#gonna need to reorganize everything on this one tho
birdribs-art · 2 months
ALRIGHT ok im just gonna share custody of all my old side blogs and abandon my main to call it a day. most of my following is on here anyway
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arctic-hands · 9 months
I have to reorganize my whole state of my being when I go out with the cane now, especially with the way my rheumy told me I should be using it 😭 it used to be left front pocket: inhaler, hand sanitizer, MP3 player and headphones, whatever misc little things I need on my immediate person. Right front pocket: wallet. Back left pocket: cellphone. Right back pocket, keys, with or without Wild Kat (depending on where I'm going–medical and government buildings are a NO GO for Stabby Cat).
In the Before Times when I could carry a backpack I had my first aid kit with whatever meds I needed on the go and emergency Crohn's kit (i.e. a spare change of clothes), and sometimes art supplies and journal or my tablet, or whatever I need to bring to the hospital when I need to go.
I got cool belt bags when I need them because I used to and still sometimes have trouble putting on pants and the loose skirts I could pull over my torso or wrap around and tie usually don't have pockets.
Then I was told to never carry a bag again and got my Rolly Bag for all of that, and very nearly got a custom bumper sticker to put on saying "my back is too fragile to carry a bag stop fucking asking me if I'm going on vacation" because I was constantly getting comments by people? By strangers? It was so annoying.
But now with the advent of Cassandra Cane, Rolly Bag is in retirement. I started carrying a medical binder/bujo in a zippered padfolio. I got a lil mini travel sketchbook and started using passport sized journals, and both of those fit quite neatly in the padfolio. Unfortunately medical bujo doesn't have a handle and I got it a month before I got the cane and it's a bitch to carry in one hand and use my cane in another. So now I have to afix a handle to it somehow because I like the layout of the padfolio too much to replace it.
And to top it all off, after using the cane for a few months before being able to see my rheumatologist again, she tells me I've been using it on the wrong leg for my particular case. So now I've got to occupy my right hand, my dominant hand, with it. I had my wallet and keys/Stabby Cat in my right pockets for easy access, now I have to switch sides. Meanwhile my phone being in my left back pocket made it hard to get it out or into said pocket when using the cane, and I'm gonna have that same problem if I just switch it to the right. So with my dad having helped me buy a new (SafeLink, discounted) phone I shilled out for a wallet case for it, which means I only need to put both in my front left pocket. Also I'm carrying a ear-piercing self defense whistle now, for both extreme situations (let's be honest, even with Stabby Cat in one hand and a metal cane in the other, I'm losing that fight), and for when ableds get to annoying/grabby
Meanwhile, I got a Cane Buddy which. Uh. Great in theory, piss poor in execution. It attaches to the cane with Velcro, and the makers forgot that canes are usually smooth so like. It keeps sliding down as I use my cane. But it holds my first aid kit/medicines, some Larabars, pads and wipes, a spare mask, my lil sketchbook and lil journal when I don't need to take the whole bujo with me, and other misc things, so I just deal with the frustration.
I still have no idea what to do about carrying a spare change of clothes tho 😭 it's a source of anxiety with the way my intestines have been lately to go out without them.
Anyway, anyone have any other ideas on how to adapt to this? The stuff in my pocket is stuff I Really Need if my various iterations of a bag are snatched, so those stay on my person at all times. Everything else would suck if stolen, but more easily replaceable and not an immediate threat to my life if taken (such as the inhaler).
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One week until the wedding and I’m more stressed than ever haha. I’m trying to reframe my thoughts and think positive but every time I do something new comes up
I have a friend coming into town who initially said she was coming early to help with anything…but she complains and guilts me any time I ask for help. Maybe I’m asking too much. I’m just finding it hard to get everything done between work and school and I just need help getting my dress from the seamstress 😭
She said specific days she couldn’t help as this is her vacation and I respect that. Monday wasn’t one of those days. I need help getting to my dress appointment because M’s bike broke down and we currently only have one vehicle. M’s mom is currently not talking to him over stupid hurricane bullshit (literally because he said he’d have to talk to me about them staying here before saying yes because I’d have to give my office up - we did not have off, just a remote work day. She didn’t like that he wanted to talk to me first then didn’t like that my office would be messy because I was between tasks - and again with paper files I can’t stand putting things back and then having to take them all out again and reorganize in the piles. It takes less time for me to just neatly stack where I’m at and pick up again next day- and that they’d have to be out of the guest room -my office- by 7am when I clock in)
Anyway, M’s mom won’t answer if she can help get him to work Monday at her house so he can take care of his grandmom. He can’t take my car because he wouldn’t be back in time for my dress appointment. I can’t take him because I clock in so early and we’re trying to avoid being up at 5am to do so- tho it’s doable. I asked my friend - who said she was coming to the dress appointment anyway- if we could use her rental car to get there - it’s 15 minutes away but only like 5 miles distance. I’d put gas in it and drive. She said that I can’t drive because of insurance (fair- I just know she wasn’t comfortable driving) and that if we took her car, her bf would be without a car or would have to come and wait in the car. Again, valid, so I’m not pushing back because that does sound annoying, but all I’m asking for is an hour and a half of their day. They’re staying at my apartment complex rental unit and idk that the dress appointment would even take the full hour.
I also realize in this moment I sound pretty selfish but I am at a loss. Why say you are coming early to help and then fuss any time I ask for help. I asked if she could help me find flowers and make the bouquets - she didn’t seem to want to do that so M and I are gonna figure it out and I asked if she would help prep some food while we hang and watch movies. She didn’t wanna help with that- and again, okay, she’s not my slave and that’s fine she doesn’t want to do stuff. She said that her bf could help set up things befor the wedding, then got pissy when I said we could use the help of someone talk to tack a couple things up high. So, okay, we figured out a different way.
So please. Why say you can help and are coming to help and volunteer to help and then not do anything to help ☹️
Now M’s mom isn’t talking to us days before the wedding and my parents are just pretending there isn’t even a wedding happening. It’s just me and M and he doesn’t have time to help much between work and taking care of his grandmom.
I don’t have any other friends in the area. And I feel like I’m just on my own in figuring all of this out.
I don’t even know I want her to come to the fitting anymore anyway. I’ve cried at each appointment because I’ve had no one to share the happiness with about my dress since I got it.
I hope I feel happier the day of. Don’t get me wrong, I am over the moon about getting married to M and continuing our life together, but I wish we just eloped. The wedding has been nothing but sad and stressful and it’s the marriage itself that’s the most important anyway. It’s too late for that now tho.
Also just realIzed that I won’t get back home from the airport with them until 130am and then will need to be up again at 5am to get M to work. Like. Please help me out a lil bit. She didn’t want to pay for the rental car that night so I’m getting them an hour and half away at the airport to save some money. I just feel like she could take me to this dress appointment.
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lesbiandeerstory · 2 years
it’s wednesday my dudes
and it’s been a bit of an uneventful week so here take a look at one of my homestuck ocs
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anyway the development update!
last time on dragonball z i talked about FIGHT CHOREOGRAPHY and how the fights in your deer friend were sorta lacking in purpose, like they needed an underlying common thread aside from “fight scenes are cool” (tho they are very cool)
on that note, i think i’ve put together somthn that’s RLY GOOD. i have an idea for the theming, and i’ve created a system to support it, and put together a structure that will act as like a guideline for how i write the individual fights.
the structure is good but still mostly untested; i did a little bit of choreography with it and it turned out FINE but i was not doing my best work that day for reasons it was just one of those days.
i have a better idea of how i wanna do the ydf choreography going forward, but i haven’t actually written any of it yet. frankly i should probably do that next considering some of the stuff i’m about to say in this dev post lmao.
as for the system, i think it too is gonna be super fuckin sweet. it THANKFULLY does not at all replace the magic or class systems i already revealed, it actually fits into them like another layer AND!!! has some fun implications for deer culture, history, philosophy and lore. which i am very excited about.
i still need to work out some kinks with it and get it peer reviewed, but i think i have the bones of somthn rly good that i’m excited to share eventually.
THAT SAID, moving onto SCRIPT PROGRESS, this part of the post is not quite as positive!
i had built up a decent amount of momentum with writing scripts, but i had to stop writing scripts so i could do the epilogue chapter outlines and storyboards, and i am now paying dearly for that loss of momentum, tho other factors are also grinding my productivity to a halt.
first of which is just that my outline and storyboard that i had made is becoming less and less useful as i progress thru the story and make improvisational changes, which is a pain in my ass!!!! certain things i wrote in the storyboard maybe don’t make sense with how characters ended up being written, and sometimes u will look at somthn u had planned and realize u did that thing already and doing it again would be redundant.
such is the normal pitfalls of writing a narrative, but it is still a pain in my ass that’s making the script writing process more difficult. i ended up skipping chapter 7 entirely bcuz what i had planned for it was no longer viable, and i want to have a better sense of the payoffs that need to be set up in that chapter before i write the setup in that chapter.
so now i’m working on chapter 8 and it is slooooooow gooooooing. partly for the reasons described above, partly bcuz honestly i’ll be entirely real with u some of the aspects of this story are just kinda unpleasant to write about. i had to write a whole scene about centrist philosophy last night it was rough. and on top of all of that it’s just been a weird week in the ol’ personal life. it’s just been one of those weeks!
SO! what’s on tap for this upcoming week
well honestly, i think i should consider focusing on the fight choreography. having EVERYTHING done that i need to get done that isn’t scripts, so that i can focus on doing JUST scripts and not have to keep stopping and starting, is probably a good idea. but i have to actually write some fights to make sure the choreography is doing what i need it to, which means i guess i could write some choreography and then write the fights right after??? just like, out of order with the rest of the chapters??? ehhh maybe.
i should also consider editing my storyboards a bit now that i think about it. if the current storyboards aren’t helping me as much as they used to, it might be worth looking at my current boards and fixing them up a bit to fit with the way that i’m currently writing, and the story that i’m currently telling.
if i did all this reorganization, what with the storyboards and\or the choreography, and also took the time to write scripts a little bit slower to build back some momentum (instead of trying to go from 0 to 100 as i often do and is a tactic i DON’T RECOMMEND), i probably won’t be able to get the scripts finished by the end of october buuuut could probably manage to get them wrapped up by mid-november which is frankly just as good.
so this post is less “here’s what i’ve done, here’s what i’m doing” and more “here’s what i have and haven’t done, and here’s what i’m thinking i might do” but hey sometimes that’s how it is with game development!
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dnfshield · 3 years
okay im posting my first and most important syndicate!dream propaganda !! if people are interested ill def post the rest
and because I'm delusional all of this hinges on that I want dream to actually be upset and brocken 💔🥀 and desperately needing help and not wanting to let anyone help him because connections bad blah blah but I know cc dream doesn't have the range and is also a coward so I have to do everything for him 
its under a read more bc its 1.4k words lmao
I think it takes dream a while to process being out of prison even though he should be taking advantage of his new freedom and new space. he spends a lot of time in his room just laying in his blankets or curled up under his bed or memorizing all the shelves of stuff techno left in the spare room. And philza and techno silently agree to make sure dream is getting socialization - knowing that he desperately needs the connection but is unsure how to go back to being ALLOWED to be around others. So they take turns going to his room at night and just finding literally anything to do in his presence. Phil likes to read the old books techno left in there. And when he sees dream peeking over he'll mutter something about how ""reading it out helps me think"" and will quietly read allowed to dream. Or he'll go sit at the desk with a creaky chair and write letters to the woman he loves, gushing over memories and sharing snippets of stories to dream. Phil sits there with a dopey smile and blushy cheeks and dream sits there letting his words sink in - knowing too late that he should never have convinced himself that pushing everyone he loved would somehow save him. 
Technos more pacey- he likes to go in there and ""reorganize"" the miscellaneous objects he left in what was supposed to be a storage space turned bedroom. Sometimes it's stacks of pages ripped from old journals sometimes it's failed blueprints and plans sometimes it's old potion bottles that definitely got left a little too long and should NOT be opened - but whatever it is techno will grab it and ramble on about what he was thinking what he was planning why it didn't work and scramble to find an excuse as to why he's chosen to hoard whatever the object is rather than throw it away like a normal person. But dream just sits there and listens and asks questions or asks to hold whatever it is - honestly whatever he can do to keep techno from going to bed and leaving him in his room alone. 
Lol okay the actual real important one that started all this is that dream eventually starts outwardly showing signs of distress when alone. At first he reeled when others would try to be around him. He still dealt with the conditioning of never being allowed to have regular visitors and being told everyone he ever knew wanted him dead. But once he realized Phil and techno were not only safe to be around but were happy to be around him he couldn't get enough of them. Dream lingers in the kitchen while philza cooks them all breakfast. He follows techno around while he haphazardly goes through chests looking for a specific enchanting book. He cracks his window so he can hear techno and philza laughing together while they sharpen their weapons on the porch :*) . And on especially bad days where something reminds him of the scorching lava flow or he gets turned around in a space too suffocatingly small he waits up because he knows philza or techno will come and wait with him at night. 
And it's the evening that sam knocks on their door that sends dream into overdrive. The second techno opens the door and philzas eyes fall on Sam's armour Phil places a gentle hand on dreams back and ushers him to his room. Techno stands with his frame in the door physically keeping a barrier in-between sam and their home and eventually gets Sam to begrudgingly leave. But when philza goes to check on dream before bed it's obvious dream sat there listening to techno and Sam yell and threaten each other over his life. So Phil skips whatever ploy to keep dream company that he had planned and just sits on his bed with him. He doesn't even say anything besides the classic "it's alright please don't be scared" and "he's not taking you away from here" and "you're safe here, with us, you're safe with me and techno" and blah blah and with every passing whisper dream just drifts closer and lets philza be there with him and philza let's dream lean against him because he knows how badly dream needs the comfort and he's more than happy to be there for him ( -sobs- can philza become a better dad in canon we could've have had it all ) . God okay and finally the important part all of this had been leading up to 
And after sitting there and letting dream lean on his shoulder and dodging dreams pleas to tell him how techno got sam off their property dream eventually quiets down. Every time dream stirs to break the silence philza squeezes his arm and let's him settle closer. Dream can barely keep his eyes open but when Phil tries to say goodnight and shift to stand up dreams eyes shoot open and asks if Phil's actually going to leave for the night because a million things are running through his mind. What if Sam only left to not cause a scene and plans to return after the others go to bed and take him with no one there to protect him. What if Sam only left to tell everyone where he is and return with a mob filled with the people dream himself made hate him. What if techno made a deal with sam - to return with diamonds or precious items in exchange to step aside and let dream he hauled away. But Phil only smiles softly and tells him that he's just gonna move to a new spot and dream just sits there and watches Phil settle at the headboard. Dreams eyes follow Phil's hand as he pats his stomach to becken dream to come lay down. Like okay guys please hear me out so dream settles with his head on philzas stomach kinda surrounded by Phil's legs like a little nest :-( while Phil just tells dream to relax and get some sleep. Phil's hand is a weight on his back and dreams just kinda melts. And as dream finally let's himself wind down he thanks Phil for being there with him. philza takes in a breath and whispers "of course" and after a silent beat as if saying it out loud would bring him back in time he tells dream "me and wilbur used to do this when he was younger"
And dream just tells him that he's sorry and that if he "could go back and change it he'd give anything, sorry for letting it go so far with wilbur" and philza tells him that he "knows wilbur is sorry too" and he knows how mentally unwell wilbur got and that he "wished he'd checked up after the letters stopped sooner" and dream doesn't want philzas to blame himself there's nothing he could have done to stop what wilbur and dream had started between each other but there's nothing dream could say to make philza understand that. So he just tangles a fist in philzas shirt and hopes a "none of this is your fault" in an exasperated voice will convey that enough. He gives philzas one more thank you for being here and with philzas hand tracing little movements on his back dream finally feels safe enough to drift off. Lol lol lol ooooooo okay
:*) Loool what if techno used to have a weekly routine of weapon care like just keeping them clean and sharpened and polished. but after he rescues dream from his isolation and torment from quackity, technos sitting in the living room and goes to grab his axe and dream starts panicking and immediately goes to apologizing and begging techno to tell him what he did wrong and promises he'll try better next time (even tho he didn't do anything :-( ) and techno does his best to assure him he didn't do anything, that he's doing perfectly fine and even if something came up his first instinct would not in fact be to pull an axe out on him and techno puts his stuff away and they just sit together :-( after philza gets home he and techno talk and agree it would be best they keep the weapons out of site unless it's absolutely necessary.
theyre sitting like this L
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phoebehalliwell · 3 years
I need some kind of a photoshop lesson for this aesthetic of yours
okay i’m gonna do a tutorial real time for a picspam type aesthetic that will look like this ⇣ a photo i will put here once i make it.
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step one. open ps : )
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welcome : )
okay so dimensions r a thing tumblr compresses photos like hella so i do all my still img aesthetics 900x900 is you’re trying to do this for say insta i would actually recommend jumping up to 1080x1080. pixels, obviously. idk if i have to clarify that.
so click ctrl+n or create new i’ll be doing 900x900
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these r the rest of my settings i personally do not think they matter my resolution stays at 72 the only thing i’ve detected this affecting is font size. (side note notice how this pic looks all fuzzy? that’s bc it’s a ss with a boatload of pixels. and if there’s one thing tumblr hates. it’s pixels. and then it’s users. but who’s counting? tumblr is. i recommend keeping ur still images 900x900♥)
step two is collecting ur images i personally use pinterest for these bc quite frankly it’s really nice & easy to find these types of photos esp if you’re looking for a canon character bc if you type in [character name] aesthetic you’ll get stuff if you don’t quite frankly even just type in aesthetic you can scroll until you find an image you like click on that and go through like images underneath it and keep burning thru. like u probably know how to work pinterest. but i am being thorough and covering my bases. searching [color] aesthetic is also nice or even searching a character that isn’t the character you’re doing this for but who’s kind of similar that also works. i recommend esp for charmed bc their pinterest gets bogged down with screencaps and then like. charms like jewelry searching “charmed aesthetic” or “phoebe halliwell aesthetic” really just doesn’t cut it so what i’d recommend is instead of going through pins, go through boards.
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bc like. big difference. other pro tips if you see a board you like, go to the person’s profile and check out their other boards bc odds are you’ll find more you like. another protip if you’re specifically doing ocs typing in oc aesthetic will get you a lot even going to the boards on that as well. yields.
so. you’ve gathered ur images. u need five. open em. i’m making an aesthetic 4 myself which you’ve probably already guessed from the fact i’m putting the finished piece at the top, but it’s not ready yet so it’s still a surprise for me. 
cropping. if ur doing a 900x900, use these setting exactly. 1080x1080 use 1080/2 x 1080/3. i’m not doing the math 4 u ♥
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most important part? Delete Cropped Pixels. otherwise ur not really doing anything. crop all five images.
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but them in ur document. document? psd? ur thing ♥ place them places. u do not have to commit now. leave one middle one blank. it does not matter which one. i personally like to alternate my text pieces if i’m doing a long post like what i did on my ncwotng set. some people keep them all on the same side. this lowkey bugs me i feel like it throws off the Balance but i imagine some people like The Consistency. i don’t. but w/e. it’s up to u as this is gonna be ur set. also like. as you’ve cropped these to x/2,x/3 settings they should fit nice like puzzle pieces : )
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the next step i personally like doing is creating by text box with The Color™ do this bc simply duplicating one of ur images, shoving it in the empty slot, and converting into a sharp object. edit contents.
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now. obvi i selected these images w a color scheme in mid. i recommend u do the same. even if it’s just vague. they don’t all have 2 fit. this is my example of my sheridan piece b4 or after. tweaking is possible. layers w masks r ur friend. i can talk about them more if need be.
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But. back 2 the smart object. brush tool. paint it.
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the text i used was times new roman all caps 40pt font 0 spacing for the title and times new roman 14pt font 0 spacing italics for the subheading. here’s my dency b4 and after for comparison
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next step is after you have your text in alright, shove everything into groups. mode on “normal”
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then you can start editing. the groups let you edit things like lighting and color without touching any of the layers below it 👍
i’m not gonna do a Major coloring tutorial, for lighting i’ll usually tinker with exposure, levels, sometimes brightness/contrast. for colors, color balance + hue/saturation. i rarely touch anything else.
i’ll bring u along 4 the coloring of this one bc i’m gonna add a layer mask.
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so the first thing i’m going to do bc the paper itself is already close to the vibe is i’m going to color it normal and just ignore the background
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something like that. then i’m going to add a layer mask (square button w the plus sign)
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and then i’m going to eye dropper a color off from somewhere else
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now i was talking about the “normal” blend mode stops ur color settings from bleeding over onto other images? does not apply to painting on layers but you’re already masking this bad boy, so it doesn’t matter. just don’t say i didn’t warn u
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i’d recommend using a really ridiculous blend mode to clean up ur thing at first, i’m using darken which isn’t that wild but like whatevs.
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add a layer mask using this button.
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select and mask
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use this thing to clean up ur mask
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okay so i did a lot since we last spoke
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but if i impart any lesson to u. it’s: fuck around. find out. that’s literally how i’ve basically done everything. nothing’s ever really gone horribly wrong. click things. see what happens.
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okay so now that you’ve kinda gotten everything figured out. change ur text box color again. i’m introducing u to ye ol trick that is not the paint brush. but. hue/saturation on colorize more yeah babyyyyy
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ahaha yes. love this bad boy.
Now. Trick To Make Everything Super Cohesive™. put things above All of your groups.
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yeah boy.
reorganize ur thing bc u don’t like how it looks.
fuck around w a lot of stuff.
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it’s still cluttered.
fuck it. grab a new image.
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something like that. never let the fear of striking out keep u from playing the game : )
fuck around a bit more.
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save ur image bc u literally Have Not Done That Yet
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& then remember the other thing u forgot to do
eyedropper what ur text box looks like move the whole thing to the tippity top and recolor
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this is just bc u’ve fuck around a lot w a lot f different settings. this ensures that the text stays the same color u set it as.
okay final step.
turn The Whole Thing into a smart object, smart sharpen
leave out the text box tho. the sharpened text can look weird. it’s ur choice, but with these settings,, cronch.
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and wallah. ctrl+shift+s save as png and bada bing bada boom baby. aesthetic
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derireo · 4 years
a3! as part-timers
I FINALLY FINISHED IT AGAIN. Thank you all for being patient with me because I really liked these headcanons and Tumblr just decided to delete them all <3
WARNING: rookie Chikage Utsuki will be included! (this means spoilers for Act 5 are present throughout).
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It's canon that Sakuya works with Misumi, but I have no clue as to what their jobs are. Let's safely assume that Sakuya works at a cafe! His bright disposition and cheerful smile is bound to put a smile on customer's face, but he's a little clumsy when it comes to making drinks so his co-workers always tell him to stick to the cash register. It suits him anyways, being able to talk to different people of different walks of life. He mostly works in the mornings, only after he manages to get Masumi to school on time. He is a customer favourite no doubt, and he brings in a lot of tips for all of the workers to share! Many of the children that come by love him, and especially teachers who are running late to work deem him the sunshine in their life.
Masumi would work at a music shop. Not to be obvious or anything, but music is possibly one of the only constants in his life and he grew a deep bond with it while staying alone at home for most of his life. So when he manages to get a job at shop in inside Veludo Mall, he's ecstatic. Although he gets to spend less time in the dorm (which means less time with the Director), Masumi absolutely loves perusing the endless aisles of music cds, vinyl records, posters, and so much more. He's also very diligent at his job, organizing things perfectly and on time and even helping out customers even though he doesn't really want to. His coworkers grow so fond of him to the point that they let him listen to his own music while doing his job, headphones on while he reorganizes things on the shelves.
I don't really know what part-time job Citron would have, but I know he hangs around the Veludo markets a lot. He's there all the time, helping out the lovely ladies at their food stalls by actively advertising their products of the day and even charming young couples into buying some trinkets at another stall. His charm is very effective, smile so dazzling and eyes so hypnotizing that you can't help but follow him towards a stall where they're selling handmade mochi or fresh produce. This is all volunteering though, Citron doesn't get paid with money. What he does get paid with is lots of hugs and groceries to bring home to the dorm-- much to the delight of Izumi and Omi! Citron's so popular at the markets that he receives a greeting from every single stall while he passes by. And he never leaves empty handed!
Tsuzuru tends to boast about the countless number of part-time jobs he's had. From gas station worker, to waiter, to library work, he has done a lot of things. I don't really think it's something to brag about because if I had that many jobs I would probably d-word. But working at Mankai as a playwright, that's already his dream come true. I don't think he'd want to work anywhere else when he's writing stories and bringing them to life like he has always wanted and it makes me happy to see that he's living out his dream. If anything, if he does work a part-time job, it's probably to get extra money to spend on his younger and older brothers since he's such a family man. And because his stories bring so much attention to Mankai, Sakyo compensates Tsuzuru very generously.
Gaming is Itaru's part-time job. Taruchi is a mysterious persona who is crazy good at video games and has a soothing voice. The kick is that nobody knows what he looks like and Itaru would like to keep it that way. He's a popular streamer and Let's Player so there's no doubt that he is raking in a lot of cash. How he finds time to juggle an office job, Mankai, and streaming is beyond me, but it is absolutely impressive because despite how lazy he seems to be, he is a diligent worker who is very good at entertaining people. Plus, nobody knowing what his face looks like brings in a lot of intrigue and fans. Itaru always baits his fans that just maybe he'll reveal his face to them, but never does. Everyone loves his teasing and Itaru loves messing with people. One of the top streamers on his platform and he's proud of it. The appearance of Banri's NEO also helps a lot with bringing in viewers. (The extra money he makes is donated to the Mankai fund box)
Not gonna lie, but with Chikage being a spy as well as an office worker, I don't think he has enough time to have another job on top of that. As we saw in Act 5, he worked tirelessly on his computer, rarely sleeping. Being a spy is hard work, and now that he realizes that Hisoka may not have betrayed the organization, he now has to work to keep Hisoka's location hidden from enemies. Can you imagine being an office worker tho.... could never be me. Sry Chikage and Itaru lmfao but that sounds painful. Anyways, if Chikage isn't actively working for the organization and isn't posting on his curry blog, maybe he's doing tech support? He's always sitting at his computer so he might as well you know lmfaoo
"I'm too famous to work a part-time job" he says while at the same time applying to work at a bonsai shop. Who are you kidding, Tenma? Also pretty sure the owners don't really care so he gets the job right away since they're in desperate need of help. Tenma acts kind of bratty as it is his first time having a job that isn't acting, but he gets knocked down a few pegs when he has to carry around heavy bags of soil and nutrients for the bonsai trees. Eventually, he comes to love his job, seeing the owners as part of his family as they take great care of him while he works at their shop. Unfortunately, there will still be those fans who will watch him as he works at the bonsai shop, but Tenma uses it to his advantage, saying that if they want to look a little more, they're going to have to buy a bonsai tree. The owners are like ??? wtf tenma ??? but inevitably, it brings in a lot of business;;;
Yuki would definitely work at a boutique as an apprentice!! Working with different types of fabric and body shapes and frills, god, what a dream come true for him! Sure, making costumes for Mankai is one thing, but those are costumes, not actual clothes you would wear outside on the daily. His skill in clothes is amazing and it amazes his mentor who watches on proudly as Yuki sews something gorgeous every single time he comes to help. And Yuki absolutely loves being there too, getting to work on normal every day people who aren't huge hulking men that manage to ruin their measurements every time Yuki makes something for them. Plus, using this experience from his apprenticeship helps him a lot if he so chooses to go to a school for fashion. I'm rooting for you, Yuki!
Working at a manga store, Muku is absolutely in love. He's already in the Library Committee at school so might as well work somewhere book related, right? The boy was lucky to get the job at his favourite manga shop at the mall, and he doesn't even need to wear a uniform! As long as he wears his employee lanyard and name tag, he is all good to go! Being surrounded with his favourite book series and figurines and posters alike is very exciting for Muku, and he works extremely well with customers who need help looking for recommendations or gifts. His enthusiasm charms everyone he talks to and he becomes a customer and workplace favourite after a couple of days. His avid hobby of reading manga is apparent to everyone he comes across, and when he meets another customer who is just as dedicated to manga as he, they have long talks while Muku convinces them to buy more books.
Kazunari would definitely work at an arts store. Cliche, I know, but he wouldn't want to be anywhere else! Michaels would be a good place to start, but knowing how great he is at aesthetics, I think a paint store would do him well too. Both places would mostly have university students as their workers anyways so Kazunari would fit in right away! Popular with customers due to his enthusiasm with art, Kazunari gets a lot of requests for help when choosing certain pigments and wallpapers for bedrooms and large scale art projects. His knowledge with the subject of art is deep and wide, so he is able to answer any questions thrown his way. He is so loved at his job that when he eventually quits to achieve bigger things, they throw a party for him and all promise to visit and watch his next play!
It's canon that Misumi is a freelancer, which means he works any type of odd job and never sticks to one for too long. The job that he has kept the longest is the cafe one where he's with Sakuya. He actually helped Sakuya get this job at the first place, and when they work together, they're a force to be reckoned with! They bring in a lot of tips together and since Misumi is so quick on his feet and speedy with his hands, there's never a line up for drinks. Everything goes out the door just as fast as they had come in and his co-workers love him for it. He is also very popular for his fanged tooth and eye crinkling smile! Many regulars give him triangles as their tips! And if Misumi isn't working at the cafe, he's helping out as a mover because he's quick and strong (like we saw in HaGT), or he is helping out the local mailman. Because the mailman is growing older in age, Misumi takes it upon himself to help him deliver the rest of the mail so that the sweet old man can go home early. Misumi is always seen running around the neighbourhood with the mailbag!
I know this will sound weird, but I think Banri would fare well as a tutor. Knowing that he can just flip through a textbook once and immediately know what to do, I think it would do everyone good if he helped tutor those who struggle. Although I bash Banri a lot (as a joke) I am still able to see that he cares very much for others. He has rarely struggled in his life and clearly doesn't understand the hardships of the other members when they can't seem to do this or that, so he does his best to put himself in their shoes so he knows what he can do to help others who are struggling much the same. So Tsumugi helps him get a tutoring gig, and he hits it off right away. It's impressive really, how he's able to help students understand concepts they once thought they would never be able to get and it makes Banri happy. Banri is someone who wishes to help others-- he even says that he wants to help Mankai grow by bringing back the knowledge he learns at Veludo Arts. And I don't think he'd need the money, so he donates most of it to the Mankai funds.
Is it cliche of me to put Juza in a bakery? You know, sweets, confectionaries. BREAD. God, knowing how Juza grew up with a loving mom who almost always baked sweets for him and Kumon makes me want to cry. I love them so much. Anyways, he'd be a little clumsy in the back kitchen so I think he would just stick to decorating pastries and mini cakes and all that. It's a very curious thing to watch as a customer, a young, mean looking man scrunching his eyebrows as he puts a smiley face on a cupcake. It's cute. There's also another part of me that wants to see him work as an apprentice for shūji, or traditional Japanese calligraphy. Knowing that Juza studied it when he was younger (and that's why his signature is nice), it would definitely be pretty cool for him to do scrolls and stuff. It's a tough job though, considering the art of Japanese calligraphy is an important thing, and every stroke and word you write counts. It's a beautiful art form though, and Juza could make a pretty penny out of commissions.
After learning about journalling from Izumi, Taichi most definitely applied to work at a stationary shop. He's a bit clumsy with it, but he's got the spirit and that's all that matters! Strangely enough, this is one of the rare times where he isn't actively vying for attention, but for some reason he gets it a lot here. It's not like he minds or anything, but please, ladies, quiet down ^^; He is a favourite in the workplace though since he's so energetic and is always eager to help out customers; especially the old grandmas who are looking for gifts to give their grandchildren. The old ladies love him too, and they pamper him a lot much to his bashful enjoyment. And since his coworkers know that he loves journalling so much, they give him a lot of extra stock to bring home so that he can share it with Izumi and Omi! On a less serious note, he'd probably do public dance battles outside with his friends to get a quick buck.
Man... Omi would work at a bakery too. Most likely he would work with Juza because that would make sense, and both of their presences at the bakery shop would attract a lot of attention. Two, hulking dudes working at a bakery shop? Count me in pls. He'd be the one working at the back kitchen, baking everything and such. I would have also liked to put him in a restaurant, but considering that you can't become a sous chef or even a head chef until years later (due to the hierarchy and training), I don't think I want him to do that. He's already studying to become a business major after all so it would be difficult to juggle two separate things to study for. He would also work great as a photographer, but he doesn't do any taxing jobs unless it's for Mankai or very close friends. His friends always pay him too much, but they insist he keeps the money (which he puts into Mankai funds) and as compensation from Sakyo, the older man lets Omi indulge in buying expensive ingredients for that night's dinner.
Why is Sakyo working so hard? I'm getting worried. He works as Mankai's accountant and is part of the Yakuza; those are already two stressful things to work for. He has so much to do and there's always a lot of plate considering he manages a lot of Mankai with Matsukawa and Izumi, and on top of that he always acts as Mankai's Papa, Accountant, and Grumpy Old Man at the End of the Street. And when he isn't doing anything at Mankai, Patriarch Izumida calls him in for a task to do at Ginsenkai or the area they patrol. He also owns a freakin' diner that is under Ginsenkai's care like?? wtf Sakyo. He works so hard, spends tireless days to help keep Mankai afloat and it makes my heart hurty </3 Sakyo was my first crush so I can't help but worry a little and he's my comfort character whenever I'm way too engrossed at looking at Omi's huge bahonkerz so pls... Sakyo take care of urself I'm begging. Also most of the money he earns goes to his family, and the rest is for Mankai's funds.
Tsumugi on the other hand would stay as a tutor since it's canon! Sure, he has a bit of competition now that he's helped Banri enter the tutoring scene, but he's still got his loyal students to take care of. He is a very diligent worker and is very smart so working out problems is nothing too hard for him. He cares for each and every student he has, writing personalized study outlines for them as well as keeping notes on them with what they're struggling on, what they're excelling at, and even takes notes on their study habits and how long their attention lasts for until they need to take a break. Tsumugi makes sure that he is teaching his students properly and cares for them a lot. If not tutoring, he is helping at the local Veludo flower boutique and is very popular there. He helps create a lot of bouquets with deep meanings, but sometimes those bouquets he makes are gifting to him right after, lmao
Ugh as for Tasuku, knowing how good he is at fixing things, he would be great at an electronics store or a mechanics shop. He has a natural talent at fixing things and I can only assume it's because as a child, he really loved tinkering with items that were laying around the house. Plus, knowing that he has an older brother, he probably had a lot of Gundam sets laying around that sparked his interest in building things. You've seen him fix a lot of things right? To his motorcycle, his car, the television, my heart, omfg he can do it all like wtf. He becomes so skilled at fixing cars that he somehow acquires the skill to soup them up too?? When did those big ass rims get there? Where the hell did those damn hydraulics come from? That sort of thing. God he would look so sexy in a classic Ford Mustang </3 On the other hand, I think he would be great at becoming an acting coach. He might give Yuzo a run for his money.
It's canon that Hisoka has a job, but no one really knows what it is I think. I believe he would be a mattress tester! Remember that backstage story with the All Male Lap Pillow Competition or whatever? Hisoka is basically a connoisseur at all things soft and comfortable because he chose Izumi's lap as the most comfortable. He said it was so soft (god I wish I were him) that he could fall asleep and he did!!! Absolutely amazing. With his picky sleeping choices, Hisoka is able to tell whether this or that mattress prototype is good to go or needs some working on. The benefits to this job is that he gets to sleep a lot too because of course, they need to see if the mattress is good enough to sleep on!! Of course he gets paid in money, but since his managers know that he loves marshmallows, they pay him in that too.
Does Homare really need a part-time job? He's basically a renowned writer, it's just that Mankai seems ignorant to the fact. Tsuzuru and Muku has found a whole bunch of his books in the library for goodness sake so of course he's making mad bank! In HaGT he had a business meeting with a publisher/editor so you can't really tell me that he isn't good at his job because if he's having international meetings?? UHM. Of course he's famous literally what is he at Mankai for? The Found Family??? GOD OF COURSE you can stay Homare I love you so much. But seriously, he is super rich, and because he loves Mankai so much, he helps out and chips in to fill the Mankai funds so that they can stay afloat.
And here we have Azuma. I am not going to lie, but I am very protective over Azuma when it comes to his part-time job. Azuma was lonely for a huge chunk of life, unable to fill the void where his family used to sit in his heart. So he picked up skincare, and then he picked up cuddling/escort. His job in the past was full of false security and fake love that would never seal the cracks in his body, but when he found Mankai, something was different. He felt like he belonged somewhere. Especially after Nocturnality, it's obvious that Azuma has finally found his home. So I don't want him to go back to his cuddling/escort job;;; but if he wants to work again, I think being a skincare consultant would be really good! Since his skin is so flawless, many customers would flock to him for advice and the best products to use. His gentle voice and soothing caress as he rubs cream into his customer's skin is hypnotizing, and he shares his skincare routine with anyone who is willing to spend the time, effort, and money into making their skin look pretty like his.
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@the-quantum-repairman asked:
❄️🔥 ( one of each please )
Oof, this gonna take a bit. One difference and one similarity between myself and each of my muses.
Simon -
Similarity: Simon and I are both touch starved while being haphephobic at the same time. We both crave touch and affection but need it on our own terms or it freaks us out.
Difference: Simon has a deep soft spot for children, and although I have nothing against kids, I don't particularly enjoy their company. I always feel awkward around kids, whereas Simon feels right at home with them.
Markus -
Similarity: Markus' chosen family is very important to him, as mine is to me. We both chose the people that were most important to us even if those families are a little unconventional, and even if relationships are a little strained with some, we still love them very much.
Difference: Markus has all the charisma and confidence I wish I had, but sadly, do not have in real life.
Leo -
Similarity: We both have more anxiety than any twelve people need and are awkward beans.
Difference: Leo obviously knows what it's like to be on drugs and I actually have zero firsthand experience with this. I've never even smoked pot. Hell, I've never even smoked cigarettes.
Ralph -
Similarity: We both have super strong trust issues and are very wary of strangers.
Difference: I may be a little impulsive but I'm nowhere near as chatoically impulsive as Ralph is. I've got a lot more self control.
Daniel -
Similarity: We're both kind of cynical old men in spirit. Easily irritated and always expecting the worst (although I hope for the best anyways while Daniel doesn't dare). We close ourselves off a lot to protect ourselves from a cruel world.
Difference: Daniel acts more aggressive than I do. He's either more confident in his ability to follow through with a threat, or he's more reckless about throwing threats around. I think mean things if you tick me off, but I'm not usually so bold and vocal about it.
Jerry(s) -
Similarity: The Jerry's and I both have gone through a lot of bad things in life, but still try to be kind to others and make positives out of negatives despite how bad things are. We aren't ignorant to the bad and know that life can suck, but we try to look for the good and strive for better things anyways.
Difference: Each of the Jerrys have a job that I would never really want. I don't like baking or cooking, am not organized enough to be a party planner, and definitely don't have the focus and ambition to hold any sort of job in the medical field.
Lysias -
Similarity: Both of us see a great injustice in the world and are mad about it. We both know there are many things going on in the world that are fundamentally wrong and are directly caused by humans.
Difference: I don't want to commit mass genocide of the human race to fix it.
Elianna -
Similarity: We are both a bit naive and don't always see everything for what it is. Sometimes we make mistakes and social faux pas simply because of inexperience or a lack of thinking things through more carefully before spewing out the words, realizing how bad it sounds, and then reorganizing our thoughts into something less unintentionally offensive.
Difference: Elianna is more likely to step in and do something when she sees something wrong. She's braver than I am and will speak up if she sees someone being mistreated in public, whereas, most of the time, I will lend moral support after the fact, but won't risk harm by jumping into the fray while it's happening.
Arda -
Similarity: Arda is soft spoken like I am while still being straightforward and honest. We can both deliver a harsh message in a tactful manner (tho sometimes I choose to be more blunt, I am capable of being more diplomatic like she almost always is).
Difference: Arda would rather suffer physical harm to herself than fight back and hurt someone else, even if they are in the wrong. She can't bare the thought of being the cause of someone else's pain, whereas, if I'm being attacked, I'm going to fight back with everything I've got.
Alma -
Similarity: Alma and I are both kind of pushovers... to a point. The more you step on us, the more vindictive we get and we may seem fine until we suddenly explode in an ugly way. We can take a lot but once that final straw falls we don't put up with shit anymore and get downright mean, and it usually suprises the hell out of whoever has been pushing our buttons for so long.
Difference: Alma has prophetic dreams sometimes, or at the very least, dreams that reflect past events and foreshadow future ones. When I dream, it makes no sense. You cannot deduct a reason for my dreams like you can his. They are just garbled nonesense that follows no rules or path of any sort. At least his dreams are based in reality and logic, even when they do get more abstract.
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Fanfic Trope Meme
I was tagged by @ur-the-puppy
Copy/paste and bold your fic preferences because why not, gotta choose one (near impossible, but go with your first gut instinct), and tag someone. I’m also adding fic recs for each of my choices just because I’m extra, ya’ll don’t have to. In fact ten ten would not recommend it sucked. I need to reorganize my bookmarks...
slow burn or love at first sight 
Before Words, Beyond Silence by natkate (@spicydiceyboi): is both love at first sight and a slow burn, there’s an instant and satisfying connection but they don’t act on it for a stupid amount of time because they’re stupid and this fic is amazing
fake dating or secret dating
I’m really loving Let’s Ruin Thanksgiving by sans_carte (@sanscarte): right now. Clarke hires Lexa off of Craig’s list to pretend to be her girlfriend to piss off her mom. Updates every Saturday!
enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers
Ugh, it’s That Time of Year by awkwardrainbow (@jazzyjazzin): is really getting me through until winter break rn. There’s that instant connection but also that classic let’s hate each other because we’ve got nothing better to do.
oh no there’s only one bed or long-distance with correspondence
Love In the Time of Comic Con by eternaleponine (@ironicsnowflake): listen, listen, eternaleponine saw a list of fanfic tropes and decided to write one solely off this trope. That’s all this is. There is only one bed. That’s it. Clexa are actors in a post apocalyptic show and the kids in it are always scheming to get the two together. Also there’s only one bed. 
hurt/comfort or amnesia
Returned by Diaph: I’m gonna go ahead and call this hurt/comfort even tho really it could be filed under both. Clarke is tortured by the ice nation and returns a shell of herself unable to tell real from fake. It reminds me of a coldmackerel line: “Clarke was not given back to her Clarke was simply- given back.” or something like that. Anyway. Really angsty but worth it for the happy ending. 
fantasy au or modern au
if you cry out i’ll be there now by thrace is painfully amazing
mutual pining or domestic bliss
Polis 433 by nutalexfanfic (@ecfandom): I’m sure everyone’s already read this and Jesus good for them all I do is scream about this fic day and night I swear to god
smut or fluff
Bloom by RaspberryTree: it’s just cute as hell. Like. It just is.
canon compliant (missing scenes) or fix-it fic
There are so many fix it fics I could rec but the one that is currently bleeding a hole in my scull is Second Chances by Sarafaerosa: Clarke is launched back in time to five days after Lexa captured her. Clarke desperately wants to save Lexa even if that means giving her up. It’s so beautifully written you guys
alternate universe or future fic
tell me, did you fall for a shooting star? by clarkesquad: don’t even look or talk to me about this fic I don’t want to hear it
one-shot or multi-chapter
I’m begging of you please don’t take my man by outlier this is an amazing, hilarious, sweet, wonderful clexa one-shot. But, on another note, I think this is one of the best written Octavias in any clexa fic. unicyclehippo does good work with octavia tho...
kid fic or roadtrip fic
It Rained in Seattle by clarketomylexa (@clarketomylexa): Clarke adopts a small child, Lexa, her neighbor, also adopts her. Kind of on accident. It’s a proximity thing. (They eventually realize they’re in love.)
reincarnation or character death
i found love (where it wasn’t supposed to be) by someonelsesheart: I love just about everything this author has ever written and this is a damn fine fic that I don’t think I’ve seen on a lot of other rec lists. Clarke is transported to a different apocalypse after the events of the mountain
arranged marriage or accidental marriage
Love in the Ink We Shared by GillyTweed: a short cute little one-shot of Lexa and Clarke falling for each other
high school romance or middle-aged romance
Little Earthquakes by nosuchanimal: I could not tell you what it is about this pic that makes it one of my fav high school aus but it absolutely is and if you read nothing else on this list I would highly recommend you read this
time travel or isolated together
where i can’t follow by lighterfighter08: Lexa is the time traveler’s wife, Clarke is the time traveler. 
neighbors or roommates
That Catch of Breath by CorvusCorvidae: Lexa and Clarke share a room. It doesn’t really end well Clarke isn’t responsible
sci-fi au or magic au
bring it on home to me by geralehane (@geralehane): now we all know and love Gera for the step sister au and the gold digger au but this is one of my fav one-shots of all time. Clarke is an android designed to keep the space ship safe, Lexa is an officer on that space ship, kept awake during a ten year period because she alone can handle the isolation because well she’s... isolated. 
angst or crack
Landslide by gabsrambles: one of the more painful fics I’ve read, very heartbreaking, very difficult, expertly written, Clarke and Lexa are so achingly perfect for one another it’s impossible
apocalyptic or mundane
Mysteries of Love by 10milestereo: really one of the more satisfying apocalyptic fics. Clarke and Lexa meet again at the eve of another apocalypse. 
I’m tagging @lexascandlestores, @favvnsongs, and @dreamsaremywords
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astrologysvt · 4 years
Chart First Impressions - Vernon
For more SVT astrology posts, follow my blog! Check out my masterlist to see all the readings I’ve done so far and what I’ve got coming up! 💫
This is just a very general reading of the member’s charts — the parts that popped out to me, things I personally liked, things I thought were interesting or contrary to the image I have of them. I’m not looking at anything in particular with each reading. Some of their readings may be more aspect focused, where some may just focus solely on their personal planets and their signs. If you have any questions on specific aspects or want to request a more specific reading, feel free to send me an ask!
two aquarians down, one more to go. 
so i do feel the need to explain why i’m not here arguing why i think vernon or even dk may be either a pisces/aquarius sun.
(tho tbh if either of them were to lean towards pisces, i think it’d be vernon). 
but really for me it just comes down to the fact they feel very clearly aquarian.
with woozi, his energies were a lot more vague/muddled and harder to organize where as it’s a lot simpler and cleaner a break with these two aqua/pisces cusps. 
generally, aqua and pisces influences feel very different to me. 
for me to consider them more pisces, i would be looking for them to appear much more yielding within a group and i don’t get that sense.
i’d also be looking for a certain degree of people-pleasing, or at least a strong courtesy towards how they contribute to the room’s energy. an aqua wouldn’t be as conscientious of this. they may be aware of it, but they wont let themselves be inhibited by it. where as a pisces would be hyper aware of this and very cautious. 
not only that, but i’m not looking charts that would be void of explanation on either sign/element’s influence if they leaned either way. 
woozi had no other scorpio in his chart if his sun wasn’t in scorpio.
where as with vernon, regardless of whether he’s an aqua or pisces sun, he’s still got a strong aqua and pisces influence in his chart to begin with so his reading wouldn’t be drastically different if he turned out to be a pisces sun. 
similar with dk, where as his cancer influence in tandem with his aqua and libra would make it so the rest of his reading wouldn’t be horribly compromised. 
if either one of them were to end up being a pisces sun, my reading of them would still be very similar just reorganized.
where as with jihoon, it was an entirely different story. 
so it’s a mixture of pisces and aquas being a lot easier to differentiate than sag/scorpio, and also their charts having both influences in their other personal planets that i’m not too stressed about figuring their suns out. 
but lets focus back on vernon. 
his sun and mercury is in aqua. 
i think vernon exemplifies exactly what i expect with an aquarius — like picture perfect artsy-brand aquarius. 
his style (for one) has been so clearly created by him without any regard with what everyone else is doing. 
and i think this is an important distinction to make with aquarians. 
a lot of people like to think that aquarians like to be contrary for the sake of being contrary, and tbh i do know enough aquarians to know that sometimes that IS the case (but i dunno i think they just like messing with me) 
but i do genuinely believe that when it comes to art and their work, the stuff that they do is genuinely so unique and out there because that’s just how their mind’s work. 
for example, if you’re looking at a painting you’re generally going to focus on the focal points of them. the subject, the name of the painting, the artist, maybe context if ur interested. you’re going to take the evidence given to you to try and form a linear narrative. you’re going to focus on what you think the painter wants you to notice. 
whereas an aquarius is naturally drawn elsewhere, maybe the background. maybe they’re noticing how it looks with the other paintings around it, or how the light is hitting it. maybe their placing the painting in a wild alternative universe and creating a story around it. 
they’re less concerned with building a narrative around what the painter is trying to show, and is more concerned with finding new, uncovered things about it. 
and that’s kinda a very vague glimpse into how aquarians build these crazy alternative worlds and perspectives they live in. 
aquarians are a very progressive sign, this is certainly because they have a strong set of principles that lean very humanitarian. 
but it’s also because they simply hate whatever may threaten one’s ability to exert autonomy over themselves, their expression, and how people perceive/treat them. 
whether it’s them personally, or generally, or symbolically. 
i don’t think it’s a direct correlation (like he thinks this way because he’s an aquarian) but when he was on happy together and they were talking about how his korean was very good and he was like “i mean, i AM korean.” 
this is a very aquarian thing to want to blur the lines, and encourage people around them too approach these potentially hard to understand concepts simply and a matter-of-factly. 
(tho i think in this specific instance he was really just combating the perception that he was more foreign to the MCs than he actually was).
anyway, back to aquas being lovable weirdos. 
i like to think that the many ways aquas like to present themselves isn’t just for show/for the sake of being different. 
sometimes it certainly takes a very physical/in your face form such as with fashion, but i like to think that they dress and act the way they do because they like being in the state of opposition and friction. 
by having this imagine of themselves reflected back to them in how drastically different the other side is, that is something that both gives them excitement as well as a sense of comfort through purpose and identity. 
they like sticking out because it’s a declaration of their character. 
not only that, but they love the ease of just doing what they want without having to think or feel the weight of “what is everyone else going to think?” 
that freedom is very important to them. 
how interesting is it tho that we’ve got two aqua suns with water moons?? 
vernon’s scorpio moon is gonna be VERY different from dk’s cancer moon. 
as social as an aqua can be in concept, they can really and honestly go either way. 
either they are the popular kid whose in every extracurricular and is student council president, or they’re the kid sitting in the corner who just doodles all day in class. 
you throw in a scorpio moon and it really makes him a pretty solitary guy. 
extreme lone wolf vibes. 
he likes being by himself, and it’s partially cuz the world is loud and his mind is entertaining in and of itself, and partially him being an incredibly independent and self-sufficient person. 
he’s got the least social chart in all of seventeen, and any anti-social behaviors he may have simply come from the fact that looking outwards to others is not in his immediate logic. 
it’s not in his muscle memory. 
if he gets excited about a project, he’s probably going to lock himself up in his room and burry himself in it, as opposed to getting others involved.
“i need to get something? great i can leave right now.”
he doesn’t think to ask others if they wanna go because they aren’t a part of his immediate checklist that’s integral to his day/wellbeing. 
his energies churn inwardly, and this is also why you find him just sitting around staring into space. 
not because he doesn’t want to talk to people or doesn’t care about people, but because he’s very comfortable living in his mind and simply doesn’t care to experiment too much with his immediate effect on the world around him. 
you take someone like jun who has so much energy bubbling in him, he can’t help but start doing things just to see what will happen and how people will react. 
vernon may have a similar curiosity, but it’s much more imaginative, abstract, and isolated. he can play out those scenarios in his mind. 
and this has many facets to it: his aqua influence makes him inventive and original in his thoughts where he as absolutely no shortage of daydream material. you throw in that pisces mars that is half daydreaming all the time, and that scorpio moon that makes him very intentionally reserved/independent and you’ve got vernon. 
so vernon’s scorpio moon is everything we’ve talked about before about water moons: empathetic, intuitive, sensitive. 
i think his scorpio moon is more interesting because of the darkness that a scorpio influence implies. 
there’s a alarming depth from where his emotions rise from, which is surprising considering how chill he seems outwardly. 
when it comes to his emotions, whatever it is, he wants them unabashed and unfiltered. no shame whatsoever. 
this is due to his scorpio influence’s desire for authenticity, but also his aqua influence’s deep dislike for the superficial. 
this would make him very discerning and generally pretty good at knowing when someone is trying to manipulate him, though his pisces mars may confuse him here and there. 
he’d really be great for any deep, wild, out-there, maybe even taboo conversations you may wanna have. 
pretty much anything would be on the table.
this is because his aqua influence would be prepared to entertain anything and everything, and is equally prepared take it seriously as you do.  
while his scorpio moon isn’t particularly afraid of whatever you may bring up, and is pretty attracted to the more out-there topics. 
it’d honestly just take a lot to really freak him out, and he’s really just open/excited to entertain any random idea you may have. 
even if he reacts viscerally or even negatively, he’s still very slow to write something off. 
his scorpio moon is sextile his cap venus
this softens his chart up a little bit, may mellow out his out-there qualities and give him a greater appreciation for more classy & romantic things. 
this makes him more fluid in his interactions with people than his forthright aqua and unyielding scorpio may connote. 
wonwoo has this same aspect, too, actually. 
this would make him much more dynamic and flexible in how he expresses/receives affection. 
would certainly also make him a lot more dedicated and stable in relationships than a aqua/pisces influence may imply where normally aqua wants independence and pisces may not be as present. 
then you also have his scoprio moon trine pisces mars.
this is the aspect that really turns this chart upside down on it’s head imo. 
aqua, scorpio, cap? they sound ready to fight at the drop of the hat. 
but you have water meeting water in this trine, and this very seamless exchange of energies between emotion and action really turns him into this amazing peace-keeper because of how level-headed it makes him.
i think i remember they were talking in svt club about how vernon never gets angry, and if he gets angry it’s probably because other people are fighting and he’s like. 
“i don’t get this. why?” 
this is because he really doesn’t understand how people can get so swept by emotion that they’d start arguing with each other. 
and he feels this way because, with a harmonious aspect between moon and mars, energy flows through him incredibly smoothy and easily. 
good, bad, sad, excited. all that fun stuff flows through him and doesn’t experience much of a road block, and so with that he’s not only very familiar with the passing of these emotions, but he’s able to process and regulate them pretty easily without trying. 
this would make him that excitable, expressive, reactive vernon we know and love because the emotions just flow through him. 
but this would also mean that, because of that, he understands how to ride the waves of his emotions so that they don’t end up sweeping him in their undercurrent. 
so when people do get into these heated arguments, he struggles to understand why they’d handle it in certain ways. 
with that being said, he does have his moon square mercury which means he isn’t the BEST at communicating his thoughts on this matter. 
he wants to so badly to put everything he feels into comprehensible words and concepts because of his aqua mercury. 
but that aqua mercury may make his viewing/expression too far reaching to understand, while his scorpio moon may make his emotions hard to grasp and translate in the first place. 
at the end of the day, his way of thinking is far too intuitive and abstract to put into words. 
so, lmao, don’t invite him to mediate ur next fight. he’ll probs just confuse you both. 
but if you need someone to chill with to cool you off and calm you down? he’s great because all that water turns him into this fantastic shock-absorber, and as i said before, his aqua/scorpio means that almost anything is on the table. 
the last thing i’ll talk about is his pisces mars! 
he’s a gentle, gentle boy. 
if it wasn’t obvious enough already, there really isn’t a single angry bone in his body (that’s an exaggeration, we’re all capable of anger). 
but he has such a gentle approach to life thanks to this pisces mars, and he goes about this with such sincerity and it’s so unfiltered and out there that you can’t help but appreciate how earnest he is, no matter how weird at the same time. 
this would also turn his aquarian interest in a much more creative direction.
i know he said he can’t draw, but he has such a strong knack for creative thinking with that unique aqua and his pisces mars giving him a very fluid means of expression and deep understanding of artistic nuance. 
everything he does, even if he’s not particularly good at, will have his signature stamp because he has such a great outlet for him to express his super strong, aquarian sense of self. 
(and that, in and of itself, is an artistic feat). 
super empathetic, a lot more emotional than he lets on. 
but again, due to his moon’s harmonious aspects, even with all that deadpan and logical aqua, emotions are never ultra-abrasive to him so it’s genuinely really hard to catch an extreme emotion out of him unless he’s in a negative place generally.
he just gets emotions, and if he doesn’t understand them immediately he knows how to sit with them and live in them. 
a very healing person to be around. 
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kendrixtermina · 5 years
Disclaimer For Potential Partners (f/m/x)
Writing this down as much to gather my thoughts and go into this with clear priorities as for possible future reference. 
My mother always told me that if you wanted everyone to like you, you’d have to be a 50 dollar bill. I have come to accept that I’m more like licorice. Some people aren’t gonna like me but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t others who would appreciate me. 
I’d rather you run away screaming NOW than in three years when we’re both invested so Let’s get all this out of the way:
I’m bisexual. Yes, I’ve dated dudes in the past. I’ve had a brief online flirt with an agender person and do think androgynous ppl are hot which I suppose would make me pan in some ppl’s books, at this point the choice in label is purely aesthetic. I’m looking for a female partner right now because I’ve always had a slight preference for girls anyways but a sufficiently compatible non-female would not be refused. 
Because ppl have gotten this wrong in the past: Preference is about how likely you are to notice that someone is hot in the first place like in the early stages. It doesn’t mean my attachment to those dudes was any less “real” (or the other way around!) I just flat out don’t care whats in your pants there are other things to be picky about
From since I was young, the message I got from music, books etc is that it’s pretty bad to say “I love you” unless you truly mean it. So I don’t say “I love you” until I’m 100% sure I can do that it good conscience. It seems that it takes me a bit longer to be sure than most people, but it’s not like I’ve conducted statistics on this
I’m not vegan/vegetarian and I’m never going to be vegan/vegetarian
I’m not a pet person 
I’m not a sporty person and I’m never going to be a sporty person
Go through my stuff, spy on me in any way or ask me to tell you where I am at all times and its over
I’m an antiprohibitionist and don’t think there’s anything morally wrong with taking recreational substances. Conversely, I’m not interested in that sort of thing as a full-on lifestyle either. 
I try to keep an open mind and try everything once but im probably not gonna reorganize my life around new age woo-woo. 
So far my folks have liked most my partners, but if our social circles don’t get along I’m comfortable with leaving them separate. 
I believe in judging people as individuals first. I don’t wanna hear no paranoid shit about “the muslims” or other stereotypical carricatures but if you’re gonna be “europeans that europeans this” as if im not in the room its not gonna work. 
Don’t be fooled by the foreign-sounding surname im a potato through and through. No exotic fanservice to be had here. 
Barring unforseen dictatorships, I don’t want to move out of Europe. I like it here. Its full of frustrating dumbasses but so is the rest of the world.  Yay for cheese and consumer protection laws! I would consider moving closer to the shore though. 
It’s fine if you don’t speak German but you should not hate or dislike it.  English is a plus because me, my friends and my family are into internet culture
I haven’t spoken to my father in five years. No, you’re not going to patch this up. You don’t have to ignore him too if you’re not comfortable but you’ll have to respect my choice instead of playing family therapist or throwing platitudes about forgiveness at me. 
Im not counting and it depends on your definition but Ive fucked at least 15-20 people, which according to statistics is above average? Always used rubber unless it was long-term and exclusive tho. That might bother some ppl. 
That said it has been my conclusion that fucking does nothing that a beer can’t do and that the real quality stuff is what you could already do as a grade schooler when you still thought of all the grownup stuff as mystical. Having ice cream together, exploring new places, having contemplative conversations in the rain, telling each other your fantasies? That’s The Stuff. 
Hence while I wouldn’t turn down some fuckage along the way what im looking for at this point is someone to share life and grow old with, like there doesn’t need to be the expectation of further strings but the end goal RN is to find One That Sparks Joy(TM) that will get precedence
I’m not big on material gifts or the ritual part of dating if thats important to you I might not be the ideal candidate, but if its not thats probably good for your wallet
I’m a strong introvert. Sometimes I go weeks without talking to anyone other than my boss or maybe texting my relatives. If you’re very introverted or work alot this might be an advantage. Of course if I love you I will try my best to match up to your attention needs but if you need your partner to text you 15 times every day to feel good I might just not be your cup of tea
That doesn’t mean im not interested in going on or doing new experiences. I very much hope to do that together with you just not 5 days a week - if you can’t give new things wholehearted tries things might get uncomfortable
I like spicy food and all sort of asian cousine, but if you can’t stand the sight of cheese, asparagus and sausage it’s not gonna work either. I can obviously put less chili in your portion. 
I tend to talk fast and I find it hard to stop it even if I try, if that bothers you look elsewhere
I cannot stand forced optimism OR over-the top misanthropy or snobbishness. I will gush about things, but I like my dark edgy content and I stand by it. It is an advantage if you like talking about art. If you don’t like morbid humor that might be a problem
No diet talk
No perfectionism
No passive aggressive ppl or ppl that are uncomfortable with direct confrontation. That won’t work, we’d just set each other off even without meaning to and it would just be sad. If Im doing something wrong don’t expect me to notice by magic, tell me to my face so I can fix it. Don’t be hostile out of nowhere and don’t beat around the bush. 
im not religious or spiritual. I don’t mind if you are but if you want to have kids and bring them up strongly-immersed in some Abrahamic faith im not sure if this is the right adress
No anti-intellectualism (no snobbery, elitism or smartassery either - as a wise pig once said, “Knowledge is a horizon to strive for, not a prize to hold in your hand” It begins with realizing what you don’t know)
Indifferent about monogamy, but I wouldn’t say that I’m the sort of person who needs non-monogamy either.  If you want to we can do it (write me out some list of where you draw the lines so there’s no misunderstandings) but if you don’t it’s no biggie. I don’t care if you fuck 10 other people - for me, respect, honor and loyalty are to do with other things, like, don’t make fun of me and don’t expect me to change because one (1) person said I’m weird or whatever.
Don’t give me diseases tho. I’ll take precautions to extend the same courtesy to you.  
Potential character flaws: I can be a tad sensitive, disorganized and defensive sometimes, not gonna sugarcoat it. I have no filter and curse like a sailor. Also I have zero social skills and sometimes I come across as either angry or unemotional when its really the opposite. I find that just as confusing and contradictory as that sounds, I have like zero sense of how I come off. I try to be aware of all of these and do right to everyone to the best of my ability but if you’re sensitive about any of these point someone else might be a better fit 
2 kids max. I’m not sure I’ll have ANY at this point, and most certainly not in the next 5 years. IF we decide to have some later I volunteer to carry them though, I probably have good genes, my mom popped out 4 babies in 6 years with nary a complication. Besides I’d rather it was me dealing with the gross pregnancy stuff than someone I love
My favorite bedroom stuff is fingers-in-front-cavity and butt stuff. Mild sleepsex fetish but nothing super pronounced. What I don’t like or just am not very good at is top/bottom play. 
So far most my partners have had somewhat stronger sex drive than me but Id argue that I very much have one and ive never refused unless I was in physical pain, severely sleep-deprived or working on some important work-related thing that was due the next day. 
It’s important - and science backs me up on this - that you can freely talk to each other in n open, natural and relaxed manner
If you think im weird just do us both the favor and stay away don’t come at me with the attitude that you’re gonna mold me to your desires - even just writing this comes off kinda touchy but im saying this because some people out there really don’t get it. Like my natural tendency is to be open, courious and realistic,  but some people see that as free real estate and then it falls to me to be the reasonable one and End The Madness and im tired of that.
Like I want to be able to give love and pour out all my inner romantic shit without having to be afraid of being fucked over I want to be able to trust you with my inner harley quinn as well as my inner phantom of the opera 
UGH that sounded a bit tryhard didn’t it? But its the best description i could come up with
Must remember to translate this into mordor speak later
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thedappleddragon · 3 years
today was kinda cool and wired. I woke up to a phone call from my mom asking me to come to her room and she told me she bought a bunch of furniture for my bedroom online. at first I was almost angry and upset? because its MY room and she could have at least asked me about it before imposing all these sudden changes to it. I go to my room and hang out in my bed as a nice comfy constant and thats a lot of change, plus SO MUCH EFFORT to get everything out of my room to make room for new stuff and putting all hat in. she bought a dresser, a tall set of drawers, a mirror, and a 3 piece headboard thing as a set. and I had conflicting feelings for a little bit but laid back down in bed for a minute and felt better about it. im genuinely exited to finally have nice furniture and a dresser with functional drawers, and maybe this is the deep clean and reorganizing my room needs. so both drove to pick up a haul van that she rented and drove for a while in comfortable relative silence except for the squeaky-ass back door to the truck and when we got into the little dumpster town the guy lived in we struggled to find a bank for way too long so she sent me into a gas station with an atm. then we struggled to find a restaurant to split a 20 in so I went into a dollar general for the first time. ive only ever been in dollar trees and maybe a couple family dollars during a vacation to Florida so it was VERY different than what I was expecting. I was like “wow how do they have all this shit for a dollar” until I looked around a bit more and saw that most of it was more than that. but anyway I picked up some gummy bears and Chex mix and we were off to the dude’s house. ive had a little experience with moving furniture in and out of a haul truck now since my mom went on a furniture buying spree a few months ago and I had to help with most all of the deliveries so it wasn't too hard. on the drive home my band friend group chat devolved into madness and I fuckin loved it :) we’re all going to hell after this awetrsdtyfuyguhjnk. then my sister and I unloaded all the stuff and set it wherever it would fit until I eventually start preparing all my shit to be moved out of my room. it stresses me out a bit thinking about how goddamn big a task thats gonna be holt shit. I have so much stuff everywhere in my room idk how im gonna maneuver it all. idk maybe ill get some boxes. meanwhile while we were moving stuff my mom picked up groceries and got covid tested (she works at a nursing home so she gets tested like every day, but she’s been negative every time) and I rode with her in the van to return it to the uhaul place. we stopped to get food and my mom complained about getting an impossible burger instead of a normal one. then my sister and I hung out for a bit until I went to my room and just chilled. I watched youtube and played Stardew valley ( I donated 3 new fish to the museum and I have to wait until next season to finish the fish tank on my active file, and I think im pretty close to finishing the community center. I REALLY  need to get my hands on some irridium tho because I want to expand my farm but I run out of time and energy In the day. I just want to build a coffee plant empire, is that too much to ask???) and now im listening to asmr way to loud just thinking wayyy too much about stuff I dont really wanna think about, but not in a painful way, I guess more just intrusive stupid thoughts? idk I dont wanna talk about it. oh also I was singing the same few lines of a sea shanty thats been popping up on my tiktok fyp for the past few days and today all of that effort trying to hit the low notes caught up to me and my thoat hurt when I talked too much. but I went to make myself a pbj and I thought my voice sounded a little deeper and different??? I wanna keep singing low notes to try and get my voice deeper just for funsies or just expand my singing range because its in a kinda wierd middle ground between ranges. part of me wants to play webkinz again, but a lot of the times I try and pick it up again I try to play every day and that just makes it feel like a chore. and the app wasn't working properly or at all when I last tried, so ill probably just so it another day.
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zvaigzdelasas · 7 years
hey so, I saw ur post abt liberals being bad and like? I always assumed I was liberal but we seem to agree on a lot of things judging by what I've seen of ur blog, so would u explain how you define a liberal? genuinely curious, ty for ur time
Yeahsure anon! within the political mainstream in the US, “liberal”tends to be the default identity that people hold towhen they don‘t outright support screwing people over in moreobvious ways, so I understand that confusion – I used to considermyself a liberal too (at one point i even considered myself alibertarian but that‘s a whole other bag of worms lol). Thisis gonna be a lil bit lengthy but i hope u find it helpful!
There‘sa lot of problems with liberalism, but most of them really stem fromthe belief that the reasons the world is cruel are because the systemisn‘tworking as intended, and if we were to grease the right wheels andtighten the right screws, things would be prettymuch ok.
„Ifwe vote for the right politicians, things would be fixed!“ whileeven the most genuinely well-intentioned politicians (who are a tinyminority anyway) still have to work within the frameworks of theState which are largely determined by Capitalism, and any reforms tomake things work more for ~the people~ are necessarily temporary, andcan be rolled back when someone without those same good intentionscomes into power. Looking at the US today is a pretty stark example,but you can even see this when  you look at the liberal wonderland ofSweden: in the 70‘s-80‘s their famous social safety net wasreally at its peak, they were even moving to gradually move businessownership from the Capitalists who owned them to those businessesbeing owned by the workers who did the work. It was like the shiningmodel of how successful Democratic Socialism could be. Butnow if you look today, Sweden has one of the highest wage inequalitygaps in the entire world, and all the social safety net programs havebeen decaying into privatization over the last couple decades. Why?That‘s a natural bridge into another major weakness of liberalism:it ignores (or at best, drastically underplays the importance of)structures of Power in our society.
Thereason that Swedish workers were able to gain so much in the70‘s-80‘s wasn‘t because of some benevolent politicians, it wasbecause they were able to organize strikes, work stoppages, and thelike to such a degree that it threatened what fundamentally gives theCapitalists (by which i mean those who „own“ factories,businesses, and everything else which allows people to exist insociety, and who employ others to supply the labor to run thosethings) power in a Capitalist society – that is, their control overthose Meansof Production (afancy term for the aforementioned factories, businesses, etc), whichis intrinsically tied to their profit. By showing their ability togrind that profitability to a halt, the workers were able to forcemuch more concessions in quality of life than the capitalists wouldfind ideal („ideal“ being as low a quality of life as possiblethat wouldn‘t immediately kill them). So what changed? If you‘refamiliar with global economic history over the last few decades itshouldn‘t surprise you to hear that the answer is Neoliberalism.I‘m not gonna go too deep into that tho bc this is getting longenough already, but basically powerful nations (led mostly by the USand UK) forced a global reorganization of class power back into thehands of the Capitalists, enforced through liberal institutions likeNATO and the IMF, anda lotof violence.
Anyway,back to why liberalism is bad. In response to the epidemic of policebrutality, the liberal response is „more cameras“, „better/moresensitivity training“, „demilitarize the police“ (whatever thatmeans), etc, instead of asking the more difficult core question of„What is the role of police in our society?“ and „Do we needpolice?“ If you‘re approaching the question from a liberal lenswhere capitalism and the sanctity of Private Property is taken as agranted, then yeah of course we need cops! Who else would preventhomeless people from just living in one of the empty houses thatoutnumber them 7-to-1 in the US? Who else would prevent people fromjust taking food or things they like? But if you can imagine a worldbeyond capitalism, where everyone has food and housing, wherepeople can meaningfully take control of and direct their own lives,then what? „well what about the murderers/etc?“ is the firstquestion bc that‘s what we‘ve been told is the primary role ofpolice (despite violent offenders being a tiny fraction of thosearrested – and a decent amount of that violent fraction ismotivated by things like poverty) – well, is putting every singleone of them in a cage where they do work that benefits corporationsthe best way of dealing with them? Is that gonna change theunderlying behaviors? I think if you really reflect on it, the answeris gonna be „no“. And that‘s not even taking into account thewhite supremacist nature of the police, especially in the UnitedStates – which is a majorpart of their role in society.
Icould go on and on about how liberalism‘s love of Capitalism andPrivate Property relies on things like war, exploitation of workersinthe global south,deportations, environmentaldestruction, all while lending lip service to how bad those thingsare, especially when conservatives (who at least are more up frontwith their shittiness) are in power. Liberalism acts as if the way toa better world is gradual change within the same paradigm, but inreality it‘s that paradigm itself which is messed up. Instead ofdoing whatever possible to preserve that paradigm, we need to changethat paradigm and change our society.
Here‘sa couple other articles and stuff that elaborate more: [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
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kaichristine · 7 years
NOSTALGIA // Jack Avery
you guys can read this and figure out the whole story here--->>> https://my.w.tt/UiNb/jqEAZhf37G
Cipher’s POV
"Logan!!!!" I screamed, trying to search for Logan.
"Yo, what? I'm vlogging, my lil sisser." He said as he opened my bedroom door.
"Can you buy me an Ice cream from the nearest store 2 blocks away?" I asked calmly and a sweet voice.
"What am I? Your assistant?" He said as he point the camera out to me.
"Hey are you a fan? Because look at that!!! Ahhhh the lightttt!!" I said as I looked at the camera, pointing it out.
"Yow, actually.. that ice cream thing you want? Is perfect for what will happen later!!" He shouted and put the camera view on his face.
"Whoa that's a big announcement you got there, bratha... but what is it anyways?" I asked.
My brother playfully hit me in the face. Saying "Okay lil girl, you know.. why don't we??"
"What? Why don't we what?" I asked
"Wait lil sis. You do not have any idea about why don't we?"
"Of course not? I will I know if you do not finish your sentence and keep saying "Why don't we?" Why don't we what? Finish it!!!" I shouted at him.
"Oh little sisser, you dumb."
"No I'm not! I was just reorganizing your sentence and you're not even fini--"
"Shut up you dumbass little sisser of mine."
"Okay. Just don't talk to me again."
"Okay. Get out of my room cabbagehead."
He left speechless.
1 hour later, Logan knocked at my door.
"What do you want?"
"I brought you Ice Cream."
"What flavor?"
"Cookies & Cream!"
"Alright. Come in bigbaby."
As soon as the door opened, It's not just Logan. I can see it at the side of my eye. I was playing Tetris on my laptop so I didn't mind anything at all to be honest. I saw the gameclock saying "00:05" whoa. 5 seconds more!
Before I finish the game, a guitar played out of nowhere. Whoa. Wait there are 5 more guys.
They are singing "The Scientist" and the version that is in the movie Fifty Shades Darker.
"Come up to meet you..."
"Tell you, I'm sorry..."
"You don't know how lovely you are.." The words perfectly fit mood. I was angry at Logan for disrespecting me in from of his 'vlog' awhile ago but there's something catchy in this scenario.
This boy with a curly hair and a piercing in his nose caught my eye.
"I had to find you..."
"Tell you I need you.."
"Tell you I set you apart..."
They continued. I enjoyed their voice. And of course the boys serenading me.
Is this how Logan will come up to me after the disrespecting act he did awhile ago in fromt of his camera?
I want more. So I didn't stop them.
"Nobody said it was easy..."
"Its such a shame for us to part.."
"Nobody said it was easy..."
"No one ever said it would be this hard..."
"Now, take me back to the start..."
And then, that's the end. I loved it.
"You guys!! That's so sweet!" I said as I got out of bed.
"Yow, lil sis, I'm sorry for what I did awhile ago. So here's a way of showing respect and sweetness to you. What do you think about it?"
"I never thought you would do this for me.. thank you, Logan.. I owe you one!"
"Lil sis, don't be so stubborn. Here's your favorite Ice Cream.. love you!!" And then he 'dabbed'
Okay big bro. That's a little too cute of you.
So we went out of the bedroom because I don't want the boys to see my jungle.. so yeah.. we proceed to the living room.
"Lil sis, so this is "Why Don't We" and they are looking forward to know more about you so I brought them home.. and there they are.. This ones Daniel," as he point out the guy who's playing the guitar.. and then "this is Corbyn," oh wait. I know a YouTuber with a boyfriend named Corbyn so I stopped Logan.
"Wait! Are you 'BeautyChickee's' boyfriend? I've seen you in her videos before.."
"Oh yes I am.. hi.."
"Hellooo little fella.. nice to meet you.. I'll look forward to see Christina soon!!"
"Awee boo.. you guys will be so cuteee"
"SO... as I was saying.. this is Zach, this is Jonah, and of course, JACK AVERY!!! Yowwww that's maaah boooiii!" He said as he let out his camera and playing gun bang bang with the boy band... i think it's a part of the vlog... a boy thing...
"Guys who's up for a NETFLIX AND CHILL?!?!?!?!?!"
Logan just shouted it out loud.
In the movie, our seating arrangment is..
Logan, Me, Jack, Corbyn at the front row.. At the back, we have Daniel, Zach and Jonah.
We are watching "The Conjuring" when the scene where Valak (or whatever spelling her name is), the haunted nun.. I was scared. I didn't know why I don't turn to my left.. where Logan is. I always turn to my right.. to Jack. It was so dark. I was eating the Ice Cream Logan brought me.
"WHAT THE FUCK DUDE!!!" I heard Corbyn shouted at the back.
I was kinda sleepy but I cannot because there's part where I would sleep then there will be a jumpscare. The last jumpscare I had, I hugged Jack. Accidentally.
I don't know why but I got this feeling inside me.. I love Jack's perfume. It attracts me. I love everything about him.. his smile.. his hair.. his little nose piercing.. just everything..
I have feelings for this boy. Not just a friend but maybe something more. Something different. Something that only this boy can make me feel.
I feel love. I feel loved.
I can't resist it. I tried holding his hands.. but there is something. Oh, Rubik's Cube. That was embarassing.
To make me feel like it's not awkward, Jack reached for my hand and whispered..
"Ride with me."
I looked at him. He let go of my arms.
Jack broke the silence.
"Uh, guys? Actually I promised Cipher a tour of the grounds so please excuse us, Corbyn, Logan, Zach, Jonah, and Daniel."
"Sure!" They answered in chorus. And then gives Jack a smirk.
So as we walk, Jack looked back. I can see in his face that he is looking for something. Or maybe looking back thinking there are cameras around us. There is nothing. So we continued.
"Cipher, what are the qualities you want for a guy?" Jack asked me.
"Me? I want a guy to be sweet not just only in the beginning but I want him to be sweet and I want him to stay the same throughout our relationship. I want "can't sleep without you, love." Text message from him. Goodnight and Goodmorning kisses. I prefer curly messy haired guys over guys who took so long fixing their hair. I want guys who have piercings and tattoos. But not much. I want someone like you, Jack."
I let it out.
He held my hand as we walk. I can see he is looking at me. He brought me to his room, guessing maybe it's his.
He let me sit. He checked his phone. So I checked mine too.
Logan's POV My phone alarm goes off. Wait. What? I don't remember putting an alarm on my phone. I checked and it said.. "check your text messages and answer me. text me as soon as you read this. - Jack Avery"
So I checked my text messages.
Jack : hey, I am really REALLY caught up in this situation.
Me : what is it?
Jack : well.. ughm something about Cipher.
Me : Cipher? You mean.. my sister? What's up with her?
Jack : Mr. CabbageHead, can you help me out with her?
Me : in what way?
Jack : Please, Logan. I couldn't wait. I want your sister, Cipher. To be my girlfriend. I think she has the same feeling too. Please Logan.
Me : you had the odesity to insult me, and now you're gonna ask for my blessing?
Jack : nah, bro. I'm serious with you rn. The same way as I am serious with Cipher.
Jack : That's what I thought. What is Cipher's favorite Ed Sheeran song?
Me : Perfect. From Divide Album.
Jack : Dude. Tell Daniel to practice the song right away. I'm gonna go to the bathroom and make a change. On my signal, bro. Do we?
Me : we do.
I told everybody about Jack's unplanned/impromptu plan.
They got excited.
Jack's POV
"I'll just use the restroom." I said.
"Yah, sure. I'll wait for you." She replied
This is it. I really want this to happen. I really want her to say yes. I put on my suit, the one that I wore on "Nobody Gotta Know" music video. I don't like the way I look. Cipher might not like it tho. So I put the one I wore on "Help Me, Help You" music video.
I've heard Logan said..
"Cipher liked Jack the most the moment I showed her the Music Video. She couldn't remove her eyes on him the whole time. She was just staring at him. And one time I snuck into her room and caught her watching Jack's "younow" videos!!"
So this one might fit. This one might do it. THIS OUTFIT MIGHT BE MY CHARM!
Cipher's POV Soon enough, I hear a guitar playing at a distance.
Jack came out of the restroom with a rose in his hand.
" I found love for me
Darling just dive right in
Follow my lead
I found a girl, beautiful and sweet
I never knew you were the someone
Waiting for me "
Jack sang to me. As he sing the lines, he kneel in front of me. And stopped singing. But the guitar continued.
"Will you be my girlfriend?"
I was shocked. Really? Jack is asking me to be his girlfriend?
I quietly pinched myself. It is real.
We had a long eye-contact conversation.
I remembered Jack saying "Ride with me." Awhile ago. Was this.. just a joke?
"Cipher, I always try to find a way to do this. Everytime I tried, I would back out. I was scared. If you have the same feelings for me or not. I don't know so now, here I am. Swallowing my pride trying to tell you everything. I will do everything. Just to make you say yes. I know I told you awhile ago to 'ride with me' but now, this is real. Will you be my girlfriend?" Jack said while kneeling in front of me offering the flower.
I couldn't let out my words. He stopped. He reached for his back and got a little black box.
"Cipher, I know a flower is not enough." He said.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" Jack said as he opened the little black box. Inside it was a ring.
AM I READY FOR LOVE? I asked myself. But this is Jack. I love him.
"Yes, Jack. Yes." I reached for him as he stand up from kneeling and he hugged me
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