#goodbye.....ime gone..............
fledermoved · 4 months
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I eated too much. I gonna pass away
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janerogan · 5 months
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what if I cried and cried forever. he left him a kiss..............
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delicourse · 2 years
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Lesbian pride gowns<33
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bride-and-bride · 2 months
Saw a neat Fourcheanult post about the ways in which he sucks but tragically I cannot reblog without at least SOME analysis on how the loss of Louisoix would impact his choices and views on his children's actions
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stevenrogered · 1 year
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The 126 says goodbye to Marjan
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bikananjarrus · 4 months
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kazumist · 4 months
what the fuck
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rhiaarrow · 3 months
I'm seeing a large amount of anxiety posting or doomposting here tonight so I'm just gonna take this opportunity to remind everyone here that it's okay to feel that way but if it ever gets too much, it's okay to just walk away.
Even just for a little bit, close the tab and go get a drink of water or just take a minute to yourself.
Don't feel obligated to interact with anything that causes you to feel stressed out.
It's okay to be optimistic about the situation in the same way that it's okay to be more critical. Unfortunately in the grand scheme of things, we don't have all the answers or the knowledge of what's going on behind the scenes, we won't know how things are happening until it's publicly announced.
The dismissal of the update account admins isn't really something that any of us wanted to hear had happened but it's at least a sign that things are actually being done behind the scenes.
Even if it may not seem like much it's at a small piece of proof that the admin funding issues are being addressed. Of course it unfortunately meant that it was revealed that they couldn't afford to keep the updates accounts admins but it's a small modicum of knowledge that they're at least looking into funding admins behind the scenes.
It's still frustrating not knowing what's going on and being left in the dark but ultimately there's nothing we can do except wait for news from an official source.
If I'm being honest stopped really watching as much Qsmp since the admin break, I've watched a couple past vods here and there and obviously I still watch Bad everyday (it's literally a part of my daily routine at this point) but I've not really been marathoning povs like I used to.
The admins were the life of the server and without them it just feels wrong, I was remaining hopeful while I watched Bad play on the server but his statement about reaching his limit today sorta hit.
Because yeah, I've reached a limit too.
I still love Bad and my other cubitos but the server right now just isn't hitting the same. So I'm gonna take my own advice and step back from the content and its fandom for a little bit.
Ultimately there's nothing I can do to help the situation at all and contributing my thoughts on something I have no real knowledge of just isn't really helping anyone.
I'm not getting overwhelmed by the doomposting or anything, I'm just choosing to distance myself for a little bit.
Although I do have qBads backstory to thank for reminding my old Ancient Mythology special interest from years ago which has overpowered my recent Qsmp fixation, so at least my brain has something to do while I take my little Qsmp break for a day or two :)
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southstand · 3 months
he’s 😭 the 😭 godfather 😭 of 😭 my 😭 son 😭
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smoosnoom · 7 months
i think if we all ban together we can eject n*ah schn*pp into the coldest part of pluto and never have to hear from him again
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layzeal · 1 year
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crosspost from twitter bc do u ever think abt wwx
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traumxrei-archive · 1 year
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bright-and-burning · 5 days
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I’ve been really curious about q!Fit for a while now, and I’m glad people are starting to take notice of the strange things around him because I’ve been thinking about them a lot recently. 
Obviously the ominous leaving messages are the primary thing people have noticed. They’ve happened for a bit but most of the characters are just like, “oh Fit is just a silly guy! Just a little goober!” without looking father into them. They caught my interest from the moment they started because, well, q!Fit really doesn’t seem to mess around in that sort of way. Don’t get me wrong, he is definetly a silly guy, but he seems to lean into it mostly with the people he trusts. 
But then I noticed some really odd conisidences. Fit coming on at weird times for only a couple minutes or so, simmilar to what the streamers tend to do before they start streaming. But Fit doesn’t start streaming, and I never see him on anyone’s stream in these periods. It’s like he was preparing for something. 
The thing that stuck out to me the most recently was after Pomme’s nightmare. At a completely random time, without warning or context, immedietly after a code attack, Fit joins the server. He isn’t streaming, and he comes to ask what happened quite quickly. There is no way that his character would have any idea that things were happening, nor would he have any reason to be around. 
What brought Fit to the server at that moment? Or any of the other breif times he’s on for such a short period of time? He acts absolutley normal around everyone, but then leaves the strangest leaving messages. But everyone plays it off, that’s just Fit! He’s just a having fun!
There’s something about it that just doesn’t sit right with me. There’s something wrong with q!Fit and I don’t think his character is contiously aware of it. Instead of taking the warning signs seriously people have ignored them - and I think that’s going to blow up in their faces.
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artificerstimetable · 1 month
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It wants to skin me alive.
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blemiria · 1 year
that one line in lone trail
hello welcome to "she promised she was gonna go tl some fic but then got sidetracked thinking about lonetrail again and is now here" I want to go ahead and do a more comprehensive post talking about the three's relationship in detail with what happened in lone trail but uhh
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I don't have that kind of time to reread it because I forgot which stories contain the parts that I need lol. So without further ado, lets spoil CW-ST-4
The title is "Pushing open future's door" and serves as the epilogue of lonetrail. Unlike most events, lonetrail actually has two post mission stories! CW-ST-3 is unlocked after CW-10 so you know this event is insanely long (iirc this is around the same character count as chapter 8, which is insane. This event is gonna be a monster to read through when it comes to global, I look forward to seeing what translation decisions they make so I have stuff to talk about haha). Also we get to see a hint at a professional relationship between Nastja(no I am not calling her nasti/nasty, I'm fairly certain they were going with a Russian name and Nastja was the closest)
Most of this epilogue is centered around Kirsten, now alone having won in her ideals and preparing to go to sleep. It's a very touching moment where her electronic system goes through her entire ship shutting off each room one by one, until she is left in her room where she is going to hibernate, given a couple minutes before that room will activate she records a log.
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It's relatively simple, probably the most direct we will get from her talking about her philosophy and thoughts on society, wanting people to understand themselves, others, society, and where they are in the universe in order to determine how they should move on.
In the last minute she goes a bit more personal which is really what I care about. She comments on how the plants are still alive to her surprise, and laments being unable to give Muelsyse the data on them. It's a nice touch! She stayed with control, helping her the entire way, and it's clear that Kirsten means a lot to Muelsyse too given how close they were in the past between all three of them.
The very last things she says are directly to Saria.
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In Kirsten's whole life, there were only two times where she felt truly alive. The first time, Saria, was when I took you back home, and on that hill I told you the start of everything. The second time, is now, when I have completed my parent's dreams. The seeds of what happens next, is only the beginning. On a clear night, find an open field and set up a telescope, there will be a star in the sky twinkling for you.
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Then, goodnight, the sirs and madams of Terra.
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goodnight, universe.
yeah just stab me will ya. I don't think there is any really other way to read this other than a goodbye letter to Saria, one that she will tragically never really get to hear (I think?). The long relationship they shared, the last line about the star twinkling for her is just so strong of an indication of just how deep they were intertwined together.
Actually, lets spoil CW-10 end too, just to see how even after Saria left Kirsten knew she could rely on Saria in the ways that it counted:
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Saria... You always wanted me to take a good, clear look at this vast land. I saw it. It is also...very beautiful. You will take care of it and nurture it's people in my stead. I always knew this. Same as before, same as always. As for me... I was not really the type to lead people forward step by step. I was just a pair of eyes. A pair... to look up at the deep space in place of the people of these lands
It's probably the only way she knew how to move forward into the future, especially after she met Friston and had those conversations. Funnily enough after seeing the same kind of behaviour in some of the tech circles I am in... This kind of "I don't think I'm suited for leadership yet here I am" problem is real, and quite prevalent amongst the science types who just want to do their thing unfortunately. It's shocking almost how well this trope was written for Kirsten though I feel like I'm staring at a picture of some people I know of irl who are in the same situation.
Kills me how close Kirsten puts those in her heart yet keeps them pretty far away at the same time tbh
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