worldhalalunion · 2 years
We are running for the satisfaction of the Creator, for the emergence of healthy, guileles and reliable products, to leave a better and a cleaner world to our children. Would crossing the mountains call as a difficulty? #WorldHalalUnion #DünyaHelalBirliği #Halal #Helal #حلال #حلالا #할랄 #清真 #Хелал #ハラール #Smiic #Hallal #Standart #Standard #HalalCertification #Mountains #ProductSafety
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marshmellow-diary · 2 years
“Welcome, ladies and gentlemen!”
It was a grand stage, the black velvet curtains were drawn close. Letting the mind wonder what impressive things await the audience.
A figure stood still at the center, not allowing any pair of eyes to wander off from her presence. With her arm outstretched to the side in a gesture of warm reception, her satin voice was full of vitality.
Donned in a suit of opulent red with a mask on her face of the same color, the spotlight made sure she was vivid. Like a burning flame in the midst of darkness.
Murmurs started from the upper and lower boxes. The opera house’s sole purpose for tonight is this grand auction.
Among the voices, one was heard sharply in his area.
“She is stunning as always. Operating this auction for decades but still looking ever youthful.” Who knew who said it?
The people coming here were all anonymous. But the person who spoke only voiced out everyone’s thoughts.
“Too bad, she can never be bought.” It was a gruff tone.
The people around became uneasy. Everyone knew the taboos of the auction. None should bring up buying the auction master. Previous people who were brazen enough to mention this were never heard of again. And so, even their outside personae were revealed as the news would report big names going missing.
Back to the stage, the auctioneer has her perpetual smirk as though she wasn’t aware of their hidden thoughts and desires.
“Tonight, we will enjoy another delicacy to the eyes. As always, the grand finale is showcased by yours truly.” She bowed. “The last exhibit, Acedia!”
The heavy curtains opened.
Her grand auctions would always end in a bang and tonight is no exception. After priceless treasures from all over the world, the last piece would always be a living, breathing human.
The crowd ooh’ed and aah’ed. The spotlight shifted to a man of honey skin, and long hair.
“Raised in the lands embraced by seas and mountains, Acedia has freedom and wildness in his bones. What will happen if all of this is taken from him? Do you have the ability?” Her magnetic voice resounded and bounced back on every wall.
Those who heard her got excited, clenching their armrests and short of shouting the prices on the tip of their tongues. Her figure can’t be seen anymore, hiding in the shadows but her voice beckoned them.
The starting price was announced. Many placed their bids.
Acedia lay there almost naked while being gawked at by a hundred or more people. The lights blinded him but he felt their stares
Silk sheets covered his lower body. Chains bound his neck and limbs. His mind was dull from all the drugs administered to him.
How and why is he here? He forgot them all already. He ran out of thoughts to escape from the unfairness of it all.
Somewhere from the corner of his eyes, he noticed an obscure figure, like it was slithering in the darkness. Terror gripped his heart. This woman… no, this creature.
He didn’t want to see them again. Hurry, sell me. I don’t want to stay in this place even just for a day more.
Not knowing what awaits him, Acedia just wanted to get out of this hell.
When the bidding was over, a clinically obese man was pushed to the stage in his custom-made wheelchair. This man had a sleazy look that couldn’t be hidden behind a mask. And he kept rubbing his fingers together as though he couldn't wait. “Miss, my assistant will handle the rest.”
“But of course.” The woman gave a perfect smile.
In Acedia’s eyes, it was wicked. There seemed to be a heavy stone weighing down his stomach. And it got heavier the more the man neared him.
Why? Why?
Why him of all people? Why did he need to experience these things?
His body convulsed in an attempt to show his repulsion. But who was he to refuse?
A hot and sweaty palm touched his stomach and he almost frothed in his mouth. Tears welled up in his eyes.
Behind the fat man, he saw her. She slowly turned her head as she felt his desperate stare.
Seeing him struggle, she gave a smile. One that could only be called pure and guileless. Her expression stayed like that as he was dragged away to his new home. New owner.
The guests were all leaving. The night was over.
She walked back to her dressing room without turning the lights on her way. There was nothing to fear in the dark.
There was no one in the halls as if a big event didn’t happen just now. Of course, the staff of the opera house didn’t exist. She didn’t need them.
Opening another door, she was greeted by the moonlight coming from the windows.
She sauntered in a trance.
Then, a question echoed in her mind. The meaning would loosely be, ‘What do you want to be?’
It was a sound etched with divinity. One that still awed her to this day.
‘A hunter,’ She remembered answering in her true voice. ‘I will hunt all the devils and the fallen. There’s only me who can give them hell.’
She recalled the feeling of amusement emanating from Him and when she opened her eyes again, she was here.
The vanity mirror caught her reflection before it shattered into thousand pieces. Her real visage is something this world can’t handle.
Her name cannot be uttered.
But despite it all, her lips curved at the corners. Her eyes flashed in what seemed like an ephemeral glow.
“Now… who’s next?”
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Amiel God is with my people.
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ukelikethepros · 5 years
Free Guitarlele Webinar Link in Profile @ukelikethepros Sept. 26th 3 PM Pacific (6 PM Eastern) Sign up early as space is limited. We will dive into what makes the guitarlele so cool and different than the ukulele and the guitar. Make sure to sign up with the link in my profile @ukelikethepros Thanks to @koalohaukulele and @koalohacustoms for their support #ukelikethepros #terrycarter #webinar #training #free #challenge #guitarlele #guilele #guitalele #ukulele #ukelele #koaloha #koalohaukulele #guitar #mastertheukulele #sandiego #6string #garyaynerchuck #tonyrobbins #ericthomas #lesbrown #comparison #difference #differences #music #learnmusic (at San Diego, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2yKu4Injwg/?igshid=17a7fev0t9ppg
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fraryguitar · 5 years
Playing on my Tiny Tenor...
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lcbluemusic · 5 years
On Melancholy Hill ^_^ con silbido a falta de synth #ihatewatermarks #gorillaz #guilele #onmelancholyhill #plasticbeachgorillaz https://www.instagram.com/p/BuiTYgEAtdJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=6cuvs79jcrso
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ababypuffin · 3 years
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Heaven sent you to me.
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justcandace · 7 years
The words are actually terrible lmao
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noelpalomo · 7 years
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Bago kong lauan 🎸 #Guitalele #Andoer #TravelGuitar #AcousticGuitar #Ukelele #Guitarlele #Guilele #Guitar #Gitara
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cnbnews · 6 years
作者:尼古拉?韦尔特(Nicolas Werth)
1953年1月13日,《真理报》宣布,据称发现了一起由一个“医生恐怖组织”实施的阴谋;该组织最初由9名知名医生组成,后来扩充到15名,其中一半��上是犹太人。他们被控受命于美国情报部门和犹太人慈善组织──美国联合分配委员会(US Joint Distribution Committee),滥用他们在克里姆林宫的高级职位,来缩短安德烈.日丹诺夫(一名政治局委员,死于1948年)和亚历山大?谢尔巴科夫(Alexander Shcherbakov,死于1950年)的生命,并企图暗杀几名苏联军官。谴责这场“阴谋”的女子莉迪亚.提莫舒克(Lidia Timashuk)博士,被庄严地授予列宁勋章(Order of Lenin),而被告们则受到审问,并被迫“招供”。与1936至1938年一样,举行了成千上万次会议,要求惩罚有罪之人、展开进一步调查,并回归老式的布尔什维克式警惕。宣称发现“医生阴谋”后接下来的几周里,一场巨大的报刊宣传运动掀起,要求“彻底杜绝党内的过失犯罪,惩罚所有破坏分子”,重燃了大恐怖时期盛行的气氛。知识分子、犹太人、士兵、工业管理人员、党内高级官员,以及俄罗斯以外共和国的主要代表中存在巨大阴谋的想法开始大行其道,使人联想起叶若夫时期最糟糕的年月。
此事件的复杂性,更准确地说是这几桩交会事件的复杂性,并不是我们在这里所关注的。它足以使人联想到这场阴谋的主要轮廓。1942年,为了向美国犹太人施压,以迫使美国政府尽快开辟对德国的第二战场,苏联政府成立了苏联犹太人反法西斯委员会(Soviet Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee),由莫斯科著名犹太剧院(Yiddish theater)的总监索罗门.米霍埃尔斯(Solomon Mikhoels)担任主席。数百名犹太知识分子很快积极投入这场运动,包括小说家伊利亚.爱伦堡(Ilya Ehrenburg)、诗人塞谬尔.马沙克(Samuel Marchak)和佩雷茨.马尔基什(Peretz Markish)、钢琴家埃米尔.吉列尔斯(Emil Guilels)、作家瓦西里.格罗斯曼,以及物理学家、苏联“核弹之父”彼得.卡皮察(Pyotr Kapitza)。该委员会很快发展得超越了其作为官方宣传机器的最初目标,反而变成一个真正的犹太人团结中心,也变成苏联犹太人的一个代表机构。1944年2月,委员会领导人米霍埃尔斯、伊萨克.费费尔(Isaac Fefer)和格里戈里?爱普斯泰恩(Grigory Epstein),致信斯大林,提议在克里米亚创建一个犹太人自治共和国,以取代20世纪30年代建立的、基本上不成功的犹太民族国家比罗比詹(state of Birobidzhan)。在过去10年中,不到4万名犹太人移居到中国边境、西伯利亚最东部这个遥远而被遗忘的沙漠和沼泽地区。
该委员会还致力于收集关于纳粹屠杀犹太人的陈述,以及任何“关于犹太人的异常事件”──人群中有任何显著反犹行为的委婉说法。有相当多的此类“事件”。在乌克兰以及俄罗斯西部某些地区,特别是俄罗斯帝国古老的栅栏区(Pale of Settlement,译者注:即俄政府圈定的犹太人集中定居地),反犹传统依然强大。在那里,犹太人被授权依靠沙皇当局过活。红军的第一次战败揭示了反犹主义在民众中实际上是多么广泛。NKVD关于民众态度的报告显示,纳粹宣传声称,德国人只是在打共产党人和犹太人;很多人都对此作出积极回应。在德国人占领的地区,特别是乌克兰,对犹太人的公开屠杀几乎未受到当地人的抵制。德国人在乌克兰招募了8万多名军人。其中一些无疑参与了对犹太人的屠杀。为了对抗纳粹的宣传,也为了动员整个国家“为全苏联人民的生存而战”,布尔什维克的意识形态最初对这场特别针对犹太人的大屠杀相当抵制。正是在这种背景下,反犹太复国主义和官方反犹主义先后开始兴盛。反犹主义在中央委员会宣传鼓动部尤其致命。早在1942年8月,该机构就针对“犹太人在艺术、文学和新闻业环境中所扮演的主导角色”,发出了一份内部备忘录。#(待续)
香港政团谴责禁民族党 提议先取缔共产党
香港多个政团联署谴责禁民族党 提议取缔共产党
美方直言中国经济框架由共产党制定 敦促WTO抉择
微博精粹:泼墨女孩父亲:共产党用棉被盖火 终会有一天爆发
【名刊话坛】贸易战只是中美冷战的开始 共产党是祸根
魏京生:既然和共产党撕破脸了 就别幻想它善待你 要把斗争进行到底
原文链接:《共产主义黑皮书》:“医生的阴谋” - 新闻评论
本文标签:乌克兰, 俄罗斯, 共产主义, 共产主义黑皮书, 共产党, 医生, 布尔什维克, 德国人, 斯大林, 犹太人, 苏联, 阴谋
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lovejenner · 3 years
Guilelmi Guanalgod:
Guilelmi Guanalgod: Ver: In nomine Domini. Ego Ermengod Giscafre vinditores sumus vobis Guilelmi Guanalgod et uxori tue Bonadona femina atque Enialric, fratri de  predicto Guilel, et uxori   sue Trudgardis, emtores. Ermengod Giscafre vende a Guilelmi Guanalgod, y a su mujer Bonadona, a Enialric, hermano de Guilel, y a su mujer, Trudgardis, una tierra, árboles de diversas clases  y casas en el …
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ukelikethepros · 5 years
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Guitarlele chilling on the jetty rocks in Maui. • • • • • • #ukelikethepros #ukulele #uke #ukuleleteacher #ukuleleplayer #youtuber #terrycarter #christian #guitarlele #guitalele #guilele #learnguitalele #guitaleles #guitarleles #hawaii #alohaontap #hawaiiwego #theukuleleteacher #koaloha #koalohaukulele #koalohaopio #ukuleles #ukelele #practice #dailypractice #routine #discipline #maui #kihei #rocks (at Wailea-Makena, Hawaii) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtrLbMmH1ux/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=fyssdpxm2o4y
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fraryguitar · 7 years
Down’ the Renaissance thing on a Mini
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prismhasmoved · 7 years
According to further research I have come to the conlcusion that this is not a Ukelele. This is a Guilele because it has 6 strings.
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kafunel · 5 years
Revue de presse du 22 mai 2019 : La presse quotidienne toujours émue par la mort de Binta Camara
Revue de presse du 22 mai 2019 : La presse quotidienne toujours émue par la mort de Binta Camara
La presse quotidienne continue de s’émouvoir du meurtre samedi dernier, à Tambacounda, de la jeune fille Binta Camara, dont le présumé meurtrier, Pape Alioune Fall, a été arrêté lundi. 
Vox Populi signale que la victime “repose désormais au cimetière musulman de Saré Guilel, à Tamba”.
Le journal souligne qu’”une foule, immense et très émue par les circonstances de sa disparition, l’a…
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24sene · 5 years
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05 Photos – Tamba : Les images de l'inhumation de Bineta Camara au cimetière de Saaré Guilel
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lcbluemusic · 5 years
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Ella es mi mejor amiga, y conforme ha pasado el tiempo nos hemos visto cambiar, convertirnos en mejores personas, a veces estamos mucho tiempo sin vernos, incluso sin hablar, a veces me siento un poco triste por ello. Realmente no creo que haya personas totalmente indispensables en la vida, pero si lo hubieran, ella definitivamente lo sería para mí, estoy muy agradecido con ella, me hizo crecer mucho como persona, me aguantó en mi peor época, incluso me dió uno de los regalos más bonitos que me han dado (un guilele) y aunque hemos tenido problemas, seguimos aquí. Aunque pase mucho tiempo, ella siempre tendrá un lugar en mi vida, quizás si algún día nos separamos mucho tiempo tengamos que volver a conocernos, pero con gusto lo haría una y otra vez, así de importante se volvió y así de mucho la quiero. Gracias por todo ^_^, de todo corazón. #siendocursi 😅 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu-J2S-g5JN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=relptz5oxo5r
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