#gm cannon
shmuffalo · 10 months
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velkavelkavelka · 7 months
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Cool things schoolgirls do(?): Pose with their gunpla
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retrokid616 · 3 months
did matt just out tongue F.C.G!
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gundamfight · 2 years
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theballmighty · 1 year
God but it’s so funny how 0083 spends like 5 minutes going “wow! This new fancy GM with boosters is sooo good and cool!” And then it gets fucking CHUMPED OUT by a fuckin DOM outta left field. Jobbing game LITERALLY UNMATCHED.
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"lol Izzy's just up walking around one day after amputation" "can we talk about how Ed took a cannon ball to the skull and then just walked it off the next day" "Stede got burned and it was scarred over the next morning healing power of gay sex"
What you need to understand is that this show is operating on TTRPG rules, and not a particularly gritty one either. Just like how anachronisms work because someone at the table thought it was funny or someone at the table said "for the lolz" and everyone decided it was canon so too does a long rest make it better. Ed was on death saves and Stede showed up and the GM let him roll the last one with advantage, he nat 20ed. He took a long rest, and now he is better. Izzy nat 1ed on a roll to shoot himself in the head. It knocked him out, he stayed passed out for 8 hrs and then he was good to stick that table leg on the stump and keep trucking. The GM decides how much blood comes out when they describe it and the GM is not medically trained. Anne Bonny stabbed Mary Read with a 6 inch knife in a spot where it would definitely hit her heart if it was buried that deep but guess what it still only does 1d4+dex damage so she's fine. Poisoned isn't a death sentence it's a condition you can make a con save about.
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Between the teaser trailer and the How It Began, we got nice shots of all these figures at the front of the GM screen frontpiece. The figures are clearly invoking religious weight, and the screen overall takes a lot of elements from the Catholic-esque feeling of the Bulbian Church (note: censer at left and chalice at right).
So, naturally, I've gotta make some guesses for inspirations here.
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First, we've got Moses coming down from Mount Sinai with the Commandments, with clear inspiration from Gustave Doré down to draping.
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The pecan appears to be Mary under her title of Rosa Mystica, the Mystic Rose. (The statue at right has a hood, the angle just obscures it.) It's a bit of a niche pull, but the roses at the lapels is distinctive.
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Easy one. Our favorite sexy male saint, Sebastian.
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The crown, sword, object in hand, and (barely visible at the lower left) brick tower identifies the leafy green figure as Barbara, patron of artillery persons, military engineers, armorers, and those who work with explosives! (She's sometimes depicted with a cannon.)
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I was previously uncertain who this figure was until I noticed the difficult-to-see tower, but Barbara was actually my first guess; I should've stuck with it, but I got really antsy after I struggled to find the specific statue. If you're curious who I originally put forward as possibilities, which included Barbara, you can check out the old version of this post before I updated it with the correct identification.
Now, I have no idea why these particular image touchstones (or possible ones in the last case), or even if there IS a reason, but maybe the series itself will shed some light on that one.
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drunkenskunk · 2 months
Did you name your mech after an old Texas soda that you can only find in Texas and like two other states near it????
As it happens: no! There are two reasons for the name.
Reason 1: Watsonian
The "official" name (or at least as much as anyone remembers) is R4GE MACHINE, because the serial number starts with R4, and it is a GMS Everest. However, "Big Red" is what everyone calls the mech, because it is big and chunky for a size 1, and it is covered in a billion different shades of red paint. The reason it's so big and chunky is because it used to be a Sagarmatha when it was built midway through the Hercynian Crisis, and, due to necessity, had to be downgraded to a smaller chassis after the Union Civil War.
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(I need to update these sprites. I never got around to coloring them properly, except for the one red pixel for the optics, and I still need to add the Hunchback boombox on the right shoulder that houses the Leviathan heavy assault cannon.)
There is also a COMP/CON unit within the mech that calls itself RED. It's been online for the entire length of the mechs existence, and has embedded itself so thoroughly in the system hardware that it is impossible to get rid of it, no matter how many parts are replaced. The "personality" of this COMP/CON can be summarized "What if BT-7274, but he just kept losing pilots after Lastimosa?"
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It is currently unknown - both in universe and otherwise - if there is any genuine paracausal tech hidden somewhere in the guts of Big Red, and that's why the COMP/CON is Like That... or maybe this is just what happens to what should be a non-sapient computer program when you keep it online for close to 500 years.
Reason 2: Doylist
Red is an old character of mine that I adapted into a mech for this Lancer game. Sort of. The mech has become something significantly different than the original character, because the reason for the COMP/CON's aggression is a version of robot PTSD: he has lost so many pilots over the years, and is determined not to lose another.
The original Red, however, is... well, take a look.
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Red - at least, the original iteration of the character - was something I made when I was a very angry teenager. And I think it shows.
Red is like if the chaos god Khorne and the eldar's Kaela Mensha Kaine from Warhammer hatefucked and had an equally hateful baby. Red is a creature of unfiltered aggression. It is destructive rage manifest. It hates everything and everyone, and will not be satisfied until everything it hates is gone. Which is everything. The is no reason or justification or meaning for this hatred, and nothing to explain why it butchers and kills and destroys and murders its way across the stars; it simply IS.
And it cannot be contained.
That wedge-shaped hunk of metal on its head is not armor: it is all that remains of the last prison built in a desperate effort to stop its rampage. Red could get rid of the hunk of metal obscuring its vision at any time, but deliberately chooses to keep it in place as a cruel mockery of any and all who stand against it.
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Two different starting points, two radically different stories, two different "individuals," but still technically the same character. At least, as far as I'm concerned.
I do this kind of thing all the time. Or... y'know, I did, back when my hands worked regularly. I make a character, turn them into a base template "starting point," and then slowly rework them into a new iteration, to fit whatever purpose I need to suit whatever setting I put them in.
So no, Big Red is not named after a soda lol
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prokopetz · 5 months
I'm very close to running a campaign of Space Gerbils with some friends and I'm curious about how a combat-oriented scene might play out.
Let's use the 0.3 rulebook's example of a "giant radiation-spewing monster" with a obstacle rating of 5. Would the first action phase in this engagement play out something like:
GM: the monster swipes one giant barbed tentacle across the floor towards you. Players: we want to jump over it! GM: that's fine, "evading" that wouldn't have contributed to beating or escaping the monster so it doesn't trigger a test. you jump over the attack, and the monster roars in frustration! It belches a massive green cloud of radioactive gas in your direction. Players: we wrap ourselves in our null shroud and leap through the cloud towards the monster GM: ok, that also doesn't trigger a test. The monster bellows once more- Players: now! we shoot our plasma cannon into the monster's gaping maw! GM: that triggers a Blast test - roll.
Or would the dodge trigger a test? If it does, would dodging it count as progress towards the obstacle? I'm just not quite sure how much combat I should be allowing the players to do without tests.
I guess since the point of the scene is to beat or escape the monster before the clock runs out, any actions that don't attempt to do those things should be basically free? Including dodging every attack? But then what if the players (for example) couldn't think of a reasonable counter to the radiation cloud and just stood there and tanked it - would you just give them a complication without proceeding to a test?
PS this game's design is really really cool, I'm very excited to see 0.4! Is there a discord or something for playtesters?
A lot of the specifics regarding timing are undergoing significant changes in 0.4 (specifically, a Threat Clock will no longer be a mandatory element of every engagement, though they'll still be an option), but in general, the idea is that, because getting all your ducks – or, rather, space gerbils – in a row in order to make a test in the first place is, by design, a very involved process, you shouldn't be calling for tests for things that don't make progress toward overcoming Obstacles.
Since you only get one test per cycle (barring multitasking or Extravehicular Activity), they can cover a lot of ground. "We jump over the monster's barbed tentacles, use our null shroud to negate its poison gas, and blast it in the face" can all be a single action, provoking a single test, with whatever protocol seems most germane. A single test in Space Gerbils is potentially putting the same weight as an entire round worth of the whole party's actions in a more conventional RPG, so it should have similar narrative impact.
One slightly subtle trap it's easy to fall into here is thinking of an Obstacle's rating as something like D&D hit points, and consequently ending up disallowing anything but Blast tests from reducing it. Even if the Obstacle represents a giant monster, that doesn't have to be the case. Tiring it out by dodging its attacks with Evade, draining its radioactive energy with Channel, and finally putting a plasma bolt between its eyes at point-blank range with Blast could be three separate tests across three successive cycles, and – assuming they all succeed – a minimum of three points off the Obstacle's rating, if you want to play things out in that much detail.
Version 0.4 is going to discuss this in some depth, along with introducing a more fine-grained system for tracking Obstacle ratings. (In brief: the present Obstacle rating benchmarks get multiplied by two, and successful tests shave off 1–3 points based on various factors.) It's also going to address edge cases like "what if the players try to knock off the final point of an Obstacle's rating with something that couldn't reasonably eliminate it?", with the general thrust being "just go with it"; e.g., if they really want to knock the final point off of a giant monster Obstacle's rating with, I don't know, Shift, maybe it falls into a bottomless pit while chasing them, or something to that effect.
With respect to the specific example of the radiation cloud, you'd probably want to handle the players deciding to just ignore or walk through it using the rules for failing to frame one's actions in such a way as to avoid triggering an active Hazard. Version 0.4 will include a saving throw mechanic for groups that really enjoy rolling dice for that sort of thing, as well as other piddly stuff that doesn't warrant triggering a test. (Short version: if some incidental or purely reactive Hazard comes up and it's unclear whether the described response would trigger it or not, roll a single die, and if it comes up odd you get whammied. Any space gerbil can cite an installed system which logically ought to protect against whatever it is to roll two dice and take the more favourable result instead.)
With respect to Discord, there is not currently any sort of playtesting forum for Space Gerbils, as I'm currently too busy to moderate one. That may change once I get version 0.4 out the door and I'm able to shift focus from writing it to fine-tuning it.
Do you have any questions?
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vexwerewolf · 10 months
I'm trying to make a hybrid CQB and melee mech and I have no idea which mech to choose for that
The new Raleigh variant, the Stortebeker, is literally built for this. You can do it one of two ways:
1. Slap two Main melee weapons in the Flex slots and a powerful loading weapon in the Heavy slot. I recommend the Bolt Thrower which comes with the Raleigh 2 license because it doesn't have the Ordnance tag. In terms of Main Melees, two Charged Blades are never a bad idea but if you have spare LLs available you can grab Nelson 1 for the War Pike. For those with many LLs to spare, instead grab Mourning Cloak 3 and run two Variable Swords. Having the first level of the Duelist talent is functionally a requirement for this build.
2. Slap four Hand Cannons in the Flex slots and a powerful melee weapon in the Heavy slot. The Kinetic Hammer from Raleigh 3 is an obvious choice, but if you're feeling truly decadent you can splash all the way to Balor 3 for the Nanobot Whip. If you've only got two LLs to spare, the GMS standard Heavy Melee Weapon is a perfectly respectable choice. If you're at LL3, applying the Auto-Stabilizing Mounts Core Bonus to your Heavy melee weapon is a very good choice.
The Stortebeker has a trait called Dynamic Reload, which says that if you crit with a non-Auxillary melee weapon, you reload all ranged Loading weapons that weren't fired this turn. (Technically it also works the other way round, but because only one Loading melee weapon actually exists in the core book, this is way less relevant)
The Stortebeker also has Truesilver. Once per fight, it lets you turn a regular hit with a non-loading weapon into a crit. This doesn't change the damage it deals, but it does cause all of an attack's on-crit effects to trigger, including Dynamic Reload.
The basic idea here is that you run on a two-turn cycle. On the first turn, you slam in with your loading ranged weapons, dealing tons of damage. The next turn, you slam in with your melee weapons, fishing for crits to reload your ranged weapons with. This is why Duelist 1, the Variable Sword or an accurized Heavy melee are so powerful - having at least point of Accuracy significantly increases your chance of landing a crit. If you really need your ranged weapons back and you didn't get a crit, you can use Truesilver to convert a regular hit into a crit.
If all else fails, the Stortebeker has two additional options: Hopkins Doctrine, which lets you reload all Loading weapons not fired this turn as a quick action, and your Ult, Truesilver Arsenal, which simply lets you use Truesilver three more times this fight.
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utilitycaster · 4 months
speaking of jasmine bhullar, she and brennan had a great convo about min-maxers and i was wondering what your own thoughts on min-maxing were? i'm new-ish to actually playing dnd and i still worry about making myself a problem to the dm as opposed to an asset.
First off as someone who enjoys Adventuring Academy but never has the time to watch the full episodes, thank you for bringing this up - I watched just the debate, and it was incredible and hilarious.
This is a good question. I am 100% in agreement with Jasmine here and she said it better than I could: min-maxing simply means that you read the rules to D&D and decided to use them to your advantage. Reading the rules to D&D is great and everyone should do it (in fact, this a reliable way to be an asset to the DM: know how your character's abilities work). There are a few cases where it sucks but most of those aren't actually due to min-maxing so much as shitty player behaviors that can occur in min-maxers.
I think one reason people dislike min-maxers is that the stereotypical min-maxer builds a character who truly can't do anything except for massive damage, and that does kind of suck, but I also think that that is really hard to build in 5e. You're going to have some other abilities. I think it was much easier to truly min-max in 3.5e, and perhaps in older editions you could really break things (in fact, having listened to some pathfinder 1e actual plays, I know you could).
There is also, as Jasmine points out, a false assumption that min-maxers aren't interested in RP or won't do it. This is very clearly untrue and a few examples off the top of my head from Actual Play that are debatably min-maxed are: Deadeye Cybin (played by Brennan, natch) in NADDPod (damage dealer); Laerryn Coramar-Seelie of EXU Calamity (optimized for survival, especially against non-magical foes); Caduceus Clay and Deanna Leimert of Critical Role (both optimized to be healers, incidentally); Orym and Vex, also of Critical Role (optimized to have a stupidly high perception score), Theo Gumbar of A Crown of Candy (optimized to tank and have a stupidly high AC). These are all fantastic characters with profound RP scenes who happen to also be really, really good at a narrow band of things, but they're also not just good at that. Many of them also can serve as the brains or the face of their party; many have utility spells far beyond their area of specialization.
Another reason people dislike min-maxers is they have a reputation for being ungenerous - for swooping in and stealing the spotlight. The above characters, played by some of the most generous people in actual play, show that's clearly not the case. Also, to be honest, a spotlight hog doesn't have to be min-maxed. It's just a shitty "hey, hey look at me" player. I think attention hogs might be a bit more inclined to try to build a character who is really really good at something (again, usually damage more than say, healing) but that doesn't mean that everyone who builds a gunslinger is here to steal all the glory.
Specialization also isn't bad! The reason D&D is a game where people are in a party is because not everyone can do everything! There are a small handful of characters who are a utility knife who can basically do a little bit of almost everything (Keyleth, Fjord, Moonshine) but they are the exception rather than the rule. Barbarians, for example, are a class that usually is structured around tanking and doing damage. This is fine! You probably don't want a party that's all barbarians because it is useful to have healers and ranged attackers and people who can sink all their high stat rolls into the mental side of things because they don't live and die quite so much by their physical stats, but it sure is nice to have a barbarian in the mix to balance out the glass cannon wizard, isn't it?
If you show up to a table where there is a clear gap in party composition (eg: healing) or there's a clear story the GM wants to tell (eg: very social, requires a lot of diplomacy) and you decide not to fill it because you are too busy building Guy With Stealth Bonus of +20, then that's a problem, but that's ultimately a failure to collaborate. Min-maxing for something that doesn't really help the party is simply the way in which you happened to fail that compromise.
I'm sure there are edge-case, dark corners of D&D Reddit builds that do suck, but honestly most of them suck in that they are actually not good (eg: coffeelock). Your typical case of dumping one stat to max out on another? totally normal, totally cool.
Anyway to get to the part of your question regarding not being a problem: you probably aren't! You're thinking about how to not be a problem to your DM, which people who are problems tend not to do. However, the big takeaways of the above are 1. read the rules of your character and 2. build a character who fits into the world. In the session zero, build a character who has a reason to be doing the things the DM outlines in broad strokes, and who complements the other PCs. If you do that, then it doesn't matter if you min-max or not.
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athena-gunpla · 17 days
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HGUC 1/144 E.F.F. Mass-Produced Mobile Suit RGM-79 "GM [Shoulder Cannon/Missile Pod]" (MSD Ver.)
Another GM!! I got this one especially for a special GM night at my uni model building club and I'm really glad I did! Some time ago I built the older original HGUC GM, which is really starting to show its age.
The Origin/MSD version is a lot more detailed, with some really nice built-in detail as well as sticker detail almost on par with RG kits. Despite sharing a lot of parts with the Origin RX-78-02, the kit has some nice new moulds that give it a unique look even next to the grandpa. The colour has also been toned down to a less saturated blue-green (so I didn't have to give this one a shoddy paint job 😭)
This kit comes with parts for both a shoulder cannon GM as well as the missile pod GM, which adds extra pods on the side-skirts as well as shoulders, and relocates the beam saber to the back skirt.
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It also comes with three beam rifles: a rework of the classic beam spray gun, a cool new beam spray gun that looks a little like a combat shotgun, and the origin-style beam rifle (which i think was just extra parts so I've added it to my bits box)
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It also comes with the classic gundam hyper-bazooka, in the GM's mint green color scheme.
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The kit comes with a ton of dry decals, with 6 numbering options and tons of spare detail stickers. I chose to augment my old GM with some of these to help it pop a little and fit in with my Origin kits.
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Definitely enjoyed collecting the Origin series is gunpla and I'm looking forward to seeing what other kits they release!
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thedarklordgivenofucks · 10 months
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That feel when you're a GM and one of your players writes Garfield into cannon
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kingwuko · 9 months
Found some tidbits of Wu in the Republic City book
The book has some plot hooks to inspire the GM and get an adventure started and this one is something else:
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"After a tumultuous term as president, wouldn’t Raiko be kicking back and relaxing out of the spotlight? Not entirely. The radio talk show he and his wife, Buttercup, have started is wildly popular, covering politics, scandal, and high-society news—but mostly politics. While they describe their show’s outlook as “even-handed and fair-minded,” the guests they interview and the topics they explore tend to be pretty negative about Chief Beifong and President Moon, and even more negative about Mayor Ailani. These days, when you hear a political argument on the streets of Republic City, odds are good that an episode of the Raiko Report was behind it. Presidential and mayoral policies mandate that no government employee appear on the show, especially after Prince Wu’s disastrous interview. Nonetheless, Raiko keeps sharing confidential secrets on air from an anonymous “trusted source” within City Hall, and no one is sure who it is. While she searches for the leak, President Moon has tasked Bolin with planning to counter the ongoing headache Raiko causes. No one listens to the government-sponsored radio channel—is there some way Bolin can make it more interesting, maybe with the right host or the right guests? Or will someone have to bite the bullet and go on Raiko’s show themself?"
I love this plot hook and the idea that Raiko would do this. And imagining all the possibilities of how Wu's interview was disastrous, that has a lot of potential right there.
In another section of the book, it also confirms the commentary cannon that Wu was educated at Republic City University. And, adds that the Dean of the University is Wu's distant cousin, Shihan, who is assisting him with drafting policy for the earth kingdom's transition to democracy. Like, whaaaa??? He actually has living family??? It does say DISTANT cousin, so who knows how distant, but she is like a lifelong academic who dedicated her life to traveling and learning before settling in Republic City where she was a lecturer and then eventually made Dean.
I thought those little details were interesting!
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epicocat · 5 months
If you were a pilot of any gundam, which one would you choose/which one do you think you would be assigned?
So this question has 3 answers
1: which *gundam* I’d like to pilot? Gundam Flauros (Ryusei-Go) from Iron Blooded Orphans
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It can turn into a crab!!!
2: which mobile suit? The zogok, my personal favorite of the abandoned California Base suits
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3: which suit would I be assigned?
The short answer? I can’t know for sure
The long answer… mwahaha
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So the answer can broken into 3 main components
1: what universe Im supposedly a pilot in (and when)
2: who i side with
3: how good of a pilot am I
I’ll answer 3 off the bat and answer everything else accordingly. I am a decent pilot at best. Not *the* best, but not terrible. I’d at least qualify as an Ace Pilot (5 kills)
So 1 is a fun one because gundam has… a lot of different universes
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This is currently the most accurate chart, just imagine the Witch from Mercury in the corner by the PD timeline
So let’s go down the line
Earth Federation
So starting in the OYW (One Year War), the Federation got mobile suits much later than Zeon did, so my options are severely limited, especially considering I’m not part of the White Base. I have 2 options
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The GM and the Ball.
I pray to god I get the GM.
There’s also the Guncannon and Guntank Massed Production Types I could pilot if I’m lucky
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However after the OYW, the feddies created the Titans, and went through an experimental phase, creating suit after suit like the Hazel and Wondwart
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The Titans would also make suits like the Hizack, Asshimar, and Gaplant, all of which are good contenders for being piloted.
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Then the Titans got cut out and their MS stopped being produced and were all sent to storage or scrapyards. However the Feds were far from finished. They took the GM and make countless upgrades, making the GM II and III, the Jegan, and the Jesta
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Now this is about where my knowledge of the EFF ends so I’ll move on
The Republic of Zeon
Now Zeon has a much more varied history, and I will be including Neo Zeon suits when it applies
So to start, Zeon had the humble Zaku, which then became the Zaku II. Later the suit was upgrades into the Gouf prototypes. Those are likely the suits I’d get if I joined in the early OYW
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Now mid OYW is a fun one because Zeon did a LOT with aquatic suits. If I’m lucky I could land a Gogg, Zock, Z’gok, Acguy, or even a Hy-Gogg, though probably not the Experimental Z’gok seen in 0080 War in the Pocket
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Towards the end of the war, Zeon introduced the Gelgoog and Rick Doms, which became their new mass produced MS
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Although after that, Zeon dissolved thanks to all of their leaders fucking dying (The Duke was killed by his son, who was killed by his sister, who was killed by Char Aznable. Dozle died gloriously in combat)
However, thanks to Haman, Zeon rose again as Neo Zeon, and their army of transformable Gazas. I’d rather pilot a Ball than a Gaza, so I think that demonstrates how bad the Gazas are.
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But that’s not all Neo Zeon did, as they also produced several other suits for their regular MS corps. Suits like the Zssa (pronounced z-sah, all one syllable), which I would gladly pilot. Look at her, who wouldn’t?
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And Neo Zeons most infamous mass production suit, the Döven Wolf. The half pint Psycho Gundam covered end to end in beam cannons, with detachable arms that can grab into enemy suits, or swing beam sabers. Oh also, it has a psycommu system, which meant Neo Zeon had some damn FAITH that all their soldiers are innate newtypes
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They also had the Zaku III, but that was kinda Generals only
Anti Earth Union Group
Rick Dias, it’s kinda their only mass production suit
I've reached my photo limit, so I'll just start directing to the Gundam wiki
And that’s all my UC knowledge
G Gundam
I’ve still gotta finish this one, I’ll get back to you on this
These are series I have yet to actually watch, so I’ll get back to you here too
Iron-Blooded Orphans
Gjallerhorn isn’t very creative with its soldier suits, so I’d be stuck with a Graze, either the space or land variant
Despite being a bunch of kids, Tekkadan has a surprising variety in their suits. I obviously wouldn’t be getting any of their Gundam frames, but I’d likely end up running a Landman Rodi, or a Shiden
Shidens are technically Teiwaz suits but Tekkadan uses the a lot
They have Hyakurens. That’s it. Naze seems like a nice guy tho
Witch From Mercury
So this just depends on 1.5 things, whether I'm a student at the academy and which company I'm repping.
If I rep Jertuk Heavy Machinery, I'll be using a Dilanza
Peil Technologies would give me a Zowort
and lastly Grassley Defense Systems would give me a Heindree or Beguir-Pente
If im out of the school however, that would be a Dilanza Sol from JHM, a Zowort Heavy from Peil, or a Heindree Sturm from GDS. Im not providing the links, they're just variants of the aforementioned suits.
And finally, the Desultor (thanks JHM) if I side with the Earthian terrorist organization/freedom fighters: The Dawn of Fold.
If anyone knows more than me in anything I *have* talked about, feel free to correct or add anything!
I will be adding addendums once I've finally watched or read that particular piece of gundam media
Hope this answered your question! :3
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bellmo15-blog · 1 month
The Most Beautiful Host for Carnage
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And here we have in the list of old Ko Fi Requests Ammer has done for me a technically old concept since I've gotten a bunch of Symbiote related art before this but also technically new because it's with a different symbiote instead of Venom this time but still also technically old because if we are respecting Marvel lore than Carnage is still the child of Venom but it's still technically a new thing because even with there relation to Venom Carnage is still pretty different from Ven... Is your head hurting yet? Good lol!
I've gotten A LOT of Symbiote related stuff relating to Venom up to this point and there's always been a good reason for that. Aside from being the main Symbiote that people will usually think of when they think about this parasitic species of aliens, I just really like the design of that suit regardless of what universes design it is. Main, Ultimate or Rami verse. However even with that, Venom's child Carnage is another Symbiote I'd had a lot of interest in getting something with. Problem is that for the longest time I couldn't think of a good host to pair them with. Until I played Skullgirls and saw Eliza. Putting aside the fact I do have a thing for Eliza's design in general bonding her to Carnage made two much sense NOT to do.
I mean Eliza herself in cannon is well over 1000 years old thanks to the parasite she's already bonded to with, Sekhmet, which has allowed her to make herself young and beautiful perpetually thanks to blood magic as well how the charity blood drives she helps run are only used her her own selfish reasons not to mention she's shown in her own story mode to be pretty ruthless and not above getting her hands dirty. She's pretty much a vampire at this point. Plus her animations in game have her morphing her body in a way very similar to how Symbiotes are able to in most depictions. So bonding her to ANOTHER parasite that is a lot more violent, takes pleasure in violence, has a pretty high kill count and who's name is literally Carnage was perfect... And also probaply pretty scary given she's likely now even more dangerous. Thankful even most people who don't know a lot about Marvel lore know how dangerous the Carnage symbiote can make someone so I'm sure people will remember to be careful around the otherwise beautiful Egyptian Diva.
Genie Michael: Most people know? That's pretty ironic coming from the same guy who didn't even know who Moon Knight was until a few years ago despite Moon Knight existing in Marvel since 1975.
Hey, that example Marvel barley did anything with the character outside of comic books anyway save for that one Spider-Man game from 2008 he cameo's in and only recently decided to have him be part of the MCU with his own series on Disney +. Carnage and Venom on the other hand Marvel's done a lot with so I have no doubt more people know them!
Inkling Michael: I don't know man, with the way some Mellenials and Gen Z's act over some of the stuff you talk about IRL I'm not getting my hopes up high. Hell, I'm not even from this universe and even I can tell you I get surprised when I see people here who have never owned or heard of Bionicle despite it's legacy.
GM: Yeah and not to mention we got people acting like the recent Dune movies are some sort of revolutionary Si-Fi story even though the franchise has existed for decades at this point thanks to there being several books, a movie from the 80's and lots of video games.
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