#gon answers
gree-gon · 8 months
Idk if you're taking requests, but if you are, can you tell us some random facts about Mako Bluefin? Absolutely anything, I'm obsessed over her! She's so so super cool!
hii !! requests and questions are always welcome !! (except art reqs unless i make a post for those)
here's a few :D
-She's named after the shortfin mako shark, which is the fastest shark in the world. Sharpedo is very fitting for that :)
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-She's originally from Alola, but ran away with her brother and ended up in Reborn.
-She battles in singles.
-They actually don't mind the cup noodles they have in Team Meteor, and is probably the only person who thinks they're good.
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-She had a brief fling with a girl at 20 who was a really bad influence.
-They lost a bit of hearing on their right ear due to the injury she got that scarred her.
-A bit of a flirt, but only with people they fancy. Smug as hell and teases a lot.
Any more questions are welcome :>
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jedi-starbird · 3 months
APLAP (Assigned Pathetic Lifeform at Padawanship)
New padawan Obi-Wan trying to figure out how the FUCK to make his master listen and not abandon him to go running off following "the will of the force" when it hits him. Qui-Gon is perfectly happy stopping and taking care of pathetic life forms, but not Obi-Wan. That's it. He's always been prepared, always been dutiful, strong, self-sufficient.
He's cracked the code. He needs to be more pathetic.
The next time he senses Qui-Gon's about to run off he coordinates a scene of utmost pathetic-ness, that is, he throws himself into the nearest fountain. He trudges up to his master sopping wet, water-logged robes swallowing him, with hair sticking to his face and containing bits of algae from the fountain. He mumbles out an apology for being clumsy before looking up at Qui-Gon with the biggest, most woeful eyes possible to ask if he happened to bring any spare robes (he didn't, Obi-Wan knows this because he is usually the one to pack spare robes for them both). His wet hair is dripping water into his eyes that's beginning to turn them an irritated red, and there's algae sliding down the side of his face, it really is masterful work.
"Oh...I'm sure I'll be able to find something by myself, it's okay Master, I know you had important work to do."
Qui-Gon visibly hesitates. Obi-Wan starts shivering. He turns to walk away. He's stopped by his Master's hand on his shoulder. His Master, who walks back with him, who gets clean clothes from their hosts, who has folded like wet flimsi and even explains his stupid, stupid plan before choosing to hotwire a hoverbike with a passenger seat! Oh, Obi-Wan really has cracked the code!
Afterwards, Obi-Wan stages an increasingly pitiful accident for himself every time his patented 'Qui-Gon Jinn Bullshit' detector goes off. Eventually, his Master stops leaving him behind at all, even giving him funny looks when he turns around and Obi-Wan isn’t next to him. It never fails to make Obi-Wan grin and run to catch up. Sure, his reputation as a perfect padawan is in tatters, alongside his dignity, but it’s a small price to pay for a place at his Master’s side, for him to remember there’s a place for Obi-Wan there.
When the ray shields come up on Naboo, Qui-Gon doesn't charge ahead and leave his padawan behind, he hasn't for years. He waits for Obi-Wan because it feels wrong to do otherwise, his padawan belongs at his side.
Much, much later, when Obi-Wan is drinking to the end of the war with friends, Commander Cress will ask him how he kept General Jinn from running off for entire decade. Obi-Wan laughs, informs him, and resolutely ignores the scene Quinlan is making as the man cackles and pulls up a book to shove at them both, titled Classical Conditioning 101: A guide to subtle psychological manipulation.
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alexsiple · 1 year
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bubblew0lf1 · 4 months
Would little baby dragon Obi-Wan puff up his feathers and fur like owls and cats do when feeling threatened?
Absolutely!!!! (Adult Obi-wan also does it, Anakin laughs himself to death every time, Cody thinks it's cute)
POV: You're Gui-gon and it's bath time for your young padawan
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Qui gon has photos of all of these expressions and has them framed in his room
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i-heart-hxh · 2 months
Does killua know gon loves him?
Hi anon! This is such a simple question, but not a simple one to answer. I'll do my best, though!
So, I think the answer is both yes and no, in different ways.
Yes, in the sense that Gon has directly expressed his appreciation of and admiration towards Killua multiple times, said he enjoys being with him and wants to stay with him, and even called him his best friend at the end of Greed Island (really BEST friend, 最高の友達, saikou no tomodachi--I think the translation of "best friend in the whole world" gets the emphasis of this phrase across pretty well).
He said it "Has to be Killua," (キルアじゃなきゃダメなんだ, Killua ja nakya dame nanda) in the dodgeball match, which has implications both during the match and outside of it, that Killua is the only one he fully trusts and the only one who can be by his side for something this pivotal. This phrase has romantic implications, essentially the subtextual meaning is "Killua is the only one for me," hence why Killua reacts as strongly as he does to it. Notice how much he hides his face on this page.
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So, I think it's silly to say Killua has no idea Gon cares about him deeply and values him. There are so many moments where Gon says things like this. It's partly why Killua loves Gon so much, because Gon isn't afraid to express that level of love and care and appreciation towards him, as uncomfortable as he acts about it. He's just unused to that receiving kind of praise and attention simply for being himself, rather than being praised for his abilities.
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With Killua's views of himself, it's hard for him to fully accept Gon's affection and take it to heart, but luckily Gon is straightforward and doesn't hold back, and keeps repeatedly telling Killua how much he means to him. As the series goes, they form a strong mutual bond and relatively good understanding of each other.
The problem is that multiple things happen in Chimera Ant Arc to disrupt Killua's sense of where he belongs in Gon's life.
He "fails" by fleeing from Pitou with Gon and "leaving Kite to die." While Gon doesn't blame Killua for the decision he made and neither does Kite, Killua nonetheless certainly blames himself for this to a degree. (Remember the scene with Morel and Knov mocking him?) It doesn't help that Bisky tells him that because of his inability to face opponents he sees as stronger than him, he'll eventually leave Gon to die. Then he watches the awful ramifications of what Kite's death does to Gon, knowing he had a role in what happened.
Gon goes on the date with Palm, and Killua variously misinterprets this whole situation to mean that Gon has been on real dates with women previously (I do not think he had been on any dates in an actual romantic sense), Gon actually might have romantic feelings towards Palm, and that they're in some degree of a relationship even after Gon tells her they can't be together and Palm quietly dumps Gon in favor of Knov after the date. This sends Killua spiraling into his whole "Are we friends? Or are we teammates?" concerns, in conjunction with the next factor.
Gon's "I swear... I'll take on that bastard myself," about Pitou, and the later "This has nothing to do with you," line. Remember how much Gon relied on Killua in the dodgeball match, and how much that meant to Killua? Remember how Killua very nearly died and his last thoughts were apologizing that he wasn't more useful to Gon? Killua stakes his whole sense of self on being useful to Gon, so when Gon makes taking down Pitou a solo mission, Killua doesn't know what role he has at Gon's side any more.
I'm sure there are plenty more factors I'm leaving out, but these are the main issues that lead to the gulf that develops between them during the course of Chimera Ant Arc.
Ever after all of this, they're still friends, they're on reasonably good terms when they part even though it's complex and fraught, but there's just so much they're not saying to each other about how they really feel.
I think Killua still knows Gon cares about him with the way they leave off--they agree to stay in touch, say they'll meet again, Killua even teases Gon about the way he treated him a few times and sees that Gon feels awful when he brings it up. I'm sure Gon apologized to Killua when they first saw each other again after all of that, no matter how non-comprehensive that apology may have been.
But, I do think Killua sees his feelings towards Gon as deeper and of a different nature than how he assumes Gon feels towards him. He may even feel a degree of guilt about the extent and nature of his feelings, with an assumption that, as much as Gon cares about him, Gon doesn't reciprocate Killua's romantic feelings. It may be one of many puzzle pieces contributing to the separation.
I think Killua has strong beliefs about Gon not returning his feelings in a romantic sense, which is part of what leads to how much pain he goes through in Chimera Ant Arc and beyond. But these beliefs are less about what Gon does or doesn't do--because *I* believe Gon has romantic feelings for Killua, even though he likely doesn't recognize them as such yet, and obviously in CAA his relationship with Killua is not at the forefront of his mind--but more about how Killua sees himself and how he projects that self-perception on Gon.
The thing is, Killua hasn't directly expressed his feelings (even on a friendship level) towards Gon either. and even hides how much he does for Gon, so Gon also doesn't fully understand the weight and degree of Killua's feelings for him either. He sees what Killua does for him and I'm sure he knows that's a way Killua expresses friendship to him, but at the same time, the reasons or feelings or depth behind those actions remain unspoken, so how is Gon supposed to know fully where Killua is coming from?
As much as he may have some inklings of Killua's feelings from reading his body language and all the time they spent together, it's not something that has been confirmed or stated the way Gon has expressed his feelings. So, it makes sense that these two boys might assume the other doesn't love them back the same way they love each other, because their own self-esteem is so low and they don't see themselves as deserving of the kind of love they have for each other.
So, in response to your question, both yes and no, and "It's complicated," too.
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david-talks-sw · 1 year
What "The Hidden Fortress" (1958) tells us about the Jedi's status in the Prequels.
In 1999, George Lucas had this to say on BBC Omnibus: A Long Time Ago: The Story of "Star Wars" and then The Phantom Menace's director's commentary.
“I greatly admired Kurosawa, especially the film Hidden Fortress, which told a story from the point of view of two serfs, two slaves...
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... peasants who tag along with this famous general and a princess-- y'know, royalty. And the whole story is told from their point of view. And I like that idea. I like the idea of telling a story from the lowest person's point of view, uh, in the food chain, and that's how the story got to be told by Artoo and Threepio.”
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“[The Phantom Menace] is told primarily from the Jedi's point of view, but the story that's being told is essentially the story of Queen Amidala and her plight of having her planet blockaded. As in, say, Episode IV, where the story is told through the eyes of the droids, in this one, it's told through the eyes of the Jedi.”
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“But [from the moment we get to Coruscant, Anakin and Jar Jar] are standing on the sidelines. It's a little bit a riff on the very first film where the story is told through the point of view of the droids, who were sort of the lowliest characters.”
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“And in [Phantom Menace], I'm doing it through - primarily - the two Jedi, but then the secondary characters are also carrying a lot of the weight when the Jedi aren't around.”
George Lucas draws a comparison between lowly characters like Hidden Fortress' peasants Matashichi and Tahei, the droids in A New Hope, as well as the Jedi in The Phantom Menace.
What do they all have in common? They are all the lowest-ranking characters in their respective films. Repeat: the movie frames the Jedi as almost at the bottom of the food chain.
Because of course they are. Functionally, they're just diplomats. They hold no political power whatsoever and barely have any authority .
What little authority the Jedi do have in TPM comes from the Queen's young age, which allows them to ease into a more advisory position, and Qui-Gon's rebellious streak. And even he's explicit about the fact that his mandate has limitations.
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The only characters "below" them in status are Jar Jar, an exiled Gungan, and Anakin, who just yesterday was still a slave kid, Artoo the literal object and that's it!
Also the other Prequel films are consistent with this portrayal. Who do we see lower in status than the Jedi? Dexxter Jettster and the clones. Everyone else is pretty much above them.
Yes, the Jedi are part of the system, but they're not as high-ranking as you'd think. Yes, they have Force Powers, but that means squat when put against political power. So, like, to expect the Jedi to...
influence the decisions of the Senate,
wage a war against the Outer Rim to end slavery,
or blatantly refuse an order to join the war effort,
... is incredibly unreasonable.
They're not meant to be seen as "the elite, peering down upon the people from their ivory tower".
They're the servants! Servants of the Republic.
And they're seeing their higher-ups destroy what they should all stand for, but are unable to stop them.
Later on, with The Clone Wars, we are introduced to civilian characters and from their point of view, the Jedi are ultra powerful and are highly placed and "should do more but don't".
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It makes sense that these characters would see the Jedi as 'the elite'. But they don't have the full picture.
We, as the audience, do.
So we know that the reality is more along the lines of the Jedi "should do more but can't".
After all, we are made privy many instances of the Jedi speaking up and trying to change politicians' minds, only to be dismissed and overruled at every turn.
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↑ these aren't even all the times we see it happen, btw, there's more examples...
So at some point, if you - as an audience member - see all this and are still saying "the Jedi should've done more!" I really need to know... what more could they have done?
Take control of the Senate?
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That'll result in a dictatorship, there's a reason they waited as much as they did before trying to take down Palpatine.
Power corrupts and they're wise enough to know it.
Don't join the Republic in the first place?
George Lucas never frames the Jedi's involvement with the Republic as a bad thing. In the foreword to Shatterpoint (2004), he says their being part of the Republic led to 1,000 years of prosperity.
Where's the issue, then? Well, it's a two-man job and the Jedi's bosses, the Senate, grew corrupt and stopped doing their part. They stopped carrying their end of the couch.
But “no Jedi in the Republic from the get-go” means the Sith will rise to power even faster. Fun!
Stay neutral in the war?
The Separatists were killing civilians and testing weapons on neutral systems, or enslaving them.
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The choice put before the Jedi was "do what we tell you and fight, or let people die".
But also, out-of-universe... do you really think Palpatine, genius politician, master of spin, can't re-frame the Jedi staying neutral in a negative light?
When they joined the war, he unleashed propaganda that either directly (on the Separatist side) or indirectly (on the Republic side) framed them as "warmongers who corrupted their values". If they don't join, they're "apathetic cowards who care more about their own values than the lives of the people they're supposed to protect".
So either way, Order 66 comes around, wipes them out and the Republic goes "good riddance".
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So what else could they do?
The answer is "not much".
Because the whole point of the narrative is that Palpatine checkmated them by taking the fight to a field the Jedi had no experience in or right to meddle with: politics.
So if you look at these characters who are nowhere near the top of the food chain, and say "well, why didn't they fix things?" I'm sorry to say you're missing the point of the narrative.
Or maybe you do get the point of the narrative and just aren't trying to be fair...
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... in which case, at least be consistent and also argue:
"Why didn't Threepio & Artoo do more to save the Rebel crew of the Tantive IV from the stormtrooopers?!"
"Why didn't Matashichi & Tahei do more to save the Akizuki clan?!"
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wayfayrr · 11 days
Sincerely 🍀 anon who has had a lil too nuch to drink
HE DESERVES ALL OF THE KISSES - just kissing him silly till he's gasping for breath and leaning against you, throw in giving him a few hickies so he has proof that it happened fr and wasn't just in his sweetest dreams. possibly even push him up against a wall and tilt his chin up so that his eyes only stay on you <3
Him slowly coming to the conclusion that he doesn't think that he'll be able to survive without it, that you've gotten so close to him that you give him more life than his own blood? You've carved out such an important place in his life that he would be willing - ready to follow you between worlds if he must, if he's the only one willing, well that just makes it even better no?
plus - he makes the sweetest noises in his game, so another reason why sky's best boy
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barissoffee · 22 days
I wonder how Force ghost Qui-Gon Jinn is, seeing all these people survive lightsaber stab wounds while he died.
Qui-Gon watching Darth Maul, Sabine Wren, Reva and Kylo Ren survive being stabbed by a lightsaber
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
5 headcanons for my obi! au? 👁️
send me an au and i’ll give you 5+ headcanons about it
Reference: My Obi! AU
Obi-Wan carries Anakin around like a duffel bag regularly. Anakin is a little too disconnected from his Future Memories to care beyond Obi-Wan Is Holding Me and so he kind of loves it. Obi-Wan is filled with dread about letting Anakin out of his sight and so results the duffel carry.
Shmi ends up spending a lot of time with Qui-Gon as everyone tries to figure out what the hell is going on. He is also, in Shmi's eyes, a parent whose child is suddenly Strange And Different From Before.
Obi-Wan is not super interested in having personal time. Everything in him is saying to keep Anakin in his sights and under his supervision at all times. On the rare occasions that he separates from his future-past-future padawan, it's mostly for Anakin to cuddle Shmi or Aayla or Qui-Gon. Meanwhile, Obi-Wan spends that time with, specifically, Quinlan or Mace.
Anakin has a tendency to wake up in a panic if he sleeps wrong. More specifically, if he lays in a way that has something over his mouth or nose, like his pillow or the blanket or his arm, his dreams go to the life support suit, which he does not entirely remember but has subconscious awareness of. And if a nine-year-old dreams of a suffocating inability to breathe, he will wake up, panic, and run to his mom. Or to his older brother. This happens a lot.
Shmi and Qui-Gon bang. Neither of their kids notice. (Feemor notices, though.)
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hoffelstar · 5 months
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Me, just finished intensively writing ShinDeku, looking for a fic to read instead of writing for the next few days: to chance upon your (explosive) heart? looks nice
*a week and a half and six fics later*
Me: whoops
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gree-gon · 6 months
Not a request, just wanted to tell you how much you inspire us. I don't know how often you hear it, but you really are a huge, HUGE inspiration and aspiration for two little dorky pokemon fans. You partly inspired to make our first art post!!! Your art is so good aaaaahhhhh, and your style is ✨️ perfect ✨️
We love how you draw Saphira, she looks so cool,, like,,,,, what??? And your style in general is soooo awesome
Make sure to stay hydrated and get plenty of rest so you can always be the very best you that you can be.
This made my day agdsjfh ;;;; thank you, i will most likely continue to be the Saphira enthusiast until i die so i gotta stay hydrated for that
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hannibalzero · 9 months
Kid Anakin most definitely asked obi wan if he was an angel.
This is a canon event. Yes he also asked Padme but these are two different angels. Padme is a standard angel! Padme glows goodness, beauty and nature (always has since she’s the queen of Naboo) but Obi-wan is a archangel. Older subtitle, hidden in a cloak with a small smile. A kind word, a gentle hand, but ready to protect and fight at any moment.
Anakin hides in Obi-wan’s cloak peaking his head out of the soft brown homespun while they wait for Qui-gon-jinn as he does stuff. Anakin feels safe, something he doesn’t feel without his mother. lol padme gets a little jealous and asks if she could try hiding with Anakin.
Obi-wan amused by the Queen and little boy, opens his cloak and Padme hides inside with Anakin. Padme, strong and proud allows herself this moment. Giggles like a kid and relaxed with Anakin. It’s been a while since she has acted like a kid. Yeah she’s just 14…freaking 14 and a queen.
As for Shmi, this event is what made her believe the Jedi where the right place for Anakin. Not only freedom but love and kindness. A chance to be a child as well.
“No Master, I have not seen our Dearest Padme nor Anakin Skywalker. I’m afraid I have lost them.” Obi-wan said hands hidden in his sleeves as his robes giggled.
“Padawan mine, I believe you’re cloak is infested. What could it be?” Qui-gon-Jinn holds Obi-wan’s cloak open making both children scream and start a game of chase.
Okay so I might of went off on a ramble but this was a fun thought. A moment of fun before all the stars and the wars lol.
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milesworld96 · 4 months
Dawg this Cody and Rock shit is willld😭😭 MFS are DRAGGING, The Rock bc of this shit. It’s so funny, and I’m on board w them. Mad asf w how things are turning out, Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson is stealing yet another wrestlemania main event 🫢. So silly, I hate this🥰🥰🥰
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We even got LOGAN, on our side. Which is kinda scary but idgaf at this moment 😭💀
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bubblew0lf1 · 4 months
In your dragon!Jedi AU, are Obi-Wan's feathers waterproof? Or does the poor thing get absolutely waterlogged and sulks and has to be scruffed/scooped up by Qui-Gon/others?
Love this question!
So here's the thing about Obi-Wan's feathers. They're pretty durable against harsh weather conditions and the elements (I'm not going to elaborate on that one because that's A HUGE spoiler for the story). So he's fine with water as long as he's not submerged in it.
For example he is perfectly fine in a heavy storm with rain, but if he falls into a large body of water, his feathers get soaked and his wings drag him down (which makes him a terrible swimmer, if he manages to swim at all).
Throughout his life, someone repeatedly has to play life guard with the guy cause of course he keeps falling in rivers and lakes like that's not one of his biggest weaknesses. (Also the reason why he hated it when Qui-gon washed him in dragon form, he just ends up a big ball of fur and feathers by the end)
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somefangs · 4 months
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fremynstein · 1 year
will you draw more tordedd if I saw pretty pretty please with a cherry on top?
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I don't do requests !!but!!!1 i had one tordedd sketch so why not post it whwwfgfh
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