#god i fucking love kaisei
aoharushiyo · 5 months
kaisei / orangestar [eng translation]
TITLE: 快晴 (Clear Weather) VOCAL: IA COMPOSITION: Orangestar LYRICS: Orangestar OFFICIAL MV: (from youtube)
When will the rainy season finally let up? you grumbled at the sight of morning dew still sparkling on the hydrangeas We can already hear summer's footsteps around the corner, you said, your hands already pushing my back, so let's go and greet it!
On your mark, we left the alleyways behind, scrambled over the hills from back then, and even crossed rainbows Nobody's left their footprints on this summer sky yet, so let's take it for ourselves, just for the two of us!
...Or so you said with a smile in that distant summer memory Though we can't meet again, nor can we ever return to that day, that's what made it so beautiful: The summer we had all to ourselves
Goodbye, I love you With that, it seems like this is the end of our story Maybe we weren't meant to be after all Some things won't change like the sky, the stars, and that crying face of yours But I hope that someday, we can laugh together once again
A lot has happened since then, and it's probably still happening But I'll keep living with a smile on my face because, as you'd say, "that's how life is", hm?
If I were so simple-minded like that, then no matter how pleasant my days are, there'd be no meaning to the days that pass If that's the case, then tomorrow's 'me' wouldn't be 'me' because that's not how it works, is it?
Though I might cry, the skies will surely clear Though my tears blur your visage, you'll always be clear as day Though we struggle, the sky will rain with falling stars, so... Yeah, I guess I'll keep living
I know this sky loves you Though everything might someday change, the sky will still be blue! I won't ever forget that. But so that I might someday meet you again, I'll keep on living and living so please smile, okay?
梅雨が明けるまであとどれくらい? まだ紫陽花の光る朝 君の愚痴 夏の足音はすぐそこまで ねぇ迎えに行こって僕を急かす
君に言われるがまま路地を抜け あの時の坂を越え 虹を越え まだ誰もいない夏の空を 全部全部二人占めにするんだ
なんて君は笑ってたよな 遠い夏の記憶 もう逢えなくても 二度と帰れなくても それは美しい 僕らだけの夏だったろう
さよならI love you それで全て 終わってしまうような 僕らじゃないだろう 変わらないな 空も星も その泣き顔も っていつか君と また笑えますように
そりゃ色々あっただろう 今もあるだろう でも笑いながら生きていく 「それが人世だ」って
そんな単細胞になれたなら どれだけ良いかって 過ぎ去っていく日々に意味はない なら明日の僕は僕じゃない そんな筈はないだろう
泣いていたって空は晴れるよ 君が濡らしたって滲まないほど あがいていたって空は星を降らすから まぁ、生きていくよ
I know this sky loves you いずれ全て 変わってしまったって 空は青いだろう! 忘れないさ でもまた出逢えますように って生きて征くよ 君は笑っていて
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flurrys-creativity · 1 year
Kishi Kaisei
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kishi kaisei - (jpn.) waking from death and return to life
Pairing: Park Seonghwa (Ateez) x Fem!Reader; Genre: Supernatural AU, S2L, Romance, SMUT, teeny tiny bit of fluff; Rating: nsfw, 18+, MDNI; Warnings: mentions of burnout, somewhat escaping a spa retreat clinic thingy, mentions of a religion, hints of supernatural powers, mummy!seonghwa but also god!seonghwa, seonghwa is a dick, an explosion, mentions of blood, mentions of war and destruction, mentions of being trapped/cursed for over a century, hinting of human sacrifice, seonghwa calles the reader “little mortal”, seonghwa pushes the reader with intense power, being pinned down, choking, SMUT, ripping clothes, commands from seonghwa, oral (m and f receiving), pulling bandages aside with teeth, reader being tied up for a brief moment with said bandages, making out, slight nipple play, unprotected sex, on a shrine, also seonghwa is slightly overwhelmed with all the new sorts of clothes (a.k.a bra and jeans), orgasm denial, sexual choking, hints of praise kink, hints of scratching, possessive seonghwa; Wordcount: 4.134
A/N: When his first teaser picture dropped, I jokingly said mummy!seonghwa and that idea spiraled out of control thanks to @sanjoongie AGAIN! And when @mingsolo​ shared this link in our server with that incredible drawing made by @xoue​ (I FUCKING LOVE THAT DRAWING!!!!), I just couldn’t NOT write it.. so here we are.. Also banner credit to @classicscreations​ I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!!! THANK YOU!! As always please enjoy this one shot and tell me what you think!
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You groaned in annoyance and peeled the face mask off of your face, throwing it on the little side table next to you. The calming harp music filling the room got on your nerves and the clinging of the wind chime gave you a headache. 
So much for relaxing and getting away from everything.
You stared at the ceiling while your thoughts ran circles within your mind. This was supposed to be a healing experience, helping you with your burnout. Instead you worried about your job and the workload that most definitely started to pile on your desk.
If it weren’t for the spa staff that took your mobile phone and laptop upon checking in, you definitely would have called your colleague and discussed what needed to be done. Absolutely ignoring the orders of your doctor with such an action.
You sighed and sat up. There was no point dwelling on the what if you had this or that. Almost mechanically you grabbed a towel from the table and wiped over your face, getting rid of the remnants from the face mask. If you had to spend another minute within this room supposedly relaxing, you’d definitely turn crazy. 
That would be one way to find your way to god, like your nosy neighbour loved to preach to you, claiming you’d be far more in tune with yourself if you let god into your heart. 
Silently you tiptoed to the door and opened it. You peeked out on the corridor, grinning softly when you saw none of the staff. You quickly hurried to your room and changed into your own clothes, discarding the spa attire, and rushed out of your room and building soon after.
The spa was surrounded by nature with only one road leading to the next village. A road which you couldn’t take unless you wanted to be brought back to the spa immediately. Apparently it was important for the guests to stay separated from the outside world at all costs to properly heal and relax but you knew being cooped up inside did anything but that.
You looked around, contemplating where to go, when you noticed a hidden path. You checked your surroundings one more time before you vanished between the trees and bushes. 
A cool breeze gently caressed your skin and a few rays of sunlight forced their way through the thick canopy. With the calm surrounding and the way you had to focus on the path so you wouldn’t stumble over a root, you felt the stress slowly lifting from your shoulders - not completely but a lot more effective than any spa session.
You followed the path deeper and deeper into the woods. The wildlife you had noticed before suddenly disappeared - no chirping of birds or cracking of twigs - instead the sound of water filled the air. You followed the noise and after a sharp turn you saw a waterfall appearing seemingly out of nowhere.
Entranced by the clear beauty you walked closer to it, following a thin path along the stone wall. You stretched your arm out and shrieked followed by a giggle when the ice cold water hit your fingertips. You played with the water, fascinated that such a gem was hidden away from the public.
A gust of wind sprayed some water on your face and you instinctively turned your head away with closed eyes. When you opened them again you saw some sort of entrance into the stone wall. You hadn’t noticed it before with your fascination directed at the waterfall. 
Now though you retrieved your hand and carefully walked over to the entrance. You looked into the dark cave, cursing for not having your phone on hand. Yet, you still walked further into the dark - one hand on the wall at all times while the other was outstretched in front of you.
Except for the waterfall behind you, you couldn’t make out a sound inside of the cave. The walls felt slightly damp underneath your fingertips but you didn’t expect anything else. Same with the somewhat mouldy smell wafting through the air. 
You stopped when the hand in front of you came in contact with something solid. A frown appeared on your face as it didn’t have the same roughness like the stone wall you had been touching the whole time to guide you. Instead whatever it was felt rather smooth. 
You removed your hand from the wall to inspect the thing in front of you more closely, hands now gliding all over the smooth surface.
A shriek escaped your lips when torches hanging from the walls suddenly lit up and illuminated the cave. 
You blinked a few times and looked around, making sure nobody else was there with you. Only after you were able to reassure yourself of being alone, did your heart calm down again.
The cave basically looked like a normal cave. Nothing unusual at first glance - except the line of torches along the walls leading to a shrine at the very end of the cave.
Curious, you rounded the object in front of you and crouched down in front of the shrine. You wiped over the inscription, trying to read whatever stood there.
You tilted your head in thought, trying to read more but with the age of the inscription you were lucky to read anything in the first place. 
You stood up again, thinking about the name in the inscription, and turned back to the object. You rounded it several times before you stopped right in front of it again, noticing how your previous movements on the surface had wiped off some of the grime. 
Without thought you started to wipe over the surface again until most of the glass front was clean enough to see through. 
Your eyes widened in shock, seeing a person - no - a mummy secured inside the glass box. It stood upright with crossed arms over their chest, bandages tightly wrapped around the body. You leaned your hands against the glass, curious as to why someone had placed a mummy inside of a cave. Your eyes searched for details - anything to go by actually - when the name you read on the shrine slipped past your lips again.
Your gaze wandered along the body and back up to the face, where bright turquoise eyes looked straight back at you.
The scream you wanted to release got stuck inside your throat as you stumbled backwards until you fell down, staring in horror at the mummy that slowly began to move within its glass prison. The mummy moved its head erratically, lifting its hands to claw at the bandages covering its face.
A timid voice inside your head begged you to run away, to run back to the spa and pretend this never happened. Still, you couldn’t move a muscle and only continued staring at the mummy revealing blond - almost white - hair and a face that could have been sculpted by the gods.
The bright turquoise eyes landed on your form again once the mummy had freed itself from the bandages around his head and hands. Long fingers pressed against the glass, making him frown in displeasure. He looked around, his hands following his gaze and tapping against the glass walls around him. Soon enough his eyes landed on your form again, the frown gone from his features.
A scream escaped your mouth from the sudden explosion. You turned away and covered your face with your arm, feeling tiny shards of glass cutting through your clothes and skin.
When you turned back around again he already hovered above you. His eyes roamed over your form before his hand snapped forward and pressed you down to the ground, giving you no chance for escape. 
You still tried to wriggle yourself out of his hold, only for his large hand to press down harder, slowly cutting off your air flow. You opened your mouth as you tried to gasp for air but it didn’t help.
“You foolish mortals”, he hummed lowly and his eyes once again roamed over your body. “You dared to lock me away, dared to trap me like that!” 
His deep voice sent shivers down your spine, combined with little electric shocks you felt when he started nosing along your cheek and throat.
“What should I do with you to repay such kindness?” He spit the last words like venom, his gaze filled with hatred once he locked eyes with you again.
He cocked an eyebrow, waiting for you to say something else. His eyes shortly dropped down to his hand around your throat, his forefinger caressing your skin while slightly scratching it with his nail.
You gasped for air when he reduced his hold, giving you the chance to breathe again.
He clicked with his tongue. “What is it mortal? What did you want to say?”
You blinked rapidly, somewhat sure your ability to think took a toll on you not just from the missing oxygen but his handsome features as well. “I’m sorry.”
“You’re sorry?” He growled and leaned closer to you again, his nose nearly brushing against yours. “Were you the one to trap me?”
“No, no”, you quickly shook your head. “I’m not even sure who you are.”
His eyes widened and for a split second you were able to recognise fear in them,  before he pushed himself away from you and started pacing around the cave. “What kind of mortal doesn’t know who I am?” He scoffed and shook his head. “I am Seonghwa. God of war and destruction. I fought many battles alongside you mortals, brought you victory and fame, killed and beheaded your enemies. And yet you thanked me by imprisoning me!”
You swallowed the lump in your throat and carefully sat up, nervous to speak again with Seonghwa raging right in front of you. “We… I mean, this country hasn’t been to war in over a century. It's been even longer since war happened within this territory.”
Seonghwa stopped in his tracks, his head slowly turning towards you. “Are you implying I’ve been imprisoned for over a century?”
“If not longer”, you admitted meekly. You closed your eyes and covered your face with your hands, afraid of a possible outburst.
When nothing happened you pried one eye open and peeked through the gap between your fingers, seeing Seonghwa standing frozen in front of you.
From all his pacing around the bandages barely held on to his body, struggling to cover his naked form. “Without war, without destruction”, he murmured more to himself than to you, “I’m powerless. If humankind doesn’t remember me…” Seonghwa looked down on his hands, clenching and unclenching his fingers.
You watched his expression turn determined as he strode off to the entrance of the cave. You quickly scrambled to your feet and followed him, calling out despite knowing he wouldn’t listen.
You barely made it before he left the cave and blocked his way, pressing your palms against his chest to stop him. “What are you planning to do?” You looked up into his face, seeing his stern and emotionless expression.
“What do you think I’ll do, little mortal?”
“I don’t know”, you whispered, your voice breaking in fear.
“I need people to believe in me”, he hissed and leaned down to be on eye level with you. “So I’ll do what I always did and wreck chaos wherever I’ll go.” With that Seonghwa pushed you away, his power sending you flying backwards.
You came to a halt at the edge of the water, droplets from the fall hitting your skin every now and then, barely notifying you of how torn your clothes were thanks to this god. Even though you hated society and humans on most days, there was no way you could let him loose. There was no way you could just watch how the world would burn through wars and chaos that he inflicted. You pushed yourself up again, slightly wobbly on your feet as you watched Seonghwa stride towards you.
“Defying a god, hmm?”
“Isn’t it enough if one person believes in you?”
Seonghwa stopped in front of you, tilting his head in thought as he observed your staggering form. “Are you sacrificing yourself, little mortal?” He asked in a teasing tone, licking over his smirking lips. Seonghwa grabbed your elbow, keeping you somewhat stable. Once again his bright eyes roamed over your form, darkening upon noticing your exposed skin. “What can one little mortal offer me for me to reconsider, hm?”
You blinked rapidly, trying to think of anything worthy enough for a god. Would a god accept a soul like demons did? You bit on your lower lip but you couldn’t think as clearly as you wanted to.
Seonghwa pulled you against his chest, his eyes staring down at you expectantly. 
You could feel his built torso underneath your fingertips, making your insides roar in need. His natural scent made you dizzy upon inhaling. “My soul”, you whispered, eyes closing as Seonghwa grabbed your chin and guided your face towards his. 
Since he didn’t react to that offer you continued. “My heart.” You felt it pounding within your ribcage, just knowing he had to feel it too.
Seonghwa smirked silently but waited for you to continue, even raising his eyebrows to challenge you.
“My body”, you offered almost breathlessly, “anything you want.”
He pushed you away again, his eyes slowly wandering over your body. You instinctively wanted to cover up despite still wearing clothes but Seonghwa grabbed your wrists and held them above your head, continuing to look at you intently. 
Without saying a word he then unwrapped some of the bandages around his arm and used it to tie your wrists up behind your back, giving you no room to move as you were pressed against his chest while he did so.
His long fingers glided over your lower arms and to your front, playing with the torn fabric of your blouse. Seonghwa hummed softly, feeling the material of your clothing. He’d never seen something of such quality. His eyes snapped up to yours, seeing the desire pooling inside of them. He smirked and ripped the front of your blouse open - some of the buttons flying away and on the ground somewhere behind him.
Surprise washed over his features upon revealing your bra. Seonghwa traced the edge of the fabric along your breasts, exhaling heavily from the effect this view had on him. Your chest rapidly moved up and down, having him completely focused on your breasts.
“There is a hook between the two cups”, you mumbled and nodded downwards, begging silently he wouldn’t rip your bra as well.
Seonghwa growled as his eyes snapped back up to your face. How could a mortal dare to interrupt his focus. Yet, Seonghwa kept silent seeing your blown out pupils and slightly ajar mouth. He growled again and turned his focus back to your chest, his hands coming up to cup your breasts. Seonghwa easily found the hook and opened it with swift motions, leaving your upper body completely exposed.
You whimpered from his soft touches, squirming underneath his fingertips. With every stroke along your skin, your desire tenfold and you felt the wetness between your legs increasing. You wanted - no - you needed more. A gasp escaped your lips when you felt his tongue swirling around your slowly hardening nipple, his hand simultaneously playing with the other one. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head while you arched your back, hoping to receive even more pleasure.
Seonghwa let go of your nipple with a loud pop, replacing his lips with his fingers quickly as he looked down at you. “What an eager little mortal”, he praised you teasingly. “Are you willing to worship me? Be devoted to me and only me? Will you be good for me?”
You nodded hastily, already delirious with desire. “Yes, yes, absolutely.” 
Seonghwa chuckled softly. “That’s it, little mortal. From now on you’re mine.” He leaned down, his lips brushing against yours as if he wanted to kiss you. Instead he moved his mouth to your ear. “Kneel.”
You immediately dropped down to your knees, ignoring the sharp pain shooting through your body. Instead you looked up to Seonghwa with wide eyes, waiting for his next command. 
He pursed his lips in disapproval and clicked his tongue. “Didn’t you say you’re ready to worship me?” He crossed his arms in front of his chest, cocking an eyebrow and waiting for your next move.
An “o” formed on your lips once you understood what he wanted. Your eyes dropped down to his crotch, seeing his dick restrained due to the bandages. Your mouth salivated simply from seeing the imprint. 
With your hands tied behind your back, you had no other choice than to use your teeth. You leaned forward and carefully removed the bandages around his crotch until Seonghwa’s dick sprung free - standing proud and tall right in front of your face.
You started from the base and licked along the vein on the underside up to the tip. You changed between kisses and kitten licks before you opened your mouth and took him in, hollowing your cheeks in the process. 
Seonghwa groaned in pleasure, throwing his head back. The more your tongue played around his shaft the more he lost his composure. Soon enough Seonghwa grabbed the back of your head to keep you in place while he thrusted into your mouth, enjoying the lewd sounds it made.
Right before he came undone he pulled away from you, panting heavily as he watched you licking your lips and albeit disconnecting the string of spit between your mouth and his dick. Mortals used to shy away in embarrassment, yet you looked at him with a hint of mirth shining in your eyes.
Seonghwa cursed under his breath and pulled you up, slamming his lips against yours for a heated kiss. He untied the restraints around your wrists, preening on the fact you quickly wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled yourself closer against his body.
Feeling his hands on your thighs, you jumped into his arms, wrapping your legs around his middle. You didn’t break the kiss as he carried you through the cave. You still didn’t break the kiss when Seonghwa brushed everything from the top of the shrine to place you down on it.
Only when he straightened to look down at your pants did you break the kiss, chest heaving as you rapidly sucked in some air. It took you a moment to notice the frown on his face and even longer to realise modern pants might be a mystery to him. Therefore you quickly opened the pants yourself, wriggling out of the fabric. As soon as you sat down on the shrine again, you hissed from the cold against your bare cheeks.
Seonghwa grabbed your legs and pulled you to the edge of the shrine, pulling them apart in the process and admiring your glistening core. Ever so slowly he got down, his breath fanning over your heat and sending a shiver through your whole body. 
Right before he dove in, licking and sucking, humming and groaning, his eyes snapped up to yours, keeping eye contact with you throughout the pleasure he gave you. His tongue twisted and twirled and pushed deep inside of you, making you moan loudly. You cried out when he suddenly nibbled at your clit, sending a shock wave of pleasure into every fibre of your body. Seonghwa continued to lick and suck around your clit while he pushed two fingers into your core, stretching you in the process.
You felt your high building, the knot in your lower stomach tightening with every push of his fingers. Your mouth dried up and your breathing became irregular. Combined with his intense gaze, you knew you’d come undone within the next few seconds.
If it weren’t for Seonghwa pulling away from you and standing back up, leaning over your body and down to your face. “Not yet, little mortal”, he whispered with a smirk and kissed you, letting you taste yourself. You whined against his lips, grabbing a few of his bandages to pull him closer to you.
Seonghwa stepped forward until his dick pressed against your heat. He slowly rutted against you, covering his length with your slick. With every stroke where the tip of his dick caught onto your clit, he drew out a more desperate moan than before. “You make such pretty sounds, little mortal”, he murmured against your lips, leaving a trail of kisses along your jaw and neck. “But I want to make you scream my name now.”
You whimpered at the thought, your hand reaching for his bare upper arm and clawing at his skin. Your grip tightened even more when Seonghwa pushed inside of you, groaning in unison from the intense feeling.
Seonghwa stilled deep inside you, your walls tight around his length. He desperately wanted to blame the intense feeling on his long time of abstinence, and wanted to blame the way he could spill everything this instant for the same reason. Yet, he knew it wasn’t just that. 
The way you responded to him, the way your body moved underneath his touch, the way you felt against him, everything told him you were the reason for these intense feelings.
You tentatively clenched around his dick, eyes rolling to the back of your head from feeling so full. “Please, Seonghwa”, you begged him to move, needing the high of the friction like an addict.
Seonghwa growled and his hand shot up to your throat, pressing down as a warning. He exhaled loudly upon noticing your turned on reaction. Seonghwa watched your expression closely when he started moving, pulling out of you and slamming right back into you. He had to grab your hip and keep you in place from the force behind his thrusts.
Your moans got stuck in your throat from Seonghwa’s tight grip but you needed a little more to push you over the edge. Without much thought you moved one hand to your clit and started circling it with two fingers. You shortly met Seonghwa’s gaze, a soft smirk playing over your lips, before you looked down.
Seonghwa followed your gaze, eyes widening when he saw your fingers rubbing over your clit all while he slammed his dick into you. He swallowed harshly, stammering in his movements for a second before he regained control again. Seonghwa let go of your throat and grabbed your hips, tightening his hold on you as he sped up and pushed even deeper into your hole. 
Your breathing turned irregular and your moans became higher with every thrust. You could feel your building orgasm, every end of your nerves alerted now. Just a little bit more.
Seonghwa leaned down to you without losing his impact. “Now, little mortal”, he told you, eyes intently focused on your face, “scream my name and cum on my dick.”
He pushed into you, hitting exactly the right spot for you to lose control. You screamed his name in pleasure, grabbing his arm with your free hand as wave after wave rolled through your body. Your vision turned white momentarily and slowly returned with bits of white dots floating at the edge of it.
Seonghwa helped you through your orgasm and soon came as well, not able to withstand the clenching of your walls any longer. He pressed himself deep into you as he spilled every drop into you.
Even after he came and you regained some control of your body again, neither of you tried to separate from each other, instead staying connected that way.
“Seonghwa?” You asked tentatively, fingers gently running over his arm and caressing the marks you left. 
“What is it, little mortal?” He wrapped his arms around your form and leaned his head on your shoulder, basking in the comfort you radiated.
“Is one person to believe in you enough?” 
Seonghwa contemplated your question before he straightened and looked you in the eyes. His bright turquoise eyes bored into yours, searching for something until a satisfied smirk appeared on his lips. “I might consider it, if you’re that one person, little mortal.”
A smile spread over your lips as you leaned forward and kissed him. “You already told me I’m yours and only yours from now on.”
“That’s right”, Seonghwa growled and gently bit your lower lip, pulling you in for another more intense kiss.
Maybe your neighbour was right, maybe this was the way to get in tune with yourself: Letting a god into your heart and life. Though they probably hadn’t in mind fucking one too, yet Seonghwa and you were ready for another round.
© all rights reserved
Taglist: @xavi-in-kpopland​ @songsoomin​
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puff-mmd · 4 months
i was assaulted with yandere ciro au and it was not fun
it starts off cute, like ciro does little things like looking at kaisei on his phone a lot before he even actually meets him. the file they have of his photos though? bro takes it home and gets off looking at them.
so when he actually meets kaisei for the first time he is already Awkward™️ because mfer literally jerked off to this guy and he's trying to be normal.
from the outside, yoai sees things as just an intense crush. as far as she knows, ciro is just always talking to him when he gets the chance! and thinks he's cute and wants to hang out a lot! she finds it sweet even, because this is the first time she's seen him have a crush at all.
ciro is absolutely adamant about things working out with him and kaisei. he is setting up solo hang outs, in his spare time he is making cute clothing stuff for kaisei as gifts, he is dropping every hint possible that he is into kaisei and well, kaisei picks up on them because he's already very perceptive and was hoping for signals anyway (he is into ciro very much too!!)
when they finally get together Oh My God ciro is fucking feral. even kaisei is like "damn i don't think even i'm that good at sex"
they had a conversation early on (could be right before they officially got together) that went like
"kaisei, do you really like me?"
"i do"
"i love that you put so much effort into us, i feel like i've found someone that cares about me as much as i care about them. ciro, i love you."
oh kaisei don't say that, it's about to get so bad.
i think this ciro's brain was messed up somehow from being single for so long, idk man he did some wild shit
i think he even freaked himself out at first, because he was getting ridiculously jealous. at first, it was people at events or when they went out together (ciro would cling to kaisei and get a look on his face that unnerved whoever kaisei was talking to. if kaisei had to leave them alone for a little, ciro was being extremely rude to them)
but then there was an interaction where kaisei and yoai were literally just at the office chatting and ciro Lost It on yoai. which freaked both of them out because they're like, "ciro you know there is nothing between us" and he apologizes, but it's still just, even having done it in the first place was off.
or like, there's a work trip that ciro and yoai have to go on, and kaisei couldn't go with (no time off, something like that) and he is just in agony about it. he is begging kaisei, telling him he has to come with, he can't stand the thought of being without him for that long (it's barely a week), even going so far as to 'talk' to kaisei's manager into giving him the time off. to which he later slips to kaisei that his bf is "really off-putting".
OR even worse, later kaisei has to travel for a photo shoot (only a weekend), and ciro shouldn't go because he and yoai have a really big event the same weekend. well bro skipped out on that :);;;
which in turn really upset yoai because it was a HUGE deal, and even though she barely made it by herself, she is pissed that ciro almost tanked the whole thing over being with kaisei.
and, at some point
yakumo was texting kaisei.
kaisei wasn't responding to the texts, and if he did they were messages to just leave him alone, but ciro ends up seeing those messages (i was imagining it after they did it and kaisei was washing up, his phone goes off and ciro's eroding impulse control made him look at the notification and was like "wtf")
and in his mind he is like "clearly kaisei wants him to stop and he's not stopping. so i have to do something about this."
so he already knows yakumo (since they worked together on some projects a while before), and he hits him up. he doesn't tell yakumo that he's dating kaisei at first, he wants to see what he has to say about him. and when yakumo starts going into details and being annoyed that kaisei is ignoring him and whatnot, ciro is just barely holding back by a thread.
they end up leaving wherever it is they met up at, and yakumo (probably drunk, they were likely at a bar or smth), starts hitting on ciro. it does not end well. ciro doesn't like, kill him or anything, but he pushes yakumo into a wall and threatens that if he ever messages kaisei again, he's going to have more than a few bloody scratches on him.
so now yakumo is freaked out by this little guy :);;;
yoai eventually finds an opportunity to talk to kaisei alone (ciro's been glued to him more and more was this goes on), and she expresses her concern that there's something wrong with ciro - he never acted like this before, and she's scared for him. kaisei agrees, and has felt this way since the whole incident between them in the office where he went off on yoai.
in all honesty, i think this ciro's emotions just, i don't know, got warped from being alone for a long time and suppressing his desires for love and a relationship. i think it was less he just didn't care for it for a long time like in the regular story, but something he put off despite wanting because he was persuaded to focus more on school and work. so by the time he has an outlet for those desires, it starts out with a crack, but eventually just floods him with all these unbearable emotions and feelings.
even he is shocked at how he's acting, but he feels like he has no control over himself.
at some point, he gets so obsessive over kaisei that even kaisei himself feels scared of him, and when ciro sees that, he just loses it. he starts hating himself for pushing away the person he loves so much with his actions. in his twisted way of thinking, he makes the mistake of proposing to kaisei, and.
well. i don't think kaisei actually says yes. and really, that's kinda. where this au ends. the rejection is too much for ciro to handle, and he just.
i don't know what all leads up to the exact moment, but my brain was like, he offed himself in their apartment wearing both engagement rings.
kaisei comes home to find him like that and is just fucking hysterical, tbh i never really want to imagine kaisei being that upset again.
and i also never want to see ciro like that again so yandere ciro au is gonna just go on a shelf and i'll stare it it in mild horror from time to time.
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x0401x · 2 years
may you please elaborate more on the kaisei part you just mentioned im so eager to read the LN now hh
By God, I sure as hell can. I’m just gonna dump the whole scene here under the cut, because I’m sure not everyone would believe me if I just wrote a summary of it. Even I couldn't believe my own eyes when I read this shit for the first time.
Just to give some context, the scene takes place at a theme park where people could interact with dogs and cats. The whole club was there, including Masaki, but they scatter to enjoy the attractions in small groups. Masaki tags along with the first-years to keep an eye on them. Minato, Ryouhei and Nanao go straight to the first circle and dive into a sea of puppies. The girls head to a corner with trained dogs, where Yuuna takes a video of Rika petting one of them. And then there’s Seiya and Kaito, who decide to go see a dog runway for large dogs. One of the dogs gets cozy with Seiya and that’s where this bullshit begins.
Ayano Kotoko really knows how not to give a single flying fuck.
“That one sure is clingy. Ain’t it heavy?”
“I’m used to it, so it’s fine. But I’ll have to take a shower before going home. Kuma will find out that I was getting friendly with other dogs if the smell stays on me.”
“Where are you gonna take that shower?”
“Minato’s place. I’ll go in from the back door so that Kuma won’t notice.”
“You’ll be mistaken for some buglar.”
“This always happens, so there’s no problem.”
Someone blew a whistle. The dogs sled to their feet and went into their hut. The song was “Greensleeves”.
English lyrics: Alas, my love, you do me wrong Greensleeves was all my joy Greensleeves was my delight
Japanese translation: Ah, my love, you're such a cruel one Greensleeves, you were my joy Greensleeves, such merry days I was happy just being by your side
Invited by nostalgia, scenes that one both would and would not want to remember came to mind. The two went into the shade to avoid the sun. Heat-haze rose from within the grass.
“I just recently learned something; the Bernese Mountain Dog has a short lifespan even in comparison to other dogs, and apparently, there’s a Swiss proverb that goes, ‘Three years a young dog, three years a good dog and three years an old dog... all else is a gift from God’. The Ainu people call bears ‘kamuy’ – ‘gods’. I accidentally named a short-lived dog ‘Bear’ and kept it by my side. This had me thinking that ignorance is such a scary thing.”
“There ain’t any problem with that, y’know? Some grade school brat gave his pet a name that sounded strong. The Ainu people saw strong bears as gods. Isn't that all there is to it? Unlike in the past, medicine is advanced now. You’re just overthinking too much stuff.”
“Fuh, you’re right. Hey, Kaito.”
“Ah... it’s almost time for lunch. Let’s go back to the meeting spot.”
Under the sunlight filtered through foliage, red shoes chased after blue ones.
I don’t know if it’s okay to catch up to you, since you’re so full of secrets. Is it selfish of me to want to know what’s burdening you, or to hope that you’ll share the load with me, even if just a little bit of it?
A cool breeze blew past the two, who at some point started walking side by side.
Okay, this scene needs a break-down.
On one side, you have some very obvious stuff, like Kaito’s thoughts about Seiya. His actions have been screaming “rely on me, goddamn it” since volume 1. No news here. Did I ever imagine we’d get it thrown in our faces word by word, coming from Kaito himself? Absolutely the fuck not.
Now, the rest leaves a lot of questions. Why did Seiya bring up the topic of Kuma’s name all of a sudden, and why at a moment when he’s all alone with Kaito instead of when everyone’s together? Why did the song in the background have to be Greensleeves? Why
the fuck
did it have to be such a suggestive part of the song?
Ayano. Fucking answer me, Ayano.
The first thing that got me about this moment is that there’s a Japanese version paired to the original English. Although I wouldn’t call it an accurate translation, I think the Japanese one hits closer to home when it comes to the author’s intention in picking this song (or else, it wouldn’t even be here). These specific verses wouldn’t be used without purpose in the first place, and literally all of it matches with the story.
“You’re such a cruel one”? Yeah, Seiya is indeed a cruel person. Not in the sense that he’s ill-intentioned or mean-spirited (far from it, actually), but in the sense that he doesn’t have any mercy when it comes to protecting what’s important to him. He doesn’t play fair and ends up hurting people in the process (even the very people he’s trying to protect), but he’s fully aware of that. It’s a price he’s willing to pay.
“I was happy just being by your side” reminds me a lot of volume 1, when Kaito was a hair’s breadth away from uncovering the whole truth about what happened in middle school and Seiya’s real intentions, but decided to leave it alone because it wouldn’t be of help for anyone if he knew. Back then, it really felt like just being by Seiya’s side and watching things unfold was enough for him.
But then again, even the English version of the lyrics hits bull’s-eye, ‘cause let’s be honest, Seiya did do Kaito a lot of wrong at the beginning. From blatantly ignoring Kaito to lying through his teeth with a straight face and throwing shade at every opportunity. We really saw it all, lol.
So yeah. Without a doubt, “my love” refers to Seiya. From Kaito’s point of view.
And like.
Why. In the fuck.
Why in all the nine fucks would you use that term for two guys who are supposed to be friends?
I just wanna talk, Ayano. I just wanna fucking talk.
This book feels like the author channeled everything the readers have been thinking into one volume and then added some more juicy stuff to it because why the fuck not.
I just... love the way that there’s literally nowhere else to run? Like, no matter how you try to look at it, Seiya is the one “my love” is referring to, and the rest is about his and Kaito’s relationship. It’s not even debatable at all.
Am I saying that Kaito is in love with Seiya? No. But can I say for sure that he isn’t? Also no. This is the magic of Tsurune. The gay is heavy as fuck and the author doesn’t let you find excuses for it.
What I mean by this wall of text is that we now can associate a sentence as straightforward as “alas, my love” with Kaito and Seiya. In canon.
Thank you, Ayano. Fuck you, Ayano.
But mind you, this isn’t the worst of all. There’s a lot going on in volume 3. A whole fucking lot.
“That’s every volume of Tsurune” NO YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND
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kukurubean · 5 years
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For many of us music is a source of inspiration for our characters, so I want to know what songs inspire and/or relate to your muse! Chose between 10-15 songs, compile them into an album and tag some friends to share the beat!
I tried to pick tracks I haven’t used before/aren’t on his playlist but some slipped in anyway. Tagged by @to-the-voiceless! Tagging @theseventhdawn, @aethernoise, @ahlis-xiv, @abalathian,   @celesiel, and @honoura​!
Long-Distance March – BUMP OF CHICKEN Our  wings won’t break / Because we never had them in the first place / Let’s go, let’s go / My heart is always singing, unable to stop
Kaisei  – Orangestar feat. Megater Zero I know this sky loves you / At some point, everything changes / But hey, the sky’s still blue 
Mist – Kamikita Ken Somebody is searching for our future selves / On a road covered in scars and scratches
Durban Skies – Bastille When you take me there / You show me the city / I see it through your eyes
All My Friends – Dermot Kennedy To all my friends, you'll find your way / Some summer night, I hope I see you again
Shounen Brave – Jin feat. IA I think that a “heart that rescues hearts” / could be called “courage”
The Autumn Red – Agent Fresco The autumn red reaps more than heads / The forest falls with leaves of surrender 
I Want to Become Your God.  – Kanzaki Iori feat. Megater Zero Let me sing of all your pain, your hardships, your weaknesses, your heart --
Ballad of Accounting – The Paul McKenna Band Did you kiss the foot that kicked you, did you thank them for their scorn? / Did you ask for their forgiveness for the act of being born, act of being born, act of being born?
Fly On – Coldplay Just a flock of birds / That's how you think of love
half-awake babbles about them under the cut
Long-Distance March – BUMP OF CHICKEN I’m always in love with the energy of BUMP OF CHICKEN songs and this one is no exception. The lyrics contrast self-doubt and hardship with a positive message, which I’m really glad to have for Rothe.
Kaisei  – Orangestar feat. Megater Zero Go-to song to cheer myself up. Although it deals with the melancholy of summer and partings (as a lot of Orangestar’s songs do hah,) it’s one I can completely see Rothe singing lol
Mist – Kamikita Ken This tidbit has nothing to do with Rothe but this song was the one KK went professional with so it’s always stuck with me. But it’s a song I use for Rothe/Keit’a. I love the nostalgic lyrics.
Durban Skies – Bastille hi this is about ala mhigo and rothe’s relationship with alrek thanks
All My Friends – Dermot Kennedy This song feels like it has several divisions for me, one for general Rothe, and another for WoL. (She steps with intention to run free / So stunner, don't ever move softly / You've been on a journey they can't see / When dancing in ballrooms, you will lead) tell me thats not alyx vance 
Shounen Brave – Jin feat. IA don’t fucking @ me 
The Autumn Red – Agent Fresco I don’t know how else to explain this song beside as his anger.
I Want to Become Your God.  – Kanzaki Iori feat. Megater Zero :)
i know i picked the nicest part of the song to translate here but this is one of my favorite songs of all time. it’s sharp, the words are lashing, and if you don’t think rothe blames himself for others’ pain while he runs the fuck away to limsa you’re sadly mistaken
Ballad of Accounting – The Paul McKenna Band “In the morning we built the city In the afternoon walked through its streets Evening saw us leaving” 
a storm of blood approaches fast
Fly On – Coldplay not a single one of you will believe i didnt pick this bc of birds but it’s true i didnt
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shinjishazaki · 6 years
4, 9 and 13??
4. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?
So not fully counting the swirling semi-mess that is Debtor Knight’s expanding universe, I have to admit that I have a Dark Souls 3 idea quietly wandering around the edges of my brain.  I haven’t figured it out very well and I feel very rusty about fic in general because it’s been...uh...oh god, nearly a year since I ended Penny for a Tale.  Also, Dark Souls and all related things appear to annoy people here and I don’t know how well that’d go over, but man am I out of all other fandoms.
9. Which fic has been the hardest to write?
ha ha for a little while I couldn’t think of anything and then I remembered Kaisei and how much I hate it
It just wasn’t fun at all.  I started it for the worst reasons and I have no one to blame for the bad times but myself.  It’s the lowest quality story I’ve written because I had no proper passion.  I mean, I wrote some shitty, shitty stories when I was younger, but I can read them and still enjoy them for what they are.
13. What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever come across?
The absolute best I’ve seen is from pretty recently, like the last year or two.  It is, very simply put:
Fuck haters.  Write whatever the hell you want, own that “Mary Sue” story, love the self-inserts, just enjoy your writing.  Everything you write contributes to your growth as a writer as long as you allow yourself to enjoy it and own it.  There’s no sin in writing a “bad” story, particularly when the criteria for bad is all dependent on a person’s tastes.
Don’t worry about experience, don’t worry about if you’re good or old enough to be a writer, all that’s arbitrary gatekeeping horse hockey.  Write everything you want to, absolutely fuck haters.
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haoneidob · 4 years
If you have been reading the word of the one true God, his beloved son already foretold this! Time to wake the fuck people and crack open the good news. People that have a relationship with Jesus are not even concerned. Cause the flesh is simply temporary. Come on guy's! Wake up already! Read the good news and praise God that this universal body bag is soon to get zipped up! More certain than you being std positive!
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puff-mmd · 4 months
Abanadons yakumos nightmare, here is kaisei having a nightmare in that period after he and ciro have been drifting for a while and before their huge argument.
Ciro's been very caught up with work, and his attitude towards kaisei has been kinda flatlining. in ciro's mind the last thing he's worrying about is their relationship, he thinks things are stable and that they're fine. He doesn't notice how in the evenings kaisei tries to cuddle and spend time with him and he's just kinda...laying there, exhausted. Or how he doesn't bother responding to Kaisei's goodbyes in the morning, mostly because he's annoyed at having been woken up from only a few hours of sleep. Kaisei encourages him to talk about things if he's upset, but ciro doesn't want to talk about work when it's all that's been on his mind the entire day. So, he just says its work stuff and not to worry about it.
But this is kaisei we're talking about. He is Going To Worry.
Oh my god.
Kaisei did you steal ciro's sketchbook so he would spend more time with you...?
And then after you hid it, you didn't realize it would get damaged where it was hidden, so when ciro is frantically trying to find it, you say you don't know where it's at, and that's why you tossed it in the trash?
but i guess you can for the sake of plot, damn.
Now when ciro yells at you that he never wants to see your lying face again, that is fucking hurtful.
It was being led up to by all this suspicion because now ciro wasn't being the open one about things. He didn't think you would need that reassurance, that things were fine and you understood, but kaisei, you didn't. You let your stupid brain overthink again and make up this false reality where ciro was falling out of love with you.
Because it was only a matter of time.
Because everything always ends, no matter how much you love them.
Sooner or later everyone will have had enough of your love, and they'll want to move on to someone new.
And that's why you had this awful nightmare, and even worse when you woke up to an empty bed because ciro was staying late at the office again, leaving you this painful dream to simmer in your mind for so long all by yourself.
The bored blonde twirled his bangs around his fingers, leaning against the counter of the bar behind him. His boyfriend's arm was draped around his shoulder, but he barely paid any attention to it.
"Ciro? Do you wanna dance?"
He sighed, clearly annoyed with arms crossed across his chest.
"You think I have the energy to dance right now? I didn't even want to go out tonight."
He reached over and took another sip of his rum and Coke as a grimace tugged his delicate features down.
"At least the alcohol is decent," he grumbled.
Kaisei's grip on the man's shoulder tightened, causing him to wince. It was Ciro's idea to go out tonight, why was he complaining now that they were here?
They gazed out at the loud crowd full of individuals, couples and groups all having fun. Despite the upbeat music and cheerful atmosphere, the air between them felt deafening and icy. Kaisei looked at his boyfriend from the corner of his eye and felt chills up his spine from that pissed off look that wasn't even directed towards him.
Taking a deep breath, Kaisei opened his mouth to suggest that just go home if he really didn't want to be there, when out of nowhere something seemed to catch Ciro's attention. His eyes lit up and he called out,
He waved a hand to beckon the tattooed man over to them, causing the chill in Kaisei's spine to spread throughout his entire body. He couldn't understand, why of all people in the world would Ciro be excited to see him?
As he walked up, Yakumo eyed the two men - his dark gaze hardening as he looked at Kaisei.
'The feeling's mutual, buddy,' he thought, 'Why are you even here anyway?'
Breaking from Kaisei's grip, Ciro offered to buy a drink for Yakumo, throwing yet another shock towards the blonde's boyfriend.
'And since when did you two get so close? He hates you, so what's going on?'
Kaisei's discarded arm laid against the counter, ending in a balled fist that he knew was stabbing into his palm. He didn't notice the pain, he was too tensed from what stood before him. Ciro and Yakumo, talking and laughing as if they were best friends.
Acting as if Kaisei wasn't standing less than a foot away from them.
He heard their conversation, but between the music of the bar and his own blood rushing through his ears out of growing frustration, he didn't seem to understand a single word they exchanged. He didn't miss the smile on Ciro's face, the giggles at what he was sure was some stupid joke, the way his hand seemed to be creeping closer to Yakumo's exposed arm.
"Hey Kaisei," hearing his name snapped him back to the scene he was scrutinizing.
"We should go back to my place tonight. Ciro's up for it, what about you?"
Those hard, black eyes bore into his own, and the more Kaisei took them in, the more he felt a scratchy feeling on the back of his neck, a weight settling in his stomach, a burning itch on his arms that caused him to rub his elbows.
Something was wrong, but he couldn't put his finger on one thing exactly.
Despite knowing better, he replied.
'I didn't think his apartment was so close to this bar,' Kaisei thought as he followed alongside his boyfriend and, well...
Was Yakumo an ex? They never dated, but the gods knew they didn't share a simple friendship either.
In any event, Kaisei moved forward feeling as if his legs were trudging through thick mud, yet his head felt light and dazed, almost like a balloon with too much helium.
He squeezed Ciro's hand for some kind of reassurance, something to ground him in this strange situation he had found himself in, but was met with claws digging into his skin. He hissed under his breath and let go,eyes looking to Ciro for a reason why he was acting so cold and off tonight. The side-eyed glare he saw flitted across Ciro's face for only a moment before he turned away again, but it was long enough to cause Kaisei to stop in his tracks. He grabbed Ciro's wrist this time, pulling him back.
"Something isn't right, Ciro. We should just go home. Please?"
His boyfriend faced him fully now, that same glare he saw for a moment set hard on his face. The sickly yellow light from the streetlamp felt too bright, too hot on Kaisei's skin, as if the lamp itself was leaning closely towards the three men to illuminate in their tension.
"You can go home if you want, but I'm going with Yakumo."
"Why? I'm sorry, but last time I checked, you hated him. Why are you guys suddenly so damn friendly with each other?" He felt horrible cursing at Ciro like this, but he stood his ground for an answer despite the overwhelming awareness of his body, the rest of the night drowning out of his peripheral vision.
"He doesn't need to answer to you, Kaisei. What we do is none of your business," Yakumo said with a sharp tone intended to get Kaisei to shut up.
"You can either get over yourself and come with, or go home and sulk like a baby, dude."
Kaisei remained silent, a burning lump forming in his chest and crawling its way up his throat. His eyes pleaded with Ciro to just come with him and get away from Yakumo, but the blonde stood square next to the spidery man.
Breathing in deep, Kaisei stepped forward, grabbed Ciro's arm, and held on despite the protests that he was gripping too tightly.
"Fine, I'll go. I'm not leaving him alone with someone like you."
Kaisei stared in horror at the scene before him.
They had gone back to Yakumo's apartment, quickly finding their way into his bedroom - a place he was all too familiar with, and one he hoped he would never see again. As they tumbled onto the bed, Kaisei pulled his shirt over his head, feeling the weight of the other two men sink into the bed with him. When he had pulled the fabric off and looked up, his entire body froze over.
They were kissing, and not only that, but Yakumo had already slipped a hand between Ciro's thighs with the other pulling on his waist to hold him close, while Ciro's arms looped around Yakumo's neck to pull himself deeper into the kiss.
He was frozen only a few seconds before the burning in his chest spread throughout his body, igniting him with a rage he hadn't felt in a very long time. He didn't care that there was likely blood from his palms staining the shirt he now discarded to the floor. He grabbed Ciro's shoulders and yanked him into his chest, nearly pulling them both off the bed.
"What the fuck is going on?" He growled into Ciro's shoulder, "And I expect an answer this time."
Ciro squirmed and shoved his hand into Kaisei's chest to push himself away.
"What do you think, Kaisei? Fuck, you always jump to conclusions, but you can't put two and two together here?" He moved closer to Yakumo across the bed and slipped an arm around him.
"You should have gone home earlier if you were going to be such a control freak now," Yakumo commented coldly.
Kaisei fought the urge to scream, and the mutter that resulted still wavered with seething anger.
"I knew it. I thought it was strange how you were always coming home late and so tired, you kept saying it was just work and that I needed to stop worrying about it."
He ignored the tears that were blurring his vision, almost grateful that he couldn't see the frigid look in his boyfriend's icy eyes, and continued.
"Of all the people you could have gone and fucked around with, you picked him. Did you get so bored of me that you thought it would be fun to hurt me like this right at the end?"
The silence surrounding the three of them spoke volumes.
"Just go away."
Those three words echoed in Kaisei's mind, that same voice that had whispered so many "I love you's", had comforted him through so many difficult thoughts, that could put him at ease just by hearing it, now set his heart on fire. He felt all of the anger, anxiety and fear that had been mingling in his mind and body the entire evening boil over, but instead of sending him into a burning rage, he simply felt numb.
He reached out, one last time to grab Ciro's forearm, and dragged him out of the bed with him.
"You want me to go away so bad?"
Slamming the balcony doors open, Kaisei stepped out into the night air. He didn't think it was odd that the railing had entirely disappeared, or that the lights of the city below were far too bright for the evening.
He turned and grabbed both of Ciro's hands, guiding them to his shoulders.
"Then you make it happen."
Ciro stood still, and as Kaisei looked into those green eyes, he found it difficult to find any trace of emotion in those glassy gems. It felt as if a year had passed before Ciro spoke, cold and quiet,
"I didn't know you were so fucking pathetic."
The balcony underneath Kaisei's feet fell away.
Bolting upright and drenched in sweat, Kaisei felt as if his stomach had jumped into his throat. Tear marks had stained his cheeks, and he pulled his legs up to his chest to calm himself.
"A nightmare, what a horrible nightmare," he whispered to himself. He took slow breaths and glanced to his side, hoping to find Ciro right where he belonged - sleeping peacefully next to him.
The bed was empty and the blankets were still made up neatly from the morning. Kaisei slid back down under the covers and put his arm out into the other side of the bed.
It was cold.
He looked up at the clock on Ciro's nightstand - 1:30 am.
'At least I'm not dreaming anymore,' he thought to himself, 'but he's still not home yet.'
Kaisei curled himself up and buried his face into the pillow.
'Come home soon...'
His mind drifted off and eventually back into a fitful slumber.
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