#guess today is just benny weir day
june-julie · 11 months
Heyy!!Um if you don’t mind can you write for mbav?(benny weir x fem reader) Something along the lines of evil benny creating reader’s evil copy and she starts flirting hard with the real Benny and when Sarah and the real reader destroys the evil copies Benny gets sad and misses the evil copy :>
Two is better than one.
Benny weir x fem!reader
“What were you thinking?”
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Warnings: cursing, seductive behaviour, degradation.
— Summary; what anon said 🫶🏻
— A/N; I LIKE IT PICASSO this came to me when cleaning and I literally stopped everything to write it. I got so many evil copy requests I’m down them ALL.
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Benny and you didn’t particularly have a clear relationship at times.
There were certain things he said or done that always had you second guessing,
maybe it was the way he looked into your eyes a second longer than usual when he smiled that signature grin of his or maybe it was the way he teased you until he was sure he made the tips of your ears red but one thing was clear,
It was the things he would do a second later that would make you uncertain It was obvious Benny weir flirts with any girl that walks his way and honestly you were thankfully that the girl were daft enough to pay more attention at the fuck boys than Benny otherwise you were sure he’d be snatch up by now.
“Ethan you’re delusional if you think Benny weir has any sort of romantical feelings for me at all.” You explained your frustrating case of what always clouded your mind.
“Why are you so sure of yourself? Why is it so hard to accept what I’m saying is true y/nn? You’re telling me you don’t see the way he looks at you?” Ethan protested but not as strongly as he had before, poor Ethan has this whole conversation rehearsed with not only you unfortunately.
Benny had to force a giggle out of himself to cover for the untrue words Ethan had mistakenly spoken “dude, no need to lie to me. I like the girl and all but I think by now I can tell when a girl doesn’t like me as hard as that is to believe.” Benny replied sarcastically to a eye rolling Ethan, his favourite expression in both Y/N and Benny’s opinion.
Christ you guys even argue the same.
“Let me entertain the possibility that you are right for a minute,” Ethan merely nodded mind elsewhere. “If I get as far as asking him out and not get rejected by whatever godsend was on my side that day that Benny didn’t run away scared of my ‘proposal’ “ you qoutated for your special day of the weeks rant affect “who’s to say he still wouldn’t make comments about every other woman he saw that day? We just wouldn’t work as much as I wanted to.”
“Denial is a river in Egypt.” Ethan chimed matter of factly with a cheeky smile he knew pissed you off “your just trying to convince yourself because you know none of that mumbo jumbo isn’t going anywhere with me.”
“E, you wanna know how I can see that she doesn’t like me?” Benny tugged on his backpack straps with a thin pressed lip “not really.” Ethan muttered unbothered “great, well for one I flirted with a girl right in front of her today to get any reaction out of her anything! And she didn’t care! That’s like movie 101 the chick totally storms off in jealousy yet she didn’t budge.” He finished
How was it that Ethan was the only expert in spotting the hurt in the teens faces ? Or the broken laugh he oh so quoted All you guys needed was to stop being so stubborn and a little confidence couldn’t hurt.
It was after school and you were walking home with your headphones on, playing whatever song your iPod had to offer on shuffle then you spotted something, oh cool benny grandma Evelynn is having a yard sale.
“Hey Benny what’s up?” You waved as you saw his grandmother leave the stall seemingly leaving Benny to sell the remaining products,
“grandma is selling all the junk in her house she no longer uses and she said if I help I get extra cash so currently being an entrepreneur.” He grinned leaning on the table with his collared striped sweater sleeves pulled up revealing his forearms, that mixed with his smile had you saying ‘shut up and take my money!’
“I don’t think that’s how that works but sure I’m always up to support a business.” You furrowed your brows but nonetheless went along with his playful manner “I’ll take that vintage camera.” Maybe it’ll help with you and your friends picture day project.
“Fine choice m’lady.” You giggled in response and took the camera “I’ll see you later benns’ “ and with that you left.
It was the next day at school and if you had known Benny and Ethan had their own school picture day idea maybe you wouldn’t have volunteered to help your friend.
But having said that it didn’t stop you from sticking your tongue out at Benny like a child cheekily as he slumped in defeat
“defeated with my own tools.” He muttered as you laughed sympathetically in response patting his shoulder “sorry Benny rabbit, maybe next year?” You teased further more making sure to use the name you knew he hated cause you just loved to be the person to grind his gears.
Unfortunately you missed what he whispered to Ethan “It’s cute when she says it..” ethan looked puzzled at the boy.
You agreed after class to futhermore help your friend by testing out your retro cam, having successfully found a dark room you firstly tested it with a simple selfie really 2010 pose of you, Y/n.
And then you set it aside to develop, continuing with your classes.
Later on you went to check on it and would you look at that! Perfect 80s selfie, you just Missed the laboured breaths behind you as you were knocked unconscious.
Benny tapped his pencil on his desk as he watched the clock on the wall, you should definitely be at this class he remembered on your timetable you had the same classes as him! So then where were you? 10 minutes went by and mid way through class Y/N finally showed up,And boy did she make an entrance.
Are you allowed to wear shorts that short? Or leather jackets that cool?
You slumped in your chair looking directly at the teacher, eye contact and all. “Care to explain what was more interesting than class that made you 20 minutes late Miss Y/N L/N?” The teacher rightfully asked through a stern voice.
“literally anything..?” Y/N replied as if it was a joke and not they were real consequences.
The Teacher was taken aback “Y/N this is nothing like you whatever has gotten into you I’m not dealing with this today.” She explained furthermore to a doodling Y/H/C.
“I didn’t want to deal with this math today and yet here we are.” Y/N shrugged “who in the right mind puts fucking letters in marginal equations?” The teacher scoffed “detention IMMEDIATELY.”
And with that Y/N stood up, smirking at Benny who’s mouth was agape “like what you see? Or is staring your new habit Dork?” She leaned on his desk table inching closer to him as she maintain intense eye contact “what did I just say?” The teacher raised her voice and with that Y/N practically strutted out.
Benny leaned into Ethan “I don’t know what Y/N has done with herself but I like it.” He spoke unbeknownst to Ethan’s bewildered expression, this has supernatural written all over it and yet again he was the only one to spot it.
Obviously Y/N wasn’t gonna listen to the teacher though, she had a better plan in mind. Why not finish what she started? So she dragged her friend to the room where she left the camera and made a copy of her, putting on her best sickly sweet voice imitating the other sweeter more rational Y/N she managed to fool her friend into becoming a copy just like her and whilst Y/N was having fun Terrorising other teens days her friend would make more evil duplicates.
Fun and innovative, woman in stem yk?
Mindlessly she walked through the halls she had about a few hours before school was over and then she could go to go carts she rented for the day.
That’s when she spotted him. Benny weir. she just needed to figure out why the other Y/N was so intrigued by him so she made her way over to him “well if it isn’t just the guy I was looking for, can I talk to you? “ benny looked around puzzled and then nodded, Y/N turned to look at Ethan “alone. take a hint third wheel.” She did a fake smile for a millisecond benny raised a brow
Third wheel? In what?
“What is it that makes you so important?” She began in a low tone as she eyed him head to toe slowly “my charm, i get A’s in calculus I do a killer Tom cruise from top gun impression” no one in the world could not cringe at the words Benny utters.
Well unless you got a tolerance like the other Y/N does, which was what evil Y/N was so aggravated to figure out.
“Not the things you say Idiot, the things you do.” She took a step closer to him “ I’m not sure I’m following now y/nn? This about my yearbook photo idea?” He guessed utterly lost, poor guy.
“This is about how every thing you say or do drives other me crazy, you’ve such nerdy arms and yet she fawns over your slender hands.” Evil Y/N sure knew how to cut and praise you in the same sentence that was for sure.
Benny didn’t respond he just looked down to said hands in question and then back at Y/N he was finding it hard to maintain eye contact under this pressure “I bet you haven’t even been with a girl, how pathetic.” She chuckled yet her eyes showed interest and she inches nearer again.
Benny gulped “Y/n what are you talking about…?” Benny managed to speak as he trailed off as if he spoke any louder than he did he was afraid you would stop.
“Maybe if I teach you a few things you might actually have the balls to get with me.” Why she was speaking about herself in the third person was beyond Benny but what wasn’t beyond him is whatever degrading kink evil you just summoned in him.
He grinned “if this is you getting back at me for teasing you so much I admit im not sorry.” You pressed your hands flat against his chest “that’s exactly what it is.” sexual frustration totally didn’t play a part at all.
So you tangled your hands in his brunette locks and peckered his neck then his lips
And then she stopped with a tug of his hair releasing a low whine from Benny as he opened his Green eyes “If you actually want to take me up on my offer find me in the dark room, I’m only having fun. Think you can do that pretty boy? Hm?” Benny nodded cheerfully She smirked and spon around on her heels and walked away.
Did Y/N just walk straight out of his wet dream or something?! Like I know yesterday Y/N was pretty Damn sexy in her flarely skirt that Benny was so sure she put on intentional to screw with his head but this was definitely a dream he had only a week ago.
Somwhere along the line you woke up, not evil you but actual you and you spotted your friend tied up,
“what happened?! Are you alright?” You asked frantically concerned as you untied her “there’s a evil copy of me and you going around terriorising people! I don’t know what’s going on but I think she knocked you out too!” That would explain the raging headache that got worse by the minute.
‘I have to go tell Sarah and Erica’ you thought.
Frantic to find Sarah you scanned the halls as you tucked a strand of Y/H/C behind your ears and was certainly not looking where you were going and it became more certain when you bumped into a unknown force.
Benny flushed being met with you, except you lost the shorts and the leather jacket, but hey you did sport his favourite skirt on you “I knew it was intentional!” He muttered under his breath thinking aloud
“benns’ are you okay? You look a little red and your shirt is all scrunched up..” you expressed with much concern for the boy “I’m fine, y/n. And if I’m not I’m still taking you up on your offer later and you can make me fine.” He grabbed your hand to politely shoo it away from his striped shirt as he winked
“offer? What offer? Benny I need your help finding Sarah.” Benny tilted his head in confusion That word be the third time today you drive him around the bend in mind whipping mood Change,
you are a force of nature woman.
He was gonna flirt but he saw your expression and put his feelings aside for a moment “what’s wrong bunny?” His brows furrowed “there’s these evil copies of me and (I forgot her name I’m so sorry) walking around and they’re planning on making way more! We need to stop them or who knows what they’ll do.” You pleaded with urgency.
“That chick Ethan’s into? Wait you have a copy?” You nodded, deciding against telling Benny that she had a boyfriend right now as it wasn’t the top priority going on right now.
Benny slumped, of course it wasn’t you.
“Benny? Hello? Come on!” You grabbed his hand and went to find Sarah and Ethan, unknowing to how extra sweaty his hands were today as you interlaced your fingers together.
“What in the Jennifer’s body is this bullshit? You’re meant to be evil Me?” You scoffed eyeing her “it’s not like I give a fuck what you think honestly cause you’ll be dead in a minute.”
“Honey you’re just another bad selfie gone wrong.”
A few minutes of bickering and fighting go by and you finally manage to tear the developed photo apart.
Sarah stormed into the bathroom after dealing with the other copy “are you okay?!” You nodded offering a Sympathetic smile “totally should’ve took that jacket before she vanished.” Sarah rolled her eyes reminding you of how she does it just like Ethan does and you both smiled.
“Let’s get you up.” She helped you from your position on the floor as you regained your breath and stood up.
Now with school done you rejoined your favourite best friends as Rory, Sarah, Erica and Ethan walked ahead. Benny still looked distant and you couldn’t help but notice it.
“Hey Benny you’ve been quiet all day, are you alright? I hope evil me didn’t say anything mean to you, If she hurt you that wasn’t me I’d never do any like that.”
Benny for the first time after today looked you in the eyes again with a hitched breath I don’t think he’ll ever forget your hands on him, or your pillowy soft lips for that matter.
“She didn’t it’s just she said some things…” you looked at him as he looked down “what did she say?” Her words played in his mind but he couldn’t bring himself to repeat them so he shook it off “nevermind it doesn’t matter, it’s stupid I’m all good.” He forced a smile but you saw through it “hey.. you know evil Y/N rented go carts?” You tried cheer him up and knowing Benny it worked and automatically he was back to his old self “only room for 2!” And with that you two scurried to front in giggles
Maybe things could be different now?
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Ahhh I’m sorry that was so short but I hope you like it😭😭 I’m gonna proof read it later if I made any mistakes <33
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comicbookddr · 2 years
Benny Weir playlist lets goooooooo
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artzee-bee · 3 years
Pretty boy | Benny Weir X Reader
Fandom: My babysitter’s a Vampire
Summary: Your boyfriend, Benny, has been talking a lot recently about skirts and dresses so you decide to surprise him with his first dress ever
Genre: Fluff
Busting through the door of the Weir residence wasn’t something you did often, today however was a different kind of day. You were too excited to see your boyfriend to pay attention to anything else. In your rush, you slammed the door a little too loudly and almost tripped over while trying to take off your shoes. Luckily for you, grandma wasn’t home to see the mess you were leaving behind.
“Y/n?” a very confused Benny stood at the top of the staircase
“Hi love!” you smiled sweetly, rushing up the stairs
“Hi…” the confusion in his voice didn’t ease one bit “What’s going on? Why are you so out of breath?”
“I have something for you!” 
“You do?’
“I really do and I think you are gonna love it.” You walked right past him without a second thought and into his bedroom. On the computer you could see a video game was paused so you assumed that’s what he must have been up to before you stormed into his house without any kind of warning whatsoever.
“The only thing I need from you is a hug, little one! You can’t just rush right past me without acknowledging your amazing boyfriend!” his tone was serious but you knew he was only joking, a suspicion that proved to be true because the second your arms went around his waist, a giggle left his lips. 
He took you in his arms, squeezing you tight to his chest. You took in his warmth and scent. Leaning your head back to look at him, your chin rested on his chest and Benny smiled down at you, kissing your forehead sweetly.
"Is this what you wanted?" you laugh
"Yeah" he kisses your lips once. And then again as if he hadn't seen you in months. After you broke away, you asked:
"Ok, can I PLEASE show you your gift?" 
"I guess but why did you get me a gift?" 
"Just because. Close your eyes'' Benny sat down on his bed and covered his eyes with his hands, so you would know for sure he wasn't peaking. As carefully as you could, you took out the colorful package you hid in your bag and placed it in your boyfriend’s lap. 
"Ok, open them" he lifted his hands slowly, as if he was scared if whatever he might see
"What is it?" 
"I don't know. You gotta open it yourself, you goof!" 
“Is it gonna bite me?”
“No, what??”
Slowly, as to make a show, Benny peeled away at the Christmas wrapping paper (It’s the only one you had left) to reveal a baby blue fabric. Intrigued and now more sure of his safety, he tore the package to pieces and dropped it on the floor. What he was left with was a thin, folden fabric.
“What is it?” he questioned, lifting it up and letting it fall, only to reveal a breezy summer dress. It had a v neckline, decorated with some vintage lace.
“You’ve been talking recently about skirts and dresses and how cute you think they are and how much you would like to try one out so I saw this and I instantly thought of you”
Benny was still staring at the garment, as if he was still processing what was in his hands
“Where did you get it from?” he whispered
“Well, my aunt was giving it away so I asked if I could keep it. I medifieded the collar a little and cut the skirt a bit shorter to make it look more modern” your boyfriend’s expression was nothing short of priceless. He was looking at the dress as if he wasn’t sure what it was, or what exactly he was supposed to do with it but soon, his eyes softened and he smiled widely
“Thank you” he squealed and jumped out of his seat to hug you. 
“You are welcome love” you laugh hugging him back “What are you waiting for? Go put it on!”
“Alright” he ran to the bathroom to change quickly. 
You were throwing away some  of the wrapping paper when you heard his voice from the hallway, a couple minutes later
“You ready?”
“Ready” on your cue the door opened to reveal your boy, beaming with joy, in his pretty dress. It came right above his knees and he was looking stunning. 
“Well, how do you like it?” you smiled
“I really love it” he confessed, somewhat shyly but his excitement was obvious
“You look amazing in it”
“Thank you Y/N. So much” he wraps his arms around you again “Gosh, I could not have asked for a better girlfriend” you laugh and kiss his jaw
“I love you”
“I love you too princess” he replies
 You pulled away slightly and cupped his cheeks with your hands
“My pretty boy”
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feelingisshit · 3 years
Damsel in Shining Armour - Benny Weir x Reader
Benny Weir, Benny the magic man Mephistopheles, Benny rabbit, and plain old B. These are the many names my geeky yet lovable boyfriend goes by. And honestly… I just call him pretty boy or babe. It gets the job done. 
Anyway, this lovable dork is like I've just mentioned, a lovable dork. And today, the dork was kind of kidnapped… by some vampires. So here's a retelling of what happened! Because, I can! It all kind of started when Benny was careless with his magic. I don't have a specific example of when or what happened in mind but you know how Benny is. 
"Have you guys seen Benny?" Ethan had asked me that morning at school while leaning against the lockers next to mine. We usually all meet up at whoever gets done last's locker and this morning it was obviously me. "Sadly I haven't E. If I had and he needed to go somewhere I would've let you know first." I spoke as I got the books I needed for the first half of school. "Maybe he'll turn up sometime during class?" I had shrugged off Benny's absence and walked off to my first class.
By the time lunch had rolled around we hadn't heard from or seen Benny and both of us were starting to get concerned. "So, where do we think he's run off to?" I mused and propped my head up on my hands after sitting opposite Ethan at the plastic top table. "I have no idea… anytime he's ever tried to skip school he's planned it way in advance and told me about it way before." Ethan groaned while rubbing at his eyes in frustration.
"What up guys?" Rory suddenly had appeared behind Ethan and though I saw him getting lunch a moment earlier it still startled me a bit when he spoke. Nothing compared to how jumpy Ethan was though, like he'd been shaken up like an alcoholic drink. "Benny just hasn't shown his face all day and we're worried is all Rory." I had placed a hand on one of Ethan's to help calm him while I answered Rory.
"Oh really? That sucks… do you need any help lookin' for him?" Rory offered and I motioned for him to sit next to one of us. "You can smell people's blood and tell them apart right R?" he nodded while also shaking his hand to show that's sort of how it works. "I'm pretty sure I'd only be able to tell which smell is Benny if I've had his before, which… I haven't." I sighed and told them to follow me.
I led them to my locker out of which I had pulled a vial filled with blood. I tilted it around to make sure it wasn't dried up and it flowed a little slower than fresh blood usually does. "Benny gave me this the other day and said to give it to either you, Erica, or Sarah if he went missing. I had no idea why at the time but i guess this is what it was for." I chuckled at my shitty realization when Ethan grabbed the vial from me. "He gave it to you and not me?" He questioned, tilting it around as I had earlier but he looked at it more intensively than I had. 
"Yeah, I guess. I don't know why he gave it to me instead of you to be honest, you are more responsible than either of us." He hummed and handed the vial to Rory who immediately popped the cork off and gave it a quick yet deep sniff before downing the whole thing. "So? Any difference?" Ethan urgently asked while carefully watching Rory. 
Rory had started walking down the hall and around the corner to the front door of the school. "Follow me guys!" He raced out the doors and we waited for him to come back and realize that not all of us have vampire speed. Which he did after about a minute. After which he grabbed one of both Ethan and my hands and then sped off out the doors again. 
We made a few stops while Rory was trying to follow the smell of Benny. A few times Rory got distracted, as he does sometimes, and Ethan had to remind him what we were in the middle of. 
Eventually we ended up at the edge of town at an old warehouse, the logo chipping on the side suggested it might've been used to house the stock of an old soda company that I'd only heard of once or twice from Grandma Weir. Plus there were broken glass soda bottles outside the building that helped with the context clues.
"Wait… what happens if Benny is in danger? Do we actually have anything to defend ourselves and help save him?" I stopped Ethan and Rory from moving toward the door and looked at both of them worried. "Well for one thing Rory is a vamp so he's good and I always keep one of the daggers Grandma Weir gave us in my pocket just in case. So we should fundamentally be fine." Ethan reasoned and pulled the dagger out of his pocket slightly to show me and I nodded.
We slowly opened the warehouse door, Ethan taking point and Rory and me following behind. When we all got in and had carefully closed the door we looked around and saw nothing. Though, I heard faintly from the back of the warehouse the sound of Benny being a smartass to someone who I figured was one of his captors. We double checked to make sure that no one was in the wide open area and when we didn't see anyone we all started to walk across to where Benny presumably was. 
What we didn't see was a handful of vampires hiding up in the shadowed rafters that jumped down and landed around us. Rory immediately was in a fight with two of the vampires that laid on my left. Ethan stabbed the vampire to the right of us after ducking and weaving around him. When I started to back away from the one approaching me from the front to stall for time I bumped into the one that stood behind us. Rory jumped across from where he was to push the one in front of me away so Ethan or I could run. 
They rolled around on the concrete floor fighting and for a minute I stood mesmerized then Ethan pulled me away and started fighting the one I had bumped into. "(Y/n), go find Benny. We'll take care of these two guys." Ethan ushered me forward and I nodded before running towards where I had heard Benny's voice from faintly before. 
I stumbled into a room that was lit up inside and saw Benny tied to a chair facing away from me. "You come back to hear me explain how your plan to steal me was a mistake?" Benny sassed and I chuckled. His head turned as far as it could to the side which wasn't quite far enough to look directly at me but he must've noticed that I wasn't one of the vamps that kidnapped him because he visibly relaxed. "Who's the damsel in distress now?" He let out a held breath as I walked closer "How about I get you untied pretty boy?" I asked with a smile and he nodded vigorously. I laughed as I untied the rope around his wrists and then let him untie his ankles himself.
"Thanks for being my knight sweetness, I really needed one today." He admitted while placing his rope burned hands on my waist and giving me a kiss on the forehead before a peck on the lips. "It's no problem at all babe, I'd do it anytime." I smiled up at him and ruffled his already messy hair.
"Did you find him? They didn't kill him did they?!" Ethan bursted into the room breathing heavily while somehow still yelling. I laughed and turned to a wide eyed and smiling Ethan. "Nope, he's all good. He's definitely still breathing and has a pulse." I laughed and Ethan ran over to hug both of us. The boys enveloped me in a warm and loving hug when Rory walked in with blood on his clothes and breathing heavily. I motioned him over and his face lit up before using a bit of vamp speed to get across the room and into the hug.
"And that's what happened while you and Erica were at school today. Sorry for not telling you but I figure you already deal with enough that we should probably give you a break." I tell Sarah over video call and Benny leans over into frame from his position on the bed and gives a wave before placing his hands on my waist and demanding that I get off call with Sarah and cuddle him.
This is my first finished fic for Benny Weir and I'm super excited cause I've loved mbav since it came out and I was 10 back then lol anyways I just want to say thank you to anyone who read through this. I'd appreciate any critics if anyone has any!
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~Ocean Eyes~ (Benny Weir x Reader) Part 11
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Series Masterlist  //  Official Masterlist
Summary: So, it’s on, and Benny is motivated as ever to protect you. But, when a group of awfully familiar faces are seen at school by you, the group decides that further measure must be taken immediately. 
“Benny, didn’t they teach you about alcohol addiction in eighth grade? This isn’t safe!”
“For the last time Rory, it isn’t alcohol, it’s a potion!” 
The night before the next Monday of school, you and Benny ended up successfully brewing the potion of protection and decided that it’d be best for the group to all drink some so no one was at risk of being cursed at school by Price, since she’d figured out what you all were and who was working to protect you. Now, the six of you were gathered at the jacaranda tree that you used to sit at alone, this time before school. Everyone understood, but Rory, as the good boy he was, had other thoughts.
“But isn’t potion like some sorta alcohol lingo?” He asked, Benny face palming as you giggled at the boy’s cautiousness.  “Does alcohol glow and sparkle like this, Rory?” Benny asked as if the boy was stupid as he shook the bottle slightly, Rory tilting his head to the side as he thought. “I mean, yeah? I think...I-if you put a glow-stick in it! He’s tryna poison us guys!” Rory squealed to the other members of the group, Benny sighing loudly as the other group members either rolled their eyes or just looked at him like he was a moron. You calmed down your laughter and approached the blonde, placing a gentle hand on his arm which caught his attention immediately. “Rory, sweetie, I can promise you that it’s not alcohol, or an attempt to poison you all. It’s a potion that has a protection spell on it, and if we don’t take it, Price could curse us,” you explained, the boy seemingly calming down. “Well, if you say so, then I guess it’s okay...” he sighed, yourself smiling a little more as you stepped back over to Benny’s side, accidentally nudging him slightly.  Benny had to ignore the warm feeling he got when you did that as he pulled the cork off of the bottle and passed the potion to Ethan, beginning his instructions. “Alright, all you’ll need is a swig of it, so pass it around. This stuff’ll last you a week, and will only protect you from simple curses. Well, I guess for vampires it’ll protect you from most curses,” he explained, Ethan waiting for him to finish before he took a swig of it. Once he had, he couldn’t help but cringe at the taste as he gulped the half-a-mouthful down reluctantly. “...wow, very...herbal,” he choked out, passing the bottle to Sarah who now looked reluctant herself to drink some. “Yeah dude, herbs are a wizard’s best friend. The only reason our love potion didn’t work is because we used too many overly magic ingredients, you gotta stay simple man,” Benny said, Sarah gulping down her share with a similar look to Ethan before passing it to Erica.  “God, don’t remind me, that was a disaster,” Ethan sighed, Erica taking a decent gulp before she cringed.  “Ugh, is that cinnamon?” she asked in a disgusted tone. “Yep! Cinnamon, basil, peppermint, and a few more just for luck,” Benny confirmed, the girl’s cringe deepening as she passed it to Rory. “Sounds like what my mom used to season a slab of roast beef one time. The taste was literally the equivalent to a chemical burn,” Rory said, straight after taking his share of the potion.  Nearly as quick as he’d brought the bottle up to his lips did he bring it back down, immediately swallowing but beginning to cough and gag at the taste. “Oh god! The awful memories!” he wailed, yourself giggling at his dramatic outburst as you took the bottle from him. You swirled it around slightly, watching the green-orange serum swirl around with delicate ocean eyes before you brought the clear bottle up to your lips. Your reaction wasn’t nearly as dramatic as Rory’s, but your nose did end up scrunching up as you swallowed the liquid. “Hm, certainly interesting...” you rasped softly, passing the bottle to Benny who took his swig with little reaction. You assumed that this was because Evelyn would’ve brewed similar potions for the boy as a kid when he was sick or injured, but you didn’t let the thought stay on your mind for more than a few seconds as he placed the cork back on the bottle and tucked it into his shoulder-strap satchel. Just as he did, the school bell rang, causing the lot of you to turn to look toward the noise, at that god-forsaken high school. You were all standing up anyways, so you all began walking together. 
“Alright, so if anyone sees any funky or suspicious action, report back, okay?”
Everyone agreed to Benny’s proposition, and from then on all you talked about on the way to class was nerd stuff. Stuff to take your mind off of this mess.
You took your seat next to Benny in homeroom, and the teacher at the front of the room waited for the class to calm down so he could call roll. But today, he didn’t start with calling roll, instead, he was introducing a new student. How that would turn your day upside down...
“Alright class, before I call roll, I’ve got a new student to introduce to you all,” the man began, turning toward the door and seemingly looking at someone who was outside, “you can come on in now, Miss Minerva.” That last name was familiar to you, but you couldn’t put your finger on as to how it was. That was until a young woman walked into the room, and you felt everything inside of you tip upside down.  “Class, this is Ophelia Minerva, she’s from across the country and will be attending White-chapel High as of now.” You’d recognize that long, black hair and those bright green eyes from anywhere. Ophelia Minerva, the blood witch. She used to be Evelyn’s star pupil back when Evelyn taught in witchcraft school, the lady was on her way to becoming a powerful Earth Priestess, but she was bullied, and then Victoria Price came along and told her how she could deal with those who caused her pain. Price corrupted her, taught her blood magic. She was a key component in Price’s mission, extracting blood from any pure-blood she found. And although Ophelia was significantly younger than Price, she still worked well for her.
“Alright, Miss Minerva, would you like to take a seat?” The teacher asked, snapping you out of your shock. “Of course,” she replied in her silk-like voice, one that could fool anyone into thinking she was a sweet woman as she walked down one of the make-shift isles to find a seat.
As she did, she made a menacing eye contact with you. The second you saw her eyes flash red momentarily, you felt a gentle sense of dread poke you in the chest, and you couldn’t help but stare back with wide horrified eyes before she finally took her seat and faced the front. When she did, you instinctively reached over and gripped the sleeve of Benny’s collared shirt, startling the boy as he went to ask what was wrong, when you already had the answer, leaning over so you were just by his ear. “A blood witch...she works under Price,” you whispered as quietly as you could, as to not attract the attention of anyone else, especially Ophelia. “The last name Minerva sounds so familiar...” Benny whispered back, yourself nodding a little as you avoided looking at her. “Your grandmother knows her...Ophelia was one of her students...” you explained, leaning in a little closer, “If she’s here...the others are here too.” “The others?” Benny asked, yourself nodding, about to explain when Ophelia turned to look at the two of you. “Look, I’ll tell you at lunch...until then, keep lookout,” you finalized, the boy nodding as you returned to sitting in your seat properly, glaring at the black-haired witch while she simply smirked.
Just how many did Price round up?
A body came crashing into yours, one that you had wrongly assumed was a jock at first since it nearly knocked you from off your feet, especially since the locker filled hallways was always the setting in which they picked on you. But what you and Benny had found instead was a shaken looking Ethan followed by Rory who wasn’t too close behind him. You were momentarily confused, since lunch had rolled around and usually the boys were excited for lunch, but you had a sick feeling in your gut that told you that you knew what he was gonna say. 
“Woah, what’s wrong dude?” Benny asked his friend, you steadying yourself and the boy as Ethan looked between the two of you. “I-I had a vision when the new girl in my homeroom brushed past me. She’s working with Price,” He managed to quaver out, your sick feeling only growing as he explained the situation. “It’s a shame really, she’s a mega babe,” Rory sighed sorrowfully, Benny nudging him hard in the arm as you placed a hand on Ethan’s shoulder. “What did she look like?” You asked, the brunette looking down at you as he remembered the appearance of the young lady. “Uh, brown hair, blue eyes, maybe the same height as me. She had a small scar on one of her cheeks,” he explained shakily, yourself looking down as you matched the description to a memory. “Amalphia...” You whispered, taking your hand off of the boy as you turned away from the group. “Who?” Benny asked, yourself turning back to the group as you gnawed on your thumb. “Amalphia Evanora...she’s not the worst, but...she’s still got quite the reputation. She had a blue charm around her neck, right?” You asked Ethan, the boy nodding as he pulled on the collar of his shirt. “Yeah, with a silver chain,” he clarified, yourself nodding as you took your thumb away from your mouth and crossed your arms tightly. “She could still do quite a lot without it, but that’s her main power source,” you said, looking between the three boys, “sorcière de la lune...a moon witch. She’s french, and French witches are notorious for their beauty and healing powers. But, just like the other younger witch, she was corrupted. That poor girl...” Before you could continue, the two other girls of your group joined you, a little too casual given the current situation. “Hey guys, we just got two newbies in our homeroom,” Sarah said, your gut only sinking lower and lower as everyone in the group joined together. “What were their names?” You asked, a little too frantic.  It freaked the two girls out slightly, but Sarah still tried to answer in a calm tone. “I don’t know, they were weird names...El-something and Isabelle maybe?” “This can’t be happening...” you mumbled in a panicked tone as you covered your face with your hands and leaned your forehead against the nearest locker, confusing Sarah and Erica. “What’s wrong?” Sarah asked, yourself turning back around as you moved your hands to the sides of your head and through your hair. “Elspeth Opal and Ishbelle Syrma. They’re witches, they work under Price. Perhaps some of the worst she could’ve called on...” you sighed, your hands coming down to cross with your arms across your chest once more, “Elspeth is a voodoo witch and Ishbelle is a shadow witch. Their powers combined are some of the most dangerous magic I’ve ever seen in my long life. Those two weren’t corrupted like the other two, they were born like that...” You explained, causing the confusion to grow between Sarah and Erica. “Other two?” Erica asked, yourself nodding as you walked a little closer to the group.  “There’s one in mine and Benny’s homeroom and another in Ethan and Rory’s...they’re all working under Price, and there could easily be more,” Your arms uncrossed, but you rubbed your sides as if it were cold, “Price would’ve made some changes to their enrollments and put them in all of our classes. Not only is she keeping an eye on us, she’s trying to corner us, they’ll get closer to seizing us with each and every passing day, until they pounce on our weakened versions and we’re done for.” “Well, we’re gonna take them down before they get to that stage. We’ll do whatever it takes,” Benny stated confidently, the others agreeing as you leaned back against the locker, this time facing them. “A lot’s going to be have to done just to keep them at bay. This whole ordeal is going to be extremely dangerous,” you began, pushing yourself off of the locker once again and approaching the group, placing your hands on the two closest people to you but looking sincerely to the entire group, “are you guys sure you want to go through with this? There’s...there’s a chance you won’t make it, and I can just easily move so Price can’t hurt you guys. I just...I want you all to be sure of what you’re doing.” There was long silence, and everyone in the group looked between each other. You thought that they were just thinking, when really they were wondering if everyone was thinking the same thought that they were, and eventually, Sarah spoke up. “(Y/n), you’re crazy if you think we’re gonna let you fight this battle alone,” she said, Erica smiling as she placed a hand on Sarah’s shoulder. “Yeah, what did I say about moral feminine support? We’re sisters, us girl’s gotta stick together,” the blonde said, your smile beginning to show as the boys now joined in on the support. “And just because we’re huge wimps, it doesn’t mean us dudes are going anywhere either,” Ethan said with a small smile upon his face, Rory bursting in between the two of you as his flamboyant side took over. “I’d do literally anything for you (Y/n). See, I may be and idiot, but I’m not stupid (I’m sorry but I just had to),” he said as he threw an arm around your shoulder, causing your smile to widen much more as you nearly began tearing up. Rory pulled his arm back away, and that was when Benny placed a hand on your shoulder, and there again was that lovely warm feeling. He looked you in the eye, and noticed the way your oceans changed. They jumped a little, almost excitedly, and then they seemed to calm down. “We’ve made up our minds, (Y/n). We’re not changing for the world,” He said, just above a whisper.  You couldn’t help but sigh in happiness as you opened your arms wide, looking between the five of them with teary eyes. “Alright, come here you guys,” You said in a happily shaky voice, the group all immediately laughing or smiling as they all came in and shared a giant group hug with you. 
And that was when you felt love at it’s greatest. You had really found home that time around. And your only motive was to protect it.
“Alright, there’s no stuffing around in this kitchen. One wrong move could cause something absolutely catastrophic so follow the recipes exactly. Am I clear?” 
There was a murmur of agreement throughout the group, and you smiled in satisfaction, looking up at Benny who was stood beside you in front of the lined up group of the rest of your friends. They all were clad in aprons and rubber gloves, while Benny saw it necessary to wear a chef’s hat. You were all in the Weir kitchen, without the assistance of Evelyn since she was in the next few towns until Wednesday, but she did promise to bring back some stronger items of magic. For now, you just needed to stick to the basics, potions and spells. Evelyn had also told you that once she came back, she’d supply you all with weapons, based off of your abilities and skills. You needed to be prepared, even for battle if it came to it, which you knew it eventually would. This afternoon would be a long one.
“Oki-Doki. I’ve written up the recipes that I’m entrusting to each of you. Once you’re done with one, come back for another,” You started at Ethan, handing him a paper, “Ethan, you’re on witch-away spray,” He nodded and you moved on to Sarah, “Sarah, casting sleep,” She took it with a nod and Erica was next, “Erica, herbal poison,” She nodded before you finally moved onto Rory, handing him his paper, “Rory, a binding potion. Be careful, please,” You pleaded, the boy nodding with a short giggled before you joined Benny’s side once more.  “Alright everyone, don’t put anything into a brew unless you’re absolutely sure it is what it is, and if you’re not then ask either Benny or I. Once you’re done mixing, one of us will take care of the magic side of things. Any questions?” You asked, the group looking between each other before shaking their heads no, to which you smiled and clapped twice, “Goodio, let’s get to work gang.”
With that, you all headed to your designated counter spaces and got to work, reading your pages and grabbing the things you’d need. You were placed in between Benny and Rory, mainly because you weren’t confident in Rory’s ability to mix everything correctly. Benny was made to make strength potions while you would make healing potions, since you needn’t forget about the regeneration side of things. The evening went by surprisingly fast, filled with witty yet cheerful banter among the lot of you, the only mishaps being Rory either knocking something, to which either you or Benny came in last minute to catch, or the same blonde nearly mixing in the wrong ingredient - the boy almost turned himself into a squirrel. Nevertheless, it was a lovely evening, and the lot of you seemed to enjoy it thoroughly. 
After you had all conjured up a decent amount of potions successfully, you all collapsed onto the couch in the Weir’s living room, you in between Benny and Sarah but seemingly instinctively leaning into Benny tiredly. He also began acting on strange instincts, and wrapped an arm around you to pull you in closer to him. Neither of you questioned it as the boy grabbed the remote from the arm of the sofa and turned on the tv. It was set to the same channel that it usually was, the one that showed all of the sci-fi tv-shows and movies that the boys enjoyed. Doing that showed a familiar film on your part, one you hadn’t seen in quite a while, your eyes widening as you sat up slightly.
“Woah, Alien? I haven’t seen that movie in ages,” you said, watching as the opening title played on the screen as it did for all of the alien movies.  “Weird, they don’t usually play excessively gory movies on this channel,” Benny said, recognising the film just as fast as you did. “I mean, it is late dude, and they gotta cater to the adult nerds too,” Ethan said, semi-excited since he enjoyed this movie the last time he saw it. “How gory is it?” Sarah asked, since she and Erica hadn’t ever watched the movie before. “As gory as aliens busting out of chest cavities and then ripping people apart gets,” Rory added dramatically, Erica cringing as she pulled out her phone. “Gross. I’m gonna go catch dinner,” she said as she got up from the couch and began heading for the door, “I’ll catch you guys later.” “Wait up, Erica. I gotta go too, I’ve gotta study for a biology exam,” Sarah said as she, too, stood up from the sofa, brushing herself off before she joined Erica, “Seeya later, guys.” Everyone remaining fare-welled the two girls before they left, leaving the four to begin to watch their movie. Benny pulled out his phone, in preparation to call the pizza shop in town, “Alright, I’m gonna order us a pizza, what do you guys want?”
Evelyn sighed as she took in the scene before her in her living room. She’d come home two days early just to see this. Rory was sprawled out on the floor like a starfish with his head in an empty pizza box, Ethan was upside down on the couch, with his head and arms hanging off the front, and you and Benny were curled up neatly together beside him, you nestled deep within the boy’s arms.  The tv was still running on the same channel as it had been when you guys were watching Alien, except instead the movie that was now playing was the 1984 The Terminator, movies that were usually frowned upon by Evelyn for the violent nature, but she always told herself, boys will be boys, she knows her Benny would never act out just for watching one of these films, he was too smart for that.  The old woman sighed as she used her magic to pull some blankets from a nearby cupboard, placing them over the group before she headed to the kitchen, intending on placing the ingredients she had collected away for safe-keeping. That was when she sensed a presence, one that was just outside of her kitchen window, and she froze mid-way placing a jar into the herb cabinet. With her eyes only, she looked across to the transparent pane that hung above her silver faucet, slowly, surely. What immediately caught her attention was the small fogged up patch on the other side, and then the finger that was drawing through the host’s own breath. They were writing in a language that sparked confusion in her mind, an action language that hadn’t been heard of or used since the pure-blood demon race went into hiding. It was their native language. That tongue had last been used when you went to elementary school before they switched over to Latin to accommodate any other species they were to come into contact with. That turned out to be a mistake.
Evelyn slowly brought her hand down and dampened her lips.
“Ut intrusus,” she mumbled, concentrating all the energy she could on the person who was outside of the window. When they went to touch the glass again, their finger was zapped with a green burst of energy, and they knew that they had been found out. As quick as they could, they fled from the scene and Evelyn rushed to the window to try and catch sight of them. Unfortunately, they got away before she saw who it was, but only a few moments after did another thing become subject for concern.
Burnt into the window pane was the symbols of the language of the native pure-blood demons, ones that Evelyn came to lose the ability to read since she hadn’t done so in a long time. Her fingers traced the engraved word, it almost looked like it was unfinished. She hoped it was unfinished anyways. It was most likely a sort of curse that was being put upon the house, so the old woman immediately rushed back to her cabinet and reached for her jar of sage. She’d burn some around the house just to be safe, and ask you about the writing on the window in the morning. 
So, with a feather and a bowl of burning sage, she wafted the smoke around the house as best she could, and for the rest of the night she stayed up, watching over the teenagers that were asleep in the lounge room to keep them from any danger that may threaten the household.
“So...you say that they were just...here and then gone?” 
“Yes, they just breathed on the glass and wrote.”
You, Evelyn and the boys, Ethan and Benny were gathered around the faucet, staring at the window above, Rory having gone home to change for school but Ethan being able to stay because he always left spare clothes at his best friend’s house. Evelyn was hoping that you’d be able to understand what had been written on the glass, but unfortunately you were a little too young too remember any of the old tongue, they had stopped teaching it after you finished elementary school. 
“Do you remember even the tiniest bit? Could you make out any of the letters even?” Evelyn asked, yourself pinching your own chin as you stared, perplexed at the burnt on markings. “Unfortunately, I don’t. I mean, I know enough to know that that isn’t a finish word. I’d have to read through old handbooks that the elders gave me as a child, but until I can find them the writing is as good to me as it is to you,” you sighed, your eyes running over each and every little engraving as you tried to think deeper. “...what if I touched it?” You and Evelyn turned around at the sheepish voice to see that it was Ethan who asked, “I might get a vision.” You and Evelyn looked between each other, seemingly questioning whether that was such a good idea since you weren’t even sure what the word said. But what other option did you have? You either find out what it is through Ethan or you find out when it’s too late. You opted for the first option, and the two of you stepped to the side to allow the boy to get past.
Ethan took steady steps up to the glass pane, giving it a good look down before he did anything. It was in the center, almost perfectly, strange symbols to his seer eyes. His hand reached toward it, slowly, cautiously. He allowed it to hover over it for a moment, and he swore he could feel some sort of strange energy coming from it. Like...cold, but...very evil. Taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly, Ethan let his hand press against the glass. Everyone expected him to stiffen up with glazed over eyes, but instead, the boy collapsed the second his fingertips made contact.
Panic immediately set in as Evelyn and the other two teens dropped to either side of him, the older woman calmer than you and Benny for the reason that she had a possible explanation.
“Ethan?? Ethan what’s wrong??” Benny asked, as he shook his friend’s shoulder, only to get no response as you looked between the unconscious boy and Evelyn. “Evelyn, what’s happening to him??” You asked in a shaky voice, the woman brushing the hair out of the boy’s face to reveal his eyes were white like they usually were when he had visions, but the collapsing part of things was very abnormal. “He’s...he’s astral projecting. I don’t know how, he’s not supposed to be able to use that ability until he’s 17,” she explained, Benny’s concern softening but still evident as he looked at his grandmother. “Astral projecting?” He asked, the woman nodding as she looked back down at Ethan. “He’s having an out of body experience. It’s rare for a seer his age to be able to use this ability, especially with how inexperienced he is with his power,” she explained, sighing as she shook her head, “I’m really hoping that this wasn’t a trap...”
He felt so strangely light, so...empty. His vision was blurred, unusual, otherworldly. But above all, it was his greatest source of fear in that moment.
Ethan took the time to look around, although at first when he did, his changed vision made him feel very sick and nauseous. But once he’d become accustomed to the way he saw now, he was able to make out a setting. He was stationed in a room, one that had the singular light source of a naked flickering bulb that hung from the ceiling. And centering the room was a person in a chair. A man it seems, clad in a dirty worn black hood with the collar of a white-button up shirt just peeking out from under it, making it so that Ethan couldn’t see his face. He couldn’t have gotten up like any other person sitting in a chair could’ve, that was because he was bound by chains that glowed like they had some sort of enchantment on them, although Ethan wasn’t going to rule that out as a possibility. That would’ve meant that the person sitting in the chair couldn’t be held by any old chains, they clearly had power that could surpass such simple material. 
The slam of a doorknob against a wall behind Ethan startled him as he swiftly jumped to turn around. He almost screamed when he saw the likes of the witch Victoria Price entering the room. However, she didn’t seem to see him, like he was a ghost or something along the lines. Instead, she walked straight past him and to the man in the chair in the center of the room, grabbing the collar of his shirt roughly and pulling him forward, close to her face.
“Do you know what you’ve done??” She asked in an angered tone, the man not responding in any way as she continued, “You’ve compromised the mission! All because you couldn’t finish a simple spell, now where does that put us?” “...you’re really throwing a tantrum over such a triviality? I’m sure you’ll recover-” The sound of skin meeting skin filled the air and it was evident that Price had slapped the man in the chair, silencing him as her anger only grew. “You dare speak to me in that tone? Maybe you’re forgetting where you stand, scum. You’re nothing but a pawn. My pawn. You give me what I want and I’ll give you what you want, but that won’t happen unless you do exactly as I say. You do want her back, don’t you?”
There was a long silence, but the man slowly looked up to the woman, revealing to Ethan that he was wearing an eye-patch. That wasn’t what caught his attention though. What caught his attention was the uncovered eye, the way it glowed blue like he’d seen yours.
“You expect me to want to cooperate when you’ve tried to kill her multiple times? You promised me her life for one of her eyes and a pint of her blood, yet you threaten her life with each passing day. I don’t know why you won’t just take my other eye and leave her be. I’m here, I’m offering, I’m not fighting. You truly are a choosing beggar,” the man contradicted her statement, causing her frown to deepen as she straightened her posture and stared down at him. “I never tried to kill her, I tried to make her think that she was going to die to scare her,” Price clarified. “And what is that going to achieve? She’ll only continue to run from you if she knows that she’s going to die once you have her,” the man said, Price sighing as she turned so her back was facing him. “Except she won’t die, that was the deal.” The man scoffed as he looked back down. “I hope you can keep your promise, after all, it’s not like you haven’t broken one in the past.” Victoria turned her head slightly, chucking him a glance before she walked out of the room, closing the door behind her much gentler than she had when she’d entered the room. 
Ethan simply stood there, processing their conversation. They weren’t talking about you, were they? And if they were...who is the man in the chair and...why does he want you back? With all of these questions swirling in his mind, he was startled at the sound of a voice.
“I see you, seer.” 
A/N: Okay, so I’m keeping a consistent feed. Strange, I know, but I’m actually determined to write again. This story is finally taking a turn in the right direction, and to be completely honest with y’all, I already have the ending of it sorted out in my mind, but I’m making up the gap in between as I go. So, I hope everyone’s still enjoying it. Stay tuned!
@bisexualprinxexx @realityshifter111 @fandom-imagines1 @floppytheprofessionalflopper @libellule2001 @hayleythahuman @aziggya @pigtailedspinel @pettyjayy @insomniac-nerd-posts-things​ @mythicalamphitrite
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Time To Change // Benny Weir X Reader
A/N: Hey loves. Please forgive my sorry ass for not uploading anything since the summer, I am very tired and things are not going as well as I wish it was right now. I would post a rant post or anything but I know you guys wouldn’t wanna read that and that’s why I try to keep my blog only as a writer one instead of making random posts that no one wants to read. 
I just wanna say that the old show “My Babysitter’s A Vampire” was one of the greates shows out there on Disney, probably one of the last. I loved it a lot growing up and the cancelation of the show still pisses me off. I always loved Benny, he was my favorite character and to practice my writing since I dont even post anymore lol, I decided to go along with this. You’ll get something better one day but I will probably keep writing for MBAV (even tho the fandom is probably dead sdkjfnskjd)
Requested: nope
Warnings: angst and a bunch of tears bro
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You and Benny were a known dynamic duo. The two of you were often never seen apart. Being best friends, along with Ethan, since grade school and becoming a couple only a few months ago, life seemed great! You and Benny had never been closer and even with all the supernatural afflictions in Whitechapel, your relationship with him was almost perfect.
Until you started to notice Benny’s wandering eyes.
Even before you two dated, you loved each other. You loved and cared about Benny more than you ever though you could about someone. He was your best friend, how could you not care about him? But you always noticed you weren’t the only girl who caught his eye.
Sure you weren’t the most beautiful, gorgeous girl in the town. You considered yourself average and you were one smart cookie, clever and geeky. But just not like the other girls that Benny seemed to glance at.
It started out with the girl from the movie theater he kissed out of nowhere, the girl with the undead dog, then the cheer squad, and hell, even Erica got longing looks from him!
Benny wasn’t even the one to make the first move, you were the one who asked him out after hanging out at his house. You confessed to him, he told you he thought the same of you and later on, you two started to date. Ethan and Sarah were more than happy to support your relationship, it was bound to happen someday, they said. Your worries and insecurities slowly crept away and you were happy for a while.
A little more than three months into the relationship, you noticed out of the corner of your eye Benny’s looks and smirks towards other girls. He didn’t think you would notice, but of course you did. A lot of times while on a mission to stop a supernatural creature, if there was a hot girl involved, Benny would be flirting and staring.
Now, Benny wasn’t the worst boyfriend. If anything, he was great! You knew he loved you and he treated you like a queen. He wasn’t exactly...distant but as time went by, he stopped giving you the morning kisses and hugs you loved so dearly much and eventually stuck with a forehead kiss or a cheek kiss. And even those would be pretty rare during the day, not just the morning.
He would give you attention, but his focus would usually move right away to something else. You first just brushed it off as casual Benny, but not it was getting annoying.
You never stopped loving Benny, your love for him never lowered but didn’t exactly grow either. Sure, couples grow out of the ‘honeymoon phase’ and can grow apart but you didn’t want to believe you and him were growing apart, you wanted to grow with him in the relationship.
“But if he loved you as much as you loved him, he wouldn’t be flirting with so many girls while in a relationship.” Erica and Sarah had told you many times.
But you always brushed them off.
Benny wouldn’t hurt you, right?
Today was the last straw, for the past week, even when you were around, your so called boyfriend had made comments about other ‘hot babes’ in the school and you were not having it this time. Ethan, Sarah and Erica noticed your off mood today, but didn’t question it. They all knew what it was about, you told them about this weeks ago.
Everyday after school was over, Benny would walk with you on both of your ways home. You would walk back to your house and cuddle with him until he was forced to go home. Now, he barely stays for 15 minutes before going home. You really wished he stayed longer.
After school today was the same, you and the group would talk and discuss somethings for a while and then leave, Benny usually following behind you.
You waited in front of the school with everyone (including Rory) except for Benny. He mentioned something about needing to find a ripped page from his spell book. While you all waited for him, Sarah finally spoke up.
“So (Y/n), are you finally going to talk to him today about...you know?” She questioned. Everyone’s eyes turned to you as you nodded your head.
“Yeah...when he walks me home, I’m planning on just talking things out with him. It’s not what I had in plan before but maybe it’ll work!” You lightly smiled at you friends.
“I’m really sorry he’s been treating you like this. Of course it’s Benny and all but this is low even for him.” Ethan butted in.
You gave him a thankful smile and couldn’t help but silently agree. Erica gave you a comforting pat on the back and smiled at you. You weren’t the best of friends, but you still cared for one another.
“I’ll bite his head off if he continues to do it.” Erica ‘joked’ as she showed her fangs while winking at you. Sarah smacked her other hand and yelled in protest, causing Erica to whine.
“Oh please, as if you wouldn’t do it either-“
“Do what either?” Erica was interruped by a familiar voice, causing all of you to turn your bodies toward the man himself, Benny.
“Erica was just saying that she’ll bite your head off if you-mph!” Rory’s words were cut off but Sarah and Ethan covering his mouth.
The lot of you smiled awkwardly as a silence brushed you over you all. You just looked down at the ground, pretending as if you just saw something interesting.
“Right...well guys and gals! Guess who has two thumbs, a spell book and a soon to be newly mastered spell by yours truely?” Said Benny, carrying the first letter of the first word while pointing his thumbs toward himself.
“...who?” Ethan asked, although he already knew the answer. He and Sarah already uncovered Rory’s blabbering mouth by now.
“Your favorite spell master, me! Remember that I mentioned that ripped page from the book,” everyone nodded. “Well I just found a new spell that could be the best thing since Star Wars. A changing appearance spell! Think about it! I could change into any hot guy I want and all the hot babes would be after me!” Your head snapped up at the words coming out of his mouth.
Is he freaking serious? Right in front of his OWN GIRLFRIEND RIGHT NOW?
Everyone else, besides Benny, in the group stayed quiet for a moment, looking away awkwardly as they noticed your face change from a sad expression to an angry one.
“What? Look, I won’t actually do the spell but c’mon, you get to be whatever you want-“
Benny turned his finally turned his attention towards you, you hadn’t realized that he wasn’t even paying attention to you this whole time.
“Can I speak to you, alone. Right now.” You asked him, gesturing for him to go to the other side of the courtyard.
He nodded and headed over there with you. Benny glanced back towards his friends, but they all seemed to be slightly glaring at him or shaking their heads.
Finally, when you both were alone with no one around you two, you turned to him and spoke up.
“Are you kidding me, Benny?” The brunette looked at you with a confused face.
“Am I kidding about what?” He answered. You couldn’t help but roll you eyes at him, was he really this clueless or did he just not care at all?
“You! You, Benny and the spell! Actually, not just the spell! Are you even still aware that you are in a relationship?!” You spat at him.
Benny just scoffed.
“Babe, of course I do! That whole spell thing was just something I found and was trying to tell you guys about. It’s not a big deal!” The boy defended.
“Not a big deal? Well maybe not you to, but to your girlfriend it does! Your girlfriend of three months and yet here you are, talking about these hot babes and spells you could use to get them! I am your girlfriend, Benny! You seem to be forgetting that.” Benny started to grow annoyed with you and waved you off.
“If you wanna fight about your stupid jealousy, then I don’t wanna hear about it. I still care about you but there’s nothing wrong with-“
Benny flinched in shock after you screamed out your words. You were always the quiet and shy person of the group, a badass but yet still quiet. You honestly couldn’t care less at this point if someone heard you guys, you needed to get your boyfriend’s head straight.
You didn’t even realize the growing tears in your eyes until one fell from them. Benny’s face formed into a guilty and sad expression.
“Benny...as your girlfriend and best friend, I have my own things and you have yours. We both have our own lives and I’m not going to control yours. But when you talk about other girls like that, like they’re a piece of meat and I’m just off to the sidelines like nothing then you can’t expect me to not be upset about it. I love you, Benny Weir. But clearly, you don’t love me enough to focus your attention on the one you’re supposed to love.” You finished, tears rolling down your face.
“Okay, okay, I get it. I’ll stop with the comments, I’ll stop looking at girls and I’ll show you that I do love you! I love you so much, (Y/n)! I-I can’t lose you!” Benny practically begged, holding your cheeks as the waterfall of tears continued.
“Please don’t cry...please don’t cry.” He said, trying to wipe your tears away, not even noticing the tears running down his face either. You pushed his hands off of you and backed away from him.
“P-people need time to change, Bens. You can’t change in just a few minutes. I-I...” You contemplated your next words until they finally came out. “I think we should break up. Or just...t-take a little break.”
Those words nearly tore Benny Weir’s heart in half. He loved you, he had loved you so much but didn’t show it. Benny had made the worst mistake in this life and he felt so guilty, more worse than when he messed up on his spells. And now he was paying the price for it.
“No...n-no no, please no. Anything but that, please, (Y/n)! J-just one last chance!” Benny begged.
He didn’t want to lose the best thing in his life, he wanted to stay with you. He wanted to love and cherish you for the rest of his life.
But he ruined that.
“I’m sorry, Benny...but both of us clearly need more time to change.” And with that, you left him behind, tears still falling buy slowing stopping while Benny’s only grew.
He had lost the love of his life. His best friend his childhood. His partner in crime.
Benny sulkily walked back to his friends, seeing that Erica and Rory had left, leaving only Ethan and Sarah behind.
He wiped his tears and tried to smile but his bloodshot eyes gave him away. Ethan and Sarah knew right away what had happened. Ethan walked up to him and rested a hand on his shoulder.
“Benny...I’m sorry.”
Benny didn’t say anything though, he was still trying to process what had just happened completely. Finally, he fell to his knees and sobbed while Sarah and Ethan watched pitifully.
She was right...he needed the time to change.
Let me know if you wanna be tagged in any of my stories!
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kmmbavcu · 5 years
I Ain’t Missing You
Word Count: 3k+
WARNINGS: Swear words, angst, (don’t worry it has a happy ending), gay
Fandom: My Babysitter’s a Vampire
Like any other Friday night, Benny Weir was in his room, hidden under an absurd amount of blankets, eating pizza, and rewatching all his favorite Disney Channel Original movies. He was about halfway through 'Princess Protection Program' when there was a knock on his door.
“Come in,” he called as he paused the movie. His grandmother walked in, carrying a pair of pants that were much too short for him.
“Mind telling me how these got left here.” She raised her eyebrow. Benny’s cheeks flushed and he let out a nervous chuckle.
I knew I forgot something. Dammit, Benny, he thought to himself.
“Oh yeah. I accidentally shrunk my pants trying to make them, tight, like tight in the sense that they were cooler and-”
“Okay, they’re someone else’s.”
“Benjamin Donald Weir.”
“Okay they’re another dude’s, just please stop giving me that look.”
His grandmother made her way to the bed, folding the pants in her lap as she sat. Benny braced himself for the worst. He expected disgust, disappointment, maybe some yelling. What he didn’t expect was his grandmother looking into his eyes with nothing but love on her face.
“Benny, dear, there’s nothing wrong with liking boys. In fact, your grandmother has brought some girls over to the other side if you know what I mean.”
“First of all, ew I do not want to hear this information about my grandma. Second of all I don’t like boys it’s just experimenting I guess.”
He was thoroughly uncomfortable with his grandmother calling him gay. He wasn't gay. He couldn’t be gay. His dad would hate him forever. Besides, he'd liked plenty of girls before, Sally, Beth, Dela, Erica. And this boy was just a fling, teenage hormones acting up, he’d grow out of it eventually.
“Alright, but let me know when you get some sense knocked into you.” Grandma Weir walked out of the room and Benny continued his movie. Although the conversation left him feeling uneasy, there was nothing like the wholesome friendship between Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato to ease his suffering.
Rory pounded on Erica’s door.
“Come on, let me in.”
Erica made her way to her kitchen.
“I swear if it’s those kids ding-dong-ditching again I’m about to have an early lunch,” Erica said loud enough to be heard on the other side. She opened the door, relieved to see it was Rory. She checked to see if anyone was with him, seeing no one she allowed him inside.
“What’s up, Rory?” she asked, letting her cocky demeanor down for the time being. She could only do this with Rory. And she would never admit to anyone else that she did. For now, though, she softened at the sight of her clearly troubled friend. She gestured for him to come inside and went to the kitchen to get them both something to drink. Soon enough they were both sitting on her couch and holding mugs of hot chocolate (Just because they’re vampires doesn’t mean they can’t enjoy what they once did).
“Alright, spill the tea,” Erica said as soon as they got comfortable.
“Okay, so there’s this guy.”
“There’s a guy,” she butt in “Is he cute?”
“Totally babelicious. And I really like him, and I want things to go further but I don’t know how to mention it.”
It was obvious that Rory was worried, and Erica was not one to let a friend be hurt. His rant was cut short when Erica grabbed his shoulder, probably rather harshly.
“Just tell him. Say it like it is, and if he doesn’t like you back, well, your girl’s always hungry.” She winked, flashing her fangs.
A few days later Benny approached Ethan in the hallway, oddly perky.
“Hey B, what’s got you so happy?”
“Smokin’ hot babe. I met her at a bar. She doesn’t go here.”
“Benny, the only time you’ve ever drunk was with me, and you threw up after one drink. Also, when would you have met her? I’m with you literally all the time.”
Benny furrowed his eyebrows.
“Not all the time...okay fine she does go here but you don’t know her. She’s in one of my other classes. Her name’s….Rochelle” Ethan gave him a skeptical look but Benny ignored it. The bell rang and he proceeded to go to class. Ethan actually had a free period and made his way to the lounge.
“Hey, Ethan!”
Ethan jumped, “Rory, don’t do that!”
“Sorry buddy, I’m feelin’ hella fine today. Last night I had sex with this smokin' hot babe.” he grinned, showing his teeth.
He was suddenly taller than Ethan and he had to pull Rory back down to the ground. Ethan didn’t usually hang out with Rory during his free period, but he was curious, so he invited him to sit.
“So, who is this smokin’ hot babe?”
“Oh, it’s Be--rick…”
Rory chuckled nervously. “You know? Like Derek, but with a B. Isn’t it awesome? It’s German I think.”
“So how long have you been seeing...Berek?”
“Two whole weeks.”
“Oh, so that’s where you’ve been, and these past few weeks Benny’s always doing magic stuff with his grandma.”
The conversation died off and they each continued to do their own activities This was difficult for Ethan because Rory could not stop humming. Ethan looked over and caught a glimpse of what he was writing.
‘We’ve been seeing each other for like ever.’
‘We’ve been seeing each other for a while now and I love you.’
‘We’ve been seeing each other for a while now and I have developed strong feelings for you. I feel like we’re Kirk and Spock.’
‘We’ve been seeing each other for a while now and I have developed strong feelings for you. I feel like we’re meant to be together. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before and I know–”
It was hard to read because Rory had ended up scribbling his pencil through the whole letter. He didn’t want to pry but at the same time, Ethan was dying to know who this kid was. He’d never seen Rory like this he was acting so… what was that word from Bambi again? Twitterpated or something. Either way, Rory was in deep and Ethan was really hoping it would work out for him. Though he could tend to be overbearing, he was still his friend and he didn’t want to see his heart broken.
The bell rang and Ethan was plunged out of his thoughts. He walked through the halls thinking about what he had seen. Benny slammed his hand onto Ethan’s locker.
“Guess who scored a 100 on their calculus test.”
“Dude, nice you’ve been studying for like a week.”
“I know.”
The bell rang and they made their way to class.
Wait….Benny and Rory got laid on the same night….what a coincidence.
That night Rory made his way to Benny’s house to...try out his new video game. At least that’s what they were to tell anyone if they asked. In reality, they would never get to the video games, clothes ending up strewn on the floor before they had even opened the case. Rory often tried to slow things down, make sure nobody got hurt, but Benny was the opposite. He needed Rory, he needed to feel him, to hold him, to be underneath of him. When Rory was on top of him, Benny was putty in his hands. He was lustful and rough, immediately pushing himself onto the blonde in a completely animalistic passion.
The sex was sweet but the aftercare was sweeter. Rory had Benny on his chest, hands carding through the tangled locks of his hair. They were both sweaty, but it didn’t really matter, neither cared. Benny hummed in contentment; he’d never admit it, but he felt safe in Rory’s arms.
He’s always so warm, and strong, and sweet and- wait. No. What am I thinking? He’s a plaything. A toy. An experiment….A mistake.
Rory looked down at Benny and was surprised to see his face had changed. He was pouting. Rory’s heart skipped a beat. Though he hated to see Benny sad, he couldn’t deny he had the cutest little pout.
I’m gonna marry this man, I think.
Hoping it would snap him out of whatever seemed to be bumming Benny out, Rory pulled him into his lap and started rubbing circles on the palms of his hands. This conflicted Benny even further. He took a deep breath, mentally preparing himself for the conversation they were about to have.
“Hey, Love?” Benny cringed at the word. It gave him a weird feeling in his chest; he didn’t know what it was, and he didn’t like it.
“Do you ever think about taking this a step further?” Rory questioned.
“You mean like bondage?”
“Not quite, but we’ll put that on a shelf for later. I mean like us. You and me?”
Benny turned his head, he looked up at Rory with big eyes and a soft™ expression. He furrowed his eyebrows. It took him a while to finally form words.
“Rory, do you think this is a relationship? This is just sex. There are no feelings, no emotions. Just sex Rory.”
Rory immediately tensed.
Things were going so good. What happened? What did I do wrong?
“I...have to go eat.”
He shoved Benny off of him, trying to get out of the suddenly suffocating room as fast as possible. The quick change of environment was a shock to them both. So much so, that Benny couldn’t stop his hand from trailing after Rory as he left.
“Will you be back?” Benny was confused. Why was he feeling so empty?
It’s kind of cold in here. He tried to lay down and rest. Has my bed always been this big?
Meanwhile, Rory walked aimlessly throughout Whitechapel sidewalks. He spotted a tall figure, curly hair. He was hungry.
It took Benny a while to sleep. He kept hearing noises and getting up to invite Rory in, only for it to be a squirrel. He was used to Rory’s warm body to cuddle with. He was used to Rory taking him in his arms and humming him lullabies until he fell asleep.
Eventually, Rory found himself back at Benny’s, underneath the windowsill. He was hoping if he stood there long enough Benny might run out of the house and into his arms and say he changed his mind, say he was lying. He never did. So, Rory went home, completely ignoring his worried mother’s questions. He changed, kissed her cheek, and left for school.
Benny spent the entire morning looking for Rory between classes. Rory spent the entire morning avoiding Benny between classes. If Rory saw Benny, he would immediately turn around. Both of them zoned out entirely during class all day. Benny finally caught him in the hallway. Before Rory had a chance to run, he grabbed his arm.
“Dude, what’s up.” Benny was confused, Rory had been ignoring him all day.
The bell rang, to Rory’s relief.
“I have to go.” he jerked out of Benny’s grip. Benny took the hint.
It’s just Rory what’s wrong with me? It’s just dumb Rory. It’s just my dumb friend Rory who I happen to sleep with, or used to sleep with. Ugh… This is so emo.
Benny lay under the covers that evening. He stared at the ceiling, hoping his fan would lull him to sleep. Something felt off; like he was missing something. He couldn’t tell what though. Whatever it was, it was bumming him out. He didn’t eat supper that night. He refused to watch the news with his father when he got off work. He didn’t even offer to play Knights of Ninjutsu 4 with Ethan. That was a bad sign. He only passed out due to exhaustion around two in the morning.
Benny lay under the covers Tuesday. He hadn’t eaten again. He went straight home to his room. That sinking feeling still lay in his stomach. It hurt, and he felt like he’d never get rid of it. He tossed and turned and tossed and turned. The harder he tried to sleep the more awake he felt.
What is wrong with me? Why can’t I just stop? Nothing’s wrong. The only difference is I didn’t see Rory today. It’s not like I see him every day anyway.
The hours passed slowly. Each second seemed like a minute. Each minute like its own hour.
Benny never made it under the covers Wednesday night. He finally realized what was wrong. He felt stupid for not realizing it sooner. It was Rory. He missed him. He missed their late night talks. He missed Rory’s dumb jokes. He missed Rory ranting about something that the council had said. He missed Rory. But Rory probably hated him now. He had ruined what they had because he was afraid. He was afraid of his dad, who had always preached about traditional marriage. He was afraid of his peers, who already thought he was lame. He was afraid of himself, of hurting Rory and ruining it all. He had been afraid and he lost Rory. He didn’t sleep Wednesday. His eyes stared down the clock until his alarm went off. He went to school in yesterday’s clothes, not caring enough to change, or brush his hair, or do anything really.
Benny lay underneath his window Thursday night. He cradled one of Rory’s plaids. Benny found it when his dad had forced him to clean his room. He had left it there on Sunday.
It still smells like him. Benny put his arms through the sleeves and for the first time this week, the little sleep he got wasn’t plagued with nightmares.
Despite the fact he was able to sleep peacefully, he woke up in even worse condition than when he went to bed. He was still wearing the shirt. It was just another example of how much he missed Rory and how badly he fucked things up. He didn’t bother changing again. It’s not like Rory would see him in it. He probably smelled something awful. He showed up to school on time at least.
Rory wasn’t doing much better than Benny. He usually stuck mostly to stray animals when hunting, but all week he had been draining human after human. He tried to tell himself it was just a coincidence that all his victims wore striped polos and fluffy hair and were ridiculously tall, at least in Rory’s perspective.
It’s just a growth spurt. Vampire’s get growth spurts right? That’s why I’m eating so much. Right?
He told himself stuff like this all week but once he started to feel sick from overeating, he knew he had to face the real reason he was upset. Benny. He missed him. He hated it but if he was going to get any closure he would have to talk to him. He couldn’t just continue dodging him in the halls. That’s why on Friday morning he decided he would deliberately seek Benny out.
He mentally ran through what he would say in his head. He was expecting awkwardness and maybe a little resentment but he was hoping eventually they could be friends again. What he wasn’t expecting was to see Benny walking down the halls in one of his plaid shirts.
“Hey, uh, Benny.” The brunette jumped at the sight of him. Somehow he hadn’t noticed Rory walk up to him from across the hallway.
“Rory, you’re talking to me?” Benny asked, his tone almost hopeful. Rory was about to respond when suddenly the bell rung. He was about to tell Benny he would talk to him later but before he could he was pulled into a nearby empty classroom.
“What the hell dude we’re gonna be late,” Rory said sharply.
“I just…” Benny whispered
“You just what?”
There was a slight pause, then Benny slid the plaid shirt off of himself and held it out to Rory.
“I was gonna give you your shirt back.” Rory looked down at this piece of clothing. It was wrinkled and clearly hadn’t been washed since he left it. He didn’t even care enough to wash it. Did he even notice it was mine when he put it on this morning? Rory thought bitterly. With renewed anger, he grabbed the plaid but was surprised when he felt a slight tug.
“Benny?” That’s weird why isn’t he letting it go? With one more try Rory was able to get it, but he still wondered why it took him a second attempt. No, he didn’t do it on purpose. He didn’t have a random realization that he’s in love with you at some point during this agonizing week.
At least that’s what Rory thought until he felt Benny’s hand lightly grab onto his arm. It was nowhere near strong enough to actually hold him but it still got him to stop and turn around.  When he saw what was behind him he couldn’t stop himself from gasping.
Benny was silently sobbing. Tears rolled down his face. One look into the other boy’s eyes and Rory finally saw that Benny wasn’t okay either. He didn’t know what happened, he didn’t know what Benny was really feeling, he didn’t even know if there was hope for them, but in spite of it all Rory still loved him and he couldn’t bear to see him in this state. So despite his anger, he put his arms around the other boy and didn’t stumble when he absolutely collapsed into him.
When Benny had finally calmed down a little, Rory pulled away to look him in the eyes.
“How about I come over tonight? We can have an honest talk,” Rory suggested. Benny was still sniffling too hard and clearly tired from crying so he simply nodded. He gave him one last quick hug before finally going to class. Mr. G was not happy with him. He let him off easy because he could see that Benny had been crying.
For the first time since their fight, Rory made his way up Benny’s front porch and rang the doorbell with anticipation. Benny opened the door and happily invited Rory inside. They both walked into the living room where Benny had one cup of root beer and one cup of blood sitting on the table.
“Okay, Benny before we get back into-” Rory was cut off by Benny’s mouth on his. If Rory thought he was fast and needy before that was nothing compared to him now. Rory was half afraid Benny would actually eat his lip. As much as he enjoyed it Rory pulled Benny off of him.
“I said we’d talk, you can’t just avoid it by sucking my face,” Rory said as he sat back on the couch.
“It was worth a shot,” Benny replied, defeated, and plopped down on the couch next to him,
“I need you to be completely honest with me. Whatever your answer is I won’t get mad I just need to know the truth. Do you have any feelings for me… Any at all?” Rory asked, praying he got the answer he’d been wanting to hear since they first started their little fling. Benny took a long pause before speaking up.
“...Yes,” Benny said quietly. He didn’t look at Rory.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I just… I was scared, of my own feelings and of my dad, you know how he is, and I do have feelings for you. I love you Rory and I fucked up,” Benny exclaimed, talking so fast it was a wonder he didn’t run out of breath.
Rory was taken aback. Love? He really loves me?
Benny and Rory both had tears streaming down their cheeks at this point. Rory pulled Benny into the crook of his neck, his tears staining Rory’s shirt.
“I’m sorry, Rory. I’m so sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it. I’m sorry. I’m so so sorry.” He repeated himself until Rory hushed him.
“Hey, no. I’m sorry too. I left. And Benny, I… I love you too, like…  a lot, like mega a lot.”
“That’s a lot.” Benny sniffled and looked up at Rory. He wiped his tears and gave a soft™ smile.
“I hope I don’t look as bad as you do.”
Rory chuckled and leaned his forehead against Benny’s. They were both able to let out the breaths they had been holding. They let go of the tensions that built up that week. Things weren’t quite alright yet, but they would be.
“So...sexy times?” Benny cocked an eyebrow.
“Sexy times.”
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bennywe1r · 6 years
We have a problem part 2
(Part 1)
Fandom: my Babysitter's a Vampire
Benny Weir x reader
Warnings: swearing, violence
Description: you like Benny, a lot but you don't think he feels the same so you decide to go out with a jock from school when this "jock" isn't who he seems to be.
Authors note: sorry for any spelling errors and sorry for how long this took. Enjoy:)
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Benny's POV:
"Ethan, something is really wrong" I yelled
"Benny, are you sure she isn't just going to get a coffee or something?" Ethan responded
"At 2 in the morning?!?!?" I yelled thru the phone
Ethan sighed "wait to see if she's at school tomorrow, okay?" He suggested
"Fine but if she isn't there we are going full investigation, got it?" I said. There was no way I could let anything happen to her.
You woke up in a dark room tied to a chair.
"This is dramatic even for Jesse" you whispered to yourself.
"Ah look who's finally awake" a familiar voice echoed throughout the room. Jesse.
"Get fucked sparkle boy" you were not having any of this bs
"Ooooh someone's a little feisty, I'll guess your ride with Andrew wasn't too pleasent"
"Cut the shit Jesse, what do you want" again, not having any of this
"I want you to keep your pretty little ass here while we fight the war that everyone else was too afraid to start"
"Well that should be easy seeing as I don't have a choice" you were honestly just trying to keep it together at this point
"One more thing sweety, we need info. So spill"
"Pfft, or what" you laughed
"Or you will be spilling something else"
He didn't scare you very much. He threatens that he can kill you but so could another human being, he isn't special.
"How did you find out about Benny's magic" he asked
"Wow fangsy. That's your first question? Bummer"
"TELL ME" he yelled as it echoed thru the building
After you both sat in silence for a few minutes he called in Andrew.
"I will give you one last chance to tell me Y/N"
You looked Jesse directly in the eyes "No"
That's when Andrew threw his first punch. You felt your eye throbbing.
"Tic tock princess" he smirked
Benny's POV:
"E!" I yelled across the street to Ethan who had just left his house
"Hey Benny, have you heard anything from Y/N" he asked
"Nothing." My voice grew even more shaky thinking about her
We waited a few minutes outside of her house . She didn't come out.
At school:
I looked around for what felt like hours. Her locker, her classes, the lounge, I even managed to get Sarah to check all the girls bathrooms.
"Face it E, I was right and she's not here. We have to find her. Now" I started to grow impatient
"Okay okay. After school we can sear-"
"No way E! We need to go right now" I cut him off. I'm not waiting anymore.
We left the school before 2nd period even started and checked her house.
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"I'll check her room" I said as I stormed up to her bedroom, luckily her parents were never home much.
Ethan was downstairs looking everywhere and I just started looking for anything that could tell me where she could've gone. Erica thinks she ran away, I doubt it but I have to rule out everything. I found one of her journals, she loved to write about her day. I remember she asked us all for journals for her birthday. I flipped to a random page and it read:
"Dear journal, today was particularly hard, I failed my history quiz and someone spilled juice on my favorite shirt"
I remember that day because she came to me with a ruined shirt and asked for one of my jackets. She looked so cute wearing it. I continued reading:
"I guess I should stop kidding myself, another day another girl Benny flirts with. He probably doesn't even care that I exsist."
I felt my heart sink. I can't believe all this time she felt the same as I did, and I never even tried with her. I'm such a fool.
"Who knows what will happen next. Sometimes I don't even know why I write in these. In a few years I'll re-read this and think of how silly of me it was to feel for Benny when he feels nothing for me. Friend zone is not as friendly as it sounds"
I closed the book unable to read anymore or see how much I hurt her without knowing it.
About 10 punches later and you began to feel numb
"I don't wanna do this all day sweetness, that pretty little face of yours can't stay like that forever" Andrew said with another punch.
"Just because we went on a date doesn't mean I actually liked you. Stop with the name calling" you were 100% done with their shit and ready to pass out. A tear ran down your face as you wondered if Benny even cared that you were gone.
"Or what honey?" He asked
You said nothing.
"I know where your little geek friend lives darling, what if I pay him a little visit. Would that make you talk?"
"Leave him the hell alone!" You realized he just cracked open the door to breaking you.
"So that's what gets to you? Sad Y/N, really sad." He laughed "you love that loser?"
Again, you said nothing.
"Hm. I thought so."
He punched you one last time, knocking you out completely.
Benny's POV:
"Ethan, we have looked everywhere and we are nowhere near finding out where she could be." I stormed out and went home. It's time we get an expert of magic to help.
"Grandma!" I busted thru the door
"Benny! What's wrong?" She asked
I broke down. I just couldn't keep it together anymore "it's Y/N, grandma she's missing"
"Benny calm down. We will find her" she sat with me until I stopped hyperventilating.
"Grandma, I love her" I finally admitted.
"I know honey I know" she said
About 10 minutes later, Ethan finally arrived.
Ethans POV:
"Dude! Why did you leave like that?" I yelled out of breath. I noticed Benny's red puffy eyes. He had been crying
"Be- Benny, are you o- are you alright?" I have never seen him cry before so I wasn't sure how to handle it.
"I'm okay. Grandma is going to find Y/N with some magic." He said. His voice was still shaky.
Benny's POV:
In the kitchen my grandma set up a map with some weird tripod type thing above it and a needle. It was a map of Whitechapel. She swung the needle around and for a few minutes it just kept going.
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"Alright Benny, you have to be the one to ask where she is. There must be a true connection for it to work" she said
"Okay.... where is Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N" I said in a stern voice.
It kept swinging when suddenly it stopped, above an abandoned church.
"There!" Grandma said "take my car, bring a first aid kit just in case"
Ethan and I left for the church.
You woke up to a rumbling in the room outside of yours. You were too exhausted and lost a lot of blood so you didn't even try to use that to escape.
A few moments later someone broke down your door.
You coughed "Benny?"
"What the hell did they do to You?!" He yelled running over to you
You passed out.
Well there is that! Part 3 coming soon. Read part one here
Hope you enjoyed and send in requests!
Sorry for any spelling errors, this is the longest imagine I've ever done and my phone is crap :)
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comicbookddr · 2 years
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clearing out my camera roll 7/?
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