#god just strike them
naartjie-hijabi · 3 months
Saudi Arabia holding the Grand Prix while Yemen and Palestine are being bombed...May Allah save us all.
As a Muslim, I feel nothing but shame and hatred for those who ignore the struggles of their fellow Muslims. How Yemenis are fighting for the Palestinians and how Palestinians are fighting to live, yet Saudi Arabia, the Muslim capital, sits and watches...going as far as to entertain those who are enemies of Islam.
Makkah and Madina may be located in Saudi but Islam has become of little importance to those in power.
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catmask · 7 months
with that said there are characters that a fat maybe not canonically but they are spiritually. to me. they may not be drawn that way but i know whats true. ive seen it like a sort of prophet
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milkbreadtoast · 6 months
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"I quit my job and became the Princess Bride"✨ Have you read this romance novel? 😇
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I feel like the other members of the batch (most likely Crosshair and Wrecker) would be acting out and not listening to Hunter, and Hunter would finally lose his shit and hit them with the “just WAIT until your father Echo gets home!”😡
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akai-anna · 1 month
shinichi: *takes a deep breath* shinichi: i lo- anyone who has spent five seconds around shinichi ever: yes, you love ran, we know, you love mōri ran so much, she's the light of your life, you love her so much, you just love ran, we KNOW , you love ran you fucking love ran ok we know, we get it, YOU LOVE MŌRI RAN. WE GET IT.
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lavendorii · 10 months
ok I want to say for anyone excited about the percy jackson series, and I know a lot of people on this site are, just be mindful. Disney hasn't addressed the strikes at all and it's likely that they think they're invincible, so they keep releasing shit. dont forget about the situation the writers, actors, and various other artists are in right now. Whether or not the series is great, remember that creating it was most likely a hellscape. The strikes are still happening and when disney tries to make you think they dont exist by releasing more and more content, that's when the unions need your support the most
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theoryofwhatnow · 10 months
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like minds shitpost (20/24)
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dandylovesturtles · 1 year
I have a headcanon that the twins are lowkey always trying to get each other to laugh.
Donnie is generally better at it because Leo is more willing to laugh openly at things anyway and also he's the funny one, but every now and then the stars will align and Leo will get a laugh out of Donnie and he'll ride that high for weeks.
It's not something they openly acknowledge and they don't get anything for winning (other than the satisfaction), they're just always trying to do it on the DL.
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yokoyas · 1 year
power coming to love two humans despite originally believing they all deserve to die and aki coming to love two devils despite originally hating them and thinking it was impossible for him to care about one and denji who toes the line between the two coming to love aki and power like siblings despite his history of being abused by men and seeking validation through sexual/romantic relationships with women. and denji turning down a vacation to take care of power and aki trying to keep them from having to fight the gun devil and them going with aki to visit his family’s grave and lightening the mood for him and trying to cook him dinner and power asking denji to find her even though she won’t know him and to love her until she’s her again anyway i hate this manga for making me sob hysterically multiple times.
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distraughtlesbian · 2 months
this might singlehandedly obliterate all my cred as a person with good opinions in this fanbase but across the void is. kind of not that bad.
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naartjie-hijabi · 4 months
I love my country, I really, really do...but seriously do Christian Zionists know how to us in the eye.
During the ICJ court case, Israelis were calling black South Africans monkeys and derogatory terms and yet, somehow there's a community in SA where they defend these people? You'd think because we suffered under Apartheid that we would treat Palestinians with solidarity and compassion.
South Africa supports Palestine but the reality is, some of us have been brainwashed to believe that Israel is the promised land of God
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redrobin-detective · 1 month
Guys I'm so emotional thinking of Skull throughout the years.
Skull, who refused to die peacefully and almost died a second time because he finally found something worth dying for. Only to come back and get the chance to live the life he never got.
Imagine Skull as a proper member of Lockwood and Co, out of his jar and free to help solve mysteries and take down dangerous visitors. It's exhilarating and he feels so powerful with his colleagues side by side with him. He never stop giving the team shit and being overall kind of a grouch but no human or ghost ever comes close to them when their overprotective type three is around.
Skull is powerful enough that he's able to stick around even when other Visitors are slipping back to the Other Side. He clings with everything he's got to this life he's building. As the Problem dies down, new challenges arise: dating and marriages and babies. He officiates the Locklyle wedding to the confusion of most of the guests. Grumbles but is also secretly relieved he's not invited on the honeymoon. Makes silly faces at newborn babies from a ghost touch safe distance. He watches the various children like a hawk and tells wild made up stories when the parents aren't listening. He swears up and down he just got some ectoplasm in his eye when a child shows off a school made family tree with good ole Uncle Skully tucked into the corner.
Lockwood's bad shoulder gives him trouble, George has high blood pressure and Lucy finds she can't read a damn thing without glasses. They're well into middle age, greying, wrinkled and Skull loves them just the same. He's forever stuck in his mid-teens but he's fought beside and grown up with this amazing, stupid little group. Lucy asks him once if he ever thought about moving on and Skull truthfully tells her that he can't imagine doing so without them. He finds hobbies: he takes up painting, learns to drive, even helps George write a book detailing Visitors and the Other Side. He gives baking a go but things tend to go wrong when you can't taste what you're making.
It does get harder as they age quicker and Skull realizes how limited time is. One by one they go, peaceful and easy and buried with the highest honors as a nation mourns its heroes. He waits to see if any of them will come back, maybe spend a few decades causing mischief with him but they don't. They led full, fulfilling lives, unlike him, they had no reason to stick around. Lucy is the last, even as her mind is going her ears are still sharp as ever. He whispers to her she needs to eat, to take her medicines. She looks around blearily, asking who's talking to her.
He couldn't bear to see her when she passes. He's kept her stupid, stubborn, reckless ass safe for years but he can't save her from this. Nor would she want him to. He waits on the Other Side for her, hoping for even just a glimpses. Skull catches sight of her walking into the distance, she looks back at him and beckons him forward. He wasn't ready 200 years ago but now that he's lived a life as an agent, a fun uncle, an artist, a scholar and Lucy Carlyle-Lockwood's best mate. For the first time ever, he's able to take her hand and walk towards whatever lies in store for them.
The kids bury their mum with the now empty skull knowing that, their souls are together.
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fairyroses · 8 months
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She was the only thing I was living for. I’m sorry for your loss, sir, but right now we need to get you airborne. Police will be here any minute. I’m well aware of that. I’m turning myself in.
— SMALLVILLE, “Bizarro” (7.01)
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bugmistake · 20 days
thinking about marine life and getting so excited i have to remind myself to breathe
#EEEEE I LOVE IT SOOO MUCH!!!!!#like bouncing up and down in my seat. tapping my foot like thumper (from bambi)#LIKE ITS JUST SO SO SO BEAUTIFUL I FEEL LIKE A CRAZY PERSON ABOUT IT#can i show you this article about hagfish slime i've been dying to talk about this article about hagfish slime#i read it on a study break like mid-last year and i'm still like.#HIT ME WITH IT AGAIN YESSSS TELL ME ABOUT THE STRUCTURE OF THE PROTEINSSSSSS#god. god. i know that not everyone is autistic about marine life but i'm still like. how is everyone else not bursting at the seams#with love and adoration and passion and hunger for knowledge about something so beautiful and mysterious!!!!!!!!!#i just!!!! oh God there's so much LIFE. there's so much LIFE in the WATER!!!!#there's a pod of orca whose older females teach younger females how to temporarily beach themselves to hunt the seals that live there.#is that not incredible. aren't comb jellies so beautiful. aren't whale falls so beautiful.#aren't sponges so beautiful. aren't lungfish so beautiful.#aren't sharks so beautiful. isn't kelp so beautiful.#aren't eels so beautiful. aren't manta rays so beautiful. aren't sunfish so beautiful.#aren't deep sea creatures so beautiful.#isn't it so beautiful that even. god i'm tearing up isn't it so beautiful#that even deep deep in the darkest parts of the sea where there's barely any food and barely any oxygen#and there's incredible pressure bearing down on their bodies from every angle. isn't it incredible#how much life is down there. swimming and hunting and living and evolving.#lying in wait and striking and descending upon a whale fall.#scavenging and surviving and even then! there's so much we don't know about them#and so many more animals down there that we don't even KNOW about!!!!#isn't that incredible/???? the amount of things we don't know and how they're still down there anyways. god. what a planet what a life
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knifearo · 5 months
who up thinking about moses sumney doomed. "am i vital if my heart is idle? am i doomed?" "if lovelessness is godlessness, will you cast me to the wayside?" moses sumney 2017 album aromanticism save me... moses sumney 2017 album aromanticism... save me moses sumney 2017 album aromanticism...
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the-eclectic-wonderer · 2 months
I don’t think anything will come from this, but for your consideration, my latest brainrot:
A sort-of Grease!AU with Rose as Sandy and Blanche as Danny (or, even better, Rizzo).
That’s all. You can go.
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