#handwriting headcanons
feintenstein · 1 year
random thangs from various times... Descriptions in ALTs
a whole little gallery below the cut.
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lovelivepoet · 4 months
requesting handwriting head canons !! who writes most bubbly, angular, big, small, puts too much pressure on the pencil and snaps the lead often, etc. :0
alternatively who’s the best artist / what do they doodle in the margins of their notebooks?
hi op! thank you so much for your ask, and being the first one at that! i wasn't sure which girls you wanted me to do, so i looked around and saw two of your favorite characters were nozomi and kotori, so i decided to do μ's! i'm a pretty big pen nerd, so there will be some mentions of pen types in here as well! this will be a long post, so i sincerely hope you enjoy <3
μ's handwriting and doodles headcanons
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Honoka Kosaka
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Honoka writes pretty big, so whenever she goes shopping for new notebooks she has to make sure the spaces between the lines is big enough.
she consistently gets in trouble for writing all lowercase and actually has gotten point deductions off her work for it! Umi keeps scolding her about it, but Honoka just says that captialized letters aren't cute! tsk tsk
Honoka also writes pretty slowly. she wants to make sure all the letters are perfectly connected, besides her k's. when asked about her unconnected k's by a teacher, she just grinned ear to ear: "it's totally a super cool trademark of a school idol!
gel pens are Honoka's favorite kind of pen. she loves seeing it glisten in the light! she writes with a 1.0 mm pen because she says her handwriting just looks weird when it's all skinny. Kotori doesn't tell her that using a thinner pen would probably help with how big she writes...
totally doodles everywhere. in different colored ink, too! like girl, at least doodle in your notebook and not the assignments you have to turn in!! she usually draws the gang together, so it takes up a bit of space when she should be taking notes.
Kotori Minami
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Kotori is a gentle writer. she has those pencils that have little charms dangling off the tops, but she can't really use them in class since they clink together a bit loudly.
she doesn't add 'hooks' to her r's, u's, m's, and n's, leaving them looking smooth. she also writers her vowels very carefully so they connect just right!
her friends adore that she makes her dotted i's be hearts, but Kotori doesn't tell them that the reason they look a little awkward is because they're supposed to be bird hearts... you know, with the wings? yeah, she can't tell them the truth...
so. many. costume doodles! so many! at least she has a sense to keep a different notebook for them, but she'll sometimes draw smaller accessories in the margins of her notes, like bows and earrings.
Umi Sonoda
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Umi is one of those people that has a very specific fancy pen that she has refills for. It even has a thumb grip!
she also always makes the letters she captializes a bit fancy. and her writing is a bit sharp too; usually the ink bleeds through the paper a tad when she's writing.
okay so, it's embarrassing, but Umi has such a hard time connecting her o's. like, it's really hard. no one really notices, but sure does Umi notice!
Umi isn't a doodler, but she likes practicing her cursive sometimes with words like "hello" and "minimum".
Maki Nishikino
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Maki uses very thin ballpoint pens; it was just the norm in her house growing up. like Umi, she has a few special pens, but they're all reserved for different occasions. wriiting letters, writing notes, writing music; all different pens to properly suit the occasion.
Maki doesn't connect letters like 'a', 'h', 'e', 'y', etc.. it's how she grew up seeing her mother write and finds it very pretty actually!
she absolutely doodles, but only in pencil. she makes sure to erase her doodles very thoroughly because she doesn't think they're good and that drawing her teammates faces is kinda improper or something... she's just a ball of embarrassment!
she's also really good at writing formally, so whenever μ's gets offers for concerts and promotions, the gang turns to Eli and Maki to respond.
Hanayo Koizumi
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Hanayo adds little curves to her letters, so a lot of the times her u's, i's, and l's can end up looking like c's. sometimes that means point deductions on her essays where she has to talk to the teacher afterwards about her style!
everyone says her handwriting is adorable and totally writing an idol would have!
she usually uses whatever pens are available to her and tends to write relatively tiny. like "what does that say?' tiny, but her letters are typically well spaced!
totally a doodler. so many doodles. she actually doodles a lot of comic strips!
Rin Hoshizora
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Rin is one of those girlies who uses captialization randomly in her words. yeah, it doesn't fly often, but everyone thinks it's totally in character! and like Honoka, she tends to write pretty big, too.
cats. cats everywhere. cat notebook, cat pen, cat doodles. so many cats.
Rin can write in cursive, but it definitely looks like a third graders cursive. Very spread out and some words aren't even in cursive, they're just whatever she makes it with a line connecting them.
the lead of her pencils usually snap off because she's writing too fast and hard.
i also like to think she's ambidextrous!
Eli Ayase
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this girl is such a cursive writer. like, no joke, everything she writers is in cursive. it's a bit sharp and slanted to the right, but teachers are usually very impressed with penmanship.
think .5 mm pens rollerball pens. totally her thing.
Eli doesn't doodle, but sometimes she rewrites her words to try new styles of writing!
she uses big, long words when writing. teachers are impressed, girls in μ's are not. what the hell does facetious even mean???
Nozomi Tojo
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Nozomi tends to fill in some of her letters! her writing also varies from being sharp to bubbly.
she really only doodles the art on her tarot deck. and also characters in mythology that are seen with the specified card!
she likes using gel pens, but since she writes so fast, her writing smudges a lot. it gets all over her hand!
she's also a muji pen girlie!
Nico Yazawa
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ugh, Nico is so embarrassed about her writing. except when anyone talks about it, she gets all defensive because she does actually like her handwriting, she just gets it from her dad.
when Nico was little, she wanted to write just like her dad; blocky letters and all. so she does! butttt she tries to write differently to be more "idol-like".
yeah, the gang finds it hilarious. "that's not your handwriting! be for real!" Nico shushes them; "not in front of our fans!"
besides that, Nico also really likes muji pens!
I hope you liked these headcanons! I had so much fun doing them, and I hope you have just as much fun reading them!! <33
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two-bits-smile · 2 years
My Outsiders Handwriting HCs
Ponyboy Curtis: slightly messy especially with the tails on his letters (eg. g, y, j, d, b, k,) and especially struggles with writing the letter f. seriously he never manages to write it in the same way twice. middle ground between soda and darry really. no preference between blue or black pen, ballpoint.
Sodapop Curtis: man's got undiagnosed adhd and is dyslexic. he has such horrible handwriting and he's embarrassed by it. uses exclusively blue pen. doesn't really keep things hes written at school, all papers got crumpled up and shoved in the bin.
Darry Curtis: very neat handwriting, can't write cursive. not slanted to any side. it looks like he spends ages to make the letters so neat but really he writes pretty fast. black pen (ballpoint) "darry can you write my school assignment?" "no soda, your handwriting's too messy, your teacher will know right off the bat it wasn't you who wrote it". neat line through mistakes.
Dallas Winston: fanciest handwriting of the gang full stop. he literally can't even fake it to be messy (messy handwriting looks tougher). i HC him to have ocd lowkey. he also writes slowly, focused with his tongue sticking out slightly. black ink.
Johnny Cade: teeny handwriting, slanted to the right. blue pen? two-bit hates him for it because he can't read his handwriting. blocks out words he spelt wrong and wastes lots of ink by doing so.
Two-Bit Mathews: BIG HANDWRITING. adhd kid and y'all know it deep down. i read some HC where 2Bit can't read cursive but writes cursive anyway and ive decided to adopt that hc. when he was little he got through pages and pages of writing and thought it was really impressive when really his letters pretty much spanned whole pages. still struggles with spelling and messily scribbles things out.
Steve Randle: probably pretty average-to-messy. not too horrible and it passes the can-two-bit-read-it test so its valid. likes blue pen but black isnt a big deal. exclusively ballpoint pens. crosses things out with a line through
Cherry Valance: cursive, loopy handwriting. she kept on practicing it when she was younger so she could be one of those girls with the prettiest handwriting in class. at school she uses black ink but for non-school things she uses red. hates making mistakes in her writing, uses the 1950s version of Tipp-Ex: Mistake Out. basically she's gotta be the perfect girl.
should i make visuals of these handwritings??
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Note from Diluc
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DISCLAIMER: This is in no way official, everything is my original work.
Diluc leaves before you wake up and leaves a note so you don't worry :)
Requests for your own custom note or letter are open on my page!!
This wasn't requested by anyone, I just wanted Diluc content because he's one of my comfort characters :)))
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theflatpancakes · 11 months
I made how I imagine the gang would write their names!
Darry writes 𝘦𝘹𝘤𝘭𝘶𝘴𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘭𝘺 in pen
Dally usually just carves into shit but if he has to write on paper, he prefers Sharpie, so it's forever
I didn't have a sharpie, however.
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Soda's letters would probably fade into each other, much like my handwriting, but I took too long to write it, so it doesn't look like that 😭
Also the scratched out one for Dally is part of it
He often messes up, so he has to do it again
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nerdyerror · 1 year
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Obi-Wan Kenobi as written by members of the disaster lineage:
Obi-Wan: 10/10 neat, legible hand writing
Qui-Gon: 0/10 illegible
Anakin: 2/10 also illegible not as bad as Qui-Gon’s
Ahsoka: 8/10 messy but easily legible
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upon-the-snow · 4 months
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early mornings after nightmares
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lover-of-skellies · 3 months
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POV you were given a notepad and decided to go around and get a bunch of autographs
The Sans edition of this, in a sense. There are a few oddball out characters (Undyne and the two OCs of mine up by the top right), but eh. I haven’t made a Papyrus edition yet, but maybe I will eventually, who knows
All font names under the cut, if anyone’s interested in that :P
Major and Dream: dear Joe 5 casual
Minor: CakorAyam
Undyne and Killer: Quikhand
Nightmare: Antro Vectra
Error: Mind Antiks
Axe: Lighthouse
Dust: Dadhand
Blueberry: Rock Salt
Red: Domestic Manners
Sans: LDF Comic Sans
Lust: Talking to the Moon
Fresh: Fresh Cocktails
Ink: Good Day
Sci: Daniel
Outer: Hate Your Writing
Nox: Otto
Cross: alanis hand
Epic: We Mano Negra Bta
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moonys-bf · 1 year
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marauders handwriting headcanons
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violetriorsons · 7 months
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adxrnunofficial · 8 months
Any favorite headcannons?
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Here is the full page :3
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Hc that Neil has sloppy ass hand writing and Andrew's is incredibly neat and he can also write in cursive.
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snakestarr · 2 months
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old sketches before the new sucker, second image transcript below
*please don't tag as ship!
classic teeth
constantly forgets to hide them in public
very clean and straight, ironically has the healthiest and most effective teeth in the group
shark teeth
crooked and slightly yellow
cannot hide them and does not care to
started wearing a mask after magnus staked him tho lmao
dulled teeth
unnaturally small and blunt for a vampire
can pierce but struggles to
almost never shows teeth, even around other kindred
*vampires in vtm can retract their teeth **small headcanon that kindred keep their teeth unretracted around other kindred as they're more relaxed
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cattamouche · 6 months
do you guys think scaras handwriting would be neat or messy?
to me, he has always come off as a perfectionist, so I feel like that would definitely apply to his handwriting as well. like ik his penmanship is crazy. maybe a little too crazy. sometimes he gets carried away with trying to make his letters pretty that they're almost unintelligible type of crazy, and he would hate you for not being able to read it but it's literally not your fault that he's tryharding (yes it is. why else do you think he would put extra care than usual into his handwriting when it's only meant for you to read?).
he doesn't want his letters to look like slop but he accidentally overdoes it, which does look pretty at first glance, but then you actually try to read it and there's too many loops, it's a bit messy and a little too slanted. there are imperfections in his perfectionism and it's something he hates but it's so endearing that you can't help but laugh a little, to which he promptly sighs and mumbles little jabs at you (that he really doesn't mean, but you already know that), before he begrudgingly takes the paper from your hands and reads it to you in slight embarrassment.
and you really can't complain because there's nothing more comforting than the soft sound of his smooth voice :)
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My dumbass deleted my request thing so mamma mia, here we go again
Toxic shippers
Those who support things like pedophilia or incest (if it's fictional I'm not going to attack you, it just makes me uncomfy so you may be blocked)
Pro e/d / s/h
blank blogs! I will assume you're a bot and report you!
As a general rule, you'll probably be fine as long as you're respectful and a decent human being
Request Info!
I will write a handwritten note from a character either to the reader or to another character. I will try my best to come up with a unique handwriting style for them, but I'm a beginner at changing my handwriting so be patient, please!
Requests are currently open!! (more info below cut because it's long af lol)
I will try my best to write for any character, but I can't promise it'll be super in character for anyone from the media not listed below:
Genshin Impact
The band Ghost
HxH (I'm not finished, so also may not be totally accurate)
Demon Slayer (same as listed above, not finished lol)
Nijisanji EN (not writing about the people behind the characters, writing about the characters themselves! also may be a bit inaccurate if it's someone I don't watch a ton!)
I will try my best to write for most other fandoms/media, but again, I can't promise accuracy if I don't know the source well!!
Things I will NOT write
The Harry Potter books/world. There's a shit ton of discriminatory ideas in those books, if you want something about that ask someone else to write it.
NSFW (I am a minor and would be very uncomfortable with that. Slightly suggestive content is fine though, but I have the right to refuse your request if it's too suggestive.)
Certain character x character ships at my discretion.
If the source material is problematic, there's a good chance I won't write about it. Feel free to dm me or send me an ask regarding this though!
Super long letters. Try to keep it like 200-ish words MAX. Writing in a different handwriting is stressful on my joints and I can't do it for long!
Super dark content. While I read some dark content sometimes, I feel that writing it would impact my mental health too much. Some slight dark content is fine, just don't go overboard
Pedophilia or incest
Abusive relationships
Things I WILL write
Some ships. See above. I am fine with poly ships! (romantic or platonic)
Character x reader notes (romantic or platonic)
The fandoms in that list above
romantic or platonic notes (nothing too suggestive though, as stated above. If you're unsure if it's too suggestive feel free to send an ask or dm me so I can evaluate it.)
Hurt/comfort (to the best of my ability with a single letter/note lol)
Letters and notes about 200-ish words or less. Preferably less, as writing puts a lot of stress on my joints
Scripted notes (you tell me exactly what you want it to say)
"Freestyle" notes (you just give me some details and I go crazy lol)
Things to note!
Requests can take anywhere from a few days to like 2-ish weeks to complete! Please be patient, I'm both neurodivergent and physically disabled, so it can be hard for me to complete things quickly. It also takes a while for me to formulate a handwriting style for a character if I haven't written for them before."Freestyle" notes will generally take longer than scripted notes, as I have to actually do a bit of research on the characters if I don't know them well, and I also have to come up with the actual letter content!
If you're not sure if I'll take a request, just ask! Always feel free to send an ask or dm me! If you take the time to ask if you're unsure, I'm more likely to accept the request because it shows you respect me and my boundaries :)
If you want a request longer than 200 words, please dm me before sending the request! Please confirm that you understand it will likely take much longer than a regular request since there's so much writing to do!
I use a mixture of graphology and just ~vibes~ to come up with the handwriting. If you want it to look a certain way, please include that in your ask!
How to request (format basically)
Please provide me with the character's name(s), the relationship to the reader/other character(s), and what they would call the reader/other character(s) (pet names, nicknames, etc). It would be great to provide me with a small description of the character, even if they're from the media listed above! I want to know how you view the character and how they act, think, etc! This is not necessary, however. I also would appreciate it if you told me any headcanons or details you want me to include (like if you want an AU or something). If there's anything else you want me to know or include, also put that in the ask!
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bold-embrace · 2 months
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Must be hard being a warrior
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