#gobbles South Park
t1mmytim · 1 year
Never thought I’d get into South Park but here we are…
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Timmy is my favorite. We are same name buddies lmao
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buttfrovski · 7 months
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he's so fucking cute u guys
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southpark3d · 9 months
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Presumably by Brandon of South Park X, ca. 2002.
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catladychronicles · 17 days
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Gooble gobble
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rockshrimp1989 · 5 months
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The newest upcoming SP Funkos!!👀👀👀
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roamingberry · 2 years
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When comparing the official South Park website from today to it from years ago, you'll notice some things which were on the old ones but not on today's current one. One of those things were SP screen savers for computers:
There are lots of amazing SP screensavers available in the links above which you can even interact with. 🥳 Some things to note though are that some screen savers worked for me, some didn't. Also for the ones which work, you may need to run the .exe as an administrator so that it can install them successfully. 
The Towelie one is very interesting since you can control Towelie's movement in it. While it seems highly unlikely, it'd be amazing though to see these type of SP screen savers return one day. New ones would look awesome.🥳
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krist-420 · 2 years
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Timmy and Gobbels South Park gif
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freelance-pac · 2 years
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drama-glob · 9 months
do you wish gobbles timmy's turkey from south park appeared in more episodes?
It would have been cute to see Timmy with his little turkey, but there probably weren't too many places where him appearing made sense. :/
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lovelynerdy4chan · 10 months
i think they can read my brain go ahead and investigate the whole booty ass area for child abuse
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shrewstew · 3 months
South Park sleep headcanons cuz im bored!!!!!!!!
Stan’s gang:
Stan kicks the covers off of the bed, and ends up in some weird ass position. He drools too. And snores slightly. He likes to listen to music before bed.
Cartman is similar to Stan, but less snoring and more sleep talking. Kyle is kinda convinced he only “sleep talks” for attention. He is a huge bed hog, and thrashes a lot. He also sleeps with Clyde Frog, but he usually ends up on the floor.
Butters has an issue where he can’t fall asleep without holding onto a motherfucker/ref. So he has a stuffed animal to keep him from getting nightmares. He is a very heavy sleeper, and I believe so due to that one unfortunate episode. You know the one.
Kenny sleeps like a corpse. However he has frequent nightmares that make him twitch very slightly and wake at random. He doesn’t move much when he’s asleep, but he falls asleep in weird positions sometimes. He doesn’t bring it with him on sleepovers, but he does own a stuffed bear. Its missing 3 limbs and its ears, he got it while in the hospital. He sleeps naked because he’s fucking deranged. That or in footie pajamas/oversized hand-me-downs
Kyle is a light sleeper, and usually moves to the couch on sleepovers. Otherwise, he is the most normal sleeper, and he prides himself in being normal boy. I would say he wears a bonnet, but be fr, he does not take that trapper hat off. Him and Stan wear matching pjs.
Craig’s gang:
Tweek obviously has insomnia. He is also paranoid and is convinced there are people outside watching him. So he also HAS to sleep with the curtains closed, doors shut. The only time he is not twitching, ironically, is when he is asleep. But he still has nightmares. This poor kid, man.
Craig sleeps like a log. He is hard to wake up, and he doesn’t even take very long to fall asleep.
Honestly idk about the rest, so it’s heavily phoned in, sorry :(
Jimmy wears headgear, and wears the classic ebeneezer scrouge pjs. He snores VERY loud. And drools A LOT.
(SLEEP TOKEN REFERENCE????) Tolkien sleeps in ex-PENSIVE pjs, Gucci shit.
Clyde is a bed hog and a cover hog. I feel like he used to have a stuffed bear.
Timmy snores like “honk…Tim-Tim-Tim-timmay” he also canonically owns a bear in a wheelchair, but I think he prefers to snuggle with Gobbles (his turkey) Timmy is such a great character I wish he had more screen time
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i miss the south park pets (sparky, mr kitty, GOBBLES, even lemmiwinks) and think they should be brought back.
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southpark3d · 6 months
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By Justin "Juz" Trevena of Sweeet.com, ca. 1998.
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missuswalker · 10 months
Welcome!!! Could I please request a soulmate au with Kyle and a fem!reader? Maybe one of the ones where they share emotions / sometimes items from their rooms randomly spawn in the other’s / first words said to each other tattooed somewhere or literally anything that would be fun for you to write??? I literally love soulmate aus so I’m gonna gobble up anything u write no matter what. + I loved your Craig fic so much!!!! Thank you <33
thank you so much!! i love this so much, soulmate aus are so silly and giggly 🤭 (using the item spawning one 🤭)
is that mine? || kyle broflovski x fem reader (soulmate au)
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My actually useful shit had been disappearing for weeks. I was constantly loosing pens and pencils as well as the book I was reading for school. What had I gotten from my soulmate? Socks. At least I knew my soulmate had big ass feet.
Coming home from school, I didn't expect to have anything new in my room, but I was wrong. A green notebook sat on my desk, the front covered in random brand stickers. I pick it up, sitting on the edge of my bed, deciding to flip through it. It's not like my soulmate would know that I was snooping.
The pages were filled with neat notes. Scanning over them, I realized they were just about the same as my history notes, just with a little more detail. So we have the same history teacher?
I had found out we went to the same school weeks ago, a South Park Cows sweatshirt winding up on top of my dresser, but I had no clue if we were in any of the same classes. As I continued to flip through the pages, I noticed a page with different handwriting accompanying my soulmate's.
It seemed to be a conversation between two people that went from messy to neat writing, drawings of dicks all over the top of the paper. I look more towards the bottom seeing my soulmate's writing with the words, "stop drawing dicks on my paper, kenny"
Kenny? Kenny McCormick? Well, damn. That crosses Kenny off of the list of possible people my soulmate could be. I was only slightly disappointed. Never once did I see my soulmates name anywhere in the stupid notebook. Tossing it to the side, I go to start on my homework that was due yesterday.
"Really?" I groan, noticing my favorite pen missing from its spot on my desk. I don't know why I liked it so much, it was just funny. It had a stupidly big pompom at the end, frilly ribbon around the rest of it. I end up just using a random pencil I found in the bottom of my bookbag, completing about half of my homework, before deciding I deserved a break.
After, like, three hours of going down a conspiracy theory video rabbit hole on youtube, I end up falling asleep, only to be woken up the next morning by my alarm. After snoozing my alarm multiple times, I finally pull myself out of bed, looking through my clothes.
Would I be insane for wearing my soulmate's hoodie? No, I like living in delusion. Pulling the hoodie over my head, I was quick to notice how clean it smelled. It smelled so much like laundry detergent, I was almost convinced it had never been worn.
Noticing I was already running behind, I finish getting dressed, grabbing my bag and rushing out of my house so I could get to school on time. I pull into the parking lot, deciding to just chill for a minute since I was already late.
Eventually, I ended up dragging myself into my math class, sitting down near the back. Pulling out my notebook and a pencil, I begin to doodle, not too invested in the lesson
"Dude, where the fuck did you get that pen," I hear someone whisper, a snicker coming from the same direction. Looking up, I notice a curly redhead holding a pen. My pen. What the hell?
"Is that mine?" I whisper, gaining the boy's attention. "What? No, it's my soulmate's." He replies, glancing at the hoodie I was wearing, his eyes widening. "That's my pen." I say, before looking down at the hoodie myself. "Is this...?" I begin, the boy nodding. "Mine. Yeah, that's mine."
I found myself just staring at him for a moment, before my lips tug upwards. He was cute. He gives me a bashful grin, handing me my pen.
"I would give you the hoodie, but I'm not wearing anything under it." I say, butterflies erupting in my stomach as I hear him laugh. "That's okay. You can keep it. Did you ever realize my name was on the tag?" He asks, causing my face to drop. "No. Damn, I would've found you a lot faster if I'd seen that," I mumble.
There was a silence, until he sighs, brushing his curly bangs out of his eyes. "Are you free after school?" My smile widens at his question, looking down to my shoes. "Yeah, you gonna ask me out?" I joke. "Maybe. You gonna say yes?" "Maybe."
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everyday I am haunted by the fact I binged 25 whole seasons of southpark
like sincerely I am sorry aswell.
below is a rant about liane cartman and a shitty analysis on her character, if you wanna hear it feel free too press the keep reading!
if not skip this post!
anyway, since I watched like 25 whole fucking seasons of the shit storm that is southpark.
there are some parts that people who haven’t watched the whole series completely miss, which by fuck is fun to talk about.
anyway you know cartman? Yeah the racist antisemite of Uber awfulness????
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yeah anyway his mother liane cartman, IS EVEN FUCKING WORSE.
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you have to bear with me here while I explain some things, cartman as a character did not start off as a crazed nazi racist no he did not at fucking all.
he sucked and was a bully but like he was not racist or anything character wise yet that was a later addition lol
(watching season 1-7 is a fucking trip because you literally see in real time how Matt and Trey were like “let’s make cartman the worst”)
like, she seems like this pushover in the show that cartman is manipulating or something like it’s the furthest fucking thing.
she is literally single-handedly the worst fucking character, because she gets away with it.
like cartman is literally the epitome of what indoctrination and pipelines looks like, and it’s really fucking something to see him become this heinous horrible person. When you watch the show it’s just what the fuck is happening.
because liane is the fucking puppet master, she has every single person on her side and she is HORRIBLE.
liane made cartmans costume, liane told and taught cartman to be a literal nazi, liane is a fucking homophobe, like its fucking her.
because you literally canonically see the shit she says to cartman, she looks so fucking innocent out of context but she is the puppet master of the whole stupid show.
like literally when in the post covid special cartman hits the fucking road and leaves liane and south park behind he fucking changes big time. Having unlearnt a lot of shit and settled down got married had kids became A FUCKING RABBI like it’s out of left fucking field.
and he wholeheartedly did change, and it’s such a comedic moment and honestly telling of fucking liane.
she is a manipulative, bigoted, horrible human being.
like it’s not even subtle it’s overt.
like, alot is off screen but like why is there no liane hate she is single handedly the antagonist of the show.
every time I see like people who don’t really know her character talk about her like she’s some damsel in distress I die inside because she is LITERALLY CANNONICALLY horrible.
she is a antisemitic, racist queerphobic piece of shit.
and cartman being a fucking asshole kid, gobbles it up and spews her own words at his friends. He understands literally none of it, but he keeps saying what she told him.
I’m not a cartman defender man I’m just pointing out that liane is like 2x worse than him.
again, cartman started out as a normal ass kid stupid a bully but mostly normal.
and like you literally see lianes fucking presence in how he functions and works and talks, like every single thing he says, is things liane says covertly.
like, to give cartman like one thing. He does not deserve a high, mother who literally lets him get fucking all types of abused and neglected.
everything else is on him, but like fucking liane sucks.
especially early liane she’s not even hiding it, she’s fucking jovial about her sons genocidal rampages.
she literally cannot imagine her son without her manipulation and babying, (as seen in “Tsst”) like she’s horrible.
she looks like the victim but by hell is she, she’s literally a nazi! She’s LITERALLY CANNONICALLY A NAZI!
like, butter’s parents are horrible.
but liane is just another level, like she is the worst of them all.
like, honestly cartman’s anger at her is fucking justified.
SHE LITERALLY LEAVES HIM TO DIE on MULTIPLE OCCASIONS, wether she was high, preoccupied with being a sex worker, or any of the other bullshit.
(Btw no shade to both sex workers or drug addicts, you are not liane cartman from SOUTHPARK this is not about you lol)
like she is AWFUL, and cartman is a reflection of her.
like I can’t believe people are liane defenders like fuck her canonically.
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turningtummyrubs · 1 year
I'm so glad you are taking requests again! I missed your writing. Can we please get something with your OCs Henry and Lucien? Maybe one of them is feeling really sick to his stomach at an event he tried to get out of but his parents didn't believe him. The other one is the only person who actually notices how unwell he is and tries to take care of him.
Thank you so much in advance if you decide to fill my silly little prompt!!
hi!! so i forgot to mention that i'm no longer really taking requests for my old OCs, just taking ideas to apply to whatever new OCs i choose. totally my fault for not specifying. BUT i still wanted to do something for this prompt, so here's a very (very) loose interpretation of the request with some random people i made up on the spot lol
Breathing in through his nose, Sanders hooks his fingers into the chain-link fence and rocks forward into the metal. The chill permeates his fever in a brief zap—dissipates, gobbled up and swallowed. He touches his tongue to the roof of his mouth and suppresses a low burp.
At the rhythmic pound of footsteps, he tilts his head and drawls, “If you leave school premises, you will not be allowed to return unless you repurchase tickets at the entryway of the south parking lot.”
The group of kids bumble forward. One girl, one of Sanders’ students, says, “Are you alright, Mr. Chao? You look…” The trail-off is rewarding, as is the sheepish look on her face.
“Yes, Priya, I’m fine. Move along.” He makes a curt shooing gesture. A boy laughs and grabs her arm. They stumble out into the street.
Sanders shuts his eyes, opens them again, then turns his attention to the gleaming square of the field, where students churn along booths of food and carnival attractions. He checks his watch. At 7:30, he’s meant to man the cornhole station. It’s 7:28.
Sighing, he straightens and makes his way over to the main event. This task mainly involves standing around watching teenagers swear and make jokes about objects and holes, which is what he does for another half an hour, until the low-level discomfort that’s been swelling in his abdomen reaches a crest and he’s forced to make a quick break for the bathroom.
There are porta-potties set up along the perimeter of the carnival, but Sanders will be damned if he takes a chance on one of those. Grabbing his key card from the back pocket of his pants, he taps it to the reader and slips into the dark empty school. The change in environment is refreshing—no more butter-thick air and screaming children—but it does little to detract from the pain in his gut.
He strides for the nearest staff bathroom and flinches back when, upon flinging open the door, he finds Rufus White, the freshman English teacher, pissing in the urinal. Eyes wide, Rufus yelps and zips up his pants in a clumsy rush. “Oh my god. Sandy, what the fuck.”
“Why didn’t you lock the door?” Sanders demands.
“No one else is supposed to be in here!”
“I wasn’t using one of those Godforsaken porta-potties!”
“Neither was I!”
“Jesus…” Sanders slides a hand across his forehead wearily. “Look, this didn’t happen. It’s fine. Get back to the carnival, please.”
Rufus looks at him funny. “I’m not penciled in for another twenty minutes.”
“Lucky you. Get out.”
“Are you okay?”
Rufus just continues staring at him until a soft wet rumble emerges from the caverns of Sanders’ belly. It echoes in the silent dimness of the bathroom. Rufus’s eyes move down, then back up again. “Oh, dude, you should’ve said.”
Sanders rolls his eyes and pushes past him, dropping to his knees in front of the toilet. The toilet water is blue with disinfectant, and as he inhales, he catches an acerbic antiseptic whiff. His nose wrinkles.
To his chagrin, Rufus locks the door behind them and comes to crouch by Sanders’ side. Rubbing a hand up Sanders’ back, he says, “Do what you gotta do, man.”
“You don’t have to be here.”
Rufus doesn’t say anything, just staring at him with that big friendly face.
Sanders sighs heavily and leans forward, another unsettling noise rising up from his intestines. He palms the area and feels irregular vibrations—short rough bursts of matter moving through his system. Eyes fluttering shut, he stifles a burp into his forearm, then groans weakly.
“Are you gonna actually throw up or what?” Rufus asks.
Sanders levels him with a glare. “It doesn’t just happen.”
“It does for me.”
“That’s because when you throw up it’s because you’ve eaten three large pizzas and a loaf of garlic bread.”
“Well, what did you eat?”
“A—a corndog—oh fuck.” Sanders clambers forward and heaves into the toilet, the memory forcing it back up. Half of the slurry is thin as water, acidic, and the rest is composed of thick chunks of meat and soggy bread.
“There ya go,” Rufus says with a grin, thumping Sanders on the back. “You’re doing great.”
Between retches, Sanders reaches back and digs his nails into Rufus’s thigh. His head empties out and fills with static, like someone inserting a mass of bees into his skull via syringe. The bridge of his nose pulses with a dizzying ache.
Rufus makes a sympathetic noise and wraps an arm around Sanders from behind, tucking his hand up and into Sanders’ shirt and pressing on his lower belly. Two meaty fingers encircle Sanders’ navel, over and over—a slow warm slide. The tiniest addition of pressure has another gush of vomit splashing into the water, and Sanders squeezes his eyes shut further, curling imperceptibly around the contact.
Once he’s done puking, he flushes the toilet with a limp hand and remains slumped on the floor. The back of his throat is slick with oil and fat, and those greasy substances bloat up his belches, rendering them viscous as they spill from his mouth. He presses a thumb to the center of his forehead and inhales slowly.
“Still churning pretty bad,” Rufus murmurs, moving his hand from one section of Sanders’ stomach to another to another.
Sanders shakes his head. “It’s fine.”
“I don’t know…” The top of Sanders’ belly remains tender and firm, but lower down, his clammy flesh moves noticeably against Rufus’s palm, swelling and rumbling in certain places before capsizing like a black hole. The gentle massage of any of these rumbles results in a spasmodic tightening of Sanders’ abdominal muscles, and then a similar ripple of mixed pain and relief on his face.
“I have to get back to—to cornhole,” Sanders murmurs, head lolling onto Rufus’s shoulder.
“They can find someone else.”
“I don’t know, a fucking PTA mom or something.”
Exhaling a breathy laugh, Sanders relents.
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