#god this took like an hour to put together lmaooooo
let-us-meet-aga1n · 10 months
100 questions about tremolo (my platonic tc) answered!!! PART 2!!!
50. Do you think your feelings for them will fade once they’re not your teacher anymore? i think he'll always be someone who i'll remember. he's made a huge impact on my life, so i genuinely don't believe i could forget him.
51. Have they ever complimented you? YES. SO MANY TIMES HE'S THE SWEETEST-
53. Have you ever given them a gift? If yes, how did they react? well, i wrote him a valentines note, and before you go off on your merry way it is NOT the valentines note you're thinking. our school had us write one note to a teacher for valentines day as an appreciation kinda thing. you could only do one. i chose tremolo. BUT BUT BUT he gave me a gift heheheheh- well, technically not a gift, but oh well- i had a really shitty bow in 7th grade and he was all "you are too good of a violinist for that crappy of a bow. here, you can borrow mine" and i just??? never gave it back???? HE ACTUALLY COMMENTED ON IT LAST YEAR (9TH GRADE WAS THE FIRST TIME HE NOTICED LMAOOOOO) AND WAS LIKE "wait is that my bow?!" AND I SAID "yeah 😭 you told me i could use it in 7th grade and i didn't know if or when i should give it back so i just kept it 😭" AND HE WENT "OH MY GOD- you know what? you just keep it. it's yours at this point..."
54. Do you ever dream about your TC? i've had a few dreams, but they were all really sad or weird
55. What is your favorite dream you’ve had so far regarding your TC? bro took the orchestra to his house to meet his mom for some wacky reason and made up put on an impromptu concert for her 💀 (his mom lives 6 states away from us)
56. Do you ever daydream about your TC? If yes, what do you daydream about the 2 of you doing together? hm, not really??? i mean, i've pictured in my mind what he'd be like as a father but that's it.
57. What is your happiest memory with them? OKAY ALL OF THESE ARE REALLY SAD WHEN YOU THINK ABOUT IT BUT IT SHOWS WHY I LOVE HIM SO MUCH- IT'S A THREE WAY TIE 1. this one was in nashville and i'll never forget it. it was like 10:30 at night and we had all just gotten back from dinner. in fact, i was the only one still up in my room (there were 3 other girls besides me). i had gotten a text on my phone, and guess who? tremolo. i had no clue why he was texting me until i saw the content of the text. (context: my friends had been concerned about me committing sui in nashville, because i had lowkey implied that i wanted to) he was like "hey, how are you doing? be fr with me... mental health and whatnot is important and i just wanna make sure you're okay." i then said "this is an obligation text, isn't it? did *the name of our principal* text you about my friends?" he had no clue that i knew that happened, but my parents already chewed me out on the phone for it, so there's that. he replied with "not obligation. in fact, they told me to not say anything about it and just keep an eye on you, but i know you better than they do, and you're pretty honest when someone's concerned, so what's going on?" me and him stayed up until 1 am just back and forth texting... it was... comforting to say the absolute bare minimum. it was nice to know that someone genuinely cared about my life. he never left my side during that trip. he was so determined for me to have a good time and NOT die so it was nice...
THE LAST TWO ARE RELATED TO WHAT THAT SON OF A BITCH DID TO ME (clover) 2. so, after she completely cut contact, i was having the biggest breakdown of my life. like, a 3 hour cry session. in the middle of school. it was bad. luckily, tremolo let me stay in his class for the whole time, and was always checking in on me. all he did was offer me a place to go, sit and listen, and make me feel less shitty, and that made such a difference... like genuinely, the best thing in the world, and the thing i needed 3. (TW: SUI DO NOT GO FURTHER IF HEAVILY TRIGGERED BY IT) so after the whole clover thing, we all know what happened. i attempted suicide. i was going to call my therapist as a last resort, but she was in the middle of a session, so i couldn't. i then decided my final call would be to the only person who was on my side through all of this, tremolo. i told him i was sorry, and i thanked him for everything he had done for me. he started getting panicky going "cas, where are you. i need to know, now." i hung up when he started asking and started climbing up the ladder to the school roof, and about halfway up, i heard a voice shout "GET DOWN HERE!!!" it was the vice principal and the school counselor. i got down the ladder as the counselor walked me to her office. on the way there, i saw him pacing the hallways anxiously, and when he saw me, his face lit up as he ran over to me and hugged me. he went "THANK GOD YOU'RE OKAY..." apparently, he called the counselor and vp in a panic. he was the one who saved my life that day. thank you so much, tremolo...
58. What is your least favorite memory with them? WILL NEVER FORGET THIS ONE. HE NEVER YELLS AT STUDENTS, BUT BOY WAS HE PISSED THIS DAY. my 8th grade ass decided to go against being a second for once in my life. i wanted to play the 1st violin part to one of our songs, but he wouldn't let me. he never said why, he just wouldn't let me. i assumed that he thought i wasn't good enough, so what did i do? i memorized the first violin part and played it instead of the second. i carried the second violins, because none of they were accurate or loud enough to make a difference, so i was basically the entire second section. he was already pissed that day, and i didn't know that. he handed us the sheet music, and i started playing the first part. at the beginning of the song, while conducting, he said "SECONDS?! LOUDER." and then he realized why they were so quiet. because i wasn't playing second. in the middle of the piece, he screamed "AND SUDDENLY, WE HAVE NO SECONDS. THANKS, CASPIAN. SCREWED UP THE WHOLE PIECE" i bawled my eyes out in the bathroom after that, and couldn't even look him in the eye when i left his class. the next time he saw me, he apologized profusely, because it was not what he intended to do or say at all. yeah i hate that memory, but hey, he said me being so eager to take first was what got me moved up in 9th grade, so good job for being a rebellious son of a bitch, 8th grade me.
59. What’s your favorite thing that you’ve heard your TC say? "with all the love in my heart, shut up."
60. Has your TC ever yelled at you? If yes, why did they yell at you? see question 58
61. Has your TC ever made you cry? If yes, what did they do? see question 58
62. Have you ever dressed up just to impress your TC? no, but i did put on a taylor swift cardigan with him in mind! he commented on how every free dress day we had i wore taylor swift merch, so the next free dress day, i wore taylor swift merch. (i go to a private school, so we wear uniforms)
63. Have you ever done anything to impress your TC? If yes, what did you do? How did your TC react? oh, yes. i've done a bajillion things to impress him as a violinist, although, the biggest thing is yet to be done. i'm composing music for our school's fall play, and hopefully, it'll impress him a lot...
64. Have you ever created a TC playlist? no, actually! i usually do, but i haven't yet.
65. Have you ever wrote a secret love note to your TC? no
66. Have you ever written a poem about your TC? about him specifically? no. about the orchestra? yes.
67. Have you ever written a song about your TC? yep! nashville will never be forgotten.
69. If known, does your TC support gay marriage? yep!! he supports lgbtq+ rights in general (INCLUDING TRANS RIGHTS LET'S GOOOOO (he uses preferred pronouns and names for students which is so, so good))
70. If known, does your TC support abortion? don't know
71. If known, what does your TC think of cannabis use? he hates drugs!!! so no!!
72. If known, what does your TC think of age gap relationships? don't know
73. What is a film you’d love to watch with your TC? not necessarily a film, but i'd love to watch twoset violin with him some time just to get his reaction.
74. What is a TV show you’d love to watch with your TC? none?? not a huge tv person.
75. What is a band or singer you’d love to listen to with your TC? we both have a thing for 90s rock so really any of it
77. What is an event that you’d love to be with your TC for? any sort of orchestra concert
78. What is a video game you’d love to play with your TC? I WANNA SEE HIM PLAY A RHYTHM GAME. SPECIFICALLY PROJECT SEKAI.
79. If you were going to have a picnic with your TC, where would you like to go for it? is no an option? that sounds romantic and no <3
80. If you were going on a date with your TC, what would you like to do with them? no <3
81. What famous person reminds you of your TC? hmmmmm... honestly, he reminds me of brett from twoset if he was younger and a 'cellist 😭
82. What movie character reminds you of your TC? i don't watch movies that often, so idrk??
83. What cartoon character reminds you of your TC? also, don't watch cartoons that often
84. What game character reminds you of your TC? UGH I CAN'T THINK OF ONEEEE
85. If your TC was an animal, which one would they be and why? dog, because of how sweet and caring and loyal he is.
86. If your TC was a fruit, which one would they be and why? strawberry. sweet, and everyone likes him
87. If your TC was a candy, which one would they be and why? laffy taffy, and only because they have all the really corny bad jokes on the back 😭 he makes those all the damn time
88. If your TC was a drink, which one would they be and why? honestly, not sure-
89. If your TC was transported to a fictional world, which world do you think would fit them best? your lie in april. don't ask why, i just think he would be really good there...
90. If you could say one thing to your TC, what would it be? thank you for all you do... you have no clue how much you've impacted my life for good and you're genuinely the best mentor i could ever ask for. i will never forget you
91. If you could ask your TC any question, what would you ask them? have you struggled with mental illness because you seem to know so much about it without ever showing signs of it.
92. If you could give any item to your TC, what would it be? there was like a huge rosin we found in nashville that was like $300. but we joked around and said we should buy it as "communal rosin." if i had the funds, i would get the communal rosin. maybe that's a senior gift i give to leave my legacy on our school's orchestra! ykw now i want to...
93. If you could choose your TCs outfit for the day, what would you pick for them?
94. Have you told any of your friends how you feel about your TC? mhm! all of my friends know that i see tremolo in a father kinda way
95. Have you told any of your family how you feel about your TC? ABSOLUTELY NOT
96. Does your TC know how you feel about them? yes, actually! i told him how he was like a father figure to me and he's like "everyone that grows up in our orchestra... i feel like i'm their parent in a way, like, you know, when i watch them walk across the stage i cry as if they were my child..." WHICH IS SO SWEET AWWWWW
97. Do you enjoy being part of the TCC yes yes yes!! it's very comforting knowing i'm not crazy
98. Do you feel that being part of the TCC has impacted your life? If yes, how so? it's made me find people who support me and don't tear me down at these kinda thoughts. thank you guys so much!!!
99. Are you scared your TCC blog might be discovered? oh absolutely! and if he does, uh hi tremolo hope i've driven home the point of *PLATONIC* well enough for you to not be weirded out or something. anyways, thanks for being there. i appreciate you tons!
100. If you could give people in the TCC one piece of advice, what would it be? please please please... never be afraid to let your tc know how much you care about them. if they hear how much they've impacted your life, it'll mean the world to them
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brick-a-doodle-do · 1 year
I saw your mc skin, i did not expect the actual brick skin, but you know, it fits, love the one with eyes just n tiny (heh) bit more😙 and your parrot is cute!
I see your craving for Tiny workers au, and i will oblige.
So, its a park, mostly for kids, and what do kids love a lot~
Petting zoos! But now with tiny workers, you can see them playing together! And for the teenagers you have the dnd part close by to enact epic battles, with even epic er(?) steeds.... Tommy wishes. He s riding a Guinea pig into battle, squirrels will try and kill him unfortunately. 😂😂
I hope this helps a bit!
Its been going a bit rough here, so i don't have a lot to ask😅
Hope you enjoy!
AHH yes i looove my skin ewdugjds i love the one with eyes too :D but for some reason it made just random parts of my arm black? gotta fix that at some point lmao,, but thank you !!
and ty about the parrot! unfortunately he died about 3 hours later in lava but he was nice while he lasted :)
yes i had the urge to read through all the worldbuilding and DAMNN it's just such a lovely au. i will throw all my other aus away before i let go of this one LMAO so now so sosososososososo much brainrot. i took a shower JUST so i could think about it distraction-free,,,,
PETTING ZOOOOOOOS OH MY GOD. just. put fundy in there. every single tiny staff member collectively agree that fundy should be put in there first. i'm not sure how i could set it up so that the dehumanization doesn't go TOO far (i mean that's a huge part of this au but still) but i guess it wouldn't be too hard to have it set up like a a normal petting zoo. it'd probably be kid-specific thing that the adults stay away from normally.
and YES moving up in ages. even if it's for teenagers (which it is usually), i made it canon that for the dsmp-esque campaign (which i'm moving around a tiny bit to be a little less adventure-y like dnd and more just....whatever you can call dsmp rp) they rent the area out for two WEEKS and they got kicked out at one point bc they were in there for 24 full hours and the tinies hadn't shown up for work at ALL and technically the humans were breaking a whole lot of rules by that (somehow they managed to convince boss to LET them stay for that long,,,)
it's safe to say that after that was over the regulars were just not allowed ANYWHERE near that area LMFAO
LMAOOOOO i love that SO much!! imagine henry as just a guinea pig or a mouse :(( /pos and spirit just being a literal plastic horse SKADF
and yes you've fed my tiny workers desires as of now :D thank you much,, and i'm sorry to hear that, i hope things get better! rooting for you :]
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Writing Meme Time
fList the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have  less than  20, just list them all). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line, then tag 10 writers!
I was tagged by @chokopoppo (admittedly, on my main blog lol) and then by @verifiedhawke lol. [fingerguns]
 tagging: @megatronismegagone, @wodneswynn, @whirlibirb,  @quetzalpapalotl, @severeannoyance, @cleverthylacine, @morethanmeetstheass, @dragon-swords-prophecies, @soundwavereporting​, and @greatshell-rider :D (only if you want to though!!)
I’m not going to go through my google drive or my scrap folder for unposted works, because I honestly have so many and I don’t have the patience to be like “yes so this one is untitled unposted oc story #417″ so these are all just going to be lifted in posting order on ao3, even though I like. definitely have stories that are more recent that are not on there. I am too disorganized. I’d have to open like seventeen different folders labeled “nonsense” in several different scrivener files and sort out my random class notes from the actual stories and etc and it would be a nightmare.
Cut for length!
Confusion - a Written in Blood side story/deleted scene - Rex had woken from a nightmare.
Written in Blood - original work in the fanfic way - It started on the day that Rex came in to find out that Felyx was going to be executed.
gifts from a good friend (NSFW) - a Written in Blood side story/deleted scene - Rex had assumed, when he was younger and less familiar with the ways the world liked to fuck him over, that he would just never be interested in sex, ever.
Bite Down (NSFW) - continuity soup Transformers - Megatron squirmed against the strange dust of the Earth’s moon, pinned.
Collusion - a Written in Blood side story -  “Felyx, I need to speak to you,” Merox said, catching Felyx by the arm.
sowing the seeds that will be reaped - a Written in Blood side story/prequel - Deillen took one look at Rex and then put her head in her hands. 
Marquis Gwaire Cemric’s No Good Very Bad Awful Week - a Written in Blood side story - Gwaire Cemric was having a very strange week. 
we became such strangers now, fading out - IDW1 Transformers - They didn’t really talk to each other, after those last miserable days on Earth. 
anakin has a headache - Star Wars TCW - Anakin and the 501st wrapped up their post-mortem on today’s skirmish and Anakin immediately went back to his hab. 
Anyone down to take couple's therapy with me and see at what point the therapist realizes we don't even know each other? - IDW1/g1 continuity soup Transformers - The red seeker was waiting outside of the therapist’s office.
Death - Star Wars OT - It isn’t as though you or your squadmates are cowards.
A Growing Awareness - IDW1 Transformers - He wasn’t sure, exactly, when he’d started realizing that something was wrong. 
Revels (NSFW) - IDW1 Transformers - Megatron wouldn’t come for you?
the drabble where I do write graphic violence (NSFW) - IDW1 Transformers - Seams were a lot of things. 
Waste - IDW1 Transformers - The final blow dropped your enemy.
Crystal Clear - IDW1 Transformers / Star Wars PT crossover - The Force squalled around Darth Vader and his speeder as though it were a living thing, twining its intangible coils around his throat like a noose, spilling fear and pain and sorrow into the very atoms of everything around him.
Vision - The Bifrost Incident (Mechanisms album) - The Ratatosk tore itself apart as she had seen a thousand times, in dreams that she had dismissed as the product of anxieties that her subconscious wanted to make known.
lord megatron needs to iron out his command structure or else nonsense like this will keep happening i guess - continuity soup Transformers, listed as IDW1 but like, mostly inspired by TFP  - “I am going to be the second in command,” Starscream said, smirking. 
Rust - continuity soup Transformers - Optimus Prime was dead.
First Impressions - IDW1/TFP continuity soup Transformers - Starscream settled into his new room with relative ease, but also great annoyance.
Favorite line: probably “Optimus Prime was dead.” Lotta solid weight to that line. Not a lot of stunners here, though, honestly; those usually come at the end of a paragraph, and that was one of the only ones that was a one-line paragraph haha.
Patterns: so the first thing I noticed was that 90% of these were the first line to a paragraph that just fucking throws information at you. Between my habit of just never describing anything ever, and not wanting to explain anything, I have a ton of “here is where everyone is and who everyone is. caught up? cool, now here’s the story” tell-don’t-show starting lines. When it isn’t that, there’s generally nothing that needs to be stated in that manner because it’s either a character study or otherwise a really cerebral thing that mostly just talks about a characters’ thoughts during an event.
Outside that, my writing style in general is very “here is the thing. this is the thing. i will tell you the thing. now that you know the thing, i will tell you what happens after” and then you can like guess what the characters are feeling or what things look like, because I don’t really do description. So it’s pretty in line with what I got lmao.
this was fun!
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its-snicket-here · 3 years
Being sister of Ainz?? *Whisper from the dark corner*
*Whispers from the deep abyss of personal drafts* Hell fucking yeah
Due to you being much more younger and more prone to gaming. I can see your character to have more of a monstrous form than a humanly look.
Ainz can now rest on having to spend money on your account, due to you doing multiple side jobs. Though, that doesn't let you escape of sharing your half of rent.
Your character is a demon; clad in a tattered yellow cloak with the hood always up, blocking any prying eyes from seeing your face. What it only peaks out is grey hair. Though the sleeve aren't long enough to cover your bandaged and shackled arms. In an ombre fashion, the arms are shown to go from black to blood red at the finger tips.
Though when unhooded, it's shown that your face is also pitch black. Your mouth is replaced with something more inhumane, having no teeth nor anything. Though it's capable of breaking and tearing through anything with such animalistic powers. Strange red substances dribble out, though nobody dares to try even touching it.
Your eyes is blindfolded, though when unraveled, it shows only a void where the sockets are. All oozing the same red substance that dribbles from the mouth. You have a long black tongue that oozes a stank smell when activated for fighting.
Your chest had an open hole, where your ribcage pops out in the flesh and where your spine could be shown. Where the heart is supposed to be lies a giant plasma ball. Though like Ainz's, it's indestructible.
Like the mom, you and Ainz have special perks when you have family members joining in the game. Unlike mother's rage, the two of you have now gained "Sibling's Rivalry."
When the two of you were transported into the new world, instead of spawning inside the Tomb with Ainz. You were spawned inside a cave, deep inside the forest where Hamsuke was at.
It took you a little while to get out of there, but you did it.
But it did took you long time getting your sense of perception because your sight has been replaced black and white outlines. You were tripping over multiple shit in the cave and the forest: trees, rocks, a lizard, a corpse, you name it. You were tripping everywhere.
Though despite your struggle of having a different sense of perception. You were able to detect life sources somewhere, but couldn't exactly pinpoint the direction it was coming from.
So, it caught you off guard when you "see" a giant hamster right in front of you doing a piss ass job of threatening you.
Thus the hilarity ensued when you activated your intimidation skill on Hamsuke.
So, you have now a hamster ride and a new roommate to sleep with. Though, you do enjoy the furry rat hamster's company. At least she'll be your guide around the forest.
Thus the two of you were dubbed the "The Wise King of the Forest" and "The Demonic Puppet," much to your annoyance. You're not a damn puppet that's for sure.
When Ainz heard about you and Hamsuke in the forest, he was highly interested in you. Rumors had it you were the supposed puppet/rider of "The Wise King of the Forest." So of course he wanted to either recruit you or to at least collect you like he was planning to do for Gazef
It was surprise when he finally noticed that it was his sister that was labeled as "The Demonic Puppet," but is relieved that he isn't lonely now
That doesn't escape the fact you're now a gremlin
Might as well make you the prankster demon, because you do a shit ton of light hearted tricks
The classic plastic wrap on the doorways, replacing bombs with glitter dust, making swords break at the first contact before reconnecting all together again, toothpaste filling in Oreos/pastries, you get the drill.
Demiurge wants to experiment and study your red ooze that drips out and see its effect. You have now gained Demiurge's interest on studying you, especially your reasons to be shackled.
I would say that you're aren't specifically in the guide but is considered to be because of your connection and how frequently you've visit the guide.
Though, you can't gain a human look no matter how hard you can transform
As if you can actually transform lmaooooo
So, you are forced to wear a mask and lots of long sleeved shirts, bandages, long pants, your coat, and/or dresses when you go outside with Ainz and Nabe in E-Rantel. Though you can't seem to take off your shackles off you.
I can see you and Evileye being acquaintances in heroes term. Other than that, she sees you as a gateway on trying to hook up with Ainz/Momonga and an interesting person. A strong mage always hiding behind a mask like her.
Though unlike cosmic demon eldritch mama, you don't gain a following. The last thing you want is idiots trying to summon you, despite saying a very hard no on accepting their praises and begging.
There is times where you go onto a blood frenzy uncontrollably out of the blue that Ainz had to put Demiurge and Cocytus in charge in containing your blood frenzy. If it goes out of control, then Ainz would reluctantly WILL and HAVE to put you out for himself.
So when the war happened between the two kingdoms, when Ainz was making everyone thinking he was an actual fucking monster. They all should be fearing you. You. Go. Nuts. With. Full. Intent. of. Excitement. For. Blood. And. Fear.
Before the whole war even happened, you and Demiurge were setting up the battlefield with traps, hidden demons/beasts, hiding poison containers somewhere in the water supply that will open at a specific time, portals from hell, etc. You are on full intent of destroying the kingdom with all of your might.
Just hope they don't get inside [Death's Parade] ok? :)
[Sibling's Rivalry] - Due to you having a connection with another player via email/phone number confirmation, you and your connector have now gained a new skill set [Sibling's Rivalry]. When in a 40 meter radius with your sibling, you have now gained an increase of 125% ATK speed, 45% AGILITY, and a 200+ MP boost.
[Blood Lust] - Every physical kill increases your ATK power by +15%. Maximum is +150% for 15 minuets. Though when passive, when not killing, the player will have a meter that will slowly goes up until 100%. If any kills hasn't occur,
[Death's Parade] - One time use, afterwards you must rest until [Death's Parade] can be used again. Upon use, within 75 meter radius of the caster shall turn into an arena. Those who inside the radius can not escape nor those outside the radius can join in. Multiple demonic summons and undead summons shall appear and will fight to the death to the players that are trapped inside. The arena will stay on until either the caster's MP reaches to 1 or the players inside the arena is dead. 145% ATK speed, 65% spell power, 145% casting speed.
[F. E. A. R] - Fear Energy Acid Radiation. Those who are not immune to the fear energy radiation or has consumed fear acid would now experience a multitude of nightmares and hallucinations until they have escaped the radiation or after 2 hours if digested. It is possible to die from [F. E. A. R].
[Tier 1/2/3 intimidation] - Tier 1 effects low leveled beings through 1 - 25. Tier 2 effects mid level beings through 25 - 75. Tier 3 effects higher level beings through 75 - 100. When under the intimidation, they will be frozen in fear for 10 minuets. Though if using a higher level fear on a lower level being it can have a lasting effect until turned off.
[Blood Cult Garbs] - 'Worship is meaningless when given prayers and offerings. What THEY need is blood to be spilled, screams to be heard, flesh being wounded!' 195% spell power, 145% casting speed
[Sacrificial blade] - 'This is a gift from the Gods...' A blade that has already taken the lives of many unbelievers and its willingly followers. Though it has been unwashed over the years of use. 175% life leech, status: bleeding, status: hemorrhage, status: infected
[Status: Holy Imprisoned] - Due the angelic shackles containing your sins, you have been now suppressed of demonic urges and have now gained morality and emotions. Though the older the shackles are, the harder it will stop the demonic urges and sins seizing through. Every time a demonic ability/spell has been mustered, the host will go through intense pain that will take 25% of their health, but will never go down to 0. -250% holy damage resistance, demonic damage nullified, status: imprisoned, -110% casting speed [Holy Imprisoned is inflicted by Angelic species that is the same level or higher than the host. Can be effected again.]
[Orb of Trickery] - Due to you now infused with the orb, you are now able to cast illusion spells, psychic spells, and hypnotic spells much faster with 3x of the effect.
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Between The Pipes [Chapter 17]
Rating: M Words: 3203 Pairing: Kristanna Summary: When a new owner takes over the Arendelle Ice Breakers, Kristoff isn’t sure about his future with the team. That is, until a PR nightmare throws the newest member of the media team, who also just so happens to be the daughter of the new owner, right into his arms. Kristoff and Anna can’t even stand the interviews they have to do together… how on earth are they going to fix this mess? Hockey!AU.
[Chapter Index]
Where To Read: [AO3]
Notes: REMINDER THAT THIS FIC.... IS IN FACT RATED M. This is one of the reasons why lmaooooo. :^) we’re (kind of) there, friends. 
Anna looked so tired. 
She was slumped over, head in her hands as Honeymaren rubbed a circle on her back while they continued to speak in hushed tones. She put on enough makeup to fool the cameras, but there was a dullness in her eyes that he was unfamiliar with. He wanted to help, but he had a feeling he was part of the problem. 
But here they were, in public, and if he didn’t do something it would probably make others suspicious. But he also didn’t want to make things worse. Kristoff jumped when a hand clapped down on her shoulder. “She all right? I heard her dad reamed her out for something —“ Kristoff glanced over at Sven, frowning beside him. “Sounded like he was threatening to take her job away.” 
Sven looked up at him like he had two heads. “She… didn’t tell you?”
He frowned. “... I think she tried to, the other night. When we were in Seattle…” Fuck. “But… I was stressed about the game.”
“Well.” Sven shoved forward on his shoulder. “Don’t be a shit boyfriend. Go over and help her.”
But Kristoff held his ground, frowning. “I don’t think she wants me to. We… kind of fought, yesterday.” 
Sven sighed. “Seriously? Already? What did you do?”
“Just… not sure I’m cut out to be a boyfriend.”
Kristoff felt his whole body tense when Anna finally looked up and noticed him staring at her. Her eyes fluttered slightly before she gave him the tiniest smile, flicking her fingers for a tiny wave. He should never have asked her to do this. He was genuinely a terrible person, wasn’t he? 
He hadn’t even noticed that Sven left his side until he saw Anna standing to greet him, a sad little pull of her lips as he spoke with her, and a genuine laugh as he pulled her into a hug. He was rocking back and forth, clearly doing his best to make her feel better, and Kristoff felt that horrid bite of jealousy rising in the back of his throat again. He couldn’t do this. He had no right to this feeling. And he knew, even if he wanted something to happen with Anna, it couldn’t happen now. His game would suffer and she would suffer, because he wasn’t sure that he would be able to be what she deserved. 
He turned away, tense and frustrated, and headed towards the locker room to get himself prepared for the game tonight. 
First period. Salt Lake City scores twice. Ice breakers don’t. They can still catch up. Mattias reminds him that he won’t hesitate to bench him. 
Second period. Salt Lake scores twice more. Ice breakers sneak one in top shelf. His teammates are clearly angry with him. He watches Anna interview defenseman Anisimov and feels their eyes turn to him. He squirts water on his face before skating off the ice. 
Third period. Ice breakers score. Then Salt Lake. He slams his stick against the pipes and breaks it in half. He gets pulled. He sits on the bench and watches Nieminen stretch and warm up and take over his position. Nieminen doesn’t let in another goal, but the Ice Breakers can’t catch up. It ends.
Another loss. 
Kristoff undresses and avoids the media. Then he sits, quiet and emotionless, as Mattias pulls him into his office and explains that he has to bench him for a few games. Let Nieminen start for a bit. Mattias tells him that he needs to figure out what it is that’s affecting his game and fix it. That they can have the team counselor try to help, if Kristoff would like. 
But he doesn’t need that. He knows what it is. She’s in the locker room, interviewing his teammates. But he doesn’t know what to do.
He stays there for a while. Waits for the rest of the team to leave. No one says anything to him. No one lingers around. He waits for over an hour until the arena is quieting down around him. Someone comes in to sweep the locker room and check their supplies. Kristoff only notices him when he comes into the office for the trash.
“Sorry,” he apologizes. Kristoff says nothing. He leaves, too.
He knows no one else will be coming in tonight, and that gives him the motivation to finally stand up and leave.
Kristoff turns the corner, and freezes. Anna is sitting by a cubby, waiting for him. 
“What are you still doing here?” 
Anna jumped when she heard his voice, stood up quickly and gasped when her phone hit the ground after it slipped from her fingers. “I… um,” she tucked hair behind her ear and bent down to pick it up, setting it more gently onto the bench beside her. “You… I heard Mattias yelling and… I just wanted to make sure you were okay…?”
He scoffed and moved towards his own area, staring at her until she stepped aside, and shoved his pads into the cubby. “What do you think?”
“I just —“
He turned on her then, towering over her, and took a step closer as she closed her lips tightly. “Don’t.”
He didn’t want her pity. He didn’t want her to be nice. He didn’t want her to fucking care about him, because he couldn’t handle this. He couldn’t stand the fact that he could not be with her in the way he wanted to be. He couldn’t just be her friend, and pretend that everything was fine when all he wanted was to — 
Kristoff turned abruptly and chucked his mask into the top hole of his unit and stood silent as the two water bottles he kept up there came flying out from the impact, rolling god knows where, the sound of plastic on wood the only sound in the room. Anna took a step back, her heel clicking on the ground, and Kristoff slumped forward to press his head against the hard wood. 
“God!” She groaned, practically stomping her foot against the floor. “You’re such an asshole! Are you kidding me?” Her arms were crossed over her chest and she had started pacing. “I… I’m just trying to help! But you won’t let me. I just can’t figure out what changed between the other night and now!” 
He turned to look at her more fully, saw the flush in her cheeks and the tension in her brow and he hated that he was the cause of it. But he couldn’t shut himself up. “You can’t be serious, Anna. You’re here being nice to me, for what?”
She stopped, then, and turned to face him. “Because I actually care. I’m not pretending that I care about you, as a person!” A loud yell of frustration left her throat and he stood up straighter. “What did I do?!”
His temper was rising. He couldn’t handle this. She couldn’t actually care about him. “This! You do this. You’re,” he gestured wildly to her, his eyebrows furrowing. “You’re nice.”
“It’s…” He tangled his fingers in his hair and tensed, a sound of frustration leaving his mouth. “It’s bad enough that I have to pretend to care about you!” She flinched. “I… I can’t handle actually… You see how badly I’m playing, right?” Her eyes narrowed and he pressed two fingers to his forehead as he leaned towards her. “I’m distracted. I can’t think. Because I’m focused on you.”
Anna blew out a breath aimed up at her bangs, roughly forcing them out of her eyes. “Oh, so you’re so emotionally stunted that you can’t handle caring about someone? You can’t handle that we’re friends? God!” Throwing her hands up and continuing to pace, Anna let out a soft, but bitter laugh. “You’re really afraid of letting people in, aren’t you!”
He needed her to shut up. He needed her to stop knowing him. He needed her to stop, to stop, to be quiet. He needed… he needed her.
“You know what? Fine, I’ll just keep pretending to be your girlfriend and not caring and —“
He had stormed forward, had tangled her hair in between his fingers, and had pressed his mouth firmly against hers and suddenly, suddenly, he felt tension draining from his shoulders. Anna’s mouth moved against his, a small sound of contentment vibrated from her throat, and her fingers squeezed at his forearms as he tightened his own grip on her.
And then he heard a muffled protest, felt her shoving against his chest, and he immediately pulled away, his eyes searching hers, wide with surprise. 
And then she slapped him. 
“What the fuck?!”
Kristoff let go of her, took three steps back, and swallowed the lump in his throat. “I’m sorry. I…” Her eyes were wide, her fingers touching at her mouth gently as she stared at him. “I don’t know — I… That didn’t happen. We’ll just…” But he could feel her on his lips, and he didn’t know if he could go back to a time before he knew how she felt against them. 
She continued to stare at him, taking short breaths as he backed up further. God he wished she would say something, anything, even if she yelled at him again. “Can you… say…”
But then she was rushing at him, throwing her arms around his neck as she pulled him close to kiss her again. Hands roamed wildly, his spanning across her back, hers touching his jaw and his neck and his chest before settling in the shaggy hair at the bottom of his skull. But after a few minutes, his back was protesting being bent at this angle. He took a risk. 
Kristoff grabbed her by the bottom of her thighs and hoisted her up to wrap her legs around his waist, a small squeak escaping her throat as he adjusted her on his hips. He was thankful that she had worn a loose skirt today, and couldn’t stop his fingers from tightening their grip on her soft, creamy thighs. 
Anna pulled back just a hair, parting their lips and smirked down at him from her new leverage point slightly above him as he chased her mouth. He held her tightly as he removed her hands from his neck, and felt his whole body heating impossibly more as she started the slow, unbearable unbuttoning of her blouse. Slowly, slowly, slowly, the lace of her deep blue bra peeked out and Kristoff’s fingers were squeezing hard enough he was sure she’d bruise, and he felt a sigh of relief as she dropped the blouse down to the ground.
He only managed to nip the new skin once before she was tugging on his hair again, forcing him to look up at her. Anna’s mouth slanted over his and he sighed through his nose, losing himself in the slick slide of her tongue over his. 
Kristoff needed his hands free for a moment. 
Walking towards the edge of the room, he pressed Anna’s bare back against the wall before letting go of her thighs. “Just—“ She took the hint, leaning back just enough for him to roughly pull his t-shirt over his head, baring the breadth of his chest to her. She bit her lip and he laughed, his fingers sliding up her back to pull her skin flush against his. 
“You just don’t realize how hot you are, do you?” Her words were hurried and breathless as she kissed him again, nails scraping at his shoulders as she rolled her hips against him. 
That was new, but fuck if he hadn’t been fantasizing about this since he first saw her. 
“Are you sure —“
Anna nodded as her lips cut him off again, rolled her hips bigger this time, as if she couldn’t get enough friction, and that was consent enough for him. He dropped one hand back beneath her skirt, tracing it down from the top of her bottom all the way to the crease between her thigh and her center and he could already feel how wet she was, heat radiating from her. 
“Do you have —“
“Pill,” she gasped.
And fuck him, he’d probably not do this if it were anyone else but it was Anna and he was so fucking desperate for her that he just did not care about the consequences, and clearly she didn’t either. He dragged two fingers, slow and soft, across her panties, and didn’t miss how she shuddered against him before he reached down to undo his own jeans, gasping as his painfully hard cock practically freed itself. 
She kissed him harder, pulled his bottom lip between her teeth as she let go of his shoulders to fit her hands between their chests, pulling gracelessly at the front of her bra. He felt it pop open, and thanked the god above for inventing front clasp bras, groaning as her shifting to throw the now useless garment wound up making the leaky head of his cock brush against her thigh.
“Fuck, Anna…” his words were muffled by her lips as she tugged on his arm to bring it back around to her front, guiding his hand to her now exposed breast as she leaned back against the wall. He was amazed at her, so tiny beneath him, as his one hand could span across the entirety of her, could touch all of her at once. But he needed his hands somewhere else.
Kristoff let go of her mouth, then, and kissed at her jaw, at her throat, nipped her collarbone and finally found the perfect swell of her breast with his lips, tracing his tongue down to her pebbled nipple. Anna sighed and dropped her head back, letting him continue with his worship of her, small squeaks of satisfaction vibrating from her throat.
He lowered his hand back below her skirt, one holding her up as the other started small circles on the thin fabric of her panties, admiring how damp they had become. He walked his fingers over, gently sliding the soft cloth to the side before dragging one finger lazily through her slit, soaking his own skin with her arousal. But Anna squeezed her thighs around his hip, wrapped her arms tighter around his head, and finally sighed with relief, as if she had finally satisfied an itch, when his fingers slipped into her, thrusting gently and stretching slowly.
How wet she was just made him more aroused and Jesus Christ he needed to be inside her right now. 
Pulling his fingers from her, he lifted his hand to her cheek, grabbing her firmly as he kissed her again. “Are you s—“
“Yes, God, please just fuck me already.”
Kristoff couldn’t deny a pretty girl what she was asking for.
Strong arms shifted her, guided and angled her perfectly over his cock, before he reached down to hold himself steady, tip teasing her entrance. He wet the head, sliding it through her folds from the base to the clit, and just as she seemed like she was going to yell at him to do it, he buried himself into her in one swift motion, pausing for a moment to let them both adjust.
Anna was shaking as he pressed her harder against the wall, one hand still supporting her while the other snuck up her waist to find her breast again, pinching a nipple between calloused fingers. Her hands lifted to cup his jaw, attaching her mouth to his once more. “Move,” she hummed against his mouth and god damn it, move he would.
It was animalistic, what took over him after he pulled out and thrust back carefully in the first time, but he didn’t think he could hold back if he tried. He was fucking into her hard and fast, the sound of skin meeting skin echoing through the room as she gasped and mewled into this mouth, tongue desperate to find his between her short, shallow breaths. 
It wasn’t taking much for him to reach his edge. He wanted her to come first, though.
Thick fingers found her clit, circling in time to his thrusts, satisfaction blooming in his chest when she couldn’t anymore, and dropped her head into the crook of his neck. It was quick and fast and dirty, and she was panting his name in his ear as he felt her whole body tense and release. He was close, so close, and he fucked her through her own climax before pulling out and releasing on her thighs.
Sighs were heavy and deep as they both tried desperately to catch their breath.
He felt so much better, grimacing at the quiet ache in his arms as she kissed him once, languid and soft, then wiggled in his grasp, silently asking to be let go. 
Kristoff watched in awe as she sighed and used her skirt to wipe his cum from her skin, then felt a rush of something different that he couldn’t quite put his finger on as she immediately started to pull her blouse back over her shoulders. Was she running? Did she regret it? He asked if she was sure… Was she…?
“Hey —“
Anna turned to look at him, her face red and shoulders tense. He couldn’t read her, just watched her swallow and button up her top before she stepped closer to him again. His head was foggy from his orgasm but he liked her hands on his cheeks, liked her thumbs running softly over his stubble. Really liked her standing on her tip toes to kiss him again as he circled his arms around her slim waist. 
He didn’t know what this meant for them, and honestly didn’t really care yet - because for this short moment it was real and he could hold her close and breathe her in for as long as he wanted. “Anna…” 
She pulled back, just slightly, and pressed one more kiss to his lips. “I should go.” Yeah, right, it was very late and they were still in the locker room. “This was…” she just let out a laugh and pressed her palms to his chest. “But I should go.”
“Okay.” Kristoff cleared his throat and kissed her again. Something deep inside of him had melted, softened, was making it hard to let go of her waist. And then she deepened it, pulling him closer, parting her lips and fuck. He loved kissing her. But if she didn’t stop he was going to take her again on the floor and she was right, they really should go. He pulled away, regret burning in his chest. “We really should.”
Nodding, Anna dragged her hands through the soft, untamed hair on his chest, and let out another soft laugh. “Yep… yes.” And then she let go of him, moved to grab her purse, and was heading out the door before he could protest. “I’ll… see you later?”
“I’ll be here,” he shrugged before scratching at the back of his neck. “... Pretty much always.”
She laughed at that and fumbled with the door handle before she disappeared, Kristoff just staring at the space she had previously occupied.
What the hell just happened?
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incarnateirony · 4 years
Hey dude! Do you have any recommendations for LGBTQ+ movies in the romance genre that have like a happy ending. I really don't care how old they are. I'm feeling the Gay™ hence I need the Gay™. You feel me?
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First sorry for taking so long, not only did I have to timeline this :) but :) my computer :) froze :) after writing like :) 2 pages :) and I had to do it again :)
So anyway let it be said, the LGBT dialogue is one of osmosis and shared growth and awareness. Some of these films will be very poorly dated, but as you (thankfully) mentioned that them being old wasn’t a *problem*, expect a lot of old stuff. Because one of the most important things to have under your belt when talking about the LGBT media representation battle is the actual journey from A to B – be that incrementalization, subtextual inclusion, text-breeching features, outright evocative and groundbreaking films at the time (which is what MOST of this list will be) and an improvement in our dialogue; let us never forget that while tr*nss*xual is considered a slur and transgender is proper, tr*nss*xual was at one point the politically correct way to speak it – things like that breach in our growing understanding of the spectrum of human sexuality. 
I *WILL* disclaimer these aren’t all romance, so if you explicitly want romance, google them and take a look if it sounds to appeal, but I’m taking this as a general cinema history plug considering what a confused mess fandom conversation about LGBT history in film or modern text as applicable, accepted or not.
Wonder Bar (1936) (I wouldn’t really call this queer cinema, but if you have the time to watch it too, I think it was the first explicit mention of homosexual engagement even if it was fleetingly brief. You might even call it Last Call style. A blink and you’ll miss it plug that was still decades ahead of its time)
Sylvia Scarlet (1936) (Again, I wouldn’t call this queer cinema, but a lot of the community takes it as the first potential trans representation on TV due to the lead literally swapping gender presentation, even if the presentation is… not what we would modernly call representation IMO)
Un Chant d'Amour (1950) (Worth it for the sheer fact that it pissed off fundies so bad they took it all the way to the US supreme court to get it declared obscene.)
The Children’s Hour (1961) (also known as the 1961 lesson to “don’t be a gossipy, outting bitch”)
Victim (1961) (The first english film to use the word “homosexual” and to focus explicitly on gay sexuality. People might look on it disdainfully from modern lenses, but it really helped progress british understanding of homosexuality)
Scorpio Rising (1964) (Lmao this one deadass got taken to court when it pissed people off and California had to rule that it didn’t count as obscene bc it had social value, worth it for the history if nothing else)
Theorem (1968) (Because who doesn’t wanna watch a 60s flick about a bisexual angel, modern issues and associations be damned)
The Killing of Sister George (1968) (by the makers of What Ever Happened To Baby Jane)
Midnight Cowboy (1969) (…have I had sassy contagonists in RP make a Dean joke off of this more than once, maybe)
The Boys in the Band (1970) (This… this… this made a lot of fuss. Just remember leather)
Pink Narcissus (1971) (a labor of love shot on someone’s personal camera)
Death in Venice (1971) (This is basically a T&S prequel but whatever, based on a much older book)
Cabaret (1972) 
Pink Flamingos (1972) (SHIT’S WILD)
The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant (1972) (The title doesn’t lie, be warned)
The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) [god I hope you’ve at least seen this]
Fox and His Friends (1975) (some really hard lessons that are still viable today, that just because someone acknowledges your sexuality doesn’t mean they give a shit about you as a person, and that some will even abuse the knowledge for gain)
The Terence Davies Trilogy (1983) (REALLY interesting history look it up, it’s sort of one of those “drawn from own experience” story short sets)
The Times of Harvey Milk (1984) (Documentary)
Desert Hearts (1985) (Pretty much the first film to put lesbianism into a good light as a true focus based on a novel from the sixties)
Parting Glances (1986) (the only film its creator got out before his death from the aids epidemic)
Law of Desire (1987) (two men and a trans woman in a love triangle, kinda ahead of its time)
Maurice (1987) (This one’s really interesting, cuz it was based on a book made about 15 years before it, but the book itself had been written half a century earlier and wasn’t published until after the guy died, he just thought it’d never get published Cuz Gay, so basically it’s based on a story written in like, the 20s finally getting screen time. It has a bittersweet but positive-leaning-ish ending without disregarding the cost that can come with it and even addresses class issues at the same time 100% DO RECOMMEND)
Tongues Untied (1989) (a documentary to give voices to LGBT black men) 
Longtime Companion (1990) (This one’s title alone is history, based on a NYT phrasing for how they talked about people’s partners dying, eg longtime companion, during the AIDS epidemic)
Paris Is Burning (1990) (Drag culture and related sexual and gender identity exploration as it intersected with class issues and other privileges explored in a documentary)
The Crying Game (1992)( I should correct this that I guess it’s more, 1992 considered, “SURPRISE, DIL HAS A DILL!” – I guess I really didn’t do that summary justice by modern language and dialogue as much as how people in the 90s were talking about that and that’s a my bad. LIKE. SEE, EVEN I CAN FUCK UP MY LANGUAGE I’M SORRY CAN I BLAME THE STRAIGHTS T_T) #90skidproblems – I guess I should call it a trans film. And this alone tells me I should go watch it again to recode it in my brain modernly rather than like circa de la 2000 understanding.
The Bird Cage (1996) (So you mix drag culture, otherwise heterosexually connected lovebirds, and then realize the girl comes from an alt-rightish house and the guy comes from a Two Dads Home and does cabaret, how to deal with the issues OF this conflict when it’s between you and your happiness, even if the fight isn’t even your own as much as it is that of the person you love. The answer is PROBABLY NOT to dress in drag and pretend to be straight, but what are you going to do? – while played for laughs we’d consider modernly crude, the fact that they even dared to approach this narrative was pretty loud)
The Celluloid Closet (1996) (Ever heard of the Vito Russo test for LGBT representation? This is based on a book by Vito Russo.)
Happy Together (1997) (Ain’t this shit an ironic name; a mutual narrative, via chinese flick, of hong kong ceding to china and an irrevocably tangled MLM pairing as a giant mirrored metaphor)
Boys Don’t Cry (1999) (one of the most groundbreaking films about trans identity at the time)
Stranger Inside (2001) (As easy as it is to recoil to the idea of “black gays in jail”, the film makers actually went and consulted prisoners and put a great deal of focus into intersectional african american issues that really weren’t around even in straight films at the time)
Transamerica (2005) (While it made a bit of a fuss for not casting an actual trans actor, it was one of the first times a big budget studio really tried to tackle it which really pushed us forward)
Call Me by Your Name (2017) (since I’ve apparently leaned really heavy old cinema throw in a modern one lmaooooo)
Also honorable The Kids Are All Right (2010) mention for the sake of the fucking title alone. 
And to any incarnation of “On the Road” by Kerouac, which
Was originally a book
Released a sanitized de-gayed edition because of the times
Later released the full homo manuscript
had a few film adaptations
Was one of Kripke’s founding inspirations for Supernatural once he left behind “Some reporter guy chases stories” and took the formula of Sal and Dean (and tbh later, Carlo) in a beat generation vibe gone modern as we know it today.
Reading both versions of this can actually help some folks currently understand that when you get confused over some shit (WHY IS CARLO SO UPSET? WHY IS HE ACTING LIKE AN UPSET GIRLFRIEND??? WHY IS HE SO JEALOUS AND SAD WHEN DEAN IS AROUND GIRLS???? WE JUST DONT KNOWWWWWWWWWWWWW) it’s because some big money asshat bleached the content, and sometimes, it takes a while for the full script to come out and again, surprise, it’s been GAY, they just didn’t want to OFFEND anybody. *jazz hands*
Now if you wanna go WAY WAY BACK, during 191X years, a bunch of gender role flicks came out like Charley’s Aunt, Mabel’s Blunder and the Florida Enchantment.
Also where is @thecoffeebrain-blog to yell about the necessity of watching Oz, for the next few hours? But no, seriously, just look into the entire LGBT *HISTORY* of Oz.
Beyond that though I’m gonna stop here cuz hi that’s a lot. I really don’t know how much counts as “happy ending” but if I had to give an LGBT cinema rec list, that’s it as a sum. I don’t really have like, a big portfolio of UWU HAPPY ENDING GAYS because 1. there aren’t a lot of those but 2. to me, it’s not about the ending, it’s about the journey. Be that in flick or through culture and history itself.
If you want more happy ending stuff, you definitely have to look at 2010+, but it’s not like we’re in a rich and fertile landscape yet so honestly just googling that would probably serve you better since I don’t explicitly explore romance genre or happy endings to really have a collection. LGBT life is hard and film often reflects that if we’re making genuine statements about it and really representing it, and we’re just now getting to a point of reliably having the chance at a happy ending. That or maybe someone can add like “Explicit happy endings” lists after this that has more experience in that subgenre.
Also, I can’t emphasize ENOUGH to remember what was progressive then is not what is progressive now, and frankly, what some people think is progressive now they’ll probably look back on what they said and feel really fuckin’ embarrassed. See: “It’s not text because by alt right homophobic dialogue, M/M sex isn’t gay if you do the secret handshake” MGTOW kinda crazy ass dialogue or parallel narratives they inspire that encourage self-closeting and denial based on the pure idea that being gay makes you somehow lesser, so It’s Not That. Like. I am. 99% sure. At least half of the people talking in this fandom. Are going to regret that the internet is forever. And maybe hope hosting servers end in the inevitable nuclear war that will annihilate this planet.
Also, edit: Speaking of mistaken dialogues and words aging poorly, I’d like to apologize from the poor description I rendered “The Crying Game” with, but that really goes to show how deep-seated the issue is we can so casually fuck up identifying a trans narrative as SURPRISE DICK IS GAY when we were all absorbing the content like 20+ years ago and HOW HARD it can be to de-code yourself from that kind of programming because here I am, writing a giant assed rep post and fucking it up because my brain hadn’t soaked that movie since Y2K. Guess what, time for me to go watch the Crying Game again.
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youareeinlove · 6 years
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Ok Im gonna try to remember as mUCH as I can! (Also I cut my sister out because I didn`t know if she would want me to post her in it or not) Im also gonna put every little detail I can so I can look back on this and crY
So Taylornation contacted me Tuesday with the whole confidential message so of course I fliPPED out cried and gave them my information RIGHT away. They contacted me like a few hours not even (the same day) that Taylor liked  @stumbleonhometomycats s post on the sideblog we share where she also queued like hUNDREDS of my tour post on there too ajshguhgijrweg. Like rIGHT after I got the dm she texted this to me
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so of course I pretended like I didnt know whAT she was talking about because I wanted her to be completely surprised when I told her at the concert and she was and I got her reaction on video ajhguyhijfs which I will show you later in this post. 
So on Wednesday I was looking out for a call from Taylor nation and I took and nap so I put my phone ringer all the way up next to my head so it could wake me up ajhugyhijwcd and it did but I was so out of it and trying to get to my mo that I MISSED the call! So I was just panicking and was like was it even them and I tried calling back three times the third time I left a message and told them my name which was good because like 5 minutes after they called back! So I answered and she said this is Taylornation and to keep everything confidential so I asked if I could tell my mom and she was like yeah of course! So like anyone does I was outside so I ran in the house to my mom and put the phone on speaker. They explained everything and they KNEW I was going to the concert on Saturday! They told me I could bring someone so I was going with my sister so I gave her my information. Then all that was left was to wait for the confirmation dm! Me still not being able to process I was just like ya know theres always a possibility something happens and you dont get that dm! But I still kept in mind that it very much could happen so I wrote a letter to Taylor because I knew if I did meet Taylor I`d blank (which I did but we`ll get to that lmaojhyuijfs) I also put my friend Tati @hoeofmyheart s memes in and envelope and I also sent some of you guys on here an ask on anon saying “If you could say anything to Taylor in 2 sentences what would you say 💛” and put that in a seperate envelope. So there were 3 seperate envelopes tied together in a ribbon! I also put gold stickers, snake stickers and a necklase in one of them and sealed the first letter in the front with one of the snake stickers.
So on Friday my mom was planning our trip to New Jersey because we live in long island NY so it would be a longish trip. So her and my dad were planning on staying in the city while me and my sister went to MetLife so she was looking at trains and the only option was gonna get me there at 5:15! and taylornation told me to be there BETWEEN 4-5 and right around this time while I was PANICING Taylornation dmed me that me and my guest were confirmed! So I literally BEGGED my parents to drive us because by car it only takes about 2 hours to get there. She finally AGREED! So fast foward to SATURDAY we left at 1:30 and got there around 3. While I was walking to willcall (where I had to go to get the envelope) I SAW SOFA @lov-eswift so we hUGGED and talked and she got glitter in my hair ajhyijkwhd I also got to meet @whyisntketchupasmoothie whos so nICE I love bELLA!!! So after me and my sister walk to willcall. We got there early so they didnt have them yet. So I texted @stumbleonhometomycats and was like where ARE you??? And she sent me her location and Im a dumbass so I didnt know how to use that lmaooo then finally my sister showed me but by that time Megan was going to find Sofa. So I went to find them both and didnt sEE them so I called Megan and she was just like “Im right in front of you” lmaoooo so we hugged and she squeezed me sO tight shes so soft yall she LOVES me We talked and then I finally pulled out my phone to record and was just like Taylornation contacted me and when I tell you she fell out she fELL out 
So after that Megan said she told her friends she thought something was sus because I literally talk to her all the time but that whole ass week I didnt talk to her as much lmaoksijhguyijkvef So I followed Megan and her friend to her car and she did the macarena to delicate and put glitter on my face after I said I wish I put glitter on my face because shes sOFT and loves mEEEE. Then she yelled at me at like 3:50 to go to will call and check for the envelope lmaooo They didnt have the envelope until closer to 5. After I got the envelope me and my sister walked to where we had to go and people were congratulating me! We also passed @whyisntketchupasmoothie and @ofrunningfoxes  who were so sweET and told me she would love me!
We were the first ones there and after a while everyone was there and we lined up. We went backstage and the man that led us told us to leave everything on the table and give him any letters or gifts or anything so I gave him the letters! We then walked in its like this very short hall with a few of taylors outfits behind glass and ahead is the rep room enTRANCE! So we walk in and rep room is so small so as soon as youre in you HEAR Taylor and idk man I just was nOt ready for that. I freaked out as you do got nervous and sat on the other side of the room opposite of where Taylor was lmaoooo there were people there to take Polaroids of us since we weren’t allowed to bring a camera so we took some of those. There was also like fOOD and alcohol which idk if we were allowed to touch any but no one attempted or asked so it just sat there ajhguthvjes so there were only 2 groups left and the other group was still taking pictures so we waited next to the small like square area covered by a curtain where Taylor was and I sAW glimpses of her GOD! So after that group I went in and Taylor yelled “hey how have you been!!!” and had her arms wIDE open so I went to hug her and she grabbed me and roCKED ME then she looked me straight in the eyes and was like “you look prettier in persone !” i was shOOK and she turned to my sister and asks her if she want a hug and that she looks good in yellow! Then she turned back to me stARING STRAIGHT AT ME AND I WAS LOOKIGN AT HER AND MY GOD SHES THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PERSON IVE EVER SEEN???? LIKE????? EVERYONE SAYS IT BUT SHE LITERALLY IS SO MUCH PRETTIER IN PERSON AND I DIDNT EVEN KNOW THAT WAS POSSIBLE???????? SO she talked to us about the show and that we had to get ready for the rain. I was staring up at her I kid you not mouth open with my hand on my chest LMAOOO Then I asked her who she would want on the iron throne in GOT and she was like pondering and put her hand on her waIST SHES SO CUTE and she was like idk i like them all I would have to think about that. Then she was like who would you want and I was like I dont watch it akjhyguhjfd I only asked because Megan said she forgot to ask at her session lmaosjhjkehf THEN I asked her what her favorite vine was and she was like “Oh I cant remember “ lmaooooo I totallY forgot to tell her it was my fiRST concert but I put it in the letter ahyjwkhbhjsf Then she asked if we wanted to take a picture and I asked for the picture if we could do a cheek kiss and she was like “yeah sure! Do you want to kiss mE on cheek? Or do you want me to kiss your cheek” jshghjkfs i lOVE HER so I was like you kiss mY cheek so she bent down and kissed my chEEK!!!!
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Then after the picture was taken she made a kiss sounD actually kiSSING MY CHEEK Then as I was leaving she hugged me aGAIN called me sweetHEART and to have a good time!!! She smelled so gOOD and I smelled like her the whole ass night I even smelled like her this morNING We left and they handed my sister two autographed pictures. Then someone gave me a paper with instructions on how to get my picture and specifically said “Dont lose this” So right outside I saw mama swift talking to someone and the girl was just leaving. So I asked for a picture and she said “Only if I get a hug first!” SHES SO CUTE 
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We took the picture and then she talked about the rain then we left backstage and I lOST the card the man told me not to lmaoguhjevfsc So I told the man that took us back there and he asked someone to go look for it and he came back handed me it and said “would this be it” and in the back of my head I was just like i hOPE so I hOPE no one else lost theirs and I go home and load someone elses picture asjhguyhcd. Like only I wOULD lose something like that. Then we left to go to our seats. I told Megan and Sofia everything I could remember and they both freaked and Megan said she was screaming in the bathroom almakijuekfs
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myhiddeagenda · 6 years
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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Hey
You: F, 21, Norway
You: Sup over?
Stranger: M
Stranger: 19
You: Apparently, I can't English
Stranger: 😂😂😂
You: How ya doing?
Stranger: I’m good, you?
You: Fairly cool
You: The temperature has finally started to get lower than 30* degreees
You: Thank lord
Stranger: Lmao, it’s pretty hot over here in Michigan
Stranger: Wyd
You: Fucking gross
You: Not much really
You: Bored, my friends ditched me
You: So here I am, passing time
Stranger: Ahhhhh, I just got out of football. I’m just laying down
You: ooh, football which is not soccer rofl
Stranger: Yes, American football
You: I've tried it once, it's shits and giggles till someone tackles you with their shoulder to your gut
Stranger: Try that six hours a day
You: No thanks. I'm ok with my decent amount of hockey
You: haha
Stranger: You wanna play truth or dare or something
You: Sure
You: Hit me up
Stranger: Truth or dare
You: Truth I guess
Stranger: You got a bf
Stranger: ?^
You: I'd like to say yes, but it's complicated
You: How do you even do a dare over Omegle?
Stranger: Idk, you just trust the other person does it I guess
You: I ain't devouring boogers
You: no thanks
Stranger: Lmao
You: How's your lovelife going?
You: You must have girls swooning after ya
Stranger: I mean, sex is fun
You: hahha, all of the testosterone
Stranger: It’s fun for the other person too
Stranger: Trust meeee
You: wooowzers, I ain't judging you
Stranger: Truth or dare
You: Truth
Stranger: When was the last time you’ve had some good sex
You: Shit, hard question
You: hmm
You: After "boyfriend" did the "what are we" talk, I honestly went out partying out of pure anger with a couple of dude friends
You: Of my friends cousin was having hard luck finding "fun" so I joined him home
You: Not proud of it, but it was damn good
Stranger: Be proud of it, you got some good sex
You: Guilt trips my conscious
You: Okay
You: Truth or dare
Stranger: Dare
You: Take the closest inanimate object
You: and take a comparing dickpic
You: send it to the first dude on snapchat lmao
Stranger: I’ll do the first two but I ain’t sending that to any dudes😂😂
You: hahahaha
Stranger: Damn, my dick is surprisingly big
You: Have to admit I haven't really played truth or dare before lmao
You: haha, what'd you compare it to?
Stranger: A pillow
You: pfffffffftttttttttttttttt
Stranger: Lmaooooo
You: Good on you 😂
You: Does your dick go in the vagina and out the mouth?
You: Sounded really long 😂
Stranger: I give her a good time, I don’t kill her😂
You: hahaha, I'm laughing so hard
You: So, what music do you like?
Stranger: All music
Stranger: Depends on my mood
Stranger: Truth or dare
You: Truuuth
Stranger: Hmmmmm
Stranger: What’re are you rn
You: What? What am I right now?
Stranger: Where*
You: A lonely, confused woman?
Stranger: Lmao, we’re both lonely. Twinning
You: Sadbois v_v
Stranger: I choose dare
You: hmm
You: If you have the number of the last person you slept them
You: Tell them you had a good time *winky winky*
Stranger: Ok😂😂
Stranger: You seem like a dope person, if only you didn’t live halfway across the world
You: Well damn, never gotten that compliment before
You: I am known of being the best wingman, so I guess I'm a bit dope
Stranger: Lmao, you could me my wingwoman
Stranger: Be
You: Like, it help being the ugly in the group!
Stranger: I bet you’re not ugly
You: I bet I was 😂
Stranger: You definitely have a better personality than all these fake girls I hook up with
You: Or at least in the latest situation, where this girl nonchalantly told my friend that he shouldn't be hanging with me 😂 And I just took my drink said have fun and left, I didn't even need to wing him, she caught the bait anyway
Stranger: Lmao, that’s me sometimes
Stranger: Truth or dare
You: I'm keeping it to truth really, I'm a bit unsettled with dare lmao
Stranger: You’ve dared me the craziest shit, I’ll dare you some low key shit
You: Oh boy 😂
Stranger: Dare?
You: Come at me, bro
You: Show me all you got
Stranger: I dare you too...
Stranger: Hmmmmmm
Stranger: Take off all your clothes, go to the shower, and stand in it for thirty seconds under the coldest setting the water goes
You: hahaha, oh now
You: no*
You: That won't work here
You: The coldest isn't considered cold, it's like, lukewarm
You: I can stick my feet and hands in the freezer?
Stranger: No no no
Stranger: I may have a better one😂😂
You: Is lukewarm even a word... jees wat are engresh
Stranger: I dare you to grab do the same as said, except for the shower, and instead grab an ice cube and let it melt on your stomach for a minute😂😂
You: Youre talking to someone from Norway, I'mma do that shit with 4 cubes
Stranger: Bet
You: brb I guess
Stranger: Lmao, I’ll do it too
You: Wait, can I have it in a plastic bag?
You: Don't wanna have it spilling down my bed D:
Stranger: Nope, it’s gotta melt
You: man, fuck you
You: Fine, brb
Stranger: I just grabbed some ice cubes
Stranger: Alr, my clothes are off. You ready?
You: Jupp
You: I done it
You: And I take it back
You: It's suprisingly VERY cold 😂
Stranger: This is cold
Stranger: Shit mine is melting a little bit😂😂
You: Is it now I say shove it up your ass, son
You: 😂😂😂
Stranger: no😂😂😂
Stranger: Oh god, it’s falling towards my dick
You: I'm literally planking, that shit sliding nowhere
You: But I can bet my phone is gonna slide outta my hands and hit me in the collarbones
Stranger: Lmao, hold it tighter
Stranger: Damn, the water on the dick was t as bad as I thought it would be
Stranger: I took mine off
You: only 1 outta 4 has melted completely
Stranger: Your skin must be warm, damn
You: Not really, my doctor tend to say I got blue blood
You: But ought to think I'd be warmer
You: Taking long time to melt
Stranger: You should just take them off now
You: DARE IS A DARE! I whisper as I wipe it all away
You: What a wild ride really
You: 😂😂😂😂
Stranger: Lmao, I bet if we were together right now we’d have some better dares for each other
You: "Let's see who dies first" kinda dares really
You: "Yo catch" throws a fucking bag of nails and a hammer
Stranger: Lmao, idk about those kind of dares
You: I guess a dare ain't shit to me cause I'd do it anyway
You: Or well, I'm never downing 4 fireball shots under 1 minute
Stranger: I guarantee that if we were together rn we’d literally be racing to see which ice cube melts the fastest
You: It's important to learn from mistakes
You: hahaha, jupp
You: I would definately dare you to have you put it up your ass 😂
Stranger: If you did that then I would dare you to have it melt on your vagina😂😂
You: Guilty as charged, I've tried
Stranger: Really?!
You: It's just as bad as it sounds
You: Don't put it in the vagina
Stranger: Lmao, I dare you to put it on the vagina😂😂😂
You: Nope
You: Hell nah, sonny
You: I'm outta this game
You: 😂
Stranger: Damn, you’re dope
You: 😂😂😂😂
You: It's such an American expression, I find it kind of funny of you calling me it
Stranger: Dope is my thang. I’ll always be like “that sex was dope”
You: Yeah, it's equivalent to cool, rad, amazing etc I guess
Stranger: Yes it is
Stranger: I’m bored, you wanna get kinky?
You: Well, not-a-soccerboy
You: recommend some music
You: Nah, I ain't the kinky type
Stranger: Don’t you listen to Norwegian stuff though?
You: If you up to kinky, you rather skip me so I don't go waste your type honestly >_<
You: What do you mean with Norwegian stuff?
You: Most of them sing in English 😂
Stranger: Like, songs
Stranger: Ohhhhhh
Stranger: 😂
You: hmm, Breathe by SeeB is pretty cool
You: that song just finished playing
Stranger: Runaway by Kanye West
You: let's have a toast for the douche bags
Stranger: Best song
You: I remember being surprised when he released that song
You: Maybe one of the "not kanye" songs that are close to my heart
You: one of the few*
Stranger: Yo, I think I’m gonna take a nap before I have to go to football again, want my number so we can talk again?
You: Anonymity is a thrill for me, I rather not
You: I hope you enjoy your nap and prosper in football!
Stranger: Come onnnn, I wanna talk again
You: Nothing more, you better stick to that
Stranger: Ok
You: Snapchat? I don't do social media much
Stranger: Sure
You:  <<<
You: I'mma probably show up as 
You: Don't fret, I've got a vagina
Stranger: Ok
Stranger: I’ll add you
Stranger: Adios muchacho
You: l8ers
Stranger has disconnected.
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It Started With A Treehouse (G.D.)
I havent written any Grayson smut in forever soooooo here take this garbage lmao
@scuteedolans @dangly-feather-earring-dolan @pinksnapbackbullshit
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              Ethan, Grayson, and I had been inseparable for our entire lives. We grew up as neighbors, the twins ran into my backyard and climbed into my tree house scaring the hell out of me when we were five years old and the rest is pretty much history. Our parents became friends, we went on vacations together, we were babysat together, and we got along great so we basically grew up in each other’s pockets. As we got older the twins grew like weeds and bulked up quite a bit. There was no denying that they were handsome young men, I just wasn’t attracted to either of them. Or so I thought.
                As time went on, I realized a little part of me always loved Grayson a little bit more than Ethan. I always gave in to him, whether it be where we went to eat or what game we played. All he had to do was look up at me through the thick fringe of his eyelashes with those big hazel puppy dog eyes and my resolve would crumble in an instant. His face would split into a beautiful grin, flashing his brilliant white teeth, and I’d melt. Of course, to his face I would scoff and pretend to be irritated but I was never really upset. I don’t think I ever could be.
               It was late on Saturday night, and my phone rang with a text message.
*Group Chat*
G: hey sluts, movie night?
E: first off, rude. second, no.
Me: why not E? hot date tonight?! Lmaooooo
G: yeah right, Y/N. maybe with his left hand.
Me: EW
G: suuuuuure ya could buddy.
E: I don’t see you on many dates dear brother so….
G: you two are the worst
E: aww ya sad now?
Me: yeah gray, ya gonna cry?
G: fuck offfffff. Is anyone coming to watch this fucking movie with me or what????
E: I already said no, dingus. I’m sleeping at Aaron’s house tonight
G: so you DO have a hot date!
Me: don’t let things get too sexy tonight E!
E: you are both monsters.
Me: gray I’m in for a movie if you want. As long as its nothing that sucks.
G: do my choices ever suck?????
Me: um remember the 4th of july with the twizzlers and half a bottle of fireball???
Me: mhmmmmmm
G: I came out to have a good time and im honestly feeling so attacked right now.
E: gray that was lame
Me: you are LITERALLY a living meme
G: yeah but you love me baby!
E: I don’t!
Me: yeah yeah whatever I’ll be over in 5
               I put my phone in my pocket before I slipped my shoes on. I called out to my mother to let her know where I was going on my way out the door. I walked across the driveway and into the Dolan’s front yard. I didn’t bother knocking and I just walked inside. I knew everyone else was gone because the only car in the driveway was Grayson’s. That’s when reality hit. I was alone with him in this big house. Why the fuck was it so hard to breathe all of a sudden? I needed to relax and act normal. I could not let my minor crush come bubbling to the surface right this very second.
               “GRAYSON BAILEY DOLAN WHERE YOU AT?!” I shouted from the front hallway. “I’M IN HERE!” I heard him yell in response from the living room. I grinned and started running. When I hit the living room I dove over the arm of the couch and tackled Grayson onto the cushions. “Y/N what the hell girl?! Are you tryin to kill me?” He said while laughing. His laughter shook my body as I was still on top of him. “You know I like to make an entrance.” I said while climbing off of him. I flopped onto the couch next to him with my feet in his lap. “Go ahead G, fire it up!” He chuckled while pressing play on the remote.
               About an hour into the movie, I started to get tired and uncomfortable because of the way I was sitting. Grayson’s large hand wrapped around my ankle. Still staring at the screen, he said “Stop squirming.” My heartbeat quickened just a little and I let out a fake irritated sigh. He patted his thigh and said “Come on.” I smiled a little and rearranged myself so my head was resting in his lap. Grayson knew this was my favorite way to lay but he also knew I always fell asleep like this too. Sure enough he started stroking my hair and in a matter of minutes I was asleep.
               About an hour later I started to wake up but Grayson was still stroking my hair so I didn’t open my eyes. Call me selfish but it was soothing and I didn’t want him to stop. I cracked one eye open and his phone was close enough to my face that I could read his texts. Now I didn’t want to spy but teasing Gray was kinda my favorite thing and if there was something funny in his texts I could use against him, you can bet your ass I would. He was texting Ethan and the hand that wasn’t stroking my hair, was flying over his keyboard.  It took all of my strength not to shiver while reading his conversation.
G: e I need help
E: whats up bro?
G: im freaking out. Y/N’s head is in my lap
E: dude this isn’t new. she does that all the time
G: e you KNOW this is different. You know how I feel about her!
E: yeah and that’s why I went to Aarons! Man up!
G: I don’t know what to do! God damn it I want to touch her so bad
E: okay well don’t be weird about it. Just like touch her arm or something idk man!
G: ethan you have no idea what she does to me I cant fucking breathe rn
E: well im going to leave you to it FIGURE IT OUT BUD!
               He clicked the power button on his phone and threw it onto the other side of the couch, and his head dropped back, a sigh escaping his lips. Now that I knew he wanted me just as bad as I wanted him, I pulled the courage from inside of me and decided that I was going to make the move to go further. I pretended to still be asleep and I rolled over so my face was inches from his toned stomach. I could hear him gasp above me and I bit back a grin. I stretched out like a cat as his hand ran down my spine. I slowly dragged my hand over the growing bulge in Grayson’s jeans. A groan spilled from his lips and I could feel his body tense up. I slowly blinked my eyes open and grinned up at him. “Are you sure sweetheart? Because if we do this, you gotta be sure.” He asked quietly. I could see the hope shining in his eyes and a shy grin appeared on his face as I nodded.
               As soon as he had confirmation that I was okay with this, a fire ignited in his eyes and his hand traveled down between my thighs. He began rubbing small tight circles over my clit through my leggings. All reasonable thought flew out of my head at the feeling of his fingers on my most sensitive area. My hips bucked against his hand and moans spilled from my lips. “These need to come off.” Grayson said, pulling at my pants. I stood up and removed my leggings, feeling exposed. “C’mere baby.” He said, grabbing my hips and pulling me into his lap.
               Grayson tucked his head into my neck and nipped at the sensitive skin. My hips began to grind down onto his thick thigh and I couldn’t control my sighs as my clit rubbed against the denim of his jeans. At this point I was so turned on I couldn’t see straight. “Fuck baby. You like riding my thigh? Does that feel good?” Grayson growled, his hands guiding my hips back and forth on his leg. “Yes! Hngg-oh my god Grayson!” I whined out. One of his hands left my hip and snaked down to rub me through my panties. He pushed them to the side and sank 2 thick fingers into me. I gasped at the intrusion and he grinned me, knowing exactly what he was doing to me. I tipped my head down and sealed my lips with his. He pumped his fingers in and out of my dripping center and my mouth fell open. He slipped his tongue into my mouth and I could feel that heat coiling in my belly.
               Grayson withdrew his fingers from my pussy and brought them up to my mouth. I sucked his index finger into my mouth, wrapping my tongue around the thick digits. I looked into his eyes as I continued sucking and he let out a low hiss.
               “That’s it. Enough fucking around.” He growled as he flipped me onto my back. Grayson stood up and unbuckled his pants, yanking them down along with his boxers. He pushed my knees apart and settled between my thighs. “Please Grayson. I need you.” I whined, on the brink of tears. “Shh don’t cry baby. Daddy knows what you need.” He whispered, lining his length up with my entrance. He pushed into me slowly, giving me time to adjust to his size.
               Grayson pulled out almost all the way and slammed back in, an animalistic sound ripping out of my throat. He began thrusting into me at a near punishing pace and I couldn’t contain the sounds spilling from my lips. “Please Daddy! God you feel so good! I can’t hold on!” I screamed. “Yeah that’s right baby. Tell me how good you feel. Tell me how much you need my cock.” Grayson grunted into my ear, his warm breathe fanning over my heated skin. “Ugh-Gray you feel so good inside me. Your cock is the best I’ve ever had! I’m gonna come!” I whimpered in response.
               His hand gently tightened around my throat, beginning to cut off my air supply. He kept thrusting quickly, his face twisting and contorting as he chased his release. His hand kept tightening around my throat and the air was getting thinner and thinner. The lack of oxygen made my blood feel like it was boiling and my clit was throbbing. Just as my vision started to darken Grayson removed his hand and used it to rub my clit in tight circles as I sucked in a huge breath. The sudden intake of oxygen mixed with his touches threw me right over the edge as I exploded around him. “FUCK!” Grayson shouted into the empty room as my pussy continued to flutter around him. After another half dozen powerful thrusts he stilled inside me as his orgasm washed over him. After he spilled his seed inside me, he collapsed on top of me, his head on my chest.
               “Wow. Y/N do you know how I’ve wanted this? How long I’ve wanted you?” He whispered into my damp skin. I ran my fingers through his messy hair and whispered back “I’m guessing, as long as I’ve wanted you?” He was quiet before responding. “Y/N please don’t tell me this was a one time thing? I want you to be mine. Like, forever ya know?” Grayson said, lifting his head to look me in the eyes. I cradled his face in my hand. “I’ve been yours since you and your idiot brother stormed my treehouse when we were five years old Grayson Bailey Dolan. I’m not going anywhere.”
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tellywoodtrash · 7 years
ishqbaaz 05.09.17 lb
lololol shivaay turning the paper this way and that trying to read it (it’s in marathi, lol) 😂😂😂
hein? this house has a staircase also???? leading where???? 🤔🤔🤔
shivaaaay + chaaaaaaaai = this should be interesting. 😐😐😐
oh boy she wants him to drink it from the saucer. (always seemed weird to me.) 😕😕😕
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lmaoooo “no, that doesn’t sound right.” 😂😂😂
props to him for actually trying this. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
“IT’S GOOD!”  “MERE mooh mein paani aa gaya tha!” 
lmao my tharki mind is interpreting this whole conversation in a verrrrrrrry different way! 😏😏😏
lmaoooooooooooo baalti wali bath! ab aayega mazaaaaaa. the true middle class experience! never am i more humbled than when i have to do a baalti bath back in india. 😌😌😌
please to be watching this video by my fav, kenny sebastian, and him describing the process super accurately. my place in kerala is in the city and the bathroom is in the house and all (ooooh! so fancy!), but this is pretty much how it goes. i can smell the medimix just watching this video! 🙃🙃🙃
you were so pleased with the “rain water harvesting” yesterday billu. time to walk the talk! 😊😊😊
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pft, “humare paas sabun bhi hai????” idiottttt 🙄🙄🙄
“main jaa raha hoon nahaane ke liye. tum chalogi mere saath?”
lmao why, billu? do you want a witness for your embarrassment? trust me, you’re not gonna feel even remotely sexy while doing a middle class baalti bath. 
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gauri is worried about becoming vidhwaa 6 months into her marriage. 😬😬😬
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same, gauri. #same. 
oufff shivaay ke sarrr se nkk ka bhoot utarkar iske sarrr chadh gaya hai. 😑😑😑
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hahahaha herrrrr imitation. her faaaace. i love her so much. 😂😂😂
oh boyyyy chawl udaana hai 😬😬😬
10 to 1 the maalik is…
…. YUP. 😒😒😒
the fuck shivaay, do you even pay attention to half the orders you give? 😐😐😐 how many bldgs have you felled like this without even knowing?
ok the rule was to not use your name and identity for undue advantages. not for situations like these! 😩😩😩
son, if that worked, all the fitness videos i watch and subscribe to would have me sporting 6 pack abs and zero jiggle. 😣😣😣
lmao ek din mein 5 kele khaa ke kya hona hai????? 😶😶😶
chor naukar has an unsolicited opinion. 🙄🙄🙄
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lmao their reaction! omki’s “get a load of this guy!” head nod. baat aane par dono ek team ho gaye. abhi chor ki jamkar dhulaai hogi. 😂😂😂
hey chawl-blower-upper-dude, why are you such an asshole? just chill maybe? 😒😒😒
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gotta love these oBahus and how they’re all ready to throw down the second someone is mean to their patis.  (ง •̀_•́)ง (ง •̀_•́)ง (ง •̀_•́)ง 
…. is he sitting ON the dynamite? 😟😟😟
lmao only the rich think that “the right to peacefully protest” achieves ANYTHING in india. bitch, the aam aadmi has no TIME to protest, peacefully or otherwise. humein ghar bhi chalaane hote hai. 🙄🙄🙄
i feel bad for the explosion guy. he’s also an aam aadmi, trying to do his damn job. kahaan is majnu se paala pad gaya aaj. 😑😑😑
…. and you’re only doing this for anika and sahil? they have alternate housing and are sorted in life now. WHAT ABOUT ALL THE OTHER PEOPLE LIVING IN THE CHAWL WHO DON’T? AM I SUPPOSED TO AWWWWW OVER THIS BS? 😤😤😤
anika’s like OMG!SEXXXXXXXXX TAKE ME NOW HUBBY hearing that sentimental pap though. oh well. whatever works for her. 😕😕😕
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lmaooooo her mooophat jawab and his honest laugh at her bindaass-ness. 😊😊😊
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the couple that does dharna together, stays together, i guess? 🤔🤔🤔
ok i can’t stop laughing at omki’s hella lame kushti moves. that too, with this untrained idiot who’s not even that heavily built. such false complacency. 😐😐😐
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omki going in with some classic WWE moves. 😊😊😊
gauri’s excitement is hella cute though. 😍😍😍
“abbe kahan jaa raha hai bhaag ke? practice kiske saath karoonga abhi?” 
wifey be like I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE. 🙋🏽🙋🏽🙋🏽
girl, stop putting the sunglasses on every 3 minutes to look cool. woh bhi raat mein. it’s laaaaaaame. 🙄🙄🙄
sure. ok. with all the hair open. you been hanging out with bhavya too much. 😑😑😑
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omki be like, oh yeah baby, imma wrestle with you. imma wrestle with you gooooooooooood. imma lift you up and pin you down and then take my shirt off and… hmm? what? yes. wrestling. this is how it’s done. (in the dangal themed porno i came across on the dark side of the web during my “research”.) 😏😏😏😏
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i like how the chulbul moments are there too. omki is canon confirmed bi/pan/demisexual, fiiiiiiiiiiight me. 😊😊😊
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haaaaaaye my cuties. 💖💖💖
i like how it’s night in… lonavla or wherever the f rikara are, and early morning in mumbai where shivika are. because the two places are in DIFFERENT TIME ZONES 12 HOURS APART. 😐😐😐
balbirrrrrrrr should NOTTTTTTTTTT have done that. 😠😠😠
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LMAO “AYE INKE HEIGHT PE MAT JAA!!!!!!!!”  “BOLNA ZAROORI THA YEH?” “YEH MOTA AAPKE HEIGHT KA MAZAAK UDAA RAHA HAI!” “haan, aur tum usse aur underline kar do!!!” 
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my god what a family of fighty little munchkins this is today. 😊😊😊
oh, iska boss bhi idhar hi hai? 
lollllllllllllll khanna’s been using the SSO name to act like big mannnnn. 
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“namaste khannaji!” “nahi, BOSS!” 
heeeee heeee heeeeeee 😂😂😂
ok that looks like the most uncomfortable way to sleep, gauri. 
has he been practicing all night????? great, he’s gonna go wrestle with NO training, and not having SLEPT either. idiot. 😒😒😒
oufffff gauri ask bhavya to send BACKUP instead of asking her for kushti tips, jfc. 😑😑😑
billu ka swaagat toh aise kiya jaa raha hai jaise jung se lauta ho. fucking ridiculous. 🙄🙄🙄
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such cute. 💖💖💖💖💖💖
dadi gave you the fucking night off from her pehredaari to go at it like rabbits and you spent it talking about baltis and whatnot. this is what you call WASTE OF OPPORTUNITY. 😫😫😫😫
bhavya looking 10000% done with rudra is me. #freeMyGirl 😣😣😣
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lo, billu ne bhavya ko bhi adopt kar liya. he’s like who needs stupidass brothers when i can have AWESOMEASS SISTERSSSSSSSS 😊😊😊
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don’t think i missed bhavya looking all choked up though. 😭😭😭
allllllllll the toe touches in the world aren’t gonna help ya, omki. 😐😐😐
dude, like yeh balram legit apne khanna ka bhai lagta hai. 😗😗😗
of course he’s not gonna listen. 🙄🙄🙄
aaaaaaaaaaaand there goes the lassi. and the omkara. 😕😕😕
ouff. stupid mardaangi taunts. #masculinitySoFragile
ok fwding the nonsense till bulbul gets into the ring. 
aw. bhavyaaa. *hugs her* we love you, we do. which is why we want better for you than f’ing rudra. sumo toh khud hi jaan chudaaa kar chali gayi. ab tumhe kaise bachaaye is se. 🙁🙁🙁
anika’s crying too. and has dialogues about family ka hissa and all. all that is okay, but please god don’t make her chutki. 😬😬😬
rudra calling for cessation of this divisive team policy in order to get some bro bonding time. 😌😌😌
waaah, dadi maan bhi gayi. 😯😯😯
wait, shivaay and rudra have a GANG? these ppl have OTHER friends??? 😧😧😧
surprise element? um… idk why but my mind instantly went to bachelor party and strippers. 😬😬😬
big talk from all the men. PFT. COMEEEEEEEEE ONNNNN GAURIIII. 
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can balram stop with the stupid yelling and faces? coz does this woman look intimidated by it? uh. that would be a resounding NO. 🙄🙄🙄
ok fwding. coz honestly i fucking CAN’T. 
god just fucking kick him in the nutsssss and END THISSSSSS 😫😫😫
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hold up, few seconds ka rewind. waaah, shivaay ki tarah ab isse bhi Awareness™ chadhta hai when wife is hurt/in danger. 
mubarak ho on your new superpowers, omkiiii! they’re gonna make your life an anxiety-ridden hell, since YOUR wife wants to fight every third person she meets. 🙃🙃🙃
arre waaaaah. out in like a minute. omki toh bada chupaa rustam nikla! boy, take off that shirt so we can see what you’re REALLLLLLYY working with, body wise. you know, FOR RESEARCH. 😗😗😗
what “uthhhhhh balram”??? whoever hits the ground back-first loses. and he’s lost. fuck off now sadde hue tauji. 😒😒😒
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haaaaaaaaaaaye. my sweeeetooooos. 💗💗💗
actualllllllly cryingggggg at omkiiiiii freely confessing that he couldn’t bear to see her get hurttttttttt. 😭😭😭😭😭
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“shankarji ki tarah gusse mein aapki teesri aankh khul gayi.” 😅😅😅
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yes ok uncleji, thanks for your completely unsolicited validation but we just want the murti, so give us that and we’ll be on our way, thanks. 😒😒😒
rikara be like pyaaaaaaar? whaaat? no! we’re just roomies! with a lot of sexual tension. 😯😯😯😯😯
lmaoooo chubby has some new cockamamie scheme. 😆😆😆
hahahaha “investment”. sure. maybe ask your cambridge mba waala bhaiyya how investments actually work?????? 🙄🙄🙄
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bartsugsy · 7 years
Have you recovered from Thursday's episodes yet? I have mentally binned the one from Friday from my memory as best I can. I wish Sharon hadn't included the scene where Robert pulled Rebecca up off her chair, what the hell was that. Surely there was another way for her to trigger a reaction so that Chrissie could blurt out Rebecca was still pregnant ugh. Maxine is subtle in her script writing and then it feels like these other writers come along and bulldozer over everything
Hey anon!
I honestly didn’t mind Friday’s episode. Ok…
this became…. obscenely long…….
The pub reveal felt sort of clunky in a ‘suddenly everyone relevant is here at the pub to learn of this news!’ sort of way, but it’s a soap, so…. you know. It was like… CAR CRASH HORRIFYING AND AWKWARD TO WATCH AND I GET LIKE… SECOND HAND HORROR IS THAT A THING i just fuckdigndnf scream like it hits A LOT OF MY WEIRD SECOND HAND EMBARRASSMENT BUTTONS AND I CANT i’m literally rewatching now and cringing at robert and aaron having to both suddenly deal with this realisation in full view of a packed pub i’m !!!!!!!!!!
It feels like the point was to sort of… make Robert extra terrible to Rebecca (not hard, he’s usually pretty terrible to her these days lmao) and have Aaron find out about the baby all at once, so that it hits him like a slap in the face, that this isn’t going to be as easy as he thought it was when it was just him and Robert alone in a room together. It’s so often been so much easier for the two of them, when it’s just them in a room. 
The one thing that I wasn’t a fan of was Victoria’s non-reaction. Because. Really? idk why are these reveals never as juicy as I want them to be smh. Also I still don’t get Chrissie being so gung ho about the baby given it’s Robert’s and given her relationship with Rebecca and so I’m assuming it must be for a specific plotty reason (bc the state of the white sisters’ relationship is always reliant on what the plot needs) and I’m really wondering what that is??? i’m 100% suspicious. 
lawrence on the other hand was 110% #relateable
ALSO aaron’s reaction to finding out about the baby was as relateable as chas’ reaction to finding out about the Incident - i.e. i felt my soul laid bare on screen that day
Ryan and Danny were both amazing and that bathroom scene was a work of art and I will cherish it til I die like THEIR PERFORMANCES IN THAT SCENE??????? LITERALLY STUNNING?????????????????? OH MY GOD?????????????? WHEN YOU THINK RYAN AND DANNY CAN’T DO ANY BETTER THAN THURSDAY AND THEN THEY DO THAT??????? bye. also i’m literally both of them. it’s like me talking to myself about this storyline. we are all one.
anyway that scene was perfect and NEEDED for this episode and so i really can’t trash it all that much because damn
The Aaron and Rebecca scene is…. the funniest most absurd thing I’ve ever laid my own two eyes upon………. she just…. how…. does anyone think she has a leg to stand on?????
Ok. Here’s my thing. It is 1000% Rebecca’s right to have this baby if she wants. That’s fine. She’s gotta do what’s right for her. However, awful as Robert treats her and much as she now rightfully seems to hate him, she has to understand that this decision to have this baby affects Aaron’s life as well. She shouldn’t let her choice be influenced by that at all but, given that this is someone she professes to “like”, she… she slept with his husband and she’s having his baby. She took an active part in helping to destroy his marraige. Unintended consequence or not, that’s still the absolute reality of what happened and as much as, again, I don’t think she should change her mind or her stance on anything Robert related, I still think she should at least be able to recognise her part in Aaron’s pain? I just…. you would think she would be even slightly sympathetic to that? But that last scene sort of came off as her trying to make him see the light - “look how similar we are, we’re in the same boat, it’s us against him”. The show literally couldn’t make it clearer that Aaron and Rebecca don’t have the same relationships with Robert if they had Rob make a flipping shrine to Aaron in his basement next to a burning effegy of Rebecca at this point (….just look at this entire episode), but Rebecca thinks it’s the same thing. And yes, she seems to think she’s doing right by Aaron but.. idk, how fucking patronising can you be? How unsympathetic can you be? 
Again - I really do think the point was to really have Aaron question whether he can really forgive Robert and put that seed of doubt in his mind but
Also idk if it’s because we know what Aaron’s agression looks like and it wasn’t that heartbroken yell at Rebecca, and Rebecca does not know what it looks like, but her cowering and making him feel bad about yelling at her…. like….
she slept with his husband??????????????????????????????????????
and rebecca acting like that shout is…. robert’s fault….. when….. even if aaron was acting agressive…. aaron’s agression issues go back far far before robert even came into the picture….. and robert isn’t responsible for the way aaron reacts to things much in the way aaron isn’t responsible for robert’s reactions we literally just had a massive double bill discussing these exact faults. like, it just hammers home how much she really doesn’t know him. 
and like. robert and rebecca were both there. they were both responsible and they both had relationships with aaron. robert has more to apologise for but that doesn’t mean rebecca should be treated like an innocent god damn petal (regardless of whether she genuinely belived rob and aaron had broken up four hours before they did it or whatever… i mean…….. honestly…………)
and potentially all just a way to make sure aaron doesn’t shout at her again? or just to foreshadow whatever the fuck is happening next week. who knows. 
What I’m saying is, I think the whole point of this episode was to show that Aaron and Robert’s problems aren’t magically fixed because they spent a day finally talking about their problems. Growing and changing has never been that easy - they’ve taken the first step and admitted to it, recognised their issues but… I think this is just a signal that they still have a lot of work to do and they aren’t going to be in a good place for a while. They’re both going to be trying to work through it for some time. Which is good. 
Like. That whole first scene, with them being cheerful but kind of awkward and stilted was just them trying to move past things a little - but this episode was a big neon sign that it’s never gonna be that easy. Long standing problems like theirs don’t just disappear.
ALSO ALSO final note on Maxine (and Sharon I guess, who wrote this ep - and I really wasn’t a massive fan of the writing because it did feel like a mess and it took me a few watches to sort of understand what was happening, but whatever) - because I just… I don’t think every episode that Maxine doesn’t write is doomed to be bad lmao. And I don’t think Friday trampled over them either. 
Personally, the reason I love Maxine like she was my own daughter is because she is the exact opposite of subtle. She doesn’t do subtle at all, she spells out everything in black and white and you don’t have to work for it - which I appreciate a lot, to be honest, because who wants to work this hard for a soap???? LOOK AT HOW LONG THIS POST IS???? WHY??? lmaoooo, maybe that’s just me. idk, i just appreciate her blunt approach to writing dialogue and her big love of parallels and callbacks bc it satisfies my inner theorist. plenty of other writers have their strengths when they write robron and plenty of other writers have written beautiful stuff for them, but i like that they give maxine the big stuff if only because i know that she’s gonna try and cram as much shit into there as possible lmaooooo. she makes the most of it.
and by that i mean…. i’m never really left thinking “am i reading too much into this or is this just an accident of the writing that i’m picking up on?” with maxine, like i do for a lot of other writers. like friday’s episode - am i meant to see the rebecca/aaron conversation as firm proof that rebecca doesn’t know aaron but has made a lot of judgements on him and assumes he has as little agency as she does when it comes to robert, based on her terrible terrible relationship with and treatment by robert? or is that just something that i can see from the episode, knowing the characters like i do, that was never intended to be there and won’t be a plot point. with rebecca, especially, it’s hard to know what we should be purposefully pick up on and what is just bad and sloppy writing by literally every single person involved. 
I just never feel like I have to write mountains of essays about character motivation and storytelling when Maxine is at the helm of an episode. 
i do think she’s one of the most consistent at writing them (though idk whether that’s because she gets the good episodes or it’s just her clear love for them as a couple that leads her to being extra careful with them, it might be very chicken and egg haha) and she handles episodes that could fall apart in some writers hands very very well (my main example for that is always the lachlan trial episode, which i just think should have been an utter trainwreck but ended up being one of my favourites. it’s just incredible to me that she made it work that well, during a time when robert is actively lying and the show itself was SO BAD ON ALL COUNTS???? her ep was like the turning point into ‘not horribleness’ again and i don’t know how she did it. the entire plot was ABSURD. she just made it work.)
(plus it seems like she writes loads of casual affection into episodes and that makes me happy)
idk. I guess I’m saying that there’s a reason I genuinely look forward to Maxine’s episodes, but also… all is not lost and i don’t think she’s the only one who is gonna save us here. we’ve got other people who will help us along the way lmao. 
(i’m getting serious de ja vu with this whole sentiment did i write this back in november as well or is that my brain playing tricks on me?)
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
hunty x hunty cont
soooo we watched more! woohoo
we finished the hunter exam arc???? i THNK? lmaoooo at the end of the ep (21 i thiiiiink) we were on, satotz was like BUT THE HUNTER EXAM ISNT EVEN OVER YET or w/e lol aigh??? whats up w/that
anyways a lot happened in the last few eps that we watched....man i shouldve written this earlier but i litrelly havent been online. anyways
so during the hunter exam stage 4...gon is literally perfect (as i always have to say), him reuniting w/leorio and kurapika was rlly sweet :’) 
of course he immediately offered to help....goodest boy 
and wow that kid has such a powerful nose bvhjksfbjsk he rlly be a gr8 sniffer 
ok literally the part where leorio was in the cave and was like GON KURAPIKA DONT COME IN HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and they both full speed sprint into the cave with 0 hesitation.....we love a 0 brain cells family 
i love leorio so much he really just b running around w/a switchblade and a breifcase, both of which he barely used during the exam lmao
so bummed that leorio slicing up tht snake happened offscreen. how tf did that even work, he doesnt have a goddamn sword
gon just being able to hold his breath for almost 10 mins makes so much sense somehow...he rlly is one of those shounen protags who is just casually a ridiculous human being and doesnt even fully realize that its weird 
that shot of him carrying everyone out of the cave was so sweet
and of course gon vs snakes....hes so perfect....he trusts his friends so much :’) 
also random aside but im so glad tonpa is out and idk if i talked abt this in my prev post but i feel like in most shounen he wouldve been like, so inspired by gons shounen protag energy that he wouldve changed his tune and taken the exam genuinely and either passed or declared that hed definitely pass next year - but no, he was awful til the end, this aint that kind of story (yet...?) 
have i mentioned that i hate hisoka? cause i hate hisoka. nasty ass crusty clown bitch 
what else happened in the phase 4 stuff. oh yeah killua clowned on those triplet dudes (and hanzo lowkey), which was great
ok the opening not having changed this whole time is so funny. imagine if it never changed and its still basic and cheery when everything gets crazy and dark lmao 
ooh my god i forgot to mention this last time but i feel like gons backpack is full of hair gel and hair gel ONLY, he only brought hair gel and his fishing rod. this is canon ty 
oh gosh when killua and gon reunited at the end of the 4th stage....OOOUGH so precious...those two are so cute god. i want a compilation of their cute moments together i hope that exists 
GOD OH FUCK the scene on the airship where kurapika and gon talked bc gon was clearly bothered by something (what happened w/hisoka obvs. i hate that clown bitch) and OUGHHHH OH GOD gon crying LICHRALLY killed me oh man :( i was literally just chanting NO NO NO!!!! at the TV cause seeing tiny baby boy upset was so sad....and ik it gets soooo much worse oh god i cant handle it 
the whole convo was really good and really anti-shounen (once again...feel like thatll be a theme lmao) bc like, it was a healthy convo where gon talked honestly abt his feelings instead of using some shounen protag BS phrases like ‘it doesnt matter!!! ill be stronger next time!!!’ or w/e....and kurapika is a such a good parent oh man :( 
again, cant get over how genuine and uncomplicated the teamup of the main 4 characters has been....literally no ‘we’re competing and only teaming up for convenience/the hunter exam comes before our friendship’ nonsense 
did anything else happen on the airship. ider 
anyways. can i talk abt illumi now. CAN I TALK ABT ILLUMI NOW. H8 THAT BITCH. 
ok wait back up theres other stuff
the interviews w/the candidates was interesting! i love how the old dude was SO not picking up what Creepy Hisoka was putting down lmaooooo
that poor old guy lmao he seems like a decent dude, he was like oh i dont wanna fight gon and killua cause theyre kids,....RIP u red shirt legend 
the bracket setup was so interesting oh man....very funky and creative. and then it wasnt really fully utilized lol, i feel like thats indicative of a bigger patten - hxh so far has been really creative and interesting, and clearly uninterested in setting things up simply to check off boxes on a shounen tropes checklist....i can already see what makes it so great if this keeps up bc daym, so many shounen have their interesting themes drowned out by the overwhelming necessity for the plot to hit certain shounen story beats, smothering otherwise new/fresh ideas and rerouting them back into the same old over-trodden shounen trope territory 
on a meta level, i wonder if the author was like, allowed more leniency (’do whatever bro’) bc hed already been successful w/yu yu hakusho. i havent seen/ready yyh so idk how ‘typically shounen’ it is but thats st that im curious about 
aaanyways. the tournament starts w/hanzo beating up gon for THREE HOURS STRAIGHT. jesus dude. so yeah obviously leorio and kurapika are the best parents ever and them getting so righteously angry over seeing this happen to gon is so heartwarming and good and also a big big mood 
they love their son okay. also that was fucked up. ALSO i find it interesting that thats only the second time we’ve seen kurapikas eyes turn red 
i bet that hisoka saw that also and somethign something phantom troupe, see bottom of post in predictions section 
seeing gon get beat up like that made my heart hurt :( especially when hanzo broke his arm...oof. 
god also i cant believe hanzo is 18 hes literally bald hvbhjafbjs whats w/hxh and making everyone a teen or younger lmao god 
also omfg i love that leorio and kurapika are lichreally 19 and already have kids wow thats amazing especially considering their kids are 12. its so funny that theyre such Parents already considering that the age gap is kinda hilariously small, espec bc i thought that they (mostly leorio) were a lot older at first lmao 
the fact that gon gets to win that fight against hanzo was a legit shock to me....again, anti-shounen. we’d normally want to see what our protag can do in a fight - espec in a tournament-style arc where the consequences arent as high typically - so we’d want him to go further, which is easy here bc to move on he has to lose, which is easy bc gon is a baby w/no offensive capabilities (that we’ve seen)
god ive talked abt this already but its so fascinating how we havent really had any full-on fights???? espec w/the main 4 characters????? we still barely know what they can do....WE STILL HAVENT BEEN INTRODUCED TO NEN???? 
ive been spoiled (i guess?) to the existence of nen but thats abt it. what can it do? what is it? fuck if i know lmao. so i could totally see them pulling a ‘we were using nen the whole time’ w/like hisoka or st, OR a ‘YOU were using nen the whole time w/out realizing it’ w/gon
ok anyways. that hanzo fight was rough but also gon is literally the best. he was trying to bargain w/hanzo to figure out a way where they could come to a conclusion that would satisfy them both - despite hanzo clearly outmatching gon in skill, so the effort on hanzo’s part would be pointless and simply for gon’s benefit....basically the entire proposal sound ludicris and insulting to suggest (or st, idk how to phrase it), but since its gon of COURSE he only has the purest of intentions and means it so genuinely that you cant even be mad at him 
hanzo just knocking him out lmaoooo and then hes just out for the rest of the tournament???? thats so wild and...whatdya know....un-shounen! 
then he wakes up n his lil x-shaped forehead bandage....ough so cute
also the whole convo he and satotz had abt gon’s victory and hunter license and earning/deserving it was so good :’) 
also i feel like the show did a good job of humanizing characters like satotz. i legit thought he was a robot or st at first but it feels more like hes just A Guy now,....albeit a weird guy, but thats to be expected. its like, yeah this guy also took the hunter exam at one point, wow.
anways this is already long and i havent even gotten to the killua stuff yet lol so im gonna stop here for now. and introducing a new segment..........the prediction corner! where i dump my speculations/predictions, entirely for my future self’s benefit 
first off as i alluded to above, i think that hisoka has some sort of connection to the phantom troupe (does he know them? maybe not, but he knows where to find them? idk) and when he saw kurapikas red eyes, was able to figure out that whole deal and said st to kurapika during that fight like ‘hey i can help you find the phantom troupe if you want :))))’ 
i kinda said this earlier but i predict that kurapika might get really wrapped up in revenge and go off the rails a bit. we’ll see, so far that hasnt really happened, but for some reason i kinda think that it will? we’ll see
i (incorrectly) predicted that killua would have known that illumi was there the whole time, considering that he was able to noticing the hunter exam dudes following him in phase 4, etc....but BOY was i wrong about that oof 
iiii think that the whole ‘the hunter exam isnt over yet!!!’ stuff will be an opportunity for killua to pass this year still, maybe? idk abt that tho 
i have more predictions but i forgot :( also some of them are more relevant to the next few eps ill make a post on 
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