someone272727 · 1 year
If variants hairstripe was natural they should of explained it but I still think it’s more likely than it being dyed because if it was dyed you KNOW he would have changed the colour at least 3 times like red for when he was working with the saporians then maybe back to blue when he gets his dad back but after being kidnapped by Cass he probably would have changed it again to avoid accociation 
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puhpandas · 2 years
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aged up gregory! around 15 here
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keithbutgay · 21 days
so youre
you like always were but now its canon bc i said so
and like
sundrop hugo au
*vibrates with nickname potential* /nf
*gasps* /pos
wait what nicknames what nicknames :DDDD /nf
*eats any and all nicknames*
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lovelypink2005 · 2 years
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I was Bored, so I'm adding Varian's hairstripe back where it's belong on his final moments on TTS lmao
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blue-solstice · 1 year
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Ever notice that all the cool kids have the teal hair stripes? Incidentally I’m thinking about dying my hair 👀😗
I tried out some new brushes and came out with this very fun sketchy style! Hope you guys like it! Keep scrolling for solo shots! 🌿🌸🧪
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eryanlainfa · 1 year
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Is it weird to be kinda into being manhandled by your nemesis/rival and his childhood friend as they call you out on your dubious nickname choices-
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soreiya · 2 years
Should we as a fandom collectively decide to step away from Vat7K and push for something completely different? Now don’t run off to grab your torches and pitchforks just yet. This isn’t a hate post. I just think it would be kinda fun to have a big discussion on the subject.
First of all I’d like to ask you a few questions. This will help us get to know one another a bit better.
What got you into Vat7K?                
What do you think of the Vat7K concept?
Would your opinion of it be different if it wasn’t created by someone who worked on TtS?
Have you personally noticed any problems with Vat7K and or it’s fandom?                
What would your ideal Varian spinoff be like?                
What would your ideal partner for Varian be like? (Can be either romantic or platonic)
The vague concepts that I like:
Varian leaving Corona on a simple quest that turns into something a lot grander along the way. Let the boy have his own epic adventure. ;D
Varian finding some friends who are around his own age.
The potential to learn more about Varian’s family, (This includes his mother and The Brotherhood.)
Reuniting with Cassandra and finding out what she has been up to.
Varian being given more opportunities to use his knowledge of alchemy and engineering. Doing things like problem solving, helping others, or using it for self defense. (Since this is part of what makes him special.)
Maybe finding out if there is anything special about Varian’s hairstripe? Is it nothing? Is he cursed? Does he have some unknown magic power? Is it some prophecy bullshit? I want to knowww.    
Things I like about 7K:
I like Varian’s teal vest. Out of everything 7K related, it’s probably the only thing I have no real issues with.
Don’t worry, I’m not being completely serious with that comment. 
My Vat7K thoughts and ‘opinions’:
This AU has potential, but some stuff would need to be reworked in order to make more sense.
    Mode of transportation:
-Why wasn’t Varian provided with horses and a nice caravan? He's not only the Royal Alchemist/Engineer of Corona, but the son of a marquess. An uncovered cart wouldn't give him and his supplies adequate protection from hazardous weather conditions/potential enemy attacks.
-Would Princess Nuru's parent/s allow her to leave in some dinky cart?
The trials:
-If Donella and Ulla already completed the trials then what happened to the totems that they used to open the portal?    
-Did someone reset the trials after they had been completed? Even if they reset on their own this leads to a huge issue with the plot. Other people could have already completed the trials. All you would have to do is find someone who did and bypass the trial completely.
-Why does Varian and his group struggle with the trials if they have a cheat sheet journal? The implications here are honestly a little insulting.
-Since Princess Nuru joins the main group much later on, would she be able to take part in the trials out of order? If so, then does taking part in only a portion of the trials disqualify her from entering the Eternal Library, or can anyone enter once it has been opened?   
The Demanitus device:
-Since this is an AU I’m fine with the Demanitus device still being intact. The problem however is that the intended use of that device was weather manipulation. It could alter wind trajectory. This wouldn’t be all that useful for creating a portal.
-Varian is already capable of building interdenominational portals. He also has access to Demanitus’ tomb. Thus it is entirely likely that he could locate the notes and blueprints needed to create the portal without completing the trials. 
The Eternal Library:
-Having the end goal be to reach some treasure trove of knowledge is probably going to be a bad idea. If all knowledge is at your disposal then what’s the point in experimenting? Whatever life and drive that Varian still had left would slowly be drained away by this prospect. He wouldn’t be trying anything new. He would simply be following instructions.    
- Who let Varian leave the house in that ridiculous boy scout outfit? That’s a bigger crime than any of the ones he committed in TtS.
-All jokes aside, there are real problems with Varian’s portrayal in this AU. By making everyone and their mother a genius, alchemist, and or an engineer, you’re robbing Varian of everything that made him special. He doesn’t feel like the main character of this story. He’s just the guy with the journal. There are no big moments where he has an opportunity to really shine. Even in the final battle he has to be rescued from becoming a meat suit.    
Varian’s family
-Ulla essentially abandoned her entire family in order to find the Eternal Library. There is no other way to put it. This wasn’t some day trip or mini vacation. It could have taken her years to complete the trials. Even if she had returned home, she would have missed out on a lot of Varian’s childhood. Don’t you think this would have a lasting impact on his emotional development?               
 Given this information it’s not a plot twist whatsoever that she turned out to be the final boss. Which bothers me greatly because it is just reaffirming the one thing I hated about Cassandra’s villain arc. That somehow villainy is inherited from one’s parents.            
 Regardless of her being ‘redeemed’ or not, I’m giving her an F on the good mom scale. The quest wasn’t even time sensitive. She could have waited for Varian to become an adult before going on this journey. Heck, she could have taken him along for the ride…    
-Okay, so I’ll admit that I don't actually like the name Ulla. I’d probably like it if it was pronounced Yoolla, but uh-lla and oo-lla is on level with Horace for me.
Ulla’s relatives:
-Does anyone find it creepy that Ulla’s family are almost all Varian clones? Let them be their own characters… This feels lazy.  
 -Also, why would Varian give up on his quest just because he found his family? I get that they are like minded people, but he’s supposedly traveling with like minded people??? This feels OoC. Varian is a very goal oriented character. He doesn’t give up so easily.    
Supporting cast:
-What is her goal exactly? She’s the one who returned Ulla’s journal to Quirin in the first place. If she really thought there were secrets inside then she should have come to this conclusion beforehand… 
-There was no reason for her to send Hugo to get the fire totem or to have him infiltrate Varian’s group. Everything could have been resolved with a little honesty. Talk people!!! Seriously, I hate when plots have pointless drama or misunderstandings because someone bottles up their god damn emotions.
-When you give it some real thought the whole plot legit makes no sense. Why wait for Varian to turn 18? If she had been keeping tabs on him then she would have given Hugo more information. Instead she lets him go into some big mission completely blind? Way to go… You left him out here thinking that Varian is some sweet naive summer child who wouldn’t snap him like a twig… You’re lucky that he makes it out of this story alive.            
Princess Nuru:
-Her character is severely underdeveloped. Much like Yong she feels like an afterthought. Like she was created to fill a void rather than to be an actual character.
-Sure, let’s force the sole female character into the role of the ‘mom friend’. That won’t be stereotypical at all. 
-Why does Nuru not know anything about Varian? She’s a princess. Such people soak up loads of political gossip through osmosis. Even after Varian’s reformation he would still be a hot topic of discussion. I’m hella sus, girl…
-I get that her kingdom was in a state of crisis, but would she really be allowed to just leave with a group of strangers? Why wasn't she provided with some sort of guard at the very least?
-There is nothing particularly interesting about his character. He’s just the baby of the group.    
-If Hugo is supposed to be some stealthy street smart thief, then why does his personality completely contradict this? You can try to say that it’s just an act, but he’s always portrayed as an obnoxious player, like some pompous flirt. Stuff like that would make him notorious and easily recognizable. Believe me when I say that this behavior isn’t ideal for someone who’s entire job is to go on undercover missions.  Donella would not be pleased. She didn’t raise a cheap half assed Flynn Rider 2.0 knockoff did she?
-I hate to be the one to point this out, but the fandom might have inadvertently turned Hugo into a full on Gary Stu.  Let me explain. Often times I see people saying that Hugo is ‘smarter’ and ‘more capable’ than Varian. Did this man bring a kingdom down to it’s knees twice over? Why isn’t he using his skills in alchemy and engineering to make a fortune? He’s supposed to be greedy. That’s his whole gimmick isn’t it? Then why is he letting those smarts go to waste? He wouldn’t need to be a lapdog to a manipulative old woman if this was the case. It doesn’t matter if he feels indebted to her. A smart and resourceful person would be using their intellect wisely.
Animal companions:
-Is this just Varian in donkey form? Why do they look so much alike?
-Am I the only one who finds it a little humiliating for Varian to leave on a big adventure with a derpy looking donkey? I get that this is probably the point, but I think it's a little sad.
-Ruddiger is awesome. I just think that people forget that he exists sometimes.
-My only issue here is that people are taking information about Hugo from his D&D counterpart. They should be treated like completely separate characters. Otherwise I have no problems with the little mouse companion. I think it's a cute idea.
Thoughts on relationships:
-There should be other potential suitors for Varian in Vat7K. 
-Varian is a Flynnigan Rider fanboy. Suffice to say that his vision of romance is likely to be incredibly idealized.
-I know that this fandom loves it’s angst fodder, but let’s think for a moment on the lasting consequences of betrayal. Varian already has trust issues. That paranoia is gonna linger in the back of his mind forever regardless of how many healthy connections he makes throughout the years. If he is betrayed by a love interest, those feelings are only going to be amplified tenfold. You don’t just kiss and make up after something like that. He likely would want to close himself off completely from being in romantic relationships as a self defense mechanism.
-The first thing I saw from this relationship was an adorable confession scene animatic. That was hella cute shit. I was like “Hell yes! Nerds in love!”. Was that what I got? No, but that disappointment set in much later.    
My issues with Varian’s portrayal in the relationship.
-If you have to change a character’s whole personality in order to fit your ship preferences, then at this point they are no longer the same character. They might as well be an OC.
-Why does the fandom push toxic stereotyping? (Basically the seme/uke nonsense that you see in BL manga.) Varian usually gets dumbed down so that Hugo can swoop in. Varian has to be short, weak, and naive... Why is this so heavily enforced? Why can’t people portray things     differently without the fandom losing their collective shit?     
-Why is Varian portrayed as not being street smart? He lived on his own for months while being harassed by guards. He went to prison… He worked with terrorists… He is friends with former criminals. He is acquainted with pub thugs. ???? Sorry, but he’s not gonna be impressed with Hugo’s whole shtick… It’s not something new to him.    
-Also… Varian may be skinny, but he’s still relatively athletic. He has the endurance to run round trip through a magical blizzard. He can parkour like a pro (When he’s feeling confident.). He can build huge boilers and giant automatons. So he’s probably used to some level of manual labor. He can leap down great distances. Somehow he can scoot Xavier across the ground with no issues. o__O; What part of this sounds weak to you all?
-His height as an adult is debatable. He may remain short forever. He could grow tall. Maybe he even has a late growth spurt.
-Regardless of his height Varian shouldn’t always be portrayed as some uwu submissive fragile little flower. Let there be some equality in the relationship.
-For reference on Varian being assertive and flirty I would recommend rewatching Great Expotations.              
My issues with Hugo:
-Hugo triggers my anxiety because he gives off the vibes of a sexual predator. Unlike Eugene, Hugo doesn’t fall in love right away. Any interest he has in Varian is for self gratification and that makes me hella uncomfortable. If you combine this Varian being treated as naive and innocent. Then you can understand why I want to chase Hugo ass away with a flip flop. 
-The way Hugo speaks to Varian is gross. Constantly calling him “sweetcheeks” and other objectifying terms… It just solidifies my view that he’s not capable of keeping his mind out of the gutter for a second…
A note to the fandom:
Oh boy, I went a bit overboard… Please don’t think of me as an enemy because of this post. We can still be friends. I’m fine with you all sticking with 7K. I just wanted to raise awareness of some of the things that I have noticed about the plot and characters. Whether it has any influence on your views or not is up in the air. If anything this can be used to help troubleshoot and improve upon the AU.
At this point it’s unlikely that Disney has interest in creating a Varian spinoff series/comic/novel/etc. It would be awesome if they did, but I won’t get my hopes up.
So in the meantime, does anyone want to band together and brainstorm ideas? I feel like we could have a great time coming up with scenarios for something new. 
Advice/suggestions/additional misc notes: 
-Don’t stalk or harass the creators of this AU.
-Do not pass HC’s off as canon facts. This includes pushing 7K onto others as a canonical continuation of Tangled the Series.
-You should never threaten or bully people who do not share your opinions or HC’s. Try channeling those negative emotions into doing something positive instead.
-Do not bully or try to ‘socially cancel’ people who ship other pairings. Don’t like a ship? Scroll past it and move on with your life.
-Tag fics appropriately. Express content in detail. Don’t bait and switch. Don’t rant and rave or be malicious in any way.
-For some reason there are people who enjoy making ‘white boy’ jokes about Hugo. These same people often exaggerate Varian’s skin tone in order to put more emphasis on this. I find it pretty distasteful. Would you tolerate this behavior aimed at any of the other characters? If the answer is “No.” then stop.
-There are people who use the trans tag when all they really want to do is gender swap the character to fit their smut preferences. Objectification is not representation. (To be clear, I'm not saying all trans smut is like this. The type of storytelling I'm talking about is obvious to spot. You'll know it if/when you see it. Though hopefully you won't have to see it.)
If you want to HC Varian or any other character as trans because it makes you feel closer to the character, then by all means do so. You’re valid and this is perfectly reasonable.
I may face slack for not sharing the trans Varian HC personally, but I’m in the mindset that we need more characters who were born male that do not conform to society's norms. It’s incredibly important for boys/men to see that they can sew, cook, and clean without these activities being treated as if they are somehow emasculating. Getting rid of toxic gender stereotypes is the first step to a future where people can be accepted as equals.
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donnetellotheturtle · 4 months
Here take a siren WIP
Hugo pulled on the lines, the storm was bad, really bad. Everyone was running and trying to get all the sails pulled up. He groaned, the rope was hurting his hands. As he looked at them, he saw the scales from the rain. He’d deal with that later. Right now was the survival of the crew. His crew.
He hadn’t even noticed they’d swam directly into the Kaldur gangs territory.
Varians eyes were calculated but wild with adrenaline as he tied down ropes, running to the wheel to help Eugene steer. The waves were getting bigger. Hugo looked up to the sky, silently begging the moon to go easy on them.
A gigantic wave crashed into the side of the ship, nearly toppling them in one fell swoop. They were taking damage from them too. One big wave and it would take him out.
Then the singing began. Hugos heart sank into his stomach.
“Sirens!” Rapunzel called out.
The waves calmed. Immediately Hugo realized Donella was the one making them with moonstone shards around her finger.
The rest of the ship was already looking half drunk, eyes lidded. But they weren’t moving. Hugo realized with dawning horror that she wasn’t going for the entire ship. Just for one person.
He looked to Varian. Varian was headed towards the edge of the ship.
“Goggles stop.” Hugo called out. He ran and hugged Varian around the waist. The boy didn’t stop though. He just dragged Hugo along. The wet deck made it harder to keep his footing. “Hairstripe!” Varian had to wake up. He had to stop. If he went in there, he was dead. Hugo grabbed onto a post with one hand.
“Varian!” Hugo cried.
Donella’s singing escalated. More hypnotic. It was bad. It was even starting to effect Hugo a bit. He held onto Varian with all his might.
“Donella, please stop!”
Donella didn’t. He didn’t know what he expected but he didn’t know what else to try.
Then to his horror, varian slipped out of his grip, and bolted for the water.
“No!” Hugo ran after him, grabbing at his shirt sleeve.
But he slipped through Hugo’s grip, and fell into the water.
Hugo didn’t hesitate. He jumped in after him, consequences be damned.
The other members were dragging Varian down quickly. Hugo swam after him. He saw Varians eyes gain a bit of consciousness as he descended. He saw Hugo in his true form. His merman form. His eyes widened, then Varian started choking on water.
“Please stop!” Hugo begged. It fell on deaf ears.
Varians eyes rolled back in his head. Hugos fight for flight kicked in and suddenly he was faster than any of the others, swimming like his life depended on it. Which, his new life did.
The two that were dragging Varian down hissed at Hugo. He grabbed onto Varian, trying to force the limp boy from their arms. They scratched at him, he winced as one of their nails drew blood. Then Donella held up a hand. The two let go of Varian. Hugo didn’t question it. There was no time. He grabbed Varian and dragged him up as fast as he could, not stopping until he was on the ship.
Hugo didn’t know much about cpr but he remembered how Eugene had done it some what. He had to encourage the water out of Varians lungs. He pushed on his stomach. Usually he’d hesitate. Not now. He closed Varians nose, and put his lips on Varians and put as much air as he possibly could.then again, and again, and again.
“Come on. Don’t leave me. Don’t. Please. You’re not allowed to goggles.” He said in between pushing and air puffs.
There was a moment when Hugo thought he was too late. That Varians heart had stopped.
Then he hacked out the water. There was a lot of it and it took Varian a moment to recover, but he was breathing.
Hugo sobbed in relief.
Varian looked at him, barely awake but clear eyed. “Hugo…youre a merman?”
Hugo nodded. “I’m sorry I didn’t-“
“You’re beautiful…” With that, Varian passed back out onto the deck.
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withered--s0uls · 29 days
Vat7k random headcanons.
Trans FtM (tho I enjoy MtF Var too :3)
Bisexual (was intended canon in vat7k)
When originally not trusting Hugo, he makes it painfully obvious to him in the way he acts around him vs around Yong and Nuru
Writes NewDream & his Dad letters :3 probably whenever arriving in & leaving a new Kingdom!
I prefer the vest design so uh; I hc the reason he has 2 hairstripes now is a result of the S3 finale. I hc his canon hairstripe is from the fact his dad was hit by a blast of the moonstone. The 2nd one is a "scar" from dying and being revived in the S3 finale (I imagine Eugene has a similar "scar" in a blonde strand of hair from the movie. Also Cass and Raps each having ones in their respective colours bc of being past users. Also yes this implies the entirety of ppl who helped in the S3 finale has blonde/gold and/or turquoise/blue "scars" from the S3 finale somewhere in their hair or on their body)
Alchemist and engineer rivalry with Hugo bc Hugo likes to be a smartass
Hugo is his first proper masc crush, he doesn't really count his celebrity crush on Eugene he had as a kid
I hc his surname to be VanGuard (inspired by "His Little Light" on AO3)
Slavic from his dads side (not sure what specific country I hc the DK as but I like the idea of it being slavic)
Genderfluid (amab if anyone cares)
Never actually had like time for proper romance due to his work, so he doesn't actually know how to deal with catching feelings for Varian and Var seemingly reciprocating them (its different to actually love someone opposed to pretending for a job)
Actually really good with kids! This shows in him actually helping care for Yong a lot (he sneaks a Flynn Rider book from Varians bag and reads it to Yong as bedtime story lol)
Probably met Eugene and possibly Lance in their criminal pasts
Having beef with Nuru bc oh no royalty and royals suck (he doesn't understand how Varian can be best friends with a princess [Raps] either) at the start but learns through her that some aren't just stuck up selfish assholes
Teasingly tries to one-up Varians alchemy
Post-vat7k he stays in Corona with Var! First working as his assistant until being offered the role of royal advisor (bc fuck Nigel)
Not a hc bc it is his original DND surname, but personally I go with the surname Rottewange for him (seen some ppl use different ones)
Russian (ah yes the common "Ingvarr is Russia" hc)
Probably not the best relationship with his family considering they just sent him off with some stranger from another kingdom
Basically the collective little brother of the group
Hugo jokingly calls him Varians kid after finding out his clumsiness and exploding projects are something Var used to experience too
Gets along well with everyone in the squad yay
He really likes Ruddiger too, getting all excited when seeing him for the first time (I imagine he loves animals :3)
Him and Nuru definitely catch on the fact Varigo both crush on each other way before the two actually admit it themselves
To make him more relatable to Varian, I also imagine him being a Farmboy too
Kinda canon bc it seems to be his clothing inspo + some concept art aspects but; Chinese
Lesbian or at least Sapphic, kinda realizes that when they meet Vars cousins (if you read "Varians Tangled Trials" yk why lol. Nuru and Amber my beloved.)
Huge mistrust towards Hugo
Yong and her often pacify the situation if Varigo alchemist rivalry goes a bit too far
NOT the mom of the group. She's a kid lol. (Hugo and Varian being the only adults and actually having to take responsibility for the two minors >>)
Regardless she's still rather mature in handling situations bc raised as a princess so she knows how to behave
She however is a bit more fun as herself, which the other three would learn over time. Especially when she nerds out about the stars.
Her title as princess as well as Varians as Coronas royal engineer prove useful a lot on their journey
Post-vat7k she would probably try to seek out Varian at royal gatherings so they can catch up. If he's not there then she seeks out Rapunzel to ask about how he's doing :3
Idk just random stuff, nowhere near everything lol.
Dont have surname hcs for the kiddos so uh yeah idk feel free to share yours? Ig Nuru would just be "of Koto(/whatever Kingdom you assign her to)" bc princess or smth? For Yong I might look into some chinese surnames mayhaps...
Also don't have a nationality hc for Nuru so feel free to pitch yours lol
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varibean · 2 years
Imagine. The vat7k gang except Hugo is the Most stable out of the four of them, everyone else is just unhinged and on a hair trigger
Varian: is ‘reformed’ but oh, it’s just so easy to slip back into old tricks and hey have you ever seen a saporian torture device? Would You Like To?
Nuru: is just ‘well if I can’t find what I need to save my kingdom I have a pyromaniac and an alchemist as best friends and one of them can turn raccoons into giant monsters, I’ll just overthrow my parents and move our people somewhere else
Yong: is 12.
Hugo is a thief but he’s just following orders and is Not used to being the moral compass.
“Hey hairstripe I hate nobles as much as the next guy but jumping straight to murder is a bit suspicious dontcha’ think?”
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bluecatwitch · 4 months
Guys, am I the only one who has seen these little mistakes in Varian
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What happened to his hairstripe???
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Where did the lenses from his glasses go??? 😂
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Also am I the only one who can see the mistake in his eye?
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fluff-a-nutter · 6 days
I got a request.......... Rapunzel and Eugene give Varian a tickle attack when he was feeling down
Of course! Enjoy! <33
Today had not been Varian’s best day. He’d ruined his blueprint for upgrades for his hot water system, spilled chemicals all over his ham sandwich, and just now he slipped and fell on the freshly waxed floor, much to Old Lady Crowley’s annoyance.
“You ignorant child! Can’t you see I just waxed there?! Hmmph, they should have left you to rot in prison, boy.”
That last comment was the last straw. Varian stood up, mumbled an apology, and walked off before the old crone saw his tears.
He kept his head down and walked straight into Rapunzel and Eugene, who steadied him with his hands on his shoulders.
“Woah, Hairstripe, what’s the rush?”
The captain of the guards asked, noting Varian’s downcast look and sharing a worried look with his wife.
“N-no where. Excuse me.”
Varian mumbled, trying to dodge around the rulers of Corona.
Rapunzel stopped him with a gentle hand on his arm.
“Varian are you okay? You seem down.”
The Queen said, his emerald eyes filled with concern for her friend.
Varian plastered on a forced smile.
“I-I’m fine, Rapunzel, really! Just…. Just a rough day, y’know.”
His forced smile faltered and he rubbed his arm self consciously.
Rapunzel and Eugene shared a look. They knew exactly how to cheer their friend up.
“Well Goggles, it just so happens that Rapunzel and I have the perfect way to cheer you up!”
Eugene said, scooping Varian up under his arms from behind. Varian screeched in surprise, flailing around.
“Wha- Hey! Put me down, Eugene!”
“No can do, kid. Not until Rapunzel and I see you smiling again.”
Rapunzel grinned and walked over to Varian, who was still held in the air by Eugene. She wiggled her fingers in front of the boy playfully.
“Operation cheer up Varian is a-go!” She trilled, wiggling her fingers against Varian’s sides, eliciting a sharp squeal of laughter.
Varian writhed in Eugene’s grip, but he only succeeded in causing his shirt to ride up and expose his bare stomach, which Rapunzel instantly pounced on.
Adding to the playful torment, Eugene pressed his face against the side of Varian’s neck and blew raspberries, his scruffy goatee intensifying the sensation tenfold.
Varian begged, squirming in vain to escape the tickles.
“Nope! Laughter is the best medicine and as your queen and best friend, Eugene and I recommend a high dose!”
Rapunzel teased, pressing a finger inside Varian’s belly button and swirling it around, sending the poor alchemist into fits of belly laughter.
Between the tummy tickles from Rapunzel and the neck raspberries from Eugene, Varian was in absolute stitches. He kicked and flailed, but Eugene’s grip didn’t budge.
“Hmmmm….. I don’t know, Eugene. Do you think he’s had enough?”
“Well, Sunshine, he can’t stop giggling, so perhaps just one more dose of tickles will suffice.”
Eugene and Rapunzel shared a teasing look before they launched a final tickle attack on poor Varian.
Eugene blew more raspberries onto Varian’s neck, while Rapunzel blew raspberries onto his tummy and dug her fingers into his sides and ribs.
Varian let out one final peal of shrieking laughter before descending into silent hiccups and wheezes.
Only then did Eugene release Varian from his hold and Rapunzel tugged his shirt back down, smoothing out the wrinkles in a sisterly fashion.
Varian was a breathless, giggling mess.
“Thahahanks guys.”
He wheezes out, sliding to the floor.
Rapunzel and Eugene smiled and wrapped the boy in a group hug.
It wasn’t long before the three of them were fast asleep in an impromptu cuddle pile, the smile never leaving Varian’s face.
I’m so soft for this found family. Thanks for reading!
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Easter One Shot!
Desc: Varian and Hugo are getting ready for Easter Sunday service. Cw: one (1) small curse word.
Have a happy Easter (or just a regular Sunday)!
"That's too tight, Hairstripe." Hugo commented, voice tight.
"Hm? Oh, sorry." Varian loosened his boyfriend's tie, the lime green one with rabbits on it. Hugo had gotten it specifically to wear on Easter Sundays. "How is that? Suitably loose for seducing the old ladies who serve communion?"
"I suppose," Hugo struck a dramatic pose. "How's that?"
"Well, they might fall over laughing and then you could help them up." Varian remarked, looking away so he wouldn't snicker. "A little meet-cute."
"That's what I thought," Hugo straightened his tie in the bathroom mirror. "There's a stain on my pants, dammit."
Varian fake-gasped. "A curse word? In this apartment?" He shook his head. "God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit do not care about... a gravy stain on your pants. Calm down." He straightened his own tie in the mirror, the one with teal and burgundy stripes.
"Should I let my hair down? Or leave it up?" Hugo fretted.
"I don't believe anyone would recognize you if you left it down. I think it'd be like exposing your ankles. Scandalous." When Hugo continued to fail to laugh at Varian's sarcastic remarks, he knew something was up. Varian turned away from the mirror, and with his hands on Hugo's shoulders, turned his boyfriend toward him. "Hey. What's up? You're stressed."
Hugo sighed. "It's nothing-" he stopped when he saw Varian's glare. "I just. Kind of feel like a mess. I've been in a weird place recently, you know that. And my clothes, my hair, aren't quite right. I just don't feel ready to be in church. Like maybe I should figure things out before I do."
Varian pulled Hugo into a tight hug. "That might be the stupidest thing you've ever said, Beanpole." He leaned back, looking his boyfriend in the eyes. "You know, like, the whole point of Easter is that our sins are, like, forgiven and crap? You remember that thing in... eh, what verse is it? Whatever, doesn't matter. 'It isn't the healthy who need a doctor'. That thing?"
Hugo rolled his eyes, but nodded.
"You're fine. By, like, definition. Look, we don't even have to talk to anyone. We'll go, get through service, grab a donut, then go home and watch Jesus Christ Superstar and VeggieTales while eating spiral ham. Sound alright?"
Hugo laughed a bit. "You and your ham. Fine, you win. Let's just go so we're not late, yeah?"
"Yeah." Varian grinned, then grabbed the keys. "I'm driving, the way you drive scares me. Jesus came back from the dead, but we will not if we die in a crash."
"Hey, I only ran two red lights last time," Hugo protested, though smiling as he followed Varian.
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opal-drawz · 2 years
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Did some redesigns for Ulla and Donella because I had a bunch of ideas
So Starting with Ulla I put her hair up in a bun and gave her a hairstripe like Varians! she dyed it to match his natural one to sort of keep a part of him with her when she left. Not much changes to the outfit since I thought it was a good match to her character as is.
For Don I tried to give her outfit a more villainous vibe, changed up her hair, and I kinda envisioned this scene post the library incident with Ulla and she cut her hair on impulse. Also a scar that went across her eye which may or may not have been another result of Ulla’s possession 
I plan to go more in depth with my alchemy gang headcanons, it’s just taking a while lol :p That’s all for now! Baiiiiii
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rhmis-user-2020 · 5 months
Eugene Fitzherbert: Sunshine, would you please explain to me? AS TO WHY IS HAIRSTRIPE TALLER THAN ME! Like, look at it. Rapunzel: Well, Varian grew a little older and had a growth spurt. Other times, he has a late growth spurt but other times. He would have an early growth spurt. Varian: Which explains a lot. Eugene Fiztherbert: ARE YOU SERIOUS?! I used to view you as shorter than me and anyone, unless you're next to village kids then that could be that you are taller than children. But now, you are pretty much towering me. Varian: You kinda deserved it after calling me shorter.
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faustiandevil · 6 months
Here's also a weird story for the books.
Yesterday while I had my hairstripe redyed and talking to my hairdresser I mentioned that I collect fashion dolls, which is not something anyone would assume of me, the goth edgelord. She mentioned that she has another client who also collects dolls, but the creepy life-like baby ones and that she's messed up and wears like German period clothing. I naturally assumed like XVIII or XIX century stuff, but then she showed me pics and...
Bitch was wearing a nazi uniform... there was a whole convention for these freaks... you can also buy the uniforms apparently...
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