#gotta love them Discord shenanigans
captivemuses · 19 days
Dan Feng is getting dragged into the darkness by a very irate furnace master. No words said, simply pinned and he leans down to bite at his neck. "You are going to be the death of me." He growls after a moment. "What are you /doing/ out in /that/. I'm the only one allowed to see you like that. Only me."
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He'd simply been out in the evening enjoying a cup of jasmine tea and watching the setting sun when a strong hand came from behind and yanked the High Elder to his feet and wordlessly dragged him a short distance until they were concealed from the main streeet down an alleyway between two businesses. There was only a single person on the Luofu that would dare handle Dan Feng in such a manner, so there was no protesting from him as all of this happned. Yingxing knew that this outcome had not only been expected, but encouraged. Why else send such a teasing letter to his lover at work where only Yingxing's eyes would see it.
A smile that could only be described as pleased with himself pulled at Dan Feng's lips as Yingxing pinned him against the hard wall and immediately went to marking him up. Gloved hands helped themselves to running along the familiar chest that he so adored, and his voice was teasing and quiet enough that only Yingxing could possibly hear.
"Now Yingxing, as far as everyone around here knows I'm in the normal amount of clothes that I wear every single day. Nothing wrong with wanting to wear something of my beloved's for a change. You're the only person who could possibly find out that anything is different about what I'm wearing right now." Let Yingxing do what he will with what his lover just said and see if he catches either of the hints that something was in fact hidden and amiss.
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uraniumnm333 · 1 year
dropping more tsukasa kanade lore guys >>>
i think that after kanade has the initial tsukasa jumpscare they start to get along well but like. kanade talks to think man because even though she goes to the same school as mizuki GUESS WHO NEVER FUCKING ATTENDS !!! and once she talks to tsukasa long enough she's introduced to rui and nene by being invited to ★★★ SUPER COOL EAT-LUNCH-ON-THE-ROOF TIME [kool kats only ★★] ★★★ and kanade sits down like "okay. these people seem calm. theyre probably normal. i think. i can do this :]" and then emu. climbs onto the roof. and kanade thinks "OHFUCKOHSHIT NEVERMIND NEVERMINDNEVERMIND"
so they eat lunch and kanade is introduced to tsukasa's not boyfriend, tsukasa's not girlfriend and tsukasa's not girlfriend. and they have a good time !!! kanade gets along well with nene, but also doesn't because i think the two of them are the equivalent of the "shy people vs introverts" meme. rui is fun but kanade cannot understand that man for the life of herself. and. emu. so ironically tsukasa is the one she gets along with most.
so they hang out and also i think that kanade has tsukasa look over her compositions and has probably gotten him to play an actual piano bit for one of nightcord's songs. idk which you just gotta trust me. and one day kanade comes to their daily meet up thing which happens in the park because silly and tsukasa isn't doing his usual thing. bc when she usually comes tsukasa is happy and smiling like :D :D :D and helping out little kids on the playground equipment but this time nobody's here and he's just. off. and kanade can feel The Vibes but she goes over anyways. and she sees him and he sees her and suddenly he's happy again but this time it's all wrong. and she leaves and goes back home and she thinks back and realizes how Wrong all their interactions had felt. but at the same time it didn't. and she's trying to make sense of all this and talks to nightcord about it because who else would she talk to ??? and general consensus is "make discord server with him" so that's what she does. yes this results in silly tsukasa uses discord for the first time shenanigans. and they all start talking !!! ofc she introduces mizuki as mizuki but mafuyu and ena are left as "my online friends enanan and yuki"
tsukasa ends up inviting rui nene and emu because WHO ELSE ??? and rui dms kanade like "okay i know why you did this but we. are getting nothing out of this. also is yuki mafuyu from the all girls school that emu goes to ???" also SIDE PLOT with emu not feeling creeped out around yuki like she is mafuyu. just wanted to mention. anyways rui is like "i know who you are" and kanade is like "help me help you help your bf (boy best friend)" and idk how but eventually tsukasa just. breaks down.
it's not even anything special he's just in a discord vc w everyone and they start talking about fun things they did as children and tsukasa realizes he can't even remember talking to his parents unless it was over the phone and he just. goes quiet !!! and that's not normal because tsukasa is never quiet so everyone is just a teeny weeny bit worried. and then they hear this man. CRYING ???
so of COURSIES they all meet up in the empty sekai bc we love sekai mashups !!! and idk from there tbh im just bein silly atp
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I can't figure out this spacing thing and I'm not about to find out. So hey! I'm Allul (They/Them, trying to figure that thing out)! I'm that fucking creature that's flooding your dash with posts about a boat girl and whatever other shenanigans my mind decides to get up to. I'd say I should apologize but really the longer you know me the more you realize this is just how I live my life
I'm 26 (Not for long) and a terrible chronic gacha addict that probably should've stopped a long time ago. But since i haven't I now have adopted boats (as this blog shows) along with....
horse girls
very bisexual prisoners
food personifications
cinnamon rolls
and plenty of other random things that go in and out of my mind on the daily. This may come at a surprise to plenty of people but I literally haven't even been here a year yet (shocking I know). Most of my writing career has been either super bad fanfics, skype rp (yes this sadly was part of my life), and forums of recently. Only after being dragged here by a few friends did I realize what I was missing out on and I'm glad I joined! I promise you I'm not intimidating as I may seem (If I even come off as intimidating) and really I'm a DM away from blowing your eardrums off about whatever you want. Like lets be real my first blog here was a goddamn pokemon. I think that says everything you need to know.
Anyway next is checks notes about myself and that's problematic. Because I have no idea how to do that :3. According to my friends this meme explains it best
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But as expected writing is my hobby (go figure) and beyond that is probably video games. A lot and a ALOT of RPGS, Fighting Games, and whatever is out there to get my serotonin running. Currently I'm down in the mines playing Granblue Fantasy Relink, Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising (are you noticing the trend), and dabbling in some other ventures (Gundam Versus if you want to know how niche my tastes get. I also collect plushes!
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in line with my crippling Granblue addiction music CD's!
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But yeah if it wasn't obvious I love talking about literally anything. My interests are kinda all over the place but most people can vouch that I'm a damn good listener. And that includes plotting even if my mentality usually is just a "fuck it we ball one" rather than really planning it out (I do love planning too! But sometimes you really just gotta go off and never stop). If you don't find me here on NJ's Blog well don't worry I have like 11 more as well. Featuring...
Morgan le Fay (Fate) (@talesofrainandstars_
Melusine (Also from Fate) (@robustdragonheart)
Nian (Arknights) (@unfetteredfreedom)
Mika ("Archive that may be Blue") (@witchoftrinity)
Architect (Girls' Frontline) (@explosivedesire)
Fenie (Granblue Fantasy) (@sourceoftheflame)
Miyoi Okunoda (Touhou) (@geidonteispostergirl)
"Sparkle" (Honkai Stars Rails) @sparklingsplendor
Hiroi Kikuri (Bocchi the Rock) (@sickhackbassist)
My OC Protag from Armored Core 6 "Raven" (@echoesofcoral)
Beyond that I'm always in Discord if you just want to chat or anything else. You can also find me on twitter where I rant about the most craziest things and cry when my favorites in gachas actually get content (it doesn't happen often). Other then that I have no idea how to end this so here's a picture of my dog
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anyway I think I've ranted long enough. Looking forward to talking with everyone more and anyone else who is willing to put up with my muses!"
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itsjustagoober · 2 years
For awhile now, some of you may or may not have noticed the glaring lack of activity on some of my other blogs. For those of you that did, I’m doing alright mostly. For those of you that didn’t, no worries. That’s why I’m making this post.
I have some things I’d like to share with you about them, but I don’t know how long this is going to be or how personal it’s about to get. It will be below a read more for good measure.
So, I want to preface this by saying this is no one person’s fault or anything. None of you have done anything for making what’s about to happen...well, happen! You all have been mostly lovely with me always and I could never blame any of you. Any one that I could, I’m pretty sure I blocked them a long time ago already.
I’m shuttering some of my blogs for now, somewhere between a hiatus or extremely low activity. There is no easy answer as to why, as it is multiple things compiling on top of each other. The most important part, though? I’m not getting as much back in turn as I am putting into the effort to reach out or look for activity. This is not a sudden feeling either, this has been a long time coming.
I do not discount those who have made the effort to reply or try or RP with me! I love you all so much and I appreciate you all so much! Calling out into the void and not getting a response it usually a good thing in most other cases, but when you go looking for it here and you don’t get much back, why keep calling out?
For those of you that continue to poke me, check in on me, RP/scene with me and do shenanigans? I would like to offer my deepest apologies for this and also my greatest sense of gratitude. You are the ones I am going to miss the most. If you would like to stay in touch, I’ll mostly be on Discord for things and I’ll be happy to give you my username in IMs, if you’d like!
For now? I’m going to go through the blogs here and either change what I need to or just leave them as is. I will put this into full effect over the weekend, so that gives you all some time to see this and do with this information as you see fit.
I don’t know when I’ll be back in full, but I’ll be lurking around quietly. I’ll reach out when I feel the mood or need to, but otherwise you all might mostly have radio silence from me.
Here’s the standings about how this will most likely look:
@agooberscast - Shifts into very low activity mode @agooberscanons- Shifts into full hiatus @agoobersretreat- Will most likely stay the same/move into low activity @theplumpkinpatch- Shifts into full hiatus @softidolproject- Shifts into full hiatus
I think that about does it. Feel free to ask any questions and I’ll do my best to answer them before this goes into effect. I mainly don’t wanna leave anyone confused or misunderstanding me before I go. I love you guys so much, but I gotta do this for myself. I just have to.
TL;DR: My blogs have lost my interest and i need to take a mental break for myself. Love you all and I’ll see you all around as I can.
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epitomees · 1 year
The year is slowly ending, feel free to use this ask to tag ( and write a positive message if you wish ) the people you are happy to have met this year and as always thank you for being part of the RPC, you are very much adored and appreciated. 🐱
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((Well thank you so much for the ask!! I gotta say it's really nice to see positivity blogs like this around more now. I never really seen blogs like these back when I first started, but it's a really nice touch to have this in the RPC.
That being said, I gotta say it's been so SO nice getting to know more peeps in the Persona RP community/general RPC interested in Persona muses this year. Apologies beforehand, because at the moment I am quite tipsy from having some drinks but I wanted to get this out before midnight hits tonight! SO LET'S GET STARTED!!
@tvstarkuma - Finding a Teddie coming into the Persona RPC is SUPER SUPER AWESOME!! Because I barely have seen many Teddie RPers, and I absolutely adore your rendition. He's a funky little lad, a creature so interested in human culture and such, and the mun behind the blog is also very very sweet. We've just started talking on Discord, and I'm more than happy to get to know you more outside of writing with the upcoming year.
@detectivcprince - Julia, I'm like....so so glad we hit it off well. Aside from your Akechi being so unique and different from takes I've seen, you as a person are just an absolute delight. I know you've had some hard times happen this year, but I want nothing more than the next year to be good to you. And I hope we can write more too because I absolutely adore getting to write with you.
@maskuerade/@starswrote - MADY!!! Lovely, lovely Mady! You're a hoot! You've also had some hard times happen this year, and I wish you a much better new year coming up with nothing but good things to happen to you. I'm glad you're gonna be graduating soon too! I know your writing motivation is a bit hit or miss lately, but I hope in 2023 we can write more as well. And talk more too! You're such a delight to talk with whether it's about creating angst between our characters or just talking in general!
@caramellchris - I gotta say, I always love learning about OCs, how they were created, and the little stuff about them that make them so unique to their world. Aside from writing things, it's been awesome getting to chat with you offline too. I love hearing you word vomit about your OCs or games you really, really like. I hope we can get to know each other a little more in the new year, and write more too!
@trixter-time - Okay so...TECHNICALLY we've known each other more than just a year, but I was SO SO HAPPY to see you return to Tumblr this year. There have been times I would think about how you were and what you were doing, but never got the thought of messaging you. WHICH IS MY BAD!! But I was ecstatic to see your return. I do respect your choice to take a leave off Tumblr though. You do you, and what's best for you, but I hope we can continue to chat with each other more now that I know you're still around. It's always a great pleasure getting to chat with a lovely person like yourself!!
@rebelli0us-mask - SHIT MAN, I WANTED TO SHOUT YOU OUT TOO!! I love your chaotic energy, I love the stupid shenanigans our muses have gotten into, and you’re just a REALLY REALLY fun person to know too!! May you have a happy, healthy, and AWESOME 2023 too!! 
I know there's others I can S/O in this, but I wanted to focus on the peeps I met this year. There's plenty of other friends online here I would GLADLY give my love to for this year, because I know it's been a rough one for sure. I generally hope for all my mutuals that 2023 treats you kindly!!))
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original-jade · 1 year
who needs coffee when you have AN ANNOUNCEMENT TRAILER
okay okay okay the graphics? GORGEOUS. new logo? BEAUTIFUL. everything about everything? HOLY SHIT
i do have thoughts, of which i have been yelling at the discord server
1- with shang tsung being the preorder bonus, i dont think hes part of the story. i think he was showcased as a stand in for whatever the big bad will actually be.
2- kitana and mileena!! together!! now its hard to tell if theyre being amicable or not, or even if theyre in outworld or edenia, but i really hope we get them as sisters and not enemies
3- scorpion and sub zero, as always. first watch, i didn't necessarily think it was kuai liang, and watching again im not wholly convinced its bi-han either. we know this game goes WAY back, and we know the title of sub-zero is passed down thanks to a pre battle line in mk11 about bi-han's and kuai liang's grandfather also being sub zero. potential shirai ryu and lin kuei founders??
4- mortal??? raiden??? im honestly hyped to see what he does. he fights with a bo staff in some of the older games and so now im curious if thatll be his main style
5- johnny cage being mentioned on the website, and a special skin of his being in the kombat pack. im??? hesitant. i dont know if hes also non canon to the story mode or if theres some multiverse shenanigans, but as much as i love him, i want the focus to stay in the new era + the 500+(?) years in the past setting
also nrs why you gotta do us dirty and show shang tsung stealing gkls soul for the fight showcase hasnt the kung family been through enoguh
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redlyncentral · 2 years
Let it Go - Q&A
my dear jess asked me to answer these questions about Let it Go :)
1. What inspired you to write the fic this way?
Seeing the way the show was functioning and wanting to replicate that. I wanted to write something which felt true to the canon - from the characterization to the multiple plot lines to the group dynamics and their shenanigans.
2. What scene did you first put down?
The first one! I can't write scenes out of order, since I don't really go in with an 'order'. I have a very loose layout and I add things and plan as I go, and it just felt right :)
3. What’s your favorite line of narration?
I don't think I have one. I don't really like my narration style back then... I hope to one day go over the whole thing and re-write it (without changing the plot, of course)
4: What’s your favorite line of dialogue?
“That’s way too much work, Kourt. You already did so much,” she tried rejecting the offer, but her friend conjured; “And I’ll do a little bit more. you’re worth it.”
5: What part was hardest to write?
Ashlyn's panic attack in chapter 12 for sure. I was dealing with a lot of anxiety back in the day and it was a topic near and dear to my heart so I wanted to do it justice and show what it's really like, but how do you begin to explain such a horrible feeling?
6: Does this fic feel special or different from all your other fics?
Absolutely. Especially now that they're actually doing frozen... I am so incredibly proud of this piece of work because it holds my heart and soul and in a lot of ways, it helped me overcome so many bad moments back in the day.
7: Where did the title come from?
I wanted something easily recognizable that would also fit in with the theme of this fictional season. Let it Go is iconic and we saw many characters letting go of their fears.
8: Did any real people or events inspire any part of it?
The East High Wildcats discord server had a big part in giving me the inspiration for this. I got the idea for the fic through a conversation I had in early July; from there, the rest was history. The kourt and Nini fight was also loosely based on my real-life experiences when losing a close, childhood friend. We are now back in touch, thankfully.
9: Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
the fic almost had ten chapters but it got extended :)
10: Why did you choose this pairing for this particular story?
The story focused heavily on redlyn in this fic solely because of my bias and love for them and I am not ashamed to admit it. I felt like they fitted their roles perfectly (I wish Tim agreed with me) and wanted to highlight them to readers who might be more invested in other ships.
11: What do you like best about this fic?
I can't choose just one. I love the dynamics featured in it - i tried my best to have a good balance of existing friendships and new bonds. The general theme of them doing frozen had also become over time one of my favorite aspects.
12: What do you like least about this fic?
The lack of jenzarra... I don't know if i was capable of perfectly bringing to writing their dynamic at the time but it definitely feels missing.
13: What music did you listen to, if any, to get in the mood for writing this story? Or if you didn’t listen to anything, what do you think readers should listen to accompany us while reading?
I listened to A LOT of the original soundtrack (by 'a lot' i mean i listened to the mob song at least 500 times) and when i was looking for other kinds of music, this was my go-to!
14: Is there anything you wanted readers to learn from reading this fic?
I wanted most of all for people to believe in love. it seems rare these days but love is all around us - we just gotta let it happen.
15: What did you learn from writing this fic?
Honestly, that I am capable of putting out such lengthy writing pieces. who knows, maybe I'll write another one soon. *wink emoji*
and if you read all the way till the end, thank you. I really appreciate every single person who took their time to read let it go. i love yall <3
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katzynia · 2 months
Writing Pattern Tag Game
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 posted fics and see if there's a pattern! (I'm going to use the first few sentences/the first paragraph as "line" is up to interpretation IMO )
(Thanks for the tag @bittercape)
Hold on (to this lullaby)
The kitchen lights up with a decisive click of the switch. Alfred blinks.
2. Kindle and char
“I object!” Slade shouted as he kicked the doors open. For a moment, the massive wood tried to resist, magic flashing on its surface, but, creaking, it bent under the greater force. The double doors slammed open with all the dramatic flair one could hope for. Slade let his smirk grow into an obnoxious grin and strode in, Rose flanking him a few paces back. Deathstroke danced at the back of his mind, alert but not alarmed, enjoying the promise of lovely little payback waiting for them.
3. Smell a cookie baking (what are we making)
”Help me,” Slade hisses on the phone, and Jason – a horrible, terrible little brat that he is – laughs.
4. Call me maybe
”Heyyyyy,” a vaguely familiar voice says in Slade’s ear, stretching the vowel frankly unacceptably, completely undeterred by Slade’s customarily terse greeting that does not invite such shenanigans. Especially since he is in the middle of a job. Granted, in the boring part that consists wholly of waiting, but it is the principle of the thing.
5. Straddling the line (in discord and rhyme)
Jason whirls around to look behind him, guns raised. A thin rat sprinting across the alley nearly gets another hole in its coat. Jason pulls his hands back closer to his body, but the feeling coiling in the bottom of his belly doesn’t abate. His hands twitch, fingers longing to hook around the triggers and start shooting. Unfortunately, all he’d get would be shadows.
6. strangers looking from afar (getting closer)
The second wave of thugs dropped in, and Slade was getting impatient.
7. Shifting in the wind
Well, Slade contemplated philosophically, now that his thoughts were no longer an amorphous soup, this was one way to solve the problem of what to do with his free week between jobs. He had vaguely thought about going to a cabin in the middle of the woods far away from people, but. Well.
8. Let it bleed
In the cover of darkness, Slade waits. Ambient sounds of the night, full of life here in the middle of nowhere, go on around him, fluttering by him, but nothing catches his interest. No yells, no alarms, no frantic movements. Nothing to interrupt the almost tranquil calm enveloping the castle.
9. Connectivity issues (you seem to be having)
Slade should really stop accepting jobs in Gotham, no matter how tempting the pay for an easy job. It never stayed easy. “You gotta be shitting me!” A case in point.
10. Eyes (wide) shut
Len sighs. This job is already one of the most boring he’s ever been on, and that’s saying something. He thinks he’d rather take some infighting and muscle flexing than this tense silence and standing around. Nothing of note is going to happen tonight. He doesn’t even know why he’s here.
Ah, patterns. I like to think I do intrigue with slam openings. :D One-line starts are very typical for me (you know, for emphasis), and I always (okay there might be an exception somewhere) start in media res, mostly for intrigue reasons. I also like to establish POV character fast, cause I like to write very close/limited third person, hence it's very important to know whose head one is in.
Anyway, if you notice / have noticed patterns in my openings (or writings in general), I'd be super interested to hear about them
Tagging: @notherdeadrobin @nonbinaryjaybird @aziraphalalala
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And that’s the episode! Closing out with some concept art of younger Cinder
LOVE a flashback, and this was a whole episode of one. So I was pretty much guaranteed to like this episode
Got an explanation about Emerald’s Semblance, turns out Mercury has dual leg prosthetics, and Cinder used a freaking horrible Grimm abomination beetle thing to suck the powers right out of Amber
It was truly horrific
The general public, kiddos included, continue to think that Yang just straight up maimed a fellow student for no reason. And the resulting unrest is literally drawing a horde of Grimm to the city, even the ones that were waiting for the correct moment to strike. Because apparently. This is it. THIS is the moment to strike
I’m terrified
Remember when this volume was fun? Remember team FNKI, and noodle shop shenanigans, and Weiss breaking away from her father, and them all just being FRIENDS??
Yeah. More of that, please
But yeah that’s the episode! Thank you so much to everyone on the Discord and everyone on Patreon, your support means the world to me. I’ve gotta help my dad with some stuff, but I’ll hopefully be back with the World of Remnant later today. If I’m not, then it’ll be up tomorrow with the next episode next week as normal.  See you then!!
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lifeaftermeteor · 3 years
Hey, I love your content and work for the GW fandom, and it's wonderful that you censored OP's url, but I don't think it's a great look to publicly vaguepost someone in a major tag where they'll probably see it, even if they did say something rude. Their post was rude, but it was *general*. Vagueposting most often targets one, specific person, and if it's easy to find their post (which it was), it can lead to them getting unduly harassed.
I sat with this for awhile this evening, considering how best to respond. I considered not responding at all. Yet here we are...
"Not a good look." You're right. The whole thing could've passed without anyone being the wiser if I hadn't capped it.
But...here's the thing. Pointing to the fandom (again, a 25+ year old fandom) and saying other fans themselves are "creepy and disgusting" and are "polluting" the fandom by making and enjoying content of the main characters and telling people to "go to hell" over adult content is not a vent about squicks. It is anti BS at its core and is fair game when you tag the whole damn fandom. That is inherently different from being squicked out by certain genres/content, or even complaining about the creative direction writers for canon/auxiliary content took the characters and their stories.
I know some have said I'm 'keen on neutrality' and that's true...in specific settings, i.e. I expect mods of fandom Discord servers or events to remain professional in that role and setting and stay above the fandom fray IN THAT SPACE. As a moderator, you have a responsibility to your community because you are providing a service and/or a platform to the fandom writ large. It's not your personal sandbox anymore, and you have to act accordingly there.
As an individual, I have personally spoken out against...
racism, bigotry, and other hate
fans who condemn others' headcanons and interpretation of canon
people trying to divide the fandom along shipping war lines of yore
unprofessionalism of mods and organizers
making assumptions about fans' IRL interests based on their fandom interests
anti rhetoric overall
I have also DEFENDED peoples' rights to have opinions in their personal spaces, even when it stirred up drama or other shenanigans. [NOTE: This includes both folks I disagreed with, as well as people I considered friends from whom I apparently caught a block from today. To each their own.]
Didn't see any of that offense or defense happening? That was intentional - sometimes you get better results with personal conversations when emotions are running high.
So I gotta ask you anon...am I not afforded that same right to a personal opinion and a personal stance on a personal blog? The OP tagged the fandom, so I tagged the fandom. Hell, I could've reblogged my opinions DIRECTLY from them (which I had actually considered this morning) but KNEW folks would pile on and I didn't want to drown their notifications in people being contrary. And I'll be first in line to fight off anon hate going to the individual if I hear about it 'cause that is also some shit I don't tolerate.
TL;DR -- if some rando on the internet can call a whole lot of us creepy and disgusting, then I - some other rando on the internet - can say that's a crappy attitude and it's got no space on my dash or in my fandom.
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yuruse · 2 years
Hiatus...until ??
So after having some conversations with friends yesterday, I am going to take a break off tumblr.
I’m not sure if I am going to come back. Tumblr doesn’t feel like it used to and my writing motivation just isn’t here when I log in. A major part why I stuck around is because I do have some amazing partners that I write with and didn’t want to leave that behind. Plus I wasn’t sure where to find other RP partners, but I’ve gotten a few tips. 
I still want to RP but I don’t think tumblr is it for me anymore. Which makes me sad, because I’ve dedicated close to ten years to this website. To part with it feels bittersweet, but I want my love of RP and writing to come back even more. If it’s not here, then I gotta find it elsewhere. 
I am going to try discord RP and see what comes out of that. If you would like to write on discord let me know. Or if you just still wanna talk and have fun fandom shenanigans that’s welcome too! I know not everyone like to RP on discord. If interested, feel free to add me on discord KingJana#5280.
So I apologize if we started to plot, if we have a thread, or have prompts to answer to but I don’t think I’ll be getting to them. If you have prompts from me, feel free to delete them, feel free to unfollow. Do what you need to do. :)
Happy holidays everyone and peace! 
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Finally done with this chapter and this arc. Can’t believe I have an entire post that’s just about Tsukauchi Naomasa. The discord server is so happy. There’s a lot of Naomasa love in there, and I mean, can you blame them? Dude is the straight man in a world of shounen bullshit. Gotta respect his ability to take everything happening in stride.
[No. 21 - In Each of Our Hearts]
We have brief passage of time wherein the police arrive at the USJ. We see Tsukauchi doing a headcount of the students while Sansa is directing the other police in containing and leading the villains out of the building. Naomasa is able to determine that, aside from the one with the messed up legs (Izuku), all of the students are unharmed. As if to confirm this, we get some wide shots of the class in two panels, showing everyone to be perhaps roughed up, but not really injured.
Hagakure puts her hand on Ojiro’s shoulder, commenting on how he’d ended up in the fire zone, and on his own at that, with a small congratulations. Ojiro admits he’d thought everyone was alone, and that he’d only survived with hit-and-run tactics. He then asks Hagakure where she was, and she points out Todoroki before stating she’d been in the landslide area, and that Todoroki’s crazy strong. We see Todoroki and his worry that he could have frozen her, while Ojiro in the background just says that he’s glad she’s okay.
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Aoyama, of course, then tries to take center stage. Aoyama seems like he’s about to reveal where he’d been, but then turns to the other students to ask them if they have any ideas. 
He first tries the group consisting of Tokoyami, Koda, Kirishima, and Kaminari, but all of them are busy with a conversation. Tokoyami makes a comment on how he guesses ‘those lowlifes’ were spread out, waiting for them. Kirishima slams a fist into the palm of his other hand and complains about how the villains had been looking down on them because they were kids.
Then he turns to Tsuyu, asking her where she thinks he was. She plays along for a bit, asking him where, only for Aoyama to dramatically turn away and pose while stating that it’s a secret. Tsuyu turns her attention back to Tsukauchi, completely uninterested in his shenanigans. 
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Tsukauchi states that they (likely meaning the police and pro heroes) are going to get the students back to the classroom for now, and that this is no time to take their statements. Tsuyu asks after Aizawa, and Naomasa gives her the details - both arms smashed to splinters, face is fractured. Thankfully, there’s no brain damage, but his eye sockets have been pulverized, so there’s a chance he may suffer long-term loss of vision - or so he hears. He seems to be on a call with the hospital at the time, or perhaps the station where all of this cleanup and investigation are being processed.
This is not exactly the welcome news Tsuyu or Mineta were looking for, both of them looking pretty torn up over it.
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Tsukauchi continues down the list of injuries - Thirteen has terrible lacerations across her back and upper arms, but her life isn’t in danger. All Might’s injuries aren’t life threatening either; it’s likely that Recovery Girl’s healing will be enough for him, so he’s gone off to the nurse’s office instead. 
Ochako and Tenya, basically in unison, ask after Izuku, worry etched across their faces. Naomasa takes a second to place the name, but confirms that Izuku also made it to the nurse’s office in time. He then states that he happens to have business there himself, so he’ll leave the rest of the cleanup to Sansa. Sansa gives a salute and confirmation. 
(Meanwhile, Ochako and Ashido are both puzzled because Sansa’s not a dog. Don’t be rude, girls.)
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Nedzu notes that UA will need to completely revamp their security systems. Midnight adds on how teleportation quirks are rare enough, and that it’s a shame one of them had to go and turn villain. 
Another officer shows up to report to Tsukauchi, stating that they’ve apprehended what seems to be a villain in a thicket about 400 meters from the USJ. Tsukauchi asks what condition the villain is in, and the officer states that the villain seems unharmed, and that he didn’t resist arrest. He also adds that, oddly enough, the villain isn’t responding in any way, and appears to be mute.
Tsukauchi turns to Nedzu, asking for the opportunity to go over the school with a fine tooth comb. Nedzu gives him the go-ahead, saying that some won’t be happy, but the police certainly have jurisdiction. He notes that investigations are Tsukauchi’s field of expertise, so he can do what he feels is necessary.
We transition to the nurse’s office, with Izuku and Toshinori both stuck in bedrest. And honestly, I just cannot get over how tall Toshinori is, like.
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Look at that. If he picked up Izuku for a hug, Izuku’s feet would maybe reach his knees. 
Anyways. Plot. Yes. Recovery Girl tells the two of them that, the situation being what it was, she can’t really scold them this time. Toshinori says that he thinks he’s probably shortened his time limit again, and that he’ll be lucky if he can still get an hour a day. Izuku’s worried about him, but Toshinori shoves himself up into a sitting position with a groan, shrugging it off with a ‘what can you do? Bad things happen.’
The nurse’s office door opened, Tsukauchi letting himself in with an apology for the intrusion/interruption. He greets Toshinori as an old friend, while Toshinori’s surprised Tsukauchi is here. Izuku shoots up into a seated position, worried about if it’s okay for Toshinori to be seen while he’s not buffed up. Toshinori says it’s fine, then gets a bit silly about his introduction of Tsukauchi to Izuku.
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Tsukauchi calling him out on the weird intro though. Like I said, this man really puts up with so much shounen-world bullshit as the straight man. 
Tsukauchi then bring up his reason for stopping by - not to rush Toshinori or anything, but he’d like to ask about the villains. Toshinori interrupts him to ask if the students are alright, as well as Aizawa and Thirteen. Tsukauchi’s quiet for a moment, before huffing a laugh. He says that besides Izuku, the students have nothing more than a few bumps and bruises. The two teachers are also out of danger for now. If the three hadn’t put their lives on the line, the students wouldn’t have made it out unscathed.
Toshinori acknowledges the report, but tells Tsukauchi he’s got one thing wrong, which draws a surprised frown from him. Toshinori goes on to explain how in that fight, the students put their lives on the line too. To be thrown into a real battle so young and survive - now these first years know how scary the wider world can be. Has he ever heard of such a class? The villains picked the wrong fight, because the members of class 1a are going to be might heroes indeed - and he’s going to make sure of it.
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All Might really does have completely faith in this class, it’s incredible. 
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As an aside, I know it’s probably a small editing mistake, but Izuku lying back down in one panel just to be back up in a seated position the next one is just. Fucking hilarious.
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As a last weird bit. Tsukauchi just. Tapping his ear here? Either that’s a teeny foreshadowing of the quirk the fandom believes he has, or it’s just. A really weird gesture. 
(I want to clarify, for people who aren’t aware of it, but Horikoshi has never actually confirmed that Tsukauchi has a truth-sensing quirk. His sister’s quirk, which is touch-based lie detection, is confirmed in the Vigilantes side manga, but not his!)
We get some narration as time passes - classes were cancelled the next day (Thursday), but the class couldn’t rest easy. After that (presumably the day after, which would be Friday), we come back to all of the class waiting for morning homeroom to start. Tenya is vibrating as he directs the class, stating that morning homeroom’s about to begin, so everyone to their seats. Sero points out that everyone else is sitting, and that he’s the only one up. 
The classroom door opens to reveal a heavily bandaged Aizawa, who gives them a brief greeting as he wobbles his way in. The class is shocked that he’s back already, calling him an undeniable pro. Tenya, who finally is in his seat, snaps his hand up as he states he’s glad to see him doing well, which Ochako mutters about whether you can really call that ‘doing well.’
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Aizawa shakes his head, stating that his welfare isn’t important, because their fight is far from over. The class is confused at that statement, with Katsuki, Izuku, and Mineta all questioning his statement. Aizawa clarifies himself - UA’s sports festival is fast approaching.
The class gasps, clamoring about how that’s so totally ordinary.
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And with that, we’ve wrapped up the chapter and the USJ arc. I’ll probably do a few side posts before moving on to said arc, since the sports festival is 23 chapters long (ch 22-44) - longer than everything that’s happened up to this point in the manga!
If you have any questions / thoughts / observations you want to share, feel free to! I like hearing what y’all think about this early stuff, especially those of you who were anime-only and so seeing some of this stuff for the first time or used differently by the show.
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ironmandeficiency · 3 years
mutuals as veggietales silly songs
idk why i’m doing this besides the fact i’m a sleep-deprived neurodivergent that can get down to a silly song. if you want to do this w your mutuals (explanations are optional), go right ahead! silly songs are for everyone 💕
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the pirates who don’t do anything: @capricornrabies and @valkyrieofthehighfae we’re the pirates and i love that for us. we get on a discord call together and suddenly all productivity ceases and the brain cells walk the plank. it’s the best kind of chaos 😂 there are no other pirates i’d rather do nothing with
larry’s high silk hat: @dindjarindiaries when you write angst you hold nothing back and while it hurts me when i read it, boy do i respect the absolute fuck out of it as a fellow writer. your dedication to your craft and pulling heartstrings (in fluffy and angsty ways) is admirable af and i enjoy reading literally anything you write
his cheeseburger: @pettyprocrastination the vibes are immaculate here. just enough anguish and emotional pull to get you into your feelings but also being hugged thru the angst. v passionate abt literally everything you put even an ounce of effort into and i love that dedication
endangered love: the drama! the intensity! the romance! @flightlessangelwings this one’s for you. the way your writing makes me feel like i’m sitting in a parisian cafe reading from a worn paperback had me giving you this dramatic song with no hesitation. it’s a classic, have never met anyone who didn’t enjoy this one.
yodeling veterinarian of the alps: gotta go w the darling @scribbledghost partly bc of how many au pets her jack has that we’ve all fallen in love with & partly bc i (the vet) will scream disjointed ideas at her and scribs (the nurse) translates them into sensible things w ease. one of my lifelong faves that’s underrated af
love my lips: replace “lips” w “soft star wars dads” and you’ll have molly, aka @dindjarindiaries and 90% of her fabulous content. she was one of my first pedro blogs ever and love my lips was one of my first silly songs. both this silly song & molly have near and dear places in my heart and i adore them (molly more than the song if we’re being honest)
the water buffalo song: @a-dorin you almost got song of the cebu but this classic had your name written all over it. you don’t listen to the naysayers and keep on singing abt your water buffalo and i’m proud of you for it. your confidence is infectious and i love being your friend (also water buffalos are p similar to cows and i know how you like cows)
song of the cebu: @persaloodles you might fight me on this but this song is an accurate depiction of nearly every conversation we’ve ever had. we distract each other w our shenanigans to the point of forgetting the main point and there’s always a likelihood of spending twenty minutes plus on tangents. we alternate on who’s larry & archibald when talking abt our bad decisions, it’s so wonderfully chaotic
belly button: @autumnleaves1991-blog idk why but i feel like you would vibe w this one. the entire thing is a *nsync reference no child will get deadass mr. lundt looks like joey fatone & junior asparagus is ramen noodle hair justin timberlake and i’ve read enough of your fics to know you enjoy subtle nods & hidden meanings. plus i feel like we could sing this together in the car and absolutely kill it
lance the turtle: this song is for my darling @pedropasscals and is one of the only valid semi-new silly songs imo. you’ve shown me time and time again that you’re a badass at improvising when things go wrong & continuing to persevere despite it. your feline babies & i are your backup singers who support you in all your chaos
pizza angel: this song is another with all the drama & @miraclemoreno your writing never holds punches. you have a knack for immersing me into au’s with characters i know v little about & making me fall in love with them instantly (like the way this song makes me want pizza every time i hear it). it has v nice instrumental bits & great background vocals, just like you do some kickass world building
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Let’s Get It On
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How To Write Sex
Guest Poster: CB
Here is our second Writer Workshop post, written by CB. Have a read and then head over to the Discord Server where we have a channel for you to take part in a discussion based on the post, with chances to share your own ideas too. 
So Your Characters Want to Bang
Welcome to my Ted Talk on How To Successfully Write Pornography! We’re going to cover a few bases here (first, second, third, and home base, to keep up with the metaphor), but feel free to reach out if you have any questions either on the Discord server or here on the Tumblr. If you take a look at my body of work you can see that a significant portion of it is explicit fic, which I’m told is a struggle for some folks.  Apparently my CPU is 80% porn.exe, so I’ve got a bit of a niche. Additionally, I’ve got a medical professional background that includes a very specific nurse certification in sex-related shenanigans, so if you’ve got questions, I’ve got answers. 
When I decide to write porn (or when my characters decide it for me), I have a few basic things that I keep in mind in order to make sure the story stays on track, the character arcs fit with the scenarios, and that everything doesn’t start to feel too formulaic.  I’m going to share my methods and maybe you will find something that helps you out or inspires you to give writing explicit fic a try!
The Mechanics
Let’s start with the basics. Fictional pornography can start to feel, well, a little bit formulaic, especially if you read or write a lot of it.  There’s a standard formula of kissing, rubbing, fingers, dicks (or other bits), everybody comes, the end! There’s nothing wrong with sticking to the basic formula, especially your first time (ha!), but here are some thoughts on how you can make sure you’re getting the specifics done and done well, and how to avoid feeling like you’ve written the sexual equivalent of an English essay. 
Lubrication.  It… really doesn’t matter exactly what kind of sex your characters are having, you can’t go wrong with lube. Getting things wet and slippery is half the fun and also twice the enjoyment. Sometimes characters decide to get it on in unfortunately risque locations, and lube may not be readily available - here is a nice list of MacGyvered lube solutions you may find helpful in that circumstance. That being said - if you are writing anal sex of some sort, lubrication is an absolute must have. 
Preparation. Otherwise known as foreplay.  Prep is and can be sexy! Everyone involved wants to have a good time, some preparation is required! I don’t just mean fingers in the butt (although that can be important too, we’re gonna get to that), but just generally building up the level of arousal over time adds to the dynamic you’re trying to create between two characters. Even if it’s fuck-or-die, sex pollen shenanigans, just talking about how hot the character feels for it is still a form of preparation/foreplay.  Specifically speaking to buttsex - the amount of prep your character needs is heavily dependent on the circumstances.  For your consideration - is this a first time sex situation, or does your character regularly bottom? Are they pressed for time, or is this a long, drawn-out affair? There is not (despite what fanfic writers would have you believe) a certain number of fingers that you have to insert into anyone’s anus that makes them ‘ready’ for sex.  A person who regularly bottoms may not need any fingering at all, in fact, but they are still going to need lube. (See point 1.) If your character has never bottomed before, they’re going to need more time and patience than a character that does it a lot, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they need more and more and more fingers. It just means they need a partner with consideration for their comfort. And lube.
Coming. People (and thus, characters) don’t often come at exactly the same time.  Frequently someone comes first. The other person may not come at all! They don’t have to! If it’s important to you, that’s fine. But it can be fun to play with the dynamics of one character coming and the other character not, because they’re caring for the first character, or because they want to wait and enjoy the burn for later, or because of whatever other reason - which brings us back to character and story dynamic. Also, playing with this particular dynamic can make your pornography feel a lot less formulaic.  Character B didn’t come because they wanted to wait and savor the feeling, and maybe in a few hours or days, Character A gets to really have a good time paying them back with a truly spectacular orgasm.  Maybe they just really wanted to see their partner fucked out and happy, and coming really wasn’t that important to them. Maybe they’re sex-postive ace, or maybe they take medication that makes sex and orgasms hard to achieve, but they still enjoy the intimacy. It’s up to you (and your characters!), but it’s not necessary for both people to come for the scene to be satisfying.
Penetration. Penetration is not the end-all-be-all of sex. Penetration isn’t even required for something to be considered sex.  Some people never want penetration, and that’s okay.  This is a good time to consider your characters’ boundaries, a good way to involve consent, and a good way to consider what kind of bedroom dynamic your characters are going to share - even or especially if it’s completely different to the dynamic they share outside the bedroom.  Is penetration necessary or important to the characters, the story, or the development of the relationship? Even if you just want to write it, that’s fine, but considering your characters’ perspective and feeling will give the act more depth and nuance.
Expectations (and subverting them so that whatever you’re writing feels fresh and different). Like I said before, there’s a certain amount of ‘this is what’s going to happen’ expectation in fictional pornography. A series of steps that you can pretty much guarantee is going to get you from point A to point F in the sexual alphabet. One of the biggest ways that you can make your sex scenes feel more intimate, more character-driven, and more unique is by subverting those expectations and doing something different that fits your dynamic better or isn’t “the norm”. For example, in a recent fic I had a character fantasize about what it would be like to have the object of their affection on their hands and knees - but when it came time for the sex, said character flipped the script and climbed on top instead! Fictional pornography isn’t real, and people don’t necessarily want realism in their fiction, but adding some realistic elements (oh no, I’ve lost the lube!/it turns out I don’t like this one thing can we try another thing/a hilarious thing has just happened) can be fun and unexpected, and make the reader more invested in your story.
So You Want To Add An Explicit Scene
You’re writing a lovely enemies to friends back to enemies to lovers arc and the time has come to do the do.  I’m excited for you! I’m excited for your characters! But now you want to know how do I add this to my story organically? How do you make this feel like a natural progression of the story, how do you segue from fighting Doombots to sweating it up in the sheets? 
The trick, in my experience, is to build up to that moment way before you get there.  You have to lay the groundwork for attraction before anyone takes off any clothes.  Does Character A get distracted during the fight by staring at Character B’s biceps? Was that an absolutely beautiful sniper shot at an impossible angle and it was so good that Character A’s breath literally catches in his chest and he nearly gets hit in the face by a robot fist? Did someone else in the battle have to remind Character B to pay attention to the fight?  Is it movie night and Character A doesn’t even know the plot of the film because they’ve been too busy staring at Character B’s face in the light of the television screen? 
A little pining goes a long way, but you have to establish attraction before your characters can act on attraction. It feels jarring to your readers if the characters hated each other two paragraphs ago and now they’re fucking in a public space.  Even if it’s hate sex, you gotta have the POV character hate how attractive they find the other character.  Then you just need an inciting event - one character takes off their shirt because it’s ripped from the fight, or they bump into each other in the communal kitchen and that hot line of their bodies pressed together sparks a kiss - and then you’re off and running! 
The exception to this might be an established relationship Plot What Plot fic, but even then, you’ve probably got an idea that sparks the actual sex - include that in your fic!
Help, This Is Moving Way Too Fast!
Oh no, the pacing is off! It happens to the best of us, don’t worry. You get in a hurry (just come already, oh my god!), and you push through to the end and then on re-read or in beta, you find that the whole thing just feels flat and rushed.  It started off so well, and then you lost something somewhere in the middle. 
The way I combat this is by focusing on how the characters feel and/or how they react to what’s happening. 
Someone’s mouth is on someone else’s body - how does the POV character feel about this? If they’re the recipient, is this the hottest thing that’s ever happened to them? Are they afraid to let go and enjoy it? Are they 404 Error: Brain Not Found? Play around with it. Does the non-POV character say something unbelievably hot/romantic/sappy/hilarious? What kind of mood are you trying to set? This is a character interaction as much as dialogue is, so you’re still working with the back-and-forth of two people who are communicating, but with their bodies. (And words too, to be honest).  If the scene is too rushed, slow it down with some internal dialogue, external dialogue, or something emotional (like a realization or an acknowledgement - oh no I love them/oh no I don’t hate them/they always take good care of me). If the scene is too long (to be honest this rarely happens, but it can), consider whether you’ve added too much dialogue or other extraneous interactions that have slowed your scene and taken attention away from what’s happening.
Help, It Sounds Like A Medical Exam
This is nearly always a terminology problem. 
I’m not here to tell you what words you can and cannot use in your sex scenes.  Everyone feels differently about acceptable terminology (though we have all laughed at dick euphemisms).  And that’s not even getting into writing fics with trans characters or different gender identities. Personally, I tend to use cock/dick for penis, and I avoid specifically naming parts for vagina-havers because I’ve never found a good one that I liked that I felt flowed smoothly in my own writing.  So this one is more nebulous because it’s a personal choice you’re making about what words do it for you and what words don’t.  It’s also, again, about your character’s perspective.  If you have a character who prefers certain terminology, that’s the terminology you use. 
Here’s what I can suggest.  Don’t focus as much on the parts of the body you’re writing, and focus much, much more on the sensations you’re creating.  There is a mouth on your POV character’s penis - how does that feel to them? Is it: hot, tight, wet, is there something happening with the tongue, are they sucking really hard, are they going really deep?  Alternatively - is the non-POV character enthusiastic? Are they into it? Is how into it they are super hot to the receiving character? Are they sloppy but determined? Beyond the physical sensation, how about emotional reactions? Has your POV character never had this before, or has no one ever treated them with such tender care? Is it the best blowjob they’ve ever received? The worst? (This can still be hot - can the POV character give them careful, precise instructions on how to do it better? Does the non-POV character find THAT extremely hot?). 
Keep in mind that you’re not writing technical directions for the characters in your scene.  (Unless you are, because you’ve discovered Gentle!Dom!Bucky, who is telling Praise!Kink!Clint exactly what to do.) You’re writing a scene that conveys something emotional to the reader.  Is it a sexy emotion? Yes, yes it is. It might also be a sad emotion, or a happy one, or any of the range of human emotions, really, but the point is that readers probably know how the sex works mechanically, what you’re trying to do is give them feelings about it.
Speaking of Feelings
Let’s talk a little bit about motivation.  Yes, even sex scenes need motivation. Not to be the prima donna actor over here, but ask yourself: Why am I writing a sex scene? 
Generally speaking, well-written sex scenes are better received if they accomplish a goal.  Writing a sex scene well is easier if you have this goal in mind before you ever sit down in front of your computer.
Does this scene advance the story? By this I mean: is this an emotional resolution, does it convey something about the characters’ relationship that cannot be conveyed in another venue or does it better express that aspect of their relationship, does it have meaning beyond the immediate gratification of an orgasm or add to the fic in some way?
Does this scene advance the relationship? Is it a big step for one or both characters? Are you showing vulnerability/trust/compassion/concern/etc? Is it an emotional milestone? Is it an expression of love that one of the characters can’t make with words but can demonstrate physically?
I’m going to pull some very specific examples from my own work, helpfully crowdsourced and reviewed by a trusted friend so that I can talk more clearly about what I mean.
Russian Red: if you haven’t read this one, it’s a story about Bucky wearing lipstick and then giving Clint a blow job. That’s it, that’s the fic. When I put it like that, it doesn’t sound all that exciting, really, and maybe it doesn’t even sound like something you’d like. A man wearing lipstick may not be your thing!! That’s okay! (And as an aside, people enjoy reading/writing things that they have absolutely zero interest in in real life, and that’s okay! Fantasies are weird like that, and a normal part of human sexuality, and we aren’t judging anyone for their kinks here.) But this fic employs very specifically some of the points I’ve made so far, so I want to talk a little about it, especially foreplay and emotional investment. 
Bucky wearing lipstick in this fic is not about Bucky at all.  It is explicitly about fulfilling a fantasy for Clint.  In fact, later in the fic, Bucky has a moment of insecurity about it because he had what he thought was a great idea, and in the moment of truth it becomes a bit of screaming panic because what if the whole thing is stupid!!!! We’ve all had that moment.  So readers can relate. But also - throughout the course of the fic it becomes something that Bucky also enjoys and finds sexy.  So there are multiple motivators: emotional satisfaction for Bucky because he’s doing something for Clint, physical satisfaction for Clint because he is getting his fantasy fulfilled, and then the added bonus of Bucky finding the whole thing unexpectedly hot means that he is also satisfied by the encounter.  I have created an emotional need that is satisfied through porn.
Emotional investment (also known as the character is putting in work).  Bucky goes through a lot to make this fantasy happen.  He has to tell Natasha what he’s doing for one thing, which is uncomfortable. A little bit of character discomfort makes the payoff at the end better, because your reader is invested in your character having a good outcome! It also shows that Bucky cares about Clint more than he cares about the mild discomfort/vulnerability of asking Natasha about lipstick for a mildly kinky thing he’s doing.
Foreplay - the more invested Bucky gets in doing this thing for Clint, the more he starts to find it hot and exciting, the more like foreplay it becomes, which means the payoff in the end is that much better. (Revisit the point on preparation from earlier!).  There is a lot of build up from the moment Bucky puts the lipstick on (tactile sensations, memories tied to lipstick, etc.) to the moment he leaves the very first red imprint of his mouth on Clint’s skin and realizes oh shit, this is hot.
This fic is very, very close, tight third-person POV.  Keeping the POV so close and tight means that your reader is very much in your POV character’s head - the reader is getting their experiences (emotional, physical, tactile senses) but they’re only able to interpret the other characters’ motivations and reactions through the lens of your POV character.  It’s trickier writing, but it means the reader is more connected to the character and therefore the porn. Also, it means that the reader is much more in tune with the non-POV characters’ reactions, which means incoherent mess is just that much hotter.
Personal Security/Security Failure: So these fics are… their own claim to fame in fandom. Gentle!Dom!Bucky and Praise!Kink!Clint have sexy, sexy adventures.  The first fic is their first meeting, the second one is fondly known as Circus Spanking. If you haven’t read them, that’s the basic summary, but please mind the tags if you choose to explore this series. Here we’re going to hit on consent, which is important and sexy, and vulnerability/trust. 
Again it’s very close, 3rd person POV, which means you’re very much in Clint’s head when he’s a wrecked, incoherent mess.  In the previous fic Bucky was watching the incoherency happen, which is very hot. In this fic the reader is experiencing the incoherency.  There’s also a lot of buildup in the first fic of Clint experiencing this inexplicable attraction to Bucky, and the confusion he has that Bucky is equally attracted to him - so like foreplay, you’re building it up before they ever take their clothes off.
Consent.  If you are dabbling anywhere in the kink neighborhood I cannot express to you how important it is to include explicit consent.  Please get a kink sensitivity reader. Don’t surprise your audience with dubious consent - make it clear and explicit from the start, even if it’s consensual nonconsent (which is a tag, but can also be addressed early with a line like ‘this is something they’d talked about previously’). But also! Consent can be sexy! It can be fun! It doesn’t have to be a drawn out contract of hard limits and detailed diagrams (though I have seen that done and done well!). Consent can be as simple as checking in with a partner if they’ve gone quiet or seem so wrecked they can’t express themselves. Consent can be one character telling another exactly what they’re going to do to them (hot hot hot!!), asking if they’re okay with it, and then doing exactly what they said.
Vulnerability/trust. Just like with the previous fic, vulnerability adds a sense of emotional intimacy that can be super hot.  If you’re writing kinky fic, vulnerability and trust go hand in hand, and show how deeply invested characters can be in each other - and that they respect and care for one another as well.  One character making themselves vulnerable to another with the understanding that the other character isn’t going to take advantage of that trust can be supernova hot if you employ it correctly. The key here is making sure that the character in the position of power respects the vulnerable character’s boundaries.  Security Failure in specific sets up an emotional need (increased trust) that is fulfilled physically by the porn that follows.  Clint needs to trust Bucky more, and Bucky needs to know that Clint trusts him.  Clint making himself super vulnerable in this fic lets both of these needs be fulfilled.
 Interactions outside the bedroom compared to interactions inside the bedroom.  In this fic, I chose to have these mirror each other - Bucky is in control of himself and in command of the situation in all of their interactions, so before they ever get naked you know what to expect from the dynamic. What can also be fun, however, is subverting expectations, so that how characters interact outside the bedroom is very different from how they interact inside the bedroom - so this is another time when knowing what your characters want/prefer is important motivation for your writing!
Character moments in your porn - there’s a scene in the first fic where Clint (this is all Clint POV) thinks about how much he likes performing a certain act, because it makes him feel good and useful.  It’s a very short interaction but it tells you a lot about the character - it tells you he likes to be useful, that he likes to be considered good (hello praise kink!), and it tells you he has low self-esteem which makes you want to wrap him up and a blanket and tuck him in and tell him how good and useful he is, but you also want Bucky to wreck him.  Your characters still have characterization, even during porn. In the second fic, we see character growth that mirrors growth within the relationship, but there’s still room to grow because Clint is still uncertain and insecure, and the fic helps advance their relationship to a new level of trust.  Through porn.
Communication, communication, communication.  Especially in kink fic but honestly in most porn - your characters have to communicate with each other! It can be nonverbal, but you’ve gotta make it clear to the reader.
The Big Finish
Everyone came (or maybe they didn’t), now what CB?
Oof, good question. 
To be honest, endings are the hardest (ha!) part.  And luckily, we’re going to have a Workshop specifically about how best to accomplish them! But as far as sexy scenes and how to wrap them up and move on, I like to use resolution of whatever need I was trying to meet, and then open the next scene with something that demonstrates a new level of intimacy/relationship dynamic/etc. if it’s part of a larger storyline, or just fade to black if it’s a one-shot. 
I hate to keep beating a dead horse, but this also depends on your motivation for writing your sex scene.  If you were trying to accomplish something with the story, then you need to somehow demonstrate that goal has been met - are they more comfortable around each other now, are they happier to show off their relationship to their friends, are they finally admitting they’re in a relationship? If you were trying to accomplish something with the relationship itself (which, as you can see, may go hand in hand with the story), then how can you show that? Does the one who usually leaves finally fall asleep in the other person’s arms? Is there a big flowery declaration? Does someone crymax? Does one partner tenderly clean the other partner up with a warm cloth and snuggle them into submission? The world is your oyster! Do what feels right for your characters and the journey you’re taking them on! 
And don’t forget the lube. 
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sisterkosho · 3 years
Modern!AU Headcanons | Geto Family
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Credits: Y'all know the drill. Ayume art in the header by @hiikkups on Instagram. Go follow her. 🔫👁👄👁
Warnings: None today. Just some modern shenanigans for your reading pleasure.
Notes: Y'all also know the other drill. I procrastinate and don't write Ayume's bio, and y'all get some random fic/HC post because I gotta keep y'all fed somehow. With that being said, here's some modern HCs for the SuguYume fam while I work on the Discord, because we were talking about it again last night and it's honestly one of my favorites + another coping mechanism so yEET--
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It all started when Ayume Nejireta Geto moved in next door with her husband and two children.
What could possibly go wrong?
Turns out, their elderly neighbor, Rui, was none to thrilled about their house having been built on top of one of her flower gardens. Despite it happening decades before they even arrived there.
Grandma holds a grudge ok.
Thankfully, she didn't scare them off like she did any of the previous families who had lived there.
You get used to her after awhile.
The one person she happened to take a liking to was Satoru of all people, who she met during one of the family's backyard BBQs. Which are always a mess btw, needless to say.
She even made cookies for him.
Ayume and Suguru were extremely confused because of this. How did he manage to get on her good side?
"She never gives us cookies, wth."
Turns out he had been flirting with her. Big surprise.
Though in his own defense, you'd never guess Rui was a grandma just by looking at her. The neighborhood is convinced she's immortal and doesn't age.
Ever since that day, Satoru made it a point to stop by Rui's whenever he's visiting. Just because he knows flattery will get him free food.
He's rarely allowed to visit specifically for that reason. Well, that and the fact that he's just a bad influence on the girls and everyone knows it.
Then again, the family friend, Juno, isn't much better.
He somehow got ahold of the spare key, and will randomly just let himself in.
They once woke up at 3 A.M because they heard rummaging around coming from the kitchen.
Suguru instinctively grabbed a bat and went to go switch on the lights.
Only to find Juno eating out of their trash like a raccoon.
This lead to the girls new favorite excuse.
"Juno ate my homework."
We don't talk about the time he brought a rock over claiming it was his son.
Sometimes they question why they still associate with him, but still let him stick around for whatever reason.
At the very least, he's intimidated by Ayume. So he doesn't cause too much trouble.
The family has a wide array of strange decorations in their home. Most of which they don't even recall buying.
Such as the weird plant in their dining room that sorta looks like it has a face...
There's also the model volcano the girls made for a school project.
For some reason, they had stuck one singular googly eye on it and named it "Jogo".
Ayume and Suguru were understandably a bit concerned, but It's fine as long as you don't make eye contact with it.
Ayume runs a little Etsy shop where she sells stickers she made. Along with some other little aesthetic items like pins.
For designs inspired by various curses, they're surprisingly cute.
The girls like to help her make some of the designs from time to time.
Since it's more of a hobby than an actual job, she always makes sure the money earned from the things they helped with are spent on them.
Shopping trips tend to be the most chaotic.
And that's not even considering the encounters they have with Mahito. The hobo that tends to hang around the entrance.
We don't talk about him.
Somehow, the trips always lead to Ayume running around while pushing the girls on the shopping cart.
Suguru always ends up having to chase after them because plz they're gonna get hurt--
Heaven forbid they run into Rui somewhere along the line, because it only gets 10x worse. She offers to push the cart and ends up almost knocking down every shelf and person in sight.
There was one instance where she ran right over Satoru.
After all that, Ayume and the girls end up making Suguru push them around in one of those carts with the seats on them for the rest of the trip because their legs got tired from running around.
They eventually end up getting kicked out.
Suguru sometimes has to wonder what he's doing here.
"How? How do you get us kicked out of WALMART?"
"Beats me. Hey, let's go to Ikea next!"
They are currently banned from 3 different Walmarts, two Ikeas and a McDonald's.
The McDonald's was from the time Satoru had come to visit and got stuck in the play place.
Suguru had to climb up there to try and get him out, but also got stuck.
Turns out, Rui had gotten stuck before they even got there. Which they only learned after hearing a faint "So. You too huh?" from the the next tunnel over.
In the end, they ended up having to call the fire department to get these two grown men and one grandma out of the play place.
It was on the local news and everything.
The footage had been provided by Nanako, who had recorded the entire incident while Ayume and Mimiko giggled hysterically.
You better believe they were never able to live it down.
After that nightmare, Suguru had tried to make dinner but ended up setting off the smoke alarm.
All he was trying to do was put a frozen pizza in the oven...
Needless to say, it was a rough day for everyone.
Date nights for the couple are rare and reserved for special occasions. Mainly because they hardly trust anyone to babysit.
Rui doesn't seem to understand the concept of children, and it would be a cold day in hell before they'd ever ask Satoru.
But sometimes, they manage to convince Kento.
He's the only one they find trustworthy enough for the job. Because although the girls find him a little boring and strict at times, he's the only responsible person they know.
At least with him, they can rest assured that the house will still be standing by the time they get back.
And on the plus side, the girls love Yu. Because let's face it, he's the fun uncle. So when Kento makes it a point to bring him along, there's always plenty of fun to be had.
Even if it feels like he's stuck babysitting 3 kids instead of 2 at times...
In case it wasn't already obvious, they're one of the most chaotic families in the whole neighborhood.
But that's what makes them interesting, so they somehow manage remain on good terms with everyone.
If one thing is for certain, it's that there's never a dull moment when it comes to the Geto family.
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noctisfishing · 3 years
The Last One Wins | 01
01 | 02 | 03 | 04
Rated: M
Summary: The Digidestined have grown into adults and are ready to embark on family life. Matt wonders if he and Sora are going to be the last ones to have a kid.
Between him and Tai, he wants to make sure that it happens that way.
Pairings: Sorato, minor Kenyako; Takari friendship shenanigans
Tags: Humor, some Romance and Fluff
Notes: The timeframe is Post-Kizuna, Pre-02 Epilogue. Born ahaha from a silly Discord conversation so please accept this silly little story.
M rating is for at least one light romance scene in later chapters. There will also be a scene with minor Kizuna spoilers along the way.
Shoutout to @leo112358 @blondeandconfused & @sakurarebin .. This conversation happened last December so sorry this took so long :3 <3
You can also find this and other updates on AO3 and FFN.
Chapter 1: The Bet
For once, all that Matt wanted was a quiet evening.
It was what he casually explained to Tai over the phone when he called to ask what Matt was up to. Sora was visiting her mother to prepare for another ikebana exhibition, so he had planned to relax on his own until she arrived home.
He didn’t expect to have to make more for dinner than for two, given that Taichi invited himself over. Once Taichi made his way over,  Matt sent a text to TK with the intention of venting, only to receive this reply.
"Kari’s been wanting to see him. We’ll stop by.”
Before Matt knew it, the seats at his dinner table were full with even Davis, Yolei, and Ken somehow tagging along from his younger brother’s invitation. Kari brought an extra dish and dessert, most likely out of sympathy, but Matt knew the situation couldn’t have been helped, and Sora wouldn’t have minded the unexpected guests regardless.
“You know you’ll miss me by the time you’re up in space,” Tai said while Matt cooked over the stove. “Are you nervous?”
“A little, to be honest,” Matt replied. After completing his master’s degree in aerospace engineering, he was selected for the JAXA astronaut training program, which had also been around the time he asked for Sora’s hand in marriage. He had never been happier the moment she said yes. They were married a year into his training, and fast forward another year to the present where he was on the verge of becoming a certified astronaut.
Excited as he was, he still had worries and doubts that he didn’t want to delve deeper to Tai, so he opened the conversation to Tai’s current job in international relations, which Tai had no problem rambling about as long as Matt continued to cook.
By the time they served dinner, the younger Digidestined took the reins of the conversation at the table. Yolei chatted happily about starting a family with Ken smiling warmly at her side.
Naturally, the conversation steered into the topic of children. Kari, Davis, and TK were also already married to their own significant others by then, and they all began an open discussion about how many children they wanted.
“Ken and I were talking about it and I’d love to have a big family,” Yolei said at one point. “I think you'd make a great dad, Ken!”
“That’s exciting!” said Kari, clapping her hands together. “I can’t wait to see mini Yolei’s and mini Ken’s running around!”
“It’ll be something, wouldn’t it?” Ken said, sharing a smile with Yolei. “Having the first child out of all of us - Well, unless…”
“It’s possible,” Matt interjected, knowing that Ken was about to refer to him and Sora. He sensed a few pairs of eyes shifting toward him. TK was about to open his mouth when Davis began to speak.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. You can’t take everyone out of the running so fast, Ken!” Davis said. “Your child won’t be the first - not if I have anything to say about it.”
TK laughed. “You're really going to make this a competition?”
“Butt out, TP. This is between me and Ken.”
"He goes by ‘Tee-Kay’, and you're an idiot to think you'd have the first child!"
"Wanna say that again, 'maestro'?"
“You’re bonkers if you really believe that!” Yolei added.
Matt had been used to the back and forth banter between the younger Digidestined by now, but he never thought the competitive behavior would fall on a subject like this. He looked over to Tai who was just as surprised as he was.
As the conversation went on, Kari whispered to Matt that she would try to silence them with dessert. Matt watched TK follow her into the kitchen, and then return with a pie in his hands along with him and Kari giggling between each other.
The pie ended up being a good distraction, and Kari began to grill her brother on when he was going to visit home again. Matt sat and listened along with everyone else, but he could only feel relieved knowing that he didn’t have to answer the question he knew that Ken was about to ask him.
“Man, they were at each other’s throats,” said Tai after Matt walked Yolei, Ken, and Davis out of his house.
“No kidding,” Matt replied. “It’s hard to believe that the younger ones are talking about kids.”
“I think Davis is going to beat Ken,” Kari added, and Tai and Matt turned to stare at her.
“You think so?” Tai asked.
“Yup. His girl can be just as fiery as he can be. They’ll have the first kid.”
“No, no.” TK shook his head. “I’m all for Ken and Yolei being the first ones.”
Kari crossed her arms. “Hmm. I can’t wait for the 5,000 yen you’ll be giving me when you lose.”
“I think I’ll be the one being 5,000 yen richer-”
Tai laughed. “You guys made a bet?”
Things began to click in Matt’s head.
“So that’s what you two were giggling about earlier.”
“Come on!” said TK. “It makes this whole thing much more fun. You guys wanna join in?”
“Nope,” he said immediately.
“No way,” added Tai.
“Aww, Onii-chan,” they whined in unison.
“Leave me out of this,” said Matt, waving his hand with a sense of finality. “Besides, I’d rather not think about kids right now. In fact, I bet I’d be the one to have a kid last.”
Silence fell, and suddenly, all eyes seemed to be on Matt.
“Are you serious, Matt?” Tai asked. “You and Sora are already married. What else is going to happen next? Don't tell me you haven't been trying for one.”
“I mean… It's not like we haven't, you know…” Matt felt his cheeks warm, feeling as though he was tricked into answering an intimate question he didn’t want to answer, especially not in front of TK. “But we're not trying. You, however!” he added quickly, hoping to push the attention towards Tai. “I wouldn't be surprised if you have one first, since you like to do it like you mean to.”
There was a long pause as Tai stared him down.
“...You're definitely going to have one before I do.”
“I definitely will not.”
“Not if I have anything to say about it.”
Matt couldn’t believe what Tai was saying. Did Tai really think that he was going to win this argument? Was Matt going to let him?
“Seriously, Matt," Tai continued. "Sora's practically a mother already.”
“Which is exactly why she doesn't need children yet. She already has to take care of you and me. Why add to the list?”
“That doesn't mean we can't be crossed off. Hey, we've gotta grow up sometime.”
Matt was too focused on staring down Tai to notice that Kari and TK were exchanging mischievous smiles, followed by raising their hands to shake for a second bet - this time, between their own brothers.
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