#hakuouki headcanon
otobabe · 9 months
Please may you create headcanons on the hakuouki boys and even kazama if possible on what they would be like if your pregnant thank you
Ahhhh I'm not sure i'm the best to ask about pregnancy HCs, but I do have thoughts on how some of the Hakuouki boys would do babysitting with you! Hope that's an okay substitution 😘
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🖤Amagiri- 100% in control. Patient, practiced, kind, he can help babysit kids of any age and will be able to keep conversation with you throughout the intermingling of kids conversations and questions! You'll happily be chatting about what you want for the future while playing your third round of 'Go Fish' with the kids, get asked "Do Caterpillars poop?", and Amagiri will be able to respond eloquently and correctly (yes, a lot, in pellet form much like a small rodent), and then smoothly continue your conversation whether it be "I do hope any future children of ours could inherit my well-defined cheekbones" or "I'm excited to see you progress in your career, I'll make sure to keep dinner warm on the table during your late nights". <3
❤️Sano- He's enjoys being around kids, even if he isn't "the best" at knowing what to do with him. Still, your favorite "date", if you could call it that, was babysitting twin 3 year olds with him. Watching him trying to hide that tall and lanky (begrudgingly handsome) frame behind a kid's sized chair for hide and seek, smiling on and cheering against him as they chased him in circles around the backyard for hours, and hearing the different inflections in his voice for different characters when the four of you snuggled up for their bedtime stories, all created a lasting memory of fun and laughter in your heart!
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💚Souma- Fucking it up in the least damaging and hilarious way, which all in all means he does a pretty good job as your co-babysitter, so long as you're there to help clean up the mess. School age kids LOVE him, but they also love to tease and torture him. The kids you babysit together, ages 5 &7, know damn well how to get what they want out of him and con him into playing what they want to play. Homework? No, thank you! It's actually way past the time you were meant to show up for your haircut Kazue! Where do you think you're going?? Sit in this chair! Unfortunately for him, this will not have been the first time one of the kids have snuck a real pair of scissors into the mix and given him an "asymmetrical bob" before...
🤍Kazama- Might surprise some of you with this, but read it through before disagreeing with me! Kazama is fantastic with babies. Would he admit it? Absolutely not. But they love to coo and laugh at his various facial expressions (even his 'serious' ones) as he holds them, and something about his temperament is a true baby-sleep-whisperer to them. He won't forget to slide in comments about how, "It's cute, but ours would be cuter", and reminding you that you ARE betrothed to him and this could be your future soon enough. The cutest part? When you go to put down the baby for a nap, Kazama takes them from you and, a little degradingly, tells you that he "can do it better, you can just take a rest". The walls aren't that thick, so you can hear him lowly singing a lullaby that you'd never heard before to the baby in the rocking chair next door, and you snuggle up on the couch with a cup of warm cocoa daydreaming about your future together <3
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eleiyaumei · 10 months
LGBTQ+ and ally Hakuouki headcanons
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Anyway, headcanons are subjective. Feel free to share your own!
Aromantic asexual: Sannan, Amagiri, Kaoru
Aromantic: Yamazaki
Asexual: Okita, Saito
Pansexual/Bisexual: Harada, Souma, Sen
Gay/Lesbian: Shiranui, Kimigiku/Okiku, Itou, Takeda (let's take those 2 gay stereotypes and turn them into real characters!)
Heterosexual Pan-/Biromantic: Hijikata, Iba
Gender-non-conforming/Demi-girl/Agender/Non-binary: Chizuru
Gay asexual: Nakaoka
Cishet ally*: Nagakura, Ryouma, Miki
*Allies of the community are those that don't just tolerate LGBTQ+ people, but actively support and defend them.
Shenanigumi might be the only who's done this before...
(Sorry for not including Heisuke, I just don't think he fits anything here. I think he's a straight cis guy that would not go out of his way to support the LGBTQ+ community. He probably has other things on his mind... I don't HC him as queerphobic, just not as an ally.)
For those in the aromantic&asexual lines: I don't have a HC what their sexual/romantic identity is, I guess I'm open to any interpretation there. For the people in the pan&bi and gay&lesbian lines, I mostly HC their romantic identities to allign with their sexual ones.
(I saw someone musing about whether or not Kaoru is trans* (since identical twins usually share the same biological sex) and... I can't see how? Him "having the wrong genitals" (as in: him being AMAB) is a fact important to his backstory and he seems to have always identified as boy/man, even before the attack on his village, no matter what the Nagumo did to him. (Kaoru and Chizuru being oni is probably an excuse for how it's possible that they're identical twins with different sexes). But it's a trans* spectrum so while I can't see how he could be MTF trans*, maybe he's GNC/demi-boy/agender/enby?)
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h20milk · 2 years
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height difference
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For the drabble. Anything Hakuouki related that strikes your fancy. Love your writing either way. But if you need a topic, relaxing downtime between Chizuru and the boys perhaps? We can all use a little more cheer and comfort in our lives after all. :)
How about something completely different? :3
~ ~ ~
“What are you doing here?”
Amagiri does not startle. Nothing as undignified as that. But in the dark of the okiya, she can catch the glint of his eye, gray and hard as flint. Kimigiku does not miss how it passes once down her body in a movement so quick and fleeting it cast sparks. “The Kazama heir came so I followed.”
Against better judgement, Kimigiku peels from her shadows and enters his. Her silks shimmer in the dim. “Like a dog, then?”
He sighs. “I do not seem to recall you complaining when I did the same for you.”
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muselexum · 2 years
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There’s nothing wrong with Mihawk’s official VA, but just know I usually picture him sounding like this.
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queen-simone1230 · 1 year
Nagakura would totes be in a frat.
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apricifate · 1 year
the hayakawa family is known for their studies with medicine and for coming up with treatments for various ailments, their father a military man who passed in battle leaves the siblings to keep his name going by continuing his work as medics. this eventually leads them under orders to assist with the shinsengumi for a brief period of time - that is until a certain someone gets attached.
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hakuouki verse facts for plotting purposes:
shiku is a medical professional aiding when things get bad for the shinsengumi. 
aillah is more or less his assistant, helping with wrapping bandages and other more minor health / injury-related tasks. 
shiku is quite skilled with the bo staff. he can be found training and improving his skills whenever he’s not busy doing his primary tasks. 
aillah is more on the moderate skill level and uses war fans, tessen, she can do basic self-defense but the more skilled her opponent, the less likely she may be able to hold her own. depends on the circumstance. but she does know how to defend herself and keeps her fans concealed for the most part unless she absolutely needs them. 
their father was a military man who also specialized in medicine but passed in battle before shiku took over for the family name.
they weren’t supposed to stay long with the shinsengumi, shiku was brought in for one task and aillah got attached -- so they’re staying now. 
in the SSL Timeline ( REINCARNATION BABY ) shiku and aillah both enter hakuou academy around the same time after their father’s business has them move into town.
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eksvilbcrihxv · 1 year
4 5 1 7 8 9 2 6 3 0
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ozzgin · 10 months
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otobabe · 9 months
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may i present to you~ a smorgasbord of kazama thoughts:
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what build-a-bear is he picking?: walking in, he really, really wants to stick to the basic ones, but in the end it's the Wild Hearts Monkey that truly catches his eye. As regrettable he finds walking around the store, and later the mall, with a bright red stuffed animal in tow, he can't seem to pull himself away from it. He assertively tells you that he's "just going along with it for you" when you're both up to the stuffing station and repeat after the friend-maker, but you can see how concentrated he is from the corner of your eye, quickly and vigorously rubbing the monkey's heart on his knees so "it always knows your needs". Surprisingly, you're unable to convince him to name the monkey and create it's birth certificate, and you think you catch him mumbling to it "why would i name you, you are a monkey, i will just call you monkey". He does complete the photo-booth photo station with you and both your build-a-bears.
what's he like when a period having partner gets their period?: honestly, you try to avoid him on your period. he's got this way about him that can easily grind your gears when your hormones are already out of wack, and he can't help but let out comments like "it's just the price we pay for the beauty of populating the earth", as if he is paying such a price in any way, and really you aren't even sure ANY oni get their period in the first place?! After the first few days, you reluctantly let him come over again and he *does* bring you your favorite treat and lets you use him as a pillow while you watch a movie of your choosing, so there's that.
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what would he be like as a stardew valley npc?: (BIG thanks to Stardew Valley Portrait Creator on itch.io, very dope to be able to make this Kazama) Kazama can ONLY be found at night in the Casino in Calico Desert, or at the Dance of the Moonlight Jellies and Night Market events. Who knows where he is at any other time of the year! He makes it feel incredibly impossible to up your hearts with him, but his most loved gifts are surprisingly easy to find; Red Mushrooms, Cherries, Void Eggs, Rubies, and Pink Cake. He NEVER visits Dr. Harvey, don't even try to catch him around the town square. You'd think he was a figment of your imagination due to desert heat, but you've actually heard Krobus talk about him from time to time, so maybe it's more of a shared fantasy with the sewers creature?
what would he be like if his partner accidentally called him 'daddy' ~in bed~?: Is there a word for the look in a person's eye when their gaze darkens and you have a sudden feeling of light danger, like they're about to ravage and consume you but you kind of like it? Don't tell him it was an accident though, that would definitely hurt his pride. He loves pet names, using them for you or you using them for him (besides snuggle butt, you still haven't been able to get him to accept that one yet), and Daddy might be his favorite thing you've ever called him. He's always wanted to prove his loyalty and dedication to you, as well as prove his capabilities to his people, and something about the way you say daddy really gives him that in the hottest way.
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eleiyaumei · 2 years
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tiny ace-Okita moment
just my opinion/headcanon
Context: Heisuke and Okita are talking about Kimigiku after the Shinsengumi celebrated at Shimabara.
tiny ace-Cloud (FFVII) moment
Notes below the cut
This moment is no proof of Okita’s sexual identity, just a moment that makes me think: “Huh... Could he be ace?” and because I’m ace and he’s my favorite love interest from Hakuōki, I headcanon him as ace.
Btw, his flirting when Chizuru accidentally falls on him is no proof of him not being ace either. Ace people can flirt, talk about s*x/make innuendos, enjoy both of it etc. We just don’t, rarely or to a lesser extent experience sexual attraction and I think saying “I can’t tell if someone is hot or not” can be something people on the ace spectrum might say - like a way of saying “I don’t feel sexual attraction to this person/people in general so I can’t tell if they are sexually attractive or not”.
But you’re free to disagree with my opinion and have your own headcanon!
Anyway, does anyone know what Heisuke and Okita say in Japanese? The English translation is pretty free, I’ve heard, so my interpretation of this scene might be (even more) inaccurate due to this... ^^’
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fierce-little-miana · 11 months
may i ask you what u mean when you say that kodo emotionally isolated Chizuru? do you mean by not telling her of her true nature or something else? love your souji route commentary btw!!❤️
Hello anon,
I am glad your like my commentaries on Souji's route. I like making them too so at least two of us are having a nice time with them.
It is true that I must have said 3 or 4 times now that for me Kodo emotionally isolated Chizuru while raising her, without ever explaining what exactly I was referring to. So thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk about this.
(However, please be aware that I haven't play the game in its entirety yet and I am playing Hakuoki: Stories of the Shinsengumi which is a ten-years-old game and far from the newest iteration that might explore the subject a bit more. So this is informed by the anime, the movies and the part of the game I have played as of today. Plus by some of the discussions I have seen in the fandom.)
Also, I am so very sorry for the long post.
When I say Kodo emotionally isolated Chizuru am I referring to him lying to her about who she is or to something else? The answer is both, or rather I think the lying and other things were tools he used to isolate her (emotionally and also physically to an extent) in order to control her easily.
First the lying. Kodo lied to Chizuru, and he lied to her constantly including on things that cannot be reframed as a safety issue for her. Let's list the extent of his lies:
Not telling Chizuru she is an oni: This could potentially be reframed as a way to protect her from a world that would hunt her down. However, Chizuru still knows she is not like other people because of her healing. She has to hide it from ´outside’ people. This means Kodo only gave her half of the truth so she can't have a full picture of herself while also being convinced the only person she can trust entirely is him.
Not telling Chizuru she is not his biological daughter: Kodo is not Chizuru's biological dad. Biologically I am not even sure who Kodo is supposed to be for her. He is part of the Yukimura clan but he is not a pure blood oni. This means that the closest he could be to her is her uncle as the half-brother of one her parents. In the movies Kaoru calls him "Kodo-ojisan" (meaning uncle Kodo) but in Japanese as a younger person you can call middle-aged man ojisan as a mark of respect that is less formal than san (Mister/Sir). The official French subtitles translate this as "M'sieur Kodo", an informal version of Mister Kodo. In the game I am pretty sure Kaoru only calls him "Kodo-san". Which would mean that Kodo is not extremely closely related to the Yukimura twins (personally in my fic I made him the (half-)uncle of their mother who was born only a few years before her so they were raised as siblings more than uncle-niece, which meant that while Kodo is Chizuru's great-uncle he actually served as an uncle figure, I love family drama and complicated family tree). What does any of this matter? Well this lie does not serve any safety or cultural properness purpose. Adoption was extremely common in Japan at the time. Kondo Isami was adopted, Inoue (Okita) Rintaro (Okita Souji's brother-in-law) was adopted by the Okita family, Ito Kashitaro was adopted, Iemochi the Shogun at the beginning of the Hakuouki game was adopted, twice!, apparently Okita Mitsu was adopted by the Kondo family too so she could marry Inoue (now Okita) Rintaro... It would not have been shocking for Kodo to present himself as Chizuru adoptive father. What he actually is, btw. Yet he preferred to lie to her and say that he is her father, period.
Not telling her she ever had a sibling: as a follow-up to lying to her about being her bio dad, Kodo never mentioned to Chizuru that she had a brother. Reminder that Chizuru was 7 when her village was destroyed which meant she could have memories of her previous life (I can't remember if this is a popular headcanon or something backed by canon but it was Kodo who altered her memory right?). Hypothetically Kodo could have told her she had a brother (without mentioning the twin thing considering the negative superstitions surrounding them) adding that he died/disappeared. This could have match with snippets of memory she might have. It might also have salvaged Kaoru and Chizuru's relationship if they ever met again (something I believe Kodo was planning) because I personally thing that what definitely broke Kaoru was his sister not recognizing nor remembering him at all.
All of this accumulate to create a picture of "it was always just me and my dad and no one else" (why would she ever think she might need anyone else?) and "my father is the only person I can really trust". This is plain bad for Chizuru's development as a person and an absolute lie.
To this, one must add other ways Kodo used to make Chizuru dependent on him alone:
While Chizuru is well-educated and has attended a dojo for a short while, she has no (let alone close) friend. She never mentioned anyone back in Edo. I know some of this come from otome protagonists being some sort of a blank page so you can project on them but if we compare her to Hoshino Ichika for exemple (from Collar x Malice), Ichika does have friends and relations outside of the main cast that date back before the plot kicks in. Chizuru does not, besides Kodo.
The inclusion of Iba Hachiro in the new games might mitigate that but from my understanding Kodo did put some distance between the two at some point.
Chizuru had no prospect of her own, no goal with her future life despite being on the brink of adult life. Was the plan for her to live with her father forever?
While Kodo seems to be well-integrated in the medical/scientific community, no one seems to really care about Chizuru. No one seemed to have actually looked for her after she disappeared from the family home and went missing. Chizuru was 16 when she left Edo! She must have more or less run her father's household (which must have make her interact with people), maybe she helped him in the clinic and her father must have been a known figure in the neighborhood at least (as a doctor)... I understand that were more than troubled times but no one cared about the missing 16 years old girl they must have interacted with regularly? Really?
As a result we see a Chizuru that is an extremely strong-willed (she travelled alone from Edo to Kyoto by foot at sixteen years old disguising her gender in the middle of a deeply trouble political time! That takes guts!) and rather intelligent girl, yet she is also quite timid and does not seem to have a point of reference on how people should treat her.
The Shinsengumi kidnaps her and holds her captive for months for being at the wrong place at the wrong time and she is not deeply resentful to them? She thinks they are "nice men" deep down?
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It takes her being physically put in danger in the place she is forced to live in to go:
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She has no basis for what a sane relationship with someone should look like. She take being controlled as normal. Ironically, it is with the political militia who kidnapped her that she starts learning how to interact relatively normally with people. Because for what I think is the first time in her life since Kodo adopted her, she is allowed to interact with a multitude of people who have different opinion and act as if disagreeing with each other from time to time is normal (which it is). Hijikata gave the order for her to stay in her room? Well it is stupid order and we are not following it. Etc etc.
My thoughts about Kodo's behavior is that he raised Chizuru so she would be able to nominally be the head of Yukimura clan and his future oni/rasetsu kingdom (giving her Shotsuren, making sure she is passable with it, making sure she is educated, etc.) while making sure she could never really escape his clutches and would never even think about trying to do so.
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kurayami-no-ko · 10 months
Hakuouki headcanon: the Shinsengumi going to a ghost house
Modern settings, all the guys don't have the baggage from years of fighting and are not used to seeing gore. I end up tagging every character I mentioned but they don't necessarily get a detailed description of their reactions.
What if the Shinsengumu guys go to a ghost house together
Scenario: The baka trio is the one that comes up with the idea of going to a ghost house together with everyone else. Kondou agrees, thinking that it is good for group bonding. Hijikata and Sannan reluctantly agree.
The ones who will be very little scared or not scared at all: Kondou, Hijikata, Sannan, Nagakura, Harada, Shimada, Yamazaki, Souji, Saitou, Gen.
The ones who will be slightly scared: Heisuke.
The ones who will be most scared: Souma, Nomura.
What will happen:
Souji will be actively trying to make people scared by making ominous noises or sneaking up on them. Hijikata will be his first target but Hijikata is so used to Souji's bullshit that he will not act scared at all. Souji will also try to draw some reactions from Saitou but Saitou is so stoic that Souji fails to gain much reaction from Saitou. Souji will then try to pick up on Heisuke, who will get creeped out by sudden noises and scolds Souji for doing that. However, Souji's best success is when he tries to attempt those tricks on Souma and Nomura, who get scared awfully so they start shaking and say embarrassing stuffs loudly for everyone in the ghost house to hear.
Nagakura and Harada will be having fun talking about the elements of the ghost house. They will not be scared very much but when they see Heisuke being creeped out by Souji's trick, they will be making lighthearted jokes about Heisuke being still a kid and being scared of ghosts.
Hijikata will scold Souji for trying to scare people and everyone for being so loud.
Yamazaki will just be quietly walking with everyone while giving Souji judgmental glances.
Kondou and Gen will try to be the adults among these kids and fail spectacularly.
While all of this happens, Sannan stays silent but when he opens his mouth, the Shinsengumi realizes that the scariest thing among this ghost house is not any of the dummies or the staffs trying to scare them, it is Sannan. Sannan will probably attempt to make some people scared but unlike Souji, he will not be so obvious with his attempt and just add to the general ghost house atmosphere by making some seemingly unintentional comments. He will probably succeed at making Hijikata's spine feel chilly and enjoy teasing Hijikata. Yamazaki, Heisuke, Souma, Nomura number among the people who are his easiest victims. In the ghost house, the entire group gets separated at some point and it is said that the person who has to walk with Sannan alone (Yamazaki, Heisuke, Souma, or Nomura) comes out of the ghost house traumatized and forever changed. Since then, no one ever invites Sannan to go to a ghost house anymore.
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pumpkin-patch-cat · 2 months
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stars-and-clouds · 1 year
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hoshiszora-archived · 2 years
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                           You can hold the samurai future
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Independent RP blog for Tomo Hyousuke Saito of Genshin Impact
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Souji Okita from Hakuouki will mostly be used as Hyousuke’s faceclaim
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