#god i could go on and on and on about how unfair it is that his image is picked apart and baseless rumours define him outside of the fandom
artdcnaldson · 1 day
patrick hive to the rescue because im thinking, as i often do, about friends to lovers with patrick where you're kind of upset because he and art have gotten around and you're still struggling on the dating scene, maybe you're shy, probably you just have standards, and its really just all starting to bug you because you're worked up!!!!! imagine hanging out with patrick during the summer - the room is sticky with humidity, despite the air conditioning being on full blast. you're hot and irritated and sexually frustrated. patrick being half clothed isn't helping, either - you can see the gleam of sweat on his bare chest - the dusking of hair on his thick thighs as he lounges back with a cigarette. you're going mad, it feels like you could detonate at any second your clit is so on fire - throbbing and achey and everytime you press you sweat slick thighs together it makes it worse.
patrick is looking at his phone - so you take the chane - just a small touch - just for some relief. you're on the bed, there's a plushi blocking his view - it cant hurt just to slide a sneaky hand down the band of your shorts and panties. just to stroke your swollen slit. surely he wont noitce if you just...... rub yourself a little. while you sneak glances at his toned body - just peeks, really. if you're very quiet (you do realize the sticky squelch of your cunt can be heard across the room, right? you dont) you might even be able to cum undetected
GODDDDD FUCK!!!! This was supposed to be a chill, normal, short response. Instead I ignored 2 work calls bc it’s that serious.
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Rating: E (18+)
Warnings: SMUT (exibitionism/voyeurism, f!masturbation, not fingering but a secret third adjacent thing, extreme levels of horniness)
A/N: Patrick Hive we Linked and Built <3
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Patrick thought it was so sweet that you invited him to visit your home for the summer. Apparently you’d sung nothing but his praises to your parents, because even though you were both eighteen, they let him sleep on the floor of your room on a blow up mattress, trusting him that much.
Which was annoying. You weren’t fucking Patrick (not for lack of wanting to), but they could’ve at least given you the benefit of the doubt and assumed that you might have some sort of sexual urges. It made your stupid fucking celibacy that much more embarrassing.
You’re home alone with him and the power’s out— a stupid, heat-induced rolling blackout. The open window only seems to usher in more hot summer air, so you’re both down to as few layers as would be appropriate. You, were down to a thin T-shirt and your panties. Patrick was only in a pair of grey nylon shorts. Sweat was beading down his bare chest, which was so fucking unfair.
Because it was Patrick, whose chest hair and happy trail made your mouth fill with drool any time you were treated to the sight of it. It was summer, and he was frequently shirtless, and you still hadn’t gotten used to the sight. Any sane person would want to lave their tongue along his chest, tasting the sweat and salt of his skin. That was… so totally normal to think about.
Patrick fucked your neighbor— the cute one who was going to a state school so she could be a kindergarten teacher. You didn’t know, but you were pretty sure. You’d been swimming in the pool during a cul-de-sac cookout, and they’d disappeared after a while. Patrick didn’t say anything that night, probably to protect your delicate sensibilities, but you could just kind of sense it.
God, it was unfair. All of the guys your age had girlfriends, or something. And the single ones were cute, but Patrick always seemed to fuck things up for you, either actively, or because you would always wind up talking about him. And because your parents thought it was totally fine for him to sleep in your room, you were surviving off of weak, rushed orgasms in the shower.
It was supposed to be a fun, sexy summer before you went off to college, and Patrick was totally ruining it. How was it fair that he got to fuck around and get his rocks off while you spent your summer feeling like you were wearing a fucking chastity belt?
And you were so wet it was uncomfortable, sticky between your thighs with absolutely no relief. Patrick was sitting on the fucking Air mattress, propped up by your cute, pink pillows and plushies that he’d stolen, watching a rerun of The Hills on MTV. His hand dangled out the open bedroom window so the smell of smoke wouldn’t get stuck in your innocent little bedroom.
He stretched, and you watched with an open mouth as he blew the cigarette smoke out the window. Pretty fucking lips, his muscles all taut as he turned. He looked back at the TV, and you exhaled a shaky breath. Fuck, you were so turned on you wanted to scream. Your pussy was just drooling into your panties, clit throbbing and aching for attention, your entire body felt empty, desperate to be filled up.
You were practically buried in your stuffed animal collection, which was embarrassing on any other day (Patrick had nearly laughed at the sight, but you’d insisted that you couldn’t just throw all of them away… they were nostalgic), but you’d never been more grateful until that moment.
You were already pretty well covered, thanks to the near life size bear sitting beside you— the perfect safety net. Your pulse was thundering in your chest, making you feel a little dizzy with anxiety or arousal, or a strange new mix of both.
You were burning hot between your thighs— throbbing and soaked all sticky and slick. Your legs twitched instinctively as your fingertips dipped into your core, where a pool of your arousal awaited. A shaky gasp escaped you as you moved your slick fingers up to your neglected clit, and you quickly muffled the noise into your pillow
It was like you’d never really touched yourself before. The level of need and desperation within you was completely unknown until that point. Your eyes rolled back as you began grinding up against your fingers. Your teeth dug into your lip to stay quiet as you played with your clit as discreetly as you could.
Patrick shifted to get more comfortable. Flexing his thighs just slightly, rubbing sweaty palms against the muscles there. He ashed his cigarette with his gaze locked on the TV. “This shit is so boring,” he muttered.
And fuck, his voice. You considered arguing with him, just so he’d get louder, and his voice would get more intense, and you’d be able to fuck yourself to completion to the sound of him speaking.
Your poor, neglected pussy clenched around absolutely nothing, begging to be filled by his dick, his fingers, your fingers, a toy, a hairbrush, fucking anything. Your panties were absolutely sodden— drenched to the point of forming a transparent little spot right above your cunt.
If Patrick had looked over, or, if he had unfocused his eyes just right and peered into the reflection of the TV screen, he would’ve been able to make out the sight of your fingers, moving steadily, desperately against your clit. If he had done that.
Your toes curled just slightly, thighs closing around your hand as you got closer and closer. It was loud— just how much you were moving. You needed— god, you needed so much in that moment. You grabbed a random plushie— a pink rabbit that you probably got with that years’ Easter basket— and held it over your lap. Yeah, that worked. Super casual, perfect way to hide the way your hand was working your clit.
And the pressure. Jesus Christ, the pressure of the warm stuffed animal over your cunt was too nice to resist. You’d have to throw it away after, you knew, but you couldn’t help but grind yourself up against it. If you closed your eyes, you could imagine it was his lap, or his thigh, or something warm and soft and hard for you to rut against.
But you couldn’t close your eyes, because you had to watch Patrick. To make sure he didn’t know what you were doing. An arm slung behind his head, the muscles highlighted by the shiny sheen of sweat there. You whimpered pathetically, muffled into the pillows. He probably heard, he pretended he didn’t. It was that level of feigned ignorance that let you keep going.
He probably knew, you could pretend he didn’t. The razor’s edge between you and a much needed, earth-shattering orgasm hinged on that level of ignorance.
So you pathetically humped against your fingers, and the stuffed rabbit, and chased at the bliss that was so fucking close you could taste it like metal on your tongue. Your thighs squeezed around the rabbit as you came, soaking through and making even more of a mess of your panties, and the rabbit, and your sheets, and your fingers.
You hadn’t realized how loud you were breathing. It was like someone had been holding you underwater and you could only just now hear the world with a shocking sense of clarity. Your body felt hot all over, your legs felt like jelly. You hid the stuffed rabbit beneath a discarded blanket, a problem for later. Legs crossed so you could hide the soaked mess between your legs.
Sure, you could play that off.
“You could’ve asked me to leave,” Patrick said around his cigarette. There was a twist to his lips, a sense of amusement. “Nah, you probably didn’t want me to. Too busy eye fucking me while you defiled that poor little bunny.”
He stood, noticeably hard in his shorts, which you weren’t looking at weren’t looking at weren’t looking at. He grabbed your ankles and pulled your legs apart, all while wearing the smug sort of expression that got you to this position in the first place. Really, it was all his fault. His eyes trailed up your legs, to the glistening mess coating your upper thighs, and the sheer mess of your panties.
“Huh.” His hands moved up your thighs and you exhaled shakily, parting them more to accommodate him, whatever he wanted, whatever he was thinking. You could come a thousand more times just for him, at his every whim. But that was the repression talking, not just because of him.
Your breath caught as his fingers hooked into the waistband of your panties and he peeled them down. His expression held the same sort of concentration that you saw him exhibit on the court. Focused on you, it made your heart pound.
“No wonder you were so loud, huh?” He teased, fingers gliding through your slit. It was embarrassing how wet you were, coating his fingers and palm in your arousal. Each light brush against your clit made your thighs twitch, made a desperate keen escape you. “I could hear it the second you started, by the way. But even before that, I could fucking smell how turned on you were. You could’ve said something, you know. I would’ve taken care of you, made it real nice.”
You moaned softly, eyes wide as you peered up at him. When he removed his hands from your pussy you fucking whined— pouting as he held his fingers up to the light and grinned at the glistening mess left behind. You watched those fingers disappear between plush lips, tongue sweeping out to clean them up. His cock jumped behind the shorts he wore from want.
“It doesn’t have to mean anything,” you insisted, sitting up to rub him through the fabric. “It’s hot, we’re both horny and bored. Just use me. It’ll feel nice.”
He didn’t take much convincing. He’d been rubbing his dick raw on that stupid fucking inflatable mattress every night when you were asleep anyway. How could he not? You were just too adorable.
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@poppy-metal your mind amazes me no words no thoughts just this <3 thank youuuuuu for this in my inbox it truly kept me fed
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xjulixred45x · 2 days
Did you see how Demeter made all life on earth incredibly difficult for mortals as punishment for having "stolen her daughter"? Well, based on the fact that in myths people literally DYING OF STARVATION (and apparently in the game, of cold) this idea came to me.
Imagine that the reader is a normal mortal, nothing particularly remarkable, EXCEPT that she is a farmer with the rest of her family, who just before the eternal winter came, they worshiped Demeter so they could have good crops and so on.
but then, without warning, winter arrives.
At first it's not so bad, because they can ration certain things and get by with some groceries, but as the months go by and the winter continues to get worse, so does the situation in the reader's house.
The surrounding villages begin to have pests, have problems with resources, not having to eat, etc. and the first deaths begin thanks to this, which quickly spread throughout the community where the reader lives.
The first to fall from the family are the most vulnerable, the grandparents and children of the reader's younger siblings, to whom they perform the appropriate funeral rituals along with all the people who had already died due to the winter.
Everyone's life is turned upside down trying to find ways to survive without having a coast to fish and with now few animals, and the cold gets worse and worse...
The community soon begins to decay and reader participates in the funeral rituals out of respect and to not think about the horrible situation, becoming more educated in the chnotic gods.
They are all desperate to survive, but the snow makes it almost impossible to leave the city where they live, so they are stuck.
It doesn't take long until the reader's parents also succumb, either from illness, from the cold, or from starvation from giving all the food to their surviving child.
and it's not even the worst.
reader is now sick too. So the remaining people of the town cannot allow her to make them all sick and kill them, so after giving the proper services to her family, they lock her in her own house.
but at this point the reader is so tired that she doesn't even mind being isolated. but she knows one thing. she can't allow herself to die like this. not because it is degrading or unfair, but because she knows that if she dies and no one performs an adequate ritual for her, she will not even see her family in the afterlife.
all the pain and suffering in vain.
So against all odds, the reader finds ways to survive on her own at home, constantly being in the limbo of life and death due to her horrible health.
and, thanks to this, the reader meets Thanatos.
I think I'll leave it vague if the relationship would be platonic or romantic, but they definitely got off to a bad start.
We already know that Thanatos finds his work exhausting, so the fact that the reader clung to life and did not want to leave even when she was in horrible conditions bothered him to no end.
and on the other hand, the reader OBVIOUSLY did not want to die and it was annoying that he wished her dead (even if it was technically his job?) and that led to several verbal fights. at first.
Thanatos appeared at the reader's house when she was especially weak, whether she could not move on her own, had respiratory attacks and/or was in special pain, etc. episodes that, although temporary, were still close encounters with death.
When Reader and Thanatos eventually get tired of insulting each other in these moments, at first they just wait to see whether Reader will survive this particular episode or not, in a rather tense silence.
It is not until the third or fourth time this happens that the reader begins a conversation with Thanatos in an "informal" way.
As one can imagine, at first Thanatos didn't even react or try to continue with said conversation, just do his job and leave, but as time went by he began to show more signs of listening to what the reader was saying. and eventually even give short answers.
He doesn't share much, but now the reader doesn't go crazy being alone.
I also imagine that on some occasions, when the reader can't move much, she DRAG to go get food/medicine, which bothers Thanatos because it seems 1- unhygienic and 2- stupid in a certain sense, mortals get sick because of it. not taking care of themselves, does she NOT want to get better?
It is from there that their relationship begins to improve, but the reader's health worsens every day.
It's the same as what happens with the other villagers that Thanatos collects, weakness, coughing up blood, pain in the rib cage, inability to eat, difficulty breathing--
but even so, the reader STILL wants to cling to this miserable existence, she can't even eat or stand anymore and STILL doesn't want to leave...
and the reader's response is quite simple.
There is no one who can give her a burial, but her family did have one, without that she would simply wander through the Underworld and be alone AGAIN.
but at the same time, the reader no longer has the strength to continue holding on, the pain is UNBEARABLE and the little energy she has leaves her...
Thanatos is there, at least.
I like to think that the reader would agree to go with Thanatos VOLUNTARILY if he even lets her see her family one last time, thus dying peacefully.
And it would be especially ironic if by chance the reader ends up as a shadow in the house of Hades😅
I think that in general, a deceased reader would be like a more responsible Hypnos, she is not going to bother the GOD OF DEATH so she does the minimum ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
She is definitely happier now that she is no longer in pain, but she was quite traumatized by the experience :') although on the positive side, she is one of the few people who can play pranks on Thanaros with almost no consequences!
simply....mortal reader sheneigans.
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Shares, reblogs and comments are very welcome!
Maybe i could use this Reader with another characters? Idk. I didn't know how to finish this but i like it!
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welcometogrouchland · 5 months
i was gonna make a whole seperate post about how context and art seems to imply that the ex boyfriend that got stephanie pregnant was at least 18, if not older, when she was 16/15, which is kinda squicky (i mean not if she's 16 really, but 15 yes) but in my journeys on the Stephanie Brown wiki (real and delightful thing that exists) i discovered the batman chronicles #22 where her UNCLE HITS ON HER???? i think that's what we're meant to get from it anyway the dialogue is subtle (the art is not imo). AND I. WAS NOT EXPECTING THAT. STEPHANIE YOU CAN START AS MANY GANG WARS AS YOU WANT WITH YOUR LIFE THE WAY IT IS WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK
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sandinthepipes · 1 year
The amazing devil sang the last two paragraphs of chords and you're telling me to be normal about it.
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Mother stop calling me your “biological daughter” challenge and using that to explain why you’re so upset at trans women competing in sports (impossible)
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reddbuster · 8 months
I cannot believe people are STILL complaining about Leah Sava Jeffries being cast as Annabeth. And also pretending as if theres any explanation other than straight up racism. I mean I can believe it but also jesus fucking christ
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unhonestlymirror · 9 months
Gojo Satoru is an awesome person, and people clearly don't value him enough
#i love him very much /platonically#only those who tasted war genocide all the cruelty and unfairness of this world can fully realise how awesome he is#I'm not talking about his appearance or powers#99% of content about him and geto usually focus on geto and glorify geto#and i think it's not fair#just because Gojo's the strongest sorcerer who behaves like a clown on purpose - does it mean he's deserves a treatment like to a clown?#i love content about him and nanami because it focuses on BOTH of them on BOTH of their traumas and how they find peace in each other#it doesn't make gojo inferior or superior like it does with him and geto#Gojo's the strongest not because he killed toji or because of six eyes or something#it's because despite everything he didn't became like geto#btw i believe that even if geto said back then 'yes kill them all' - gojo wouldn't do that. he would probably start screaming#despite it's still unclear who were all these clapping people#Gojo's the strongest because he didn't use hollow purple on geto back then because otherwise he could have killed lots of passbyers#for some reason gege really tries to make them look equal in everything - but he fails to me#gojo and geto never were equal and I'm not talking about their powers#people can't be equal and that's okay#to geto it was important to be equal to gojo not because gojo was gojo but because gojo was the strongest sorcerer#to geto it was important to be Gojo's friend because it gave him the sense of self-importance#and you should never base your self-importance on one person no matter how strong they are#because god will definitely laugh at you and will make to go through a life trial#geto didn't base his self-importance on his parents Yaga Shoko Haibara other people around him - only on Gojo#actually i believe such people are a veeeeery big red flag.#which gojo didn't see because he really really wanted to have a best friend to rely on#that's the difference between geto and nanami. although as we can see nanami also based quite a lot of his self-importance on gojo#nanago don't try to make gojo and nanami equal or superior or inferior - they make them look worth each other#i believe geto isn't worth gojo#also i find quite annoying the amount of art of gojo mourning geto#like man i prefer seeing gojo happy despite everything#gojo and geto are not tragic lovers they're both very traumatized by each other teens you guys just love unnecessary suffering#yk people who go through people's death on daily basis usually hate unnecessary suffering
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thedevotionaltour · 2 months
thinking about daredevil yellow again im not. going to make it Guys.
#static.soundz#crying screaming and hitting the ground. so good. it made me cry really bad#bc whenever i think about jack n matt it always makes me think of me n my dad for various reasons#when matt said i couldnt feel his heartbeat inside me anymore. no words.#i rambled about it on my main but dd is very much intwined in an interesting and special way with my own heavy grief about my dad#and matt was a very important character to me during that time of my life for the exact same reason.#it's why i take a lot of very heavy issue when things try to make it so his dad died in his childhood as opposed to college#bc a) think it takes away a lot of the important nature of their relationship and b) my own personal projection#bc all grief at any stage is highly personal and unique and particular#but it really does feel like. matt is really just starting to become an adult (depending whether he dies when matt's in under or post grad)#(bc i can never remember which) but he's not quite a mega established one. there's still that lingering of childhood#so even though he's grown. it just hurts in a very particular way. they saw you grow up. but they didnt really see you become an adult.#they did not see the person you're going to be. that you are. that you're becoming. it feels like such a bizarre unfair moment in time.#bc why now? why not when i was younger? why not when i was truly an adult adult who is expecting to lose you now?#why at this moment and no other time?#but thinking about matt going i wish i told my dad how much i loved him.#more than anything when he goes 'i love you dad. did you hear? i love you.'#it made me cry like a fucking bitch. honest to god tearing up when i type about it. it wrenches my heart it twists it and it makes me wanna#drop to my knees and just weep and weep and weep. they are everything to me.#i have intertwined a lot of matt's grief with mine in a way that makes him so so so important to me. because as stupid as it fucking sounds#that comic and him as a character are everything to me. so genuinely. they were a lifeline my freshman year#when i was so depressed all i could do was read comics. or listen to music#i could do nothing else. i did. clearly. i did work and assignments. but dd was everything to me alongside dm#im sorry i am being an actual like nutbag in my tags im sorry i just have a lot of feelings. this story is everything to me ever ok? ok.
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widevibratobitch · 6 months
#vent post vent post lalalala#i wanted to post some pictures from my weekend trip with my friends before its too late but then i saw my fucking face and now i wanna kms#like oh my god. oh my god this is really truly the face im stuck with forever and ever and ever till the day im fuckin rotting in the groun#incredible how unfair life can be lmao (<- girl who is having such incredibly superficial stupid fucking problems but is otherwise#quite privileged but of course that will never be fucking enough for her because she's soooooo fckn stupid and selfish and annoyinggg lol)#i dont know why im so obsessed with it now#like i genuinely remember KNOWING that im kinda ugly (and fat) in high school and being like 'so what lol idc'#so WHY is it such an issue now?????#idk. i just kinda wish i was dead every time i look at my face and realise there's nothing i can do to change it#i can dress in ways that will cover my ugly ass shapeless body. maybe i can even go back to my ed properly this time#and lose some weight. for a time. before i gain back twice as much and the circle begins anew lol#but my face is not gonna change no matter what i do lmao unless i fucking scrape it off with a grater or smash my head into pieces#and like. even if i do get that rhinoplasty (its not gonna change my faceshape anyway. nothing i can do to fix THAT fuckin atrocity)#every time ill look in the mirror i will only be reminded that its fake. and that my natural face was disgusting enough it had to be cut up#to be fixed somewhat.#i just wish i had ONE. just ONE nice thing about my body. literally just one its not even funny lol#and its so fucked up when you look at my mom who was so insanely fucking beautiful when she was my age. like. i cant blame her#cause how could she have known that the genes she'll pass on will not result in anything good lol but also i feel like such a failure#like its not really my fault i got the genes i got. but yknow.#anyway im tired of always being the ugliest person in any group im hanging out with. my cousins? check. my hometown friends? check.#my uni friends? my GOD check (how ARE they all so pretty and skinny??? insane).#god i wish i were dead. like fr fr. im not actively suicidal since i cant bring myself to *do* shit anyway. but i just wish i never existed
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pepprs · 1 year
tfw im taking a day off of work today (my first day off since december 😍😍😍😍) and got absolutely shit sleep w fucked up dreams i kept waking up from and just woke up to a text about the stupid fucking book chapter asking me to do one more read through of it as if i haven’t done like 5 in theladt 3 days (and by all appearances been the ONLY one doing so lol)
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yuridovewing · 7 months
teehees my way into your inbox. im bad at gauging unpopular stuff but i think evil spottedleaf aus are fun, especially if they're surrounding her discontent with dying so young and her wanting to stay within relevance by inserting herself into prophecy after prophecy.
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
I think it depends on the specific AU, but I think there’s good potential there! Canon Spotty was done dirty and I think there’s a lot you can do with her in a villain role.
The ones that don’t vibe with me are anything surrounding Firestar or Thistleclaw for obvious reasons but thankfully I don’t see a tonnnnn of that
That being said, I get why it’s not everyone’s cup of tea considering the discourse around her character.
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fingertipsmp3 · 6 months
I’m not sure if the seasonal depression is hitting especially hard this year or if I’m just grieving for Mabel or if I’m finally going irreparably insane or if life/people is being unfair towards me or all of the above
#i cry super hard every day now. sometimes multiple times a day#sometimes something sets it off specifically (like arguing with my mom earlier)#but sometimes i just think about mabel too much and start sobbing#i thought i was okay. i mean i knew i wasn’t okay but i knew time would do its thing#the first few weeks were the worst but earlier this month i felt like i’d kind of plateau’d#like i was still sad but i could look at photos and videos and talk about her without crying. i was even laughing#now… now i can’t even think of her. again#it just feels so fucking unfair that i’ll NEVER see her again. like what the fuck do you mean. what do you MEAN#what do you mean i have to live out my whole life… god knows how fucking long i’ll live; and N E V E R see her again. shut the fuck up.#that’s so fucking unfair. and everyone else is okay. i’m like how can you POSSIBLY just go about your life#the best dog in the world is dead and she’s going to stay dead and i won’t see her again for however many fucking stupid cursed decades#i live and i might not even see her when i die. how the HELL am i supposed to be okay with that. is that a joke#and there’s a part of me that’s like ‘maybe i could adopt another dog’ but i don’t know#i think i’d feel better and worse at the same time. i wouldn’t feel so alone but they wouldn’t be mabel#i put in an application for a terrier that’s at a local rescue but if i don’t get him i’m not trying again. i’ll take it as a hint#cats aren’t an option btw i found out i’m allergic. which was brand new information.. i’ve been around cats that didn’t set my allergies#off at all. but i guess there’s a difference between spending an hour at your friend’s house who has one cat#and living 24/7 with a cat that gets fur and dander and saliva everywhere#and i don’t think other pets would suit me. i just don’t feel comfortable caring for any animal i haven’t done research on#i had hamsters when i was a teenager but… tbh never again. they are so much fun but i have anxiety dreams about them now#so it’s dogs (well.. one dog) or nothing#i do have plans to speak to my doctor about my depression btw because i genuinely find this unsustainable#like i do think it’s situational (seasonal/grief/everyone around me seeming to want to argue with me lately) but i still need#mood stabilisers while i’m in this situation lol#personal
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kazoologist · 7 months
holding bitch sessions with my friends in this program wherein i make itemized lists of complaints about my roommate and then read them aloud like a pettier and lamer martin luther who couldn't even summon the nerve to start a fight with my roommate
#personal#i realize im being definitely unfair but also consider i have to live in this overpriced apartment with this fucking soap opera playing 25/#also i realize it is judgemental but legitimately i think she might just. be a lot worse at everything then she thinks. and i realize i am#not great or a saint by any means either but like. i love this program and field. my fuck ups this year have totally been my own to make an#i deeply hate how bad its gotten (but im trying)#also hot take but this girl should not be trying to work in education at all. u complain about school being useless too much for me to thin#you would actually be effective#you complain about nothing interesting you for a career. girl u could just bartend for the rest of ur life. like at least bartenders tend t#get paid here#oh but youre an academic huh? oh that's wonderful. should we throw a debutante ball? should we call everyone's parents? should i email the#provost? bitch we're in the research triangle. fucking everyone's an academic. half the people i sit near at synagogue have phds. get a gri#god ive really deteriorated as a person since moving here. i hope theres time for me to have like a change of heart and become capable of#fucking love and whimsy again. like. i knew we weren't a perfect match but seriously im supposed to be this easy going and pleasant person#what is it about this woman that just causes me to act like this and start biting like a stray cat#i mean#i always kinda suspected i was a bitch but like. i dont like being this pissy all the time. i feel like im fucking sixteen again and i dont#even have anything to be mad about rn#jesus
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sixzeroes · 1 year
about the jaemin thing it’s the fact that people looooovvvveeee to create weird rumours and shit about him for no reason either like first you bully him because he used filters that you didn’t like and that you thought he was too weird and bubbly for you that made him stop bbl-ing for awhile and post pictures of himself create rumours that he’s copying his bestie like grow up fr spread pictures/rumours about his family when it’s very clear that he wants this personal and family like private. also about the cat issue he’s never mentioned where he got them from like he could’ve adopted them or saved the from somewhere and if the kitty isn’t showing any signs of abuse or unhappiness why do you need to go ant try to dig deeper for no reason and like not kfans tryna use the influence card saying shit like he can’t take care of them i don’t think jaem would’ve got them if he can’t take care of them or didn’t have someone to take care of them whiles he’s gone. also i think fans need to realise we don’t know anything about jaemin so it’s easier for them to paint him as the bad guy because he doesn’t really share anything about himself. also like sorry for writing this in your inbox but jaem always seems to be the punching bag for everyone and it’s getting to the point that own owns fans aren’t doing anything or they are the ones creating the problems
nah bc jaemin has been pretty unproblematic for his whole career… like idk where all of that hate stems from bc what is there to hate abt him??? all of his ‘scandals’ were either baseless or misreadings (i can vouch for this bc i’m korean).
and yeah, that saying or wtvr that fans r idols’ worst nightmares is so true bc why r fans like.. lowkey tryna prey on his downfall like this ? be worried when there’s solid evidence that he’s supporting pet ab*se NOT over a pic and video of ONE CAT with zero info 😭
honestly tho i feel like all of the ‘scandals’ he gets into are literally based on nothing and concocted by fans….. like why cant we just stick to what’s shared not what’s speculated damn..
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eyrie truly does kinda detest thancred at parts in ShB HUH
#i was doing some feeing out a thought writing and not Howdy eyrie is so….frustrated with him#I can look at all of the pieces of how it goes from player perspective but how he treats minifilia makes their skin crawl#how he so angrily places blame on her shoulders + his utter lack of talking to her about anything#the BROODING—it drives them bonkers how he broods and walks away from any conversation#mayhaps y’sthola shouldn’t have been so harsh when Minfilia was right there to hear it. no it was unfair to her#but he needed to hear that and hear it from her in her harsh manner#it drives eyrie up the wall to see her treated as such#they know thancred cares but it doesn’t mean anything if she doesnt know it#he lets his grief cloud so much of their relationship to where she feels as if he resents her#and it bothers eyrie so much#yes they have their own failings as a parent and they know full well how much they have not been there#that obligations and fears drove them away from many of their children before those children could remember them#but for their eldest chidlren they did get to watch grow up—god they would be devestated if they did not know how deeply eyrie loves them#they would be heartbroken if there was ever a shadow of doubt of how much eyrie loved them#are they projecting a bit? yeah definitely#but it’s so upsetting for them to see what is going on#especially when minifilia gravitates towards them#part is her admiration of them through stories and actions on the first#but they’re just so open and caring for her? part of their love for her is merely the Echo#but they still hold great affection for her and it’s heartbreaking that thancred refuses to treat her as such#jsjdjdkd im neck deep in my ShB replay and I’m just. sitting here in the weird sauce#this isn’t me being thancred critical or the like I get the arc that is happening with him#i understand it. sadly eyrie is trapped in the narrative without the foresight and narrative Context so they get to suffer#oc: eyrie kisne
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esterigermaine · 2 years
Old people are hilarious. They tell us young people need to learn "actually useful" skills, work hard, and not be glued to a smartphone 24/7 if they want decent pay.
The second I put my IT skills and college degree in use to get more money, flexible hours, and smartphone privileges they throw a fit saying they deserve it more since they are older.
Like, isn't this what you told me to do if I wanted more than $15 an hour?
#work#technology#if anyone could do it then why do you need my help to add an attachment to an email#and does it really count as smartphone privileges if it is used to test our internet phones and pull up info on our stuff?#it isn't like I'm using it for social media instead of working#we can't test calls from outside numbers if we dont have an outside phone to do it with#not to mention looking up information on new pieces of tech we get because I am learning half this stuff as I go#not because I know nothing but because everything is set up differently and has different common issues#mom used to be a tech director and says half of tech is googling stuff and knowing how to google it better than others#we can't be expected to know everything about 70 different pieces but we can be expected to know how to find what we need#and of course more flexible hours comes with being a 1 woman IT department#some things require the office to be closed to do like setting up a new phone system#and tech issues are not kind enough to happen only during normal business hours#staying 2 hours late to fix a problem and then coming in 2 hours late the next day is fair game#anyway I found out why one of my older coworkers is actually retiring today#turns out she decided me getting something she doesn't was unfair and disrespectful due to our age difference#so she gave boss and owner a she goes or I go ultimatum like 2 months ago#and naturally they were like bro you can stay or go but we are keeping our IT department#so she took it as a sign from god that she was meant to retire that year instead of the next year or so#i kinda feel bad about it because she has been there like 20 years#but she was also always super mean to me soooooo#like I understand it may seem a little unfair but difference in position#her job is only needed during business hours and she stays in 1 location in 1 building 90% of the time#so she gets a comfy office#it is a tradeoff#i get a desk but not a comfy warm office with a radio#not like I'm at it 70% of the time because I go where Im needed including to our second office but still#not every role is the same and different things are needed by different roles#gonna miss her millennials can't afford houses because of starbucks and avocado toast lectures#i am a millenial who is deathly allergic to avocado and avoids coffee as much as possible lmfao
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