#goodbye ms perfectly fine
28f3arl3ss · 1 year
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november eighteenth is going down in the history books as “the best day EVER for larries.”
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strangleetomz · 6 months
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sydasrev · 2 years
hello!!! could i please request BNHA angst where Aizawa has a daughter but never pays attention to her, even since a young age. Aizawas always worried with school work or with hero duties or with this class. TYSM! <3
the ending could be whatever you wsnt
Thank you for this request!
CW: Angst, depression, Parent Neglect, Self-Harm, etc.
I hope this was good! It was kinda rushed. </3
Angst to fluff
word count: 471
I’ve decided to make this a series, because if I decided to write this whole thing down it would be about 1000+ words, and it would take like a month to write and fix everything up !
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ever since you were a baby, you were passed around. Handed to one person and then the next. You were always applauded for being able to take care of yourself at such a young age. During your elementary years you would be lucky to see him a few times a month, But as the years grew the amount of times you saw your father lessened, you'd usually see him every other month, but your conversations together always ended up in someone arguing. You lived by “yourself” and your cat, Soari. Sometimes you had one of your friends check on you if you needed something, and of course, your dad would drop by every now and then to check up on the house and to see if it was clean. You really tried your best to be the best daughter you could. you’d leave dinner in the fridge for your father to bring to lunch, tell him about your achievements, but he always seemed tired, stressed out or uninterested.
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you were now in High-School, attending Yokosuka High School, a school for people who don’t use their quirks. Your grades are not the best. But who would care? Clearly not your father. You could have good grades if you wanted. But there was no point.
Your father would usually get calls from the school every now and then about punching another student, failing a class, concerning scars on your legs/arms.
MAY 27, 2018.
Today, Mr. Ito, your principal called you into the office. You had no idea what it was about. Probably about  grades or something between those lines.
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“Y/N, I’ve called you here to talk about your grades and how you’re doing at home.” Mr. Ito said with a cheeky smile.  Huh? Why does he want to know about my home life? I’m doing perfectly fine on my own. You thought to yourself.
“So, it seems you’re failing 3 classes out of the 7 you have. What’s going on with that?”  God. This was so embarrassing. You just kept your mouth closed and looked down into your lap.
“Ok, then. Don’t speak if you don’t want to. But I’ve also wanted to tell you if you needed anyone to talk to, you could always talk to Ms. Satori, our counselor. She’s located at B11 on the 2nd floor.”
You looked up
“Is that all?” You asked Mr. Ito with an annoyed tone in your voice.
“oh!” He exclaimed 
“No actually, I forgot to tell you, I’ll be calling your father later to talk about so after school activities to get you more active!”  “uhm.. ok. Goodbye Mr. Ito.” You said.  as you walked out his office you headed straight to the bathroom, you didn’t wanna go to 5th period, nor 7th. You just wanted school to be over.
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hamsterclaw · 2 years
When your charter plane crashes on a deserted island in the middle of the Pacific, you’re the only survivor. Well, you and the most irritating man in the known universe.
Pairing: Jungkook x F! reader
Genre: Desert island AU, smut, mild angst
Rating: 18+
Word count: 8.3k
Warnings: Sex on a desert island, explicit sex, swearing, airplane crash
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You don’t want to be that person, but you’re going to have to be. You lean over the counter at the ticketing desk in the airport and smile brightly.
‘I really hope you can help me, because I’m Bang Si-hyuk’s personal assistant, and he wants me in Seoul today.’
The perfectly groomed, supremely bored-looking woman behind the counter is unmoved, not even bothering to return your smile.
‘I’m sorry, madam, I really can’t help you.’
You turn away from the counter, trying to work down your frustration. Your job doesn’t necessarily rely on this, but if you don’t make this flight, you can kiss your future as a rising star at the company goodbye.
As you’re considering your alternatives, you see a man dressed in a baggy black tracksuit approach the desk.
He’s got a bucket hat pulled so low over his face all you can see is pink lips and the glint of a lip ring.
You wait for Ms Ice Queen behind the desk to send him packing.
To your disgust, she doesn’t, tilting her head to one side and giving him a coy smile.
No fucking way.
You march over to the desk just as she starts typing into her desktop.
‘Is there a space on this flight now?’ you ask, calm, syrupy sweet. ‘Because when I asked a minute ago there wasn’t.’
Tracksuit man tips his head back so he can see you better.
‘If you took that hat off you wouldn’t have to strain your neck to see around you,’ you say.
Are you being a sour bitch?
Maybe. It’s been a long fucking day.
His lips curve, and he pulls his hat off.
Damn. From the neck up, he’s kind of….
Fucking hot.
You gather the last of your wits and turn away from him resolutely. 
Ice Queen looks at you. ‘I was just telling Mr Jeon here that there’s a small charter plane that flies into Incheon, leaving tonight. The capacity is very limited, though.’
You and ‘Mr Jeon’ exchange a look. 
‘I’m sure they can find room for the both of us,’ he says, slimy as fresh frogspawn.
He tries to sling an arm over your shoulder, and you get a whiff of his aftershave as he moves closer.
Fresh, like newly laundered clothes. 
‘I hope there’s plenty of room,’ you say, giving him a quelling look as you take a big step away. ‘Lead the way.’
The charter plane has two seats left, and your seat is next to your new acquaintance, but you’re so relieved you almost don’t care.
You bury your nose in your phone as the flight takes off.
Mr Jeon nudges you. ‘Want a snack?’
You glance at his rustling bag of popcorn.
‘No thank you,’ you reply politely.
The seats on this charter plane are pretty close together, and he’s pretty big.
His forearms flex as he tosses popcorn in his mouth.
The border of what looks like a tattoo sleeve peeks out from the sleeve of his jacket, and you remind yourself not to stare.
He leans closer as he looks out the window, and you press your back against the seat as his shoulders take up practically half your airspace.
This close, you can see the curl of his hair against the nape of his neck. 
And god, why does he smell so good?
‘You’re in my space,’ you say faintly. Unconvincingly.
‘Sorry,’ he says cheerfully. Equally unconvincingly. 
There’s a jolt of turbulence, and your stomach rolls.
Your hand clenches around the metal buckle of your seatbelt as there’s a prolonged run of rattling and shuddering.
Mr Jeon’s looking at you. ‘You’ll be fine,’ he says.
‘Fine,’ you echo.
The pilot’s voice comes on over the loudspeaker, but instead of the reassuring ‘buckle your seatbelts, we’ve reached a patch of turbulence,’ he sounds stone cold serious.
‘There’s been an engine failure, and as a precaution, I’d like everyone to get their life jackets on. I’ll do my best to land us somewhere safe.’
Your stomach flips, and you realise you’re clutching Mr Jeon’s arm. 
‘Hey, what’s your name?’ he asks.
You tell him.
‘My name is Jeon Jungkook, and I’m from Busan. I have a brother and three dogs.’ 
He looks you right in the eyes as he tells you this information, speaking quietly but clearly.
You’ve already got an inkling why before he says, ‘just in case.’
You try to commit it all to memory as you pull your life jacket on, buckling it into place. Jungkook helps you tighten the straps before slipping his own on over his head.
The pilot says, grave and terrifying, ‘brace for impact.’
As you tuck your head against your knees you feel an arm curling around your back. Jungkook’s lifted the armrest between you and is holding you, tight against him.
His eyes meet yours as the plane begins to plummet, and you hear the beginning of thunderous impact before thankfully, everything fades to black.
You come to in stages, extending periods of lucidity.
First, the blinding sun, too much and too present when you can’t feel any of your limbs. 
Then the smell of the sea, the sound of waves and screeching gulls.
Then the awareness of your body. That your hands can move. You lift a hand in front of your face. It’s blurry but it’s there. Responding to your will.
Your torso is twisted. You shift your hips and your legs move.
Then you remember the plane, and a surge of adrenaline sends you upright. 
Fuck your neck hurts but you aren’t going to complain about that right now.
You remember Jeon Jungkook from Busan and you turn to check on him.
It’s only then that you realise half the plane is missing.
You grab for your phone, almost crying with relief when you realise it’s still in your pocket. There’s no reception, shit, but at least it’s on. You switch it off to conserve the battery.
You hear a faint moan from your periphery.
You recognise the all black attire, the muscular frame.
You hurry to him.
‘Jeon Jungkook,’ you say, scanning his face and body.
His eyes are closed, but he moans a little in response to your voice.
You lean over him, hand on his chest.
‘Jungkook,’ you say, urgently.
His eyes stay closed, but his hand lifts up, and as if on instinct, cups one of your breasts.
‘Gimme a sec, baby,’ he slurs. ‘Just one sec and we can go again.’
You stare at his hand over your tit, too shocked to do anything.
His eyes open.
‘Shit,’ he drawls. ‘Am I in heaven?’
It had been surprisingly difficult to convince Jungkook that sex was off the cards, for now.
He’d kept mumbling something about affirming life.
You’d tuned out and waited for him to wind down.
He’d also suggested many different sexual  positions, a lot of which frankly sounded unrealistic, but he'd seemed absurdly, ludicrously confident about them.
You’d used the time to patch up a bloody wound on his head and gather your thoughts.
Finally he stops, and he’s now looking at you soberly.
‘We should see if anyone else needs help,’ he says.
You set your jaw and head for where the bulk of the shrapnel is. You don’t find any other living passengers.
The sun is beating down on both your heads, and you realise Jungkook’s looking a little pale.
‘Hey, we should get out of the sun,’ you say. 
He nods, stumbling a little. You rush to his side and support him. 
He leans heavily on you, and you realise his breathing is a little shallow too. 
‘Don’t die on me Jungkook,’ you tell him firmly. 
He doesn’t answer. 
You lay him down in a shady patch in a grove of coconut trees and get him to drink some water you salvaged from the plane.
He lays there, so pale that you feel rising panic trying to break through the calm facade you’ve adopted thus far.
You stroke his hair back. His eyelids flicker.
‘I’m going to look for things that can help us, ok?’ 
He doesn’t respond, and you laugh a little hysterically. ‘Like a working phone.’
You squeeze his hand and promise, ‘Don’t worry I won’t be gone long, ok?’ 
In the time you’ve known him, he’s been most animated when he’s talking about sex, so you throw in a deal conscious Jungkook would definitely go for. 
‘If you hang in there, Jungkook, I promise we can have sex once you’re up for it, ok? Any position you like.’
You think you see the faintest flicker of his eyelids, but it could just be your imagination.
You search the remains of the plane, concentrating now, salvaging all the things you noticed earlier whilst exploring with Jungkook and not wanting to leave him alone for too long.
When you get back, he’s still sleeping where you left him, shivering slightly. You cover him with a blanket, and, feeling slightly ridiculous because he’s sleeping on the ground, you put a pillow under his head.
He sighs a little and you smooth his brow with your fingers, hoping he finds your touch soothing.
It’s getting dark now, and you curse your lack of foresight at not looking for a flashlight, because the place you washed up on is so dark at night that everything seems a little scarier.
Jungkook’s still unconscious, but you think his breathing is easier.
You curl up next to him and try to sleep.
When you wake up, the sun has barely risen. You check on Jungkook and get him to sip some water.
You try not to think about what to do if he doesn’t wake up.
You need help. Your phone has no signal but you send texts and emails anyway, hoping they’ll reach someone in your contacts.
A second search of the plane doesn’t reveal anything more helpful. Nothing looks like it switches on.
You need to explore the island you’re on, but you’re loath to leave Jungkook.
When you get back from the plane, he’s sitting up against the coconut tree, holding his head.
‘Water,’ he croaks, voice raspy and strained.
You uncap one of the bottles of water you found and help him drink.
As soon as he’s gulped it down, he lists alarmingly to one side and you help him lie down.
‘It’s ok Jungkook,’ you tell him, smoothing his hair. ‘Get some rest.’
He settles his head in your lap, sighs, and goes back to sleep.
You can’t leave him, so you join him.
When you wake up again, he’s gone.
You’re up on your feet in an instant, calling his name.
Shit. You’ve spent all this time worrying about leaving him and the first thing he did when he woke up was ditch you.
You hear footsteps, and you turn to see him.
He’s standing, cheeks high with colour, a hard look in his eyes.
‘What the fuck happened?’ he asks.
His tone is intimidating, sharp, and you stumble over your words in your haste to explain.
‘The plane we were on crashed. We’re the only survivors. You had a cut on your head and you’re been unconscious for two days.’
‘Is help on the way?’ he snaps.
You stutter. ‘I - I don’t know,’ you confess. 
‘Is there anyone else on the island?’ he asks.
‘I don’t know. I haven’t had a chance to explore-‘
‘What have you been doing for two days?’ he asks, voice harsh. ‘Playing house?’
You stare at him in disbelief and shock.
‘You were hurt,’ you tell him. ‘I didn’t want to leave you alone —-‘
His expression hasn’t softened at all during your explanations.
You take a step back.
For the first time since you found him passed out near the plane, you feel the weight of recent events.
Jungkook’s better, but somehow you’re even more alone.
You take another step back, then another, and then you’re walking away.
He doesn’t call out after you. You don’t know that he even remembers your name.
At least with Jungkook awake and seemingly recovered, you’re free to go wherever you want.
The more you think about it, the more enraged you feel about your encounter.
How dare he be suspicious of you when you’ve practically kept him alive for two days?
How very dare he?
‘Not even so much as a thank you for saving my life,’ you mutter furiously.
You’ve given him all your water too.
The ungrateful asshole.
‘Asshole!’ you hiss.
You keep walking, following the shoreline.
Your stomach rumbles in a way that’s already familiar to you.
You think with dark resentment of the supplies bag you left with Jungkook.
It doesn’t matter. Let that asshole have all the snacks you salvaged.
‘Choke on them,’ you mutter.
No one can hear you, but it feels good to say anyway.
You’re straining to reach the coconut dangling by a tantalising thin stalk. You have no idea how you’re going to crack open the shell but you need this coconut.
Your entire world at this point depends on this fucking coconut.
There’s literally nothing else. 
Certainly not a certain ungrateful asshole with your supplies bag who looks muscular enough to crack this baby open for you.
He practically owes you for keeping him alive the past two days.
You put him out of your head and focus on reaching for the coconut. If you can even just jostle it the slightest bit…
‘What are you doing?’
The voice startles you so badly your hand slips. You scramble and grab at a dried frond. It snaps in your hand and you fall out of the tree, onto your back into the sand.
You groan, winded but unharmed.
He leans over you, face blocking out the sun. 
‘Are you ok?’
You don’t bother to answer. 
You stare longingly up at the coconut, still taunting you with its green shell and the promise of sweetness within.
His hand reaches for your shoulder. 
‘Seriously, are you ok?’
The concern in his voice makes you snort.
Your stomach rumbles because it hasn’t yet learned that no food is coming even if it makes itself heard.
‘Hey, I found the snacks you gathered. Come and eat something,’ he says.
You ignore him.
You’re trying to walk away when he grabs your arm again.
‘I’m sorry,’ he says, trying to get you to look at him.
‘You should be,’ you say, and you realise with dismay that you’re practically crying with frustration and rage.
You walk away, swiping at your tears.
‘I’m sorry, I said some pretty awful things,’ he says, persistent.
He lifts a hand, thumb almost brushing the tracks of tears on your cheek before you lean away.
You muster your coldest stare. ‘It’s fine. We don’t know each other at all.’
You turn away. ‘Just give me a second, all right?’
You can hear him approaching you again.
At first he wouldn’t stop shouting at you and now he won’t stay the fuck away.
He drops down heavily in the sand next to you. 
‘Here,’ he says. 
You turn your head to see him holding out a coconut. His hand is large enough to hold it in his palm.
You take another sip of the whiskey you found in the plane.
He picks up the half bottle after you put it down. ‘Was this full?’ he asks.
‘I’m not sharing,’ you say firmly. ‘And this coconut is not open.’
You see him mouth your words as if he’s trying to make sense of them.
You make perfect sense to you.
He’s just being an asshole as usual.
You nod to yourself.
‘What’s the point in all those muscles if you can’t crack open a coconut?’ you ask, reasonably.
The corner of his mouth twitches up, as if he’s about to smile.
You blink at him.
‘I’ll crack it open for you if you come with me,’ he says. 
‘No thanks, you’re an arrogant asshole,’ you say, brightly. You lean closer. ‘No offense.’
‘I’m not offended,’ he replies. ‘You’re right. I was a real asshole to you.’
‘Until you realised you need my survival skills,’ you point out. You take another swig of whiskey. It goes down smooth, so smooth, warming you.
Now he’s definitely smiling. ‘Yes, I need you. I can’t cope without you.’
‘I can help,’ you say, magnanimously. ‘But no fucking.’
He chokes on his own saliva, and you offer him your whiskey. 
He takes a sip, then frowns. ‘Seriously how much have you drunk?’
‘I was thirsty,’ you tell him, sadly. ‘I left all the water with you.’
‘You were —‘ he breaks off and gets up.
‘Come on you should definitely drink something.’
He holds out a hand to help you up. 
You miss it and land straight on your face in the sand with an ‘oof’. 
You roll over and Jungkook slips an arm under your knees and another under your shoulders.
He lifts you up with such ease you would be impressed if he wasn’t such an asshole.
He laughs softly, and you realise you’ve said it out loud.
‘I’m sorry,’ he says, quietly, shifting you so that your head is against his chest.
You want to tell him, without equivocation, that he’s not forgiven, but he’s warm, and he feels strong, and you’re already drifting away.
You sit bolt upright, heart and head thumping. 
You need to pee so badly.
You realise that Jungkook’s stirring next to you.
You stumble as far away as you can and squat down near some foliage.
To your horror, you can hear Jungkook stumbling after you.
‘Go away!’ you call out, face burning. ‘I’m peeing!’
He stops. 
‘Oh my god, get lost!’ you shout, when he shows no sign of walking away. 
‘I need to pee too,’ he calls to you.
You can hear him unzipping, then the splatter of urine hitting the grass. 
You’re mortified.
You squeeze your eyes shut and pray for this horror to end.
At least it’s too dark to see each other.
When you’re done, you get up and realise your head is pounding from the whiskey.
Jungkook’s voice startles a squeak out of you. ‘Are you ok?’
‘I’m fine,’ you reply quickly.
‘No need to be pissy about it,’ he says. 
You can’t see him, but you know he’s smirking. 
‘Not funny,’ you huff.
He just chuckles softly to himself. ‘Come on let’s go back to sleep.’
When you wake up again you feel less like death, but it’s way too hot. 
There’s an arm around your waist, your hips snuggled against the curve between a male torso and thighs. It’s not the first time you’ve woken to a man spooning you, but there is no one on this godforsaken island you’d like to spoon with. 
You wriggle your hips, and his hand comes to grip your hip, hard. 
‘Stop wriggling,’ Jungkook says. 
‘I’m trying to get away,’ you protest. 
‘Why?’ he asks, sounding perfectly reasonable. ‘It’s nice spooning like this.’ 
‘Because I hate your personality,’ you explain. ‘I can’t fuck an asshole.’ 
‘Which assholes have messed with you?’ Jungkook demands, not missing a beat. ‘I’ll take care of them.’ 
‘You’re an asshole,’ you point out sweetly. 
Jungkook chuckles, low, his breath near your shoulder making you shiver. 
‘I’ll break open a coconut for you today. And I want to go fishing. Come with me?’ 
‘I’ll check my schedule,’ you reply, coolly. 
His hand tightens on your hip. ‘Don’t be a brat,’ he says. 
You hum, and wriggle your hips again as you pull away from him. 
He gets up and adjusts his bottoms. ‘Let’s go.’ 
‘I could use a coffee,’ you say, longingly. 
‘And I could use a blowjob.’
‘Use your hand,’ you say, unsympathetic.
‘Want to help?’ he asks, hopefully.
‘You’re going to get sunburn,’ you tell Jungkook. ‘You don’t really need to do that shirtless.’
Jungkook’s trying to catch fish in the small stream you’d found whilst exploring. 
‘I don’t mind if you stare at me,’ he says, generous.
You roll your eyes so hard you make yourself dizzy.
Jungkook sings to himself as he looks into the water.
His voice is higher than you expected considering the way he’s always growling at you, his tone pretty. He carries a tune surprisingly well.
‘You’re scaring the fish,’ you say, sourly.
‘Come and help me then,’ Jungkook says.
You slip off your jeans and step into the stream with him.
‘I bet I can catch one before you,’ you taunt.
He doesn’t answer, and you realise he’s staring at your legs.
‘Fuck,’ he says, finally. ‘Are those pink panties?’
You scowl and ignore him. 
‘You’re making me uncomfortable,’ you tell him.
‘I’m sorry,’ he apologises immediately.
You go back to staring into the water, staying perfectly still. A silvery body skims past your legs, and you reach down quickly and grab it.
The sliminess of the cold scales makes you gag a little, but you hold on tight. 
You take a few steps to the bank and slip on the wet grass, landing hard on your elbow.
Jungkook’s next to you in seconds. ‘Are you ok?’ he asks, concern in his voice.
You loosen your grip on the fish and it flops on the grass.
Jungkook’s hand is curled around your elbow, cupping it.
Like this, his bare chest is inches above yours, his face tipped so close to you that you realise you’re holding your breath.
‘Y/N,’ Jungkook says, eyes intent on you. ‘Are you hurt?’
You swallow. ‘I’m ok,’ you say. 
Jungkook smooths your hair away from your face.
It’s surprisingly tender. 
‘Well done on catching the fish for us,’ he says, voice low. 
‘Who said I was sharing?’ you ask, frowning a little.
Jungkook just laughs softly. ‘You’re so fucking cute.’
You realise his thigh is wedged between your bare legs, high up, and your t-shirt has ridden up.
Jungkook follows the direction of your gaze.
He swallows, and you brace for sexual harrassment.
Instead, he tugs the hem of your t-shirt down and gets up, turning away from you quickly.
‘Let’s try and catch more,’ he says.
The fire that Jungkook’s started is pathetic but it’s enough to give you light in the dark now the sun’s setting but also more importantly, it’s enough to make your fish less raw.
You’re wondering where Jungkook is because your stomach feels like it’s digesting itself at the smell of the cooking fish.
He approaches you from the coconut grove, and you try not to watch the way he walks because it’s making you feel a little warm.
His hair’s curling in the humidity, flopping over his eyes. The sun exposure has given his already beautiful skin a glow and damn. Those muscles.
You look at your feet.
‘Here,’ he says. ‘An aperitif.’
You burst out laughing at his goofy expression, and then realise he’s holding out a cracked coconut.
You look at him, wide-eyed. ‘Is this for me?’
‘I promised you I’d crack it open for you,’ he says.
You tilt the coconut over your mouth and moan at the explosion of cool sweet juice that runs down your throat.
‘Jungkook,’ you say, delightedly.
He’s looking at you, almost shy. 
You smile up at him. ‘Thank you.’
You offer it to him, but he shakes his head. ‘It’s all yours. I love how happy you look right now.’
Your eyes fly to his, but he seems perfectly sincere.
‘Thank you for taking care of me,’ he says. ‘I’m sorry I was such an asshole when I woke up.’
‘I couldn’t leave you to die, Jeon Jungkook from Busan,’ you tell him.
‘I’ll crack open as many coconuts as you want, Y/N L/N,’ Jungkook tells you. 
He grins, crookedly at you. ‘Let’s eat.’
Jungkook takes a swig of your whiskey and lays back to look at the stars with you.
‘Do you think help is on the way?’ you ask. The alcohol is making you feel strangely sober.
‘I’m sure it is,’ he says, and he’s so convincing it’s hard not to believe him. 
His skin gleams in the glow from the dying embers, flushed a pretty pink from the whiskey.
‘We should make a shelter,’ you muse. ‘We’ve been lucky so far but if it rains we’re screwed.’
‘We should explore the rest of the island too,’ Jungkook suggests.
You take a sip of whiskey. 
‘Maybe tomorrow,’ you say, nodding at him.
He laughs. ‘It’s a date.’
Jungkook leans over you to get the bottle, and for a moment his face is so close to yours you can’t look at him.
He brushes your hair back from your face. 
Your skin tingles at his touch.
He murmurs your name.
His breath warms your cheek like a kiss.
His lips press softly against yours, slow, careful. Your lips part, and he kisses your bottom lip, tugging it.
Your heart skips several beats.
Jungkook’s hand slides around the back of your head, pulling you close, deepening the kiss.
It’s electric. 
In this wild place, with the disaster you find yourselves in, his touch is everything you need.
You moan into his mouth, and you feel the tension in his body.
‘Y/N,’ he says, quietly. ‘Is this what you want?’
‘Yes,’ you say. He pulls back a little, eyes searching yours. 
‘Is this what you want?’ you ask, tentative.
He laughs softly. ‘Shit. You have no idea how much I want this.’
He pushes up the hem of your t-shirt, up past the curve of your abdomen. 
‘God, your skin,’ he marvels, big hand splaying over you. 
You sit up and slip your t-shirt off, gratified by the way he stops to stare at your breasts.
Jungkook lays fiery kisses over the tops of your breasts, tongue darting out to lick between them.
Your thighs rub against each other, and Jungkook chuckles. ‘Do you want me there?’
You tug him closer. ‘Yeah,’ you say.
He slips a hand under your panties, groaning at the slickness he finds. 
You tug his shirt over his head, and revel in the feel of his bare torso against yours. 
Jungkook pulls you into his lap, taking control with an authority that surprises and thrills you considering you can barely take him seriously otherwise.
He slants his mouth over yours, grunting a little as you grind against him. 
He hooks his fingers over the waistband of your panties and tugs. 
‘Off,’ he whines.
‘Take yours off, let me see your cock,’ you say, lifting off him just enough to slip your panties down and off one leg. 
Jungkook’s obliging about stripping off, you hadn’t expected otherwise. His erection slaps against his abs as he tugs his briefs off.
He curls a hand around himself, mouth slightly open as he takes in your naked body above him.
His eyes meet yours.
‘I have a condom,’ he announces.
You burst out laughing.
‘You really are some sort of fuckboy,’ you say, amused.
He’s already unrolling it over his cock.
‘Come sit,’ he says, hand on your thigh.
‘Yeah,’ you agree.
You lower yourself onto him, and the slide’s so good you both moan as you take him in to the hilt, his balls snug against your ass.
He whispers praise for you as you ride him, his hands clutching your ass and thighs, spreading you for him.
You don’t catch much of it, lost in the pleasure of his hardness throbbing inside you, stretching you in the best way. 
Jungkook laps at your nipples, seemingly transfixed by the way your tits are bouncing in his face as you ride him.
‘We need to do more of this,’ he pants. ‘So fucking good.’
You want to reply but you cry his name instead as your pleasure peaks and you pulse around his cock. 
Jungkook grunts and holds you tight to him as he bucks his hips. His cry as he cums echoes through the still of the night.
He drops his head on your shoulder, panting, sweaty.
‘You’re a great fuck,’ he says, as though he’s bestowing a huge compliment on you.
‘Damn JK, you never said you were such a romantic,’ you say dryly.
He laughs then. 
‘It took me ten tries to get that coconut open for you,’ he confesses.
‘I appreciate it,’ you tell him.
‘I’ll do it every day if you want.’
‘You should probably get better at it then,’ you say.
You smile at each other.
‘I’m dripping out the condom,’ Jungkook groans.
‘Can you just stop talking now?’ you complain.
Jungkook snickers and taps your ass.
‘Want to go skinny dipping?’
‘Hey what’s that?’ Jungkook calls.
You look at where he’s pointing and see what looks like a man-made structure. 
‘Civilisation!’ he whoops, running forward into what looks like a thatched hut.
‘You know what this means?’ you ask. ‘This island must have been inhabited at some point.’
Jungkook’s shuffling his feet along the floor. ‘It’s great not to feel sand or grass. Concrete all the way!’
His enthusiasm is infectious.
You run a hand along the low stone wall like you’ve never felt a wall before. 
Jungkook waggles his eyebrows suggestively. 
‘I’m pretty strong,’ he tells you.
You roll your eyes. ‘Is everything about sex for you?’
‘Most things,’ Jungkook says, cheerfully.
He runs at you suddenly, picking you up in his arms.
‘Let go,’ you complain. ‘I get it, you’re strong!’
‘Say it again, more breathy this time,’ Jungkook coaches.
‘You’re so strong, Jungkook,’ you say, sultry.
He closes his eyes. ‘Now say more, Jungkook.’
‘More, Jungkook,’ you breathe. ‘More.’
‘Fuck,’ he swears.
You squeeze his arm, and his tricep jerks. ‘Come on, we have more things to find.’
‘Quickie in the sex hut?’ he suggests, hopefully.
‘Don’t call it that,’ you warn.
‘Love shack?’ 
‘No,’ you say sternly.
‘I have a condom,’ Jungkook coaxes.
‘Christ, how many did you bring on the flight with you?’ 
He reaches into his pocket like he’s going to count them in front of you.
You put your hand over his.
‘I love that you practise safe sex but now is not the time. We have to keep searching while it’s light.’
He sighs. 
‘Are you pouting?’ you demand, tugging his arm so he’ll turn back to you.
‘No,’ he says, pouting.
You go up on your tiptoes against his chest and press a kiss between his collarbones.
‘You’re cute when you’re sulky,’ you inform him.
‘Is it working?’ he asks, eyes sparkling.
‘No. But sulky Jungkook is better than angry Jungkook.’
‘What about horny Jungkook?’ he asks.
‘He’s the best one,’ you say, approving.
You slip out from under his arm as he tries to grab you again.
Jungkook returns, triumphant, from the coconut grove. 
‘I did one for each of us,’ he says, passing you one.
‘Cheers,’ you say, tapping your coconut against his.
He takes a long gulp of his then leans back onto his hands, looking at you.
His lips glisten juicily, and you lean close and lick up his chin.
He tries to grab you, but you’re already back where you were.
‘What should we order in for dinner tonight?’ you ask, jokingly.
‘I could do a steak,’ Jungkook says, considering. ‘Or ribs.’
He puts an arm around your shoulders.
‘Do you know what the stars are called?’ you ask, leaning your head on his shoulder.
‘No,’ Jungkook replies. He’s not even looking, sticky lips brushing against the skin of your neck.
He hums his approval as you tug him closer.
‘How many condoms do you have left?’ 
He laughs softly. ‘Let’s put it this way, we’ll run out of food way before I run out of condoms.’
‘There’s always blow jobs,’ you muse.
Jungkook cups a hand over himself. ‘Don’t get my hopes up.’
‘At this rate, I’d blow you for a banana,’ you say. 
Jungkook considers this for longer than you expect. 
You flick him on the forehead. 
‘Are you fantasizing about bananas?’
‘Yeah,’ he says, and you’re still giggling about it when his lips meet yours again.
You’re sitting out near the water at sunrise, trying to fight the sense of hopelessness and panic you feel.
There has to be a rescue team on its way, right?
I mean, there definitely would be if it was a big commercial flight.
What about a tiny charter plane?
Someone would have reported that a literal plane fell out of the sky.
It’s been days. 
Jungkook lands next to you. He’s been running, trying to expend his excess energy.
The man’s got no off switch.
You just feel tired.
‘Maybe today’s the day,’ he says.
You glance at him. 
‘Fingers crossed,’ you say, mustering up a cheerfulness you don’t feel.
The rainstorm starts without warning. One minute you’re fishing, the next you’re trying to get out of the stream. 
You run for the shelter you found.
You can hear Jungkook’s voice in your head calling it the love shack.
You grin wryly to yourself as you hurry towards it.
You strip off your top as you look out for Jungkook. The more sex you’ve had, the more comfortable you feel being practically naked in front of him.
He’d muttered something about finding fruit this morning and you haven’t seen him since.
The rain falls relentlessly, noisily onto the tin roof of the hut.
You’re just about to go looking for him when you see him splashing along.
He bursts into the hut, face frantic.
When he sees you he pulls you into his arms.
You can feel his heart thumping, see the pulse in his neck.
‘Went to the stream. I was worried you’d been swept away in the storm,’ he utters, face against your hair.
‘You were worried about me?’
Your hands are wandering down to the waistband of his sweatpants. You stop when you feel something oddly firm that doesn’t feel quite like his cock.
You’re pretty familiar with his cock.
Jungkook grins down at you. 
‘That’s not me,’ he says.
You’re already reaching into his pocket when he says, proudly, ‘you said you’d blow me for a banana.’
You don’t know whether to be amused or annoyed with him.
All you know is, he looks pretty fucking good smiling down at you, wet hair in his face, tee plastered to his beautiful body.
His eyes darken as he takes in your half-naked body.
‘I’m pretty wet,’ you tell him.
‘Yeah?’ Jungkook says.
He’s pressing you against the wall, hard chest against yours.
He grinds against you, letting you feel how hard he is.
Your panties are shoved down unceremoniously.
Jungkook spits into his hand and shoves his fingers against your cunt.
You aren’t quite wet enough yet, but you know he’ll get you there.
‘Just get in me,’ you say, mouth against his ear.
You lift your leg and he grabs your thigh, pinning it against his hip.
He lines himself up and pushes in, hard, rough.
‘Fuck,’ you moan. He feels hard, hot and the stretch is exquisite.
Jungkook’s concentrating, brows furrowed as he thrusts. 
He feels so good you could scream.
He squeezes your ass, kneading roughly, grunting as he fucks you.
You realise your mouth is open against his skin, and you bite his neck, a spot you know he’s sensitive.
‘Fuck,’ whines Jungkook. ‘Fuck.’
His hips circle once, twice, and then he’s slamming himself into you.
Your orgasm hits fast and intense, making your knees buckle.
Jungkook cups your ass in his hand, squeezing tight. 
He says your name when he cums.
And then you’re leaning against each other, sweating and panting.
Jungkook’s first to recover. 
‘Snack?’ he offers, holding out the banana to you.
You’re eating your bananas, sitting next to each other on the low wall, watching the rain, when you turn to him.
‘We didn’t use a condom,’ you say.
‘I’m clean,’ he replies, so quickly you know it’s occurred to him too.
‘I am too.’
You’re quiet a moment, then he says, ‘my mom keeps hassling me about grandkids.’
You mull that over as you finish your banana.
‘It’s not the right time of the month for it, for me,’ you say, considering. 
‘Ok,’ says Jungkook. ‘I just mean, I’ll — take responsibility.’
His sentence hangs in the air between you.
You turn and kiss him on the cheek, quickly.
‘You’re an asshole sweetheart, Jungkook.’
You exchange a smile and finish the rest of your bananas in silence.
‘Fuck,’ says Jungkook. ‘Is that a snake?’
You’re up and dancing instantly. ‘Where?’
Jungkook’s up too. ‘There!’
You follow the direction he’s pointing in and see it. 
It’s black with yellow markings, it’s long, and it is most definitely a snake.
You swallow your scream with effort.
‘Let’s get the fuck out of here,’ Jungkook says. 
He grabs your hand and you run out near the water’s edge.
‘Fuck,’ breathes Jungkook.
‘What?’ you ask, scrambling up his body.
Jungkook steadies you, hands supporting your ass, helping you wrap your legs around his hips.
‘It’s a chopper.’
It’s a chopper ride, another plane journey and a bus, another day or so before you arrive in Seoul.
You and Jungkook hold hands for most of the bus journey.
You’re met by your families at the bus terminal.
Your father brings the car round to take you home and you look for Jungkook to say goodbye.
You don’t see him at first, and a sick feeling unfolds in the pit of your stomach. It can’t end like this.
Then you spot him. He’s looking around, like you, and when your eyes meet his smile could stop your heart.
You’re heading towards each other, and the closer you get the better it feels. Like returning to baseline.
You stop too close to him, so close you have to tilt your head to look up at him.
‘You wanna get steak sometime?’ you ask. 
You’re normally shy about asking guys out, but he’s not just a guy. 
He’s Jungkook, and though you wouldn’t necessarily have chosen him as your desert island pick, you don’t think you could have been stranded with anyone better.
He laughs. ‘That’s better than what I was gonna say.’
You tilt your head at him, curious. ‘What were you going to say?’ 
‘I was gonna say you still owe me a blow job for that banana.’
You both freeze as an elderly lady passes by. She gives you a kindly smile.
‘That’s my grandma,’ says Jungkook, and you’re amused to see the flush in his cheeks.
‘Thank god she’s pretty hard of hearing.’
You giggle.
‘I’ll call you, pretty girl,’ says Jungkook. He leans down to kiss you, chaste.
His hand brushes the small of your back, then sneaks down to squeeze your ass.
You try to slap him away but he’s already shoved his hand back in his pocket.
‘Don’t dream of me too much,’ he says. 
You roll your eyes and turn. His laughter rings in your ears as you walk away.
You’re nervous.
Objectively, you know you look good, better than your sunburned, bedraggled self on the island, but the butterflies in your stomach won’t stop.
You’re meeting Jungkook for dinner tonight. It’s been two months since you parted ways at the bus terminal.
You’d meant to meet sooner, but life had got in the way. Two weeks had turned into six, and now you’re half expecting him to cancel on you.
It’s been long enough that you’re questioning everything you experienced.
Sure, the sex was mind-blowing.
Sure, you seemed to get on ok, but maybe it was just because he wanted to get his dick wet just in case you didn’t get rescued.
You remember his eyes flashing when he’d accused you of not trying hard enough to get help whilst he’d been unconscious.
The contempt in his eyes when he’d asked you if you’d been ‘playing house.’
You also remember him telling you, quietly and seriously, that he was Jeon Jungkook from Busan, with three dogs, when you’d both thought you were going to die.
You remember the relief on his face when he’d run back to the hut and seen you were safe.
You remember how he gasped your name as he came inside you during the rainstorm.
You have no idea how tonight’s going to go.
You think you get to the restaurant early, but the hostess informs you that Mr Jeon is already waiting at the bar.
You have a sudden flare of anxiety as you’re looking for him that you might not recognise him.
That he might not recognise you.
He sees you first, he’s already getting up from his bar stool when you spot him.
‘Hey,’ he says, smiling warmly at you.
‘Hi,’ you say, a little awkwardly.
His eyes skim over your black dress, the heels you’d agonised over.
You hadn’t wanted to look like you were trying too hard.
Just in case none of it meant anything to him.
‘You look pretty,’ he says.
‘Thanks,’ you reply, ‘you look great.’
He does. He’s gained back some of the weight he lost on the island, his tan’s faded to a pale gold, and his eyes are bright.
‘Shall we?’ he asks, holding out his arm.
Your meet-up with Jungkook isn’t going well. You can’t find any common ground.
You’ve resorted to chatting about the weather.
He’s been, none too subtly, checking out your tits.
Everything seems wrong.
You guess you must have been remembering everything wrong, because at this rate, you’ll probably never speak again.
You’re so disappointed you could cry.
Here’s the man you survived a plane crash with. You’d survived being stranded on a deserted island.
Now you’re watching him chew on ribeye and even the meat doesn’t live up to your expectations.
The only saving grace is that you sense he’s as frustrated as you are.
There’s a furrow between his brows, that’s got deeper as the night goes on.
You’re leaning back on your chair, further away from him when all you’ve wanted for the past two months is to touch him again.
You’re completely disconnected from him.
In fact, you’re so far apart it’s like you’re not even in the same room.
You insist on splitting the check.
Neither of you suggests dessert.
You hug him awkwardly as you part ways.
‘See you, Jungkook.’ 
You muster the best smile you have because you suspect this is the last time you’ll make plans to meet and you can’t bear for his last impression of you to be anything but amicable.
Not after everything you’ve been through together.
You turn away and walk down the street. 
You can’t help it.
You turn back once just to see him one last time.
He’s standing where you left him. He’s looking at you too.
Your eyes meet, and you feel it. 
He’s heading towards you now, hurrying, almost running along the crowded city pavement.
His breath comes out in puffs of white when he reaches you, the tip of his nose pink from the cold.
He’s reaching out, arms wrapping around you, pulling you into him.
‘What the fuck was that?’ he gasps, lips against your hair. ‘What the fuck was that?’
You’re already curling your arms around him in turn, pressing your face into his neck.
‘Jungkook,’ you breathe.
‘Y/N,’ he replies, tilting your head up, resting his forehead against yours.
And just like that, everything snaps into focus again. The lights from the street lamps, the sounds of traffic, the warmth of his breath on your cheek.
It’s as sweet as you remember.
Jungkook’s apartment is dark, but he doesn’t switch the lights on.
He drops his keys on a table near the door, and in almost the same movement, he’s turned back to you.
‘I’ve missed you,’ he says.
His hot mouth descends onto yours. The kiss is rushed, sloppy, like he can’t even pull himself together enough to kiss you properly.
You aren’t doing much better. He pushes his thigh between your legs, and your clit’s already so sensitive you could come just from that.
‘Jungkook,’ you plead.
‘I know, baby,’ he soothes.
His hands tug uselessly at your dress, and you turn quickly so he can get your zip.
Instead, he yanks up the skirt of your dress and grinds his erection against your ass.
‘Can I?’ he gasps.
‘Yeah,’ you moan. ‘Yeah, now.’
Jungkook’s inside you before you finish speaking.
‘Ahhh fuck,’ he moans, long and loud. 
You arch your back, and his arm tightens around your hips, pulling you back into him, snugger onto his cock.
You cry his name as he fucks you against the door of his apartment, desperately, frantically.
‘Gonna cum, I can’t —-‘
You’re already there, one brush of your own fingers over his and you’re tightening around him, screaming his name as you cum.
Jungkool groans, deep in his chest, and you feel him spilling inside you.
There’s so much of him it leaks down your thighs.
‘Fuck,’ he says, head dropping onto your shoulder. ‘Did I hurt you?’
You’re too fucked out to answer, and a moment later he’s trying to turn you to face him.
‘No,’ you say, reaching back to grab his hips. ‘Stay in me for a bit.’
Jungkook’s arms tighten around you. 
‘I’ve fucking missed you,’ he tells you.
‘I’ve missed you too, JK.’ 
He holds you like that until you both start shivering from the cold and decide to move to his bed.
Jungkook’s tracing the line of your cheek with his finger.
You think it’d be more romantic if your lips weren’t currently wrapped around his cock.
He gasps as you press your tongue to the underside of him, and take him in deeper.
He taps your chin. ‘Up.’
You look up at him, mouth full of his cock, and he groans. ‘Fuck! You look so good.’
He’s pulling you up though, off of him, pushing you back against his surprisingly clean bed.
You turn your face into his sheets as he slips his fingers into you.
‘Still so wet,’ he marvels. 
‘It’s your cum,’ you remind him.
‘Yeah. Let me eat it out of you.’
He presses your legs apart and proceeds to lick you out until you’re coming apart on his face.
You wake sometime between midnight and the early hours, curled into Jungkook’s chest like how you used to sleep on the island.
He’s pressing kisses against your bare back.
You wriggle your ass against his groin.
He slips into you easily, like he’s always belonged inside you.
He rocks his hips against your ass, his hands coming up to pinch your nipples.
You’re so wet already, you can’t even recall whether it’s Jungkook’s cum or your own arousal. 
You whine his name, and he turns you onto your front. 
‘One more,’ he says, squeezing your ass. ‘One more for me.’
He fucks into you like he can’t get enough, fucking you through your orgasm, pulling out at the last second to paint your ass.
You should get cleaned up, but Jungkook falls asleep with his cock nestled between your ass cheeks, and you haven’t the willpower to pull away from his warmth.
You’ve been through worse together.
Three years later
Jungkook walks into the bedroom, and your attention is drawn to the outlandish bulge in his sweats.
Your boyfriend’s not lacking in the size department, but this is something else.
You raise an eyebrow as he climbs onto the bed where you’re lying down.
‘I have something for you.’
‘Is it from the produce department?’ you inquire, unable to tear your eyes away from his groin.
‘Find out for yourself,’ Jungkook says.
You sigh as you reach into his pants.
Your hands graze over what is definitely at least a semi, and then the smooth skin of a banana.
‘If you wanted a blow job, JK —-‘ 
You break off when you see what’s written on the banana, in Jungkook’s neat and precise writing.
Marry me.
‘No,’ you say.
His happy smile falters.
‘Why not?’
‘No way. I’m not marrying some clown who proposes to me with a banana in his pants.’
Jungkook smirks, smugly.
‘I knew you’d say that.’
He cups your face in his hands.
‘Y/N, I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?’
It’s oddly conventional, but he seems totally sincere. 
At least it’s not like the previous three times he’d asked, whilst balls deep inside you.
‘I’d love to marry you, Jungkook.’
He kisses you, long and sweet.
‘No takesies backsies.’
‘I take it ba—-‘
He stops you with another kiss.
Then another.
He stops kissing you long enough to present you with a rather beautiful ring.
The wedding is going so smoothly it’s making you feel a little jittery.
The venue is beautifully decorated, the guests well-behaved so far.
The wedding party is all accounted for.
Your dress fits like a dream.
All of your and Jungkook’s extended family have managed to fly in to attend. 
You stop at the top of the aisle, and the expression on Jungkook’s face is so tender it makes tears prick at your eyelids.
Jungkook holds your hands against his chest as he recites his vows. 
‘I feel like I was given another chance to live my life, and I can’t imagine doing that without you by my side. Your courage makes me feel grateful every day.’
There’s a sudden spark of mischief in his eyes, and you know him so well you’re already pulling him into a kiss before he says, ‘and you’re a great f—‘
Your lips catch the swear word he was about to say in front of the marriage officiator and all your friends and family.
Jeon Jungkook’s always been a fucking liability.
But damn, you love him anyway. 
©hamsterclaw 2022
839 notes · View notes
iwashie · 1 year
Tumblr media
📌 itoshi sae, isagi yoichi, oliver aiku, nagi seishiro, bachira meguru, itoshi rin, michael kaiser
︶ ︶ ︶    ୨୧ ︶ ︶ ︶ warnings- breakup songs that I think suits the Blue Lock boys. (pt1?)
Mr. "Perfect face" Mr. "Here to stay" Mr. "Looked me in the eye and told me you would never go away" Everything was right Mr. "I've been waiting for you all my life" Mr. "Every single day until the end, I will be by your side" .. Hello, Mr. "Perfectly fine" How's your heart after breaking mine? Mr. "Always at the right place at the right time," baby Hello Mr. "Casually cruel" Mr. "Everything revolves around you" I've been Ms. "Misery" since your goodbye And you're Mr. "Perfectly fine" Mr. "Never told you why" Mr. "Never had to see me cry" Mr. "Insincere apology so he doesn't look like the bad guy" He goes about his day Forgets he ever even heard my name Well, I thought you might be different Than the rest, I guess you're all the same...
So I heard you found somebody else And at first, I thought it was a lie I took all my things that make sounds The rest I can do without I don't want your body But I hate to think about you with somebody else Our love has gone cold You're intertwining your soul with somebody else I'm looking through you While you're looking through your phone And then leaving with somebody else No, I don't want your body But I'm picturing your body with somebody else....
Drink all night, never sleep You say, "Go," I won't leave I love you, you love me But not in the same way Rip my heart out and leave On the floor, watch me bleed I love you, you love me But not in the same way We fuck, and we fight, then you call me a psycho I walk out the door, but you won't let me let go Turn right around, throwin' rocks at your window But I can't forget you, and I'll always let you...I love you, you love me But not in the same way...
Now it's been long enough to talk about it I've started not to doubt it, just wrap my head around it I remember when you told me it's an everyday decision But with my double vision, how was I supposed to see the way? Haven't I given enough, given enough? Always the fool with the slowest heart But I know you'll take me with youWe'll live in spaces between walls.... Haven't I given enough, given enough?...
So I never really knew you God, I really tried to Blindsided, addicted Felt we could really do this But really I was foolish Hindsight, it's obvious Talking with my lawyer She said, "Where'd you find this guy?" I said, "Young people fall in love With the wrong people sometimes" Some mistakes get made That's alright, that's okay You can think that you're in love When you're really just in pain Some mistakes get made That's alright, that's okay In the end, it's better for me That's the moral of the story, baby.....
Thanks for nothing, all the bad advice. You never gave me anything. Hope you're having fun across the country Making brand new memories. Sorry it's not far enough away. I'm sick, so i'm sorry i'm giving up. Now i'll never wonder if i'm good enough for you.I'm getting older every day, I'm getting over you. You will never share in my success, You will never play a part in my happiness again. I'm getting older everyday, I'm getting over you this way. Take a step back, try to see it both ways. Looking from the outside everything seems ok. But we're not ok. All these guilty feelings i have harbored over years of your neglect, They end tonight.... Take a step back, try to find a lifeline. Looking from the outside everyone is just fine. I'm doing fine.The only thing you taught me was to run away and how to waste my life How to waste my life....
Hate me, hate me, still tryna replace me Chase me, chase me, tell me how you hate me Erase me, 'rase me, wish you never dated me Lies, tell me lies, baby, tell me how you hate me It's a thin line between all this love and hate (okay) And if you switch sides, you're gon' have to claim your place (okay) So baby, this time you're gon' have to seal your fate (okay) Yeah, baby, this time you're gon' have to seal your fate... Tell me how you hate me, hate me, still tryna replace me Chase me, chase me, tell me how you hate me Erase me, 'rase me, wish you never dated me Lies, tell me lies, baby, tell me how you hate me...
93 notes · View notes
kmoplq · 1 year
‘Is it really you..?’
Captain Price x ‘Hostage’ & FEM!Reader
(Special thanks to @overthetopobsessed for the idea!!!)
Warnings: HEAVY Angst, Mentions of kidnapping, Mentions of torture, Mentions of drugging, slight signs of insanity, but teeth rotting fluff as my apology with tears☹️☹️, also me being goofy in parentheses 🥳
WC: 2.1k
All you remember is spending time with your crush before anything.
You couldn’t even remember anything after that, the only thing stuck in your mind was John Price.
It was your senior year of high school. He had just told you that he was planning on going in the military.
You didn’t like the idea of him going out there. The Price you knew wasn’t always hard and demanding.
He was a average guy. He was the guy to enjoy a nice movie, nothing to scary, or boring. Just a nice comedy.
“Your really thinking about it, aren’t you?” He looked ashamed. It wasn’t a painfully obvious look, he tried hard to hide it but you’ve known him long enough.
“I just.. I don’t know! I know the risks and the training will be hard to take, but thats the whole point.
(Innit?) Isn’t it?”
You sighed. When John had something in his mind, he wouldn’t let it rest until he found out what to do with it.
“I just want you to be safe, I don’t wanna lose you, too.”
“Why? Do you think I’ll die that easily? Y/N, You know that if I died before I saw you again, I’d come back just to say goodbye.”
“Thats what im afraid of! I don’t want you to say goodbye! I don’t want to see your mother in tears on my porch!”
“Do not bring my mother into this.”
“Why? Is it because you know she’ll care? Honestly, isn’t it enough to know that you have actual family that will keep and touch with you and will actually sort things out?!”
“I know thing are hard for you right now-“
“No, you don’t get it. You don’t get it, not even in the slightest. I can barley have you come over without my parents yelling at each other over the phone or at me. Hell, my mom even whopped my ass in front of you! Is that not enough proof for you?”
At this point he was speechless. He didn’t know who to respond. So he left. Didn’t call, Didn’t show up at school, Didn’t even send a letter.
You trace 3 soft knocks at the light pale blue door in front of you. You had on John’s hoodie. You were giving it back, but you just wanted to make sure he was ok.
“Oh! Hello dear! Come in, come in!” You stepped in to see the dining table set up so perfectly. Nothing out of place or mismatched. All perfect.
“Uh, Ms.Price?” “Yes, dear?” “Where’s John?”
Her faced pulled a frown from her normally bright smile.
“He left, and I thought you’d be the first he’d tell. That stubborn boy.”
You looked like you had just witnessed the most gruesome thing imaginable.
“W-What do you mean ‘He left’?”
“To the military. Did he really not tell you, dear?”
Your heart dropped, you stopped breathing. Tears wound up on the edge of your eyes. You lost all feeling in your body and went limp.
This. This was all your fault. That stupid argument. That stupid comment. If you had kept you big ass mouth shut, you probably would have gotten a call.
You started weeping into Ms.Price. You didn’t understand why you were crying. Ms.Price should be in your place right now, seeking you for closure. Knowing that her son, her only child has left her.
“Its ok, dear. I get that it hurts, but at some point you gotta let them go.”
Letting go. Letting go sounded to sweet for your ears. You pulled away after some time, seeing that you had completely ruined Ms.Price’s shirt.
“Im sorry Ms. Price.”
“Please dear, call me Hazel.”
“Ok, Ms.Hazel.”
She let out a chuckle. So sweet and soft, almost lulling you to sleep.
“Dear, you don’t have to add the Ms, Its completely fine, I pinky promise.”
She held out her pinky, looking at you like you were her own child. You held out your pinky and intertwined them.
It had been 19 years since that whole shit show. You barley remembered it.
You walk around your decent sized apartment, finding something to keep you busy with.
You still had John’s hoodie on. It still being to big for you.
Your cat, Mews, purrs against your leg. You look down to see a pretty orange-brown, coat of fur.
“Look at my little chaos baby. Alright, time to feed you.”
You had found Mews at a animal shelter that was obviously wasn’t in the right condition.
You and the feline had bonded instantly with the look of an eye. She was a very friendly cat in general, but she was especially cuddly with you.
And thats why you instantly got her.
You heard a knock at the door. Turning around from the window, you walked towards the door
You open the door, looking around before closing the door.
As you turn around, a man in all black takes hold of your mouth and throws you against the previously opened door.
Your muffled curses hitting the gloved palm of the shadowed man.
You think as fast and smart as you can. Coming up with a solution, you throw all your weight onto the man, sending you both tumbling to the ground.
I guess the martial arts class paid off after all. Maybe your mother was finally right. Sure, she wasn’t right about you being a whore, but that martial arts really did teach you something.
You get up quickly, getting into a fighting stance. The man groaned and massaged the back of his neck.
“And what are you going to do little girl? You don’t know anything.”
The heavy russian accent flows through the wind, the broken english made it even clearer somehow.
“Come here and I’ll show you?”
He pulled out a knife, which made you flinch a bit.
He came running towards you, knife at the ready to stab or slice some part of you.
You dodge and hit him in his throat and he falls to the floor. You thought he was the only one.
Hell maybe he was a robber. But you were mistaken when you felt a sharp pain in the side of your neck.
You left hand quickly held that spot the pain was erupting with. You turn around to see another masked man, holding a syringe with liquid in it.
You’ve been drugged. You cant do anything. Your visions goes blurry, colors flashing around and polkadots painting a picture in your vision.
Everything goes black quickly. Your woken up by a harsh slap. It definitely hurts more then it’s supposed to. You’d know.
Your voice hoarse, you try speaking but all that brings you is pain.
“What..What do you want?”
“You have information that can help us.”
You looked at them, almost laughing. It was a scary moment, but hell all you could do was laugh.
“Me? Having some sort of sensitive information? Your fucking crazy.”
“You know a ‘Price’ , yes?”
That made you shut up instantly. You almost wanted to blame Price for this, but you know that it can’t be helped.
“Whats it to you?”
“Thats none of your concern.”
“For fuck sake. How am I gonna give you information if your not even gonna tell me-“
Another harsh slap to face. But this time, instead of it hurting more than normal, It hurt like a fucking bitch.
It felt like someone had sliced your cheek open,
but it hit you. If you were slapped, just a normal slap to the face, it would sting. So why the hell is your face bleeding?
“Did you just slit my cheek?” “No, I kissed your cheek.” “Oh wow, you have jokes.”
The man pulled you by your collar, making you jerk forward.
“Listen, just give me the information about Price, and we can let you go.”
“Well kill me then cause im not giving you shit.”
“Didn’t think i’d have to do this the hard way. What a shame.”
He let go of your collar while walking over to a counter that held shit that you’d see in movies.
Your heart sunk to your stomach. You had thought this whole thing was just a fucking dream.
But your life is at stake here.
It had been weeks. You had started keeping track of the days, but had slowly lost count.
The stab wounds, scars, burns, and everything else had just became numb.
Is this where I die? I’m m not ready to die. I can’t t die. Please.
You cant feel anything. Not anymore. So is there even a point to cry anymore?
You feel yourself go crazy, seeing thoughts. Until you heard a loud bang. Your head shot up like you were just fighting sleep.
I mean, you’re not wrong, are you? You hear gunshots, you don’t know what else to do besides stare at the iron door.
Feeling absolutely nothing knowing that you’d be dead by time anybody got to you.
“Is there anybody in there?” You heard a all too familiar voice behind the door.
“Hello.” You barely even heard yourself and was even more surprised when that familiar voice came back to you.
“Step away from the door, Im coming in!”
You crawled away from the door, unfazed by the loud banging ans just stared into the dents being made into the cold metal.
Once there was a big enough hole, a tall man stepped through scanning the room before he landed on you.
Price. This bastard is Price.
You sat up on your knees looking up at the man. Admiring his physique and his bearded face.
‘Is it really you..?” You felt all the emotions flood back too fast and started letting out tears.
He thought you were delusional. He can’t blame you though since you’ve been trapped here for who knows how long.
“I’m sorry miss, but I’m not the one your looking for.”
Your heart broke into billions of fucking pieces.
“No, no no no no.. You have to remember me theres no godamn you can’t. John please.”
He was shocked when he heard his name come out of your mouth. He didn’t know how to react. He saw you eyes widen, your eyes behind him.
“Get down!”
You pulled him to the ground with you and you heard a strangled cough right after.
(gunshot. gunshot to the head. he’s dead 🤯)
“Oh, um, thank you.”
“Your welcome, Sir.”
Now he was really fucking confused. First you were calling him by his name and now your calling him sir?
“We’ve swept the floor, Cap.”
“Alright, let’s head out then.”
He offers his hand for you to hold for support and you feel yourself fumbling over your feet.
“Woah, careful there.”
Then he notices the one thing he forgot. His hoodie.
You both began to walk as the new proclaimed man, Gaz, leaded you both outside. Checking every corner.
“Hey, I had the same hoodie in high school. Where’d you get yours?”
“Just a friend. What’s it to you?”
“When’d they give it to you?”
“2 days before he left for the army. We went out to the skating rink. The fucker didn’t know how to skate at all, had to help him regain his balance every time. He even fell on his ass, I think.”
You let a gruff giggle, but to him it sounded angelic.
Then he realized. He finally fucking realized.
You stopped admittedly, your breath hitched so hard you started coughing.
He started laughing and patted your back with the right amount of pressure.
Gaz noticed and stopped to turn around.
“Are you two seriously flirting? You guys just met like, 10 minutes ago.”
“Gaz, I’ve known her since birth.”
You started coughing more with the tiniest hint of laughter.
“His mom basically took me as her daughter.”
“Speaking on my mother, how is she?”
You glared at Price.
“I don’t know Price let me think… Oh wait, i’ve been locked up for weeks!”
You playfully hit his shoulder. He playfully hit you back.
“Your not supposed to hit a woman, Price.”
“But your not any woman, your my girlfriend.”
You looked at him, taking a second to register what he had just said.
“What did you just call me?”
“I don’t know what your talking about.”
“Am I technically wrong though?”
“Because you didn’t let me say yes yet.”
You cut Price off by pulling him into a passionate kiss.
“But yes, I am your girlfriend. For now at least.”
“Now what’s that mean?”
“You’ll know when I show you.”
“You guys suck at flirting and im going to throw u both off a cliff.”
“Gaz, your just mad you don’t have anybody.”
“Whatever, loser.”
I actually don’t like this a wee bit ngl, but i hope u guys liked this ☹️🫶
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currentlyfckingurmom · 10 months
Her Song part 21
Me: I did it. I threw him out.
Ash: Fucking finally. That son of a bitch deserved it. Ash: Are you okay though?
Me: Yeah, I'm good. I just wanna take a nap.
Ash: Text me if you want me to come over &lt;3
I sigh and put down my phone, rubbing my temples to soothe the tension that has built up there. Syd is curled up next to me on the couch, sound asleep as Shrek plays on the living room TV.
My phone rings and I hurriedly answer it to avoid waking Syd. "Hello?" I answer it quietly.
"Hi, I'm calling from Dr. Lancaster's office. Is this Ms. Y/L/N?" a young woman asks. She's probably a nurse.
"Yes it is." I carefully get off the couch and move to the kitchen to avoid disturbing Syd.
"Dr. Lancaster listened to your voicemail and would like me to inform you that everything is probably fine. We're happy to do a checkup just to be sure, but we're booked pretty full right now. The earliest we could get her in is the middle of next month."
I scoff before I can stop it. "Next month? Are you serious right now? I am telling you something is wrong and you can't even squeeze her in until next month?"
"I'm afraid there's nothing more we can do. But Dr. Lancaster asked me to assure you that your daughter is perfectly fine-"
"Respectfully, Dr. Lancaster is a pretentious douchebag who doesn't know shit. I'll find somewhere else to take her," I snap, ending the phone call.
I look into the living room, seeing Syd snoring softly on the couch. My breaths come heavier as tears prick at my eyes. I slide down to the kitchen floor and put my head in my hands, failing to slow the panic overtaking my chest. Something is wrong. Something is wrong. Something is wrong.
My phone rings. I'm worried it might be the nurse calling back to chew me out, but I check the caller ID and answer faster than I'd like to admit.
"Florence?" I breathe into the phone. I suppose my voice must be weaker than I realized, because concern instantly pours from her voice.
"Y/N? What's wrong? Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine, it's just, um," I pause to hold back a choked sob. Don't do this. I cannot be doing this right now. Sydney is fine. Everything is fine.
"Y/N, darling, talk to me. What's going on?" her soothing voice hums through the phone.
I pause and take a deep breath. When I speak, my voice is quiet. I think it's because I don't want to speak these words aloud. "Sydney has been really sick for a while now. I don't know what's going on, but something is wrong. Her doctor says everything's fine and won't get her in for an appointment. I'm just freaking out a little. It's fine."
"Darling, it's not fine. You're scared, and that's okay. We're going to get Syd to a doctor, and she's going to be perfectly fine. I promise," she assures me. "You'll keep her safe."
"Thank you, Flo. I really wish you were here right now." My heart skips a beat at the realization of the confession I let slip.
"You have no idea how much I want to be there with you. Soon, okay?"
She sounds so sure. So strong and so caring. Like nothing in the world could make her devotion waver.
"I'll call you later. I have to go. Bye, darling."
I mumble a reluctant goodbye and she hangs up the phone.
Syd stirs on the couch, and I instantly recognize the way her face scrunches up in pain. I wet a washcloth with cold water and lay it on her forehead , then kiss the crown of her head.
I change the TV to Netflix and spend the rest of the day on the couch next to Syd.
At some point that night, a song pops into my head and, for hours, I can't get it out. Flo would like this song.
I haven't given her a song recommendation in a long time. Maybe I should just text her. No, that's too clingy.
Oh, fuck it.
Me: I think you'd really like the song "Brand New" by Public Library Commute. It's been stuck in my head all night.
Ten minutes pass. Then fifteen. Then twenty. Then an hour. Then two. I begin to overthink every little interaction we've ever had, chewing the inside of my lip as I think of the stark contrast between being ignored and her caring words earlier.
She finally answers and I try to act cool, but the way I jump up to check the display bruises my ego.
Flo: I just listened to it and it's soooo good!! I love it so much!!! Thank you, darling :)
I smile at the message, but don't open it. Because I'm petty.
All of thirty minutes pass before I pick up my phone again to respond. I may be petty, but I'm also weak when it comes to beautiful women.
A knock on the door interrupts me as I unlock my phone. I look over, seeing that Syd is still asleep. I roll of the couch and jog to the door. When I pull it open, my jaw drops.
"Hey, stranger," Florence greets. With a smirk on her lips and a sparkle in her green eyes, she looks so damn...kissable.
Boyfriend. She has a boyfriend.
"What- what are you doing here? You're supposed to be doing a photoshoot!"
"I had more important things to attend to. May I come in?"
"Uh, yeah, of course," I stumble. She enters the apartment and I close the door behind her, my mouth opening and closing as I try to find the right words. "When you say 'more important things' what...what do you mean by that, exactly?"
"Well, for starters, there's this woman. She's beautiful. And smart, and strong, and independent. And she's hurting," Florence whispers as she steps closer to me. "I needed to be there for her. I want to be there for her. So here I am. If you'll have me."
She looks so determined, so sure that this is what she wants. But are we thinking about the same thing? Because I'm thinking about how goddamn soft her lips look, and for all I know, she could be thinking that she just came here for Syd.
"Florence, I don't- I don't know what you mean."
She sighs, shaking her head and looking to the ceiling to search for the right words. She finally looks back into my eyes with such sincerity it nearly knocks the breath out of my lungs.
"I'm done with this, Y/N." My heart stops. Done? "I'm done with pretending I don't feel unfathomable things for you." My heart beats a little faster. "I'm done acting like I don't want to kiss you breathless every time I see that goddamn smile of yours." My heart skips a beat.
"Florence, I...what about Zach?" I whisper, tears welling in my eyes. "You have a boyfriend, Flo. I can't be the other person."
"You would never be the other person, Y/N."
"But that's what I would be, right? You'd still be all Zach's, and I'd be left wishing you could be mine."
"That's not what I'm saying. Zach doesn't matter anymore-"
"How can you say that?" I scoff, my eyebrows furrowing. "How can you say your boyfriend doesn't matter when you're talking about kissing me-"
"For God's sake, Y/N, will you just shut the hell up for five seconds?" she snaps impatiently. "I broke up with Zach weeks ago, you adorable dumbass."
...Broke up? She's single?
"Oh," I breathe.
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karimwillia · 1 year
Part 9
Warnings: Conflict and Plot Homecoming Dress.
MJ and Riri are ready to give up after almost 2 hours of shopping. Aneka was the only encouragement to continue their search for the right dress. “Rihanna please just try this last one. I need you to trust me.” The dress is a gorgeous deep red color that when she tries it on fits to her form perfectly. There is a slit that runs to the mid thigh and a rather low neckline but still classy. It’s perfect. Riri looks out at Shuri waiting to see some result of the search.
Her attention is on her phone at this moment so she makes a mental note to ask about it later. For now she musters the courage to walk out in the dress for a little show. “Baby can you look at me?” Her voice comes out sweet not much above a whisper. Looking up, Shuri forgets everything she is doing and even how to breathe for a moment. If this is how she looks for Homecoming, Shuri may die at the time of Prom. “You’re perfect.” Are the only words Shuri can muster..
Ri nods and blushes making her feel like she’s the most beautiful being in the world. “Aneka I think we have found the one.” “See I told you to trust me.” Aneka smirks at her cousin who is still stuck. The dress is pinned in places that need to be altered and they soon are on their way. Riri is dropped at home so she can change for the game. Shuri walks her to her door and kisses her goodbye a little less G rated then they have done in the past.
Riri's floating on cloud 9, today is a memory for sure. Suddenly her cloud is waved away when Sharon turns on the light. “Mmmmhm I knew that girl was on the to do list.” Riri was busted but not in a bad way just this is not how they do things in this house. “Sha I can explain. So you know how…” Sharon has her arms crossed over her chest and is still skeptical.
“Baby Sister, calm down and start from the night you got your hair braided.” Why can Riri never remember to breathe? “Sissy, remember when I asked you what I should say if I wanted to have someone do the list with me.” “Yes and I told you to be honest and open. Tell them the truth and maybe be a little bold.” “Yes well surprise! I told her the truth and maybe I was a little more than a little bold.”
Sharon is tickled but she has to question. “What do you mean how bold? I hope you didn’t…” Ri flushes at the thought, has sex crossed her mind absolutely. Would that mean them having a conversation first double absolutely. “Ahhh Sha not that um I did slide her note and we met under the stairs but, I had a panic attack telling her I liked her so we went to her house.”
Sharon is interested to hear more of this. “Ok wait Ms. Social anxiety that’s still bolder than expected from you. Her house?” Ri grins. “She panicked and just thought of the most private place. We talked for hours about everything and this week has been like a fairy tale Sissy.” “It has to be a fairy tale to have you kissing at your front door.” “It just happened.” Riri’s nervous smile is a dead give away that there is more to the story.
Sigh. “We are officially dating, taking things slow. But she is my first kiss.” Sharon is face to face with her Sister wearing a small smile with no teeth. “Oooh Rihanna. She must be something special.” “She is…So Special.” Ri closes her eyes remembering the moments from this week. Sharon looks at her sister giddy. “Someone is falling in love.”
Riri covers her face. “Not yet it can’t be! Sha.That takes time.” Sha chuckles. “It can be love. You have liked her for years and you know her very well. Now you get together and it’s everything you wanted. If it’s not love yet it’s close.” Riri is fiddling with her fingers now love has not crossed her mind could it be? “Sharon.” Taking Ri into her arms Sharon holds her. “Continue to follow your heart. You are a smart girl so you will be fine. Be yourself and let the journey take you where it’s going to take you. But don’t be too wrapped up to talk.” They cuddled up for a little while then got ready for the game before she knew if it was close to game time.
Once ready Riri was waiting for Shuri when a notification popped up. Like most teens she has an ig but for her she is not glued to it. It was a dm from a girl. They stated how they want to “warn” her about Shuri. They bombed her inbox with photos. Showing Shuri kissing some other person from just two weeks ago. Stating how she is Shuri’s ex and they are on and off. Claiming that Shuri was not single and still dates someone else. The photos crushed her, but also how can she be upset? Too many emotions flooded her at once. Was Shuri dating another person? Closing the app Shuri is now at her door but she is not going with her not tonight.
“Hey Baby, are you ready? I grabbed an extra blanket for us.” Shuri can tell the energy is so far off. She stops and stares at a very off putting angry Riri. “Shuri Udaku, are you single?” Shuri didn’t know if this was a joke or test so she answered. “No, I have a girlfriend. She’s short, cute and super smart. Is this a trick?” “No but you think I am Shuri, are you single? Before we got together or whatever this is!” “Yes, for an entire year. Why are you asking me this!” They are somewhat shouting now. “Wrong!” Riri pulls out her phone and shows Shuri the dms and actually sees one more come in. This has gone far enough. “Baby I can explain that is an old picture of me and Elena. I broke up with that girl over a year ago!” “Shuri wants to reach out and hug Riri or touch her hand something because this moment is too tense for them both.
“Then why are they in my dms saying it’s from two weeks ago. Shuri I don’t know what is going on and I don’t know who to believe but I can’t go with you tonight.” “I won’t force you but please believe me. I am not going to hurt you.” Riri is crying and she can tell that Shuri is sincere but everything is happening too fast she needs time. “Good night Shuri.” Riri makes the choice to believe Shuri but she has some thinking to do. Social Media Slander, Fake Dms, accusations about her girlfriend. The spotlight is not all glam.
@somethingcleaverandwhitty @mal-urameshi @shuriris-stuff
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iralibis · 7 months
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>> Mr. Perfectly Fine
"Hello Mr. Casually Cruel
Mr. Everything Revolves Around You\
I've been Ms. Misery since your goodbye
And you're Mr. Perfectly Fine"
Have some family/relationship tree context for this AU. It got kinda wild!
Mehpiles is Shadow's identical twin brother. He just dyes his quills and wears contacts all the time. Goodbye peripheral vision!
He's basically just bad news and anyone involved with him is either very aware of what's going on or a complete and utter idiot. Guess which one Parsley is!
Parsley is Era's younger sister (by 10 years) and they have an absolutely terrible relationship ever since Basil died. She's absolutely enamoured with Mephiles and is pretty blind because of it. She puts Era through a lot because of the decisions she makes and maybe it's justified.
Anyways, that's it for now! More characters to come later because there's a lot!
This AU is so dumb XD
• • •
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Jacian swung open the door of the florist shop, smiling and cheerily announcing "Good morning, Ms. Koseicho!"
The green haired woman looked up from where she had been cutting and arranging flowers, before giving the boy a smile in response. "Good morning to you as well, Jacian-kun. What will it be today?" She replied, her voice soft and gentle.
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"Actually," He clasped his hands together. "I was wondering what you would recommend! As much as I enjoy coming up with the arrangements myself, my time to do so this week has been quite limited this week, I'm afraid."
The woman nodded, before thinking for a moment and then smiling again. "Of course; Just give me a few moments."
About 3 minutes later, Yuuname reemerged from the back of the small shop, before handing Jacian a bouquet consisting of various types of flowers in reds, oranges, yellows, blues and whites.
The boy held it in his arms, beaming. "Ah, this is perfect! I knew it was a god choice to rust your intuition. Now then..." He moved to pull his wallet out of his bag with his free hand. "How much do I owe you?"
"Well," She leaned on the front countertop, a troubled look crossing her face. "I actually wanted to propose a bit of a deal; The flowers are on the house, but I require a favor in return."
"Oh? What is it you need? And really, no, I insist; I am perfectly fine with paying, favor notwithstanding."
She let out a small laugh, waving him off. "There's no need for that, you give me enough business as is, teehee. As for the favor, well... A regular client of mine was in a bit of a rush this morning; She had an important meeting to get to, or something of that sort. So she asked if I could ensure her daughter arrived at school safely. I said yes, of course, but then another regular called in a massive order that they need by the afternoon, so I'm in a bit of a pinch. Since you are headed that way anyways, would you mind taking her with you? She attends the Junior High by your school, if memory serves."
Jacian didn't even need a second to think, nodding and smiling. "Of course! It would be no trouble at all."
Yuuname let out a sigh of relief. "Oh, thank you so much. You're truly a lifesaver." She turned to the back of the store and called out, "Kuuyo-chan!"
A few moments later, a young girl with long purple and pink hair stood in the doorway of the back room. "...Is it time to go...?"
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Yuuname nodded, beckoning her to come closer. As she made her way over, Yuuname gestured to Jacian. "This is Jacian-kun. He's going to be walking you to school today, ok?"
The girl looked up at Jacian with a bit of both nervousness and awe in her eyes, before nodding. "...Ok."
Jacian gave a friendly wave and smile, which seemed to help calm the girl's nerves. And after saying another thank you and goodbye to Yuuname, the two set off across town.
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martellspear · 5 months
̷𖤐֪ elia martell x taylor swift albums
— Fearless (Taylor's Version)
— the lyrics picked were the ones that made me think of her/her relationships/her plot.
Fearless: "And I don't know how it gets better than this // You take my hand and drag me headfirst // Fearless" (elia x oberyn again!)
Fifteen: "'Cause when you're fifteen and // Somebody tells you they love you // You're gonna believe them"
Love Story: "I got tired of waiting // Wondering if you were ever coming around // My faith in you was fading"
Hey Stephen: "'Cause I can't help it if you look like an angel" (literally her)
White Horse: the entire song "Say you're sorry, that face of an angel // Comes out just when you need it to // As I paced back and forth all this time // 'Cause I honestly believed in you" (all I see is rhaelia angst)
You Belong With Me: "I'm the one who makes you laugh // When you know you're 'bout to cry // I know your favorite songs // And you tell me 'bout your dreams" (elia x oberyn again♡)
Breathe: "And we know it's never simple, never easy // Never a clean break, no one here to save me"
— the songs below fit rhaelia angst so well:
Tell Me Why: "I'm sick and tired of your reasons // I got no one to believe in // You tell me that you want me, then push me around"
You're Not Sorry: every single lyric "This is the last straw // Don't wanna hurt anymore // And you can tell me that you're sorry // But I don't believe you, baby, like I did before // You're not sorry"
The Way I Loved You: "And that's the way I loved you // Breaking down and coming undone"
Forever & Always: "This thing is breaking down, we almost never speak // I don't feel welcome anymore // Baby, what happened? Please tell me // 'Cause one second it was perfect // Now you're halfway out the door"
The Best Day: "Don't know how long it's going to take to feel okay // But I know I had the best day with you today" (elia x rhaenys | "you never love anything in the world the way you love your first child."!!!!)
Change: "So we've been outnumbered, raided, and now cornered // It's hard to fight when the fight ain't fair // We're getting stronger now, finding things they never found // They might be bigger but we're faster and never scared // You can walk away, say we don't need this // But there's something in your eyes says we can beat this" (dornish pride 𖤓)
Jump Then Fall: "Every time you smile, I smile // And every time you shine, I'll shine for you"
Untouchable: "Untouchable, burning brighter than the sun // And when you're close, I feel like coming undone"
Come In With The Rain: "I've watched you so long, screamed your name // I don't know what else I can say"
The Other Side Of The Door: "And I broke down crying, was she worth this mess?"
Today Was A Fairytale: "Today was a fairytale // You've got a smile // That takes me to another planet"
You All Over Me: "I lived, and I learned // Had you, got burned // Held out, and held on // God knows, too long // And wasted time, lost tears // Swore that I'd get out of here"
Mr. Perfectly Fine: she literally wrote this one about rhaegar
"Hello Mr. Casually cruel // Mr. Everything revolves around you // I've been Ms. Misery since your goodbye // And you're Mr. Perfectly fine"
"'Cause I hear he's got his arm 'round a brand new girl // I've been pickin' up my heart, he's been pickin' up her // And I never got past what you put me through // But it's wonderful to see that it never phased you!"
We Were Happy: "Oh, I hate those voices // Telling me I'm not in love anymore // But they don't give me choices"
That's When: "I said, "I know" // He said, 'I need some time, need some space'"
Don't You: "Sometimes I really wish that I could hate you // I've tried, but that's just somethin' I can't do // My heart knows what the truth is // I swore I wouldn't do this"
Bye Bye Baby: "And there's so much that I can't touch // You're all I want but it's not enough this time // And all the pages are just slipping through my hands // And I'm so scared of how this ends"
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catatansiinisak · 6 months
Goodbye, Mr. "Perfectly fine"
How's your heart after breaking mine?
Mr. "Always at the right place at the right time, " baby
Goodbye, Mr. "Casually cruel"
Mr. "Everything revolves around you"
I've been Ms. "Misery" for the last time
And you're Mr. "Perfectly fine"
You're perfectly fine..
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smokerzgore · 1 year
2:53am : Wherever you may be, I’ll love you. I miss you and that bright smile. You made me feel so proud to be who I was. Your the definition of sunshine. You lit up the days I was feeling down. You shine even though you yourself weren’t doing the best. You also sucked at hiding things. You always were so handsome in those suit shirts you would always wear. Your van was also pretty sick too, it had a table in it, I remember when you and eric and I would just sit back there sometimes while you drank your coffee and me and eric would eat our eggs and hash browns. I remember you sitting in your couch trying to solve those crossword puzzles in the magazine. I remember you driving me and eric to that one spot next to the now new highway, where we would go to eat and after you’d stay inside to talk to your pals while me and eric would visit the lady in the next shop, and when it was time to go you would find us playing tag in the front. Your mustache was pretty killer too. You always had a big belly. Your hugs were the best there was. I could hug you forever and never not feel safe. I always wanted to go see you and nana. Oh oh and I remember the time you told me to go steal those cookies from the counter without her seeing so we could share. And I remember the upmost righteous feeling I felt the day my mom got that call that you were gone and never coming back. I remember standing there with my phone in my hand and a cup with tea in it. I stood there while I saw the redness around my mothers eyes start to form and the tears starting to roll down her cheeks. I remember hearing the sounds of my mothers knees hitting into the tile floors and the phone slamming the floor as she yelled out to god asking why now, why as we’re not there. And in that moment I know I lost my person. I lost my person. Not my papa I lost my person. I stood frozen I couldn’t go to my mom I couldn’t move. All I saw where images of you running through my head. After a couple of minutes my mom got up and looked at me no tears in my eyes my eyes weren’t red like hers. As she walked over to me I stepped back and put my hands up to push her away. This is the first time I’ve told my mom to leave me alone and that I didn’t want to talk to her. I stepped back again and turned away. I went to my room not to cry but to sit there. I couldn’t process anything. The only thing I felt was that drop in my heart and stomach. Once my dad got home her came in my room to ask me if I was okay. If I’m okay? I didn’t say a word. I just looked over and began to crying. I let out the most siren cry ever. As if a mother lost her child. I lost my person. The worst thing about it all was we were nowhere near him. He lived 38hours from us. I wasn’t there. I didn’t get to hug him for a last time I didn’t see the sparkles in his eyes for the last time the gloss in his eyes the way he would tuck in his shirt the way he would slick his white hair back the way he would chuckle the way he would tell me ily. I wasn’t there. We attended the funeral but I was so angry, I was angry at it all why would “god” take someone so quick when they were perfectly fine. As everyone got there chance to go up to the casket to say there last goodbye I never did. I never did. I NEVER DID. I was angry. I didn’t want my last goodbye to be seeing you lay there with your eyes closed ms I wanted to see you smile and tell me I was your peanut and that you were okay. I’m sorry. That I never went up. I never even saw you go down. I’m sorry. I’m sorry I’m hurting myself to feel some type of relief I’m sorry.I regret it everyday. I didn’t see or say goodbye to my person. My pa. I really hope your smiling and drinking your coffee wherever you are. And hey you better still be wearing those color suit shirts. I’m okay. I’ll be okay. I love you.
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Mother of the River by Emily McPherson #YAFantasy
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Mother of the River
The Protectors 
Book One
Emily McPherson
Genre: YA Fantasy
Publisher: Eyebright Books
Date of Publication: 03/07/2023
ISBN: 9798986797311 
ISBN: 9798986797304  
ISBN: 9798986797328 
Number of pages: 272
Word Count: 73,800
Cover Artist: Berterra Forester
Tagline: May you have the hindsight to know where you’ve been, the foresight to know where you are going, and the insight to know when you have gone too far. - Irish Proverb
Book Description: 
Ianthe was only six years old when her mother vanished and the strange statue appeared in the river near her home. Now, eleven years later, the statue stands as a memorial and a place where Ianthe often visits to tell her mother about her life. But when an old acquaintance returns to town and suggests the statue isn’t just a statue, the presence of a mythical creature comes into question, and Ianthe begins to wonder what really happened all those years ago.
With her best friend, Fintan, by her side, Ianthe searches for a lost legend and discovers fantastical dangers, family secrets, and the magic of Ireland. But finding the myth may not be enough to mend the past. And finding the truth just may threaten her future.
Book Trailer: https://youtu.be/iKwEFgS7eH0
“Ianthe, you could have said goodbye to your friend, you know. I didn’t mean to pull you away so quickly.”
“Oh, it’s fine,” Ianthe said, waving her hand in dismissal. “You didn’t.”
“But I did interrupt something, didn’t I?” Dubheasa smirked, almost amused with Ianthe’s discomfort.
“Well… sort of,” Ianthe said, “but believe me. I might owe you a favor for that one.”
Ianthe dropped her hands into her pockets and suppressed her embarrassment for another time. They arrived at the tea shop, opting for the outdoor seating on such a beautiful spring day, and claimed a small table with chipping white paint at the edge of the patio. The proprietor, Idina, weaved in and out of tables taking orders, quick as a hurricane wind.
“What’ll you have, darlings? Oh, Ianthe.” Idina’s tone brightened as she recognized Ianthe at the table. “Evening, love. How are you?” she asked with a dip of her head. A deep brown coil fell in front of her eye, and she flipped the curl back into place.
“Hello, Mrs. Kent,” Ianthe said with a cordial nod. “Just grand, and you?”
“Fine, perfectly fine. And I’ve told you to call me Idina, haven’t I?”
“Right. Sorry, Idina.”
As Ianthe got older, more and more people in town asked her to call them by their first name, as though she was one of the adults—a concept much too odd for Ianthe to accept. Now she was expected to call Ms. O’Malley from down the road Eleanor. Mr. Wilson, who brought the morning paper, asked her to call him Norman. (Who knew he’d named his cat after himself?)
And now Mrs. and Mrs. Kent were Idina and Hazel.
“You’ve just had a birthday, haven’t you?” Idina said.
“Yes— well, it’s been a couple of weeks.”
“Seventeen now, are we?” she asked, adjusting her apron.
“That’s right,” Ianthe said, and she straightened up in her chair as a proud smile dimpled her cheeks.
“I’ll have Hazel bring you some dry herbs and teas to take home then. Now, what’ll you two have?”
“I think tea and scones,” Dubheasa said, raising her brow at Ianthe, and Ianthe nodded.
“Two cups, two scones,” Idina confirmed. “Extra butter, Ianthe?”
“Yes, please,” Ianthe said with a smile.
A loud shatter sounded from inside the shop, and Idina jumped out of her skin.
“Oh, Hazel, good grief. Slippery fingers, slippery fingers,” she continued to mutter as she hurried inside.
“I hope she remembers our order,” Dubheasa said, chuckling at the commotion.
“She will,” Ianthe assured her. “They can be a bit chaotic, but Idina and Hazel are the best around. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say Hazel is magic with her teas.”
“What makes you so sure she isn’t?”
Ianthe giggled at the insinuation, but Dubheasa’s eyes only narrowed.
“You’re not serious,” Ianthe said. “Tea can’t be magic.”
“Perhaps not, but people can be.”
“Pft. I was only having a laugh, Dubheasa. I know Hazel doesn’t make magic tea because magic isn’t real.”
“Here you are, darlings,” Idina said, setting the tea and scones on the table. “Enjoy!” And she rushed off again.
Ianthe slid a cup and a scone to her side of the small table and slathered butter onto the bread while Dubheasa eyed her carefully.
“Well then,” Dubheasa said, thankfully moving on to a new topic, “when did we last see each other, dear? Do you remember?”
“Um,” Ianthe paused to take a bite of her scone. “Two summers ago, I think.”
“And has much changed since then?” Dubheasa asked, stirring cream into her tea.
“Besides growing a bit taller, nothing at all.”
“Well, I’m glad to see you’re still here.”
“Why wouldn’t I be here?”
Dubheasa sipped her tea and waited for Ianthe to come to some sort of conclusion, but Ianthe stared back, lost as ever.
“Well, the Scréch Sídhe, of course,” Dubheasa finally said.
Ianthe couldn’t help but subtly roll her eyes, feeling a sliver of annoyance in her gut.
“Oh, right. Of course,” she said flatly. “How could I forget.”
“You still don’t believe in the Sídhe, do you?” Dubheasa asked, though she already knew the answer.
“No, I must admit. I don’t.”
“If you don’t mind me asking, why is that?”
“You told me the Scréch Sídhe would come for me after my mother disappeared, but it’s been eleven years. Do you really believe a magical faerie would need this much time to find a person?”
Dubheasa continued to sip her tea with squinted eyes before offering another question.
“Then how do you think your mother turned to stone?”
“Oh, this again?” Ianthe said, reminding herself a bit of her dad. “My mother didn’t turn to stone.”
“I’ve seen her, Ianthe. I know she stands in the river.”
“I’ve told you,” Ianthe said, dropping her hands to the table rattling the teacups. “My father had that statue made in remembrance of her. It’s not actually her.”
“And yet, he never visits her to remember her.”
“N—no, you’ve got it wrong, Dubheasa. My mother disappeared.”
“And disappearing into thin air is a more acceptable explanation for you?” Dubheasa asked, studying Ianthe’s face.
“Certainly more acceptable than ‘cursed by a faerie’,” she said in a failed whisper, gripping the edge of the table and leaning in.
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About the Author:
Emily McPherson is an author for young adult readers with a liking for fantasy. As a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, she strives to normalize seeing characters of the rainbow on the page without harmful stereotypes. She is an Irish dancer with a slight obsession with mythological creatures. She lives in Connecticut with her husband, son, and—the real mythological creatures—her two rescue pugs.
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togrowoldinv · 2 years
Career Day
Natasha Romanoff x Female Reader
Wanda asks Natasha fill in for career day for her sons where she meets you, their teacher, and she instantly knows she likes you.
Note: In my head, Natasha is alive and well and so are Wanda’s kids and they love each other like family. This one is very fluffy.
Also, thank you all so much for 200 followers! It means the world to me that people enjoy reading my writing. My final semester of college begins next week, so I may not be posting quite as much, but I will do my best to keep writing throughout the semester. I hope you enjoy this one!
“Hey Nat?” Wanda says into the phone. Natasha can hear sounds of fighting in the background and she remembers Wanda’s on a mission.
“What’s up?” Natasha replies.
“I’m sorry to do this, but can you do me like a huge favor? I’ll owe you forever,” Wanda says.
“Of course,” Natasha says, her tone a bit concerned.
“The school called, Tommy and Billy forgot to tell me it’s career day at school and I’m obviously not in town at the moment. Could you- would you go in my place? I mean I know the boys adore you, like Auntie Nat level, and you like them too. So, I thought- I don’t know,” Wanda rambles on and Natasha just smiles into the phone.
“I can definitely do that, Wanda. You just worry about getting back safe and I’ll take care of things here,” Natasha replies.
“Oh thank you, Nat! You’re awesome!” Wanda says. “Alright, I gotta go kick some ass. Talk to you later.”
“Bye Wands,” Natasha says as she disconnects the call.
She puts on her super suit and drives to the school. It should be easy enough to tell the kids about being an Avenger, she thinks. But still her nerves are making her worry about it. What if the kids aren’t excited because she’s not one of the more known heroes?
As she enters the school front office, the ladies up front help her sign in and point her to right classroom. She fidgets with her hand nervously as she enters the open door, and that’s when she sees you for the first time.
You’re standing by your desk at the front of the room with a name tag on it that says ‘Ms. Y/l/n.” Wanda hadn’t told her that the boys’ teacher was so beautiful, and she was taken aback for a moment before she felt two bodies crash into her.
“Auntie Nat!” Billy and Tommy both say and she leans down to return their hugs.
“Hey boys. Your mom is on a mission, so I’m here for your career day. I hope that’s okay?” Natasha asks them and they both nod happily. They do love their Auntie Nat.
Tommy pulls on Nat’s hand to walk further into the classroom. “You have to meet our teacher Ms. y/l/n! She’s so cool,” he says.
You overhear him say your name and you look up to be met with the most gorgeous woman you’ve ever seen. Her red hair with blonde ends falls onto her black suit perfectly and her smile makes your heart swell.
“Hey, you must be the famous Auntie Nat,” you say to her placing your hand out for her to shake, trying your best to keep your cool.
“That’s me. You can call me Natasha or Nat. Either one. And you’re Ms. y/l/n? I hear you’re the cool teacher around here,” Natasha says as she shakes your hand a bit too long before pulling away.
“Just y/n is fine. I have to say I think an Avenger will really spice up our career day,” you say with a smile and Natasha smirks at you.
“What no one else here has fought an alien? Weird,” Natasha replies and you both laugh. So, she’s funny and beautiful? You’re screwed.
Soon enough it’s time for everyone to take their seats and career day begins. There were a few parents that were decent at interacting with the kids, but no one captivated the kids like Natasha. It wasn’t even just that she’s literally a superhero. She just had a way of speaking to the kids that made them feel so important. You were definitely falling for her even after just hours of knowing her personally.
The school day is over at the end of career presentations, so you bid goodbye to most of your students and their parents. Except for one family, who’s definitely got your favorite students (and now aunt), the Maximoffs.
“I can never get him to put his pencil down,” you say as you walk up to the family. You lean against a desk next to Natasha. She is watching Billy do times tables while Tommy occupies himself with drawing on a whiteboard.
“I bet,” Natasha laughs. “I hope I did okay today. Wanda wanted to be here, but she’s on mission,” Natasha says.
You give her an encouraging nod. “You did great, Natasha. You were certainly the kids’ favorite,” you reply.
“They probably wanted me to be Iron Man or Captain America,” She jokes and you shake your head.
“No way. Black Widow is the best Avenger,” you say and go red in the face. “I’m sorry. That’s a super nerdy thing to say directly to your face.” You look down until you feel a hand rest softly on your arm.
“Don’t worry about it. I appreciate it,” Natasha says and you look into each other’s eyes for a minute getting lost in them.
“Is it time to go home now?” Tommy asks, breaking the moment and you and Nat both stand up.
“Yeah, yeah let’s go boys. It was really nice to meet you, y/n. Thanks for educating these young minds,” Natasha says.
“Of course. And it was nice to meet you too, Nat. I hope to see you again soon,” you say and she smirks at you before walking out with the boys.
For the next couple of weeks, Natasha asks to pick up the boys from school and Wanda appeases having no idea why she would want to. Until one day when she joins Nat.
“Hey y/n,” Natasha says from the car as she pulls into the pickup line. You smile at her and excuse yourself from your group of colleagues you were talking to.
“Natasha, hi! How are you?” You say and the two of you chat for a minute in your own world until Wanda makes her presence known by waving at you.
“Hey Ms. Maximoff, kids are doing great by the way. Best in the class,” you say and Wanda smiles at that.
“That’s good to hear,” Wanda says and you realize the line is backed up so you have to bid them goodbye for now.
Once Nat pulls out of the parking lot, Wanda looks at her still blushing face and practically giggles.
“Oh my god, you’re so hot for their teacher!” Wanda laughs out.
“Wanda! I’m not- we aren’t 12 please don’t say it like that,” Natasha replies, trying to look straight forward and hide her furthering blush.
“I think you should ask her out,” Wanda says and Nat shakes her head. “She is cute and there’s a good chance she’s into you too. I saw the way she talked at you. That isn’t all ‘aunt of my students’ chatting.”
“You really think it would be okay? I mean I definitely like her. Like a lot more than I should probably,” Natasha says. “I just don’t want to mess anything up with the kids, you know? A love affair with their teacher may not be the best example for them.”
“Okay, first of all yes I think it’s okay. Second of all, I knew you liked her,” Wanda says in a sing song voice, making Natasha laugh. “And third of all, following your heart is always a good example for them.”
“Okay. I’m going to ask her out then,” Natasha says with a burst of confidence.
“Go Auntie Nat!” Tommy shouts from the backseat and both women laugh, having forgotten the kids could hear everything back there.
The next afternoon, Natasha parks her car instead of waiting in the line. She stands by the car leaning on the driver side door to wait for you. She knows it’s a bit odd, so when you approach her car she isn’t surprised.
“Hey, are you okay out here?” You ask and she’s quick to nod.
“Yeah. I just- can we talk? Sorry that sounds like something super bad has happened. Nothing has,” Natasha rambles out.
“Give me 20 minutes to wrap up here and then yes let’s talk?” You ask. She smiles at you and take it as a yes.
She waits patiently for you to get all of the kids safely to their cars and tries to come up with what she’s going to say to you.
“Hey, I’m finished now, Nat,” you say as you approach her again.
“Great. Would you want to go for a drive with me? Just for a little bit?” Natasha asks. You are shocked, she can see that, but you walk to the other side of the car and get in. She turns on some music and you ride in silence for a few songs.
“Everything okay, Natasha?” You finally break the silence.
“Hm?” Natasha says before she processes your question. “Yes. Everything’s good.” She says, but you’re not quite sure if you believe her.
“Alright, here we are,” she says about 5 minutes later when she pulls into a parking lot of a local diner.
She doesn’t move to get out of the car though and when you look at her in confusion she turns in the driver’s seat to face you.
“Y/n,” she begins, “I’ve really enjoyed talking to you these past couple of weeks. Like really.” You smile at her and she continues. “I want you to know you can say no and I’ll drop you back at your car immediately, but I’d really like to spend more time with you and take you out sometime.”
At her words, your heart beats so fast in your chest that Natasha must be able to hear it. “Yes,” is the only word you can breathe out.
“Yeah? Because I know the boys are your students and it may be weird, but I just really like you and I don’t want to miss a chance to be with you because I’m scared of what other people might think,” Natasha expresses and you reach across the center console to hold her hand in yours.
“I’m so glad you feel that way, Nat. Honestly, I’ve been wanting to ask you out too, but I didn’t know if you were into me. I mean you’re like the world’s coolest superhero and I’m just some woman,” you explain and Nat squeezes your hand softly.
“You are not just some woman, y/n. You’re amazing. I saw that day how you interact with kids, and I know Tommy and Billy like you a lot. That’s a superhero in itself, detka,” Natasha says. You look at her with a raised brow at that last word being a different language.
“Is that Russian?” You ask and she just laughs.
“Maybe,” she admits sheepishly, not wanting to tell you she called you ‘baby.’
“You should speak in Russian to me more. I like that,” you tease and her jaw almost drops. You smile before asking her, “Did you bring me to this diner for a date or?”
“Oh yeah. I thought maybe we could grab some dinner. If you want? I didn’t know how to ask you out without just doing it right then, so I figured I’d bring you and then ask. I can be a bit presumptuous sometimes, I apologize,” Natasha explains.
“Don’t apologize, Natasha. This is great. I’m looking forward to getting to know you better,” you reply and she leans in to kiss you cheek. It takes you by surprise, but you soak up the feel of her soft lips on you.
“Sorry, I couldn’t resist. You’re just so beautiful,” Natasha says and your stomach fills with butterflies like you’re back in high school talking to your crush.
“You’re gorgeous, Natasha,” you reply and take chance by leaning closer to her again.
Your lips are inches from hers, and you can feel her breath on them.
You lightly brush your lips over hers to test the waters, and she grabs the sides of your face with her hands to deepen the kiss. The kiss is passionate, but efficient. Both of you seem to fit together perfectly and it’s a while before you separate for air.
“That was- wow,” you say breathlessly and Natasha nods against your forehead.
“Let’s go get that dinner before we are tempted to do anything else in this car,” Natasha says with a smirk. You blush at her words.
“Sounds perfect, Nat,” you reply and you get out of the car together. She intertwines her fingers with yours as you walk into the diner.
You both never thought a school career day would bring about so much happiness in your lives.
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chelleztjs18 · 3 years
Lost in Assistance - Ch. 10
Elizabeth Olsen x Fem!Reader.
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GIF: I do not own this GIF.
Summary: Y/n is a professional celebrity's personal assistant in Hollywood got hired with two years contract to be the assistant of the famous and talented Elizabeth Olsen / Lizzie by her manager. Both Y/n and Lizzie hate each other since day one, and they have mutual friend. One is as stubborn as the other, will Y/n stay when Lizzie gives attitudes and tries her best to make her quit before the contract ends?
Warning: fluff, angst, smut (in future chapters), swearing words ( +18 only)
I do not own any pictures, name, brand, song titles or anything that I used in this story.
All chapters
The three of you are finally back at the hotel. As soon as you got there, you went to your room to get ready. So is Lizzie in hers. When you are ready, you go right away to the girls’ room. You knocked on the door, and for some reason you slightly wish that Lizzie’s face would slowly show up as the door is opening but like usual it was Aubrey’s smile the first thing you see. “Hey.” Aubrey moves to the side as she opens the door wider for you to come in. “Hey Aubrey.” You unconsciously smiled in slight disappointment.
You do not mind at all that it's always Aubrey who opens the door for you. She is your good friend, really. You just start to think why is it always Aubrey? Is it just a coincidence or not really? Does she hate you so much that she is avoiding you at all cost? Oh well, why does it matter anyway? Why did you wish it was Lizzie who opens the door for you just now? There’s nothing special to it. The hatred is mutual. You were probably just concerned about her anyway after seeing her cry, you think it’s just a normal nice gesture if you are wondering how she was doing.  but again it’s none of your business. Your mind juggling all of those thoughts in such a short time triggers a quick rush in your mind.
Your eyes secretly look for Lizzie. You try to do it in the most subtle way so Aubrey won’t notice while both of you walk to the living room and sit down on the couch. “She is inside, still getting ready, Y/n.” Aubrey told you as if she can read your mind. “Huh?” Surprised with her statement just now, you got caught off guard and that was all you can say. You curse yourself in your mind for being too obvious.
“I know those eyes,y/n. You can’t lie to me. Your eyes’ movement. You were searching for her.” Aubrey teased with a knowing smile. “No, I wasn’t!” You denied instantly. “Yes you were, Y/n.” She convinced you in a playful tone. “No,I wasn’t!” You shout in a whisper. You feel warm on your cheeks and ears. “Okay, y/n. You were not.” She agreed in a playful sarcasm. “Tell that to your blushing cheeks.” She mumbles under her breath and rolls her eyes at the same time.
“What Aubrey?” You asked. “Oh nothing.” She smiled.
Aubrey slouch on the couch yet you sit next to her awkwardly straight up with your hands keep tapping your knees like they are a set of percussion. “So, how is she doing? Do you think she already feels better?” Your voice is almost like a whisper when you ask her as you don’t want Lizzie to hear it.
“Hmm. Care much, are you Ms. Y/L/N?” Once again, She always finds the chance to tease you about Lizzie. “Seriously? I asked just because that’s the right thing to do as a human being towards another.” You lifted an eyebrow as you tackled her tease once more. “You know what? Just forget I asked.” You added with a discomfort tone.
Aubrey giggled. “Geez, I was just joking. I think she’s feeling better but she still hates you.” She answered as she tried to hold a laugh teasing you. “Well, that, I don’t need to ask you, I already know. The whole world knows how much she hates me.” You shook your head. She giggles.
“So you are coming with us right?” You asked the girl next to you. “Nuh-uh. I’m not coming. I need to take a break from both of you and your arguments.” the brunette answers while her eyes locked on the TV. “Ouch. Are we that annoying?” You put your hand on your chest and act like you are hurt by what she said. “You guys are not annoying, I love both of you. You guys are just too funny for me to watch but I can’t say anything yet because both of you are too stubborn to listen to me and that’s annoying.” She said nonchalantly with a small smirk.
“What’s too funny about it? And what can’t you say yet? Tell me.” You jokingly push her shoulder. “Oh nothing. I have my own theory, you’ll know it next time.” She patched a meaningful smile. “Oh yeah? Probably a stupid theory?” You jokingly make fun of her. “Whatever y/n.” She giggles.
“Hey, y/n. I just want to say sorry. Honestly, I was the one who gave Lizzie the idea of giving you hell when you are working with her but I didn’t know it was you until she told me your name. Please don’t hate me.” Aubrey’s face showed remorse. “So, you are the one that makes my life a hell? Wow Aubrey. Thanks.” You said it in a playful tone.
“So you are not mad at me?” Aubrey looks relieved. “Nah,it’s okay. I figured anyway. You are forgiven.” You winked at her. “Gosh, y/n I thought you were serious.” She giggles. 
Lizzie comes out to the living room. “What are you giggling about Aubrey?” Then she notices you are there. “Oh.” That was all she said before she went back into the bedroom. A few minutes later, you notice that both of you need to leave not to be late. “Ms. Olsen, we have to go now. We can’t be late.” You told her from the living room. “Gosh y/n, Okay! Okay!.” She let out a harsh breath as she came out. “Bye Aubrey, I’ll see you later.” Lizzie yells as she walks out the suite room. You stand up, wave goodbye at Aubrey, and follow her .
Both sitting on each side of the back seat, the car ride without Aubrey was silent. Just pure silence but you both taking turns on getting caught stealing glances at each other. You really don’t know why you have the urge to ask how she is doing while you know she for sure is not comfortable if you ask her that. You are just her assistant and her personal life is definitely none of your business.  Luckily, you both finally arrived at the location.
The photoshoot starts right away after her make up and wardrobe is ready. Everything is going well with the photoshoot until the last session with the last wardrobe, Sophie who is incharge of makeup and wardrobe had to leave early for a family emergency. Thank goodness, it is the last session, Lizzie just has to change to the last dress, do some shots and they can call it a day. Sophie asked if you can help with the last dress as she showed you which one and said you can just hang the dress once Lizzie’s done and you have no problem with it.
You wait for Lizzie outside the changing room to make sure everything is okay. You heard her softly grunts and curse under her breath. “Ms. Olsen, are you okay?” You heard other soft grunts. “I’m okay. Can you call Sophie please?” Lizzie asked, not knowing that the french lady already left. “Um, she left. She’s not here. Do you need help?”
“What do you mean she left?” She asked in surprise and confusion. “Yeah, she has a family emergency.” You explained. “I need help with the dress.” She asked from the other side of the wall. “I can help you.”
“No, not you. Is there somebody else who can help me?” She asked in a slightly irritated tone. “Yes, there’s Stefan, Andre, Antoine, Oh and there’s Claude.” You named all the crews that’s there who happen to be all males. “I meant a female one, y/n.” She opened the door a little, peek through the small open space and asked in annoyance.
“Yes, Her name is y/n. The only female here besides you.” You answered in a flat sarcastic tone, in emotionless face expression. “Like it or not, I'm the only one to help you.” You shrugged your shoulders. “Fine.” She groans and lets you in while trying her best to cover her body shyly. 
“Y/n, look the other way. Don't look over here.” She demanded. “How am I gonna help you if I have to look away?” You furrowed your eyebrows. She is in this red see-through sheer dress with some floral laces on some body parts that need to be covered with it but on the upper body part it looks like a beautiful corset. She turned around, her back facing you with the dress unzipped leaving her bareback exposed. You can see from the mirror in front of her, both of her hands crossed in front of her dress covered breast to hold the dress so as not to fall. She lowered her head, her face facing down.
The curve line from the back of her neck to her bareback with no bra straps whatsoever yet slightly covered with some strains of her long blonde hair was visible to you, the zipper slider body was way low on her lowest back, almost to her natural perfect size buttocks with the line of her g-string peeking out a little bit. Her peach-cream with a light hint of tanned skin colors look so flawless. Too perfect that no pores are visible.
You swallow your nervous feeling down, try hard to stop staring before she pulls her head up. No, you definitely don’t want her to notice that. “Okay,so you just need me to zip this up right?” You clear your throat. “Uh y-yeah.” You notice that she sounds nervous. 
“Okay. I’ll zip it up. Just pull the rest of your hair up so it won’t get caught in the zipper.” “She nodded, and her right hand grabbed the rest of her hair. The dress is slim-fitted, perfectly designed for her heavenly figure. You tried to pull the zip up by the pull tab but it was a little difficult to do, so you pulled it by the slider body. You tried to get a grip of it, your index finger is between her body and the dress. The tightness of the dress makes the tip of your finger slightly touch her skin. Both of you were surprised by it. You noticed her body jolted even in the very slightest movements when she felt the tip of your finger touch her skin.
You try to ignore the awkward feelings in the air, and you pull the zipper up slowly because you are afraid to ruin the dress. The room fell silent. The silence breaks down all barriers and makes you able to hear her breath hitch softly right when the tip of your finger lands on her bareskin slowly brushes her skin from the lowest part of her back slide up to the bottom of her back neck between her shoulders along her spine. Your eyes follow the zipper up and you lift your head higher to find her reflection in the mirror, her eyes closed and her lips slightly open as she slowly exhales.
“Uh-It’s all zipped up now.” You see her in the mirror standing there beautifully in the dress. She lifts up her head but as soon as her gaze locks with yours, she awkwardly turns her head sideways instantly. Meanwhile you are still hypnotized with the beauty in front of you.
“Take a picture. It will last longer.” Her voice brought you back to your consciousness. “I’m sorry?” You asked as you tried to recall what she was saying, unfortunately you didn’t pay attention at all. “I said, take a picture. It will last longer.” She repeated in annoyance.
“Oh. Uh, N-No, thank you. I’m good.” You answered quickly to hide your nervousness then you realized you picked the worst answer. You internally screamed at yourself for choosing such an answer but oh well, it is what it is. She was chagrined when you answered nonchalantly. She then walked out of the changing room and continued with the photoshoot.
As luck would have it, someone came to cover Sophie and help with the rest so both of you won’t have to deal with another insanely awkward encounter like earlier in the changing room.
Both of you are on the way back to the hotel now. After what happened in the changing room, it’s even more awkward to sit with her in the back seat even though there’s enough space in the middle space between you two. You tried to get busy to distract yourself, checking out work related things in your phone or notes and also answered a work call. You are talking french on the phone, Lizzie figured it’s from the magazine company. Lizzie took the chance that was laid in front of her to give yet another glance at you while you weren’t paying attention. 
Every single glance she threw seems to move up slowly. From your crossed leg then to your thigh and she noticed you are wearing ripped distressed jeans that show some part of your skin with your right hand on it. She glances again at your slender fingers with your polished short but not too short nails. She then realized she might glance too long (or more like staring). Mercifully, you still don’t notice what she’s doing.
She finally regains control of herself and stops herself from stealing glances at you then turns her head to watch the street of Paris through the window but that doesn’t stop her wondering what is happening with her at this moment. The more she wonders the more she gets irritated because she can’t figure it out.
Ch. 11
Taglist: @madamevirgo , @musicinourlips​ (Let me know if you want to be added in the tag list.)
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