery of an MMO Junkie, Wotakoi, etc. I’ve even checked out and got heavily invested into shows from previous seasons I wasn’t even following at the time: Dororo and Kimetsu no Yaiba. Either way, I’ve been enjoying my fill of anime and I’m so excited to share what I’m watching for the SUMMER ANIME SEASON!!!
Here are the shows that I am watching/planning on watching:
- Starmyu 3
YEESSSS MY GAY MUSICAL BABIES ARE BACK! I was so happy and excited when I heard there was going to be a 3rd season for this series. I’ve already watched the first 3 episodes on Crunchyroll and I’m so happy I can get my weekly dose of musical ikemen once again! XD I think this is going to be the last season so I’m excited to see how it all ends. 
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- Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san 2
OH MY GOD I was so happy when I saw the notification on MAL. I knew Takagi-san was going to get a second season but I had no idea that it was going to release this soon! I loved the first season and enjoyed the adorable interactions between these two. If you haven’t seen the first season yet, I recommend giving this a watch, especially if you love Yuki Kaji!
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- Ensemble Stars!
If you didn’t know, I am male idol anime trash (Uta Pri, IDOLISH7). When I read the premise and saw the cast list I put this on my watch list. Then, I saw the PV for the first time on a jumbo screen in the Exhibit Hall at this year’s AX. I knew right then and there that this show was up my ally. I’m looking forward to starting this!
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- Given
OOOOOOOHHHHH MYYYYYYY GAAAAAAWWWWWD!!! YES!!! I was waiting for this to be animated for so long! @perfectlynorm had me read this awhile ago and I LOVED IT! I watched the first 2 episodes on Crunchyroll and I was not disappointed! I really recommend this show...especially for fellow Fujoshis/Fudanshis. hehehehehehe
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- Uchi no Ko no Tame naraba, Ore wa Moshikashitara Maou mo Taoseru kamo Shirenai (If It’s for My Daughter, I’d Even Defeat a Demon Lord)
AHHHHH~! Okay, I originally put this on my watch list on a whim. But I literally DIED of cuteness when I watched the first 3 episodes!!! This show gives me intense Gakuen Babysitter vibes so I really recommend those who loved that show to give this a try. WARNING: gaining cavities from all of the sweet moments in this show are UNAVOIDABLE!
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- Fruits Basket
What can I say, I am LOVING this show and I’m excited to see the rest of the manga animated. I’ve mentioned this before but this series is very dear to me and while I love the original 2001 anime series, everything that TMS and Takaya-sensei have done with the re-adaption is nothing short from perfection. I’m just so happy that his series is getting the anime adaption it deserves. 
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- Kimetsu no Yaiba
After watching (and loving) Dororo and seeing a whole bunch of fan art and cosplays for this show at AX, my interest in this show increased. Once I checked out the show on MAL and watched the PV, I knew that I had to give this show a try. I’ve already watched the first 2 episodes and I am loving it so far! The animation is gorgeous and the story is so interesting! I’m excited to watch the rest and bug my other anime friends to watch this! XD
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- Tenki no Ko
Makoto Shinkai (aka director of the amazing and beautiful Your Name) is back with another film. I just watched the PV and so far I’m liking what I’m seeing. The animation is gorgeous and the band Radwimps is back for the music. I hope I can watch this either online or in theaters! 
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Yosh! All done! Again, I’m really sorry for posting this list so late. I promise the next one will be posted on time. This summer has been so crazy. There’s been major ups and downs in the real world and in my personal life. I was so heartbroken to hear about what happened to KyoAni and its staff. I hope they will take the time to recover from this horrible tragedy. 
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this insanely long post. I’m really excited to check out all of these shows this season. Please let me know what you guys are watching! Is there something I missed? Thanks for reading! Matane (See you later)!
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kirakirachiizuru · 6 years
I am doing this just for fun ^^ Because I like translating the Tokuten (extras), than the Honpen (stageplay) :p I know LIVE has been around for a while but just in case ^^ I will skip some parts… because they talk too fast / not so important / interesting :p If I have the time and if anyone wants to read this, I will make the rest with Izawa Yuki, Yamazaki Shuuto, Gomoto Naoya & Yazaki Hiroshi too ^^ (i edited this with photos lol yesterday tumblr was being ugly and jealous i couldnt upload anything)
PART01: Matsuda Ryo-kun (12/08, Kyoto, NOON)
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Mori-Producer: Today’s guest, Matsuda Ryo-san!
Ryo: Awesome! Once again, I am  the previous Saito Hajime actor, Matsuda Ryo.
Yoroshiku onegaishimasu.
M-P: So it has been 2 1/2 years, since your last stage, since Kazama-hen
R: Yes, that was the last one for me, and the Fukuchou (commander / Piroshi). And you see just now I have been watching from the side-stage and a lot of memories came in.
R: Yes my debut performance was the first ever Hakumyu after all (Saitou-hen). I’m so happy and now everyone is turning their penlights into Blue colour. Aa~ thank you~ (in his Kansai-ben /aaaaaa XD)
R: I love everyone (* Minna suki ya de~ aaa kansai benn XD) ! I’ll give you this *hands over his uchiwa (fan) to one front seat fan). It is a festival after all right. I can’t throw it (the fan) to the seats it’s dangerous okay.
M-P: It is definitely amazing right. It was the first ever Hakumyu, and without that there wont be Hakumyu today right (i rephrased this XD i think he mentioned Matsuda Gakkun, like without Ryo-kun first Hakumyu, there wouldnt be Hakumyu today for anyone else~)
*Digest / clips of Ryo-Saitou played on screen*
After that…
R: You know just now I received a LINE message from Yamazaki-san / Piroshi.
AUDIENCE: ‘What did he saaay?’
R: ‘Good luck for the LIVE’ and he wrote that all in Hiragana. lol but that’s so him XDD
So I replied, I’ll do my best!
R: No no *sheepishly*, but you see in the digest just now (clips from prev musicals), it is thanks to everyone - casts, staffs, those who have been loving Hakumyu.. oh but Hakuouki (the anime/game) is amazing in the first place right.
M-P: He is definitely a zachou (lead) who practiced more than anyone else, yet never shows a tired face *more praises*
R: (laugh) thank you!
Then Mori-Producer said that seems like it started from Ryo-kun, a passionate and powerful Zachou, and from that on the next ones too inherited that.
R: Eh, wait I feel like crying already.
M-P: That’s fast.
R: Before I was in Hakumyu, I went through an audition and at that time, I was auditioning for Heisuke’s position.
R: I was aiming for Heisuke and I really didnt think that I would be Saitou Hajime and that time Mori-san’s impression was really interesting
M-P: I thought he will definitely fail this :p
It was like he was screwing around. What did you do again?
And then Ryo-kun explained that there are some things that needs to be done. I think he needs to act out a scene in which everyone needs to take turn and then he gets cut down by another. And he have to act out a dying scene.
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R: I never had any experience of sword fight lessons or anything, let alone how to act out a death. So when I was cut down, UWAAA— (run and plops on floor) and I just stayed in this position (on floor) and I looked at the person and the producer angrily said ‘Die now!’
(Chii: BAHAHAHA ;;;;;;)
M-P: I really thought you will fail but you managed till the end and Im glad it is you.
R: Aaww
M-P: How about acting out Saitou Hajime’s line now? *pass a Katana*
R: WAAA, it has been a while since I last held a Katana *slips it on his obi* (mind you, it is left side which is actually ‘wrong’ because he is Saitou Hajime known for left-handed samurai XD). Ok Mori-san be the Chizuru okay.
*acts out Saitou’s line* (AAAAAA AAAA) *looks at Mori-chizuru lol*
R: EH, this katana is the other way round (lol)
M-P: Any scenes that’s most memorable for you?
R: (he said the scene when he fought with Kazama)
*Then it became an awkward scene when Shougo-Kazama came out.*
R: Hi, it is.. a first time so I’m Matsuda Ryo *steps back*
Shougo-Kazama: Hmph.
R: Seems like his eyes is killing me. Then, I can take him on now. Everyone, he is now weaponless.
S-K: *came back with a Katana* R: Ok lets go with ‘that’ scene. Get it? ‘That scene?’ …. Aren’t you laughing, you okay?
(LOL Shougo is facing Ryo-kun so the face is not visible :P)
*Acting out the sword fight* But it doesnt seem to go well XDDD
S-K: ... sure you can do it? :p
*Shiranui is called out*
Shiranui: I didnt hear about this
(maybe this was not part of their plan haha because the talks are partly scripted :p)
R: Hi! Hey hey hey! *making a gun with his hand and then ignored by the two Onis* XD
S: Who’s that?
S-K: I have no idea
R: Where’s that other person.. bald one?
S: Koudou
(actually and usually the casts are all watching from the side-stage ^^ HAHA so im thinking they didnt planned it out other than Shougo-Kazama meeting Ryo-kun XD)
….. Koudou: Shibu shibu shibu shibu *t/n: reluctant, reluctant (LOL XD)
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R: Definitely they are amazing first-generation casts right
M-P: Ok time is running out. *fans went EHHH~~*
S-K: I will read a letter from my good friend, Suzuki Shougo (lolol.)
R: Oh you two are such close friends eh. (LOL)
S-K: He is… *stiffled laugh* (AHAHAHAHAHA) S-K: *reads the letter to Matsuda-san* ^^ Matsuda-san I heard you are making appearance on Hakumyu’s stage after a long time today, how are you feeling? It has been 5 years since we have known each other. You who are a younger brother, we had fun praticing, drinking and fooling around together. Compared to that time, I earnestly think you’ve become such a splendid actor as Matsuda Ryo…….. (cont) (It is such a warm letter, and I am not good with such beautiful piece so let’s leave that to your imagination :P)
S-K: That’s what he wrote *keeps the letter in his sleeve* M-P: You’re not giving the letter to him?
S-K: Later (XD) : [01:37:18]
R: *speeches* Ok I cant anymore, if I stay here any longer I will cry. Thank you, have fun everyone!
Here are some other interesting facts from the rest of the special guest corner (that I might or might not translate):
[1] Gomoto Naoya-kun auditioned for Hijikata Toshizou’s position (HAHAHA but Mori Producer was like, Nope okay you can stop during the audition :p)
[2] Izawa Yuki-kun was sooo pressured to be the 2nd Hijikata-san, because Piroshi / Yamazaki Hiroshi was a strong one, too good. And then he said at that time, he always had Kondou-san (Taira-san) to pamper and calm him down. And when asked how, he acted it out: *walks to Kondou-san and hugs* ‘Im scared~ Piroshi was so good~* And Taira-san would hug pat him and say ‘It is okay, just be yourself, you own version of Hijikata Toshizou’
[3] On the recording day of Hakumyu Reimeiroku, Piroshi came to watch. And Izawa Yuki-kun was like ‘AAA how dare he came today why did he have to come today of all days’ XD But then at the end, when he showed his fist towards Piroshi in the audience seat, Piroshi returned his air-fistbump (AWW). He said he was happy and touched ^^
[4] Izawa Yuki sheated his katana and fans went ‘UUU~~’ and he said ‘Wow LIVE is so nice, I didnt do anything but sheating my sword and I get such reaction :p
[5] Izawa Yuki said he had such a blunder during Hakumyu performance like there were times when he tried to sheath back his sword and the scabbard had moved the other way. So this one time, he put it in, and like oh god it wouldnt go in so while acting the play he slowwwwly slowwwwly took it out, and BAM! put it back in one go :p
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[6] Ryo-kun said some of the blunders he made during Hakumyu was (1) There was a part Amagiri was talking and he was supposed to come out, and at one time he was just sitting at the side-stage not realizing it was his moment to come out. And suddenly Ikeda Junya-kun (Heisuke), came running ‘OI YOUR TURN GET OUT THERE’ and he was like wth and ‘WHY?’ and Junya furiously said ‘YOUR TURN’ and he was like ‘WHAT? !!!’ *late sudden realization* XDDD
(2) There was a day he said he forgot his Katana (LOL) and that was the part he was supposed to fight Kazama (such important scene LOL). And he saw the ensemble Suga-chan and just ‘defeat and grab away his Katana forcefully’ and continue his act LOL. (you would know Suga-vhan if you’re a fan (said Ryo-kun), bcs the longest ensemble member to join Hakumyu from start till to-date).
[7] Izawa Yuki-kun said he was always feeling so pressured (lol poor one XD Piroshi was awesome after all keke) but Kondou-san (Taira-san) helped him like you know he is a historical figure and Taira-san looks just so realiable like the real one, but then one day during practice, they were practicing Shinsengumi’s first appearance during YAISA and when it is his turn to come out with Taira-san suddenly he heard a loud DODOON noise and when he looked to his side, Taira-san stumbled and fell down very unsightly LOL (you can see this clip in Toudou-hen’s extras) :p
[8] Imata Taira-san (Kondou-san) is known for getting tongue-tied and calling character names wrongly like: Saitou-KYUN, Sousuke (Heisuke), Heiji (Souji) :p
[9] Mori-producer said when he first met Ryo-kun he judged him like ‘Can this kid really talk properly’ (Because Ryo-kun is a Kansai-person so he has an accent). And Ryo-kun said Now I can talk normally and fluently (without the accent) :p
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yoshi4sushi · 6 years
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(purupurupuru) (purupurupuru) (click!) (coo!) (coo!)
 Super, Happy Monday, minna-san! I hope everyone had a good weekend. The weather is getting chilly lately so keep yourselves warm. With that said, let’s on with this week’s news. We have loads to cover. First, last week’s chapter was ferocious! We last see poor Luffy lying in utter, bloody defeat from Kaido’s attack. Law was about to rescue him, but Hawking shot with him a sea stone nail bullet and rendered him helpless to use his devil fruit power. Kaido then noticed Luffy glaring at him even though he was unconscious. He then ordered his goons to lock him in jail. Just as they were about to, Luffy released his haki and knocked out the goons. Kaido was surprised to know he also has it. He then left to continue to his beer time. Back in the forest, Law was able to escape barely with his injury, and worries for his crew. However, he doesn’t want to leave Luffy. Back in Leftover Town, Kinemon went to check on his wife, O-Tsuru. She was tending to the poor villagers that were injured from Shuntenmaro’s attack. Back in the ruins, everyone was safe from Kaido’s attack. They all fell down from a deep hole thanks to Shino’s mature-mature fruit that has the ability to make anything rot. O-Kiku was then ready to let the gang know about the situation. Back at shore, it looks like Duke and his followers found Tama. Yay! She’s gonna be saved. So back in town, everyone was receiving news about Luffy’s revolt against Kaido. Franky, Ussop, and Robin read the newspaper and made hilarious “WHA?!” panic face. Zoro also got the wind of his situation while he was eating his onigiri on a boat. The next day at Rabbit Bowl, Kaido’s goons are all abusing the poor villagers working them to death and feeding them poisoned food from their devil fruit factory. At the end, the goons brought Luffy with his head bandaged all over. As he was being escorted to jail, someone shot a fish bone into one of goons. We finally see a familiar face we haven’t seen in a while, Eustass Kid. He looked all beat up. So the goons threw Luffy in jail as both swear that they will get their payback against Kaido. Suddenly, a masked lady shows up before them. Who is this stranger? How will the plan proceed? Act I ends. Let’s see how act II goes. Next, this past weekend’s episode was joyful, but still not out of the woods. We start off with Sanji pushing the cake onto Bege’s ship, and Chiffon finally reunites with her beloved family. However, Oven wasn’t gonna let them have their celebration as he heats up the ocean to melt the ship. Just as they were about to perish from the heat, Mr. Pound came to the rescues and hit Oven from behind. He then see Chiffon from a distance as he feels guilt for not being there for her and Lola during the times Big Mom abused back then. Even felt regret for not being able to hold them when Big Mom turned him away as she birth them. As his final moment, he congratulates Chiffon on his new family, and Oven killed them. At the end, Luffy returns to Mirror world for round 2 with his fight against Katakuri. Next time, the time has come, Carrot finally transforms into her sulong mode. Will she be sane? Guess we’ll see. Don’t miss it this week! Now on with the goods. Look who came to visit! Yup! Our fellow tower mascot, Tongari-san. Take it away, my friend! What you got for us? Tongari-san says that more awesome shopping goods are available at the tower. First off, let’s give a bday shout out to the one and only marimo swordsman, Zoro! Happy bday, you clunkhead. The tower has some neat birthday goodies of Zoro. First, they’re now selling this key holder of him. Next week, they’ll sell Bepo’s key holder as well. Next, the Tongari store have restocked of selling these plush ticket holder of Carue, Merry, Sunny, Chopper, and Bepo. Next, store downstairs are selling these bday goods of Zoro such as this key holder, a denim pouch and tote bag, and this B&W t-shirts. Next, all arcades will be stocking this neat Glitter & Glamour Venus figurine of Vivi in her bikini. Get your coins ready. Beat that crane! Next, more bday goods of Zoro are available at all Straw Hat stores, Jump Store, and the tower. They’re selling this Heroes collection buttons of Zoro in 10 designs from the beginning to Dressrosa. They’re also selling this bromide card set, a mini tote bag, an art board, a black tote bag, a long sleeve shirt, hand towel, and a folder. Next, this week, the store will be selling this edible snack that has the wanted poster of the Straw Hats, Ace, Law, and Hancock. Good for gifts to your friends or family. Next, new mochi mochi hamster plush. This time, it’s Ace and Marco. Adorable fellas. It will be released on Feb.9th at Straw Hat stores, and general release will be on Feb.23rd. You can order it online, but if you prefer to buy it in person, then you can head to Animate or Straw Hat stores. Next, stores are also selling this bromide card set of the Wano series. Next week, stores will be selling the second Memorial square badge. The 2nd theme is pride. It will be released on Nov.23rd. Next, new updated for the Kumamoto event. On Nov.30th, Kumamoto prefecture will finally release the first ever statue of Luffy to commemorate the rebuild from the earthquake. Also, next spring, Ginza will have a Tokyo Girls Collection collab goods. More events will be coming later so we’ll keep you updated on it. Moving on, the fashion brand store, #FR2, have an OP collab. They’re selling neat, but pricey goods of Sanji and Smoker that says “NO SMOKING.” They’re selling hoody sweaters, long sleeve shirts, jacket, t-shirts, a cap, long towel, tote bags, a strap, smart phone ring holder, and a sticker set. Not sure if this is some kind of awareness, but if you don’t like smoking, this is a good away to raise awareness. Ha ha ha ha! You can find the store in Harajuku that’s 5 min from Meiji Jingu-mae st. It will only be available until Nov.23rd. No online order. Next, OP game app, Thousand Storm, will have a short event where you can now use Crocodile and Mr.1 from Impel Down version as playable characters. Just win enough points and pass levels, and you’ll receive them. Next, on Jan.25th, they’ll release character albums of the Straw Hats of their solo songs. It’s available at the Straw Hat stores or Avex online. More details will be released later on. Next, here’s the new DVD cover of vol.16 of WCI that has Nami in her party dress. It will be released on Dec.2nd. Last, but not least, here’s the cast celebrating the return of Pudding’s seiyuu, Miyuki-san. She’s finally ready to get back up on her feet to continue her role as Pudidng. She was gone for a bit due to her maternity leave, and of course, she had baby boy. Congrats! We hope he grows up health and happy. Look who’s also there. Katakuri’s seiyuu, Sugita-san. GUA! So rare to see him in person. Phew! I think we covered everything. Well, that’s all we got for now. Tune in next week for more news and goods. Special thanks to Tongari-san. Thanks for dropping by. Oh, one more thing. We’ll leave the schedule of the next episodes. Once again, congrats to Miyuki-san for her return and the birth of her son. Boys, job well done. Let’s get some shut eye.
 Nov.18th: “Sulong – Carrot’s Mysterious Transformation”
Nov.25th: “Breakthrough – The Straw Hat Crew’s Big Naval Battle!”
Dec.2nd: No episode.
Dec.9th: “Clashing at Last – The Emperor vs. The Straw Hat Crew”
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lindaliukas · 6 years
Year in review 2017
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Fourth year in review. This year I did more work with schools and was excited to see school districts start to embrace my work.  Ran roughly 400 kilometres around the world and read 60 books. Flew over 120 flights and did over 60 talks. Published the third book in Ruby series. 
2017 was a weird year. On the other hand I felt like I found professionally the guidelines I had been looking for: maximising freedom, maximising curiosity. Early on in the year I stumbled upon Robert Irwin who “decided to step in to his own curiosity” and knew I had found what I had been looking for. On the other hand I experienced first hand how easy it is to tip out of balance and ignore the things closest & dearest to you, resulting in a big mess.  
Here are 2016, 2015 and 2014. And here is 2017: 
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Changed the year in Långvik with minimal hassle, maximum friends. Moved offices to Maria, again in snow & cold. Enjoyed the quiet days after Christmas and found kindred spirits. Met Andre Agassi at NBF (whose book I loved a few years back), but was most impressed with his charismatic manager who told me war stories about building schools. 
Saw Arrival and Jackie. Loved this Tumblr story on Harry Potter and the CS classics list. Celebrated Nils' and Saku's birthdays. Ate more veggies and bought a Vitamix!  
Went to Hawaii with Ville and enjoyed St. Regis & hiking. Kauai was green and lush and beautiful. Rode around the island to get one of my magic books of the year: Seeing is Forgetting (more on that later).
Washed my passport in the washing machine. It was a bad year for passports: I lost all together three. 
The Girls.
Seven Brief Lessons on Physics. (Ended up studying a lot more physics this year than I originally anticipated!)
Juniper. From this Radiolab episode. If I were to start a tech company it would be in this space. 
Where Wizards Stay Up Late.
Tale of Shikanako #1. I forgot to read the next parts, need to put it in my reading queue. 
The Gene.
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Spent most of the month in US: New York, DC and Boston. Visited DC public schools, took mom to see Bowery Poetry Club in NY. Had really wonderful, snowy, concentrated days in Boston and got to hang out with Jie & rest of LLK team + dinners with friends.
Atlantic wrote about Ruby & the philosophy behind it!
Did my first STEM Institute with Roxanne and the CS4All team of New York Department of Education. Was exhausted, happy, loved the thorough feedback and can’t wait to run the course again. 
Left my laptop in an Uber in Boston and ran around like crazy trying to get it to New York in time. Bought a new iPad and started experimenting with tools like Astropad, Apple Pencil and PS Sketch that would later in the year replace my old system of drawing. 
Wined and dined with Henrietta in a very random evening. 
Beloved. Loved this. More Toni Morrison for 2018. 
Association of Small Bombs.
Seeing is Forgetting the Name of The Thing One Sees. On of the three most important books of the year. Oh Robert Irwin. His entire doctorate acceptance speech:"All I want say is that the wonder is still there." Walks away.
The End of Absence. 
The Underground Railroad.
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Went to Melbourne for a few days to speak at NGV Victoria (and Australian TV!). Started my David Hockney obsession that would last the entire year.
Settled into New York life and the TED residency. Started new routines with hip hop yoga! Did an Arduino workshop at School for Poetic Computation and enjoyed feeling like a beginner. 
Worked a lot on the Internet book, reading a ton of the original research papers of WWW and Internet. Fell in love with Fermat’s library. Spent a lot of time thinking how to structure the book between software, hardware and culture of Internet. 
Visited Switzerland shortly and was chosen as one of the 50 most inspiring women in tech in Europe. 
Saw two plays: Tove Jansson in Helsinki with Jemina and an immersive piece Strangest in New York with Paul. Had a really fun, magic, sparkly afternoon with Hugo in Whitney Biennal. 
Small Pieces Loosely Joined.
The Vegetarian.
Homo Deus.
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Tried to balance living in two continents. Wrote a lot, but also saw a lot of friends. Went to see Puerto Rican / New York Poetry Slam with Roxanne and loved it. Brunched with Jason & Sara, went flywheeling with Zach, had dinner at Farhad’s insane apartment and cooked for Otto. 
Saw Ghost in Shell and a live version of Israel Story (and got many ideas for my own performances). Backed Climate Change Coloring Book, which was one of my favorite Kickstarter projects of the year.  
Turned 31 in New York. Got to go to Sesame Workshop!!
Got a new, beautiful goddaughter. 
A quick trip to Barcelona to see Hola Ruby out in Spanish & Catalanian. Had a magical midnight dinner with a locals and visited one of the most eclectic schools. Continued working on Internet (and concept stage boardgame). 
Tried to read David Foster Wallace, but gave up. This year maybe.. Still, always, Björk. 
The Handmaid's tale
A Tale of Love and Darkness. Enjoyed this one a lot. 
In the Woods
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The spring was starting to catch up and felt mostly jetlagged for the entire month. On the upside: lots of wonderful encounters with new and old friends. Saw Mikito for the first time in a long time and talked art & technology (TBC!!). Met Fawn! And Karen! Had breakfast with Yon & left with the biggest grin. Celebrated Eve’s engagement. 
Celebrated Vappu in Central Park and had one of those funny, warm, random New York dinners where there just happens to be some of the most celebrated musicians, cooks & tech people of Nordics all under same roof. 
Saw the Commes des Garcons show in Met and felt Rei Kawakubo’s personality. Saw Georgia O’Keeffe (+Marimekko, Finnish pride!) exhibition with Tiina (and later read this great article). Organised Computing & Stories summit in SFPC and felt the future of computing. 
Did another PD on Internet with the NYC teachers (and tested ideas for the book, win-win!) and also in Sweden for Swedish teachers. 
Fell in love with China. 你好 Ruby! Hello Ruby won the prestigious DIA Award by China Academy of Art out of 2700 applicants. My visit in Hangzhou was short, but can’t wait to go back and learn more about the country and it’s technology & education culture. Here are a few stories: 1, 2, 3
The Wangs vs. the World
See you in the cosmos.
Americanah. LOVED this. 
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Ended TED Residency with a talk. Really wish I would have prioritised the residency more, but luckily the community doesn’t come with an expiration date. 
Took my parents to Japan and was really excited to show them all the experiences I loved. Visited Kyoto & Osaka for the first time. 
Flew to Birmingham CAS conference. Miles and the UK computing organisations have inspired me a lot and I was glad to be able to give back. Loved being back in London for a few days and spending time in Kew Gardens with Minna and her family + seeing house of Minalima with Emma. Celebrated Tuula’s 60th. 
Worked too much. Had a familiar midsummer stretch with Ruby 3. Me & mom going through proofs at 4 AM in the morning. Decided to move the next deadline to May to avoid the summer panic. 
For most of the year my phone only had data service. Realised how much I hated being interrupted with calls. Ville had also sold his car, so we were for the first time in 5+ years a car free household. Felt like the future. 
On China.
Seeing is Forgetting the Name of the Thing One Sees. Finally finished. Best book I read all year. 
American War.
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Had my traditional summer vacation month and lived it vigourously by going to the dentist, eye doctor, doctor.. Oh well, ran and swam also and enjoyed the cold Nordic summer by biking in the soaking rain. Got Nintendo Switch and played hours and hours of Zelda. 
Visited Berlin and danced my worries away with girlfriends. One of the most important weekends of the years with big consequences. 
Celebrated the wedding of Pete & Liisa, met Juha 6/5, watered plants with little Isla, saw Valerian and had lunch with Miki with omnious predictions. 
Did a biking trip to Kristo’s & Anna’s island with Ville and loved the archipelago and sense of summer childhoods. Visited the new Moominmuseum in Tampere and can warmly recommend it. Visited Meidän Festivaali, summer tradition. 
Found A16Z AI Playbook and got inspired for the next book - it’s really amazing how much good educational material is out there. Some of my favorite newsletters on the topic for the entire year were: ImportAI, Exponential View and Creative.AI
Artificial Intelligence: What everyone needs to know.
The Thirst. My summer tradition with the Nesbo’s..
In Dialogue with Reggio Emilia. Reggio was a lot on my mind through the year.
New York 2140
The Thing About Jellyfish.
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Had a lot of family problems and overall a very sad month. But was also much more gentle towards myself and had a very strong idea of persisting. Stark contrast to the PR stuff happening around same time. Talked to everyone and everywhere. Cried a lot. 
Third Ruby book came out in Finnish. The tetralogy is one step to being finished. I wanted to talk about the Internet, but everyone else still wants to talk about coding. Oh well. This was a nice, long talk about the book, although in Finnish. 
Spent a lot of energy making home feel like home. Hosted dinners,  spent a fun evening in Lonna, celebrated Flow weekend, had dinner in the Marimekko factory floor, went to the wedding of Johanna and Kalle. 
Did two really important things for myself: started seeing a therapist and  joined an all-girls running club. Monday evenings of track, hills and forests were the highlight of the week for the entire fall. Thanks Helsinki Core Trainers & Jarno. Went also orienteering for the first time in 20 years and found it very soothing. 
Favorite things of the month: Melissa Kaseman’s art project, Preschool Pocket Treasures and Young Explorers. 
Rikinkeltainen taivas
The Idiot
The Sellout
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Went to Copenhagen for Techfestival and enjoyed the small, weird, ambiguous, quality driven discussions. Felt fresh for a technology conference.
Worked on the English version of Internet book and started planning an illustration exhibition around Ruby with mom. Did some play testing at the English School.
Nelli had a masquerade party, dressed up as Alice in Wonderland and made a special dress! Celebrated Marjaana’s birthday in Lonna, ended up at an old friends apartment eating pizza at 7 AM. 
Organised a surprise birthday party for my sister together with her friends and baby shower to my cousin’s wife. Hung out with goddaughter on a crips autumn day. Enjoyed doing small things for others. 
Judged a hackathon at Marimekko and ended up doing my first machine learning project inspired by it! Found Liu Cixin’s books and mind exploded. 
Went to Amsterdam and did a teacher workshop. Walked alone around a lot. Month ended up in better news. 
Kept running. Kept reading this essay by Robert Macfarlane. Influenced my work a lot. 
The Beautiful bureaucrat
The God of Small Things
When Marnie was there. Still haven't seen the movie!
Standard Deviation
Sophie's Choice
Sourdough. Loved this. Bought five immediately to giveaway. 
Three Body problem. One of the other important books/series of the year. 
A Mind at Play
River Town
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Weird month. Mostly happy and relieved, but also way too much travel. I feel dizzy only reviewing what happened.. Was really happy to get a good review of the second Ruby book in US. The timelines of publishing really kill me. 
Ran the Sipoonkorpi Trail and admired the baby kitten of a friend. Had a 15 year old intern who was bold enough to apply! Met with a lot of school people. Was back in Berlin for a few days, fell in love with my German publisher and their worldview. 
Had pizza and watched Lady Gaga documentary with friends. Enjoyed this drawing from Aura. 
Did an insane around the world few weeks: started with David’s birthday party in Copenhagen, followed by a very hungover flight to South Korea. Ran the best run of the year at Namsan Trail in Seoul, hung out with friends old and new. Saw Hillary Clinton live! Bucket list. Flew to Wisconsin and met with very cool librarians (and woke up to the news I had won an award on future of culture in Finland!). Spent a day in New York: saw friends, did a book event at my favourite bookstore, ran in Central Park.. and met my biggest kidlit idol, Oliver Jeffers, accidentally!
Visited four Finnish cities and three Swedish ones in a week. Did a project for Swedish teachers and tried reading Ruby aloud på svenska. Sounded like moomintrollet, but whatever. Flew to Japan. 
Hold me tight. 
Close to the Machine. This was like Patti Smith with computers. 
Dark Forest. 
Machine Learning: the new AI
Room of One's Own. Thousand times yes. 
Little Fires Everywhere. 
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Went to Japan to accept the Rakuten Technology & Innovation award. Loved the other prize winners - among them an 80 year old app developer lady. Soaked for a rainy Sunday in onsen and visited the new Yayoi Kusama museum.
Went to Lapland with Ville. Enjoyed season's first skiing and started knitting again. Saw Tuntematon Sotilas movie. Dear friends got married and we got to be the witnesses. Met a new baby relative.
Very briefly visited Malmö and Oredev - wish I could have stayed longer. Flew to Miami and played Super Mario Odyssey almost entire flight. Got to visit an amazing school in Coconut Grove.
Finished Liu Cixin’s the Remembrance of Earth trilogy and a la Emily Dickinson: “I felt a cleaving in my mind / As if my brain had split; I tried to match it, seam by seam, / But could not make them fit.”
Went to Greece and had the warmest & most enthusiastic crowd. Hope next year will bring more collaborations. 
Thought a lot about this essay from Stephen Wolfram and this one from Cory Doctorow. 
Forest Dark.
Stoner. This was the suprirse Ferrante of the year: kept popping up everywhere..
Draft No. 4: On the Writing Process. Loved this. 
Death's End.
The Obelisk Gate. 
The Fifth Season.
At the Existentialist Cafe. Took me almost a year to finish, but I can sense the reverberations.. 
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I MET AL GORE. Everyone who knows me (or the 1.6 million people who watched the TED talk..) knows this was a huge deal, like a circle closing after 17 years. (The biggest daily of Finland also wrote a piece about the meeting on their economy pages. Teenage girls & their enthusiasm change the world <3). (Also, had lunch with Prince William, which on any other day would have been a huge deal, but all my excitement had already been used on Gore..). Slush was everything it promised: late from everything, random encounters, techno parties in the tunnels of Helsinki that went on until morning.  
Went to Australia, spent half of the trip with a flu and lost my bank card, passport, and a few other gadgets. Decided it was time for a vacation. Loved seeing Australia beyond Melbourne and promised to come back for more than a few days.. 
Got a bit emotional about Finland turning 100 after being pretty nonchalant for the entire year. 
Met with more childhood idols and got feedback on my projects. Met with a mentor and planned a trip to Dubai. Took a metro to Aalto University and heard about their AI research and quantum computing.  Got really excited about visiting India. A teacher in NYC dressed up as Ruby for Computer Science week. Wrote about work and worked on writing. 
Finished the Hockney book and was happy as a child with the Hockney-Falco-thesis. Perception (be it AI or art) seemed to be the theme of the year. Read Sherry Turkle's work and found direction(s). 
Made gingerbread cookies with goddaughters family, took another goddaughter to movies to see Moomin. Celebrated Maija's doctoral dissertation (and surprise wedding!). Went to Christmas concert with Nelli & Juha, had many Christmas celebrations with friends. Saw Star Wars (if I had to choose, liked the new Blade Runner better) and Mozart's Magic Flute (loved the Komische Oper Berlin visuals). Watched the Crown. 
Had girls over for wrath meaning and planning the new year. Spent Christmas together with Ville, just the two of us. Loved our tree, the new traditions and the quiet. 
Dinner at the Center of the Earth. 
Manhattan Beach. 
Minun Amerikkani. Felt this strongly. 
True to Life: Twenty-Five years of Conversations with David Hockney. One of the big books of the year. 
The Second Self: Computers and the Human Spirit. 
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katsu-sauce · 7 years
Tanaka Minami WUG Blog: 08/02/17
Title: Eternal Blue...
Foreward: Hey guys, so I translated Minami Tanaka's latest blog post and a majority of it is about her time spent at the FGO 2nd Anniversary event. As some of you may know, she also hosts the Chaldea Radio program with Rie Takahashi and they are both known to be pretty avid/hardcore fans of the Fate franchise. I'm a beginner translator and there may be quite a few discrepancies from the source text, but I hope I'm able to convey the emotions that she felt when she attended the event. 
Hello, it’s me Minami!
So the first week of the month has already arrived!
On the 28th of July, Wake Up Girls had some R&R! Airi, Nanami, and I went over and played at New Minna no GOLF! I never played mini-golf before but I had tons of fun anyways! In the beginning I was doing splendidly well in 1st place, but during the second half I had no idea what was going on!
Then on the 29th and 30th I got to attend the Fate/Grand Order 2nd Anniversary celebration event!
On the 29th: The Chaldea Radio Stage Show started at an early 10am, however so many people came to watch the event, especially on Nico Nico! Thanks to all the people who made it!
The guest that joined us on the show was the voice of Arturia and Anne Bonnie from Fate/Grand Order, Ayako Kawasumi-san! Our first guest of the show really was the best possible one! ✨
During the Gesture Game I felt pretty confident since I’ve been playing with Passion Lip a lot lately. I thought I expressed her pretty well. It was a such a short time on stage, about 30 minutes, but I was so happy to hear that ArchTuria came home (to Kawasumi-san w).
I stayed till the end of the anniversary event while watching it from under the stage but… THE FGO STAGE PLAY PORTION WENT BY SO FAST! It really felt like time was accelerated! Rie-chan screamed “I NEED TO GET THE BLURAY FOR THIS!!!”
Finally with the last stage event, Fate Memorial, I could hear the gates of Heaven calling my name… Once Zero and Unlimited Blade Works became connected, his story began… If I ever have the time, I need to look back at it all. Yup, I really do love  UBW Shirou’s hotblooded battles.
All in all, what seemed like a dream before became a reality with this stage event. But wait there’s still one more day left! What to do?!
Then came the 30th:
Our guest for the Chaldea Radio Stage that day was the seiyuu for Arjuna, Edmond Dantes, and Fujimaru Ritsuka, Shimazaki Nobunaga-san! Finally! FINALLY! I was able to talk a TON about Fate. However, it was really unfortunate that there wasn’t enough time to talk more! There were so many more things I wanted to hear too. I’ll definitely make sure to talk about the things I wanted to talk about on the next radio show!
The FGO Chaldea radio show! I feel really blessed to be a part of it. I was so nervous when I first appeared as a guest, but regardless I’m glad I was able to share latest information with you all! Even though I was a nervous wreck, I’m glad Rule Breaker blessed me with its magical effects.
After the broadcast I was able to pull Sherlock Holmes! As soon as I saw Holmes’ Noble Phantasm animation, I screamed like a little girl. In addition I drew another 5 star servant with a 10 pull, Davinci-chan! I was so glad to pull 2 Servants with amazing Noble Phantasms! But honestly, the hype from the FGO Stage Play still persisted especially since Davinci returned to me in some shape or form.
Now that the news has been revealed I can finally talk about Swimsuit Nitocris! Yaaaaaaaaaaaay! I’m happy! I’m so so happy!!!! I honestly didn’t expect such amazing news! I’m also really looking forward to Nobu and Maid Saber Alter! I wasn’t the only one that thought that Maid Saber Alter was reminiscent of that one episode of Carnival Phantasm, haha.
The last day of the FGO Memorial Stage... It really was wonderful…
Even after the event with the FGO Radio Stage show, I couldn’t stop the tears when looking back. While on the train back home, I was listening to Eternity Blue (FGO ED song) and the lyrics really made me cry. I’m so glad to have come across this amazing franchise called Fate, and pour so much love into it. Being able to talk about Fate for 2 days with everybody just filled me with so much emotion that I couldn’t stop the tears.
Here’s just a portion of these wonderful memories!
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I also had the pleasure of getting inside the Fate/Apocrypha itasha car! Ahhh what a moving experience! The time to have made use of my driver’s license finally arrived! Check out Nitocris’ formal clothing! It’s so cute!
I told myself I wouldn’t talk about the FGO Radio show again, I do apologize. However, I do want to say that it was an incredible event! It was so much fun! I’m so thankful!!
And then… At that same day and location, Run Girls, Run made their debut! I really wanted to see them ;_; It really didn’t seem like Coco-chan’s, Yuuka-chan’s, and Nanami-chan’s first time on stage. It really was an impressive stage performance! We haven’t met in person yet but I sent them a comment video. I sure hope they were fine with it.
But I really hope I get to meet and talk with them soon~! I really wonder what I can do for them. I never thought there’d come a time where I would become a senpai. I really want to know more about them! You guys do as well right? I really hope to meet with them during after-recording sessions! I’m really looking forward to the next project! I’m really curious to see what kind of relationship Runga and WUG will have.
That’s that for that day! It really was packed full interesting things!
In another mobile game, “Tenka Hyakken”, I took the role of Onimaru Kunitsuna. She seems cute and innocent, but she’s insanely strong! She’s one of the Five Heavenly Swords. Even as a UR, she’s still really mind-bendingly strong! Ahh, I really hope to save my gems and be able to get her on my next pull. Her story is such a tearjerker too. So brave and gallant, while adorable at the same time! And when she removes her eyepatch?... Well, I hope you’ll listen closely to her shouts when performing her deadly special technique!
Also in ANOTHER app game, “Seisen, Excalibur!” I took on the role of Fiola. She’s different from the other character I played, Perseus. Fiola is sort of an airhead but also a sweet and lovely girl! She must be protected! So yeah, she’s that type of girl heheh~ I encourage you all to try and get her! ♪♪
So I completed my last day with the WUG All Nighter broadcast special! My last time with the show was just with me talking by myself so it was sort of lonely! However, I did enjoy myself to the very last minute. When I first started doing the broadcast special by myself, I thought I’d have some trouble trying to come up with things to talk about. Now that so much time has passed, I hope to think that I’ve maybe grown a little with that experience.
On November 23rd, WUG will be performing at Animax Musix 2017 Yokohama! Yo yo yo YOKOHAMA~~~!!!! I’m so overjoyed (TT_TT) Yokohama Arena… Amazing… As a person from Kanagawa, this just feels like a dream. I’m so glad I’ll be able to set foot on the stage of Yokohama Arena! Even though we’ve performed so many times in Tokyo, I’ve always felt some longing to do so in Kanagawa. Since this’ll be during the next chapter of WUG’s journey, I hope lots of people will come to see us!
The first chapter of Wake Up Girls Eternal Senses manga has also been released through Comic Clear! I hope you’ll read and enjoy it!
On August 5th, TV MX will be broadcasting the first episode of Kakegurui with special commentary by the cast! The special will include, Hayami Saori, Tokutake Tatsuya, and myself! Even though it’s supposed to be an organized TV special, I still got to talk very eagerly. I hope you tune in to hear what I had to say!
This Friday, Jurassic World will be broadcasted! And I got to do a voice over role of a girl in the movie! It’ll be a super tense and exciting 2 hours! I hope you have an exciting time watching it!
Finally, next week I’ll be joining the internet broadcast program, FIVE STARS, in order to promote the release of the new Wake Up, May’n single! The host of the program will be Date Arisa-san, who I’m looking forward to working with!
Alrighty, this weekend WUG will be having their tour through Sendai, so it’ll be super busy! I’m looking forward to having a fun time with you all!
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Source: https://ameblo.jp/wakeupgirls/entry-12298173537.html
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ariadcalfine · 5 years
Mob Psycho II Special Event - part 1
Just a brief (or may be not brief) report on the Mob Psycho II Special Event (Mob Psycho 100 II Psycho Helmet-kyō no Tsudoi Special Event Natsu) that happened today, before I forgot most of it (I already forgot some of it I think)
Five seiyuus attended: Setsuo Ito (Mobbuuu), Sakurai Takahiro (minna-no-DAISUKI-na-Reigen), Otsuka Akio (Ekubo), Irino Miyu (Ritsun) and last but not least, Takanori Hoshino (our nervous wreck of a darling, Serizawa).
Side note #1: Damn Otsuka Akio. His RL voice is his acting voice. Real smooth and calm, cool (and sexy?) Ekubo. I was seriously confused because Ekubo isn’t a character one gets sexual attraction for lolol
Side note #2: I don’t think I know Takanori Hoshino before... not sure whether he was acting or not, but he was, like, Serizawa in the flesh. Tall, big-bodied, earnest. If MP100 Butai series are still on, they can cast him as Serizawa (like they cast Setsuo Ito as Mob).
Side note #3: I don’t really follow Jap seiyuu all that closely... is “Secchan” Setsuo Ito’s nickname?
Back from all the side notes (yeah my mind branches out a lot. I’m as bad as my younger bro. Slightly more disciplined. Only slightly...).  Am happy with the cast attending, just that if they have Arai Atsushi (Hanazawa Teruki), would have been more complete.
The event began with Secchan standing behind a podium in a black gakuran top. He opened his mouth and froze for longer than 1 minute. I didn’t know whether he started saying something before freezing because I was always late into the show - both afternoon and evening sessions. As the silence went on, voices of Ekubo, Reigen, Ritsu and Serizawa began to speak of encouragements - or other comments - to Mob (Serizawa’s “ganbarre, Senpai!” and Reigen’s “don’t let this be like the speech for presidency of student council!”) After all those, Mob said to himself, “Yes, I have changed! I can do this!” then he opened the event, to the praises of his supporters (particularly Ritsu).
And the screen showed Reigen’s face from THAT TV conference scene in episode 7, saying “Seichou shita na, omae” !!!!! My heart melted.
When the podium moved to the side, Reigen said “Uh, Mob, you don’t need to put back the podium.” The juxtaposition of comedic and heart-warming moments... is really MP100′s strength.
After that, to the background of 99.9 music, the characters were shown on the screen one by one. There was a shoji (screen paper door) at the centre-and-back part of the stage. The seiyuu posed and we could see the silhouette before they entered the stage. The sequence is as below:
Afternoon session:
-Serizawa holding an umbrella
-Ritsu with his arms spread wide and one leg up
-Ekubo... raised his arms above his head into “A” shape. Actually, I forgot whose turn was it first... Ritsu or Ekubo.
-Reigen... one hand on the waist and a cool businessman haha
-Mob standing normally and raising his hand (trademark pose)
Evening session:
-Serizawa same pose with afternoon
-Ritsu dabbing
-Ekubo took Ritsu’s pose from afternoon session
-Reigen... squatting like he was taking a sh*t. And then sweeping his hands outwards from his thighs like he was fixing his pants lol.
-Mob same pose with afternoon
After the host came on stage and introduced everyone and herself (with Ekubo repeating each syllables of her name... sorry Ekubo, I can’t remember her name still). She then started talking that 7th July is Tanabata, so what is the wish everyone has written on paper?
Afternoon session:
Mob: To get 50,000 yen from Reigen (cue Sakurai Takahiro protesting and shenanigans)
Serizawa: I didn’t catch it. Mind you the wishes were shown on the screen in Japanese and I might not be able to read it
Reigen: Health 健康 (everyone started laughing about how simple it is and Sakurai was like ‘it’s important!’)
Ritsu:  To get 50,000 yen from Reigen (cue more shenanigans. Sakurai saying ‘so I have to give away 100,000 yen now!?’ and then Irino saying ‘I didn’t copy Nii-san! I came up with it first!’ And Ito saying ‘when you wrote that, I thought it was interesting, so I purposely synced. Sorry, didn’t know mine would be shown first.’)
Ekubo: Really wants the Ekubo pouch (see this image https://www.zerochan.net/2461223)
Evening session:
Mob: I didn’t understand the Japanese. Might be about being more fit.
Reigen: Super Health 超健康 (word play at his previous wish haha. Cute, Reigen)
Ritsu: Something related to health (cue comments about why there are so many wishes on health)
Ekubo: Still really wants the Ekubo pouch; same wish because he strongly wants it (everyone else commented ‘you must really want it’...)
Serizawa: wants to be better at talking, especially now that he’s working with Reigen and hopefully will be more involved in solving cases in the future (is that a... hint I hear? A wish to the ‘special guest’?)
TBC to part 2
0 notes
My Beloved Senpai・・・(2019-3-9)
※Firstly an apology。
This is a bit of a personal blog。
I’m Kobushi Factory’s
Minna no MinaMina Nomura Minami!!   
Recently、I’ve eaten too much too often so、my stomach is always full。
It hurts〜I feel like this a lot笑笑lollol
You shouldn’t be eating so much!
I think this…
Like to make my stomach "exactly full"
I don’t know what that means。
Really、I wanna explain it to someone〜!
Like this
Each meal、my stomach is overfull。
It’s a problem。I end up groaning(TT)
Ah、the groaning is my happiness escaping。
People say this huh
I get it now。
From tomorrow、no、from now。
If I groan、I’ll breath deeply👍
Recently because of this I、
Have felt quite down・・・
I know why though。。。
A lonely season is coming closer。
I feel like、the cold wind is blowing around the dead leaves。
It makes me think of the blue flame on gas stoves。。
I don’t wanna sigh in the middle of my blーog!!
The other day、when I was walking through town、
An old man、was tickling an old woman、and that old woman looked happy、and seeing her joy、made me feel at peace。
It was just a second、
The blue flame of the stove warmed me up。
  Kobushi Factory
Nomura Minami×Wada Sakurako
Birthday Event in Nagoya
A birthday event as the 2 of us!!
I’m super excited✨
Even now、
As a show of our indecisiveness、
What songs should we sing?
We keep discussing this…笑笑lollol
We’ll make a decision soon。。。
Before the show at least…😅
Come and play okay!!!
Tumblr media
I had mumps not very long ago、、、、
It was a viral infection。
I’m sorry for telling you so late、
And making you worry🙇‍♂️
----- For reading my blog until the very end
            Thank you very much (*´∀`*)-----
Original - https://ameblo.jp/kobushi-factory/entry-12445575830.html
0 notes